The Bulletin: Fall 2016

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fall 2016

Bulletin 4 Building a Better Baltimore Four alumni work to strengthen the community. jodi pluznik

Khalil Uqdah ’06: Being B.E.S.T.: One Child at a Time Cheo Hurley ’92: Renaissance Man Charlie Duff ’71: Once Upon a Building James Piper Bond ’77: Preserving History and Changing Lives


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Smile Because They Happened

Jackie Knipp, Jane Bartlett, Jerry Thornbery, Margaret Olgeirson, Steve Siwinski, Tom Gorski, and Bill Merrick retire. 2

Message from the Headmaster

76 In Memoriam: William H. B. Howard, Jr. ’52 78 Founders Day 2016 89 Class Notes

Departments 24 School News An original artwork by David Hess ’82 graces the Science Building north entrance. 42 Alumni Alumni gatherings around Baltimore and beyond; Alumni Weekend 2016. 56 Athletics Updates on Gilman’s 16 interscholastic sports; the two-year field renovation project is complete. 72 Development J. Richard Thomas, Sr. ’43 and Mary McC. Thomas create a faculty chair.

Headmaster Henry Smyth and Stewart Finney ’77 congratulate Tyler Pantle ’16 at Founders Day.


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From the Headmaster

Dear Gilman Community, When my family and I first moved to Baltimore in the summer of 2010, we were quickly struck by the immense pride that people have for this city. From purple Fridays, to the omnipresent Calvert family coat of arms of the Maryland flag, to the Baltimore Farmers’ Market & Bazaar, to the chant of “Let’s Go O’s!” echoing off the warehouse on Eutaw Street, it was hard for us not to get swept up in the feeling that this is a special, unique place. In many ways, we felt like we had discovered a well kept secret, an inside scoop to which only Baltimoreans are privy. To be sure, Baltimore has its share of challenges and concerns that are very real, are fairly readily apparent, and contribute to a public image that is not always flattering. But we all know that the image that people have of Baltimore does not capture the whole, accurate picture of a colorful city that oozes character, a wonderfully eclectic city that offers a diverse range of neighborhood options, and a vibrant city that boasts a flourishing entrepreneurial spirit. Taken together, these competing truths help to paint Baltimore as a quintessentially American city. Nor does the public image do justice to the many, many people involved in working to address the issues that face us as Baltimoreans. Facing those challenges are citizens harnessing the pride, vibrancy, and entrepreneurialism noted above and channeling that energy toward the greater civic good. This edition of the Bulletin highlights the work of Gilman men who have dedicated their professional careers — their lives, really — to building an even better Baltimore. As our mission asserts, “Gilman seeks to produce men of character and integrity who have the skills and ability to make a positive contribution to

the communities in which they live and work.” The four men featured here are living manifestations of that charge. No doubt, there are countless other alumni throughout the country and world doing their own parts to contribute in positive and meaningful ways to their communities, and I hope that this issue helps to bring light to all of that important work. This Bulletin also provides a wealth of information about school life, from retiring faculty, to newcomers, to campus improvements. We are all elated over the newly completed renovation of our athletics fields, which serve the entire student body. The project was a long time in the making, and the results have been well worth the wait. Please enjoy catching up on all of the school and alumni news contained in these pages. Whether you are right around the corner or far away, may the stories and updates keep you connected to Gilman, and may they inspire us all to honor our mission to build an even better world. Sincerely,

Henry P. A. Smyth P’24, ’26 Headmaster

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Building a Better Baltimore jodi pluznik


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A tale of one city . . . it’s never a good sign when your city earns constant CNN coverage, with video of a burning CVS and civil unrest in the streets transmitted across the globe. In the wake of Freddie Gray, our beloved Baltimore has been rather beleaguered these past 12, 14, 18 months or so. Or, maybe, depending upon your longevity as a citizen of Baltimore or your point of view, Baltimore has been beleaguered for decades. From its perch on the northernmost tip of the city limits, Gilman has always considered itself a community school and has worked to help with the betterment of its city. A longstanding community service program regularly sends our boys beyond Gilman — Upper School boys must complete 50 hours of successive hours of consistent involvement in one community service project outside of Gilman to graduate, Middle School boys complete at least 20 service hours, and Lower School boys engage in regular charitable activity. Boys collect non-perishable food items for the Donald Bentley Food Pantry and toys and clothing to benefit Metro Kidz and Our Daily Bread, make peanut butter sandwiches for the homeless, shoot baskets in Hoops for Heart, read books to raise money for various charitable organizations, and support the annual American Red Cross Blood Drive, just to name a few. The School, through sponsorship of Bridges at Gilman and Learning Camp, and participation with the Middle Grades Partnership, also invites the community to campus.

“Gilman does not exist in a vacuum but rather is integrally connected to the Baltimore metropolitan area,” says Director of Community Service Donell Thompson ’91. “Through our efforts to serve the greater community, we seek to equip our students with the tools to help them become community leaders and involved citizens.” For some alumni, serving the community and service to others becomes a lifelong personal mission, whether on a volunteer or professional basis. Their approaches may different, but James Piper Bond ’77, Charlie Duff ’71, Cheo Hurley ’92, and Khalil Uqdah ’06 share one commonality beyond their Gilman graduation years: each works to build a better, stronger city of Baltimore.

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Khalil Uqdah ’06

Being B.E.S.T.: One Child at a Time Khalil Uqdah, the youngest of the four alumni, is the Director of Programs and Alumni Relations at Baltimore Educational Scholarship Trust (B.E.S.T.). B.E.S.T., of which Uqdah is an alumnus, supports African American students throughout the independent school admission process and beyond. Today B.E.S.T. serves roughly 320 students on 19 independent school campuses. Uqdah is quick to point out that these students are boys and girls who would certainly gain admission on their own merit, and that schools often arduously compete for B.E.S.T. students. Gilman holds a long association with B.E.S.T., founded in 1987. The organization was born through a merger of the Baltimore Project for Black Students, a consortium created in 1982 by Gilman Headmaster Redmond C.S. Finney ’47 and the other heads of the Roland Park Five — Friends School, The Bryn Mawr School, Roland Park Country School, and Boys’ Latin — with “the specific purpose of seeking, recruiting and enrolling African Americans” —  with the Baltimore Independent School Scholarship Fund (BISSF), which had been


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founded in 1976 to encourage businesses and corporations to support scholarships at local schools. Today, the B.E.S.T. mission reads: “The Baltimore Educational Scholarship Trust, in partnership with our nineteen independent member schools, recruits and supports through the admissions process academically ambitious, African American students with financial need from the Baltimore area. Once students are enrolled, B.E.S.T. positions them for success through academic preparation, character and leadership development and support programs.” For Uqdah’s family, independent schools were not part of their realm of thinking until they learned of B.E.S.T. Uqdah was a student at Sudbrook Middle Magnet School in Baltimore County when he looked at Friends, at McDonogh, at Gilman. “My mom asked me if I wanted to go to Milford Mill Academy or Gilman. I chose Milford; that’s where my brother went, and where all of my friends were going. Then she said, ‘Of the private schools, which do you choose?’”

“In coming back to Baltimore,” says Khalil Uqdah ’06, “both my wife and I wanted to make a huge impact.”

He chose Gilman because “something about Gilman pulled me in.” He started as a freshman in 2002.

Attending Gilman gave Uqdah insight into how an independent school works from a student perspective, which he can apply to the programs he runs, intended to bridge the gap between what is learned at home and what is learned at school. A new school gave him the opportunity to invent a “new Khalil.” Instead of pursuing gymnastics, this Khalil ran indoor and outdoor track, participated in the Muslim Students Association, served as vice president of the Diversity Club and president of the Black Awareness Club. At graduation, he received the Redmond C. S. Finney Award, which recognizes the “student who has distinguished

himself, through action and example, by encouraging those human values necessary to eliminate racism, prejudice, and intolerance.” At B.E.S.T., Uqdah, who holds an undergraduate degree in business management and economics with a minor in Africana studies from Lehigh University and recently earned an M.B.A. in entrepreneurship from Towson University, leads academic, leadership, and community building programs for students grades K-12. Attending Gilman gave him insight into how an independent school works from a student perspective, which he can apply to the programs he runs, intended to bridge the gap between what is learned at home and what is learned at school. B.E.S.T. programming is holistic, offering a host of programs for the entire family, ranging from taking the youngest children to the Zoo, to SAT prep and college tours for Upper School students, to a FAFSA workshop and New Parent Welcome Night for parents. Uqdah also leads programs to help college-age and post-college alumni.

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One of the programs he leads is named in honor of Mr. Finney. The Redmond C. S. Finney Young Men’s Leadership Program brings in community leaders, preferably African American, to speak with students and give them an idea of what their future could be. The program also offers workshops about social etiquette, first impressions, and correct social media and digital citizenship, among other topics. A close partnership with the Gilman Black Alumni Leadership Institute (GBALI) further enhances the programmatic offerings at B.E.S.T. Hindsight being what it is, Uqdah would have liked to have benefited from some the programs he now runs, particularly the INROADS conference call. INROADS helps African American and Hispanic students find paid summer internships with corporate partners, large companies like PepsiCo, Volkswagen, and Travelers Insurance. “If I had known about INROADS, who knows where the world would have taken me,” he muses. Not that he is at all unhappy that the world has led him back to Baltimore and B.E.S.T.

“I tell people quite often that you can’t figure out where you’re going unless you know where you come from. Gilman is a big factor in my life, B.E.S.T. is a big factor in my life, so I wanted to figure out a way to pay it forward to both programs and institutions.” “I’m passionate about the organization,” Uqdah says. “I tell people quite often that you can’t figure out where you’re going unless you know where you come from. Gilman is a big factor in my life, B.E.S.T. is a big factor in my life, so I wanted to figure out a way to pay it forward to both programs and institutions.”


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Uqdah was still a student at Lehigh when he determined that he would ultimately return to Baltimore. He and his wife Kyara lived for a few years in Hartford, Connecticut, deciding to return home around the birth of their daughter. “In coming back to Baltimore, both my wife and I wanted to make a huge impact,” he says. He remains passionate about diversity issues, empowering the city, and bettering the communities. When he heard about the possible creation of an alumni relations position at B.E.S.T., he made landing that still-phantom job a personal objective. He spent about a year volunteering and attending various B.E.S.T. programs. “I threw my name in the hat as hard as I could, and it worked out.” Uqdah carries his commitment to helping people build better lives outside of his workday as well. He and his wife have invested in properties in East and West Baltimore, which they rehab then rent. They also own similar property in Hartford. The Uqdahs remain involved with their tenants in ways beyond a traditional tenant-landlord relationship. Uqdah maintains that their tenants expect them to take care of them and their families for their housing needs. His goal is to remove housing instability from his tenants’ concerns so they can focus on improving their lives. He hopes, one day, to provide life skills classes for their tenants once they grow a larger base.

Cheo Hurley ’92

Renaissance Man Khalil Uqdah’s toe in the redevelopment pool reflects what Cheo Hurley  — who, coincidentally, serves on the B.E.S.T. board  — is doing on a larger scale with Park Heights Renaissance. Moreover, Uqdah’s desire to assist his tenants with their life skills represents the part of Hurley’s job he didn’t quite expect. As executive director of Park Heights Renaissance, Cheo Hurley oversees the non-profit 501 c-3 organization charged to implement the Baltimore City Park Heights Master Plan. PHR was created in 2007, during the O’Malley administration, and is the product of political compromise. This master plan, says Hurley, is probably the third or fourth iteration over the last 50 years. “It’s always been a struggle to figure out how to make Park Heights better,” he remarks. Yet in 2007 there was promise of new money. Part of the legislation that brought slots to Maryland included a deal to not place machines at Pimlico. In exchange for keeping slots out of Pimlico, the community would receive slots revenues, and the Pimlico Community Development

Authority was created to recommend to the Mayor how to distribute this money. PHR was established to be the on-the-ground presence in Park Heights, to be the agency to take some of that money  — which today amounts to close to $45 million each year  — and redevelop the neighborhood in concert with the City and stakeholders.

“It’s always been a struggle to figure out how to make Park Heights better.”

PHR has used the slots revenue to purchase abandoned or decaying edifices in a 63-acre area and demolish them. Hurley will soon solicit proposals from master developers interested in reinventing the area in partnership with PHR. But a funny thing happened on the way to redevelopment  — people. Park Heights is a community, still, with about 800 vacant homes among its 2,000 vacant buildings. Roughly 30,000 people live

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Hurley has set four goals for the Park Heights community: safety, education, beautification, and real estate development. These may seem obvious objectives to those living in fit neighborhoods, yet the cycle of poverty so rampant in Park Heights is the largest obstacle to achieving them.

Cheo Hurley ‘92 says that his background in real estate development led him to an unexpected role as a social activist.


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within its confines  — bounded by Northern Parkway, Wabash Avenue, Greenspring Avenue, and Druid Park Drive  — the majority of whom are under age 18 and are being raised by single parents. According the PHR web site, the median household income is $7,000 lower than the rest of the City and $26,000 below the regional median. These people, Hurley found, needed support  — relocation services, after-school programs, job training, addiction and health services. They needed these stop-gap community social programs before the first penny was realized from the slots deal. They needed to see a way to break the cycle of poverty. And they needed someone who believed they could aspire to more. That’s a heady list for a fellow with a background in real estate development mixed with business and a dash of policy and politics. With an undergraduate degree in finance from Howard University, a master’s in public administration from American University, and a master’s in real estate from The Johns Hopkins University, Hurley’s social experience stems from a stint working at the NAACP for then President Kweisi Mfume, for whom Hurley interned at the Joint Committee on Economics during college. While working for the NAACP, Hurley traveled around the country and saw the plight of different communities. All shared a common theme of the need for economic equality. “The real estate development segued me into everything else,” he says. “You don’t have real estate development without dealing with a lot of social issues, particularly in development in disenfranchised markets. “I’ve had to grow into being more of an activist. Now, I’m waist deep. There’s no turning back now.” Though, it could be argued Hurley comes by his activism naturally. His parents are children of the Civil Rights Movement. His mother, Maxine, was among the first students to integrate Forest Park High School. His father, Edward V. Hurley, was the first African American appointed to the University of Maryland Board of Regents.

He was an outspoken critic of apartheid in South Africa, and in 1977, along with Sen. Joseph Tydings, called for the university to divest itself of $1.5 million in holdings in companies that deal with South Africa. As a result of his actions, Gov. Marvin Mandel did not reappoint him to the board. Hurley has set four goals for the Park Heights community: safety, education, beautification, and real estate development. These may seem obvious objectives to those living in fit neighborhoods, yet the cycle of poverty so rampant in Park Heights is the largest obstacle to achieving them. Healthy communities, Hurley maintains, cannot exist when two-thirds of its population are poor.

Park Heights is a community, still, with about 800 vacant homes among its 2,000 vacant buildings. The median household income is $7,000 lower than the rest of the City and $26,000 below the regional median. His ultimate goal is to better the community well enough to make it a neighborhood of return. He wants children who grow up in Park Heights, just like those of Mt. Washington or Ruxton or Roland Park, to explore the world then return to Park Heights to raise their families. “So many people say they can’t wait to get out of Baltimore. It’s a great City,” he says. “Let’s do something that makes people want to say they want to stay in Baltimore.”

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Charlie Duff ’71

Once Upon a Building Unlike Cheo Hurley and Park Heights Renaissance, Charlie Duff and Jubilee Baltimore, the non-profit real estate development firm he runs, are not tied to one specific city neighborhood. Duff may just be Baltimore’s Pied Piper of redevelopment. Or, perhaps more aptly, redevelopment’s Captain Kirk, who boldly goes where no developer has gone in decades. Consider The Centre at 10 East North Avenue, for example, a structure formerly known as the largest  — 66,000 square foot  —  vacant building on North Avenue. Jubilee purchased the building, abandoned for 25 years, for almost nothing in real estate terms, and, Duff says, it was worth even less than zero. It reeked its disrepair; the project manager could only stay in the building for 20 minutes before the rancid odor caused a migraine. Nineteen million dollars later, the Centre draws 200 people each day to the building to work, study, or attend events in a previously unoccupied city block. The renovation spurred Hopkins and MICA to partner their film programs, an idea under


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discussion for at least a decade. The JHU-MICA Film Centre, boasting state-ofthe-art production facilities, is home to MICA’s M.F.A. in Filmmaking and B.F.A. in Film and Video and JHU’s B.A. and M.A. programs in film and media. The Centre has also drawn other companies back from the suburbs, including Sparkypants Studio, a gaming studio formerly based in Hunt Valley, which, according to Duff, decided to relocate because the company mostly hires people who are MICA or Hopkins graduates. The Centre just may be the crown jewel of Station North, the now-trendy arts and entertainment district encompassing the Charles North, Greenmount West, and Barclay neighborhoods, in which Duff and Jubilee have spent the last seven years working. Unlike traditional developers, Jubilee has not reaped a dime from The Centre renovations, nor from any of the projects in 35 other neighborhoods in which they’ve worked. Duff, who has been at the Jubilee helm since 1990, maintains Baltimore, and similar cities, need non-profit development

“My Gilman connection got me a job as a non-profit developer of beat up neighborhoods of Baltimore,” says Charlie Duff ’71. “I'm very grateful to Gilman.”

for revitalization. The conundrum: if a neighborhood needs investment, and no one has invested in ages, will investment come? And will that investment and the people behind it work with stakeholders to create a thriving neighborhood? “Most of the really interesting buildings and really interesting assignments in Baltimore are things that you can’t make short term money by doing,” he says. “If we had to make money for investors or ourselves there wouldn’t be many buildings we could do or neighborhoods we could work in. If we were for profit developers, our city would still need someone to do what we do.” All this means that Jubilee raises money from Baltimoreans who want to help their city, but don’t necessarily have the skills to do so. They may, Duff posits, want to redevelop but aren’t developers, or want to lay out a new vision for a sector, but aren’t city planners. Jubilee offers citizens a way to participate in rebuilding their city, and Duff notes that Gilman alumni have played a part in the organization’s success.

“The way I think about buildings and neighborhoods  — they are kind of like a set for a play and the play is determined by the people who live, work or recreate there,” Duff says. Neighborhoods, Duff describes, are like pack animals. To thrive, a neighborhood needs to be surrounded by and connect to other safe and stable neighborhoods. Duff believes that successful neighborhoods  — like Roland Park, Guilford, Homeland, or the Orchards, all developed by the Roland Park Company  — remain so because they offer a variety of housing types and sizes for those who can afford it. There are stores, and schools, and churches, and general camaraderie and concern for the blocks in which one lives. If the city decides to tear down the neighborhood to make way for an interstate, residents know who to band together with to fight city hall. Ironically, Duff traces his preservation roots, and his path to Jubilee, to a fight against an interstate dating back to his Gilman days.

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In the summer between his third and fourth forms, Duff discovered a neighborhood where every house was vacant and boarded. Grass was growing in the streets. Yet even shrouded by plywood, the houses beautifully bespoke a bygone era. The city condemned the houses to make way for an eight-lane overhead expressway extension to I-95 across the Inner Harbor. The neighborhood was Fell’s Point.

If Duff has anything to do with it, Baltimore will become a city where people will live, even if only for periods of time. Duff called the people trying to stop the redevelopment, the Preservation Society of Federal Hill and Fell’s Point, and joined the cause. The realization that city government had abandoned the idea that the city was a place where anyone would ever want to live shaped his future. Officials thought of the city as a place to work or a place for the poor; that anyone would voluntarily want to live in Fell’s Point was unimaginable to the city leadership of the late 1960s. “My Gilman connection got me a job as a non-profit developer of beat up neighborhoods of Baltimore, and I’m very grateful to Gilman,” he says. What Duff has realized during his career is that these officials failed to recognize that in order for a city to be viable, people need to live there. Nearly 50 years later, Duff still works to ensure that the City of Baltimore is full of viable residences. Today, Jubilee is working in 15 different neighborhoods. “We (Jubilee) never go to work in a neighborhood unless the neighborhood leaders invite us,” Duff says. “We never go to work in a neighborhood unless we feel that neighborhood has the potential to connect to other neighborhoods that can help to


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make that whole part of town revive and remain stable.” The organization recently finished creating the housing strategy for the Central Baltimore Partnership, a $20 million project to revive the 10 neighborhoods between Penn Station and University Parkway, which seems a natural progression from Station North redevelopment and a logical support of Duff’s hypothesis that stable neighborhoods need each other to thrive. Duff views North Avenue as the dividing line between the two parts of Baltimore that prosperous citizens see every day  — downtown around the Inner Harbor and residential areas north of Hopkins  —  and the road is a constant reminder that Baltimore still has big challenges. Moreover, it prevents the two thriving areas of Baltimore from feeling united. The city’s spine is herniated. But if Duff has anything to do with it, Baltimore will become a city where people will live, even if only for periods of time. He points out the most significant statistics in American cities today: 35% of American households have children at home; 65% of American households do not have children at home. In his view, Baltimore is inching toward boasting places where both families and childless adults, younger and older, live. Redevelopment dollars should look toward meeting the need for the larger segment of the population without children. Cities should not, as believed in the 1950s and 1960s, be fixed up only for the poor (think public housing) but become places that work for the poor and the prosperous as well. And places that work for families and empty nesters. “It’s entirely possible for the rest of my lifetime, you will see a pattern in Baltimore of people living in the city, moving to the suburbs to raise their kids, then moving back. I’ll settle for that for the rest of my life.”

James Piper Bond ’77

Preserving History and Changing Lives Then there is James Piper Bond. For more than 30 years, he has led Living Classrooms, an organization that both promotes Baltimore’s maritime history and serves her citizens in ways well beyond simply boat rides. Under Bond’s spirited leadership, Living Classrooms has grown from a one-vessel operation into an organization hailed as a model program and a catalyst for urban change, education, skills training, and preservation. After a four-year post-college global walkabout, Bond returned to Baltimore in 1986 to direct the Maryland Conservation Corps environmental maritime program. At the same time, he began working with the then fledgling Lady Maryland Foundation as a volunteer. “I volunteered to help build the Lady Maryland,” he said in a 2004 Gilman interview. “I did very little construction, but I was primarily helping develop the education program for the organization.” He became its first full-time employee when he was named education director later in 1986.

After developing and managing onboard education programs, he became the foundation’s executive director in 1989. The foundation’s name changed to Living Classrooms in 1992; in 1995, Bond became president and CEO.

Bond’s best work is done in helping to grow the future  —  Baltimore’s citizenry. Under his direction, Living Classrooms specializes in public-private partnerships that benefit the community at large. Now the world’s only pungy schooner, Lady Maryland is part of a fleet of historic sailing and motor vessels, including skipjack Sigsbee and Chesapeake buyboats Mildred Bell and Halfshell, all used for shipboard education to learn math, science, and history. Living Classroom also manages the Historic Ships in Baltimore, which includes the USS Constellation, USCG

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James Piper Bond ’77, right, began working as a volunteer with the Lady Maryland Foundation in 1986. The foundation was renamed Living Classrooms in 1992.

cutter Taney, Torsk submarine, lightship Chesapeake, as well as the Seven Foot Knoll Lighthouse. The Halfshell sails out of Washington, D.C., where Living Classrooms expanded its programs about 15 years ago. The casual Inner Harbor visitor or tourist probably does not realize how entrenched Living Classrooms is in Baltimore’s daily life. Ever been one of the more than 100,000 people a year to visit the historic ships or rent a paddleboat or electric boat? Living Classrooms operates the boats, and the employees are job training program graduates. Have you attended Star-Spangled Weekend events? They are run by Friends of Fort McHenry, another Living Classrooms responsibility. Have you visited the Frederick DouglassIsaac Myers Maritime Park in Fell’s Point? Now the Living Classrooms headquarters and a national African American heritage site, the park is the result of a $14 million Living Classrooms renovation project, which restored the oldest standing industrial building on the waterfront. Living Classrooms remains anchored in environmental education. The Masonville


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Environmental Center on the Patapsco River run by Living Classrooms is the first urban wildlife refuge in the country. The Healthy Harbor Initiative has grown millions of oysters to help clean the Bay. Yet Bond’s best work is done in helping to grow the future  — Baltimore’s citizenry. Under his direction, Living Classrooms specializes in public-private partnerships that creatively connect experiential education, workforce development and job training, juvenile services, community engagement and service, health and wellness, and economic development to benefit the community at large, operating dozens of programs that reach out to about 40,000 children, youth, and adults in the Baltimore-Washington region. Their mantra: “learning by doing.” His current focus is on the Baltimore Target Investment Zone initiative, started in 2007, and modeled after the Harlem Children’s Zone. His goal is to raise $40 million in investments over the next five years. From the website: “Baltimore Target Investment Zone initiative is aimed at helping people in underserved East

Baltimore communities break a cycle of poverty through education, workforce development, and improved health and wellness, as well as creating safer and cleaner neighborhoods. Within the Zone, Living Classrooms has operated two public schools, multiple youth centers, job-training programs, two athletic fields, and has developed partnerships with struggling schools.” Television-watching Americans may recognize the Target Investment Zone as the neighborhood of “The Wire.” “There is some intractable poverty, and there is a real challenge to make a dent in it,” he says. “There are surely things that can work  — but we need to disrupt the poverty with a multigenerational approach.” To disrupt the cycle of poverty, Bond and Living Classrooms created a pipeline of services focusing around education, workforce development, and health and wellness to meet needs at various stages of life.

“There is some intractable poverty, and there is a real challenge to make a dent in it. There are surely things that can work  — but we need to disrupt the poverty with a multigenerational approach.” The Target Investment Zone provides a platform for Bond to expand upon successful operations already in place. For instance, the two schools mentioned in the description: The Crossroads School, with 90% of the students classified as Title I, has become “a school of choice” for local parents and is the highest performing charter school in the city. The second school, Commodore John Rodgers Elementary and Middle School was the third worst performing school in the state and, after Living Classrooms was named the turnaround operator, is now one of the better schools in the city. Adding the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Early Childhood Center at Commodore provides

needed services for children ages birth through five. Enrichment, after school, and summer programs extend learning for involved children. There are also programs to help adults get their G.E.D. or learn English as a second language as well. Programs such as Project SERVE (Service, Empowerment, Revitalization, Volunteerism, Employment Training) for ex-offenders, Fresh Start, a 40-week training program for out-of-school males ages 16-19, and the Workforce Development Center challenge young adults to succeed academically, in the work place, and in their lives. Safe Streets, a partnership with the Health Department in Baltimore, has one goal, not unlike Cheo Hurley’s goal for Park Heights, to stop shootings and killings. Safe Streets recruits troubled or adjudicated youth  —  those who could be on either end of a shooting or killing  — to participate in the program. “Our Safe Streets violence prevention coordinators are walking the streets,” Bond says. “They have street credibility, understand the beefs, mediate the disputes, and help to steer young people to opportunities. “The interesting thing,” he continues, “In the Baltimore Target Investment Zone  — where we have seven of our community hubs  — our centers did not have any problems during last year’s civil unrest. If our Safe Streets guys hadn’t been there, we would have had a lot more problems.” A recent $7 million investment from Kevin Plank and Under Armour will revitalize the former Carmelo Anthony Center into a 30,000 square foot community center located at 1100 E. Fayette Street. Scheduled to open in Fall 2016, the center includes a covered turf field sponsored by the Ravens, a workforce development and entrepreneurship center, basketball courts, dance, yoga, and recording studios, a neighborhood kitchen, and S.T.E.M. and computer coding classrooms. “Programs like these work and transform lives,” says Bond simply.

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A Community School Above all else, Gilman School seeks to help boys grow into men of character. We believe that the qualities of honor, leadership, dedication, and service to others must be emphasized and reinforced through all aspects of the school community. Gilman School Mission For generations, Gilman has been dedicated to instilling in our boys the importance of giving back to the surrounding community. Events in all divisions take place throughout the school year to help provide access to education, ensure food security, and raise funds for a variety of causes. Service Saturdays and student-run programs, including the Middle School’s PB&J Squad and the Upper School’s Lunches for the Homeless, yield more than 10,000 sandwiches each year to Paul’s Place, Weinberg Housing and Resource Center, and other organizations that serve the hungry and homeless. The Lower School holds food drives throughout the year for the Donald Bentley Food Pantry. The Middle School’s annual car wash raises more than $500 for a charitable cause selected by students. The division’s 3v3 basketball competition raises $2,000 each year for Habitat for Humanity. The Lower School’s Read-a-thon raises $20,000 annually for various non-profits benefiting children. Each year Upper School students provide more than 200 hours of tutoring and test preparation to students at the Mary E.


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Rodman Elementary School, in addition to well over 2,000 hours volunteering with Gilman’s summer learning and enrichment programs for more than 120 students from Title I Baltimore City Public Schools. Bridges at Gilman is one of three summer learning programs for these Baltimore City students. The program is designed to ensure that motivated students have the support and guidance necessary to become leaders. In addition to a five-week Summer Institute, Bridges offers a year-round after-school program for fourth and fifth grade students from Cecil, Govans, Leith Walk, and Yorkwood elementary schools; sixth graders participate in monthly weekend learning activities throughout the school year. With a focus on intellectual and emotional growth, students practice yoga, play chess, and enjoy field trips that expose them to history, nature, the arts, and career possibilities. Families of fifth grade students receive guidance to help make the best choice for their child’s middle school placement. Bridges students are enrolled at Gilman School, The Bryn Mawr School, Roland Park Country School, St. Ignatius Loyola, Mother Seton Academy,

Bridges at Gilman offers a year-round after-school program as well as a fiveweek Summer Institute. Learning Camp participants stretch their minds and their bodies with martial arts instruction.

Mount Royal Middle School (Advanced Academics), Roland Park Middle School (Ingenuity), and Tunbridge Public Charter. Middle Grades Partnership (MGP) is another year-round program. The goal of MGP is to equip academically promising students from Southwest Baltimore Charter School with the skills needed to succeed in a rigorous college preparatory high school. Gilman students benefit from the program as well. MGP students study writing, reading and mathematics, plus enrichment activities including music, art, dance, and sports. The coed program, employing teachers from both schools, provides high school choice guidance and college readiness instruction. Learning Camp, now in its 40th year at Gilman, serves third through fifth grade students from Barclay, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Edgecombe Circle, Northwood Appold, and Roland Park elementary schools. With a low student-teacher ratio, this four-week summer program helps students avoid the “summer slide� and prepare for the coming academic school year, while expanding their skills with activities such as swimming and martial arts. Field trips, including the

Baltimore Museum of Art, Science Center, and Hampton Historical Site, enrich their classroom lessons. While Middle and Upper School students at Gilman must meet a set number of community service hours, many boys go beyond the requirements. Some develop a relationship with an organization, such as Camp St. Vincent, and continue to serve for years. Others follow their own vision. Students are encouraged to develop a proposal for any project that would have local impact. Several are funded each year by Gilman Civic Engagement and Service Learning (CESL) grants. CESL grants have funded student-initiated projects such as providing music accessories for young musicians in OrchKids and creating the organization ManUp, which is dedicated to promoting responsibility as an ideal of manhood. It is no wonder, then, that Gilman men carry their sense of community stewardship and service throughout their lives.

fall 2016


From the Archives

Inspiration from the Plaque over the Fireplace tom ahern ’59

Every Gilman student, teacher, and staff member has passed hundreds of times by the Fisher Medallion over the fireplace in Carey Hall, as I did long ago. I did not win it, but I took from the plaque words that have inspired me from the first time I translated them, back in 1956. DISCE UT SEMPER VICTURUS VIVE UT CRAS MORITURUS Learn as if to live forever Live as if to die tomorrow Certainly the first line is at the heart of Gilman’s mission, inspiring young men to continue to learn, to love to learn. The average American changes careers seven times in his or her lifetime. Not jobs, careers. Only those who know well how to learn will thrive in this increasingly complex world. The second is more complex, for some might think it means “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die,” the motto of warriors and gladiators for millennia. It is in the Bible in several places, including 1 Corinthians 15:32, Isaiah 22:13, and Luke 12:19. Rather, I think it asks us to live in such a way that if we died tomorrow, we would be proud of what we did in that life we just


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finished. It pushes us to avoid living a life where “We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; And we have done those things which we ought not to have done,” that wonderful sentence in the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer: Again, this message is at the heart of Gilman’s approach to teaching and values. I did some research on the quote, and found it attributed to many including Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. But they just quoted older sources. My research indicated that the true original source was Saint Isidore of Seville (560–636), Archbishop of Seville. He is known to those of us who travel to Mexico as San Ysidro. The motto was common on the ring around sundials for centuries. The source is less important than the messages. Ask yourself often, “Am I learning or just existing?” Ask yourself often, “If I died tomorrow, would I be proud of how I lived my life? Am I leaving a lot of shoulda, woulda, couldas on the table?” I hope that many reading this will adopt the motto as a guiding light for their lives.

Fisher Medallion recipients receive a replica of the bronze medallion hanging above the tablet in the Common Room.

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From the Archives

The Fisher Medallion The William A. Fisher Prize, also known as the “Fisher Medallion,” is Gilman’s highest honor and was first awarded in 1903. The prize was conceived of by Louise Fisher Bruce, one of Gilman’s founders, in honor of her late father. William A. Fisher served as the first President of the School’s Board of Trustees, from 1897 until his death in 1901. Mrs. Fisher saw the prize as a way to reward leadership as well as scholarship in a member of the graduating class. The medallion itself was designed by artist Victor D. Brenner, who would become famous for his design of the Lincoln penny a few years later. His signature can be seen in the bottom corner of the medallion. The figure of the boy is based on Mrs. Bruce’s son, James Bruce, class of 1910. In an interesting twist, James won the award at Founders Day in 1910.

The Fisher Medallion tablet hangs in the Common Room south alcove, now surrounded by additional panels bearing recipients’ names. 22

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(Left) Father-son Fisher Medallion winners William H. Mueller ’70 and William R. Mueller ’35 pose at the conclusion of the 1970 Founders Day.

Five Fun Fisher Facts: 1. While the award is now given on an annual basis, that wasn’t always the case. There was no Medallion presented in 1909, 1914, 1917, 1922, 1925, or 1928. 2. Several sets of brothers held the medallion in its early years, including Douglas (1905) and Beverly (1907) Ober, James (1910) and David (1915) Bruce, and Ridgeway (1918) and David (1919) Trimble. 3. While Gilman has seen many family legacies pass through its halls, only three father-son pairs have won the Fisher Medallion. William R. Mueller ’35 and William H. Mueller II ’70, Robert Mason Thomas ’39 and Robert Mason Thomas Jr. ’76, and David Jeffrey Rice ’71 and Drummond Shipley Rice ’04 are the families that have earned this distinction. 4. One current faculty member, John O. Schmick ‘97, is a Fisher Medallion winner.

Peter Farber ’66 accepts the Fisher Medallion from Headmaster Ludlow H. Baldwin ’22.

5. Redmond C.S. Finney ’47 is the only headmaster who is a Fisher Medallion winner.

Trevor Hoffberger ’09, accepting his award from Headmaster John Schmick ’67, is the 100th Fisher Medallion recipient.

fall 2016


School News

Smile Because They Happened debbie jones

The 2016 class of Gilman retirees: a teacher who taught every Lower School boy since 1975, an administrator who was the Learning Camp’s heart and soul, a respected civil rights historian, a beloved writer of mnemonic songs, an environmentalist who taught “green” before green was cool, a falconer, and a master organizer. We smile because of you. Farewell, friends. nine faculty members once learned in her classroom as little boys. Her work as chair of the Arts Committee during the centennial in 1997 was instrumental in solidifying the profile of the arts at Gilman. How has Gilman changed since you arrived? In 1975 Gilman was a much smaller school. It has grown and flourished into a diverse tapestry of people, traditions, cultures, and ideas. In the past Gilman was not known as a school that a student would choose because of the art program. The faculty in the art department worked hard for many years to increase the impact and visibility of the arts.

Jackie Knipp Art, Lower School

Jackie Knipp joined Gilman in 1975 as a new teacher. Over the past four decades she has explored creativity with and taught every Lower School boy — during the 2016-2017 school year alone, 60 of her students were sons of former students, and


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What have you most enjoyed about teaching? Through expressionistic painting children are able to be creative and imaginative. This becomes especially important when they can’t put their feelings into words. Children are very open about expressing their emotions through their art.

My best moments of teaching have been when students discover something new. They will observe an artistic detail in a painting that I never saw before. Or they will discover a new, creative way to use paint or clay. No surprise, with our innovative little guys this happens all the time. For me, that is when I knew my students are successful learners. Favorite quote? “Sometimes you need to talk with a six year old just so you can understand life again.” How have you grown as a teacher? Through grants and sabbaticals I have had the opportunity to teach and observe art classes in both in the United States and other countries including The Gambia, Italy, Mexico, Peru, and Belize. Incorporating creative, innovative lessons has strengthened the art program and kept my students current with new ideas. What will you miss the most? It has been a rewarding and fulfilling career. I have been fortunate and blessed to teach the sons and grandsons of my students from the early years. I will miss my students and following their academic career through Gilman. What are your plans once you retire? I hope to spend time with my family, read, and experience new places. I continue to be interested in early childhood education, and I would like to help young children in some capacity, perhaps art therapy in a hospital or preschool. I hope to apply what I have learned from my sabbatical in Reggio Emilia, Italy, as well as from Creativity and the Brain conferences.

Jane Bartlett

Admissions Coordinator, Lower School Jane Bartlett joined Gilman in 1986. For innumerable Gilman families, she is the first voice on the telephone, and the person who guides them through the often complex independent school admissions process. In addition to her work in admissions, she coordinated the Lower School lunch purchase program in the early years, helped retired music teacher Sue Dickey with the fourth and fifth grade chorus, and was involved with coordinating Lower School Read-a-thons. She sat on Lower School committees investigating the addition of foreign language in pre-first and kindergarten and chaired the division’s assembly committee for many years. She assisted with admissions for the Baltimore Independent School Learning Camp, and, since 2000, spent her summers as director or co-director. What have you most enjoyed about working at Gilman? It has been a great experience to learn so much about boys’ education, and to introduce applicant parents to our wonderful faculty and students. I always find exciting new things going on each time I give a tour. It is also delightful to see how Lower School boys mature into accomplished Upper School students.

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I have so many memories of my time at Gilman. My earliest memories are of Mr. Finney standing on his head whenever all the boys in a first grade homeroom had perfect spelling tests. I remember him picking up the trash and putting it in his pockets as he walked around campus. I still get to talk to him occasionally. What will you miss the most? I’ll miss having regular contact with all of the faculty, staff, and parent friends I have made over the years. Since I am not originally from Baltimore, it has been such a blessing to have my Gilman family. What is something most people do not know about you? Most people probably don’t know about the Learning Camp. It is a Gilman summer outreach project for students from Baltimore City Public Schools that has been on our campus for 40 years. I have been working with it in some way for over 30 years. What are your plans once you retire? We will move to the house my husband and I have renovated in Annapolis near Sandy Point State Park. Our daughter’s family lives there so we will be closer to two of our granddaughters. Our son (Matt Bartlett ’95) is in the Air Force and has been based in Okinawa for two years. This summer he, his wife, and our other two granddaughters are moved to Cannon Air Force Base in Clovis, New Mexico. We will be making more trips to visit them.

Jerry Thornbery History, Upper School

Jerry Thornbery has served under five headmasters since joining the Gilman faculty in 1979. His ability to outlast headmasters, though, is not his most memorable trait. This “crusty curmudgeon” shared his passion for American civil rights history with high school students in ways unprecedented at a secondary level,


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inviting many illustrious speakers, including Julian Bond, Taylor Branch, and Bob Zellner, to Gilman. With a focus on U.S. History, his courses included American Government, Black History and History of the New South. This spring, he was honored with the May Holmes Service Award. What have you enjoyed most about teaching at Gilman? What I most enjoyed was the freedom to choose and change the books for my classes. I greatly appreciated the support that administrators gave me to bring in guest speakers and to attend history conferences. I remember with much fondness the 1993 Civil Rights Symposium that Mercer Neale and I ran for the juniors who took American History. Tell us about your involvement in athletics. I helped coach cross country and track and was involved with winter IM running/ jogging. I achieved the pinnacle of my athletic success, however, as Chris Dawson’s humble assistant in the demanding IM whiffle ball program. What will you miss the most? Some of those I taught over the years might find it hard to believe what this crusty curmudgeon will most miss about Gilman —  my students. What are your plans for retirement? Throughout my teaching career I have

remained loyal to 20th century technology, however, upon retirement I plan to launch into the 21st century by learning how to use an ATM. Retirement will give me more time to organize faculty outings to film festivals and frequent my favorite bookstores: The Ivy on Falls Road and Politics and Prose in Chevy Chase. I expect to continue giving advice  —  solicited and unsolicited — to Gilman faculty and administrators, and stay in touch with the historians, colleagues, and students with whom I have collaborated, worked, or taught. I will make cameo appearances at the winter jogging interim, and have plans to craft the definitive coaching guide that will include a thorough explanation of how to stay in good running form while accumulating slacker points. I hope to help everyone I meet become aware of and sensitive to the needs of hearing-impaired people. Finally, I will enjoy extending my stays at our family cottage on Lake Michigan and spending more time with Carrie, our children, and our dog, Boady.

School science program. During her tenure, she spearheaded environmental awareness, creating a teaching garden, obtaining GREEN certification for the Lower School, and founding the Greenhounds Club. Using the garden as an outdoor classroom, she developed cross-curriculum learning opportunities in languages, world cultures, and other areas in addition to science. What have you most enjoyed about teaching? Being creative and extending our studies beyond the physical classroom was very satisfying. I was pleased to enrich and inspire the boys’ natural curiosity and love of the things that are science. Their natural curiosity led to many encounters with the world around us. How have you grown as a teacher? On sabbaticals, I travelled as far as The Gambia, China, and Arizona to study their school environmental practices and incorporated what I learned into the science curriculum. What will you miss the most? I will miss the BOYS! I will miss their laughter, joy, insatiable curiosity, energy, surprise, kindness, compliments, generosity of spirit, and, dare I say, their hugs! What are your plans once you retire? The many diverse experiences while teaching at Gilman will enrich this new phase of my life. I will continue to be a life-long learner as I travel and become involved in new experiences. I look forward to this time to be more spontaneous in my daily life and focus more on my family.

Margaret Olgeirson Science, Lower School

Margaret Olgeirson joined Gilman in 1988. For 28 years she shared her love of science and nature with Gilman boys. Her innovations helped shape the Lower

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years at Gilman (gratitude, respect), former students helping a destressed motorist move their stranded car off the light rail tracks before a train came along (humility, unrecognized service, leadership). What will you miss the most? Spending my days with people, young and older, who are making the routines of life as joyful and extraordinary as we can.

Steve Siwinski Science, Upper School

Steve Siwinski started in the Upper School science department in 1976, serving as department chair from 1992 to 2013. He chaired the third form and faculty awards committees and served on the Cum Laude and admissions committees. He was an adult leader on Senior Retreat, a faculty representative for the blood drive, and coach for Fresh/Soph, JV, and club level lacrosse. For 11 summers he took Gilman students to Wassaw Island to engage in Caretta research.

Something most people don’t know about you. I was a member of the choir that sang at President Lyndon Johnson’s daughter’s wedding. I am a Master Falconer. More pertinent to alumni, I was Gilman’s first athletic trainer. What are your plans once you retire? I’d like to start a small handyman business and also a bird abatement business. I plan to volunteer as an eucharistic minister, bringing communion to those hospitalized or homebound. Finally, I’m looking forward to traveling (especially to Australia) and spending time with family and friends.

What have you enjoyed most about teaching? Helping boys learn how to learn and guiding/mentoring them through the incredible growth that occurs during the four years of high school. In short, doing my part to help them become good men. Please share memories that you feel exemplify Gilman. Gilman is very complex and diverse, exemplifying core values vital to development of boys as they navigate the sometimes tortuous channels to becoming a man. Among the memories that demonstrate some of those core values: Sherm Bristow including me at a party for varsity coaches in my early years (welcoming, integrity), former students returning to express appreciation for a meaningful event in their


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Tom Gorski

Math, Upper School Director of Educational Technology Support Tom Gorski joined Gilman in 1994 after teaching in the public school system.

