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Next phase of €9m investment in Kilcummin Sewerage Scheme progresses
Uisce Éireann is set to commence the next phase of the Kilcummin Sewerage Scheme that will see a new sewer collection system for Kilcummin village. This project will reduce the reliance on on-site treatment systems such as septic tanks and package treatment plants.
As part of the project, being delivered by Coffey Construction on behalf of Uisce Éireann and Kerry County Council, road closures on Killarney Road and Kilcummin Road will be required for the duration of the pipeline works however local and emergency access will be maintained at all times. It is anticipated that the closures will be in place for the following durations:
•Kilcummin Road, from Lower Coolcorcoran Road to Upper Coolcorcoran Road from 3 January to 31 March.
•Killarney Road, from Coolcorcoran Cross to Kilcummin Village from 3 January to 8 September.
Diversion routes will be signposted on approach and Uisce Éireann will endeavour to minimise delays/disruptions to local traffic. A map of the traffic management plan is attached.
Once complete, the scheme will provide a new sewer collection system for Kilcummin village, that will ensure wastewater from the village is treated appropriately.
Once operational, the new sewerage scheme will connect into the sewer network in Killarney town, where it will be collected and transferred to Killarney Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) for appropriate treatment. Speaking about the works, David Shalloo, Wastewater Regional Delivery Lead with Uisce Éireann, said, “We are now commencing the next phase of this vital project that will accommodate future population growth in Kilcummin and will enhance the local environment. The scheme will ensure compliance with wastewater discharge regulations. It will also improve water quality in the River Deenagh and Lough Leane and protect recreational waters for swimming, fishing, boating and sightseeing."
“This phase will require a lengthy traffic management plan, particularly on Killarney Road. However, this is necessary for us to safely deliver this essential project. We would like to thank the people of Kilcummin who have worked with us throughout this project and thank them for their patience as we progress into this phase”. The new sewerage infrastructure to be constructed as part of this scheme will include a sewer network for Kilcummin village, a pumping station, and approximately 6kms of sewers.
Works on the project commenced in late 2022, with the entirety of the project due for completion in 2024. Uisce Éireann and Kerry County Council will continue to update the local community in Kilcummin as works progress.