Luciana "Chana" Feliciano was born on Tuesday, February 25, 1930 and passed away on Thursday, October 30, 2014. Eighty-four years young, she exemplified faith, hope, love and a zest for life and people that few have seen. She was a daughter, wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Her top three priorities in life were God, family and friends. That she lived life to the fullest would be an un-
derstatement. She lived with gusto, purpose and passion. She was born in Aguada, Puerto Rico and was raised in the Barrio de Cerro Gordo where she met and married Filomeno Feliciano at the age of 21 on Thursday, December 6, 1951. She gave birth to four children in Puerto Rico. Their first-born was Santa followed by twins which passed away (one was still-born and the other lived
only days). Luis Antonio was the fourth and final child to be born in Puerto Rico. In the late ‘50s, they arrived in Elgin where Mary, Blanca and Gil were born and where she worked for the new Hawley Products in St. Charles (the largest manufacturer of molded fiber products in the U.S.) then onto to Suburban Plastics in Elgin from which she retired. While in Elgin, they lived on E. Chicago St. (where they survived a fire), Bartlett St., N. State St. (twice), Michigan Ave. and Ryerson. She was a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church since arriving in Elgin, joined their Circo de Oracion where she came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and
Timeline Year 1930
Chana Born
Puerto Rico
Pedro Albizu Campos
•Pres. Herbert Hoover •A British White Paper
was elected president
•Great Depression
demands restrictions
of the Nationalist Par- •George Washington's on Jewish immigration ty.
sculpted head dedi-
into Mandatory Pales-
cated at Mount Rush-
•Pluto discovered
•Bonnie Parker meets Clyde Barrow 1951
The 600 Law is
•Pres. Harry S. Tru-
•South Africans
passed, giving Puerto
Forced to Carry ID
Rico the right to es-
•Color TV introduced
Cards Identifying Race
tablish a government
•Truman Signs Peace
•Winston Churchill
with proper constitu-
Treaty With Japan, Of- Again Prime Minister
ficially Ending WWII
of Great Britain
First child,
•The flag of the Com- •Pres. Harry S. Tru-
•Princess Elizabeth
Santa, born
monwealth of Puerto
Becomes Queen at
Rico is officially
•Car Seat Belts Intro-
Age 25
•The Great Smog of
•Luis Muñoz Marín re •Polio Vaccine Created 1952 -elected governor to 2nd 4-year term, with 64.9% of vote 1954
Twins (Juan
Puerto Rican national- •Pres. Dwight D. Ei-
•Britain Sponsors an
and Maria An- ists opened fire in the
Expedition to Search
tonia) born
U.S. House of Repre-
•Segregation Ruled
for the Abominable
and died
sentatives, wounding
Illegal in U.S.
