THE June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Ms. Turner Retires by
Basil A postolo
“July 1st, I’m not coming to Gilman!” marveled Ms. Turner. After 41 years of working in education, Ms. Ivana Turner will retire at the end of this school year. Before serving as Head of the Upper School at Gilman, she led the College Counseling Department and taught English at The Bryn Mawr School across the street. In 2002, Ms. Turner became the first female Head of the Upper School. Mr. Smyth, the Headmaster, describes such an appointment as “not a small deal,” saying that it was, “not an insignificant appointment, but they clearly picked the right woman, and more importantly, the right person for the job.” Speaking about what she will miss, Ms. Turner said she will miss the people, adding that “It’s so much fun being around our student body which is so talented.” Everyday she comes to Gilman, she is “surrounded by 500 smart, interesting people.” Talking about the move from teaching at Br y n Maw r to teaching and administrating at Gilman, Ms. Turner named some of the differences as “noise, robustness, humor, and the potential for explosions.” She says, “There’s an unpredictability about being among boys that is pretty invigorating. You never know what’s going to happen in any given day.” A few weeks ago, Andrew Park (‘14), and the Upper School String Ensemble, held a surprise performance in the Common Room for Ms. Turner. Andrew Park played “Songs My Mother Taught Me” by Antonin Dvorak. Then, the entire string ensemble performed one of Turner’s favorites, “America The Beautiful.” Ms. Turner called this tribute performance, “an example of one of those sweet, unpredictable moments, that
Mr. Perkins Departs by
happens here.” When Mr. Smyth spoke about Ms. Turner, he described working with her as a, “real joy” and that, “she combines wit and wisdom” in her approach to leading
the Upper School. Mr. Smyth points out one notable skill she demonstrates when dealing with students. “She engages in banter with the boys in during assembly. She’s all alone up front, and when you have 450 boys clamoring for a dress down day, sometimes she says yes, and sometimes no, but she says no in a way that keeps the person who asked for the dress down day’s integrity intact.” Mr. Smyth says her ability to laugh in some difficult moments is also very appreciated by him. Whether as an advocate for students, faculty, or new ideas, Ms. Turner has left an indelible mark on the Upper School and will be missed next year. As for her plans next year, Ms. Turner wants to help members of her family. She said she has books to read, a garden to tend, and a list of many little things she wants to do.
Mr. Smyth, After One Year
Volume CXIII No. 8
Thomas Troy
How many times has Mr. Perkins reached out to help you? Mr. Perkins will leave behind a legacy of relating to students and as one of the most genuine teachers at Gilman. After impacting the lives of countless students at Gilman, Mr. Perkins has decided to move on after twenty years of teaching, coaching, and advising within the community. Mr. Perkins joined Gilman in 1994 af ter depar ting f rom Moorestow n Friends School, searching up and down the east coast for a teaching position. One of his main focuses was finding a school not only where he could teach, but also where his three sons could earn a quality education. A certain school in Baltimore, Maryland, caught his attention: “Gilman had a stunning reputation and could be their home for many years. Plus they offered me a job.” All three of Mr. Perkins’ sons ended up graduating from the school, members of the classes of 2000, 2002, and 2006. Over the course of his career, Mr. Perkins has proven to be a versatile asset to Gilman in both teaching and coaching. He was coach of the fresh-soph soccer team for the entirety of his time here, but also coached hockey, including a two year stint as coach of the Varsity team. Off the field, he has served as Form chair and on the Honor and Teacher Evaluation committees. As a teacher, Mr. Perkins mentioned his enjoyment through leading coordinated classes and about how teaching students has given him complete images of their personalities: “When a student struggles with grammar but then nails a song in a play or makes a great move in a game, you see that person more fully. When the kid who breezes through the subjunctive labors to produce art he likes for a project, you understand that everyone finds a challenge in High School.”
from experience as he can. Mr. Schmick, a lifelong teacher, coach, and overall conFounder’s Day 2014 marks the conclu- the essential basis of knowledge about tributor to the Gilman community whom sion of Mr. Henry Smyth’s first year as Gilman and its amazMr. Smyth succeeded as Headmaster of Gilman. Toward the end ing people. Headmaster, was able of nearly ten months of hard work, school Also beneficial to to impart much of his spirit, and lots of important administra- his transition was wisdom on Mr. Smyth tive decisions, I had the distinct pleasure the advice that he during the summer, and of sitting down with Mr. Smyth to “catch received from both to this day offers him up.” current colleagues advice: “I have several Upon considering this school year in and former Headpeople on speed- dia l review, Mr. Smyth noted how crucial his masters at the school. whom I can call, includthree-year tenure as Assistant Head- Mr. Smyth claimed, ing Mr. Schmick. He was master was in aiding his transition to “One of the things I’ve a great help for me.” Headmaster: “I couldn’t imagine coming learned is to spend a Hav ing ser ved as an here new in the fall, when I would be lot of time in your understudy of sorts to learning little things like where the bath- first year listening,” Mr. Schmick’s mastery room is and what students’ interests are.” proving his commitof the Headmaster role His ability to connect with the student ment to absorbing at Gilman, Mr. Smyth is and faculty bodies provided him with as much knowledge now faced with the task by
Spencer Morris
When asked to elaborate on how Gilman has changed over the course of his career, Mr. Perkins pinpointed the use of technology within the classroom: “The degree to which we use computers
to communicate with students is a radical change. Plus I can get listening exercises, videos, songs, and movies in Spanish and share them with a class at the drop of a hat.” When reviewing his plans for the future, Mr. Perkins described them as “deliberately vague,” although he does hope to embark on a cross-country trip in June. In addition, he looks forward to visiting his newborn granddaughter, who was born in late April. Next year, the Gilman community will be without an amazing teacher, coach, and advisor in Mr. Perkins, but his mark on the school as a whole will cement him into the hearts and minds of students, faculty, and alumni alike.
of progressing Mr. Schmick’s legacy – most notably the “Gilman Five” – into Gilman’s future. “The Gilman Five are definitely a Mr. Schmick legacy,” asserted Mr. Smyth, “and they’re part of Gilman now … I believe in the Gilman Five, and that’s part of the reason I took this job.” Mr. Smyth especially hopes to promote humility and integrity, his favorites of the Five, adding his own nuances to these two ideals, which he believes are most uniquely Gilman. Realizing that “we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves,” arguably Mr. Smyth’s most prevalent message to the Gilman community this year, contributes to both humility and integrity. Mr. Smyth has particularly enjoyed living on campus, a notion that originally continued on page 12
OPINION Tyler Plack on Stereotypes (page 3); Nicholas Kuchar on American Standing (page 5) EXCLUSIVES Letter from School President Spencer Perry (page 13); Gilman Film Fest (page 11)
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Volume CXIII No. 8
Bred for Hatred: My Experience with a Communist each American citizen’s view surrounding munism prevents a society from measurCommunism seems to be formed before ing success in terms of money: “The best As an American child, he or she has any exposure to Communist man should not be the man with the most I was bred from birth to hate three ty pes of people: terrorists, pedophiles, and Communists. I hate terrorists because they kill innocent people, and I hate pedophiles because they rape children, but why should I hate Communists? Before I was able to conceptualize exactly what the word Communism meant in a political sense, I equated the word with all of the world’s worst evils. I knew it to be a corrupt political system that encourages the oppression of all citizens and was an evil of which America had to rid the world. Recently, I realized something: American culture had fostered a loathing for Communists within me even though I had never met one. About two months photo by Ava Yensan ago, that changed when I met Ivan Con- culture. treraz Cuadrado on the Sevilla exchange In simple terms, Communism is an money.” Essentially, Capitalism allows that I participated in through Gilman. economic system wherein everything money to control all of life, and CommuThe images of Communists that had is publicly owned. Everybody works in nism forces people to focus on something been portrayed in my mind were those order to contribute to the community, other than their own bank accounts. of scary, serious Soviet men or deceitful, and they are paid according to their Rather than debating the lack of ambicondescending Chinese politicians. Ivan needs. In Ivan’s opinion, Communism is tion, corruption, and unfairness that can does not fall into either of these sweep- the best political system because it tends occur in Communist societies, I want ing generalizations. He is a fun loving, to a better educational system. The way to recognize the validity of his points. mild mannered, and simply hysterical that he explained it to me was that Capi- They are a little bit far-fetched, and I Spaniard. Needless to say, we got along talism educates people to become work- will always favor a Capitalist society, great. ers, whereas people educated under the but by no means are these points evil or Ever since the cold war, America has realms of Communism are taught to be created an “us against them” mentality good, smart, active members of the comsurrounding the issue of Communism. By munity, not just disposable, machine-like manipulating the media and pop culture, workers. Later, Ivan explained that ComBy Jason Moscow
corrupt. Why should I loathe a person who believes in an economic theory that I disagree with? The answer is, I should not. When I asked Ivan why he thought Americans typically dislike Communists, he responded in his charming Spanish accent, “Because the films, the television, and the books say that Communism is bad.” Think about the numerous James Bond movies where Bond, the hero, is fighting with a conniving Communist villain. Nothing about the villain’s approval of an economic theory makes him evil, but that picture of an evil Communist is painted in our mind. Without a doubt, America’s hatred for Communism stemmed from Cold War tensions, and therefore many of the Bond films, which came out during the Cold War, portrayed the antagonist as Communist. For fifteen years of my life, ignorance has molded my perception of what “Dem Commie Bastards” are like. After becoming good friends with a kid who is supposed to be “the enemy,” I learned how easy it is to manipulate society into generalizing one group to have such a negative connotation behind it. Not only is Ivan intelligent and capable of defending his political views, but he is also just a nice kid. There is nothing wrong with being ignorant, but when you face your ignorance head on, make sure that you are willing to change your opinion. Never should someone’s economic view determine who he or she is on a personal level.
