All gifts and pledges listed in this report are those received between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2019. The Development Office staff has made every effort to ensure the information in this report is accurate and complete. However, sometimes errors do occur, and for this we apologize in advance. If you contributed to Gilman during the First Things First campaign, and you find your name has been omitted or listed under an incorrect heading, please advise us.
Thanks a million
(or should we say $62,486,229 million)
Leaders lead, and that means taking action. Together, we proved that Gilman values are for life. All of us who love Gilman put First Things First, ensuring the sustained excellence of a Gilman School education.
We did it! Your best self rose to the task of securing Gilman’s future, raising more than $62 million in support of Gilman’s promise and people. I humbly offer my thanks and congratulations to each of you.
Your generosity strengthens Gilman’s foundation, allowing the School to meet the costs needed to deliver an excellent Gilman experience while carefully and responsibly managing tuition increases. Thanks to you, Gilman can better assure that deserving young men have every opportunity to meet their potential.
They will meet that potential also because you provided the resources for Gilman to invest in the best teachers and their continued professional development, and to ensure the campus has the facilities and technology most conducive to a productive and thriving learning environment.
And the size of that ‘we’ represents another remarkable aspect of this campaign. First Things First engaged more than 6,000 supporters in 46 states and 15 countries. The breadth of support exemplifies the meaningful and lasting ties the Gilman experience has woven among alumni, parents, and friends. Each of you can take pride in knowing the School’s legacy and impact will continue for generations to follow.
Thank you, again, for doing your part to help Gilman put First Things First.
Charles C. Fenwick, Jr. '66, PP, GP ChairDEAR GILMAN FAMILY,
What a day! June 30, 2019 marked the official end of Gilman’s First Things First campaign, a comprehensive fundraising effort, as the tagline suggests, to endow Gilman’s promise and people. The more than $62 million raised through the Campaign will help us deliver the Gilman experience that our new Strategic Plan calls us to do. By strengthening the School’s long‑term financial vitality and supporting the people who bring the Gilman experience to life, the First Things First campaign directly addresses the Strategic Plan’s three overarching priorities related to program, people, and resources. The end goal, of course, is for Gilman to continue to set boys of promise on the road to becoming well rounded men who lead fulfilling lives of purpose.
Surpassing our goal of $60 million in gifts and pledges is an enormous accomplishment, and I am so grateful for the efforts of so many that took us past the finish line. The life of the Campaign spanned the tenures of three Board Presidents — Paul McBride PP, Scott Wieler PP, and Mark Fetting '72, PP — and began under the leadership of the School’s 13th Headmaster, John E. Schmick '67, PP, GP. The Campaign also provided the exclamation point for the career of former Director of Development Kate Ratcliffe, who retired on June 30. Kate and her entire team deserve so much credit for the Campaign’s success. Finally, I cannot write this letter without acknowledging the steadfast leadership and loyalty of Charlie Fenwick '66, PP, GP, who chaired the Campaign so ably.
Of course, Gilman is able to put First Things First so successfully because of all of you, the thousands of people who stepped up and answered Gilman’s call. You have helped to ensure Gilman’s continued vitality, and we are ever grateful for your contributions. Over the course of the Campaign, I have had the good fortune of meeting with so many alumni, parents, and friends around the United States and abroad. All of these interactions have made an important point abundantly clear: Gilman is a very, very special place, one that provides an unparalleled experience through which boys learn, grow, and flourish as they strive to become their best selves so that they, in turn, might make the world a better place.
For all that you have done and continue to do to support the Gilman experience, thank you.
With appreciation,
Henry P. A. Smyth P'24, '26 HeadmasterIN DEDICATION: REDMOND C. S. FINNEY ' 47 1929 2019
Beloved headmaster, teacher, mentor, colleague, and friend. A man of honor and integrity who unwaveringly supported Gilman’s promise and people.
“There is no quality of character which is more important or more needed than integrity.”
–Redmond C. S. Finney, Spring 1972
Benjamin H. Griswold IV '58, PP
Walter D. Pinkard, Jr. '69, PP
James S. Riepe, Jr. '94
Theodore T. Sotir '76
Charles C. Fenwick, Jr. '66, PP, GP
Andrew M. Brooks '74, PP
Cynthia Lee Cavanaugh P'21
John F. Cavanaugh '87, P'21
Susan D. Ginkel PP
R. Davis Noell '97
John C. Avirett '01
Robert G. Blue '81, PP
E. Thomas Booker III '79, PP
Thomas S. Bozzuto, Jr. '92, P'27
Thomas H. Broadus III '86, P'20
David H. Carroll, Jr. '88, PP
D. Lawson DeVries III '96
Mark R. Fetting '72, PP
D. Brooks Kitchel II '88, P'24
Elise Morris P'15, '22
William L. Paternotte '63, PP, GP
Troy L. Rohrbaugh '88
Dara S. Schnee P'18, '20
Michael J. Weinfeld '91, P'17, '22
Scott A. Wieler PP
Henry P. A. Smyth P'24, '26, ex-officio
M. Kate Ratcliffe, ex-officio
John W. Richardson P'32, ex-officio
Carol O'Brien and Associates, Inc.
Gilman celebrated the official public launch of First Things First: Endowing Gilman’s Promise and People on Saturday, October 7, 2017. The comprehensive campaign promised to strengthen Gilman’s leadership legacy by giving talented boys access to the School and guiding them to excellent colleges and lives of purpose; attracting and supporting gifted faculty; and providing the programs that allow every boy to discover and develop the best in himself.
Donors responded generously to First Things First, as the chart on the next page illustrates.
The results shown on the next page reflect total commitments (including outright gifts, pledges, and deferred gifts) to the Campaign by priority designation.
Financial Support and Opportunity
Close to $18 million was raised in the form of endowed funds dedicated to Gilman’s financial aid budget. This was a critical component of our strategy to cover increasing financial aid needs while keeping the tuition growth curve under control. This support will help to ensure that all Gilman boys benefit from being part of a community driven by aspiration and inspiration.
Teaching and Learning
Close to $13 million was raised to support teaching and learning at Gilman. When we invest in teachers, we recognize and strengthen their direct influence on the boys and young men they teach, coach, and mentor throughout every Gilman school day and beyond. In addition, we know that a Gilman student’s appetite for a challenge grows with each new accomplishment. Support for educational program enhancements and new initiatives will undoubtedly help to create a more robust Gilman experience.
the gilman fund
Throughout the life of the Campaign, more than $17 million was raised in support of the gilman fund, the School’s annual giving effort. Every dollar raised had a direct and immediate impact on the experiences of current students. First Things First represented a special opportunity to focus on — and celebrate — the impact all members of the wider Gilman family have on the experience of current students.
Endowment Unrestricted
In a world that demands adaptability in order to thrive, unrestricted endowment is essential to Gilman’s future prosperity. Close to $7.9 million was raised in order to provide the School flexibility to move beyond annual budget limitations and respond immediately to compelling educational opportunities as soon as they arise — whether entrepreneurial initiatives or new learning modules or faculty development experiences.
Our First Things First campaign gifts and commitments will help us grow our endowment by more than $37.6 million.
Fifty‑six endowed funds were created and an additional 64 existing endowed funds were supported.
The School is forever grateful to our generous donors who directly invested to ensure the future of the Gilman experience.
A. C. & Kathryn George Family Scholarship
Alexander Brusilow Memorial Scholarship
Allan Family Fund
Alvin J. Myerberg Family Scholarship
Anton J. Vishio, Sr. Scholarship
Arthur E. Davis Class of 1961 Memorial Scholarship
Brian B. Bowie Memorial Scholarship Fund
Brooks Finney Fund
Brooks Family Endowed Scholarship for Faculty Children
C. William Pacy, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Centennial Class Scholarship Fund
Charles C. Baum Scholarship Fund
Charles R. Gamper Scholarship
Christopher R. & Anne W. West Scholarship
Class of 1951 Memorial Scholarship
Robert B. Russell II Fund
Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund
Class of 1963 John E. Schmick Scholarship Fund
Class of 1973 Alfred H. Weems, Jr. Memorial Award
Class of 1974 Endowed Fund for Faculty Children
Donald P., Jr. '24, Janet, and David R. McPherson '85 Scholarship Fund
Dr. Earl P. & Martha Wheelwright Galleher, Jr. Scholarship
Dr. George G. Finney Memorial Scholarship
Duke Lohr '62 Scholarship
Elizabeth & James Pine Memorial Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth Barrett Rosen Memorial Scholarship
Farber Family Scholarship
Finney Greene Scholars Program
Frank Woodworth Pine & Mabel Durand
Pine Memorial Scholarship
H. Findlay French Memorial Scholarship
Harry Hardie Anglo American Prize
Henry H. Callard Scholarship
Henson & Doris Jackson Family Scholarship
Hoffberger Foundation Scholarship
Hyman & Minnie Steinhorn Memorial Scholarship
John A. Gettier Scholarship Fund
John Gaino Scholarship
John M. Bergland, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Lawrence T. P. Stifler Scholarship
Nick Schloeder Scholarship
Nudelman Family Scholarship Fund
Ralph L. & Marion W. DeGroff Scholarship
Ralph N. “Bo” Willis Scholarship Endowment
Redwood Memorial Scholarship
Richard E. Bowe Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ripple Grant
Robert R. Perkins Scholarship Fund
Rohrbaugh Financial Aid Fund
Scott B. Deutschman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Shock Family Scholarship
The Cavanaugh Family Scholarship for Faculty Children
The Edwards Family Scholarship
The Frederick Wayne Lafferty Family Scholarship
The Ilene R. Booke Andrew B. Cohen Scholarship
The John E. Schmick Scholarship Fund for Faculty Children
The Kaufman Family Scholarship
The Keefe and Jana Clemons Scholarship Fund
The Keith Kormanik Honorary Scholarship
The Robert Thomas/Polly Hoppin Fund for the Advancement of Equity
The Sherman A. Bristow Scholar Athlete Scholarship Fund
The St. Ignatius Scholarship
The Walter Lord Scholarship
The William A. Greene, Jr. Scholarship Fund
The William J. McCarthy '49 Scholarship Fund
Theodore C. Waters, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Thomas H. Broadus III Scholarship Fund
Thomas S. Ahern Scholarship Fund
Thomas Worthington Brundige IV Memorial Scholarship
Timothy P. Lekin Scholarship for Science Achievement
War Memorial Scholarship
William Campbell Foundation Annual Scholarship
“As a 12 year man, Gilman had a tremendous impact on my life. I had access to that great educational experience because of the generous financial support of those who made it possible. The Keefe and Jana Clemons Scholarship Fund will help ensure that similar support is available to students who need it in the future.”
–Keefe Clemons'85
Written by Mike Molina, Director of The Finney-Greene ProgramThe Finney Greene program honors and works to continue the legacy of two great men in Gilman’s history — Redmond C. S. Finney '47, Gilman’s legendary headmaster who led Gilman’s effort to integrate over his 25 years as headmaster, and Bill Greene, Gilman’s first African American teacher who, over the same period, taught a generation of Gilman boys. Bolstered by the generous giving as part of the First Things First campaign, we have built a wrap around support system for boys from underrepresented backgrounds who, once admitted to Gilman, may need some extra layers of support to ensure their success at Gilman and beyond. These Finney Greene scholars represent Gilman’s investment in expanding access to great opportunities for a broader mosaic of Baltimore communities, as well as for boys from international backgrounds and/or economic disadvantage. Our scholars represent three nations (China, Nigeria, and Cameroon), more than 10 Baltimore area zip codes, backgrounds in public and Catholic schools, and abilities that span academic excellence in the sciences and humanities, artistic talent in music and drama, and athletic potential in basketball, football, lacrosse, track, and wrestling. Finney Greene scholars help Gilman reach for the ambitious goal Headmaster Smyth has set for us in the 2019 Strategic Plan — that the success of any boy at Gilman cannot be predicted by any cultural or social identifier.
When admitted to Gilman, these boys and their families are welcomed into a community of mutual support, gaining access to an extra layer of social and academic support, and, if needed, financial support for non tuition expenses and unique opportunities. The Finney Greene Program has hosted family gatherings, invited alumni speakers, and had the honor of engaging with Mr. Greene and Mr. Finney, before his recent passing. We have provided academic counseling, coaching, and access to funds for tutoring when needed. We have supported boys in getting the necessary technology to complete academic work, in getting safe and dependable transportation to and from Gilman, and in taking advantage of school hosted travel abroad trips. Our overall goal is to ensure that every Finney Greene scholar has the tools to access as much of Gilman’s opportunity as possible.
We are so grateful for the leadership support received from the France-Merrick Foundation and the Riepe Family as part of the First Things First campaign. This investment will provide a return for many years to come as these young men represent the excellence of a Gilman education now and well into the future. We believe that as Finney Greene scholars continue to grow into their great potential, Gilman will continue to grow stronger in its great promise.
To learn more about the Finney-Greene Program, visit
Co Director of the Finney Greene Program Eric Marner, Jamie Riepe '94, Gail P. Riepe, James S. Riepe, Hon. '98, Co Director of the Finney Greene Program Michael Molina, Headmaster Henry P. A. Smyth
pull quote about tom
We are thankful to our generous benefactors, the Riepe family and the France-Merrick Foundation, for their leadership of and support for Gilman’s Finney-Greene Program.
Wally Pinkard '69, President of the France Merrick Foundation, and his wife, Mary Ann
Baetjer Study & Travel Faculty Fund
Brent A. Rosenberg '05 Fund for Teaching & Learning
Broadus Hubbard Award
Class of 1955 Henry Callard Teaching Internships
Class of 1957 Faculty Summer Sabbaticals & Professional Development
Edward K. Dunn Memorial Faculty Fund
Gallagher Art Faculty Fund
Gilman Advisor Fund & Award
Henry Callard Faculty Support Fund
Hess Faculty Fund
I. Ridgeway Trimble Biology Faculty Support Fund
J. Richard and Mary McC. Thomas Development Chair
Johnnie L. Foreman, Jr. Faculty Fellow
Owen & Clinton Daly Faculty Development Fund
Paternotte Travel & Study Fund for STEM
Redmond C. S. Finney Chair in American History
Schapiro Summer Study Grant
The Charles C. Fenwick, Jr. '66 Distinguished Teacher/Coach Chair
The Christopher B. Legg Faculty Endowment Fund
The Class of 1965 Teacher and Coach Fund
The Griswold Family W. P. Carey College Counseling Center Directorship
The Kitchel Family Teacher/Coach/Advisor Award
The Ober Family Faculty Grant for English Studies
The Putman Nuermberger Family Endowed Fund for Teaching Fellowships
The Robert F. Greenhill '54 & Gayle G. Greenhill Ruth Williams Distinguished Teaching Chair for Mathematics
The Wieler Family Distinguished Teaching Chair for Classics
Timothy Holley, Jr. '77 Athletic Directorship
Tom Healey Faculty Professional Development
Walter Lord Faculty Development & Sabbatical Fund
Weinfeld Family Endowed Mortgage Assistance Fund
Wilma Mason & C. Huntley Hilliard Faculty Development Fund
We believe excellent teaching and learning prepares boys for the rigors of each successive step in their academic journey and, over time, fortifies their efforts to improve the communities in which they play, work, and live.
–Gilman Academic Council
Written by Mary Ellen Porter, Director of Major Gifts and Planned GivingThe editors of the 1966 Cynosure wrote, “Every class has someone who stands out for his qualities of leadership and individualism. Charlie has been an example for all of us to follow.”
Charlie Fenwick '66 has spent the entirety of his adult life giving back to Gilman.
Little has changed in the intervening 53 years. A lifetime Trustee, Charlie has been a Board member since 1989. He has served on the Alumni Association Board, been an annual giving caller, and chaired his class reunions. Incredibly, he also chaired two comprehensive capital campaigns: The First Things First campaign and the Centennial campaign, and was also a steering committee member during the Character Leadership Commitment campaign. He became Board President as the CLC campaign was publicly launched. His generous philanthropic support is recognized through his membership in The Medallion Society.
A group of Charlie’s friends decided to honor his extraordinary devotion and service to Gilman through the First Things First campaign. Led by Ben Griswold '58, Michael Hankin PP, Charlie Noell PP, and Davis Noell '97, they quietly raised more than $1 million to establish The Charles C. Fenwick, Jr. '66 Distinguished Teacher/Coach Chair, which will recognize a teacher/ coach who has demonstrated excellence both in the classroom and on the field. As Davis Noell remarked:
“Charlie is a tremendous leader and has set a great example of how to give back to Gilman. He has done so much for the school over multiple decades — President of the Board, Chairman of numerous capital campaigns, Trustee for more than 30 years. I am appreciative of his years of dedication and knew that others would be, too. This was a wonderful way to honor Charlie and say thank you. I am proud that it was so successful.”
Davis enthusiastically embraced the opportunity to honor Charlie and support Gilman even though he has not lived in Baltimore since graduating in 1997. When asked why, he says, “It is important to me to stay involved with the school to say thank you, but also to ensure that future generations of Gilman boys have the same great experience and opportunity that I did. Supporting the Fenwick Chair achieves both goals.”
The Charles C. Fenwick, Jr. '66 Distinguished Teacher/Coach Chair was announced at a surprise party held in Charlie’s honor on June 6, 2019. Middle School Language Arts teacher and track coach Matt Tully '02 is the first Fenwick Chair recipient.
Written by Tim Holley, Jr. '77, former Athletic Director and current Director of External AffairsWhen Jon Jacobson '79, more affectionately known as “Jake” to most of us, approached me about his idea of making a gift to Gilman to endow the Athletic Director (AD) position in my name, I was a bit overwhelmed. I never thought of my time at Gilman in terms of perpetuation or legacy.
I always felt enormously grateful to Gilman for admitting me as a student in 1971, educating me through my teen years, and hiring me as a faculty member in 1985. Those events have had a significantly profound and positive effect on my life’s journey. During my years at Gilman, I have been a student athlete, alumnus, teacher, and administrator. I perceived those roles at Gilman as being part of my loyal commitment to my alma mater where I hoped to be helpful to the School that has given me so much!
Jake explained to me that he wanted to endow the AD position in my name as a testimony to my commitment and love for Gilman. Of course, I was honored and flattered that he felt that my name should be used. When I became the Gilman AD in 1997, my dream job, I felt an obligation to “take the baton” from our dear friend and mentor, Sherm Bristow '67, and run my “leg of the race” as the AD in honor of him, my AD when I was a student (Alex Sotir), my headmaster from my student and early faculty days (Reddy Finney '47), and the headmaster who hired me as AD, Arch Montgomery '71.
In my mind, Jake’s vision and gift were more of a tribute to those men who believed and invested in me. Certainly, Jake’s gift (among many of his gifts to our alma mater), has allowed Gilman the resources to strive for excellence in continuing to adhere to our mission of educating boys in mind, body, and spirit. I am truly honored that the first two recipients of Jake’s gift are longtime and cherished friends, Co ADs Lori Bristow and Russell Wrenn '96, who embody Gilman’s mission. I am forever indebted to Jake and touched by his friendship, generosity, and commitment to ensuring that Gilman remains committed to athletics as a vital part of a boy’s education.
To learn more about the Timothy Holley, Jr. ' 77 Athletic Directorship, visit
Admissions Shadow Day Fund
Cross Family Headmaster’s Innovation Fund
Daly Bailliere Room Fund
Francis Callard Memorial Fund
Milch Family Technology Fund
Obrecht Fund for Character Education
Paul E. Kennedy Mullan Photography Center Endowment
Schweizer Family Drug & Alcohol Counseling Fund
The Avirett Family Fund for Programming and Initiatives
The Cordish Family Fund for New Programming and Initiatives
The Francis J. Carey Jr., Lectures Fund
The John R. Merrill Memorial Music Fund
The Patricia Vishio Ancient Greek Language Award
The W. P. Carey College Counseling Center Fund
The William H. Porter Fund for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Thomsen Davisson Fund for Performing Arts
Tommy Hardie Project Endowment Fund
Unrestricted Endowment Fund
Walter Lord Fund
“Providing students with the opportunity to learn about and experience entrepreneurship is essential. Future founders of world changing companies currently walk the halls of Gilman, and we are proud to support these important formative years.”
–Ashley and John Avirett
'01 (and Henry)
Written by Sarah Ross, Director of College CounselingGilman’s dynamic curriculum encourages every boy at each stage of his educational, emotional, and social development to discover his own innate talents and interests.
From its founding, Gilman has been a place built on promises and filled with promise.
In recognizing each boy’s promise, Gilman, in turn, makes a promise — to provide an inspiring environment in which to grow and learn, to be a place where each student will realize his true and full potential.
Applying to college is considered an extension of a student’s educational journey: a journey of reflection, growth, self empowerment, and discovery. Gilman’s college counselors work closely with each student, guiding him as he navigates the application process, providing him with the tools, information, and support necessary to identify his goals and pursue them with confidence.
From its inception, Gilman has provided its students with state of the art college counseling. However, over the course of the past two decades, the college admissions process has changed in significant ways. The number of students enrolling in colleges and universities has mushroomed, and students are applying to more colleges than ever before. As college admissions offices receive an unprecedented volume of applications, acceptance rates are now in decline. The changes in acceptance rates, coupled with the rising cost of college tuition, have contributed to a rise in stress for high school students. The changing admissions landscape has placed increasing demands on students, their families, and the college counseling program. These changes impact the college counseling process, the level of support required, and the additional resources needed to provide each student with appropriate guidance as he looks to his future.
Today, thanks to the magnanimous gifts of The Carey Foundation and Ben and Wendy Griswold, Gilman’s college counseling program is more robust than ever before. These generous donors make it possible for Gilman to provide additional resources and develop new programming, including bringing thought leaders, admissions experts, and educators to campus. Gilman is exceedingly grateful to those whose thoughtful contributions ensure our time honored tradition in recognizing promise in each student, and making sure that he is given the opportunity to realize that promise.
To learn more about the gift and our college counseling program, visit
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Wendy and Ben Griswold '58
We are thankful to our generous benefactors, Ben and Wendy Griswold and The Carey Foundation, for their leadership of and support for Gilman’s College Counseling Program.
The Medallion Society was inspired by Gilman’s highest student award, the William A. Fisher Medallion. The Fisher Medallion is awarded to the student who has rendered the highest service possible to the School by leadership based on the influence of character. Accordingly, members of The Medallion Society are those benefactors who have supported Gilman at the highest level, our greatest philanthropic leaders, who raise the charitable sights of our broader constituency. These donors, like our founder, Anne Galbraith Carey, have provided the financial resources to support and reinforce the foundation of our School over several generations.
Anonymous '47
Thomas H. Broadus III '86 & Anne E. Broadus
Andrew M. Brooks '74 & Cassandra N. Brooks
Wm. Polk Carey '48 & Francis J. Carey '43
Nicholas D. Cortezi II '84 & Louise M. Cortezi
Donald M. Culver '43 & Rosalie C. Culver
William W.S. Dancy '42
Ralph L. DeGroff, Jr. '54
The Fenwick Family
The France Merrick Foundation
John A. Gettier '52 & Dorothy R. Gettier
Robert F. Greenhill '54 & Gayle G. Greenhill
The Griswold Family
George B. Hess, Jr. '55 & Betsy Hess
Jonathon S. Jacobson '79 & Joanna M. Jacobson
Christopher H. Lee & Susan D. Ginkel
The Linehan Family
Duke Lohr '62
Walter Lord '35
John Markell, Jr. '36
William M. Passano, Jr. '48 & Helen A. Passano
William L. Paternotte '63 & Nancy Paternotte
Francis X. Poggi '79 & Amelia M. Poggi
Mr. James S. Riepe, Hon. '98 & Mrs. Gail P. Riepe
The Thomas B. & Elizabeth M. Sheridan Foundation
The Shock Family
Theodore T. Sotir '76
Charles L. Stout '49
The Wieler Family
“For me, Gilman is the past, the present, and the future, and provides people the opportunity to make a difference. We wanted to contribute something for dad in recognition of what he did for us and the School.”
–Ted Sotir '76Alexander Sotir and Ted Sotir '76
The following list recognizes donors of $1,000 or more to the Campaign. This includes contributions made during the life of the Campaign in the form of outright gifts, deferred gifts, and pledges. Because annual giving was a major component of the Campaign, donors of $1,000 or more to the gilman fund during the life of the Campaign are also listed at their cumulative giving levels.
