NorthwoodArts '08­–'09 Annual Report

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NORTHWOODARTS Northwood High School ★ Pittsboro, NC 27312 ★ 919.542.4181


Annual Report


orthwood High School, named one of Newsweek’s 1500 Best US Public High Schools, is home to a vibrant arts education department where hundreds of students engage in arts classes, band competitions, choral ensembles, drama productions, visual art exhibitions, club activities, and dance concerts. The 2008–2009 academic year was one of change and challenge. Chris Blice joined NHS as our new principal and Marilyn Shugart joined the faculty as choral and guitar instructor. Construction began on the highlyanticipated new arts wing, requiring classes to relocate and share spaces. Even so, students continued to excel, winning accolades and collaborating to create exciting new works. This retrospective highlights a year of their impressive achievements.

Instrumental Music Instructor: Eugene Cottrell

Class Offerings Music Theory American Music History Marching Band Symphonic Band Concert Band

Co/Extracurricular Marching Band Jazz Band Percussion Ensemble

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Objectives of high school instrumental music study include growing proficiency on a student’s chosen instrument; the ability to read and notate music; to play alone and with others a varied repertoire of music; to describe, analyze, and evaluate music and music performance; and to understand music in relation to history and culture. The 2008 NHS Marching Charger Band focused on Psychoses, an original marching competition program composed by Brad Pearson and Director Eugene Cottrell. From August band camp through final performances in November, students worked to perfect both the music and their visual presentation of the three movements—Hallucinations, Delusion (featuring a haunting solo by senior Andrew Southerland on euphonium), and Paranoia. They were twice named A/AA Band Champions and received a runner-up Grand Champion award, besting bands three times as large at the Viking Classic. The Chargers finished the season with All-Superior ratings. Winterguard made an impressive NHS debut in 2009. Under the direction of Allen Wiley, the team made four competition appearances and won in the novice division. Members performed an original program called Tyrant with sabers, flags and rifles to music by One Republic. It featured Asian-inspired costumes, flags, and a specially designed and painted 50 x 60 foot vinyl floor cloth created by Northwood’s visual arts instructor, Leslie Burwell. Other performances included the Holiday Concert, an annual benefit for the CORA Food Pantry, and the 10th Annual Concert for Memorial Day by the Concert Band. Featured were two performances prepared and presented by student conductors Coby Jones and Andrew Southerland.

’08–’09 NHS Arts Education Annual Report

The NHS Jazz Band was featured at the Shakori Hills Grassroots Festival of Music and Dance and at the reception following the Memorial Day Concert. The Greg Gelb Trio gave a master class for the Jazz Band during the spring semester. Music Theory was introduced as a class option and due to increased demand, American Music History expanded to two sections. Individual musicians excelled and were selected for honors and awards. Joe Graybeal (NHS, ’10) was named French horn first chair in the NC Central All-District Symphonic Band and Ben Apple (NHS, ’10) was seated in trumpet. Katie Watkins (NHS, ’09) received the NHS Eric Ramsey Scholarship and was voted Most Outstanding Band Member by her peers. Andrew Southerland (NHS, ’09) received the John Philip Sousa Band Award, the pinnacle of achievement for high school band students. Created in 1955, it honors the top student in a high school band and recognizes superior musicianship and outstanding dedication. Previous winners include both Director Eugene Cottrell and Principal Chris Blice.

2008 NHS Marching Chargers

Eugene Cottrell, director Catherine Bartholf, drum major Competition

Dixie Classic Danville, VA


The NHS Band Boosters provide critical support for the instrumental music program, serving as pit crew, competition chaperones, overseeing band transportation and all fund raising. Recruitment efforts were enhanced with the production of a new video created by ChewningHarris, Inc. <> Through the generosity of an $18,000 grant from the Arthur Carlsen Charitable Fund of the Triangle Community Foundation along with a $5,000 contribution from the PTSA, next year’s marching band will have new uniforms. They will also occupy the new arts wing with rehearsal studios, expanded music and instrument storage and new loading docks.