College Board Announces Future Changes to 2016 SAT
(410) 323–3800 ext. 448 The News reserves the right to edit letters for length and grammar. Send correspondence to, or to: The Gilman News Gilman School 5407 Roland Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21210
E ditor i a l Sta ff : Ty l er P l ac k B a si l A postolo S pe nc er M or r is Ja son M oscow B l a k e L eona r d Wol fga ng D r a k e Z ac h Pol l ac k
E di tor s - i n -C h i ef M a nagi ng E di tor F e at u r es E di tor Pol i t ic a l E di tor C u lt u r e E di tor P hoto E di tor
Facult y A dv isors: C esa r e C icc a n t i , A n na Fol l e nsbee , D i a n e F u l l er
C ontr ibutors: Tobi n B rombe rg , C on r a d C l e m e ns , M ic h a e l H ol m e s , G us M e n y, B e n M u r ph y, A a ron S lu t k i n , M at t Tom a se l l i , Thom a s Troy
Gus M eny
Every high school student has heard of the infamous SAT at least once in their lives. The st a nd a rd i z e d test, for many, will partially determine their fate. According to the New York Times, over 1.6 million students took the SAT last year. As such, when the SAT undergoes a large number of changes, the effects are no doubt felt by a sizeable amount of our country’s student population. Recently, the College Board issued, according to their website, “eight key changes” to the process; some of those include making the essay portion optional and using more relevant vocabulary in the Reading section. These changes certainly make sense, but as a sophomore who will never experience them, I have to ask: where were these changes before, and why has it taken the College Board this long to recognize problems with the SAT? As the College Counseling Department stated, “The current Writing section doesn’t encourage or reward good writing,” and the only reason to know the vocabulary on the SAT is to excel on the test. Ethan Avotins (’16), when asked about missing the changes, stated, “I’m kind of bummed, because I don’t want to be taking an SAT in which there are words you’re never going to use in real life,” and this seems reasonable. The revamped SAT will inconvenience two years’ worth of students - or based on previous estimates, 3 million test-takers - by waiting until 2016 to implement these new changes.
Still, it’s hard to complain about the changes to the test, which appear to be a positive benefit. Sam Sobkov (’17) shared, “I feel like the SAT is a benchmark for colleges, and if it’s easier, it’s just not going to be as important; there’s going to be less to differentiate between the great students and the best students… I’m excited not only because it’s going to be easier to study for, but also because it’s going to be less of a milestone if you do really well.” But upon further thought, the somewhat unreasonable peculiarity of the vocabulary separated the best students from the decent ones while also throwing others aside unfairly. Even though the 2016 changes to the SAT have solved some of these problems, they have effectively opened the door for a less fixable problem in the future: how will the College Board determine the strength of each participant now that the test has become significantly easier? The SAT has been a staple of College Board malice for decades, and will presumably remain as such. These changes are neither the right ones nor drastic enough to significantly impact society’s approval of the SAT.
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Stereotypes Among the Tri Schools by
Tyler Plack
Stereotypes are always among us. They can function as a quick, efficient, and somet i me s c or r e c t w ay to c ategor i ze la rge amounts of people with minimal effort. Sometimes stereotypes work at categorizing and identifying, but at most other times they fail. Because stereotypes permeate culture, it is worthwhile to look at the stereotypes among the three schools. When asked to identify some of the stereotypes affecting girls from Bryn Mawr and Roland Park, Charlotte Jeanne of Bryn Mawr (‘15) cogently outlined the dichotomy with a phrase that is well-known among the three schools. She explained, “If you want to become a doctor, go to Bryn Mawr. If you want to marry a doctor, go to Roland Park.” The fact that she is not the first person to make this comment shows just how far similar ideas have permeated the community, and this is not the case just at Bryn Mawr. Roland Park student, Allison Kuhn (‘15), was also familiar with this statement. She asked, “What’s wrong with marrying a doctor?” In spite of the fact that Allison’s comment may appear rhetorical, she brings an excellent point into question. Her response reveals a nuanced approach, creating distinguishable irony among those who believe the stereotypes. Instead, she is able to reclaim these pointed words and instead use them as a means of empower-
ment, or at least to diminish the intended judgement. As different students seek to overcome such stereotypes, her comeback could also be seen as facetious or as questioning the very basis of the idea of “becoming a doctor” and the superiority that it suggests. On a greater level, the ‘doctor comment’ has applications and interpretations that have done more to hurt the community than to bring it together. The line has rubbed off on many. Charlotte Jeanne and Eleni Sabracos both remarked on one element of the stereotype, that “Bryn Mawr girls are ugly.” Annie Prevas of Bryn Mawr (‘15), however, responded, “That’s just not true.” When asked to identify stereotypes about RPCS, Allison explained, “We’re more fun,” later outlining the idea that girls from RPCS are also more attractive. These ideas are sometimes knocked down during coordinated classes, but at other times they fuel the stereotypes even more. Charlotte described how her experiences in coordinated classes have belied tri-school stereotypes. “I think having coordinated classes defuses a lot of the stereotypes, like, for example, that there’s a feud between Bryn Mawr and Roland Park. I think that’s because I have classes with Roland Park girls.” At first, there is discomfort fueled by apprehension, that is, in many instances, followed by a special sense of fellowship, a mutual understanding, eventually reaching the idea that stereotypes are fast, but they greatly lack in accuracy.
Sharing a Street But Never Crossing Paths by Isaac
H ager and Wolfie Drake
Roland Park: two words Gilman students associate with the ever-connected RPCS, a sister academy to rival our own. However, if one were to travel just a hop and a skip down Roland Avenue, an entirely different Roland Park environment would come into view: Roland Park Public School (RPPS). With such a close proximity, it’s surprising that Gilman pays no heed to the denizens and community of RPPS. Even though it lies less than a hundred feet behind the old gym, this public institution seems snubbed, barred from Gilman life in a fashion that would be deemed classless should it be part of the elite tri-school community. To many, RPPS is known simply as a cause for morning traffic, an afterthought in the scheme of Baltimore private education. With Gilman being so close and so similar, it’s frustrating that the level of interaction is so limited. Gilman prides itself on excellence through community, and by failing to reach out to RPPS, we are fostering a muted form of Gilman superiority and separatism. When transitioning from Roland Park Public School to Gilman during my seventh grade year, walking into Gilman on my first day truly felt like walking into a foreign land. Class size, building layout, and diversity in the student body all contributed to the middle school equivalent of culture shock. With a sixth grade class of thirty-two students, a large por-
tion being African-American, both the people and facilities of Gilman seemed progressive and cozy compared to the atmosphere of my former school. Despite t he “upgrade” bet ween schools, a number of things continued to surprise me throughout my seventh grade year: for one, the novel idea of assembly. Gilman appeared to foster a sense of community, and, just as importantly, communication. Rarely, if ever, did Roland Park Public meet en masse, and the lack of fraternity left one unfamiliar with all the students; even students in the same grade. Through all of the changes in school structure, the extra responsibility and privileges of Gilman lost their newfound sheen, leaving the similarities clear. Both institutions are dedicated to educating, both harbor talented and unique students, and both schools, ultimately, fail to share their excellence with each other. Each school lacks interest in the other, and because Gilman views Roland Park Public with the similar apathy that Roland Park Public views Gilman, an enrichment opportunity is held in stalemate. Perhaps this disconnect stems from the stark contrast in school setting as perceived by members of each community, though, through experiences at both schools, Gilman and Roland Park Public hold the same values, efforts, and potentials. The mutual disinterest emanating from the students of both schools creates an unhealthy element of segregation. But
Volume CXIII No. 8
Artifact Paper Reflection by Gus M eny Unison of the disciplines has long been cherished in school environments, and our school, in it’s most powerful effort to accomplish this conglomeration of academic subjects created a massive paper for the sophomores: The Artifact Paper. Every Gilman Upper School student, with a few exceptions, experiences the Artifact Paper, and it is considered a staple of the Gilman experience. When I interviewed Mr. Honohan, he was unable to tell me the date of the assignment’s birth, which was a hint at how embedded in our high school this assignment is. It stands unrivaled as the most famed project at the school- no other required project extends beyond the barriers of the varied departments and unites so many teachers as the Artifact Paper does. By no means is the process an easy task to pull off- each year, the conglomeration of teachers from the History and English departments must meet to discuss their varied opinions on the papers over each student, finally culminating in a grand finale where all of the teachers involved in the project meet to discuss the winner. The effort each student puts into the paper goes unmatched by most other assignments. What does this massive interdisciplinary assignment do? For starters, Mr. Heubeck, of the History department, offered a helpful parallel of a college thesis, stating, “Any person who writes a thesis or big paper is going to have multiple people reading those papers, and they must be able to assimilate those various responses into one overall set of reviews.” Mr. Hastings, of the English department, echoed the ideas, “When you get to college, or even junior and senior years, if you have a
major writing assignment, hopefully, the artifact paper has instilled in each student a respect for the discipline it requires to produce your best work.” When I inquired about the editing process, the general sentiment was that over time it has improved, as Mr. Heubeck explained, “With the use of Google Docs, the process is much much easier. It knocks down the barriers of teachers not knowing each other’s opinions because of the comment section.” When asking about the cooperation with the Art History department, Mrs. Huntoon Perkins said, “It’s more of an informal process. Sometimes information travels effectively that way.” The teachers all seemed to support the paper as beneficial to the students, and the students were generally in agreement. Nick Kuchar (‘16) said of the process that, “I think it is going very well, because each teacher is able to give their two cents,” and his ideas were supported by Scott Finney (‘15), as he said, “I think it worked along the lines it was supposed to. I was able to incorporate all three pieces.” In fact, I found myself hard-pressed for criticism. That is, until I looked outside the actual assignment. A minority of Sophomores who take Humanities in lieu of English, EuroCiv, and Art and Music History have only one teacher monitoring their assignment. When asked about the idea of having two teachers for the paper, Tommy Mori (‘16), a member of the Humanities class, said, “I would say there are no benefits, because I’m hearing from the other students about the hardships of having two teachers. Also, it’s much more efficient with just one teacher. Two birds with one stone.” Despite this criticism, the majority of the school seems to academically approve of the two-teacher system. While the paper may be about sedentary artifacts, the cooperation process is actively growing.
Artifact Paper Winners First Place: How Christianity Prospered by Appealing to the Lower Classes of Ancient Rome by Luigi Mangione Second Place: Bourgeoisie Revolution by Jeremy Booth Third Place: A Contemporary View of the Industrial Revolution by William Davison
what can be done to halt the disinterest, or the denial students hold for a potential partner middle school? The possibilities are numerous, ranging from school events, differentiated learning opportunities, or recreational activities, like a shared garden, or a poetry exchange. Beyond the occasional joke, however, Gilman students maintain that Roland Park Public is a separate entity, or imply inferiority because of their differences. Instead of coasting through next year in the traditional, fixed tri-school arrangements, the Gilman community should
reach out to RPPS, despite the awkward feelings or predetermined notions. Each individual at Gilman has the opportunity to connect, make new friends, and gain a new perspective. Even if it’s a quick chat with a Roland Park Public student walking home, or a more involved program, it’s time to give Roland Park - the public school - a chance.