$3,000,000 or more
Dr. John A. Gettier '52
Mr. John Markell, Jr. '36*
W. P. Carey Foundation
$1,000,000 - $2,999,999
Mr. Thomas S. Ahern '59 & Mrs. Nancy P. Ahern
France Merrick Foundation
Mr. Robert F. Greenhill '54
Mr. Benjamin H. Griswold IV '58 & Mrs. Wendy Griswold
Mr. Jonathon S. Jacobson '79 & Mrs. Joanna Jacobson
Mr. Christopher H. Lee & Ms. Susan Ginkel
Mr. Theodore T. Sotir '76 & Ms. Thea Cleminshaw
Mr. J. Richard Thomas, Sr. '43 & Mrs. Mary McC. Thomas
$500,000 - $999,999
Mr. Thomas H. Broadus III '86 & Mrs. Anne Eggleston Broadus
Mr. Andrew M. Brooks '74 & Mrs. Cassandra Naylor Brooks
Mr. Nicholas D. Cortezi II '84 & Mrs. Louise McGovern Cortezi
Mr. Luther B. Ditch II '49*
Dr. Charles C. Edwards II '88 & Mrs. Ann B. Edwards
Mr. Charles C. Fenwick, Jr. '66 & Mrs. Sherry Fenwick
James Riepe Family Foundation:
Mr. James S. Riepe, Jr. '94 & Mrs. Allison B. Riepe
Mr. James S. Riepe, Hon. '98 & Mrs. Gail P. Riepe
Mr. Duke Lohr '62
Mrs. Suzanne D. McShane*
Mr. William L. Paternotte '63 & Mrs. Nancy Paternotte
The Wieler Family Foundation, on behalf of Mary, Scott & James Wieler '09
$250,000 - $499,999
Mr. David W. Allan '64 & Mrs. Bonnie C. Allan
Mrs. Virginia C. Bowe
Mr. Francis J. Carey '43*
Mr. John F. Cavanaugh '87 & Mrs. Cynthia Lee Cavanaugh
Mr. Bryson G. Christhilf, Jr. '61
Mr. Ralph L. DeGroff, Jr. '54* & Mrs. Marion P. DeGroff
Mr. Mark R. Fetting '72 & Ms. Georgia Donovan Smith
Mr. Jack S. Griswold '60 & Mrs. Carol I. Griswold
Mr. Paul F. McBride &
Mrs. Christina B. McBride
Mr. Stuart R. McCarthy '64
Mr. Donald P. McPherson, III '59 & Mrs. Ann Teaff
Mr. Troy L. Rohrbaugh '88 & Mrs. Amy L. Rohrbaugh
The Shock Family
Mr. Jonathan W. Thayer & Mrs. Ashley Thayer
The Thomas B. & Elizabeth M. Sheridan Foundation
Mr. Peter W. Waxter '71
Mr. Alexander D. Wilson '68*
$100,000 - $249,999
Anonymous (4)
Mr. H. Furlong Baldwin '50
Mr. William P. Beatson, Jr. '59
Mrs. Erin Becker & Mr. Douglas L. Becker '84
The William F. Blue Family:
Mr. William F. Blue '52 & Mrs. Katherine B. Blue
Mr. William F. Blue, Jr. '77 & Mrs. Betsy N. Blue
Mr. J. Tyler Blue '79 & Mrs. Lisa O. Blue
Mr. Robert G. Blue '81 & Mrs. Kathy M. Blue
The Bonsal Family:
Mr. Frank A. Bonsal, Jr. '55 & Mrs. Helen B. Bonsal
Mr. Frank A. Bonsal III '82 & Mrs. Helen Baker Bonsal
Mr. Harry C. Bowie III
The Bozzuto Family:
Mr. Thomas S. Bozzuto, Jr. '92 & Mrs. Robin Bozzuto
Mr. Thomas S. Bozzuto & Mrs. Barbara M. Bozzuto
Dr. William S. Brusilow '71 & Dr. Cynthia Brusilow
Mr. Robert T. Cashman & Mrs. Kimberly Hubbard Cashman
The Cordish Family:
Mr. David S. Cordish & Mrs. Susan K. Cordish
Mr. Jonathan A. Cordish '85 & Mrs. Melissa F. Cordish
Mr. Blake L. Cordish '89 & Mrs. Angela D. Cordish
Mr. Reed S. Cordish '92 & Mrs. Margaret K. Cordish
Mr. Gregory A. Cross & Mrs. Christine W. Cross
Mr. Clinton R. Daly '74 &
Mrs. Diana W. Daly
Mr. John C. Davison
Mr. Samuel M. Dell III '61 & Mrs. Edith Dell
Mrs. Susan G. Dunn &
Mr. Edward K. Dunn III '80
Mr. James R. Garrett '61 & Mrs. Edith Hoyt Garrett
Gilman Parents Association
Mr. Arthur A. Gleckler '84 & Ms. Kristine M. Kelly
Mr. Michael D. Hankin & Mrs. Ann Dunlap Hankin
Mr. James D. Hardesty '64* & Mrs. Lindsay S. Hardesty
Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation
Prof. Andrew S. Hirsch '68 & Mrs. Carolyn Hirsch
The Hoffberger Family:
Mr. Douglas M. Hoffberger '90 & Mrs. Catherine Hoffberger
Mr. Jack W. Hoffberger '87
Mr. Peter Hoffberger & Mrs. Lisa C. Hoffberger
Mr. Charles T. Hoffberger '03
Mr. W. Tyler Hoffberger '05 & Ms. Vanessa Hoffberger
Mr. Trevor C. Hoffberger '09
Mr. Michael S. Hoffberger & Mrs. Margaret A. Hoffberger
Mr. C. Cooper A. Hoffberger '05
Mr. Kevin B. Kamenetz '75* & Mrs. Jill Hoffberger Kamenetz
Mr. Leroy E. Hoffberger* & Mrs. Paula P. G. Hoffberger
Mrs. Lois H. Halpert
Mr. Harry D. Halpert '85 & Mrs. Stacey Ward Halpert
Mr. John T. Halpert '15
Mr. Charles L. Halpert '17
Mr. Stephon A. Jackson '80 & Mrs. Debra L. Clawson Jackson
The Kent/Lemken Family:
Mr. E. Robert Kent, Jr. & Mrs. Townsend Kent
Mr. E. Robert Kent III '86 & Mrs. Kris Ann Kent
Mr. Vincent Lemken & Mrs. Josephine Lemken
Mr. David J. Kim '97 & Ms. Minjae Yuh
Mr. D. Brooks Kitchel II '88 & Mrs. Denise Kitchel
Mr. Gregory P. C. Lee '86 & Ms. Gina H. Sohn
Mr. Walter Lord '35*
Mr. Dennis P. Malone '68 & Mrs. Katharine V. Malone
Mr. Michael J. McCarthy '75
Mr. John B. McGowan & Mrs. Brenna F. McGowan
The Milch Family
Mr. Edward F. Muhlenfeld '61 & Mrs. Linda K. Muhlenfeld
Mrs. Carol A. Mullan*
Mr. George A. Murnaghan '74 & Mrs. Elizabeth P. Murnaghan
Mr. Henry I. Myerberg '73 & Mrs. Karen Myerberg
Mr. Mark D. Neumann '81 & Mrs. Robin B. Neumann
Mr. Charles E. Noell III
Mr. R. Davis Noell '97 & Mrs. Stacey Noell
Mr. E. Rogers Novak, Jr. '66 & Mrs. Kathleen C. Novak
Mr. William M. Passano, Jr. '48
Mr. Samuel Peters & Dr. Suzanne Hurst
Mr. George J. Philippou & Mrs. Karen D. Philippou
Mr. Robert G. Pine '64 & Mrs. Pascale F. Pine
Mr. Walter D. Pinkard, Jr. '69 & Mrs. Mary Ann Pinkard
Mr. William S. Reese '73*
Dr. Beverly S. Ridgely '39*
Mr. Richard C. Riggs, Jr. '57 & Mrs. Sheila K. Riggs
Mr. Brian C. Rogers & Mrs. Mary Jo Rogers
Mr. Frank B. Rosenberg '76 & Mrs. Ann L. Rosenberg
Mr. J. Mark Schapiro & Mrs. Lorraine G. Schapiro
Mr. Stephen T. Scott '64 & Mrs. Elizabeth F. Scott
Mrs. Kathy L. Shapiro & Mr. Sanford M. Shapiro
Mr. James A. Snead '68 & Mr. Steve Ziger
Dr. Lawrence T. P. Stifler '59 & Mrs. Mary McFadden
Thomas Wilson Sanitarium
Mr. Steuart H. Thomsen '72 & Mrs. Linda Chatman Thomsen
Mr. Tinsley Van Durand '65
Mr. Michael J. Weinfeld '91
Mr. Christopher R. West '68 & Mrs. Anne Winter West
Mr. William C. Whitridge, Jr. '96 & Mrs. Linda Whitridge
$50,000 - $99,999
Mr. C. Webster Abbott '40*
Mr. Jeffery Auen & Mrs. Eileen Auen
Mr. John C. Avirett '01 & Mrs. Ashley Behrens Avirett
Mr. Allen M. Barrett, Jr. '67
Mr. Matthew C. Baum '93 & Mrs. Deborah Baum
Mr. George A. Brown '65 & Mrs. Nancy W. Brown
Mr. William G. Buppert '97 & Mrs. Brooke Buppert
Mr. Geoffrey R. B. Carey '80 & Mrs. Susan Carey
Mr. David S. Clapp '87 & Mrs. Allison Clapp
Mr. Keefe B. Clemons '85 & Mrs. Jana L. Clemons
Mr. Andrew B. Cohen '90 &
Mrs. Suzi K. Cohen
Mr. D. Lawson DeVries III '96 & Mrs. Bailey DeVries
Mr. William F. Eaton '53
Edward J. Gallagher, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Patricia S. Farber*
Mr. Robert E. Farber, Jr. '66
Mr. Eben D. Finney III '76 & Mrs. Sara H. Finney
Mr. Richard N. Fryberger '54 & Mrs. Nancy H. Fryberger
Mr. Mark Fulchino &
Mrs. Aimee Fulchino
Dr. James S. Gammie &
Dr. Ann E. Fraker
Gould Charitable Lead Trust
Mr. Thomas J. Harrold, Jr.
Mr. F. Barton Harvey III '67 & Mrs. Janet Marie Smith
Mr. Maurice L. Haywood & Mrs. Lisa Haywood
Mr. George B. Hess, Jr. '55 &
Mrs. Betsy Hess
Mr. Henry H. Hopkins '61 & Mrs. Nancy Anne Vrablik Hopkins
The Howard and Wendy Jachman
Jon L. Jachman '95 & Arielle Jachman
Jesse T. Jachman '00 & Marrisa Jachman
Mr. John C. Jeppi &
Mrs. Caroline Anne Jeppi
Mr. Charles B. Jones &
Mrs. Gail E. Jones
Mr. Andrew D. Kaufman '75
Mr. Stanard T. Klinefelter '65 & Mrs. Sarah C. Klinefelter
Mrs. Kathleen Ryan Lekin &
Mr. James L. Lekin
Mr. Josh H. Levinson '89 & Mrs. Kara Levinson
Mr. Charles M. Linehan '88 & Dr. Molly P. Linehan
MG (Ret.) Warren A. E. Magruder '46
Mr. Charles A. Morris & Mrs. Elise Morris
Next One Up Foundation
Thomas & Carol Obrecht Family Foundation
Mrs. Mary E. Putman Hartman
Mr. John C. Rosenberg '94 & Mrs. Rachel Rosenberg
Mr. T. Edgie Russell III '60
Mrs. Dara S. Schnee & Dr. Charles L. Schnee
Mr. Mark A. Shapiro '85 & Mrs. Lissa Shapiro
Mr. William G. Stewart, Jr. '97
Mrs. Anne C. Stuzin & Mr. Kenneth M. Stuzin
Mr. Robert M. Thomas, Jr. '76 & Ms. Polly Hoppin
Mr. Richard C. Tilghman, Jr. '65 & Mrs. Beverly W. Tilghman
Mr. William C. Trimble, Jr. '53 & Mrs. Barbara J. Trimble
Mr. Peter Van Dyke, Jr. '87 & Mrs. Georgia Van Dyke
Mr. Thomas R. Washburn '85 & Mrs. Nettie Washburn
Mr. David E. Waters & Mrs. Colleen Waters
Mr. Robert L. Williams & Dr. Kathleen B. Hogan
Mr. David A. Zinreich '94
$25,000 - $49,999
Mr. Benjamin Abrams & Mrs. Deborah Abrams
Mr. F. Gordon Allen III '65 & Mrs. Janice M. Allen
Mr. Michael S. Beatty & Mrs. Nathalie C. Beatty
Mr. Perry J. Bolton '49 & Mrs. Aurelia G. Bolton
Mr. Scott C. Bortz '82 & Mrs. Catherine Layman Bortz
Mr. Mark P. Bower '99
Mr. Ned B. Brody '82 & Mrs. Antoinette Brody
Ms. Ann W. Brundige
Dr. Winston N. Brundige '62 & Mrs. Ann F. Brundige
Dr. Saul W. Brusilow
Mr. David J. Callard '55 & Mrs. Mary R. Morgan
Dr. Andrew M. Cameron '87 & Mrs. Lisa Marino Cameron
Mr. R. Bruce Cameron '74 & Ms. Gayle J. Guadagno
Mr. Mark M. Caplan '76 & Mrs. Linda Caplan
Mr. Sung Min Chung '95
Mr. John E. Colston '75 & Mrs. Lynn Colston
Mr. Peter B. Daneker '91 & Mrs. Miriam Daneker
Mr. Robert B. Daniels, Jr. '84
Mr. Lindsay D. Dryden IV '94 & Mrs. Anna McKnight Dryden
Mr. Kevin R. Dunbar & Mrs. Martha Dunbar
Mr. Edward K. Dunn, Jr. '53 & Mrs. Janet Dunn
Mr. Van C. Durrer II '87 & Mrs. Francine Durrer
Mr. Richard Eliasberg & Mrs. Hilde Eliasberg
Elizabeth Callard Olson Revocable Trust
Mr. Frederic Grant Emry III & Mrs. Felicia A. Emry
Mr. Redmond C. S. Finney '47* & Mrs. Jean Finney
Mr. Anthony S. Fugett
Mr. David M. Gaines '88 & Mrs. Katherine Gaines
Dr. Earl P. Galleher, Jr. '44 & Mrs. Martha Wheelwright Galleher
Mr. Arthur C. George '74 & Dr. Kathryn T. George
Mr. Erik A. Ginsberg & Ms. Elizabeth Hardiman
Mr. Alex M. Gregory '89 &
Mr. Daniel Reynolds
Mr. Michael Grogan & Mrs. Lisa Grogan
Mr. Andrew Grossman & Mrs. Jennifer Grossman
Mr. Harry S. Gruner & Mrs. Rebecca Henry
Mr. Thomas J. Healey '60 & Mrs. Margaret S. Healey
Mr. Donald B. Hebb, Jr. '60 & Mrs. Sybil Hebb
Mr. David J. Heubeck '76 & Mrs. Leslie M. Heubeck
Mr. Henry H. Jenkins II '76 & Mrs. Anne Baetjer Jenkins
Mr. Keir R. Joyce & Mrs. Joy Napier Joyce
Mr. Christopher J. Keehner & Mrs. Elizabeth G. Keehner
Mrs. Barbara S. Keigler
Mr. Carim Khouzami & Mrs. Mara Lee Khouzami
Mr. Daniel Yong Jun Kim '85 & Mrs. Christine Bae Kim
Mr. Justin R. Klein '92 & Mrs. Patricia M. Klein
Dr. Jai S. Lee & Mrs. Julie S. Lee
Mr. Earl L. Linehan & Mrs. Darielle D. Linehan
Mr. John D. Linehan '83 & Mrs. Elizabeth Linehan
Mr. Paul C. Lohrey '80 & Mrs. Tamara Lohrey
Mr. Daniel R. Long III '62
Mr. Konstantine Mallas & Mrs. Georganne Mallas
Mr. Brian H. Margerum '97 & Mrs. Brooke Margerum
Mr. Jeffrey Mason & Mrs. Nancy Ekelund
Mr. Peter R. McGill III '93 & Mrs. Carroll K. McGill
Mr. John L. McShane & Mrs. Joan McShane
Mr. Ian M. Miller '82 & Mrs. Elizabeth K. Miller
Mr. M. Laurence Millspaugh III '76 & Mrs. Jane G. Millspaugh
Mr. Charles P. Moore '76 & Mrs. Laura M. Moore
Mr. Ackneil M. Muldrow III '88 & Mrs. Dana Muldrow
Mr. William H. Murphy III '86 & Mrs. Amy Murphy
Mr. Michael Niccolini & Mrs. Cristina Niccolini
Mr. Ronald J. Noble, Jr. '86
Mr. Charles F. Obrecht '52 & Mrs. Margaret M. H. Obrecht
Mr. Anthony N. O’Brien & Dr. Eva F. Simmons O’Brien
Mrs. Elizabeth Callard Olson
Mr. Thomas F. O’Neil, Jr. & Mrs. Pamela A. O’Neil
Mr. R. Nelson Oster '93 & Mrs. Megan Oster
Mr. Thomas P. Perkins III '53*
Mr. C. Taylor Pickett & Mrs. Laura Pickett
Mr. John B. Powell, Jr. '55 & Mrs. Susan Baker Powell
Mr. Bernard J. S. Rhee '85 & Mrs. Amanda Rhee
Mr. George S. Rich '66
Mr. Francis C. Rienhoff '55
Mr. David M. Rody '85 & Mrs. Anna MacCormack
Mr. Bruce L. Rosenberg '72
Dr. Walter Royal III '73 & Mrs. Laurice Royal
Mr. Michael S. Schaftel '84 & Mrs. Margaret Schaftel
Mr. John E. Schmick '67 & Mrs. Janet R. Schmick
Mr. Thomas Schweizer, Jr. '62 & Mrs. Barbara W. Schweizer
Mr. Ronald B. Sheff '66 & Mrs. Pamela H. Sheff
Mr. Scott L. Sherman '72 & Ms. Julie Rothman
Mr. Josh F. Slater & Mrs. Erika F. Slater
Mr. Peter Soderberg & Mrs. Elsa Soderberg
Mr. Jared D. Spahn '91 & Ms. Francie Cohen Spahn
Mr. William G. Stewart & Rev. Caroline R. Stewart
Dr. Henry L. Stockbridge '74
Mr. Kenneth C. Stockbridge '77
Mr. Steven A. Susel '84 & Mrs. Monica Harris Susel
Dr. Paul A. Tarantino & Dr. Charlotte E. Modly
Mr. Roszel C. Thomsen II '76 & Mrs. Dorothy P. Gay
Mr. Andrew F. Thut '91 & Mrs. Beth W. Thut
Mr. John Harvey Tompkins & Mrs. Marjorie Burdette Tompkins
Mr. Ken Van Durand '62
Mr. Harry M. Wagner '84 & Mrs. Stephanie Wagner
Mr. Theodore C. Waters III '84 & Mrs. Rebecca Hudson Waters
Mr. J. W. Thompson Webb & Mrs. Ellen J. Remsen Webb & Family
Mr. Frederick W. Whitridge '50 & Mrs. Anne Whitridge
Mr. Matthew W. Wyskiel III '87 & Mrs. Christina W. Wyskiel
Dr. Clarence L. Young III '73 & Ms. Wendy D. Nickerson
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Andrew E. Adelson '59 & Mrs. Virginia B. Adelson
Dr. Felipe C. Albuquerque '83 & Dr. Ruth Bristol
Mr. Francisco Alonso & Mrs. Rhonda Alonso
Mr. Alexander Armstrong, Jr. '73 & Mrs. Marian Armstrong
Mr. Thomas Newton Armstrong IV & Mrs. Bridget Gilpatrick Armstrong
Mr. Evan Athanas & Mrs. Emily Athanas
Mr. Clifford M. Athey '96 & Mrs. Heather K. Athey
Mr. Peter M. Baldwin '74 & Mrs. Lisbet Rausing
Dr. Lewellys F. Barker II '51 & Dr. Eileen F. Barker
Mr. Jeremy A. Batoff '05
Mr. Justin A. Batoff '03
Mrs. Patti Baum
Mr. David P. Bendann, Jr. '63
Mr. Michael D. Bernstein '78 & Mrs. Sara Bernstein
Mr. Walter W. Birge III '57 & Mrs. Susan Hill Birge
Mr. E. Thomas Booker III '79 & Mrs. Ava Lias Booker
Mr. Daniel Booth & Mrs. Nina Booth
Mr. Cornelius W. Bouscaren '54
Mr. Peter A. Bowe '74 & Ms. Barbara Stewart
Mr. Wilson J. C. Braun, Jr. '62 & Mrs. Mary Connolly Braun
The Hon. Gerry L. Brewster '75
Mr. Walter W. Brewster '50
Mr. Edward W. Brown, Jr. '57 & Mrs. Joyce S. Brown
Mr. J. Dorsey Brown III '58 & Mrs. Christine Brown
Dr. George M. Callard '52 & Mrs. Linda S. Callard
Mr. Timothy C. Callard '59 & Mrs. Patricia M. Callard
Mr. S. James Campbell, Jr. '76 & Mrs. Lynda Campbell
Mrs. Judith F. Campbell McKennis & Mr. Quent McKennis
Dr. Shamus Carr & Dr. Elisabeth Carr
Mr. David H. Carroll, Jr. '88 & Mrs. Darcy Carroll
Mr. Kevin R. Carroll '06
Mr. George Hiram Cassels Smith '83 & Mrs. Jill J. Cassels Smith
Mr. John L. Chapman '41*
Mr. Abraham N. Choi '04 & Mrs. Amarantha Choi
Mr. Edward L. Clapp '59*
Mr. Taylor S. Classen '82 & Mrs. Kerri Leer Classen
Classic Catering People
Mr. John H. Claster '63 & Mrs. Heather Claster
Clayton Baker Trust
Mr. Charles MacFarlan Cole & Mrs. MaryLou Mcnamara Cole
Mr. Beverley C. Compton, Jr. '55 & Mrs. Marian V. Compton
Mr. Thomas R. Coughlin III '01 & Mrs. Lindsey Coughlin
Mr. Ronald E. Creamer, Jr. '83 & Mrs. Min Kyoung Kim
Mr. Andrew W. Dausch '90 & Mrs. Vanessa R. Dausch
Mr. Brad Davidson & Mrs. Lynne Montgomery Davidson
Mr. Thomas E. Davidson '05
Mr. Damien L. Davis '99
Mr. Gregory B. M. Davis '73 & Mrs. Carol Davis
Mr. Arthur R. DeLuca '98 & Mrs. Sarah Deluca
Mr. David L. deMuth '80 & Mrs. Anne deMuth
Mr. Howard Anderson deMuth '76 & Mrs. Lynne deMuth
Mr. Matthew F. Dent '93 & Mrs. Dulany Dent
Mr. Donald L. DeVries, Jr. '65 & Mrs. Brandy S. DeVries
Mr. George C. Doub, Jr. '58* & Mrs. Mary Tyler Doub
Mr. George C. Doub III '82 & Mrs. Rebecca Doub
Mr. Robb T. Doub '86 & Mrs. Siri Lise Doub
Mr. John O. Downing '74 & Mrs. Frances Downing
Mr. Donal M. Doyle & Mrs. Ann E. Doyle
Mr. Charles B. Duff, Jr. '71 & Mrs. Lydia B. Duff
Dr. J. Hamilton Easter '64 & Mrs. Barbara B. Easter
Mr. Daniel Eggers & Ms. Paula Chirhart
Mr. Duncan J. Evered & Ms. Sharon A. Evered
Mr. Jonathan E. Farber '75 & Mrs. Bonnie S. Farber
Mr. Michael A. Faridi '02 & Mrs. Keely Faridi
Mr. Joseph G. Finnerty III '78 & Ms. Clara Bingham
Mr. William C. Finney '02 & Mrs. Lauren Finney
Mr. Alexander G. Fisher '65 & Ms. Laurie H. Fisher
Flik Independent School Dining
Mr. Andrew Fones & Mrs. Heather Fones
Mr. Harry M. Ford, Jr. & Mrs. Josephine M. Ford
Mr. Mitchell F. Ford '82 & Dr. Susan Ford
Mr. Hobart V. Fowlkes '59 & Mrs. Jennie Lee Fowlkes
Mr. Haswell M. Franklin, Sr. '50 & Mrs. Madge Franklin
Mr. Bruce M. Fried & Mrs. Kathy Fried
Dr. Barry H. Friedman & Mrs. Marsha L. Friedman
Dr. Heather M. Friedman & Dr. Jeffrey P. Sternlicht
Dr. Ephraim Joseph Fuchs & Dr. Rima Jean Couzi
Mr. Mark L. Fulford '66 & Mrs. Katherine U. Fulford
Mr. W. Lee Gaines, Jr. '69 & Mrs. Elizabeth T. Gaines
Dr. Thomas K. Galvin III '73 & Mrs. Linda C. Galvin
Mr. George W. Gephart, Sr.
