12.6.18 Vedette

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Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018 Vol. 154, No. 25 • $1.00


A Weekly Newspaper Serving the Dade County Area Since 1866

Local Parades Bring In The Christmas Spirit By Vedette Staff

OBITUARIES • Beverly Florene Christian, 81, Clever • Wanda Lee Tunnell Spencer, 78, Marionville

A number of area towns celebrated the Christmas season this past weekend with parades and other activities, including visits from the jolly old elf himself in a few communities.

The Greenfield and Golden City parades were Saturday morning, Dec. 1, with Lockwood’s following in the afternoon. Greenfield held a “Santa Stroll” in addition to their parade, while Golden City had a community bazaar

benefiting the local fire departments. Santa was also on hand to visit with area children about their Christmas wish lists. ‘Christmas Parades’ Continued on pages 13-14

Remember Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7

The anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor that brought the U.S. into WWII will be Dec. 7. Traditionally, all flags are flown at halfstaff until noon.

Miller Christmas Parade, Dec. 8

The annual Miller Christmas parade will begin at 5:15 p.m. (dusk); Santa will be at the bandstand to visit with area children.

WG Christmas Parade, Dec. 8

The Walnut Grove Christmas parade will begin at 2 p.m., Saturday, December 8. The route has the parade traveling down Washington and Main streets.

Christmas Parade in Ash Grove, Dec. 8

The 2018 Ash Grove Christmas Parade is scheduled to begin on Saturday, Dec. 8 at 10 a.m.

50th Anniversary Celebration for DCNH is Dec. 9

The Dade County Nursing Home will be celebrating their 50th anniversary on Sunday, December 9, at 2 p.m. The facility is located at 400 Broad St., in Greenfield.

Quantum Athletics Cookies & Cocoa with Santa, Dec. 9

Quantum Athletics in Lockwood is hosting Cookies & Cocoa with Santa, Sunday, December 9 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 and include cookies, cocoa, crafts and a picture with Santa.

GHS Christmas Concert, Dec. 13

The Greenfield Instrumental and Vocal Programs will hold their annual Christmas Concert on Thursday, December 13, at 7 p.m. in the high school gymnasium.

Santa Social in Dadeville Dec. 15

A Santa Social will be held Saturday, December 15, 9 a.m. - 12 noon, in the Dadeville School cafeteria.

CONTENTS Obituaries...................Page 2 Events.........................Page 3 Business Directory....Page 5 Worship Directory.....Page 6 Legals.......................Page 10 Classifieds............... Page 11 Sports.......................Page 12



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Santa Claus made his early rounds Saturday to check in on local boys and girls with Beau Banta, son of Benjamin and Amy Banta, along for the ride. Local bands played and seasonal royalty were crowned. (Photos by Beth Killingsworth, Penny White, James McNary and Bob Jackson)

Maggie Mae’s Tearoom to Close Dec. 29 By James McNary Articles Editor

After four decades of business in one form or another, Marsha Hill has decided to semi-retire and will be closing her Maggie Mae’s Tearoom and Nature’s Corner in Miller on Dec. 29. “I appreciate and thank all of my loyal and regular customers who’ve supported me over the years, which is vital to the survival of any business in a small town,” said Hill. “I’m also lucky that I have excellent employees

now and have had excellent workers through the years.” Hill said she plans to continue her catering operations for the time being, and will still be doing pick up orders. “I’m going to be 70 [years old] in less than two weeks, and I just decided that 70 was the time to slow down,” said Hill, who operates the business along with her husband, Jack Hill. “If it wasn’t for Jack, we wouldn’t be here, he’s done all the building and adding and renovating, you name it,” said Hill.

The tearoom, gift shop and florist that has become a Miller landmark got started as the Nature’s Corner flower and gift shop, in one room of the shop beside the Hills’ home – it now spans 11 rooms, with several having been built on to the structure by Jack Hill. “I’ve been told I’m a workaholic, but you kind of have to be that way to stay in business in small town,” said Hill. “I’m thankful to have been pretty healthy in my life, too.” ‘Maggie Mae’s’ Continued on page 8

Jack and Marsha Hill, owners of Maggie Mae’s Tea Room and Nature’s Corner in Miller. (Photo by James McNary)

New Library Cards at Lockwood Library Nine Fatalities Over 2018 From Phyllis Haggerman system is up and running - ber 18. There will be pictures Lockwood Public Library

I was so happy to talk about our STEAM demonstrations last week, I neglected to thank all those who made it happen! Thank you so much to: Judy Marotzki who presided over the origami station until Joseph Lands, the “Origami Guru,” took over; Bernita Taylor, keeper of the Marble Run; Andy Janes, K’Nex constructor; Kyle Fittje, Zoob device designer; and Brandon Frieze, Big Briks builder extraordinaire. Many thanks also to Rachelle Divine and Kelsey Frieze for writing up raffle tickets and directing traffic during the evening. Special thanks to MFA Oil for providing the $100 Petro-Card 24 raffle prize. Also to Kristy Miller and her sister, Holly, for making the Lockwood sign for our other prize. Our new patron cards have arrived and we are excited to start giving them out to the patrons of our library. The

we just have something over 10,000 more entries to make! Now we are looking forward to a visit from Santa for our Storytime on Decem-

taken with Santa as well as our usual fun activities. Come hear what book Santa chooses to read for our young library patrons!

Henry Woods receives the first official library card to be issued under the new electronic filing system from Assistant Librarian Kelsey Frieze. (Submitted photo)

Thanksgiving Holiday

From Capt. John J. Hotz Missouri State Highway Patrol

The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports nine people died in traffic crashes during this year’s Thanksgiving holiday counting period--from 6 p.m. Wednesday, November 21, 2018, through 11:59 p.m. Sunday, November 25, 2018. The Missouri State Highway Patrol investigated the following: 2018 Thanksgiving Holiday Traffic Statistics: Crashes - 587; Injuries 108; Fatalities - 9; DWI - 86; Drug Arrests - 67. [During the 2017 Thanksgiving holiday counting period, troopers investigated 400 traffic crashes, which included 116 injuries. Statewide, 17 people died and 555 people were injured in 1,364

traffic crashes over last year’s Thanksgiving holiday. Troopers arrested 127 people for driving while intoxicated and made 117 drug arrests during the 2017 Thanksgiving holiday counting period.] Of the nine traffic crash fatalities troopers investigated, one fatality occurred in each of the following areas: Troop A, Lee’s Summit area, Troop D, Springfield area; Troop F, Jefferson City area, Troop G, Willow Springs area, and Troop H, St. Joseph area. Four fatalities occurred in the Troop C, Weldon Spring area. Three people died in fatal traffic crashes on Wednesday, November 21, 2018. Jessica M. Kremer, 33, of Pacific, Missouri, died when an oncoming vehicle crossed into her lane, ‘Highway Patrol’ Continued on page 8

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