Central NC Band Festival Elon, NC

Viking Classic Cameron, NC

Brick Capital Classic Sanford, NC



AA Music—1st Place AA General Effect—1st Place AA Drum Major—2nd Place AA Colorguard—2nd Place AA Percussion—2nd Place Best Pit Crew A/AA Champions


AA Drum Major—1st Place AA Visual Ensemble—1st Place AA Percussion—1st Place AA Music—1st Place AA John L. Harris Award AA Band—1st Place A/AA Champions


AA Percussion—1st Place AA Marching—1st Place AA Music—1st Place AA Colorguard—2nd Place AA Band—1st Place Runner-up Grand Champions


AA Percussion—1st Place AA Visual Ensemble—1st Place AA Music—2nd Place AA Drum Major—2nd Place AA Band—2nd Place


’08–’09 NHS Arts Education Annual Report qlwhevcdxzs


Choral Music Instructor: Marilyn Shugart


Class Offerings Chorus (3 sections) Guitar Ensemble

Extracurricular Tri-M International Music Honor Society

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The goals of choral music study include singing alone, and with others, a varied repertoire of music. Like their counterparts in instrumental music, objectives for students include the ability to read and notate music; to improvise melodies, variations and accompaniments; to describe, analyze, and evaluate music and music performance; to compose and arrange music; and to understand music in relation to history and culture, in relationship to other arts, and to content areas outside the arts. Marilyn Shugart joined the faculty in 2008 with a distinguished background in both K–12 and higher education and experience in music, theatre, and concert performance. Her reinvigorated choral classes incorporated music theory as well as performance study. Guitar classes, involving more than 60 students, were offered for the first time under Shugart’s direction. Students of varying skill levels, from beginner to professional, learned collaboratively with instruments provided by a PTSA grant. Performances included a fall concert by choral students and small ensembles. The Northwood Chorus performed in December at the Pittsboro Senior Center, at the Carolina Club for the Women of Fearrington, and at the Annual Holiday Concert. Changed for Good, the spring concert, featured performers from second semester choral classes along with the Guitar Ensemble and attracted the largest audience yet for a Northwood choral performance. Northwood inaugurated a local chapter of Tri-M, the International Music Honor Society, in the spring of 2009. More than twenty choral and instrumental musicians were inducted and presented a spring recital. A major focus of Shugart’s work in the spring semester was her role as music director for the NHS production of Stephen

’08–’09 NHS Arts Education Annual Report

A new Piano for NHS

Sondheim’s Into the Woods. This annual extracurricular tradition involved preparing the cast of more than 20 singers as well as conducting the band for all rehearsals and performances.

After more than 30 years, NHS has a new piano. The 6-foot Samick grand from the Pearson Music Company, was purchased with grants from the Herman Goldman Foundation and the Northwood PTSA. It arrived in time for the performances of this year’s spring musical, Into the Woods.


Shugart plans to standardize NHS choral class offerings into two sections of graduating experience and introduce a Vocal Ensemble admitted by audition. Guitar will be divided into three sections and a Musical Theatre class will be offered.

2009 Tri-M Inductees Band Abram Graham (Sr) Joe Graybeal (Jr) Coby Jones (Soph) Bailey Bennett (Jr) Kate Absher (Jr) Ben Apple (Jr) Alyssa Knoll (Soph) Elizabeth Bartholf (Soph) Matt Kleberg (Soph) Catherine Bartholf (Soph) Adam Perry (Jr) Candace Perry (Jr)

Chorus/ Guitar Dana Bailey (Jr) Kyle Lemons (Sr) Brittany Bradley (Jr) Alaina McKissick (Jr) Brandon Young (Jr) Lindsay Lehman (Jr) Aubrye Carr (Sr) Antonio Austin (Jr) Jennifer DeVinney (Jr) Adam Mitchell (Sr) Preston Mason (Sr) Amanda Clark (Jr)

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Instructor: Leah Smith


Class Offerings


Dance 1 (2 sections) Dance 2 (2 sections) Dance Company Dance Ensemble (admitted by audition)

Dance study does not only provide students training in individual dance skills. It also focuses on choreographic principles and processes; the place of dance in various cultures and historical periods. It teaches the application of critical thinking, creative and improvisational skills to produce new compositions that communicate meaning. 2008–2009 marked instructor Leah Smith’s fourth year leading Northwood Dance, North Carolina’s oldest public school dance program. More than a hundred students study a variety of dance techniques, dance history, choreography, and lighting and costume design to present winter and spring concerts. Dance alumni return to assist with concert productions and share their college experience with students. Dancers also interact and learn with area peers when they perform at Meredith College’s Annual High School Day of Dance in Raleigh. Dance attracts some of Northwood’s largest audiences and this year’s concerts included performances by student choreographers Hailey Allen (NHS, ’09), Leigh Balint (NHS, ’09), and Kristin Shaffer (NHS, ’09). Hailey Allen will be a member of UNCG’s Dance Team in the fall. Postgraduate plans for Leigh Balint, Julia McClernon (NHS, ’09), Hailey Allen, India Johnson (NHS, ’09), and Georgie Newbold (NHS, ’09) include minoring in dance at various NC universities.