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Volume CXIII No. 8
Departing Faculty and Staff
Mr. Herrmann, Head of Lower School by
A lexander Bauman
Mr. Leith Herrmann, Class of 1964, will be leaving his alma mater after forty-six years as a member of the Gilman community. In thirty years as part of the faculty, he served in a number of different positions, including homeroom teacher and, most recently, a nineteen-year role as Head of the Lower School. In his thirteen years as a Gilman student, he remembers being one of the younger and more immature members of his class, remarking that it was “not always an easy ride.” Undaunted by his sometimes tough days as a student, he returned to Gilman the year after he graduated from Randolph-Macon College. He served in a number of different positions for eleven years and left the school to become the Headmaster at Harford Day School in Bel Air for eight years. Following this stint at Harford Day, he and his family moved to Rhode Island to become the headmaster of Rocky Hill School. Mr. Herrmann says he is most proud of the amazing teachers he hired to be on the faculty of the Lower School. He remarked, “If I have a legacy here, it is the faculty.” Mr. Herrmann views these teachers with a tremendous amount of respect for what they do, and they feel the same toward him. Mr. John Xanders, a fifth grade homeroom teacher, noted, “It is hard for me to think of anyone else
by Jason
After 31 years of service, the Gilman community is sad to say goodbye to Ms. Cecilia Chandler. Hired in May of 1983, Ms. Chandler has become an integral and beloved part of Gilman. In an official capacity, Ms. Chandler has served as the Administrative Assistant to the Director of Finance, Mr. Sean Furlong, and the Business Office. Behind the scenes, Ms. Chandler has worked tirelessly to help the community function seamlessly. Although she spends most of her time working in the Business Office, her hard work, organization, and successes can be appreciated throughout the School. Ms. Chandler humbly appreciates how easy it was to work diligently in a place like Gilman. She called Gilman “an amazing place” where she met a lot of “wonderful people” and had countless interesting experiences. Additionally, Ms. Chandler as Lower School Head.” Additionally, Mr. remarked, “For me, the most beautiful Herrmann’s ability to connect with stu- thing about Gilman is that it is just a very dents has served him well as Head of the Lower School. Mrs. Teeling, another fifth teering for the Special Olympics, an activgrade teacher, summed it up nicely by ity that he sometimes missed out on due saying, “The thing that really impressed his copious responsibilities at Gilman. He me most was how much he loved kids.” also wants to attend more Gilman athletic In retirement, Mr. Herrmann plans to events, something he cannot currently spend time helping his daughter, who has do with his busy schedule. Finally, after cognitive disabilities, to become indepen- years of hard work at Gilman, Mr. Herdent. He hopes to spend more time volun- rmann is looking forward to some time
Mr. White, Dean of Students by
Ms. Chandler, Business Office caring community from top to bottom. It is just wonderful, and you don’t always see that in the corporate world. I see it in everyone from students to teachers to trustees.” After her departure from Gilman, Ms. Chandler plans to feed her thirst for knowledge and wanderlust for travel. Her desire to learn simply for the sake of learning is truly amazing. In the words of Ms. Chandler, “My favorite thing in the whole world is to be a student.” She is already enrolled in three non-credit courses through the Community Colleges of Baltimore County for this summer and is looking forward to the wide range of classes she will have the opportunity to take in the Fall. Although the community is sad to lose Ms. Chandler, it seems that she is moving onto a set of new adventures. Gilman wishes her luck in all of her endeavors and thanks her for all of her hard work.
to relax with a fishing rod in hand. He has contributed a tremendous amount to the Gilman community in forty-six years. His leadership and caring attitude will be missed by all who had the good fortune of knowing him.
Mr. Bissbis, Modern Language Teacher
Ben Murphy
Unfortunately, as the end of the year rolls around, Gilman always must let go of some of our most cherished members, and this year the school will be saying farewell to teacher and dean, Mr. Rob White. Mr. White will be retiring after thirteen great years at Gilman, amid much disappointment from students and faculty alike Prior to working at Gilman, Mr. White was an assistant principal at St. Mary’s High School in Annapolis. Since coming to Gilman, he has been the Dean of Students primarily, but has also taught Religion and Ethics as well as Leadership, as well as brightening the day with his ever-present smile. Fellow Dean of Students, Mr. Francis (Boo) Smith says, “Mr. White was not only a dean of students, but he was also a counselor. In that he was most concerned that the students learned the proper lessons, so that they would be successful in life after they left Gilman.” Mr. White coached both football and lacrosse, garnering respect from many of his players. He has also served on various committees over his Gilman career, notablyAdmissions and Judiciary, heavily aiding the school’s efforts. Jordan Yaffe (‘17), who served with Mr. White on the Judiciary Committee, says “Mr. White was really good at presenting the cases in a fair way and making sure that we thoroughly came up with the right decision.” Mr. White plans to focus on his relationships with friends and family during his retirement. He hopes to see his children and their families, rekindle old friendships, and spend time with some of his former Gilman advisees, with whom
he has formed lifelong relationships through his extensive commitments at and dedication to the school. Over his career at Gilman, there have been many changes, including the renovation of Carey Hall and the extensive implementation of technology in Gilman’s curriculum. Nevertheless, Mr. White says that the outstanding quality of the people at Gilman has been unwavering over the course of his employment. From his thirteen years teaching experience at Gilman, Mr. White hopes that “The teachercoach model is maintained or perhaps even strengthened over time. I believe that this concept is the foundation of the depth of relationships formed at Gilman.” Mr. White will miss Gilman, including the faculty, staff, and students, and Gilman will miss him just as much. We wish him well on his retirement and his travels in the future.
Wolfie Drake
With the 2013-2014 school year behind us, the entire Gilman community should take time to appreciate the contributions and highlight the excellence of departing teacher Mr. Samuel Bissbis. Whether it be his knowing smile or limitless fraternity, Mr. Bissbis impacted every student in one way or another. The Girl Scout cookies he shared so freely brought joy to bleak winters, and the warm, intellectual atmosphere of his classes leaves many disappointed that he won’t stay to bestow even more knowledge. Chris Song (‘16) explains “Mr. Bissbis was one of those friendly teachers, not just because they’re friendly but because, well, you see them and know they understand you.” Since his 2003 entry at Gilman, Mr. Bissbis has been teaching rigorous courses in French and Spanish languages. Known for his talent with language, dedication to students, and cultural roots, Mr. Bissbis offers variety to the Gilman faculty and is the epitome of an interesting and well-rounded instructor. By creating a complete course website with videos, worksheets, and study guides, Mr. Bissbis brought Gilman to a standard of modernity that will resonate with both the language department and school for a long time to come. His hard work over the summer uploading content and organizing the site added a truly helpful resource for language students. Com-
bining philosophy, history, and culture into his language courses, students felt truly enriched. “We had a lot of fun, and I learned that [Mr. Bissbis] is a really deep dude,” commented Race Saunders (‘16). Indeed, the unique character and personality Mr. Bissbis brought to the campus energized and excited many. Though he declined interview, the cherished teacher, fitness leader, advisor, and soccer fan extraordinaire has left his mark on Gilman and we wish him the best in all of his future endeavors.
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Poilitical Civility by
Dale Waters
Politics matter. Plato once noted, “One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” Citizen involvement in politics is extremely important, and it is equally crucial that voters are well informed. Inevitably, people will have disagreements, whether over general philosophy or specific policy, and some may reach entirely contradictory conclusions. A healthy debate is imperative for a functioning society; however, it should not create schisms between citizens. Unfortunately, politics has always had the propensity to divide people and foster feelings of animosity. As one of the two things not to be discussed at parties, politics is seen by many to inevitably lead to feuding, and thus something to be avoided entirely. While it is not healthy for society if citizens avoid politics, it is perhaps worse if politics divide the population. Humans are incredibly complex and amazing creatures, and political views only comprise a portion of a person’s identity. While some people are more heavily defined by and invested in politics, this is no different than being an ardent athlete, painter, or comic book enthusiast; a particular interest does not define an entire human personality. Additionally, it is important to note that people who disagree with another’s
views are not necessarily a combination of stupid and evil, despite the tendency to demonize political opponents and assume the worst of intentions. This tactic, however, is often merely a substitute for substantive criticism and argument. In reality, most people want what is best for the world and are even willing to suffer personal setbacks to further the general good. Political disagreements generally stem from differing beliefs on how to go about making the world a better place, as opposed to the ideal world. No one wants poverty, suffering, or injustice, but many disagree on how to resolve these issues. To assume that the only reasons that anyone could diverge from your views are rooted in malevolence and ignorance is extremely disrespectful and egotistical, as though you were an infallible authority to which no one should dare object. Very smart, well intentioned individuals can come to entirely different conclusions, but this does not imply bad faith on the part of either. Every person has something to offer, and it is a tragedy whenever a relationship is stifled solely because of political differences. Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are extremely far apart politically, yet they have remained close friends for decades. Anne Coulter and Bill Maher are good friends as well. The purpose of politics is to help and protect people. It is a cruel irony when this process pits against each other the very people whose lives it aims to improve.