five Congressmen
•Report Says Ciga-
•First Atomic Subma-
rettes Cause Cancer
rine Launched
Tony born
•Hurricane Saint Clare •Pres. Dwight D. Eistrikes the island
•Luis Muñoz Marín is
•Disneyland opens
re-elected governor to •Emmett Till Murhis third 4-year term,
with 62.5% of the vote •Ray Kroc Opens His First McDonald's
•Warsaw Pact Signed
Arrival in
•Luis Munoz Marin on
•Pres. Dwight D. Ei-
•Mao Zedong Launch-
cover of Time
es the "Great Leap For-
Mary born
•The first Puerto Rican •NASA Founded
Day Parade held in
•LEGO Toy Bricks First
New York
Bacardi y Compañía is
•Pres. Dwight D. Ei-
•Castro Becomes Dic-
moved to Cataño
tator of Cuba
•Hawaii becomes 50th •The first known huState
man with HIV dies in Congo
Blanca born
Luis Muñoz Marín is re •Pres. Dwight D. Ei-
•Top Nazi murderer of
-elected to his fourth 4 senhower
Jews, Adolf Eichmann,
-year term with 58.2%
•Alfred Hitch-
captured by Israelis
of the vote
cock's Psycho Released in Argentina •Communist China an d Soviet Union split
Gil born
Founding of Intera-
•Pres. John F. Kennedy •1st Person Killed Try-
merican University of
•Cuban Missile Crisis
Puerto Rico at Ponce
•1st James Bond Movie •Pope John XXIII opens Second
Found Dead
Vatican Council •US troops in-
Grandmoth- to Rico opens a cam-
•Beatles Break Up
vade Cambodia
er (Davy
•Computer Floppy
•Earthquake kills more
Disks Introduced
than 50,000 in Peru
pus in Ponce
Congress introduc-
•Pres. Bill Clinton
•1st sheep cloned
es Project Young, to
•Mother Theresa of
•China resumes con-
Calcutta died
trol of Hong Kong
Sister, Maria President Bill Clinton
•Pres. Bill Clinton
The world awaits the
offers clemency to 16
•US Senate
consequences of
Puerto Rican inde-
opens impeachment
the Y2K bug
pendence activists
trial of Pres Clinton
Grandmoth- provide a process
•Marilyn Monroe The University of Puer- •Pres. Richard Nixon
born) 1997
ing to cross Berlin Wall
er (Crystal
leading to full self-
government for PR
Announced: Population •Pres. Barack Obama
”Love for the poor is at
fell from 3.7 million in •Authorities investi-
the center of the Gos-
2010 to 3.6 million in
gate bomb threat at
pel” Pope Francis at
federal building.
Global Meeting of Pop-
ber 30
ular Movements
Other landmark events include: learning to drive a car, learning to write her signature, quitting smoking, taking English classes, handling two knee replacements at the same time, and beginning to alternate between California and Puerto Rico every Winter.
Familia, querida familia: La persona que tantas veces fue eje de nuestras reuniones festivas vuelve a llamarnos hoy a estar juntos para comunicarnos que entró en la eternidad. Muy a menudo oimos el llamado a celebrar la vida. Hoy podemos decir sin temor a equivocarnos que para Tía Chana la vida fue una celebración continua dedicada con generosidad sin límites a los seres humanos que tuvimos la suerte de tenerla como madre, como hermana, como tía, como suegra, como abuela... Y esa generosidad ella la extendió a muchos otros seres que no eran familiares porque para Tía había una sola y gran familia: la humanidad, la projimidad. Esta ocasión es, pues, momento para exhaltar las cualidades profundamente humanas que adornaron a Tía Chana, comenzando por su generosidad, como ya hemos dicho, y subrayando la jovialidad con que vivía y hacía el bien. Aquella risa cantarina y sonora suya era expresión del júbilo y el gusto con que hacía las cosas pensando en el bienestar del prójimo. Disfrutaba servir, lo disfrutaba íntimamente, profundamente. Nosotros, sobrinos y sobrinas, transmitimos hoy al Tío Felo, sus hijos, hijas, nietos, nietas y bisnietos, y al entrañable Carlos nuestro abrazo solidario y caluroso que por vía nuestra les hace llegar nuestro padre, a quien la Tía llamaba siempre, con sumo respeto, Hermano. Tuvimos la dicha de que la Tía nos acompañara en esta travesía por más de 80 años. Fuimos muy agraciados compartiendo con ella alegrías y penas. Ahora el Ser Supremo que la había enviado para que fuera nuestro su amor y su cariño, ha decidido que ella merecía recoger el fruto de su siembra en compañía de Dios. Así partió hacia el cielo: callada, en paz, tranquila. La recordaremos siempre como fue: alegre, generosa, humana. Y le pediremos a Tía que nos eche la bendición todos los días, hasta que nos encontremos con ella para disfrutar nuevamente su presencia, pero entonces... para siempre. Familia López Acevedo
