GSLE Program Pathways 2016-2017

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Take a tour of our float den, watch the artists at work — make your very own Mardi Gras-style mask — and earn your “History of Mardi Gras” patch! 2


Program Pathways 2016-2017





GIRL SCOUT TROOP LEADERS! Opportunities to earn Fitness or Nutrition badges depending on the girls ages. Every girl earns an official Junior Jazzercise patch!

Metairie Central Jazzercise 3939 Veterans Blvd. Suite 1A Metairie, LA 70002

(Located at the back of the building. Go down Richland Ave. )

Contact Jamie or Ann for more details at (504)252-0223





Program Pathways 2016-2017



Scouts Earn Your Badges/Belt Loops Birthday Parties Family Outings • Petting Zoo School Field Trips • Pony Rides • Vegetable Garden • Stocked ponds, poles & bait!

Horseback Riding Lessons

Summer Horse & Farm Camp

27329 Mill Creek Road, Bush, LA Just 15 minutes north of Covington

Watch our camp video online!

(985) 886-3747 |

Cooking Parties, Classes, and Camps. Call us to earn your cooking/nutrition badges!!!

1517 Polk Street • Houma, LA 70360 985-868-3534 •



Program Pathways 2016-2017





Earn your

Bowling Patch


$$ TROOP & UNIT FUNDRAISERS ARE AVAILABLE $$ 1414 N. Airline Hwy, Gonzales LA 70737 (225) 621-BOWL





Program Pathways 2016-2017



Louisiana Pottery

Steamboat NATCHEZ

The LARGEST collection of fine, hand-­crafted wares made exclusively by Louisiana artisans.

*hand-building pottery classes for children & adults*

Parties & Classes •Scouts Welcome Located in Historic Cajun Village, Sorrento, I-­10, Exit #182 (225) 675-­5572 • Tuesday-­Sunday, 10-­5

Last authentic Steamboat on the Mississippi River

Departs from the French Quarter 2 Hr Cruise, Troop Rates, Guided tour Earn a River Heritage Patch

845 N. Jefferson Avenue, Port Allen, LA 70767 (225) 336-2422 • (888) 881-6811 toll free Tuesday – Saturday 10 am - 4:30 pm • Sunday 2 pm - 5 pm

504-569-1401 800-233-2628

Happy Birthday, Juliette Low!

J. Low’s Fall Festival and Duck Derby

Saturday, October 29 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Duck Derby begins at 11 a.m. Camp Whispering Pines, Independence Prizes include: $500 of Girl Scout Duck Dough OR a $200 AMEX gift card! Winners need not be present to win.

Participate in our 2nd Annual Duck Derby!

Proceeds from the Duck Derby will benefit the GSLE Camp of your choice, and your adoption/donation will be applied to your community’s Annual Family Giving goal, too!

More information can be found on page 22.



Program Pathways 2016-2017






It’s going to be

RENEW your Girl Scout membership by September 2!


Believe in Girls event! Saturday, September 24 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Southeastern Louisiana University campus, Hammond Enjoy a day of hands-on activities and demonstrations about Healthy Living, Financial Literacy, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math), the Arts, and Outdoor Living! We’ll have awesome collaborators at B.I.G. Girls will meet role models, explore career options, and have fun! Open to all girls, grades K – 12, registered by September 2 for the 2017 membership year.

$7 per girl, includes patch. Adults are free. Event T-shirts may be purchased when registering online at $8 each for youth sizes, and $10 for adult sizes. Contact Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243, for more info. Event Registration is easy at!

Share your photos using #BIGevent16





Program Pathways 2016-2017



Make This Girl Scout Year Your Best Yet. Now with the Volunteer Toolkit, the new web app that helps you save time and plan for success, you can make every troop meeting awesome! Here’s how it works: For Daisy, Brownie, and Junior troops, the Volunteer Toolkit comes with pre-populated plans for everything— a full year of Girl Scouts right there on your device! Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops don’t get pre-populated meetings yet (coming soon), but you can still access great planning features. Have your own idea for a meeting? Perfect. Everything in the Volunteer Toolkit is fully customizable. You can add your own activities and change their order with a quick drag-and-drop. You can also report on troop finances, access your girl and family roster, and track your girls’ achievements and attendance. No more hunting for the right activity or book—you’ve got everything you need right on the app! Use it on your home computer or tablet or other mobile device—so convenient!

Get started now. Sign in at and check it out!



Program Pathways 2016-2017






Girl Scouts Louisiana East

Table of Contents

Corporate Headquarters 841 S. Clearview Parkway New Orleans, LA 70121 Phone 504-733-8220 ¡ 800-644-7571 Fax 504-733-8219

Welcome 10

Regional Service Center

Join first, then Choose


Getting Started


Program Frequently Asked Questions


Programs for 2016-2017 August


545 Colonial Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Phone 225-927-8946 Fax 225-927-8402

Council Website Program Pathways is published annually by the Program Department of Girl Scouts Louisiana East. Additional program activities and events are developed throughout the year, and updated on the council website. Please visit regularly.

The Girl Scout Mission









January 2017


February 2017


March 2017


April 2017


May 2017


Girl Scouts’ Highest Awards


Product Program Information


Fall Product Program 2016


Cookie Program 2016-2017


Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

On Your Own

The Girl Scout Promise


Forms 51

On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

The Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.





Program Pathways 2016-2017




Pathways Support our Sponsors! In this year’s Program Pathways you will notice a variety of local businesses and organizations that are sponsoring the publication, and by doing so, are helping to offset the cost to print and mail this publication to Girl Scouts. We encourage you to mention ‘Girl Scouts’ when contacting our sponsors, and letting them know you saw their advertisement in Program Pathways! Our council website at will also provide a link to each sponsor’s website, as a service to our membership. The Blood Center, page 6 Busy Bee Clinic, page 3 Creative U, page 5 Culinary Kids, page 3 Louisiana Arts & Science Museum, inside back cover Louisiana Pottery, page 6 Mardi Gras World, inside front cover Metairie Central Jazzercise, page 3 Mix It Up!, page 4 Premier Lanes, page 5 Splendor Farms, page 4 Steamboat Natchez, page 6 West Baton Rouge Museum, page 6

Welcome to a B.I.G. year of adventure and discovery! Believe In Girls is the theme for this year’s Program Pathways, our annual, council guide and resource book for girl members, parents, leaders or advisors! There are many ways to participate in Girl Scouting, and we hope you’ll enjoy the variety of opportunities for girls, whether you’re in a troop or as an individually registered Girl Scout. The Events, Series, Camp, and Travel program activities listed in this guide are designed with girls in mind — to spark their interests, address their concerns, build their skills, and explore the world around them. We have once again included a variety of “on-your-own” activities for troops and families. With the recent launch of our Customer Engagement Initiative, we also encourage you to use the online Volunteer Tool Kit for planning your Girl Scout year! Being active outdoors is a tradition in Girl Scouting, and now with Girl Scouts of the USA’s new Outdoor Badges, we’ve added some exciting new Badge Workshops at each of our three Girl Scout camps, that we hope you’ll enjoy. This year, we’re celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Participation in the Cookie Program helps girls develop valuable life skills and funds troop activities and service projects. Since the program team continues to add new activities for girls throughout the year, we encourage you to stay up-to-date by reading the monthly council email newsletter and frequently visiting our website calendar at and our council’s social media pages. Take a moment to explore Program Pathways to discover how much fun and how fulfilling it is to be a Girl Scout! Yours in Girl Scouting, Program Department, Girl Scouts Louisiana East

¡Bienvenidos! ¡Bienvenidos a un año “B.I.G. (Believe in Girls)” de aventura y descubrimientos! Believe In Girls (Tener Fe en las Niñas) es el tema de nuestra guía oficial y libro de recursos anual Program Pathways que se usa por las muchachas (Girl Scouts), padres, líderes y consejeros. Existen muchas maneras en las que las Girl Scouts pueden participar, y esperamos que disfruten en la variedad de oportunidades que se les ofrece a las muchachas, involucrada ya sea con una tropa o registrándose para participar individualmente. Las actividades programáticas de Eventos (Events), Series, Campamentos (Camp) y Viajes (Travel) incluidas en esta guía están diseñadas pensando en las muchachas—para motivar sus intereses, hablar de sus preocupaciones, desarrollar sus habilidades, y explorar el mundo que las rodea. Hemos incluido, una vez más, para las tropas y familias, una variedad de actividades que pueden ser practicadas “en su propio tiempo”. ¡Con el lanzamiento reciente de nuestro Customer Engagement Initiative (Iniciativa de Implicación de Clientes), también animamos que usen el Volunteer Tool Kit (Kit para Voluntarios) en línea para planear su año de Girl Scouts! Promover actividades al aire libre es la tradición de “Girl Scouting”, y ahora con la adición por Girl Scouts of the USA de los parches de Al Aire Libre, hemos agregado unos talleres emocionantes con el fin de ganarse estos parches en cada de nuestros tres campamentos. Este año, estamos celebrando el centésimo aniversario del Programa de Galletas de las Girl Scouts. Participación en este programa ayuda a las muchachas desarrollar habilidades valiosas para la vida y financia las actividades y proyectos de servicio de las tropas. Ya que el equipo de programas continúa agregando nuevas actividades durante el año, le sugerimos mantenerse al día por leer el boletín informativo mensual que se manda por correo electrónico y revisar las redes sociales y el calendario en nuestra página web www. Tome su tiempo y explore Program Pathways para descubrir un mundo lleno de diversión y satisfacción participando en Girl Scouts. Con ustedes en Girl Scouting, Departamento de Programas, Girl Scouts Louisiana East



Program Pathways 2016-2017





Join first, then Choose! There are more ways for girls to participate in Girl Scouts than ever! So choose the opportunity that you think best reflects your interests and schedule. You can participate in programs listed under any category!



Events are for Girl Scouts who like to pick and choose from a menu of events that interest them. Events are stand-alone program offerings; examples might include a career event for Seniors and Ambassadors, or a leadership conference for teenage Girl Scouts. Events mean that different girls participate in each event, as opposed to one group of girls coming together regularly. Events are available to any girl regardless of previous Girl Scout involvement.

Every girl deserves a chance to see the world. Girl Scouts offers many different travel opportunities so girls can see new places, meet new people, and learn about different cultures and ideas. Whether exploring their own neighborhoods, or flying to one of the four world centers, Girl Scouts are continually expanding their horizons. Travel presents girls with opportunities to prepare, plan, money-earn, and participate in travel opportunities through group travel, council-sponsored trips, or nationally sponsored excursions. Travel also facilitates appropriate progression; for example, younger girls participate in short, local trips to prepare them for longer, international trips as they progress through grade levels. Travel is available to any girl regardless of previous Girl Scout involvement.

Camp Camp allows girls to participate in the outdoors and/or focus on environmental education. Day and weekend camping is offered during the school year while resident camp is generally offered during the summer months. Going to a camp is one of the most popular and recognized aspects of Girl Scouts. For many girls, camp is the first opportunity they have to experience archery, fishing, ropes course, horseback riding, and star gazing. Camp is available to any girl regardless of previous Girl Scout involvement.

Troop Troops offer the same group of girls the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, usually over a span of nine to 12 months. Girls may join at any time during the troop year.



Series give girls the opportunity to explore a specific theme or topic without making a long-term commitment or joining a troop. Each girl chooses to participate in the entire series as a complete program package; series offerings may be short term (for example, six days of two-hour daily meetings) or longer term (such as meeting every two weeks for 12 weeks) but always are shorter than an academic year. One example of a Series is participation in the council’s First Lego League robotic team competition. Notes: Series offerings may require a pre-requisite to participate from session to session, because girls build on the skills learned at each session.



Virtual opportunites provide girls with a secure online community in which they may participate regardless of geographic location. Currently, girls may enjoy activities, games, badges and more by accessing the website.



Program Pathways 2016-2017



LET’S GET STARTED! How to use this book in

Three Easy Steps 1. Mark the programs you want to attend and ask your leader or your parent/guardian to sign you up. 2. Register for your programs! NEW this year, for many of our events and activities, is online registration through our eBiz system at Click on the Activities tab in eBiz to locate your program. For those who prefer to register for an event or activity, off-line, a Program Event Registration Form with instructions is located on page 53. 3. Review your confirmation for additional instructions or supplies prior to the day of the event.

Programs are designed for different levels of Girl Scouts. This key will help you understand the levels and symbols to pick the events that are just right for you.

Daisy, Grades K – 1

Senior, Grades 9-10

Brownie, Grades 2-3

Ambassador, Grades 11-12

Junior, Grades 4-5

Families included

Cadette, Grades 6-8

Volunteer Opportunities

COUNCIL SHOPS Council Headquarters 841 S. Clearview Parkway New Orleans, LA 70121 504-355-5879 direct 504-733-8219 fax Check out our online store at



Regional Service Center

SHOP HOURS Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

545 Colonial Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70806 225-364-3251 direct 225-927-8402 fax

Gift Cards for purchase at both Council Shop locations.

Program Pathways 2016-2017


Like us on Facebook at


The council shops will be open the first Saturday of the month from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. the months of September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April and May.





Program Frequently Asked Questions Who can participate in Girl Scout events? A registered Girl Scout is welcome to participate in programs either independently or as a troop.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the program activity? Under each program there is a contact person listed who will be able to answer questions about the event.

Who do I contact if I want to see if I’m registered for the event?

Will I receive confirmation of our participation in a council-sponsored event? Yes. A confirmation goes to the troop leader, adult in charge, or individual registering prior to the event with directions and instructions for the event (usually by email). Make sure that information is distributed to troop members who are attending the event.

What is the refund policy? A full refund is made only when the council cancels the event. If your schedule changes, it may be possible to transfer your event fees to a future event. No fee transfers will be made for no-show troops or girls. All transfer of fees will be made at the discretion of the Chief Development Officer, Program and Properties.

If you need to check to see if your registration or payment was received you can contact Customer Care at 1800-6447571, or by email to

When does registration open and close?  How are council program events filled?

How does the council ensure that girls have a safe and enjoyable time at events?

Listed under each program offering is a registration open and deadline date. Registration is open until the maximum number of participants is reached or the deadline date arrives, whichever occurs first. If by 4 p.m. on the opening date the council has received more registrations than the maximum number of participants for that event, a random drawing will be held to select the participants. In order for your registration to be processed the full amount of the fee must be included with the registration.

All events are planned according to Girl Scout Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints. Please adhere to Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints at all Girl Scout programs (i.e. using the buddy system, etc.).

How will I know that an event has been cancelled? If you are attending an event hosted by the council and it is cancelled, the adult listed on the event information will be notified by email or by phone.

What is the leader’s responsibility for the event if the whole troop attends? The leaders must provide a sufficient number of adults to meet Safety Activity Checkpoints. They must also ensure that there is a currently certified first aider, a First Aid kit, the original permission slip for each girl, completed Health History Record for each girl, completed Health History for each adult, and items listed in event or confirmation description. The leader is responsible for monitoring her troop/group’s behavior and actions.

Are Badges included?

If my daughter participates in a program independently, how will she be supervised?

Can I sell cookies or fall products if I am not a member of a troop?

Girls participating independently should be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Volunteers may be available to supervise groups of girls participating independently at certain events, but please check with the program staff member listed under each event to see if your daughter needs to be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Yes, any registered Girl Scout can sell cookies or fall products to earn program credit.

Only if specified in the event description.

Do I have to be in a troop to earn a Badge or Award? Absolutely not! Girl Scouts earn badges or awards by completing the requirements set by the council or the national curriculum, either independently OR with a group.

Do adult chaperones pay for program events? When fees are listed per girl, adults do not have to pay for the event. When fees are listed per person, any individual attending the event must pay the fee.





Program Pathways 2016-2017



PROGRAMS 2016-2017 August 2016

September 2016

Girl Scout Sleepover


at New Orleans Saints Practice Facility

Are horses your thing? Would you like to share your riding skills and knowledge of horses with younger girls? Then consider joining the Wrangler/Spurs Program. You will be paired with adult and girl mentors to teach Western horseback riding workshops at Camp Marydale to troops and community’s (service units). Wranglers also help out with special weekend events such as Horseback Riding Junior Badge Workshops and various horse events.

Open to girls, grades K – 12 Come enjoy an evening of activities and a movie at the New Orleans Saints Practice Facility! Come already fed, or bring your dinner to be enjoyed on site. No food will be allowed on the turf. Snacks can be brought and stored in a specified area. Bring a water bottle; water and Gatorade will be provided. Activity stations and other events such as tours begin at 6 p.m. Movie begins at 9:30; lights out at midnight. Bring your sleeping bag and pillow and sleep on the turf of the Saints indoor practice facility! No tents. There will be separate male and female sleeping areas on the field. Bathrooms/changing rooms available, but no shower facilities. Juice and donuts available Saturday morning. All participants out by 8 a.m. All girls will receive a commemorative patch, and each participant will receive a ticket to an upcoming New Orleans Pelicans home game.

Wrangler/Spur Program Orientation Open to girls, age 14 and older (Wranglers), and girls, age 12 – 13 (Spurs). This one-day training at Camp Marydale is opened to girls 12+ years old who are interested in joining the Wrangler/Spur Program regardless of experience. You will learn policies and procedures necessary in the program and then head to the barn for basic hands-on training with our horses that will help you succeed the first time you volunteer. Adults who are interested in volunteering in the program must also attend an orientation session prior to volunteering.

Event Code: NO7401 When: Friday August 12 - Saturday, August 13, 2016

After the completion of an orientation, girls are registered in the Wrangler/Spur Program and will be volunteering at camp throughout the year.