The Decline of American Standing by
Nick Kuchar
In the 20th century, A m e r i c a’s f o r e i g n p ol ic y w a s la r gely successful and led to the defeat of both the Nazis and the Soviets. Yet, at the turn of this century, the rise of terrorism and the rebuilding of Russian influence point to a glaring weakness in America’s foreign policy. Retributions from the U.S. have become laughable. As a result, America has lost international respect, which has created a power vacuum in the world. Henry Kissinger, one of the U.S.’s greatest diplomats, asserted, “In the end, peace can be achieved only by hegemony or by balance of power;” therefore, by the U.S. not balancing international affairs, it has left the door open for countries like Russia to seize power. Since other nations do not necessarily share our interests, the only result is the erosion of America’s global standing. Ever since Peter the Great, Russia has expanded about 12,000 square miles (roughly the size of Belgium) per year, but all this expansion has been lost after the Soviet Union fell. Russian president Vladimir Putin wants to restore Russia to its former glory. This entails destroying Russia’s feeble democracy and once again expanding the country. In 2008, Putin aggressively annexed South Ossetia, a large part of Georgia, declaring in a statement reminiscent of the Cold War, that it was in the Russian “sphere of influence”. Although then-President Bush and other Western leaders denounced the inva-
sion, no serious action was taken against Russia. Last year, Putin gave aid to Syrian ‘President’ Bashar Al-Assad, even though President Obama publicly criticized Syria’s actions. Obama set a ‘red line’ that threatened Syria with U.S. sanctions and intervention if crossed. A year later, Putin still gives the Syrian government aid, and although Obama’s ‘red line’ was crossed, there were no consequences. Putin has now turned his expansionist efforts towards Ukraine. Anti-Russian protesters demonstrated in Kiev, Ukraine’s capital, because the pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych, succumbed to Russian pressure to not join the European Union. Yanukovych then used military force on the protestors, which forced him to flee the country. Ukraine quickly established an anti-Russian interim government that Russia refused to recognize. Consequently, Putin used military force to seize parts of the Ukraine, specifically Crimea. President Obama condemned the action over Russia, but these threats were never fulfilled. Obama then put forward weak sanctions on Russia. These ineffective sanctions targeted a handful of Russians and Ukrainians by freezing their American assets and denying travel to the U.S. As Ukraine plummets deeper into chaos, Obama says that Ukraine will not become a “Cold War chessboard,” but sadly, that is how Putin already views Ukraine. Hence Putin is slowly reestablishing the Russian Empire at the expense of America’s influence. Russia is not the only country mocking the U.S; countries in the Middle East are too. For example, Iran has openly defied the U.N. and the U.S. by prolifer-
Volume CXIII No. 8
Maryland Political Races by
A aron Slutkin
This year, we, the cit i zen s of Ma r yland—as well as t hir t y-f ive ot her states—will be electing our next governor. Martin O’Malley has served his two terms in Annapolis, leaving an open election for Maryland's capital. Besides Gilman’s very own Bob Ehrlich (‘75), no Republican has been elected in the past forty-eight years, so we will focus solely on three Democratic gubernatorial candidates: Anthony Brown, Doug Gansler, and Heather Mizeur. Anthony Brown currently serves as the Lieutenant Governor of Maryland under Governor O’Malley. However, before O’Malley was elected, Brown served in the Maryland House of Delegates. According to his website, “Anthony believes that creating a brighter future for all Marylanders is built on the foundation of stronger schools, safer neighborhoods, a cleaner environment, more opportunities for families and a growing economy.” Conversely, Brown has faced criticism over Maryland’s faulty public healthcare system. His running mate, Ken Ulman, has been a Howard County executive since 2006. Again quoting Brown’s website, “He [Ulman] has taken Maryland’s sixth-largest jurisdiction to new heights in education, healthcare, environmental protection and economic development.” Lieutenant Governor Brown has been the frontrunner throughout the election, and is the most likely candidate for Governor. For the past seven years, Doug Gansler has been the Old Line State’s Attorney General. Before 2007, he served as Montgomery County State’s Attorney and was an Assistant US Attorney. “As Attorney General, he has worked with the people of Maryland to accomplish some great things: marriage equality, the Dream Act, securing 1.5 billion dollars in foreclosure relief from the national banks to keep Maryland families in their homes, and returning over 2 bilating nuclear weapons, but has only received minor sanctions, which have not deterred the Iranians from continuing to build up their nuclear program. While the U.S. and Iran are in peace talks, it is doubtful if Iran will hold up the compromise determined in negotiations. Israel, our strongest ally in the region and victim of continual threats by Iran, urged the U.S. to take a stronger stance in Iran, yet we still engage in talks, thinking that they will resolve Iran’s ambitions. In Afghanistan, even the American-backed President Hamid Karzai disrespected the U.S. by releasing dozens of terrorists from an Afghani prison. While the U.S. condemned the action, nothing happened to Karzai and the terrorists were not apprehended. In Libya, terrorists killed four Americans in Benghazi, but no parties have been held accountable for the assault. During a hostage crisis in a Kenyan mall last year, local countries openly defied the U.S. by not allowing Navy Seals to assume command of the crisis. This blunt disrespect led to a fiasco which resulted in the death of the hostages, including several Americans. All these upticks in violence and unrest stem from the Obama Administration’s misunderstanding of foreign affairs.
lion dollars to Maryland consumers. On the environment, his passion, he won the largest enforcement victories in Maryland history against polluters threatening our Bay.” Mr. Gansler has a reputation of being a more conservative Democrat. His weaknesses lie in his public-relation gaffes. Most famously, Marylands highest law enforcement officer was forced to respond to a photo taken of him at a party where underage drinking was occurring. He fumbled his response, offering weak excuses. In addition, he recently criticized his opponent’s military record, saying that as a JAG attorney, he didn’t do a “real job.” Gansler’s running mate, Jolene Ivey, is an member of the Maryland House of Delegates, from Prince George’s County. Mr. Gansler is Brown’s most formidable contender. Montgomer y C ou nt y D elegate Heather Mizeur, originally from from Illinois, has served on several DNC committees in addition to the Takoma Park City Council and the Maryland House of Delegates. According to the Mizeur campaign website, “Her fifteen years of experience in policy has made her a progressive powerhouse in Annapolis, where she expanded health care to children, protected reproductive rights for women, safeguarded the environment and brought new technology jobs to Maryland.” Her biggest strength is Brown’s weakness: healthcare, because she consulted and helped write John Kerry and President Obama’s plans. It is also worth noting that she hopes to make history by becoming the first openly gay Governor in U.S. history. Mizeur’s running mate is Delman Coates, a pastor from Clinton, Maryland. She is considered the least likely candidate to win. As well as being a one-sided election, the race is widely believed to be a two man race between Brown and Gansler, with Brown being the frontrunner. To all of those who can can vote, the primaries are June 22nd, and may the best ticket win. In Obama’s first speech to the U.N., he delivered a politically attractive narrative, which proclaimed, “No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation.” That statement contradicts all examples of successful foreign policy from the ancient Greeks and Persians to Russian-Ukraine relations today. Any student of History can percieve the foolishness of the statement, but Obama continues to champion his naive ideology. Obama nominated for Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, who does not support Israel and has proposed cuts to the military. This would cut the military budget down to pre-WWII levels. Robert Gates, Former Secretary of Defense, considers these cuts catastrophic and believes they would cripple the military, and, consequently American standing. Our enemies will observe that in this time of great peril, the U.S. has voluntarily crippled its own military and has failed to take a hard stance on any foreign policies. A stronger diplomatic stance would elevate America’s standing. It would not advocate war, but rather stop wars from ever happening.
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Volume CXIII No. 8
Congratulations to Award Winners
The Culver Memorial Football Cup is awarded annually to the best to relationships with teammates, and a selfless commitment to teamwork, team unity, and team success, qualities that were unfailingly characteristic Varsity Football player, in the opinion of the coaching staff: Melvin Manneh Keihn, Sheldon Duane Johnson Jr., and Chibuzo of Scott Deutschman: Sheldon Duane Johnson Bryant Ukandu The C. Markland Kelley, Jr. Athletic Service Award is awarded to The C.B. Alexander, Jr. Wrestling Cup is awarded annually to the best the student who has best demonstrated outstanding characteristic in rendering service to the school’s athletic and/or physical education program. The Varsity Wrestler: Garrett Alexander Pfeifer II following criteria for selection are used: leadership, promotion of athletics The Edward T. Russell Wrestling Trophy is awarded annually to the within the school, teamwork, sportsmanship, and scholarship: William Varsity Wrestler who scores the most points in the MIAA Wrestling Tourna- Jason McBride ment The Lewis Omer Woodward award is given to the member of the Third Garrett Alexander Pfeifer II Form who revealed in largest measure qualities of leadership, enthusiasm, The Class of 1939 Basketball Trophy is awarded annually to the Varsity and loyalty: Matthew Gordon Tomaselli Basketball player who best combines fair play, leadership, and skill: The Thomas G. Hardie III Award is given to a Fourth Former who gives Kai Anthony Locksley of himself to others without being asked, who has the courage to stand up The Tyler Campbell Lacrosse Cup is awarded annually to the most valu- and live by what he believes, and who, even at an early age, is dedicated to able player to his team who has exhibited leadership and true sportsmanship helping others: Christopher Alderman Wolfe throughout the season: William Jason McBride and Tyler Robert Ruhl The Brown University Alumni Book Award is presented to that member The Alumni Baseball Cup is awarded to the Baseball player who has been of the junior class who best combines a high degree of ability in English expression, both written and spoken, with those personal qualities, which of the greatest service to his team: Gavin Crawford Sheets give promise: John William Auen The C. David Harris, Jr. Tennis Award is given to the Varsity player who has contributed the most to his team: Garrett Lawrence Weinstein The Harvard Book Prize is presented by the Harvard Alumni Association to that Fifth Former who is deemed by the faculty to be most worthy by and Huntington Williams IV reason of high scholarship and character: Simon James Evered The Donald Hoffman Memorial Cross Country Cup is awarded to that boy who, in the opinion of the coach, has best combined both effort and The St. John’s College Alumni Association Book Award is presented to an outstanding Fifth Former who possesses a love of reading, an exemplary achievement in that sport: Kevin Charles Peters enthusiasm for learning, and an eagerness to pursue understanding through The Frank W. Andrews, Jr. Golf Trophy is awarded to the Golfer who discussion: Spencer Ross Morris has best exhibited loyalty, dedication, and enthusiasm during the season: The University of Virginia Jefferson Book Award is to go to the Kevin Connor Devine and William Lawrence Rosenfield Fifth Former whose extraordinary academic achievement, extracurricular The Dr. Philip Whittlesey Soccer Trophy is awarded to the Soccer accomplishments, integrity, and character mark him as one of society’s future player who has made the greatest contribution to the team: Samuel Gehrig leaders: Jelani Khari Roberts Wancowicz The Williams College Book Prize is given to that student in the Junior The Alfred H. Weems, Jr. Memorial Track Award is awarded to the top Class who has demonstrated general excellence in his studies and who has achieving junior or senior in track: Robert Paul Wilhelm III, Cameron exhibited the best combination of interest in and understanding of American History: Michael Benson Collins Marlo Helm, and Sheldon Duane Johnson, Jr. The Margaret V. Perin Swimming Award is awarded to the Varsity The Yale Book Prize is given annually to a member of the Junior Class Swimmer who has shown the greatest improvement and most consistent whose helpfulness and