Mr. David K. Gildea & Mrs. Ellen Gildea
Dr. Rodney M. Glasgow, Jr. '97
Mr. James P. Gorter '47 & Mrs. Audrey Gorter
Mr. Temple Grassi '65 & Mrs. Eleuthera S. Grassi
Mr. Bartley Griffith &
Mrs. Danica Griffith
Mr. Jack S. Griswold, Jr. '93 & Mrs. Allison J. Griswold
Mr. Anthony Guerrerio & Mrs. Joanne Guerrerio
Dr. Anthony L. Guerrerio & Dr. Pamela Guerrerio
Mr. Thomas W. W. Haines '59 & Mrs. Vivienne Haines
Mr. Joseph R. Hardiman &
Mrs. Kathy Hardiman
Mr. John C. Hawkins II '01 & Mrs. Julia Croddick Hawkins
Dr. Robert Hearn & Dr. Ruby Hearn
Dr. Rigoberto Hernandez & Mrs. Amy Hernandez
Mr. R. Christopher Hoehn Saric '80 & Mrs. Pam Hoehn Saric
Mr. James D. H. Hooker '68 & Mrs. Robin Hooker
Mr. Robert D. Hopkins & Mrs. Jenny Hopkins
Mrs. Katharine Finney Baetjer Hornady*
Dr. Thomas D. Horst '85 & Mrs. Indira Bolano
Mr. Erwin Hosono '78 & Ms. Elizabeth L. Axelrod
Mr. W. Carl Hossfeld, Jr. & Mrs. Susan S. Hossfeld
Mr. Thomas J. Huber & Ms. Anne Huber
Mr. David B. Irwin '66 & Mrs. Kendi M. Irwin
Mr. Stuart S. Janney III '66 & Mrs. Lynn Janney
Mr. Thomas W. Johnson & Mrs. Laura Laughlin Johnson
Mr. Henry D. Kahn '73 & Ms. Marlene Trestman
Mr. George Hay Kain III '66
Mr. Michael A. King & Mrs. Sorrel M. King
Mr. Michael Jeffrey Klein & Mrs. Clara Lynn Klein
Mr. Mitchell Kolkin & Ms. Kathleen Pontone
Mrs. Lynn DeGroff Lafferty*
Mr. Craig L. Landauer '69 & Mrs. Sherri L. Landauer
Mr. Daniel L. Latshaw '04 & Mrs. Norris Latshaw
Mr. Robert W. Law, Jr. '01
Dr. H. Christopher Lawson & Dr. Shari Lawson
The Hon. Benson E. Legg '66 & Mrs. Kyle Prechtl Legg
Mr. William M. Legg, Jr. '63
Mr. Muxiong Lin & Mrs. Yingfang Huang
Mr. Llewellyn W. Lord '43* & Mrs. Marilynn S. Lord*
Mr. Mason F. Lord, Jr. '77
Mr. Clarence S. Lovelace '40*
Mr. Arthur W. Machen, Jr. '38*
Mr. Manuel E. Maisog, Esq. '84
Mariner Swim Club, Inc.
Mr. H. Burke Mathews '44*
Dr. William H. Matthai, Jr. '76 & Mrs. Janis Matthai
Dr. Millard S. Mazer & Mrs. Karen E. Mazer
Mr. Hugh P. McCormick*
Mr. Benjamin I. Mednick '92 & Mrs. Stacey Mednick
Mr. Michael A. Meredith & Mrs. Carolyn F. Meredith
Mr. William S. Merrick, Jr. '51 & Mrs. Linda D. Merrick
Mr. Charles A. Meyer, Jr. '86 & Mrs. Katherine Meyer
Mr. Evan Mickel & Mrs. Cheryl Mickel
Mr. Dan R. Miller '84 & Mrs. Mary Ellen Miller
Mr. James D. Miller & Mrs. Mary John Miller
Dr. John M. Miller '02 & Mrs. Ashley Miller
Dr. Marvin N. Miller '71
Mr. William H. Miller IV '99 & Mrs. Becky Miller
Mr. William G. Minkin & Mrs. Elizabeth R. Minkin
Mr. Lance Miyamoto '73 & Mrs. Donna Miyamoto
Mr. Thomas R. Morelli & Mrs. Noel B. Morelli
Mr. David M. Morris & Mrs. Carol W. Morris
Mr. Larry Moscow & Ms. Cindy Paradies
Mr. Stuart M. Nathan '68 & Mrs. Susan Sugar Nathan
Mr. Timothy C. Naylor '82 & Mrs. Elizabeth F. Naylor
Dr. Alfred T. Nelson, Jr. '71 & Mrs. Debra Sass Nelson
Mr. John D. Nelson '01
Mr. R. Matthew W. Novak '01
Mr. Harry D. Nudelman '81 & Mrs. Nikki Fish Nudelman
Mr. David M. Obstler '77 & Mrs. Thea Obstler
Mr. Robert L. Oster '62
Mr. Charles H. Palmer III '67 & Mrs. Anne Steuart V. Palmer
Mr. W. Brooks Paternotte '90 & Dr. Elizabeth Paternotte
Mr. Alexander Thomas Perry & Mrs. Laurel H. Perry
Mr. Timothy Pickering & Dr. Yanna Rachinskaya
Dr. Leslie H. Pierce, Jr. '61* & Dr. Eileen H. Pierce
Mr. Gregory C. Pinkard '74 & Mrs. Mary Pinkard
Mr. Michael W. Poggi '99 & Mrs. Sarah G. Poggi
Ms. M. Katherine Ratcliffe
Ravens Foundation
Mr. Stan Rodbell & Mrs. Jane Rodbell
Prof. Peter S. Rodman '63 & Mrs. Mary Rodman
Mr. Edward L. Rosenberg '73 & Mrs. Deborah Clark Rosenberg
Mr. Matthew H. Salsbury '01 & Mrs. Kim Salsbury
SB & Company, LLC
Mr. Delano J. Schmidt '99 & Mrs. Meghan Hirst Schmidt
Dr. Edwards P. Schwentker '59
Dr. Kevin C. Scott '93 & Mrs. Brandy Scott
Dr. William W. Scott, Jr. '62 & Dr. Penelope P. Scott
Mr. Christopher R. Shafer & Mrs. Ann M. Shafer
Mr. Evan S. Shay '98
Mr. Marcus S. Simms '95
Mr. Henry Pitman Allen Smyth & Mrs. Elizabeth N. Smyth
Mr. William L. Stafford '64 & Rev. Elizabeth B. Stafford
Mr. George P. Stamas '69 & Mrs. Georgia P. Stamas
Dr. Charles A. Steinberg '76
Dr. Hervey S. Stockman, Jr. & Mrs. Dyson P. Stockman
Mr. Henry B. Thomas '76 & Mrs. Christina P. Thomas
Mr. J. Richard Thomas, Jr. '72 & Mrs. Joan M. Thomas
Mr. Steven A. Thomas '65 & Mrs. Audrey N. Thomas
Judge Alvin W. Thompson, Jr. '71 & Mrs. Lesley A. Morgan Thompson
Mr. Philip L. Thompson '89 & Mrs. Nicola Thompson
Mr. Charles Tini & Mrs. Leslie A. Tini
Dr. Edward M. Trusty, Jr. '91 & Mrs. Claudine Dynell Trusty
Mr. Alfred Tyler II '60
Mr. Alfred Tyler III '91
Mr. John Poe Tyler '96
Mr. Charles L. Wagandt III '99 & Mrs. Lauren Wagandt
Mr. Collin Wallace '02 & Mrs. Doris Lao Wallace
Mr. Saul I. Waller '01
Mr. David L. Warnock
Mr. G. Stewart Webb, Jr. '68 & Mrs. Janet Webb
Mr. James M. Webster III '86 & Mrs. Jane S. Webster
Mr. Peter G. Wharton '77 & Mr. Grey Hautaluoma
Mr. Rexford L. Wheeler III '69 & Mrs. Leighton King Wheeler
Mr. Terrance T. Whitehead '95 & Mrs. Kourtney J. Whitehead
Mr. Mitchell D. Whiteman '94 & Mrs. Whitney Whiteman
Mr. Edward I. Wight, Jr. '89 & Mrs. Holly Wight
Mr. David N. Willis '79 & Mrs. Kathleen Willis
Mr. Jay M. Wilson '65 & Mrs. Stephanie E. Wilson
Thomas W. Winstead and Family
Ms. Ellen Peterson Wolf
Mr. John A. Wolf, Sr.
Mr. Brad Woloson & Mrs. Crickett Woloson
Mr. James B. Young '57*
Mr. Karlo G. Young '97 & Ms. Ngozika Olandu
Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Zamani & Mrs. Goldisse Fazeli
Dr. Elias A. Zerhouni & Dr. Nadia A. Zerhouni
$1,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (14)
Mr. Victor I. Abiamiri '03 & Mrs. Andrea B. Abiamiri
Mr. Richard Abrams & Mrs. Marilynn Abrams
Mr. Thurston R. Adams, Jr. '62* & Mrs. Carol Adams
Mr. Steven J. Adelsberg & Mrs. Donna Adelsberg
Mr. Charles T. Albert '47* & Mrs. Louise B. Albert
Mr. David F. Albright, Jr. '74 & Mrs. Elizabeth L. Albright
Mr. Scott Aldrich & Mrs. Julia Aldrich
Mr. Alan D. Alegado '04
Dr. Christen A. Alevizatos '82 & Mrs. Amy H. Alevizatos
Ms. Shonique L. Alexander
Mr. Theodore M. Alexander III & Mrs. Teri Butler Alexander
Dr. Mohamad Allaf & Dr. Kendall Moseley
Dr. D. Scott Allan '92
Mr. Thomas A. Allen '67 & Mrs. Theresa O. Allen
Mr. Frederick A. Allner III & Mrs. Cynthia Allner
Ms. Marin Alsop &
Ms. Kristin Jurkscheit
Rev. E. Terrence Alspaugh & Mrs. Leslie P. Alspaugh
Mr. Brooks R. Amiot
Mr. William T. Anderson '64 & Mrs. Patricia E. Anderson
Dr. David J. Andrew '54 &
Mrs. Bonnie F. Andrew
Dr. Jordan E. Angell '97 & Mrs. Laura Angell
Mr. John C. M. Angelos & Mrs. Irene Angelos
Mr. Douglas M. Antaya '74 & Mrs. Kathleen Kelly Antaya
Mr. R. Kelvin Antill & Mrs. Carol Antill
Dr. Paul M. Apostolo & Mrs. Frances A. Apostolo
Mr. David B. Applefeld & Mrs. Cathy Applefeld
Mrs. Whitney B. Armstrong
Mr. John T. Arnold '95 &
Mrs. Alysa B. Arnold
The Hon. Andrew R. Arthur & Ms. T. Sky Woodward
Mr. Preston G. Athey '67 &
Mrs. Nancy M. Athey
Mr. Blake R. Atkins '98
Mr. Charles E. Atwood II &
Ms. Elizabeth A. Atwood
Ms. Megan Elizabeth Auvil
Dr. Paul Auwaerter & Mrs. Karen Auwaerter
Mr. Harry N. Baetjer III '66 & Mrs. Caryl Baetjer
Dr. J. Cletus Baier, Jr. '69 & Mrs. Anne P. Baier
Mr. Thomas H. G. Bailliere, Jr. '57* & Mrs. Anne Bailliere
Mr. Peter Lanning Bain & Mrs. Millicent Bain
Mr. Benjamin M. Baker III '68
Mr. Charles H. Baker '97 & Mrs. Sarah Yerkes
Mr. David B. Baker IV '04
Mr. Keith J. Baker '97 & Mrs. Meredith Goodell Baker
Mr. Robert W. Baker, Jr. '66 & Mrs. Sandy G. Baker
Mr. William R. Baker '65 & Mrs. Nancy C. Baker
Mr. Christopher Baldwin '79 & Dr. Sally Reyering
Mr. Rignal W. Baldwin, Jr. '64 & Mrs. Mary C. Baldwin
Dr. Gregory F. Ball & Dr. Margaret M. McCarthy
Mr. Ruben G. Ballesteros '86
Mr. Scott K. Banerjee '95
Ms. Penny Bank
Mr. Raymond L. Bank '71
Dr. David Baranano & Dr. Kristin Baranano
Mr. George P. Barker '57* & Mrs. Anne V. Barker
Mr. Timothy Barnhill & Dr. Julie Barnhill
Mr. James W. Bartlett III & Mrs. Jane G. Bartlett
Mr. John J. Battaglia, Jr. '96 & Mrs. Michelle Battaglia
Mr. Ethan L. Bauman & Ms. Susan D. Baker
Dr. William A. Baumgartner & Mrs. Mary E. Baumgartner
Mr. Richard John Beagle & Ms. Elena Rosa Messina
Mr. John H. Beatson, Jr. '95
Mr. Richard Beattie & Mrs. Marie Beattie
Mrs. Mary G. Beatty
Mr. Craig Beauchamp & Mrs. Kathryn Kelly
Mr. Thomas S. Beck '64 & Mrs. Cathy Beck
Mr. Edward T. Bedford '60 & Mrs. Mary Lou Bedford
Mr. Alex A. Beehler '71 & Mrs. Stephanie Beehler
Mr. Stephen H. Belgrad '81 & Mrs. Anne Belgrad
Mr. Christopher K. Bendann '03
Dr. Patrick L. Benitez '05
Mr. Merrick Benn & Dr. Rachel Benn
Mr. S. Woods Bennett '69 & Mrs. Catherine L. Bennett
Mr. David L. Berger '90 & Mrs. Rachel Berger
Mr. Matthew L. Berger '10
Dr. John M. Bergland III '50* & Mrs. Gertraude B. Bergland
Mr. Andy Berndt & Mrs. Elliot Smyth Berndt
Dr. Bertram W. Berney '71 & Ms. Elizabeth Leach
Mr. J. Brigham Berney '78
Dr. Andrew Bernstein & Dr. Wendy Bernstein
Mr. Geoffrey S. Berry '92 & Mrs. Tracy Berry
Mr. Scott Bertozzi & Mrs. Jessica Bertozzi
Dr. C. Timothy Bessent & Mrs. Margery Bessent
Dr. Chetan Bettegowda & Dr. Veena Kamath
Mr. John C. Beynon & Mrs. Jamie Marie Beynon
Mr. George H. Bias '72 & Mrs. Colleen M. Bias
Mr. David O. Biddison '95 & Mrs. Delia Biddison
Mr. Jeffrey A. Bird & Mrs. Tracy Ann Bird
Mr. Erik Bissonnette & Mrs. Natalie Bissonnette
Dr. Seth Blackshaw & Dr. Wendy Yap
Mr. Jonathan M. Blob '98
Mr. Jefferson L. Blomquist & Mrs. Claire Prin Blomquist
Mr. Norman Bloomberg & Mrs. Rosellen Bloomberg
Mr. Henry M. Blue '74 & Mrs. Elizabeth Blue
Mr. Peter D. Blue '05
Mr. Richard F. Blue '48
Mrs. Brooke Snyder Blumberg & Mr. Howard Blumberg
Mr. Michael E. Blumenfeld '89 & Mrs. Michele Z. Blumenfeld
Mr. Robert P. Bogue '94 & Mrs. Jennifer M. Bogue
Dr. Brian J. Bohner & Dr. Wendy Hecht Bohner
Mr. Isaac J. Boltansky '04
Mr. Jason T. Bonardi & Mrs. Sharonne Bonardi
Dr. Calhoun Bond, Jr. '75
Mr. John M. Bond, Jr. & Mrs. Elizabeth O. Bond
Mr. John M. Bond III '94 & Mrs. Nina Bond
Mr. Mark A. Bond '71 & Mrs. Amy B. Bond
The Hon. W. Kennedy Boone III '60 & Mrs. Debby Boone
Mr. Weston W. Boone, Sr. & Mrs. Hunter Boone
Dr. William W. Boonn '93 & Dr. Dollie Silpasuvan
Mr. Clifford Booth & Mrs. Rebecca Booth
Mr. John M. Borak
Mr. Richard W. Born '61 & Mrs. Elaine E. Born
Mr. Paul L. Borssuck '62
Mr. Sanjay Bose '93 & Mrs. Elizabeth H. T. Bose
Mr. Paul R. Bosky '88 & Mrs. Alexandra Wall
Dr. Henry Boucher &
Mrs. Laurie Boucher
Mr. Edward B. Bourne '93 & Mrs. Lori Bourne
Mr. Kenneth A. Bourne, Jr. '60 &
Mrs. Deborah B. Bourne
Mr. Richard W. Bowe '67 & Mrs. Mary M. VanDeWeghe
Mr. Christopher K. Bowen '78
Mr. Roger W. Bowie, Jr. '72 & Mrs. Mary Alice Bowie
Mr. Charles P. Boyce III '68 & Mrs. Diana B. Boyce
Mr. McGuire Boyd & Mrs. Hylah Boyd
Mr. George E. Boynton '56* & Mrs. Elsa N. Boynton
Mr. Russell Bradlee & Mrs. Tracy Bradlee
Mr. David E. Brand, Jr. '91
Mr. J. Tyler Brawner '97
Mr. David Joel Brecher '83 & Mrs. Stephanie Brecher
Mr. Roland L. Breitenecker '86 & Mrs. Jooin Kang Breitenecker
Mr. Rudiger Breitenecker '83 & Mrs. Ann Marie Elliott
Mr. H. John Bremermann III '73 & Mrs. Tamra R. Bremermann
Dr. Matthew J. Brennan & Mrs. Elise D. Brennan
Mr. Michael D. Brennan '92 & Mrs. Emily Brennan
Mr. Matthew P. Bressler '05
Mr. Andre W. Brewster II '43* & Mrs. Nancy Brewster*
Dr. Troy Brijbasi
Mr. Sherman A. Bristow '67 & Mrs. Lori E. Haleski Bristow
Mr. Ernest Brittingham & Mrs. Jennifer Brittingham
Mr. Stephen Brody & Mrs. Virginia Brody
Mrs. Lee L. Broh Kahn & Mr. Daniel R. Broh Kahn
Dr. Jonathan Bromberg & Ms. Barbara Scott
Mr. Steve Bromley
Mr. Raphael O. Brooks & Mrs. JoAnn Brooks
Mr. Edward W. Brown III '84 & Mrs. Shannon C. Brown
Mr. Michael B. Brown '04 & Mrs. Susan Schipper Brown
Mr. Randolph B. Brown '80 & Mrs. Margaret H. Brown
Mr. Troy Brown & Mrs. Sheila Brown
Mr. Frederick W. Brune, Jr. '41*
Mr. John M. Brush '85 & Mrs. Cynthia C. Brush
Mr. Eric L. Bryant '88
Bryn Mawr School
Mr. Frederick R. Buck, Jr. '66 & Mrs. Barbara S. Buck
Mr. Kevin A. Buerger '87 & Mrs. Heather S. Buerger
Mr. Charles L. Buppert '06
Mr. Hobart C. Buppert III '91 & Mrs. Christina Buppert
Mr. Charles E. Burdette '02 & Mrs. Courtney Burdette
Mrs. Bessie C. Burghardt*
Dr. Angus Burgin & Mrs. Katharine Burgin
Mr. James H. Burgunder, Jr. '76 & Mrs. Anna Celner
Mr. Alfred E. Burk, Jr. '68
Mr. Nathaniel Butler '78 & Mrs. Michelle A. Butler
Mr. Sanford R. Buxbaum '76 & Mrs. Susan P. Buxbaum
Mr. A. Thomas Campbell '79 & Mrs. Susan Campbell
Mr. Curtis H. Campbell '89 & Mrs. Paula P. Campbell
Mr. Gordon T.S. Campbell & Mrs. Dorsey Campbell
Mr. J. Tyler Campbell '71 & Mrs. Debby Campbell
Mr. James I. Campbell, Jr. '64 & Mrs. Karen G. Campbell
Mr. R. Bruce Campbell '59* & Mrs. Elaine P. Campbell
Mr. James M. Canzoniero '98
Mr. Paul Capodanno, Jr. & Ms. Dori Capodanno
Mr. Anthony M. Carey III '53 & Mrs. Eleanor M. Carey
Mr. G. Cheston Carey III '78
Mr. Mark P. Carliner '56
Mr. Drew St. John Carneal, Jr. & Dr. Christine Capacci Carneal
Mr. John T. H. Carpenter '75 & Mrs. Cathy P. Carpenter
Mr. Robert V. Carr III '93 & Mrs. Colleen Louise Carr
Dr. Charles Carroll IV '72 & Mrs. Geraldine Brooks Carroll
Mr. Christopher S. Carroll '93 & Mrs. Adrianne Carroll
Mr. Timothy J. Carroll '83 & Mrs. Danielle Carroll
Mr. Kevin T. Carski '01
Mr. William K. Carter, Sr. '65 & Mrs. Sherry Carter
Mr. Thomas A. Cassilly III '41 & Mrs. Carolyn Proctor Cassilly Cassiopeia Foundation Inc
Mr. Michel F. Cavallon IV & Dr. Kathryn R. Wagner
Mr. Torin Caverly & Mrs. Kristine Caverly
Mr. Louis R. Cestello & Mrs. Millie Cestello
Dr. David J. Chalmers '97 & Mrs. Margaret Chalmers
Dr. Fred Chan & Mrs. Millie Chan
Dr. Kent C. Chan '90 & Dr. Eva Sokal
Dr. Donglai Chang & Mrs. Haihui Cao
Dr. Richard Yung Chuan Chang '90 & Ms. Biddy Chi
Mr. David W. Chapin '68
Mr. Alexander M. Chemers '99
Mr. Elbert Chen & Mrs. Xi Fang
Mr. Zhen Chao Cheng & Mrs. Sao Wa Chan
Dr. Daniel J. Choi '84 & Mrs. Tracie M. Choi
Mr. Young Jae Choi & Mrs. Hyun Ok Choi
Mr. Timothy D. A. Chriss '68 & Mrs. Karin Chriss
Mr. Jeffrey E. Christ & Mrs. Elaine Christ
Mr. James M. Christhilf '65
Mr. Keith L. Christian '76 & Mrs. Tanya Christian
Dr. Jin Bok Chung & Mrs. Eun Joo Lee
Dr. Soon Chung & Dr. Jae Kim
Mr. David M. Churchill & Mrs. Diann Churchill
Mr. David M. Citron & Mrs. Stephanie J. Citron
Mrs. Ann K. Clapp
Mr. David Clarke, Jr. '74 & Mrs. Lisa Clarke
Mr. John J. Clarke, Jr. '83 & Mrs. Susan West Clarke
Dr. Peter Claybour & Mrs. Margaret Claybour
Dr. Douglas K. Clemens & Dr. Antonie D. Kline
Mr. Edward L. Cochran III '72
Mr. John C. Cochran '60 & Ms. Sue Lasbury
Mr. Randolph L. Cockey, Jr. '60
Mr. Adam S. Cohen '91 & Mrs. Samara P. Cohen
Mr. Jeffrey H. Cohen & Mrs. Kimberly Lynn Cohen
Mr. Max D. Cohen '99
Mr. Charles W. Cole, Jr. '55 & Mrs. Mary Bartlett Cole
Mr. Emerson L. Coleman, Jr. '72 & Mrs. Crystal A. Johns
Dr. Cardella Coleman & Dr. Mark Coleman
Mr. Thomas S. Coleman '94 &
Dr. Ashley J. Coleman
Dr. Brendan J. Collins & Mrs. Nathalie Rheaume Collins
Mr. Carville B. Collins '79 & Dr. Mary Louise Z. Collins
Mr. H. Keith Collison & Mrs. Michele Mangione Collison
Mr. Frank Rockwell Comfort
Mr. Steven T. Comfort '85 & Mrs. Marissa Levinson
Mr. John D. Comly '97 & Mrs. Mary V. Comly
Mr. A. Key Compton '88 & Mrs. Catherine Wyttendaele Compton
Mr. Everest Scott Conover & Ms. Pamela Conover
Mr. James W. Constable '60 & Mrs. Kady Constable
Mr. Bryson L. Cook '66 & Mrs. Cynthia Cook
Mr. G. Norris Cook '58 & Mrs. Joan Cook
Mr. James B. Cooke, Jr. '82 & Mrs. Anna Dopkin
Mr. Brian F. Cootauco '92 & Dr. Alice C. Cootauco
Mr. Stephen Michael Cordi '61 & Mrs. Margaret Cordi
Dr. Ralph Cortezi, Jr. & Mrs. Shelley Cortezi
Dr. Brian N. Corwell
Mr. S. Christopher Costa '67
Mr. Jeffrey Cottle & Mrs. Lisa Cottle
Mr. Richard R. Councill '71 & Mrs. Nancy F. Councill
Mr. McLane F. Cover '79 & Mrs. Tenney Cover
The Hon. Sylvester B. Cox '76 & Mrs. Judith Cox
Mr. Thomas M. Coyle '94
Ms. Denise Crain
Mr. Patrick C. Crain & Mrs. Christy Ford Crain
Mr. Alan G. Cranston '92 & Mrs. Melissa Riepe Cranston
Mr. Michael Cranston & Ms. Jill Cranston
Mr. Graham T. Crawford & Mrs. Kelly Crawford
Mr. Ronald E. Creamer & Mrs. Joanne Creamer
Mr. Christopher D. Creed '61 & Mrs. Barbara B. Creed
Mr. Charles H. Cromwell III '50* & Ms. Elizabeth Welles
Mr. Michael J. Cromwell III '74 & Mrs. Patricia Roome Cromwell
Mr. E. Samuel Cross III '67* & Mrs. Cynthia F. Cross
Mr. John E. Cross III '65
Mr. Brandon R. Croxton '96 & Mrs. Carol Croxton
Mr. Fred C.C. Crozier & Mrs. Melissa Crozier
Mr. Samuel M. Crystal '00 & Mrs. Elizabeth Crystal
Mr. Phillip W. Cuffey '78 & Mrs. Constance Kossally
The Rev. Carl F. Cummings '61
Mr. Richard C. Cunningham, Jr. '67 & Mrs. Eileen Cunningham
Mr. Barry Curtis, Sr. & Mrs. Christel Curtis
Mr. James Czarnecki & Ms. Roberta Parker
Mr. Brian B. Daily & Mrs. Mary Kay Daily
Mr. Benjamin W. Daly '08
Mr. Nicholas R. Daly '08
Mr. Warren B. Daly, Jr. '62 & Ms. Jain Himot
Mr. Thomas C. Dame & Ms. Denise M. Duval
Mr. Donald Daneman, Esq. & Mrs. Ingrid Daneman
Mr. John G. Danzer '71
Mr. David Dardis & Mrs. Jennifer Dardis
Mr. Babi Das & Mrs. Tracy Das
Mr. Matthew C. Dates '88
Mr. Jonathan N. Davidov '88 & Ms. Robin C. Davidov
Mr. Richard Davies, Jr. & Mrs. Janis Davies
Ms. Beverly B. Davis
Mr. Hamilton C. Davis III '76 & Mrs. Elizabeth Davis
Mrs. Melinda M. Davis
Mr. Richard Davison & Mrs. Rosalee Davison