Time: Check in Friday from 5 to 6 p.m. Check out Saturday at 8 a.m. Where: New Orleans Saints Practice Facility, 5800 Airline Drive, Metairie 70003 Fee: $35/per person. This event is open to all family members. Capacity: Minimum 250 Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations along with event details as what can and should be brought will be emailed after registration is closed. Event will be cancelled if registration minimum is not reached. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: August 1, 2016 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a Wrangler or a Spur, contact wranglers@

Event Code: WO7101 When: Saturday, September 10, 2016 (Deadline to register 8/27/16) Event Code: WO7102 When: Saturday, December 3, 2016 (Deadline to register 11/19/16) Event Code: WO7103 When: Saturday, March 4, 2017 (Deadline to register 2/18/17) Time: 1 - 4 p.m. Where: Girl Scout Camp Marydale, St. Francisville, LA Fee: $5 per person (girl and adult), includes training materials and lunch. Capacity: Minimum 3/Maximum 15 per session Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Field Day

Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: When maximum capacity is reached or two weeks prior to event date. Staff Support: Lauren Hill at or 225-747-0403. Volunteer Opportunities: Wrangler/Spur adult volunteers are necessary for this program to succeed – please join! Adults must also complete an orientation session, volunteer application and background screening prior to volunteering.

Open to girls, grades K - 3 Let’s be honest, it is best to play fair. Daisies and Brownies, come out for a day of active play with sister Girl Scouts. By the end of this workshop you will know the importance of team work, following rules, and how to include everyone in the game. Badge Focus: Girl Scout Daisy, Honest and Fair; Girl Scout Brownie, Fair Play.

Event Code: HF7301 When: Saturday, September 10, 2016 (Deadline to register 8/27/2016)

Program Aide (PA) Training

Where: Girl Scout Camp Covington, Covington, LA

Open to girls, grades 6 – 8

Event Code: HF7201 When: Saturday, March 18, 2017 (Deadline to register 3/4/2017)

Program aides are role models for younger Girl Scouts. They have an opportunity to develop their leadership skills and to share their interests and experiences with younger girls in a troop, group, or camp setting. Join us for training in the morning and Implementing your new skills to put these interests and skills together in afternoon badge workshops.

Where: E.D. White Historic Site, 2295 La. Hwy 1, Thibodaux, LA 70301 Time: 1 – 4 p.m. Fee: $7 per girl Capacity: Minimum 25/Maximum 75 (each session) Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: When maximum capacity is reached or two weeks prior to each event date. Staff Support: Dawn Allen at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2233 or Kari Volz at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1224.

Event Code: PA7301 When: Saturday, September 10, 2016 (Deadline to register 8/27/2016) Where: Girl Scout Camp Covington, Covington, LA

Event Code: PA7302 When: Saturday, November 5, 2016 (Deadline to register 10/22/2016) Where: Girl Scout Camp Covington, Covington, LA

Event Code: PA7303 When: Saturday, February 4, 2017 (Deadline to register 1/21/2017) Where: Girl Scout Camp Covington, Covington, LA

Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation

Event Code: PA7201 When: Saturday, March 18, 2017 (Deadline to register 3/4/2017)

Beach Sweep Open to girls, grades K – 12

Where: E.D. White Historic Site, 2295 La. Hwy 1, Thibodaux, LA 70301

Help keep our lake and waterways clean by participating in this annual event. The cleanup will be followed by celebration picnic held in several areas including LPBF’s new Canal Lighthouse. Girl Scouts are always a huge contributor to the annual beach sweep, so please come participate and help keep our lake clean for everyone to enjoy year round!

Time: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Fee: $5 per girl Capacity: Minimum 5/Maximum 20 per session Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form, (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: When maximum capacity is reached or two weeks prior to event date. Staff Support: Kari Volz at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1224 for more information.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

When: Saturday, September 17, 2016 Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Where: North and south shores of Lake Pontchartrain, with across the city sweeps of street curbs and storm drains. Registration Instructions: Contact Joann Haydel with Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation, Education Department, at 504-836-2238 or

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



Louisiana SPCA

Fee: Free Capacity: Minimum 10/No Maximum. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form, (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: September 9, 2016 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

Animal Guardian Workshop Open to girls, grades 2 – 12 Be an Animal Guardian and earn your LA/SPCA Animal Guardian patch! Come to the LA/SPCA and learn about an animal shelter’s function in the community and how you can help save more lives. Your troop will get the chance to learn about animal welfare, tour the LA/SPCA, and complete an activity to earn their Animal Guardian patch, only offered at the LA/SPCA! Price of the patch is included in the fee.

Opera: Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart This lively tale of the foibles of Don Juan intensifies with the music of Mozart.

When: Saturdays, September 17, 2016; October 8, 2016; November 19, 2016; December 17, 2016; January 14, 2017; February 11, 2017; March 11, 2017; April 15, 2017; May 13, 2017

Event Code: OP7402 When: Wednesday, October 5, 2016 Time: 7 p.m. Where: Mahalia Jackson Theater, 1419 Basin St., New Orleans, LA 70116 Fee: Free Capacity: Minimum 25/No Maximum. Adult space is limited to two for every 10 girls attending the performance. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: September 21, 2016 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

Time: One-hour workshops are at 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. Where: The Louisiana SPCA, 1700 Mardi Gras Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70114 Fee: $8 per Girl Scout ($30 minimum deposit required to book your date and time) Capacity: Minimum 6/Maximum 20 Registration Instructions: Advanced registrations are required and will be accepted through each deadline as long as payment is made by credit card. If paying by check, the LA/ SPCA must receive registration and payment three weeks prior to event. Sessions book fast, so please register as soon as possible. Registration Opens: Now Contact: Erica Argraves-Yaw at 504-762-3321 or to check space availability, register over the phone, or for more information.

Opera: Macbeth by Giuseppe Verdi Based on William Shakespeare's play of the same name. Event Code: OP7403 When: Wednesday, November 9, 2016

New Orleans Opera Association

Time: 7 p.m. Where: Mahalia Jackson Theater, 1419 Basin St, New Orleans, LA 70116 Fee: Free Capacity: Minimum 25/No Maximum. Adult space is limited to two for every 10 girls attending the performance. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: October 26, 2016 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

Night at the Opera Open to girls, grades 6 – 12 Bravo, Bravo, Bravisimo. Many thanks to New Orleans Opera for inviting Girl Scouts to attend their dress rehearsal once again. If this is your first time to attend the Opera with Girl Scouts, please attend the orientation. At orientation, you will learn the opera etiquette and review the upcoming operas. While we have plenty of room for adults at orientation, adult space is limited to two for every 10 girls attending the performances. Please keep this in mind when requesting tickets.

Orientation (Required prior to viewing performances) With greater attention given to Don Giovanni, the first opera offered on October 5. Event Code: OP7401 When: Saturday, September 17, 2016

Opera: Faust by Charles Gounod Based on the German legend of a man who sells his soul to the Devil in exchange for knowledge and power.

Time: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Where: Training Center, GSLE Corporate Headquarters, 841 S. Clearview Parkway, LA 70121

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Event Code: OP7404 When: Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

GSLE Believe in Girls (B.I.G.) Event

Time: 7 p.m. Where: Mahalia Jackson Theater, 1419 Basin St., New Orleans, LA 70116 Fee: Free Capacity: Minimum 25/No Maximum. Adult space is limited to two for every 10 girls attending the performance. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: January 25, 2017 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

Open to all girls registered by September 2, 2016 for the 2017 membership year, grades K – 12 A kick off to the year with hands-on activities and presentations showcasing organizations which foster and encourage Girl Scout involvement and education throughout the year, focusing on Girl Scout Initiatives such as STEM, Healthy Living, Financial Literacy and our Outdoor Legacy.

Event Code: BIG316 When: Saturday, September 24, 2016 Time: 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Where: University Center, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA Fee: $7 per girl, includes patch. Adults are free. Event T-shirts may be purchased when registering online at $8 each for youth sizes, and $10 for adult sizes. Capacity: No Minimum/Maximum Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: September 2, 2016 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243. Notes: For more information visit

Opera: Sweeney Todd by Stephen Sondheim The unsettling tale of a Victorian-era barber who returns home to London after fifteen years of exile to take revenge on the corrupt judge who ruined his life. Event Code: OP7405 When: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 Time: 7 p.m. Where: Mahalia Jackson Theater, 1419 Basin St., New Orleans, LA 70116 Fee: Free Capacity: Minimum 25/No Maximum. Adult space is limited to two for every 10 girls attending the performances. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: March 15, 2017 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

October 2016

National Hunting and Fishing Day

Girl Scout Day

Open to girls, grades K – 12 and their families

at BREC’s Baton Rouge Zoo

Check out this national event to help get kids outdoors and learning about hunting and fishing. There’s archery, fishing, target shooting, arts and crafts, fishing demonstrations, frogging, alligator skinning, live snake and alligator display and much more! The Baton Rouge location will offer a free Family Fish Fest fishing tournament.

Open to girls, grades K – 12 Join us at the Baton Rouge Zoo for a day of Girl Scout only activities designed to complete requirements from the Animal Habitats Junior Badge! The event and activities are open for girls of all ages, but only Girl Scout Juniors attending will receive a badge, though some of the activities might relate to other age level badge requirements.

When: Saturday, September 24, 2016

Event Code: BZ7101 When: Saturday, October 1, 2016

Time: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Where: Waddill Outdoor Education Center, 4142 N. Flannery Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70814 Contact: Danica Williams at 504-628-7282.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Time: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Where: BREC’s Baton Rouge Zoo, 3601 Thomas Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70807 Fee: $5.25 per registered Girl Scout. Price includes zoo admission and badge programing as well as an Animal Habitats badge

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



for all attending Girl Scout Juniors. Fee is $7.75 for all adults/ teens and any non-Girl Scouts. Friends and family members are encouraged to attend, but activities will only be available for Girl Scouts. Capacity: Minimum 50 Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed and will provide event details as well as what can and should be brought. Event will be cancelled if registration minimum is not reached. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: September 24, 2016 or when maximum is reached. Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

Longue Vue House and Gardens

Day of the Girl: Embracing Strength and Nurturing Physical Health Open to girls, grades K – 12 Join Longue Vue House and Gardens as we celebrate the Day of the Girl in their annual inspirational and learning program. This year’s program inspires girls to embrace their inner strength and understand physical health as they apply, not only to sports, but to their daily life. With our keynote speaker and honored panelists, girls will meet and interact with women who are making a difference in our local community, while fostering teamwork and learning about health and nutrition. Continental breakfast and lunch provided.

When: Saturday, October 1, 2016 Time: 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Where: Longue Vue House and Gardens, 7 Bamboo Road, New Orleans, LA 70124 Fee: $8 per girl, $10 per adult Capacity: Maximum 60 guests Registration Instructions: Contact Jen Cohn at 504-293-4721 or Notes: A Longue Vue patch is available at The Shop at Longue Vue for purchase.

Loyola University New Orleans

Girl Scout Day Volleyball Clinic and Game Open to girls, grades K – 12 Join the Loyola Wolf Pack Women’s Volleyball team for a one-hour, special skills clinic after the match! Be sure to bring your outside voice inside for cheering on the Loyola Wolf Pack as they host Bethel University! You’ll want to wear volleyball attire (tennis shoes and active wear) for the clinic.

New Orleans Opera Association

Night at the Opera

When: Saturday, October 1, 2016

Open to girls, grades 6 - 12

Time: Clinic is immediately following 11 a.m. match. Where: The Den at Loyola University, 6330 Freret St., New Orleans, LA 70118 Fee: Donations for the Tulane Cancer Center Patient Relief Fund includes admission to the match and clinic. Capacity: No Maximum Registration Opens: Now Deadline: September 29, 2016. Registration Instructions: Call Angela Franke at 504-864-7397 or to register in advance and to indicate how many girls will be attending the clinic. Notes: Comfortable attire and tennis shoes are recommended. Girl Scout uniform or T-shirts are encouraged.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Opera: Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart This lively tale of the foibles of Don Juan intensifies with the music of Mozart. Event Code: OP7402 When: Wednesday, October 5, 2016 Time: 7 p.m. Where: Mahalia Jackson Theater, 1419 Basin St., New Orleans, LA 70116 Fee: Free Capacity: Minimum 25/No Maximum. Adult space is limited to two for every 10 girls attending the performance. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: September 21, 2016 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Art in the Outdoors NEW

Where: Longue Vue House and Gardens, 7 Bamboo Road, New Orleans, LA 70124 Fee: $15 per girl, $4 per adult (free to 2 troop leaders/adults) Capacity: Minimum 10 /Maximum 25 girls per workshop Registration Instructions: Advance registrations are required and will be accepted through September 30 as long as payment is made by credit card. If paying by check, Longue Vue must receive registration and payment by September 16 (three weeks before event). Registration Opens: Now Deadline: September 30, 2016 or when maximum capacity is reached. Contact: Lydia Vaughn at 504-293-4722 or lvaughn@longuevue. com to check space availability; register over the phone, or for more information. Notes: Badge is not included. A Longue Vue patch is available at The Shop at Longue Vue for purchase.

Open to girls, grades 2 – 5 “The painter has the universe in his mind and hands.” ~Leonardo da Vinci Explore the outside world and learn how to apply art skills to nature in this workshop for Brownies and Juniors. The outdoors are full of colors and shapes, let it be your inspiration. Badge Focus: Girl Scout Brownie, Outdoor Art Creator; Girl Scout Junior, Outdoor Art Explorer.

Event Code: AO7101 When: Saturday, October 8, 2016 (Deadline to register 9/24/2016) Where: Tickfaw State Park, Springfield, LA

Event Code: AO7401 When: Saturday, October 22, 2016 (Deadline to register 10/8/2016) Where: Bayou Segnette State Park, Westwego, LA

Louisiana SPCA

Event Code: AO7301 When: Saturday, May 6, 2017 (Deadline to register 4/22/2017)

Animal Guardian Workshop Open to girls, grades 2 – 12 When: Saturday, October 8, 2016 (see page 16)

Where: Girl Scout Camp Covington, Covington, LA Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Brownies 1 – 4 p.m. Juniors Fee: $10 per girl; includes Outdoor Art Creator/Explorer Badge and supplies Capacity: Minimum 25/Maximum 75 each session Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: When maximum capacity is reached or two weeks prior to each event date. Staff Support: Dawn Allen at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2233 or Kari Volz at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1224.

Nicholls State Volleyball Clinic and Game Open to girls, grades K - 8th grade; clinic participants may not be in 9 - 12 grade per NCAA rules. Join the Nicholls Women’s Volleyball team for a 1.5 hour, special skills clinic after their match. Be sure to bring your outside voice inside for cheering on the Colonels as they host Abilene Christian! You’ll want to wear volleyball attire (tennis shoes and active wear) for the clinic!

When: Saturday, October 8, 2016. Time: Clinic will be held immediately following the 1 p.m. match. Where: Stopher Gym on the campus of Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA Fee: Free Capacity: No Maximum Registration Opens: Now Deadline: September 28, 2016. Registration Instructions: Please call the Nicholls coaching staff at 985-493-2566 to register in advance, indicating how many girls will be attending the clinic. Notes: Comfortable attire and tennis shoes are recommended. Girl Scout uniform or T-shirts are encouraged.

Longue Vue House and Gardens

Insect Investigation Workshop Open to girls, grades 2 – 3 Come visit Longue Vue’s Discovery Garden for a day of exploration, investigation, learning, friendship, and fun! Brownies will learn about and explore the world of insects, go on a bug hunt for creepy crawlies, beautiful butterflies, and other six-legged friends. The Brownie Bug Badge requirements are met in this interactive two hour workshop. Come be an insect investigator!

When: Saturday, October 8, 2016 AND can be scheduled at other available dates and times, please call for details. Time: Workshops are 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 3 p.m. on October 8, 2016

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



Event Code: SH7301 When: Friday, October 7 – Sunday, October 9, 2016

Paddle It Up! Open to girls, grades 8 – 12

Time: Check in Friday at 6 p.m. Check out Sunday at 3 p.m. Where: Girl Scout Camp Whispering Pines, Independence, LA Fee: $50 per person including adults. Price includes Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Sunday breakfast, lunch, all camping, event participation patch, t-shirt and presenter fees. All adults may apply with Kari Spencer at six.olive.shoots@ to attend this event. All adults attending will have specific responsibilities at assigned skill stations throughout the weekend and be lodged in “adult only” cabins/tents in the units. Capacity: Minimum 50/Maximum 100 girls Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: September 23, 2016 or when maximum is reached. Volunteer Coordinator: Kari Spencer at six.olive.shoots@gmail. com. Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243 for more information.

A weekend on the lake awaits you at Paddle It Up! From bow to stern and side sweep to J stroke, you will learn all about boating on Camp Whispering Pines’ Timber Lake. Girls will enjoy friendly competitions, tip a canoe, and have a floating breakfast. We will spend the night in the Misty Lake unit, so come prepared for an adventuresome weekend in the water and under the pines. *Girl Scout Seniors — activities and skills from this event can apply to completion of the Paddling Badge!

Event Code: PU7301 When: Saturday, October 1, 2016 – Sunday, October 2, 2016 (Deadline to register 9/16/16) Event Code: PU7302 When: Saturday, April 8, 2017 – Sunday, April 9, 2017 (Deadline to register 3/18/17) Time: Check in Saturday at 9 a.m. Check out Sunday at 11:30 a.m. Where: Girl Scout Camp Whispering Pines, Independence, LA Fee: $40 per girl, which includes three meals and facilitators’ fees; $25 per adult, which includes three meals. Capacity: Minimum 10/Maximum 20 (including adultsmaximum 5) Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: When maximum capacity is reached or two weeks prior to each event date. Volunteer Support: Heather Niemic at Staff Support: Lauren Hill at or 225-747-0403.