service have contributed to the welfare of the school: Michael Benson Collins effort...Charles John Roebuck The Creighton Hockey Award is awarded to the member of the Varsity The Princeton Math Prize is awarded to that boy who presents the best Hockey Team who best combines ability, sportsmanship, and team play: Rich- paper in a special examination set by the Math Department: Ali Yigit Aygun ard Brison Cumming Tucker III and Matthew Edmundo O’Brien The Harry Hardie Anglo-American Prize was established by Mr. The Squash Award, established in 1999, is awarded to that member of the Thomas G. Hardie, Class of 1939, to encourage Anglo-American student Varsity Squash team who, in the opinion of the coaching staff, has made the exchanges. The recipients are selected by a committee and the prizes, in the greatest contribution to the team in terms of sportsmanship, leadership, and form of grants, are given each year to one Junior at Gilman School and one Junior at St. Edward’s School, Oxford, England: John Benjamin Howard performance in competition: Henry Lee Schmidt Gantt (Gilman) and Freddie Bickers (St. Edward’s) The Indoor Track Award is awarded to that member of the Indoor Track Team who, in the opinion of the coaching staff, has made the greatest contri- The Riepe Family Exchange at Christ’s Hospital School sends one bution to the team in terms of sportsmanship, leadership and performance in Upper School student to live and learn at Christ’s Hospital School, an indecompetition: Robert Paul Wilhelm III, Cameron Marlo Helm, and pendent boarding and day school in Horsham, West Sussex, England. The selected student, in turn hosts a Christ’s Hospital student at Gilman for a Thomas Hunter Riley similar length of time. Students apply through a competitive application The Water Polo Award is awarded to that member of the Varsity Water process. James S. and Gail Riepe (PP’94) have generously supported the Polo Team who best displays outstanding leadership, skill, and team play: Christ’s Hospital School Exchange Program since 2010. This year two awards were granted with Christ Hospital: John Jackson Dearing III (Gilman), Charles John Roebuck James Branchflower (Christ Hospital), Spencer F. Perry (Gilman) and The Volleyball Award, established in 2004, is awarded to that member of Lucas Kovacs (Christ Hospital) the Volleyball Team who, in the opinion of the coaching staff, has made the greatest contribution to the team in terms of sportsmanship, Leadership, and The Czech Exchange is an opportunity for an Upper School student to spend time at the Porg School in Prague, Czech Republic. Recipients are performance in competition: Tyler Alexander Wakefield selected by a committee and the prize, in the form of a grant, are given to one The Scott B. Deutschman Teammate Award is given by the parents student each: Bennett Mackall Moore (Gilman) and Anton Vydra and friends of Scott Deutschman, a member of the class of 1989. The award (Czech Republic) is given to a member of the senior class who has demonstrated dedication
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Volume CXIII No. 8
Awards Day was held on Monday, May 19, 2014. Awards were presented for athletic achievement, character and special accomplishments, creative writing, academic achievement, creative and performing arts and community service. Following is a list of those awards and recipients. The last five awards are those presented at Founder’s Day. The Josh T. Miller Creative Writing Prize, established in 2006 to honor the memory of Joshua T. Miller ‘91, recognizes a Senior who excels in the area of creative writing: Andrew H. Park The Armstrong Prize for Poetry and Prose is given to the boys who have written the best imaginative prose and the best lyric poetry for the school’s literary magazine For prose: Eli Floyd Clemens For poetry: Thomas Michael Ensor The Cameron Debating Medallion is given for excellence in debating: Ethan Ewon Park The Mrs. J. Crossan Cooper Debating Cup is given to the members of the winning team in the final debate. Areopagus: Ethan Ewon Park, August Robert Meny, and Ryan Insu Khim The Dr. John M.T. Finney, Sr., Debating Medallion is presented to the two boys judged to have delivered the best debates in final debate, irrespective of the outcome: Best speaker: Ethan Ewon Park Second best: August Robert Meny The Elizabeth Woolsey Gilman Prize is awarded annually to the boy in one of the three upper forms who passes the best examination on books, the reading of which is not required as part of the school curriculum: Senior prize: Ethan Ewon Park Junior prize: Alexander Michael Soong The Alex Randall, Jr., Memorial Prize is awarded to that boy who has been outstanding for his interest in and contribution to literary and publication activities: Cynosure: Tyler Alexander Wakefield, Gabriel Townsend Donner Gilman News: Brian Ren-Yen Choo Paragon: Eli Floyd Clemens The Sixth Form Speaking Prizes are awarded to the best two Sixth Form speakers during Upper School assembly: Best speaker: Andrew H. Park Second speaker: Edward Brown III The D.K. Esté Fisher Nature Study Award is given to that boy who, in the opinion of the Biology teachers and the Chair of the Science Department, has evidenced by his study, reading, and activities a high level of interest and understanding of living things: Blake Edward Benfield The Janvier Science Prize is awarded to that Fifth or Sixth Former who has evidenced interest and ability of high order in the field of Science: Aaron Kerem Gokaslan The James L. Sinclair Memorial Award was established in 2010 by The Sheridan Foundation in memory of James L. Sinclair, its president for 36 years and a Gilman trustee and parent. The award is given each year to a rising Senior with excellent character who has excelled in Mathematics, or the Sciences at Gilman and intends to pursue a college degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Medicine or the Sciences: Christopher Louis Stith The Richard O’Brien Prize for proficiency in French is presented to the boy in the Advanced French class deemed most proficient: Andrew H. Park The Edward T. Russell Latin Prize is awarded to the member of the junior or senior class deemed to be most proficient In Latin: Gregory Rayner Alspaugh The Clifford E. Taggart Spanish Prize is awarded to the student who, by his proficiency and enthusiasm, has contributed to the study of Spanish at Gilman: Phillip Jae Hyun Kwon and John Edgar Locke The Herbert E. Pickett Prize for general proficiency in History goes to the boy who has shown the greatest general interest and proficiency in History as displayed not only in the classroom but outside as well: Wylie Carew Rice and Benjamin Robert Williams
The Andrew Mitchell Ritchie Award, established in 1986, is an award for creative writing in music. The award is presented to that member of the Upper School who has been outstanding in his interest and achievement in the art of composition. This prize is intended to encourage students to pursue their interests in composing and the study of compositional techniques: Jeremy Roderick Hairston and Dale Allen Waters III The Harold Holmes Wrenn Art Prize is awarded to the Junior or Senior, who is judged to be most deserving for his work in Art: John Euimin Lee The C. Huntley Hilliard Memorial Award, established in 1992, is given annually to the boy who has shown exceptional enthusiasm, ability, and helpfulness in the shop: Toluwaniyi Andrew Owolabi The Gilman Parents Association Community Service Award is presented to the underclassman that has exemplified the spirit of humanity and commitment to others and who is deemed by the faculty to have fulfilled to the highest degree the purpose and ideals of the program: Stewart Junhyun Cho The Louis Davidov Memorial Service Award is awarded to the senior deemed most worthy by reason of faithful and unselfish service to the community: Zachary Goldberg Ranen, Thomas Hunter Riley, Charles John Roebuck The Class of 1977 Community Service Award acknowledges a member of the junior class who has made the most significant effort of service to the community outside of Gilman: Tobin Maurice Bromberg Faculty awards. Adam Hamilton Aist, Gregory Rayner Alspaugh, Sheldon Duane Johnson, Thomas Hunter Riley, Charles John Roebuck, and Dale Allen Waters III The William Cabell Bruce, Jr., Athletic Prize is awarded annually to the boy most conspicuous for general proficiency in athletic sports and exercises while conducting himself appropriately in areas of general citizenship. The prize, presented by Mrs. William Cabell Bruce in memory of her son, who died in 1910, was first given in 1911 and is one of the oldest awards in the School: Samuel Gehrig Wancowicz The Daniel Baker, Jr. Memorial Award, established in 1952, is given in memory of Daniel Baker, Jr. to a member of the graduating class who through thoughtfulness and by reason of his character, has contributed to the welfare of his fellow men: Zachary Goldberg Ranen The Edward Fenimore Award was established in 1963 by his father as a loving tribute to the memory of Edward R. Fenimore Jr., Class of 1959, whose courage, determination, perseverance, and accomplishment inspired all who knew him. It is conferred upon the senior who best exemplified these characteristics while a student at Gilman: Kulimushi Elie Barongozi The Peter Parrott Blanchard Award is made possible by a fund donated by the children and relatives of Peter P. Blanchard who was business manager at the School from 1917 to 1944. It is awarded to that boy who, by his cheerful helpfulness in many ways, has greatly contributed to successful and pleasant life in the school: Tyler Alexander Wakefield, Kyle Angelo Tarantino The Redmond C.S. Finney Award is given to that Upper School student who has distinguished himself, through action and example, by encouraging harmony through his dedication to and practice of those human values necessary to eliminate racism, prejudice, and intolerance: Jeremy Roderick Hairston, Edward Brown III The William A. Fisher Medallion was established in 1903 by the late Mrs. William Cabel Bruce in honor of her father, Judge William A. Fisher, the first president of the Board of Trustees. It is given only to a member of the fifth or sixth form who has been in the School for three consecutive years and is in complete and regular standing in form. The medallion is given among boys of high standing in scholarship to that boy who has rendered the highest service to the School by leadership based on the influence of his character: John Euimin Lee
The Class of 1952 Drama Prize is awarded to that student who has shown exceptional interest and aptitude in dramatics during his school career: Gregory Rayner Alspaugh, Sean Michael Costello and Charles John Roebuck The Dorothy Benjamin Caruso Music Award is given to the Junior or Senior who, with dedicated endeavor and response to teaching, has achieved a superior understanding of the art of Music: Simon James Evered The Anne Gordon Baldwin Music Award is awarded to the boy who has demonstrated exceptional talent in performance of Music: Edmond Seokhyun Kim
Tyler Wakefield ‘14 is congratulated by Headmaster Smyth on his Volleyball Award. Photo by Gilman Marketing
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Monty Python’s Spamalot
Volume CXIII No. 8
Photos by Zach Pollack
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Sports Photos of the Year Compiled by Zach Pollack Photos by Zach Pollack, Tyler Wakefield, Gabe Donner & Cynosure Staff
Volume CXIII No. 8
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Volume CXIII No. 8
Gilman Buzz
compiled by
Tyler Plack
Libraries: Overdrive, a new resource that allows students and faculty to download ebooks onto their own personal devices of choice, is officially accessible through the Gilman library’s website.
Campus: The City of Baltimore will soon
begin road improvements on Roland Avenue, stretching from Northern Parkway to Cold Spring Lane. As part of that project, the turn lanes into Gilman will be improved.
Upper School science teacher and intramural field hockey coach Alvaro Salcedo will represent the United States at the 2014 International Hockey Federation Masters World Cup in the Netherlands. His trip is being partly funded by a grant from Gilman’s H.F. Williams Science Faculty Development Fund.
Mr. Brooks Matthews, former history department chair in the Middle School will join the
Upper School faculty next fall. He will teach World Cultures and European Civilizations.
Mr. Larry Malkus is leaving the college counseling department and will become a full time English faculty member who will teach 4 sections. Mr. Justin Baker will continue to teach in the English department but will also move into college counseling.
Many more additional cameras have been added to the campus wide surveillance system. Mr. Smyth, Headmaster, commented that “‘more recently we had a growing number of things walking. Sometimes they reappear, but it has been cause for concern. We have a very open campus, and we hope that this will be one more way to help keep track of things.” The city will also construct a new intersection and traffic signal on Northern Parkway at the lower entrance to Gilman. The entrances to Bryn Mawr and Gilman on Northern Parkway will align, and the light will allow turns in and out of Gilman in all directions. We will complete a renovation of the stadium at Brown Field, directly behind Carey Hall and the
Harris Terrace. The project is scheduled for an early fall completion.