Mr. Edwin S. Davisson '02 & Mrs. Sarah Dobkin
Mr. Felix Dawson & Mrs. Debbie Dawson
Ms. Susan de Havenon
Mrs. Alice M. Dearing & Mr. John M. Dearing
Mr. Ariel F. Dechosa & Mrs. Vivian Dechosa
Mr. Eric M. DeCosta & Mrs. Lacie DeCosta
Dr. Frank A. DeCosta III '81 & Dr. Donna DeCosta
Mr. L. Patrick Deering*
Mrs. Anne M. Deford
Mr. Frank Deford '57* & Mrs. Carol P. Deford
Mr. Robert B. Deford III '69 & Mrs. Julie C. Deford
Mr. Aurel N. DeHollan '60 & Mrs. Alexandra DeHollan
Mr. Edward C. Dell '66 & Mrs. Katherine Y. Benny Dell
Mr. Arthur Dellheim & Mrs. Isadora Dellheim
Mr. John M. DeLong '93
Mr. Andrew J. DeLoskey '02
Mr. David Derman & Mrs. Lynn Derman
Mr. Pieter DeSmit & Mrs. Phyllis DeSmit
Dr. David W. DeVeas '83 & Dr. Diana DeVeas
Mr. Joel A. Dewey '74 & Ms. Ann Oxenham
Mr. Mark Dewire & Dr. Hilary I. Don
Dr. Luis Diaz & Mrs. Christine Diaz
Dr. Luis A. Dibos '78 & Mrs. Amy T. Dibos
Dr. Conan Dickson & Mrs. Kristy Dickson
Mr. Richard L. F. Diehl '81 & Mrs. Cheryl Hobbs Diehl
Dr. Richard Dietrich & Dr. Matilda So
Dr. Daniel Dietrick & Mrs. Beth Dietrick
Mr. Charles Dieveney, Sr. & Mrs. Theresa Dieveney
Dr. Xinzhong Dong & Dr. Xiaojing Qi
Mr. Richard D. Donley '48 & Mrs. Valerie Donley
Dr. William Dowling & Dr. Victoria Dowling
Mr. Thomas Downey & Mrs. Suzanne Baughman Downey
Mr. Christopher P. Downs & Mrs. Mary Alane Downs
Mr. John J. Doyle & Mrs. Jill Doyle
Dr. Charles Drake & Mrs. Susan Drake
Dr. Delverne A. Dressel, Jr. '81 & Mrs. Jacqueline G. Dressel
Dr. David L. Dresser '56 & Mrs. Judith Dresser
Dr. Benjamin V. DuBois '71 & Dr. Karen L. Kotloff
Prof. J. Sanford Dugan '56 & Mrs. Elizabeth S. Dugan
Dr. George W. Duncan '69
Mr. Pierce B. Dunn '68 &
Ms. Barbara Lee Hoyt
Dr. David B. Dunning '65
Mr. B. Thomas Duquette '69 & Mrs. Susan M. Duquette
Dr. Daniel J. Durand
Mr. Jay S. Eastman & Mrs. Sarah S. Eastman
The Hon. Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. '75 & Mrs. Kendel Ehrlich
Mr. Marc L. Ehudin '81 & Mrs. Rachel Ehudin
Mr. John R. Eliasberg '77
Mr. James G. Elkins '04 & Dr. Blair Pollitt Golden
Dr. Terence H. Ellen '63 & Mrs. Amy R. Boscov
Mr. David A. Emala '74 & Mrs. Jeannette F. Emala
Mr. John B. Emory '62 & Mrs. Katherine Emory
Mr. Paul K. Englert '77* & Mrs. Beverly A. Englert
Mrs. Alexandra M. Estey
Mrs. Hartley C. Etheridge
Mr. Ethan S. Ewing '90
Mr. Allen S. Farber '68
Mr. Mark D. Farber '73
Mr. Peter S. Farber '66 & Mrs. Kim L. Farber
Dr. Scott L. Faulkner '61 & Mrs. Katie Faulkner
Mr. Christopher L. Fearey & Mrs. Emily Fearey
Mr. Howard P. Feinglass '78 & Mrs. Nancy Feinglass
Mr. Christopher A. Feiss & Mrs. Hadley Hubbard Feiss
Mr. Joel F. Feldman & Mrs. Nancy Hanse Feldman
Mr. Andrew J. Felser '74 &
Mrs. Sharon Felser
Mr. Thomas H. Fenton '99 &
Mrs. Sarah Wilson Fenton
Mr. Charles C. Fenwick '42 &
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Fenwick
Mr. Charles Cuthbert Fenwick III '93 & Mrs. Margery Menton Fenwick
Mr. H. Bruce Fenwick '68 &
Mrs. Patricia H. Fenwick
Dr. Rushika J. Fernandopulle '85 & Mrs. Maria Choi Fernandopulle
Mr. Christopher P. Fielding '84 & Mrs. Gabrielle Fielding
Dr. Stuart L. Fine & Mrs. Ellen Fine
Mr. Jason M. Finkelstein '94 & Mrs. Marla Schwartz Finkelstein
Mr. Thomas Finnerty & Mrs. Wesley Finnerty
Dr. R. C. Stewart Finney, Jr. '77 & Dr. Cheryl A. Finney
Mr. Thomas G. B. Finney '81 & Mrs. Virginia Foraki Finney
Rear Adm. Millard S. Firebaugh '57 & Mrs. Barbara L. Firebaugh
Dr. Stephen Fisher & Dr. Stacy Fisher
Mr. William A. Fisher III '68 & Mrs. Sarah M. Fisher
Mr. T. Franklin Fiske, Sr. '71 & Mrs. Brienne P. Fiske
Mr. James P. Flaherty & Mrs. Jane Flaherty
Mr. Alan H. Fleischmann '83 & Mrs. Dafna Tapiero Fleischmann
Mr. Mark Floersheimer & Mrs. Jeannette Floersheimer
Mr. Jason Flynn & Mrs. Jessica Flynn
Mr. Howard P. Foley & Mrs. M. Z. Foley
Mr. David Foote & Mrs. Stefanie Paterakis
Mr. Harry M. Ford III '81 & Mrs. Mary Pat Ford
Dr. Christopher Forthman & Mrs. Jessica Forthman
Dr. Dennis G. Foster, Jr. '72 & Mrs. Carol R. Foster
Mr. Morton M. Foster, Jr. '65 & Mrs. Elizabeth G. Foster
Mr. Kevin C. Frank '96
Mr. Edward Philip Franke III '69 & Mrs. Mary Carter Franke
Mr. Haswell M. Franklin, Jr. '79 & Mrs. Ellen Franklin
Mr. Henry C. B. Franklin '87 & Mrs. Deborah Franklin
Mrs. Patricia L. Franz & Mr. John Franz
Mr. John R. Frazier, Jr.
Mr. D. Scott Freed & Ms. Amy Bowerman Freed
Mr. S. Jason Freeland '85 & Mrs. Jennifer Levy
Mr. Gino M. Freeman '83
Mr. Ernesto J. Freire '00
Mr. G. Ross French '39
Mr. Scott W. Frew & Mrs. Amy Barrett Frew
Mr. William R. Frew II '06
Mr. William F. B. Fritz '74 & Mrs. Susan Fritz
Mr. R. Harcourt Fulton '73 & Mrs. Janet Singerman
Mr. Sean T. Furlong & Mrs. Amy F. Furlong
Mr. Ehren A. Gaag & Mrs. Amy Tyler Gaag
Mr. C. Richard Gamper, Jr. '69
Mr. Richard S. Gamper '06
Mr. Thomas O. Gamper '74 & Mrs. Mary Beth Heubeck
Mrs. Beth Fenwick Garner & Mr. Benjamin Garner
Mrs. Alice Garten &
Mr. Morris L. Garten
Mr. Leonard Gemma & Mrs. Stacy Gemma
Mr. Angus McLeod Mairs Gephart '72 & Mrs. Mary A. Gephart
Mr. George W. Gephart, Jr. '71 & Mrs. Elizabeth S. Gephart
Mr. Jean Marc Germain & Dr. Florence Germain
Mr. Robert H. Gettinger '73 & Mrs. Kelly A. Gettinger Giant Food, LLC
Mr. W. T. Dixon Gibbs, Jr. '59 & Mrs. Sibyl B. Gibbs
Mr. Scott Giese & Mrs. Ashley Giese
Mr. William J. Gildea III & Mrs. Kelly Gildea
Mr. Sherlock S. Gillet, Jr. '80 & Mrs. Bruce Ann Gillet
Mr. John A. Gilpin '70 & Ms. Joanna Kelly
Mr. Richard E. Ginsberg '84 & Ms. Natalie Tessler
Dr. Richard D. Ginsburg, Ph.D. '85 & Mrs. Teri Kilduff Ginsburg
Mr. Daniel S. Ginzburg
Mrs. Elayna Giordano Murphy
Dr. Jonathan Githens Mazer '93 & Ms. Gayle N. Githens Mazer
Mr. Stuart A. Glickman '88 & Mrs. Karen S. Glickman
Dr. Francis W. Gluck, Jr. '57 & Mrs. Judith Gluck
Mr. Mikhail Goberman '95
Mr. Douglas M. Godine, Jr. '87 & Mrs. Corie W. Godine
Mr. A. Nicholas Goetze '94 & Mrs. Amanda E. Goetze
Mr. Aaron Kerem Gokaslan '14
Dr. Ziya Gokaslan & Dr. Ayse Gokaslan
Mr. Charles Zachary Goldberg '04
Mr. Jonathan L. Goldberg '70 & Mrs. Nancy M. Goldberg
Dr. Nelson H. Goldberg '65 & Mrs. Marcia Watson Goldberg
Mr. Brian D. Goldman '81 & Mrs. Jessica Reider Goldman
Mr. Evan M. Goldman, Esq. '94 & Mrs. Payton Goldman
Capt. Howard S. Goldman '83 & Mrs. Lydia R. Goldman
Dr. Michael Goldman & Dr. Jill Wilkens
Mr. Charles A. Gomer III '67
Mr. John B. Gontrum '69 & Mrs. Barbara S. Gontrum
Mr. Broderic C. Gonzales '89
Mr. Raymond C. Gonzalez '77
Mrs. Charlotte Ober Goodwin
Mr. Raymond T. Gordon, Jr.
Mr. William S. Gorman '73
Mr. Alexander D. H. Gottsch '08
Dr. John D. Gottsch & Dr. Julia A. Haller
Mr. William D. Gould V '87 & Ms. Mary Rouvelas
Mr. Jeffrey D. Gouline '00
Mr. Brian Graney & Mrs. Kristen Graney
Mr. Morgan Granger & Mrs. Sally Granger
Mr. Edward A. Grassi '71 &
Mrs. Judith L. Grassi
Mr. Scott W. Gray & Ms. Ellen Levy Gray
Mr. Stuart F. Gray '77 & Mrs. Catherine W. Gray
Mr. Peter C. Green & Mrs. Ann Green
Mr. Stephen M. Green '73
Mr. Yeardley W. Green '03
Dr. John P. Greer & Mrs. Gay N. Greer
Mr. James R. Grieves, Jr. '76 &
Mrs. Katherine Deering Grieves
Mr. David Grimaldi & Mrs. Eve Grimaldi
Mr. Thomas A. Griswold '03
Mr. George R. Grose II '68 & Ms. Amy Macht
Mr. David A. Gross '94
Mr. W. Arthur Grotz, Jr. '55 & Mrs. Susan Dozier Grotz
Dr. Bansari Gujar & Dr. Sachin Gujar
Dr. Geoffrey C. Gurtner '80
Mr. Allan J. Gushue & Mrs. Tracy Gushue
Dr. David L. Guyton & Mrs. Janet S. Guyton
Mr. William Haire, Jr. & Mrs. Kelly Haire
Mr. Dorsey E. Hairston II '02
Mr. Walter M. Hale, Jr. '75 & Mrs. Susan Hale
Mr. Darin C. Hall '85 & Mrs. Agnes Hall
Mr. Jonathan M. Hall '03
Mr. Simon R. B. Hamilton '87 & Mrs. Allison E. Hamilton
Mr. Charles G. Hammann, Jr. '62 & Mrs. Jane W. Hammann
Ms. Kyung Ah Han
Dr. James T. Handa & Dr. Victoria Handa
Mr. David Hannan &
Mrs. Sonya Hannan
Dr. Frederik C. Hansen & Mrs. Barbara Hansen
Ms. Ruth D. Hardie*
Mr. Clifton T. Harding, Jr. '54
Mr. George E. Hardy III '59 & Mrs. Jane W. Hardy
Dr. George E. Hardy IV '92 & Mrs. Erica Blood Hardy
Mr. William G. S. Hardy '61 & Mrs. Margaret T. Hardy
Dr. Joseph B. Harlan, Jr. '85 &
Mrs. Sarah Harlan
Mr. Brian Harrington & Mrs. Tracy Harrington
Dr. B. Neal Harris III, Ph.D. '65 &
Mrs. Ann Carroll Harris
Mr. Jeffrey R. Harris '77 &
Mrs. Ann Harris
Mr. Gerard C. Harrison '93 &
Mrs. Leechelle Green Harrison
Mr. James F. Hart III '66
Dr. James B. Hartle '56 &
Mrs. Mary Jo Hartle
The Hon. Alexander Harvey II '41* &
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth W. Harvey
Dr. George T. Harvey '67 &
Mrs. Laurel B. Harvey
Mr. John L. Harvey '69
Mr. R. Dixon H. Harvey, Jr. '76 &
Mrs. Janet Hardie Harvey
Mr. Richard R. Harwood III '65 &
Mrs. Melanie F. Harwood
Mr. Patrick Hastings &
Mrs. Martha Hastings
Mr. John T. W. Hawkins &
Mrs. Anne Ratcliffe Hawkins
Ms. Melinda Hayes & Mr. Brian Weiss
Ms. Mary Ann Hayward
Mr. William H. Hazlehurst, Jr. '73 &
Mrs. Linda Hazlehurst
Mr. H. Price Headley, Jr. '57*
Mr. Thomas P. Healy &
Mrs. Susan Healy
Dr. Donald B. Hebb III '87 & Mrs. Amy S. Hebb
Mr. James C. Hebert &
Mrs. Anne Mayfield Hebert
Mr. Julien A. Hecht '70 &
Ms. Nancy Smit
Dr. Edward Hedgecock & Dr. Carolyn Hedgecock
Mr. John G. Heinlein &
Mrs. Jennifer Heinlein
Mr. Robert Helfferich &
Mrs. Erin Ruhl Helfferich
Dr. Kevin Hemker & Dr. Maria Oliva Hemker
Ms. Beverly L. Henderson
Mr. G. Alexander B. Hendrickson '88
Mr. Jay D. Hergenroeder '80 &
Mrs. Kate Masterton Esq.
Mr. John A. Herndon '45*
Mr. William F. Herrfeldt, Jr. '98 &
Mrs. Casey B. Herrfeldt
Mr. R. Leith Herrmann '64 &
Mrs. Susan Herrmann
Mrs. Jennifer Hervy &
Mr. Christopher Hervy
Mr. David A. Hess '82 & Mrs. Sally Hess
Mr. Robert L. Heubeck, Jr. & Mrs. Elizabeth Heubeck
Dr. James Higgins & Mrs. Megan Higgins
Dr. J. Dixon Hills '50 & Mrs. Eleanor A. Hills
Mr. Jeffrey D. Himeles '78 & Mrs. Pamela R. Himeles
Mr. Martin S. Himeles, Jr. '74 & Mrs. Paula K. Himeles
Mr. Jacob S. Himmelrich '02
Dr. Richard Hinton & Dr. Endrika Hinton
Mr. Brad Hoag & Mrs. Stephanie Hoag
Mr. Charlie Hodge & Mrs. Melissa L. Hodge
Mr. Matthew N. Hodson '92
Mr. Charles W. Hoff III '52 & Mrs. Margaret Hoff
Mr. Richard A. Hoffman '79 & Mrs. Lisa Gross
Mr. Louis A. Holcomb, Jr. & Mrs. Ann M. Holcomb
Mr. W. Brett Hollander '03 & Mrs. Erin L. Hollander
Mr. Kenneth R. Holley '78
Mr. Timothy Holley, Jr. '77 & Mrs. Stephanie Lewis Holley
Mr. Duane D. Holloway '90 & Mrs. Shelby Holloway
Mr. Keith A. Holmes & Mrs. Kim L. Holmes
Mr. Andrew Holmgren & Mrs. Margaret Holmgren
Mr. Kraig J. Holt '78 & Mrs. Marisa L. Richardson Holt
Mr. Christopher S. Hooper '89 & Ms. Athena Foley
Dr. William E. Hooper '73 & Mrs. Kelly B. Hooper
Mr. William U. Hooper III '73 & Mrs. Sara Hooper
Mr. R. Douglas Horensky & Mrs. Mimi Horensky
Dr. Douglas B. Hornick '74 & Mrs. Leigh Hornick
Mr. Craig A. Hossfeld '87 & Mrs. Jacquelyn Marie Hossfeld
Mr. Jeffrey K. Hossfeld '99
Rev. Charles L. Howard, Ph.D. '96 & Mrs. Lia Christine Howard
Mr. James D. Howard, Jr. '83
Mr. John B. Howard & Mrs. Elizabeth Schmick Howard
Mr. Stephen S. Howard '85 & Mr. Monty Howard
Mr. Jacob J. Hsu & Mrs. Nancy Ho
Dr. Suber S. Huang '76 & Dr. Cynthia P. Huang
Mr. Albert C. Hubbard, Jr. & Mrs. Penney Cox Hubbard
Mr. Crawford C. Hubbard '88 & Mrs. Alexandra Hubbard
Mr. Paul C. Huber '05
Dr. Kanan H. Hudhud & Mrs. Charito Hudhud
Mr. Kevin Hudson & Mrs. Alison Hudson
Mr. Stephen B. Hughes '72 & Mrs. Grace Warfield Hughes
Mr. Christopher F. Hunt '69
Mr. Cheo D. Hurley '92 & Mrs. Zenita Wickham Hurley
Mr. Daniel K. Hurley & Mrs. Kathleen McDevitt
Mr. Timothy McDevitt Hurley '99 & Mrs. Anne Hurley
Mr. E. Kingdon Hurlock, Jr. '62 & Mrs. Cheryl D. Hurlock
Mr. David A. Hurst & Mrs. Katherine B. Hurst
Mr. C. Clayton Hurt III '88 & Mrs. Meredith Hurt
Mr. Taylor S. Hurt '91 & Mrs. Roshni Hurt
Mr. Christopher M. Hutchins '75 & Mrs. Catherine Patteson Hutchins
Mr. Richard Hynson, Jr. '62 & Mrs. Jan Hynson
Dr. Iredell W. Iglehart III & Mrs. Virginia H. Iglehart
Mr. H. Alexander Iliff '98 & Dr. Lisa Leslie
Mr. Andrew W. Ingalls '99 & Mrs. Lauren Ingalls
Mr. Scott C. Iodice & Mrs. Blair Iodice
Dr. John T. Isaacs '67 & Mrs. Sarah D. Isaacs
Dr. William B. Isaacs '73 & Mrs. Louise Hardie Isaacs
Mr. Thomas C. Jackson '81 &
Mrs. Maija B. Jackson
Mr. Alexander Randolph Jacobs &
Mrs. Carey Vizzi Jacobs
Dr. Farrukh Jalisi & Dr. Jabin Janoo
Mr. Bernard R. James '73 &
Mrs. Patricia W. James
Mr. Howard A. Janet & Mrs. Rina L. Janet*
Dr. William H. Jarrett II
Mr. T. Courtenay Jenkins III '74 & Mrs. Charlotta Winslow Jenkins
Mr. Steven L. Jessup, Jr. '96
Mr. Weifeng Jiang & Mrs. Li Cai
Mr. Dean M. Johnson &
Mrs. Nicole D. Johnson
Dr. Earl M. Johnson, Jr. '01
Mr. Matthew R. Johnson &
Mrs. Sarah Griswold Johnson
Mr. Whitney W. Johnson '07 &
Mrs. Ellie Perkins Johnson
Mr. Benjamin W. Jones '57
Mr. Calvin B. Jones, Jr. &
Mrs. Desiree Eades Jones
Mr. Christopher M. Jones '85 & Mrs. Lynne Jones
Dr. Deborah Jones
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Jones
Mr. Gregory D. Jones '66 &
Mrs. Marguerite Jones
Mr. Jeffrey C. Jones '64 &
Mrs. Virginia A. Jones
Mr. Richard R. Jones '69 &
Mrs. Susan Jones
Mr. W. Andre Jones & Ms. Debbie Jones
Mrs. Anne D. Jordan
Mr. Darryl A. Jordan '99 &
Mrs. Linda M. Jordan
Mr. Arif T. Joshi '94 &
Ms. Stephanie Joshi
Mr. J. Robert Judkins '58* &
Mrs. Frances Judkins
Ms. Anne Julian
Dr. Albert Jun & Dr. Susie Chung
Mr. Jonathan P. Kagan '86 &
Ms. Marnie L. Kagan
Mr. Stewart W. Kameen '04
Mr. Peter T. Kandel &
Mrs. Marion Kandel
Dr. Steven Kang '88 & Mrs. Gail A. Kang
Mr. William W. Kanwisher '73 & Mrs. Anne Marie Kanwisher
Mr. David Patrick Kardian '00 & Mrs. Kimberly Regan Kardian
Dr. John A. Katzenellenbogen '62 & Mrs. Benita Katzenellenbogen
Mr. Mark A. Kaufman '83 & Mrs. Lisa Anne Kaufman
Mr. Alan M. Kaufmann, Jr. '72 & Ms. Monica Jackson
Mr. Haig Hagop Kazazian III '83 & Mrs. Elizabeth B. Kazazian
Mr. Christopher Keelty & Mrs. Gina Keelty
Mr. Francis X. Kelly & Mrs. Janet D. Kelly
Dr. James H. Kelly & Ms. Jane E. Hill
Mr. William B. Kelly III '72 & Mrs. Margaret Hughes Kelly
Mr. Andrew M. Kenney '01
Dr. Thomas J. Kenney III '89 & Mrs. Erika Kenney
Dr. Lawrence W. Kenny '68* & Mrs. Christine M. Kenny
Mr. Charles Milton Kerr '65 & Ms. Kathleen M. McDonald
Mr. William M. Kerr III '92 & Mrs. Kerri Anne Kerr
Dr. Harpal Khanuja & Mrs. Maria Khanuja
Dr. Bryan S. Khim & Mrs. Jung Michelle Khim
Dr. Nagi Khouri & Mrs. Sylrana Khouri
Dr. Victor Khouzami & Mrs. Marie Louise Khouzami
Dr. Jacob Khurgin & Dr. Nadya Reingand
Mr. F. Key Kidder '67 & Mrs. Margaret Grady Kidder
Mr. Scott Kidder '03
Mr. Randolph S. Kiefer '76 & Mrs. Lynn W. Kiefer
Mr. Sean E. Kiernan '96
Mr. Boyne Y. Kim '94 & Dr. Amy Kim
Mr. Christopher Kim & Mrs. Esther Kim
Dr. Hyungsuk Kim & Dr. Heejung Kim
Mr. John H. Kim '94 & Mrs. Anna Kim
Mr. Michael S. Kim '94 & Mrs. Grace Rhee Kim
Mr. Ryan S. Kim '91 & Mrs. Jaime Tyre Kim
Mr. Tae H. Kim & Mrs. Geeyeon Wei Kim
Mr. James Sydney King '43* & Mrs. Ann E. King
Mr. William R. Kitchel
Mr. Jacob I. Klein '05
Mr. Joseph Klein & Ms. Judith Sandler
Dr. Frederick E. Knowles III '60 & Mrs. Gretchen H. Knowles
Mr. L. Bryan Koerber '79 & Mrs. Gillian M. Koerber
Mr. Richard G. Koester '66 & Mrs. Jan Koester
Mr. Jesse A. Kohler '99
Mr. Joshua B. Kohn '96 & Mrs. Kari Kohn
Mr. Adetayo Koleosho & Mrs. Moji Koleosho
Dr. Jon Koman & Mrs. Shari Koman
Mr. John M. Kopper, Jr. '71 & Ms. Riley O’Connor
Mr. Mark Koster & Ms. Katharine Mountcastle
Mr. Louis J. Kousouris III '93 & Mrs. Jenny Kousouris
Mr. Kevin Kowalski & Mrs. Joye Kowalski
Mr. Lee S. Kowarski '96 & Mrs. Melinda Miller
Mr. Steven Kozak & Ms. Hillary Kozak
Mr. Timothy L. Krongard '82 & Mrs. Frances Krongard
Mr. Michael C. Krueger '00 & Dr. Rachel Geronemus
Mr. Scott P. Kurlander '87 & Mrs. Elise Song Kurlander
Prof. Michael D. M. Kutzer, Ph.D. '01 & Mrs. Lindsay M. Kutzer
Dr. Peter O. Kwiterovich III '87 & Mrs. Allison Brill
Mr. F. Wayne Lafferty Jr. '78
Mr. Henry R. Lambert '69 & Mrs. Debby D. Lambert
Mr. William W. Lanahan IV '97 & Mrs. Shannon Moran Lanahan
Mr. Robert Landau & Dr. Barbara Landau
Mr. Daniel L. Langenthal '90
Mr. Joshua M. Langenthal '84 & Dr. Diane Halberg
Mr. David B. Larrabee '63 & Mrs. Katherine Larrabee
Mr. Robert Lawrence, Jr. & Mrs. Margaret Lawrence
Mr. Armond T. Lawson & Dr. Carla Lawson
Mr. John P. Leatherbury & Mrs. Theresa Leatherbury
Mr. Bradley H. Lebow '86 & Mrs. Jodi Lebow
Dr. Albert Lee, D.D.S. & Mrs. Lisa Lee
Dr. Melissa A. Lee
Mr. Paul Lee & Dr. Grace Lo
Mr. Sang Ki Lee & Mrs. Jane Lee
Dr. Taekoon Lee & Mrs. Mira Lee
Mr. Christopher B. Legg '67 & Mrs. Gay Legg
Dr. Robert Leheny & Mrs. Ann Leheny
Mr. M. Philip Lehr '68 & Mrs. Pat Lehr
Mr. Gordon McLeish Leonard III & Dr. Hsiao Hui Lin Leonard
Mr. Ernest D. Levering III '60 & Mrs. Anne F. Levering
Dr. Richard Levin & Mrs. Roberta Levin
Ms. Maren Levinson Marquart
Mr. Stephen L. Levinson* & Mrs. Kathleen Levinson
Mrs. Rebecca Gray Levy & Mr. Lou Levy
Mr. Edward M. Lewis '03
Mr. H. McIlvaine Lewis '65 & Mrs. Catherine Lewis
Mrs. Nancy T. Lewis
Mr. Robert C. Lewis '75 & Mrs. Amy M. Lewis
Mr. Timothy Lewis '56
Mr. Blake Li & Ms. Helen Na
Mr. Yanhua Li & Prof. Xuelai Yang
Dr. Yingjun Li & Dr. Fang Yu
Mr. Theodore W. Libbey, Jr. '69 & Mrs. Janet Lee Libbey
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P Liddell
Mr. Alex H. Lim & Mrs. Christina Lim
Mr. Stephen P. Linaweaver '90
Mr. Ralph M. Lincoln '56
