Una Historia por Revelar

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Emilio Andrade Matuk


Press book Moving Image 2015-2016


Technical aspects: Title: Copa Tradicion: Una historia por revelar Director: Emilio Andrade Written by: Emilio Andrade Starring: Juan Antonio Casas, Gimnasio Campestre students Camera men: Daniel Corredor, Emilio Andrade Sound: Daniel Corredor, Emilio Andrade Edited by: Felipe Bayon, Emilio Andrade Music: Emilio Andrade Music Genres: Cumbia Villera, “musica de cancha” Running Time: 7 minutes. Year of filming: 2015-2016

Synopsis: The “copa tradicion” it’s a football match between two of the most traditional schools in Bogotá, it’s played twice a year, ones in the Gimnasio Campestre and ones in the Gimnasio Moderno. This documentary discovers the historical background of this rivalry and show the special way the students and the community lives this match.

Notes of the Proyect: Pre-Production: In the pre-production I first need to choose a topic so I decide to work with a topic I like, like it is the copa tradicion. Then I thought that if I want to work with the copa tradicion I couldn’t do a fiction film so I decided to do a documentary. I decided to made it about the history of the rivalry when I saw that everything made about the copa is about the passion of the students in it bus it has no contest. Production: Starting to made the film I decided to uses interviews and the audiovisual store of the school as sources of information because in the interviews people have lived how this rivalry have changed through the years and in the videos I can show to the audience that change in the fans through the years. In audiovisual terms in the interviews its used natural light during the day and a tripod for the camera making most of the scenes static. Post production: In the post production I found out the film didn’t end up like I would like because I didn’t have enough time because of the school and all the activities I was involved during 11th grade.

Potential Demographic: In terms of audience I would like to show the video to the people that like sports and the passion of their fans and obviously the community of “gimnasianos” from the Moderno and the Campestre. To show the video in a “massive” way I would show it in the “fiestas tradicionales” and in the community activities of both schools, also I would show it in the close circuit of the school.

Words of The Director: First of all, I would like to thank everyone that helped me during the development of this Proyect, my teachers Javier and Rodrigo, my classmates and everyone involved in it. In the other hand I think I didn’t do my best in this Proyect and I can make more in future projects using the knowledge I acquire on this one. I would like to finish this in the future.

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