Mr. Will Schutt, the Tickner writing fellow, will stay at Gilman for another year. After announcing his plan to retire this year, Dr. Jerry Thornberry, the Brett Favre of Gilman School, will continue teaching his US since 45 class next year.
Moving On Up
Photos by Zach Pollack
Mr. John O Schmick Junior is promoted to dean of student activities and affairs.
Mr. Aaron Goldman will take over Dean of Students. He will still teach World Cultures and his Holocaust Elective
Mr. Hastings, former Tickner Writing Center chair, has been named the new English Department chair
Mr. James Spragins takes over as head to the Tickner Writing Center.
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Gilman Film Festival By K evin Kuczynski On May 7th, Baltimorearea students gathered in Gilman’s A lumni Auditorium for the 4th annual Daniel A. Citron Gilman Film Festival. The student-run event featured twenty-five student-produced films, showcasing their unique and often underappreciated affinity for filmmaking. The event, started four years ago by Gilman alum Daniel Citron (‘12), is open to all K-12 students in the Baltimore area, not just Gilman students. To that end, other schools including Friends, St. Paul’s, and Carver had films featured. As students gathered before the films were shown, the Junior class sold pizza and soda outside the Auditorium, and witty commentary from host Timur Guller (’14) opened the event. During intermission, Gilman’s own Firehouse Radio played live music outside before the final set of films was shown. Awards were given at the end, with new audience participation in the voting process added this year. Juniors Kevin Walker and Jack Auen, who have been involved in film since middle school, organized the Film Festival this year. They hoped to expand on the success of previous years. As Walker told The News, “Since 8th grade we’ve been a part of the Gilman film program. We made a film called Brown that won Best Middle School Film, and ever since we’ve just been really passionate about the program and the art form, and we were really glad to take over the leadership role and extend it’s reach.” Among the improvements they made this year were shortening the duration of the festival and adding new awards and audience
participation. According to Auen, “We noticed last year that toward the end, because of how long [the film festival] was and the types of awards and prizes, people lost interest.” This year, of the 56 submitted films, 25 were featured. Fourteen of those shown were Gilman films, while the rest were from other Baltimore-area schools. Carver has consistently been a large contributor to the festival and this year had six films featured. Awards were given in the categories of Best Narrative, Foreign Language, Documentary, Animation, Music Video, and Comedy, with their respective winners being The Hurt Child by Michael Bollinger of St. Paul’s, Gutencleanspiel by Juniors John Wolf and Rob Heritage, Bill Monroe by Aidan Callahan of Carver, Snowball Fight by Middle Schooler Graham Preston of St. James, Gilman Happy by 5th grader Max Sternlicht, and The Dean by Freshmen John Ball and Jon English. In addition, the Grand Jury Prize was awarded to The Hurt Child, while the Audience Favorite was The Dean. The new audience participation added an element of suspense as filmmakers and audience members waited in anticipation of the winning film. John Ball (‘17) commented, “All of a sudden our names were called, and my teammate and I, we were shocked.” With its high level of support, the event has undoubtedly been successful in showcasing some of Gilman’s less celebrated talents. As Jack Auen said, “The dream of making movies that a lot of people in the Gilman community have doesn’t have a lot of opportunities to display itself, and this is a great way to let people express their talents.”
Volume CXIII No. 8
Global Online Academy by
M att Tomaselli and Tyler Plack
Imagine if instead of heading to a classroom and sitting down next to your peers, you found a quiet spot alone and joined a class in which your peers are thousands of miles away. This will be the reality for eight rising juniors and seniors next year. As a part of the 2015-2016 school year, Gilman will be offering semester-long classes through Global Online Academy (GOA). The program offers a wide range of courses, covering diverse topics including Politics, Abnormal Physics, iOS Application Development, and Java Programming. Students will omit a class period in their schedule and complete their online work in an asynchronous fashion, meaning the students work independently and on their own time. Synchronous meetings, or real-time online conferences with other students studying the same material, are also a small part of the virtual class experience. Students are judged for qualification based on past academic record, independence, and initiative. The main benefit of the GOA program is that it will provide a wide range of courses, many of which would not otherwise be available, to Gilman students. It will also connect Gilman with other independent schools around the world. Another upside to GOA is that students will experience both what college courses demand and the future of college education. Gilman looks to incorporate their own teachers to teach in the program as professional development. Dr. Harris, Dean of Academics, envi-
sions the program as a long term institution at Gilman. He hopes to soon reach 10-15 students per semester in the program at Gilman, compared to 8 for the inaugural year. GOA at Gilman promises to be an innovative program to open new opportunities to students and teachers alike. Nevertheless, a potential concern for the program is Gilman’s chronic failures in technology, but Dr. Harris explained that he is not concerned. He claimed that the majority of the work is done at home when students aren’t connected to the Gilman network. Regardless of the state of Gilman’s internet, students will be able to finish their work on time, as it is mostly independent. Many skeptics worry that Gilman’s implementation of GOA was merely a promotional decision to put the school on par with other institutions like Washington D.C.’s Sidwell Friends, where GOA has been a part of the curriculum for multiple years now. Harris assured, “all decisions about Gilman’s curriculum are in the best interest of student learning.” Gilman has taken this opportunity to expand the curriculum to include more diverse subject matter. Although Global Online Academy certainly presents itself as a risk, the potential of the program is exceptional. Dr. Harris has taken the necessary and reasonable precautions to ensure the overall success of the program. Hopefully GOA will kickstart a new phase in education, during which high school courses are becoming more career-oriented. These new options for classes outside of Gilman’s walls will most certainly prove beneficial, as students will be able to explore far beyond the traditional high school curriculum.
Opinion: The Rise of Powdered Alcohol by
Wolfie Drake
With all of the media hype surrounding the FDA approval of Lipsmark LLC’s “Palcohol” labels, one cannot help but wonder if this product -- alcoholic beverages in powder form -- is for real. After all, what signals a stereotypical idea of “the future” better than a martini in a packet? Unfortunately, for all of those twenty-one-and-over adults, Palcohol’s approval has been, technically, revoked. So how did a private business affair get so big, so fast? The answer, ironically, stems from media recklessness and the search for the next big story. Despite this, the concept behind palcohol is intriguing, and, in light of recently highlighted products like e-cigarettes, reflects the shifting social element of how our generation does drugs. Contrary to popular belief, powdered alcohol isn’t a new idea, a new invention, or even a new product. In fact, the German company Subyou and Netherland’s Booz2go already have powdered alcohol products being manufactured.
Dr. See Arr Oh, a prominent food blogger and organic chemistry PhD describes Palcohol as a “gimmick.” Many news outlets speculate that Palcohol would be on shelves as soon as next fall. The science surrounding Palcohol isn’t magic, and, in fact, reveals that the “powder” effect, is merely a guise for
and goes on to describe that “There has been a great interest in using powdered alcohol as a fuel source...a lightweight alternative.” Continuing, the Palcohol company claims that various companies, including “A Swedish and a Canadian company” wanted to use their product for such things as windshield wipers; even
The concept of palcohol is intriguing and reflects the shifting social element of how our generation does drugs. – Wolfie Drake
ethyl alcohol encapsulated in a sugar compound. After being placed in water, the sugar compound is dissolved, leaving the alcohol free to spice up drinks or food. And, to be clear, there are tons of possible applications, at least according to Palcohol’s website. Complete with a banner advertising all of the wonderful usages, including commercial, medical, aviation, manufacturing, and food applications, the new usages focus on Palcohol’s clear advantage: its weight and convenience. The site reads “Because powdered alcohol is so light, airlines can reduce the weight on an airplane… and save millions on fuel costs”
speculating that it can be used as a military energy transport system. One could mention the 10% alcohol to weight ratio (which, in the industry, is low), resulting in a high volume needed to provide a reasonable amount of alcohol, the expense, or the surely faulty mathematics backing up airlines’ “millions saved” in fuel costs. Palcohol is best suited to the food industry. So it might not be the energy source of the future, but it’s an intriguing idea. After all, who wouldn’t like a little spiked jerk chicken, or “adult-style” ice cream? Don’t get too excited yet, because once again, the nation’s FDA fueled dreams are
still just dreams. Palcohol prides itself on safety. Although some may intend to snort their vodka, the powder required to get the equivalent of one shot would, according to the company, take “60 minutes to snort” and be incredibly painful. As high school students, the idea of sneaking illegal substances around is incredibly relevant, and it becomes even more so when it is a hip, new product. The boom in vaporizers and e-cigs, for example, isn’t because kids love flavored blu e-cig cartridges. Rather, the opportunity to covertly deal with substances, paired with the social angle of drugs, makes this a pertinent issue that the community could have to address. Though it’s a way off, powdered alcohol offers a new challenge for high schools across the country. Indeed, alcohol is already a problem, and with yet another way to ingest alcohol, the problem can only get worse. If you’re really itching to get your hands on some, Popular Science released a guide outlining the steps towards making your own. Be careful though, because the moist, lumpy, powder you fabricate is perhaps as flammable as a misconstrued FDA approval.
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Flash Games By Michael Holmes Imagine this: You’re two pipes away from breaking your highest score in Flappy Bird. With growing anticipation, you thread your way through the first pair, nimbly evading the obstacles. All your attention is riveted on the tiny yellow hero as you approach the last two pipes standing between you and the record. And then, with a horrible flash, you collide with the edge of the top pipe. The bird drops into a nosedive, and faceplants on the grass below. The game-over box pops into view. The record stands unbroken. Many people are familiar with scenes like this, whether it be the rage-inducing annoyance of a death in Flappy Bird, a filled-up screen with the 2048 block missing, or a pig left standing in Angry Birds. It is moments like these that have brought many games into the spotlight almost overnight, and then taken them out just as quickly. Flappy Bird, for instance, would hardly seem like the type of game that could sweep across the nation, reaching a mind-boggling 50 million downloads, before being removed by its own creator, Dong Nguyen. It consisted of a simple little bird moving up and down against a scrolling backdrop of obstacles. Most people argued that the pipes were a little too reminiscent of the more famous Mario warp pipes, and numerous other producers complained that the gameplay had been ripped off from their respective projects. Yet, for some reason, this game was able to stay in the public image for at least a month. Most likely, it was the prickle of annoyance that one would feel when their bird dropped to the ground.