Mr. Matthew Lind & Mrs. Cheryl Lind
Mr. Jiaen Liu & Mrs. Yuhong Li
Mr. John G. Loeb '63 & Mrs. Anna Belle Loeb
Dr. Mark Loewenstein & Dr. Helen Liu
Mr. Frederick B. Lohr '91 & Mrs. Alison Lohr
Mr. Walter G. Lohr III '90
Dr. Knox S. Long & Dr. Gabrielle Long
Mr. Bryan D. Lopez '95 & Mrs. Danielle Lopez
Henry R. Lord, Esq. '56
Mr. Edward B. Lough '03
Mr. Andrew G. Lucas '00
Mr. Benjamin P. Lucas '97 & Mrs. Amie Lucas
Mr. Graham C. J. Lucas '95 & Mrs. Laura Lucas
Mr. Steven G. Luray & Mrs. Lisa B. Luray
Dr. Leo Luznik & Dr. Ivana Gojo
Mr. Christopher W. Lynch '78 & Mrs. Margaret Stainton Lynch
Mr. Mike Lynch
Mr. Thomas K. Lynn '71
Dr. Louis J. Maccini & Mrs. Carol A. Maccini
Mr. Ian D. MacFarlane '75 &
Mrs. E. Coppage T. MacFarlane
Mr. James P. Macfarlane & Mrs. Karen Macfarlane
Mr. Samuel G. MacFarlane & Mrs. Susan P. MacFarlane
Mr. M. Willis Macgill '83
Mr. John P. Machen '69 & Mrs. Louise Armstrong Machen
Mr. Clark F. MacKenzie '59 & Mrs. Ann MacKenzie
Mr. R. Alan Macksey, Jr. '80 & Mrs. Brigit Macksey
Mr. Angus L. MacLean, Jr. '49 & Mrs. Virginia MacLean
Mr. John K. MacLean '64 & Mrs. Grace MacLean
Mr. John Magladery '69 &
Ms. Kathy Barry
Mr. George P. Mahoney, Jr. & Mrs. Amanda Mahoney
Mr. Patrick S. Mahoney '06
Mr. Michael Maloney & Mrs. Carolyn Maloney
Prof. Charles H. Manekin '71 & Mrs. Rachel Manekin
Mr. Jonathan D. Manekin '98
Mr. Robert A. Manekin & Mrs. Vivian Manekin
Mr. Louis Mangione & Mrs. Kathy Mangione
Dr. Charles Mann & Mrs. Susan Mann
Dr. Theodore T. Manson '90 & Mrs. Robin G. Manson
Mr. Mark Manthy & Mrs. Lynn Manthy
Dr. Matthew P. Mardiney '84 & Mrs. Annette Mardiney
Mr. Charles B. Marek III '99 & Mrs. Meghan Marek
Mr. Charles Markell III '59 & Mrs. Bonnie M. Markell
Mr. Corbin Marr '61 & Mrs. Elizabeth Marr
Mr. Michael E. Marr, Jr. '86 & Mrs. Sarah Marr
Mr. Brooks F. Marshall '97 & Mrs. Kami Marshall
Mr. Eric F. Marshall & Mrs. Dorja Marshall
Mr. Jenkins C. Marshall '80 & Mrs. Linda Marshall
Mr. Linton S. Marshall III '72
Mr. Alexander B. Martin, Jr. '89 & Mrs. Serena Black Martin
Mr. Brian W. Martin & Mrs. Kathilynch Martin
Mr. Jeffrey Masom
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Mast
Mr. Louis P. Mathews, Jr. '75 & Mrs. Anne Mathews
Dr. William B. Mathews '82 & Dr. Michaela K. Mathews
Mr. William H. Mathews '06
Mr. Thomas Michael Matteini & Dr. Amy Mahoney Matteini
Mr. L. Bruce Matthai, Jr. '75 & Mrs. Cecily C. Matthai
Mr. Stuart G. Matthai '80 & Mrs. Alicia Hay Matthai
Dr. Derrick K. Matthews '70 & Dr. Dorothy Brewster Lee
Dr. Matthew McAdam & Ms. Cheryl Crumpton
Mr. C. Blake McCallister '93 & Mrs. Adrienne Steinberg McCallister
Mr. John G. McCarthy III
Mr. Stephen D. McCarthy '78 & Mrs. Sissel Wivestad McCarthy
Mrs. Yasmin McCarthy
Mr. John A. McCay '64 & Mrs. Christine A. McCay
Dr. Howard D. McClamrock & Dr. Monica A. Buescher
Mr. Christopher McCormick & Mrs. Stephanie McCormick
Mr. Hugh P. McCormick III '71 & Mrs. Joyce E. McCormick
The Rev. John R. McDermott & Mrs. Laurel S. McDermott
Mr. David G. McDonald '78 & Mrs. Nicki McDonald
Mr. John E. McDonald & Mrs. Elizabeth S. McDonald
Mr. John E. McDonald, Jr. '75 & Mrs. Giovanna F. McDonald
Mr. Timothy O. McGurkin & Ms. Susan L. Conley
Ms. Janet E. McHugh & Mr. Herbert W. Moloney III
Mr. Stephen A. McIntire '93 & Mrs. Billie Jo McIntire
Mr. Daniel E. McIntyre & Mrs. Cynthia McIntyre
Dr. Thomas P. McIntyre '91
Mr. R. Bruce McKibben '61 & Mr. Tom Coakley
Mr. David L. McKissock & Mrs. Diana McKissock
Mr. David Lee McKissock, Jr. & Mrs. Denise Reather McKissock
Dr. J. Craig McLanahan '53 & Mrs. Jan McLanahan
Mr. Richard Michael McMahon, Jr. & Ms. Joyce McMahon
Mr. Walter L. McManus, Jr.
Mr. Graham McPhail & Mrs. Meghan McPhail
Mr. Marc McPherson & Mrs. Heather McPherson
Dr. Karl F. Mech, Jr. '60 & Mrs. Marcia Mech
Mr. Mason W. Mednick '95
Dr. Nicholas Meittinis & Mrs. Stephanie Meittinis
Dr. Joseph Keith Melancon, Sr. & Mrs. Lisa Melancon
Mr. Scott E. Melby '73 & Mrs. Louise Melby
Mr. Maxim Mendelson '06
Dr. Pedro A. Mendez Tellez & Mrs. Aileen Mendez
Mr. John A. Menton IV '96 & Mrs. Vanessa R. Menton
Mr. Abbas Merchant & Ms. Naomi Duffort
Mr. Andrew F. Meredith '87 & Mrs. Anne R. Meredith
Mr. Edward Merlis & Mrs. Carole F. Merlis
Dr. Christian Merlo & Ms. Jamie Smith
Mr. James M. Merrick '58* & Ms. Elizabeth Matthews
Mr. Robert G. Merrick III '77 & Mrs. Tricia Merrick
Mr. Samuel S. Merrick '55 & Mrs. Betsy L. Merrick
Mr. Christopher D. Merwin '03 & Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Merwin
Mr. Charles A. Meyer, Sr. & Mrs. Mary M. Meyer
Mr. David L. Meyer '75 & Mrs. Betsy Meyer
Mr. Albert H. Michaels, Jr. '57
Mrs. Sally J. Michel*
Professor Bruce F. Michelson '66 & Mrs. Theresa H. Michelson
Dr. Niteen Milak & Dr. Anita Naik
Mr. Joseph Milano & Mrs. Kirsten Milano
Mr. Douglas L. Miller, Jr. '96 & Mrs. Carren Miller
Mr. Edwin F. Miller & Mrs. Sherry T. Miller
Mr. Hans B. Miller '80
Dr. Jeffrey B. Miller '64 & Mrs. Virginia D. Miller
Mr. Robert H. Miller '66 & Mrs. Cynthia Miller
Mr. Timothy K. Miller '87 & Mrs. Ann D. Miller
Mr. Robert Mills III & Mrs. Kathryn Mills
Mr. Thomas E. D. Millspaugh '79 & Mrs. Faith C. Millspaugh
Mr. Royce Min & Mrs. Kimberly Min
Mr. Robert Mingo & Ms. Dawn Moore
Dr. John S. Minkowski '69 & Mrs. Patricia Minkowski
Mr. Robert Franz Mintiens & Mrs. Karen Scholtes Mintiens
Mr. Douglas D. Mitchell '65 & Mrs. Marilyn Biery Mitchell
Mr. Gary Mitchell & Ms. Lori Finkelstein
Mr. Edward L. Mitzel '77 & Mrs. Katherine Mitzel
Mr. Joseph A. Mix & Mrs. Delinda A. Mix
Mr. Robert W. Mockard, Jr. '87
Mr. Thomas V. Monahan, Jr. & Mrs. Cynthia T. Monahan
Dr. Jessica A. Mong & Ms. Audrey Carrion
Mr. Chase F. Monroe '84 & Mrs. Jennifer Monroe
Mr. Daniel W. Mooney '97 & Mrs. Evan Neuhaus Mooney
Mr. John H. Mooney '03
Mr. Jason Moore & Mrs. Sherherbano Moore
Mr. Robert W. Moran, Jr. '97
Dr. Joseph C. Morelos '81
Dr. Adam A. Morgan '86 & Mrs. Julie Morgan
Mr. Benjamin L. Morgan '01 & Mrs. Jamie Morgan
Mr. W. Griffin Morrel, Jr. '51* & Mrs. Sandra Morrel
Mr. Michael N. Morrill &
Ms. Mary Page B. Michel
Mr. John C. Morris '96 &
Mrs. Jan Johnston
Mr. Blake C. Morrison '99
Mr. Charles John Morton, Jr. &
Mrs. Padraic McSherry Morton
Mr. Matthew Mosk & Dr. Karin Mosk
Mr. Robert W. Moss '61 &
Mrs. Marguerite Moss
Mr. J. Bradford Mowbray '94 &
Mrs. Megan Goodling Mowbray
Mr. James R. Moxley III '78 & Mrs. Ann Moxley
Dr. Weitong Mu & Mrs. Amy Mu
Mr. William H. Mueller II '70
Dr. Paul A. Mullan*
Ms. Helen T. Murphy
Dr. James C. Murphy III '68
Mr. Edward Murray '39* & Mrs. Cynthia Murray
Mr. James C. Murray '74
Mr. Christopher M. Mutascio & Mrs. Patricia A. Mutascio
Mr. Thomas R. Nager '74
Dr. Arvind Narasimhan & Dr. Shivani Narasimhan
Mr. Larry A. Nathans
Mr. Guy Naylor
Mr. Carl Daniel Negin & Mrs. Elizabeth Gray Bickley Negin
Mr. Robert R. Neilson, Jr.
Mr. David Nelson & Mrs. Debra Nelson
Mr. William F. Nesbitt '74
Dr. Leon Nesti & Dr. Heather Nesti
Mr. Philip Nestico & Mrs. Amber Nestico
Mr. Mark Newcomb & Mrs. Laurie Newcomb
Mr. William S. Newlin, Jr. '48 & Mrs. Nancy Ely Newlin
Mr. Leonza Newsome III '88 & Mrs. Kimberly A. Newsome
Mr. Huan T. Nguyen '89 & Mrs. Linda Nguyen
Mr. Matthew D. Nichols & Mrs. Natalie K. Nichols
Mr. Theodore E. Nichols & Mrs. Kimberly E. Nichols
Mr. John S. Nixdorff '62
Mrs. Barbara Noell
Mr. David Notarangelo & Ms. Jennifer Stevenson
Dr. Eric Nuermberger & Dr. Shannon Putman
Mr. Charles M. Ober '68
Mr. Douglas G. Ober '64 & Mrs. Francesmarie K. Ober
Mr. Richard F. Ober '33*
Mr. Richard F. Ober, Jr. '61 & Mrs. Carol M. Ober
Mrs. Carol L. O’Brien
Dr. Richard J. O’Brien & Dr. Rosa M. Crum
Dr. Pawel Ochalski & Dr. Melanie Ochalski
Mr. Steven O’Donnell & Ms. Sherri O’Donnell
Mr. John H. O’Donovan '79 & Mrs. Lisa B. O’Donovan
Dr. Paul A. Offit '69
Mr. Bentley Offutt '56 & Mrs. Ann H. Offutt
Mr. Charles E. Offutt II '59 & Mrs. Susan T. Offutt
Mr. Thomas W. Offutt III '51
Mr. Nigel R. Ogilvie '71 & Ms. Louisa Woodville
Dr. John A. Olson, Jr. & Mrs. Kimberly H. Olson
Mr. Christian O’Neill & Mrs. Kate O’Neill
Mr. Thomas M. O’Neill, Jr. '61 & Mrs. Katherine LeBoutillier O’Neill
Mr. Chisomaga N. Opara '99
Mr. Eric G. Orlinsky '84 & Dr. Diane J. Orlinsky
Mr. John R. Orrick, Jr. '72 & Mrs. Margaret R. Johnson Orrick
Mr. Patrick A. O’Shea '75 & Mrs. Maria Medaris O’Shea
Mr. William H. Oster '63* & Mrs. Eleanor F. Oster
Mr. Timothy J. Oursler, Sr. '86 & Dr. Tracy E. Duke
Dr. Ronald Ouwerkerk & Mrs. Anne Marie Ouwerkerk Segers
Mr. Stephen L. Owen & Mrs. Catherine M. Owen
Mr. David R. Owens '68 & Mrs. Margaret A. Owens
Mr. Mitchell G. Owens '64 & Mrs. Molly Owens
Mr. Rutland B. Paal, Jr. '98 & Mrs. Jocelyn Paal
Mr. Louis G. Panos II '00
Dr. Hardin Pantle & Mrs. Wendy Pantle
Mr. Jason P. Pappas '86 & Mrs. Cindy Pappas
Mr. Liddell J. Parchman III '04
Mr. Jung Hyun Park & Mrs. Soon Hee Park
Prof. Jyung Mee Park &
Mr. Sang Hoon Kang
Dr. Matthew K. Park & Ms. Judith U. Kim
Dr. Peter D. Park & Mrs. Marcia S. Park
Dr. Steven H. Parker '73 & Mrs. Reka Parker
Mr. E. Magruder Passano, Jr. '61
Mr. Sunit Patel & Mrs. Ina Patel
Mr. John I. Paterakis*
Mr. Christopher B. Paternotte '93 & Mrs. Jennifer Paternotte
Mr. John R. Patteson '84 & Mrs. Ellie Patteson
Mr. Marc R. Paul '78 & Mrs. Donna Paul
Dr. Christian Pavlovich & Dr. Tedine Ranich
Dr. John W. Payne & Mrs. Jane C. Payne
Mr. John N. Peabody, Jr. '62 & Mrs. Carol B. Peabody
Mr. Adam Peake & Mrs. Wendy A. Peake
Mr. Aubrey Skip Pearre IV '74
Mr. Douglas S. Perry & Ms. Catherine J. Boyne
Mr. Dennis L. Peters & Mrs. Louisa Peters
Mrs. Katharine Baetjer Pilgrim
Mrs. Jonathan Pine
Mr. Peter M. Pinkard '77 & Mrs. Georgeanne W. Pinkard
Mr. Robert M. Pinkard '71 & Mrs. Tricia Pinkard
Mr. Charles J. Piven '71 & Mrs. Katherine K. Piven
Mr. Anthony Polakoff & Mrs. Dorie Polakoff
Dr. Andrew Pollak & Mrs. Patricia Pollak
Dr. Jeremy Stephen Pollock '03 & Mrs. Elizabeth Pollock
Dr. Stephen H. Pollock '67 & Mrs. Patricia S. Pollock
Dr. M. Brian Polsky & Mrs. Andrea Polsky
Mrs. Lee Polydefkis
Dr. Michael Polydefkis & Dr. Kelly Gebo
Dr. Richard Pomerantz & Mrs. Anita Pomerantz
Mr. Matthew T. Pope '04
Mr. Corey B. Popham '95 &
Mrs. Samantha T. Popham
Mrs. Mary Ellen Porter & Mr. David Porter
Mr. William H. Porter
Dr. David A. Portnoy '79 & Rabbi Dr. Shira Li Lander
Mrs. Diane D. Posnak
Mr. James L. Potter, Jr. '65 & Mrs. Virginia Naylor
Mr. Brentnall M. Powell '87 & Mrs. Wendy Powell
Mr. David B. Powell '93 & Mrs. Kate Rawson Powell
Dr. Thomas H. Powell '50
Dr. Keshav Prasad & Mrs. Pratima Prasad
Mr. Giovanni P. Prezioso '75 & Mrs. Elizabeth M. Prezioso
Mr. Bradley Price & Mrs. Shahla Price
Mr. Douglas R. Price '47*
Mr. R. Kenneth Price '66
Mr. K. Donald Proctor '62 & Rev. Judith H. Proctor
Mr. Robert J. Proutt '68
Mr. Robert J. Proutt, Jr. '95 & Mrs. Martha Proutt
Mr. Steven K. Pulimood '99
Mr. David Quaranta & Mrs. Therese Quaranta
Mr. Andrew A. Quartner '70 & Mrs. Gail Quartner
Mr. Douglas M. Quartner '73 & Mrs. Jan Quartner
Dr. Jeffrey L. Quartner '67 & Dr. Sandra D. Quartner
Mr. Lawrence R. Rachuba* &
Mrs. Diane T. Rachuba
Mr. John R. Radle & Mrs. Kimberley Radle
Mr. Matthew T. Ragsdale '98
Dr. Kaliat T. Ramesh & Mrs. Priti Ramesh
Mr. G. Remak Ramsay '54
Mr. John B. Ramsay III '59 & Mrs. Marsha D. Ramsay
Mr. Stephen W. A. Randall '07
Mr. Clinton W. Randolph & Mrs. Julia Randolph
Dr. Jack Ratchford & Dr. Elizabeth Ratchford
Mr. Peter W. Ratcliffe '83 & Mrs. Elizabeth Ratcliffe
Mr. Jeffrey Realo '84
Mr. Justin A. Redd '01 & Dr. Vanessa V. L. Redd
Mr. Stephen Carl Redd '65 & Mrs. Kyoko O. Redd
Mr. John Redwood III '64 &
Mrs. Lucia H.O. Redwood
Mr. Charles B. Reeves, Jr. '41*
Mr. C. William Reilly '68
Dr. Karl Reinitz & Mrs. Adoracion Reinitz
Dr. John N. Renneburg, Jr. '70 &
Mrs. Anne K. Renneburg
Mr. Walter K. Reuben '61 & Mr. Robert Karlik
Mr. Bruce S. Rice '69 & Mrs. Susan M. Rice
Mr. Drummond S. Rice '04
Mr. John H. Rice III '74 & Mrs. Laura Rice
Mr. Kenneth L. Rice & Mrs. Elizabeth P. Rice
Mr. Robert L. Rich '48 & Mrs. Joan E. Rich
Mr. Russell P. Rich '64 & Mrs. Stephanie L. Rich
Mrs. Erin L. Richardson &
Mr. John W. Richardson
Mr. V. Britt Richardson, Jr. '68 & Mrs. Anne Roy Richardson
Mr. Lawrence G. Rief &
Mrs. Cynthia Burker Rief
Mr. William F. Rienhoff IV '70 & Mrs. Susannah Rienhoff
Mr. Alexander M. Riepe '97 & Mrs. Kelly Riepe
Mr. Francis G. Riggs '57
Mr. Darrell M. Riley & Mrs. Lynda Aalpoel Riley
Mr. Douglas E. Riley '82
Dr. Lee H. Riley III & Mrs. Kim P. Riley
Mr. Paul A. Riley '99 & Mrs. Elizabeth M. Riley
Mr. Damon E. Roach '77 &
Ms. Sandy Dodson
Mr. Kevin M. Robbins '94 & Mrs. Katherine D. Robbins
Mr. James W. Robins '66 & Mrs. Barbara Robins
Mr. John M. Robinson, Jr. '73 & Mrs. Mary S. Robinson
Mr. Mitch Caplan Rock '85 & Mrs. Laura K. Rock
Mr. Kirk P. Rodgers '50*
Mr. Patrick A. Rodgers '96 & Mrs. Brooke W. Rodgers
Mr. T. Michael Rodgers, Jr. '01 & Mrs. Maggie Rodgers
Mr. Timothy M. Rodgers* & Mrs. Mary Stuart Rodgers
Mr. Charles M. Roebuck III '84 & Mrs. Lee C. Roebuck
Mr. Brett D. Rogers '94 & Mrs. Vicky Rogers
Mr. Terry B. Rogers & Mrs. Diane D. Rogers
Dr. Charles A. Rohde & Mrs. Savilla Rohde
Mr. Yaniv Rosenberg '96
Mr. Jimmy Rosenfield & Mrs. Laura Rosenfield
Dr. Andrew H. Rosenstein '84 & Mrs. Michele Rosenstein
Mr. Peter B. Rosenthal & Ms. Heather MacGregor Rosenthal
Mr. Benjamin S. Ross '07 & Mrs. Rochelle Ross
Mr. Richard McCracken Ross '75 & Mrs. Beatrice W. Williams Ross
Mr. James Christopher Rossi & Mrs. Suzanne B. Rossi
Mr. John G. Rouse III '60 & Mrs. Yasuko Rouse
RPCS Philanthropic Literacy Board
Mr. Malcolm P. Ruff '02 & Mrs. Sydnee Wilson Ruff
Mr. William M. Ruff, Sr. '71 & Mrs. Bonnie M. Cloyd Ruff
Mr. F. Edward Rugemer, Jr. '63 & Mrs. Virginia B. Rugemer
Mr. Lewis Rumford III '66 & Mrs. Fran Rumford
Mr. D. Craig Russell '79 & Mrs. Nancy Knowles Russell
Mr. George L. Russell, Jr. & Mrs. Marion Russell
Mr. Peter S. Russell & Mrs. Tracy A. Russell
Mr. Thomas E. Russell IV '93 & Mrs. Sara Russell
Dr. Hyung Ryu & Dr. Viktoria Herson
Ms. Stella Vavas Sabracos
Mr. B. Frederick Sachs '66 & Mrs. Janet Sachs
Mr. Rajesh J. Saggi & Dr. Nita Ahuja
Mr. Jay Sakai & Ms. Julie Squire
Mr. J. Morgan Salmon '97 & Mrs. Sarah Salmon
Mr. Aaron R. Salsbury '04
Ms. Michele Salvino
Mr. Chase J. Sanders '84 & Mrs. Jennifer Sanders
Mr. Charles A. Sarbib Brown '02 & Mrs. Melissa Sarbib Brown
Mr. Graham S. Savage '98 & Mrs. Noelle Savage
Mr. I. Kenneth Saxon '80 & Mrs. Jo Saxon
Mr. Timothy M. Schaller & Mrs. Bridget Schaller
Mr. Benjamin S. Schapiro & Mrs. Margaret D. Schapiro
Mr. Ryan C. Schenk '99
Mr. Lucas M. Scheps '89 & Mrs. Becky Scheps
Mrs. Barbara K. Scherlis
Dr. William L. Scherlis '71 & Mrs. Ann Gibbons Scherlis
Mrs. Lane C. Schermerhorn
Dr. Thomas J. Schermerhorn '80 & Mrs. Theodora Vaporis Schermerhorn
Mr. John O. Schmick '97 & Mrs. Kate Schmick
Mr. William F. Schmick III '59 & Mrs. Chancey Schmick
Mr. Douglas E. Schmidt '85 & Mrs. Alicia B. Schmidt
Mr. James G. Schmidt II '83
Dr. Kenneth C. Schuberth
Dr. Mark A. Schuster '77 & Mr. Jeff Webb
Mr. Mark B. Scott '97 & Mrs. I Ching Scott
Mr. Philip A. Scott '76 & Mrs. Lindsay Scott
Mr. Timothy D. Scott '91 & Dr. Adrienne Scott
Mr. Jeffrey L. Seibel & Ms. Fiona W. Ong
Mr. Jeffrey H. Seibert, Jr. '04 & Ms. Cheri Li
Mr. David K. Seiler '74
Mr. Truman T. Semans '45
Mr. Randolph Sesson, Jr. '81 & Ms. Carme Farre
Ms. Alexis Seth
Mr. Leroy H. Shapiro* & Mrs. Donna M. Shapiro
Mr. Ronald M. Shapiro
Mr. Edward E. Sharkey '86 & Mrs. Jennifer Sharkey
Mr. William M.W. Sharp
Mr. Brendan M. Shaw '15
Mr. John K. Shaw III '63 & Mrs. Fredericka S. Shaw
Mr. Michael P. Shaw & Mrs. Jeannie J. Hong
Mr. Alexander P. Shawe '91 & Mrs. Sara Shawe
Mr. Evan T. Shea '00 & Mrs. Stephanie W. Shea
Mr. Gavin C. Sheets '14
Mr. John L. Sheff '00
Mr. Joshua Shein & Mrs. Keira Shein
Mr. Justin Shelby &
Mrs. Andrea Shelby
Mr. Robert Shelby & Mrs. Anne Shelby
Dr. Michael J. Sheridan & Mrs. Talia R. Sheridan
Mr. Michael John Sheridan & Mrs. Nancy Louise Sheridan
Ms. Gilda B. Sherman
Mr. John R. Sherwood III '54 & Mrs. Lisa Sherwood
Mr. William J. Shikani '06
Dr. Minbo Shim & Mrs. Seikyung Shim
Mr. Sue Joe Shin '88 & Ms. Sara Mibo Sohn
Dr. Takumi Shiraishi & Mrs. Mariko Shiraishi
Mr. John Shmerler & Mrs. Laura Shmerler
Mr. Richard J. Shock ‘08 & Mrs. Jill Shock
Mr. Joshua L. Shoemaker '67 &
Mrs. Mary Armstrong Shoemaker
Mr. Junaid Siddiqi & Mrs. Saumini Sara Siddiqi
Mr. Porter N. Siems '73
Dr. Frangiscos Sifakis & Dr. Paola Sansur
Mr. Michael R. Siliciano '04
Dr. Robert F. Siliciano & Dr. Janet M. Siliciano
Mr. John M. Silverstein '64 & Mrs. Leslie Silverstein
Dr. Julian T. Simmons '70 & Mrs. Barbara S. Simmons
Mr. Clarence W. Simms & Mrs. Louise A. Simms
Mr. Stuart O. Simms '68 & Mrs. Candace S. Simms
Dr. Ghassan Sinada & Dr. Sandra Shih
Mr. John B. Sinclair '72 & Mrs. Linda D. Sinclair
Mr. Thomas Bradford Sinclair '73 & Mrs. Jane B. Sinclair
Mr. Kehar Singh & Mrs. Lauren Nehra
Dr. Sunil Sinha & Dr. Anshu Prasad Sinha
Mr. Andrew E. Sinwell '83 & Mrs. Abigail Sinwell
Mr. Stephen A. Siwinski & Mrs. Rita Siwinski
Mr. Alexander R. Slagle II '93 & Mrs. Angela Slagle
Mr. Jacob W. Slagle, Jr. '63 & Mrs. Nina Tou
Dr. Sheri Slezak
Dr. Martin Slodzinski & Dr. Maria Slodzinski
Mr. Andrew Slutkin & Mrs. Amy Slutkin
Mr. Benjamin C. Small '05
Dr. B. Douglas Smith & Mrs. Mary Bubala Smith
Mr. Bryan R. Smith '93 & Ms. Kristen Smith
Mr. Edward W. Smith, Sr.
