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As property developers throughout Ireland turn to sustainable heating technologies to ensure Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) standards are met, Grant continues to lead the way with its underfloor heating system. The system combines Grant’s Uflex underfloor heating with the appropriate smart controls, designed to work together to optimise efficiency and deliver long-term savings for the property owner. Grant’s Uflex underfloor heating system is becoming increasingly popular with those working on new build or deep retrofit projects throughout the country due to its unobtrusive design and high efficiency levels. Carefully designed for individual rooms based on their specific requirements, the system has a stainless-steel manifold and is embedded within the floor construction. The pipework which can come in PERT and ALUPERT is positioned and clipped into place once the flooring’s insulation and membrane has been fitted. After this a flow screed is laid over the top and allowed to fully dry before heat is introduced. With a drying time of up to thirty days, Uflex can be fitted as part of the floor’s assembly process, therefore causing no delays in construction. When purchased, a full set of line drawings is provided for the Uflex system. The Grant Uflex underfloor heating system offers convenient and highly efficient heating and can help new build properties achieve NZEB standards and compliance with Part L building regulations, especially when paired with a heat source like the Grant A +++ Aerona 3 R32 air source heat pump. This combination of technology improves the overall efficiency of a new build or retrofit property as both the Aerona 3 heat pump and the Uflex system can run at lower temperatures, therefore enabling savings to be made on electricity bills. In addition to the Uflex system’s mechanical components such as pipework and manifolds, Grant also supplies the necessary controls to operate the underfloor heating system as efficiently as possible, creating a ‘smart’ system. The slim and stylish Heatmiser 230V controls can be set to provide different room temperatures and different time intervals on individual heating zones, with a wireless option also available. Working with the expertise of Grant’s technical team, property developers can help optimise their heating investment. It is this technical insight and careful combination of the Uflex system and smart controls by Grant which ensures that the heating solution is bespoke to the new-build or retrofit property, bringing it into a new class of efficiency. With over 40 years’ experience in the heating industry and a wide range of innovative heating products, Grant offers a one stop solution to achieve a comfortable, sustainable and cost-effective way to heat properties of all sizes.
Grant Uflex Underfloor Heating
• Offers an efficient heating solution • Suitable for both new builds and retrofits • Highly efficient when paired with a Grant Aerona³ R32 air source heat pump • Easy installation • Optimal control and comfort • Operates at lower flow temperatures • Can provide individual zone control • Can be paired with smart controls to create a ‘smart’ heating system • Increased hygiene due to reduced air circulation transferring dust particles