During his tenure, he oversaw the proliferation of computers and laptops across campus, the selection and implementation of new web site and database systems, as well as the installation of campus-wide wi-fi, SmartBoards, and the launch of iPad programs in the Lower and Middle Schools and the Upper School Device of Choice program. He was key to the planning of the Carey Hall renovation, as well as the move to temporary quarters, which he dubbed the “Hound Pound,” and the return to the building. Often the first person on campus, he would unlock the gym for early morning exercisers. He could frequently be seen walking to campus or riding his scooter.

group of people. I also leave with a smile on my face. A smile of gratitude for all the opportunities Gilman has given me. Last words? Thank you Gilman! Go Hounds!

What has been your favorite part of your job? During my time at Gilman, I have had the good fortune to work with some incredibly talented faculty, staff, and students. I’ve been given opportunities to develop professionally well beyond what I could have envisioned. Even more important are the relationships I’ve established with my colleagues. Building relationships is something Gilman does very well. I shall miss that. How were you able to keep up with the challenges of ever-changing techology? Any technology accomplishments that have occurred since I have been the director of technology are the result of the hard work and dedication of the ETS staff and the faculty in each of the three divisions. It took a combined collaborative effort to make them happen. Thoughts about retirement? As I was thinking about my retirement, I remembered something Theodor Geisel (a.k.a. Dr. Seuss) once wrote. “Don’t cry when it’s over, smile because it happened.” That seems to be fitting. What will you miss the most? I leave Gilman with a small tear in my eye, for I shall miss working with such a talented

fall 2016


School News

Meet the New Faculty

The 2016–2017 cohort of new faculty, fellows and staff: front row (l. to r.), Kaitlin Boswell, Sabrina Schumann, Joan Hurley, Faith Ward, Lynn Nichols, Kelsey Carper, Susie Santos;


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second row, (l. to r.) Gaby Davis, Zaccai Williams, Omar Brown, Mike Molina, Thea Brown, Stephanie Dennis; third row, Tracie Long, Emma Glinsman, Tye Campbell; back row, Chris Ciarleglio, Alex

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Jimenez, Sam Willson, Diego Mattorras, Russell Wrenn, Barry James.

The start of the 2016–2017 academic year brings an exceptionally talented cohort of new teachers and fellows to Gilman. Lower School kaitlin boswell, kindergarten, comes to Gilman from Concord Hill School in Chevy Chase, Md., where she served as head teacher since 2013. She has also been a member of the faculty at Brunswick School and Arch Street Preschool in Greenwich, Conn. Kaitlin earned her B.A. and M.A.T. from St. Mary’s College, where she also played varsity soccer. barry james, science, comes to Gilman from Jemicy School, where he taught elementary math and science, as well as coached soccer, wrestling, and lacrosse. He received a B.S. in Elementary Education from Campbell University and a M.Ed. in educational leadership from Bethel University. tracie long, fifth grade, taught at Riderwood Elementary School, where she served in a number of leadership roles. Tracie has coached softball at both Dulaney High School and St. Paul’s School for Girls. She earned her B.A. in mass communications at Towson University and M.A.T. from Goucher College. jennifer schmerling, learning specialist, joins the faculty to support the learning of our boys. She has a background as an elementary teacher in both Orlando, Fla., and the Washington, D.C., area. She also worked one year in admissions before she and her husband relocated to Baltimore. Last year, she worked part time as a learning lab teacher at Beth T’filoh. Jennifer holds a B.A. in

education and an M.A. in special education and elementary education from the University of Florida. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. at George Washington University. faith ward, ls librarian, previously served as Lower School librarian and reading teacher at Garrison Forest School. In addition to her work at Garrison, Faith supports students as an online critical reading and writing instructor for the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth. She earned her B.A. from Boston College, a master’s in library science and information science from Catholic University, and an M.Ed. from Loyola University Maryland. zaccai williams, second grade, a graduate of St. Paul’s School for Boys, comes to Gilman from KIPP Harmony Academy in Baltimore. Zaccai has also been a youth mentor at Boys & Girls Club and a rowing coach for Baltimore Rowing Club. He holds a B.A. in psychology from Elon University and an M.S. in science education from Johns Hopkins University.

Middle School emma glinsman, science, comes to Gilman from Aberdeen High School, where she taught biology, forensic science and Arabic. A native of Midland, Texas, she earned both a B.A. in biology and an M.A. in science education from Goucher College. As part of her German minor, Emma studied abroad in Berlin while at Goucher. lynn nichols, mathematics, moves to Baltimore from Charlottesville, Va., where she served as a robotics and mathematics teacher at Albemarle High School. In addition to teaching Lynn has been a team sponsor and coordinator for First Tech Challenge Robotics and an advisor at Blast Astronomy Camp. Lynn earned a B.A. in mathematics education from the Curry School of Education at The University of Virginia. She will also coach MS water polo and swimming. fall 2016


sabrina schumann, language arts, joins Gilman from School of the Holy Child in Rye, N.Y., where she worked as a Middle and Upper School English teacher and also directed musicals, led service learning initiatives, and helped run the school newspaper. Sabrina received a B.A. in humanities and English from the University of Maryland and an M.A. in secondary English education from Teachers College, Columbia University.

Upper School kelsey carper, english, arrives at Gilman after three years at St. John’s Prep in Frederick, Md., where she served as English department chair, senior class moderator, and drama club director. Kelsey earned her B.A. in writing from Loyola University Maryland and M.A.T. from Notre Dame of Maryland. chris ciarleglio, science, comes to Gilman from The Gunnery in Connecticut, where he taught Upper School science and served as a dorm parent and coach. Chris holds a Ph.D. in neuroscience from Vanderbilt University, and also served as assistant director of education and outreach. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Brown University and earned his B.A. in biology and ancient history from Swarthmore College, where he was a member of the football team. Chris will also coach JV football and baseball. stephanie dennis, learning specialist, brings to Gilman a range of experience in teaching, school leadership, and student support. Stephanie worked for nine years as Upper School learning specialist at McDonogh School before moving on to assume a range of administrative roles in Baltimore public schools. Stephanie holds a B.S. from the University of Maryland and an M.Ed. from Coppin State.


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mike molina, english and history, is an award-winning spoken word poet and storyteller with experience in the education, arts, and non-profit sectors. A native of Louisiana, he earned a B.A. in English from Xavier University and a J.D. from Yale Law School. He has served as a policy advocate for the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, as a national coordinator for Quality Education as a Constitutional Right, and as both head of school and director of policy and affairs for GLOBE Academy, a charter school in Atlanta. Mike most recently worked as director of education for Clarkston Community Center, an organization serving international refugee families. Mike will also coach JV football. joan hurley, spanish, comes to Gilman from Garrison Forest School, where she taught Spanish and was chair of the World Languages Department. Joan also taught at Choate Rosemary Hall in Connecticut, where she served as head of Spanish for the Foreign Language Department, and St. Paul’s School, where she was a dean and advisor to the Discipline Committee. Joan holds degrees from the Middlebury Language School and East Stroudsburg College. susie santos, spanish, joined the Modern Languages Department last spring, and will continue teaching Spanish in the Upper School this year. An experienced educator, she has been a visiting professor at the University of Richmond and an instructor at The University of Virginia, where she earned her Ph.D. in Spanish literature. She received a B.A. in Spanish and international studies from Richmond.

russell wrenn ’96, english and assistant athletic director, returns to Baltimore from The Westminster Schools in Atlanta, where he taught Middle School English and was head baseball coach as well as being a member of the varsity football staff. Prior to his tenure at Westminster, Russell was a practicing attorney in Atlanta. He received a B.A. in English and geology from Washington and Lee University and J.D. from Georgia State University. At W&L he played both football and baseball. After W&L, he served as head baseball coach and offensive coordinator for football at Dickinson College. In addition to his teaching responsibilities at Gilman, Russell will coach varsity football and baseball.

Fellows gaby davis, cooper fellow, is a graduate of Goucher College, where she earned a degree in environmental studies and chemistry, including study abroad at The American College of Greece. A four-year starter on the varsity soccer team at Goucher, Gaby was named Second Team All­-Landmark Conference in 2014. A native of New York City, Gaby will assist with first grade math, PE, and our Lower School science program, and will also coach fresh­soph soccer.

thea brown, tickner writing fellow, is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where she was named a Truman Capote Fellow. A poet, Thea most recently taught at George Washington University. She has experience working with high school students at the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio and the Iowa Youth Writing Project. Thea’s work has been widely published in renowned literary journals and collections. sam willson, callard fellow, will support the music department and a range of performing arts groups in all three divisions and will also coach JV soccer and basketball. Sam is a graduate of Colby College, where he earned a B.A. in music and was a three-year starter on the varsity basketball team. A talented musician, he served as Colby’s campus pipe organist and as a member of the college’s a cappella group. Sam played soccer and basketball and rowed crew while attending the Taft School and Deerfield Academy.

alex jimenez, gilman’s inaugural foreman fellow, will teach French in the Middle School and will coach Upper School cross country. He received his B.A. from Swarthmore College, where he majored in English and minored in French literature. Alex was a four-year member of the Swarthmore cross country and track teams. A native of Los Angeles, he served most recently as teaching assistant and residential counselor at UCLA’s Summer Institute for the Gifted.

fall 2016


School News

Let the Sun Lockhart Vaughan Foundation helps increase Gilman’s environmental sustainability.


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Environmental projects at Gilman Thanks to a grant from the Lockhart have been incorporated throughout the Vaughan Foundation, 288 solar panels now science curriculum. Whether checking grace the roof the Lower School. The solar array is estimated to produce 84,675 kWh “pollution traps”' in Lower School, monitoring solar panel data in Middle annually and will offset 103,490 tons of School, or exploring sustainable design on CO2, which is the equivalent of planting campus, Gilman students explore how 318 trees, running M&T Stadium for they can contribute to building a better 42 days, or counterbalancing 96,222 miles future for their planet. driven each year. In a Lower School assembly, a The installation, which was completed representative of SolarGaines explained in March, brings the total number of solar panels on campus to 336. These panels, how the solar panels work and the contribution they will make to their installed by SolarGaines, along with building’s daily electricity usage. Lower the 48 installed in 2011 atop the Science School students followed the installation Building, are a visible statement of with great excitement and will monitor Gilman’s commitment to environmental the energy savings, while teachers have sustainability and education. been incorporating lessons about solar “Gilman is grateful to have the support power into math and science lessons. For of the Lockhart Vaughan Foundation in example, in the first few months after our efforts to expand our green footprint installation, the first grade discussed solar across campus,” says Headmaster Henry energy as part of a unit about weather; P. A. Smyth. Additional projects include a third graders considered solar power during green roof on the Lumen Center, an an energy unit; and, fifth grade boys built investment in eco-friendly housekeeping, Lego cars powered by small solar panels. lunch room composting, rain gardens, and A web-based interface will allow the campus-wide recycling. boys to monitor the panels’ use. A “solar dashboard” will display on a monitor placed nearby the Lower School science room, offering readily available data to young scientists.

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The solar panels are one part of Gilman’s overall sustainability efforts. Learn more at

Active since September 23, 2011, the 48 panels on the Science Building roof have generated 12,442.64 kWh to date (as of August 18, 2016).


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The 288 Lower School solar panels generated 10,529 kWh in July 2016.

fall 2016


School News

The Legend of George A social studies lesson about myths and legends grows into a children’s book.


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George, the main character in Isaiah Buchanan’s story, teaches that a positive attitude is a powerful weapon.

“The Legend of George,” written by Middle School social studies teacher Isaiah Buchanan, is a whimsical story of a hard working shoemaker. Dragons, giant flying pigs, and politically charged peach pies would be enough to challenge the patience and courage of anyone. But George is not the kind of man who lets difficult situations upset him for very long. By the end of this adventure, readers learn that a positive attitude is a powerful weapon, and nice guys don’t always finish last. In his own words, Buchanan discusses his book, and how the idea for it started in his classroom.

dyslexic and reading them helped me increase my vocabulary because they include complex stories with picture context clues.

From the time you got the idea, how long did it take to create the book and publish it? This was a rather long process. The story started off as a lesson about myths and legends in my social studies class. After a few years of teaching that lesson, it kind of grew legs and became a story of its own.

“The Legend of George,” for children ages seven and up, can be purchased at

What made you decide to become a teacher? I became a history teacher because I love telling stories. History is a bunch of true stories. What do you do for fun? I hang out with my four daughters, jog, lift weights, and box with my brothers, and go to jazz and heavy metal concerts. And I still read comic books!

What were your favorite books as a child? As a kid I loved science fiction and fantasy stories. I also read comic books because I’m

fall 2016


School News

Melding Art & Science An original artwork by David Hess ’82 graces the Science Building north entrance.

David Hess ’82 has returned to campus. The versatile sculptor developed a work of art that is designed to provoke scientific questions and observations, as the culmination of Science Center renovations. The piece, “Physics Experiment,” is a welded stainless steel sculpture that hangs from the ceiling inside the north entrance of the Science Center. The hollow piece, weighing nearly 100 pounds and rotating from a single point, moves with the movement of students in the stairwell. This is not the sculptor’s first installation on campus. In 2004, Hess jointed Gilman’s budding artists as an artist-in-residence. The resulting sculpture, “Time Game,” was a collaborative effort involving students during every step from concept to completion. The eight foot tall work looks out from Harris Terrace toward the Finney Center. “Our goal in inviting David back to create a piece for the updated Science Building was to capture the boys’ attention and make them think about some aspect of science as it relates to art,” says


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Director of Finance and Adminstration Sean Furlong. The work of David Hess, including architectural elements, furniture and sculpture in metal, wood, concrete, plastic, and glass, can be found in public spaces and private collections including the American Visionary Art Museum, Baltimore Museum of Industry, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Thurgood Marshall Airport, and Kaiser Permanente. It might be argued that Hess owes his art career to a broken leg, shattered while playing football at Gilman in the ninth grade. He was the kind of boy who loved making posters and dioramas for class reports and, after his accident, he began painting in the art room after school. His creative endeavors became even more important after he lost his hair in his sophomore year. “Art became a real escape and a source of strength for me,” Hess recalls. Additional pieces of sculpture designed to relate to the science building may be added in the future.

The 100-lb. hollow sculpture responds to students’ movement in the stairwell, rotating from a single point.

“Our goal in inviting David back to create a piece for the updated Science Building was to capture the boys’ attention and make them think about some aspect of science as it relates to art.”

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The Big Game Gilman-McDonogh 100th Football Classic November 7, 2015


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Marking a centennial is certainly a oncein-a-lifetime event, and the 100th GilmanMcDonogh Game proved singular on several accounts: the centenary meeting of the second oldest interscholastic rivalry in the State; a great week of collaboration with McDonogh to “stuff the bus” with non-perishable food items; a 35–28 win

for Gilman, the team’s 60th overall; the Greyhounds finish undefeated in MIAA and ranked #1 in Maryland. Yet the most moving moment of the entire celebration may have been when more than 100 cross-decade football alumni gathered for a pre-kickoff photograph. Another for the record books.

Their wish came true: More than 100 multi-generational football alumni gather before the Greyhounds did indeed “Beat McDonogh.”

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Out and About The Alumni Association holds several gatherings to connect alumni to each other and the School.

Burritos and Trivia The Alumni Association invited college-age alumni, class years 2012-2015, and the senior class of 2016 to campus on January 6 for a spirited evening of Chipotle burrito eating and a trivia contest hosted by Charm City Trivia.

Foodies Unite Foodies and alumni looking to explore the Baltimore dining scene launched the Gilman Alumni Baltimore Foodies Group on May 19 at The Local Oyster with a delicious gathering hosted by one of Gilman’s favorite foodies, Patrick Hudson ’04. Hudson owns both The Local Oyster and True Chesapeake Oyster Co.


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Alumni in Finance On the last day of spring break, 14 Gilman students gave up a final day of leisure to participate in Wall Street 101, a financial literacy program. Wearing their best business attire, their day started at 5:45 a.m. at Penn Station, where they boarded a train to New York. During a whirlwind 10-hour visit, they met with Michael Schaftel ’84 and Michael Faridi '02 at Morgan Stanley; Davis Noell ’97 at Providence Equity LLC; and David McDonald ’78 at Goldman Sachs. In addition to financial literacy, this glimpse of Wall Street gave the boys a sense of career opportunities in finance.

California, There We Came

Orioles Game

Middle School Head Peter Kwiterovich ’87 and Director of Community and Diversity Johnnie Foreman, along with Alumni Association Jared Spahn ’91, escaped Winter Storm Jonas to head west for warmer weather and even warmer welcomes from alumni at events held on the West Coast. Mitch Rosenfield ’84 hosted the San Francisco event on January 26 at the Olympic Club. Ted Xanders ’81 hosted fellow Los Angelos on January 27 at The Jonathan Club. Jeff Tadder ’86 hosted the January 28 reception at the San Diego Yacht Club.

Greyhounds visited the Birds on July 26 as baseball fans enjoyed Gilman Alumni Night at Oriole Park at Camden Yards.

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Catch a Spark Jonathan Cordish ’85, Blake Cordish ’89, and Reed Cordish ’92, vice presidents of The Cordish Companies, hosted a special Gilman Alumni Downtown Networking event on May 12 at the new collaborative co-working space Spark Baltimore at Power Plant Live!.

New York Alumni Regional Reception New York area alumni met March 31 at the New York Athletic Club for their annual networking gathering. Alumni Association President Jared D. Spahn ’91 attended.

Boston Alumni Gathering The Boston regional alumni event on April 6 gave area alums the opportunity to congregate at the Concord, Mass., home of Jason Griswold ’93 for an evening of camaraderie. Andrew Thut ’91 co-hosted the event with Jason.


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Happy Hour at Bond Street Social Baltimore-area young alumni from the classes of 2001–2011 gathered at Bond Street Social after work on February 17 for a special Gilman happy hour.

Gilman in the Sunshine State Snowbirds and Sunshine State residents attended the Naples, Florida, alumni event on February 10. Thanks to Heather and John Claster ’63 for hosting.

GBT Alumni Brunch Openly gay, bi-sexual, or transgender alumni, faculty, staff, and students gathered for brunch and conversation at City Café in Baltimore on May 21. Following brunch, the group took a walking tour through Mount Vernon to explore the neighborhood’s history as the center of gay life in Baltimore.

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Alumni Weekend April 29–30, 2016

Retired Headmaster Redmond C.S. Finney ’47 confers with Mac Barrett ’67 before the official dedication of the new Barrett Baseball Field.


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Spring hadn’t quite sprung — at least in ambient air temperature — when Gilman alumni gathered to celebrate Alumni Weekend. For the first time, reunion celebrants started their evening at a unified reception before the majority of classes dispersed around campus for individual class dinners. The weekend was chock-full of activity: the Alumni Golf Outing, The Gilman Experience with lunch in the dining hall, a lively panel discussion with senior class

of 2016 members, campus tour, robotics demonstration, and the ever-popular Alumni Crab Feast took place on Friday. Saturday brought the formal dedication of the new Barrett Baseball field and the AlumniVarsity baseball game, alumni lacrosse game, varsity athletic contests, the spring musical, and the Alumni Awards Luncheon.

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1. It’s official: the Class of 1966 50th reunion class photograph.

2. The class gathered in Centennial Hall for its formal reunion dinner.

Save the Date

Alumni Weekend 2017 April 28-29


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3. Ben Legg (left), on behalf of the School, accepts a gift of a model Dhow, a traditional Arab sailboat, from Abdullah Qabazard, who traveled with his wife, Suad Dashti, to the reunion from Kuwait.

4. Mark Fulford, Dick Hoffman, Charlie Fenwick. 5. Rick Koester and Ted Campbell.

6. Classmates enjoy an afternoon workshop led by Robbie Farber.

7. Joe Moore, left, accepts a gift recognizing his work on the reunion yearbook. Committee member George Kain looks on. 8. Dick Wasserman and Buff Miller.

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1. Headmaster Henry Smyth, Jerry Thornbery, Matt Baum ’93, P’28, and Jared Spahn ’91, P’21. Dr. Thornbery holds the 2016 May Holmes Service Award.


2. Ralph DeGroff ’54 chats with Jonathan Farber ’75. Mr. DeGroff received the 2016 Dawson Farber, Jr. Alumni Award. 3. Gilman Experience activities included lunch in

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the dining hall. Jason Moscow ’17 chats with Armand Girard ’55. 4. Upper School faculty Alvaro Salcedo, far left, shows unmanned aerial vehicle “mission control”

to visiting alumni during a Classes without Quizzes pre-engineering robotics demonstration. 5. The alumni campus tour visits the woodworking shop.



6. The most hardy players endured less than optimal weather during the Alumni Golf Outing, including Alex Lieske ’98, Bart DeLuca ’98, Graham Savage ’98, and Damien Davis ’99.

7. Headmaster Smyth formally dedicates the Class of 1976 Turf at Alexander Sotir Stadium. 8. Members of the Barrett family gather to dedicate the new baseball field in

honor of their patriarch, Allen M. Barrett ’40. Pictured left to right: Mac Barrett ’67, Will Frew ’06, Barbara Barrett Neale, Mrs. Allen M. Barrett, Tom Neale, Carroll Neale, Barrett Neale Scott, and Sam Scott.

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1. Class of 1956 members gather at the All Reunion Reception.


2. Board of Trustees President Scott Wieler, far right, joins the Class of 1991 at the All Reunion Reception.

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3. Smile! Marnie Kagan photographs her husband Jon ’86, center, and his classmates Hassan Murphy, left, and Roli Breitenecker.

4. Dave Harriman, Jay Wurts, Rob Baker, and guests enjoy the reception. 5. Randy Beehler ’71 takes a close look at a photo album.

6. Five years already? Yale Hoffberg ‘11, Blake Miller ’11, and Austin Dase ’11 return for the first of many reunions.

7. Austin Redwood ’06, Matt Craig ’06, and Jude Chiy ’06. 8. Mike Mardiney ‘81 and Peter Cho ’81.

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Sport Shots 2015–2016 Fall, Winter, and Spring Highlights


10-1 overall, 6-0 conference Gilman captured both the MIAA A conference championship and the 100th Gilman-McDonogh year trophy with a 35-28 win in the traditional last game of the season. Twelve players were named to the All-MIAA team. Nine were named to the Baltimore Sun All-Metro Team; six to the USA Today All-State Team; four to the AP All State Team, and Ellison Jordan earned Defensive Player of the Year honors from all. In January, after nearly three decades as a Gilman coach and two decades as the head coach, Biff Poggi ’79 announced that he would step down to pursue another opportunity in football. With 130 victories, Coach Poggi is the most winning varsity football coach in Gilman history, capturing 13 MIAA A conference championships and the Gilman-McDonogh trophy the same number of times. Headmaster Smyth announced that Athletic Director Tim Holley ’77 would succeed Poggi.


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Water Polo

3-7 Overall, 2-6 Conference Upper School boys supported the team and Coach Vaughan Smith at its last match against McDonogh on October 20, 2015 when they stormed the pool. Watch video on Gilman’s YouTube channel: GilmanSchool1897.

Cross Country 2-5 Conference

Gilman’s long distance runners posted conference wins against St. Paul’s and Spalding and finished first in the Greenspring Valley Invitational. Alex DeWeese ’11 joined his former coach Joe Duncan as an assistant.


7-12 Overall, 5-11 Conference With only six seniors on the roster for 2015, Jon Seal’s young team continues to strengthen.


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13-5 Overall, 12-4 Conference Though a third-straight championship eluded the players with a 1-3 loss to Loyola in the finals, the Greyhounds remained constant during Coach Will Allenbach ’09’s first year at the helm.

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2-3 conference, 2-5 overall Under the leadership of head coach Bryn Holmes, Gilman finished seventh in the 2016 MIAA Wrestling Tournament. Braeden Alevizatos ’17 (132) and Jake Brummett ’17 (195) competed in championship finals and Aaron Cranston ’16 (160) in a third place match, and Cole Brown ’18 (126) and Ben Gushue ’16 (145) won by forfeit in fifth place matches. Ben Gushue, Matt Siems ’16, Aaron Cranston, Jeremy Cranston ’18, Braeden Alevizatos, and Jake Brummett competed in the National Preps.

Ice Hockey

8-0 conference, 9-1 overall Gilman defeated Loyola 6-1 to win the MIAA B conference ice hockey championship. This title is the team’s first since 2013.


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Indoor Track For the second consecutive year and fifth time in the last six years, the indoor track team wins the MIAA Indoor Track & Field Championship with 176 points. Junior Tory Young’s 500 meter run and the 4 x 400 relay team set conference records. The Johnnie Foreman Cup remains at Gilman for another year. Tommy Diehl ’16, Wolfgang Drake ’16, E.J. Abass ’16, and Tory Young ’17 set a new MIAA record when they won the 4 x 800 Relay at the New Balance Nationals Indoor 2016, held at The Amory in New York, NY. The Baltimore Sun named Coach Matt Tully ’02 the Boys Indoor Track Coach of the Year and included Dorian Maddox ’16 and Tory Young ’17 on the All-Metro First Team.


1-4 conference, 1-5 overall Under the leadership of coach Ian Brooks, the Gilman swimming team focuses on improvement and strengthening young competitors. Athletic Director Tim Holley ’77 announced in May that Brooks, after a cumulative coaching career of more than 20 years, will step down as head coach beginning with the 2016-2017 season. Under Coach Brooks’ leadership, our swim team competed in both the A and B Conferences, having won MIAA B championships in 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. Aquatics Director Vaughan Smith will become head coach.


5-11 conference, 11-16 overall Coach Owen Daly’s varsity basketball team made its first A conference playoff appearance since moving up from the B conference in the 2013-14 season. The team fell to St. Frances 85-66 in the quarterfinals.


14-0 conference, 16-0 overall Coach Boo Smith ‘71’s squash team finishes a perfect season with a ninth straight MIAA squash championship, battling McDonogh to a 4-3 victory.

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3-6 conference, 3-13 overall A youthful varsity team experiences a disappointing season. Players to watch on Brooks Matthews ‘87’s squad include midfielders Wade Oursler ’17, Woody Kelly ’17, and Dylan Byrd ’17, attackman Johnny Shapiro ’17, goalkeeper Sam Tirone ’17, and sophomore middies Piper Bond ’18 and Jeremy Cranston ’18, and midfielder Andy Andrews ’19. All received accolades in a May 4 Baltimore Sun article.


10-8 conference, 18-13 overall The varsity baseball team, under the leadership of coach Larry Sheets, finished the season with an appearance in the MIAA Championship game. After losing to Spalding in their first playoff game 11-1, the Greyhounds continued in the double-elimination tournament by defeating Mt. St. Joe 6-3 and Calvert Hall 5-1 to meet Spalding in the championship series. The Greyhounds won 6-5 to push the previously undefeated Spalding to a second, and the championship game. Spalding won, 5-3.

Track and Field 5-1 conference, 5-1 overall

Gilman's outstanding 4 x 800 team, Tommy Diehl, Wolfgang Drake, Adero Mandala, and Tory Young, is the first in Gilman history to compete in the Championship of America at Penn Relays, qualifying with a time of 7:53:22. They ran 7:55 in the final, finishing 10th.


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7-0 conference, 9-0 overall Under the leadership of Head Coach Steve Krulevitz, the varsity tennis won an unprecedented third consecutive team MIAA A team championship by defeating a strong team from Loyola Blakefield 3-2. Gilman tennis also took top honors in the MIAA A individual tournament.

E.J. Abass ’16 finished #1 in A Conference singles. Gilman took #1 and #2 in doubles, with Nate Shaw ’17 and Tyler Pantle ’16 topping off an undefeated season by winning the A Conference #1, followed by runner-ups Sam Sobkov ’17 and Lee Sherline ’18 in the #2 spot.

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8-4 conference, 8-7 overall Don Rogers stepped down as varsity head coach prior to the 2016 season. Over his 11 years as Gilman’s coach, the varsity team compiled a record of 112-40-6 in MIAA A Conference competition, including A Conference championships in 2006 and 2008. Mike Wallace is now head coach.


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All-MIAA Athletes

More Fame for Bristow

Football Antonio Dupree ’16 Devery Hamilton ’16 Kasim Hill ’17 Ellison Jordan ’16 Stewart Keehner ‘16 Dorian Maddox ‘16 Wes Mehl ‘16 Shamar Shanks ‘16 Stephen Spanellis ‘16 Korey Stevens ‘16 Soccer Sam Tirone ’17

Squash Will Dewire ‘18 Charlie East ’19 Mitch Ford ‘16 Wiatt Hinton ‘17 Matthew Katz ’17 Brad Levin ’11

The Mid Atlantic Athletic Trainers Association (MAATA) Hall of Fame inducted Associate Athletic Director and Athletic Trainer Lori Bristow, MEd, LAT, ATC into its Hall of Fame on May 21, 2016, at their annual meeting. Of 15 recipients, she is the second woman to receive the award. Lori has received several awards over the years. Most recently, she was presented the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Service Award in 2012. In 2011, she received the MAATA Service Award. And in 2010, she and another woman were the first females inducted into the Maryland Athletic Trainer’s Association (MATA) Hall of Fame.

Volleyball Derrick Covington ‘16 Alex Shafer ‘16

Golf Charles Young ’16

Water Polo Max Bethel ‘17 Jay Sandberg ‘16 Basketball Everett Winchester ’16 Ice Hockey James Cole ’17 Jules Finney ’16 Willy Gettinger ’16 Aaron McNabney ‘17 Kyle Ogden ’16

Wrestling Jake Brummett ‘17 Baseball Max Costes ’18 John Fitzgerald ’16

Lacrosse Wade Oursler ‘17 Tennis E.J. Abass ‘16 Tyler Pantle ‘16 Will Rende ‘18 Track and Field Tommy Diehl ‘16 Wolfgang Drake ‘16 Adero Mandala ‘17 D’Angelo Shears ’17 Ayende Watson ’17 Tory Young ’17

Indoor Track E.J. Abass ‘16 Tommy Diehl ‘16 Eric Gibson ’18 Kasim Hill ’17 Dorian Maddox ’16 Adero Mandala ’17 Arik Smith ’17 Tory Young ’17

Holley Recognized On April 30, National Interscholastic Athletics Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) designated Athletic Director Tim Holley ’77 as a Certified Athletic Administrator (CAA), and the Maryland State Athletic Director Association (MSADA) named him its District 11 (MIAA) Athletic Director of the Year for 2015–16.

Signing Day Seventeen (!) Gilman School student athletes announced their college commitments in a Signing Day ceremony on Wednesday, February 3. Headmaster Henry Smyth, in a recorded message, told the students that Signing Day “marks a significant event for you. It speaks to the hard work you put in as students, as athletes in your sport, and it speaks to your character that these schools were excited to have you join them in their programs.” Watch video of Signing Day on Gilman’s YouTube channel. Congratulations to the following student-athletes: Baseball Isaiah Braxton, Philadelphia University Basketball Everett Winchester, Wright State University Football Antonio Dupree, University of Texas at El Paso John Fitzgerald, Cornell University Devery Hamilton, Stanford University Ellison Jordan, Pennsylvania State University Stewart Keehner, Georgetown University James Lotz, Franklin and Marshall College Dorian Maddox, Stanford University Wes Mehl, United States Naval Academy Shamar Shanks, Monmouth University Stephen Spanellis, University of Michigan Korey Stevens, Villanova University Lacrosse Justin Edwards, United States Coast Guard Academy David Sturtz, Princeton University Christopher Williams, Tufts University Wrestling Aaron Cranston, Wesleyan University Matt Siems, Trinity College

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Scholar Athlete The National Football Foundation recognized Jelani Roberts ’15 as one of five recipients of the 2015 NFF National High School Scholar-Athlete Award. Jelani, selected as the East Region (Greater Baltimore Chapter) recipient, joins an esteemed group of 105 student-athletes recognized since 1991 as “the best of the best from his region of the country at the high school level.” Jelani received his award at the NFF Chapter Awards Luncheon, presented by Under Armour, on Tuesday, December 8, 2015, at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. At Gilman, Jelani was a two-year letterman at wide receiver and as a return specialist, team captain in his senior season, two-time First Team All-Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association, and First Team Private School All-State selection. He produced 1,695 all-purpose yards, and he scored 15 touchdowns in 2014 for the MIAA Co-Champion Greyhounds. At Founders Day, he received the William Cabell Bruce Jr. Athletic Prize. Carrying a weighted 4.63 GPA on a 4.0 scale and earning a 2120 on the SAT,


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Roberts was a four-year member of the Honor Roll. He earned perfect scores (5) on the AP biology, calculus, psychology, and physics exams and graduated as an AP Scholar with Distinction. Jelani was a member of the National Cum Laude Society and was named a National Merit Scholarship Commended Student, as well as a semifinalist in the 2015 National Achievement Scholarship Program, which recognizes academically promising black students throughout the nation. Jelani served as vice president of the school’s athletic association and as an assistant coach for Randallstown Youth Football. He also volunteered at Paul’s Place, a Baltimore soup kitchen, and with the Parks and People Organization. In recognition of his community service activities, he received the Daniel Baker Memorial Award at graduation. Roberts currently attends Northwestern University, playing wide receiver for the Wildcats in every game in his first season. Just in! Stephen Spanellis ’16 is named one of five recipients of the 2016 National High School Athlete Awards. He will receive his award on Tuesday, December 6. Spanellis currently attends the University of Michigan.

During his Gilman playing days, Jelani Roberts produced 1,695 all-purpose yards, and he scored 15 touchdowns in 2014.

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Home Field Advantage Class of 1976 Turf at Edward W. Brown Field The state-of-the-art artificial turf field in Alexander Sotir Stadium is the focal point for the School’s outdoor classrooms. The turf is lined for use by football, soccer, and lacrosse.

Rogers Field

Barrett Baseball Field Dugouts and batting cages flank the relocated and reoriented natural grass baseball field.


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Aerial photo by Karl Connolly Photography

A smaller baseball field, used for Middle School and Little League play, moves to the field most adjacent to the Lower Parking Lot (once site of tennis courts).

The two-year renovation project to reconfigure and resurface much of the space in Gilman’s backyard is complete, and the fields are open for play.

Chandlee Field

Aerial photo by Karl Connolly Photography

Drainage and irrigation issues were addressed, and new sod creates a high-quality, natural grass, multi-sport playing surface.

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Lightning Strikes steve krulevitz

Gilman tennis coach Steve Krulevitz publishes a memoir. An excerpt: The day arrives. May 14, 2014. Twelve months almost to the day from that day on the courts at UMBC. Gilman vs. St. Joe’s. Third year in a row. St. Joe has beaten Gilman the past two years. MIAA final. This time it’s at Gilman. Pressure’s here. One shot. One chance. Can’t play another match tomorrow. Seventh game World Series. One shot for all the marbles. I’m nervous. So what should I do? Panic? Never. I grab a fictional crime novel. Jo Nesbo, a Norwegian crime novelist. The best. Harry Hole. Great books. I’m reading the book by the table when the boys start filtering in for the match. They have to warm up. I’m still reading The Bat. Biggest moment of their high school tennis careers. I look relaxed, and, truthfully, I am. Because this year, no mistakes. Faith, knowledge, hard work. Win or lose, it’s nothing like last year. Nothing. The boys see me and, I think, are a little surprised. I’m sitting by the table reading a book before the biggest match of the year. Our season is on the line. Our goal is right there. Three points and


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Inducted into the USTA Mid-Atlantic Hall of Fame in 1993, Steve Krulevitz was among the top 100 players in the world for nine consecutive years. His highest ranking was #42.

we’re the champs. I’m not in their faces. I’m not fist-pumping or saying, “This is it. Let’s get ’em.” Nobody wants this worse than I do. I know it might sound silly, but it’s true. It’s high school tennis, sure. But I have passion. I can’t change. I want it for the kids. The boys. Gilman. The headmaster, Mr. Smyth (Bones). Tim Holley, the athletic director. John Schmick, former headmaster. The athletic trainers, Lori Bristow and Nick Pitruzzella. They kept the boys healthy all year. “Milkman” Garrett Weinstein, our number one, bad shoulder. “Trout” E. J. Abass sprained his ankle

twice. “Snake” Jake Wohl had to serve underhanded once in a match because of back and hip problems. “Mister” Graham Duncan pulled a thigh muscle. Didn’t even play against St. Joe’s in the league match. “Slaw” Cole Sutton sprained two fingers on one hand playing pickup basketball before practice one day. Slaw came to my summer camp on the courts at Gilman for the first time when he was four years old, along with his older brother, “Boo Boo Boy” Cooper Sutton, who was six. Now Slaw’s sixteen years old, a junior, our number two singles player. Truthfully, I want it for the school, sure. But in reality I want this for myself. I want redemption. I want to prove to myself that a few bad decisions don’t define me. I want to be Ghengis Khan today. Destroy all opposition. It’s primitive. It’s not spiritual. It’s a part of me that sometimes I can’t stand. The competitive fire. It’s exhausting sometimes. I’m sitting at that table by the courts, reading, but I’m thinking. What should I say to the team? We meet five minutes before the start of every match to go over the lineup, wind conditions, opponents. Quickly. Not much time. A couple of minutes. St. Joe’s is on the second row of courts, warming up. Their head coach is in California, so their assistant is running the show today. He now has his boys in a circle around him, and he’s laying it on, pretty thick and loud. He should be, right? This is their biggest match of the year also. He’s giving them a long speech. But sometimes saying too much can backfire. Your players are nervous. Or should be nervous, at least at the start. The nerves should dissipate after a few games. If you’re not nervous going into a match, it’s a bad sign. Find something else to do. That goes for coaches, too. I walk out to Court 1. The boys give each other the signal. Everyone gathers around. Everyone is quiet. I’m sure they’re thinking, Here comes the “you’ve got to be a warrior” speech. No. No! I laid that on them days ago. This time I throw them a curve.

“People like the bottom line,” I say. “I do. Let me tell you the bottom line here today.” I’ve got their complete attention. The Red Hot Chili Peppers on the speaker fade a little to the background. We’re focused. All twenty-four eyes on me. Ten members of the team and our two Chinese foreign exchange students who are the team managers. “Tennis,” I continue, “is a game. It’s a game. Enjoy hitting every ball. Don’t worry about winning, losing, the score. Enjoy hitting each shot: forehand, backhand, serve, all of them. Cherish this moment. Suck in the atmosphere. You deserve it. It’s just a game to enjoy. Good luck!” And that’s it. No rah-rah speech. Just the bottom line. And what is the bottom line? Tennis is just a game to have fun playing. That’s the bottom line. Gilman 5, St. Joe’s 0. 2014 MIAA champions. After the team championships each year, the league has an individual championship tournament. Single elimination in each division. No. 1 singles guys play against each other, etc. There are still the five slots: three singles, two doubles. Five total. We sweep all five. It’s called The Whammy. Peace.

Coach of the Year Steve Krulevitz received the 2015 High School Coach of the Year Award from the United States Professional Tennis Association Mid-Atlantic this past March. The most recent season marks Krulevitz’s seventh with Gilman and fifth as head coach. His teams have won the MIAA title, been undefeated in league play, and won several individual trophies. His overall MIAA conference match record is 60-1. The team finished 11th at the 2015 National All-American High School Invitational in Newport, Calif., and third in the New England/ Mid-Atlantic (NEMA) Team Invitational held at McDonogh. His memoir, edited by Patrick Smithwick ’69, is expected to publish this fall on Amazon.

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Mr. Development J. Richard Thomas ’43 and Mary McCormick Thomas establish a faculty chair for development. Headmaster Henry P. A. Smyth announced to the Board of Trustees after its June 1 meeting that J. Richard Thomas, Jr., class of 1943, and his wife Mary McCormick Thomas have established an endowment at Gilman to support outreach and development efforts at Gilman. The J. Richard and Mary McC. Thomas Development Chair will support an exemplary Gilman faculty or staff member, an individual who embodies Gilman’s values and demonstrates steadfast dedication to development ideals. The gift has been made in recognition of the Thomases’ affection for Gilman and their interest in promoting the School’s mission of excellence in education. The first Thomas Development Chair, announced at Founders Day, is Athletic Director Timothy Holley, Jr. ’77. In the just over seven decades since Mr. Thomas graduated Gilman — in the lean years of World War II — and the 66 years of their marriage, Mr. Thomas has championed the need for and role of charitable giving to the School. The two have supported annual giving at Gilman since its inception; Mr. Thomas led The Challenge of Leadership Campaign, Gilman’s first capital campaign raising $6 million for new construction and new endowment for faculty salaries and financial aid, which closed in 1972; during

Mr. Thomas’s term as Board president, 1980–85, the School raised $6 million through the Building Character Campaign; Mr. Thomas, with the grace of a maestro conducting an orchestra, chaired the 1997–1998 centennial, a yearlong celebration that involved more than 300 volunteers producing a variety of events; in 1999, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, along with their adult children and their spouses, Paul and Mary Stuart Gillespie, Joan and Richard Thomas ’72, Christine and Henry Thomas ’76, Sarah and William Thomas ’81 supported the development conference room in memory of Mr. Thomas’s parents. Mr. Thomas, Board of Trustees president from 1980–1985 and a lifetime trustee, also helped lay the foundation for The Grasshopper Society and the current planned giving program. “When you think of development at Gilman, you think of the Thomas family,” says Kate Ratcliffe, director of development. Mr. Thomas’s infectious enthusiasm —  passed on to his sons Richard and Henry when they served as annual giving alumni chairs, and Bill, when he served as a national annual giving trustee — has infused unparalleled energy into our development program. All of the Thomases are determined to reach and surpass their goal — and make the journey to the goal fun.

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The Gilman Fund 2015-16 Breaks Record $2.517 Million Raised


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We needed you to help educate boys for tomorrow's world. We needed you to champion the spirit of character in competition. We needed you to open young minds through artistic activities. We needed you to ensure outstanding teachers and advisors remain the heart of a Gilman education.

You answered us in a big way. Nearly 3,000 donors answered our call to support our curious and creative, athletic and artistic boys, and their exceptional teachers, with gifts to The Gilman Fund. The overwhelming generosity of the entire community, along with the tireless efforts of an outstanding volunteer leadership team, spurred The Gilman Fund to achieve new heights in 2015–16, soaring past its $2.5 million goal to garner $2.517 million in unrestricted, current use dollars for the School. This amount is the most raised through annual giving in a single year, ever. History made.

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In Memoriam

Always a Gilman Guy William H. B. Howard, Jr. ’52

Bill Howard, along with colleagues Drs. Joe Matire and Roger Michael, co-founded the Sports Medicine Clinic at Union Memorial Hospital.

“One thing about the school: once you are a Gilman guy, you are always a Gilman guy. It’s part of me,” Dr. William H. B. Howard, Jr. ’52 said in a 2014 Baltimore Sun interview. Bill Howard, a general surgeon and sports medicine specialist, died suddenly on January 10, 2016. He was 81. Considered one of the founders of the field of sports medicine, Howard served as Gilman’s volunteer team physician since 1979, caring for four decades of Gilman athletes. He and two colleagues co-founded the Sports Medicine Clinic at Union Memorial that same year. “Dr. Howard was an energetic, compassionate man who loved practicing medicine as well as Gilman School. He never failed to respond to a page, phone call, or text,” remembers Lori Bristow, associate director of athletics and athletic trainer. “He always made sure the Gilman boys got the best possible care. He would use his vast resources to make sure they were seen quickly by the best.” In his almost 40 years as Gilman’s team doctor, Howard only missed one football game, only because the Army Reserves


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called him up to cover a hospital in Atlanta while the U.S. was involved in conflict, says Bristow. Howard attended Gilman for grades eight through 10 as a member of the class of 1952, arriving at Gilman from a one-room school. He graduated from St. Andrew’s School in Delaware. He attended Duke University and earned his bachelor’s degree from Johns Hopkins University. He graduated from University of Maryland Medical School in 1963. After a residency in general surgery and orthopedics at Harrisburg Hospital, he returned to Baltimore to run the emergency room at what is now MedStar Union Memorial Hospital. Howard is survived by his wife of 62 years, Amabel Lee Mommers, four daughters, Anne Dechter of Washington, D.C., Patti Fenwick of Reisterstown, Kate Perri of Wilna, and Tarry McGuirk of Bel Air; a sister, Frances Flatau, also of Wilna; and 14 grandchildren, including William H. Fenwick ’09 and Henry R. Fenwick ’11.