Mr. Francis W. Smith '70 & Mrs. Susan Smith
Mr. Frederick B. Smith IV '99 & Mrs. Rebecca Warfield Smith
Mr. Neal McL. Smith '90 & Mrs. Simone Smith Stevens
Mrs. Alice A. Smyth
Mr. Adam Snavely & Mrs. Julie Snavely
Mr. Andrew F. Snow '95 & Mrs. Kimberley Snow
Mr. Beom S. So '96 & Mrs. Jamie So
Mr. Howard M. Sobkov '84 & Dr. Michele A. Shermak
Dr. H. Hershey Sollod '64
Dr. Hooman Ted Soltanian & Dr. Lara Julie Burrows
Mr. J. Ritchie Solter '61
Mr. Brett P. Somerville '03
Mr. Hunter A. Somerville '00
Dr. James H. Somerville '67 & Mrs. Antoinette E. Somerville
Mr. Scott R. Somerville & Mrs. Mary N. Somerville
Mr. Eric Song & Ms. Patricia Tilley Song
Dr. Jack Soong & Dr. Liza W. Chang
Mr. Ronald L. Spahn, Esq.* & Mrs. Gail A. Spahn
Dr. Matthew Speicher & Mrs. Heather Speicher
Mr. Thomas S. Spencer & Mrs. Judith P. Spencer
Dr. William H. Spencer Strong II '59 & Mrs. Vera Spencer Strong
Mr. John A. Spilman, V '86 & Mrs. Mary Spilman
Mrs. Betsey Spragins*
Mr. James S. B. Spragins '73
Mr. William S. Spragins '76
Ms. Jennifer St. Germain
Ms. Anne Salisbury Staley
Mr. John A. Stalfort '69
Mr. J. Snowden Stanley, Jr. '60 & Mrs. Nancy G. Stanley
Mr. Andrew T. Stephenson
Mr. Steven Stern & Mrs. Jamye Stern
Mrs. Evelyn McAslan Russell Stewart
Mr. Robert M. Stewart '72 & Mrs. Mary Stewart
Mr. Gordon M. F. Stick IV '50
Mr. T. Howard F. Stick '56 & Mrs. Alyce Stick
Dr. Robert B. Stifler '65
Mr. Frederick Chase Stock & Dr. Suvi Gezari Stock
Mr. Stuart Stock & Mrs. Ann Stock
Mr. John J. Stockbridge '61 & Mrs. Anita DeBraganca Stockbridge
Mr. Charles C. Stockman '00
Mr. Robert P. Stockman '98
Mr. James D. Stone '58 & Mrs. Jane Stone
Mr. Stratton Strand & Ms. Margaret Watkins
Ms. Anne K. Stratton
Dr. Scott Strome & Mrs. Kimberlee Strome
Dr. & Mrs. Eric P. Suan
Mr. James R. Sullivan III '97 & Mrs. Sara Gilbane Sullivan
Mr. Michael D. Sullivan & Mrs. Jean M. Sullivan
Dr. Albert Sun* & Dr. Chen Chih J. Sun
Dr. Henry Sun & Dr. Dung Le
Mr. S. Spencer Sun '90
Dr. Pearson Sunderland III '69 & Mrs. Suzan Kovarick Sunderland
Mr. Richard W. Sunderland, Jr. '78 & Mrs. Cheryl Sunderland
Mr. Edward A. Supplee, Jr. '63 & Mrs. Sally S. Supplee
Dr. W. Scott Supplee '72 & Ms. Suzanne Gibson
Dr. Frederick T. Sutter & Mrs. Kelly Sutter
Dr. Edmund C. Sutton '70
Dr. Richard Sutton & Dr. Ming Fang
Mr. Rahul Swani '93 & Mrs. Jo Anna L. Swani
Dr. Bennett S. Sweren '74 & Mrs. Kathryn Z. Sweren
Mr. Charles T. Swindell '81 & Mrs. Maria Swindell
Mr. D. Cotton Swindell '81 & Mrs. Tracy S. Swindell
Mr. Robert H. Swindell, Jr. '51 & Mrs. Nancy Swindell
Mr. Thomas P. Swindell '55 & Mrs. Pattsy Swindell
Mr. Edward A. Swingle '96 & Mrs. Jeanne A. Swingle
Dr. Harry F. Swope III '61 & Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer
Mr. John Allen Sykes II '97 & Mrs. Min Leigh Sykes
The Hon. J. Fife Symington III '64 & Mrs. Ann Pritzlaff Symington
Mr. Antony B. C. Talalay '72 & Mrs. Mary S. Talalay
Mr. Kenneth Tan & Ms. Hui Su Loo
Dr. S. Scott Tapper '78
Mr. Alan S. Taylor '79 & Mrs. Danna L. Taylor
Dr. Bruce T. Taylor '67 & Dr. Ellen L. Taylor
Mr. D. Ross Taylor, Jr. '82
Dr. Marty S. Taylor '01 & Mrs. Cristin Taylor
Mr. Ross I. Taylor '03
Ms. Teresa Taylor
Mr. Todd A. Taylor '84 & Mrs. Lisa Collins
Dr. Jacob Tendler & Dr. Svetlana Tendler
Mr. Stanley H. Tevis III '66 & Mrs. Suzanne Tevis
Theo C. Rodgers Emergency Fund
Dr. Nicholas Theodore & Mrs. Effie Theodore
Mr. William B. Thomas &
Mrs. Wendy C. Thomas
Mr. William M. Thomas '81 & Mrs. Sarah D. Thomas
Mr. Daniel Thompson & Mrs. Rita Thompson
Mr. Donell Thompson, Jr. '91 & Mrs. Elena Wethers Thompson
Mr. Eric Thompson & Mrs. Emily Thompson
Mr. George E. Thomsen '48 & Mrs. Mary Ellen Thomsen
Mr. David H. Tickner '73 & Mrs. Margaret Tickner
Mr. John A. S. Tilghman, Jr. '06
Mr. Charles F. Tipper '77 & Mrs. Mima Tipper
Mr. Joseph G. Tirone & Mrs. Cynthia D. Tirone
Mr. Andrew M. Todd '02
Dr. Gordon Tomaselli & Mrs. Charlene Tomaselli
Dr. P. Justin Tortolani & Mrs. Kim Simons Tortolani
Dr. Craig A. Townsend &
Mrs. Darlene Townsend
Mr. William C. Trimble III '80 &
Mrs. Perry Trimble
Mr. Bradley Troy & Mrs. Kimberly Troy
Mr. David C. Troy &
Mrs. Jennifer Rucker Troy
Mr. Darrell Trusty, Jr. '98
Mr. John Turben & Mrs. Susan Turben
Mr. John I. Turnbull II '65 & Mrs. Jane Turnbull
Mr. Kenneth Y. Turnbull '87 & Mrs. Leslie H. Spiegel
Mr. Frank K. Turner, Jr. & Mrs. Francis C. S. Turner
Dr. H. Mebane Turner & Mrs. Ivana Turner
Mr. Thomas R. Twells, Jr. '86 & Mrs. Nicole H. Twells
Mr. Robert J. Twiss '60 & Mrs. Helen W.S. Twiss
Mr. David Tyler, Jr. & Mrs. Holly Tyler
Dr. Sean M. Tyszko '94 & Mrs. Sara A. Tyszko
Mr. Dana T. Underwood '92
Mr. Khalil Rashid Uqdah '06 & Mrs. Kyara Uqdah
Mr. Jed Van Dyke & Mrs. Anne Van Dyke
Dr. Jerry Varghese & Dr. Sherin Varghese
Mr. Kevin L. Vasile & Mrs. Missy Vasile
Mr. Frank C. Vecella '76 & Mrs. Pam Vecella
Dr. Victor Velculescu & Dr. Delia Velculescu
Dr. Mark Vesely & Dr. Priya Duggal
Mr. Royall Victor III & Mrs. Wendy F. Victor
Dr. Edwin J. Villamater '82 & Mrs. Allyson Villamater
Mr. Anton J. Vishio, Sr.
Mr. Anastasios Vlachos & Mrs. Hilary S. Vlachos
Mr. Theodoros Vlahoyiannis & Mrs. Nora Vlahoyiannis
Mr. Stuart Vogel
Dr. Kenneth W. Volk, Jr. '76 & Dr. Margot V. Volk
Mr. Paul Volkman & Ms. Laura Neuman
Mr. Lloyd E. Voneiff, Jr. '72 & Mrs. Donna M. Voneiff
Mr. Thomas Frederick Wagner, Jr.
Mr. Tyler A. Wakefield '14
Mr. Christopher Walker & Mrs. Angie Carter Walker
Mr. Benjamin M. Waller '04
Mr. Michael K. Walsch
Mr. Chungyu Wang & Dr. Chen Zhang
Prof. Laixi Wang & Dr. Mei Tang
Mr. Marcus L. Wang '00 & Ms. Stephanie Wang
Chairman Peng Wang & Mrs. Sheng Wei Jun
Mr. Mike Ward & Dr. Shana Ward
Mr. Wade Ware '92
Mr. Peter Staub Wareing & Mrs. Elizabeth Blanton Wareing
Mr. Guy W. Warfield '73 & Mrs. Paris Warfield
Mrs. Heather Harlan Warnack
Mr. Richard L. Wasserman '66 & Dr. Manuele D. Wasserman
Mr. Christopher Wasson & Mrs. Whitney Wasson
Mr. Dale A. Waters, Jr. & Mrs. Susan Waters
Mr. Kyle D. Waters '03 & Mrs. Natalie Waters
The Hon. Thomas J. S. Waxter, Jr. '52 & Mrs. Nancy Waxter
Mr. Thomas J. S. Waxter III '82 & Mrs. Olive C. Waxter
Way & Gate Foundation Inc
Mr. Willie H. Weathers III '86
Dr. Armistead Churchill Gordon Webster & Ms. Suzanne Irene Barnard
Mr. Robert Wehman & Dr. Karen B. Boyle
Dr. Frederick L. Wehr II '73 & Mrs. Nicola Wehr
Ms. Maddie Weinfeld
Mr. Dennis H. Weinman & Mrs. Amanda London Weinman
Mr. Ira Weinstein & Mrs. Angela Natale
Mr. Richard L. Weinstein '87 & Mrs. Orna Weinstein
Mr. Edward H. Welbourn IV '05
Mr. John D. Wells '78 & Mrs. Mary Wells
Dr. G. Page West III '70 & Mrs. Linda B. West
Mr. James H. West '89 & Mrs. Allison West
Mr. John G. Wharton, Jr. '76 & Mrs. Linda Wharton
Mr. A. Thomas White '72 & Ms. Kathryn S. White
Mr. William W. Whitehurst, Jr. & Mrs. Linda Whitehurst
Mr. C. Lawrence Whitman & Mrs. Anne Z. Whitman
Mr. M. Hamilton Whitman, Jr. '65 & Mrs. Susan Z. Whitman
Mr. Edward A. Wiese & Mrs. Mary Jo Wiese
Mr. Edward W. S. Wiese '08 & Mrs. Mia Y. Wiese
Mr. Robert J. Wiese '06
Mr. Willard C. Wiggins '68 & Mrs. Leslie J. Wiggins
Mr. Elliott A. Wiley, Jr. '00
Mr. James H. Wilkerson III '79 & Mrs. Jennifer Wilkerson
Dr. Daniel Willard III '44 & Mrs. Linda R. Zeller Willard
Mr. David McIntosh Williams '67 & Mrs. Mary H. Williams
Mr. David McIntosh Williams, Jr. '04 & Mrs. Ann Katheryn Kenny
Mr. David S. Williams '79 & Mrs. Valerie A. Williams
Mr. Huntington Williams III & Mrs. Debra Williams
Dr. James M. Williams, Sr. & Mrs. Rebecca Williams
Mr. Rufus M. G. Williams '49* & Mrs. Sheila J. Williams
Mr. Richard Williamson & Ms. Jamie Sapanara
Mr. Laurence M. Wilson '03
Mr. Mark Wilson & Mrs. Carrie Wilson
Dr. Jerry Winkelstein & Dr. Marilyn Winkelstein
Mr. James J. Winn, Jr. '60 & Mrs. Elizabeth L. Winn
The Hon. David L. Winstead '65 & Mrs. Louise V. Winstead
Mr. Edward R. Winstead '85 & Mrs. Ann Barron Carneal
Mr. Gordon H. Witherspoon, Jr. & Mrs. Susan Witherspoon
Mr. G. Van Velsor Wolf, Jr. '62 & Mrs. Ann Kavanagh Wolf
Mr. Eugene L. Wolfe III '83 & Mrs. Catherine S. Wolfe
Mr. John Wolk & Mrs. Donna Wolk
Women’s Traffic & Transportation Club Inc.
Dr. Kenneth Woo & Dr. Christine Sohn Woo
Mr. David F. Woods '54 & Mrs. Elizabeth Gans Woods
Dr. R. Craig Woodward '63* & Mrs. Anneke K. Woodward
Mr. W. M. Cary Woodward '53 &
Mrs. Margaret C. Woodward
Mr. Key S. C. Worcester '92 & Mrs. Julia Leslie Worcester
Mr. Edward H. Worthington IV '06
Mr. John H. Worthington '81 & Mrs. Sheri Carson Worthington
Mr. Thomas Russell Wrenn '96 & Mrs. Erin Wrenn
Mr. Robert Webster Wright & Ms. Mary Martin
Mr. Sanford Wu & Mrs. Mao Asukata
Mr. Edward L. Xanders '81 & Mrs. Julie K. Xanders
Dr. Jie Xiao
Mr. Yusheng Xie & Mrs. Feng Zhang
Mr. Fei Yang & Ms. Zhao Zhang
Mr. Alan D. Yarbro '58* &
Mrs. Lee M. Yarbro
Mr. Alexander G. Yearley '65
Dr. Markos Yibas & Mrs. Emebet Alemayehu
Dr. Charles D. Yim
Dr. Soo Yon Yoon & Dr. Hyunjeong Park
Mr. Colston E. Young '91
Mr. John Marshall Page Young '01
Mr. John R. Young & Mrs. Carol Jean Young
Dr. Paul Young Hyman & Dr. Deborah Young Hyman
Dr. David T. Yue* & Dr. Nancy C. Yue
Mr. Demetrios Zacharopoulos & Dr. Gretchen Dickinson
Mr. Ali R. Zamani '98 & Mrs. Jacqueline Zamani
Dr. Marco A. Zarbin '74 & Mrs. Susan Zarbin
Ms. Lois Zelina
Dr. Xiangxing Zeng & Dr. Shu Li
Mr. William B. Zerhouni '94
Dr. Li Zhang & Mrs. Yanming Bi
Mr. Haiqing Zhao & Ms. Guoyang Liu
Mr. John H. Zink III '63
Mr. Matthew H. Zink '92 & Mrs. Amy Zink
Mr. Philip R. Zink '65 & Mrs. Martha P. Zink
Mr. M. Trent Zivkovich '91 & Mrs. Margaret U. Zivkovich
Mr. James Zois & Mrs. Laura Zois
Mr. John H. Zouck II '60 & Mrs. Judy M. Zouck
Written by Mary Ellen Porter, Director of Major Gifts and Planned GivingTom Ahern '59 got a marvelous start to his education in grades one through three at Roland Park Country School (RPCS), which until 1974 was co ed in those grades. His mother had quit a great job at Johns Hopkins Hospital to teach at RPCS, so he could attend on a faculty scholarship. From an RPCS class of 14, he went to a public school fourth grade class of 45. After five years in public schools, his family recognized that he was not being challenged, so they scraped together enough money so that he could go to Gilman with a scholarship.
Disce ut Semper
Victurus — Vive ut Cras Moriturus
–inscription on the Fisher Medallion
In notes for his fiftieth reunion, he wrote, “Gilman offered by far the best education in Baltimore, then and now. It inspired me, and encouraged my curiosity and love of learning. I had become intellectually lazy in public school. Gilman’s commitment to excellence, learning, and high standards was life changing, providing discipline that has lasted all these years.”
Tom took as his motto the words on the Fisher Medallion (Gilman’s highest honor): Learn as if to live forever — Live as if to die tomorrow. The second line particularly resonated with him. He believes “it asks us to live in such a way that if we died tomorrow, we would be proud of what we did in that life we just finished.”
“To whom much is given, of him much will be required.” –Luke 12:48. Tom wrote, “Much has been given to me, including my family’s sacrifices and the scholarship to Gilman. I am leaving most of my estate for Gilman scholarships, so that smart kids who could not afford excellent education can get it. I am starting with $1.5 million to Gilman for scholarships, with more to come.”
Written by Heather Harlan Warnack, Director of DevelopmentAs he sat with his wife, Nan, in the comfort of their North Baltimore home, William L. Paternotte '63 recalled the three Gilman English teachers who left a lasting imprint on his life: Alex Armstrong, Roy Barker, and Jerry Downs. He fondly remembered classes with Mr. Barker centered around Hamlet, Tuesday night gatherings at Mr. Downs’ home with ginger ale to discuss current events, and onstage performances directed by Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Downs that led to a drama award.
“Gilman has been an integral and continuous part of our lives for more than 60 years.”
–Bill Paternotte '63
“Gilman gave me a wonderful gift of education generally, but most specifically in writing,” said Bill, a partner and senior client advisor at Brown Advisory in Baltimore. “Those skills have been a huge asset to me in my career and in my life.”
Bill, who holds an A.B. from Princeton University and an M.B.A. from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, is not the only Paternotte to benefit from the Gilman experience. The couple’s two sons attended the School, and, now, three of their grandsons are receiving the same life lessons that set their grandfather up for success.
It is Bill’s gratitude for Gilman and to the teachers who provided his educational foundation — as well as the opportunity for three grandchildren to follow in his footsteps — that motivated him to make a meaningful gift during the First Things First campaign. Bill and Nan launched the Paternotte Travel and Study Fund for STEM, a named endowed fund that provides grants for selected faculty members to travel and attend summer programs, courses, or workshops in the area of science, technology, engineering, and math.
The idea for the fund started with Nan, whose sister was a Lower School math teacher at Gilman. Nan realized early on how hard her sister worked for a modest salary. “I’ve always been a strong advocate for giving teachers a little more,” she said.
The fund is the second established by the Paternottes at Gilman. The first travel and study fund was formed to allow selected faculty members to travel and further their knowledge in the humanities, including arts, history, languages, and English in the United States and abroad.
The Paternottes have not only given of their resources, but also of their time. Bill, who is a lifetime Trustee at Gilman, served as a key member of the First Things First Steering Committee and sits on the school’s Investment Committee. His wife has chaired annual fundraisers, including what was once known as the Gilman Circus.
Bill is proud that the next generation of the Paternotte family is involved in the life of the School. Son Christopher Paternotte and his wife, Jennifer, are Gilman Fund Parent Chairs for the 2019 2020 school year. And, daughter in law Elizabeth Voneiff Paternotte, married to Brooks Paternotte, is heading up the Lower School Parents’ Association. “Gilman has been an integral and continuous part of our lives for more than 60 years,” Bill said.
Written by Mary Ellen Porter, Director of Major Gifts and Planned GivingWhen Troy Rohrbaugh '88 agreed to speak at the Founders’ Society dinner in 2012, he thought it would be easy to talk about why the school that he loved was important to him. But when he sat down to write his remarks, he found “it’s very hard to explain how 25 years of a life and a career have been affected by a place so profoundly.” He went on to share that he had attended three schools: a small parochial school, Johns Hopkins, and Gilman, which he entered in ninth grade. He had “great teachers and wonderful experiences at all three schools,” but “Gilman did something that neither of the other two were able to accomplish. They took the foundation that I had been given at home and built upon it. They left me with a skill set that I use every day, things that after four years at Gilman, all of us take for granted. It boils down to a few basic things: discipline, hard work, integrity, a love of learning, and empathy for others….it was one teacher after another, one coach after another, who instilled this in us.”