My memory of Chana will be that she always accepted everyone into her family as another family member. Just as she did with my mother after my father passed away. The two of them became fast friends despite their language barriers. That is the heart that Chana had, she always thought of others more than herself. She also seemed to have an unlimited amount of energy. Think Energizer Bunny on steroids, even in her later years she just would not slow down. I guess it is just a testament to the life that was in her. She will be missed very much by all that knew her. Adios “Manguera,” te quiero mucho. –Andy Chramowicz
Hubo momentos en que pensé en este día, pero no creí que fuera súbito. Hace 8 meses te di el último beso y abrazo. Ya había planes para volvernos a ver y fundirnos en esa risa tan especial que tenías pero te has ido a un lugar donde no habrá más llanto. Te extrañaré. Solo quedará el recuerdo de todo lo hermoso que fue tenerte. Los que te conocieron tuvieron el privilegio de aprender de ti pq no ostentaste de títulos, pero llevaste el más valuable, el amor, el perdón, la paz y alegría en la q para ti los obstáculos no existían. Mi querida Tía Chana hoy hago un viaje a Chicago no de placer pero sé que te volveré a ver porque aunque el dolor es fuerte por tu ausencia aún queda una esperanza de gloria. Gracias por todo tu amor por hsberme dejado vivir contigo por todo el apoyo q siempre me diste. El cielo ayer recibió una guerrera que ganó la batalla. Te amaré siempre. -Jessi Although my time with Grandma Chana was short, I will NEVER forget the special qualities she embodied. Her love for her family and friends, her energy, and her care for others before herself were three things that any stranger would notice right away. As soon as I stepped into a family event, she was immediately there to give the biggest and best hug that no other four foot, 80 year old woman could give. After that, her next intention was to make sure you were eating and stuffed full. I remember my first time at her house. Right after I sat down at her kitchen table with a heaping plate full of her cooking, she ran right up to me to offer me more; even though it was obvious no more could fit on the plate. I never left her house on an empty stomach. I am especially honored that I was able to be a part of her last trip to Puerto Rico in 2013. I will never forget that Christmas. She cooked, sang, and danced the night away as if she were a teenager. The energy she had for an 80+ year old woman was truly remarkable. If there is one thing I would like to thank her for most, it is for always making me feel like apart of the family no matter where we were. I could really see that Chana was the glue to both her family in the United States and Puerto Rico. Although she has left us, I can see these qualities she has left behind in her children and grandchildren. She was an extraordinary woman and I am thankful for the time I was able to spend with her, even if it was short. -Jimmy Kulas
Me entristece haber recibido las noticias de nuestra querida Tía Chana. Toda familia tiene un enlace que la mantiene junta. Siento que hoy hemos perdido un enlace de diamante… Por más natural que sea, es imposible no sentir nada. Somos seres humanos; seres emocionales. Aunque esté a miles de millas de distancia, les pido a ustedes quienes están en el presente que por favor canalicen mis condolencias a aquellos de nuestra familia que estén ahí en Chicago este momento. A cada uno le llegara su dia, este fue el de Chana y algun dia sera el de nosotros. Mi querida Tia Chana... La única que desde niño pudo crear un personaje characterizable en la familia. Sus expresiones animadas llenas de vida me acordaban de mis caricaturas favoritas. Cada persona tiene un aspecto que recordamos por siempre y me hará mucha falta saber que nunca volveré a escuchar mi nombre pronunciado "KERRRRRRVIN" de manera adrede. Todos vivimos en algún momento para querer dejar un legado. Tia Chana dejó la suya como huella en mi corazón. Mi linda Chana no ha muerto, simplemente ha dejado de animar. Sigue viva en nuestros recuerdos y en nuestro compartir. Solamente morimos cuando nadie nos recuerda. Les pido a los que leen y que tengan la facilidad de compartir con la familia, que deleguen lo siguiente: El consuelo más efectivo que me pueda aplicar y ofrecer para mi y para mi familia es una de sabiduria por un autor. Un autor quien creo que nos entiende en estas situaciones… "No llores porque se terminó, sonríe porque sucedió" - Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gracias Tia Chana, mis lágrimas hoy serán de agradecimiento. —Kevin There are countless things I will never forget about Grandma Chana. Some of my most favorite