It was overwhelming feelings such as, “I could’ve gotten further”, “I need to get past one”, and “That kid got fifty, and I know I can do better than he can” that took over the minds of those who played the games. Unfortunately for Flappy Bird, however, once a few weeks had passed, the public inevitably tired of their new game, as Flappy Bird copies and unofficial remakes saturated the web. Additionally, one that is more common, take the millions upon millions of flash games that populate the Internet. From and Adkon, to Kongregate, one of the most diverse ways to avoid doing work is readily available. Flash games utilize the same feelings as addicting apps like Flappy Bird to keep their audience at the keyboard. For games like N, Flood Runner, and the Burrito Bison series, players are driven to try again and again, to get to “one more level” or survive a few seconds longer. For other games, like Happy Wheels, we keep playing to see just how bad we can wreck the guy on the Segway, or how big of an explosion we can make with gasoline tanks in Boxheads. There is also an almost inexhaustible source of flash games. They come out as fast as the target audience gets bored with them. Thanks to these tactics, flash games hang on tight to the attention of the internet, despite the growing smartphone app market. The key, it seems, is a mix of simplicity of design, and a game so basic that it seems stupid not to beat it. Those who create a perfect mixture are rewarded with a few weeks of public adoration, before another perfectly addicting game comes about. So despair not, bored studyhall goers; the next great game is on the way.
Volume CXIII No. 8
Smyth, Continued from Page 1 caused hesitation for both him and his family. Despite the initial concern that he would be “living in a fishbowl” in which his every move would be publicized and overseen, Mr. Smyth has relished in the privacy and comfort that the Headmaster’s House has provided his family. His sons, Billy and Pitman, have garnered the ability to roam more independently around Gilman’s confined, safe campus. “They [Billy and Pitman] love this school, and my being here has afforded all of us the opportunity for them to be at Gilman,” acknowledges Mr. Smyth. He is certainly grateful for the opportunities that life on campus has given to his family. Among the many new activities for which Mr. Smyth is responsible, the Gilman Alumni Weekends, hosted in cities all over the country, provide him with an interesting chance to “connect with people who went to Gilman and have such a deep loyalty to the place.” This year, Mr. Smyth made his rounds to cities like New York, Boston, and Philadelphia in a sort of “Meet the New Guy” campaign, interacting with alumni and their families; these events helped Mr. Smyth expand his outreach to and knowledge of the greater Gilman community. With the school year in its dwindling phases, Mr. Smyth had the opportunity to reflect back on its many happenings. It was the little things, according to Mr. t
Smyth, that contributed to his favorite aspect of his first year as Headmaster of Gilman; the Opening Convocation, “It’s Academic” tailgate, and “Storm the Pool” water polo match each helped to “reaffirm [Mr. Smyth’s] fondness for this place and [his] excitement for the job.” Conversely, Mr. Smyth’s greatest challenges of his first year as “top dog” included the “relentlessness of the pace of [his] job” and the everpresent struggle to balance “attention to the infinite detail with the big picture.” Nevertheless, Mr. Smyth enjoyed his myriad chances to learn the details of the Gilman community – namely student and faculty interests – while also being able to “steer the ship in the right direction” and guide Gilman to its bright future. Mr. Smyth noted that education is a “human endeavor” and, likewise, that he is “always learning about people in this job.” The talents of the student and faculty bodies at Gilman never cease to surprise Mr. Smyth, who is appreciative of the connections he has made this past year. Mr. Smyth wants to thank the members of the Class of 2014 for their support through the years, especially since they comprise the first class to have completed all four years of the Upper School with him at Gilman. To the Class of 2014: “They will always have a unique place in my mind and heart, and I’ve really enjoyed working with this group.”
Caption Contest
Sevillian Exchange Student Reflects by M att Tomaselli Language immersion was the device that broug ht for t y ‘ t r ischoolers’ and Sevillians into contact, but a set of unbreakable bonds and unforgettable experiences is what we were left with. After attending a short meeting after school on a fall day, I soon found myself in Southern Spain immersed in Spanish seemingly far beyond my linguistic ability. Little did I know that this realization marked the beginning of what was arguably four of the best weeks of my life. A similar realization occurred for seventeen other tri-school students. Between a sojourn in the city of Sevilla and hosting my “compañero”, or exchange partner, in America, the exchange changed not only my fluency in Spanish, but my appreciation for culture and life. The first half of the exchange was spent in Sevilla, Spain, as twenty Americans, including myself, lived for two weeks in our exchange partners’ homes. Our group of Americans were met warmly at the airport in Seville, beginning a two week language immersion. Not only were we thrust into the middle of a foreign language speaking country, we were now living with a completely different family in a new house halfway across the globe.
We were challenged right away. Although it was incredibly challenging, the “intercambio”, or exchange, was perhaps the best experience of my life. Each day, our group would convene at school to spend the day together as an American group and take a break from the constant Spanish. Normally, our day consisted of a day trip to nearby attractions like the city of Granada or La Alhambra, one of the seven wonders of the world; however, two days were spent in school where we experienced many of the classes we take at Gilman but in Spanish. Americans attended science, math, history, and even engineering classes in Spanish. In addition, the Americans made their country proud and further reinforced the USA’s international basketball dominance in the pick-up games at recess. At the conclusion of the day, we would return home with our exchange partners and eat ‘lunch’ at 4:00pm, a difficult eating adjustment for us all. From then on, we were in the hands of our host family who frequently took us shopping through the city or on walks through the scenic parks of Sevilla. Weekends and evenings never failed to excite. The sights of Seville were the perfect setting for the incredible bonding we shared. We met in “el centro”, the city’s center, and would then enjoy the traditional Spanish cuisine of nearby restaurants like Domino’s Pizza, Burger King, and McDonald’s.
Have an idea for a caption? Email with subject “Caption Contest.” The winner will be announced in the September 2014 issue. Contest sponsored by the Headmaster’s office. After what was an early 9pm dinner for the Spaniards, we processed to “el rio”, the river of Seville, and enjoyed bonding and conversation. No matter where we were, the bonding through the respective languages was poignant. The Spanish group as a whole were some of the most fun-loving and friendly people we had ever met. Good people are perceivable in any language. Following a two week gap, the Sevillians came to Spain to reunite with their new American friends. The trip to Spain set the bar high, and the Americans had to put together a representation of their home country to match that of Spain. The structure of the trip was generally the same in that the Spaniards would take day trips during the week, and then be left with their host families on nights and weekends. The Spaniards visited Washington DC over a span of two days, the Inner Harbor, and got to visit places they had seen so many times through movies and photos in New York. During the weekends, we treated the Spanish to a typical American concert of Krewella and
an Orioles game. The entire exchange was capped off with an emotional goodbye beginning on the steps of Carey Hall and continued as the Americans hung onto their final moments with the new friends all the way to BWI. The experience was surely an unforgettable one for those involved. No one can truly comprehend the bonding that occurred during this trip unless they were directly involved. For four short weeks, culture differences like political views, socio-economic status, and the constant search for validation from peers prominent in high schools lives was put aside for a while as a perfectly matched group of teens came together and bonded over mutual love for fun, culture, and language. It seemed as if we all could finally truly express ourselves in different ways free from the other factors that normally adulterate our dispositions. This exposure lead to amazing, lasting connections between us that I know I will cherish throughout my lifetime.
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Volume CXIII No. 8
Student Government Officers 2014-2015 A Letter from the Upcoming School President As the school year comes to a close, and the seniors walk across the stage one final time, it’s strange to think what the Class of 2014’s graduation truly means. Names will be read, speeches will be given, and the parting song will be heard, but for the students, the ones who were the privileged beneficiaries of the senior’s leadership, the ceremony will undoubtedly fall a bit short. For us, it’s hard to put into words the effort and excitement that the class of 2014 gave to each and every day. It was Tyler’s creation of “Storm the Pool” and “Wrestling Under the Lights,” Spencer Perry is elected school president and poses shortly after winning the seniors epic twenty-man cover of “The Weight,” and the It’s Ac tailgate that helped to culminate school spirit. Through the cookouts, the assemblies, and all the other countless little things that made this school year so memorable, the seniors sought to make the year an enjoyable experience for every upper school student. To me, they were wildly successful. From the homecoming dance to Gilman Studio Art and the yearbook, it’s truly impressive and humbling to think that it was all done for us, the students. Senior student council members pose for a photo. From left to right: Mitchell Butler, Michael Collins, Ben Gantt, Nick Johnson, and Tamey Habtu
I’ll be the first to admit that the void created by their graduation seems a bit daunting, but I firmly believe that the Class of 2015 will aptly rise to the occasion. We too, in a sense, will be graduating. We’ve been armed with the experiences, memories, and leadership of this year. We’ve keenly watched how the class of 2014 studied, performed, cheered, and now we are ready to lead. It is my greatest hope that this increased role will bring new events, a more inclusive environment, and an even better school year. The student council is already planning things out and the atmosphere of these discussions gets me excited to lead our school. And so in closing, just as graduation falls a bit short, so does this article. Nothing can truly describe the memories of the past year, and nothing can truly predict the moments of the coming one. All I can really do is thank the seniors and wish everyone a happy summer, as we all look forward to what this graduation truly means. -Spencer Perry
What We’re Reading Spencer Morris Managing Editor
Seniors Jelani Roberts and Jack Halpert will comprise the athletic association
Mr. Christian English
Author Lynne Sharon Schwartz talks about the power of “being with a book.” I experience what she means often when particular novels invite me in. While it is hard to rank times of one’s intimate reading, nonetheless, I loved deeply “being with” Garth Stein’s The Art of Racing in the Rain. The provocative title called me in immediately, yet I was especially surprised and pleased about its premise. The narrator is the aging dog, Enzo, and he cares well for his owner and best friend, Denny, a talented race car driver. For me, there was no need to work hard at “suspend[ing] my disbelief;” Enzo is telling the story, end of story!! Enzo reveals himself as being wise, kind, genuine and irreverent. Thanks to “being with” him, I shared with his family moments where I cheered inside and wept outside. Finally, I usually measure the “magic” of a reading experience by whether or not I am aware of turning pages. I read Racing in a couple of days, and I rarely knew what page I was on. Enzo is now, like Dante, truly “with me” as a “fellow pilgrim on the road.” Thank goodness, it really is a “dog’s life!!”
In yet another Best-Seller, Gladwell recounts the famous biblical story of David, the underdog, surprising Goliath, the clear favorite, in an epic battle. Using various facets of the tale combined with historical and modernday references, he identifies exactly what it takes in order to upset a “giant.” Malcolm Gladwell succeeds in captivating the reader with his simple, crisp analogies and concise philosophy. David and Goliath is a mustread for all nonfiction fans
Mr. Spragins
English & Writing Center The Shining by Stephen King is one of the scariest books I recently read, but also very good. This book was King’s third published novel, and established himself as a preeminent author in the horror genre. The plot follows Jack Torrance, his wife, and five year-old son when they move into the Overlook hotel, an isolated, haunted resort in the Colorado Rockies, where Torrance accepts the job as caretaker of the resort.