Tulane Emergency Medical Services

Hands-on First Aid Open to girls, grades 4 – 8 Tulane EMS invites Girl Scouts to attend a hands-on first aid training with the EMTs from Tulane University. Come and explore the inside of a working ambulance and learn skills that could help save a life! Girl Scouts will be given the opportunity to learn how to recognize and respond to choking emergencies, allergic reactions, and other common medical conditions.

Event Code: TM7101 When: Saturday, October 8, 2016

Find your inner S’hero

Time: 9 a.m. -12 p.m. Where: Meet at the steps of Tulane Reily Recreation Center, 31 McAlister Dr. New Orleans, LA Fee: $3 per girl, covers a light snack provided. Capacity: Minimum 5/Maximum 25 Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed and will provide event details as well as what can and should be brought. Event will be cancelled if registration minimum is not reached. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: September 30, 2016 or when maximum capacity is reached. Staff Contact: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

Open to girls, grades 6 – 12 Using the S’hero theme, we’re planning a weekend of active fun, with some Superhero skills and surprises thrown in. Superheroes are known for their courage, confidence, and character – just like Girl Scouts. Spend this weekend stepping outside your normal to unlock the Superhero inside of you! Please note: girl members of troops/groups will be lodged in the same unit, whenever possible. Girl participants will be randomly selected and assigned to patrols – making new friends – during the day, while rotating through the skill stations!

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Old School Girl Scouting on Da Bayou Encampment

Capacity: Minimum 20/Maximum 100 Registration Opens: Now Deadline: October 7, 2016 Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. *Please register by family, not troop.* Staff Support: Lauren Hill at or 225-747-0403.

Open to girls, grades 2 - 5 Leaders bring your girls to sleep under the antique oaks that shade the grass at the E.D. White Historic Site along Bayou Lafourche. Girl Scouts will gather for a fun night and event filled day of vintage badge activities on the bayou. Boat rides, historic games, singing, and more! Badge Focus: Brownie and Junior: Girl Scout Way.

Art in the Outdoors

Event Code: FC6101 When: Friday October 14, 2016 - Saturday, October 15, 2016

Open to girls, grades 2 - 5 When: Saturday, October 22, 2016 (see page 19).

Time: Check in Friday at 5:30 p.m. Check out Saturday at 3 p.m. Where: E. D. White Historic Site, 2295 La. Hwy 1, Thibodaux, LA 70301 Fee: $17 per person, includes boat ride, a snack and activity supplies. Participants will need to bring their own tents, meals, and camping supplies. Standard GSLE camping guidelines apply. For questions please contact Dawn Allen. Capacity: Minimum 40/Maximum 100 Registration Opens: Now Deadline: September 30, 2016 or when maximum capacity is reached. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity through eBiz on our council website, or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form, (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Staff Support: Dawn Allen at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2233 or Kari Volz at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1224.

Horseback Riding Junior Badge workshop Open to girls, grades 4 – 5 Riding a horse is one of the most exciting things you can do. But ask any good horseback rider her secret to success and she’ll say that understanding a horse is as important as learning to ride one. During this fabulous weekend, GSLE members of our Wrangler/Spur program will share with you the basics of horseback riding, teach you how to take care of a horse and learn about horse safety, prepare you for your ride, practice your ride, and take you out on a trail ride, if weather permits! Girl Scout Juniors that complete all activities and skills from the event will earn the Horseback Riding badge.

Event Code: HR7102 When: Friday, October 28 – Sunday, October 30, 2016 Check in Friday at 7 p.m. Check out Sunday at 2 p.m. (Deadline to register 10/14/16)

Family Camping at Camp Marydale Open to girls, grades K – 12, and their families

Event Code: HR7103 When: Sunday, November 20 – Tuesday, November 22, 2016 Check in Sunday at 6 p.m. Check out Tuesday at 4 p.m. (Deadline to register 10/20/16)

Here is a special opportunity for all Girl Scouts in our council and their families! You and your family (males included) are invited to get away from your routine to explore the beautiful campgrounds at Camp Marydale. You’ll share a wonderful family experience, meet other Girl Scout families, and make new friends! You may canoe, hike, participate in family team-building activities, enjoy a pony ride, swim, and cook out for Saturday dinner. After your cookout, enjoy a Halloween-themed carnival! Bring your best family-coordinated costume to win the prize! *Please register by family, not troop.*

Event Code: HR7104 When: Friday, February 3 – Sunday, February 5, 2017 Check in Friday at 7 p.m. Check out Sunday at 2 p.m. (Deadline to register 1/20/17) Event Code: HR7105 When: Friday, April 21 – Sunday, April 23, 2017 Check in Friday at 7 p.m. Check out Sunday at 2 p.m. (Deadline to register 3/31/17)

Event Code: FC7101 When: Saturday, October 22 – Sunday, October 23, 2016 Time: Check in Saturday between 9 – 11 a.m. Check out Sunday between 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. (schedule check-in and check-out times with Lauren) Where: Girl Scout Camp Marydale, St. Francisville, LA Fee: $20 per person which includes Saturday lunch and Sunday breakfast, facilitators for programs; family will provide their own food for Saturday dinner to cookout. Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Where: Girl Scout Camp Marydale, St. Francisville, LA Fee: $50 per girl, which includes program supplies, horseback riding badge, and five meals; $20 per adult, which includes five meals. *Capacity: Minimum 18/Maximum 40 girls per session.

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



November 2016

*Please Note: this is not necessarily a troop event; girls can also register individually. If a troop does register together, maximum two adults per troop. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: Two weeks prior to each event - see deadline dates above. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Staff Support: Lauren Hill at or 225-747-0403.

Highest Award Training for Leaders and Girls Open for any leader or Girl Scout Senior or Ambassador wanting knowledge of Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards and how projects should be structured and what is expected with as much Q&A as needed Event Code: HA7101 When: Thursday, November 3, 2016

J. Low's Fall Festival and Duck Derby

Time: 6 – 7 p.m. Where: First United Methodist Church, 224 W. Constitution, Gonzales, LA 70737. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (if registering as a troop, include the troop roster) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: October 14, 2016 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

At Camp Whispering Pines Open to girls in grades K–12 and their families Happy birthday, Juliette Low! Join us for a Fall Festival and birthday celebration for the original J. Lo! Activities include: face painting, hayrides, rock wall, canoeing and kayaking, archery, and SWAPS. Hot dogs (one free per ticket) with pickles and chips available for purchase in the dining hall.

Join us for our Duck Derby Fundraiser! You might have the winning duck who will swim to victory in our second annual—AND HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL—duck derby fundraiser! The race will be divided into heats with all winners receiving prizes before racing for the grand prize: $500 of Girl Scout Duck Dough OR a $200 AMEX gift card! Winners need not be present to win. Proceeds from the Duck Derby will benefit the GSLE Camp of your choice, and your adoption/donation will be applied to your service unit’s Annual Family Giving goal, too!

WWII AirPower Expo 2016 Open to the public and people of all ages As a part of WWII AirPower Expo 2016, Friday, November 4 will be a special Student Day. Admission for student groups (school, club, etc.) will be FREE! Student group visitors will take part in activities focused on both the history and science of flight as they learn about what it took to keep iconic aircraft like these soaring overhead.

When: Saturday, October 29, 2016 Time: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Duck Derby begins at 11 a.m. Where: Girl Scout Camp Whispering Pines, Independence, LA Fee: See adoption packages Registration Instructions: Complete the registration form at Registration Opens: Now Deadline: October 8, 2016 Staff Support: Erica Spruille at or 504-7338220, ext. 2245.

When: Friday, November 4 – Sunday November 6, 2016 Time: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Where: New Orleans Lakefront Airport, 6001 Stars and Stripes Boulevard, New Orleans, LA 70126 Fee: Friday, November 4 is free for Girl Scout Troops that register through Shelbie Johnson by the deadline. For information on regular ticket pricing, please visit Registration Instructions: Send an email to Shelbie Johnson to begin the registration process. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: October 28, 2016 Notes: Girl Scout troops that do not pre-register for Student Day or that choose to attend on November 5 or 6 will be charged the regular admission price.

Adoption Packages Triple Threat – $25 3 ducks/4 fest tickets

Duck Pond – $50 7 ducks/8 fest tickets

Quack Pack – $75 9 ducks/10 fest tickets

Program Aide (PA) Training

Derby Dozen – $100

Open to girls, grades 6 – 8 When: Saturday, November 5, 2016 (see page 15).

16 ducks/20 fest tickets

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Outdoor Adventurer

Where: Longue Vue, 7 Bamboo Road, New Orleans, LA 70124 Fee: $15 per girl, $4 per adult (free to 2 troop leaders/adults) Capacity: Minimum 10/Maximum 25 girls per workshop Registration Instructions: Advance registrations are required and will be accepted through October 30 as long as payment is made by credit card. If paying by check, Longue Vue must receive registration and payment by October 16 (three weeks before event). Registration Opens: Now Deadline: October 30, 2016 or when maximum capacity is reached. Contact: Lydia Vaughn at 504-293-4722 or lvaughn@longuevue. com to check space availability; register over the phone, or for more information.

Open to girls, grades 1 – 3 Girl Scout Brownies, are you ready to explore the great outdoors? What do you see? What do you hear? There are so many amazing adventures waiting for you. Bring your friends, your lunch, and spend the day playing outdoors at Camp Covington, exploring nature, learning new camp skills, and ways to care for the outdoors. By the end of the day Girl Scout Brownies (and “bridging” Girl Scout Daisies) will complete the requirements for the Outdoor Adventurer badge! FYI–Workshop presenters will be GSLE Cadette troop members developing their leadership skills and sharing their outdoor knowledge.

Longue Vue House and Gardens

Event Code: OA7301 When: Saturday, November 5, 2016 (Deadline to register 10/22/2016)

Gardener Exploration Workshop Open to girls, grades 4 – 5 Get ready to grow! Visit Longue Vue for a day of friendship and learning as Girl Scouts explore the basics of garden design and what it takes to plan and plant a garden. Girl Scouts will learn about hardiness zones, plant selection, seed germination, and will take home seeds to plant in their own garden. Come explore the world of gardens! All of the Junior Gardener Badge requirements are met in this interactive two hour workshop.

Event Code: OA7302 When: Saturday, February 4, 2017 (Deadline to register 1/21/2017) Time: 1 – 4 p.m. Where: Girl Scout Camp Covington, Covington, LA Fee: $10 per girl (bring sack lunch and drink); includes Outdoor Adventurer badge and supplies Capacity: Minimum 25/Maximum 75 girls per session Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: When maximum capacity is reached or two weeks prior to each event date. Staff Support: Dawn Allen at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2233 or Kari Volz at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1224.

When: Saturday, November 5, 2016 AND can be scheduled at other available dates and times, please call for details. Time: 3 – 5 p.m. on November 5, 2016 Where: Longue Vue House and Gardens, 7 Bamboo Road, New Orleans, LA 70124 Fee: $15 per girl, $4 per adult (free to 2 troop leaders/adults) Capacity: Minimum 10 /Maximum 25 Registration Instructions: Advance registrations are required and will be accepted through October 30 as long as payment is made by credit card. If paying by check, Longue Vue must receive registration and payment by October 16 (three weeks before event). Registration Opens: Now Deadline: October 30, 2015 or when maximum capacity is reached. Contact: Lydia Vaughn at 504-293-4722 or lvaughn@longuevue. com to check space availability; register over the phone, or for more information. Notes: Badge is not included. A Longue Vue patch is available at The Shop at Longue Vue for purchase.

Longue Vue House and Gardens

Our Flower Garden Workshop Open to girls, grades K – 1 Come visit the Discovery Garden for a day of exploration, learning, friendship, and fun! Daisies will expand on their Daisy Flower Garden by potting up a Friendship Garden and investigating the life of their favorite garden helper! Come explore the world of ladybugs and flowers!

When: Saturday, November 5, 2016 AND can be scheduled at other available dates and times, please call for details. Time: Workshops are scheduled at 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on November 5, 2016 Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



GIST (Girls In STEM at Tulane)

New Orleans Opera Association

Night at the Opera

Open to girls, grades 5 – 7 Tulane University’s GIST Program provides fifth through seventh grade girls with the opportunity to meet and work with women role models in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Workshops developed and offered by faculty and student teams encourage and empower girls to inquire, investigate, and discover in a positive environment. Their goal is to open the doors wide and welcome young students to careers in STEM fields by encouraging creative thinking, promoting selfesteem, and increasing awareness of the opportunities that await them.

Opera: Macbeth by Giuseppe Verdi Based on William Shakespeare’s play of the same name. Event Code: OP7403 When: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 Time: 7 p.m. Where: Mahalia Jackson Theater, 1419 Basin St, New Orleans, LA 70116 Fee: Free Capacity: Minimum 25/No Maximum. Adult space is limited to two for every 10 girls attending the performance. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: October 26, 2016 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

When: Saturday, November 12, 2016 and Spring Date TBD, 2017 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fee: $10 per girl. Please do not mail checks or forms until contacted by email. There are NO REFUNDS. Lunch, snacks, and a t-shirt will be provided. Participants will visit three different labs where they will do workshops in STEM fields. Registration Instructions: Find out more about this program and register online at Registration for the Fall GIST will open in August and the Spring event in January. Participants with complete applications including payment and forms will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis. Please see their Groups page if you want more details on how to bring a group of girls to GIST. Contact: Please email with questions or for more information.

Archery Challenge Archery Badge workshop Open to girls, grades 5 – 8 Picture this: you nock (place) an arrow onto a bow, hook your fingers around the string, draw it back, eye your target, and release! Bulls-eye! Archery is an exciting sport that takes strength, focus, good form, and practice. Get ready to challenge yourself as you build your archery skills and learn how to shoot on our NEW Archery obstacle range.

GIST (Girls In STEM at Tulane) Fellowship Program

By the end of the day Girl Scout Cadettes (and “bridging” Girl Scout Juniors) will complete the requirements for the Archery badge!

Open to girls, grades 8 – 12

Event Code: AR7301 When: Saturday, November 12, 2016 (Deadline to register is 10/21/16)

Starting in Fall 2016, past participants of GIST can apply to participate in their Fellowship Program and help assist in one of their science or engineering labs.

Event Code: AR7302 When: Saturday, April 29, 2017 (Deadline to register is 4/14/17)

When: Saturday, November 12, 2016 and Spring Date TBD, 2017 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fee: Free. Lunch, snacks, and a t-shirt will be provided. Fellows will work in one science or engineering lab and assist GIST participants with the STEM workshop throughout the day. Registration Instructions: Find out more about the fellowship program and apply online at Applications for the Fall GIST Fellows Program will open in August and the Spring event in January. Contact: Please email with questions or for more information.

Time: 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Where: Girl Scout Camp Covington, Covington, LA Fee: $5 per participant (bring a sack lunch and drink), which includes Archery badge and supplies. Capacity: Minimum 15/Maximum 40 per session Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: When maximum is reached or two weeks prior to each event date. Volunteer Coordinator: Linda LeRay at Staff Support: Jill Pollard at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2238.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Practice Makes Perfect

GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: When maximum capacity is reached or two weeks prior to each event date. Staff Support: Dawn Allen at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2233 or Kari Volz at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1224.

Open to girls, grades 4 - 5 Ready, set, practice, achieve! Behind every gold medal and trophy lies hours of hours of practice. Come out for a day of Practice with Purpose. This workshop will give you the skills needed to increase endurance and build up strength. Badge Focus: Practice with Purpose

Event Code: PP7401 When: Saturday, November 12, 2016 (Deadline to register 10/28/16)

UNO Coastal Education and Research Facility Girl Scout Day

Where: City Park, New Orleans, LA

Open to girls, ages 11 – 15

Event Code: PP7101 When: Saturday, April 22, 2017 (Deadline to register 4/7/17)

Join the research scientists of the UNO Coastal Research Facility for a day of interactive exploration in the Louisiana wetlands. Take a canoe trip out into the surrounding marsh where you will identify indigenous trees and discover their important role in the habitat for animals as well as coastal protection. Experiment with water and discover the secrets it holds as well as conservation methods being used to protect our wetlands! Adults and leaders may be asked to help deliver some aspects of the program.

Where: Independence Community Park, 7500 Independence Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Fee: $10; includes Practice with Purpose badge and supplies. Capacity: Minimum 25/Maximum 75 girls per session Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: When maximum capacity is reached or two weeks prior to each event date. Staff Support: Dawn Allen at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2233 or Kari Volz at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1224.

Event Code: UNO401 When: Saturday, November 12, 2016

Time: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Where: 21000 Chef Menteur Highway, New Orleans LA 70129. Visit for directions and more information. Fee: $10 per girl. Capacity: Minimum 15/Maximum 30 Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: October 30, 2016 or when maximum is reached. If minimum attendance requirement is not reached, event will be canceled. Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243. Notes: Girls should dress in comfortable clothes and prepare for mud and water activities in a wetland setting. A confirmation packet will be sent out prior to the event. Bring a brown bag lunch and snacks that are easily portable. Bring a water bottle and stay hydrated! Don’t forget any needed sun block or bug repellant.

Team Work Makes the Dream Work Open to girls, grades 6 - 8 Are you a team player? Being a good sportsman equals a great athlete. Discover how to be a good team mate, a good competitor, and how to define sportsmanship at this Girl Scout Cadette workshop. Badge Focus: Good Sportsmanship

Event Code: GS7401 When: Saturday, November 12, 2016 (Deadline to register 10/28/16) Where: City Park, New Orleans, LA

Event Code: GS7101 When: Saturday, April 22, 2017 (Deadline to register 4/7/17) Where: Independence Community Park, 7500 Independence Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Time: 1 - 4 p.m. Fee: $10 per girl; includes Good Sportsmanship badge and supplies. Capacity: Minimum 25/Maximum 75 girls per session. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



National Park Service Patch Program

Cadette Trees Badge Workshop Event Code: BP7205 When: Saturday, May 13, 2017

Open to girls, grades 2 – 8 The National Park Service and Girl Scouts of the USA have partnered to create the Girl Scout Ranger Program. You can participate in the Girl Scout Ranger program through any Girl Scout activity at any national park—with your troop, at an event, or during a camping or travel experience. Girl Scouts can also work collaboratively with NPS employees and take part in educational programs, volunteer and service projects at any NPS site, such as participating in existing educational programs and service projects (Ranger-guided interpretive tours, Junior Ranger programs, Environmental education programs, Web Rangers).

