Dear Friends, I celebrate one year as CEO of Girl Scouts Louisiana East on December 10 and am reminded of the importance of the Girl Scout Movement and its impact on my life. Time spent as a Brownie and Girl Scout in the former Audubon Council set the foundation for me to grow and develop my current leadership skills. I continue my commitment to Girl Scouting as a Lifetime Member and financial supporter of GSLE so that the current generation of girls can be afforded the Girl Scout Experience that has impacted me and so many female leaders. I have witnessed the value of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience in the lives of girls served by our Council. Daisies and Brownies are participating in hands-on S.T.E.M. activities and completing community service projects. Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes are learning to love the outdoors through a hallmark of the Girl Scout experience—camping! In addition, GSLE recognized 15 Seniors and Ambassadors last June who earned the Gold Award. These young women didn’t just change the world for the better, they changed it for good by tackling issues dear to their hearts while driving lasting change in their communities and beyond. This year has reminded me of a principle that underscores our work at GSLE: when you invest in a girl or woman, you invest in a family, a community, and the nation. Equipping girls with the tools they need to grow into women of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place is a noble cause. I am honored to continue that work with more than 10,000 girls in southeast Louisiana. If you too have witnessed the merit of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, whether in yourself, your daughter or granddaughter, a friend, or simply as a friend to Girl Scouting, I invite you to make a gift. Your financial support underwrites financial aid for girl memberships and uniform costs, volunteer training and resources, the maintenance of our camps and properties, and unique programs like Girl Scouts Beyond Bars. In short, we cannot do it without you. I thank you for thinking about your own experience with Girl Scouting and how your financial support will help to make the Girl Scout Leadership Experience a reality for more girls, right here in our community. Yours in Girl Scouting,
Rebecca Pennington, Ph.D., CFRE Chief Executive Officer
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