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’08–’09 NHS Arts Education Annual Report

See sample performances from the 2008 winter concert on YouTube: Brought to You by the Number Five <> Winter Dance Finale—Silent Night <>


Next year with the consolidated arts wing, dance will move to a new studio closer to their performance space, the Benjamin J. Smith Auditorium. And dancers, perhaps most of all, eagerly anticipate the new floor in the auditorium. Additional plans include the establishment of a Northwood chapter of the National Honor Society for Dance Arts. ’08–’09 NHS Arts Education Annual Report qlwhevcdxzs


Theatre Arts Instructor: Lori Carlin


Class Offerings


Intro to Theatre Tech Theatre 1 Tech Theatre 2 Acting 1 Acting Ensemble (admitted by audition)

A combination of exploration and creativity are hallmarks of NC theatre studies. Students research traditional theatre, film, and television productions and learn to analyze and critique performances. They take that knowledge and apply it to original productions they plan, write, and produce. Classes and extracurricular activities provide opportunities to improvise, act, learn technical skills, work collaboratively, and evaluate their work and that of their peers. An early highlight for Northwood drama students was traveling to UNC for the Playmakers Repertory Company production of Pericles. Playmakers performers also came to NHS for a residency as part of their Shakespeare Project. The first public drama performance of the year was the Acting Ensemble’s fall play. In November this class mounted three performances of Up The Down Staircase. Based on the 1965 novel by Bel Kaufman, the play is a look at the first year of teaching along with all the joys and trials that accompany the experience of working in public education. Immediately following the production, preparations began for the annual spring musical. The ambitious production of Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods would take place in the midst of school construction, with drama and band sharing the auditorium for classes. The spring musical, an extracurricular activity open to the entire student body, involved hundreds of hours of rehearsal, set construction, and promotional work. Arts faculty collaborated as members of the production team to direct, design and construct sets, create choreography, prepare singers and musicians, as well as

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’08–’09 NHS Arts Education Annual Report

perform in, and conduct, the music ensemble. Not only did art students, alumni and volunteers create the set, they painted the entire auditorium. Northwood was also invited to participate in the Capital Awards, administered by the NC Theatre and part of the new National High School Musical Theater Awards program. Independent judges reviewed a performance and prepared oral critiques and written evaluations educators use to improve teaching activities and student performances. In its first year of participation, Northwood was recognized with nominations for excellence in both sound and scenic design. Outreach activities included the annual tour of Chatham elementary and middle schools to preview the musical and the presentation of a children’s matinee. NHS sponsored a week-long, summer drama camp for Chatham middle schoolers in June, culminating with a performance for family and friends. Also noteworthy, Dr. Carlin led her first study tour to London in April. Her drama students attended plays and musicals, and spent the week learning about English history, art, and architecture.

’08–’09 NHS Arts Education Annual Report qlwhevcdxzs


Visual Arts Instructor: Leslie Burwell

Class Offerings Art 1 Drawing and Painting Fine Crafts Honors Art III

Extracurricular Art Club Nat. Art Honor Society

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Coursework in Visual Arts trains students to develop critical and creative thinking skills and the perceptual awareness needed to understand and produce art. Students study a variety of media, techniques and processes. They learn, through organizational principles of design, to arrange components of a work into a cohesive whole. They choose and evaluate a range of subject matter and ideas to communicate intended meaning. Like their peers in other arts disciplines, they study their subject in relation to history and culture, and to other subjects. Artists reflect upon, assess, evaluate, and critique their work and the work of others. NHS visual arts students present their work in a variety of exhibition venues. On campus students mount a winter art show, a spring show in conjunction with senior exhibitions, and a National Art Honor Society (NAHS) Senior Show at baccalaureate. They participate in the Chatham Arts Studio Tour which opens each year with a student exhibit at Central Carolina Community College. Extracurricular activities and residencies enhance arts learning. On one field trip, the Art Club and National Art Honor Society visited the Nasher Art Museum in Durham. Artist Braima Moiwai presented a week-long residency (sponsored by ChathamArts, and underwritten by Briar Chapel) focusing on music and creating batik from his native Sierra Leone. NAHS members participated in community service projects—making art with Northwood’s exceptional education students, and participating in Pinwheels for Peace with the Creative Writing Club. All visual arts students work on set decoration for the spring musical, this year extending their efforts to create a forest of the entire auditorium.