In Memoriam

Gilman remembers those alumni who have died in recent months. May they rest in peace.

Mr. Henry G. Seibels, Jr. ’38

Mr. E. Randolph Wootton, Jr. ’60

Mr. Edward Murray ’39

Col. William M. Kerr, II ’62

Mr. Clarence S. Lovelace ’40

Mr. William H. Oster ’63

Mr. Frederick W. Brune, Jr. ’41

Mr. Alan K. Harbold ’66

Mr. Andre W. Brewster, II ’43

Mr. Frederick A. Levering, IV ’68

Mr. Richard Henderson ’43

Mr. William D. McElroy Jr. ’68

Mr. Frank J. Hoen, Jr. ’45

Mr. Julian A. Eccleshall ’77

Mr. John H. Eager, III ’46

Mr. James L. Booze ’78

Dr. Fendall Marbury, Jr. ’46

Mr. Franklin A. Gibson, III ’84

Mr. Douglas R. Price ’47

Mr. David R. McPherson ’85

Mr. P. McEvoy Cromwell ’48

Mr. Carlos W. Evans ’87

Dr. William H. B. Howard, Jr. ’52

Mr. Pierre D. Silva ’87

Mr. T. Rognald Dankmeyer, Jr. ’56

Mr. Michael G. Judd ’89

Mr. Thomas H. G. Bailliere, Jr. ’57

Mr. Eric M. Klimt ’98

Mr. George P. Barker ’57

Mr. Jonathan V. Hock IV ’99

Mr. William C. Stifler, III ’59

Deaths reported to Gilman between July 13, 2015, and September 22, 2016.

fall 2016


The Carey Hall cupola stands sentry as Gilman marks its 119th Founders Day.


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Class of 2016

Founders Day The threat of powerful thunderstorms on Sunday, June 5, 2016, led to an early decision to move Gilman’s 119th Founders Day exercises indoors, which, despite the swelter inside the Redmond C.S. Finney Arena, provided wise as rain pelted the ceiling about 40 minutes into the ceremony. The nimble move seems apt for the 112-member Class of 2016, characterized by its valedictorian, Luigi Nicholas Mangione, as inventive, with “incredible courage to explore the unknown and try new things.” Along with Mangione, Gilman families, friends, faculty members, and the graduating class heard addresses by Headmaster Henry P. A. Smyth and Board of Trustees President Scott Wieler. In the valedictory, Luigi Mangione credited his classmates for their “inventive, pioneering mentality that accompanies a strong commitment to Gilman tradition.” He credited their ability to come up with new ideas, whether selling Chick-Fil-A sandwiches during lunch as class fundraiser, or, as sixth graders, starting a grassroots recesses in place of sitting in the halls

waiting for class to begin. Today’s Middle Schoolers, who, rain or shine, play soccer, football, and Frisbee on the Oval turf before the first bell, owe this third recess to the Class of 2016. Mangione thanked the graduates’ families for their time and love, and every Gilman teacher in all three divisions. “Our imagination draws from your inspiration, and our courage largely depends on your encouragement in the classroom, on the field, and on the stage,” he said. In his remarks, Headmaster Henry P. A. Smyth referenced a quote from Arnold Toynbee, a British professor and historian, who in his 12-volume, mid-20th century work, “A Study in History,” wrote: “The distance between our capacious knowledge and the moral wisdom to use

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1. The graduates follow their class banner to Founders Day exercises, carried on their behalf by Matt Tomaselli ’17. 2. In his valedictory, Luigi Mangione credited the


Class of 2016 for their inventiveness. 3. Athletic Director Timothy Holley, Jr. ’77 is named the first J. Richard and Mary McC. Thomas Development Chair.

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4. Top scholars: Matthew Ziwen Mu ‘18, Jason Clayton Hebert ‘17, Luigi Nicholas Mangione ‘16, William Carrington Dowling ‘19. 5. Headmaster Henry Smyth congratulates Dorian

Maddox, the William Cabell Bruce, Jr. Athletic Prize recipient. 6. Tommy Mori, Jake Goodwin, A’mon Griffin, and Mitch Ford perform “The Parting Song.”

it constructively, may have become so great that we have passed the point of no return in closing the gap.” Headmaster Smyth reminded the boys that “book smarts” alone are not enough to make the world a better place, and he suggested that the Class of 2016 might offer an alternative narrative by using knowledge constructively and cultivating moral wisdom to compliment intelligence. “Be smart and knowledgeable. More importantly, be wise and moral. Continue to cultivate your whole selves in mind, body, and spirit. In other words, gentlemen, be Gilman men,” he told the graduates. Board of Trustees President Scott Wieler echoed the Headmaster, speaking to the graduates about “being Gilman,” their future role in the community, and their responsibility to reach their fullest potential. “I am asking you, as Gilman graduates and future leaders, to do what generations of your predecessors have done: Cut through the noise, accept new challenges, find your frontier, disrupt the status quo, and change the world.” Wieler offered five wishes for the boys: to always be open to possibility; to stand resolute in their critical thinking and decisions; to remember the gift of their Gilman education, the sacrifices their families endured to make it possible, and the need to continue to make it possible for others; to keep honor, integrity, respect, humility, and excellence as a lifelong mantra; to find and pursue a passion, relentlessly. Before the graduates received their diplomas, several students won awards for scholarship, athletic performance, and community service (page 82). The Headmaster presented several faculty members with awards and recognized those who had completed 20, 30, and 40 years of service to the School. Smyth also recognized retiring faculty members, who collectively represent about 200 years of service to Gilman: Jackie Knipp, Stephen Siwinski, Jerry Thornbery, Jane Bartlett, Margaret Olgeirson, and Tom Gorski.

Headmaster Smyth also announced, thanks to the generosity of the Culver family, the addition of a second Culver Chair, given to a faculty member who demonstrates excellence in the teaching of English. Upper School English Department Chair Patrick Hastings joins Matt Tully as the newest Culver Chair.

“Be smart and knowledgeable. More importantly, be wise and moral. Continue to cultivate your whole selves in mind, body, and spirit. In other words, gentlemen, be Gilman men.”

The Headmaster also announced the creation of a new faculty chair at Gilman, established by Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Thomas ’43, to support the School’s outreach and development efforts. The chair will support an exemplary Gilman faculty or staff member, an individual who embodies Gilman’s values and demonstrates steadfast dedication to development ideals. “Mr. and Mrs. Thomas made their gift in recognition of their affection for Gilman and their interest in promoting its mission of excellence in education,” Headmaster Smyth remarked. “There is nobody who captures these ideals more than the recipient of the first J. Richard and Mary McC. Thomas Development Chair, Mr. Timothy Holley, Jr. ’77.” In what has become a tradition, four members of the graduating class —  Toshihiko “Tommy” Mori, A’mon Kevin Griffin, Jacob Alexander Goodwin, and Mitchell Frederick Ford — sang “The Parting Song,” a song of departure based on a 17th century Scottish song. To conclude the ceremony, pairs of graduates left the stage with a special handshake, hug, or selfie.

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Class of 2016

faculty/staff awards

student awards

Apgar Award for Teaching Excellence Sean P. Byrne

William S. Thomas Scholarship Prizes 9th Grade: William Carrington Dowling 10th Grade: Matthew Z. Mu 11th Grade: James Clayton Hebert 12th Grade: Luigi Nicholas Mangione Valedictorian: Luigi Nicholas Mangione

Broadus-Hubbard Award Tami James Class of 1947 Fund for Meritorious Teaching Christopher P. Downs John K. and Robert F.M. Culver Chair Matthew T. Tully ’02 Patrick M. Hastings Edward K. Dunn Faculty Fund and Award Lower School: Katherine Berman Middle School: Nicole Mitchell Upper School: Cheryl Morris Nkeba Dawson L. Farber, Jr. Award Nicholas A. Pitruzzella Gilman Advisor Fund and Award Lower School: Kelly Crawford Middle School: Kim Eddinger Upper School: Matthew C. Baum ’93

William Cabell Bruce, Jr. Athletic Prize Dorian Wayne Maddox Peter Parrott Blanchard Award Stephen Joseph Spanellis Edward Fenimore Award Antonio Daniel Dupree Jr. Daniel Baker, Jr. Memorial Award Basil Paul Melissanos Apostolo Redmond C.S. Finney Award Alexander Jarrell Stephens William A. Fisher Medallion Leonard Joseph Shapiro

Walter Lord Middle School Teaching Prize Kip Digges Riepe Family Sabbatical Alvaro Salcedo de Diego Edward T. Russell Chair Jeffrey D. Gouline ’00 J. Richard and Mary McC. Thomas Development Chair Timothy Holley Jr. ’77 20-Year Recognition Adrienne Kay Beam Anthony Wayne Jordan Cathy L. Morcomb Maryann Wegloski 40-Year Recognition Katta Shanthi Kumar Stephen Alexander Siwinski


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30-Year Recognition Jane Graves Bartlett Lori E. Bristow Gordon Lee Culbertson Virginia Hollyday Iglehart







1. Parker Knott, Hunter Flaks, Justin Edwards. 2. Bryce Butler, Dorian Maddox, Minjun Kim.

3. Jacob Young, Derrick Covington, Charles Young, Elijah Abass, Christopher Wolfe.

5. Luigi Mangione and Gus Meny strike a “now we’re alumni” pose. 6. Graduation paparazzi.

4. The DeCosta Family: Donna, Frank ’16, Frank ‘81, and Wesley ’22.

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Class of 2016

The Gilman School Class of 2016.


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fall 2016


Class of 2016

Forward: College Choices The 112-member Gilman Class of 2016 now attend 67 institutions across North America, including three military academies. Two dozen schools welcome two or more incoming freshman from Gilman; 75% of the class is heading to a most competitive or highly competitive college according to Barron’s scale. Elijah Ismael Abass Dartmouth College

Stewart Junhyun Cho University of Southern California

Basil Paul M. Apostolo New York University

Jack Harkins Churchill Georgetown University

Bryan Cole Applefeld The University of Texas, Austin

Alexander Stephen Edward Cohill The University of Alabama

Joshua Darryl Askew University of Delaware

Derrick Jordan Covington The George Washington University

Ethan Robert Avotins Syracuse University

Asher Philip Cox McGill University

Andrew Charles Blomquist United States Military Academy

Aaron Joseph Cranston Wesleyan University

William Derek Prin Blomquist Furman University

Claiborne Cartwright Crozier University of South Carolina

Jeremy Noah Booth University of Maryland, College Park

William Buck Davies University of Maryland, College Park

Isaiah Raymond Braxton St. Mary’s College of Maryland

William Benjamin Davison Georgetown University

Alexander Aidan Brocato Lynchburg College

Frank Augustus DeCosta IV University of Delaware

Bryce Jeffery Butler Suffield Academy

Daniel Jeffery DeSmit University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Patrick Ryan Byerly Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hogan Byun Johns Hopkins University Tabb Carneal Sewanee: The University of the South Andrew Thomas Chan University of Maryland, College Park Brian Kenjin Chirikjian University of Pennsylvania

Thomas Richard Diehl University of Maryland, College Park Jack Alexander Bradley Doriss Roanoke College Kevin Hurite Doyle The Catholic University of America Wolfgang Charles Drake United States Military Academy Antonio Daniel Dupree Jr. The University of Texas, El Paso Jay Merritt Eastman Colgate University


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Justin Martin Edwards United States Coast Guard Academy Emmanuel Ani Engermann Washington University in St. Louis Julian Stewart Finney Tufts University John Carroll Fitzgerald Cornell University Hunter Luis Flaks University of Delaware Mitchell Frederick Ford Jr. Amherst College Jacob Parker Gavilow University of Maryland, College Park William Walter Gettinger Franklin and Marshall College Jacob Alexander Goodwin University of Pittsburgh Luke Ireland Granger University of Maryland, College Park Adam Cameron Gray Washington University in St. Louis A’mon Kevin Griffin University of Maryland, Baltimore County Bennett Mays Gushue University of Virginia Devery Bernard Hamilton Jr. Stanford University John Thomas Harvey Harvard University Michael Elijah Li Holmes Yale University

Ethan Walsh Houley Rhodes College Thomas John Huber Jr. University of Kentucky Bryce Williamson Jones Rhodes College Riggs Patrick Jones James Madison University Ellison Omari Jordan Pennsylvania State University Stewart Garrett Keehner Georgetown University Minjun Kim The George Washington University Parker Collins Knott University of Maryland, College Park Peter Gibson Kohler University of Virginia Nicholas Alexander Kuchar University of Michigan Frederick Paul Leatherbury Roanoke College Robert Jinmyeong Lee The George Washington University Blake James Leonard Villanova University Haohan Lin University of California, Berkeley James Patrick Lotz Dickinson College Dorian Wayne Maddox Stanford University Daniel Dmitriy Makarevich University of Maryland, College Park Luigi Nicholas Mangione University of Pennsylvania Brennan James McAdams University of California, San Diego Wesley Matthews Mehl United States Naval Academy August Robert Meny Duke University Toshihiko Mori University of Chicago

Casey Mac Nelan Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Tobias Ernst Niebur Georgia Institute of Technology Edward Joseph Obrecht Tufts University Kyle John Ogden Washington College Charles Henry Orlinsky Columbia University Tyler Attwood Pantle Colgate University Yixuan Pei Massachusetts Institute of Technology Matthew Aaron Pomerantz Bucknell University Richard Miller Roebuck, Jr. University of Richmond Robert Bromwell Russell V University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Joseph Henry Sakai University of Maryland, College Park Drew Michael Saltzman The University of Texas, Austin James Peyton Sandberg St. Olaf College Race Scott Saunders University of Maryland, College Park Alexander Reynolds Shafer Trinity College Shamar Andre Shanks Monmouth University Leonard Joseph Shapiro Bucknell University Nikita Sharshakov University of Maryland, College Park Andrew Kyubae Shim Franklin and Marshall College

Matthew Porter King Siems Trinity College Christopher J. Song Johns Hopkins University Stephen Joseph Spanellis University of Michigan Alexander Jarrell Stephens Howard University Korey Makai Stevens Villanova University Maxwell Benjamin Strome University of Michigan David Matthew Sturtz Princeton University Tze-E Tan Singaporean Military Service Thomas Curtis Troy University of Maryland, College Park Wen Kai Wang New York University Zain Wasi Franklin and Marshall College John William Thompson Webb Colby College Max David Wendell Tulane University Corey Dylan Wey Frostburg State University Christopher McClellan Williams Tufts University Everett Juwan Winchester Wright State University Charles Schroeder Wittich Gettysburg College Christopher Alderman Wolfe University of Maryland, College Park Charles Edward Young II Elon University Jacob Andrew Young University of Maryland, College Park

Jack Chaimson Sibel University of Michigan Charles Graham Siegel Haverford College

fall 2016


Family Affair

Front row from left: Mitch Ford ’82, Mitchie Ford ‘16, Vincent Brocato ’84, Alex Brocato ’16, Charlie Orlinksy ‘16, and Eric Orlinsky ‘84.

Second row from left: Ricky Roebuck ‘16, Rick Roebuck ’87, Riggs Jones ’16, and Richard Jones ‘69. Third row from left: Matt Siems ‘16, Willy Gettinger ‘16, Robert

The Class of 2016 includes 16 second and third generation Gilman men. Some are pictured here, with their fathers and grandfathers.

Gettinger ’73, Drew Saltzman ‘16, and Robert Saltzman ‘86. Back row from left: Wells Obrecht ’82, Charlie Obrecht ‘52, Teddy

Obrecht ’16, Porter Siems ‘73, Jules Finney ‘16, Former Headmaster Redmond C.S. Finney ‘47, Frank DeCosta ‘16, Stewart Finney ‘77, Frank DeCosta ‘81, Hans Wittich ’80, and Charlie Wittich ‘16.

Class Notes Fall 2016

1945 John G. Wharton Once again, our class did not have our annual luncheon this year, and we must be certain to do so. Bill Neill reports that he and his wife, Ootsie, have been living in their home on Ruxton Road in Towson for 63 years. Frank (“Pinky”) Hoen died this past February after struggling with age-related issues. He was a good friend to many of us and a very loyal classmate. My wife, Sharon, and I spend about six months in Fort Lauderdale and the remainder of the time at Harper House in Cross Keys in Baltimore. My golf is lousy and has been reduced to nine holes but gives me a lot of fun. Life has been good to both of us. Writing this column for our class notes has become more challenging than eating broccoli or turnips, which I hate. Probably our remaining classmates have little exciting news or adventures to report; however, we all want to hear from you as to how you are, where you live, your family and anything else. These class notes and our annual luncheon are about the only way we keep in contact with one another; so please send to school whatever news or information you have.

1948 Guy Hollyday In 2015 the class of ’48 had a good turnout for the December luncheon at the Maryland Club. Attendees were Valerie and Dick Donley, Guy Hollyday and Pam Fleming, Sandy Newlin, Cynthia and Manning Parsons, Honey and Bill Passano, Margie and Phil Powell, Ronnie and John Strickland, Mary Ellen and George Thomsen, and Lucy and Holland Wilmer. We hope to do even better this year on December 1, 2016. Please reserve the date! Holland Wilmer reports that he and Lucy are well and that he still goes to the office several days a week working on estate planning and administration, and teaching seminars in the same field to paralegals and other lawyers. Dick Donley says that at age 86 he and Valerie live a quiet, peaceful, uneventful life on Gibson Island. Phil Powell reports quiet at L’Hirondelle Club Road also, with all seven grandchildren stretched from California to London; four children, on the other hand, are living nearby. George and Mary Ellen Thomsen report from Roland Park Place in Baltimore that their son, Laurence, a Gilman graduate, became headmaster of the Sacramento Country Day School in July. Meanwhile, kudos to Mary Ellen, who has been appointed by Governor Larry Hogan to Maryland’s Commission on Aging.


class notes

Guy Hollyday has produced a second edition of his oral history of his neighborhood, Stone Hill in Baltimore: Stories From a Cotton Mill Village. Only a couple thousand copies are left. He and Pam traveled to England, Germany and Italy in 2015, visiting friends and relatives, including a delightful luncheon with Simone and Tom Fenton in London. Tom looks for more visits from classmates. Pam Fleming continues her work as a member of the board of the Samaritan Community at Memorial Episcopal Church, and runs the effort to send kids to the All God’s Children program at Bishop Claggett Center in Buckeystown, Md. Both Pam and Guy are active in Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development, a political organization that stresses Baltimore’s needs rather than backing an individual candidate for mayor. Gough Thompson’s son Dan suffered a stroke in April 2015, but has recovered and is back at work. Gough, an early champion of the Rosario Beach desalinization plant, is engaged in ownership litigation. The proposed plant would be the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Sandy Newlin is still driving his 1994 Buick after 214,000 miles. He expects natural gas extraction to begin soon on his family farm, and says he has plans to travel this summer and to join us at our December luncheon. Bill and Honey Passano, thanks to whom we are able to meet at the Maryland Club, took their annual summer outing to the Chautauqua Education Center in the western part of New York state. Then, escaping our Maryland winters, they returned to their Bahama residence in Spanish Wells. Patti and Porter Hopkins continue to enjoy their Stoney Ridge Farm in Cambridge, where Patti paints and Porter keeps the place running. Porter comments that the past waterfowl season was the worst ever, but that “the farm is smiling amidst the frowns and gloomy aspects of politics” (borrowed from an 18th century comment by the Duke of Richmond). Ronnie and John Strickland enjoy the Florida weather and their lovely Ft. Myers home. Last summer they took a Caribbean cruise. John has just one plane now, a twin-engine Beechcraft Baron B55, and he continues to fly about 100 hours a year. The two enjoy visits to and from the family, including 14 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Joan and Bob Rich flew to Quebec in June. After a pleasant stay at the Chateau Frontenac, they boarded the cruise ship Pearl Mist to see the Canadian Maritimes. In August, Bob and son, Bob Jr., visited Bob’s daughter in the Adirondacks while their spouses, Joan and Deb, enjoyed ten days in London. A warm and pleasant Christmas was spent with Joan’s son’s family in Hilton Head, S.C. Manning Parsons and Cynthia traveled extensively, including Boston where his 85th birthday was celebrated. Following the death of our classmate Mac Cromwell in September 2015, there were many recognitions of his remarkable gifts and spirit. His widow Ruthie continues to live at Blakehurst in Towson. To her and to his family we express our condolences.

We regret to report that in January 2016 Jim Sparkman died. “Sparky,” as he liked to be called, came to us from schools in New Rochelle, N.Y. He was an award-winning track man and an avid sailor. The class expresses its condolences to his many family members. In February of 2015, it has been discovered, our classmate Walter Lashar died at his home in Simsbury, Conn. A graduate of Dartmouth (1952), Walt had a long career in banking, retiring in 1987. He was an outdoorsman, environmentalist, and gardener who enjoyed playing sports and traveling. To the surviving members of his family the class expresses its condolences.


ballet troupe added much to the overall cultural experience, as did the appearance of Carol Burnett. “Finally, I have to report that the oldest of my 20 grandchildren is scheduled to graduate from Virginia Commonwealth this June, and my youngest just turned one. My wife continues to ‘hang in there’ with her health problems, but we always set aside time every evening to read the scriptures and say a prayer. I am very thankful to have found a girl to put up with all of my bad habits for 58 years.” Keep the faith, and let the School and/or me know what is happening in your world.


Haswell Franklin

Tom Swindell

Sadness is being unable to attend Bill Jarrett’s last Class of ’50 luncheon at the Hopkins Club. As a result, I was unable to learn any interesting stories to share with you other than that Walter Brewster also was unable to attend, but Charlie Brown, Bud Cromwell, Dixon Hills, and Tommy Powell were able to join Billy that day. I also learned that Billy continues to play tennis three times a week. Since Jack Bergland advises that he continues playing lots of tennis, I would propose a championship match between these two competitors when we have our 70th reunion celebration in 2020. I would personally like to thank Fletcher Lowe for providing a comprehensive update on what is happening in his and his family’s lives. For your benefit, I am including Fletch’s “words of wisdom.” “Mary Fran and I are celebrating our sixth year at Westminster Canterbury Richmond (, an amazing 900 resident ‘full service’ community where we are deeply grateful to be able to live. Within the 600 member workforce, over 38 nations are represented whose stories are a treasure chest of inspiration. I have been a part of a resident team, ‘Building International Appreciation,’ which has been capturing some of these stories plus resident stories (over 20 born in some foreign country, some during German occupation) through weekly newsletters, articles, and semi-annual theater events. As a result, since I have been the team leader, I received a volunteer award (Laurel award) at the Residents’ Association annual meeting. “Along with a co-author, I recently (October) had published Radical Sending: Go to Love and Serve (, through Church Publishing/ Morehouse, focusing on one of my passions: the ministry of all Christians in their daily lives. “Via a spectacular September trip through the Canadian Rockies courtesy of Road Scholar, even with several cloudy days, Mary Fran and I experienced the extraordinary natural beauty of glaciers via bus and river cut canyons on board the Rocky Mountaineer train. “Our annual week at Chautauqua Institute (northwest New York): A highly relevant theme was the Middle East and featured such authorities as Robin Wright. The 80 member symphony orchestra and the

Sixty-five years! Hard to imagine, but there are still many of us still in circulation. On Alumni Weekend, last spring, we had a reunion at Blakehurst. Eight of our class attended, plus Brucie Gibbs (Jumbo’s widow). Ajax and Tom Eastman moved the day before to Broadmead Retirement Community from their house on Lake Avenue, where they had lived for 50 years. He has retired from his law practice, but still involved in charitable activities. Eileen and Lew Barker drove from Chevy Chase to attend. They were the only non-Baltimoreans. He has also retired, but announced that he still had ridden over 1,000 miles on his bike this year. I think he’s still trying to make weight for Ed Russell. Marion and Steve Knipp are happily ensconced in their apartment with no thoughts of moving to a retirement community. Lucy and Rollin Otto spend their summers in Ocean City and are happily living at Blakehurst during the rest of the year. Dan Moore also dwells at Blakehurst. He is very involved in working with a group searching for alternative fuel sources. Sandy and Griff Morrel are preparing for another trip to Europe, this time to Italy. Hope things stay quiet. They are still living in Roland Park, and Griff walks about three miles every day. Bill Merrick has finally ended his career at Gilman after 58 tears. He will go down in history as the Greatest Lower School Musical Comedy Producer and Director ever. He and Linda are living in Baltimore County. Tom Offutt wrote that he no longer drives, and the walk from Cleveland was too far. He lives on a beautiful horse farm and has kids from 12 different high schools and a half dozen young ladies from a nearby college training and working with the horses. He was sorry not to be with us. Rich Diffenderffer sold his place near Philadelphia and has moved to Sea Island, Ga. He wrote about getting four more stents and is doing cardiac rehab three times per week.

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Jack Eldridge has stopped working as a judge on the Maryland Court of Appeals. He had spent more than 40 years sitting in Court of Appeals cases. Tom Calloway also regretted missing the Alumni Weekend. He wrote of the current drought consuming the news in California, but figures it will be solved by the usual federal bailout. The elusive Henderson Dorsey drifted into town last Thanksgiving, but didn’t stay long enough to get together. He is now living in St. Augustine, Fla. Lonnie and Henry King have moved into a retirement community in Hightstown, N.J. Parkinson’s disease prevents him from moving around too much, but they are still planning on returning to Vermont each summer. AK and Gibby Carey recently returned from the Netherlands overdosed from tulips and art museums and looking forward to their Adirondack summer residence. Nancy and I are also Blakehurst residents and enjoying all the amenities. Lots of grandchildren graduating from high school and college; will have three at Gilman next year. Keep me posted on your comings and goings. Help make next year’s info more interesting.

from the age of five. His grandson is currently playing ice hockey in college somewhere in Maine, on a scholarship, I believe. Bill said they also used to do some cruising, but not much anymore. He says he got back to Gilman for the 50th or 55th class reunion, the only time he's been back. Apparently he’s been in contact with Bill Blue and Chipper, who has a summer home in South Carolina. Your secretary just plods along from day to day. Still doing Meals on Wheels and calling Bingo at a retirement home here in Crozet once a week. I did have the opportunity to direct “The Dairy of Anne Frank” in Waynesboro last year and be the dramaturge for a musical about Mae West in Charlottesville this winter. I’m delighted to be living close to two of my daughters and have the opportunity to spend some time with two of my grandsons. Life is good! Oops! I just received word that we did indeed have notes from two classmates, Chipper and Bob Lacey. Chipper says he’s living half of each year in South Carolina. (Fortunately I already mentioned that.) Bob says he and wife, Deb are still working at their Chatham sign shop and invites all to stop in and see them if you’re ever up in the Cape Cod area.



Bruce Follmer

Pierre Bouscaren

My apologies for missing the deadline for last year’s class notes (of which there were none, by the way, not even from stalwart Bill Blue). I don’t believe I was notified that the deadline was approaching, and, by the time I found out, it was too late to submit. I was sorry to read of Bill Dorsey’s demise. Bill, Chipper Hoff, GG Grant, and I went all the way through school together, from preschool on, except for the three years I went to St. Paul’s, and Bill and I lived within two blocks of each other until we went off to college, I believe. I was a bit surprised and pleased to notice, when I did a recent check of extant class members, that over half of those of us who graduated in ’52 are still around. Not bad for a bunch of old fogeys. As has been my habit for the last few years, in the absence of actual news from you guys, I called one of our more geographically distant classmates for an interview. This year I talked to Bill Trippe, who currently resides near Charleston, S.C. I don’t believe we’ve seen each other since graduation. He and his second wife, Edna (known to all as Snookie), have been married since 1967. Between them they have a daughter of their own, and Bill has one from his earlier marriage to Tacey, and Snookie has four daughters from her first marriage. (That’s what some would call a harem, I think!) Bill retired from the Air Force as a Colonel in 1982. I asked what they did for recreation, and he told me that, for a long time, it was traveling around watching his grandson play ice hockey, who was a player

Your humble class secretary, having emailed or telephoned every classmate for whom we have a contact number or address, hereby presents the following notes with the hope that they jog some pleasant memories. That fireballing RHP, George Oursler, and his wife, Kitty, are still operating and living on an 80+ acre farm in Baltimore County in spite of enduring some persistent medical problems. George’s shoulders only “droop” when he strikes out the side against McDonogh. Bill Eaton is busy “paying back” as he acts as docent at both The Washington Cathedral and Library of Congress as well as volunteering at Sibley Hospital. Andy Gantt and Digna celebrated his 80th on March 11 by going to a Joan Baez concert! Say what? How old must she be? The Gantts also just bought a condo in Norfolk overlooking the Intracoastal in order to be closer to accomplished lawyer-daughter and new grandson. John Seiler and wife Harriett Northcutt are reining it in, last seen paragliding in the Alps! He claims to have medical issues also, but the pictures over the mountains don’t lie. Bill Trimble, always a reliable source of news having managed my campaign to become class secretary, reports returning from a ski week in Taos . . . at least he returned. There are no bunny slopes in Taos! Bill spent some time with Eddie Dunn recently and Ed’s lovely wife Janet miraculously produced a 1953 photo that included Bill Verner sitting at a bar, The Blue Mirror, following a party in D.C. at the home of one H. Brooks Baker.


class notes

Charlie Duff ’71, retired faculty member Cary Woodward ’53, and Willy Moore ’85 tour the Parkway Theatre restoration project. Southway Builders, Moore’s company, is performing the renovation.

Many thanks to Doug Godine for being the only classmate to send news directly to the school’s alumni office via the website. Doug has finally retired from a long and illustrious career in real estate development, moved from Ruxton, and now lives where he can keep tabs on his longtime pal, Sandy Hoff. Rick Betts is now firmly retired from his career as an appraiser and enjoying the unaccustomed free time re-acquainting with family in California. Ben Bird has again convinced me that he is living his dream down near Charleston. It is his contention that the best crabs and oysters are being caught in his back yard and shipped to Maryland. He suggested that any classmates are welcome to come visit him and see for themselves . . . not a bad idea at all. (Professor) Kent Flannery, who is supposed to be retired, has co-published the second volume of a work: “Excavations at San Jose Mogote 2, The Cognitive Archaeology.” There will eventually be three volumes, and I’m sure the University of Michigan is happily funding his trips to Oaxaca. Not to be outdone, Cristobal Bonifaz has completed work on his book, “The Curse of Eleuterio Rodriguez, A History of a People,” which will be published in the fall. It naturally contains a small discussion of Gilman, so stay tuned. Wylie Faw in New Bern, N.C., sent me a picture of himself getting a haircut. He looks just like Colonel Sanders, goatee and all, but claims to vastly prefer Chick-fil-A, which helps maintain his athletic figure. I spoke to Ben Proctor who called from his camper now parked in Central Florida. He and Sue are certified snowbirds and have been for 10 years or so. Can Baltimore winters be that bad?

Cary Woodward checked in and continues to enjoy the increasingly cosmopolitan pleasures available in Baltimore. He happens to see our classmate Talbott Huey from time to time out taking the air. Tony Carey reports that he and Ellie recently attended a birthday celebration for (Dr.) Harry Thomas in Laurel, Md. Bert Muecke called to say that he and wife Tania have given up their respective consulting careers following 30 years at PanAm and are living the relatively relaxed life in New Jersey. Their extensive worldwide travel habit is curtailed in deference to Tania’s rotator cuff surgery. Interestingly, I ran into Craig McLanahan at Randol Carroll’s funeral in Annapolis who remembers his years with our class. As for this scribe, Sarah and I have settled in to life in Gainesville, Va. We have joined a welcoming little church with an accomplished choir which satisfies both of our needs. We are now 4-H leaders, occasional cruisers, OBX regulars, and we would enjoy any and all contact with Gilman ’53. In closing, I ask that we all remember in our prayers the families of those who have died recently. Franklin Eck, Randol Carroll, and Carter Volz come immediately to mind. If I have missed anyone or anything, sincere apologies.

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1954 Ralph L. DeGroff, Jr. Scott Sullivan has developed another talent; this one is the translating of the works of French authors into English. Some time ago Scott discovered that often successful books written in French when translated into English do not sell well, which Scott attributes to poor translation. Scott seeks out French authors and offers his service with a very convincing sales pitch. In addition Scott plans to put some renewed energy into finding a publisher for his novel, “Peter, Paul and Simon.” In our conversation, Scott expressed pride in his grandchildren. Grandson Alexandre was voted “Best Young Chef in Europe.” He and his wife are currently working in a restaurant in Gstaad, Switzerland. It would not surprise Scott if they didn’t establish their own restaurant in the next few years. Granddaughter Olivia is now working in Italy for the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD). OECD’s mission is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. It is interesting that Scott worked for the OECD after spending years at Newsweek. Neil Bouscaren writes, “To my disgust I remain dis-employed but keep active with occasional volunteer surveys of local fauna and flora. It is not the same as getting paid.” In a telephone call with Gary Carr, he expressed great pride in his two sons. Son Garry is now teaching fifth graders at Campbell Hall School in the Los Angeles area. This chosen vocation undoubtedly provides Gary’s wife, Sally, great pride as education was her profession, including over 20 years at Calvert School, during which she served as its assistant headmaster. Gary noted that her passion for education lives to this day as she still serves as a substitute teacher from time to time. Gary’s son, Stephen, has recently been elevated to associate professor of the Eastman School of Music located in Rochester, N.Y. Stephen was the recipient of the 2015 American Prize (non-profit, national competition in the performing arts) for his stage direction of Francis Poulenc’s “Les Dialogues des Carmelites.” One reviewer of the performance wrote that is was, “Nothing short of masterful from conception to execution.” After renting a house for 18 summers in Nantucket, Lisa and John Sherwood purchased a house on the island. For those who are familiar with Nantucket, their newly purchased house is on Polpis Road in the Quaise (the “end point” in Algonquian) area. John is still racing sailboats, including when in Nantucket. Remak Ramsay, in his post-acting career, has become a well-known American art collector. Two of his paintings were on view last summer at the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland, Maine, in an exhibit entitled “Maine Collects.” Last fall Remak had an exhibit of some of his collection at The Century Association in New York entitled “Going to Town: Cityscapes from the collection of Remak Ramsay.”


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Cliff Harding wrote, “Last year was filled with life changing scenarios. My lovely wife, Barbara, was diagnosed with ANCA Vasculitis, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks blood vessels affecting kidneys, lung, skin, and short-term memory. Thanks to the doctors at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in NYC and the Yale New Haven Hospital in Connecticut, her body has tolerated infusions of a drug named “Rituxan,” and she is recovered. We are blessed for the prayers and support of family and friends and her associates in Decorative Painters Chapters and real estate which she loves. We were fortunate again to vacation at Rosewood Mayakoba in Mexico during the Christmas holidays with our daughter Ginger, son-in-law Christopher Wilson, and grandchildren Christopher and Lily. We are looking forward to warmer weather and pool therapy to rebuild Barbara’s body strength. David Andrew wrote that the entire family was especially blessed to celebrate his mother-in-law’s 99th birthday last August. Early this year David and wife Bonnie took a three week cruise to China, Korea, and Japan. David commented that the trip was filled with fabulous sites and cultural exposures but added that “long trips and flights home are tough but worthwhile.” Carol and Tom Burdette spent a month this past winter in Vero Beach and preliminarily have decided to extend their stay next year to six weeks. Returning from Florida they then travelled to Deer Valley, Utah. Although Tom, out of caution, has chosen not to ski anymore, Carol still ventures out on the slopes. But most importantly, Deer Valley and the opportunity to ski attracts the younger members of the family so it is like a family reunion. Deedee and Larry Wagner continue to enjoy the pleasant warm climate of Marathon in the Florida Keys and rarely return to his old hometown. The exception to that schedule is for the annual meeting of Commercial Wagner, Inc., a corrugated box manufacturing company which he started many years ago (or at least one-half of it). Last year saw some substantial improvement in its business. The box business has often been a barometer of the overall economy. I hope it is true this time! Commencing in 2008 Dave Woods broached a concept to some regional leaders to form a regional leadership training school, which was officially formed in 2010 and named Leadership Pioneer Valley. It combines both classroom and hands-on, experiential learning. The inaugural class was launched in the fall of 2011. As the founder of this organization, Dave has served as chair of the Board until this past June when he stepped down. Dave is also in the midst of transferring his insurance clients to a “fine young man.” This transfer should be completed by year end. Dave and a good friend post a blog on a periodic basis on the internet which can be viewed at which your Class Secretary highly recommends reviewing. Occasionally, Dave hits the ski slopes for a little winter exercise. Jim Cox no longer volunteers as a substitute minister as the local church; however, rather recently he was asked by a family member to perform a wedding ceremony, and Jim agreed. The wedding took place on St. George Island off the coast of northern Florida,

where Jim and his wife Juanita have a home. Shortly after the al fresco ceremony commenced a gust of wind blew across the pulpit taking with it Jim’s notes, and he was unable to retrieve them. A momentary panic set in but Jim completed the ceremony, and, in retrospect, Jim thought it was one of his best. Jim is suffering from a rotator cuff problem which has kept him off the golf course; however, he is going to try again very shortly. John Fisher reports that he is devoting a substantial amount of time managing the horses and crops on his farm. He and Molly, his wife and true love since age 14, did manage to free up some time to go skiing at Jackson Hole, Wyo. Some of the children and grandkids joined them. Jim Keesey, in his retirement from the academic world, is spending some dedicated time improving his talent on the piano including taking lessons. When the winter weather produces lots of snow Jim dons his skis and heads for the slopes. (It is quite remarkable to me that we have at least three classmates who still ski — Fisher, Keesey, and Woods.) As reported in 2014, Carl Seitz and his son, Clayton, purchased a 72-acre farm. Carl has agreed with his son to take care of the crops while Clayton takes responsibility for the cattle. When your Class Secretary talked to Carl, he was searching for some corn to plant. Carl is very close to publishing Volume II of the history of the “Walker Families of Baltimore County, MD.” Carl does most of the work for the genealogy of the Walkers with a little help from other genealogists. Volume I was over 400 pages. Wow! An email in March from Hal (aka) Frank Loweree read, “Being one month away from 80, I’m still trying to sell my 11 unproduced screenplays and three unpublished novels; and still attempting to be a helpful husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather to my three wives, five children, five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. But, other than that, I guess there’s really nothing new.” Dick Fryberger is still racing his Lotus Eleven, but I hope with a great deal of caution. Dick is now volunteering at the Larz Anderson Auto Museum in Brookline, Mass. The museum is the home to “America’s Oldest Car Collection.” As a matter of general interest, Isabel Perkins at age five inherited her grandfather William Weld’s huge shipping fortune estimated at $17 million making her the richest female in America. About 20 years later she married Mr. Larz Anderson. Harris Jones has a full weekly schedule all year long. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays he can be found at the bridge table. During the cooler months, Tuesdays and Thursdays are dedicated to indoor tennis, and when warm weather arrives Harris is available for golf. Your Class Secretary spent some time last spring and summer working on improving his golf game with substantial practice and a number of lessons. In June, I was rewarded with a hole-in-one, a lifetime first. My witness to this event was none other than Harris Jones, my opponent in the match. Also, to be fair I ended up paying Harris some money because I lost in our match. Later in the summer Harris and I teamed up for a Club Team Tournament and won our flight. We had the same

result in 2008. We are both waiting for the PGA to invite us to play on the tour. In the meantime, Marion and I have taken up the game of croquet when we are in Florida in the winter time. I sadly report the death of Norris Lankford on July 1, 2015. On behalf of the Class, I extend my deepest sympathy to his widow Dorothea.

1955 Armand Girard I just came from the lacrosse game at Reunion Weekend and sat with Mr. Finney for a few minutes. How unique and remarkable is Gilman. Sixty-one years go by and I sit next to my favorite football coach! I am a bit disappointed that the email system of report did not work. It is a good way to keep in touch with Gilman and your classmates. I saw Dennis Rawlins at the Hopkins Club with his “oppie” hat. Our fall reunion at L’Hirondelle was successful and pleasant. Mac Plant gets the prize for looking young. My longtime friend Arthur Grotz had a successful operation on his colon. He spent the winter at home instead of a cruise. Carey Martien, we are supporting you! As for me, I ran an unsuccessful campaign for mayor, but it kept me on my toes. By the way, am I the only one of our class at lacrosse or football games? I don’t see any of you there. The new fields are splendid. I have no departures to report. Thank God!

1956 F. Meriwether (Mert) Fowlkes, Jr. The Class of 1956 has lost another outstanding classmate. Roggie Dankmeyer succumbed in September after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease in Burlingame, Calif., near his home in San Mateo. Always athletic, he excelled in basketball and lacrosse at Gilman, and later enjoyed biking, golf, tennis, and skiing. And his singing ability landed him not only in the Gilman Glee Club, but in the Traveling Men as well. On a more cheerful note, many of us are active and enjoying our “Fourth Quarter!” Let’s hope that continues. In November, Bentley Offutt hosted a luncheon at the Maryland Club in Baltimore in honor of Joe Healey, an active Catholic missionary in Kenya, who was visiting in town. Joe gave an interesting update on his life experiences there, including insights into activities that seldom make the news. Attending the luncheon were Bentley, Joe, Dick Biggs, Phil Briscoe,

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Dave Eaton, Cooper Graham, Harry Lord, Dave Sowell, and yours truly. It was a great mini-reunion! 2016 marked our 60th reunion year, and several of us celebrated the occasion in April with activities both at the School, and independently. Dick Biggs, Guy Dove, Dave Eaton, Bentley Offutt, Howard Stick, and I participated. Even though the number was small, we all enjoyed catching up and reminiscing. It was especially interesting to see Guy, who lives in Middleburg, Va., and whom several of us had not seen in several decades! One positive aspect of the low turnout was that many classmates are still very active and busy, and couldn’t get there. Some examples were three classmates (Nick Penniman, Graham Slaughter, and Charlie Webb) traveling in Europe (not together); Ambler Moss is still teaching full time at the University of Miami; Duncan Yaggy is very active in North Carolina politics and couldn’t get away; Victor Bridgman and Bruzz Jory were just too far away (Colorado and Oregon, respectively); Leland James was recovering from minor eye surgery, and several others who were busy with other activities. When our 65th rolls around, we’ll all be octogenarians, but let’s start thinking about it right now! Here’s a little class trivia: 54 of us were in the graduating class on June 4th. The School records, however, show that 93 students were in the class at some point, a few of whom are considered “lost.” Let’s hear from some of the rest of you next time, graduates or not. Your old friends want to know what’s going on.

1957 “The sand is fast escaping from the hourglass for this year’s class news!” implored George Barker when he solicited class notes for 2015. We are saddened to report that those notes would be his last, as the sand has escaped for the Class of 1957’s longtime class secretary. George succumbed to vascular disease on Friday, April 29, 2016. Our sincerest and deepest sympathies to his high school sweetheart and wife of 53 years, Anne VandeGrift, his son, two daughters, and six grandchildren. We shall miss his wit and wisdom on these pages. Look for class notes to resume next year.

