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Am ILawrence County Turn to page 13 to see who it is!

138th Year, No. 14 • Our 7,118th Issue!

Mt. Vernon, Missouri • May 15, 2013

50 cents (includes tax)

We’re outta here! Mt. Vernon sends off another class of young adults at May 12 graduation.

Photo by Samantha Dyson

CELEBRATIONS ALL AROUND — Becca Owens and Lance Rycraft high-five before making their way down the isle at the Mt. Vernon High School graduation on Sunday, May 12. There were 110 Mt. Vernon graduates who made the walk during the ceremony, in front of a packed house.

Wallace Cattle Company named tops in Missouri, again By James McNary Wallace Cattle Company was recently named Breeder of the Year for the eighth time by the Missouri Angus Association. Wallace Cattle, southeast of Stotts City, is owned by Ernie and Tammy Wallace, and their children Paige and Sam. Ernie Wallace said Breeder of the

Photos by James McNary

Top, Sam Wallace clips Angus show stock on the farm. Bottom, Ernie Wallace in his farm’s room of awards discusses past wins.

Year is determined from points accumulated by animals during various Angus Association-sanctioned cattle shows throughout the year, including the Missouri Preview, Missouri Annual Futurity, the Ozark Empire Fair, the Missouri State Fair and eventually the American Royal in Kansas City. The points total of the top five individuals in a herd determines the breeder of the year. “The kids are typically the ones showing the cattle,” said Ernie Wallace. “I’ve been showing cattle all my life and got the kids in it, too.” “We’ve been doing this a long time,” said Tammy Wallace. “Showing cattle is another way of marketing and promotion for us.” Wallace Cattle typically runs 150 cows with 30-40 yearlings at any given time, and a bull which is swapped out every 2-3 years. Breeding is typically done via artificial insemination twiceyearly, with the bull typically turned out once. The Wallaces primarily use genetic stock from the Genex Cooperative; they have been the area beef representatives over six southwest Missouri counties for several years, and on Oct. 12 Tammy Wallace became team leader for Genex over Missouri, eastern Kansas and southwest Iowa. She typically

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AIs 2,500 head per year. Ernie Wallace works part-time for Genex, and also does cattle sales consulting at 15-20 sales per year, and recently served as a judge for a national show. Daughter Paige Wallace is currently serving a two-year term on the National Junior Angus Board, and served as Ms. American Angus in 2011. She is attending Oklahoma State University, majoring in agricultural communications, and has co-hosted several television programs for the Angus Association on RFD-TV: The Angus Hour live call-in question-and-answer program, and the Angus Report, and is currently an intern with the “Oklahoma Horizons” program, broadcasted from Stillwater, which focuses on Oklahoma agriculture. “We’re all really involved in the daily tasks on the farm and do everything together,” said Paige. “It’s long hours, but very valuable to me, and my brother, to have those experiences.” Paige shared that the National Jr. Angus Association presents many opportunities for young people, such as scholarships and leadership conferences, and contests in areas such as public speaking, graphic design and “Wallace”: Continued on page 5

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Commentary Page 2

| May 15, 2013

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, MO


Who is going to college and why, a look at the numbers

by the Lawrence County Record staff

By Ryan Squibb

☛ The MVHS class of 2013 ended their high school career with a Harlem Shake at their graduation ceremony Sunday, May 12.

As another class of seniors waves goodbye, we welcome another group of young adults into the real world. The real world can be put on hold, though, for those who choose to go to college. According to graduation information from the National Center for Education Statistics, post high school academics is as popular now as ever, with approximately 68 percent of high school grads continuing on to college. Simply by crunching numbers it seems you can predict pretty closely who will and won’t be attending college. Those students from high-income families continue to college at an 82 percent rate while

☛ Baseball, trampolines, mowing the lawn, kids out of school. The summer is upon us! Take advantage of the rise in temperature and enjoy your friends and family. ☛ Garage sales and auctions are a great place to find a good deal. If you haven’t already, make sure and check out the plethera to be found in the EXTRA.

students from low-income families continue on to college at a 52 percent clip. Regardless of race (white, black or Hispanic), income and not color made the difference; mostly anyway. Asians were the exception. They went on to college at a whopping 88 percent rate. Also telling, is the difference between males and females attending college, especially when compared with years past. In 1975, 53 percent of males attended college, while only 49 percent of females attended. Oh how times have changed. In 2010, 63 percent of males attend college out of high school while females attend college out of high school at a 74 percent rate. That’s an impressive jump, even if it did take 35 years.

☛ Want a cinnamon roll the size of your head!?! Pick up one at the Red Barn this week.

Beginning something new

Anna remembers ...

Doing new things can be hard, and often intimidating. I know that when new challenges present themselves, I tend to shy HEART ON away. I love consisten- MY SLEEVE cy. I like to know what’s going to happen next. I plan everything out to the last detail. But I am slowly learning that you can’t plan your life. And sometimes life throws us those by Samantha unexpected curveDyson balls. When I was a little girl, I knew that someday, I wanted to decorate homes for people. Being an interior designer was my dream. Well, once I discovered that it wasn’t just fun stuff like picking paint colors and

...when people wall papered each spring.” — Anna Koeneman Ford

Online poll “Do you think having a gun in the house makes it a ...”

¡ ¡

safer place to be. more dangerous place to be.

THE MAILBAG We want to know! Cast your vote in our online poll on the Lawrence County Record’s website, www.lawrencecountyrecord.com.

Scripture of the week “In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”

— 1 John 4:10-11

Share your opinion in The Mailbag by sending your signed letter to Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712. Please include a name and phone number where you can be reached during business hours for verification.

Dear Editor Squibb

There should be better oversight of the people we let into our great nation. With our extremists on the far left and the far right, we have enough home-grown idiots without importing any more. Almo L. McElmurry Miller

“If you don’t like your Uncle Sammy Then go back to your home o’er the sea To the land from whence you came Whatever be its name And don’t be ungrateful to

It has been said that Mrs. Leaming, special education teacher at Mt. Vernon High School will not be there next year. Mrs. Leaming has been the special education teacher for four years and has been awarded the “Teacher of the Year” award two years in a row.

“For all of you with teenagers or who had teenagers, you may want to know why they really have a lot in common with cats: 1. Neither teenagers nor cats turn their heads when you call them by name. 2. No matter what you do for them, it is not enough. Indeed, all humane efforts are barely adequate to compensate for the privilege of waiting on them hand and foot. 3. You rarely see a cat walking outside of the house with an adult human being, and it can be safely said that no teenager in his or her right mind wants to be seen in public with his or her parents.

In years past A look at the stories we’ve reported on over the past century in the Lawrence County Record and Lawrence Chieftain.

FIVE YEARS AGO | MAY 14, 2008 ❧ The Missouri Veterans’ Home/ Mt. Vernon invites the public to share in the celebration of its 25th birthday at an open house including facility tours and videotaped interviews of veterans’ stories.

4. Cats and teenagers can lie on the living-room sofa for hours on end without moving, barely breathing. 5. Cats have nine lives. Teenagers carry on as if they did.” Want to share a good story or funny photo (with the subject’s permission)? Send it to thepaper@lawrencecountyrecord.com, P.O. Box 348, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712.

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: Checks to the Lawrence County Record should now be made payable to “Squibb Media L.L.C.” CONTACT US: The Lawrence County Record is committed to providing fair, accurate news coverage. We encourage you to contact us with questions, concerns or requests for corrections. Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, 312 S. Hickory St., Mt. Vernon, MO 65712, 417-466-2185, thepaper@lawrence countyrecord.com.

10 YEARS AGO | MAY 14, 2003 ❧ President George W. Bush visited the tornado-ravaged town of Pierce City Tuesday afternoon. Even with heavy rains falling, the President walked through the devastated downtown area. ❧ At least 100 farms sustained some form of damage as the May 4 twister wound through Lawrence County. Mike Baker, executive director for the Lawrence/Barry County Farm Service Agency, estimates at least 4,000 acres of farmland were damaged by the storms. At least 150 miles of fence row were destroyed. An estimated 10,000 trees were uprooted or damaged. 25 YEARS AGO | MAY 12, 1988 ❧ City officials are proposing a trade-off as a means to finance a new sewer plant for Mt. Vernon. Local taxpayers are going to be asked to trade their property tax for a halfcent sales tax. ❧ In a sign of the times, dentists are joining other health care professions in donning rubber gloves, face masks and eye ware as protective measures against the spread of illnesses.

© Copyright, 2013, Squibb Media, L.L.C. CONTRIBUTORS: Interested in contributing news, comments, photos, videos or other items to the newspaper for print or online publication? Contact Ryan Squibb, editor/publisher, at Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, 312 S. Hickory St., Mt. Vernon, MO 65712, 417-466-2185, thepaper@lawrence countyrecord.com.

me. If you don’t like the stars in Old Glory If you don’t like the red, white and blue Don’t be like the cur in the story And bite the hand that’s feeding you.”

Each time I read the Lawrence County Record, I check to see what “Anna remembers.” Now I too would like to share a memory. As I read about the Boston Marathon bombers, a song that my dad used to sing when I was a little girl popped into my mind. As I am 93, that must have been at least 80 years ago. The song is probably vintage World War I and goes something like this:

Smiles of the week


Why do any of these people go to college instead of work seems to be the question? A lot of it can be contributed to parents’ expectations. According to a research study conducted by a group called Public Agenda, parental expectations play a heavy role in a student’s path. Young workers without degrees, by a 35 percent margin, are less likely to say when they were growing up, their parents strongly expected them to go to college (32 percent to 67 percent). College might not be the answer for all, but it seems the masses are catching on that it is for most. Now, about paying for it…

USPS 306-500

Published each Wednesday by SQUIBB MEDIA, L.L.C. P.O. Box 348, 312 S. Hickory, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712 • 417-466-2185 thepaper@lawrencecountyrecord.com • fax 417-466-7865

Who will replace the special education teacher at MVHS?

100 YEARS AGO | MAY 15, 1913 ❧ Uncle Wood Paris was in town Archive photos Tuesday and while Jim Orr was tell- 2003 PIERCE CITY TORNADO — Top, Work crews began ing him about a fox the process of cleaning the debris of the David H. Jones chase that would branch of the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library System soon be pulled off in in Pierce City Wednesday, May 7. Estimated branch his neighborhood, loss at more than $200,000. Bottom, President George the old gentleman’s Bush answers questions from the national media eyes sparkled as he while viewing the May 4 tornado damage with local business owner Scott Rector in front of the remains of reviewed in his mem- the couple’s business, Freda Mae’s Antiques and Tea ory the many exciting Room, in Pierce City. FEMA worker looks on. From the chases he had wit- May 14, 2003 Lawrence County Record. nessed in company but if his grandchildren with Jim’s Grandfather Cherry. Uncle Wood is no doubt don’t keep a pretty sharp trying his best to wean himself away lookout he will be yelling from those old time pleasures and with the rest of the boys settle down to be a steady old man, at Jim Orr’s fox chase.

Lawrence County Record and continuing the Lawrence Chieftain


Lawrence countians’ newspaper since 1876 Ryan Squibb, Editor & Publisher

$24.00 + $1.85 tax in Lawrence & adjoining counties (print or e-Edition) $32.00 + $2.47 tax for print edition elsewhere in Missouri; $39.00 - out-of-state Also sold in newsracks in locations with varying sales tax rates We reserve the right to reject news or advertising matter as we see fit.

unclear. It is not the decision of Mrs. Leaming. My opinion is “if it’s not broken, do not fix it.” Whoever is chosen to take her position as the new special education teacher has some very big shoes to fill. The relationship that we have with Mrs. Leaming can never be replaced. For us to finally find a teacher like Mrs. Leaming has been a blessing. To lose her is an outrage. We only hope that our child will continue his incredible progress that he has made since the presence of a highly respectable and loved teacher. The bar she has set may never be reached by anyone who succeeds her. She will be greatly missed by us, students and parents. We wish her the best and hope she continues to shine as the best teacher we have ever been involved with. Whoever she will work with in the future will be truly blessed to have her working with their child. Jeff Laughery Mt. Vernon

50 YEARS AGO | MAY 16, 1963 ❧ Rains which filled drought-dried farm ponds brimful and overflowing swept across the county Tuesday in amounts ranging from more than six inches in some northern sections to an inch or less in the extreme southern portion of the county. ❧ Six students from Mt. Vernon and Miller are among the 85 sons and daughters of Carnation Company employees in the U.S. and Canada announced this week as recipients of $850 Elbridge A Stuart Scholarships for the 1963-64 school year.