’08–’09 NHS Arts Education Annual Report

Northwood artists created a dozen entries for the 2008 NC Regional Scholastic Art Competition. Charlotte Harrison (NHS, ’12) received Gold and Silver Key awards and Kate Absher (NHS, ’10) received a Silver Key. Travis Mann (NHS, ’09) received the Bynum Front Porch Scholarship. He and Claire Avery (NHS, ’09) received scholarships from Savannah College of Art and Design, where they will be freshmen this fall. A new mural now graces the walls at Northwood. Kate Absher designed and supervised its completion as part of her culminating Girl Scout project activities. This work is an addition to other murals created more than twenty years ago at the school. It references the Chatham County landscape and the work of Absher’s mentor on the project, Chatham artist Sally Sutton. Art Club and NAHS students assisted with the painting and creating the tile mosaic border.


Next year Art Club will become Studio Club, with afterschool workshops available in pottery, glass fusion, screen printing, and papermaking/book arts. Plans include three potter’s wheels for the new art room, a club mural, and attending a national portfolio day.

’08–’09 NHS Arts Education Annual Report qlwhevcdxzs


Arts Education Faculty Leslie Burwell Visual Arts Chatham representative, NC Arts Ed. Association

Lori Major Carlin Department Chair Theater Arts member, NC Theatre Arts Educators

Eugene Cottrell Instrumental Music member, NC & Central District Bandmasters Association

Marilyn Shugart Vocal Arts member, National Association for Music Education

Leah Smith Dance

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Teaching, Learning, Leading

Along with regular classroom duties, extracurricular activities, and administrative responsibilities, NHS arts faculty members actively participate in professional development and engage in the work of professional organizations. They are in demand as faculty trainers, conference presenters, and guest clinicians,. Leah Smith continued an ongoing relationship Northwood faculty has with the NC Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT), a center of The University of North Carolina <>. In February she participated in the week-long Teacher Scholars in Residence Program. In March, Leslie Burwell, a Teacher Scholars alumni, facilitated a weeklong national board training for art teachers at NCCAT. That same week, Dr. Carlin, Eugene Cottrell, Marilyn Shurgart, and Leah Smith attended the North Carolina: The State of the Arts Conference, a continuing education opportunity sponsored by the NC Arts Council, Meredith College, the United Arts Council of Wake County and the Fenwick Foundation. Dr. Carlin and Gina Harrison of the NHS Arts Education Foundation presented a workshop session at the conference, “Knocking Down the Wall: Engaging Community in Arts Education.” In April, Eugene Cottrell was invited to serve as Middle School All-County Band Clinician in Kanawha County, WV. Marilyn Shugart attended the week-long 2009 Teaching Guitar Workshop sponsored by MENC: The National Association for Music Education in Reston, VA in June. Principal Chris Blice, a former band director, is a frequent judge at area marching band competitions and festivals. He served as judge for several competitions this past season evaluating either marching or music performance.

’08–’09 NHS Arts Education Annual Report

NHS Band Boosters Boosters Present Annual Service Award

NHS Band Boosters presented the 2009 Richardson Service Award to two tireless volunteers at the Annual Concert for Memorial Day, recognizing the efforts of Leslie Burwell and Dickie Lassiter. Burwell was cited for a year of artistic achievement, designing and supervising the construction of elaborate props for the marching band program, Psychoses. In addition, she created the massive new floor cloth and screen for the inaugural season of the Winterguard program. Lassister was recognized for his many years of dedicated service. His oversight of instrument transportation has included not only trips to area competitions, but a major expedition driving to New York City for the band’s appearance at the Meadowlands. His efforts have continued even though his child has graduated from the band program. “The extra effort that Dickie and Leslie put in for our students is amazing. They get called upon time and again and they always step up to the plate to complete whatever is needed. I am most appreciative of all the band parents who help out in one way or another but Leslie and Dickie really deserve this special recognition,” said Eugene Cottrell, NHS band director. The Richardson Award was created in 2007 and named for the original recipient, Jerry Richardson. Chris Hooft received the 2008 award.