1959 J. Richard Uhlig Our fall class lunch was held on Friday, December 4, 2015, at Tark’s. Sixteen classmates attended: Bruce Campbell, Hobie Fowlkes, Ted Gans, Dickie Gibbs, Bo Grimes, Bob Gross, Tom Haines, George Hardy, Clark MacKenzie, Chip Markell, Charlie Offutt, Frank Pine, John Ramsey, Bill Schmick, Rick Uhlig, and Charles Williams. Bob Gross won the long distance award, travelling from his new home in Chicago. Andy Adelson was scheduled to attend but his flight that


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morning was cancelled due to fog in Miami. Our class lunches are typically scheduled in May and December in order to accommodate so many “snow birds” wintering in Florida. Clark MacKenzie suggested the idea of a 1959 class necktie and submitted several possible designs for consideration. The favorite was blue with stripes and a Gilman emblem. Orders are imminent and ties may be available for the next class luncheon in May. Dickie Gibbs circulated the answers to a class trivia quiz from our 40th reunion. It is always fun to revisit all the special facts about our class, and I have a PDF copy which I will send to anyone interested in having their own copy. We were saddened by the passing of Billy Stifler in November 2015 after his long battle with Alzheimer’s. He was greatly admired and loved by his family and friends. Clark MacKenzie and Chip Markell prompted a discussion of our class creating a legacy fund in honor of deceased classmates, and at least 22 of our classmates have already made commitments. Debby and Bob Wood report from Wyoming: “We moved permanently to Jackson Hole last July and are just completing the first winter of the great western experiment. Cross country skiing (no more downhill) helped get us through the snow time, and a recent two-week trip to beautiful Scottsdale and Sedona, Ariz., warmed us up. Health is good, I’m glad to report. We miss family and friends of course — as well as crabs and oysters — but are staying in touch electronically and plan to be back east in April-May. Miracle of cable and satellite TV allows for watching the Ravens and UMD sports.” Bo Grimes reports, “The big news in our household was the wedding of my daughter Margaret to Noah Carver, a Park School graduate, on April 18, 2015, when I took the Father of the Bride stroll down the aisle at the Church of the Redeemer on a beautiful spring day, just before the Freddie Gray disaster closed the city of Baltimore down!” Charlie Kimpel was honored by the Long Island Chapter of Association Fundraising Professionals as “The Outstanding Fundraising Professional for 2015.” We add our congratulations, Charlie. Larry Stifler reports he is still not retired and is running his national healthcare company, Health Management Resources. Larry and his wife Mary are managing their Foundation, and also building a museum in Maine which opens next year. “Snow birds” in Florida have had a busy winter. Charlie Offutt, Bill Schmick, and Rick Uhlig attended a Gilman Regional Reception in Naples on February 10, 2016, at the home of John Claster ’63 to hear remarks by Headmaster Henry Smyth. Then in March, Andy Adelson and Bill Spencer-Strong visited us from Florida’s east coast for two days of golf and renewing friendships. As these class notes are being written in late March, Eve and John Hilgenberg are making their way through Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos on a three-week trip. They are learning much interesting history, geography, and culture, as well as a new acronym, “ABT” (another bloody temple).

1960 Ted Knowles Randy Wootton died suddenly on Sunday, January 24, 2016, from a heart attack, moments before going out to shovel snow. It occurred at home in Midlothian, Va. Randy is survived by his wife of almost 50 years, Susan; their three children, Randy Wootton III, and his wife, Dana of Oakland, Calif.; Susan H. Wootton, MD, and her husband, Bernhard Bodmann, Ph.D., of Houston, Texas; Lois Wootton Ayers and her husband, Charles, of Richmond, Va.; sister, Peggy Wootton Goldsborough and her husband, Bobby, of Baltimore, Md.; six grandchildren, and many extended family members. We remember him in our Gilman years as our friendly upbeat classmate full of interest and enthusiasm, with his unfailing warmth, and kind smile. He was active in sports and in extracurricular activities such as the Traveling Men, Glee Club, and Political Club. After Gilman, Randy graduated from Washington and Lee University with a B.S. in business, and received his MBA from Columbia University Business School. His professional career was spent in consumer products marketing and advertising with companies like Procter & Gamble, American Can Company, and CPC International. He and his family spent 32 years in Atlanta, where he was a board member of numerous non-profits, such as the Boys and Girls Clubs, MUST Ministries for the Homeless, Chattahoochee Technical College, and others. He and Susan moved to Richmond in 2013, where he continued to work in marketing consulting and became an adjunct professor of marketing at Virginia Commonwealth University. A funeral service was held on Sunday, January 31, 2016 at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, Va. He is buried in Baltimore. King Barnes reports, “My son, Will Barnes, has bought a new home in Forest Hill, Md., and will move into 2448 Dixie Lane at the end of June 2016. The location is close to his law office located where the old Slavie Federal Savings Bank at Rt. 22 and Rt. 543 intersect, and trade as ‘Dumer and Barnes.’ They specialize in personal injury and medical malpractice cases. Also, the new home is near St. Margaret’s School in Bel Air for his three children, Wilson IV, Maura, and Morgan, and he will enjoy sleeping later in the morning, as they were commuting very early from my house and participating in sports in Bel Air over the weekends.” Ken Bourne tells us that daughter Alison delivered a boy last March. She already had a girl. Daughter Courtney has two boys. Son Ned (Gilman ’93) has two girls. “I am enjoying winter in Florida,” he writes. “Playing golf two to three times a week. I am part owner of a 22 foot fishing boat, which is living up to the old saying that a boat is a hole in the water in which you pour money. “Deb continues to cope with spinal osteoarthritis and declining vision due to retinitis pigmentosa. I’m

dealing with some frustrating aftereffects (won’t bore you with the details) of radiation therapy for prostate cancer, but overall we have little to complain about. I correspond from time to time with Bill Porter, my favorite Gilman teacher.” “Randi and I are still bringing up the sons (now 12 and 9) of our late daughter, and it is going better than it could possibly go,” says Bucky Buck. “They have been with us for two years as of next June, and they have lived until 2014 an extremely unsettled life, they love having a real home, and they have adapted to the United States, English, American sports, etc. “They are doing well in school, well in athletics (soccer, basketball, flag football, skiing), and have terrific senses of humor. They have become our lives, and you will hear no complaints. “Our friends are now the 30 and 40 something parents of the boys’ friends who can help us out with what comes next and whom we can help out with carpooling, field trips, and the rest, as both of us are well retired. “Not where I expected to be at age 74, but again, no complaints at all. Quite frankly, Randi and I cannot remember our retired life before the boys arrived.” John Cochran says, “My wife, Sue, and I will celebrate 35 years together (21 of them married) in April. We are both long retired and dote on our two grandsons. Sue is a Master Gardener and very active in the gardening community here in San Diego. I play a lot of FreeCell on the computer and volunteer twice a week as a docent on the Midway Aircraft Carrier Museum. Sue and I love to travel. Probably our favorite trips are the twice annual visits to New York City to immerse ourselves in Broadway shows and enjoy all the other attractions in the Big Apple. In January 2016, we scored house seats to Hamilton at the last minute after a very long and cold seven hours in the cancellation line. (It’s worth the suffering.) That’s the sort of thing you consider an accomplishment when you basically don’t have a life.” (Do you mean that doting on your grandchildren, serving as docent on an Air Craft Carrier, and trips to New York is not having a life?) “I still live on the farm I bought in 1968 and with an 18th century house, and Katie and I have our hands full,” says Jim Constable. “We spend a good deal of time chasing 17 grandchildren and seven kids — Costa Rica, Nova Scotia, Colorado, California, Boston, and Baltimore. Practicing law remains rewarding, and my work with Maryland Environmental Trust and other non-profits even more so. We continue to spend July in Nantucket and race sailboats there and on the Magothy. I can still limp around tennis courts, golf courses, and trout streams. It’s great to see classmates at Tark’s — thanks to class mother Rich Evans. I ran into distant classmate John Rouse in Rome several years ago. He’s now the class novelist.” “I’m still working as a Realtor in Maryland but can find a good Realtor for your referral needs anywhere in the good ole USA. Need to sell many homes this year since my daughter Brooke is getting married in October,” says Richard Evans. “It’s going to be quite an expense. Any referrals passed on to me will be greatly appreciated.

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“I have continued our 1960 Class lunch meetings and they have been successful. We held one with the 1959 Class at Tark’s on May 13. Our class has adopted the 1959 class’s idea of contributing to the 1960 Class Scholarship Fund for sons of alumni when one of our classmates passes away like Randy Wootton. So far nine classmates have said they would contribute to the fund and I believe we have raised over $700. Still waiting for the amounts from several classmates. I will not publish the amounts because I feel that is personal. “I am serving on the Alumni Board and helping with projects at Gilman. The Bull Roast was very successful this year with over 800 attendees. Hope all my classmates are doing well.” A brief message from George Fesus: “We are still in Aspen and San Francisco. Let me know if you are ever in the vicinity.” Jay Griswold says, “Now that I am retired from that interim position [President] at Washington College, I have time on my hands. By the way, that assignment was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. “On the family front — three children and six grands. My oldest is a daughter in her mid-forties (horrifying) and married with two children (boy, 10, girl, 7) and lives locally. Her husband is a former Navy Seal so I don’t argue with him — a great guy and patriot. Toni and I also have two boys who are Gilman grads and living in the Boston area — oldest married with four kids, youngest unmarried. Jason’s (oldest) wife is a former U.S. Olympic ice hockey player who now announces women’s Olympic Games for NBC. Both boys have their own small companies. “Toni and I are relishing grand-parenting and still skiing; summers in Nantucket. Yours truly still fox hunting with our old buddy Paddy. Hope you all are well — over and out.” “I hope all are well. I saw Pete Taylor and Teddy Bedford at the recent memorial gathering for Randy Wootton. We gathered with Susan Wootton and told old stories, including the multi-car Halloween egg fight up and down Roland Avenue,” writes Stan Heuisler. “Daughter Kate and son-in-law Lendell live in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where he is deputy director of Catholic Relief Services, Asia, and she runs a USAID funded technology innovation project. Their two daughters, Naomi, 6, and Ceclia, 2, go to great schools. Naomi is in first grade at an international school that has 151 nationalities on staff and in students. “Son Alec and daughter-in-law Janine, in Baltimore, welcomed son Niko, who is six months old, as I write. Alec continues his landscaping business and also is working at Peabody Heights Brewing. Janine is graduate admissions associate director at MICA. Various infirmities have curtailed our travel plans for us recently but we hope to soon rekindle our congenital wanderlust. We have a long bucket list. Betsey and I currently split time between Baltimore and Rehoboth Beach, Del., where we are both heavily involved in local politics and local preservation issues. “In Baltimore I try to help at a wonderful organization called The Baltimore Station, a 144-bed recovery operation in South and West Baltimore for men, mostly vets, who want to turn their lives around.


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Most have suffered from PTSD and the opiate epidemic our country currently faces. Their courage is contagious. “Finally, I must again salute the work of Richard Evans convening regular lunches for our class. He is as relentless and talented in this as he was as a lacrosse defenseman. Which is saying something.” Danny Jenifer says ‘Hi’ to all classmates and hopes we are all well. He has been living for many years in Annapolis. In the last several years he moved to the Towson area to be near his close relatives. He now lives in the city. Quite a story from Ted Knowles: “A pair of osprey last year made a nest on the planks of our dock and pretty soon there was an egg. A nest on the planks affords no protection for chicks, and to build one there is a sign that the parents are immature birds. Sure enough, after about two weeks the egg was cracked open and licked clean. We were heart broken and so were the osprey, who stayed around for several days before flying off. I figured there must be an osprey housing shortage on the Chester River, so I built a platform for an osprey nest and attached it to the top of an outlying piling about 15 feet from the dock. After about two weeks the birds came back and built a proper nest on the platform, but laid no egg. They flew south in September, and have just returned to their nest today, March 17, 2016. It will be fun watching them and their chicks through the summer. “In other news, my granddaughter Emmy, 4, recently said to me, ‘Pop, you only have bits of hair.’” Karl Mech reports, “I have been enjoying my retirement very much, and I seem to be getting busy again. I am enjoying the time that I can now spend outdoors, and have been working hard on my little tree farm and in the 12 nurseries of the American Chestnut Foundation. Jim Winn, Elizabeth, and I went to the football game together last fall — the outcome was very different than in 1959. I have been in touch with quite a number of folks from the class of ’60. I feel very grateful to my classmates for our friendship.” “I am enjoying retirement — late May to early October in Maine, and what passes for winter in Chapel Hill,” remarks Kent Mullikin. “Looking back, I have fond memories of my teenage years at Gilman and on the Chesapeake. Greetings to all classmates. A quick update from Eugene O’Brien: “I am retired. I sold my house and moved into my Mays Chapel condo. I had triple bypass in 2008, and I attend Towson University Wellness Center six days a week.” John Rouse still resides in Rome. It’s been 31 years. “I continue to work as a board member of the Chijnaya Foundation, an NGO that promotes rural development projects in Southern Peru. The two memorable events in my life that have occurred since March of 2015 were a one-month long visit to Japan in May to visit my wife’s hometown of Matsumoto, a picturesque castle town in the middle of the Japan Alps, and to go to Koyasan, a remote but famous Shingon Buddhist town south of Osaka that was celebrating its 1,200th anniversary. My second novel has come out, this one entitled ‘In the Shadow of Mount Kenya.’ This one is a mystery that takes place in the wilds of Kenya. If you, or any Gilmanite, are interested in taking a look at

Omar Brown ’07, Rakiya Brown, Kyara Uqdah, Khalil Udqah ’06. Andy Brooks ’74, Sana Brooks, Bernie Rhee ’85, Amanda Rhee. Stuart Matthai ‘80, Brooke Frank P’21, Josh Slater P’21, ‘23.

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it you can find it on in paperback and kindle versions. You can also post your reviews of the book. Hope you like it. Your comments both pro and con are welcomed.” “I’m still living in Aspen, Colo., where I occasionally cross paths with George Fesus and his wife. I’m the head cashier (17 winters) at Bonnie’s Restaurant, three-quarters of the way up Aspen Mountain, open only during the ski season. Haven’t been a ski patroller since 1979, but probably just as well, as almost everyone who started with me has retired, been crippled, or is dead. Parts do tend to wear out with that lifestyle, but I still ski to and from work,” tells Ned Sullivan. “Last year I managed to go on a small-ship cruise in Greece, then a research dive trip to Curacao involving spearing and documenting lionfish (460 in five days). Lionfish are not necessarily big, but are an invasive species from the Pacific which are taking over the warm Atlantic and Caribbean with no natural predators, and are slowly but surely eliminating other fish, lobsters, shrimp, crabs, etc. Google them — scary, indeed. (I googled lionfish, and it is very exotic looking, with a multi-colored body and long fins; and it is venomous!) “Then there was my trip to Baltimore and Rehoboth, and finally a cruise from the Solomon Islands through Vanuatu to Fiji. One of the highlights of that trip was standing on the rim of the active Yasur Volcano as molten lava exploded out and up at night. (Ned sent me a picture he took of the exploding hot lava, and it reached up to his eye level!) I also did some diving with exotic tropical fish which were new to me. I saw some of the places which inspired James Michener to write “Tales of the South Pacific.’ “I volunteer a lot and I have numerous part-time jobs year round. Also I travel hundreds of miles on road and mountain bikes during the warmer months. Coyotes got my cat last fall, so I’m waiting until I return from my next trips to Maui, Greece, and Croatia this spring to find a replacement for her.” From Pete Taylor: “I am still living in Virginia Beach. I am retired and doing absolutely nothing. I continue with my hobby of carving decorative wildfowl decoys. About 200 hours in each one of them so I average about one per year. I am a member of the Beachcombers Corvette Club here in Virginia Beach as I sport around in a 2015 Corvette Z06 convertible. I’ve been a Corvette owner since 1964 when I graduated from the Naval Academy. Never been without one. Bottom line I’m still vertical.” (Pete: Doing absolutely nothing? Let me see. You carve waterfowl. You have proudly driven a Corvette for years, and belong to the Corvette Club. I would call that being actively involved in pursuing your passions!) “Since retiring from DLA Piper US LLP in 2004, I have turned my attention to operating tree plantations in southeast Alabama,” informs Jim Winn. “Why? It is something I can do from here in Maryland with a good forester in the South. Trees grow faster in Alabama. Also, the main place has been in my family since the 1840s. “I have received criticism from time to time from tree huggers for harvesting trees. Imagine that. But the operation actually is at worst tree neutral and


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oxygen positive. How many trees have the tree huggers planted in their lifetime, or you? This year I have planted about 34,000. In the last 20 years it is around half million. “I will not live to see all of them mature, so I am working on getting the kids interested in a harvest and replant cycle.” “It has been a happy, crazy year since last April, when my historian spouse Lil Fenn got word out of the blue that her recent book on the Mandan Indians of North Dakota had won the Pulitzer Prize in History,” announces Peter Wood. “Since then she has been giving lots of talks here in Colorado and around the West, while still working hard to chair the History Department at CU-Boulder. “I get to operate at a slower pace, though I can’t get away from writing American history. For several years, I’ve been researching an obscure free black man from North Carolina who fought alongside John Brown at Harper’s Ferry. But in October I discovered someone else had just published a book about John Copeland, so I shall need to plow some other field. “In April, I travelled to the University of Pittsburgh to deliver their annual E. P. Thompson Memorial Lecture, named for a great British historian. I shall talk about a new and more sensible way of looking at the American Civil War. At last, historians are starting to see it as a three-sided struggle, Blue, Gray, and Black, instead of the traditional Blue and Gray version we got at Gilman 60 years ago. “Then it is home to Longmont, to make another try at growing gourds in the dry climate of the Colorado Front Range. With no grandchildren, I remain something of a technical Luddite, though last week I did go onto the Gilman website and watch black and white footage of the 1958 Gilman-McDonogh game, which we lost once again! “I am trying to stay healthy with regular hikes, which allow me to enjoy the mountains in the distance and listen to podcasts while I walk. Wish I was close enough to Maryland to join some of the frequent class gatherings.” (Peter: I wish you were closer, and could join our classmates in our four times per year lunches at Tark’s. If you ever come to Baltimore to speak at Hopkins, we’d love to have you join us. The lunches are on Wednesdays at noon, so I hope that will fit into your speaking schedule.)

1961 Bill Hardy Our 55th reunion weekend passed with great success. Twenty three of our classmates with spouses and partners participated over the three days of gatherings. Friday evening, Edie and Jim Garrett hosted a welcome dinner. Saturday, Nancy and Henry Hopkins sponsored dinner at the Mount Vernon Club, which was preceded by a private tour of the newly refurbished Washington monument. Those who were hearty enough to make the

climb were rewarded with a view from the top. On Sunday, Marque and Steve Cordi provided us with a delicious sendoff brunch. Thanks to all who came and to the Garretts, Hopkins, and Cordis for their hospitality. Those in attendance included John Andrews, Pope Barrow, Peter Brathwaite, Taylor Brown, Steve Cordi, Carl Cummings, Beverly Davis, Melinda Davis, Sam Dell, Jim Garrett, Bill Hardy, Sewall Hoff, Henry Hopkins, Frank Morgan, Rick Ober, Tom O’Neill, Les Pierce, Lyle Schill, John Snead, Ritchie Solter, John Stockbridge, T Tall, and Peter Wilkes. John Andrews is still among the ranks of the working class. Although he talks of retiring, he has not figured out what to do when he does. Pope Barrow and Amber, on the other hand, are taking full advantage of life after work. Besides continuing to sail, they have travelled abroad including France. Rick Born still heads up his family business, which is one of the oldest family owned businesses in Baltimore. It looks to continue that way as he has been joined by his son. He and Elaine are travelling a lot in search of the perfect wine and meal. They have just returned from Japan. Peter Brathwaite was a pleasant surprise participant in our 55th. He splits his time between a place in Florida and Maryland. He is retired, but his wife is still working. Taylor Brown spends his time following his grandchildren in their sports and endeavors, and he is still living in Baltimore. Bryson Christhilf holds down the conservative wing of the class posting sage comments on Facebook. Steve Cordi also is still working, commuting daily to his job in D.C. as CFO and tax commissioner. He and Marque also travel frequently to Colorado to see their year old grandchild. Chris Creed has retired and still lives in California. Carl Cummings carries on with the Lord’s work at St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church in Pasadena. Greg Davens, Bill Ewing, and Jack Emory are all still in Maine at last contact. Sam Dell has been put on the search committee at Stevenson University to find a replacement for its president, who is retiring in 2017. It is a big job, as Stevenson continues to grow in size and stature nationally. Dan Fisher is probably the most travelled person in our class. Every time we hear of him is the featured speaker at some conference or he is off campaigning for some guy from Vermont. Jim Garrett, always busy, helped Gilman start a new program that teamed younger classmen with seniors in an Outward Bound experience before the start of school in the fall. From all reports, it was a resounding success. Lin and Bill Hardy are still active and travelling. Bill and his grandson spent two weeks last summer in Italy, and he and Lin just returned from Brittany and Normandy. Mimi and Sewall Hoff were in attendance at our reunion. As always, they look well.

Henry Hopkins, though retired, is still involved in many things. We benefitted from one of his latest projects, the restoration of the Washington monument, at our reunion diner. He also says he is having second thoughts about participating in the Olympics this year because of the Zika virus. Bobby Moss has changed jobs and has moved from Dallas to Raleigh, N.C., to be a writing instructor at Wake Tech. Moby Mudge is now published, with books entitled “Alice in Central Park – Statues in Wonderland” and “Two Alice Statues in Central Park.” He says both books are available at Barnes and Noble, discounted at 25% and free shipping. More in the retirement news. Les Pierce has finally ended his career as of May 1. He and Eileen are building a retirement home just off of Gibson Island. Les followed John Snead who retired from Brown Advisory in April. Peggy and Butch West celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in May. Congratulations. Butch is still working. Peter Wilkes has returned to his acting career while we all wait for his next book to be published.

1964 Bill Anderson Thanks to all of you who took the time to contribute to this year’s Bulletin. There were fewer respondents this year than last. That’s an unfortunate trend and hopefully we will reverse it in time for next year’s Bulletin. As far as this year is concerned, we have some new grandbabies, some more retirements and travel. Jim Campbell’s son Chris and wife Emiko welcomed James Taka Campbell into the world just this past February. Taka is a name common to men in Emiko’s family and it translates to “falcon” in English. Young James is Jim’s second grandchild. Tom Revell and wife Kay are expecting their second grandchild in September. They peeked — it’s a girl. Tom Beck’s son David and wife Stefanie delivered grandson #3 this past February. Grandson Max continues an unbroken male line for Tom. All of his children and grandchildren are boys. Steve Scott’s grandson, Francis, has moved with his parents from Shanghai to Baltimore. At 16 months he understands English and Mandarin, but at this point he appears most comfortable in his own proprietary language. Jeff Miller and family welcomed Celeste into the world. Looks like Celeste’s first language may be Italian, as her father, also a Jeff, has taken her to Florence, where he is studying law at the European Union Institute. Jeff the elder is still out of retirement and teaching economics at Gallaudet. Chris and John McCay took their children and grandchildren — five of them all age four and under —  to Disney World for a week. They expected the venture to be delightful and exhausting, and they were right — on both counts. John reports a wonderful time was had by all, and the week will go down as a milestone

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in McCay family history. Sandy Martin checked in. He has 10 grandchildren, and one of them, Xander, made Gilman varsity lacrosse as a freshman. Sandy, my wife and I have 10 grandchildren too. I think you and I are leading the pack. Dave Johnson retired by going out in style. He turned his company over to his employees. Well done, Dave. He’s still in Vero Beach, relaxing and leading the good life. Flash Allen is officially retired. After 47 years prowling the sidelines, he has hung up the cleats. This is a big loss for lacrosse. He did get out to California to celebrate birthday #2 with his granddaughter. As expected, it was a real joy. Bill Barton is still the king of good news. Contracting business is still great, and he and Jane celebrate anniversary #50 this year on May 14. They will party hearty with three kids, five grandkids, and various friends and family, and they will be kicking. Do not call Leith Herrmann retired. He’s too busy to be retired. Leith is a ski coach for Special Olympics, and he and Susie are on the board of GILD, a support group for adults with cognitive disabilities. He’s traveling between Baltimore, Maine, Kiawah Island, and Colorado. He’s taking banjo and guitar lessons over the internet, fly fishing, playing golf, and reading. Other than that he’s bored to death. Hamilton Easter is still with the ski patrol in Park City Utah, and he and his wife continue to road bike. They recently spent a week biking from Bryce National Park to Zion National Park. Bob Locke is not taking retirement lying down either. He’s 340 pages into his autobiography, and he’s still writing about his time in the lower school. He took a trip to Patagonia, visited relatives in Texas, and is involved in a social lending program through the Church of the Good Shepherd. And if that’s not enough, he’s become a beekeeper. Another man for all seasons. Speaking of authors, David Abrahamson published a book last fall, titled “The Routledge Handbook of Magazine Research: The Future of the Magazine.” It has 33 chapters by 39 authors from seven countries. Talk about a definitive work — this one is it! Pascal and Bob Pine are giving up the New York apartment, and are moving to East Hampton on June 1. They recently returned from a trip to India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Hong Kong. Next up is Cuba in May, and off to Paris in October. Fran and Doug Ober are still building that house in Jackson Hole, Wyo. They figure 15 months before moving in. Son Mac is working for Delbert Adams Construction in Baltimore, and daughter Carlin, a recent graduate of Whittier College, is in San Francisco working for the Tenacity Project, a woman’s lacrosse company managing club teams running tournaments and empowering women. Doug saw Lindsay Hardesty recently, and reports she seems in good spirits. The Hardesty house is for sale and she is moving to Roland Park North. Walter Childs recently moved, too. He and wife Randy now call Cape Charles, Va., home. They are located on the east side of the bay, just north of the Chesapeake Bridge Tunnel, where Randy works at the tourist visitor center one day a month. He’s about two miles from the bay and four miles from the ocean, and has all the requisite toys to go along with that lifestyle. He has two children in the


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Denver area and a daughter in San Jose. Walt has pretty much retired although he still has a few clients, mostly in estate planning and estate administration. He was sad to miss the reunion, but he had to attend a christening in Denver. He hopes to have the whole gang together in Cape Charles in June. Rick Reese has a broken leg and is four weeks away from weight bearing on that leg. He and Linda are enjoying life in Atlanta watching their grandchildren grow up. Grandson Parker is a running back in football and he’s also on the track team. Granddaughter Sammi is an A student and is into competitive cheerleading. Rick has retired from the gypsum business but still sells efficient lighting retrofit projects. Stuart McCarthy rang in from the Far East. Son Sean graduates from Episcopal in June and is hoping to go to Cornell. Daughter Michelle has a lovely family and lives in Costa Rica, and daughter Samantha calls New York home while working for a phone app business. Stu reports business is great and is looking to expand into Iran. Hmmmm. Hopefully, as Stu reports, Ben Franklin was correct when he said: “There’s nothing wrong between two countries that a little trade can’t cure.” John Silverstein apologized last year for having nothing interesting to report, and promised that this year he would make up for it. And did he ever! The good news is John is now vice president of the North Carolina State Bar. He learned the news in July, and was sworn in during November. The other good news is that he will be sworn in as president in October 2017. The bad news is that John has prostate cancer for which he had surgery at the end of September. He took the oath of office wearing a tuxedo and a portable catheter. To quote John: “Thank goodness the oath of office was a short one.” His first official meeting was in San Diego where he hooked up with Gally Warfield and his wife. Later, Gally convinced Tim Wolf to contact John to share similar experiences. John is also getting great support from John MacLean and Bob Locke, his former college roommates. John started radiation treatments upon his return, and they end on March 31. Hopefully, all will turn out well. Hershey Sollod finally got his wish answered, when his Denver Broncos won last years Stupor Bowl — oops Super Bowl. Right now life is great and he and Barbara are off to South Africa for three weeks. Yours truly is still living the good life in God’s waiting room, playing golf, delivering food for Meals on Wheels, volunteering for the police department, and maintaining a decent exercise regimen. I also play poker once or twice a week, and I occasionally dabble in the football future’s market with my boy Carmine. Last year I told Hershey that Denver would never win the big game with Brock Osweiler as their quarterback, and I was right. The bad news is: I didn’t think they would win with Peyton either. Oops and Ouch. Don’t ask me about the Super Bowl. I’m glad Hershey’s happy — me — not so much. 8,395 days plus or minus a few until our 75th reunion. Write it down!!

1965 William R. Baker As we near the one-year mark following the 50th reunion, we can all look back on a wonderful reunion, due in large part to the many classmates who came back. However, the news in the wake of the reunion is a little sparse, but news of new grandchildren is pouring in. I got an email from Tony Whitman, noting the arrival of his and Susan’s first grandchild. Henry Silas Benson, known as Silas, was born about a year ago to Tony’s daughter Miles and her husband Chris Benson. Billy Groff also let me know his son BG and his wife Laurie had their first child, a daughter, Hailey James, in January. Last, but not least, Page and David Winstead have a new granddaughter. Their daughter, Schuyler, who is a veterinarian in D.C., gave birth to Palmer in March. John Helfrich reports that his younger daughter, Kate, a dentist, was married in March. Geoff LeBoutillier also sent an email mentioning he had a great visit with Ridge Trimble last summer in Nova Scotia, at which time Ridge presented Geoff with the Class “No Towels Today” hat, which Geoff wears proudly. If only Harry Wilson had known that his words would live on and on! Geoff continues in his parents’ footsteps in raising poodles, and he mentions his activity in Canadian politics, helping bring about the defeat on the former Prime Minister. He watches from afar the U.S. presidential election, likening it to a train wreck. I see Richard Tilghman regularly on the Eastern Shore. He and Beverly continue as prolific travelers, having been to Antarctica, Costa Rica, and England in the past year. Richard has been the chair of the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels for the past year or two. I ran into Don DeVries at a political event recently. Don is starting to contemplate retirement, but has the same worry I do, which is, “what will I do with all that time?” Don says his golf needs work, but both his son and his son-in-law sport single digit handicaps, so they just “tolerate” him when he goes out with them. George Ward sends an email to say, “Ann and I have been volunteering at Fort Miles, which is in Cape Henlopen State Park, one mile south of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry terminal. Any of you who find yourselves down the ocean and are looking for something to do with the grandkids, please stop by. Follow us at” Stan Klinefelter writes, “As for the Klinefelters, life goes on. I’m still working at Brown Advisory, spending time with our two children and five grandchildren and looking forward to my upcoming year as president of the Maryland State Golf Association. After that, we will spend some time in Florida and think about retirement, perhaps. I’m having too much fun at the moment to give that too much thought.” We’ve learned that a classmate who wishes to remain anonymous has made a bequest that will create the Class of 1965 Teacher-Coach Fund after his death.​

He hopes that other members of the class will contribute to the fund once it’s established. In the meantime, class members can recognize the value of teacher-coaches now by contributing to the Gilman Fund, marked with “1965 Teacher Coach” in the online giving form comment box or in the check memo.

1966 Rick Buck What a weekend it was! April 28–May 1, 2016, 49 years, 11 months, and one week after the Class of 1966 trod its way to the sweltering “old” gym on 6/6/66, to bid farewell to Gilman and head into the uncertain future of college and/or possible military service during the Vietnam War. The 50th reunion festivities got started, officially, on Thursday evening at the Cross Keys Radisson Inn. A large contingent of the class, including the vast majority of guys returning from all around the country, gathered for cocktails on the conference level of the hotel, followed by a buffet dinner. The noise level was high, fueled by non-stop conversation, laughter, and remembrance of how things were during our years at Gilman, which for a few, began in the mid-50s! The bar set up for the cocktail party included a selection of Conway Zeigler’s single malt scotches, as promised! There were many classmates who contributed to the organizing effort for our 50th, but the effort to say thanks surely must begin with Conway, because, on or around November 1, he launched into high gear in a process of re-connecting with many of us to enlist our help and support. His enthusiasm was infectious. Early on, it included reserving the large block of rooms at the Radisson and personally assisting in recording the reservations. He was passionate about the need to have weekend daytime panel discussions, devoted to topics such as the challenge of Isis, the Iran Treaty, Katherine and Mark Fulford’s recent Peace Corps service in Swaziland, and the George Kain-moderated group discussion regarding lessons learned over the last 50 years. The Isis/Iran/Middle East panels began on Friday morning at the Radisson, then continued on campus in the afternoon, ably moderated by Conway and Chip Leonard, who has worked at the RAND Corporation, since retiring from the Army in 1998. In early April, most of us had received our 50th Reunion “Cynosure,” entitled “Fifty Years On.” With design and layout services provided by Joe Moore as his gift to the class, the editing services of the entire staff of the 1966 Cynosure, spearheaded by Zeigler, Kain, Fulford, Leonard, Baetjer et. al., and the writings of all class members who submitted their own write-ups, the final product was spectacular, and it added immensely to our reunion enjoyment. The essays about Reddy Finney and Jerry Downs, to whom the book was dedicated, were wonderful. As one who was involved on the fringes of the project, let me just say that the effort put in by these guys was enormous, and we owe them major thanks!

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Abdullah Qabazard ’66 and his wife Suad Dashti earned overall “traveled the most distance” recognition during Alumni Weekend. The two live in Kuwait.

The talk by Mark and Katherine Fulford on Friday afternoon could be best described as absolutely delightful! Very few people would start their retirement years teaching STD prevention to children and young adults in a nation having the highest percentage incidence of AIDs, globally. It reflected the energy, sincerity, dedication, and courage that seem to be true reflections of their personalities. I felt privileged to be there for their presentation! The Friday evening reception, held on the second level of the Lumen Center, provided the second opportunity for the full group to catch up with more classmates, since nearly all of the out-of-towners had arrived by then, and conversations continued through the crab feast which followed. For those of us who were there on campus for Saturday morning’s memorial service, it will be among the foremost highlights of the weekend, in our memories. The service of remembrances was moderated in a highly dignified manner by Judge Benson E. Legg, and there were many thoughtful, and sometimes humorous, memories shared by Ben, Ron Sheff, Charlie Fenwick, Pug Foster, George Kain, George Rich, Abdullah Qabazard, and others (please forgive me if you spoke and I failed to make record of it!) The ceremony was attended by some of the family survivors of our classmates who have passed, including members of the Riepe and Hopkins families (again, please forgive any omissions on my part). The Headmaster’s brunch, which followed the class picture, under a tent outside the headmaster’s house, featured a very fine catered meal and was highlighted by extensive and comprehensive remarks by the Headmaster, Henry Smyth. What a bright, capable


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and well-spoken leader he is! He fielded questions following his prepared remarks and he and his wife Elizabeth made all of us feel welcome and appreciated. Saturday afternoon was filled with many options for activities. In addition to the panel discussion moderated by George Kain, some of us broke away to attend the Maryland Hunt Cup, and others watched on-campus sports events, including lacrosse and baseball. In the morning, there was a brief presentation by Athletic Director Tim Holley ’77, giving the behind the scenes details regarding the extensive renovation of Gilman’s athletic fields. Before we knew it, it was time for the cocktail reception for all reunion classes, held on the terrace outside of the Lumen Center and then the transition to our 50th reunion dinner, held in the former A-Study Hall on Saturday night. The food and beverages were key elements in making Saturday’s dinner so highly enjoyable. And, while we were disappointed that Reddy Finney could not join us that night, we were thrilled that Jerry Downs was with us and treated us with one of his poems. Some of us did have a chance to greet Reddy on Saturday afternoon when he was on campus to watch one of his grandchildren (or perhaps it was a great-grandchild!) play lacrosse. Once again, Judge Legg did a fine job as master of ceremonies on Saturday night, capping off a weekend of yeoman duty in that capacity. Special thanks should go out to all three of our 50th reunion co-chairs, Ben, Peter Farber, and Ron Sheff, and also to other members of the reunion committee: Harry Baetjer, Rick Buck, Mark Fulford, Sam Ingalls, Dave Irwin, Greg Jones, George Rich, Dick Wasserman and most of all, Conway Zeigler, who lit the spark and kindled it, and fueled it,

to help make our 50th reunion be about as good as anyone could have imagined! As part of the dinner program, Bryson Cook shared with us the content of his letter, written to Nick Schloeder a few years back, in which he expressed his deep appreciation for Nick’s teaching, which he described as being, without question, the best that Bryson had experienced in his entire time as a student at Gilman and through his undergrad and graduate studies beyond. In Bryson’s view, what truly set Nick apart was the respect with which Nick treated students whose views were clearly opposed to his own. Finally, Abdullah Qabazard, who had answered Conway’s call, and travelled the great distance from Kuwait, to join us for our 50th, spoke with respect and gratitude for his brief time with us, and he and his wife, Suad, presented the school with a spectacular, gold-plated model of a Middle Eastern/Asian sailing boat, known as a dhow, as a token of his heartfelt appreciation! The gift was received with a huge round of applause. Among the other highlights on Saturday night was the Facetime set up, so that we could speak with some of our other teachers from the ’60s, including Bill Porter. That was a wonderful idea. After the conclusion of the formal program, the lights went down a bit and the D.J., arranged for and funded through the generosity of Jim Robins, got going . . . and did not disappoint! A hard core of classmates stayed around long enough to “dance to the music” with heavy doses of the Motown tunes we used to love. Extra thanks to Marguerite and Greg Jones for hosting the Sunday morning farewell brunch at their lovely home on the Greenspring Club Golf Course. In spite of the weather, it was the perfect ending to a very memorable weekend. As I conclude this article, it occurs to me that among those who read it, both classmates who attended and those who did not, there will be an interest in knowing who else was there? The size of the turnout was indeed remarkable, with at least 50 class members being present for one or more of the scheduled activities. So, in addition to those who are already mentioned in this article, the attendees included: Gordy Allen (who entered with our class but graduated with the Class of ’65), Rob Baker, Bill Boro, Ted Campbell, Michael Davis, Gill Deford, Robbie Farber, Ricardo Goodman, Jay Grady, David Harriman, Gordon Hart, Jim Hart, Dick Hoffman, Tony Iliff, Bob Johnson, Rick Koester, Rob Kolodner, Andy Koman, Ed Lloyd, Stu Marcus, Stan McCleary, Bob Miller, Jim Morris, David Naquin, Rog Novak, Ted Reynolds, Lew Rumford, Fred Sachs, Michael Stanton, Jack Tevis, and Jay Wurts. We reached out to virtually every member of our class for whom we had any contact information. In the process, I was able to speak at some length with three classmates, Hap Klinefelter, Tom Parkinson, and Buzz Getschel, who could not attend. All three expressed sincere regret that they were unable to join us and very best regards to their friends in the Class of ’66. Here’s hoping that the memories of the wonderful weekend spent together at the end of April 2016 will not soon fade from our psyche. Here’s hoping that we’ll

all be willing and able to return in 2021, or 2026. Our 50th will be a very a tough act to follow, but let’s give it our best shot! The key question is: Conway, will you be ready?

1969 Wally Pinkard Perhaps the passage of time has spurred some from the class to reach out and update. I find it refreshing and quite interesting. Hence, I start with the text of John Imboden’s message to me. John writes: “Your comment in the Gilman Alumni News that you have had to resort to Google for your material on class notes made me feel more than a little guilty, especially since I have been appallingly bad about writing (is it possible that I have never written in with news in the nearly 47 years since we graduated? —  I’m afraid that may be the case). Hence, a New Year’s resolution to write in with news. . . . “Professional and personal life since Gilman in a nutshell: After graduating from Yale (is that the last time we saw each other?) and Johns Hopkins medical school, an internship/residency in internal medicine at Hopkins and a further year of clinical training in London, I moved to San Francisco in 1981 for subspecialty training in rheumatology. I have been at the University of California San Francisco ever since, now as professor of medicine and chief of rheumatology at San Francisco General Hospital. I married Dolores Shoback in 1982  — Dolores and I were classmates at Hopkins med school and she was one of only two women in our internship year. She also is a professor of medicine at UCSF and, like many in academic medicine, we both do research, teach, and see patients. We have two kids: Tom (age 31, with a tech company in Austin) and Lizzie (age 26, with an advertising company in SF). We have a home in San Francisco itself — ironically in a neighborhood laid out by the Olmsted landscaping firm, which developed Roland Park in Baltimore. “I fear that we are reaching that stage of our lives (I turn 65 in a few weeks) when we tend to look back and take stock. I have had many blessings in my life —  most notably a happy marriage and two wonderful children (and a daughter-in-law too, but no grandchildren yet). I love medicine and — though I have been known to grumble a bit — I enjoy my job and plan to keep going full time for a few more years. For the last several years — after we became empty nesters and our beloved Bernese Mountain dog died — Dolores and I have travelled quite a bit (e.g., India, China, Turkey, Japan, Malaysia, Russia), primarily for professional reasons (Dolores is the one invited to lecture, not I). This past year we spent several weeks in Vietnam as visiting professors at Ho Chi Minh City Medical Center — seeing patients, teaching, etc. In all honesty, it was one of the more rewarding professional experiences I have had. And in October we visited Jerusalem for the first time —  without doubt the most fascinating city I have seen.

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“I took up golf again 20 years ago and enjoy the game immensely — although recently I have been appalled that advances in club technology no longer seem able to compensate for the ongoing decline in my limited golfing skills. Summer before last I went on a golf trip with some friends to the west coast of Ireland — all links courses — and had an absolute blast. On the second day of the trip, while lining up my putt at Waterville, my caddie remarked, ‘You will need ta say a prayer when you hit it’ — clearly worth flying 5,000 miles for that bit of advice alone. I was back in Ireland this past May for a few days — in Dublin and snuck out one morning to play Portmarnock, a fabulous links course on the tip of a peninsula with the Irish Sea on one side and Dublin bay on the other. Nasty conditions (40 degrees at tee time with wind gusting to 30 mph) but the experience reinforced my view that links golf in Ireland is as good as it gets (and, also, not where you go to shoot a score). In September I enjoyed a golfing reunion in New England with several Yale classmates (all, like me, were in Berkeley) that included one round at the Yale course (the 18th is one squirrelly finishing hole, BTW). “I am sure that preparing 46 year’s worth of Alumni notes must have seemed a thankless task —  please know that even the non-communicative such as myself read and enjoy them.” Perhaps John’s thoughtful note will inspire others who may have been incommunicado for more than a few years! Our classmates’ lack of info can at times be frustrating for me, but they are also understandable given the many demands of family and life today, not to mention my own occasional lack of response to my class secretaries at Yale and HBS. But in the midst of this, there are the confessions that delight us all like John’s. And then there is my research that digs up nuggets like the tribute from the Charles River Conservancy to Brent Whelan, which states: “A longtime resident of Allston, Brent has recently retired after thirty years of teaching English and literature, most of them at the Commonwealth School in Boston’s Back Bay. He gardens, runs, and cycles along the Charles River, and joins the Conservancy as a writer and green space advocate.” Congrats to Brent, your passion is so much in keeping with the passion of so many of our class! Jim Burghardt, the only other member of our class to respond to the alumni office’s request, wrote: “I am in the process of transitioning my legal practice to a heavy focus on serving as a mediator of complex business, real estate, and bankruptcy disputes. I have served as a mediator in cases in Colorado, Utah, California, and New York, and look forward to working in other venues — hopefully including Baltimore.” John Stalfort’s efforts on behalf of the major mass transit Purple Line project in the D.C. suburbs has paid off with the recent appropriation announcement of the $5.6 Billion partnership that will build and operate what may be the largest public-private partnership in the country. For those of you following local politics and the views of our classmates, it is no surprise that Lee Gaines


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is enjoying himself with the popularity of our Republican governor. It is also worth noting that Governor Hogan appointed Lee to the Maryland Transportation Authority Board. Lee noted in the announcement of his appointment: “I am honored to receive this appointment and look forward to serving as a governing member of the agency responsible for so many of our State’s major transportation investments.” Transportation in the state could surely benefit from Lee’s perspectives. It would be good to hear more from Dick Bacharach on the personal front. I know that he has an active psychiatry practice based in Ellicott City. Although I haven’t seen him for several months, I believe that Woods Bennett is still hard at work at his law firm, where he is one of the leading defense experts in the State of Maryland on worker’s compensation matters. David Biggers is putting his Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection experience to bear by serving on the board of directors of the non-profit Neponset River Watershed Association. Maryland Eyecare LLC is home to two of our esteemed classmates, John Minkowski and George Duncan. John joined the practice in 2011 after three decades of private practice. George has been there a while, having started his private practice in 1982. It is interesting to note that both bios on their website cite continuing athletic endeavors, squash for John and tennis for George. While it has been reported in these notes before, I do so again because of the remarkable long-term commitment that Tom Duquette has demonstrated to Norfolk Academy, where he has been the math department chair for 27 years and the head lacrosse coach for 34 years. It is great for Tom to have impacted so many lives over his impressive tenure! After 21 years as the IT architecture manager at Hewlett-Packard, Ned Harlan has been the chief information officer at the California Department of Justice for the last decade. It is hard to keep up with Ted Libbey’s career in broadcasting and the arts. His 15 years as a commentator, on NPR’s “Performance Today,” are known by many, but that was 15 years ago. Since then, he has had an eight-year stint as director of media arts for the National Endowment for The Arts, and today he is senior manager of communications for PBS, while also finding time to be a senior writer for “The Absolute Sound.” Walter Herlihy has stepped down as CEO of Repligen after 19 years at the helm. He was quoted in the Boston Business Journal: “I would hate putting all this work into the company and then leaving when it was in trouble. Right now the company has a ton of support in the investment community.” Congratulations on a great run Walter! If you haven’t read Patrick Smithwick’s book, “Racing My Father,” you really should. The great sports writer, and Gilman alum, Frank Deford ’57, writes: “Patrick Smithwick’s bittersweet memoir wonderfully captures a racetrack culture that he was born to and loved. But he also shows, with such wrenching emotion

how he struggled, in the parlance of his sport, to change leads in his own life. The portrait he draws of his father, Paddy — a man both lovely and tough — is absolutely endearing. We can see it wasn’t easy for the author to be Little Paddy. But it was glorious too.” Both Frank and Patrick have a gift with the word. Teddy Rouse continues to blend his great conscience and commitment to the environment with his real estate development activities. The two of us have crossed paths a couple of times in the past year. I recently had the opportunity to visit the site of one of his development projects. In addition, the France-Merrick Foundation, of which I am president, is a founding investor in Impact Hub Baltimore, where Teddy is actively involved as one of the organization’s key advisors. It is our collective hope that through the efforts of Impact Hub Baltimore we will be able to inspire a more connected and collaborative Baltimore. Check us out! Chip Thompkins also brings an impressive social conscience to his successful business activities. In the last edition of these class notes, we highlighted his company’s dedication to the environment by planting new trees to replenish the paper used by his company’s printing activities. In addition to that pledge and to his storm water management commitments, he has spearheaded organ donation efforts in his community that have achieved impressive numbers. We would all be well served to follow Chip’s example. For those of you who are in Baltimore, you probably are aware of the impressive track record that Mark Dyer and his Dyer Kroneberger Group have amassed within the very competitive stock brokerage business. When many of our vintage are beginning to slow down, Mark continues to charge ahead with his well-deserved high profile. I encourage everyone to friend Frank Riepe on Facebook. He has regular perceptive insights and his travels are equally interesting. His pictures of the sites in Hawaii make one want to jump on a plane and head west. On the home front, he pursues his architectural practice with a passion and unwavering commitment, where (in his words) “art and craft are as important as social and environmental responsibility.” As we age, there is bound to be more sad news. I am sad to report that Maria Gamper and Liz Dunn both passed away this past Spring. Our thoughts are with Dickie, Jack, and their families as they endure these sad losses. On a happier note, I promised to update on my personal front in the last edition of these notes, not expecting that the news would be that Mary-Ann and I would soon have four grandchildren under the age of three. It certainly has changed our lives, not to mention those of our children. The good news is that they live five houses away from each other on the same street, so sharing of chores as well as clothes and toys is fairly easy for them. On the business front for me, the hectic pace of constant travel has wound down. Now that we have acquired Cushman & Wakefield and taken on their name, my activities as a Senior Advisor are a perfect fit that allows me more time to pursue my non-profit work and family activities.