Periodicals postage paid at Mt. Vernon • POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712

Subscription rates (per year, in advance)

Having a son with a disability has been a challenge for our family. Receiving the proper education for our child in this school district has been a long and difficult road. That is until our child transitioned into high school, where a teacher has given our child hope and everything we have asked for. Mrs. Leaming has been an inspiration to our child and to us that there are exceptional teachers out there. She has gone above and beyond her call of duty to make our child feel comfortable and safe in the school environment and has made a significant change in our child’s attitude and academics. Her vast knowledge of different organizations that help people with disabilities has been highly beneficial. Her communication with us has been tremendous in every aspect of our child’s progress. Her abilities to recognize gifts and make our child feel good about himself and his abilities is incredible. Reasons for these changes are

furniture, that was the end of that. So then I decided to become a librarian. That dream didn’t work out either. I didn’t plan on writing or working at a newspaper office. It seemed scary and intimidating. But I seem to have found my niche. The thing of it is, graduating high school, starting college, making new friends, or even going to the gym can be a big deal. We can plan things out, and set goals for our lives, but maybe we shouldn’t be completely upset when things don’t go as planned. Sometimes, the best things in life are the things unexpected. Perhaps if we just hand the reins over to God every once in a while, and let him handle things for us, new things won’t be so scary. I know I will never be able to control everything, try as I might. As the saying goes, let go and let God. Try it and just see what he brings to the table. You might just be surprised.

Samantha Dyson • Rosemary Henderson • Kaitlin Johnson Wanda Johnston • Regina Langston • Tish McBride • Abbie Morris Daniel Morris • Sandi Patrick • Cheryl Reynolds • Chris Strong

Lord, make me a channel of thy peace That where there is hatred I may bring love, That where there is wrong I may bring the spirit of forgiveness, That where there is discord I may bring harmony, That where there is error I may bring truth, That where there is doubt I may bring faith, That where there is despair I may bring hope, That where there are shadows I may bring

thy light, That where there is sadness I may bring joy. Lord, grant me that I may seek rather To comfort than to be comforted, To understand than to be understood, To love than to be loved; For it is by giving that one receives; It is by self-forgetting that one is forgiven; It is by dying that one awakens to eternal life. – St. Francis of Assisi

What’s ahead Page 3 |

May 15, 2013


... AT THE MARC Mt. Vernon Arts and Recreation Center, 822 W. Mt. Vernon Blvd. To schedule an event, contact Mt. Vernon City Hall, 466-2122. l Tuesday, May 28 –– 6 p.m., zumba; 6:30 p.m., Mt. Vernon Community Theatre. l Thursday, May 30 –– 6 p.m., zumba; 6:30 p.m., Mt. Vernon Community Theatre. Use this QR code to view the MARC’s full year calendar.

... AT THE LIBRARY MT. VERNON BRANCH LIBRARY, 206 W. Water St., 466-2921. Open 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. MILLER BRANCH LIBRARY, 112 E. Main St., 452-3466. Open 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Tuesday to Friday; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. The Miller Library is on Facebook.

Children’s Programs l The last day for spring programming will be Thursday, May 16. Summer reading programs will begin Tuesday, June 4 and end Tuesday, July 23. Programs will be every Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Registration starts Thursday, May 16. Call your local library for more information. l Wednesdays –– 10:30 a.m., Pre-school story time; 1:30 p.m., Grades 1-5 homeschool; 2:15 p.m., Grades 6-12 homeschool. l Thursdays –– 10:30 a.m., Toddler Time.

... AT M.V. SR. CENTER Mt. Vernon Senior Center, 425 N. Main St., 466-2072. Hours: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays. Lunch 11 a.m.12:30 p.m. Meals for 60-up, $3.50; others, $6. l Monday, May 20 –– Ham & beans, oven potatoes, spinach, cornbread, dessert. l Tuesday, May 21 –– Turkey wrap, enchilada soup, tortilla chips, strawberries & cream. l Wednesday, May 22 –– Oven fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans, bread, chocolate pie. l Thursday, May 23 –– Almost stuffed peppers, corn, biscuit, applesauce. l Friday, May 24 –– Polish sausage/kraut, mashed potatoes, beets, dessert.

Games and bingo You’re invited to play games at the center from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every day. Bingo is at 9:30 a.m. Mondays and Thursdays.

Home-delivered meals Volunteers distribute homedelivered meals throughout the week. If you are in need of meals or if you are interested in volunteering to help, contact Susan Hughes, director, at 466-2072.

... AT MILLER CENTER Miller Senior Center, 201 First St., 452-3688. Lunch 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Weekly activities People are invited to meet at Miller Senior Center for quilting and coffee each Thursday and a weekly card game at 1 p.m. each Friday. The fourth Thursday of each month is nail day.

... AT THE PARKS To rent a pavilion or schedule an event at a Mt. Vernon city park, contact city hall at 466-2122. For the golf course, call 466-7831.

Recycling Expanded recycling will be available at Underwood “Spirit of ‘76” Park from 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, May 11. Items accepted that day are aluminum and tin cans, plastic containers and paper, including office waste, telephone books and magazines. Remember to rinse food containers and remove lids and rings from plastics. Bins for paper recycling are open daily.

... AT HOPE CENTER The Hope Center, 722 W. Mt. Vernon Blvd., 466-3070. Open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday - Saturday.

Special hours On Thursdays, senior citizens will receive a 50 percent discount and hours will be extended to 5:30 p.m.

Mt. Vernon City Hall to observe Memorial Day May 27 Mt. Vernon City Hall will be closed on Monday, May 27, in observance of Memorial Day.


Send information on your events to Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712, thepaper@lawrencecountyrecord.com, or send a message to us on our Facebook page. Deadline is 5 p.m. Monday.

Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, MO

Planning and Zoning Commission to meet June 4

Stahl Cemetery business meeting scheduled for May 25

Memorial Day services for Zion Cemetery

Robert cemetery meeting set for May 19

Moore Cemetery meeting May 26

The city of Mt. Vernon Planning and Zoning Commission will meet at 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 4, in the Board of Aldermen meeting room at City Hall. The meeting will concern the amendment to the city code concerning the keeping and raising of chickens in the city limits of Mt. Vernon. Copies of the proposed change are available for review in the office of the zoning administrator and posted in the council chambers during regular business hours. The meeting is open to all persons interested in the matter and the public will have an opportunity to voice views and wishes.

A business meeting for Stahl Cemetery will be at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 25, in the cemetery.

Services for Zion Memorial Cemetery will be conducted by Pastor Terry Pitts at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, May 26. The official business meeting of the Zion Memorial Cemetery Association will follow the service. A basket dinner will be at noon. For more information, call Beverly Moenkhoff at 285-4545.

The annual meeting concerning Robert Cemetery will be at 1 p.m. Sunday, May 19. For more information, call 606-0334.

Moores Cemetery of Stotts City, will have a business meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 26. For more information, call Hope Morris at 4664080.

Rock Prairie Cemetery meeting on May 25

The Shiloh Cemetery decoration will be Sunday, May 19. Donations for the upkeep of the cemetery may be sent to Tim Holmes at 14773 Lawrence 1110, Mt. Vernon. For more information, call Martha Myers at 751-2524.

Junction Cafe in Willard will be hosting a children’s charity cruise-in at 4 p.m. Saturday, May 18. The proceeds of the event will help the Willard Lion’s Club provide for local area children in need of eye care and eyewear. Trophies will be awarded and plaques and goodie bags will be handed out for the first 100 participants. The event is free, but donations are appreciated.

Trafficking documentary to be shown at First Baptist May 20

Citywide garage sale slated for June 1

A documentary titled “The Pink Room,” will be shown at 7 p.m. Monday, May 20, at First Baptist Church in Mt. Vernon. The film tells the true story of sex trafficking in Cambodia. A presentation will be made by Kimberly Hogsett. For more information, call the church at 466-3735.

The Mt. Vernon citywide garage sale is scheduled for Saturday, June 1. To get an address listed on the side of the map and an X to show the location, the cost is $5. This also includes two garage sale signs.

Blood drive to be at First Christian Church June 4

Miller Memorial Gardens decoration will be Sunday, May 26, The business meeting will be at 2 p.m. Donations for upkeep may be made at that time or placed in the box at the building. Donations may also be sent to Miller Memorial Gardens, Delores Baldwin 5379 Highway 39, Miller, MO 65707.

The annual meeting of the Rock Prairie Association will be at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 25, at the chapel in Halltown. Everyone is welcome. For further information, call Frances Duvall at 2324817.

Body of Christ Outreach to have concert May 18 The Body of Christ Outreach Ministries Center in Wheaton will hold a concert at 7 p.m. Saturday, May 18 featuring southern gospel recording artists 2nd Generation. The center is located on 501 S. Gilman in Wheaton. A freewill offering will be taken. For more information, contact the church at 652-3709. Everyone is invited.

MVHS class of 1973 planning meeting May 21 The Mt. Vernon High School class of 1973 will be hosting a planning meeting for their upcoming class reunion at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 21 at Red Barn.

Calton Cemetery Association set to meet May 27 The Calton Cemetery Association will meet at 10 a.m. Monday, May 27 on the cemetery grounds. Everyone having friends or family interred in the cemetery are invited to attend. Donations toward the upkeep of the cemetery are welcome.

Ozark Festival Orchestra ends season with concert May 19 The Ozark Festival Orchestra will conclude its 33rd season with its annual pops concert at 2:15 p.m. Sunday, May 19, at Monett Elementary School. The concert will benefit the orchestra. The event will come with homemade pie and ice cream for an admission fee of $10. Doors will open at 1:30 p.m. and the music will start at 2:15 p.m. Ken Meisinger will direct while the orchestra performs music from Broadway and the cinema, plus light classics and patriotic selections. A silent auction will be included with art items up for bid. Uneaten pies will also be auctioned off. For additional information, call Ken Meisinger at 6268194 or Murray Bishoff at 235-3135.

Ozark Prairie Cemetery Association to meet May 19

I.O.O.F. Cemetery decoration set for May 25-27 The I.O.O.F. Cemetery in Mt. Vernon will observe decoration during Memorial Day weekend from Saturday, May 25 through Monday, May 27. The I.O.O.F. Cemetery Association wil have its annual meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 26, in the Mt. Vernon City Hall meeting room.

Shiloh Cemetery decoration on May 19

The Community Blood Center of the Ozarks will be hosting a blood drive in Mt. Vernon from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, June 4, in the fellowship hall at First Christian Church. A photo identification is required. A free cholesterol screening will be offered. For more information, call the church at 466-3345.

Eastview Cemetery annual business meeting to be May 19 The Stotts City Eastview Cemetery will hold its annual business meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 19. For more information, call 466-2757.

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Miller Memorial Gardens decoration May 26

Pierce City Methodist Church to host dinner May 18 A chicken dinner will be at 5 p.m. Saturday, May 18, at Pierce City Methodist Church. The cost will be $6 for adults and children 12 and under will be $2.50. For more information, call 476-5289.

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Meeting for Maple Grove Cemetery May 19 The annual Maple Grove Cemetery Association board meeting will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 19, at the Maple Grove Chapel. For more information, call 885-3856.

Red Oak Cemetery to have meeting May 27 The annual business meeting for the Red Oak Cemetery Association will be at 2 p.m. Monday, May 27, at the cemetery. Everyone is invited.

Chesapeake Cemetery decoration slated for May 26

Summit Cemetery meeting set for May 26

The public is invited to a meeting of the Lawrence County Historical Society at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 19, at Jones Memorial.

The Langston Cemetery Association will hold their annual meeting at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 25, at the cemetery. Contributions to the cemetery may be sent to David Langston at 2255 Lawrence 2080, LaRussell, MO 65848.

2757 Lawrence CR 2225 • Pierce City, MO

The annual Mt. OlivetBoucher Cemetery Association meeting will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 26 in the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church. A noon meal will follow the meeting. For more information, call 285-6065.

Decoration day at the Campground Cemetery by Chesapeake will be Sunday, May 26. A business meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. Call 466-3033 or 466-4436 for more information.

Meeting for Langston Cemetery May 25

Customized beef, pork & deer proCessing

Mt. Olivet-Boucher Cemetery Association to meet May 26

The Ozark Prairie Cemetery Association annual meeting will beat 2 p.m. Sunday, May 19th at the Ozark Prairie Presbyterian Church. Decoration of the graves will be May 18 and 19. Donations will be accepted at the gate or may be sent to Treasurer Jean Berg, 730 N. Main St., Mt. Vernon, MO 65712.