things about her were the way she would always put everyone before herself. Everyone says how caring and genuine she was, and this really couldn’t be truer. I hope to embody some of the things that made her such an amazing person. One little memory I will never forget is when my sister Courtney, Chana, and I were eating cherry tomatoes and my sister bit one and the juice squirted grandma in the face, we all broke into laughter. I will also never forget her Energizer Bunny lifestyle. I remember when we were in Puerto Rico and she would be up dancing and talking until 1, 2, 3, in the morning like it was 12 in the afternoon, of course she would be up when her fancy alarm clock, the roosters, would go off. I really can’t imagine how things will be without her, but I am so thankful for the life she lived, how much I learned from her, and the truly amazing woman she was.—Kristin
My favorite memory of Grandma is when she was babysitting Danny and I when we were very little. We decided we wanted to play cops and robbers and so we made her sit in a chair and tied her arms and legs to it using belts. We made pretend guns with our hands and told her "Give us all your money." She would always bring up how much fun she had that day and it always made her laugh. I can still hear her voice saying "Me no have no money" and laughing hysterically. – Steven
This picture reminds me of how incredibly proud my mother was of all her kids. She always made sure we were all “prettied up” for school photos. She wanted to make sure her kids were clean, well-dressed and respected. I can remember the proud look on her face after having giving us a bath or sending us to school; she had a sweet smile and smooth baby powder smell as she leaned over to kiss us. We did not grow up as millionaires, but she made sure we had nice clean clothes to go to school, church or to welcome visitors. Often times she would make them herself (kinda like Sound of Music drapes J). My mom was the most amazing person on this planet. She had an enormous sense of ethics, which kept you in line, making sure you did the right thing in life. I remember the brown house on State Street, where we built a “fort ” in the forest. One day my girlfriend (Linda) and I were hanging out with our “boyfriends” and my mamita calls out “Mery…que haces (what are you doing)?,” as she starts approaching the forest … the boys take off while ruffling up leaves and branches. She says, “What’s going on there…?” Me: “ahhh…nada mami… birds are flying.” Mamita: “Yeah right, there are no stinking birds at 9:00 at night, get in the house right now!” Oops!:)—we could never fool this wise amazing woman! –Mary Chana had a way with making friends any where she went, in addition to having friends she didn’t even know. One time when she was trying to contact her brother in Puerto Rico she dialed what she thought was the right number, when a lady answered Chana apologized for calling the wrong place. They started a conversation, as Chana always did, and then she attempted to call her brother again. This time she called the same stranger, Chana being Chana, continued conversation when the lady told Chana next time she is in Puerto Rico Chana needed to stop by her house because she had heard so much about Chana and, after speaking with her twice by accident, she could just tell how great of a person Chana was. G'ma: "Mira Santa, cuando yo me muera no me pongas lo lentes (Santa, don't have me wearing my glasses when I die") Santa: Porque? (Why?) G'ma: "Por que Ruby no me viene a velar...then she laughs" (Because then Ruby won't come see me when I die) Her girlfriend Ruby said she felt that putting glasses on dead people didn't make any sense since they couldn't see, what's the point" and they started laughing and it really stuck with mom. —Santa
When I was a child, I was a picky eater. My grandma Chana never had a problem whipping me up a bowl of white rice & scrambled eggs. I appreciate it and still make it to this day. My grandmother got to meet someone very important to me. Upon meeting her, she told my friend that she loved her. It filled me with so much joy, it still does and always will. My grandmother Chana was the sweetest grandma that you could ask for. She knew I didn’t understand Spanish very well and always made an effort to communicate to me in English. Her love transcended all languages though. –Lauren I remember when my mom worked late nights and we stayed with mami and even after a long day at work she would play with us and let Danny and me play “doctor” and she was the “patient.” Time spent with her was the best. Beautiful memories. God sent me my angel who helped me get through the darkest time in my life in my teem years…she was there to wipe my tears, hold my hand, hug me tight, caress my hair, and taught me to pray and trust in God. My kiddies and I will always remember her dancing, laughing, smiling, and loving us all unconditionally! My angel is now dancing with Jesus! Te amo Mami! -Raquel