“It boils down to a few basic things: discipline, hard work, integrity, a love of learning, and empathy for others…it was one teacher after another, one coach after another, who instilled this in us.”–Troy Rohrbaugh '88
Spending his entire adult life outside of Baltimore only reinforced for Troy what a special place Gilman was for him and many other boys. He describes his time at Gilman as one of the most important parts of his life. “The lessons I learned in the classroom, on the field, and from the many incredible students and faculty helped shape me as an individual,” he says. Believing “there are many deserving boys in all areas of Baltimore who should have the chance of a Gilman education,” Troy and his wife, Amy, created a scholarship fund to afford other boys the same opportunities he enjoyed at Gilman.
Written by Brooke Blumberg, Director of Marketing and CommunicationsThough it was 1976 when the interaction actually happened, Stephon Jackson '80 still remembers it like it was yesterday. He took his ancient history final exam at the end of eighth grade, and his teacher tapped him on the shoulder and told him, “Good job.”
“I can still feel his hand on my shoulder. It was affirmation to me that I belonged here.”
“I hope our gift reminds Gilman that continued investment in at risk boys makes us a true community school.”
–Stephon Jackson '80
Steph didn’t always know that he belonged at Gilman. He transferred from a city public school, and despite his home being only a 20 minute drive away from campus, he had to take two buses totaling a two hour commute just to get to school each day. He recalls the stark contrast between life in his neighborhood versus his life at Gilman. Initially, he experienced some academic challenges and, as one of only five Black students in his graduating class, culture shock, too.
Steph was the only one in his family to attend a private school, and it created some tension among the siblings. “But it was sort of the beginning of, in my mind, my decision to seek an opportunity to have my life go in a different direction, and I was not going to let the opportunity slip by,” he recalls.
“I developed a basic belief that you have to be a lifetime learner. There was something about being at Gilman where you just…felt like continuous learning, continuous education was…going to be your life.” He says that Gilman, and in particular, Mr. Finney, helped him see many possibilities, even when others did not see what was possible in him.
Because a Gilman education changed his life, Steph wanted to give others from similar backgrounds the same chance. And so he established the Henson & Doris Jackson Family Scholarship, named for his parents. “My parents were always proud and supportive and really encouraged me…to work harder, work smarter, seek help…and continue to try to get better.”
Steph went on from Gilman to earn a B.S. in business administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he was a Morehead Scholar, and an M.B.A. from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He has served on a number of foundation boards, and was previously the chairman of the Investment Committee at Gilman. He has been working at T. Rowe Price since 2007.
With 32 years of investment experience under his belt, Steph says, “I told myself a long time ago that if anyone ever reached out to me, that I would try to make as much time as I could to help that person, because someone did the same for me early in my career when they had no reason to.” When asked how he would like to be remembered as a leader in this community, Steph humbly says, “If people just remember me fondly, and feel like I had a somewhat positive impact on them, that would be plenty for me.”
“We were excited to support the First Things First campaign in its effort to focus on financial aid and programmatic initiatives. A contribution to financial aid for faculty children conveys our commitment to this essential cohort. Additionally, the replenishment of the Finney Fund covers costs beyond tuition, allowing all boys to fully participate in and benefit from the Gilman experience.”
–Sana and Andy Brooks '74
“Gilman engendered academic and character development in our two sons. This will prepare them to take a leadership role in society. Our boys were allowed to experience success and failure on their individual paths. Perhaps most importantly, Gilman gave them friendships and a brotherhood that will last their lifetimes.
We hope to perpetuate Gilman’s uncompromising academic excellence with faculty retention, recruitment, and support. We want to see future Gilman graduates prepared to succeed in college and beyond, inculcated with core values to ensure an educated and moral citizenry.”
Written by Mary Ellen Porter, Director of Major Gifts and Planned GivingAs the parents of three boys who attended Gilman for a total of 18 years (Rick '67, Michael '70, and Peter '74), Virginia and Richard Bowe were devoted to the School. “We loved Reddy Finney, and all the teachers were just so great. They were just the best leaders of boys,” Ginny recalled. “We thought it was the most wonderful school. Our boys were five day boarders [because we lived in Annapolis.] Boarding ended before Peter graduated, and he spent the last three years living on campus with the Gamper family. That was great, too, because they had a son in the same grade.” Dick Bowe joined the Gilman Board of Trustees in 1970, when Michael was a senior, and served for eight years as a Trustee. The Bowes’ relationship with Gilman continued through their grandson, Alex, who spent 12 years at the School and graduated in 2005.
“We loved the time our boys were there. I hope my scholarship will help other boys go to Gilman, and I will continue to give for as long as I am able.”
–Virginia Bowe PP
Dick passed away in 2001, and Ginny established the Richard E. Bowe Memorial Scholarship Fund in 2007. She has contributed to the fund every year since. “Our boys went to the best colleges,” she said. “They flourished and had wonderful futures. Rick is a lawyer, Michael is a social worker, and Peter is a businessman, and it’s all due to their background from Gilman. We loved the time our boys were there. I hope my scholarship will help other boys go to Gilman, and I will continue to give for as long as I am able.”
Ginny added one final note: “You know Peter is now on Gilman’s Board,” she said. “He serves on a lot of boards, and I am most proud that he is on the Gilman Board.”
Written by Brooke Blumberg, Director of Marketing and CommunicationsThe William A. Greene, Jr. Scholarship Fund was established during Gilman’s First Things First campaign through a giving effort commemorating the 50th anniversary of Gilman’s first Black graduates. The fund is named for William A. Greene, Jr., the School’s first African American faculty member, the first and only African American Assistant Headmaster, and a pioneer in making diversity an institutional value at Gilman.
Mr. Greene enjoyed a storied Gilman career that lasted more than three decades. In 1970, he took over as director of Gilman Upward Bound, one of about a dozen programs nationwide and the only one in Delaware, Virginia, and Maryland run by a high school. He held the position for 31 years. Mr. Greene also coached basketball and track, taught math, and was director of Middle and Upper School Admissions. Mr. Greene, who retired in 2001 as Assistant Headmaster, pushed the School to take crucial next steps to ensure that boys from families living in poverty and families of color would not just enroll, but would flourish as part of Gilman’s community.
The Greene Scholarship will support young men of talent and ability who are traditionally underrepresented in schools of Gilman’s caliber. They will be Upper School students who, prior to their time at Gilman, attended a Baltimore City public school, and who have racial, ethnic, and/or socioeconomic backgrounds that would make Gilman more diverse.
Eric Bryant '88 and Malcolm Ruff '02 led the fundraising effort for the William A. Greene, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund. Far exceeding their initial goal of $100,000, the fund has raised more than $240,000 to date.
“My hope is that a decade or more from now, the Greene Fund will have created the ultimate ‘win win’ scenario as it relates to inclusivity and community; that not only do young men of promise have the opportunity to receive a stellar Gilman education, but also that Gilman becomes a beacon of community integration and equity for other independent schools because we have truly committed to investing in boys from every walk of life.”
–Malcolm Ruff '02“A Gilman education is a privilege. With that privilege comes a responsibility to lead and to reach back. The Greene Scholarship was established during the 50th Anniversary Celebration as a perpetual reminder of both the privilege and responsibility of a Gilman education. We hope the endowment has two and three times the number of current donors five and 10 years from now so that we ensure more young men walk into the world with the underlying sense of responsibility a Gilman education provides.”
–Eric Bryant '88“It is my hope that five to 10 years from now that our gift continues to be the perpetual vehicle that enables young men to attend Gilman who might not have otherwise had the means to do so, while continuing to diversify the rich history of our campus.”
–Marcus Simms '95 (50th Anniversary Co-Chair)
Written by Brooke Blumberg, Director of Marketing and CommunicationsEstablishing a scholarship is no small undertaking; an endeavor typically reserved for those who have a passionate reason behind it. Andy Cohen ' 90 created the The Ilene R. Booke Andrew B. Cohen Scholarship Fund in 2017. His big “why” can be summed up in two incredibly simple words that carry a lot of weight and even more memories: “My mom.”
“My late mother was a devoted and longstanding supporter of the School in many ways. She believed in Gilman’s process and education. It was an environment in which I thrived. That’s why I established it.”
What inspired Andy Cohen '90 to create this scholarship fund for Gilman? “My mom.”
Ilene Booke volunteered for many years in the Lower School, and was even featured on the cover of The Gilman Bulletin’s 1984 summer issue spotlighting the School’s volunteers (shown at right). She was an ardent believer in Gilman’s programs and faculty, and an admirer of many people at the School. “She was deeply interested in Gilman, supportive of its programs and of my being there,” Andy says.
Andy now lives in New York, but being an out of town alumnus has not kept him from staying connected to his alma mater. “Gilman was instrumental in my development as a well rounded person. My values and character were enhanced by my education, experience, and fellow classmates. It does not matter where I am physically; I still feel an affiliation for the School and I’m grateful for the education I received.”
Andy is a 12 year man at Gilman, and served as President of the Upper School his senior year. He was managing editor of The Gilman News and started a Senior/First Grade breakfast when he was a senior. He played varsity tennis for four years and was captain in his senior year. He won the Fisher Medallion, Cooper Debating Cup, Pickett History Prize, and the Harris Tennis Award. In addition to this scholarship fund, he has also supported the gilman fund each year and was the Co Chair alongside Doug Hoffberger for the 25th reunion of the Class of 1990.
Written by Heather Harlan Warnack, Director of DevelopmentMichael J. Weinfeld '91 has given back to Gilman since he graduated. Now, his children are following in his footsteps.
Michael and his boys, Will Weinfeld '17 and Ben Weinfeld '23, along with daughter Maddie, established the Weinfeld Family Endowment Mortgage Assistance Fund through the First Things First campaign. The named endowed fund was launched to provide mortgage aid for Gilman faculty, helping these key members of the community with home purchases.
“The faculty are the lifeblood of the School.”
–Michael Weinfeld '91
“The faculty are the lifeblood of the School,” Michael said. “The outstanding faculty is what sets Gilman apart and makes it such a special place.”
Additionally, through the Campaign, Will set up the Ripple Grant, which will be awarded to potential Upper School students living in Baltimore City whose demonstrated financial need is greater than 80 percent, placing them in the category of applicants with the most need. And, Maddie made a contribution to Bridges, a Gilman program that provides year round support for underserved Baltimore City students enrolled in underperforming schools.
No doubt, the Weinfeld children have learned to give back, in part, by observing the example of their father, who not only shares his resources, but also his time. Michael served on the Gilman Alumni Association Board of Governors for 14 years, and on the School’s Board of Trustees for 15 years.
Michael, who shies away from the spotlight, is very proud of his children’s generosity. “I know that both boys have an enduring love of Gilman and have a desire to give back,” he said, “and Will, Maddie, and Ben have all been encouraged by their grandparents, throughout their lives, to give back in any way that they can.”
Written by Brooke Blumberg, Director of Marketing and CommunicationsFor more than 20 years, the Wieler Family Foundation has focused on supporting organizations and institutions that make a long term difference in people’s lives. Gilman is a special institution to the Wieler family.
James Wieler '09 tells an anecdote about his experience at Gilman that planted the seed for establishing the Wieler Family Distinguished Teaching Chair for Classics:
“Often when I tell people that I initially intended to major in Latin in college, I am greeted with looks of complete and utter surprise. Many might argue that Latin is a dead language and is useless to learn…Despite these beliefs, I credit some of my success to lifelong skills learned from reading passages millenia old. Latin taught me (1) how to discern what someone meant from what they said, and (2) the importance of being curious and of learning for learning’s sake. And all of that came from heroic stories like Aeneas outwitting the Cyclops.”
“We’ve had the honor and privilege of being former students, parents, officers, and Trustees. We’ve experienced firsthand how Gilman promotes excellence, integrity, curiosity, and the pursuit of passions.”
–The Wieler Family
James reflects how the Classics instilled these skills in him and how this type of learning pushed him to “take a path driven by passion and excitement instead of logic and convention.” When deciding to establish this gift, the family wanted to both “honor and thank Mr. Broadus for his years of service and hope that many Gilman students going forward can also see how the lessons from Latin are very much alive today.”
The Wieler family points out that the Gilman First Things First campaign was different than most: “It was not about buildings; instead, it focused on sustaining the promise of a Gilman education. It focused on endowing access to continued excellence and growth of young men. We are proud to do our part to make this experience available to future generations.”
Over time, the Wieler family expects to see education evolve, and years from now, they hope to see their foundation’s gift and the role of Classics complement all other aspects of the Gilman education.
James ruminates, “I truly look at Gilman as my strong foundation that molded me into who I am today. Beyond tangible lessons in the classroom and on the field, Gilman taught me to do things the right way. It taught me to work hard and be driven, but to never act in a way that would undercut or rob someone else of what they deserve. It taught me to set lofty goals for myself, but also to lend a hand and offer time to struggling classmates and the broader community at large.”
15 countries
Robert G. Blue '81
Frank A. Bonsal III '82
E. Thomas Booker III '79
Thomas S. Bozzuto, Jr. '92
David H. Carroll, Jr. '88
D. Lawson DeVries III '96
D. Brooks Kitchel II '88
Mark D. Neumann '81
2013 2014 John and Brenna McGowan P'19
2014 2015 Jefferson Blomquist and Claire Blomquist P'16
2015 2016 Doug '90 and Catherine Hoffberger P'23
2016 2017 Andrew and Jennifer Grossman P'22
2017‑2018 Patrick '96 and Brooke Rodgers P'25
2018 2019 Jeffrey Mason and Nancy Ekelund P'22
“We support the gilman fund because Gilman must remain accessible to all the strivers — the boys and the families who have the desire to do more with their lives.”
–Ava Lias-Booker and E. Thomas Booker III '79, PP
Mr. Stuart R. McCarthy '64
Mr. Stephen T. Scott '64
Mr. Stanard T. Klinefelter '65
Mr. Peter S. Farber '66
The Hon. Benson E. Legg '66
Mr. Ronald B. Sheff '66
Mr. Allen M. Barrett, Jr. '67
Mr. John E. Schmick '67
Prof. Andrew S. Hirsch '68
Mr. James A. Snead '68
Mr. Christopher R. West '68
Mr. S. Woods Bennett '69
Mr. C. Richard Gamper, Jr. '69
Mr. Walter D. Pinkard, Jr. '69
Mr. Bruce S. Rice '69
Mr. John A. Gilpin '70
Mr. Thomas K. Lynn '71
Mr. Angus McLeod Mairs Gephart '72
Mr. J. Richard Thomas, Jr. '72
Dr. William B. Isaacs '73
Mr. Guy W. Warfield '73
Mr. Thomas O. Gamper '74
Mr. James N. Lynn '74
Mr. Andrew M. Brooks '74
Mr. Joel A. Dewey '74
Mr. T. Courtenay Jenkins III '74
Mr. Michael J. McCarthy '75
Mr. Robert M. Thomas, Jr. '76
Mr. Roszel C. Thomsen II '76
Mr. William M. Baldwin '77
Mr. Stuart F. Gray '77
Mr. Kenneth R. Holley '78
Mr. David N. Willis '79
Mr. Haswell M. Franklin, Jr. '79
Mr. David L. deMuth '80
Mr. Robert G. Blue '81
Mr. William H. Moore V '81
Mr. Scott C. Bortz '82
Dr. David W. DeVeas '83
Mr. Edward W. Brown III '84
Mr. Frank J. Goldman '84
Mr. Charles M. Roebuck III '84
Mr. Nicholas D. Cortezi II '84
Mr. Dan R. Miller '84
Mr. Harry D. Halpert '85
Mr. David M. Rody '85
Mr. Jonathan P. Kagan '86
Dr. Andrew M. Cameron '87
Mr. Douglas M. Godine, Jr. '87
Mr. David M. Gaines '88
Mr. James H. West '89
Mr. John P. Snead '89
Mr. Philip L. Thompson '89
Mr. Andrew B. Cohen '90
Mr. Douglas M. Hoffberger '90
Mr. Donell Thompson, Jr. '91
Mr. M. Trent Zivkovich '91
Mr. Matthew N. Hodson '92
Mr. Matthew F. Dent '93
Mr. Peter R. McGill III '93
Mr. Nathaniel S. Badder '94
Mr. Lindsay D. Dryden IV '94
Mr. David A. Zinreich '94
Mr. John H. Beatson, Jr. '95
Mr. David F. C. Payne '95
Mr. D. Lawson DeVries III '96
Capt. John C. Morris '96
Mr. William G. Stewart, Jr. '97
Mr. Arthur R. DeLuca '98
Mr. Delano J. Schmidt '99
Mr. Frederick B. Smith IV '99
Mr. Timothy McDevitt Hurley '99
Mr. Charles B. Marek III '99
Mr. Louis G. Panos II '00
Mr. Justin A. Redd '01
Mr. Charles E. Burdette '02
Mr. William C. Finney '02
Mr. Victor I. Abiamiri '03
Mr. Edward B. Lough '03
Mr. Isaac J. Boltansky '04
Mr. Abraham N. Choi '04
Mr. Stewart W. Kameen '04
Mr. Daniel L. Latshaw '04
Mr. Jacob I. Klein '05
Mr. William T. Keigler '06
Mr. William H. Mathews '06
Mr. Whitney W. Johnson '07
Mr. William C. R. Finney '08
Mr. Frank Keech Turner III '09
Mr. Eli B. Kahn '09
Mr. Matthew L. Berger '10
Mr. Joseph Andrew Cahalan '11
Mr. Andrew E. Harris '12
Mr. John S. Chirikjian '13
Mr. Zane T. MacFarlane '13
Mr. Kyle A. Tarantino '14
Mr. Tyler A. Wakefield '14
Every five years, alumni are invited back to campus to celebrate their reunions, to renew old friendships, to visit with faculty, and to see what is new and different on campus. The classes also undertake reunion gift efforts, as alumni focus their attention on their alma mater and give back to the institution that nurtured their growth from young boys into men of purpose.
Endowed funds and planned gifts secure Gilman’s future, but the gilman fund is its lifeblood. Gifts to the gilman fund provide 8 to 9 percent of the School’s annual budget, providing an important source of flexible, immediate support for students, faculty, and programs. the gilman fund encompassed more than $17 million of the First Things First campaign’s $62 million raised; 15 percent of that $17 million came from reunion giving.
During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2019, the Class of 1969 broke all previous 50th reunion annual giving records. Led by Wally Pinkard, Woods Bennett, and Dick Gamper, the reunion committee set a goal to raise $150,000 — the largest class gift ever to the gilman fund in a 50th reunion year. Wally and his wife, Mary Ann, pledged to match every gilman fund gift 1:1 up to $75,000.
The class rose to the challenge. With 56 percent participation, they raised an astounding $170,750 for the gilman fund — by far the largest 50th reunion gift in the reunion year to annual giving in Gilman’s history. In addition, several class members made capital gifts and/or extended their gilman fund pledges out over several years. The final total — including capital gifts and pledges — was $258,401.
We gratefully acknowledge those who chaired their reunions over the course of the First Things First campaign.
The Class of 2019 Senior Parent Gift Committee set an ambitious goal at the beginning of the year: raise $200,000 in support of the gilman fund for faculty salaries and for financial aid to honor their sons’ dedicated teachers, coaches, and advisors.
During the final weeks of their boys’ senior year at Gilman, the committee led the charge to not only meet their goal but also to surpass it, raising a total of $221,990 with 84 percent participation from parents in the class.
The Senior Parent Gift Effort was led by Maurice and Lisa Haywood P'19, who are longtime Gilman volunteers and supporters. They have served in various roles, including Class Chairs and Phonathon callers. When asked to chair the Senior Parent Gift Effort, Maurice and Lisa didn’t hesitate. “Giving is a family value. We grew up in households where giving to church, personal causes, and families and friends in need was done with joy and a sense of responsibility. Our decision to lead was influenced by the Senior Parent Committee’s opportunity to have a voice in where the funds for our class’ gift were allocated. We decided half the gift would go towards faculty salaries and the other half towards helping students who have financial needs. Our interest in investing in people is what drove our efforts.” Maurice and Lisa also viewed their participation in the committee as a fitting close to their family’s shared experience with Gilman. They told their son, Jonathan '19, “Just as we expected him to finish well after 12 years at Gilman, we felt the same sense of responsibility to finish well also.”
Maurice and Lisa both credit their fellow committee members for helping to raise such a large amount. Maurice and Lisa served on the committee along with Norman and Rosellen Bloomberg, Daniel and Beth Dietrick, Keith and Kim Holmes, Albert Jun and Susie Chung, Joseph Klein and Judith Sandler, Adetayo and Moji Koleosho, Alexander and Serena Martin, John and Brenna McGowan, George and Karen Philippou, Nassif Soueid and Julia Cheikh, and Gordon and Susan Witherspoon. In addition to making gifts of their own, committee members made calls and sent emails to fellow parents encouraging them to give to the effort.
Senior Parent Gift Chairs
Albert and Lisa Lee; Nicholas '76 and Anita Richardson
Thomas and Laura Johnson; Robert and Jenny Hopkins
Charles and Gail Jones
Howard Sobkov '84 and Michele Shermak
David '80 and Anne deMuth
Maurice and Lisa Haywood
Maurice and Lisa were very proud to achieve 84 percent participation from the class. Parents made gifts of all sizes, and even though the committee was determined to reach its monetary goal, strong participation from the class was just as important. Toward the end of the year, the committee launched a $20.19 campaign so every household could participate in the effort. Maurice and Lisa were both cognizant of the fact that many parents feel the weight of paying tuition, but they wanted to come together as a class and do something impactful for Gilman. As Lisa described, “Intellect crosses all socioeconomic groups. Footing the bill for the cost of school can be overwhelming. As parents, we want to do our part, no matter how small of a role we play, in helping Gilman remain a place for the best and brightest, independent of socioeconomic status.”
The Senior Parent Gift Effort is a longstanding tradition at Gilman. During the course of the Campaign, the effort has raised $1,388,400 for the gilman fund.
Written by Mac Barrett '67, Alumni Special Projects CoordinatorWhen Ralph L. DeGroff '54 recorded his oral history for Gilman in September of 2017, he remarked, “My strengths were communication with my fellow man because that’s what I did and enjoyed so much. I knew how to deal with people.”
By the time he died on April 19, 2018, he had served as class secretary for a remarkable 64 years and as a volunteer for annual giving for more than 25 years.
“I was raised in a household where giving back was important.”
–Ralph L. DeGroff '54
“I was raised in a household where giving back was important,” he added, “and throughout everything in my life I have always volunteered to help if requested. Somehow or another I end up in these leadership positions.” In keeping with his dedicated service, Ralph and his wife, Marion, have been very generous with their financial support of the School.
Ralph was also the catalyst for a generous gift from classmate Bob Greenhill that established the Robert F. Greenhill '54 and Gayle G. Greenhill – Ruth W. Williams Distinguished Teaching Chair for Mathematics to help perpetuate Ruth Williams’ educational legacy at Gilman. Said Ralph, “Bob was one of the most successful guys in the investment banking business, and he did it all by himself. He basically introduced the computer to the whole corporate finance world.”
Ralph followed Mr. Greenhill’s example and directed his own First Things First leadership gift toward the chair. Their combined generosity not only honored Ruth Williams and recognized her husband, classmate Dr. McRae Williams '54, but also encouraged other classmates to contribute as well. To date, more than $2.27 million has been raised in total.
The endowed faculty chair, which satisfies a key campaign priority to support teaching and learning, will assist the School in recruiting and retaining superb faculty members. Ruth Williams is remembered for her mastery of mathematics, academic versatility, deep concern for students, and diligence as an advisor. The Williams Chair will honor an experienced faculty member in the math department who emulates the same qualities as the chair’s namesake: teaching acumen, scholarship, and deep dedication to students both in and out of the classroom. The first Chair was awarded to Don Rogers for the 2018 19 school year. The second award was presented to Ian Brooks during the 2019 commencement ceremony.
At the conclusion of his oral history, Ralph observed, “The people I know who were involved with Gilman in my time—Henry Callard, Reddy Finney, and Ludlow Baldwin — were some of the finest people that I’ve met. And Henry Smyth, all the faculty members, and staff today are wonderful people and outstanding in their field.” Truly, Ralph was a Gilman man for all seasons.
To learn more about the Ruth W. Williams
On average, 90 percent of Gilman faculty and staff support the gilman fund.