The annual meeting for Summit Cemetery will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 26, at Summit Church. Donations may be mailed to Summit Cemetery Association at 8538 Lawrence 1150, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712. For more information, call Doris Gardner at 466-3681.

Children’s charity cruisein May 18

J&J Processing

Historical society to meet May 19

A Journey Inside The Fight Against Child Sex Slavery

Sycamore Cemetery decoration set for May 26

Presented by Kimberly Hogsett

Decoration for Sycamore Cemetery will be Sunday, May 26. A business meeting will be conducted at 2 p.m. Contributions for the maintenance of the cemetery may be sent to the Sycamore Cemetery Association at P.O. Box 262, Miller, Mo. 65707. For more information, call 466-3420.

Monday, May 20, 7 p.m. at

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Lawrence County Record

The true story of Redemption, ordinary people becoming heroes, Cambodians rising up with compassion to take back their country, and a town’s process of rebuilding from the inside out.

Lawrence County Living! Page 4 |

May 15, 2013

NOW HERE’S A TIP By JoAnn Derson • Need a substitution for buttermilk? Use an equal amount of plain, unflavored yogurt, or for each cup, add a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice to a cup of milk. • “On chore days, I write each chore or step of a chore on a sticky note and attach them to the kitchen counter. Then we all get together and decide who will do what. We end up with our stack of sticky notes and can complete the chores in an organized fashion.” -R.E. in Alabama • Keep a lint roller by the sewing machine to quickly swipe up those tiny bits of thread. It’ll keep your sewing area from getting messy.


Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, MO

Bids to be sought for sports complex If Mother Nature is kind the Mt. Vernon track teams could hold home track meets next spring. Members of the Mt. Vernon Board of Education met Monday night with representatives of Sapp and Associates Design to discuss costs of the project to build a new football field/track complex at the high school. Voters approved a $2.5 million bond issue in the April 2 election to fund the construction. Initial cost estimates have the project costing $2,564,621, plus some alternates, which total an additional $696,290. Those alternates can be added later as more funding becomes available, Russ Cruzan, superintendent of schools said. The base construction contract calls for site work, construction of walkways, football field and track construction, home side bleachers to seat 1500, visitors bleachers, field lighting and concession/toilets Advertising for bids will begin in the next week or so, Cruzan said.

• Sharpen scissors by cutting through a piece of aluminum foil that has been folded over several times. It really does work! • Parents of twins (or other multiples): It makes a big difference when you join a multiples club or keep in touch with an organization for that purpose. Most do clothing swaps or sales fairly often, and the money you’ll save on clothing the first year is well worth it. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

Results from Rotary Car Show In the annual Rotary Car Show, Saturday, April 6, the top 16 entries were reported to be: Mike Manly, 2013 Corvette; John Dorman, 1966 Corvette; Jeff LaFountaine, 2010 Dodge Challenger; John Wettstein, 2004 Corvette; John Verbrugge, 2008 Ford GT 500; Robert Russow, 1962 Corvette; John Macak, 2008 Dodge Challenger; Mick Martin, 1995 Silverado; Joe Shipman, 1990 Corvette; Dan Copenhaver, 1994 Ford Mustang; Don Erickson, 1966 Baracuda; Charles Pritchett, 1980 Corvette; Wilbur Swearingin, 1926 Model T Pickup; Dan Trantham, 1972 Chevy Nova; Gene Jenkins, 1984 S-10 Pickup. Dorcas Ladies met May 2


Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go. You’ll look up and down streets. Look ‘em over with care.

General obligation bonds available to locals The Mt. Vernon R-5 Board of Education of Lawrence County has instructed its municipal bond underwriter, L.J. Hart & Company of St. Louis to make the $2,500,000 general obligation bond issue to be available to local individual and institutional investors. “We appreciate the strong vote of confidence we received from local patrons at the election and want the bonds to be available to them,” stated Gene Ingle, president of the board. These new money general obligation bonds were approved by about 63.94 percent of the voters in the April 2 election for the purpose of providing funds for a new sports complex which will include a football field, eight lane all-weather track, bleachers, locker rooms, press box, concession stands and rest rooms. The sports complex will be located near the high school on land owned by the district. “Since interest rates are

The Dorcas Ladies Aid Society met in the Fellowship Hall of Trinity Lutheran School in Freistatt at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, May 2. President Judy Lehde called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. There were 13 members, Pastor Buchmueller and guest Deborah Porter present. Following the meeting, Deborah was welcomed as a new member. Lena Bremer led the mite box gathering. Judy Krueger presented the worship and program. The business meeting was conducted and the correspondence read. Lena Bremer thanked everyone who helped put quilts together on their workday. The next workday will be in the fall. Judy Kreuger is making a baptismal napkin for Regan Voskamp who will be baptized on Sunday, May 19. Plans for the bake sale will be made when a date for the picnic is set, which could be in Sept. The mission festival will be in June. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

attractive now and might increase in the future, the board of education wants to lock in rates as quickly as possible,” stated Superintendent of Schools Russ Cruzan. “At the same time, we want all local investors, who are interested in these bonds to have an opportunity to purchase them, and we want to alert them in advance of our plans,” Cruzan continued. The board selected the negotiated sale of the bonds in order to capture current market conditions, to be certain that local individual investors and banks receive an opportunity to purchase the bonds and because the proposed interest rates are fair based upon current conditions in the municipal bond market. According to L.J. Hart & Company, the bonds are scheduled to mature from March 1, 2026, through March 1, 2033, with interest rates expected to range from

2.30 percent to 3 percent. The interest income from the bonds is exempt from federal and state of Missouri income taxes and the bonds are available in $5,000 denominations. The bonds are being sold on first-come, first-served basis. Anyone interested in learning more about the Series 2013 bonds can call the school district office at 417-466-7573 or L.J. Hart & Company at 800-264-4477 to request a prospectus be mailed to them. The bonds carry a “AA+” rating from Standard & Poor’s Corporation due to the district’s participation in the State of Missouri Direct Deposit program. If interest rates decline in the future, the district can capture the full benefit because some of the bonds have an optional redemption provision on March 1, 2018, at no penalty. The financing proceeds are anticipated to be available to the district by June 12.

Milestones Cavener, Dooley engaged to wed

Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Congratulations!

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” –– Eleanor Roosevelt

Dan Cavener of Marionville, and Anthony and Kimberly Jirik of Aurora, announce the engagement of their daughter, Nikolo Krystine Cavener, to William Caleb Dooley, son of Mike and Becky Dooley of Granby. Nikolo is a 2006 graduate of Aurora High School and a 2008 graduate of St. John’s School of Nursing. She is currently employed at Mercy Hospital in Aurora and Cox Health Systems in Monett. William is a 2006 graduate of East Newton High School and is currently attending Crowder College where he is studying psychology. He is currently a shift supervisor at the Taco Bell in Monett. Wedding plans are for Friday, June 14, 2013, at the Jesus Christ Church of Latter-Day Saints in Monett.



Go farther. { Go farther.}

Lawrence County marriage licenses:

About some you will say, “I don’t choose to go there.”

■.Nathan J. Mast, 23, Verona, to Inez O. Miller, 21, Verona, April 25.

With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet,

■.Jason Gregory Gunter, 26, Shawnee, Kan., to Stephanie Marie



■.Seth Phillip Readinger, 27, Pittsburg, Kan., to Angela Yvonne Scott, 30, Marionville, April 25.

Schmidt, 26, Shawnee, Kan., April 27.

■.Justin Blake Medlin, 32, Marionville, to Jamie Lee Leech, 34, Billings,

Drury University’s College of Continuing

■.Kevin Brian Vallee Jr., 26, Monett, to Tabitha Jo Miller, 23, Monett,

Professional Studies is offering summer

■.Aaron Calvin Choate, 23, Marionville, to Morgan Elizabeth Mais,

Drury in University’s Collegefor of classes Continuing classes Monett. Register today!

■.Humberto Ramon Ortegon, 45, Monett, to Cheryl Linne Danzer,

Professional Studies is offering summer

In that case, of course,

■.Larry Gene Wilks Jr., 52, Mt. Vernon, to Tina Diane May, 43, Lake

you’ll head straight out of town.

classes in Monett. Register for classes today!

■.Jered Keith Jackson, 33, Aurora, to Sarah Jean Elizabeth Marie Mc-

you’re too smart to go down any not-so-good street. And you may not find any you’ll want to go down.

April 26. April 27.

24, Marionville, April 27. 45, Monett, May 2. Ozark, May 2.

Cune, 34, Mt. Vernon, April 29.

M ONETT U NDERGRADUATE C OURSES Session III (June 3 - August 2 unless noted)





■.Brian Dean Johnson, 30, Monett, to Lisa Diane Tucker, 32, Monett,


Out there things can happen

■.Josiah Hays Holland, 27, Pierce City, to Kaci Janine Straw, 25, Pierce

Session III (June 3 - August 2 noted) COMM 0207 EXPOSITORY WRITING 3 unless MW 12:30 PM-3:10 PM

and frequently do

■.Mark Allen Rickman, 50, Aurora, to Peptia Faye Burgess, 30, Aurora,

It’s opener there in the wide open air.

to people as brainy and footsy as you. And when things start to happen, don’t worry. Don’t stew. Just go right along. You’ll start happening too. OH! THE PLACES YOU’LL GO! –– Dr. Suess

May 3.

City, May 4. May 3.


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3 MW

12:30 PM-3:10 PM

ENGL 0207


3 MW

12:30 PM-3:10 PM

MATH 0109


3 TR

10:00 AM-12:40 PM


PSYC 0312

MATH 0227 PSYC 0101 PSYC 0312


3 MW 3 TR

5:00 PM-7:30 PM


5:00 PM-7:30 PM



The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

May 15, 2013 - Page 5

Warrior games give opportunity for wounded soildiers to compete

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Submitted photo

William loyd Baker

Army Sgt. Lance Thornton poses with his archery equipment at a shooting range.

By Shannon Collins The son-in-law of a Stotts City couple knows how an explosion, crash, gunshot, sickness or emotional trauma can push a military service member to a place of unfamiliarity - the sidelines. And through the healing process, Paralympic sport gives many survivors the chance to prove anyone can overcome disability. Army Sgt. Lance Thornton, whose wife, Robi, is the daughter of Walter and Kaye Woods, Lawrence 2140, Stotts City, is competing for the Army team during the 2013 Warrior Games at the U.S. Olympic Training Center and at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., May 11-17.

Throughout the seven-day event, wounded, ill and injured service members and veterans from the Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard, as well as some from Special Operations Command, and a team from the British military will compete - track and field, shooting, swimming, cycling, archery, wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball makeup the events. Thornton is competing for the gold in archery and shooting. He is excited to compete in his first Warrior Games. “There is a sense of pride that a person feels when you take the oath and wear the uniform, knowing you represent the greatest country in the world. Being able to represent

the Army, my family and my hometown is a great feeling,” he said. “The Army team is going to be tough to beat.” On July 26, 2007, Thornton was serving in a combat zone when the vehicle he was traveling in was struck by an improvised explosive device. Due to the explosion, he lost his right arm. He said the most challenging part has been learning to be patient with himself. He said his wife, Robi, and family have helped him overcome any difficulties he has faced. “Without the support of my family and friends, the road to the games would not have been as enjoyable,” said Thornton. “The support from my loved ones is what gives me the

strength to drive on.” Thornton also credits adaptive sporting competitions like the Warrior Games with his successful recovery. “The Warrior Games are a great way to show yourself that you can still do everything you did before. You may have to do it a little differently but you can do it,” he said. Thornton encourages newly wounded warriors who may not feel comfortable to leave their house to take those baby steps and get active. “Keep your chin up; be proud of yourself and what you have done. Don’t quit,” he said.

Hometown: aurora, mo Branch of Service: army Dates of Service: 1944-1946 Rank: PFC Stationed: CaliFornia & China William is now a resident of the Missouri Veterans’ Home.


illiam started in the Army as a replacement. After his time in the service, he went to work for the railroad.

