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Irish Water applies for planning permission to maximise energy recovery at Ringsend WWTP+
The project to upgrade of the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant is progressing on a phased basis. This essential upgrade is required to enable future housing and commercial development and help to ensure that Dublin can sustain continued growth in the medium term. Irish Water is working to provide infrastructure to achieve compliance with the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive for a population equivalent of 2.1 million in the second half of 2023. When all the proposed works are complete in 2025, the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant will be able to treat wastewater for up to 2.4 million population equivalent while meeting the required standards.
As the treatment capacity of the plant expands, additional power is required. Irish Water has assessed all the options available and has concluded that the most efficient and sustainable option to provide this power is to expand the existing Combined Heat and Power (CHP) facility at Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The existing CHP facility at Ringsend uses the biogas recovered from the sludge treatment process to generate power and heat for the treatment process. Combined heat and power (CHP) is a highly efficient process that captures and uses the heat that is a by-product of the power generation process. This facility has been operating safely and efficiently since the plant was commissioned 2005. The proposed expansion will increase the amount of on-site power generated by 20% - as well as maximising the energy recovery processes in place on the wastewater treatment plant in line with the principles of the circular economy and minimises the power required from the national grid.
Irish Water applied for planning permission to Dublin City Council (Ref 5319/22) for an expansion of the combined heat and power facility at Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant. The expansion will maximise energy recovery from the sludge treatment processes to produce bio-gas to fuel the onsite CHP facility which will produce electrical and thermal energy.
The proposed development is located on the southwestern section of Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant site and consists of two structures similar to the other structures on the WwTP. The development will not be visible from existing public roads in the locality.