3.29.18 Vedette

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S E V E N DAY FO R E C A S T Friday, 56/35 Morning 62/44







• Pauline Kacprowicz, 95, Springfield • Ruth Ann Baker, 86, Aurora • Annie Gassaway Golding, 90, Aurora • Geneva M. Rogers, 95, Lockwood • Robert Lee Stump, 77, Lockwood • David W. Blackford, 74, Lamar • Robert L.”Bob” Watson, 82, Greenfield

Maundy Services

First Christian Church of Greenfield will host a Maundy Thursday Service, March 29, 7 p.m.. All are welcome to attend.

Hankins Is Retiring

On Friday, March 30, 2018, Marilyn Hankins is retiring after 30 years of service. Congratulations and well wishes may be sent to: Dade County FSA Office, 124 South State Hwy 39, Greenfield, MO 65661, 417637-5991.

Lockwood Cemetery Meeting

The Lockwood Cemetery Association will have their annual meeting Thursday, April 5, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. a the Lockwood Methodist Church.

Good Friday Services

Greenfield Area Ministerial Alliance will hold its annual community Good Friday service on Friday, March 30, 2018, at Arcola Christian Church. Refreshments will be served after the service.

Greenfield Easter Egg Hunt

The Greenfield Easter Egg Hunt is set for Saturday, March 31, 2018, beginning 1 p.m. at the Greenfield City Park. Children age 1-12 are encouraged to bring their Easter bags and buckets to hunt for eggs. Sponsored by the Dade County Men’s Civic Club.

Full Contact Alumni Football Game

June 1, 2018, at the Greenfield Football Stadium, kickoff at 7 p.m. They are currently looking for Greenfield and Lockwood alumni football players who want to play. Call Bob Cazet at 707322-7650 or signup at w w w. A l u m n i F o o t b a l lUSA.com.


Obituaries.........................Page 2A Community Calendar......Page 5A Church Directory..............Page 6A Sports................................Page 7A Legals.......................Pages 2B-4B Classifieds.......................Page 5B


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62/44 Thursday

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A Weekly Newspaper Serving the Dade County Area Since 1866

Vol. 153, No. 41 $1.00 2 Sections

Marian Leola Winn Hobbs Children and Youth Room Opens Submitted by LaNita Hackney Dade County Library

Saturday, March 17, 2018, Dade County Library officially opened its new wing, Marian Leola Winn Hobbs Children and Youth Room, to the public in a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Board of Trustee President, Deanna McLemore and Genealogist, Tom Hobbs, did the honors while several Dade County residents and guests eagerly awaited a viewing. Dade County Library Director, LaNita Hackney, introduced the staff, Board of Trustees, and special guests including intern architect, Jacob Nentrup, from Butler, Rosenbury, and Partners Architecture Firm in Springfield and Representative Mike Kelley. Bonnie Mallory was honored as a recently resigned Board of Trustee member of 40-plus years serving the library and Dade County. She was presented with a corsage, a framed certificate, and a plaque. The plaque will be placed in the library in her honor. Local authors, Sarah Land and Julia Poirot Thoma, were present to sign books and talk to guests. Sarah lives in Greenfield and has written two books: Justin’s Winter and Winter’s Fall. Julia now lives in the Kansas City area and has written one book: Blacky, the Black Snake. These books are available at the Dade County Library.

Genealogist, Tom Hobbs and Board of Trustee President, Deanna McLemore prepare to cut the ribbon, opening the new room.

Bonnie Mallory, seated 2nd from left, accepts a plaque in her honor.

The new addition is on the west end of the library. Photo by Cletis McConnell, Vedette Reporter.

In celebration, guests were treated to refreshments, contests, door prizes, and even face painting provided by Board of Trustee member, Angela Myers and Theresa Johnson. Much of the technology in the new addition

was provided through an LSTA Mini-Technology Grant that was approved and began March 1. Fortunately, that means the youth, the Children’s Librarian, and even Pre-K have their own computers. Special thank yous

need to be given to the staff, their families, the Board of Trustees, Andy Snider Construction, Dave Coplen, and the wonderful patrons for their patience during the construction and change. Dade County Library wants to invite the public

to come in and see the beautiful addition and the continued changes that are happening at the library. They are a valuable resource funded by tax dollars and generous donations. Step inside their doors and see where they can take you.

New Business Opens In Miller By Cletis McConnell Vedette Reporter

A new business is now open on Main Stree in Miller, Missouri. Liz Hunt opens Around Here in the former feed store Wednesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Forty vendors feature items such as homemade treats, unique novelties, Watkins products, Hunt’s Hardware overstock, farm fresh eggs, honey, quilting, quilling, crochet, woodworking, FFA meats, coffee, clothes, free WiFi and much more. Farmer market items will be available May 1, 2018. Liz and her husband, Jed, reside in rural Miller. They have two children,

Above, Around Here store. Right, Liz Hunt inside the store

Zoe and Mandy, and a granddaughter, Gabby Runkle of Carthage. For more information, give them a call 417-452-2111.

To The Voters Of Dade County We would like to take this opportunity to inform the voters of Dade County about an upcoming election ballot issue. In April of 2017, the voters of Dade County passed the abolishment of Townships Road Boards, which ceased the Road board members being charged with the upkeep and maintenance of the roads in said Township. The abolishment of

Townships allowed the County to collect a levy of .2168, by Statute, for one (1) year. Upon the completion of that said one (1) year, the County will no longer collect the levy of .2168, which leaves the Road and Bridge Department without funding. Proposition 1, proposes to set a Levy at .50, which will directly fund the county Road and Bridge Department. In the upcoming

General Municipal Election, April 3, 2018, the voters will have an opportunity to pass and establish a countywide road tax. This proposed county road tax will fund the Dade County Centralized Road Department. Currently, there is a Centralized Road Department in place and working to maintain and improve the road infrastructure of Dade County, which created jobs, full-

time and part-time. This department is presently funded with the monies turned over to the county from each of the townships, upon the abolishment. These monies will deplete in January 2019. We ask that you give this your consideration, when casting your ballot, April 3, 2018. Respectfully, Dade County Commission

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