Ms. Fuller
News Faculty Advisor Imagine receiving a box of cassette tapes and being told that if you listen to them you will learn why a classmate (and the girl you had a crush on) committed suicide. This is the story of Clay Jensen and Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. Told in chapters on each side of the seven cassette tapes you can hear Hannah’s voice and learning about the people who had an influence on her life and death.
Mr. Sport History
In Thinking Fast and Slow, David Kanemahn discusses the dichotomy between two modes of thought. “System 1” is fast, instinctive and emotional, while “System 2” is slower, more deliberative and more logical. From framing choices to substitution, the book highlights several decades of academic research to suggest that people place too much confidence in human judgement.
Basil Apostolo Co-Editor In Chief
Eric Ries, a Silicon Valley entrepeneur describes a new method of starting a business called The Lean Startup. His lean startup philosophy tries to eliminate wasteful practices and increase value producing practices during the product development phase. This allows for a better chance of success without needing too much outside funding.
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Volume CXIII No. 8
Get to Know Our 12 & 13 Year Men compiled by
Spencer Morris
12 Year Man: Patrick
Most meaningful experience at Gilman? Volleyball Championship game during my senior year. The feeling of camaraderie and the accomplishment that the team felt during the game are things that I had never experienced and something that I may never experience again, and I will never forget that night.
13 Year Man:
Most meaningful experience at Gilman?
I have had plenty of meaningful experiences here, but if I had to choose only one, I would pick Senior Retreat. How has Gilman changed throughout the years? The design of the campus has changed quite a bit. Perhaps, the biggest change has been the addition of the Lumen Center. The student body has grown more diverse as well.
How has your Gilman experience changed throughout the years?
What is the most valuable lesson you have taken from Gilman?
Gilman has changed a lot for me from the time I started in first grade. I don’t really remember much about what I thought of Gilman in lower school, but I remember having a lot of fun and loving my teachers. Middle school was a mix between trying to be popular and fit it while also keeping up with the increasing amount of work.
It’s important to appreciate the people around you. Favorite teacher of all time? It’s difficult for me to pick one all-time favorite teacher. I could name a few favorite teachers in each of the three divisions. If I could pick one from each division, however, I would pick Señora Eppler from the Lower School, Mr. Wallace from the Middle School and Dr. Thornbery from the Upper School. There are many other teachers who have left an unforgettably positive influence on me through the years.
What is the most valuable lesson you have taken from Gilman? I think the most valuable lesson I have learned from Gilman is the importance of asking for help. Favorite teacher of all time?
Favorite year out of the 12/13 you’ve had here and why?
Mr. Gabbey from the Middle School. He was my homeroom teacher, my 8th grade Journalism teacher, and my volleyball coach.
Senior year has been the perfect culmination of all my years at Gilman. Advice to students who are still here?
Favorite year out of the 12/13 you’ve had here and why? Senior year. The reality of never returning to Gilman became real, and while that may seem troubling, for me at least, it turned out to be a positive. Advice to students who are still here? Move beyond the social boundaries that friend groups create. There are so many amazing people at Gilman, so don’ wait until Senior year to truly realize that. Where are you going to college?
I want to reiterate something we’ve all heard before. The time truly passes by faster than you would expect, so try your best to cherish every moment you have here. Feelings about graduation - sad, nervous, etc.? I’m a little saddened to say goodbye to this chapter of my life, but I am also looking forward to the great, new experiences that I will have in college. Where are you going to college? Dickinson College
Davidson College
4 Questions: Varsity Athletes Huntington Williams
If you could do another sport, what would it be? Track Favorite pump up song? Afternoon delight Favorite pre game food? 3 iced cappuccinos from the school store and a PB&J on whole wheat bread Favorite pre game ritual? No, we don’t need luck
Ben Shmerler
If you could do another sport, what would it be? Golf Favorite pump up song? m.A.A.d. City Favorite pre game food? Plain bagel Favorite pre game ritual? Lay down in JV Lacrosse locker room and listen to music playlist
Ellison Jordan
If you could do another sport, what would it be? Tennis: it’d make me quicker. I’d be the next Venus Williams - but you know, the boy version Favorite pump up song? Move the Dope Favorite pre game food? I like to eat everything, but I eat fruit sometimes Favorite pre game ritual? I like to pray and hope that I do good
Drew Ehrlich
If you could do another sport, what would it be? Lacrosse Favorite pump up song? No preference Favorite pre game food? Fruit Favorite pre game ritual? Whatever I did last time we won, or if we lost, something completely different
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Volume CXIII No. 8
Where We’re Going: College Matriculation 2014
By The Numbers: College Edition compiled by
Wolfie Drake
University of Maryland Most commonly attended school from Gilman graduates of the Class of 2014
367 Miles Average distance between the college and Gilman
110 Graduating Students
Loyola University
79 Different Colleges
Closest College attended by a Gilman Graduate 1.2 Miles
University of Colorado Farthest College Attended by a Gilman Graduate 1,687 Miles
Graduates remaining in Maryland
Graduates Moving 500+ Miles Away
June 8, 2014
Gilman School
Tennis Head Coach Steve Krulevitz Profile by
Conrad Clemens
After playing thirteen t imes at va r ious US Opens, nine times at Wimbledon, eight times at Roland Garros, on Israel’s Davis Cup Team, and even at two Australian Opens, Steve Krulevitz has finally settled down in his hometown. Back in Baltimore, where he now teaches a weekly tennis program, Mr. Krulevitz coaches the Gilman Varsity Tennis Team. He has played with numerous notable tennis players such as Björn Borg, John McEnroe, Rod Laver, Arthur Ashe, and Ivan Lendl. Although he remains humble in his teaching abilities, Gilman athletes emphasize how the teaching style he employs is distinct and effective. Following his graduation at Park High School in Baltimore, Mr. Krulevitz went on to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Science at the University of California, Los Angeles. After instructing a tennis camp in 1984, he coached the Israeli Davis Cup Team in 1989. At Gilman, Krulevitz has graced the tennis program through positions as a volunteer, an assistant coach,
and, for the past 3 years, the head coach. Filling in for former head coach Busick, who retired after 29 years, Krulevitz led the tennis team to their 2014 MIAA A Conference title. Coach Krulevitz has been known at Gilman for assigning interesting nicknames to his players. He explains that where he grew up, “everyone had nicknames. All the kids had nicknames and I didn’t have one and eventually I got one. Throughout high school I gave a lot of people nicknames and it carried over to tennis - it just kind of stuck.” Utilizing this personal aspect definitely adds something special. Commenting on his distinctive touch, Huntington Williams (‘14), as a leader of the Varsity Tennis squad, explained, “He is a very positive person and always keeps practice entertaining while making us work hard.” Whether it be his illustrious tennis career, the funny nicknames, or his teaching prowess, Coach Krulevitz has enriched the Gilman tennis program. With Coach Krulevitz at the helm, students, faculty, and alumni can look forward to an exciting future on the courts.
Volume CXIII No. 8
Opinion: Brazil’s World Cup Preparations Deserve Red Card by
Blake Leonard
This year, Brazil will host the twentieth FIFA men’s World Cup, an event in which thirtytwo countries battle on the field for the most celebrated title in sports: World Cup Champion. The event is the most prestigious and popular competition in the world, and guarantees to bring in stacks of cash to any country anchoring it. This is the second time Brazil has hosted the event; the first time was in 1950, which they won. With such a monumental competition, every aspect of the event is a challenge. Whether it has been the clearing of homeless from the streets or the misuse of funds, many questionable actions have been taken by host countries. Brazil’s preparations for the 2014 tournament have been some of the most controversial in history. Hosting an event that is broadcast worldwide is never cheap. After all, stadiums must be built for the multitude of visitors. An astonishing amount of planning and discipline must be dedicated to the logistics surrounding the event, including transportation for guests. There is, after all, a reason that the majority of former host countries were stable both politically and economically. Simon Kuper for ESPN FC writes that the cost of this year’s FIFA World Cup “was less than $1 billion,” but notes that “the current budget, which will rise, is about $3.5 billion, almost entirely funded by Brazilian taxpayers.” The sudden expenditure spurns the question of where Brazil’s priorities lie when it comes to spending tax payer’s money. Brazil has no shortage of problems internally that require attention, from poor education and healthcare to a murder rate of 20.8% (per 100,000 civilians). Brazilian citizens are incensed that what little money they have has gone to building huge stadiums and buildings for the World Cup. Even with the current spending, many of the stadiums are behind schedule. Sparing no cost, even the live’s of workers, buildings are being rushed to completion. With the tragic deaths of 8 Brazilian construction work-
ers, the country is pressing forward to stay on schedule. Not only are there social and economic problems with the Brazilian World Cup but also the massive influx of fans to Brazil will bring a huge carbon footprint. A report from Fox News Latino says that FIFA estimates “2.72 million metric tons of carbon dioxide” will be released. FIFA has taken initiatives to try and limit the amount of greenhouse gases going into the air, especially considering their poor reputation among environmentalists for deforestation in the Amazon. An effort is at least being made to limit the output of greenhouse gasses, but fully limiting excess pollution is impossible. Brazil’s selection to host the event brought many injustices of their government into the limelight. Trying to hide the severity of poverty many of their citizens experience has added to their notoriety. According to Sky News, they have taken draconian measures when “cranes and tractors were used to demolish wooden huts built around the building - many still full of belongings residents had no time to pack.” Ironically, the Brazilian government has created a diaspora of homeless citizens in an effort to neutralize international embarrassment. Not only are the needs of many being ignored for the World Cup, many are being directly displaced by the government for it. One banner from a protester perfectly summed up civilian pleas, reading: “We have world-class stadiums -- now we need a country to go around them.” Protests and riots won’t halt the event, but they may, at the very least, bring light to issues for the future. Although the event may provide some profit, the long term social, political, and economic effects of hosting the tournament may prove catastrophic. Many would say the government of Brazil has reacted unethically to their challenges by demolishing people’s property and silencing the opposition. Whether the World Cup is able to continue smoothly, uninterrupted by incomplete stadiums or rioters, remains to be seen, but, hopefully, the problems in Brazil can be addressed directly following the event, regardless of its outcome.
By The Numbers compiled by
123-96-8 Combined record for all Varsity teams this year
117.5 Varsity Indoor Track score in MIAA Championship Meet
Varsity Basketball average points per game
comic by
Michael Holmes
Number of matches lost by JV Tennis
Varsity Soccer average margin of victory
28.6 Average points per game for Varsity Football
Spencer Morris
78.5% Varsity Volleyball set win percentage
8 Average Varsity lacrosse goals allowed
Varsity Tennis combined score of matches in May
Number of MIAA Varsity Championships this year