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Scotchgard protection


No freeze damage to wheat, delayed corn planting also a downside MU Extension Jill Scheidt, agronomy specialist with University of Missouri Extension in Barton County, scouted fields in Barton County on May 8. According to Scheidt, wheat is in the flag leaf to early boot stage. No freeze damage to the wheat head was seen. Temporary phosphorus deficiency, identified by purpling on leaf tips, was seen due to cold weather. “Lodging is a concern now. If the wheat is unable to stand most of the way back up, it could result in up to a 50 percent yield loss if wheat is in the boot stage,” said Scheidt. “If the stem has been broken below the growing point due to the weight of the snow, those plants will be a total loss if they are in the flag leaf or boot stage. Less mature wheat is more likely to recover.” Scheidt warns anyone thinking about switching from corn to soybeans, that costs and benefits of switching may not prove wise until planting is delayed until the end of May. Delayed planting of corn causes concern for black cutworm, which clip the corn plants off below or above soil level. If the corn plant is cut off at soil level, the growing point may have been damaged and corn may not be able to recover. “Cold weather should not damage corn because the growing point is still protected; when corn reaches 12” then a concern for frost damage may be possible,” said Scheidt.

Continued from front career development. “It’s really valuable for kids to get involved with the Angus Association because they can get a lot out of it,” said Paige. Son of the operation, Sam Wallace, is a senior at Mt. Vernon High School, and was an FFA Area Winner in Beef Production Entrepreneurship this year. He has a showcattle team scholarship to attend Connors State College in Oklahoma next year. “I plan to stay a farmer after school,” said Sam. “No matter how much I’ve

tried to talk him out of it,” Ernie added. The Wallaces got started in the Mt. Vernon area in March 1997, forming a partnership with Tom Kissee that lasted six years, before starting their own operation. Wallace Cattle and Kissee Farms do still work together. Tammy Wallace said that, through Ernie, this is year 29 for them in the Angus Association. Ernie Wallace grew up in the Windsor area; Tammy Wallace is originally from Searsboro, Iowa. Paige and Sam Wallace both attended Trinity Lutheran grade school in Freistatt and attended Mt. Vernon High School.





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This home at 21917 Lawrence on Farm Road 2040, two miles northwest of Halltown, burned down the morning of May 13. No one was injured in the blaze.

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| May 15, 2013



Submit education news to Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712, education@lawrencecountyrecord.com, or send a message to us on our Facebook page. Deadline is 5 p.m. Monday.

Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, MO

May 20-21:

Mt. Vernon


■ ELEMENTARY/INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Breakfast, $1.05; Lunch, $1.45; Milk, 30¢ MONDAY: Breakfast - Waffles, cinnamon apple slices, fruit streusel muffin. Lunch - BBQ rib on a bun or grilled chicken w/ hot roll or chef salad, sweet potato fries, fresh broccoli, fresh orange smiles. END OF SCHOOL YEAR

■ MIDDLE SCHOOL Breakfast, $1.05; Lunch, $1.65; Milk, 30¢ Each meal also includes salad & fruit bar. MONDAY: Breakfast - Waffles, cinnamon apple slices, fruit streusel muffin. Lunch - BBQ rib on a bun or grilled chicken w/ hot roll or salad bar, sweet potato fries, fresh broccoli, fresh orange smiles. END OF SCHOOL YEAR

■ HIGH SCHOOL Breakfast, $1.05; Lunch, $1.70; Milk, 30¢ Each meal also includes salad & fruit bar MONDAY: Breakfast - Waffles, cinnamon apple slices, fruit streusel muffin. Lunch - BBQ rib w/ pasta salad or all American sub or grilled chicken w/ hot roll or salad bar, sweet potato fries, fresh broccoli, fresh orange smiles.

KINDERGARTEN SCREENING IN MILLER MAY 2-3 - Mrs. O’Neil administers the cutting evaluation for Abbygail Spaulding’s PreK screening. An estimated 36 Kindergarten and 28 Pre-K screenings were done over the two days.


Miller ■ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Breakfast, $1.10; Lunch, $1.65; Milk, 35¢ END OF SCHOOL YEAR


—Photo by Regina Langston

Breakfast, $1.10; Lunch, $1.90; Milk, 35¢ END OF SCHOOL YEAR

Marionville ■ ELEMENTARY/HIGH SCHOOL Breakfast, 80¢; Lunch, (K-5) $1.60, (6-12) $1.70; MHS has an a la carte line and a second choice on entrée daily MONDAY: Breakfast - Pancakes. Lunch - Turkey wrap w/ miracle whip, raw broccoli w/ ranch dressing, sweet potato puffs, pineapple. TUESDAY: Breakfast - Breakfast pizza. Lunch - Hot dog on a bun w/ catsup, baked beans, pretzels, baby carrots w/ ranch dressing, fresh apples. END OF SCHOOL YEAR

—Submitted photo

Atkeson Memorial Scholarship Fund to be awarded The GRIP Boys Home is preparing to award the Holt Atkeson Memorial Scholarship fund this graduation season to a Verona High School senior aspiring to continue their education. Holt Atkeson was killed in an automobile accident on August 16, 2009. The scholarship is being awarded to honor his memory. He was a graduate of Verona High School, a member of FBLA, Art Club and Spanish Club. He played basketball and wrote a column for the school newspaper. He graduated from the GRIP Boys Home in 2008, then moved to Springfield where he worked, enrolled in college and became engaged. The scholarship was created by David Doner, director of GRIP Boys Home. Donations for the fund may be sent to The Holt Atkeson Memorial Scholarship Fund, First Independent Bank, P.O. Box 359, Aurora, MO 65605.

Students excel at FBLA competition Eleven students from the Mt. Vernon Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America recently competed in the state leadership conference in Columbia. Of the 11 competitors, nine placed in the top ten with five students qualifying for national competition this summer in Anaheim, Calif. Seniors Christopher DeLay and Jarod Davis placed tenth in business calculations and word processing II. Senior Lance Rycraft finished ninth in impromptu speaking, and the desktop publishing team of senior Audrey LaSalle and junior Blair Tettenhorst placed eighth overall. Tettenhorst placed fifth in the client service catagory. Sophomores Addie Hodgson and Mackenzie Farmer qualified for nationals by placing second in digital design and promotion. The digital video production team of juniors Greg Maddocks and Josh Dunn also qualified for nationals, claiming first place. Sophomore Ashley Childers was a double qualifier placing third in business math and first in FBLA principles and procedures. This is the second year in a row that Childers has qualified for national competition and the third year in a row that Mt. Vernon FBLA will send a digital video team to the next level. Seniors Korey Pryer and Lance Rycraft also competed in other events.

NHS officers named for 2013-2014 school year The following Mt. Vernon National Honor Society members have been named officers for the upcoming school year: Kara Violett, president; Miranda Riebe, vice-president; Dallas Shearer, service chair and McKenzie Swortwood, new student liaison. The remaining offices, including secretary, treasurer, male new student liaison and green geeks chair, will be filled this fall. New members will be allowed to compete for positions.

MVHS students win awards at art competition Mt. Vernon High School art students recently competed in the 2013 Big 8 Art Conference Competition. Here are their results: FIRST PLACE Alexius Schmidly for drawing landscape, drawing abstract, mixed media representational and open miscellaneous; Sydney Buffington for portraits achromatic and drawing scratchboard; Mikeala Bekemeier for portraits color, drawing dry media charcoal representational and painting acrylic representational; Chastidy Garringer for drawing dry media pastels oil/chalk representational; Miranda Riebe for painting oils representational; McKayla Potter for printmaking relief; Chrissy Williams for printmaking monoprint; Maddie Lasater for sculpture ceramics and fiber weaving; Laura Conway for fiber batik/tie dye; Josie Barnes for photography black and white. SECOND PLACE Laura Conway for drawing landscape, portraits achromatic and airbrush; Mi-

randa Riebe for drawing figurative and mixed media representational; Sydney Buffington for portraits color and painting tempera representational; Whitney Mosley for drawing dry media pastels oil/ chalk representational; Sarah Atallah for painting oils representational; Chastidy Garringer for painting acrylic representational; Danielle Paris for printmaking monoprint; Chris DeLay for ceramics wheel-formed and sculpture ceramics; Autumn Hayes for fiber batik/tie dye. THIRD PLACE Erica McRoberts for drawing landscape; Miranda Riebe for drawing dry media color pencil representational; Hailey Brown for painting watercolor representational; Alexius Schmidly for painting tempera representational; Sydney Buffington for painting oils representational; Logan Springer for printmaking monoprint; Autumn Hayes for airbrush; Sarah Atallah for ceramics hand-formed and live competition drawing; Elizabeth Torres for sculpture ceramics; Christian Evans for fiber batik/tie dye

FOURTH PLACE Abbey Prewitt for drawing still life; Keely Kessinger for portraits color; Whitney Mosley for portraits achromatic; Mikeala Bekemeier for drawing dry media pastels oil/chalk representational, painting oils representational and sculpture additive; Makenzie Varnell for fiber batik/tie dye; Maddie Lasater for photography black and white. FIFTH PLACE Sierrah Johnson for drawing landscape and sculpture relief; Mikeala Bekemeier for portraits color and live competition drawing; Sarah Atallah for drawing dry media pastels oil/chalk representational; Hailey Brown for drawing scratchboard; Laura Conway for painting watercolor representational, painting oils representational and jewelry; Trace Williams for painting tempera representational; Andrea Johnson for printmaking relief; LaSha Hale for ceramics wheel-formed; Joel Barber for fiber weaving; Maddie Lasater for fiber batik/tie dye.

No Sunday School this week.

MVHS students chosen for statewide leadership forum Three Mt. Vernon High School students have been selected to represent our region at the 11th annual Statewide Leadership Forum at the University of Missouri campus in Columbia. Bethanie Ellis, William Moore and Matthew Laughery were selected through a competitive process that seeks students who have leadership potential. Only 26 were selected from the state. Each applicant submitted a standard application, resume, three letters of recommendation and completed a phone interview.

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Top 10 Miller senior Haley Ruth Logan graduated in the top 10 of her class, daughter of Steve

Logan and Susan Thorn, plans to attend Ozarks Technical Community College for two years, then transfer to Cox Nursing School to become a pediatric nurse.

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This Week’s Rising Stars Ellen Jackson

Tori Collins

Ellen Jackson is a junior at Miller High School.

Tori Collins is in the seventh grade at Miller Junior High School.

She is the FFA Chapter President, Hereford Queen, NHS member and was third high individual in the Missouri State FFA Poultry contest. Ellen is the daughter of Kyle and Shane Jackson. She hopes to attend Oklahoma State University and major in agricultural engineering.

She is on the A Honor Roll.


Tori is the daughter of Kevin and Veronica Essay, and Chris and Robin Collins. She hopes to attend Missouri State University to be a

www.therisingstar.com • 417-466-4442 500 E. Mt. Vernon Blvd. • Mt. Vernon, Mo. 65712 Mt. Vernon Hours: Lobby: 8:30-5 M-F / 9-Noon Sat. Drive Thru: 7:30-6 M-F / 7:30-Noon Sat.



May 15, 2013


Submit game results and other information to Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712, thepaper@lawrencecountyrecord.com, or send a message to us on our Facebook page. Deadline is 5 p.m. Monday.

Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

Davis wins singles in tennis district Mt’neers drop two matches to Clever and CJ in team district action; sectionals Tuesday Mt. Vernon senior Jarod Davis won the district singles championship Friday, May 10, at Thomas Jeffeson. He was to compete in sectional play Tuesday, May 14.

— File photo by Steve Fairchild

Jarod Davis, seen here in action earlier this spring, won district singles title.

