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Enabling the effective management of Fire & CO Alarm Installations
In an era where Asset Management and Compliance are key issues, maintaining data for properties is complex and time-consuming. Gaining access to every property can be an issue. The reassurance of your alarms working to protect occupiers is vital. These are all important issues for Local Authorities, Housing Associations & Property Management Companies. With this in mind, Ei designed the ideal alarm management system to make life easier, improve efficiency and reduce costs - the Ei1000G SmartLINK Gateway.
Using its built-in GSM data connection, the Ei1000G reports events including Fire/CO activations and alarm head removals to the SmartLINK cloud portal, for full visibility and remote monitoring. The Ei1000G SmartLINK Gateway utilises Ei’s next generation of wireless technology to enable real-time notifications via an online, cloud based SmartLINK portal system. The development of the Ei SmartLINK Gateway has been greatly influenced by Housing Maintenance teams within Local Authorities (LA) and Housing Associations (HA) and Property Management companies, through extensive feedback and rigorous trials that have significantly shaped the final product. As the pinnacle of Ei’s technology, this pioneering product facilitates the safety of occupants at all times and aids with compliance across housing stock, ensuring ease of monitoring for LAs/HAs and clear, actionable intelligence.
Some LAs served as a trial site for the SmartLINK Gateway, Project Managers commented: “In a building that relies on residents for access, we can monitor alarm systems remotely to make sure everything is working correctly, and the tenants are kept safe. The main benefit of this product would be saving time and money while getting an immediate response, rather than going through the normal procedures.” Ei have continuously been at the forefront of Radio Frequency (RF) technology and are now leading the
way in revolutionising this technology. The foundation of RF technology simply enabled wireless interconnection between Ei alarms, allowing ease of installation. This technology has been expanded upon and has progressed to now having more capabilities than ever before. By using in-built GSM data connection and RF interconnection to interface the SmartLINK Gateway with Ei alarms and accessories, easy installation and reliable connection is assured, meaning full visibility of connected RF systems. The Ei1000G SmartLINK Gateway aims to improve efficiency, reduce costs, aid with replacement forecasting and maintenance and enable smart asset management. Events are reported directly as they happen via the online portal, which gives accessible intelligence that can be actioned, reported on and documented. This groundbreaking technology gives a proactive approach to fault-finding, defining any trends in alarm activations and maintenance requirements, while drastically minimising the issue of property access. The SmartLINK Gateway will revolutionise the way in which alarm systems are managed, paving the way to a solution-focused approach to asset management.