In closing, I would like to clarify John Imboden’s misconception about the many years of scribing these notes. It has been anything but a thankless task. It has been a pleasure! However, I would not be upset if a few more of our classmates followed his lead and brought us all up to date on their activities.

1971 Tom Lynn As I write these class notes just a few weeks after the “glow” of our enjoyable 45th reunion weekend, I am still filled with warm thoughts about this wonderful class of ours. Though we lost two of the people (Brown Benson and Jeff Rice, both in 2013) who had attended our prior reunion, as well as a third (Jim Fusting in 2014), and our reunion dinner had a somewhat underwhelming 14 classmates in attendance, the old dining room felt as full of life that Saturday night as if we’d had our whole 81-strong graduating class there! In attendance in the old dining room on Saturday night were Ray Bank, Stephanie and Randy Beehler, Bert Berney, Nancy and Dick Councill, Brienne and Frank Fiske, Mary and Bill Gamper, Georgia and Mike Hilliard, Aubrey Jarrett, Tom Lynn, Gail and Bill McLean, Debbie and Fred Nelson, Karen and Joe Sandler, Bill Scherlis, and Larry Wharton (with camera at the ready!). Also joining us were Meg Rice, along with our faculty guests Mr. and Mrs. Claude Edeline, Mr. and Mrs. S. Butler “Bo” Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Cary Woodward. In keeping with the locale, each of our four tables had its own “master” at the proverbial, but figurative (in that they were round tables), head! Along with ancient artifacts and curios from our “era,” the boards of photos, Cynosure pages of all attendees, and other ephemera,* we had a separate board of the Cynosure pages of our departed classmates —  for the three mentioned above, as well as for Fred Spinning, Tom Brundige, Bill Radcliffe, and Rick Fox. Let us always remember them all fondly as our classmates. (*Please visit our group Facebook page “Gilman School Class of 1971” to see other photos. That page has been up-and-running since it was established to facilitate our 40th reunion!) Although unable to attend the Saturday dinner, Ned Grassi, along with Martha and Harry Turner, joined the Councills, the Gampers, the Nelsons, Bert Berney, and me at the Friday night crab feast in the Lumen Center dining room. During the weekend, several of our classmates took the Bill Gamper-led tour of Carey Hall (“the upper school building,” in our day), as well as tours of the new athletic fields and baseball field and dugouts. Some of our classmates had not seen the campus and facilities in over 35 years! A lot has changed, for sure! At the dinner, each table had a “marble composition book” (in memory of our required “senior journaling”)

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for attendees to write down news about themselves. A few even did it! Here’s what they had to say. Fred Nelson: “I guess that I’m the first to comment. Had a great time seeing a lot of the old gang. I’m a little worried about Tom’s comment about what may be in five years. Hope to see you all soon.” (Not sure what worrisome thing I said! Refresh my memory, Fred! — TKL) Frank Fiske (as written by Brienne): “Summer 2016 we will travel to France for our younger son’s wedding. Patrick (Gilman ’08) will marry his college sweetheart. He met her while attending Roanoke College. She was taking her final year, in the U.S., of university for her major, which was English. They will reside in Towson. Frank is semi-retired from his print brokering company. The other two children are happily employed and doing well. Frank will continue duck and goose hunting in the fall and winter, plus playing lots of tennis in the summer.” Larry Wharton: “Teach Earth Science (9th graders) @ Riverside HS, Loudon County. Photography, Harley, DOTM license plate. House has central vac — plug in the upright vacuum cleaner in the hall and don’t need to unplug until I’m done. Almost heaven = Hot tub, grill and rifle range all within 30 feet off of the back deck!” Joe Sandler: “Thanks to the reunion committee for putting together a terrific 45th reunion event — lots of great memories and a chance to see the unbelievable changes at the school over the last 30 years. With a lifelong love for politics that started at Gilman when our French teacher, Bob Fitzpatrick, ran for City Council in 1971 with Bob Douglas and Du Burns, I have been practicing political and nonprofit law in Washington, D.C., for many years. Karen, my wife of nearly 30 years, and I have lived in Bethesda for 25 years and just moved back into D.C. Looking forward to our 50th!” Mike Hilliard: “I am still living in Towson with my wife Georgia, and working at the HARBEL Community Organization, Inc. in Northeast Baltimore as their community services director. My daughter Anne has given us three beautiful grandchildren, and fortunately, they live in Parkton. So, we get to see them frequently.” Mr. S. Butler “Bo” Grimes (’59): “Thanks, ’71, for including my wife and me in your 45th reunion dinner plans! It was great fun to catch up with friends from long ago. I’d like to share my most vivid memory of your class — It was a hot day in May ’68, my last ninth grade class of the day. We were suffering in the Baltimore heat and humidity, working our way through the poetry book, “Scottish Border Ballads from the Middle Ages.” The bell was about to ring, but there was time to slip in one more poem — “Edward, Edward” — a grisly murder tale of sorts. To my amazement, the bell rang just as I finished reading the ballad aloud — and no one moved! We stayed 15 minutes into athletics to finish the poem discussion and find out what this grim tale was all about! What an amazing bunch of guys you were —  and still are!” Some reunion committee members were unable to attend due to prior commitments. Michael Blum was in a theatrical performance. He did, however, send in the


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following brief note: “Mike Blum reports that he has continued his devotion to local theatre. In 2015 he performed in “Jekyll & Hyde — the Musical,” at the Audrey Herman Spotlighters Theatre downtown, and in “Follies” at the Milburn Stone Theatre in Cecil County. Then, in September 2016, he directed the American premiere of W.S. Gilbert’s musical melodrama “A Sensation Novel” (this is Gilbert BEFORE Sullivan) as the opening production of Spotlighters’ 2015–2016 season. He performed in “Evita” by Andrew Lloyd Webber at Spotlighters in the spring of 2016, and he is now slated to direct Weil and Brecht’s “The Threepenny Opera” for Spotlighters in January 2017. Mike serves on the board of the Young Victorian Theatre Company, and is still “the Parade Guy” for the Town of Bel Air — for which he directs the annual July 4th and Christmas parades.” (We owe gratitude to reunion committee member Mike for his demanding that, in spite of his absence, certain high-end hors d'oeuvre be served at our dinner! They were delicious! — TKL) Nigel Ogilvie was away, as he explained in the following: “I was sad to miss the reunion but had scheduled a fundraising event for a land trust conservancy (Save Mount Diablo) in California; I used to be on the board and enjoy volunteer work with these sort of charities. “I am still working at the Federal Reserve, now entering my 20th year with the central bank after 17 years with the U.S. Treasury. I am my division’s specialist on Puerto Rico plus I oversee supervision of several banking companies in the Fed’s New York, St. Louis, and San Francisco Reserve Banks. Don’t know when I will retire — Louisa gently suggests I ‘call it a career’ but the job is great, I work with terrific people (mostly), and Louisa’s equestrian pursuits are a little pricey — my amazing wife is still jumping her Arab/Irish cross over 3'-6" fences, and entering regional registered Eventing competitions. This has introduced me to an entirely new world. Fortunately, I have no interest in taking up riding myself! Warm regards, Nigel.” Charles Piven was also away: “Charles and Kathy are very sorry we will not be joining everyone, but we and eight family members from around the country will be thinking of y’all from NOLA Jazz Fest. Have a great summer!” (I hope that Charles and Kathy avoided some of the showers that I heard might have popped up down there. — TKL) Committee member Charlie Duff was all set to attend, but his plans changed at the last moment. I believe he was also out of town. Thanks to those four committee members, as well as the three committee members in attendance: Dick Councill, Bill Gamper, and me. Additional thanks to Mike Hilliard for his consulting! Registered to attend the dinner, but absent were George Gephart (who fell ill) and Bob Isaacs. Karl Doerre was originally registered to attend (and in contention for the “Traveled the Farthest Award”— finally won by Bert!) but was unable to make those plans work out. He says he will be at the 50th! Tyler Campbell was unable to attend as he was in the Big Apple with his wife celebrating a big wedding anniversary. Also, we were all set to enjoy the attendance of Taylor McLean,

The Class of 1971 held its 45th reunion in the old dining hall, now the Edward R. Fenimore Jr. Library reading room.

but a big moving day tuckered him out. Cousin Bill almost won the big-catch-of-the-day award. Similarly, John Danzer had planned to attend, but a sudden business snafu in his furniture company changed those plans. A promise for 50th he also swears. We also got regrets from Mark Bond (out of town), Ben DuBois, Kirk Levedahl (out of town), Chip Manekin, Hugh McCormick (out of town), Marvin Miller, and Alvin Thompson. All made “The 50th Promise”! Chip and Marvin could not attend due to the overlap with Passover. I promised that in 2021 we will do everything and anything — even if it means parting or walking on water — to make sure that does not occur again! In Marvin’s absence, our homework bulletins could not be distributed during reunions — though two bulletins from 1970 were posted on the board in case classmates needed to turn in any late assignments to the teachers present. We were also disappointed to be missing classmate Doug Dobbin, who had been a regular at past reunions. On a related note, we were fortunate to have our class reunion gift effort once again supported by Doug, as well as by former classmates Peter Hynson and Michael Koger! Aubrey Jarrett promised that next reunion he would drag Phil Jones back with him! Apart from the reunion, there are news and reports that have been gleaned — either directly or by “insinuendo.” Bert Berney will be marrying the lovely Liz Leach in July 2016 out there in their state of Oregon. Best wishes, Bertram! Good luck, Liz! I hear that Trish and John Deford are renovating or building a nice home on the water in Chestertown, having departed the Baltimore area. We hope that John might make it back here to one of our class lunches. Also doing some

pre-retirement relocating to South Carolina is Ned Grassi (near both the water and Georgia), as well as George Gephart who has been fixing up a nice old house in Charleston for his eventual move from Philadelphia. Of course, Fred Nelson (getting really close to the Big R), has been living in South Carolina for many years. Frank Fiske and I have both enjoyed stints on the Gilman Alumni Association Board. I also got to enjoy seeing Frank sing and act with the Paint & Powder Club charitable organization. In addition to his fetching performance in heels and lip gloss, Frank served again as the P&P Club president — as he had done 25 years ago. Geordie French continues to be Geordie French — as well as the fervent Orioles supporter he has always been. He is often found near the Orioles dugout, while Michael Blum is often found near the visitors’ dugout. Go O’s! I’ve started to see a bit more of Pete Stamas —  and his lovely family — as he has run out of his usual poker patsies and has called on me once again to keep a seat warm — and his stacks high. Ah, joy . . . On a sad note, Marvin Miller lost his father in February 2016. On the grandfather front, the most recent news was that Mid Walsh had become one for the first time. As Mike Hilliard wrote above, he has several. Bill Gamper became a proud new one earlier in 2016. I found out that Dwight Douglass is a granddad, too. I believe that Chip Manekin has done well on the grandpa duty as well. Anyone else? Lots of class news gets posted on our Facebook group page. Current members include: Peter Andrews, Berney, Blum, Campbell, Douglass, DuBois, Duff, Jon Ehrlich, Fiske, French, Bill Floweree, Gamper, Grassi, Hilliard, Jarrett, Koger, Levedahl, Manekin, Pete Menzies, Chris Miller, M. Miller, Nelson, Pinkard,

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Sandler, Charlie Scarlett, Scherlis, Turner, Walsh, Wharton, and Mark Wilson. Peter posts great photos of his trips around his family’s new home in Thailand. Pete Menzies also posts on FB, showing his young son enjoying the other side of the world as well. Mike Blum regularly posts on FB in general, and our group page, too. I also see FB posts from Pete Waxter involving his various travels to exotic locales — often in pursuit of his musical passions. Speaking about music, I often see posts from Bill Foweree about the Nashville music scene where he is an active participant. Ned posts photos of the scarce-but-plentiful flora and fauna surrounding his new home in “the Low Country.” FB is where we saw the first photo of Mid cradling his new granddaughter. Larry has also posted photos of his baby: the Harley. Fred stays in touch through FB as well, as does Charlie Scarlett. If you’re not doing it yet, join in! Who haven’t we heard from in quite a while —  or even know where some of them are?! Ed Bell, Tim Conley, Lloyd Felton, Alex Gardiner, Chris Green, Steve Haley, Bill Hoatson, Scott Howe, Phil Jones, Taylor McLean, Chris Minkowski, Rick Munford, Bob Pinkard, Will Ruff, David Selenkow, Pete Spragins, Mark Wallace, Markell Whittlesey, and Phil Wiswell. We’ve had limited contact of sorts with the following over the past couple of years (including some who have kindly sent in financial contributions . . . but no news!) — however, we’d like even more contact —  and news! Bruce Abel, Buck Baker, Bill Brusilow, Tom Casey, Frank Davis, Jon Ehrlich, Dan Finney, John Kopper, David Morgan, Ed Merryman, and Steve Young. If you are in contact with any of the people listed, please let them know we want to hear from them! Come on, people, let’s get together! I, your devoted class secretary, have been somewhat less than scarce on the Gilman/Class of ’71 front. I have finished my third and final year on the Alumni Board, have enjoyed serving as 45th reunion chair (with a great committee), and serving as Gilman Fund class chair for the past five years. After a somewhat suspicious Baltimore-style balloting “event” at the reunion dinner (thanks, Bill G.), I will continue as class secretary until the 50th (my “promise”). But the other roles — I vacate! So, good luck to _____________, our new Gilman Fund class chair — I’ll come in to make some calls with you and get the free meal! (If any of you would like to fill in that blank, contact Alex Beiter at Tell her I sent you.) Other than that, I am looking forward to my oldest niece’s June 2016 wedding, my August week on the shores of Lake Otsego, working on reversing the decline of my 1927 bungalow, and hoping, by the time you read this, that I am no longer an unemployed teacher! (No, I’m NOT retired!) Hope to see many of you at our twice-a-year class lunch in the fall/winter 2016 or late spring 2017. I’ll post it on our FB page and send out emails to the locals. Contact me at if you need to reach me that way. Until we meet again, stay well and stay Class of ’71-ish always!


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1972 Richard Thomas, Jr. Thank you to everyone from the Class of 1972 who sent in class notes. It is great for our class to be back in the Bulletin! And save the date for our 45th reunion: April 28–29, 2017. John Hargrove retired as a state District Court judge on February 6, 2015, after 16 1/2 years on the bench, and he has generally been enjoying his retirement. He still sits and hears cases about two days a week as a “recall” judge. He enjoys not working every day, but he is glad he still has things to do! He and his wife Beth celebrated 32 years of marriage in June. Beth is still working, which makes him nervous; and they have had an empty nest for years, which also makes him nervous! His daughters Sydney and Taylor continue to make him proud: Sydney spent five years working for Morgan Stanley in NYC after graduating from college in 2009 and just finished her second year of law school at UCLA. Taylor, their youngest, received her Ph.D in sociology from Vanderbilt University in Nashville on May 13, 2016, and will begin a two-year post doctorate fellowship at UNC-Chapel Hill (where she received her B.A. in 2009) in July. No weddings, no grandchildren, one serious boyfriend. John also wrote in to report on his brother and our classmate Steve Hargrove. Steve has courageously fought cancer for the past eight years or so. Since our class’s 40th reunion in 2012, Steve has had one amputation (his left arm) in 2013. This past January, his surgery was a tumor removal that necessitated the removal of his scapula (shoulder bone). In spite of it all, Steve continues to pursue his life vigorously, and with an incredibly positive attitude. Steve is an incredible photographer (website: www.stevenhargrovephotography. com), and this keeps him busy. Chris Taylor really enjoyed our 40th reunion and is grateful to Tony Talalay for agreeing to host. Of course that helped them put the band back together, which is appropriate since Tony was their manager back in 1972. Since the reunion, Dr. H. Joseph Butler, James Brundige, guest star Bill Floweree, and Chris have done a number of other gigs together that might be considered to be the launch of a World Tour that encompassed Nashville, Tenn., and Indian Wells, Calif. (Other dates will be announced on the Class of ’72 Facebook page). Chris is continuing his work as a documentary producer and director. He just sold “Food Fight” to KCET, the largest independent public TV station in the U.S. He is in production on two projects that he hopes to finish this year. He also really enjoyed working for two days on James Brundige’s excellent wildlife doc, “Wild Ways," that premiered on NOVA/ PBS in April 2016. His oldest son, Mac, is a graduate of Wesleyan University and is currently working on the FOX sitcom “Grandfathered” starring John Stamos. His youngest son, Nick, is a sophomore at Evergreen State in Olympia, Wash., and is majoring in environmental science and sustainability.

Roger Bowie is enjoying life on the Left Coast. He is a wealth advisor for Wells Fargo Private Bank at the Silicon Valley office in San Jose, Calif. He is happily married for over 30 years to the same woman with no kids. He spends his free time golfing and skiing and finds the San Francisco Bay area a great place to live. There are things he does miss about Baltimore but doubts he will ever live there again. He does get to town a couple of times a year to visit his Mom, who is still active at 90. He keeps in regular contact with Jack Orrick for ski trips, Final Four brackets (“Jack’s wife kicked all of our butts this year!” he says), and fantasy football. He keeps in close contact with John and Steve Hargrove. Russ Monroe lives in Marin County, Calif., and they get together a couple of times a year. They generally go to see the O’s when they come into town to play the A’s. In general, he feels that life has been very good to him and he feels blessed. John Burghardt retired last December after 27 years as a mining geologist for the National Park Service, where he headed up the national NPS mining claim rights and abandoned mineral lands safety and reclamation programs. Prior to his NPS career, John spent 10 years in the mining and engineering departments at Henderson Mine in Empire, Colo. John will remain well-settled in his log home in Evergreen, Colo., from which he will pursue his interests in travel, music, photography, working with wildlife, and community involvement. As Chris mentioned, James Brundige has just completed a conservation film that aired on PBS Nova April 20, with reruns this summer. “Wild Ways: Corridors of Life” can be streamed from the show website: Besides making films, James is raising two teenagers, running rivers, and playing golf. He enjoyed a ski day with fellow alums Mark and Dennis Foster and is happy to show Gilman skiers around Aspen/Snowmass. Steve Hughes had a big year in Colorado — his daughter Caroline was married at their house in September — Nancy and Chip Hill, Cathy and Chris Hutchins and Guy Warfield made the trip. He left Boulder Brands that he founded in 2005 and started an accelerator fund — Sunrise Strategic Partners — — they provide growth capital and expertise to breakout natural products companies. Grace and he made trip back for the Gilman-McDonogh game and a saw lot of old friends. Dennis Foster reports “all was well with no casualties” during that ski trip with James and Mark. His and Carol’s oldest daughter Carrie Ann was married in April 2015, in Baltimore, on the day the riots started. She is now a resident in anesthesia at Emory Hospital. Her husband is from Fairhope, Ala., also at Emory. His specialty is hands. Their daughter Amy was married in September 2015 at their home and lives in New Orleans with her husband, Garrison. Amy is a director of sales and guest experience at Catahoula Hotel, a new hotel that she helped get up and running. Of course, Dennis and Carol go and visit often! Their son Dennis III graduated from Gilman 2010 and Dartmouth 2014, where he was on the lacrosse team. He is currently getting a master’s of science in California and will enter

medical school this August. Their son Owen graduated from Gilman 2011, and graduated from Pitzer College, in California, this May. Both Dennis II and Owen wrestled on the varsity team for all four years they attended Gilman. Owen plans to do research on aging. Dennis is cutting back (one day) at the office to spend more time on golf, travel, and his yard. They have a house in Ocean Pines and are looking forward to spending more time there. Mark Fetting and Georgie are dividing time between the White Mountains of New Hampshire and the hills around Lake Roland in Baltimore. Their son Conor works for Snapchat in L.A. and will marry his partner this summer; their daughter Carey and her husband Steve have moved to Baltimore working in education and banking and raising their two daughters Margaret and Frances (making Mark and Georgie joyous Grands); their son Noel is graduating from School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) with an MFA in community art, and he and his significant other plan to remain in Chicago. Mark writes, “My real thought to share is how blessed we were to have such a great class in 1972 and the names on your email made smile with wonderful memories and meaningful updates with many. I also want to thank our superb teachers . . . this past year I have talked with Finney, Woodward, and Vishio . . . we recently mourned the passing of Schloeder . . . and I have forever memories for the likes of RCB, Campbell, Edeline, Fitzpatrick, Thompson . . . past and present. So, classmates and teacher/coaches . . . thank you all!” Robert Stewart’s big news is the pending birth of their first two grandchildren. Their daughter Ellie is due to deliver twins — a boy and a girl — around end of June or early July. His wife Mary is recovering nicely from three lumpectomies and six weeks of radiation, and the prognosis is all good. His son George (’11) is living the dream as a single 28 year old in NYC. George lives in Brooklyn. John Sinclair just celebrated the two-year birthday of his granddaughter, Josie, and the engagement of his Gilman alumnus son, James L. Sinclair ’06. John plans to further his study of the Civil War this year by touring various battlefields in Virginia, D.C., Maryland, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Philip Kass worked for William Moennig & Son in Philadelphia from 1977–2002. After he left the shop, initially, he served as a caregiver to his wife, who was fighting leukemia, but in time his former clients started contacting him for advice and counsel on stringed instruments and bows, as well as directing their friends and colleagues to him. These connections developed into a business as an appraiser and consultant on stringed instruments and bows. He has extended his historical researches into the violin makers of Piedmont, Cremona, and the Amati family, something he had done for some years while at the Moennig shop, and about which he’s been a regular speaker at conferences on the violin since the 1980s, which now results in two or three speaking engagements per year plus several books awaiting publication and several more in preparation. As a member of the Appraisers Association of America, he assisted in the creation of the category of Certified

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Appraiser of Musical Instruments, in the process becoming the first one in the U.S. The past year has been full of travel. He just returned from two weeks in Taiwan, where he visited the musical instrument collection of the Chi Mei Museum in Tainan. Other journeys over the past few years have included roughly two trips a year to London, three to four a year to Italy, and other shorter trips around the U.S. and Canada. He has two grown stepsons in England but no children of his own, and he has not remarried since his wife died. Philip’s biggest recreation seems to be music. He kept his playing up after college and is an avid chamber musician. Chamber music, he says “always involves playing in small ensembles where you have close interaction with other musicians in a much more spontaneous way than you can in an orchestra.” Tom White’s life has continued to be good and he has now lived in Vienna, Va., longer than any other place. Since the reunion he and his wife, Kathy, have gotten in their last two continents — Antarctica and Australia. Both are unique and well worth the visit. They explored Antarctica with National Geographic on the expedition ship EXPLORER. The trip was fantastic, and with the help of some well-known Nat. Geo. photographers they captured a lot to bring home. Similarly Australia was breathtaking. They were able to take a sabbatical at work so they spent eight weeks seeing all, including circumnavigating the continent. In August 2015, they were blessed with the gift of a granddaughter, Genevieve, who is the daughter of their son, Tom Jr., and his wife Christina. They live happily in Manhattan, and you can bet Tom and Kathy visit there often. Kathy has retired from her sick and homebound ministry so she always wants to babysit, but Tom is still spending his days “doing all I can to make our federal government more efficient!” Tom and Kathy look forward to another summer sailing out of Annapolis. Mike Van der Loos writes, “After Calvert and Gilman, a freshman year at Hopkins led to five years and an engineer’s degree at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. Grad school at Stanford led to a Ph.D there in mechanical engineering in 1992. Then I had a consulting professor position there and was a principal researcher at the Palo Alto VA Rehabilitation R&D Center until 2007. Along the way, Judy Illes and I were married in 1984. We have two fantastic kids (both now in grad school in political science). Currently my wife and I are both on the faculty at UBC in Vancouver, Canada. Come visit and ski Whistler!” Life is good for David Cross in Davis, Calif. He and his wife will be empty nesters this summer since their two youngest boys will head off to medical and physical therapy school. David returned to the stage after a 25 year break, singing in musicals at the restored Woodland Opera House, a state historic park. He is still an attorney with the California Labor Commissioner in Sacramento. David’s wife Rachel, the RN, says that he does justice and she does mercy. Their oldest son works for United Airlines in San Francisco and makes full use of the flight benefits, which allow free travel anywhere United goes. An interesting development is that his middle son coaches lacrosse at Davis High School. David says “the game sure has changed since my old wooden stick days!” 112

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Scott Sherman writes: “Although I never thought I’d move back to Baltimore after college and law school, I did so in 1979 and, with some exceptions in the early 1980s, have lived here ever since. Not just in Baltimore, but a mere three blocks from Gilman, on Longwood Road. It can feel surreal when I go out for some exercise and wind up running around the Gilman fields. Have I made any progress since 1972? From time to time, I see Talalay, Karas, Tennis, Kaufmann (one F two N’s), Trimble, Washburne, Scherlis, Fetting, Hargrove, Thomas, Sinclair, and others who live in the BaltimoreD.C. area. They seem to have evolved, so maybe I have too? One of the things I’ve thought about recently (in the wake of our 40th reunion and amidst continuing racial and ethnic unrest as well as political discord) is the meaningful diversity of our class (relatively new to Gilman in those days), the positive effect it had on many of us, and what it said (and continues to say) about Gilman as an institution capable of change and of having a significant impact on our communities. See you around campus.” Will Baker is president of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and recently received the 2016 Integrity in Action Award. Jonathan Hyde writes: “A week ago today [written April 18, 2016], with the help of Sandy Daignault, my marriage to Lauren O’Brien started ‘up the creek’ and ‘on the rocks.’ Fortunately, it was the rocks called “Inspiration Point” in Oak Creek at L’Auberge de Sedona. She is a yogi, an artist, a potter, a positive energy vortex in her own right, my adventure muse, a generally lovely person, and makes better salad than I do. I am quite happy. “Last year’s big adventure was sailing February to May from Florida to Maryland by way of the Bahamas, Turks & Caicos, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands aboard SHOOTING STAR, our bluewater cruising catamaran. We began this year aboard again in the Abacos with all my family (including Lauren). Sailing Florida to Maryland at the end of the month. Gunkholing the Chesapeake and East Coast in the summer and fall. Almost always have a spare berth for one or two in case anyone asks. “This year’s big adventure was my first time in the Middle East. We were five weeks in Qatar as Lauren trained a batch of new yoga teachers. On the weekends when she was with them all day, John Ingalls’ daughter, Susanna, took me under her wing. Imagine me in the mosque, the only guy, among hundreds of boys and men, not on the floor praying. Loved the ‘old’ souk, even though it had been razed and replicated for the tourist trade. “The new architecture is impressive and generally successful. The whole city seems under construction, planned in flush times, now questionable in light of oil-driven shortfalls and falling demand. Traffic was frequently appalling. I was grateful that Uber got me everywhere. After the training, we spent two weeks in Oman, mostly around Muscat. Dramatic geography, proud people, desert camping, camel ride, hiking and swimming in the wadis, haggling in the non-tourist souks, traditional Omani family dinner at our taxi driver’s home. Traditional Muslim families seem large

with six brothers and several sisters a recurring thing. No visible ‘assisted-living’ as the old and infirm are maintained in the extended family home. “We have a half-year Gibson Island home on Otter Pond where we recoup from adventures, hold the occasional music night, and welcome friends. “My daughter, Nora, is in Brooklyn trying to make it as an actor. Caroline is there working in fashion design after graduating from Parsons. Henry is studying Chinese and international business at the College of Charleston. He interned in Beijing May 5 through June 29.” Tony Talalay continues to run his company making food ingredients from broccoli. His daughter Miriam, now 11 and a student at Friends, reports that her team beat the Gilman boys at kickball, but no independent verification was made. Tony had lunch with Cary Woodward recently and will be going to an Orioles game with Cary and Alan Kaufmann. In closing, life has been very good to me with a great wife of 38 years. Our three sons all live in Baltimore. Sons Richard and Stu are married to two beautiful, talented, and dynamic women (I hope they are reading this). Stu and his wife are expecting boy-girl twins this summer, making me a grandfather. Alex, the clean-up hitter, has just moved back to Baltimore from Denver to join our firm, Cornerstone Financial, LLP. Cornerstone has grown to be a highly successful insurance and executive benefits organization.

1974 David Seiler Thanks to a tradition started by A.C. George and Jamie Murray, some of us are able to attend an annual holiday luncheon to catch up, enjoy each other’s company, and learn about a classmate-supported non-profit. Class attendees this past December were Andy Brooks, Peter Bowe, Kim Byron, Clinton Daly, Bill Fritz, Tom Gamper, A.C. George, Marty Himeles, Court Jenkins, Jim Lynn, Andy Murray, Jamie Murray, Ross Pearce, and Greg Pinkard. The luncheon was at Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School (BCBOBS) located in Leakin Park, on Baltimore’s west side. This BCBOBS unit is the Mid-Atlantic operation for the global brand. Just under 4,000 people experienced a BCBOBS curriculum last year, and now a robust Baltimore Police Department and Baltimore City Schools collaborative program is rolling. “BCBOBS, darn inspiring work,” says Ace, “and, best of all, Gilman’s 9th grade class each year goes on a five-day expedition.” Stay tuned for details on our 2016 luncheon. We will support either Peter Bowe’s work or that of Gregory Pinkard at the B&O Railroad Museum. A.C. and his wife Kathryn are loving life with their young adults Ellet and Kevin and Pell and Katherine and Taz, all nearby for now in Washington, D.C. As for Andy Brooks, he and wife Sana received the Association of Fundraising Professionals-Maryland

2016 Outstanding Volunteer Fundraisers of the Year accolade at the AFP-Maryland Fundraising Day luncheon on May 9. Andy served as the 2014 chair of United Way of Central Maryland’s Tocqueville Society. Under his leadership, the Tocqueville Society had the highest membership in its history and had more new members than any other United Way in the country. He also devotes his time to the Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School, serves on the WYPR public radio station Board of Directors, and remains active at Gilman. Sana is a dynamic volunteer fundraiser for the Calvert School Building Our Strength campaign, the Garrison Forest School, and GBMC. Roger Weinberg lives in Phoenix, Md., with Cheryl, his wife of 37 years. “I am in private law practice representing families and victims who have been neglected or abused in nursing homes, assisted living facilities and group homes,” he reports. Roger and Cheryl have five children and three grandchildren, to date. “I’m rebuilding my life as a widower,” says John Gray. “As it happens, I’ve begun dating again and I’m seeing a Baltimorean, who is also a Gilman parent!” Ross Pearce has a new job; he’s the Maryland Racing Commission Steward at Timonium, Laurel and Pimlico Race Courses. His youngest, Parker, is at Gilman, class of 2019. His middle child, Elizabeth Johnston, is finishing her master’s Nurse PractitionerMidwifery master’s at Georgetown, and his oldest, Jessica Pearce, is in England at the London School of Business for her MBA. Andrew Felser reports proudly that his son was accepted into the music program at Denver School of the Arts, where he is doing well. “I’m in my 34th year of law practice and the 13th year of my third marriage.” George Murnahan is a co-founder of the Lex Eat Together program, which feeds the homeless in Lexington, Mass. George and his wife enjoy time with their two eight year old children, and travel to Baltimore a few times yearly. So, where in world is Jock Whittlesey? He and family are in China for another two years, continuing his work in the State Department at the Environment Section of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.

1975 Ian MacFarlane Our fantastic 40th reunion (shout out to host Gerry Brewster once more!) coupled with the ace reporting of Joe Hooper in the Fall 2015 Gilman Bulletin, inspired me to do some internet digging to track down some of our seldom-heard-from, mostly non-local, classmates. For those interested, I maintain a somewhatincomplete contacts database, so give me a yell if you’d like any contact info. Tom Hornick is living “accidentally but happily” in Cleveland, having been there for the last 33 years. He is working as a physician associated with the Cleveland

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VA and Case Western Reserve University. His “trophy wife of 30+ years,” as remarked by Tom (presumably with a smile), forced him to move to Cleveland, and she now won’t let him return to Baltimore, although two sons were sent to University of Maryland at Baltimore for medical school. Tom’s daughter graduated from the Ohio State University and is now living in Cleveland. Tom has gone back to his glory days and he is rowing in an excellent masters program, with superb results at the Masters Nationals in New Jersey, the Head of the Charles, as well as local regattas. Should we happen his way, Tom would love us to stop by: “We will welcome any and all visitors who are briefly sentenced to Cleveland.” Simon Dolezal (Si) has been living in the Philadelphia area for the past 30 years working initially as an institutional corporate bond salesman for Smith Barney in NYC and Philly, and then transitioning to a financial advisor with Wells Fargo Advisors, where he’s been for the past 18 years. Si is married, with “two beautiful kids and Morgan, the German shorthaired Pointer!” His son, Jonny, had a great soccer run at Penn, captaining for two years, graduating, and then playing pro soccer in Denmark for two years. Si’s daughter, Rachel, just turned 23, and lives in NYC working for a PR/marketing firm. Si threatened to make a reunion one of these days! Roddy Wong has just completed his third term as chief of the department of orthopedic surgery at El Camino Hospital in Mountain View, Calif. (“THE Hospital of Silicon Valley,” he would like us to know.) He has been enjoying the good California weather, playing tennis three times a week. He has an empty nest with his youngest of four sons a sophomore at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. We shared a couple of laughs about Joe Hooper’s Shakira article. He invites any classmate visiting the SF Bay area to give him a call for drinks or golf. Reid Johnson is a professor of biological chemistry at UCLA, having joined the faculty in 1986. He is a well-published researcher of sequence-specific DNA rearrangements and transposition, as well as the role of DNA structure in targeting protein binding. His wife, Lianna, also a longtime UCLA professor, recently retired — and Reid is currently contemplating moving to emeritus status at some point in the foreseeable future, in part so he can get back into the laboratory more, as well as spend more time at their Olympic Peninsula cottage. Reid and Lianna have two kids, one 26 years old and getting married soon, and another 29 years old doing a post-doc in geobiology at the University of Colorado. Great talking with you Reid — it’s only been 40 years! Pip Smith has been in the music business, continuously, since the late ’70s, loving the California life. He’s still there, enjoying himself, working for the main music distributor left standing (Amped), traveling quite a bit to visit big clients like Amazon. Pip is hoping to ride out his career with this company, which may be helped by the resurgence in LP sales. Pip and his family live in the foothills of the Sierras, east of Sacramento in Folsom near Folsom Lake. (He even lives in a musical place — Johnny Cash style.) It looks like a pretty sweet spot based upon a photo he sent me. Like many in our


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class, he is an active guy with trail running and ultramarathons as his big passions — too far inland to surf routinely these days! Pip has three kids, the oldest in NYC, and two at the tail end of college in California. Pip sounded great on the phone, no Folsom blues detected at all — indeed the opposite — hard to imagine four decades have passed. Pete Lohrey is now an assistant professor of accounting at Montclair State University (New Jersey) where he teaches in the forensic accounting program. He also is the director of forensic accounting and litigation services at Paritz & Co., located in Hackensack, N.J. (Gee Knobs, here’s to hoping I don’t run into you for work related reasons!) Pete was last seen at General John (Mick) Nicholson’s promotion (to four-star general, leading Afghanistan) ceremony and reception by John Colston on February 19 at Fort McNair, Va. Pat O’Shea happened to be in Baltimore (visiting from Richmond, Va.) as I was contacting our classmates for these notes. He remarked that during the evening of the visit, before turning in for the night in his hotel, he strolled down to the Inner Harbor and heard, “Hey Sledge!” — it was the beckoning of Mooch (Mark Foster) and family . . . Baltimore still remains the “largest small town in America.” The “big” Sledge news: after nine years with BB&T Capital Markets, Pat decided early fall to resign and strike out on a different direction. This MAY result in a move back to Baltimore! Mike Phipps has had an interesting life. Although I have not made “contact” with Mike directly, I thought all would enjoy reading what I found on the web (liberally lifted from his Facebook profile and a Gettysburg Daily article written by Mike) — so my apologies, Mike, if I butchered anything here. Mike majored in history/political science at Johns Hopkins, and was subsequently commissioned as an infantry officer from the Hopkins ROTC program. After service in the regular U.S. Army and Maryland National Guard as an infantry officer, he went into the inactive Reserves in 1992. He served as a licensed battlefield guide at Gettysburg National Military Park from 1987 to 2007 and in 2012, and is the author of two short biographies of Union Cavalry Generals John Buford and George Custer. Mike returned to the Pennsylvania National Guard and then the regular U.S. Army in the post 9/11 era as a non-commissioned officer, where he served three combat tours in Iraq, and among others, was awarded the Purple Heart after being shot twice during his second tour. Mike retired from the Army after over 33 years of service in 2011. Classmates, I strongly suggest you Google Mike’s Gettysburg Daily article, as it is a firsthand account of some of his Iraq experiences. Hats off to you, Mike. Mac Ross is enjoying retirement in Baltimore. He referees men’s lacrosse in the spring and enjoys golf year round. Mac’s wife, Bea, is a NICU nurse at GBMC and they have three kids — the youngest, Beth, is a junior at Coastal Carolina University; middle, Ben ’07, is a Montgomery County fireman and lives on Kent Island, and oldest, Daniel ’04, is a Green Beret medical sergeant stationed in Colorado who has recently returned from deployment in the Ukraine.

Lucien Brush has been on the faculty of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (with adjunct appointments also in applied mathematics and mechanical engineering) at the University of Washington since 1990, after receiving his Ph.D from Carnegie Mellon and completing a postdoc at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Wow, just to name of few of his research areas: computational and theoretical materials processing science, dynamics and stability of metallic foams, and spin coating for photovoltaic and other device applications. Lucien’s wife of many years (and former coworker of mine —  yes, small world), Serap Erdal, is a professor in public health at the University of Illinois at Chicago. They live a dual city life between their two homes in Seattle and Chicago, with frequent Skyping. Lucien gets back to Baltimore periodically to see his mom who — again small world — I occasionally see professionally at Johns Hopkins where she is still on the faculty of the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering and in the Roland Park neighborhood (remember those Brush house parties?) Lucien and I had a long and great conversation. Like many in our class, much has progressed in the last few decades, but, happily, the positive essence of our personalities of yore shines through! Lee Magness is still living up the I-95 corridor in Joppa, and working at Aberdeen Proving Ground in ballistics. Lee is one of our five Ph.Ds by my count, and his thesis project was on determining why depleted uranium alloys worked so much better as ballistic projectiles than comparable density materials, like tungsten-based composites. Other than me finding a few of his web-available (meaning non-classified) papers on his ballistics research, Lee can’t say much else about his work life! Lee says he is pleasantly surprised to see that a few in our class did become engineers. (My note: I agree, we have quite a few in STEM fields — science, technology, engineering, and math. Indeed, online I found patents “invented” not only by Lee, but also by Mark Levedahl, Ben Egerton, Perry Keller, and Grant Wheeler of our class . . . Mr. Chandlee’s and Mr. Porter’s influences?) Lee’s family still has the farm, though now it is pretty much surrounded by developments, and getting washed out from the inadequate storm water management that the developments and shopping centers have created. Lee is still building his house on the farm, mostly by himself since 1988, with a few rooms to go and designed with some passive solar features. His brother is the full-time farmer, though eking out a living, and lives on the farm. Lee’s sister is a cardiologist near King of Prussia, Pa. After our initial conversation, Lee and I have continued our email discourse on the wonders of depleted uranium and climate change . . . good stuff, I have missed you Lee! Lecky Haller wins the coveted award for “by far the best facial hair of a Gilman ’75 alum depicted on a web mug shot.” “Buhl” reports that he is alive and well living in Asheville, N.C. After graduating from Washington College where he played lacrosse (two-time all-American) he spent 20 years paddling professionally on the U.S. national whitewater canoe team where he competed in double canoe slalom. In these pursuits, he

travelled all over the world as a professional athlete visiting 43 countries. Lecky was lucky enough to garner a gold medal, two silvers, and a bronze at the world championships, and win the overall World Cup as well as come in second twice and third as well. He has been 15 times national champion, and competed in two Olympic Games, 1992 and 2000, winning fourth in the ’92 Barcelona games. Lecky was recently married to Chapman Davis. Quoting Lecky: “I have married thrice, this is my last one I am sure!” He has two daughters: Phoebe, 14, and Madeline, 10, and two step kids, Emerson, 15, and Brooks, 21, a dog (Warren), and two cats (Smudge and Hobbes). Lecky works at the Asheville School, a co-ed boarding school, whose head of school is former Gilman headmaster Arch Montgomery! He is the director of athletic facilities at Asheville School as well as coach of football, wrestling, skiing, and lacrosse. Lecky reports that he saw several Gilmanites (including Porter Siems ’73 and his son Matt) at the Lehigh prep national wrestling tournament recently where Asheville’s lone wrestler came fourth and beat the whole Gilman team! Lecky was also happy to see that Gilman’s football team still BEAT THE CROP OUT OF THE FARMERS at the 100th game! He is still competing at various athletic events but not at the Olympic level anymore (his last international competition was the Sydney 2000 Games). Lecky concluded his note to me saying “I love to canoe, hike, bike, run, ski and do outdoor stuff as much as I can. Classmates come visit me in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Life is good! I am eager to reconnect, and am the same Buhl, I assure you!” Road trip anyone? Buhl, great to hear from you! Joe Wingard lives five doors down from Jon Pine’s (JP) house, living closer to the Gilman campus than anyone else in our class by his estimate. At the time of our communication, he was hoping to join Bill Miller and Dirk Fitzpatrick for the graduation of JP’s son, Jonny ’12, from Radford University this May. JP’s family is hanging tough and doing well. Joe is enjoying longer sports vacations now until the body gives out (skiing, windsurfing, kiteboarding) while still working part time (well almost) in the family manufacturing business and encouraging the third generation (Joe being second) to keep it going. In addition, he is still playing the drums, sometimes with a couple of Gilman’s current teachers who have a band named Teachers for Hire. Hugh Simmons retired from his anesthesiology practice administrator role at the University of Maryland Baltimore about four years ago, and subsequently decided to follow one of his life’s passions (as you may recall from our Gilman days): photography. He hung out his own shingle, starting a new business —  Hugh Simmons Photography, based in Baltimore County. You can find his company on the web, including some shots of one of his recent projects — Shock Trauma’s annual report. (Very cool, Hugh!) Beside his new venture, Hugh also stays quite busy with the National Audubon Society, being both a current board member and having, now and historically, significant roles in the Chesapeake chapter and regional Society business. Hugh also helps his wife, Kathleen Woods, with her non-profit, the Phoenix Wildlife Center, which

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The Class of 1976 marked its 40th reunion with a special gift to name the Class of 1976 Turf on Brown Memorial Field in Alexander Sotir Stadium.

rehabilitates and returns to the wild orphaned and injured native Maryland wildlife. Harrison Smith and I had a wonderful conversation after all these years. I learned he keeps up with our ’75 class through a friendship with John Tompkins and alumni bulletins, especially enjoying the Joe Hooper masterpiece on our 40th reunion, bringing “back so many good memories of everyone there” as Harrison said. After securing an electrical engineering bachelor’s, and master’s degree in computers and electronics, his career in the software engineering field has continued to improve after serious setbacks now some 30 years ago. Harrison lived in the D.C. area then, moving back to Smaltimore in 1991. Once he began with the Maryland Department of the Environment, Harrison moved from systems engineering to participating in and then managing software development teams. Harrison is currently focused on applications to improve public health, still in State public service, and lately involved in more project management responsibility and procuring products. Harrison and his wife, Michele, celebrated 20 years last May, reflecting, “I am so grateful for her and the life and family we have been able to build together.” With three sons (Benjamin, 18, Joshua, 16, and Zachary, 14) Harrison’s life does, indeed, sound full. They are all honor society students with an eye on technology fields, and the oldest, Ben, was choosing between Maryland and Virginia Tech at the time of our conversation. Harrison’s family moved to Freeland, Md., in 2013, noting, “it was the first place I ever lived where we owned more than a quarter acre and can hear NOTHING outside after 9 p.m.; at first, the quiet was unnerving, as was not seeing my hand in front of my


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face on a new moon, but I don’t miss the traffic and city copters buzzing overhead at 2 a.m.” Cheers, Harrison. Gregg Campbell caught me on the phone while traveling, so I didn’t have a chance to jot notes, but we did have our own telephonic reunion some 20 years since we last spoke. The week prior, I had been on a business trip to Denver; with a few spare hours and the hopes of a “Gregg sighting,” I drove to the Boulder location identified in an online construction permit under his name (having exhausted all other contactidentification attempts short of hiring a private eye). The house was halfway constructed, and Gregg wasn’t there, but I did leave my card with the construction supervisor with a note pleading for Gregg to call whenever he received my handwritten message — and he did! Gregg and I worked together in the mid 1990s as fellow hydrogeologists, and he packed it up to move back out to Colorado (where he did his graduate work) in the late ’90s, dabbling in environmental consulting and becoming a serial non-profit entrepreneur in the sustainability field. It sounds like Gregg’s new abode, which includes many acres of farmable land adjoining Boulder Creek, is a further extension of Gregg’s passion for all things sustainable. He will be operating a fully functioning organic farm, providing for his own self-sufficiency, with built facilities using geothermal heating and other energy efficiency features, although the farm won’t be completely “off the grid.” Gregg makes it back to Baltimore once per year, so, Gregg, I hope to catch up in person then, or on one of my future trips to the Denver area. Better yet, let’s track down Watty (Watson Galleher), also in the Denver area, for a mini-reunion on your Boulder Creek overlook!

