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Steel Access Solutions for Water Networks

A Guide to Specifications and Standards

Selecting the correct access covers for water networks can be a daunting challenge for project designers with factors such as operator and public safety, ergonomics and asset security requiring equal consideration. Compliance to the relevant standards, EN 124-3 & BS 9124, as listed under section 2.74 of Uisce Eireannʼs Civil Engineering Specification Notes for Guidance document TEC – 300-02, must also be followed.

Based on feedback from Consultant Engineers and Framework Contractors, and in order to deal with the absence of knowledge of the requirements of relevant standards relating to steel covers, EJ have prepared a Guide to Specifying Steel covers for Water Networks. This guide includes a list of the design criteria required to be in conformance with BS 9124 -for steel covers spanning greater than 1 Meter, and EN 124-3: 2015, for chamber openings up to and including 1 Meter x 1 Meter clear openings.

For project designers, insisting on independent 3rd party certification takes the headache out of product selection, it guarantees that the rigorous test procedures of both standards are met, thus ensuring a high factor of safety is upheld, and mitigates the risk of installing products that vary in quality and performance.

For a brief guide on how to ensure product compliance to Uisce Eireann specification request the following documentation from your supplier.

(a)Test reports for products – showing the 3 Types of Load Tests required Deflection test, Permanent Set test and Design Test.

(b)Drop Test Reports for safety grids - BS 9124 requires a Drop test to be carried out on fall protection safety grids. EJ apply the same test to all their safety grids.

(c)Welders Accreditations –Steel fabricators and Welders must be qualified to the standard ISO EN 9606-1 as required by EN 124:2015, and to BS 267 -1 required by BS 9124

(d)Check for correct markings on covers – Sections 8 and 9 of EN 124- 3 & BS 9124

(e)Anti-Skid Test report – complying with EN 124-3 & BS 9124 requirements in an Unpolished Slip Resistance Value (USRV) and Polished Slip Resistance Value (PSRV)

(f)Third Party accreditation - to guarantee surety of compliance

For more information on specification guidance for high quality infrastructure access solutions in ductile iron, steel, or composite material, we offer Engineers Ireland approved CPD seminars, contact us on 057 9123100 to organise a Lunch & Learn.

Visit www.ejco.com/ie/ for product brochures and keep up to date with our latest company and product news on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/ej-in-ireland/

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