2008-2009 Board Members

Martha Almond co-president Liz Absher co-president Sharon Foss secretary Karen Hengeveld treasurer

Marjorie Rohrbach webmaster, grant coordinator Dawn Elkins colorguard coordinator Portia McClernon & Pam Edwards ThriftShop Coordinators Jerry Richardson Fundraising Coordinator Evette Patterson Chaperone Coordinator Kelly Perry Snack Coordinator

Mark & Stephanie Clark, Daniel & Melissa Dean Transportation Website

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NHS Arts Education Foundation Executive Board

Gina Harrison president Crystal Horton Vice President Jerry Richardson Community Liaison Diane Damico Parent Liaison Yvette Navarro Secretary

Founded in 2007, the NHS Arts Education Foundation is a community initiative dedicated to ensuring excellence in arts education by identifying, creating, and supporting programs that enrich learning, foster student achievement, and increase community involvement. NHSAEF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, all-volunteer organization. Tax deductible gifts fund college scholarships for young artists and support the ongoing work of the NHS arts education program. Arts Education Scholarships

NHSAEF proudly presented their 2nd annual college scholarships to recognize talented performing and visual arts students at the Northwood Baccalaureate Service on Sunday, June 7, 2009. Recipients were presented $1000 scholarships. 2009 scholarship Recipients

Aubrye Carr Choral Music

Wilhelmina Cole Instrumental Music

Travis Mann Visual Arts

Evelyn Shaw Treasurer

Julia McClernon


Theatre Arts

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Miranda Pister

’08–’09 NHS Arts Education Annual Report

2008–2009 NHS Arts Patrons & Sponsors [* denotes NHS Arts Education Foundation Members]

Applause ($20–$49)

Curtain Call ($75—$99)

Benefactors (+$1000)

Baroke Builders David McConnaughey & Patricia Blanton Evelyn Shaw & Thomas Buckner* Diane Damico & Jason Damico* James & Pam Edwards Sharon Foss & Eric Foss* Crystal Horton* Cynthia Lodestro* Lori Kleberg* The McClarnon Family Calista Moon Mark Perry* Marjorie Rohrbach & Michael Poole Margaret Myers* Yvette Navarro* John Read* Sandy Seed* Kathy Shaffer* Beth Wilson & Nick Wilson* Noah R. Wilson & Family

The Absher Family Susan Ellis Karl & Kathy Shaffer

Harrison Bros., Inc.

Hats Off ($50—$74)

Cynthia & Jan Hermans

Young Alumni

Encore ($100—$124)

Marty & Phil Brooks Susan Fowler & Lawrence Smith Sarah Goddin*, Scott Bryan & Silvan Goddin* Debi Goldman The Greene Family Nansi & George Greger-Holt Pittsboro Merchants Association Show Stoppers ($125–$999)

Larry & Avis Autry The Balint Family EPiC Photo Dottie Gardner Lib Harriss* The Harrison Family* Louise & Judy Ingram & Adam Perry* Michael Oakley & Meg Miller* Marybeth Schoonard The Stark Family The Vernon Family

James Absher Tia Edwards Kevin Harrison Lewis Jones Mariana Poole Danielle Reynolds Kara Ann Smith


Antonella’s Salon ChathamArts EPiC Photo The Food Fairy Hobbs Architects Pittsboro Merchants Association

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Northwood High School Arts Education Department 2009-2010 Gala Year Calendar September 26th

October 3rd 17th 24TH 31

Marching Band Marching Band Marching Band Marching Band

Competition, Western Harnett High, Lillington Competition, Western Alamance High, Elon Competition, Union Pines High, Cameron Competition, Lee Senior High, Sanford

November 5th 19th 20th 21st

Guitar, Chorus, & Symphonic Ensembles, 7 PM Acting Ensemble Show, 7 PM Acting Ensemble Show, 7 PM Acting Ensemble Show, 7 PM

December TBA 12th 13th

Band & Chorus Holiday Concert [a benefit for CORA], 7 PM Dance Concert, 7 PM Dance Concert, 3 PM

January 9th

Art Show & Dinner, 5 PM | Davidson Symphony Orchestra 7 PM

February 25th

Band Contest Preview, 7 PM

March 25th 26th 27th

NHS Spring Musical, Guys & Dolls, 7 PM NHS Spring Musical, Guys & Dolls, 7 PM NHS Spring Musical, Guys & Dolls, 7 PM

April 22nd

Tri-M [International Music Honor Society] Recital, 7 PM

May 6th 15th 16th 20th 22nd 27th


Marching Band Competition, Pinecrest High, Southern Pines

Spring Choral Concert, 7 PM Dance Concert, 7 PM Dance Concert, 3 PM Band Concert for Memorial Day, 7 PM Art Show, 7 PM Arts Education Departmental Awards, 7 PM

’08–’09 NHS Arts Education Annual Report

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