Davis captured the singles title with a 6-0 and 6-1 decision over Frank Cascone of Thomas Jefferson. He opened the tournament with a 6-1 and 6-1 win over Casper of Carl Junction. Then came a win over Carpenter of Thomas Jefferson, 6-1 and 6-2, in the semifinals. He sports a record of 18-2 heading into the sectionals. Mt. Vernon’s other singles entry, Ezra Emerson, didn’t fare so well. Emerson dropped a 4-6, 7-5 and 3-6 three-set decision to Cascone. In doubles play at district, Mt. Vernon’s Andrew Baugh and Robert Williams lost to Ridings/Gilliam of Monett, 2-6 and 0-6. Mt. Vernon’s other doubles duo of Jacob Simmons and Hunter Gibson fell to Monett’s

Fulton/Cox in three sets, 6-3, 0-6 and 2-6. Before that, Mt. Vernon had split a pair in district team tennis. They won their opener, 5-1, over Clever on Monday, May 6; before losing 1-5 to Carl Junction the following day. The results for Mt. Vernon boys in district team play: Clever match Singles Jarod Davis defeated Coram, 6-1 & 6-0; Ezra Emerson lost to Hanafin, 0-6 & 6-6 (0-7); Andrew Baugh defeated Schupbach, 6-4 & 6-1; Jacob Simmons defeated Albright, 6-4 & 7-5; Hunter Gibson defeated Hillwick, 6-4 & 6-2; Robbie Williams defeated Wilson, 6-4 & 6-2. Carl Junction match Singles Davis defeated Coltharp, 6-3, 1-6 & 6-2. Emerson lost to Gloshen, 3-6 &n 4-6; Baugh lost to Smith, 6-6 (6-8) & 3-6;

Simmons lost to Casper, 4-6, 4-6 & 3-6; Gibson lost to Sloniker, 2-6 & 5-7; Williams lost to Westo, 2-6 & 2-6. Regular season Mt. Vernon closed out the regular season Tuesday, April 30, with a match at Monett. Monett 8, Mt. Vernon 1 Singles Davis defeated Ridings, 8-1; Emerson lost to Gilliam, 2-8; Baugh lost to Solomon, 3-8; Simmons lost to Fulton, 1-8; Gibson lost to Ruedo, 1-8; Williams lost to Cox, 6-6. Doubles Davis/Emerson lost to Ridigs/Gilliam, 4-8; Baugh/Williams lost to Solomon/Fulton, 1-8; Simmons/Jordan Walters lost to Ruedo/Cox, 8-8, 6-8. Jayvee In singles play, Nate Quick defeated Salas, 5-2; Greg Maddocks tied Springston, 3-3; Ben Stephens defeated Childress, 4-2; and Walters defeated Ross, 5-3. In doubles action, Walters/ Quick lost to Ross/Salas, 4-6; Maddocks/Jeffery Shuster defeated Springston/Childress, 6-2; Shuster/Jonathan Cossey lost to Ridings/Ragsdale, 2-6; and Quick/Stephens won, 6-2. Monett Tournament On Wednesday, April 24, Mt. Vernon competed in the Monett Tournament. The results for Mt. Vernon’s players:

Jensen leads charge for Mt’neers at state

The Mt’neers fired a team total 349, which was tied for sixth among the eight teams competing. However, Tripper Jensen fired a first-round 75 to stand just one shot off the leader. Two players shot 74. Korey Pryer shot 87. Devin Brown shot 88. Ian Reeves shot a 99., Canyon Moenhkoff shot a 104. They will play round two

Tuesday and the results will be reported in next week’s issue. Mt. Vernon earned its team berth in the state playoffs by shooting a 330 and claiming second in the Class 2, Sectional 3 event at Randal Hinkle course at Mountain Grove. Lamar won sectionals with a 324. That was reverse of how the two teams finished in the Big 8, with Mt. Vernon winning and Lamar third. Devin Brown led the way by firing a 75, which was good for second place individually, just one stroke behind the leader. Tripper Jensen was one shot behind Brown, shooting a 76. Korey Pryer shot an 86. Ian Reeves fired an 93. And Canyon Moenhkoff shot a 101.

Mt’neers lose two of three in past week Mt. Vernon drops game to Aurora, then bounces back for victories over Hollister and Norwood Mt. Vernon finished its regular season with a loss and two wins last week. The Mt’neers lost to Aurora, then upended Norwood and Hollister. The boys in green were scheduled to play the winner of Reeds Spring and Hollister Monday night, May 13. If the team won then, they

would probably meet Rogersville at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 14, for the district title. Aurora game Just one week after beating Aurora in a Big 8 game, Josh Moore was beaten by the Houn’ Dawgs, 15-5. Moore shared pitching duties with Mark Moriondo, Logan Rycraft and J.L. Forrester. Zane Phillips was one-for-

Williams wins three ties at district meet Senior continues to dominate three events; girls are led by freshman Karlie Meeks at district Mt. Vernon qualified seven track and field male and female athletes for Saturday’s regional competion at Marshfield. They earned their berths by finishing in the top four at

last Saturday’s district at Carl Junction.

Saddle up and ride Saddle up Saddle and rideup and ride

Mt. Vernon earns trip to state tournament — Korey Pryer’s fourth trip in four years Mt. Vernon shot horrible as a team in Monday, May 13’s opening 18 holes of the Missouri Class 2 Golf Tournament at Fremont Hills Country Club near Ozark.

Singles Davis def. Coram of Clever, 6-1; def. Ridings of Monett, 6-2; and def. Phillips of Reeds Spring, 6-0, for 1st place. Emerson def. Hanafin of Clever, 6-3; def. Hoffman of Reeds Spring, 7-5; lost to Gilliam of Monett, 2-6, for 2nd place. Baugh def. Schupbach of Clever, 6-3; def, Solomon of Monett, 6-4; lost to White of Reeds Spring, 2-6, for 3rd place. Williams def. Wilson of Clever, 6-2; lost to Blankenship of Reeds Spring, 6-6/3-6; lost to Cox of Monett, 4-6, for 3rd place. Simmons def. Albright of Clever, 6-4; lost to Fulton of Monett, 0-6; def. Selby of Reeds Spring, 7-5. Gibson lost to Blankenship of Reeds Spring, 4-6; lost to Wilson of Clever, 2-6; def. Ross of Monett, 6-6/7-3, for 3rd place. Doubles Davis/Emerson def. Coram/Hanafin of Clever, 6-2; lost to Ridings/Gilliam of Monett, 4-6; def. Todd/Hoffman of Reeds Spring, 6-2, for 2nd place. Baugh/Williams def. Schupach/Wilson of Clever, 7-5; lost to Solomon/Cox of Monett, 2-6; lost to White/Selby of Reeds Spring, 2-6. Simpson/Gibson def. Wilson/Albright of Clever, 6-3; lost to Fulton/Ross of Monett, 2-6; and lost to Chandler/ Blankenship of Reed Spring, 3-6, for 3rd place.

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Korey Pryer, seated center, prepares to sign a letter of intent to play golf for South Dakota School of Mines. Seated by him are his parents, Kris and David Soetaert, who is also head coach of the Mt’neers. Standing are his sisters, and Mt. Vernon Municipal Golf Course pro Jeremy Weiss. At left is Morgan and at right is Madison. three, with a doubled. Kyler Shoff and Rycraft each had a pair of singles and an RBI. Mt. Vernon received seven walks, but had just six hits to go with them. Aurora 031 440 3— 15/10/5 Mt. Vernon 000 050 0— 5/ 6/7

Norwood game Grayson Ketron pitched a complete game for Mt. Vernon, shutting out Norwood, 5-0, on just four hits. Shoff was three-for-four, with a triple and RBI. Z. Phillips was one-for-two, with a double and RBI. Dominic Swillum had a sacrifice fly and two RBIs. Norwood 000 000 0—0/4/3 Mt. Vernon 211 100 X— 5/7/1

tallied 21. Among those girls who qualified: •Karlie Meeks, who finished second in the long jump; and, •The 4x100 relay team of Meeks, Addie Jones, Maddi Brown and Tamiaya Henderson who came in third. Among the boys qualifing were: •Shane Williams, who won

Hollister game The Mt’neers’ Kaden Shoff, J.L. Forrester, Moore and Brayden Williams hurled a combined one-hitter in leading Mt. Vernon to a 12-1 decision over Hollister. Shoff picked up the victory with two innings pitched. The others pitched one inning each of a five-inning game. Z. Phillips was four-for-four with a triple and two runsbatted-in. Moriondo was two-for-four, with a pair of two-baggers, and three RBI. Shoff was two-for-three with a double and RBI. Mt. Vernon 622 11—12/12/1 Hollister 010 00— 1/ 1/2

the long jump at 20’8-3/4”; won the triple jump at 43’43/4”; and won the high jump at 6’2”; •Pierce Gibson, who finished second in the high jump at 6’; and, •Dylan Ellis, who came in third in the 110-meter hurdles.

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Kellen Cox earns second straight Humphrey award Kellen Cox has won the E.O. and Virginia Humphrey Award ... for a second straight time. It is the first time that there is a repeat winner in the honor’s 42-year history. Cox received the highest award presented to a Missouri Southern State University student athlete Tuesday, May 7. It is based on an athlete’s highest respect for MSSU, teammates and students, athletic ability and leadership skills. The son of Tom and Cindy Cox of Mt. Vernon, Kellen was a four-year star at Missouri Southern. That followed a prep career at Mt. Vernon High School where he lettered four times.

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Coaches Michelle Rust and Jim Kleine reported the Mt’neers scored 52 points at districts, and Lady Mt’neers

Girls finish with 9-7 record in softball Lady Mt’neers Tamiaya Henderson bats .471 batting average, Thomas & Brown are close behind Mt. Vernon lost a twinbill to Riverton, Kan., edged Greenfield in other game. Coach Matt Schubert’s inaugural Mt. Vernon High School softball program finished 9-7. Freshman Maddi Brown finished 9-4 and sophomore Whitney Wiehe finished 0-3 pitching for Mt. Vernon. The Lady Mt’neers edged

Greenfield, 7-2. A five-run third did the trick. Savannah Thomas scored twice for Mt. Vernon. Riverton, Kan. games In game one, Mt. Vernon fell 11-4. In game two, the Lady Mt’neers dropped an 8-1 decision. Jayvee game Mt. Vernon lost 6-3 against Greenfield, in jayvee play.

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Public Record Page 8


May 15, 2013


“Whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute — let your mind dwell on these things” .... Philippians 4:8 —Engraved on the Lawrence County Courthouse cornerstone

Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, MO

Deaths: The Lawrence County Record encourages people to include photographs with obituaries. There is no charge. Questions can be directed to the newspaper at 417-466-2185, notices@lawrencecountyrecord.com.


Mt. Vernon - Cathy Ann Lewis Dickinson, 64, Mt. Vernon, died at 1:52 p.m. Tuesday, May 7, 2013, at her home. She was born July 15, 1948, in Shawnee, Okla., to Haskell Roy and Madelyn (Thoburn) Lewis. She married John P. Dickinson April 8, 1967, in Mt. Vernon. He died Oct. 27, 1995. She was a 1966 graduate of Mt. Vernon High School and retired as a nurse’s aide from the Missouri Rehabilitation Center, Mt. Vernon. Survivors include two sons, James Patrick Dickinson, Springfield, and Lance Dickinson, Mt. Vernon; one brother, Jim Lewis, Mt. Vernon; one sister, Sandra Yates, Parker, Colo.; and three grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by two sons, Timothy Daniel Dickinson and John Patrick Dickinson Jr.; and her parents, Haskell Roy and Madelyn Lewis. Services were May 11 at the Fossett-Mosher Funeral Home, Mt. Vernon with burial in Williams Cemetery, Mt. Vernon. Memorial donations may be made to Hospice Compassus, in care of the funeral home.


Duenweg - Mary Maxine “Spencer” Glaab, 74, Duenweg, died at 11 p.m. Saturday, May 4, 2013, at Mercy Maude Norton Hospital, Columbus, Kan., after losing a battle with cancer. She was born Aug. 30, 1938, in Verona to Pleasant Arthur and Dorothy Sophia “Johnson” Spencer. She was a homemaker. Survivors include her children, Mary Nolan and Robert Spencer, both of Neosho, Marsha Goulden, Glendale, Calif., Lewis Spencer and Tabitha Morris, both of Joplin, Patty Griffith, St. Louis, and Joe Glaab, Duenweg; one sister, Annabelle Stellwagen, Verona; two brothers, William A. Spencer, Joplin, and Louis Spencer, Verona; and seven grandchildren. A celebration of life was May 11 at the Campbell-Biddlecome Funeral Home Chapel, Seneca, with Pastor Chris Sloan officiating.

In Memory

BARBARA ‘BOBBIE’ PICKLE Mt. Vernon - Barbara “Bobbie” Pickle, 79, Mt. Vernon, died Tuesday, May 7, 2013, at her home. She was born June 17, 1933, in Placerville, Calif., to James and Louise Burkett. She married George Pickle Nov. 2, 1957, in Carson City, Nev. He survives. She worked more than 20 years at Tri-Valley Growers in Modesto, Calif. Additional survivors include six children, Michael and Alma Baldridge, Valerie Reyna, and Vickie DeBernardi, all of Modesto, and Duane and Juli Baldridge, Daryl Pickle and Peggy and Phil Logue, all of Mt. Vernon; 10 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Cheryl, three brothers and two sisters. A memorial service will be held at a later date in California.