Time: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Cadette Trees Badge Workshop Event Code: BP7206 When: Saturday, May 13, 2017 Time: 1 – 3 p.m. Where: Barataria Preserve, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, 6588 Barataria Blvd., Marrero, LA 70072 Fee: $3 per girl, fee covers registration and badges Capacity: Two troops can sign up for each spot for a total of 40 girls for each time slot. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: When maximum capacity is met or two weeks prior to each event. Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243. Notes: Badges will be provided at the completion of each workshop. Girls should dress in comfortable clothes (Girl Scout shirts are encouraged). A confirmation will be sent out via email prior to the event.

Many national park sites have volunteer programs that can offer Girl Scouts an opportunity to assist in a variety of long-term or short-term service projects to improve and ensure protection of park resources and facilities. Girl Scouts are encouraged to take part in any sustainable organized project, agreed upon by the NPS, as an appropriate service opportunity that protects and preserves park resources. Girl Scouts and their leaders should contact the park Volunteer Coordinator to select and develop these projects and activities. After spending five hours at a park participating in activities, you will get a certificate from the National Park Service. Spend 10 hours and you will be awarded a Girl Scout Ranger patch! The Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Barataria Preserve have designed some great workshops and other opportunities to help our girls get started! More information about the Girl Scout Ranger Program can be found at youthprograms/girlscoutranger.htm

Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve Wetlands at Acadian Cultural Center Interested in fulfilling the requirements to earn your Brownie Bugs Badge or Cadettes Tree Badge? Come visit this historic national park!

Barataria Preserve Workshops Open to girls, grades 2 – 8

Fee: Free. Badges are not included. Capacity: Maximum 25 girls at each workshop. Where: The Wetlands Acadian Cultural Center, 314 St. Mary Street, Thibodaux, LA 70301 Registration Instructions: Call the Wetlands Acadian Center at 985-448-1375 to set up a time convenient for your troop to participate in the badge workshops, which are dependent upon hours of operation and presenter availability.

Brownie Bugs Badge Workshop Event Code: BP7201 When: Saturday, November 12, 2016 Time: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Brownie Bugs Badge Workshop Event Code: BP7202 When: Saturday, November 12, 2016 Time: 1 – 3 p.m.

Juniors Flowers Badge Workshop Event Code: BP7203 When: Saturday, April 1, 2017 Time: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Juniors Flowers Badge Workshop Event Code: BP7204 When: Saturday, April 1, 2017 Time: 1 – 3 p.m.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Girl Scouts Bayou Lafourche Clean-Up Acadian Cultural Center

Girl Scouts go Green with The Green Project

Open to the public, girls ages 7 and up

Open to girls, ages 13 and up

This day of community cleanup is a great way to experience the Acadian Cultural Center as well as help make the world a better place!

Join The Green Project for a tour of the paint recycling facility and a first-hand look at the paint recycling program. Take part in a scavenger hunt and a special activity from the Room Makeover Badge. This one hour event has three separate available start times, each able to accommodate 20 girls. Each session is the same activity.

When: Saturday, March 11, 2017 Time: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. Where: The Wetlands Acadian Cultural Center, 314 St. Mary Street, Thibodaux, LA 70301 Registration Instructions: Permission slips and pre-registration is required. Call the Wetlands Acadian Center at 985-448-1375 to register; canoe times are possible depending on availability. T-shirts provided for all volunteers.

Event Code - Session: Date/Time TG7401–Session 1: Saturday, November 19, 2016, 10 -11 a.m. TG7402–Session 2: Saturday, November 19, 2016, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. TG7403–Session 3: Saturday, November 19, 2016, 2 – 3 p.m. Time: 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m., or 2 p.m. sessions available. Where: 2831 Marais Street, New Orleans, LA 70117 Fee: Free Capacity: Maximum 20 girls per session Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed, and will provide event details as well as what can and should be brought. Event will be cancelled if registration minimum is not reached.. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: November 1, 2016 or when maximum is reached. Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

Louisiana SPCA

Animal Guardian Workshop Open to girls, grades 2 – 12 When: Saturday, November 19, 2016 (see page 16).

Girl Scout Day at Longue Vue House and Gardens Open to girls, grades K – 12 Take a guided tour through the lovely house at Longue Vue and then leisurely explore the gardens. Girl Scouts and Girl Scout adult volunteers will receive special ticket pricing plus go on a self-guided nature scavenger hunt while exploring their gardens. Complete your visit by picnicking at Longue Vue under our might Oaks!

Horseback Riding Junior Badge workshop Open to girls, grades 4 – 5 When: Sunday, November 20 –Tuesday, November 22, 2016 (see page 21).

When: Saturday, November 19, 2016 Time: Group tours take place each hour on the hour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Where: Longue Vue House and Gardens, 7 Bamboo Road, New Orleans, LA 70124 Fee: $4 per girl, $6 per accompanying adult Capacity: Maximum 20 guests per tour Contact: Book online at . Contact Lydia Vaughn at or 504-293-4722 for more information. Notes: Girl Scout uniforms are encouraged. A Longue Vue patch is available at The Shop at Longue Vue for purchase. If interested in picnicking, please bring non-glass containers and cold foods along with blankets for sitting on the ground.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



Digital Animation Day Camp

go on a hike! Girls and their pals will be sleeping in cabins near each other. If you would prefer to pitch a tent for your duo, let us know!

at LSU Center for Computation and Technology Open to girls, ages 11 – 13

Event Code: MP7101 When: Saturday, December 3 – Sunday, December 4, 2016

Join Instructor Kathryn Traxler for a two-day camp concentrating on programing digital animation. Using the educational Alice software, girls will learn computer programing in a 3D environment. This day camp is a great opportunity to experience computational thinking, problem solving, and computer programming in an environment just for girls! No previous computer knowledge required!

Time: Check in Saturday at 10 a.m. Check out Sunday at 11 a.m. Where: Girl Scout Camp Marydale, St. Francisville, LA Fee: $30 per person, which includes three meals, as well as facilitator fees. Capacity: Minimum 20/Maximum 80 participants Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: November 18, 2016 or when maximum capacity is reached. Staff Support: Lauren Hill at or 225-747-0403.

Event Code: CC7101 When: Monday, November 21 and Tuesday, November 22, 2016 Time: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. each day Where: LSU Center for Computation and Technology, Girl Scout Programing Camp, 2013 Digital Media Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70815 Fee: $25 per girl, and fee includes a t-shirt and snacks each day. Bring a brown bag lunch. Capacity: Minimum 15 /Maximum 30. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form, (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed, and will provide event details as well as what can and should be brought. Event will be cancelled if registration minimum is not reached. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: November 1, 2016 or when maximum is reached. Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243 for more information. Notes: Dress comfortably for a learning environment. Girl Scout uniforms are encouraged. Bring a brown bag lunch.

Wrangler/Spur Program Orientation Open to girls, age 14 and older (Wranglers), and girls, age 12 – 13 (Spurs). When: Saturday, December 3, 2016 (See page 14).

Holiday Helpings Junior and Cadette Badge workshop Open to girls, grades 4 - 8 Happy Holiday’s, it is time to cook! This food filled workshop teaches you the skills that you will need to prepare unique entrées and delicious desserts for your family this holiday season. After the lesson you will get to eat your creation. Badge Focus: Girl Scout Junior, Simple Meals; Girl Scout Cadette, New Cuisines

December 2016

Event Code: HH7401 When: Saturday, December 3, 2016 (Deadline to register 11/19/2016) Where: GSLE Corporate Headquarters, 841 S. Clearview Parkway, New Orleans, LA 70121

Me & My Pal Weekend at Camp Marydale

Event Code: HH7101 When: Saturday, December 10, 2016 (Deadline to register 11/29/2016)

Open to girls, grades 2 – 12, and their favorite guy, age 21 or older Our duo of girls and their favorite guy – whether it’s dad, grandfather, uncle or another appropriate adult male, will explore the great outdoors together with a “Minute to Win It” theme. Come with a team name and uniform and compete against other duos, all while having fun! Go swimming, canoeing, rock climbing, and

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Where: GSLE Regional Service Center, 545 Colonial Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

January 2017

Fee: $20 per participant which includes Simple Meals or New Cuisine Badge and supplies. $10 for adults (limited to adult to girl ratio as outlined in Volunteer Essentials). Capacity: Minimum 25/Maximum 75 girls per session. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: When maximum capacity is reached or two weeks prior to each event date. Staff Support: Dawn Allen at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2233 or Kari Volz at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1224.

Smart Cookie U! Open to Girl Scout Juniors – Cadettes You’ll have the opportunity to work one-on-one with successful businesswomen from the community, as you enhance your business and financial knowledge while boosting your self-esteem and leadership skills. Seniors and Ambassadors will also get the chance to take a tour of a college campus! Smart Cookie U is a fun way to put your new-found skills into practice as you prepare for the largest, girl led business in the country: the Girl Scout Cookie Program!

Event Code: UNIV16 When: Saturday, January 7, 2017

Louisiana SPCA

Animal Guardian Workshop

Time: TBA Where: TBA Notes: Senior, Ambassador, and adult volunteers are needed for Smart Cookie U. Contact Maya Miller at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1229 to learn ways to help!

Open to girls, grades 2 – 12 When: Saturday, December 17, 2016 (See page 16).

New Orleans Bowl Open to girls, grades K – 12

Cookie Apprentice

The New Orleans Bowl invites all Girl Scouts to come out on the field for the National Anthem prior to kick off of this very special local event! You’ll also participate in pre-game activities. Girls will then be able to sit in a special Girl Scout section for the game. Friends and family are invited to attend and sit together, but only girls and leaders will be allowed through the special entrance and onto the field. This event is also being offered to Boy Scouts.

Open to girls, grades K – 3 The Girl Scout Cookie Sale gives you the opportunity to run your own business. In this workshop you will learn how to make change, set goals, and talk to customers. Are you ready to start your cookie business? Badge Focus: Girl Scout Daisy, Talk it Up and Count it Up; Girl Scout Brownie, Meet My Customers

Event Code: CA7401 When: Sunday, January 8, 2017 (Deadline to register 12/25/2016)

When: Saturday, December 17, 2016 Time: Kickoff is 8 p.m. A schedule of pre-game activities will be sent along with tickets. Where: Mercedes-Benz Superdome, Sugar Bowl Dr., New Orleans, LA 70112 Fee: Free to all registered Girl Scouts and troop leaders; $10 each for friends and family. Capacity: No Minimum/Maximum Registration Instructions: For more information and to get your registration form please contact Craig Forshag at CForshag@ or 504-525-5678. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: December 9, 2016 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243. Notes: Visit for game details and other information. Girl Scout uniforms or T-shirts are encouraged.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Where: GSLE Corporate Headquarters, 841 S. Clearview Parkway, New Orleans, LA 70121

Event Code: CA7101 When: Sunday, January 8, 2017 (Deadline to register 12/25/2016) Where: GSLE Regional Service Center, 545 Colonial Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Time: 2 - 4 p.m. Fee: $8 per girl; includes the Talk it Up and Count it Up or Meet My Customers Badge and supplies. Capacity: Minimum 25/Maximum 75 girls per session. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed.

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017




Registration Opens: Now Deadline: When maximum capacity is reached or two weeks prior to each event date. Staff Support: Dawn Allen at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2233 or Kari Volz at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1224.

Open to girls, ages 10 - 13 Led by the Professor of Food Science at the University of Holy Cross, Girl Scouts will take part in many different types of handson food science experiments. In the food safety portion they will learn proper hand washing and learn about environmental bacteria. The food processing portion will consist of comparing different drying techniques, and they will learn basic canning by making their own pickles. Food testing will provide a basic understanding of how food products are tested through experimentation.

Louisiana SPCA

Animal Guardian Workshop Open to girls, grades 2 – 12 When: Saturday, January 14, 2017 (see page 16).

Event Code: FS7401 When: Saturday, February 4, 2017 Time: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Where: The University of Holy Cross, 4123 Woodland Drive, New Orleans LA, 70131 Fee: $12 per girl Capacity: Minimum 12/Maximum 24 girls Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed, and will provide event details as well as what can and should be brought. Event will be cancelled if registration minimum is not reached. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: January 20, 2017 or when maximum is reached. Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243 for more information. Notes: Dress comfortable for a learning environment. Girl Scout uniforms are encouraged.

National World War II Museum

Girl Scout Day 2017 Open to girls, grades 2 – 12 The National World War II Museum invites all Girl Scouts to a special day designed for them to tour the museum’s exhibits, explore the history and lessons of D-Day, and participate in special presentations and creative activities just for Girl Scouts.

When: Saturday, January 21, 2017 Time: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. * Where: US Freedom Pavilion: The Boeing Center, 945 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70130 Fee: Free for Girl Scouts in uniform, $10 for adults with a Girl Scout, and $5 for non-Girl Scout children. Registration Instructions: Send an email with your name, phone number, and the number of Girl Scouts attending to Contact: Email Shelbie Johnson at shelbie.johnson@ to RSVP or for more information Notes: National WWII Museum patches are available for purchase in the Museum store. Girl Scout uniforms or t-shirts are encouraged. *The Museum is open and Girl Scout pricing is available all day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Program Aide (PA) Training Open to girls, grades 6 – 8 When: Saturday, February 4, 2017 (see page 15).

February 2017

Outdoor Adventurer Open to girls, grades 1 – 3 When: Saturday, February 4, 2017 (see page 23).

Horseback Riding Junior Badge workshop Open to girls, grades 4 – 5 When: Friday, February 3 – Sunday, February 5, 2017 (see page 21).

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

New Orleans Opera Association

Louisiana SPCA

Night at the Opera

Animal Guardian Workshop

Open to girls, grades 6 – 12

Open to girls, grades 2 – 12 When: Saturday, February 11, 2017 (see page 16).

Opera: Faust by Charles Gounod Based on the German legend of a man who sells his soul to the Devil in exchange for knowledge and power.

Open House at Camp Marydale

Event Code: OP7404 When: Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Open to girls, grades K–12, and their families

Time: 7 p.m. Where: Mahalia Jackson Theater, 1419 Basin St., New Orleans, LA 70116 Fee: Free Capacity: Minimum 25/No Maximum. Adult space is limited to two for every 10 girls attending the performance. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: January 25, 2017 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

Come to Camp Marydale and see all that it has to offer. It’s the perfect opportunity to explore the units your camper may stay in during the summer, the programs that are available, and meet some of the resident camp staff. No preregistration required! At our Open House you can complete your registration online, full payment will be due, AND receive a $25 refund!

When: Sunday, February 19, 2017 or Sunday, April 30, 2017 Time: 12 – 2 p.m. Where: Girl Scout Camp Marydale, St. Francisville, LA Staff Support: Lauren Hill at or 225-747-0403.

Love, Hug & Groom Open to girls, grades 2 – 3

March 2017

Would you like to learn more about our horses at Camp Marydale? Here’s your chance to work with our members of the Wrangler/Spur Program as they introduce you to the basics of horse care with hands-on grooming. You’ll also tour the barn, receive a fun patch and end your session with a pony ride!

Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation

Event Code – Session: Date/Time LH7101–Session 1: Saturday, February 11, 2017, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. LH7102–Session 2: Saturday, February 11, 2017, 1 – 3 p.m. LH7103–Session 3: Sunday, February 12, 2017, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. LH7104–Session 4: Sunday, February 12, 2017, 1 – 3 p.m.

LPBF’s Spring Sweep is another opportunity to help keep our lake and the surrounding area clean. It is a new, annual event that started due to the success of its fall Beach Sweep. Please come join them in the spring to cleanup around the lake. This cleanup will also be followed by a celebration picnic at the New Canal Lighthouse.

Spring Sweep Open to girls, grades K – 12

Where: Girl Scout Camp Marydale, St. Francisville, LA Fee: $10 per girl Capacity: Minimum 25/Maximum 40 per session Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: January 27, 2017 or when maximum capacity is reached. Staff Support: Lauren Hill at or 225-747-0403.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

When: March 2017 TBA Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Where: North and south shores of Lake Pontchartrain, with across the city sweeps of street curbs and storm drains. Registration Instructions: Contact Joann Haydel with Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation, Education Department at 504-836-2238 or

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



Wrangler/Spur Program Orientation

Open House at Camp Whispering Pines

Open to girls, age 14 and older (Wranglers), and girls, age 12 – 13 (Spurs). When: Saturday, March 4, 2017 (see page 14).

Open to girls, grades K–12, and their families Come to Camp Whispering Pines and see all that it has to offer. It’s the perfect opportunity to explore the units your camper may stay in during the summer, the programs that are available, and meet some of the resident camp staff. No preregistration required!

Goodwill Good Turn Day

At our Open House you can complete your registration online, full payment will be due, AND receive a $25 refund!

Open to girls, grades K – 12 It’s time to do a good turn! Do your family members and neighbors have items collecting dust that might make someone happy to use in their own home? Then participate by collecting donated items and delivering them to Goodwill Collection Centers/Stores on Goodwill Good Turn Day! Participating Girl Scouts will receive a patch from the store at the time of the donation.

When: Sunday, March 26, 2017 or Sunday, April 9, 2017

When: Saturday, March 4, 2017

New Orleans Opera Association

Time: 2 – 4 p.m. Where: Girl Scout Camp Whispering Pines, Independence, LA Staff Support: Lauren Hill at or 225-747-0403.