I have so many wonderful memories of mom. The one I treasure the most is my one weekend I got to spend with her alone, which everyone knows that’s impossible in this family. She spent the night and it was just her and I and we talked and laughed till the wee hours of the night. I will miss her so much. –Blanca
She had the biggest heart. She always went beyond and above to make you feel special. The time Davy and I went to PR with her. We stayed with her at her sisters place, which didn't have any hot water for showers. So everyday she would heat up water on the stove to fill a big bucket just so that I would have hot water for my shower. She was going to do everything in her power to make my first experience in PR a great one.—Maggie
I'll always remember the times that my sister Raquel and I would never want to sleep in our own beds upstairs. We would always want to sleep in grandmas room with her. We would always argue as to who would be the lucky one to sleep on the bed with her. The loser would get the air stress on the side of her bed. Grandma was always pretty good at being a fair judge and making sure we would switch off the next time we slept with her. Another fond memory I have with grandma is the time she was babysitting Steven and I at Tia Blanca's house. Steven and I were such a handful...always running around the house and making a mess, but grandma let us enjoy our time. Steven and I were playing with toy guns and we tied her up to a chair with belts. We proceeded to pretend to rob her at gunpoint and ask her "where is the money!? Give me the money!" She would just sit in the chair and pretend to be crying and said to us "I don't have any money! No money!" Until this day, Steven and I still bring up this story and can't help but laugh when we both repeat grandma's words "I don't have any money! No money!" I was so spoiled by my grandma. My elementary school was only 2 blocks away from the house and when most kids on my street would walk home from school, I would want to be picked up and of course grandma didn't mind going to pick me up. There was a few times grandma would pick me up from school in her infamous "rollos" which were hair rollers to curl her hair. I was always so embarrassed when she picked me up like that. I didn't want my friends to see her or think I wasn't cool so I told her one time "Mami! No me recoges con esos rollos en el pelo!" She would always bring this memory up with me and we would laugh about it and how silly it was. Grandma always took myself and my sister to church with her. She would take us to St Joseph Spanish mass and we being kids never really understood any of what was being talked about. We would always try to sneak out of church to go play in this small little background that St Joseph had. I remember whenever we succeeded and got back there to play you would see grandma come out and try to get us to come back in to listen to the mass. She being the sweet lady she is, she let us stay out there the rest of the mass to play and enjoy ourselves even though she frowned upon it. Grandma always had us youngsters practicing to pray and would teach us prayers in Spanish and help us pronounce each word until we would complete each prayer. Till this day, I still remember and recite those prayers grandma taught me and I hope to pass them along to my kids one day. Grandma was a true kid at heart. She loved to enjoy life and was always in positive spirits no matter the situation. She used to love to play games with us kids. I would always enjoy playing loteria with her. We would use beans she had stored for us to use as markers on the card. I also enjoyed playing bingo with grandma. She even went all out and bought us a very fancy bingo set that had a metal cage that you would rotate for all the balls that had the numbers to get mixed up in. Never a dull moment with her. She always had a trick up her sleeve to keep us kids entertained. – Danny