In Memory

ROBERT EUGENE ZENT Mt. Vernon - Robert Eugene Zent, 92, Mt. Vernon, passed away at 8:45 a.m. Saturday, May 11, 2013, at his home. He was born March 8, 1921, in Little River, Kan., the son of the late Roy Alvin and Nellie Blye (Smith) Zent. In the winter of 1932, during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl, the family traveled from Kansas to Missouri by car and horse-drawn wagon. When it became too cold to sleep outside, they left the horse and wagon in eastern Kansas and traveled on by car. In the spring they returned for their horses and belongings and settled in Carthage and later in the Mt. Vernon area. Robert joined the United States Army in 1944 as part of the 11th Armored Infantry Battalion of the 1st Armored Division, serving in Italy and Germany. The day before he enlisted in the Army he joined the Masonic Lodge and was a proud member for 69 years. He was a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason, as well as a Shriner. On Feb. 15, 1947, he married Lois Brown in Columbus, Kan., and they shared 66 years of marriage. To this union two children were born, Marilyn and Robert A. “Bobby.” After his return from service and his marriage, he owned and operated Zent Hardwood Lumber for many years and was well-known throughout the area for this endeavor. He also raised dairy and beef cows throughout his life. Bob and Lois enjoyed collecting antiques, and on their farm in the 1970s had an authentic log cabin built (with logs Bob cut) to store and showcase their collection. Many people enjoyed this cabin over the years and it was the site of many holiday parties, get-togethers and hunting retreats. They also enjoyed traveling and had many adventures in Arizona and California with extended family. Bob’s last and most memorable trip was in 2010 when he was part of the Honor Flight program and was able to travel to Washington D.C. to visit the World War II Memorial and other national monuments. Bob will be remembered as a caring son, brother, husband, father and grandfather, and was lovingly called “Daddy Bob” by his grandchildren and many others. He was known as a true gentleman who always put others first, helped those in need, opened his home to friends, family and strangers, and lived a simple and honest life. He will be sadly missed and lovingly remembered by his wife, Lois; one daughter, Marilyn Wright and her husband, Carl, of Mt. Vernon; two sisters, June Schultz and her husband, James, of Eureka Springs, Ark., and Ardis Shelton and her husband, Glen, of Carthage; daughter-in-law Lori Zent of Collierville, Tenn.; four grandchildren, Carla Hayes and hubsand, Jarrod of Everton, Clinton Zent and wife, Casey, and Mona Wright, all of Mt. Vernon, and James Zent of Collierville; and one great-grandson, Mason Hayes of Everton. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by one son, Robert A. “Bobby” Zent, in 2009; as well as siblings, Lecester “Tim” Zent, Arthur Zent, Nevin Zent, Yule Zent, Gayle Smith, Greta Magers and Mildred Deeds. Services will be at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 15, at the Fossett-Mosher Funeral Home, Mt. Vernon. Burial, with full military honors, will follow at 2 p.m. at the Missouri Veterans Cemetery in Springfield. Memorial donations may be made to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, in care of the funeral home. Online condolences may be shared at www.FossettMosherFuneralHome.com.


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Among recent cases in Circuit Division of Lawrence County Circuit Court:

Totals were recorded at the University of Missouri Southwest Center the morning of each date listed, so they represent the previous 24-hour period. HIGH

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SHERIFF’S REPORT Among recent cases from the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office:

▼ BURGLARIES, THEFTS •Earl Obermann called police on May 5, after discovering someone in his home. The suspect had wrecked his vehicle in the field next to Obermann’s house, and had entered the home to look for a phone. He was caught stealing a cell phone. •Police were dispatched to the residence of Laura Alms on May 5, after Alms stated that three adults unknown to her, entered her home while she was there. The suspects then left. •Dennis Rayon reported on May 5, that someone had forced entry into his bedroom and stolen some items. There is a suspect. •Janell Jones reported a gun stolen as well as other items on May 6. There is a suspect.

▼ ALCOHOL-, DRUG-RELATED •A methamphetamine lab was found in a black cloth bag behind Casey’s General Store on May 2.

▼ OTHER CASES •Police stopped a Ford truck at the intersection of Highway Z and Highway 266 on May 1, for an equipment violation. It was discovered that the truck had the wrong license plates and the driver’s license was revoked. •Police received a report from Quality Transport in Halltown on May 1, that a man came into the business office and was intoxicated, making threats to assault people. •On May 4, police were dispatched to the Lucky Lady Trailer Park in reference to a vehicle being tampered with. A resident stated that as he was leaving for work, he observed a man next to his car.

▼ VICTIM ADVOCATE REPORT •55 victims •9 hotline calls •40 domestic violences √2 sexual assault/rapes √8 assaults/stalking/harassment √5 other violent crimes. •January, 78 victims; February, 35 victims; March, 62 victims; April, 55 victims.

POLICE REPORT Among recent cases from the Mt. Vernon Police Department:

▼ BURGLARIES, THEFTS •Diona Parks reported on April 24, that her flat screen television was stolen. There is a suspect.

▼ TRAFFIC •Tripper Jensen, 16, Mt. Vernon, stated on May 2, that he was in line with traffic after school on the east entrance to Mt. Vernon High School and was moving forward slowly when he struck the vehicle in front of him, driven by Drew Andrews, 16, Mt. Vernon, causing her to strike a vehicle in front of her, driven by Wyatt Woods, 16, Mt. Vernon.

HIGHWAY PATROL Missouri State Highway Patrol investigated the following injury accidents.

▼ ACCIDENT •Richard M. Rhodes, Marionville, was westbound on Lawrence 2077, five miles northeast of Mt. Vernon at 8:50 p.m. Friday, May 10, when he failed to negotiate a curve and his vehicle left the road and struck a tree. He was transported to Mercy Hospital, Aurora, for treatment of moderate injuries. •A northbound vehicle driven by Randy E. Messbarger, Aurora, crossed the center line and struck a vehicle driven southbound by Christine R. Lambeth, Aurora, at 10:10 a.m. Saturday, May 11. Lambeth was transported to Mercy Hospital, Aurora, for treatment of minor injuries. Messbarger was not reported injured. •A one-vehicle crash at 4:45 p.m. Sunday, May 12, resulted in the driver being airlifted to Cox South, Springfield, for treatment of moderate injuries. Michael L. Kissinger, Verona, was northbound on Business Highway 60 two miles south of Verona when his vehicle ran off the right side of the road, struck a traffic sign, and a culvert and overturned.

▼ CRIMINAL CASES The following defendants pleaded guilty or were found guilty of the charges listed. •Cody Joe Bedlion, domestic assault. Suspended five-year prison sentence, probation for five years, and complete anger management. •Ronnie E. Nelson, possession of a controlled substance, six months in jail, concurrent with Christian County cases. The following defendants will be released on probation after serving 120 days. •Angela R. Cole, stealing, released May 15 on probation for five years. •Koby Allen Brown, possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver and unlawful use of drug paraphernalia, to be released June 11 on probation for five years. •Scott Leon Good, possession of a controlled substance, to be released May 14 on probation for five years. •Cherish J. Patterson, stealing any controlled substance, to be released May 24 on probation for five years.


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▼ CIVIL CASES The following cases have had judgment entered. •Judgment was entered in favor of the Department of Revenue against the following defendants: —Bradley Barnes, sales/use tax, $786.94. —Dawn Chick-Daniels, sales/use tax, $1,497.68. —Leon D. Faucett, sales/use tax, $3,542.75. ­—Ruben B. Hernandez, 2011 individual income tax, $1,417.85. —Jessica Catherine Horn, sales/use tax, 5,960.71. —JAS Foods LLC, sales/use tax, $6,225.03. —Zackery R. Lane, sales/use tax, $584.44. —Brad Arthur Lauffer, sales/use tax, $5,960.71 —Lauffer’s Landscaping LLC, sales/ use tax, $5,960.71. —M&M Enterprises Inc., sales/use tax, $1,501.70. —Kevin J. Marlin, sales/use tax, $483.20. —Rhonda Sue Montgomery, sales/ use tax, $598.83. —Theresa E. Morgan, sales/use tax, $3,221.49. —Virginia A. Olds, 2007 and 2011 individual tax, $2,321.90. —Price Chiropractic Clinic, withholding tax, $429.50. —Allen L. Quintin, withholding tax, $429.59. Continued to page 9

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May 15. 2013 - Page 9



Springfield - Margaret Helen Jaco, 90, Springfield, died Thursday, May 9, 2013. She was born Oct. 18, 1922, in Miller. She grew up and attended school in Miller. She retired from Cox South Hospital as a ward secretary. She was a member of the First Baptist Church. Survivors include one son, Ray Jaco, Springfield; one daughter, Sharon Dodd, Hot Springs, Ark.; one granddaughter; and one great-granddaughter. Services were May 13 in Gorman-Scharpf Brentwood Chapel, Springfield, with the Rev. Michael Overton officiating. Burial was in Sinking Creek Cemetery, Everton. Memorial contributions may be made to First Baptist Church, 525 South Ave., Springfield, MO 65806.


Springfield - Bertha Gorth Johnson, 91, Springfield, died Sunday, May 12, 2013, at the Missouri Veterans’ Home/Mt. Vernon. She was born Jan. 22, 1922, in Brooklyn, N.Y., to John and Bertha Gorth. She attended an all girls Catholic school in Brooklyn, where she graduated from high school. She joined the United States Marine Corps March 8, 1943. She married Leonard Johnson March 15, 1944. They had one son, Leonard Jr. After World War II they moved to Springfield. She attended nursing school at St. John’s and became a licensed practical nurse. She had lived at the veterans’ home since 2008. A private family service will be held at a later date. Arrangements are under the direction of Gorman-Scharpf Funeral Home, Springfield.


Lamar - Bonnie Lorraine Johnston, 80, Lamar, died Wednesday, May 1, 2013, at her home. She was born Aug. 16, 1932, at Hill, Colo., to Chauncey D. and Olive V. (Spaulding) Sawyer. She graduated from Mt. Vernon High School in 1949. She married Leroy “Pete” Sittner. He died in 1965. Survivors include three sons, Michael Sittner, Pittsburg, Kan., Mark Sittner, Dallas, Texas, and Scott Sittner, Houston, Texas; one daughter, Kim Pilcher, Lamar; three grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter. She was also preceded in death by three brothers and five sisters. Services were May 6 at Lamar First Christian Church with Rob Wilson officiating. Burial was at Maple Park Cemetery, Aurora, under the direction of Daniel Funeral Home, Lamar. Memorial donations may be made to Lamar First Christian Church or the American Cancer Society, in care of the funeral home.


Marionville - Clyde Marquis Pasley Jr., 80, Marionville, died at 1:48 a.m. Thursday, May 9, 2013, in Mercy Hospital, Springfield. He was born Aug. 27, 1932, in Roscoe to Clyde Marquis and Ada Belle Crowder Pasley. After graduating from college at Central Missouri State University and serving in the United States Army, he went back to farming and the Pasley Auction Company, a family business, before going into agriculture sales. He married Laura Monette Marie Hartzel Snider Jan. 31, 1974, in Nashua, Iowa. She survives. They moved to the Ozarks Methodist Manor in 2006 from Bella Vista, Ark. He was a member of the First Baptist Church in Marionville. Additional survivors include two sons Clyde Marquis Pasley III, El Dorado, Kan., and Michael Lorien Pasley, Shawnee, Kan.; one stepson, Steve Snider, Pea Ridge, Ark.; one stepdaughter, Laura Rodecap, Hudson Oaks, Texas; one brother, Dale Crowder Pasley, Roscoe; three grandchildren; and two stepgrandchildren. Memorial services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday, May 21, in the First Baptist Church, Marionville, with the Rev. Lee Miller officiating, under the direction of Williams Funeral Home, Marionville Inurnment will follow at 2 p.m. at the Missouri Veterans Cemetery, Springfield. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society.


Wichita Falls, Texas - Robert B. “Bob” Rice, 63, Wichita Falls, Texas, died Monday, May 6, 2013. He was born June 3, 1949, in San Bernadino, Calif., to Georgie (Carroll) and Bob Rice. He worked for many years at TXU. Survivors include three sons, Jason Rice, Archer City, Shawn Rice, Mt. Vernon, and Jeremy Rice, Wichita Falls; two brothers, Jimmy Rice, Missouri, and Dennis Rice, Kansas; two sisters, Caroline Vediz, Kansas, and Pam Pearcey, Miller; former wife, Jackie Bills, Wichita Falls; and nine grandchildren Graveside services were May 14 at Frontenac Public Cemetery in Frontenac, Kan., under the direction of Owens & Brumley Funeral Home, Wichita Falls.

In Loving Memory of

Earl Ree Chastain Nov. 21, 1915 — May 17, 2003

Gone from our lives for 10 years. Sometimes it seems as though it has been forever; other times it seems as though it were only yesterday. You will always be missed, loved and in our thoughts and hearts forever. -Sadly missed by Wilma and Jimmie Fields; Bernice Linder; Pat Chastain and family; Lucille Bowers and family; Bobby Anderson, Jr. and Sandy; Sammy Anderson; Peggy Avalos and family; and Vicki Alexander and family.

