11.22.19 Vedette

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Thursday, Nov. 22, 2018 Vol. 154, No. 23 • $1.00


Happy Thanks givin Vedette

A Weekly Newspaper Serving the Dade County Area Since 1866

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CLOSE Nov. 22

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INSIDE OBITUARIES • John Rex West, 86, Greenfield • James Walter Martin II, 58, Lockwood • Harvey J. Davis, 86, Springfield • Bobby Lee Crowe, 84, Springfield • Tamara Jo Brackeen, 37, Aurora • John Junior Lomas, 95, Mt. Vernon

Greenfield 5K Run, Nov. 22

There will be a Greenfield Thanksgiving Day 5K at 8 a.m. Route will begin and end at A+ Fitness on the square. This is a free informal event. Runners and walkers of all levels are invited to attend. Come burn off a few calories with friends and eat guilt-free. Please arrive 15 minutes before start time.

Come-N-Dine Thanksgiving Dinner Nov. 22

The 15th annual “ComeN-Dine” dinner will be held at noon Thanksgiving Day, November 22. The dinner will be held at the Family Life Center, 410 Main Street in Lockwood. There is no charge for the dinner, and everyone is welcome.

Kelley’s Free Thanksgiving Dinner Nov. 22

Ann and Mike Kelley’s second annual free Thanksgiving Dinner (all homemade) is on Thanksgiving Day at 12:30 p.m. at Greenfield High School. Reservations are nice but not necessary. For more information, call 417-483-7456.

Bell Ringing Begins Nov. 23

The Greenfield Area Ministerial Alliance will begin their annual holiday bell ringing campaign on Friday, Nov.23. Contact Scott Houston at 417-214-7293 to help. The alliance appreciates all donations.

Girls Night Out, Nov. 27 in Miller

Maggie Mae’s Tea Room in Miller is hosting a Girls Night Out Tuesday, Nov. 27, 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the shop located 206 W. 4th Street. The cost of the meal is $10.

CONTENTS Obituaries...................Page 2 Events.........................Page 3 Business Directory....Page 5 Worship Directory.....Page 6 Legals.......................Page 10 Classifieds............... Page 11 Sports.......................Page 12



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ay, Nov . 26

Lockwood Annual Merchant Sale Brings Tidings of Comfort And Joy From Penny White Lockwood Chamber of Commerce

Saturday, November 17 – it’s 60 degrees after the season’s first snow – let’s have a party! The Lockwood Chamber of Commerce sponsored the Annual Merchant’s Sale and Christmas Tree Lighting. It always seems too early to light a tree before Thanksgiving, but the town looks so pretty with all the flash and bling!

We had guest food trucks in town; Ghetto Tacos and The Driveway Diner. Deliciousness on wheels! The Friends of Animals hosted a loaded nacho booth as well. The American Legion building supported several local vendors and graciously donated the building to warm up in and the restrooms for those attending. Several businesses on Main Street were open and running shopping specials. Thank you to all those merchants who participated this year. We appreciate you and your business! Clockwise from top left, a community massed band was formed by combining both the Lockwood and Greenfield high school ‘Lockwood Merchants’ Continued on page 14

bands. Prairie Mountain Mercantile was a bustle with deals to be found, macaroons and coffee. The streets were lined with Christmas trees for the holiday season. Raders’ Store included a live model display in their storefront. The new tree this year during its inaugural lighting Saturday, November 16, 2018. Center, Laramie Niehoff, daughter of Sarah and Willie Niehoff, takes a break from the cold at Arvest Bank. (Photos by Gina Langston and James McNary)

Dade County Health Department Recognized in State Magazine By James McNary Articles Editor

The Dade County Health Department was recently featured in a statewide publication of the #HealthierMO Initiative, which seeks to publicize success stories of the state public health system.

The Dade County Health Department stands out for several of the services it offers, especially in a rural county. Administrator Pam Allen said that the DCHD is one of the few in the state that has a fitness center, and the next project will be opening a dental clinic for the uninsured or those on Medicaid. “We want to do any-

thing we can to help people, health-wise,” said Allen.

The DCHD offers the services normally associated with a public health department as well as others, including food pantries, senior food boxes, a free clinic (since 2010), a women’s clinic and more. “I think the state saw what we were doing and that brought us some attention,” said Allen. “When I started here (in ‘07) we didn’t offer many services, but we’ve grown a lot.”

Perhaps the most visible DCHD project so far during Allen’s tenure has been the opening of the Live Well Health

and Fitness Center. Allen said she was convinced such a facility was needed in Dade County after her father suffered an injury requiring physical therapy, and was unable to travel the 40 minutes to the nearest facility offering such therapy. Now, one program offered at the center, Silver Sneakers, has about 600 participants.

None of this happens without funding, and Allen said that community support for the DCHD has been great. Without service contracts, grant funding and donations, the tax revenue funding the ‘Health Dept.’ Continued on page 8

Items Stolen From Boone Homestead Recovered By James McNary Articles Editor About $14,000 in stolen property was recovered Nov. 14 from a location in the 200 block of Church Street, Everton, following execution of a search warrant by Missouri State Park Rangers. The Park Rangers were assisted by the Missouri State Highway Patrol and other agencies, including the Dade and Lawrence county sheriff’s offices. The search warrant was issued following investigation into a recent theft at the Nathan Boone Homestead Historic Site north of Ash Grove.

Items recovered included a zero turn radius mower, a liquid transfer tank, a number of chainsaws and trimmers,

and a push mower.

Several items are reportedly still missing, including various powered hand tools, a chainsaw, trimmers, a backpack blower, a pole saw and herbicide chemicals.

Dade County Sheriff Max Huffman said that charges are being sought in both Dade and Lawrence counties. “We are working on getting the cases together,” said Huffman. “We anticipate more charges as the investigation continues.”

Anyone with information may contact Capt. Lucas Anderson with the Park Rangers at 314-805-0967 or by email at lucas.anderson@dnr.mo.gov. Tips can also be left with Crime Stoppers at 417-869TIPS (8477).

Local Children Named Children’s Miracle Network Ambassadors By Kayla Rinker Features Writer

While Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) photographers snapped picture after picture, three-yearold Hawke grinned and laughed without an ounce of shyness. “He really liked the photo shoot and was talking up a storm to everybody,” said his mother, Laura Fugitt. “He charmed the whole place with his cuteness!”

Hawke Fugitt, Greenfield, and Le’Kai Faucett, three-year-old son of Allison Faucett, formerly of Miller, were each named regional Ambassadors for Children’s Miracle Network for 2019-20. As ambassadors, they will be featured in promotional materials and commercials as the “faces” of CMN. They will also be featured in the regional CMN calendar where each of their stories will be highlighted.

Hawke’s story Mark and Laura Fugitt noticed several signs that Hawke might have autism when he was just a baby. The couple has four children: Sahara, Crusoe, Atlas and Hawke, and their second born, Crusoe, had been diagnosed with autism prior to Hawke’s birth. ‘CMN Ambassadors’ Continued on page 8

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