Contact: Sabrina Written at 504-456-3926 or

Night at the Opera Open to girls, grades 6 – 12

Louisiana SPCA

Opera: Sweeney Todd by Stephen Sondheim The unsettling tale of a Victorian-era barber who returns home to London after fifteen years of exile to take revenge on the corrupt judge who ruined his life.

Animal Guardian Workshop Open to girls, grades 2 – 12 When: Saturday, March 11, 2017 (see page 16).

Event Code: OP7405 When: Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Girl Scouts Bayou Lafourche Clean-Up Acadian Cultural Center

Time: 7 p.m. Where: Mahalia Jackson Theater, 1419 Basin St., New Orleans, LA 70116 Fee: Free Capacity: Minimum 25/No Maximum. Adult space is limited to two for every 10 girls attending the performances. Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: March 15, 2017 Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243.

Open to the public, girls ages 7 and up When: Saturday, March 11, 2017 (see page 27).

Program Aide (PA) Training Open to girls, grades 6 – 8 When: Saturday, March 18, 2017 (see page 15).

Field Day Open to girls, grades K - 3 When: Saturday, March 18, 2017 (see page 15).

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

U.S.S. KIDD Overnight

April 2017

Open to girls, grades 2 - 12 The U.S.S. KIDD invites Girl Scouts to come take over the ship! Experience firsthand the close quarters living that a World War II sailor would have endured as you and over 140 other Girl Scouts from across the council camp overnight aboard the U.S.S. KIDD! Special activities and presentations will be scheduled for the evening.

Barataria Preserve Workshop Open to girls, grades 4 – 5 Juniors Flowers Badge Workshops When: Saturday, April 1, 2017 (see page 26).

Me & My Pal Weekend

Event Code: KD7101 When: Saturday, April 8 - Sunday, April 9, 2017

at Camp Whispering Pines Open to girls, grades 2 – 12, and their favorite guy, age 21 or older

Time: Check in at 6:30 p.m. Saturday. All gear must be off ship by 8 a.m. Sunday, but museum is open until 4 p.m. Where: U.S.S. KIDD Veterans Museum, 305 South River Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Fee: $25 per participant (including adults). Price includes breakfast (McDonald’s Sausage Biscuits and OJ) Sunday morning. Capacity: Minimum 75/Maximum 150 Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed and will provide event details as well as what can and should be brought. Event will be cancelled if registration minimum is not reached Registration Opens: January 16, 2017 Deadline: March 17, 2017 or when maximum capacity is reached. U.S.S. KIDD Contact: Call 225-342-1942, ext. 13 for more information. Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243. Notes: This event is open to all girls and female adult volunteers only.

Our duo of girls and their favorite guy – whether it’s dad, grandfather, uncle or another appropriate adult male, will explore the great outdoors together with a “Minute to Win It” theme. Come with a team name and uniform and compete against other duos, all while having fun! Go swimming, canoeing, rock climbing, and go on a hike! Girls and their pals will be sleeping in cabins near each other. If you would prefer to pitch a tent for your duo, let us know!

Event Code: MP7201 When: Saturday, April 8 – Sunday, April 9, 2017 Time: Check in Saturday at 10 a.m. Check out Sunday at 11 a.m. Where: Girl Scout Camp Whispering Pines, Independence, LA Fee: $30 per person, which includes three meals, as well as facilitator fees. Capacity: Minimum 20/Maximum 80 participants Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at www. or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: March 24, 2017 or when maximum capacity is reached. Staff Support: Lauren Hill at or 225-747-0403.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



Digital Animation Workshop

Thin Mint Sprint 5K

at LSU Center for Computation and Technology

and 1–mile Daisy Dash fun run

Open to girls, ages 9 – 10

Open to girls, grades K–12, and their families

Join Instructor Kathryn Traxler for an introductory camp concentrating on programming digital animation. Using the educational Alice software, girls will learn computer programming in a 3D environment. This oneday camp is a great opportunity to experience computational thinking, problem solving, and computer programming in an environment just for girls! No previous computer knowledge required!

While Girl Scouts may love our cookies, we also encourage healthy living! We invite our families and the public to join us for the fifth annual Girl Scouts Louisiana East Thin Mint Sprint 5K and 1 Mile Daisy Dash fun run, being held on the Northshore! The races are open to the public and are held to encourage Girl Scouts and their families to lead more active lives, make smarter food choices, and build selfconfidence. The non-competitive run is for runners and walkers of all ages, with the one mile Daisy Dash a perfect opportunity for those who might not be ready for the 5K.

Event Code: CC7102 When: Saturday, April 8, 2017

Alice software

Time: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Where: LSU Center for Computation and Technology, 2013 Digital Media Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70815 Fee: $25 per girl, and fee includes a t-shirt and snacks. Bring a brown bag lunch. Capacity: Minimum 15/Maximum 30 Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed, and will provide event details as well as what can and should be brought. Event will be cancelled if registration minimum is not reached. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: March 24, 2017 or when maximum is reached. Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243 for more information. Notes: Dress comfortable for a learning environment. Girl Scout uniforms are encouraged.

Thin Mint Sprint 5K Event Code: TM7301

Daisy Dash 1 mile Fun Run Event Code: DD7301

When: Saturday, April 8, 2017 Approximate Race Start Time: 9:10 a.m. Packet pickup and “day of race” registration opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 9 a.m. Where: Tammany Trace Trailhead/Koop Drive/Caboose Kids Konnection Playground (I-12 & Hwy 59), Mandeville, LA Fee: See below for fee discounts, patch and T-shirt information. Registration Instructions: Registration forms are on page 51 and 52, or can be downloaded at Registration Opens: Now Deadline: March 10, 2017 for discounted fees. Registrations will also be taken the day of the race. Staff Support: Kari Volz at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1224.

Paddle It Up!

Daisy Dash 1 mile Fun Run Entry Fee Register by March 10, 2017 - $10 per person Register after March 10, 2017 - $15 per person Register day of race - $35 per person

Open to girls, grades 8 – 12 When: Saturday, April 8 – Sunday, April 9, 2017 (see page 20).

Thin Mint Sprint 5K Entry Fee

Open House at Camp Whispering Pines

Register by March 10, 2017 - $20 per person Register after March 10, 2017 - $25 per person Register day of race - $35 per person

Open to girls, grades K–12, and their families When: Sunday, April 9, 2017 (see page 32).

Girl Scout Perks: Current Girl Scouts will receive a patch if they register for either race by March 31, 2017. T-Shirts: T-shirts will be guaranteed to racers registered by March 31, 2017. Racers registering after March 31, 2017 can purchase a T-shirt at the race for $10 while supplies last.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Monsanto Girl Scout Flowers Badge Workshop

My Promise, My Faith

Open to girls, ages 9 - 10

This Girl Scout My Promise, My Faith workshop invites girls to experience a faith journey through exploration of the Girl Scout Law and teachings from their faith while completing the requirements of the My Promise, My Faith pin. This award helps girls explore how Girl Scouting and their faith offer similar ideas about how to interact with the world around them—and how Girl Scouting can tie into their faith. Girls can earn this national pin each year.

Open to girls, grades K – 12

Join the Monsanto Wildlife Team and Monsanto Volunteers to explore their Wildlife Trail. Girls will research and identify flowers and other wildlife along the trail! Girls will have the opportunity to plant seeds, learn about the lifecycle of plants and why they are an important part of our planet. These activities will complete the Flowers Badge.

Girl Scouts has always provided many opportunities for girls to grow in their respective religious faith, including religious recognitions that are facilitated at an individual or troop level through a faith community. Each girl is encouraged to develop her own strong values within the context of family, faith, and the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

Event Code: MO7201 When: Saturday, April 15, 2017 Time: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Where: Monsanto Luling Facility, 12501 River Road, Luling, LA 70070 Fee: $5 per girl. Includes lunch and Flowers Badge. Capacity: Minimum 12/Maximum 24 girls Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed and will provide event details as well as what can and should be brought. Event will be cancelled if registration minimum is not reached. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: March 31, 2017 or when maximum is reached. Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243 for more information. Notes: Dress comfortable for a learning environment. Girl Scout uniforms are encouraged.

Girl Scout Brownie Troops Event Code: MF7301 When: Saturday, April 22, 2017 Time: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Where: Girl Scout Camp Covington, Covington, LA Fee: $5 per person, including adults (please bring a sack lunch and drink, no glass please) Capacity: Minimum 25/Maximum 60 girls

Girl Scout Junior Troops Event Code: MF7302 When: Saturday, April 22 – Sunday, April 23, 2017

Louisiana SPCA

Time: 9 a.m. Saturday – 10 a.m. Sunday Where: Girl Scout Camp Covington, Covington, LA Fee: $15 per person, including adults (please bring a sack lunch and drink for Saturday, no glass please, Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast included) Capacity: Minimum 25 girls/Maximum 60 girls-a minimum of one adult per troop with Basic Camp certification.

Animal Guardian Workshop Open to girls, grades 2 – 12 When: Saturday, April 15, 2017 (see page 16).

Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity at or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form (located in the back of this guide) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: March 31, 2017 or when maximum is reached. Volunteer Coordinator: Rose Mason at or 225-324-4186. Staff Support: Jill Pollard at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2238 for more information.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



Archery Challenge

Barataria Preserve Workshops

Archery Badge workshop Open to girls, grades 5 – 8 When: Saturday, April 29, 2017 (see page 24).

Open to girls, grades 6 – 8

Cadette Trees Badge Workshops When: Saturday, May 13, 2017 (see page 26).

Open House at Camp Marydale Open to girls, grades K–12, and their families When: Sunday, April 30, 2017 (see page 31).

Robotics Series FIRST LEGO® Girl Scout Team(s) Open to girls, ages 9 – 14

May 2017

This series introduces girls to real-world engineering challenges by building LEGO-based robots to complete tasks on a specially created playing surface. Applications are currently being accepted for girls interested in joining the 2017 Girl Scout FIRST LEGO® League (FLL) teams. FLL teams, guided by their imaginations and adult coaches, discover exciting career possibilities and, through the process, learn to make positive contributions to society. Girl Scouts Louisiana East is currently supporting teams from the areas of Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Luling, Destrehan, Slidell, Gonzales, Mandeville, Houma and Chauvin. Each team consists of approximately 10 girls. A strong commitment is necessary for participation in this program which requires the team set specific meetings that are attended by each member so as to prepare the robot for the competition date in November. Teams meet periodically through the summer and early fall, and then begin to meet at least once, possibly twice a week beginning in September through the competitions in November and December.

Longue Vue House and Gardens

Mother's Day Tea and Floral Workshop Open to girls, grades K – 12 Enjoy an elegant afternoon with Mom that includes a scrumptious Afternoon Tea including delicious tea sandwiches, special treats and kid friendly foods. Following the tea, the fun continues as you learn the basics of flower arranging and together create an arrangement to commemorate the day. Spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying a stroll through our beautiful springtime blossoms!

When: Saturday, May 6, 2017 Time: 1 – 3 p.m. Where: Longue Vue House and Gardens, 7 Bamboo Road, New Orleans, LA 70124 Fee: $35 per person (adults/children) Capacity: Minimum 35/Maximum 60 guests Registration Instructions: Contact Lydia Vaughn at 504-2934722 or Notes: A Longue Vue patch is available at The Shop at Longue Vue for purchase.

When: Regional qualifying tournaments will be held in November and the Louisiana Regional Championship Tournament will be held in December. Where: Tournament competition locations - TBA. Fee: $25 per Girl Scout. Application: To apply, fill out the special application form found on the council website (send no money at this time) and fax, email, or mail to: Girl Scouts Louisiana East, Attn: Kevin Shipp, 841 S. Clearview Parkway, New Orleans, LA 70121/Fax: (504) 733-8219/Email: kshipp@ Staff Support: Kevin Shipp at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2243. Notes: Only 10 girls will be accepted to each team on a first come, first served basis. For more information about the FIRST LEGO® League, visit

Art in the Outdoors Open to girls, grades 2 - 5 When: Saturday, May 6, 2017 (see page 19).

Louisiana SPCA

Animal Guardian Workshop Open to girls, grades 2 – 12 When: Saturday, May 13, 2017 (see page 16).

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Girl Scouts’ Highest Awards Remember, your Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award projects should have strong elements of advocacy, education and sustainability. Advocacy: “Are you raising awareness of an issue within your community?” Education: “Are you letting others within your community know how they can help combat this issue?” Sustainability: “Is your project legacy continuing after you have completed your project?” For more help and guidelines concerning these awards and the take action projects associated with them, be sure to explore the Frequently Asked Questions document on our website along with all the forms you will need to complete and turn into council for project approval. Each year in our council over 100 girls earn Girl Scout’s highest awards for their individual program level. As girls progress through their projects they gain insight into the world around them, learn goal setting, and increase their self-esteem by completing tasks and assignments they may have thought impossible only a year before. To learn more about these awards and GSUSA and council requirements, visit our website at The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award a registered Girl Scout Junior can achieve. This leadership adventure will offer you and your team the opportunity to develop more confidence, meet new people, and have fun while making a difference toward issues that are important to you! When you make the decision to earn your Girl Scout Bronze Award, these are the steps you’ll take: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Go on a Girl Scout Junior journey. Build your Girl Scout Junior team. Explore your community. Choose your Girl Scout Bronze Award project. Make a plan. Put your plan in motion. Spread the word!

For more information about the Girl Scout Bronze Award and to download the girl guidelines, go to and click on Girls, then Bronze/Silver/Gold Awards. Do you see issues in your neighborhood or school and have a desire to make it better? When you earn the Girl Scout Silver Award – the highest award a registered Girl Scout Cadette can earn – you have an opportunity to show that you are a leader who is organized, determined, and dedicated to improving your community. When you make the decision to earn your Girl Scout Silver Award, these are the steps you’ll take: 1. 2.

Go on a Girl Scout Cadette journey. Identify issues you care about.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3


Build your Girl Scout Silver Award team or decide to go solo. 4. Explore your community. 5. Pick your Take Action project. 6. Develop your project. 7. Make a plan and put it into motion. 8. Reflect, share your story, and celebrate! For more information about the Girl Scout Silver Award and to download the girl guidelines, go to and click on Girls, then Bronze/Silver/Gold Awards. The process of earning the Girl Scout Gold Award—the highest award a Girl Scout Senior or Girl Scout Ambassador can earn—puts you in a unique position to take action in your community to make the world a better place. You will be joining the ranks of generations of young women who have made a difference in their communities both locally and globally. Fulfilling the requirements for the Girl Scout Gold Award starts with completing two Senior or Ambassador journeys or having earned the Silver Award and completing one Senior or Ambassador journey, along with the following steps: •

Choose an issue: Use your values and skills to identify a community issue you care about.

Investigate: Research everything you can about the issue.

Get help: Invite others to support and take action with you.

Create a plan: Create a project plan that achieves sustainable and measureable impact. Present your


Take action: Take the lead to carry out your plan.

Educate and inspire: Share what you have experienced with others.

For more information about the Girl Scout Gold Award and to download the girl guidelines, go to and click on Girls, then Bronze/Silver/Gold Awards. Gold Award final reports are due by March 15, 2017 in order to be recognized at the Council Ceremony to be held in or around June 2017.

Highest Award Training for Leaders Open for any leader or Girl Scout Senior or Ambassador wanting knowledge of Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards and how projects should be structured and what is expected with as much Q&A as needed

Event Code: HA7101 When: Wednesday, November 3, 2016 Time: 6 – 7 p.m. Where: First United Methodist Church Registration Instructions: You may register online for this activity through eBiz on our council website, or complete and return the GSLE Program Event Registration form, (if registering as a troop, include the troop roster) and fees. Final confirmations will be emailed after registration is closed. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: October 14, 2016

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8


proposal and plans to the council to receive approval as well as feedback and advice.



Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



2016-2017 PRODUCT PROGRAM INFORMATION Participating in the council-sponsored fall product and cookie programs teaches girls the five essential skills of goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics, as well as providing much needed financial support for troops and the council. The proceeds from these sales enable girls to fund their activities as well as provide for upkeep of council properties, adult learning, and other council-wide initiatives. In order to participate in money-earning activities, a girl must be a registered member of Girl Scouts. All age levels, including Daisies, may participate in the sales. Participation is voluntary.

FALL PRODUCT PROGRAM Is your Girl Scout troop interested in a money earning activity that’s easy, provides startup funds for the troop right away, and offers customers a variety of delicious yet inexpensive items to purchase? The council’s Fall Product Sale of nuts, candies, magazines, and address booklets is September 23 - October 23, with a theme of Explore Something Different! Ashdon Farms/QSP, the licensed Girl Scout vendor, has even prepared a lot of fun activities for Girl Scouts of all ages to enjoy. The Fall Product Sale is a “Friends and Family Campaign” which means no door-to-door or booth sales. Sixteen different products for sale (ranging from $5 to $10) are being offered, including a collectible Girl Scout tote tin filled with mint treasures, as well as brand new products such as Honey Roasted Mixed Nuts with Peanuts offered in a 16 ounce plastic jar. All orders are prepaid, and the troop earns $1 for every food item sold, $2 for every address booklet (only one per girl) completed, and 10 percent of the price of each magazine sold (15 percent for online sales). This year’s community service project gives customers the option to purchase Honey-Roasted Peanuts to be shipped overseas to our military troops! When a girl sells five items for the troops, she will earn a patch. As the girls participate in the sale they will earn troop proceeds and individual girl sellers will receive incentives ranging from the interlocking patches, plush animals,

and much more. Visit the website at to view recognitions, products, and for additional information.

Check out the... Online Nut Store As part of the QSP Online Program, emails to friends and family will include the option for customers to order, pay for and have nuts and candy delivered to their homes/ business. All 25 Girl Scout nut, candy and chocolate items will be available as well as five corporate gift items. Girl Scouts Louisiana East features the 16 most popular items on the order card. Troops earn proceeds for every item sold online with sales being reported on the Girl’s Online Sales Report.