Grant Wheeler is catching up, in a big way, with our class after many years! (Thank you, Grant.) After graduating from Union College, Grant began working for General Motors in Rochester, N.Y., at what was then known as Rochester Product Division. That division was principally responsible for fuel systems and other powertrain components in GM cars and trucks. In 1979, that meant carburetors but quickly progressed to modern fuel injection systems. Within a year he was working in Michigan at the GM Proving Grounds, having a blast building and working on development vehicles, traveling to the North American climatic extremes in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and Canada to see if you could actually drive these systems in worst-case environments. As Grant’s career progressed he moved back to Rochester, then on to a different division, Packard Electric, in Warren, Ohio, and then to El Paso, Texas, where he currently resides. Along the way his employment evolved but was never interrupted as GM spun off the component divisions into Delphi Automotive. Delphi has a large engineering facility in Cuidad de Juarez, immediately over the Rio Grande from El Paso, the Delphi Mexico Technical Center, which is where Grant has worked for the last 14 years. His role today is the global chief engineer for Delphi Electrical Centers. An electrical center is that thing in your car where you find fuses and relays, typically a vehicle would have two or three such devices. Delphi’s product today is based on printed circuit boards and is evolving into an electronic solution replacing the old fashioned fuses and relays. Delphi’s volume is about a half billion dollars a year, and the company counts virtually every major global OEM except Honda as a customer. On the home front, Grant’s wife Dawn (of 31 years) also has a long career with GM and Delphi, and they carpool together to work! Their daughter spent three years teaching English in Korea after college and is now back home in El Paso plotting what comes next. And their son is completing his computer science studies in San Antonio. Over the years the family has been involved in many varied activities: sailing (before moving to the desert), downhill skiing, Boy Scouts (with numerous 50 milers), Texas-style high school marching band, many church activities, and a good dose of travel to many locations around the world. Most recently Grant has become very energized on the restoration of a 1954 Chevrolet Pickup truck, which has occupied his garage for way too long. Grant still has family back in Baltimore although he does not get back often. Each summer everyone gathers at his family’s cottage in Duck, N.C., something Grant has not missed for dozens of years. He is usually able to catch up with Brian Benninghoff on these summertime trips. David Chiu continues to live in town and serve as a state’s attorney in Baltimore City, where he is “still locking up bad guys.” He reports no news, but says “hi” to everyone. Charlie Wolpoff is another classmate who, although he may not claim so himself, has had an interesting life by my account. After undergraduate at Duke, he studied law (Vanderbilt for his JD and Georgetown for an LLM in tax) and practiced law for a few years. Charlie then got interested in journalism,

writing for the Congressional Quarterly, the Baltimore Business Journal, and the Baltimore Sun, as well as receiving a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Maryland in 1996. In 2001, he entered the financial services industry, and along the way established his own two-office financial services business in Maryland. In 2013 he joined an established firm, The Kelly Group of Bel Air, as the director of financial planning and research — a firm he says is home. Charlie seems to be having a great time, and said his past experiences, for instance in writing, have really helped in what he is doing now. He lives in Kingsville, a short commute, with his wife, Sue. They will be celebrating their 30th anniversary July 2016. Congrats, Charlie! Carl Offit lives in central New Jersey, 10 miles north of Princeton. He and his wife, Mindy, have been married for 22 years, and have a daughter, Rachel, who is a junior at “Towson State, excuse me, Towson University.” For the past eight years, Carl has worked for a small computer software company, as a sales and support guy, who provides pricing and risk management platforms to the hedge fund industry. Sounds like Carl, now living in the outer Philadelphia region, has succumbed to non-Baltimore allegiances, saying: “I’ve become a huge diehard Eagles fan, so I need to get in touch with Mr. Vishio, so I can tell him I share his pain. The Philadelphia Eagles play the Ravens in Baltimore this year, so I am getting a ticket and interested in a Gilman tailgate party. . . .” I wouldn’t quite call this a Steelers-type taunt, so I say a few of us Baltimore natives accordingly arrange for a civil purple with dash-of-green tailgate. Cal Bond has been a professor of biology at Greensboro College for greater than 20 years, and regrets to have missed the 40th reunion because it coincided with finals week. Cal recently heard surprising and pleasant news that he will be receiving the Outstanding Teaching Award from the Alumni Association of Greensboro College — he blames mostly his past and present students for this honor. (Sounds like the self-deprecating Cal we know and love, doesn’t it?) Cal and wife, Sherry, are doing fine: she with her clients (for occupational therapy) at the Durham VA, and Cal with his “tenth batch” of anatomy and physiology students at the College, among other pedagogical duties as professor. He gets to Baltimore for at least one of the year-end holidays each year, as two of his sibs (e.g., “Jimmy” Bond ’77) still live in or near Roland Park. This past November, he took some time to visit the church garden where Cal’s parents and also Jonathan Pine are interred: a poignant visit to be sure. Because of his past students, Cal is often on Facebook, where he occasionally runs into Hank Young and John Tompkins. Others of our class are very welcome to drop in and say hey on that electronic forum. Brian Benninghoff says “things are going well down here,” meaning the Washington, D.C., area for us Baltimore northerners. He and his wife, Susan, have three boys, with the oldest in college in Los Angeles and the two younger boys in middle school who, as Brian describes, “are acting like I remember that age.” Brian has been developing real estate in the Washington area for 30 years now, which he greatly enjoys, and his firm

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now has partnerships with a few other Gilman guys: Pete Jervey ’77, Bob Pinkard ’71, and Laurey Millspaugh ’76. Brian said he was really very lucky to find a career in real estate development, as he likes all aspects of it and plans to keep at it for a long time. Susan has worked as a commercial lender for a few banks up until last Thanksgiving when she resigned from her last job, and she is uncertain whether she will go after another. The Benninghoffs live in Bethesda and just got a new puppy — in sum, Brian reports that “life is good.” Bob Ehrlich (that is, The Honorable Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr.) recently released a new book (three since 2011!). It is entitled: “Turning Point,” with the byline “Picking Up the Pieces after Eight Years of Failed Progressive Policies.” Bob’s son, Drew, is a senior at Gilman, and younger son, Josh, is in the middle school at Indian Creek. Bill Saltysiak’s last contact with anyone in our class was our reunion at the Governor’s mansion. . . . I tracked him down at his relatively new law office in Towson. Salty has been married and divorced twice, most recently October 2015. He has one daughter and twin granddaughters who live in Cockeysville. After his first split in 1992 he moved from Towson to Garrett County (Deep Creek Lake), Md., for 20-some years until his recent return to Towson. Bill finds himself again (re)building a law practice. Bill says, “I am healthy and in good spirits. I am older, heavier, grayer, and hopefully wiser than the last time we spoke.” (A truism for many of us I suspect.) He also remarked that he would like to reconnect with fellow classmates now that he is local. Sounds like an Offit Ravens-Eagles tailgater is getting traction! Adam Weisenberg, an ardent Red Sox fan, is a real estate attorney in Boston. He has two kids (and one wife) — a daughter in Brooklyn working in recruiting, and a son in Washington, D.C., working for the Atomic Heritage Foundation, dealing with oral histories of the Manhattan Project. Adam visited D.C. several months back and said he had a nice Gilman ’75 dinner with Dirk Fitzpatrick and Gio Prezioso. As we were chatting about our 30th reunion at the Governor’s mansion, then onto politics and our own Kevin Kamenetz, Adam recalled a funny “politics” story from our Gilman days. One year during class elections, Frank Pascal, running for class secretary Adam thought (I have no recall here), stuffed everyone’s mailboxes with a stick of gum. He won hands down . . . as Adam said “he bought the election, fair and square!” Hah, how we’ve matured! I found an online presence or trail for several in our class. Here’s a little of what I’ve deduced . . . Greg DeFrancesco is a teacher, assistant athletic director, and head football coach at James River High School in Virginia. Rob Williams is the chief investment officer with Baltimore Washington Financial Advisors in Columbia, Md. Henry Rinder is a professor of medicine at the Yale School of Medicine, and, among other leadership roles, the director of Yale’s Clinical Hematology Laboratory. Thomas Gray is a psychiatrist in Montana. Mark Levedahl has a notable web profile in missile defense while working at Raytheon in the 2000s, but I don’t think he is there any longer. I believe Dom


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Tocci is in the construction business in Connecticut. Tom Hornick is on the faculty of Case Western Reserve’s School of Medicine, and researches and practices at the Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center of the Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Now that I have the scent, I will keep trying on those above, plus the handful of other Gilman ’75 graduates I have yet to find. On yours truly (Ian MacFarlane), life has been good here in Roland Park, my home of 25+ years, and I have enjoyed reinvigorating my contact with our wonderful and warm classmates. My wife, Coppie (nee Tucker), continues her noble work helping to direct the Brown Memorial Church tutoring program. My oldest, Key MacFarlane ’07, is toiling away as a Ph.D student in human geography at the University of Washington, and my daughter, Emma, is embarking on a new philanthropy consulting job in San Francisco. My youngest, Zane MacFarlane ’13, has taken a year off from Pomona College to attempt a solo through-hike of the Continental Divide Trail, starting April 2016 at the Mexico-New Mexico border and heading north. (Fingers crossed.) I stay very busy at my environmental consulting firm, regularly traveling to our two-dozen U.S. offices, as well as staying active on the Roland Park Civic League board (about 10 years now), and was appointed as a commissioner on the Maryland Higher Education Commission, a state agency, in 2012. Now that I’ve tracked a few of you down, especially you west-coasters, I hope to talk you into a beer or two sometime soon. On the “fun” side, I have enjoyed several snowmobiling trips to Yellowstone Park and surrounding areas over the past few years, communing where I did as a young man. Finally, further related to the West, I am overjoyed to report that after a year’s hiatus, as of the publishing of these Notes, I will have returned to Gilman’s First Grade Pioneer Day, as Cowboy MacFarlane, telling grizzly bear stories, jingling my spurs, and teaching all how to lasso!

1976 John Wharton As we geared up for our 40th reunion, dedicating our field-turf project and enjoying dinner at the Headmaster’s house, members of the Class of 1976 jotted down a few notes through an email thread that could fuel conversation at the imminent gathering. Nothing says it’s springtime like the return of baseball, and an annual update from Charlie Steinberg, who wrote to Gilman that “In this Heaven-blessed 40th year of my Encounter project, I am splitting my time in Boston, Milwaukee, and Rhode Island. As I complete my 10th season, in the last 14, as executive vice president of the Boston Red Sox, I am also helping Commissioner Emeritus Selig with his memoirs (hence Milwaukee), and helping my mentor Larry Lucchino explain the virtues of a new ballpark for our Triple A club in Rhode Island. All thanks to Gilman. I am eternally grateful.”

Charlie Moore, who hosted our most recent previous quinquennial gatherings, made plans to fit this reunion weekend’s Friday night crab feast into his itinerary, amid a busy schedule. “Laura and I are spending much of this spring traveling up to Harvard to see our son, Bryan, play his final season of lacrosse for the Crimson. He was All-Ivy last year and the team looks to make some serious noise nationally this year. Great group of guys and families. We’ll miss the camaraderie if not the schlepping!” Charlie added that Bryan has “had a terrific experience at Harvard, as an economics major with a psychology second, and a member of The Fly Club, the same club as our classmate Michael Ward. He has a tremendous group of friends with all sorts of interests and passions, so has been very fortunate to have had a wonderful college experience.” On the work front, Charlie noted in closing, “DinnerTime is going gangbusters, growing and profitable now, with numerous national partnerships and clients, including the American Heart Association which will be doing a major consumer PR and social media launch just two weeks from my writing. Locally, we’ve recently launched as a wellness benefit free to members of Evergreen Health Cooperative and Johns Hopkins HealthCare, with numerous other health plans nationally in the works. Our members are not only saving time and money with DinnerTime, they report significant, sustained weight loss and improved energy through healthy meal planning. The start-up experience has been a roller coaster, exhilarating at each twist and turn. Fortunately, we’ve attracted wonderful employees and the support of many friends and colleagues who have helped us in so many ways. Very grateful.” Laurey Millspaugh made an offer to Charlie to “lease your house and run a B&B. Can we put up a black light in the basement and pass out sharpies to memorialize it for all time?” Charlie responded, “Now, that would indeed be a good use of a sharpie.” Eb Finney wrote that “things have been very busy for Sara and I, as we now have two children out in the working world and one still at Hopkins University playing on the women’s lacrosse team. Both sons are Gilman graduates — we consider that a wonderful start. Pete (Eben IV) ’07 lives and works in Pittsburgh. William ’08 lives and works in Manhattan. Cece is a RPCS grad and has been helping the Blue Jays on the field.” Eb added, “All is fine here entering my 22nd year with Brown [Advisory], and still feeling engaged and honored to be where I am. I am happy to see other classmates occasionally, so I am looking forward to the reunion. Sara and I are looking forward to having more time for travel as we go forward.” Bill Spragins bookended his remarks with two spectator sport extravaganzas, beginning with how he “enjoyed seeing a number of you at the festivities around the 100th Gilman-McDonogh game last November, and somehow managing to sit right behind Reddy Finney at the game with Ted Sotir and Henry Thomas.” Bill “spent Thanksgiving at our place in Mazatlán with my nephew and niece, who are both based out of Palo Alto, Calif., these days. Elizabeth is completing her

Ph.D at Stanford in Spanish/Arabic and Pete Jr. has landed at Google and doing well. Their parents, Pete (’71) and wife Dolly, are essentially retired and chilling out across the Bay in Berkeley. I visit all of them when business takes me through the Bay Area.” On the participatory side of athletics, Bill “skied with Ted and Thea Sotir, their kids and Michael Sotir at Vail in February on their annual visit over the pond during an early four-week warm weather spring-conditions break. We have seriously gotten back to winter here the last few weeks with four to five feet of snow everywhere in the mountains.” Bill “knocked the Super Bowl off my bucket list this year and watched the Broncos’ tame those little Kitties from Carolina in spectacular 70-degree weather. This of course would have been the Broncos second trophy in four years had not some team from Baltimore forced OT on a Hail Mary pass from Flacco with regulation running out. The general feeling in Denver is Elway should have fired John Fox after that game instead of waiting three years. We, of course, are not bitter, and at least glad it was the Ravens and not someone else like New England or Oakland. In any event, if you ever go to the Super Bowl, go early and enjoy all of the pre-game day-long activities, booths, former/current NFL players, games, etc. It is like going to Disney World. On the way in, there was a fence displaying pictures of all of the prior Super Bowl rings, [including] one from Super Bowl V.” Arthur Cromwell wrote from South America that his son, Ben, and Ben’s wife, Christy, are still working in Atlanta, while Arthur’s other son, Jon, is still working in Baltimore. Arthur and his wife, Isa, are “still in San Diego, Venezuela, still doing teaching and accounting, respectively. This is a great country if you want to learn to appreciate the little things in life . . . and practice gratitude. If you have running water [not presently] . . . you are grateful. If you have electricity [comes and goes] . . . you are grateful. If you get what you need at the market without waiting five hours or more [as a lot do] . . . you are grateful. If a bike spoke breaks and you actually have the new one and the tools to replace it yourself . . . you guessed it . . . grateful. Simple joys. Here I am constantly reminded that it is only an infinitesimally small percentage of the passengers on this rock spinning through space who enjoy the lifestyle most Gilman graduates do. Yet whatever the challenges in Venezuela, it is 100 times better than what I recall in Haiti. Here I am also reminded of what they used to say there, ‘We have miracles here everyday . . . if something works, it’s a miracle!’ The stark comparison between here and the US also reminds me of another quote, ‘To whom much is given, much will be required.’ I know none of the good men we graduated with 40 years ago would take their blessings for granted . . . nor forget those less fortunate. In a week [of Easter] when many of us celebrate the supreme act of love, it seems a great time to not only celebrate a new athletic field, but also thank God for all the gifts we have been given, that most on this planet can only dream of. After 40 years, it also seems a great time to finally attend a reunion . . . except for geography.”

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Dixon Harvey updated us that his son, Bob, “is engaged and will marry Steph Casella sometime in 2017. They live in Denver and skinned up some peak where he proposed. We are pumped to have Steph as an official member of the family. We love her dearly.” Dixon added, “All else is good. Janet is still the director of development at Irvine Nature Center. Annie works for a finance start-up in NYC called Fundera, and I am still enjoying Black Oak while spending more time on non-profit commitments. Got some good skiing in this winter, but sorry to miss Bill and Ted this year.” Your Southern Maryland correspondent long ascribed to the adage that cruise ships were for the “newly wed or nearly dead.” But after a 24-hour delay in late 2014 kept us stuck in and around the Denver airport, and my questionable self-diagnosis of tinnitus troubles following a round-trip flight that fall to Florida, I was ready for an alternative to air travel. Linda and I took a five-night trip on the water last October from Baltimore to Bermuda. The weather wasn’t the best, but the food was great, and it’s hard to forget sitting outdoors in a top-deck swimming pool of hot salt water watching an action-hero movie on the jumbotron as the pool water sloshed back and forth. We also enjoyed our second December visit to Chapel Hill-Carrboro, and seeing our niece again for the annual “Dickens Christmas” festival in nearby Burlington. The Enterprise changed owners again last year, for the fourth time during my 31 years as its police and courts reporter, when Amazon’s Jeff Bezos sold off the Washington Post’s three Southern Maryland publications to a Minnesota based-group, whose Chesapeake Bay-area holdings now closely match the team of publications we were aligned with when I came on board. We lost some staff members and were relocated to new quarters a couple miles further from home, but the return of spring has done wonders for this old timer’s adjustment to having new routines, new hardware and software, and coworkers and supervisors from a younger generation. Now if I can only devise a way to keep the new house that’s going up on the lot next door from impinging on my skinny dipping in the pool.

1978 Charles Herndon Life seems to continue at a breakneck pace for the Class of 1978 — that seems so long ago now, doesn’t it? And I say breakneck pace because whether it’s traveling the world or reaching higher rungs on the career ladder or welcoming new members of the family or simply spending hours sitting in a marsh waiting for that perfect shot of a newborn baby fox, our class seems to have gotten this thing down pretty well. Alas, communications continues to be an elusive trait as well — I’ve been negligent on the Notes front, but I’m not hearing from a lot of you either, and I’d love to know what latest mountains you have trekked.


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Please send me updates at my new email at or at the old, soon-to-be defunct I’d love to hear from you all. I have heard from Rob Moxley, and his update is both professional and political. This dates a while back, but he’s now a member of the Board of Directors of Fulton Financial Corp., based in Lancaster, Pa., and he also reports having received a gubernatorial appointment to the Maryland Agricultural Fair Board, a nine-member body that oversees not just the Maryland State Fair but county agricultural fairs throughout the state. Rob is chairman of that august group. Most Sundays at church, I’m fortunate to run into Rick Sunderland and wife Cheryl, who are enjoying life immensely as relatively new empty nesters. A while back, they shared their intimate knowledge of the City of Lights when we were contemplating a Parisian adventure — it’s Cheryl’s favorite city, and they shared their most recent visit on Facebook for those of us who enjoy armchair adventuring. I also run into Charlie Albert every so often. He spends his days in Towson as a principal with Synergy Benefit Consultants, and recently needed a bit of long-term care himself — I never knew bunion surgery could be so extensive. It kept him off his feet for several months and we trust that by the time he reads this, he’ll be back to his lean, lively self. Hang in there, Charlie! Charlie’s cousin Tolly Albert also is looking well these days with occasional trips down to the Tar Heel State to see daughter Eleanor at High Point University. I’m sure Eleanor’s the draw, Tolly, but I know that on-campus steakhouse must be a potent pull as well! Seeing a shot of Vernon Roberts playing golf in 36-degree weather in Charlotte a month or two ago made me appreciate the power of golf. Keep driving, Vernon! Bill Cranley apparently goes by Patrick these days, but you can still find him holding down the Far East in Shanghai, where he is managing director of the public relations company AsiaMedia. He’s been busy during the past six months planning and carrying through a World Congress on Art Deco in Shanghai last November, all courtesy of the society he founded, Historic Shanghai. When he’s not blending cultures, Patrick is squiring his daughter as she embarks upon plans to attend graduate school in international public health; she graduated last year from Georgetown with a degree in cultural anthropology. Patrick’s son, meanwhile, is studying at American University. Big doings for another of our Bills — Bill Bramble got married not long ago, and he’s happily living the domestic life in Westminster. Congrats, Bill! When he’s not working for Defense Awareness Programs, you can find Bill usually indulging in two other passions —  photography and wildlife. I’ve learned a lot from him about how to shoot the native flora and fauna — with a camera only, folks — and he’ll be happy to regale you with stories of his many encounters with the animals, birds, flowers, and bugs that make Maryland beautiful. Check out his work online on Facebook, too! The natural life is on Charlie Wright’s mind, too. He and Karen are considering a future move to Asheville to take advantage of that part of North Carolina’s

amazing natural world, foodie culture, green living, and all-around healthy lifestyle. For now, he continues to work at eBay and PayPal, but his heart is veering south. By the way, Charlie recently lived a good lesson for us all as we contemplate — gulp — retirement and beyond. When a friend asked if he’d be interested in taking a week off and sailing through the Virgin Islands, Charlie did what I suspect many of us would do — he thought about it. Should I go on such a frivolous, carefree idyll, or stay focused on job and responsibilities and all that comes with that. His daughter helped him decide —  he spent what looks like a delightful end of March exploring the islands and knowing he would never regret his decision. Let’s hope all of us have that same sense of foresight and joie de vivre! It’s good to see John Gephart out and about as well — John’s infectious good humor and laughter always bring a smile to everyone. Did I see where Mike Sotir is now ensconced in the University of Virginia’s lacrosse Hall of Fame? Many kudos, Mike, for that well-deserved honor. The ’Hoos never had it so good! Reg Harris at the Poet’s House in New York has been busy hosting a parade of literary luminaries over the past few months and keeping the creative fires burning, including posting misspellings and poor grammar online, which many of us grammar freaks enjoy. Reg, you are following your muse, my man, and I’m happy for you because of it. Now if I can just find a way to jump aboard that train . . . . Let me see if I got this right, Mitchell Brown —  since December (it’s March as I write this), you and Rebecca have been to Cabo San Lucas, Park City in Utah, Palm Beach Island in Florida, NYC to catch “Hamilton” on Broadway, Stanford in California to visit Ethan, and then back to Utah for more skiing at Deer Valley. Wow! When do you all stop to catch your breath? Mitchell’s back in Crabtown now —  occasionally — and it sounds like you all are doing well and enjoying life, as it should be. Where to next, O ye prodigious travelers!? Just be sure to post to Facebook, so we can keep up and enjoy, if only vicariously. Finally, I see where Geoff Mock just made 30 years working for Duke University, a display of stamina and sheer manly willpower that few possess. Congratulations, Geoff, and congrats on finally seeing the Heels dispatch the Devils at Cameron, especially after that awful collapse at the Dean Dome. Geoff continues to keep the Dukies honest and is still fighting the good fight for justice and peace through organizations such as Amnesty International. Keep up the good work, Geoff. It’s been nearly 20 years at the Baltimore County Public Schools for me, still in communications, though doing more community and family outreach now. My eldest is studying fashion design at Virginia Commonwealth, and Cal (Charles IV) is making his way through Towson High School. Neaville and I remain fixated on returning to the Outer Banks sooner rather than later, so watch this space. And as I said earlier, please write, or at least post your latest exploits on Facebook, which I troll a bit. Enjoy the year (and try to enjoy the upcoming election), and stay in touch!

1979 Has Franklin It has been a very eventful period for our classmates since the last notes were sent out. For those of you that do not know, Louise and Bill Senft’s son, Archer, was involved in a swimming accident at the beach where he broke his neck. There has been a tremendous outpouring of support for Archer and his family from the Baltimore Community. To find out more information and how you can help, please go to the Senfts’ “Being Relational” website. John O’Donovan scared us all with a heart attack. Ned Finney’s brother, Stewart ’77, came to the rescue performing open-heart surgery. He is on the mend, and should be ready for next year’s Preakness and Hunt Cup. George Kelly is still running all over the country doing land deals to save our environment. His youngest son, Woody ’17, played on the varsity soccer and lacrosse teams. Joe Carroll still works with George in the land exchange business. His daughter, Hannah, graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill this spring. Our class still has a strong contingent in Richmond, Va. The only current news that I received from that area is that Carter Buxbaum has started his own consulting firm. Hopefully, he will share some of his good ideas with the rest of us. Two of our classmate’s sons led the varsity baseball team into the championship series. David Willis’ son, Mike ’18, is one of the pitchers and Sean Darby’s son, Charlie ’17, is the shortstop. They are a major underdog so to win the championship would be a fantastic accomplishment. Both of these boys were also on the varsity volleyball team too. Kevin Connor is still playing squash regularly and soon will be considered a pro with all the side bets he keeps winning during his matches. I heard that Scott Schelle is the COO of DAS Worldwide in Washington, D.C. Sam Hillers has relocated to San Diego from Mexico. Marc Dubick is still developing real estate in the D.C. area. His oldest son, Louis, is the fourth attackman and playing on the extra man offense for the number 1 ranked Maryland Terps. Christopher Russo’s son is happy in the eighth grade at Gilman and his daughter is in the fifth grade at RPCS. He says 40 years ago he was at Gilman and his sister at RPCS and it’s deja vu all over again! Tom Booker’s son, Thomas ’18, was a starting TE for the Gilman football team. He is an excellent student/ athlete. I know he makes his mom and dad proud as he continues to develop both on and off the field. Since Jim Wilkerson started his family later than most of us, he is now roaming the sidelines on a regular basis coaching his two boys. Jay is a football, basketball, and lacrosse player like his dad and his finishing the fourth grade at Gilman. Bennett plays basketball and lacrosse while attending Cathedral. For the first time in almost two decades, the football team at Gilman is not led by Biff Poggi.

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The team finished one of their most successful seasons this past year winning, the championship and beating McDonogh in the 100th edition of the rivalry. No matter what side of the issue you stood regarding the national exposure Biff brought to the football program, he did help lots of boys grow up to become productive men. One of the players was recently drafted in the second round by the New England Patriots. If you would like to read a letter from a parent about how Biff and the football team touched their son’s life, send me an email and I will be glad to forward it to you. No one from the Boston area sent any information in to be published. Hopefully, this means that everyone is doing well. Things are moving fast in my life. My daughter, Leslie, just graduated from VCU School of Arts, the number one public university in the country for arts. I guess artistic talent skips a generation in my family. My oldest son, Mac, is studying in Bologna, Italy this fall where I hope to have dinner with Raffaele Zanoli and find out how he is doing. My son Luke just finished his freshman year of college at Susquehanna University where he played lacrosse. My youngest son, Drew, is a senior at Gilman this school year. The 2017 graduation will have many similarities as the 1979 Graduation with four boys having fathers in our class. “I’ve learned . . . that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.” Please share with your classmates some of the happiness/growth that has occurred on your journey through life to get to the top of the mountain. The notes are only as good as the information received.

1980 Jim Franklin There was a nice contingent of our classmates at the 100th Gilman-McDonogh game this year. I saw Tom Scott, Paul Danko, Eddie Dunn, Geoff Carey, Brian Lyles, Mark Licht, and Hans Wittich. TJ Woel promised he would be there, but was a no-show. I believe he tore his bicep and was told not to drive. TJ is not always a no show. Unfortunately, Paul Hazlehurst’s father passed away, and TJ did make it down for the funeral, which was great to see. And Paul gave a really touching eulogy that I am sure his dad appreciated. We were fortunate to organize another impromptu lunch for some of our local classmates. Jay Hergenroeder, Steve Plunkert, Roland Mackenzie, Hans Wittich, Mark Licht, and Dave Mason were there. The lunch was right after our snowstorm so a few others Lat Naylor (Mr. Mom), David deMuth, and David Cromwell had to cancel. And TJ said the restaurant was not good enough for him to go to. If any other local classmates want to join in the fun, please email me


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I contacted a few classmates that I have not heard from in awhile and did get some feedback. Bill Hall has been living in New York City for close to 25 years. He has had a variety of jobs in TV production and post production, but has settled into being a long-form editor. Bill works in non-fiction (most documentary or docudrama). For the last several years, he was been one of the chief editors at Peacock Productions, a division of NBC News. Bill has cut shows for Discovery, ID, History, A&E, Weather Channel, Reelz, Lifetime, TLC, and more. He still plays rock-and-roll in his free time and is in two bands. One of them is Creative Juice: It was great catching up with Bill and I look forward to seeing him again soon. Another classmate that I reached was Tom Schermerhorn. Tom is living in Burlington, N.C., and is a practicing OB/GYN for Duke PDC. He has been retired from the Navy since 2009. His three children are doing well with both daughters in their first year of medical school. His middle daughter is following in Tom's footsteps and is an ensign in the Navy and attending his alma mater (Uniformed Service University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md.). She will be getting married this summer. His oldest daughter is a first year student at UNC-Chapel Hill Medical School. His son is a sophomore at Franklin and Marshall (also Tom’s alma mater). He is a pre-med and also captain of the soccer team. His wife, Theodora, is practicing estate law in Greensboro. George Finney ran into my family at Sakura in Hunt Valley. I believe I was in Los Angeles at the time and unfortunately missed him. George is director of retirement services for Everence Trust Company. His 13-year-old daughter is playing squash in the girls under 15 nations. His wife, Lesley, continues her work with Elizabethtown College. And George has committed to the next Baltimore lunch. Steve Snyder has retired from the Navy Reserve in 2015 after 30 years of service. He is currently leading outsourcing solutions in the legal services industry (any corporate GCS looking to improve their output should contact Steve). Will Griffith continues to surf. Every day. Paul Danko’s son has graduated college and is working. Molly is a senior at Denver while Bridget is a senior at Bryn Mawr. She will attend Marquette next year. Albert Montague sends his best from Coral Gables, Fla. He spends his time traveling and enjoying fine wine. It was nice to hear he is a big fan of my alma mater, University of Miami, and has been enjoying their basketball team recently. Let’s hope the football program picks up next year too! John Zentz’s daughter, Allison, is going to be a freshman at TCU. His son is doing well at Indiana and has done some entertaining film work. John is still working on cars and says his next car he builds will be a Ford GT40. I can’t wait to see it. We look to defend our flight championship in the Bellerive member-guest in June. George Parker has moved back to the East Coast after five years in California. He is the chief human

The Class of 1981 gathered for its 35th reunion on the South Terrace of Carey Hall – a space that did not exist when they were students.

resources officer for a privately held biotech company. Brian Lyles is still enjoying his job fundraising for Center Stage. He has been reconnecting with many Gilman people who are friends and supporters of the theater, plus others in the community who are friends of Gilman. In his spare time, Brian keeps busy with writing and photography. Randy Brown is living in London and seems to be having fun. His Facebook posts certainly look like he and his family are enjoying the good life. Mark Licht has finally gotten engaged. Just kidding. He is, however, still dating Karis. Mark, we really would like to enjoy a big party so I think it is time you took one for the team. I bumped into Steph Jackson at the Baltimore Country Club bar in February. He and Debra are now empty nesters. You can find Steph on the practice range at BCC now that the weather has warmed. Steve Plunkert looked good at our lunch. He is still in the carpet business. There was a nice political discussion since we are coming up to a fairly important election. It was nice to know that Steve and I still agree on most things. Hans Wittich has not changed much. He looks like he should be surfing with Will Griffith every day. Hans is working for Solar Gaines in Hunt Valley. If you are looking to convert your home to solar power, give him a call. My beautiful bride graduated from nursing school in December. She was also chosen by her classmates to give their commencement speech. She was fantastic. I just got back from taking my two girls on their second college visits. This time we saw High Point, South Carolina, and Clemson. My son is playing on two

baseball teams and is doing well. I am on the coaching staff and enjoying the time together as well. As for me, I just got back from playing in a golf tournament at a course called Wolf Point. It is in Port Lavaca, Texas, and there is only one member. I was thankful to get an invitation and loved the course. Any Baltimore residents please contact me so I can include you in any upcoming lunches.

1981 Wm. H. Moore, V Thirty five years! Where has the time gone?!? Well, we had our 35th reunion on the Gilman grounds this year; the first of a new tradition for the school, having most reunion year celebrations at various spots spread across the campus. We had a great showing of 38 classmates, with a total of 54 guests including our wives. That was one better than our 30th reunion, so we will hold out hopes for even more at our 40th. The names of all the attendants are too many to list, but I do feel obligated to name those who traveled from out of state to join in on the festivities: Mike Yeganeh came from Virginia, Doug Hoffman came from West Virginia, Andy Rich came from New Jersey, Brian Goldman came from New York, Anthony Morgan, Sandy Brown, and Clark MacKenzie all came from Connecticut, Billy Thomas came from St. Louis, Rich Eyring came from Florida, Phil Gorman came from Idaho, Ted Xanders and Tony Lazar came from two opposite ends of California, and Tom Fusting

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came from the moon (okay, not really, but given our political conversations, it sometimes seems like that’s where he lives J). Also of significant note, the fantastic fundraising efforts, lead by Bobby Blue, Tom Finney, Frank DeCosta, Steve Belgrad, Brian Goldman, and Terry Swindell, managed to raise $35,000 in contributions from our class! That is most impressive, so hats off for their super work, and great thanks to all who contributed. For our event, we were also quite privileged to have Steve Siwinski and his wife Rita join us, in this, his last year of teaching at Gilman. Steve was one of my personal favorite teachers, and is today one who I count as a good friend; his shoes will be very hard to fill on campus. Hotel Moore was in full swing for the event, providing sleeping accommodations and food services to Ted Xanders, Tom Fusting, Doug Hoffman, and Jess and Anthony Morgan. Steve Obstler was unable to attend the reunion party, so those staying at the Hotel were able to see him for a crab feast on Friday evening. Lori and Rob Hopkins and Pam Fusting joined in on that gathering too. Billy Slaughter was one classmate who had hoped to join us for the reunion, but was unable to attend at the last minute. Upon extending his regrets, he did offer a unique thought that was well worth sharing, “Have a great reunion, and know that I will be up on the third floor in spirit, throwing full milk cartons down on the heads of the underclassmen having reunions below ours, and anyone else I feel might deserve a nice milk bomb.” I am sorry Billy was unable to attend, outside of missing his great sense of humor, the evening clearly would have been much more eventful. And photos of the after-effects of those milk bombs would have been an interesting addition to this staid magazine. John Worthington also sent regrets, a bit more modest than Billy’s, stating he was sad to miss our gathering, particularly since he was missing us to be on the road for 17 hours going to South Carolina, to help his son John (class of ’15) pack-up after his freshman year as a Gamecock. As with last year, the graduating class of 2016 had a few next generation 81’ers, with Frank DeCosta, IV (son of Frank DeCosta, III), Stewart Cho (son of Peter Cho), Tommy Diehl (son of Rick Diehl), and Bobby Russell (son of former classmate Rob Russell) all graduating in June. Soon after our reunion event, I had the great pleasure to share a lunch with Jim Cavanaugh and his lovely wife Deb, in Fells Point. They were in Baltimore for Jim’s mother’s birthday, after having been on a whirlwind driving trip from the South, where they watched their daughter Katie, 22, graduate from Wake Forest (Deb’s alma mater). They covered a significant part of the east coast in their travels, as they live in the southern suburbs of Portland, Maine. And in August, their son Ben, 21, who is working as a speech language pathologist in Charlotte, N.C., will be getting married! With a marriage and a graduation, 2016 is proving to be a big year for the Cavanaughs. As an aside, at the close of our gathering, I told Jim he was ageless, looking


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identical to how I remembered him from our school days. He laughed, saying he had recently looked at the group class picture in the cover of our yearbook, and marveled at his appearance. Intrigued, I had to go back and look at the same photo, and realized that maybe his current clean cut look was a little better today, without the large mop of hair and the mustache he sported in 1981. Every time we have a reunion, I get energized to try and find classmates with whom I have been disconnected. I hit the jackpot this year, stumbling upon Tom Randall, Randolph Sesson, Min Cho, Skip Cerf, Don Wiley, Teddy Hoen-Saric, and Michael Kapiloff. Tom Randall reported, “Baltimore feels like a long time ago! I came back after Bowdoin to work in a lab for a couple years and then went to Hopkins med school and met my wife Katrina on a dinosaur dig out in Montana the summer after first year of medical school. We both finished med school and residency at Hopkins and then had to move to Philadelphia to complete my training in GYN cancer surgery. We have a 21-year-old son and 17- and 15-year-old daughters. My son is currently on a semester trip to Patagonia while my daughters are slaving away at their Boston prep school. We were in Philly for 17 years before moving to Boston, where Katrina became the chief of medicine at the Mass General Hospital. With that move I have taken some time off from daily clinical medicine and I now work in global cancer projects. I spend half my time working on cervical cancer and other similar diseases in low income countries for the National Cancer Institute. With that work I travel to Africa and South America pretty regularly and after a few years I am starting to feel like it could make a difference. We’ll see.” Randy Sesson is in London. According to his LinkedIn page, he is a senior investment banking consultant with Evercore, with “28 years of global experience, more than half focused on the transportation operating and infrastructure sectors. He has substantial experience advising and counseling the senior managements of public and private companies, private equity firms and governments on their most important strategic and financial transactions. Strong business development expertise, identifying and executing mergers and acquisitions, private equity investments, valuations, capital raisings and financial restructurings. He is skilled at building teams and the mentoring and training of junior professionals to support transactions with world class financial analysis, and to develop their business development skills.” Also through LinkedIn, I discovered that Paul Sungmin Cho has been the COO/CFO at The Illumination Foundation since 2009, helping the foundation serve their vision to “provide targeted, interdisciplinary services for the most vulnerable homeless clients, to break or prevent the cycle of homelessness.” Per the Foundation’s website, “He is a licensed acupuncturist and chiropractor. These healthcare fields represent a second career for Paul who was previously an investment banker. Paul spent 16 years in investment banking working for Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch. After working in New York,

Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore and Seoul, Paul retired as a managing director in 2003 to pursue his second career. Paul graduated from Harvard University with a B.A. degree in economics and received his doctor of chiropractic and masters in acupuncture and oriental medicine degrees from Southern California University of Health Sciences. He also received his MBA degree at the Paul Merage School of Business at University of California Irvine. Prior to that, he was an executive director of Goldman Sachs from 87-95, and a Managing Director at Merrill Lynch from 1995 through 2003.” WOW! So all that just means that if Randy Sesson needs help with an international business deal, AND has a backache, AND is not feeling well, he can do a one stop shop with his Gilman ’81 classmate, and get some chiropractic help, some acupuncture, and business help all in one fell swoop. Oh, and by the way, he can work on London’s homeless problems while he is at it. Needless to say, when I discovered all of this amazing activity from our ONE most impressive fellow classmate, I felt very inadequate. Maybe some acupuncture will make me feel better about myself? Skip Cerf. So last I saw Skip, he was managing a restaurant in the Hunt Valley Marriott, and that was in the 1980s. So I did a quick LinkedIn search on his name, and discovered he was now managing the Renaissance Harborplace Hotel right on Baltimore’s inner harbor, which is five minutes from my office. What a discovery — I do love the internet! After a quick phone call and voice message, Skip was reconnected, and he and his wife were able to sign up and attend our reunion. He has “over 29 years of experience in diverse roles with Marriott International. His comprehensive work history includes experience in varied full service hotels (convention, airport, downtown, and suburban), in major metropolitan markets (Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Washington), Marriott brands (Marriott and Renaissance) and difficult labor environments (union and non-union).” A connection with Don Wiley came via Tom Fusting. Don is the academic dean of the Upper School of the Annapolis Area Christian School, where Tom and Pam’s children are students. According to a school article written by Tom’s daughter Amanda, Don and his wife are playing host to a Chinese exchange student, Ey Claire, ManTing Choi, who has chosen the American name Bella. Ted Hoen-Saric is a nephrologist in Pinehurst, N.C. And what is a nephrologist you ask? Well that would be a doctor who specializes in “the diagnosis and management of kidney disease,” according to the all-knowing Google. Michael Kapiloff is the CEO at Cardiac RSK3 Inhibitors, LLC, and he and his wife Judy Rosenweig live in Miami Beach, Fla., with their daughters Rebecca, 10, and Hannah, 8. Michael’s business is under the umbrella of the University of Miami, where he is working to develop a new gene therapy biologic for heart failure. Per the Univeristy of Miami website, “The Kapiloff Laboratory has a longstanding interest in the signal transduction pathways involved in pathological cardiac remodeling. In particular, we have focused on identifying signaling molecules that might

be therapeutically targeted to prevent the pathological cardiac hypertrophy that leads to heart failure. More recently, we have expanded our interests to study similar signaling pathways involved in stroke. We have found that insights relating to myocyte hypertrophy are germane to our understanding of neuronal survival after stroke. Through a robust combination of biochemistry, cell biology, and in vivo physiology, our laboratory strives to push forward the frontiers of basic cardiovascular biology using comprehensive state-ofthe art technologies.” I think I need to call Min Cho and ask him to explain that to me! During my searches for folks, I did discover that John Broening has been an executive chef at several restaurants in Denver, Colo., for the last many years. He just left Argyl Whiskey Beer, so I am hoping I can discover his new home for creating culinary wonders. Henry Galleher lives in Denver, so I wrote him to keep his eyes open for John. Len Frenkil lives and works in Baltimore during the week, and spends his weekends in Charleston, S.C. Recently Len and his wife Paula sold their home in Owings Mills, and moved into an apartment; they are also selling their current Charleston house, all while they are building a new home in Charleston. They hope to be able to move into the new home in September or October. Len mentioned he must be getting old, because the moving is “no fun and tiring!” Len also shared that he and Paula were soon expecting their fourth grandchild! How about that ’81ers! While on the topic of babies, the mantle of oldest parent in our class has just moved yet again. Del Dressel has lost his crown to . . . drum roll please . . . Todd Stokes! Yes, you heard that correctly, Todd and Chantel and Todd Stokes became the proud parents of Todd Davis Stokes, Jr. in August 2015. Congratulations to the happy couple, who also celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary in March of this year! So a newborn for one of our own; that is exciting! By my calculation, Todd will be somewhere close to 71 when he will hopefully be watching the second generation Stokes man graduate from Gilman, which means he will be 75, when he finally gets to stroke his last check for young Todd’s college education. Given what has happened to the cost of education over the last decades, I shudder to even think what the cost of college tuition will be in 2034?!? My guess is that Todd is hoping Bernie Sanders will somehow overthrow the country, and set-up his free college policy. Del Dressel’s son Jackson is now four, and Del reports that he and his wife are both doing well. And since our last class notes, Del was named to the Maryland State Athletic Hall of Fame for his four-year All-American lacrosse playing at Johns Hopkins! He is joining extraordinary Baltimore sports royalty, with company like Brooks Robinson and John Mackey, just to name a few. Not bad, eh? Were that not enough, on July 20, 2015, Del was also named in a Baltimore Sun article, entitled “Who Would Make Up The Mount Rushmore of Hopkins Lacrosse.” Among his noted accomplishments as a midfielder, and in addition to his All-American achievements, he was recognized as one of the best four in the school history as “Winner of the

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1981 Bill Thomas, Clark MacKenzie John Highfield, David Ritmiller, Tom Hoblitzell Andy Rich, Carl Etchison


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Lt. Donald McLaughlin, Jr. Award given to Division I’s outstanding midfielder in 1984 and 1985 . . . 13th in school history in all-time assists with 75 . . . Tied for 18th in career goals with 99 . . . Tied for 14th in all-time points with 174.” Let’s hope poor young Jackson will be spared critical comparison to his father, because that lad will otherwise have huge shoes to fill. Jay Doyle recently signed on to Facebook, and is also back creating music. Jay still works for Baltimore County government in their planning department, and says that music is a bit of a pendulum in his life, moving in and out, in cycles of time. Jay is an amazing guitarist and composer; he has posted some of his songs on Facebook, so be sure to check them out. Phil Gorman reported, “My oldest, Mason, is a freshman at Goucher, playing lacrosse there. My middle child, Sadie, headed to San Diego State in the fall. My youngest, Claire, wants to come east (we’re still living in Idaho) for college, not sure where yet as she’s in tenth grade. I’m coaching my girls varsity lacrosse team, and Mac Ford was integral in helping us topple last season’s Idaho state champs. Over a lunch at Bagby Pizza, Mac sketched out on a napkin what he would do if he were in my shoes. I’m in Baltimore often, visiting my son, and for business. I own two businesses with Baltimore ties, and like coming back often.” When I inquired about his two businesses, Phil responded, “HEX Performance is a Baltimore based company that makes sport laundry detergents and gear washes. My company owns the rights to market and distribute the line in the sports specialty retail marketplace (Dick’s, Sports Authority, etc.). I have an exclusive partnership with Ironman Triathlons making HEX the Official Laundry Detergent of Ironman. My other company, ExpenseTech, specializes in business expense management solutions: expense report software, prepaid business expense cards, consulting services, etc. I’m working with Kelly and US Lacrosse locally, other companies and pending partnerships here too.” Rich Eyring shared, “I have been living in Wellington, Fla., for the past seven years. Academic Alliance is a company I started down here and we help people with student loan consolidations. Every free moment I get I am fishing, offshore mostly.” Rich has a boating captain’s license, and is well known in the sport fishing world as the man who knows how and where to catch the best trophy fish. At our reunion, Rich mentioned he was in the process of lining up a boat for use in an upcoming fishing tournament in the Bahamas. Now that’s a good life! I have the good fortune to see George Calvert with some regularity. George is living in Guilford, and is the co-founder of a cool start-up called Medssenger, and he has designed a software and app system to facilitate better communications between doctors and patients. George is also an avid cyclist, who holds many speed records for bike routes around the State of Maryland. My wife is also a cyclist, and George has been a bit of a trainer for her for the last two years, recently helping her prepare for a two-day 140-mile ride from the Eastern shore into Baltimore. His training worked, because she finished within the top 20!