Springfield - Angela Renee Melvin Schmidt, 41, Springfield, died Sunday, April 28, 2013, from injuries sustained in an auto crash near Halltown. She was born May 15, 1971, in Meridian, Miss., to Connie Schmidt. She grew up in Olathe and Spring Hill, Kan. She graduated from the University of Kansas school of nursing in 1994. She was employed at Cox South, Springfield, in the neonatal intensive care unit and as a critical care nurse. Survivors include her three sons, Joseph, Jacob and Luke; the father of her sons, Leon Arthur Melvin, Springfield; her parents, Tom and Connie Schmidt, Spring Hill; and three brothers, Mark, Louisburg, Kan., Roy, Phoenix, Ariz., and John, Spring Hill. Services were May 4 in St. Joseph Catholic Church, Shawnee, Kan. Burial was in Spring Hill Cemetery, under the direction of Amos Family Chapel in Shawnee.


San Antonio, Texas - James Harry Sehl III, 41, San Antonio, Texas, formerly of Monett, died Monday, May 6, 2013, while on vacation in Paris, France. He was born July 31, 1972, in Ft. Rucker, Ala., to Jayne (Gray) Terry and James Harry Sehl II. He was employed by Wells Fargo Bank in San Antonio. He was a graduate of Purdy High School and a member of the First Baptist Church in Purdy. Survivors include both his parents, Jayne and Jimmie Terry and James Sehl II; one sister, Angela Vincent, Pierce City; and three step-sisters, Cindy Carr, Monett, Beth Terry, Westville, Okla., and Sheryl Johnson, Verona. Funeral arrangements will be announced later, under the direction of Bennett-Wormington Funeral Home, Monett.


Mt. Vernon - Glenda Sue Spellman, 64, Mt. Vernon, died Thursday, May 9, 2013. She was born March 12, 1949, in Garden City, Kan., to Bert and Julia (Freeman) Willhite. She married Don Spellman May 23, 1964. He survives. She was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Michelle; her parents; and two siblings, Jerry Willhite and Norma O’Brien. Additional survivors include five children, Dean Spellman, Phyllis Lang, Monty Spellman, Kevin Spellman and Mark Spellman; one sister, Carolyn Bowling; and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Graveside services were May 14 in the IOOF Cemetery, Mt. Vernon, under the direction of Walnut Lawn Funeral Home, Springfield.

CIRCUIT COURT Continued from page 8 —Lisa E. Steffke, 2006 and 2011 individual income tax, $2,533.65. —David J. Stein, 2007 individual income tax, $1,877.06. —Denise E. Stewart and Gerald M. Stewart, sales/use tax, $2,341.18. —Tiger Tots Daycare Center, withholding tax, $623.94. —Upper Deck Expressions LLC, sales/use tax, $887.84. —He Brews Coffee N Books LLC, sales/use tax, $2,341.18. •Midwest Credit Services Inc. vs. Michael D. Harless, foreign judgment, principal sum $4,934.96. •John D. Fulton Trustee and Billie Jean Fulton Trustee vs. Howard W. Larsh, Georgia L. Larsh and unknown heirs of John Fulton Revocable Trust, quiet title. John D. Fulton and Billie Jean Fulton, trustees of the John D. Fulton revocable trust are declared the owner of the fee simple title of certain real estate. The following cases were filed recently in Lawrence County Circuit Court: •Alexandria Taylor Andrews vs. Bradley Garrett Garman, personal injury/vehicular. •Daniel J. Wilson and Jennie L. Wilson vs. Charles Davin Vaughn and Gail Vaughn, property damage. •Joseph Eaton vs. Missouri Department of Revenue and Brian K. Long, director of revenue, refuse breath test/ revocation of driver’s license. •CitiFinancial Services, Inc. vs. Richard H. Kemp and Theresa A. Hestand, quiet title. •JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. vs. Gary Wallace and Tamara Wallace and all unknown heirs, quiet title. •Anna Gillmore vs. Jeptha T. Blackburn, Rodney W. Lewis, Christine Lewis and Lawrence County, personal injury/vehicular.

▼ MARRIAGE DISSOLUTIONS •Marty J. Reyelts from Mary T. Reyelts. •Samantha J. Schnelle from Catlyn D. Schnelle. Petitioner’s maiden name, Grubaugh, restored. •Brittany A. Taylor from Ian J. Taylor. •Robert Cecil Oetker Jr. from Amanda Suzanne Oetker. •Zachary Chapman from Emily Chapman. •Kevin Matthew Ellard from Jennifer Lynn Ellard. Respondent’s maiden name, Jennifer Lynn Gamblin, is restored. •William Benjamin Campbell from Lerenda Rena Campbell. The name of Lerenda Campbell is changed to Lerenda Taylor. •Carolyn L. Gideon from Arlise L. Gideon.


In Memory

LLOYDEEN ESTHER HESEMANN Verona - Lloydeen Esther Osterloh Hesemann, 78, of rural Verona, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Sunday, May 12, 2013, while in Mercy Hospital in Aurora. Lloydeen was born March 16, 1935, to Emil Osterloh and Esther (Deschner) Osterloh, near Freistatt. She attended Trinity Lutheran School and was a lifelong member of the Trinity Lutheran Church. She spent her entire life near Freistatt, living less than one mile from where she was born. Lloydeen was a homemaker, a gardener, a helping hand to her husband, Tex on their farm, and was an assistant cook at the Trinity Lutheran School, retiring in 2008. On Feb. 28, 1954, in Freistatt, Lloydeen married Theodore G. Hesemann. He preceded her in death on Jan. 22, 1981. She was also preceded in death by her parents, Emil and Esther Osterloh; and one brother, Alfred Osterloh. Lloydeen is survived by her daughter, Sandra Jackson and her husband, Eric, of Aurora; one grandson, Ethan Jackson of Aurora; her twin brother, Lloyd Osterloh and his wife, Mary, of Monett; two sisters, Erna May Doss of Freistatt and Delphine Hesemann of Verona; one sister-in-law, Verla Osterloh of Verona; several nieces, nephews, neighbors and friends. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, May 15, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Freistatt, with the Rev. Ryan Buchmueller officiating. Burial will be in Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, following the services. Arrangements are under the direction of Buchanan Funeral Home, Monett.

Among recent cases in Associate Division of Lawrence County Circuit Court:

▼ CRIMINAL CASES The following defendants pleaded guilty or were found guilty of the charges listed. •Gary Lee Fasone, DWI, suspended 30-day jail sentence, probation for one year, pay $301 arrest cost recoupment and $50 Law Enforcement Restitution Fund. •Lawrence Douglas Crabtree, unlawful use of drug paraphernalia, fined $200. •Kirk H. Holman, two cases of stealing, sentenced to 60 days in jail, concurrent with companion cases in each case. •Charles T. Lutz, fugitive from out of state, waived extradition to Oklahoma. •Guy W. Newton, nonsupport, suspended imposition of sentence, probation for two years and pay child support. •Nabor Ricon-Hernandez, nonsupport, suspended imposition of sentence, probation for two years and pay child support. •Aaron R. Rosier, property damage, suspended imposition of sentence, probation for one year, pay $190 restitution, have no contact with victim, and pay $100 LERF. •Christopher A. Sellek, nonsup-

Deputy recognized for DWI efforts by MADD Deputy Ryan Devost was honored at the annual Jasper/Newton county Mothers Against Drunk Drivers banquet in Joplin April 25, said a news release from Sheriff Brad DeLay. Deputy Devost was honored for his efforts in removing drunk drivers from the roadways. Devost was honored as

Click It or Ticket enforcement slated

The Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office will be joining with statewide law enforcement May 20-June 3 for an aggressive “Click It or Ticket” mobilization to crack down on Missouri’s seat belt violations.


one of the top DWI arresting officers in the area. This is the second year in a row Devost has been honored, DeLay said. Devost works as a patrol officer for the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office and has recently taught in the Missouri Sheriff’s Association Training academy instructing academy students in DWI detection and field sobriety testing.

Seven out of 10 people killed in Missouri traffic crashes are unbuckled, a new release from Sheriff Brad DeLay said. Missouri has 79 percent seat belt use, which is well below the national average of 85 percent, DeLay added.



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port, suspended imposition of senMt. Vernon, MO tence, probation for two years, and pay child support and arrears. •Darrell W. Vandergrift, nonsupport, suspended imposition of sentence, probation for two years, and pay support and arrears. •Joseph Emil Boyer, misdemeanor S. College | P.O. Box 403 abandonment of a child (amended Put the fun back in retirement 205Marionville, MO 65705 from felony), suspended imposition with maintenance-free living.www.ozarksmethodistmanor.com of sentence, probation for one year. •Flavio R. Castro, passing bad checks, suspended one-year jail senCall Pam Jenkins at tence, probation for two years, pay (417) 258-2573 to schedule a $1,019.72 checks, $225 prosecuting attorney’s fees and $100 LERF. 205 S. COLLEGE | P.O. BOX 403 complimentary lunch and tour. 205 S. College | P.O. Box65705 403 MARIONVILLE, MO •Bobby D. 205 Deshields, S. College |passing P.O. Box 403 Marionville, MO 65705 WWW.OZARKSMETHODISTMANOR.COM Marionville, MO 65705 bad checks, suspended 30-day jail www.ozarksmethodistmanor.com www.ozarksmethodistmanor.com sentence, probation for one year, pay $38.35 checks and $30 prosecuting attorney’s fees. •Joshua P. Gilmore, DWI (drug intoxication). Defendant entered an Alford plea which does not admit guilt but indicates defendant believes there is enough evidence for a conviction. Fined $400, suspended 90-day jail “...they shall be as when a standard bearer fainteth...” sentence, probation for two years, Isaiah 10:18 pay $39 arrest cost recoupment and pay $50 LERF. •Daniel Mejia, pursuing wildlife avid (the Psalmist) had a very illegally, fined $115. close call. He walked through EDWARD •Stephen F Sumners, DWI. Susan experience that threatened to PROFFITT, Th.D pended 30-day jail sentence, probawork his ruin. He was reeling and tion for one year, pay $125 arrest cost recoupment and $50 LERF. ready to fall when a solid wall From the Pulpit The following defendants waived appeared that he could lean on preliminary hearings. The cases were that would bear his weight. That Would you like to know what bound over to circuit court. solid wall was FAITH. A faith that the characteristic of Christianity •David Vert, possession of a allowed him to win victory out of at its best is? It is a stubborn controlled substance with intent to the life troublesome experience. refusal to faint. One of the best distribute. Afterwards he looked back over the things said about Moses was •Jodi C. Swadley, possession of a situation and came to a conclusion “he endured” (Hebrews 11:27). controlled substance with intent to distribute and maintaining a public “I had fainted unless I had believed” Moses’ life was one of opposition, nuisance. (Psalm 27:13). disappointment, heartaches--but •Aaron A. Gorman, manufacture Fainting is one of the things we MOSES ENDURED. Then there is of marijuana in residence within 2000 feet of school. all know about. When I was in Abraham, he pulled up his tent pegs •Eddie H. Hankins, tampering with the Marines, we were in a parade. and ventured out into the unknown. motor vehicle. While waiting in hot sun there was Why did he do it? Because he had •Chad L. White, felonious restraint. a dull thud, I looked and one of a dream or a hope that seemed •Robert James Fite, possession of the troops had fainted. That was in hopeless. Finally, truth won out. a controlled substance with intent to the physical, but for everyone who WHY? “He staggered not at the distribute. faints physically there are hundreds promise...” (Romans 4:20). •Jeffery P. Gilbreath, resisting arrest. who faint spiritually. Many a church David said “I would of fainted, •David K. Stolin, driving while can tell of people who started off unless I had believed.” Sure license was revoked. with a bang. They were always there difficulties were there. It seemed •Ronnie Dale Cotter, stealing a in attendance, giving and serving, he was losing a battle against his firearm and stealing. but all that is in the past. Their fire and God’s enemies. Regardless of •Jennifer A. Germain, fraudulently of enthusiasm has burned out. They the battle, it is joyful to have the attempting to obtain controlled subare no longer the church person conviction of being on the winning stance. they used to be. Not because they side. Jesus even believed that. Listen The following defendants had preliminary hearings. The cases were are ANTAGONISTIC against the to how he felt “Who for the joy bound over to circuit court. church--they have fainted. that was set before Him” (Hebrews •Timothy J. Steelman, possession Physical fainting usually ends 12:2). What joy - DEATH - no the of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. with a tragedy. Because of the joy of victory. The joy of drawing all •John Fredrick Clover IV, tampering proneness to faint, the world is full men unto Him. Hebrews 12:2 goes with a motor vehicle. of unfinished tasks. How many times on and says He “endured the cross, •Carl Antuane Purifoy, assault, has a person started to read a book despising the shame.” armed criminal action and unlawful -- only to faint. How many ladies To believers Paul says “let us not use of a weapon. have started a sewing project -- only be weary in WELL DOING for in The following defendants pleaded to faint. How many men have started due season we shall reap IF WE not guilty. Charges and continuation dates are listed. to fix , or build some thing -- only FAINT NOT” (Galatians 6:9). No •Ryan D. Jones, passing bad to faint. life invested on the side of right with checks, June 17. Remember the famous race no fainting can fail, I believe that. •Miguel R. Rivas, assault (operate between the hare and tortoise? Therefore, I will faithfully continue a vehicle while intoxicated resulting in an injury), May 20. Who would ever have thought that to victory - I WON’T FAINT . Will •Carol A. Walkup, passing bad the lead footed turtle would win, you? checks, May 20. but he did. •Charles G. LaGarce, statutory From the Pulpit, P.O. Box 14708, Why? Not because he was fast, it sodomy and four counts statutory Springfield, MO 65814-4708 rape; two counts sexual misconduct, was because of staying power. He Non-profit mission offerings appreciated. June 13. did not faint! fromthepulpit.webs.com •Michael Dustin Magoon, two cases of passing bad checks, May 30.