I will always remember Nana as a baby whisperer - the first time she held my son he stopped crying immediately and just stared up at her beautiful face. Her gentle spirit and loving touch put all children instantly at ease. She loved to dance with them and make them laugh. Her love was so great for everyone she knew and met, both young and old, and she gave it freely and unconditionally like that of mother to child. As her family we are united by both the life she gave us and the privilege of knowing a truly beautiful soul. A spirit as great as hers lives on. We will always feel her with us - her endless energy, her desire to fill everyone's stomach, her selflessness, her ability to see the good and her amazing smile. We love you so much, Nana, and you will be so greatly missed. –Nikki
Grandma use to tell me all the time "el único portorriqueño que yo tengo" This I will never forget!!! –Davy
Grandma Chana was one of the most loving, caring, and compassionate people that I have ever known. My favorite thing about her was that she would always put everyone else's needs before her own, no matter what it was. She loved her family more than anything and they loved her back. When Grandma was in the hospital there were always 20+ people there. I don't think that I've ever seen that many people come together for one person. I think that it just goes to show how big of an impact she has had on everyone in this family. I will always remember the way that she used to hug me so tight and tell me that she loved me before I would leave her house. She was always full of life no matter the time of day. This has been one of the hardest losses that I have ever encountered in my life, but I know that she is in a better place now. –Courtney
Ill never forget how recently grandma said how children are such a joy and bring happiness into every home. She was right and i think thats a big part of why she was so happy and loving all her life. –Gaby
Mom and I were having dinner with some mutual friends at La Puesta del Sol one time when the Mariachis came over and started playing “En Mi Viejo San Juan.” I’d always loved that song, but it has become indelibly marked in my mind that day because I saw a tear roll down her face while they sang this verse: Pero el tiempo pasó y el destino burló mi terrible nostalgia y no pude volver al San Juan que yo amé pedacito de patria mi cabello blanqueó y mi vida se va ya la muerte me llama y no quiero morir alejado de ti puerto rico del alma -Gil
Ma Chana was a wonderful lady filled with so much love and positive energy. I’ll always carry her in my heart. – Tina
Chana was the sweetest most caring person. She always had a smile on her face no matter what. She raised an amazing family and man did she know how to cook. She will forever be in my heart. –Lydia Chana was a very kind person. She would visit my parents Francisco and Maria Villanueva. They would talk about when they were young in Puerto Rico and about how much fun they had. She will be missed. –Maria, Fred, Jose and Michelle Villanueva
We visited with mom and dad (Lili and Carmelo Ruiz) almost every weekend when we were young girls. We loved Chana’s fun loving spirit. She always made us laugh. She will be missed. – Kristina Yvette
I will always remember Chana’s sweet smile and caring, loving ways. Always a hi, kiss and hug!! And always her Puerto Rican rice. Love you always Chana! –Tete
Te llevaré en mi corazón siempre. Te veré en el cielo. Nunca me olvidare de ti. –Nalda
Always smiling! God bless –Rosa Family Mi Chanita Hermosa! Te voy a recordar siempre, por tu cariño, tu sonrisa, tus abrazos y cuando me declas que te regalara mis rizos. Cuando me sentabas para que comiera vente porque jas a comer. Gracias por todo tu amor. –Emma Chana was always happy, she was a beautiful person inside and out! We will miss you! –Domino Family
Why is it-that when I came to visit Gil and Tony-she would always treat me like I was starving? It’s just that her food is so good!! –Mark
Mi Chanita! I will forever remember her love, her smile, and her hugs. She gave her all without expecting anything back. Her love was so pure, her spirit so energizing, and her presence so gentle and full of life. She will forever be in my heart. –Millie Last saw amazing Chanita at a clothing store. She was bubbly, energetic and flashing that spirited, beautiful smile, then I heard her laugh and we shared that great moment. –L. Santiago
We remember Chana with a loving, caring, honest heart. Full of life and big smiles, and of course always looking beautiful. We love you and you will be missed dearly. –Emanuel, Joanna, and Mason
Reina de nuestro coraz贸n
Muchas mujeres han obrado con nobleza, pero t煤 las superas a todas.
Proverbios 31:29