Tom Fusting has left the private IT world, and is now working for Maryland’s Governor Hogan, trying to bring the State’s systems into the 21st century. As previously noted, Tom was one of the guests at Hotel Moore, just prior to the reunion, and sitting around our fire pit, he was in the center of a lively and thought provoking discussion on politics, that managed to even raise the playful ire of the otherwise subdued and cerebral Reverend Doug Hoffman. Mark Carroll, who is living in Atlanta, recently shared that his oldest daughter Nicole, a University of Maryland graduate, will be completing graduate school in New York in June. Her field of study is in public relations/communications, and she is hoping to move back to Baltimore. She has an impressive resume, having worked at The American Red Cross, National Urban League, and the Work First Foundation. If anyone has a lead on a possible position for a very bright young woman, let me know, and I will forward her resume. This year we had several classmates who got to witness the Greyhounds giving the McDonogh Eagles a good old beating for the 100th Gilman/McDonogh football game. I saw Doug Hoffman, Todd Stokes, Tom Hoblitzell, John Worthington, Rick Diehl, Terry Swindell, Mark Neumann, and Carl Etchison, who all got to watch a terrific game, where the Eagles came right out of the gate with a TD. The first half left most believing it was going to be a gloomy day for Gilly Tech, but the varsity squad persevered and ended the game with a most exciting win. Of particular note was the side of the field that Carl Etchison decided to plant himself. This former varsity Greyhound football player, must have been inebriated or mentally deranged, because he opted to show loyalty to his McDonogh student children, by staying with the Orange and Black, instead of the old Blue and Gray. Perhaps, once his children have graduated from that place, he may elect to realign himself with his more appropriate and true colors? Prior to the big game, and after I had circulated an email reminder about the game, former trained fireman and natural public servant Len Frenkil sent the following: “Driving across Greenspring Valley Rd. and a car comes around corner in front of me, loses control, and crashes head-on into a tree. I stop and help. The driver is a male teen who is stunned but rattled. His mother is in the passenger seat and has obvious lower body injury. There is nothing to do until the ambulance arrives other than to calm them down. She is freaking out and calls her husband on her cell, who then freaks out and sends both Mom and son into a further spiral. I am trying my best to settle them down when I notice a McDonough school bag. I ask if the son goes to McDonogh and the Mom says yes. Without pause, I say no wonder he can’t drive — you should have sent him to Gilman! They both laughed and we talked about the upcoming game and about the rivalry until the fire department arrived. As I walked away I hollered Beat McDonogh! And the Mom and son laughed and the assembled firemen looked at me like I had two heads.” Back in August of 2015, Rob Harrell mentioned, “I was asked to help open a charter school in Vietnam. Of course, I want to pattern it after Gilman.” I have not

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heard if this concept has grown legs yet, but I will keep you posted if/when there is an update. On the sad side, Hal Burnett, my wife Caroline, and I were able to spend time with Tom McHale and his family at the services for Tom’s mother, Jean. Some of you may recall Jean as a Gilman music teacher, and others like myself, will remember her as an uber-mom to many in the class. She always had a massive breakfast at the ready, for each morning after a long night of doing things we now hope our children are not doing. And she was always interested and engaged in our lives, even well after Tom had moved out of state. She had an ever positive can do attitude, and fought the ALS that took her, to the bitter end, never allowing it to deter her time with us. Tom and Larissa MacHale’s daughter Savannah has just graduated from Clemson, and she will be getting married in July. I was able to meet Tom’s future son-in-law; he was an impressive young man. Cheers! As for me, on January 1, 2016, I became president of Southway Builders. We are now about 65 salaried professionals, who continue to build new commercial and multi-family projects, along with specialties in adaptive reuse, historic restoration, and performing renovations on occupied apartment buildings. We have had the good fortune to participate in teams of many award winning projects each year, while also being honored as a recipient of the highest safety rating amongst those in our field of business. I had the best birthday present this year at Furman University in Greenville, S.C., being able to watch my oldest son Henry, do what his dad has never done, in graduating from college. He is now off pursuing a job in the IT arena. His younger brother Ben (class of ’15) is making his parents proud at Colgate, having just finished his freshman year with an A average; yet another accomplishment that I never came close to achieving! This was Caroline’s and my first year contending with an empty nest, but we now have Henry back home with us for a short bit, so life is wonderful. Caroline stays fit with her biking, while I get plenty exhausted just watching her; no need for both of us to exercise, when one is doing enough for the two of us! Well that’s it! No more notes until next year. Lucky for you, I enjoy being your Classless Secretary. I marvel at the accomplishments of our classmates. I knew we were a great bunch of guys, but back in 1981 I would have never dreamt about the breadth of impact our class would have on the world; in both big ways and small. We have grown to be a truly remarkable set of people. I can say clearly that I do not know of a single bad apple in our bunch. Everyone has their own story, and we all enjoy hearing about what is happening in our classmates’ lives, however trivial it may seem to the one who can share the experiences. So please consider dropping me a line at, as I know all readers from our class will enjoy hearing from you. All the best.


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1983 Andrew Buerger Not as easy to gather notes this year. Last year was pretty fun for those of us born in 1965 and turning 50. A little quieter this go ’round. Class President for Life Gino Freeman sums it up for many of the Class of ’83. “Sorry I've been boring and disconnected. Still practicing internal medicine in Baltimore . . . prepping for fourth Triathlon season; finally learned how to swim.” We have a lot of other “dittos” this year. Among them: John-William DeClaris, who continues to enjoy working at FDA while “also dating the best pediatrician in the state of Maryland.” He lives in Laurel. He let me know he ran into James Howard, who lives in Japan and works for Amazon. Richard Jacobs reported in from Orange County, “You could reprint what was written about me last year. Nothing has changed. For two weeks each month, I did shorten my commute somewhat by moving my desk closer to my bed. Sadly, my commute remains the same for the remainder of the month as California has not moved any closer to Colorado.” Joel Cohn is still a man of few words, “All is good. Almost empty nester. Alex is sophomore at Penn. Hannah graduating high school. Probably going to Michigan. Coming up on 20 years at Morgan Stanley.” I might add Joel got a little crazy this year and traded in his Prius for a Camry. Rob deMuth is also at Morgan Stanley, but has some new things in his life: a smart phone and wifi at his house. Willis Macgill’s update is “still Wells Fargo Private Bank and living the bachelor life. Currently recovering from a weekend in New Orleans with Jay Schmidt.” Doug Scriba is at M&T Bank in Baltimore. Caught up with Dan Long for the first time since June 1983. He owns a specialty nursery, Garden Vines (, in Atlanta. Like his Facebook page to see beautiful pictures of his great work. He loves his commute and has become a sought after international speaker on horticulture. Speaking of growing things, Dan has six children and two grandchildren. Sorry, Pepe Albuquerque’s news is a little dated: “Ruth, the boys, and I are doing great. Happy summer is over in Phoenix and looking forward to coming to Baltimore for Thanksgiving.” Congrats to Rudiger Breitenecker on four huge accomplishments: “Turned 50, lost 65 pounds, climbed Mt. Fuji in Japan in August, and feeling great!” Fifty was also nifty for Chris Wilson, who married Tiffany this past year. Congrats, Chris. They live in Silver Spring. Max Curran changed law firms and is now a partner at Venable LLP. Peter Ratcliffe offered a wonderful summary. He is married to Bizzy Janney. They have four kids: sophomore Roland Park, junior Gilman, freshman daughter Delaware, junior son at South Carolina. He’s in his 17th year as a sole practitioner in private practice with his eponymous firm

Ratcliffe Architects. He has 12 employees doing private, commercial, and custom residential jobs. His largest account is Royal Farms, doing all of their work over a multistate region. They also have many significant signature private homes in their portfolio along with additions, and custom private commercial projects regionally each year. Peter particularly likes that his house and office are near each other in Stevenson, Md. Bizzy works in Gilman Development office while Peter currently serves on the Gilman Alumni Board. They enjoy their summers in Sherwood Forest on the Severn River. David Watts is another thriving architect. He just leased 10,000 sq. ft. in Clipper Mill, which overlooks the swimming pool there. Lee Sterne still lives in Massachusetts and let us know before he went for his annual western ski trip: “Dropped our eldest son off at Harvard University this past September. Can’t believe I have children in college!” Van Smith is working at being a retired journalist living in Baltimore with two young kids. James Harper is still (there goes that “still” word again) working in the Hopkins IT department and looking forward to an upcoming trip to Costa Rica. Can always count on him for a good travel update. Wayne Farley emailed “married for 23 years to my lovely wife Diana with three kids; Madison, 21, a junior at Bucknell studying international business management, daughter Brooks, a freshman at Elon University, and Grant, a seventh grader at Gilman. Still in real estate managing a family portfolio. Living off Falls Road in Hunt Valley.” Mark Kaufman has a great new career opportunity in the Department of Treasury, but doesn’t love “working in Washington and spending too much time on trains! Caroline headed to college in the fall — ready to go myself!” If you have any preferences on whom you’d like to see on the $10 bill, email Mark. Keith McCants is in my dog house. Saw on Facebook that he came into town from Connecticut and left under the cover darkness. He also made is back for a Ravens game this past season. “Jon Kelly and I drove down I-95 for a heartbreaking loss. Saw classmates including Doug Scriba, Willie Deveas, Willis Macgill, and others thanks to Ravens road trip facilitated by David Watts.” Keith also reported that he was “recognized for volunteer work for the Yale Club of New Haven by the Club and the Association of Yale Alumni for co-chairing the Alumni Schools Committee (admissions interviews) and technology initiatives for the Club. My daughter’s graduating college in a few short weeks. And glad you older folks have paved the way for milestone birthdays.” I gather from social media that John Roe enjoys his boat, dog, and traveling to Ravens road games. Alan Fleischmann enjoys building his growing company as president of Laurel Strategies Inc., a global CEO business advisory and strategic communications firm. He and his wife Dafna are active in community work in D.C. and Baltimore. They have two daughters (my nieces): Laura Julia, 12, and Natalia, 9. They live in Chevy Chase.

David Nelson chimed in from Westport, Conn.: “Three kids: Lane, 10, Jack, 8, and Kate, 5 (“and 3/4!,” she’ll tell you). Daily commute to NYC where I enjoy my work at CBRE. Can’t believe I can see over the horizon toward retirement someplace warm. The years do pass by quickly at this point. It’s been a treat staying in touch with Jake Hendrickson and John Clarke, who are nearby in Connecticut. Also Ric Ritter who passes through NYC on biz from time to time. Best wishes to all my classmates!” We have other members of the “51 Year Old Dads with 5 Year Old Kids Club.”. . . Tim Carroll is always funny: “Thankfully, my wife Danielle has not gotten tired of me yet. My step-daughter Maddie is a freshman at JMU, while my twins are rocking kindergarten. I’m running a software company, traveling too much, and bouncing back from a hip replacement.” I’m very similar to Tim — a little behind the kid’s college curve as Jennifer and I are scouting elementary schools for our five-year-old twins. We do have a Chinese exchange student, who is a freshman at Roland Park Country School, living with us this year. Back to school night was fun, seeing four or five guys from our class, including Richard Gatchell. (His hardworking wife, Catherine is the ninth grade class parent at RPCS, so I get more emails from her than I do Richard.) Unlike Tim, I still have all my original body parts, which I hope work well enough to get me back to the summit of Mt. Rainier this August for our annual fundraising climb.

1984 Willie Franklin This update for the class of ’84 starts on a somber note as Frank Gibson passed away unexpectedly in his sleep on December 9. Bill McComas, Ted Waters, and I represented our class at the memorial service. We were able to pass on condolences to Frank's father and his brother, Kevin. We also heard from Frank’s two daughters about the special relationship they had with their dad when they spoke during the service. RIP Frank! Bill McComas lived up to his commitment and completed the Dopey Challenge (5K, 10K, half marathon, and full marathon on four consecutive days) in January. Bill again led Team Catch A Lift’s efforts in Disney raising funds for post 9/11 combat-wounded veterans in honor of our fallen classmate, Chris Coffland. Bill was able to recruit Jack Patteson to join him for the half marathon. Jack was there on marathon Sunday as well to support Bill as he finished a long four days of running. Congratulations to Bill and Jack for their respective accomplishments! In March, Jack was later spotted mat side with Dan Miller at Madison Square Garden in New York attending the NCAA wrestling tournament finals. Jack made the trek to New York from Charlottesville and found time to also proudly watch his North Carolina basketball team play hoops during the weekend. He is

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anxiously waiting for his Tar Heels to cut down the nets in Houston so he can celebrate at home in Charlottesville with his wife, Ellie. Dan was able to walk to MSG from his place in Manhattan, where he lives with his wife, Mary Ellen, and their two-year-old daughter, Grace. Dan was excited to watch two of his Cornell Big Red wrestlers win national titles. Ted Waters continues to enjoy his position as senior vice president of wealth management with Morgan Stanley and stays up-to-date with what’s happening at Gilman despite the fact that his son, Hudson ’15, has graduated and is now attending Rhodes College in Memphis. Ted seems quite jealous when he hears about Hudson’s social life and is contemplating joining Frank Goldman for some SEC football weekends this fall. Frank has been rumored to spend alternating weekends at South Carolina and Alabama attending football games as he constantly visits his son, Nick ’13, at South Carolina and his daughter, Megan, at Alabama. It has been rumored that Frank can be heard chanting “roll Tide roll” in his sleep. Now is time when most of our classmates celebrate their 50th birthdays. Eric Pfeifer reportedly has a delayed celebration planned for this June, which includes an almost two week trip to Tortola for sailing and a Full Moon party, which sounds potentially dangerous. Eric continues to live in Sanibel, Fla., and has his own residential real estate firm. He recently opened a second office in Fort Myers. His daughter, Darby, is finishing her freshman year at Elon, while his son, John, is a junior in high school. Anyone looking for a retirement property in Southwest Florida, give Eric a call. Speaking of retirement, Andrew Staib has happily retired from the Baltimore City Police Department after 21 years of service. Congratulations Andrew, and thank you for your service to the community! Chase Monroe still resides in Charlotte and is the market director for Jones Lang La Salle’s commercial real estate office. Chase’s son, Chase, Jr., has decided to attend SMU in Dallas next year. His second son, Jackson, is junior at Woodberry Forest, leaving only Ben at home with his wife, Jennifer. Chase was seen proudly wearing his Carolina Panther colors last season at M&T Bank Stadium and enjoyed the ride with his new team all the way to the Super Bowl. Hopefully, his other team returns to playoff form so he can sport purple next time he is in town! Chris Bennett has moved his office with McKenzie Commercial Real Estate to downtown Baltimore. He’s still involved with the Maryland Hunt Cup. His oldest, Jackson, will graduate from St. Paul’s this year and is headed off to college next fall. Todd Taylor remains in New Orleans in the residential real estate business. Prior to the 100th Gilman-McDonogh football game this past November, Todd could be heard talking smack to McDonogh grads in NOLA. In December, he got together with Nick Cortezi at the Ruby Shipper in mid-city NOLA. According to Todd, they had a “good lunch and better conversation” and acknowledged that Nick “gets more handsome every year” despite getting older. Interestingly enough, when I spoke with Nick, he mentioned that he


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and Todd had a great breakfast together during his trip to NOLA. I guess the confusion about which meal they had together is age appropriate and confirms that we are getting older! Nick continues to manage and grow his wholesale insurance broker business, All Risk, LTD, nationally from his office Cockeysville. He has two sons who have graduated from Gilman thus far. His son, Nick ’11, graduated from Boston College and is now working in the music industry in Boston. Chris ’13 is a junior at Northwestern, while Max is freshman at Gilman. His daughter, Carly, is a junior at Bryn Mawr. Nick and his wife, Louise, just returned from a fantastic spring break trip to China with their two youngest children. Charles Roebuck is still running the family business, Roebuck Printing, with his brother, Rick. His oldest son, CJ, graduated from Gilman in 2014 and attends Vanderbilt University. His daughter, Emily, is a senior at Roland Park Country School and will be playing field hockey at Davidson College next fall. Please send in updates about you or other classmates so we can let everyone know what is happening.

1985 Ted Winstead “I’m loving my 23rd year at Gilman,” writes Nick Schloeder. “My senior, Nicholas, is doing well at St. Paul’s. He’s finalizing his college choice and enjoying senior baseball season for the Crusaders. My son James is a three-sport athlete at Gilman finishing his freshman year. And I was blessed with two All-American offensive lineman at Johns Hopkins this past season.” Nick added, “My boys and I were touched by the love and support Gilman provided after dad’s death in June. The memorial service is on the Gilman website for anyone to view.” (You can search “Nick Schloeder memorial.”) Here are some highlights: David Rody was one of the speakers who paid tribute to Mr. Schloeder. “He taught us that success in life comes through perseverance,” David said. “What a great lesson for a 16-year-old to learn.” David recalled being on the sidelines with Coach Schloeder in 1983 as Calvert Hall trounced McDonogh in football. A week later Gilman would play Calvert Hall, and it was clear to David that Gilman’s defensive line might be outmatched by the Cardinals, at least in size. As the rout went on, Coach Schloeder turned to David and said, “Listen, five or six times during the game next week they are going to clean your clock. They are going to knock you into the cheap seats. But you have to pick yourself back up, dust yourself off, and get back in there for the next play, because, at some point, you’re going to make a play in their backfield.” Although David did not recall making a play in the Calvert Hall backfield, he never forgot the conversation, and it shaped his approach not just to football but to life.

Thirty years for the Class of 1986.

“Mr. Schloeder was saying that life is not always going to be smooth sailing. You’re going to fail sometimes — maybe a lot. But you have to show up to work every day and do your job and try hard. And when life does clean your clock and knock you into the cheap seats, you still have to show up to work the next day and do your job.” When David taught history for two years in the Upper School, he came to know Mr. Schloeder as a colleague. “I got to see another side of him. I got to see this warm, compassionate man who cared deeply about his colleagues and their well being and their development and their families. And it reaffirmed what a great teacher he was because of he worked hard at his craft.” Former Senator Paul Sarbanes, who worked with Mr. Schloeder for decades, also spoke at the memorial service. He began with a quote from Justice Brandeis saying that the only title in our democracy superior to that of a president is the title of citizen. “Nick Schloeder devoted a life to developing good citizens, anywhere along the way where he met them — that was his focus, at Calvert Hall, then here at Gilman for nearly 40 years, and out in the community,” said Senator Sarbanes. “He was trying to make American democracy more real, more permanent, more genuine. And I think he did a wonderful job of it.” Senator Sarbanes noted that Gilman students may have thought “they were pulling a fast one by getting Nick to tell stories so they wouldn’t have to answer questions about the homework. But Nick was actually fooling the students, because an important part of his teaching were those stories. That’s when he was communicating the lessons to help make them better citizens.” Then Senator Sarbanes told a story of his own. His wife’s classroom shared a wall with Mr. Schloeder’s classroom. On occasion, Mrs. Sarbanes had no choice

but to ask him to please quiet down so that she could teach Latin. One day, she went into his classroom and said, “You’ve got to quiet down those stories; I’m trying to teach a class here. And besides that,” she went on, “you should get some new stories.” “I always had enormous respect for Nick because he constantly strove to take our politics to a higher level, to get it above the partisan divisions which so unfortunately characterize much of our politics today,” Senator Sarbanes added. The huge turnout at the service last fall was “impressive and touching,” noted Bernie Rhee, who particularly enjoyed David’s colorful stories. Bernie’s son, Joey, is in the first grade at Calvert. Joey’s classmates include John Brush’s son, Miles, and Doug Schmidt’s daughter, Lila. “John, Doug, and I see each other all the time. They are all doing well,” Bernie writes. Dan Kim’s son, Andrew, started in the ninth grade at Gilman this fall, Bernie reports. “I believe he will be classmates with one of Harry Halpert’s sons and one of Tom Washburn’s sons.” Joel Price, who lives in Chevy Chase, Md., has been doing college visits with his daughter, who is entering her senior year of high school this fall, according to Bernie. Pragathi Katta is looking forward to sailing season. “I’ll be racing on four boats this year and instructing at the Downtown Sailing Center in Baltimore. I’m still working in Washington, D.C., on a project to increase HIV and STD testing there.” David Levy is chief LCW librarian at Touro College for Women and continues to publish scholarly articles and library guides. Ed Rosemond is preparing to launch a new business venture, and a new play by his wife will open in in Washington, D.C., this spring. Their daughter is a Junior Olympic swimmer.

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1986 David Young, Robb Doub, Hassan Murphy, Roland Breitenecker, Jeff Tadder, and Jonathan Kagan

Nick Greene and David Cahn Adam Morgan, Ted Gibbs, Bob Kent, and Jim Webster


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Patrick Gorman was in Washington, D.C., recently to witness his father’s burial at Arlington National Cemetery. He posted a lovely picture with the caption, “The Old Guard leading the funeral procession of 1st Lieutenant Peter J. Gorman, Jr., USAAF, this morning at Arlington National Cemetery.” Mr. Gorman enlisted in the Army Air Forces in 1941 and was a graduate of Officers Candidate School at Michigan State University, an obituary in the Baltimore Sun noted last year. Pat lives in Los Angeles. Jay Davidson is general counsel of a company called VitalAxis, which provides healthcare IT products and services. His daughter, Caroline, is in the lower school at Bryn Mawr. David Conway reports that he is happily married and living in Barrington, Ill.: “We have two boys, Kai, 14, and Jet, 12. Kai is a wrestler and Jet plays tennis.” David owns KaiJet Search, which provides “professional, technology and management services for high-growth companies throughout Chicagoland.” Julien Meyer is the math chair at Severn this year. He shared this news as well: “I’m realizing my dream of offering financial literacy to a national audience. I will be Severn’s first teacher to offer small online synchronous classes through the Malone School Network, a consortium of schools funded by the nation’s top cable TV entrepreneur.” David Neun is a labor education specialist who lives in Edgewater, Md. After spending half of his life with the Cleveland Indians, Mark Shapiro became the president and CEO of the Toronto Blue Jays. An article in USA Today said the decision was difficult for Mark, “who became one of baseball’s most respected executives in 24 years with the Indians. But the chance to grow personally and professionally in Toronto, a vibrant city that’s caught baseball fever with the Blue Jays swinging their way to the top of the AL East, was irresistible.” “I’m a lot about wanting to become better, wanting to grow, wanting to develop,” Mark told reporters. “To do that, you have to be challenged. This opportunity for me would be the right challenge at the right time of our lives and of my life.” As Mark told students at Gilman recently, his first job with the Indians was an assistant in baseball operations. Speaking to reporters last summer, he recalled his first day on the job, climbing the steps of decrepit Cleveland Stadium and walking to the tiny cubicle that served as his first professional office. Father Raymond Harris was also in the news last August. He was featured in a Washington Post article called “Facebook wouldn’t let a Catholic priest use the title ‘father.’ Now he’s fighting back.” The article includes this quote: “Facebook doesn’t understand or chooses not to listen that for Catholic priests or sisters, we understand ‘father’ or ‘sister’ is not a title like a career choice. It’s a way of life, it’s integral to who we are. I’ve been known this way for 21 years,” said the Rev. Raymond Harris, a priest in Baltimore of two parishes who is active on Facebook and Twitter. “Facebook differs on that and that’s the religious issue.” After Facebook shut him out because he had used “Father” in his personal page name, Father Raymond

solved the problem by putting a large “FR” as his photo, so that it appears right before his name. Well done, Father Raymond!

1987 Tripp Burgunder

Matt Wyskiel

Andrew Meredith is the senior vice president — wealth management with the Meredith Group of Merrill Lynch Financial. In March of 2015, Andrew was recognized in the Financial Times as one of the “Top 400 Advisors.” Andrew can often be seen on the side of a lacrosse field cheering on his son. Bernardo Gonzales is a principal at Noblis as a healthcare executive, project manager, and data analyst. Noblis is a nonprofit science, technology, and strategy organization with a unique mission to solve complex scientific systems, process, and infrastructure problems in ways that benefit the public. Brian Voelker was inducted into the National Lacrosse Hall of Fame. Congratulations to Brian on this recognition of this achievements. Brian is the head lacrosse coach at Drexel University in Philadelphia, where he served as host to the NCAA Championship Weekend on Memorial Day Weekend in 2016. Bruce Taylor is the managing director for Stanford Ignite at Stanford Graduate School of Business. In 2015, Stanford Ignite, which fills the gap between the research being pursued in the School of Medicine and the School of Engineering, and graduate students’ abilities to translate their work into successful businesses, was scheduled to be operating in seven U.S. and foreign locations. Cal Rogers is the national sales director at Instructional Technologies, Inc. Clark Wight and his wife and two sons and daughter are living near Perth, Australia. In recent summers, Gilman classmates, Liam Culman and Matt Wyskiel, have enjoyed seeing Clark on Nantucket when their schedules line-up accordingly. Recently, Clark did the Ride for Youth, which is a super-long fund-raising bike ride along Australia’s West coast. Craig Powell is the director of real estate services, Job Corps Program at CBRE, where he provides asset management for the Department of Labor’s Job Corps real estate portfolio of more than $6 billion. Craig Scheir is now the senior electrical engineer at Aloft AeroArchitects in Dover, Del. Doug Godine is at Brown Advisory, where he serves as head of private client and OCIO (outsourced chief investment officer) sales. Doug also serves on the board of Boys Hope Girls Hope, a non-profit that empowers children to break cycles of poverty by providing year-round family-like homes, education, and support through college. Doug is also on the board of the U.S. Lacrosse Foundation. Eric Harlan is a lawyer at Shapiro Sher in Baltimore. In 2016, he was named a Maryland Super Lawyer in business litigation.

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Ethan Weiss is still an associate professor of cardiology at UCSF. He lives in the Bay area with his wife, Palmer, and his two daughters, Amelia and Ruthie. Greg Bimestefer, in October of 2015, became an estimator at dcb Construction Company, Inc. in Denver, Colorado. Henry Franklin is a principal at Franklin Financial Group in Hunt Valley, Md. In his free time, Henry served as the assistant wrestling coach at Gilman. In the fall of 2015, Henry’s son Buck and Matt Wyskiel’s son Tolliver were on the same recreation soccer team. Hugh Marbury still practices law at DLA Piper in Baltimore. He is also a founding trustee of the Save Spriggs Farm Foundation that raised money to preserve a 50-acre farm on the Magothy River outside Annapolis. Ted Hull is an IT developer analyst at Aon Hewitt in Baltimore. Johann Torres is an internist and pediatrician at the Miami Beach Community Health Center and, as of the end of 2014, the chief medical informatics officer at the Health Center. John Hewson is now principal counsel, Market Regulation Legal Division at FINRA, the financial industry regulatory organization. Josh Freeman is the founding general manager of Trellis, the online platform for scientific communication. In December of 2015, Trellis celebrated its one year anniversary with 6,000 members across many scientific fields. Kevin “Bubba” Buerger has been in the news lately with the growth of his Baltimore office of Jellyfish Online Marketing where he serves as executive vice president, managing director, Americas. Bubba’s division now has sales of more than $40 million per year. In 2015, Jellyfish was named one of five firms authorized as an exclusive seller of Google’s premier digital marketing platform, DoubleClick. Matt Wyskiel lives near Gilman with his wife, daughter, and son. Matt is founder and owner of Skill Capital Management, an investment management firm that he started eight years ago. In addition to coaching his son Tolliver’s various sports teams, Matt spends time as a board member of Children’s Scholarship Fund Baltimore and Next One Up, two organizations that are helping youth in Baltimore. Rich Weinstein is a senior vice president and group account director at the Martin Agency in Richmond, Va. Scott Kurlander is a partner at the law firm Schochor, Frederico and Staton in Baltimore, where he was recently recognized as one of the top rated medical malpractice lawyers in Baltimore. Stocky Williams, in 2015, joined the Urban Land Institute as executive director of the Terwilliger Center for Housing, where he leads research that demonstrates the interconnection of housing with economic growth, educational opportunity, and healthier families and communities. Ted Fish is the founder of BiblioHive, an online digital library. Ted lives in Santa Fe, N.M. Todd Crandell is a Baltimore County Councilman representing the 7th District. Todd is working hard for his constituents to grow businesses in the district,


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including on the former Sparrows Point property, now known as Tradepoint Atlantic. Tom Annau is now a senior director at Microsoft Research NExT in Mountain View, Calif. Andy Barker is the social mission strategy and policy manager at Ben & Jerry’s. He lives in Burlington, Vt., with his wife, Ana, and his daughters, Emma and Tess. In November of 2015, Andy was invited back to Chapel Hill, N.C., to give a talk at UNC to the Morehead Cain Foundation. You will recall that Andy was a Morehead Scholar while at UNC. Andy Fine is an assistant professor in pediatrics and emergency medicine at Harvard Medical School. His research involves health informatics and the value of incorporating epidemiological context into medical decision making. Joby Gardner is an associate professor in the College of Education at DePaul University. In addition to teaching classes on youth development and curriculum studies, Joby does research on teacher leadership and the development of teachers as change agents. Chris Brendler is a managing director of research at Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated in Baltimore. In 2015, Chris earned accolades for his earnings estimate accuracy in IT services.

1988 Greg Carter Paul Bosky writes, “In general, life is good. I am still living a relatively quiet life in Oakland, Calif., with my wife, Alix, and no kids. Alix and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary this August. We enjoy going out to eat at all the new hipster restaurants in the area, hiking in the East Bay hills, and traveling. Our latest trip was to Oaxaca, where we enjoyed tons of mole and more than a few grasshoppers. As many of you know, my mother passed away in November 2014, so I don’t get to Baltimore as often these days. My father is doing great and enjoying lots of cycling and skiing in Spokane, Wash. Work-wise, I am still working for ‘The Man’ (PG&E presently), doing instructional design. In the past couple years, I have spent some time with other Gilman Class of ’88 folks. Both Marc Aquino and Andy Gross were really supportive during the time when my mom was dying. They each offered companionship during that particularly difficult time in my life. I’ve also hung out with Gilman alums from other classes, specifically Brad Johnson and Daniel Langenthal. Justin Brown reports, “I live in Baltimore with Kristen and our two kids, Oscar, 6, and Annabel, 4. My law practice has been largely consumed this year by my representation of Adnan Syed, the subject of the podcast, “Serial.” I still find time to play tennis, squash, and hang out with Kirby von Kessler.” Charles Cahn tell us, “I am in my 12th year as headmaster at Suffield Academy. It has been fun to see the applicant pool and resource base grow dramatically.

Now I’m a Suffield parent, as our daughter Peyton's experience unfolds. I enjoyed coming back to Gilman last spring with our son Harrison to see a lacrosse game, visit with Coach Holley, and spend some time in Baltimore. All best wishes to the Class of ’88.” David Carroll says, “Darcy and I are doing well. Just had dinner with David Gaines, who’s moving back to Baltimore and sending his son to Gilman. Our kids are getting big, with Hudson in tenth grade at Gilman and Sumter and Hannah at Roland Park Country School in third and sixth grades. Tons of club lacrosse on the weekends are taking away from my time on the links with Kirby von Kessler, Bret Bortner, and Brooks Kitchel. We get together for golf a couple of times a year. Brooks wins all the money. . . .” Greg Carter has a lot of news: “I am now associate professor of history at University of WisconsinMilwaukee. My book, The United States of the United Races: A Utopian History of Racial Mixing, came out in 2013 and I got tenure shortly after that. Recently helped with the founding of the Critical Mixed Race Studies Association. Natasha and I just celebrated our daughter Nina’s fourth birthday. In our search for the school most like Gilman or Spence, I ran into Kip Jacobs (Science A teacher, 1981–1987), who has taught at the University School of Milwaukee since then. “As many of you know, the Donald Bentley Food Pantry was established in 1990 by Gilman students to memorialize Donald and his passion for social justice. Run entirely by volunteers, the pantry feeds approximately two hundred families per week. If you are interested in supporting the pantry, which relies heavily on private donations, please contact Allison Hillman Buchalter (BMS ’88) at” “My biggest news is that Laura and I had our third kid, Gabriel, in December,” writes Daniel Casasanto. “Other than that, work is good, and some of my research was profiled in The Atlantic a couple weeks ago. I’m particularly excited about a discovery about how emotions are organized in our brains, which may lead to safer neural therapies for the most common mental health disorders (depression and anxiety disorders). “I run a nonprofit called THE THINK TANK, a neuroscience lab on wheels (with a giant glowing brain on top) designed to accelerate diversity in the sciences. We take hands-on experiences to the streets, seeking to ignite a passion for learning at public schools in Chicago, where over 95% of the attendees are from groups underrepresented in science and math professions. The National Science Foundation has just asked us to represent them at the nation’s largest Science Expo in April. A team of University of Chicago undergrads will road trip to Washington, D.C., in THE TANK to engage with the 300,000 expected to attend (including Wil Wheaton, which is the real reason I’m going).” Charles Edwards informs, “I am working as an orthopedic spine surgeon at Mercy Hospital here in Baltimore. I have twin sixteen year-old daughters and two sons (eighth and third graders at Gilman). I enjoy running into classmates around town and I am keeping up with a marathon a year — Reykjavik in 2015 and Berlin this September.”

David Gaines reports, “I am moving back to Baltimore this summer after working 15 years in Raleigh, N.C. I was the general manager of our Raleigh Division and am now getting recalled to our Maryland office to learn more about the business. I am also very proud to announce that my son got accepted to Gilman, where he will be joining the 5th grade class. Connor will do great, as he’s more prudent and smarter than his old man.” “I’m still in private practice as a psychologistpsychoanalyst in Manhattan and Brooklyn, seeing individuals and couples for psychotherapy,” says Ethan Graham. “The family is doing well. Our son is in fourth grade, and our daughter is in first. Wife still works for the nonprofit,, trying to save the world.” Andrew Gross says, “I’m still enjoying life in Baltimore with my wife, Jill, and our four kids. We’re now living in a house about two blocks from where I grew up, so this apple has not fallen too far from the tree. I’m still in the Department of Semitic Languages at the Catholic University of America and I got tenure back in 2014. I’m poised to become department chair Fall 2016. To put this ‘accomplishment’ in context, however, we only have three professors in the department, one of whom is a junior member we hired just last year. So it sort of fell to me by default. We celebrated our oldest daughter’s bat mitzvah last Labor Day. I’m also still bringing up the rear in a fantasy football league that includes Justin Brown, Kirby von Kessler, and Jamie Hamilton.” “I was in Greece last summer when the banking system completely shut down for three weeks, placing strict limits on all cash withdrawals and severe capital controls on all transfers. Luckily, having lived through the trouble with the banks based out of Cyprus a few years earlier, I was ready for such a scenario,” tells George K.D. Hopkins. “Now that I’m back in the U.S. after living and working overseas for nine years, I’ve enjoyed seeing our friends from Gilman much more often. I regularly defeat our classmate Bret Bortner online through Words With Friends. I continue to work part-time with our classmate Dr. Chip Linehan as a recruiter for Building 21, the non-profit educational consultancy he co-founded.” “I’m currently in my second season as head coach for the men’s lacrosse club at Ole Miss. Rebel Lacrosse has taken several important steps towards becoming a winning program since my arrival, and I’m proud of what we have achieved. As this posting is basically a volunteer gig, I’m in the market for a full-time coaching/teaching position. I’m open to the idea of working at Ole Miss, or beyond Oxford and the University of Mississippi. We shall see how it goes, and I'll be sure to let everyone know where I land in the next update. Sending you and all our Gilman brothers my very best wishes.  — Drit” Steven Kang remarks, “Gail and I are still living in East Bay San Francisco with our three kids: Amanda, 13, Ryan, 11, and Brendan 8 — and our three dogs: Linus, 8, Madeline, 4, and Kyla, 6. I’m now director of cardiac electrophysiology at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Oakland and I’m part of Stanford Healthcare. Sadly,

fall 2016


It’s a silver anniversary for the Class of 1991.

I have not met up with many former Greyhounds this past year and I missed the San Francisco reunion.” Geoff Kinsey tells us, “I’m in D.C. now, working in the Solar Energy Technologies Office of the Department of Energy. When I moved in a year ago, I went out running one day and bumped into Mark Pfeifer, who was living just a few blocks away.” From Brooks Kitchel: “We are doing great. Our kids are getting bigger: Brooks, 10, and Parker, 7, are both loving Calvert and playing sports every weekend. Lots of travel for business and pleasure in 2016, taking us to some exciting places. We enjoy hanging out with David Carroll and Kirby von Kessler and families when we can slot in some adult time. Looking forward to having dinner with Matt Eastwick in NYC in a few weeks. Would love to see anyone when they are back in Baltimore.” “It’s slowly sinking in that our firstborn is heading off to college next year,” laments David Meese. We don’t know where he’s going yet, since he’s still awaiting some admissions decisions, but so far he’s gotten some good news from two wonderful universities.” Mark Pfeifer updates, “I am now located in Denver, Colo. I still have my technology consulting business but I am focusing on residential real estate in smart growth (bikeable, walkable, sustainable) areas. I just bought a new townhouse out here and I’m loving the year-round activities that Colorado has to offer. I ran into Troy Rohrbaugh this summer in Fenwick and got to spend a few minutes catching up with him and his great family! If anyone is out this way, they should let me know.” Stephen Ramos reports, “I am an assistant professor at the College of Environment and Design at


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the University of Georgia in Athens. My wife, Nuria Jaumot-Pascual, and I have two children: Gala, 6, and Enzo, 3. Dan Rogers says, “I’m currently living in Lafayette, Calif., with my wife, Lindsay, and four kids. Their activities are keeping me busy enough. I recently started a new role as the CFO of Simplee, which is focused on consumer payments in the healthcare space.” Sue-Joe Shin remarks, “I am still living in California. My kids are now 3 and 5 so that keeps my wife Sara and me busy. I still travel back and forth to Asia for work a few times a year, and I made it back to Baltimore a few times recently to see my parents. I had dinner with Matt Gordon and his wife, Marianne, a few weeks ago and they are expecting a new baby any day now. Alex Walsh also lives in the area, but we haven't managed to hook up yet. A little while back, I managed to have breakfast with Graham Ayers and Scott Anson up in Seattle and both are doing well. It’s always fun to reminisce about the old tech days. If anyone comes out to L.A., please drop me a line and let’s get together.”