New! Take Action Projects In Girl Scouting we encourage girls to do big things while working on an issue they care about. Take Action projects, along with the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards, address the root cause of an issue, towards which girls come up with sustainable, longlasting solutions. These projects strive to make the world a better place for more people for a much longer time. Take Action projects will be shared with customers through online emails, and you can even ask for a customer’s assistance to help reach your goals. Also, girls and troops will be able to view each other’s projects via a GSLE council Take Action Storyboard.

Fall Product Dates: Friday, September 23 – Sunday, October 23, 2016 – Orders taken Monday, November 13 – Friday, November 19, 2016 – Girls deliver the orders. Since the money is pre-collected, the troop receives their proceeds immediately. Who: Girl Scout Daisies – Ambassadors registered by September 15, 2016.



Program Pathways 2016-2017


Adult Learning Sessions Community Fall Product Program Manager Training This learning session helps to prepare community (formerly called service unit) product sales managers, community (service unit) managers, and area product sales managers for the upcoming Girl Scout Fall Product Program. Training includes product information, required paperwork, and yes, product tasting. For more information contact Maya Miller at 225-927-8946, ext. 1229 or or Alisha Moore at 504-733-8220, ext. 2241 or

Course No.: FALL16 When: Saturday, August 27, 2016, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Where: Ascension Parish Library, 708 S. Irma Ave., Gonzales, LA 70737 Registration Instructions: Register online through eBiz at under the Activities tab.

Fall Product Troop Training (both Webinar and Classroom options available) This year’s fall training is being offered to you in two ways. The webinar format allows you to access the information from a computer or mobile device that is intended to accommodate your schedule. We still will provide in person classroom-led trainings, if you prefer more interaction. Trainings cover how the sale works, product information, required paperwork, incentives, and more. This training is an alternative for troops that cannot attend their local community training. Contact Alisha Moore at or 504-733-8220, ext. 2241 for more information.

WEBINAR When: Tuesday, August 30; Thursday, September 1; Tuesday, September 6; or Thursday, September 8, 2016, 6 to 8 p.m. CLASSROOM-LED Course No.: KOALA1 When: Tuesday, September 13, 2016, 6 to 8 p.m. Where: GSLE Corporate Headquarters, 841 S. Clearview Parkway, New Orleans, LA 70121

Course No.: KOALA2 When: Thursday, September 15, 2016, 6 to 8 p.m. Where: GSLE Regional Service Center, 545 Colonial Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Registration Instructions: Register online for the webinar or classroom training of your choice through the eBiz system at, under the Activities tab. Staff Contacts: For more information contact Maya Miller at 225-927-8946, ext. 1229 or or Alisha Moore at 504-733-8220, ext. 2241 or Like us on Facebook at

COOKIE PROGRAM Cookie Rookie Training

BE UNIQUE, BE YOU! Today’s Girl Scout is more than a thinker: She’s a doer, a dreamer of ideas, creator of solutions, and a believer in herself. This year’s Cookie Program theme captures the spirit of this creative, proactive girl! It incites her to take action, and encourages her to make her dreams a reality.


Is this your first time in the cookie program? If so, this is the class for you! Receive an in-depth introduction to the Cookie program and learn the tools of success for your troop. Even if you have already participated in the cookie program, and would like a refresher course, please join us.


Friday, January 13, 2017 Cookie pre-order begins Sunday, January 29, 2017 Cookie pre-order ends Friday, February 17, 2017 Girls may begin delivering cookies Friday, February 24 – Sunday, March 12, 2017 Booth Sales at various locations

Course: ROOKE1 & ROOKE3 When: Tuesday, November 29 or Tuesday, December 6, 2016 Time: 6 – 8 p.m. Where: GSLE Corporate Headquarters, New Orleans


Course No.: ROOKE2 & ROOKE4 When: Thursday, December 1 or Thursday, December 8, 2016 Time: 6 – 8 p.m. Where: GSLE Regional Service Center, Baton Rouge.

National Cookie Weekend begins February 24!

Smart Cookie U!

Notes: An online Cookie Finder to booth locations is available at and as a smart phone mobile app. Enter your zip code to find the booth sale closest to you! Booth Sales are a great way to increase sales at the troop level! Price: Cookies are $4 a box upon delivery, with eight delicious varieties. A Gluten-free cookie will also be offered for $5. Who: Girl Scout Daisies – Ambassadors registered by December 2, 2016.

Open to Girl Scout Juniors – Cadettes You’ll have the opportunity to work one-on-one with successful businesswomen from the community, as you enhance your business and financial knowledge while boosting your self-esteem and leadership skills. Seniors and Ambassadors will also get the chance to take a tour of a college campus! Smart Cookie U is a fun way to put your new-found skills into practice as you prepare for the largest, girl led business in the country: the Girl Scout Cookie Program!

Adult Learning Sessions

Event Code: UNIV16 When: Saturday, January 7, 2017

Cookie Management Training We have an exciting line-up at this year’s Cookie training, including meeting our cookie partner, ABC Bakers, and seeing all the additional new things in store for the 2017 Cookie Program! Open to Area Cookie Managers, Community (formerly Service Unit) Cookie Managers, Cupboard Managers, and Cookie Rally Directors. Course No.: DDD003 When: Saturday, November 12, 2016 Time: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Where: Eden Park Branch Library, 5131 Greenwell Springs Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Fee: $10, which will include a lunch, program materials. Registration Opens: Now Deadline: November 4, 2016 Registration Instructions: Register online through the eBiz system at, under the Activities tab. Staff Contacts: Maya Miller at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1229 or Alisha Moore at or 504-733-8220, ext 2241.

Time: TBA Where: TBA Notes: Senior, Ambassador, and adult volunteers are needed for Smart Cookie U. Contact Maya Miller at or 225-927-8946, ext. 1229 to learn ways to help!

New! Cookie Apprentice Open to girls, grades K - 3 When: Sunday, January 8, 2017 (see page 29).

Like ABC Bakers on Facebook at abcbakers





Program Pathways 2016-2017



On Your Own Audubon Zoo Camp Out

Archdiocese of New Orleans

Catholic Committee on Girl Scouting

Open to girls, grades 2 – 12

The committee is under the direction of the CYO/Youth & Young Adult Ministry Office of the archdiocese. Its main purpose and function is to oversee the Catholic religious recognition program for Girl Scouts in the Archdiocese of New Orleans.

The Girl Scout Overnight program was designed especially with Girl Scout advancement in mind. Individual Girl Scout units are invited to camp overnight while learning about animals. All Girl Scout leaders, parents, Girl Scouts, and siblings are invited to join in the fun with our Girl Scout Overnight program. The activities include animal encounters, exploring biofacts, snack and a night hike, a hot breakfast and a morning hike through the zoo.

Typically the committee holds a fall informational and counselor training meeting (mandatory for all adult counselors - includes optional Safe Environment training) in October; a retreat for Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes one weekend in November at Camp Abbey; a pilgrimage to a local Catholic shrine in December; a Court of Honor Book/Award review in March; a spring pre-ceremony meeting which is mandatory for all adult counselors in April; culminating in an Awards Recognition Ceremony, one Sunday in April at the St. Louis Cathedral.

When: Designated Friday or Saturday nights available in the fall or spring. Where: Audubon Zoo, 6500 Magazine St., New Orleans, LA Fee: $40 per person includes security, an evening snack, and breakfast the following morning. Capacity: Minimum 30/Maximum 70 Contact: Audubon Zoo at 504-861-5103 or bwalken@ to request a reservation form which must be submitted with a $350 deposit in order to book your overnight. This program operates on a first come, first served basis. A coordinator will contact you to assist with date availability. Visit its website at education/programs/scout-programs for more information

Interested adults may email or call Cecilia Matherne in the CYO/Youth & Young Adult Ministry office at 504227-3221, for more information. Questions may be also directed to Joey Pistorius, CYO Director, at 504-227-3219 (direct line.)

Audubon Zoo Badge Clinics Open to girls, grades K - 12

Baton Rouge Diocesan

Have a wild time exploring the Zoo, meeting animals up-close, and working on your Girl Scout requirements. Girl Scouts can work toward Petals or Badges. Come with a parent or bring your entire troop. Designed specifically for Girl Scouts, these workshops are sure to be an adventure! Badges not provided by Audubon Zoo.

Catholic Committee on Scouting The Baton Rouge Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting (www. is a committee affiliated with the Diocese of Baton Rouge serving both Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Dedicated to promoting service to God at each level of Girl Scouting, it is affiliated with the National Catholic Committee on Girl Scouts and Camp Fire ( and the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry ( There are six different awards a Catholic Girl Scout can earn throughout her years in Girl Scouts.

Guardians of the Rainforest – Girl Scouts will have fun learning about rainforests and what they can do to help save the endangered animals that live there. Wetland Warriors – Girl Scouts will learn the importance of the wetlands and all that the wetlands provide for us. Troops will learn how to take action to save the wetlands and teach others their importance.

Each year the Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting holds several events to promote Catholic Scouting. Dates may change so please call to verify dates. The annual awards ceremony is set for August 28, 2016 (church 2-3 p.m., reception 3-4 p.m.) Emblem Counselor Training is September 18, 2016 from 1 - 5 p.m. A Rosary Patch Program is October 9, 2016 from 1- 3 p.m. Quarterly meetings will be held beginning October 19, 2016 at Our Lady of Mercy (OLOM) office conference room from 6:30 – 8 p.m.

Where: Audubon Zoo, 6500 Magazine St., New Orleans, LA Fees: $25 per Girl Scout for non-Audubon members and $22 for members. Badge Clinic Includes two-hour program and special patch. Registration Instructions: Contact the Scout Programs Coordinator at 504-212-5357 or or visit its website at programs/scout-programs for more information.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



For more information please contact committee secretary Barbara Sicard at 225-769-7781 or or visit their website at

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities


locations in Houma, Thibodaux and Morgan City, please contact them via their website.

Baton Rouge Zoo Safari Night Open to girls, grades 2 - 12

When: Call to schedule a date and time.

What goes on at the Zoo at night? Safari Night guests get to find out! Safari Night programs are available Friday and Saturday evenings, year-round. Monkeys chatter, wolves howl, and tigers roar as your Safari Guide leads your group on walking tours of different parts of the Baton Rouge Zoo. You’ll learn all about the zoo’s animals through hands-on activities and animal encounters. All participants receive a Safari Night T-shirt. Enjoy all-day zoo admission immediately following your Safari Night. A variety of themes is available; call the zoo to receive further information.

Where: They have Houma, Thibodaux and Morgan City locations. Fee: $5 and up Capacity: Minimum 6/Maximum 36 Registration Instructions: Visit for contact and additional information.

Culinary Kids Open to girls, grades K – 12 Enjoy a custom cooking and kitchen science curriculum to fit your girls’ interests, such as a “hurricane party”—girls are given a pile of ingredients and have to cook it all up since the power is out! Participants learn about food safety and temperatures, being creative, and having fun! Other sessions can include cupcake decorating, cultural foods…anything you like!

Where: BREC’s Baton Rouge Zoo, 3601 Thomas Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70811 Fee: $30 per person includes dinner and breakfast. A $150 nonrefundable deposit is required to secure your date. The Zoo accepts Visa and MasterCard. Capacity: Minimum 15/Maximum 30 Contact: Call the Zoo Education Department at 225-775-3877, option 2. Notes: Bring your sleeping bag and pillow. Sleeping accommodations are in the Zoo‘s climate-controlled education building with two restrooms.

When: Any time; please call and schedule date and time. Where: Culinary Kids, 3441 East Causeway Approach, Suite G, Mandeville, LA 70448 Capacity: Minimum 10/Maximum 35 Fee: $16-20 per person, includes food they have prepared Registration Instructions: Call (985) 727-5551 or email request to Allow a minimum of two weeks’ notice to create your event. Note: With advance notice, food allergies can be accommodated.

Busy Bee Clinic Open to girls, grades 2 - 10 The Busy Bee Clinic offers a variety of programs that help girls develop collaboration skills while learning new computer and digital photography proficiencies, and earning a Girl Scout badge! This girl-led and learning-by-doing curriculum supports various badge requirements.

Domino’s Pizza Field Trip Open to girls, grades K – 12 Tour a Domino’s Store and learn how to make a pizza! The tours can be adapted to include additional information to help achieve badges. During the field trip girls will learn the history of Domino’s Pizza, talk about safety rules, learn the importance of washing your hands, see what happens with an order after it is placed, and participate in making their own pizza! Each girl will receive a small 1-topping pizza they made themselves, a Junior Pizza Maker Certificate, and a Domino’s Pizza goodie bag including a Domino’s Pizza Patch! Tours begin before the store opens at 9 a.m. and they last about an hour depending on how many people participate.

When: Call to schedule. Where: Busy Bee Clinic, 122 New Orleans Blvd., Houma, LA 70364 Fee: varies Capacity: Minimum 6/Maximum 12 Registration Instructions: To schedule a workshop for your group, please call 985-873-0107. Please note the workshop capacity is 12 girls, and a group leader and second adult must be present at all times. Troops are welcome to bring refreshments, or they can make arrangements to provide refreshments. Contact: Brenda Babin at or 985873-0107.

Fee: $2 per girl. There’s also a deluxe package for $5 per girl which includes the pizza, goody bag, and certificate, as well as a juice box and a lava cake. Registration Instructions: Email smartslice@rpmpizza. com with what store you’d like to tour, the date you would like and how many girls you have to start setting up your Domino’s Pizza Field Trip. This applies to the New Orleans Metro and Northshore area. Baton Rouge and West Louisiana have similar programs and we can help set them up for you once you email.

Creative U – Art for All Ages Open to girls, grades K – 12 This art education studio focuses on the individuality of their students and offers discounted rates to Girl Scout groups. Their projects can be catered to your specific needs and badges. They offer classes, parties and events geared around not just the techniques of art, but the joy of art, too! Because they have multiple

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



East Jefferson General Hospital

Heart N Hands, Inc.

It’s Great to Be a Girl!

LOVE Your HEART Cooking Challenge

Open to girls, ages 9 – 12, and a trusted adult

Open to Girls, ages 10 – 17

* Sensitive Issues: In order to be contemporary and responsive to girls’ needs and interests, some Girl Scout activities focus on subjects that may be considered sensitive. These subjects include, but are not limited to advocacy projects, work with religious groups, or anything that could yield a political/social debate. Please review the following information so that you are informed of the program content being presented to your daughter.

Learn how to eat to live and what it takes to maintain a healthy heart! This heart healthy cooking demonstration features a local, New Orleans chef or nutritionist who will offer girls a chance to experiment with a heart healthy recipe and learn from the best. Participants will learn how to prepare HEART healthy recipes by substituting salt/sodium and sugar for natural spices and also includes food label instruction. Each participant will receive cooking samples and heart healthy recipe cards.

So much happens to a young girl’s body during puberty both emotionally and physically. Learning how their bodies grow, what changes to expect, and how to take care of themselves are valuable lessons for preteens. This seminar, for girls ages 9-12, includes an informal open discussion on self-esteem, self-care, puberty and communication. A brief and simple introduction to the opposite sex is covered. A parent or trusted adult should accompany each preteen. It will be important to continue discussions at home on these topics as each girl will have their own unique situation, story and culture.

When: Call or email to schedule your one-hour interactive session Fee: $8 per person, which includes instruction by a chef/ nutritionist, cooking demonstration samples and HEART healthy recipe cards Capacity: Minimum 10/Maximum 20 girls per workshop. They will come to you. Registration Instructions: Contact Essence Banks at essence@ for all group registrations to reserve your spot today.

When: Call for scheduled dates and times Where: East Jefferson General Hospital, Conference Center, 4200 Houma Blvd, Metairie, LA 70006 Fee: $20 per person Registration Instructions: Call Health Finder at 504-456-5000 or Amy Luke at 504-503-4870 or for more information.

Heart N Hands, Inc.

LOVE Your HEART Fitness Challenge Open to Girls, ages 10 – 17 In this interactive, love your HEART fitness session, girls will learn how to exercise and work their hearts by participating in a heart healthy fitness challenge/exercise instruction, which includes a variety of fitness techniques (i.e., yoga, zumba, dance lessons, hula hoops, jump rope, and much more). Each participant will receive a special giveaway compliments of Heart N Hands.

East Jefferson General Hospital

ABC’s of Babysitting Open to girls, ages 11 and older A fun, basic introductory session for those interested in learning how to provide nurturing childcare. This class is designed off the Cadette Babysitter Badge requirements, but is open to all girls 11 and older. The session is two hours long and a snack will be provided for participants.

When: Call or email to schedule your one-hour interactive session Fee: $10 per girl, which includes fitness instruction and special giveaway from Heart N Hands Capacity: Minimum 10/maximum 30 girls per workshop. They will come to you. Registration Instructions: Contact Essence Banks at essence@ for all group registrations to reserve your spot today. Note: Heart healthy snacks can be provided by Heart N Hands at an additional fee.

When: Scheduled at various times. Where: East Jefferson General Hospital, Conference Center, 4200 Houma Blvd, Metairie, LA 70006 Fee: $10 per person Registration Instructions: Call Health Finder at 504-456-5000 or Amy Luke at 504-503-4870 or for more information.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Workshops at Hermann-Grima

Longue Vue House and Gardens

Girl Scout Ceremonies and Celebrations

Open to girls, grades 4 – 5 Hermann-Grima Historic House Museum is pleased to offer a full workshop on cooking or jewelry making. Both workshops are designed to cover all of the requirements needed to earn the relevant badges. They are conducted on their museum property and include a tour of the museum and tickets for a complimentary return visit. Workshops can accommodate up to 15 girls and one parent per girl.

