Area Easter services and egg hunts are listed on pages 2, 3 & 5
138th Year, No. 7 • Our 7,111th Issue!
Mt. Vernon, Missouri • March 27, 2013
50 cents (includes tax)
Topic of much debate 157th District debate brings out crowd Moon followed with his own earnest statement and appeal for a vote, to the crowd which seemed mostly Republican. Nearly 150 people turned out at the The candidates answered questions on MARC, March 22, to hear two state rep- the local economy, the differences between resentative candidates try their best to the two candidates, and gun control, among earn votes. others. Democrat Charles Dake and Republi“There were some good questions and can Mike Moon I’m glad to took the stage see a good at 7 p.m. in a turnout. debate hosted by It’s nice to the Record and see people I’m a Republican because I believe what Remoderated by loengaged cal businessman and curipublicans stand for, my opponent is a Democrat Tom Cox. ous about because he believes what the Democrats stand The two canthe govfor. They are for abortion and for taking away didates opened ernment,” guns. - Mike Moon with self-introMoon said. ductions, and “If we turn Mike Moon, you’re no Ronald Reagan and then answered out the votquestions from Charlie Dake is no Barack Obama. - Charlie Dake ers we’ve a panel of megot a good dia—Paul Donshot.” ley, Pierce City Leader-Journal; Murray Dake was also pleased with the evening. Bishoff, Monett Times; and Ryan Squibb, “I think it went pretty good. The questhe Record. tions were fair and that’s all you can ask.” The tenor of the evening was mostly 157th District State Representacasual and friendly, with levity and selfdeprecating humor from Dake, who broke tive Candidate Profiles: the ice calling Moon “silver-tongued” and Charles Dake - Democrat apologized for his own shortcomings as a 1. Family: Wife Gwyn, children Russell, public speaker. Chuck, Cassandra, Anna, Jason, Jodie
By Ryan Squibb
Quotes of the night
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Photos by Steve Fairchild
Top, as moderator Tom Cox notes, left, Democrat candidate Charles Dake speaks while Republican Mike Moon listens intently, during the 157th District state representative political debate March 22, hosted by the Record. Bottom, nearly 150 people turned out for the debate which was held at the MARC.
and Maria; plus 17 wonderful grandchildren 2. Age: 74 3. Education: Missouri Southern; Kansas State University, bachelor’s and DVM 4. Occupation: Veterinarian and cattleman 5.What is the biggest problem facing the county, and how can you fix it? Lawrence County needs more good paying jobs and someone who will fight to
adequately fund our schools. If elected, I will fight for our schools to get the funding they deserve to help train our future work force, and make Missouri and Lawrence County a better place for new business to start up and current businesses to expand. 6. Why should someone vote for you? I have made a lifetime of helping the DEBATE: Continued on page 7
School bond issue may be boon for city, would extend tax By Ryan Squibb
A graphic supplied by Sapp Design Associates shows the football field and track that would be built next to the Mt. Vernon High School if the bond is passed. The $2.5 million complex would include a track, football field with field turf, a practice field and facilities for restrooms, locker rooms and concessions.
Lawrence County
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INSIDE: Easter Services........ 2, 3 & 5 School menus.................... 8 Sports................................. 9 Deaths........................ 12, 13 PLEASE RECYCLE YOUR NEWSPAPER!
Although the proposed school bond on the upcoming ballot would lead to the development of a first-rate football and track facility for the school, not everyone is convinced the cost is worth it. While the current tax rate wouldn’t change, the duration of the tax would be extended thanks to the $2.5 million bond required to build the complex. Six of the seven current school board members are in favor of taking the vote to the people—the seventh is Bob Misemer. Misemer believes it’s the wrong time for the bond and furthermore, believes the people need to be better informed of the situation. “What happens if we lose money if MRC leaves? We’ve got a chance that the economy is really going to struggle, so let’s wait and see before we commit to $2.5 million,” said 15-year school board member Misemer. “I’m in favor of trying to get our debt paid off. Pay the debt off first then decide. I just feel like we’re trying to live beyond our means.” He also cites a shrinking student population as reasons to wait.
COMING UP: 4 Community Easter egg hunt — The Mt. Vernon community Easter egg hunt will be at 1 p.m. Saturday, March 30 in the Spirit on ‘76 Park. Many other Easter egg hunts and services are scheduled in the area this week as well. 4 Mt. Vernon Farmer’s Market — Area farmers’ markets are gearing up for sales. Among those that will be selling fresh produce and baked goods are Mt. Vernon Farmers’ Market and Pierce City Farmers’ Market. 4 Free well water test kits — The Lawrence County Health Department will be giving out 200 free well water test kits during the month of April to celebrate National Public Health Week, April 1-7. This is for Lawrence County residents who have their own private well.
“I’ll be on board when enrollment starts coming back up,” Misemer added. Misemer’s concerns not withstanding, other community members believe now is the time, even citing some of the same reasons Misemer did for holding off. “Building a new stadium is one way that we can help attract new families and new businesses to Mt. Vernon. And we can do it without raising our taxes,” said Mt. Vernon resident John Cowherd, who has spearheaded the proposition. “The funds that will be used to finance construction of the stadium will not divert or take away any money that the school has or will have to buy books, computers or pay teachers’ salaries. Both the construction of the stadium, and the events that the school could host at the stadium, will provide a much-needed boost to our economy.” Cowherd also cites the current facility as reason to pass the bond. “The bond is a long overdue step in providing our children and our community with an actual track, and with a football stadium that we can be proud of.”
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