1991 Andrew Stanley It was great to connect with folk after skipping a few years. Thanks to everyone who checked in. It’s a big year for our class and a big thank you goes out to Andrew Thut, Donnell Thompson, and Trent Zivkovich for leading the efforts around the 25th reunion! Jared Spahn is finishing his term as president of the Gilman Alumni Association. He reported, “I have had a great time, especially getting to see our classmates on my trips to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Boston, and New York on behalf of Gilman. It has been wonderful to share the 100th Gilman-McDonogh football game and our 25th reunion during this year as president.” A big thank you to Jared for his service to the School! I ran into Athan Sunderland this fall at a youth lacrosse tournament. We had a great time watching our kids run up and down the field against each other. David Varner recently left the California “for the freedom of the hills” in Grand Junction, Colo. His wife is working at the VA hospital here, and David is pursuing his botanical consulting career. Charlie McMillian recently finished a five-year stint working as an assistant strength and conditioning coach for the Washington Wizards. He has now redirected his focus back on personal training and exercise research. He was a secondary author on a study published in May 2015 regarding Lyme disease and exercise interventions. Much of last year he was working delivering an exercise intervention for a major pharmaceutical company which had a drug making its way through FDA trials. Rich Brueckner is still working as a senior state’s attorney prosecuting gang and narcotic crimes and managing an office of 16 attorneys. He was proud to report that he had his 20-month-old daughter Isabella taking her first surfing lessons during a recent trip to Puerto Rico and Costa Rica. Michael Spencer’s daughter Tiana is graduating from RPCS this spring. His son, Michael, III, is now in the ninth grade at Gilman, and he has taken a liking to discus and shot put. His youngest, Kai, is a fifth grader at Roland Park Elementary, and he's been taking music lessons for three years and has played the saxophone for two years now. Greg Levin is still in Charlotte working for NBC. He recently moved from being a sports desk writer/ editor to a national desk producer. This July, he'll be heading to Brazil with NBC covering the Summer Olympic Games in Rio. Ed Trusty is in his second year as the assistant headmaster at The Kinkaid School in Houston and is loving life in Texas. Luke Harlan has been the owner/CEO of Aspire Unlimited Inc. (a strategic marketing and consulting firm) in Baltimore for the past eight years. He is coaching son Reid’s soccer and lacrosse teams, sits on the on the board for Best Buddies of Maryland (helping kids and adults with IDD and creates programs for

inclusion), and keeps in touch with Jared Spahn, Tim Scott, Jon Smulyan, and Michael Weinfeld. Bill Randall and his wife Dawn are still in the Baltimore area. Their two sons are at Gilman (fourth and fifth grade), with the oldest in John Xanders’s class. They frequently run into other Gilman alums/ parents — Hafez, Trent, etc. Bill works in Timonium for PayPal managing their credit technology teams. John Marty has lived in Atlanta for more than 20 years. He has worked for the State Bar of Georgia for 11 years. He and his wife, Brooke, have two sons, Jack and Max. He was sorry to miss the 25th reunion, and welcomes anyone visiting or passing through Atlanta to look him up. I am still working at Collegiate School in Richmond as an athletic director and football/ lacrosse coach. It is a great spot for our three kids, and Richmond has been good to us. We brought our lacrosse team to Baltimore earlier this year, and Gilman was kind enough to allow us to practice on the new field. The place looks great! I hope everyone is doing well and I would love to hear from more folk. Email or call anytime ( or 804-291-7314). I hope everyone has a great year!

1993 Matthew Tucker For this edition of our class notes, I focused on classmates I haven’t provided updates for during my time as class secretary. First up is Mosi Bennett, who checks in from Minneapolis, where he is a heart failure and transplant cardiologist at the Minneapolis Heart Institute, the largest and busiest cardiology group in the area. Mosi moved to Minnesota two years ago with his wife, Vickie, and their three boys, Graham, 7, Garrick, 6, and Niles, 4. When Mosi isn’t working, he and his family have been able to escape the brutal winters in Minnesota, traveling to Florida, California, and the Caribbean in recent years. Joining Mosi in the twin cities is a classmate who left Gilman prior to graduation, Elliott Randolph. Elliott lives in Wayzata with his wife Sarah and their children, Harper and Elliott, and is the owner of a Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa franchise. In his free time Elliott enjoys all that the great north has to offer and coaches his son’s lacrosse team. Closer to home, I recently traded messages with Tony Hodson and Jason Lear, both of whom live in the Baltimore area. Tony recently began working at Fotheringill & Wade, a law firm in Towson that represents health care providers in multiple states. He also plays in — and manages — a ridiculous Rolling Stones tribute band called Beggars Banquet that plays around Baltimore, D.C., and Ocean City. Joining Tony in Beggars Banquet is his brother, Matt, from the Class of ’92. I highly recommend catching a show — they’re a lot of fun.

fall 2016


Jason lives in Parkton and is a chef for the Bagby Restaurant Group. In recent years, Jason has been busy, opening Fleet Street Kitchen, Cunningham’s, Cunningham’s Cafe & Bakery, and he’s currently working on opening a new Bagby Pizza in Towson. When he isn’t working, his world revolves around his 7-year-old daughter, Hannah. At this point in the notes, I’m going to shift gears to classmates I’ve gathered information on from various internet sources using my amateur detective skills. Michael Ginsburg is an attorney in Washington, D.C., for the U.S. government. After spending a decade in private practice, he moved to the government in 2014, where he specializes in export controls, economic sanctions (including the Iran sanctions), government contracts, and intellectual property. Mike is also a contributor to the Federalist. You can find his articles here: Amit Joshi is a board certified general surgeon affiliated with the Albert Einstein Medical Center, where he also serves as the residency program director of Einstein’s Department of Surgery. Jeremy Levy lives with his family in the D.C. metro area and works as the director, financial planning and analysis at Plex Systems, Inc. in Arlington, Va. Jeremy attended opening day for the Orioles last spring with his wife and sons. Tim MacColl lives outside Philadelphia in Villanova, Pa., and works as a managing partner of Larsen MacColl Partners, a middle market private equity firm in Wayne, Pa., that invests in lower middle-market businesses with tremendous potential. Pete Rothemund lives in the Los Angeles area, where he works as a senior analyst at Green Street Partners in Newport Beach. At work, Pete focuses primarily on overall REIT valuation and topics that affect all REITs. When not at work, Pete focuses primarily on catching gnarly waves. Joe Short is the “VP of everything” at the Northern Forrest Center, which seeks to create economic opportunity and community vitality from healthy working forests in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York. Joe lives in Concord, N.H., with his wife Liz and two daughters, and sings bass in the Suncook Valley Chorale in his free time. Adam Spivak lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he is an infectious disease specialist affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area. Adam cares for HIV patients as a member of the staff at the University of Utah Hospital and attends on the inpatient Infectious diseases consult service at both the University and Veterans Affairs Salt Lake City Health Care System. Chris Van Bergen lives in the New York metro area and works as the COO of Nest, a nonprofit managing in-country staffing and liaising directly with artisan business partners. In his spare time, Chris is a freelance trumpet performer who has performed with a variety of orchestras and ensembles along the East Coast, including work with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Baltimore Symphony, Delaware Symphony, and Allentown Symphony.


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That’s all I’ve got for this edition. I live with my wife and kids in Ruxton and work as in-house counsel for a local travel company. In my spare time, I’ve been assisting classmate Trey Winstead on a new business venture called the Baltimore Gondola, which is working to build an aerial gondola transit system in Baltimore to provide an alternative route between the Inner Harbor, Fells Point, and Canton to the east, and Port Covington to the south. Learn more about the project at

1994 Boyne Kim Tom Coleman reports, “The Colemans had baby boy no. 3 in 2015, Christopher Neal. He is happy and healthy, as are we. Peter Bogue and I had a great time with a few classmates, Goeller, Mitch, Goldman, Coyle, and Cornes at the Gilman-McDonogh victory this year. Otherwise, I’m still practicing law in Philly and keeping myself out of trouble and in shape, mostly. . . J” Jamie Biddison shares good news: “I had my first kid in October 2015. James Thomas Biddison is 5 months old now and going strong. My wife Lee and I are finally getting some sleep.” John Kim says, “I’m still working in private equity at a firm I helped start and now have two kids, Philip and Charlotte. I’ll soon be moving out of the city!” Kevin Robbins sent us some bullet points: • Celebrating my 40th birthday with a Robert Randolph concert at the State Theatre on 4/8 • Kate (DiPentima) (BMS ’94) and I celebrate 15 years of marriage this summer (no idea why she still puts up with me) • My two boys, Tucker, 9, and Grady, 7, are at The Potomac School and definitely keep us on our toes! • My Mom and Dad are doing well and still living in the same house in Glen Arm. We did a safari in Botswana with them last summer and are headed to Costa Rica with them in June • Lastly, on the work front, the growth equity firm I co-founded in 2009 just closed our first formal fund and we are now busily putting it to work, so send me any high growth government technology companies! Jason Finkelstein shares Kevin’s brevity: • Just started fifth year living in Marin County • Wife Marla and I just celebrated eigth wedding anniversary • We still have only two kids Stella, 3, and Ethan, 6, who just began playing organized lacrosse (yes, in NorCal!) last year • Attended a Gilman alumni event in San Francisco, January 2016 • My company Location Labs was acquired in October 2014 by security company AVG Technologies • In December 2015, I became chief marketing officer of AVG Technologies “News from here is that Jenny and I had our third son in July,” says Peter Bogue. “Jamison (Jamie) Patrick

1991 Bill Randall, Mike Schermerhorn, Colston Young Tim Scott, Thomas McIntire, Jake Jenkins Jared Spahn, Donell Thompson, Ed Trusty

fall 2016


The Class of 1996 reunites for its 20th reunion.

Bogue was born on July 20. Moving from man to zone has been a challenge but a great one. Tyler is almost through Kindergarten at my school and Teddy turns four this June. Both boys love having a(nother) little brother. Perhaps they will be Gilman boys someday. Would make me proud! “In my third year as Head of Upper School at Ravenscroft in Raleigh, things continue to go really well. We are happy and thriving. Hope to see everyone soon in B’more.” Rafael Haciski fill us in on the latest. “Things here are going very well. I left the law a few years ago to pursue a job as an insurance broker at The Graham Company, where I focus on new business development for middle to upper market companies (both private and non-profit). At home, the girls are now almost 12, 10, and 8 . . . all going on 35! Christina is doing a yeoman’s job juggling work and home, while I’m on the road often at client meetings, new business meeting, and the like. Other than that, I’m still playing a ton of music, trying to go to my share of concerts, and generally keep a reasonable ‘outside of the office’ work-life balance! Good luck with that. . . .” Matt Wise lives in Los Angeles with his lady friend Ceeca, their son Hank, and their dog Oliver. He recently DJ’d LACMA’s opening party for the Sheats Goldstein Residence, aka Jackie Treehorn’s house, he performs with Ceeca as the folk-funk duet Yukata, and in his spare time GMs renown speakeasy The Roger Room. He is working to open a spot by Fall 2017. From Nathaniel Badder: “I’m heading off to Iceland tomorrow to celebrate the big 4-0 with a couple of buddies in the land of fire and ice . . . and “hidden people.” My company — 36 Letters ( —


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just turned one, which is pretty exciting, and continues on its path to world (or at least photo letter art) domination. I’m coaching the Crossroads Middle School lacrosse team for the second year. And, I’m here in Charm City, living in Butchers Hill with my dog, Earvin (Magic Johnson).” John Vargas lives in Scarsdale, N.Y. with his wife of 10 years, Brooke Lea Foster, a writer, and two kids Harper, 6, and Emerson, 1. He has been practicing dentistry since 2004, and currently works and owns dental practices located in Westchester and Manhattan. Prem Kumta recently took his three year-old on a solo trip to India for his grandmother’s 90th birthday. “It was a crazy experience. To see four generations in one room: remember the memories I had as young boy, see myself as a young father, see my parents and what I’ll become soon, and then see my grandmother — who is still mentally sharp as a nail but whose physical body is just failing her. Time is really so precious.” As for me, Boyne Kim, I started off 2016 celebrating Mike Allan’s 40th out in Santa Barbara with Mowbs and Ruggs. We successfully surprised him and had a chance to relive the glory days (of being stupid). I’m still based in Chicago, where Amy and I are raising our kiddos (Van and Viv). Time is flying by as my boy is almost finished with his full year of Pre K. We also signed him up in a swim class which has been fun watching. Viv is an avid walker and loves food . . . a true Midwestern chick. Traveling a ton with work these days as a director of sales for a software company and trying my best to keep up with everything.

1996 Lee Kowarski It was great to see everyone at our 20th reunion in April! It was also fun to meet up earlier in the year with John Raiti in Seattle, where he is the senior research engineer for applied dexterity, doing some amazing robotics work. John’s wife, Ami, is doing her neurology residency at the University of Washington in Seattle. My wife and I also enjoyed an excellent dinner in NYC with Gaurab Bansal, who technically lives in Seattle but has been spending the past several years in Washington, D.C., working for the President. He currently serves as the deputy cabinet secretary, which is extremely impressive — I also plan to visit him in the West Wing before the end of the Obama administration (hopefully this happened by the time the Class Notes are released). John Boyle, usually a pretty fun guy, made a very serious request for this year’s update: as we are all getting older, he asked me to remind everyone to get on blood pressure medication if needed and to wear sunscreen. Hopefully next year’s update from John will be more entertaining. John serves as director of development at the Immune Deficiency Foundation, living in Columbia, Md., with his wife, Tara, and son Johnny (who unfortunately attends McDonogh J). Evan Kreitzer also went over the dark side and has his sons, Coby and Sam, at McDonogh. Evan, his wife, Keren, and sons still live in Owings Mills, where Evan is a senior mortgage banker at Howard Bank. Russell Wrenn, at least, is showing some Greyhound pride! After spending the past nine years coaching and teaching at The Westminster Schools in Atlanta, Russ is moving back to Baltimore this summer with his wife, Erin, sons Ronan, 6, and Cormac, 4, and daughter Cavan, 2, because he has accepted the assistant athletic director job at Gilman, where he will be working as the athletic liaison with admissions and college counseling. Additionally, he will serve as the offensive coordinator for the football team and help to coach the baseball program. Kevin Frank continues to live in Dallas, working as an attorney for the local gas company by day and getting his MBA at UT-Dallas by night. On July 3rd, he married Rebecca Wyatt of Corsicana, Texas. Steve Beyer switched jobs in early 2015 and opened a healthcare staffing office in Philadelphia with Pride Health (a company based out of NYC). Steve says that things are good with his wife, Katie, and their kids (Andrew, 8, and Lily, 6), but third grade homework is harder than Steve remembers. Steve coaches Andrew’s Little League team and plays basketball on Monday nights. Noah Gallico also switched jobs last year, leaving Universal Pictures to join NBC, working on TV show advertising as creative director of on-air and digital marketing. Noah and his wife, Sarah, bought an historic house (1905) and moved in at the end of the summer with their sons, Jake, 3, and Will, almost 6. Noah coaches soccer, basketball, and baseball in the

six-year-old age group and actively plays adult soccer in a couple of leagues. Stewart Becker welcomed his second child (Helena), as did Andy Cohen (Julian). Andy is an attorney at Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP in New York, focusing on patent litigation, living in White Plains. Julian’s big brother, Adam, 5, “digs him.” Also in New York, John Wise was promoted to head of cultural insights at Kelton Global and is part of the core team behind “Chrome to College,” a fundraising initiative for Brooklyn Theater Arts HS in Canarsie. They are into their third year and have sent over 120 urban and at-risk youth off to college / votech with a new Google Chromebook. George Brown became president of the Towsontowne Rotary in July, and has been focusing on workforce development for returning citizens in the city and vision projects in Baltimore and Bangladesh. His son, Augie, is 2 and daughter, Rosa, is 4. They have been hanging out with Cliff Athey and his wife, Heather, and three daughters. Jason Haas continues to work on his Ph.D at the MIT Media Lab. He and his wife, Jessica, have their hands full with their adorable one-year-old twins, Hannah and William. Brett Brandau still lives just outside of Wilmington, with his wife, Jen, and children, Piper, almost 2, and Turner, 4. Brett works as consumer lending product manager at Barclay’s. Chris Tully and his wife, Jodi, have focused their time since their daughter lost her fight with cancer in early 2015 on a foundation in her honor, The Spencer Grace Foundation: As for me, the last year and half have been a whirlwind of getting used to life in a big company after the consulting firm that I ran for the prior 15 years, kasina, was acquired by DST Systems. It has been a challenging, but extremely exciting, transition that keeps me busy (and frequently on the road). When at home in NYC, my wife, Melinda, and I continue to explore the food scene and I remain a member of the programming committee for the James Beard Foundation. I also continue to serve as president of the kasina Youth Foundation for Financial Literacy, a non-profit whose Board includes Brett Rogers ’94 and Raf Haciski ’94. Melinda and I had an amazing trip to Japan last October to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary and have some fun adventures planned for the coming year. You can follow me on Twitter (@kowarski) or Instagram (@kowarski) to learn more.

fall 2016


1997 Will Lanahan Ben Lucas is planted in Venice Beach and is raising three little towheaded blonde beach beauties by day and trading Pork Belly futures by night! David ‘Boom Boom’ Kim is not only still smarter than you, but he is also CEO of C2 Education, where he is helping to educate minds that will also be smarter than you. David is rocking a subtle fu manchu from a recent photo I saw of him; needless to say it’s a very smart look. Geoff Ellingwood is no doubt still a computer wiz and flipping tech on its head. He is a mastermind programmer at a leading software company. Jordan Angell is a doctor of urology and is dominating men’s anatomy back in Baltimore, so pretty much nothing has changed since high school! Jordan plays loads of golf in his free time so a common theme here is that he enjoys smacking balls around. Andrew Wooten hopefully has stopped growing; last I remember he was like over 7' tall with a chiseled jawline, perfect blonde hair, and steel blue eyes. Last seen playing for the Dallas Mavs under the alias Dirk Nowitzki. Josh Hrebiniak continuously pops up on my tinder account (Swipe left) and still has He-Man strength. He should really be playing for the Orioles. Ben Stevens is still the life of the party. Ben’s a serious lawyer making things happen; I am sure the courtroom loves his impromptu Matt Foley imitation during proceedings. Brooks Marshall is flossing the left coast, making deals nationally, and raising little surfers with his bride Kami; Brooks couldn’t be more jolly to have a little boy and girl! (See what I did there Mush.) At the time of these notes Major Noah Bengur was on his fifth tour flying jets for the Marine Corps. Noah works for Delta when he isn’t protecting America. He does reminisce about pulling 4G negative dives through the clouds while pulling up on the enemies six! Davis Noell spends almost as much time on a Delta plane as Noah. He spends his weekdays in New York where he is the boss and then flies home to Atlanta where his wife is the boss. Jay Sullivan hasn’t aged a day, he still has Mad Men good looks and runs the social scene in New York with his wifey-poo. Morgan Salmon has dimples, married a hottie with dimples and has kids with dimples and British accents to boot “ello guvna, top o’er tha morning to ya!” Clayton Apgar, when not acting on episodes of “Law and Order,” is a very successful interior designer; his New York apartment is as perfect as his cursive! Ajay Bhatia — doctor, lawyer, business tycoon . . . probably all of the above considering he spent about as much time at Gilman as I did in Mr. Matthews math class. He has racked up degrees like Brawner used to eat Bateman Wings! We get it Ajay…you are smarter than a fifth grader!


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It’s not not a stretch that Parijat “Pear” Didolkar is a cardiothoracic surgeon, I mean he did have the hands and precision on the tennis court like John McEnroe, but hopefully not his temper. Billy Buppert aka Billy Wonka is running and gunning in B’more with his Chocolate Factory. Bupps and Margerum are probably the two people we all talk to once a year when it comes time to raise mula for our amazing school, Gilman! Patrick Yeoman is an actor, comedian, model. Yeoman is on the rise and making moves in Hollywood! James Bentley, when I last saw him, told me that he was a proud uncle and that was as much kid time as he could handle. When he does settle down he will probably have triplets. Danny Mooney is still the nicest guy in Baltimore and is providing Gilman with more Irish Moondogs. Danny married a Texan who is quite possibly more fun than he! JV Scott, our 13-year man, kept my dread dream alive with hands down the best hair. James Vancleve is challenging our youth, broadening minds and is a dedicated educator. Respect JV III! William “The Rev” Ashford is doing his thing every Sunday. I plead with you all to seek him out and give a listen to one of his masterful sermons. Passion is an understatement. Edwin Merrick always had the most genuine smile and could also stare you down and not break for literally hours, so no doubt he is a terrific lawyer. We can only assume his name will be on the building one day! Eli Wasick is probably still capable of scoring a perfect 1,600 on SATs if kids actually were still required to take them. His Twitter game is legit, but let’s all take a moment of silence for Eli as I don't recall a bigger Bowie fan! #RIPDAVIDBOWIE I didn’t have a chance to chat with Jon Voelkel, but who am I kidding, I didn’t talk to any of you! He was a tricky Google search, but let’s all reflect on his amazing talent when it came to hammering on the violin. Reminds me of the time after Jon’s brilliant rendition of Paganini in E major when Gene de Juan asked if Jon knew any folk tunes on his fiddle. Classic de Juan! Speaking of Eugene de Juan, he still has a strong southern accent living in San Fran. He founded a medical device and supply company to surgeons, hospitals, and medical centers. I wonder if he still goes by the nickname “Brother”? Brian Margerum can typically be found with Buppert out and about in Baltimore when he isn’t fighting off kidney stones. I can’t believe it’s not butter, Margerum, still has a year round tan. Karlo Young is still the best dressed in our class, Mr. Young’s resume reads like that of Gordon Gekko’s, minus of course anything illegal, but seriously Karlo will either be on the cover of GQ or Fortune 500, most likely both! Joe Vargas, when not comparing his bicep size to John Allen’s, has followed in the footsteps of all the Vargaii before him; he is a dentist extraordinaire!

1996 Lawson DeVries, Gaurab Bansal, Ted Swingle Jay Menton, Scott So, Kumasi Vines, Cliff Athey Kevin Frank, David Boyd, Stewart Becker

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Chuck Baker is in D.C. and plays with trains, large trains with plenty of track. We still make sure to test his math every time he is back in Baltimore, “Quick, Chuck, 443 divided by 6! Go!” Keith Baker is probably either throwing a lax pill around in his backyard with his two-year-old son or tanning in his driveway. Tyler Brawner has Yale smarts, lax shots that could break facemasks, and is a Bateman’s legend. Tyler is all about firing on the upper 90 in lax and life. He is an underwriter at a senior living company Benchmark. Jarrett Byrnes is a professor in biology and ecology and spends a lot of time underwater saving our planet. Brendan Callahan, ironically enough, is in real estate considering there wasn't anyone in our class that could run faster across a strip of it! If only Keith could have tutored him on how to cradle every once in awhile. Donald Bacoat, who we all remember was born with a perfect physique and the speed of Michael Johnson on the track, spends his time on the water now as an aquaculture specialist in Rhode Island. David Chalmers is still running, but at a similar speed to Dr. Angell as he too practices medicine in the field of urology, but for children. Still has great flow and now a killer beard! John Comly is the President of the United States . . . wait, sorry, I had that wrong. He is, however, president of Red Ventures in Charlotte N.C. Comly wasn't, however, affected by the south and does not sound like a southern hick compared to another John we all know well. So speaking of John Schmick, he is right where he belongs, at Gilman teaching English and taking over the role of Bubbles Bulkley as coolest English teacher, but never really made any sense. I just want to make sure John knows that all of our boys will be accepted into Gilman, right John? Brandon Cornes is another American hero. Cornes went to the Naval Academy to play a little lax, but instead dove right in head-first to the demand of the Navy. He has yet to retire, and I am sure his resume is detailed and complex and probably reads like that of one of Sam Matthews’ parabola lessons. Stanton Jones is a badass attorney making regular visits before the Supreme Court in addition to protecting and challenging the U.S. Constitution. If his day job wasn’t enough he also teaches at the Georgetown Law Center. I am usually at home watching TV after my work day ends. Kabir Kamboh married his high school sweetheart and enjoys long walks on the beach and always being the funniest guy in the room. I do recall Mr. Kamboh trying out for SNL at one point. Now he is a cybersecurity nerd, but he did go to Virginia Polytechnical. Many of you may not know, but Will Stewart in fact caught Jim Thome’s 500th homerun back in September of 2007. He offered the ball back to Mr. Thome asking only for a handshake in return. Guy’s a “class act” as Thome later recounted. Brian Ransdell is down in Richmond and handling some secret government stuff, pretty standard I would say. My only tiff with Brian is that he got


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majorly jacked after Gilman and put on only like 30 lbs of muscle. He basically looks like a Navy Seal. Vince Tuohey is another classmate to whom we can all tip our caps. He “graduated into service” from Harvard and bravely served our country in the U.S. Army. Vince moved on from the Army to more education and then found a home with MITIMCo, which, as best I can tell, is a perfect fit for someone as bright as Vince. Dave Rugh is a lawyer doing the lawyer thing up in Vermont, probably suing Ben & Jerry for giving people salmonella from their raw cookie dough ice cream. David Sandler is another power lawyer in NYC right now chasing ambulances — just kidding. Rodney Glasgow has done it all: teacher, keynote speaker, writer, facilitator, activist on equal rights and social justice. Simply said, nothing has changed since Gilman except that he has become even wiser! Harvard and Columbia will do that to a man! Wally Aughenbaugh is a U.S. patents examiner at the U.S. Patent Office . . . I have an invention of a solar powered TI-83 I would like you to patent, Wal. Trent Stone moved from B’more to Savannah, Ga., and has continued his dominance in the physical training world. He still loves the Ravens and apparently has a silky smooth golf swing! Scott Sussman is another doctor in our line up of medical greats in the class of 1997. Internal medicine and hospitalist. Marc Hartley is an epic photographer and producer of amazing commercials. I spent some time on his website and he definitely paid more attention in Mrs. Miller’s photography class than I did; his stuff is awesome! Marc’s older brother Tronster is a regular in Marc’s work. Alec Riepe is a family man and is as loyal to his family business as his German Shepherd is to him. Just kidding, his dog is loyal to his wife and hates Alec. He does have a work ethic like no other and makes sure all the pieces to the puzzle are in place before the weekend  —  kidding again, he works every weekend. John Steele is still running around Annapolis making things happen, but will be sure to send his boys to Gilman and not one of those hippie coastal schools in Naptown! Matt Garrity retired from tap dancing, but is still in the entertainment, tech, and media world at a company called Founder Bloc. Easily one of the best LinkedIn photos ever. Adam Heaps is a sales director, not a shocker! He was always a natural salesman, convincing Tassoni to dry his damp T-shirt in a science building microwave, almost burning down the place, or convincing his parents to throw a little year-end gala at his house post prom. Not smart! Erik Atas is an attorney at Zirkin & Schmerling; boy is that a mouthful, but also fun to say three times fast! I am sure Erik is still pounding the tennis ball with fury in his parents’ backyard! Since I am no longer in school and can’t get called out for plagiarism I am going to straight up steal a recommendation quote from Hadi Annous’s Linkedin page. “He is a creative, innovative and brilliant person.

His wit and sense of humor are always appreciated.” Boom! There you have it people — Hadi is dominating! Brian Nottingham still has the reflexes and speed of a paint shaker at Home Depot. Where is he, you ask — he is right behind you! Krishna Tripuraneni is an orthopedic joint surgeon specializing in total knee and hip replacement, so basically we will all need his services around 55-65 years of age. Krishna enjoys skiing, running, and soccer in his spare time, and, ironically, all of those things are horrible for your joints. Geoff Hayward is an anesthesiologist in Hartford, Conn., and puts his patients to sleep faster than Rowdy Roddy Piper! And speaking of the Piper, our very own Roddy Arz is jumping off the tightrope up in NYC as an emergency litigation coordinator for the U.S. Attorney General of New York. He deals with a plethora of complex legal mumbo-jumbo, so basically he is like Chuck Rhoades on Billions. Eric Gillman is in Sacra-Macramento, Calif., where he is into waterboarding, which I thought was illegal . . . oh wait sorry, I have my notes wrong. He in fact works for the Water Boards of California as an attorney to control the water resources which makes him a modern day Moses. Now if Eric were class secretary he would just write for me “Will = Driver.” Aaron Hunter is living it up in B’more with 1.5-2 children and hits us all up to raise money for Gilman at the phonathon. He is an IT consultant for Accenture and has retired his Blue (purple) Neon for a sick matte-black Maserati. Mike Stanley is married and living in Brooklyn. Mike is still a genius. As I recall, one time in fourth grade everyone in the class got annihilated by one of Mr. Merrick’s tests and Mike was the only one who aced it! Mark Scott is still a true blonde living in Boston with his wifey I-Ching. He hopefully has not forgotten his roots and still loves the O’s, hon! Mark and his bride started Ward2, a very cool design firm. They design everything from furniture to buildings. I always remember Mark being a wiz with a mechanical pencil, racecar eraser, and a posca. David Park went to Georgetown and never left. He works at PwC Consulting and in his spare time he keeps his Mawashi Geri kicks high and tight! Got to spend time with David at the Gilman vs. McD football game where we celebrated Gilman’s last football win with Coach Poggi. Jeremy Klug has been working for Perfumania Holdings over the past seven years and heads up a team responsible for configuring new business applications and executing major corporate systems upgrades. Jeremy has been in fields of retail and sales since he left Gilly Tech, but I hope he returns to Gilman one day to teach Middle School science. Bobby Moran is no longer kicking dodgeballs over the wall or hitting homeruns literally over buildings, but instead is neck deep in the political scene in D.C. He has worked on multiple presidential campaigns, but now is a VP and business development strategist at PoliticoPro. Don’t worry, Bobby is still coaching baseball and spends his always positive outlook

on life with a non-profit group called Positive Coaches Alliance. Geoff Greenblatt is another classmate that has gone digital and probably doesn’t even have a flip phone anymore. He makes it happen in a world I know little about, but was always keen on improving performance. We had a good catch-up at a Gilman event in New York and at the time he was CEO of a gaming company. Danny Coyle knows everyone between D.C. and Baltimore. It was great to catch up at the 100th Gilman vs. McDonough Football game, where I got to meet Coyle’s GF; she is smoke! Matt Barnett is cleaning up in Nash’vegas as a singer, songwriter, and producer for young talent. He is a modern day Simon Cowell helping performers recognize their talents and get to the next level. Hill Woods is a police detective downtown; CSI Baltimore? . . . I hear franchise! Ken McNish is a coach and science teacher at Charlotte Country Day School. I am sure he loves telling his students how much better Gilman is than CCDS. I still love it that Ken went to Kenyon College. That’s like me going to Williams! Nishant Merchant is another amazing doctor in the Class of 1997. Nishant is a trauma, critical care, and general surgeon. He is saving lives and making it happen; now get back to Baltimore and work at Hopkins so we can get back to #1! P.S.-Nishant hasn’t aged a damn day! Mark Holloway handles global business development at Amazon . . . kind of a big deal! Mark has worked a lot of sweet gigs over the last 16 years so I am pretty sure headhunters just keep grabbing him away from his previous gig to fix the problems at his next job! Ryan Humphrey is VP of development at Humphrey Real Estate Holdings. First in his class at business school, BAM! Ryan is doing his part to keep Baltimore the Greatest City in the World! Go O’s! Willy Yonkers is awesome! Willy is an industrial designer/inventor of some of the coolest stuff on the planet. I mean the guy has always been an artist and now he is absolutely owning it! He has a cool mad scientist chin beard which makes him look legit, but honestly Google him, rad stuff! Alex Davis was hard to track down, I checked all punk rock band listings for “District 4” from New York to San Francisco to see if I could spot him. I believe Alex is in New York and recently had a kid. If Al’s kid is a mix of he and his brothers, James and Damien, then one day he will be the best athlete in the school with the sweetest sound system in his car that only plays alternative rock and punk! Tom Hale is living in New York and is a SVP at Century First Credit Solutions. He splits time between Nantucket, where he is probably Mayor, and NYC, where he is dominating the Halloween costume game from Zombie Elvis to the Naked Cowboy. Sanjay Nair works for DB Schenker where he is logistics project manager. The opposite of Donald Trump, Sanjay at DB Schenker is responsible for making borders disappear . . . for your supply chain that is. I would still love to see Sanjay in a cage match against Van Damme; my money is on Sanj!

fall 2016


Eric Michael Klimt February 8, 1980 – March 9, 2016. “Get outside. It’s where the good stuff is happening.” – E.K.

1998 Chad Prather On March 9, 2016, we lost Eric Klimt. At the time of his accident Eric was doing what he loved — rappelling near the top of Moonlight Buttress in Utah’s Zion National Park. Climbing was his joy. He lived in accord with creation, in awe of its beauty and vastness, reverently and fearlessly seeing the world from angles and heights that few of us dare attempt, literally or figuratively. He was alive in the most genuine way one can be alive, full of passion. And by a manner kind and authentic he inspired and invited others to live more alive as well. To the lads of ’98, I thank you for dedicating this space to Eric. Your Facebook tributes and email updates focused on the quality of Eric’s character and the depth of his impact. Among the many sentiments received (and I do apologize to all — there were just too many to print), here are a few excerpted and representative reflections: “Eric was as fundamentally decent a human being as I have ever known” (Alex Bushel). “One of those rare people who made the world a brighter, bolder, and kinder place for being in it” (Sandy London). “He had a smile and appeal that sucked me in. I wanted to do right, and I wanted to do more, when I was with him” (Justin Harper). And this one, written by Graham Savage: “When I came to Gilman in the fourth grade Eric was assigned


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to be my ‘buddy,’ a guide to make sure I knew where to be and to show me around in my first days at the school. He would laugh easily with me, and there is no better representative I could have asked for to make me feel comfortable, even as a nine year old. I loved meeting his friends and getting to know him and the way that he thought. He introduced me to a great life at Gilman, one that I cherish. And I can honestly say that his easygoing smile, his mannerisms, his kindness, his gentleness, his way of being never changed throughout the rest of our middle and high school experiences. What he did do was grow and forge a passion for the things that he valued, and I respect that passion even more now seeing all that he touched and all that loved him. The fact that his passion was bound up in such a sincere and real human being — the most authentic and pure person — is what makes it even more awe-inspiring. I don’t know how Eric learned to live the way he did, but I absolutely admired him for it. “I haven’t seen Eric in a few years, but I enjoyed seeing his updates and adventures, knowing that he was still going after what he wanted full tilt. When I saw the news, I told my wife, ‘I just found out my friend is gone. You never met him, but I wish you had — he was a great person.’ “When I look at my young children I wonder, what kind of life will they have? Will they be pragmatic or adventurous or bookish or social? What will they value? I don’t know the answers. What I do know is that I want them to live the way that Eric did. I want them to cast fear aside, to be easy and gentle, passionate but kind, to favor vast and crazy experiences outside with the wind in their hair and smiles on their faces. I hope they live the way that Eric did, and I wish I had the chance to tell him that, and to share a campfire or a conversation with him. “I’m sorry I won’t have that chance anymore in this life. But I am assured in knowing that I knew Eric. And I just want the Klimt family to know that I thought the world of him, and that there are so many people that loved Eric and love life more because of him. I truly hope I can be more like him, that my kids can be more like him, and that our lives can be just a little more like his. I am grateful for the lucky chance I got to know him.” Eric Klimt was the Michael Howard Cooper Teaching Fellow during the 2002–2003 school year.

Justin ‘Gup’ Alexander is living in Pennsylvania, has lots of kids and works for Northrop; he also loves the pop-up restaurants trending nationwide. Drew Forbes once had a quote, “Quitters Never Win.” Eugene Lee is a business operations specialist at Pinterest. “Vini, Vidi, Vici” is basically “Spooges” slogan. He rolls into a new brand, he checks it out and then BAM he conquers it and they sell to a big dog and then he moves onto the next! The San Francisco Bay area is where Eugene has been since graduating. After the U.S. Navy, Mike Bradford jumped into a career just as admirable. He works at Enterprise, where he has been assisting individuals to find homes and opportunities for their families and future. Ung Lee is hopefully still kicking butt on the tennis court. I believe Ung is in Virginia being a Virginian. John Allen Sykes has three daughters and no doubt he will scare boys to death like the step-dad in “Something about Mary” when they come to pick up his girls for a date. In fact his oldest Kya is finishing her sophomore year at RPCS. JASII still has bigger guns than Vargas. Bryan Willats is a tough man to track down via Google. Guy flies straight under the radar, so he is clearly up to no good with this cast of Frank McHenry and Brian Whitesell. Sorry, boys, I promise to have more on you guys in the next Bulletin. To our classmates that left us too soon, Paul Mullan and Scott Carter, I bid you peace and rest. We were all so fortunate to have known you as young men and one day we will meet you again to share stories and laughs. As for me, Will Lanahan, I hock clothing for a living at a little brand called Vineyard Vines up in Connecticut. I no longer have my rasta dreads or get in arguments with teachers although I am frequently prompted to tell the occasional Kwiterovich, Spragins, or Matthews story. Life is good, and I am happy to have taken on the class secretary torch from Davis Noell, as he was just too busy. A footnote to these Bulletin notes for our class...I winged it due to timing so be prepared for a phone call or email from me in the future. My email for future notes is

1999 Bill Miller Damien Davis is a portfolio manager at Brown Capital, where he and his team recently received Morningstar’s U.S. Domestic-Stock Fund Manager of the Year award for 2015. As Damo is not one to toot his own horn, the Class Secretary had to slip this one in. Sorry, Damo. Jack Dietrich and his wife, Ellen, are keeping busy chasing around their one-year-old daughter, Emily. They reside on Daniel Island near Charleston, S.C. In the last year, Jack launched Fount, a digital design and development studio.

Tom Fenton and wife, Sarah, along with their two-year-old, Samuel, are living happily in Dallas, Texas. All is well, and despite pressure from Sarah to support the Cowboys, Tom remains a loyal Ravens fan. Kwaisi France lives in Brooklyn, N.Y., where he is the CEO and founder of Killing the Breeze, a web-based media firm with content about anything and everything. A recent Gilman Bulletin prominently featured Kwaisi’s work, which Kwaisi says is about telling the truth and not “about shading a message,” though the jury’s still out. Jeff Hossfeld continues to work as project manager at Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. while living in Fells Point. Not much has changed! He’ll be traveling to Cartagena Colombia this spring, where his top priority is to avoid the Zika virus. Tim Hurley is still enjoying his litigation work at Miles & Stockbridge as well as his home life with Anne, Adair, 4, and Elliott, 1. Jason Johnson and Brianne have three children named Staton, 6, Scarlett, 4, and Sawyer, 2, and they live in Chester Springs, Pa. Jason just opened up a second location for demolition operations in Pittsburgh. They look forward to seeing everyone soon at a school event or reunion. Darryl Jordan just got married to the former Linda McMurren, and they, along with their lovely children, Chase and Ava, happily live in Brooklyn, N.Y. Fresh off his acceptance as a doctoral candidate in music education at Teachers College, Columbia University, he happily continues his work as a music professor in a Harlem Arts High School and at Nyack College NYC, where he teaches voice/music theory. He is excited to release his second album, TIME, along with his group FreeMind. . . . Stay tuned! Bill Miller, Becky, and Natalie, 2, welcomed WHM V, aka “Five,” into the family in November 2015. He is a large and extremely happy baby, and he’s already being groomed to compile the Class Notes for Gilman’s Class of 2033. Brenden Mulligan is still in San Francisco, where he is a technology entrepreneur. Brenden is currently building a firm called Cluster, which helps users create private social networks. The Browns recently promoted Chisom Opara to director of player personnel. Kittu Rao became engaged in October 2015 to Pallavi Ramamurthy, who is from Baltimore and graduated from Oldfields in 1998. They both live on the water in Miami, where Kittu is now doing a research year in trauma surgery at the University of Miami Ryder Trauma Center before residency. When Kittu and Pallavi aren’t at the clubs in South Beach, they spend their spare time planning an Indian wedding in the fall of 2016. Michael Rogers got married in October 2015 to Viryed Lara in Malibu. Fellow classmates Mike Hsu, Evan Bedford, Ward Bank, Brenden Mulligan, Pat Mooney, and Kwaisi France all were in attendance. Three days after the wedding, Pandora acquired Michael’s employer,Ticketfly. Del Schmidt, Meghan, and Rory welcomed Piper Eleanor Schmidt to their family in April 2015.

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Del is still holding down the North Baltimore real estate market with Chase Fitzgerald and residing in Rodgers Forge, just a few doors down from classmate Beau Smith. Beau Smith’s son, Reid, got a new baby sister for his second birthday. Milly Warfield Smith was born on October 6, exactly two years after Reid (shout-out to fellow alum Dr. Scott Supplee who delivered both rugrats). Becca and Beau have their hands full, but they are loving every minute. Beau is still working in the investment division at the state retirement agency, where he’s been since 2014. Beau has also joined Bill Miller, Del Schmidt, and Charles Wagandt on the alumni board, which has reportedly capped representation from ’99ers. Charles Wagandt is excited to step into the shoes of alumni board president this year, where he plans to remove the aforementioned limit on class of ’99ers. His daughter, Molly, turned two in May, and his wife, Lauren, is a zealous follower of Kwaisi France’s blog. Tim Webb, Adrianne, and daughter Avery welcomed Georgia Grace Webb into their family in January. She has been a great baby, which is a blessing for Tim and Adrianne, as Avery keeps them on their toes.

2002 Christopher Atkins Josh Kline lives in Montclair, N.J., with his wife and two daughters. He started his own life and leadership coaching business last year. If anyone wants to connect, has curiosity about coaching, or they or someone they know could use some direction and empowerment in their life, shoot him an email at Derrick Wang’s interdisciplinary opera “Scalia/ Ginsburg” premiered in July 2015 to a sold-out audience at Lorin Maazel’s Castleton Festival, with Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg in attendance. The annotated libretto [script] has been published in the Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts. National and international coverage of the opera has continued throughout the year. For more information, visit Rob Hamilton’s film, “The Suffering,” was picked up by Breaking Glass Pictures and will have a limited theatrical release and wide “On Demand” release in July 2016. He is currently preparing his next film, which he hopes will go into production by the end of the year. For more information, visit As for me, my wife and I welcomed our second child, daughter Cecelia, in August 2015.


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2005 Tyler Hoffberger John Thompson is an orthopaedic surgery resident at Johns Hopkins in the midst of completing an NIH-funded research year before he returns to clinical work. He is still living in Baltimore City. Jordan Tucker is a newlywed living in Baltimore. He and his wife Naomi are enjoying life in Federal Hill. He is still recovering from paintball with some fellow Gilman alums at his bachelor party. Hal Turner is currently in his second year as an assistant dean of students and director of fraternity and sorority life at the University of Virginia and in the final stages of completing his doctoral thesis in higher education administration. Matt Bressler moved to D.C. this year and is working for an early-stage venture capital fund. He’s pretty excited to be so close to Baltimore for the first time since high school. The best part is no longer paying his subscription to watch the O’s play. Thomas Rogers is working at Bloomberg in NYC, managing the financial products sales team for Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. Britton Nyce works in San Francisco but lives in Berkeley with Erin Durbin because they couldn’t do the hills anymore. They still haven’t felt an earthquake, and are anxiously waiting on that. They just adopted another puppy because their overpriced apartment didn’t feel small enough. They are appreciative that El Nino ended the drought but kind of want it to stop raining already. Britton can’t keep up with his overgrown yard. The puppy may get lost in it. Austin Brown is pursuing a master’s in political management, and he started a company with Eno Umoh, Global Air Media, LLC. Matt Councill married his lovely bride, Paxton Delany of Charlottesville, Va., this past year! They now live in Northern Virginia, where Matt works in the underwriting department at Travelers. And yours truly, Tyler Hoffberger, lives in Park Slope, Brooklyn, dodging strollers on the way into his job at NBC, where he works in digital marketing for their late night and primetime shows.

Mike Kutzer, Justin Redd, Dan Zito, Starrett Esworthy Will Frew, Christopher Hong, Sean Murphy David Hoffman, Wesley Baire, Alex DeWeese

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For the first time, the younger classes simultaneously celebrated their reunions in the Lumen Center Dining Hall. The Class of 2001 gathers for its 15th Reunion. The Class of 2006 marks its first decade as Gilman alumni. A first time five-year reunion for the Class of 2011.


class notes

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