Open to girls, grades K - 12 Honor your troop’s Girl Scouting milestones, for example a bridging ceremony, or just come together in a beautiful setting to celebrate! Guests of all ages will enjoy the unique beauty and outdoor fun in the half-acre children’s Discovery Garden. Guests can dig for worms, design a garden, chase bugs and butterflies and interact with the vegetable beds. Work with their special events staff to create a celebration as unique as your Girl Scouts! Catering options are available.

When: Workshops are available most weekends and last approximately two hours. Where: Hermann-Grima House, 820 St. Louis St., New Orleans, LA 70112 Fee: $7 - $10 per girl. Registration Instructions: Contact Jenny Dyer at jennyd@ or 504-274-0751 for more information or to register your troop.

When: Please call to schedule. Celebrations are a two-hour booking. Where: Discovery Garden, Longue Vue House and Gardens, 7 Bamboo Road, New Orleans, LA 70124 Fee: $200. Catering and additional tables or chairs are additional (6 tables and 12 benches provided). Capacity: Maximum 30 girls or $5 for every girl over 30. No fee for adults. Registration Instructions: Contact Lydia Vaughn at 504-2934722 or for more information and to check availability. Notes: Badges are not included. A Longue Vue patch is available at The Shop at Longue Vue for purchase.

Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation

“Save Our Lake, Save Our Coast” Open to girls, grades K – 12 Come visit the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation at our lighthouse on Lakeshore Drive and earn the LPBF badge! Girls will tour the lighthouse museum and explore the history of the New Canal Lighthouse while learning about its five women keepers of the light. Learn about the Lake Pontchartrain watershed and water quality of the lake through hands-on activities and water sampling. Discover the importance of saving our coast by creating a bead bracelet that represents our multiple lines of defense against hurricanes and storms.

Longue Vue House and Gardens

Herb Container Workshop Open to girls, grades K – 12 Pot up an herb container in this workshop created for all levels of Girl Scouts! Girl Scouts will visit our culinary herb maze, pot up an herb container with three different herbs, learn how to take care of your container, and learn how herbs are used in cooking. Come to Longue Vue and learn how to grow, harvest, and cook with herbs, along with completing a “recipe swap” culminating in your troop’s own cookbook!

When: Call to schedule. Time: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. or 1 – 3 p.m. Monday-Friday Where: New Canal Lighthouse, 8001 Lakeshore Dr., New Orleans, LA Fee: $3 for children 6-12 years old, $5 for children over 12 (group rate). Capacity: Maximum 80 Registration Instructions: Call Joann Haydel with LPBF Education/Outreach at 504-836-2238.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

When: Please call to schedule. Workshops are a 1-hour program. Where: Longue Vue House and Gardens, 7 Bamboo Road, New Orleans, LA 70124 Fee: $15 per girl, $4 per adult (free to 2 troop leaders/adults) Capacity: Minimum 10/Maximum 25 girls per workshop Registration: Contact Lydia Vaughn at 504-293-4722 or lvaughn@ Notes: A Longue Vue patch is available at The Shop at Longue Vue for purchase.

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



Louisiana Art & Science Museum

Louisiana Art & Science Museum

Welcomes Girl Scouts!

Engineering Day

Their new general admission prices now include unlimited admission to planetarium shows, all galleries, and public activities (Adults $9, Children/Seniors $7.50, Groups $6). Family members/friends are also welcome to attend all of the below offerings.

Open to girls, grades K - 12 Enjoy a day of entertaining, educational discovery as Girl Scouts participate in “hands-on, minds on” activities and dynamic demonstrations designed to make learning about engineering meaningful and relevant. Opportunities will abound for applying the concepts of the engineering process with interdisciplinary connections in math, science, technology, design, and the arts. This exciting event will also provide Girl Scouts with insight into STEM careers related to engineering, construction, and design. Located in downtown Baton Rouge on the banks of the Mississippi River, the Louisiana Art & Science Museum houses changing art exhibitions and a state-of-theart planetarium, along with galleries including Science Station, Discovery Depot, Solar System, and Ancient Egypt. Be sure to meet our 2,300-year-old mummy and Jason the Triceratops (an authentic 65-million-year-old dinosaur skull) during your visit!

Louisiana Art & Science Museum

BASF Kids’ Lab Workshops Open to girls, ages 6 - 12 Explore the wonders of chemistry in these hands-on science workshops sponsored by BASF and offered at the Louisiana Art & Science Museum on the second and fourth weekends of every month! Each 45-minute, instructor-led workshop offers safe, fun, and engaging chemical experiments such as Chemistry is Bananas, Playful Polymers, The Rainbow Connection, The “pHun” Factor, A Hair-Raising Experiment, Energy Loves Produce, Hold Everything, and Happy Hands. The goal of this program is to foster science literacy and promote a greater appreciation for and interest in the dynamic world of chemistry. All participants will receive a lab apron, safety glasses, a certificate of participation, and a backpack filled with additional takeaway items. In order to provide assistance with this learning experience, one adult participant is required for every four child participants. Please check in at our sign-in table at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled workshop in order to confirm your reservation and guarantee space for your group.

When: Date TBD Spring 2017 Where: Louisiana Art & Science Museum, 100 River Road South, Baton Rouge, LA 70802. Registration Instructions: Troops planning to attend as a group of 15 or more can contact Reservations Coordinator Jessica Correll at for group rates/reservations. Otherwise, no reservation or registration is needed to attend; pay admission at the door and enjoy the event. Notes: Visit for updates.

Louisiana Art & Science Museum

When: Second and fourth weekends of each month Saturdays at 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m. Sundays at 1:30 and 3 p.m.

Engineer It Workshops Open to girls, ages 6-12

Where: Louisiana Art & Science Museum, 100 River Road South, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Fee: Free with museum admission. Group rates are available. Visit for more information. Capacity: No minimum for participation in Kids’ Lab; 30 maximum per session, including adults. Groups of less than 25 may share lab space with other visitors. Registration Instructions: Please email or call 225.344.5272, ext. 132, for all group or individual reservations. Participants may also register on a first come, first served basis on the day of each workshop. Visit for additional details.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



These weekend family workshops focus on concepts used in engineering and design. Hands-on activities are presented by the Louisiana Art & Science Museum in conjunction with professional engineering volunteers and students. Concepts introduce the disciplines of engineering and design professions such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, construction, architecture, and other applicable areas of study. Participation is on a first come, first served basis.

When: Visit for updates. Where: Louisiana Art & Science Museum, 100 River Road South, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Fee: Free with museum admission. Group rates are available. Visit for more information. Capacity: No minimum; maximum 15 children Contact: Sheree Westerhaus at 225.344.5272, ext. 124, or

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Louisiana Art & Science Museum

especially Discovery Depot, for crafts and creative play. Siblings of all ages are welcome.

Far-Out First Friday Open to girls, grades K – 12

When: Every Saturday

Experience a night at the planetarium. The first Friday of every month the Louisiana Art & Science Museum’s planetarium, the only one of its kind in the Greater Baton Rouge area, opens up for a special evening of shows. From dinosaurs to Harry Potter and the mysteries of our universe, each month features a unique theme and lineup. Plus, the first show of each evening is free!

Time: 11 a.m. Where: Louisiana Art & Science Museum, 100 River Road South, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Fee: Free with museum admission. Group rates are available. Visit for more information.

When: First Friday of every month Shows at 7, 8, 9 p.m.; Doors open 6:30 p.m.

Louisiana Art & Science Museum

National Astronomy Day

Where: Louisiana Art & Science Museum, 100 River Road South, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Fee: 7 p.m. show is free; 8 & 9 p.m. shows are each $7.50 for nonmembers or $5.50 for museum members. Registration Instructions: Show admission is offered on a first-come, first-served basis only and there is a maximum capacity of 171; tickets are available beginning at 6:30 p.m. the evening of each event. All shows are for ages three and up. Notes: Visit for additional details.

Open to girls, grades K – 12 Join the Louisiana Art & Science Museum in a celebration of the fascinating science of astronomy. This annual day of out-of-thisworld exploration includes a variety of special astronomy related activities, exhibits, planetarium shows, and films. Learn about the importance of dark skies, recent NASA discoveries, and careers in astronomy.

When: Date TBD Spring 2017. Where: Louisiana Art & Science Museum, 100 River Road South, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Registration Instructions: Troops planning to attend as a group of 15 or more can contact Reservations Coordinator Jessica Correll at for group rates/reservations. Otherwise, no reservation or registration is needed to attend; pay admission at the door and enjoy the event. Notes: Visit for updates.

Louisiana Art & Science Museum

Hands-On Happenings Open to girls, ages 6 - 12 Every first Saturday of the month, get hands-on to experience a featured art or science topic. With activities adapted to both the young and young at heart, have fun and be creative while learning something new.

When: First Saturday of each month at 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Louisiana Operation Lifesaver

Where: Louisiana Art & Science Museum, 100 River Road South, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Fee: Free with museum admission. Group rates are available. Visit for more information. Capacity: No minimum for participation; maximum 24 Registration Instructions for groups: Group workshops are held when a group registers at least 10 days in advance. To register, please e-mail Group workshops will be held from 1-2:30 p.m. Registration for individuals: Participants may register on a first come, first served basis on the day of each workshop. Visit for additional details.

Open to girls, grades K – 12, and adults Louisiana Operation Lifesaver is a continuing public safety education program established to end collisions, deaths and injuries at places where roadways cross train tracks, and on railroad rights-of-way. This program gives the basics of do’s and don’ts around railroad crossing and tracks, explaining why trains cannot stop quickly, etc.

When: After school or on weekends Where: They will travel to your troop gathering. Fee: Free Capacity: Minimum 2/Maximum 75-200 Contact: Claude D. Maher, Executive Director, at 225-921-8381 or or Jim Bellmyer at jbigfootb@gmail. com.

Louisiana Art & Science Museum

Miss Trudy’s Traveling Trunk Show Open to girls, grades K - 2 Sing, dance, and share stories with Miss Trudy in this entertaining, interactive program that explores the art and science of the seasons. Meet special puppet friends, Sheldon the Sheepdog and Frederick the Mouse, and discover the amazing surprises that can always be found in Miss Trudy’s Trunk! Enjoy a different show each season, and then visit the museum’s hands-on galleries,

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



Louisiana Pottery – Hand-building Pottery Class

Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium

Open to girls, grades K - 12

Open to girls, grades K – 12

Girl Scouts will learn basic and primitive sculpting techniques for making utilitarian vessels from clay. Girl Scouts can earn a badge with the pottery techniques learned. Three pieces of pottery will be made, glazed and fired in a kiln.

Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) is a marine research and educational facility located in the DeFelice Marine Center in Cocodrie, Louisiana. This location, situated within the estuarine wetland complex of the Mississippi River delta plain between the Atchafalaya and Mississippi Rivers, provides ready access to the most productive estuaries in the United States. LUMCON offers a wide range of marine sciencerelated educational activities for students of all ages. Field trip participants are offered an array of activities designed to allow students to explore and gain a deeper knowledge and appreciation of Louisiana’s coastal environments. Each activity could be arranged to meet some proficiency award requirements about the environment or water. Troop leaders are encouraged to work with the educators in advance to plan the best possible experience for their Girl Scouts.

When: Call to schedule a date and time. Where: Louisiana Pottery, 6470 Hwy. 22, Sorrento, LA 70778 (located in the Historic Cajun Village, off I-10, exit #182) Fee: $30 per Girl Scout, $35 for non-Girl Scouts. Capacity: Minimum 6 per class. The classroom can comfortably fit 15 students. For larger groups, classes can be staggered. While one group is in class, the other group can tour the Cajun Village and see their live alligators. There is also a coffee house where café au lait and beignets are available. Contact: Call Judy Starrett at Louisiana Pottery (225) 675-5572 to schedule an event.

Where: Directions to LUMCON in Cocodrie are available at www. Mailing address is 8124 Highway 56, Chauvin, LA 70344 Fee: Call for fees associated with activities. Capacity: Minimum 10/Maximum 25 participants. Contact: Murt Conover at 985-851-2860 for program information and availability. Notes: Not all activities are suited for every age group.

LSU Museum of Natural Science “Special Saturdays” Open to girls, ages 5 - 10 and their families Each “Special Saturday” at the LSU Museum of Natural Science (LSUMNS) is a STEM program that focuses on introducing children and their parents to the world of natural science. Each month they focus on a specific topic (ex. Louisiana archaeology, amphibians and reptiles in the environment, mammal movement, bird migration, etc.) and invite experts from within the LSU research community to give short presentations. These presentations are enhanced by hands-on activities tailored to incorporate both scientific inquiry and discovery.

Mardi Gras World Open to girls, grades K – 12 You’ve seen the parades, now see how they are made! Take a tour of their prop shop and float den where the Kern Studio artists are working year round. The hourlong tour includes a film about Mardi Gras history, costumes, and King Cake. Not only are they the most unique attraction in New Orleans, their tour qualifies Girl Scouts for a History of Mardi Gras patch!

When: One Saturday each month (September – May) from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Schedule TBA on the Museum’s website ( or social media in late summer. Where: LSU Museum of Natural Science, Foster Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803; Main Exhibit Area Fee: Free Capacity: Maximum 50 girls Registration Instructions: RSVP at under “Education & Exhibits” > “Special Saturdays.” Note: You may still participate if you did not sign up. RSVPs let us know how many to expect so they can prepare activities accordingly.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



When: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. Where: Mardi Gras World, 1380 Port of New Orleans Place, on the Riverfront, New Orleans, LA Fee: $7.50 per person, which includes King Cake. Capacity: Maximum 30 per tour. Registration Instructions: Call 504-361-7821 to book your tour today.

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

When: By reservation. Email requests and questions to

Metairie Central Jazzercise

Junior Jazzercise Dance Party

Where: Microsoft Store at Lakeside Shopping Center, Dillard’s wing, 3301 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, LA 70002 Fee: Free Capacity: 6 - 8 Note: The parent, legal guardian or authorized adult caregiver of every camp participant under 17 years of age must sign a Participation Agreement upon arrival and remain in the Microsoft store for the duration of the event. For complete event calendar visit lakesideshoppingcenter

Open to girls, grades K - 12 Junior Jazzercise is a perfect program to get girls active and learn the importance of healthy living. The program combines fun, easy-tofollow dance moves to popular music, fitness games, and strength training as well as discussions on nutrition and staying fit. Girls will receive a Junior Jazzercise fun patch for participating. Activities overlap Girl Scout badge activities. Refer to corresponding age level Girl Guide for related badges.

When: Call to schedule 1-2 hour sessions. Minimum two weeks’ notice for registration.

Microsoft Workshop

Where: Metairie Central Jazzercise, 3939 Veteran’s Memorial Blvd., Metairie, LA 70002 Fee: $10 per person, includes patch Capacity: Minimum 10/Maximum 40 Registration Instructions: Contact Jamie Ashby at or call 504-252-0223. Notes: Dress comfortably in T-shirt, shorts, etc. Tennis shoes are required. Snacks are allowed. Parking in rear of building.

Open to girls, ages 8 - 11

Kodu Makerspace The Kodu Makerspace is a four-day YouthSpark camp of two hours per day. It is designed to introduce Kodu Game Lab and demonstrate how anyone can create rich and exciting games. The camp series will explore the design process and cover skills needed to create worlds and games with Kodu Game Lab. Students will work on Kodu games including Boku’s Amazing Race, Flashy Fishbots and Air Delivery. Students will learn how interesting and powerful games can be created with simple building blocks and techniques. Some activities will be interactive tutorials and others camper-driven, with open-ended game design. Each session will include collaborative design and development activities. Specific skills include analyzing and revising game characters, writing code to create in-game actions, collaboratively planning and creating a Kodu game, listening to peer feedback, and iterating the design process. The ultimate goal is that students gain an appreciation for coding’s role in the games they may play in their daily lives and the power of such knowledge in pursuing their next steps in computer science.

Microsoft Workshop

Learn to Code Flatverse Open to girls, ages 12 and older YouthSpark Camp: Learn to Code Flatverse offers an introduction to basic computer science concepts in four, two-hour sessions. The series begins with students using Touch Develop, an interactive programming environment website, to create and publish their own video game call Flatverse. As students build their game, they are exposed to various computer programming/coding concepts. Throughout the series students take a deeper dive into these programming/coding concepts to gain more confidence and skill: • Screen Coordinates • Random Numbers • Objects and Functions • Variables and Parameters • User Input • Loops • Conditionals

This camp series is designed to be successfully delivered by any leader, regardless of computer science background. Featuring online and in-class lessons that emphasize hands-on coding, the camp can be taught via any modern web browser on phones, tablets, laptops or desktop computers.

When: By reservation. Email requests and questions to Where: Microsoft Store at Lakeside Shopping Center, Dillard’s wing, 3301 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, LA 70002 Fee: Free Capacity: 10 Note: The parent, legal guardian or authorized adult caregiver of every camp participant under 17 years of age must sign a Participation Agreement upon arrival and remain in the Microsoft store for the duration of the event. For complete event calendar visit lakesideshoppingcenter

The ultimate goal is that students gain an appreciation for coding’s role in the games they may play in their daily lives and the power of such knowledge in pursuing their next steps in computer science. This camp series is designed to be successfully delivered by any leader, regardless of computer science background. Featuring online and in-class lessons that emphasize hands-on coding, the camp can be taught via any modern web browser on phones, tablets, laptops or desktop computers. Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



Microsoft Workshop

Capacity: Minimum 5/ Maximum 10 Note: The parent, legal guardian or authorized adult caregiver of every camp participant under 17 years of age must sign a Participation Agreement upon arrival and remain in the Microsoft store for the duration of the event. For complete event calendar visit lakesideshoppingcenter

YouthSpark: Start Your Own Business Open to girls, ages 13 and older and requires a Microsoft account. Be inspired in this free, interactive camp that offers entrepreneurial kids the knowledge, tools, and support to make their business idea a reality. Learn key concepts from testing their product or idea to protecting it, and receive training on how to create their own business pitch. All graduates will leave with a basic business plan and polished pitch, and the opportunity to present their idea to local entrepreneurs.