Faculty Giving Chairs
2013 2014 Pat Franz and John Mojzisek
2014 2015 Shonique Alexander and Rick Bowie '08
2015 2016 Darnell White and Larry Malkus
2016 2017 Patrick Hastings and Wendy Barger
2017‑2018 Frank Fitzgibbon and Linda Trapp
2018 2019 Matt Herman and Gretchen Martin
Mr. Donald L. Abrams
Ms. Pamela F. Abruzzo
Mr. Joseph M. Adams
Mr. Carl J. Ahlgren*
Mrs. Kristin A. Ahlgren
Ms. Paola Albergate
Mrs. Trevlin Alexander
Ms. Shonique L. Alexander
Ms. Alicia Allen
Ms. Lillian J. Alpert
Mr. Stephen Ammidown
Mr. Damien Anderson
Mr. David O. Anderson
Ms. Jillian Anthony
Ms. Karen Apollony
Mr. Shaka Arnold
Mr. Houegnon H. Attenoukon '09
Mr. Vincent Baccala
Mr. Nathaniel S. Badder '94
Mr. Justin W. Baker
Ms. Lisa Ballard
Mrs. Wendy Barger
Mr. Tyrone O. Barnes
Mr. Carl Barr
Mr. Allen M. Barrett, Jr. '67
Mrs. Jane G. Bartlett
Mr. William E. Bartz '99
Mr. Matthew C. Baum '93 &
Mrs. Deborah Baum
Mrs. Adrienne K. Beam
Mr. Christian Beitel
Ms. Alexandra Beiter
Mr. Christopher K. Bendann '03
Mr. Blake Blaze
Mrs. Brooke S. Blumberg
Mr. Robert R. Bowie III '08
Ms. Nancy Boyer
Ms. Clare E. Brennan
Ms. Angie Brickhouse
Mr. Sherman A. Bristow '67 & Mrs. Lori E. Haleski Bristow
Mr. Thomas H. Broadus III '86
Mr. Hartmond David Brooks
Mr. Ian C. Brooks
Ms. Kristin Brown
Ms. Michelle J. Brown
Mr. Omar Brown '07 & Mrs. Rakiya Brown
Mr. Isaiah Buchanan
Mr. Brendan Burke
Mr. Devin Camak
Mr. Tahare Campbell
Ms. Kelsey Carper
Mr. David Carter
Mrs. Sherry Carter
Mr. Gerard Courtney Chamberlain
Mr. Michael Chamberlain
Ms. Cecelia C. Chandler
Mr. Robert T. Chard, Jr.
Ms. Natalie Cheung
Mr. Jeffrey E. Christ
Mr. Daniel E. Christian
Ms. Kate Chronister
Mr. Joseph P. Ciattei, Sr.
Mr. Cesare S. Ciccanti
Ms. Leah Clement
Ms. Allison L. Conner*
Mr. Karl J. Connolly
Mrs. Kaye Cosimano
Mrs. Kelly Crawford
Mr. Gordon L. Culbertson
Mrs. Amy Cyman
Ms. Melissa Da
Mrs. Ashley P. Dagenais
Mr. Owen Daly IV
Ms. Gabriele Davis
Mrs. Patricia Ratcliffe Davis
Mr. Amos C. Dawson
Ms. Ashley Day
Mrs. Alice M. Dearing
Mr. Ariel F. Dechosa
Mr. John Denholm
Dr. Stephanie Dennis
Ms. Claudia DeSantis Whitaker
Mr. Douglas DeSmit & Mrs. Deborah DeSmit
Mr. Theodore A. DeWeese '11
Ms. Mary Diehl
Mr. Edward S. Digges III
Ms. Julia Dimaio
Mr. Vincent Dinoso
Mrs. Meisha R. Dockett
Ms. Lindsay Dorrance
Ms. Barbara Dorries
Mr. Christopher P. Downs
Ms. Kimberly Dubansky
Mr. Joseph N. Duncan
Ms. Kim L. Eddinger
Mr. Ethan Faust
Mrs. Stephanie Anne Felton
Mrs. Elizabeth Fink
Mr. Frank Fitzgibbon
Ms. Dominique Flickinger
Mr. Christopher C. Flint '07
Ms. Anna Follensbee
Mr. Robert Ford
Mr. Johnnie L. Foreman, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia L. Franz
Ms. Brook Frew
Mrs. Claudia Davis Friddell
Ms. Patricia L. Friel
Ms. Jamie Frieman
Ms. Diane Fuller
Mr. Sean T. Furlong & Mrs. Amy F. Furlong
Ms. Mary Furrer
Mr. Neil W. Gabbey
Ms. Catherine Gamper
Mr. William H. Gamper '71
Mr. Chris Garland
Mrs. Alice Garten
Mrs. Elayna Giordano Murphy
Ms. Isabelle Giorgis
Mr. Jay Gnanadoss
Mr. Aaron J. Goldman
Mr. Leslie E. Goldsborough III '82
Mr. S. Thomas Gorski
Ms. Rachel Gorsky
Mr. Jeffrey D. Gouline '00
Ms. Jeanne Green
Ms. Vanessa Griffin
Mr. Bartley Griffith
Mr. Stephen Gunzelman
Ms. Katherine S. Guyton
Mr. Lee Hadbavny
Ms. Marla A. Hager
Mrs. Kimberly A. Hammer
Mr. Albert Harris
Mr. Edward D. Harris III & Ms. Edith D. Meacham
Mr. Arvis Harvey
Mr. John Hastings
Mr. Patrick Hastings
Mrs. Sarah Heegan
Mr. Adam S. Herb
Mr. Matthew R. Herman
Mr. R. Leith Herrmann '64
Mr. Robert L. Heubeck, Jr.
Ms. Allison Hoffman
Mr. Marc J. Hoffman
Mr. Zachary T. Hoffman '07
Mr. Jason Hogan
Mr. Timothy Holley, Jr. '77
Mr. Bryn T. Holmes
Mr. Andrew Holt
Mr. Matthew J. Honohan
Dr. Daniel S. Houston & Mrs. Kellie A. Houston
Mr. Arthur J. Howard, Jr.
Mr. Kevin Hudson
Mrs. Erica Hudson
Mr. Paul Wesley Hummer, Jr.
Ms. Annie B. Hunt
Ms. Amy Huntoon
Ms. Joan M. Hurley
Mrs. Virginia H. Iglehart
Ms. Tami James &
Mr. Barry James
Mrs. Lana L. Janian
Mr. Alexander Jimenez
Ms. Angela Johnson
Mrs. Karaline Johnson
Mr. Carl Jones
Mr. W. Andre Jones &
Ms. Debbie Jones
Mr. Anthony W. Jordan
Ms. Laura Jordan
Mrs. Darlene Kastner
Mrs. Barbara S. Keigler
Mr. R. Bryan Kelleher
Mrs. Meredith M. Kimtis
Mrs. Bonita L. Klug
Ms. Elizabeth Knapp
Mrs. Jackie A. Knipp
Mrs. Hannah Kolkin
Mrs. Jennifer Korczakowski
Mr. Keith S. Kormanik '91
Mr. K. Shanthi Kumar
Dr. Peter O. Kwiterovich III '87
Mr. Peter Lander
Mr. Merle Langley
Ms. Dina Lansinger
Mr. Jerome Latimer
Mr. Timothy Lauer
Mr. Armond T. Lawson
Mr. John W. Layman
Mr. Brian Ledyard
Mr. Ralph Lee
Mr. Christopher B. Legg '67
Mr. Mark Lemon
Mr. Ismael Leon
Mrs. Kara Levinson
Mrs. Rebecca Gray Levy
Ms. Sarah Lloyd
Dr. Cecilia Lobato Eppler
Ms. Talisa Lonon
Ms. Abigail Lyon
Mr. William L. Malkus, Jr.
Mr. Dennis P. Malone '68
Mr. Eric S. Marner
Mrs. Gretchen Martin
Mr. Diego Matorras
Ms. Jillian Matos
Mr. Brooks B. Matthews '87
Mrs. Diana P. Matthews
Mr. M. Lamont Matthews
Ms. Teresa Long Mays
Mrs. Amy McAdams
Ms. Jessica McDonald
Mrs. Cheryl L. McElroy
Mr. Jeff McGhee
Ms. Millie McKeachie
Ms. Daphne McWilliams
Mr. Curtis E. Meador, Jr.
Mr. David Menard
Mr. William S. Merrick, Jr. '51
Mr. Cody Miles
Ms. Sarah J. Miller
Mr. Ray A. Mills
Mrs. Nicole K. Mitchell
Dr. John Mojzisek
Mr. Michael O. Molina
Ms. Caroline Mooser
Ms. Danielle Moran
Ms. Cathy Morcomb
Ms. Missy Moreland
Mr. James D. Morrison
Ms. Amy Mussen
Ms. Jaime N. Neaman
Mrs. Jessica Nelson
Ms. Lynn Nichols
Ms. Cheryl Nkeba
Ms. Melissa C. Oddo
Mrs. Margaret Olgeirson
Mr. Paul Gerhard M. Otto
Ms. Erika Outlaw
Mr. Steve T. Paquette
Ms. Joyce Parsons
Mr. William H. Perkins
Mr. James Pettit
Mr. Gregory Phillips
Mr. Jeffrey Pietrzak
Mr. Nicholas A. Pitruzzella
Mrs. Anne E. Plempel
Mrs. Jodi L. Pluznik
Mrs. Hope S. Pollard
Ms. Phyllis Pollard
Mrs. Mary Ellen Porter
Mr. Ronald R. Potter
Mr. Bryan D. Powell
Ms. Kelly Powell
Mrs. Penelope R. Power
Mr. Mike Pursley
Mrs. Kimberley Radle
Ms. M. Kate Ratcliffe
Mrs. Elizabeth Ratcliffe
Ms. Jennifer S. K. Reiter
Ms. Carla Rich
Mr. John W. Richardson
Mrs. Ellen Rizzuto
Mr. Donald F. Rogers, Jr.
Ms. Kaitlin Rogers
Ms. Erin Ross
Ms. Sarah Ross
Ms. Barbara Rothstein
Mr. Efrem Rouzer
Mr. John G. Rowell
Ms. Brook Russell
Mr. Henry Z. Russell '99
Dr. Alvaro Salcedo De Diego
Ms. Carmen Sambuco
Mr. Babukutty Valiyakalayil
Dr. Susan Santos
Ms. Vivian L. Sawyer
Ms. Johanna Schein
Mr. Nicholas C. Schloeder '85
Dr. Jennifer Schmerling
Mr. John E. Schmick '67
Mr. John O. Schmick '97
Mrs. Carol A. Schuch
Mr. Robert O. Schuetz
Ms. Sabrina Schumann
Mr. Will Schutt
Mr. Jonathan M. Seal
Mr. Daniel L. Senft III
Mrs. Elizabeth Sesler Beckman
Mrs. Lisa Shapiro
Mr. Trevor A. Shattuck
Mr. Christopher Sheard
Mr. Larry K. Sheets
Ms. Tammy Sherrill
Mr. Richard J. Shock '08 & Mrs. Jill Shock
Ms. Donna S. Simonetta
Mr. Stephen A. Siwinski
Mr. Derrick A. Smith
Ms. Essie Smith
Mr. Francis W. Smith '70
Mr. Robert D. Smith
Mrs. Sarah C. Smith
Mr. Vaughan Smith
Mr. Henry P. A. Smyth
Mr. Damon Spencer
Mr. Jason Sport
Mr. James S. B. Spragins '73
Ms. Elizabeth P. Stafford
Ms. Rebecca Stevens
Ms. Rebecca Stolzenbach
Mrs. Amy Summers
Mrs. Taylor B. Sweeney
Mrs. Maria Swindell
Mr. Daniel Tate
Ms. Lisa Teeling
Mr. Peter Tenney
Mrs. Tamera T. Testerman
Mrs. Katherine M. Thomas
Mr. Donell Thompson, Jr. '91
Dr. Jerry J. Thornbery
Mrs. Maria Velleggia Tilley
Ms. Mary M. Todd
Ms. Linda S. Trapp
Ms. Alexandra Travis
Mr. Matthew T. Tully '02
Mrs. Michelle Turner
Mrs. Ivana Turner
Ms. Donna S. Vaccaro
Ms. Kelly Van Zile
Mr. Mark Wachtmeister
Mr. Michael J. Wallace
Ms. Faith E. Ward
Dr. Shana Ward
Mrs. Caroline Way
Dr. Armistead Webster
Ms. Maryann Wegloski
Mr. Darnell White
Mr. Robert A. White
Ms. Rosa M. White
Mr. Charles E. Wiles IV '02
Mr. Zaccai Williams
Mr. Samuel Willson
Mr. David Wilson
Mrs. Mary Galvin Wilson
Mr. Troy Wilson
Ms. Jillian Wolf
Ms. Mee F. Wong
Mr. Benjamin T. Woodward*
Ms. Tamira Worrell
Mr. Thomas Russell Wrenn '96
Mr. John S. Xanders '77
Mrs. Marian S. Xanders
Mr. Dennis D. Yommer
Mr. Matthew Zealand
Mr. David Zeller
“I feel blessed to teach at Gilman, where faculty eagerly challenge and support students, and where students ably meet those challenges and trust in their teachers’ support. Through the many opportunities to form and deepen these relationships, Gilman helps all of us experience the unique sense of fulfillment that can only come through the collaborative pursuit of excellence and in the shared celebration of each other’s achievements.”
-Patrick Hastings P'32, English Department Chair
Anonymous (21)
1919 Investment Counsel LLC
A.C. & Penney Hubbard Foundation
Abide Foundation Inc.
Advanced Plastic Surgery
Alcatraz Outlaws LLC
All Risks Ltd.
Allen Family Foundation
Alsop Family Foundation
Alvin & Louise Myerberg Family Foundation Inc.
American Gift Fund
American Online Giving Foundation Inc.
Anne Tisdale & Associates Inc.
Arborvitae Fund
Arguild Foundation
Arthur and Isadora Dellheim Foundation
Associated: Jewish Community Federation
AXA Foundation
Baltimore Community Foundation
Baltimore Educational Scholarship Trust
Bank of America Charitable Foundation Inc.
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Barclays Educational Matching Gift Program
Baum Foundation
Bay State Health Consultants Inc.
Belmont Farm
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Bessemer National Gift Fund
Bessemer Trust Company
BFR Motorsports
BlackRock Matching Gift Program
Blair Painting & Contracting Company Inc.
BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund
Boeing Gift Matching Program
Breitenecker & Associates
Breza & Associates LLC
Bright Funds Foundation
Brown Advisory
Brown Capital Management LLC
Browser Piven
Bryn Mawr School
Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP
CAIB Solutions LLC
Calvert Nephrology Group
Campbell Foundation Inc.
Capitol Strategies LLC
Carol O’Brien Associates Inc.
Carroll Family Foundation
Casey Charitable Matching Programs
Cassiopeia Foundation Inc.
Chapin Davis Foundation
Charities Aid Foundation
Charles F. & Margaret M. H. Obrecht Family Foundation
Charles Street Asset Management Inc.
Charter Radiology LLC
Chesapeake Food Works
Chorske Family Foundation
Classic Catering People
Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Inc.
CME Group Inc.
CN Robinson Lighting Supply Company
Colchester Foot Specialists
Columbia Family Dentist
Comerica Charitable Trust
Comfort Home Care Services
Community Foundation for Richmond & Central Virginia
Community Foundation for a greater Richmond
Community Foundation for the National Capital Region
Community Foundation of Howard County Community Foundation of Westmoreland County
Cooke Brothers Funeral Chapel Inc.
Coppermine Fieldhouse LLC
Cordish Family Foundation Inc.
Corporate Brokers LLC
Craig Insurance Agency
Crofton Family Dentistry
CRW Parts Inc.
CyberGrants SPV LLC
D. R. Long Foundation Inc.
Dandy Solar Electric
David Hess Industries LLC
Deering Family Foundation Inc.
Delbert Adams Construction Group LLC
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Dominion Foundation
Don, Galleher & Associates
Dryden Family Foundation Inc.
Dunbar Armored
Durand Ventures
Earle & Annette Shawe Family Foundation
Edward J. Gallagher, Jr. Foundation Inc.
Edward St. John Foundation Inc.
Eggers Family Fund
Eliasberg Family Foundation Inc.
Elizabeth Callard Olson Revocable Trust
Elizabeth H. and Thomas H. Broadus Jr. Foundation
Elkridge Club Women’s Golf Association
ESC III Concepts
Ethel M. Looram Foundation
Evoke Learning Inc.
Exelon Foundation Matching Gift Program
Experient Research Group LLC
Fabpro Technologies
Fairport Asset Management
Fancy Hill Foundation
Favorite Smile
Feather Foundation Inc.
Felser P.C.
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Fiduciary Trust Company
First Home Mortgage Corp.
First Real Estate Management LLC
Fitchett Stick Foundation Inc.
Flik Independent School Dining
Florence and Charles Hoffberger Charitable Foundation Inc.
Foundation for the Carolinas Foundation for the Charlotte Jewish Community Foundation for the Promotion of Individual Opportunity Inc.
Foundation Test Group Inc.
Fresno Strategic Business Coaching
Frye Inc. T/A Fellner Meats
Ganduglia Trucking
George and Ruth Babylon Foundation
George S. Rich Family Foundation Inc.
Giant Food LLC
Gilman Parents Association
Give Back Foundation
Glenmede Trust Company
Global Air Media
Goldman Sachs Gives
Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Gorter Family Foundation
Great Chesapeake Comm. LLC
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Greater Washington Community Foundation
Greenhill Family Foundation
Guerrerio Family Foundation
Gulf Coast Community Foundation Inc.
H & S Bakery
H. G. Roebuck & Son Inc.
Hanan & Carole Sibel Family Foundation Inc.
Hardiman Family Foundation
Harford Mutual Insurance Company
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
Harryman House
Hart Management LLC
Hawthorn, PNC Financial Services Group
Healey Family Foundation
Health Quest Chiropractic & Physical Therapy LLC
Hebb Family Private Foundation
Helen S. and Merrill L. Bank Foundation Inc.
Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation
Heritage Elite LLC
High Water Ventures LLC
Hoffberger Family Philanthropies
Honeywell International Charity Matching IBM Corporation
Israel & Mollie Myers Foundation Inc.
J. M. Kaplan Fund
J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Jacob S. Shapiro Foundation
James G. Corckran, Jr. Charitable Foundation Inc.
James Riepe Family Foundation
Jay and Carol Jean Young Foundation
Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation
JLL Community Connections
John B. & Marguerite M. Owens Foundation
John C. Davison Family Charitable Foundation Inc.
John H. Doak Consulting
Kahlert Foundation Inc.
Kathy L. Shapiro Foundation Inc.
Keith Campbell Foundation for the Environment Inc.
Kelton Research LLC
Kenney Family Foundation
Kent Family Foundation
Kiefer Foundation
Kittredge Properties
Kronthal Family Foundation
L’Aiglon Foundation
Lakeside Title Company
Lanahan Publishers Inc.
Lance Miyamoto Consulting LLC
Lanx Management LLC
Lauer Philanthropic Foundation
Law Office of Martin H. Schreiber II LLC
Law Offices of Gallagher & Hansen LLP
Law Offices of Teresa N. Taylor LLC
Legg Mason Global Asset Management
Legum Foundation
Let’s Dance Social Club
Linehan Family Foundation Inc.
Lines by Alan Green Inc.
Luray and Associates Inc.
Mariner Swim Club Inc.
Maryland Prosthodontic Associates
Mass Mutual Life Insurance
MassMutual Matching Gift Center
McManus Foundation Inc.
Mechanical Engineering and Construction Corporation
Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland
MedImmune LLC
Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust
Morningstar Investments LLC
Moving Company Dance Center
Mr. Smoothie Inc.
Munder Skiles LLC
Murphy Family Charitable Foundation Inc.
Muse Foundation
MV Fitness LLC
N. Ginsburg & Son Inc. DBA Floors Etc.
National Christian Foundation Houston
National Philanthropic Trust
Network For Good
Network Media Partners Inc.
Next One Up Foundation
Novak Biddle Venture Partners
Number Ten Foundation Inc.
Ober Kaler
Ochs Family Foundation Inc.
Old Town Construction LLC
Omega Healthcare International
Once For All Inc.
One8 Foundation
O’Neil Family Foundation
Orthopaedics & Spine Care PA
O’Shea/Auen Fund
Pacific Casualty & General Insurance LTD
Passano Family Foundation
Paternotte Family Foundation
PayPal Gives Employee Engagement Fund
Pennyghael Foundation Inc.
PNC Foundation
Premier Research
Princeton Area Community Foundation
Quest Diagnostics
Radcliffe Jewelers
Ralph and Shirley Klein Foundation Inc.
RBR Foundation Inc.
Reginald F. Lewis Foundation Inc.
Reilly Electrical Services Inc.
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.
Richard & Rosalee Davison Foundation Inc.
Richard Laurence Parish Foundation
Robb & Elizabeth Tyler Foundation Inc.
Robert & Cynthia Miller Foundation
Roebuck & Son Inc.
Rosen & Wendell LLC
RPCS Philanthropic Literacy Board
S. Livingston Mather Charitable Trust
Salisbury Family Foundation Inc.
Sang & Jane Enterprises Inc.
Santa Barbara Foundation
SB & Company LLC
SC&H Group Inc.
Schwab Charitable Fund
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Matching Gifts
Shrewsbury Family Dentistry
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Sophisticated Ladies Co.
Stifler Family Foundation
Stony Point Foundation
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
Summerfield Baldwin Foundation
Susan and John Turben Foundation
Synergy Benefit Consultants LLC
T. Rowe Price Foundation Inc.
Matching Gifts
T. Rowe Price Group Inc.
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
TASC Giveback
Taylor Foundation Inc.
TC Group
Textron Matching Gift Program
The EntreScope Initiative for Classroom 34 Storyworks at LOC
The Thomas B. & Elizabeth M.
Sheridan Foundation
Theo C. Rodgers Emergency Fund
Thomas & Carol Obrecht Family Foundation
Thomas Wilson Sanitarium
Thomson Reuters
Thornedge Foundation
Tim & Barbara Schweizer Foundation Inc.
TO THE CORE Physical Therapy & Conditioning
Toby & Melvin Weinman Foundation
Travelers Insurance
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
UBS Donor Advised Fund
UBS Foundation Matching Gift Program
United Way Mile High United Way of Central Maryland Vaco Richmond LLC
Valley Dental Health
Van Dyke Family Foundation
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Verizon Foundation
W. P. Carey Foundation
Walt Disney Company Foundation
Warnock Family Foundation Inc.
Way & Gate Foundation Inc
Wednesday Club
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Wells Fargo Foundation
Wieler Family Foundation
Wilgis, Darrell & Associates Inc.
William H. Jarrett II Foundation
Wiltonwood Foundation
Wolf Pack Fund
Wolters Kluwer Health
Women’s Traffic & Transportation Club Inc.
Wyndhurst Improvement Association
Xcell Orthopedics of the Mid Atlantic Inc.
YourCause LLC
Zappone Family Fund of Westmoreland County
Zerhouni Family Charitable Foundation Inc.
Zink Investment Corporation Inc.
You helped Gilman put First Things First, and we are so grateful for the incredible support. Your generous philanthropy will help the School to achieve the goals set forth in our new Strategic Plan:
Delivering The Gilman Experience
We are driven by excellence, inspired by our mission, and motivated by our purpose. Our bold plan is to ensure that the very best program, people, and resources are aligned in order to deliver an exceptional Gilman experience.
Mark R. Fetting '72, PP
Paul F. McBride PP**
Scott A. Wieler PP
Vice Presidents
John F. Cavanaugh '87, P'21
Taylor S. Classen '82, P'20
Harry D. Halpert '85, P'15, '17, '20
D. W. Wells Obrecht '82, PP
William L. Paternotte '63, PP, GP**
Scott Sherman '72, PP
Michael J. Weinfeld '91, P'17, '23
Mitchell D. Whiteman '94
Susan D. Ginkel PP
Laurel H. Perry P'19, '22, '24
John Avirett '01
Erin Becker PP
Robert G. Blue '81, PP
Frank A. Bonsal III '82, P'25
E. Thomas Booker III '79, PP
Thomas S. Bozzuto '92, P'27
Andrew M. Brooks '74, PP
Edward W. Brown III '84, PP
Andrew M. Cameron '87, P'26
Francis J. Carey III
Will Carey II
David H. Carroll, Jr. '88, PP
Robert T. Cashman PP
Michel F. Cavallon PP
Jeffrey H. Cohen PP
Cardella W. Coleman P'24
Samuel M. Dell III '61
D. Lawson DeVries III '96
Susan G. Dunn PP
Charles C. Edwards II '88, P'20, '25
Charles C. Fenwick, Jr. '66, PP, GP**
Eben D. Finney III '76, PP
Mitchell F. Ford '82, PP
Benjamin H. Griswold IV '58, PP
Gerard C. Harrison '93
George B. Hess, Jr. '55, PP**
Kathleen B. Hogan PP
Cheo D. Hurley '92, P'25, '30
Jonathon S. Jacobson '79**
Caroline A. Jeppi PP
Lynne B. Kahn PP
David Kim '97
D. Brooks Kitchel II '88, P'24
Benson E. Legg '66, PP
John D. Linehan '83, PP
Brenna F. McGowan PP
Charlotte E. Modly PP
Charles A. Morris P'15, '22
Henry I. Myerberg '73
Mark D. Neumann '81, PP
R. Davis Noell '97
Samuel Peters P'22, '24
Troy Rohrbaugh '88
Frank B. Rosenberg '76, PP
Cindy Scheiner P'20
Delano J. Schmidt '99
Dara S. Schnee P'18, '20
Stephen T. Scott '64, PP**
Alexis Seth PP
Kathy L. Shapiro PP
Eva F. Simmons O’Brien PP
Erika Slater P'21, '23
Jared D. Spahn '91, P'21
Jonathan W. Thayer P'20
J. Richard Thomas, Sr. '43, PP, GP**
George E. Thomsen '48, PP, GP**
Khalil Uqdah '06
Charles L. Wagandt III '99
Marcus L. Wang '00
Thomas J. S. Waxter III '82, PP
Clarence L. Young III '73
Karlo G. Young '97, P'30