Microsoft Workshop

DigiGirlz Open to girls, ages 13+

This four-day camp lasts two hours per day, and campers must attend the days consecutively.

As a young woman your career aspirations should be as big as you want them to be. If you have ever been curious and wondered what a job in technology and namely a job at Microsoft looks like, you should come along to our DigiGirlz event. At the two-hour event you will hear from women who work at Microsoft, their career journeys, what a job in technology means to them and have the opportunity to ask them questions. You will also have the chance to build and publish your own mobile game using one of our fun coding languages.

When: By reservation. Email requests and questions to Where: Microsoft Store at Lakeside Shopping Center, Dillard’s wing, 3301 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, LA 70002 Fee: Free Capacity: 10 Note: The parent, legal guardian or authorized adult caregiver of every camp participant under 17 years of age must sign a Participation Agreement upon arrival and remain in the Microsoft store for the duration of the event. For complete event calendar visit lakesideshoppingcenter

By the end of this workshop, you will have • Gained exposure to careers in technology and been given an inside look at what it’s like to work at Microsoft across different departments and levels of seniority. • Learned to build and publish a mobile game.

When: By reservation. Email requests and questions to

Microsoft Workshop

Girl Scouts – Computer Expert Badge

Where: Microsoft Store at Lakeside Shopping Center, Dillard’s wing 3301 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, LA 70002 Fee: Free Capacity: 6-8 Note: The parent, legal guardian or authorized adult caregiver of every camp participant under 17 years of age must sign a Participation Agreement upon arrival and remain in the Microsoft store for the duration of the event. For complete event calendar visit lakesideshoppingcenter

Open to girls, ages 6 - 9 In this two-hour workshop, Girl Scouts work through a variety of the exciting activities necessary to obtain a Computer Expert Badge*. Participants will get hands-on experience with the latest apps and devices from Microsoft to discover the versatility of computers, learn Internet safety and lots more! From using Bing to conduct research and plan an adventure, to creating a photo presentation for their friends, Scouts will feel empowered to use their new skills with their troop and in the classroom. Gamers will have the opportunity to challenge themselves and others as they try out the newest versions of Kodu, Project Spark and Just Dance on Xbox! *or similar badge respective to their Scouting program. It is the responsibility of the troop leader to provide award badges to participants. If additional activities are needed to satisfy badge requirements, materials can be provided to troop leaders.

When: By reservation. Email requests and questions to Where: Microsoft Store at Lakeside Shopping Center, Dillard’s wing, 3301 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, LA 70002 Fee: Free

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Ogden Museum of Southern Art

Mix It Up!

What’s on Your Plate?

Open to girls, grades K – 12

Open to girls, grades K – 12

The Ogden Museum of Southern Art invites Girl Scouts of all ages to participate in a special tour followed by an art-making activity. During each two-hour program, Girl Scouts will explore the world of Southern art, while working towards the completion of a variety of badges. Badges are not provided by the Ogden Museum.

Join Mix It Up’s registered dietitian nutritionist to talk about “My Plate” and how to make healthy choices. Girls will learn about healthy food choices and food groups. This 30-minute culinary experience also includes a game, color sheet, and snack sample.

When: After school or on weekends; early scheduling advised.

For Daisy Troops

Where: Mix It Up! 1517 Polk Street, Houma, LA 70360 Fee: $8 per girl Capacity: Minimum 8/Maximum 30 Contact: or 985-868-3534. Website is

Leaders may choose one of the following programs focusing on character-building concepts required to earn each of the Daisy Petals below. • Sunny’s Petal — Girl Scouts tour the museum and discuss how to be friendly and helpful in the museum environment as well as the art studio. An art activity focusing on collage technique will follow the tour. • Clover’s Petal — Girl Scouts tour the museum and discuss artwork, focusing on how artists can use resources wisely. An art activity focusing on collaborative mural-making will follow the tour.

Northlake Nature Center Open to girls, grades 2 – 12 Located on 400 acres of ancient pines and hardwood forest, bounded on the west by Bayou Castine, crossed by a marsh and active beaver pond – teaming with native animal and plant life – the Northlake Nature Center is St. Tammany’s “Secret Garden” with endless possibilities for all girls! You can: adopt a trail to maintain throughout the year; adopt the wildflower garden to maintain throughout the year; adopt the front entrance garden to maintain throughout the year; adopt the herb garden to maintain throughout the year; plant potted tree seedlings throughout the community; plant tree seedlings in late January and early February; campaign to collect recyclable large round Weber grill lids for tree stones; make tree identification stones to mark the trails; assist with children’s nature art activity tents at “Wild Things” in mid October; assist with children’s nature art activity tents at “Three Rivers Art Festival” in mid November; prepare a campfire and host the marshmallow melt for the “Moonlight Hike and Marshmallow Melt” event(s) in Fall and Spring on full moon evenings.

For Brownie Troops • Girl Scouts will work towards earning the Painting Badge by touring the museum and discussing how different artists portray ‘the real world’ around them. An art activity focusing on landscape painting will follow the tour.

For Junior Troops • Girl Scouts will work towards earning the Drawing Badge by touring the museum and discussing the variety of media that artists use to draw. An art activity focusing on different techniques of drawing, including shading and perspective will follow the tour.

When: Check the museum’s website at for hours of operation.

Where: Northlake Nature Center, 23135 Hwy. 190 East, Mandeville, LA 70448 Contact: Rue McNeill, Executive Director, Northlake Nature, at 985626-1238 or to coordinate desired dates and times.

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3

Where: Ogden Museum of Southern Art, 925 Camp St., New Orleans, LA 70130 Fee: $60 – includes a tour and art activity for up to 10 Girl Scouts. Additional Girl Scouts are $6 per girl. Two adults per troop admitted free ($10 for each additional adult) Contact: Ellen Balkin, Education Manager at 504-539-9608 or via email to book a Girl Scout group tour or for more information.

Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Program Pathways 2016-2017



Premier Lanes Entertainment Center

Fee: Call for Girl Scout participant rate. Capacity: Minimum 3 Girl Scouts/No maximum Registration Instructions: Advance ticket purchasing will enable their staff to provide a guided tour of the boat and a River Heritage Patch for each Girl Scout. Reservations are recommended seven days in advance. Contact: Call 504-569-1481 or 800-233-2628.

Open to girls, grades K - 12 Premier Lanes Entertainment Center offers upscale bowling in a family center with security, restaurant, VIP area for special parties, events, birthdays, as well as a 65-game arcade with the latest in bumper cars and the only laser maze in LA. An adjacent movie theater has recently opened. Premier Lanes offers bowling and arcade packages for Girl Scouts, qualifying them for the Bowling fun patch offered in the council shop.

THINKERELLA STEAM Workshops Open to girls, ages 5 - 13

When: Weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or weekends before 2 p.m.

Thinkerella is an interactive educational STEAM company that inspires the next generation of makers, doers, builders, shapers, and inventors. All experiments are safe and non-toxic and curricula is written by certified teachers.

Where: Premier Lanes Entertainment Center, 1414 N. Airline Highway, Gonzales, LA 70737 Fee: The Girl Scout bowling package starts at $6.50 per person, and may increase based on activities/food selection. Capacity: Minimum 10/Maximum 125 Registration Instructions: Contact the Premier Lanes sales and event office from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily at 225-621-2695. Their website is

Where: Either your location or at Thinkerella, 260 Hickory Avenue Suite D Harahan, LA 70123 Fee: $12 a girl, includes a lab coat for each one to keep ($25 travel fee if 20 miles from Thinkerella) Capacity: Unlimited at your location, 20 at Thinkerella. Registration Instructions: Call 504-232-1394 or email to reserve your date/time. Contact: Cherie Melancon Franz at or 504-232-1394

Splendor Farms Open to girls, ages 5 – 12 Pony rides, horses, swimming, petting farm, volleyball, horse shoes, fishing ponds, bed & breakfast with bunkhouse and cabin stay! Girl Scouts, be sure check Safety Activity Checkpoints for appropriate program age level activities.

When: call to schedule – closed, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Where: 27329 Mill Creek Road, Bush, LA Fee: Varies Capacity: Minimum 6/Maximum 50 Registration Instructions: Contact Kelly at kelly@spendorfarms. com or call 985-886-3747.

Steamboat NATCHEZ Open to girls, grades K to 12, and their families All aboard the Steamboat Natchez for a tour that earns you the River Heritage Patch! The tour of the last authentic steamboat on the Mississippi lasts about 20 minutes, and the remainder of the cruise enables girls to enjoy the historical and port narration, the riverbank scenery, and jazz trio. Before each cruise is a steam calliope concert, which is an instrument used to draw people to the city from the outlying farms before radio, TV and internet. It’s just a step back in time.

When: The two-hour cruises run seven days a week, at 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Girl Scouts may arrange to come any day. Where: Toulouse Street & the Mississippi River, French Quarter, New Orleans, LA 70130

Daisies, Grades K-1 Brownies, Grades 2-3



Seniors, Grades 9-10 Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

Juniors, Grades 4-5 Cadettes, Grades 6-8

Program Pathways 2016-2017





Families included Adults or Volunteer Opportunities

Run for their future, run for your health. Girl Scouts Louisiana East is proud to host the 5th Annual GSLE Thin Mint Sprint 5K and 1 mile Daisy Dash fun run. These races will encourage a holistic approach to healthy living by encouraging girls and their families to lead more active lives, make smarter food choices, and build self-­‐ confidence. The non-­‐competitive race is open to both runners and walkers. Thin Mint Sprint 5K and 1 mile Daisy Dash Saturday, April 8, 2017 Tammany Trace – Koop Drive Trailhead 8:00 AM Packet pickup and on-­‐site registration opens 9:00 AM Welcome & opening ceremony 9:10 AM Daisy Dash begins! 9:30 AM Thin Mint Sprint begins! 9:30 AM Post Race celebration until 11:00 AM

T-­‐Shirts Custom style t-­‐shirts will be given to racers registered on or before March 31. Racers registering after March 31 can purchase a t-­‐shirt at the race for $10 while supplies last.


Daisy Dash 1 mile Fun Run Code: DD7301

$10 Pre-­‐register by March 10, 2017

Location $15 Pre-­‐register after March 10, 2017 $35 Register day of race, April 8, 2017 Both races will start at the Tammany Trace – Koop Drive Trailhead. The trailhead is located near the Thin Mint Sprint 5K Code: TM7301 intersection of I-­‐12 and HWY 59 in Mandeville, LA. $20 Pre-­‐register by March 10, 2017 Festivities will take place at the Caboose Kids $25 Pre-­‐register after March 10, 2017 Connection Playground. $35 Register day of race, April 11, 2017 Girl Scout Perks Register: Current Girl Scouts will receive a patch if they register Postal mail: GSLE Thin Mint Sprint for either race by March 31, 2017. Attn: Kari Volz 545 Colonial Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Race Day Registration & Packet Pick-­‐up Fax: 225-­‐927-­‐8402 Saturday, April 8, 2017 Email: 8:00-­‐9:00 AM More information: 5th Annual Thin Mint Sprint





Program Pathways 2016-2017



EACH PARTICIPANT MUST HAVE A SEPARATE FORM! o Thin Mint Sprint 5K (TM7301) o 1 Mile Daisy Dash (DD7301) Please select your race: Last Name _____________________________ First Name ______________________ Date of Birth____________ Girl Scout: Yes


Troop # ___________

Phone number (________) _________________________

Street Address ________________________________ City _____________________ State ______ ZIP___________ E-mail Address ____________________________________ Shirt size:










Emergency Contact Name ___________________________ Emergency Contact Phone _______________________

Entry Fees: Daisy Dash 1 mile Fun Run

Thin Mint Sprint 5K

o $10 Pre-register by March 10, 2017

o $20 Pre-register by March 10, 2017

o $15 Pre-register after March 10, 2017

o $25 Pre-register after March 10, 2017

o $35 Register day of race, April 8, 2017

o $35 Register day of race, April 8, 2017

Coupon Code: _______________________ Payment Information: o CHECK (payable to Girl Scouts Louisiana East)

o MC

o Visa

o Discover


Name on Card ____________________________________________ Exp. Date ______/_______ Signature of Cardholder_____________________________________ Credit card Number ____________/____________/____________/___________ CVC ______ Acknowledgement & Waiver of Risk

I know that running a race is a potentially hazardous activity, which could cause injury or death. I will not enter and participate unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running in the event, including, but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, and the conditions of the road, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. I understand that bicycles, skateboards, roller skates or roller blades, and animals are not allowed in the race and I will abide by this guideline. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of my entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, or anyone else who may claim on my behalf, waive and release Girl Scouts Louisiana East, and any event sponsors, their representatives and successors, from all claim of liability, for death, personal injury or property damage of any kind of nature whatsoever arising out of, on in course of, my participating in this event, whether caused by negligence or fault. This release and waiver extends to all claims of every kind of nature whatsoever, foreseen and unforeseen, known and unknown. The undersigned further grants full permission to sponsors or agents authorized by them to use photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings or any record of this event for any purpose. Minors only accepted with a parent or guardian’s signature.

Parent Signature (participant under 18 years of age) ____________________________________ Signature _____________________________________


(waiver must be signed to participate)



Program Pathways 2016-2017





Girl Scouts Louisiana East

Corporate Headquarters 841 S. Clearview Parkway, New Orleans, LA 70121-3119 (504) 733-8220 (800) 644-7571 F (504) 733-8219

Regional Service Center 545 Colonial Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (225) 927-8946 (800) 644-7571 F (225) 927-8402

GSLE Program Event Registration Form

Event registration is now available online at under Activities Tab. Or you may register using this form - PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH SIDES OF FORM, AND INCLUDE REGISTRATION FEE. ** For processing purposes this form should be legible and easy to read.** Return to the Regional Service Center address to the ATTN: Business Services, via email, fax, or mail. REMINDER: It is the responsibility of leaders and transportation adults to assure they have parent permission slips/ troop outing forms completed and on hand for each girl participating in events. Registration is for:

q Troop/Group

q Adult

q *Individual Girl (complete individual girl information below)

Event Code (mandatory): __________________ Event Name ____________________________________________ Event Date __________ Program Age Level (please check): Service Unit # ______________



Troop # ______________





Parish __________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________ Troop Leader’s or Parent/Guardian’s Name (please print clearly) Address_________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ ZIP____________ Phone # (h) (______) _____________________ (w) (______) _______________________ (c) (______) ______________________ Cost per Girl $ __________Cost per Adult $ __________


Total Amount Enclosed $___________________ Payment in FULL is required for form to be processed. Send payment amount for only event listed on form.

# girls

Payment Information (please check):

# adults


q CHECK (payable to Girl Scouts Louisiana East) qMC








Please use the KEY to mark appropriate box for each.



Name on Card _______________________________________________________

AI/AN - American Indian/Alaskan Native

B/AA – Black or African American H/O - Hispanic, Other

Account # _______/________/________/________ Exp. Date _____/_____ CVC ______

A – Asian

H/PI – Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

W - White

Cardholder Signature _____________________________________________________ The following MUST BE COMPLETED and SIGNED by the PARENT/GUARDIAN LISTED ABOVE for any girl requesting to attend an event or activity as AN INDIVIDUAL. For girls attending with a troop/group – troop adults are responsible for obtaining parent permission and health information for participating members unless requested otherwise in the event details. Girl’s Name: ________________________________________________________ List any health conditions that event coordinator should be aware of or would limit girl’s participation in activities: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List current medications: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies to medication, food, insects, etc. _________________________________________________________________________________ Physician or Clinic: __________________________________________________________ Phone (_____) ___________________________ Person to notify in case of emergency, if parents cannot be reached: Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Phone (_____) ____________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ City _________________________ State _____ Zip _________ I give permission for my daughter to participate in the activity listed at the top of this event form, including transportation, if provided, to and from the program site. I hereby give Girl Scouts Louisiana East, the right and permission, without compensation to use photographs/videos of my daughter and her name for publicity and public relations purposes. I give permission for my daughter, _____________________________________ , to receive emergency medical treatment if necessary.

______________________________________________ Signature of parent / guardian

_____________________________ Date

GSLE 7/30/15





Program Pathways 2016-2017



GSLE Program Event Registration Form Troop Roster INCLUDE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY


Roster must be completed before submitting form to council. Please check the (NM) box if girl is not a member or she is a sibling/tagalong, and check the (AA) box after Parent/Guardian Name if they are attending the event. Girl’s Name



Parent/Guardian Name


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Parent Phone Numbers (H) (


(C) (


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GSLE 7/30/15



Program Pathways 2016-2017





Explore the dynamic world of chemistry in BASF Kids’ Lab: • 45-minute hands-on workshops for kids 6-12 and accompanying adults

• FREE with general admission; same-day registration is available

• Second & fourth weekends of every month (Saturdays: 11 AM, 1 & 3 PM; Sundays: 1:30 & 3 PM)

• Activities change monthly — learn more at or email





Program Pathways 2016-2017



545 Colonial Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70806 800-644-7571 •


Girl Scouts Louisiana East serves the parishes of Ascension, Assumption, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberville, Jefferson, Lafourche, Livingston, Orleans, Plaquemines, Pointe Coupee, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. Helena, St. James, St. John, St. Mary, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Terrebonne, Washington, West Baton Rouge, and West Feliciana. It is funded by voluntary philanthropic contributions, the cookie and fall product sales, fees for services, and the United Way in selected parishes.

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