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The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

Page 10 - May 15, 2013

PUBLIC NOTICES More Legals on pages 11 & 12 ANNUAL MEETING I.O.O.F. Cemetery Association of Mt. Vernon, Missouri, Inc., will hold its Annual Meeting on Sunday, May 26th, 2013 at 2:00 p.m., at the Mt. Vernon City Hall meeting room. The purpose of the meeting will be the election of officers and board members with expiring terms. _________________#11222-5-22-2tc NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE   For default in the payment of debt secured by a deed of trust executed by Sherman Burruss and Amy Burruss, dated March 25, 2009, and recorded on April 3, 2009, in Book No. 256, at Page 921 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on June 4, 2013, at 1:00 PM, at the East Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash: TRACT I: PART OF THE WEST ONE-HALF (W 1/2) OF NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 1/4) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) 0F SECTION THIRTY (30), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-SIX (26), RANGE TWENTY-SEVEN (27), LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING 230 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE EAST 100 FEET, NORTH 170 FEET, WEST 100 FEET, SOUTH 170 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT ANY PART TAKEN OR USED FOR ROADS. TRACT II: THE EAST 200 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY; BEGINNING AT A POINT 527 FEET NORTH OF SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SOUTHEAST ONE-FOURTH (SE 1/4), SOUTHEAST ONEFOURTH (SE 1/4) SOUTHWEST ONE-FOURTH (SW 1/4), OF SECTION THIRTY (30), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-SIX (26), RANGE TWENTY-SEVEN (27), THENCE EAST 330 FEET, NORTH 133 FEET, WEST 330 FEET, SOUTH 133 FEET TO THE BEGINNING IN LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI., commonly known as 109 West Sycamore Street, Monett, MO, 65708 subject to all prior easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants and encumbrances now of record, if any, to satisfy the debt and costs. County Criers, LLC, Successor Trustee First Publication: May 8, 2013. For more information, visit www.southlaw.com NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C.§1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose (Casefile No. 155815 / Invoice No. 155815-639764). _________________ #11217-5-29-4tc IN THE 39TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI Judge or Division: PROBATE Case Number: 13LW-PR00037 In the Estate of JOSEPH LAWHUN, Deceased. Notice of Letters of Administration Granted (Supervised Administration Non-Resident Fiduciary) To All Persons Interested in the Estate of JOSEPH LAWHUN, Decedent: On May 1, 2013, the following individual was appointed the personal representative of the estate of JOSEPH LAWHUN, decedent, by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Lawrence County, Missouri. The personal representative's business address is: CARLENE HOLLAND, 18139 RIDGEWOOD AVENUE, CHOCTAW, OK 73020. The personal representative's attorney's name, business address and phone number is JOHN WOODARD, JR, SUITE D, 1001 E BROADWAY, MONETT, MO 65708 (417-235-0033): The non-resident personal representative's designated agent's name, business address and phone number is: JOHN WOODARD, JR, SUITE D, 1001 E. BROADWAY, MONETT, MO 657083406 (417) 235-0033. All creditors of said decedent are notified to file claims in court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or if a copy of this notice was mailed to, or served upon, such creditor by the personal representative, then within two months from the date it was mailed or served, whichever is later, or be forever barred to the fullest extent permissible by law. Such six-month period and such two-month period do not extend the limitation period that would bar claims one year after the decedent's death, as provided in section 473.444, RSMo, or any other applicable limitation periods. Nothing in section 473.033, RSMo, shall be construed to bar any action against a decedent's liability insurance carrier through a defendant ad litem pursuant to section 537.021, RSMo. Date of the decedent's death: 01-AUG2011 Date of first publication: 08-MAY-2013 To be published in the Lawrence County Record STEVEN W KAHRE, Clerk By: /s/ Harriet Seneker, Deputy Clerk _________________ #11212-5-29-4tc

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE   Default having been made in the payment of that certain note secured by Deed of Trust executed by William E. Weathermon, Jr. and Jacklin M. Weathermon, Husband and Wife, dated October 21, 2005 and recorded on October 26, 2005 in Book 249, Page 111, as Document No. 8474, Office of Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri. The Successor Trustee will on May 16, 2013, between the hours of 9:00 o'clock A.M. and 5:00 P.M. more particularly at 11:00AM, at the Lawrence County Courthouse, One Courthouse Square, East Front door, Mt. Vernon, MO, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate: The West 75 feet of lot 1 block 3, Gammill’s Third Addition to the City of Marionville, Lawrence County, Missouri, except the North 58 feet thereof. 301 E O'Dell, Marionville, MO 65705 For the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness and the costs of executing this trust. S&W Foreclosure Corporation Successor Trustee Pub Commences April 24, 2013 S&W File No. 13-021450 By: Shapiro & Weisman, L.C. www.shapiroattorneys.com/mo Purported address: 301 E O'Dell, Marionville, MO 65705 _________________ #11193-5-15-4tc TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: Christopher A Denney and Julie M Denney, Husband and Wife Trustee’s Sale:   For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by Christopher A Denney and Julie M Denney, Husband and Wife dated February 25, 2011 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence County, Missouri in Book 259, Page 858 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Thursday, May 30, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 3:30 PM), at the East Front Door of the Court House, City of Mount Vernon, County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Lawrence County, State of Missouri, to wit: LOT 2, HILTON'S FIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MONETT, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, AS PER THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. to satisfy said debt and cost. MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File No: 151397.053013.305115 FC NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. PUBLISH ON: May 8, 2013 05/15/2013, 05/22/2013, 05/29/2013 _________________ #11209-5-29-4tc DISTRICT COURT CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA WAUGH REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC, A Nevada limited liability company, Plaintiff, vs. ALEXEI LYJINE, an individual; DOES I-V AND ROE CORPORATIONS I-X, Defendants. Case No.: A-12-658966-C Dept. No.: XVI SUMMONS NOTICE! YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. THE COURT MAY DECIDE AGAINST YOU WITHOUT YOUR BEING HEARD UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN 20 DAYS. READ THE INFORMATION BELOW.   TO THE DEFENDANT(S): A civil Complaint has been filed by the Plaintiff against you for the relief set forth in the Complaint.   Object of Actions - Complaint for Monies Due and Owing   1. If you intend to defend this lawsuit, within 20 days after this Summons is served on you, exclusive of the day of service, you must do the following: a. File with the Clerk of this Court, whose address is shown below, a formal written response to the Complaint in accordance with the rules of the Court, with the appropriate filing fee. b. Serve a copy of your response upon the attorney whose name and address are shown below.   2. Unless you respond, your default will be entered upon application of the Plaintiff and failure to so respond will result in a judgment of default against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint, which could result in the taking of money or property or other relief requested in the Complaint.   3. If you intend to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your response may be filed on time.   4. The State of Nevada, its political subdivisions, agencies, officers, employees, board members, commission members and legislators each have 45 days after service of this Summons within which to file an Answer or other responsive pleading to the Complaint. Respectfully submitted by: /s/ Kathryn Holbert, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 10084 Law Office of Brian D. Shapiro, LLC 228 S. 4th Street, Suite 300 Las Vegas, NV 89101 (702) 386-8600 Attorney for Plaintiff By /s/ Terri Stringer Deputy Clerk, Date Regional Justice Center 200 Lewis Ave, 3rd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89155 _________________ #11210-5-29-5tc

TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: Bret Thornhill and Michelle Thornhill, husband and wife. Trustee’s Sale:   For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by Bret Thornhill and Michelle Thornhill, husband and wife. dated October 19, 2006 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence County, Missouri in Book 251, Page 886 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 10:30 AM), at the East Front Door of the Court House, City of Mount Vernon, County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Lawrence County, State of Missouri, to wit: LOT 13, PARK HILL HEIGHTS, AN ADDITION IN THE CITY OF AURORA, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, AS PER THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. SAID ADDITION BEING LOCATED UPON AND A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 26, RANGE 26, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI. to satisfy said debt and cost. MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File No: 150875.060413.303610 FC NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. PUBLISH ON: May 8, 2013 05/15/2013, 05/22/2013, 05/29/2013 _________________ #11213-5-29-4tc TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: Allan W. Eaton and Shari L. Eaton, Husband and Wife Trustee’s Sale:   For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by Allan W. Eaton and Shari L. Eaton, Husband and Wife dated January 18, 2007 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence County, Missouri in Book 252, Page 479 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Thursday, May 16, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 3:30 PM), at the East Front Door of the Court House, City of Mount Vernon, County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Lawrence County, State of Missouri, to wit: LOT 20, OAK HILL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MT. VERNON, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. to satisfy said debt and cost. MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File No: 106279.051613.305573 FC NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. PUBLISH ON: April 24, 2013 05/01/2013, 05/08/2013, 05/15/2013 _________________ #11187-5-15-4tc TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: William E Gatewood and Trisha C Gatewood, Husband and Wife Trustee’s Sale:   For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by William E Gatewood and Trisha C Gatewood, Husband and Wife dated March 30, 2007 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence County, Missouri in Book 252, Page 936 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Thursday, May 16, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 3:30 PM), at the East Front Door of the Court House, City of Mount Vernon, County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Lawrence County, State of Missouri, to wit: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF LAWRENCE STATE OF MISSOURI, TO WIT: LOTS 11, 12, 13, 14 AND 15, BLOCK 2, PETTY'S 1ST ADDITION TO STOTTS CITY, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI. to satisfy said debt and cost. MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File No: 146896.051613.292823 FC NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. PUBLISH ON: April 24, 2013 05/01/2013, 05/08/2013, 05/15/2013 _________________ #11184-5-15-4tc

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE   For default in the payment of debt and performance of the obligations secured by deed of trust executed by S & K Rental Properties, L.L.C., dated April 23, 2004, recorded on April 28, 2004, in Book 244 at Page 824, Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri, the undersigned Trustee will on May 16, 2013, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and particularly at 1:00 p.m., at the East Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, One Court Square, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the property in Lawrence County, Missouri, described as: ALL OF THE EAST 60 FEET OF LOTS 24, 25, AND 26, JOHNSON AND LANDRUM ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MT. VERNON, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI. Together with all rights, fixtures and improvements that are a part of said real estate, toward satisfaction of said debt and costs. MGL Trustee, LLC By: Jeffery J. Love, Member 1901 S. Ventura, Suite A Springfield, Missouri 65804 Telephone: (417) 883-6566 Facsimile: (417) 883-6689 _________________ #11190-5-15-4tc In Re: Josh Keener, A Married Man TRUSTEE'S SALE -Under the terms of the Deed of Trust executed by Josh Keener, A Married Man dated 01/27/2006, and recorded on 01/31/2006 Book 249 Page 806 in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Lawrence County, MISSOURI, the undersigned Successor Trustee, will on 05/23/2013 at 1:00 PM at the East Front Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Square, Mount Vernon, MO 65712, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the realty described in said deed of trust, to wit: THE SOUTH 84 1/2 FEET OF LOTS 709 AND 710 OF BRODIES ADDITION TO THE CITY OF AURORA, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI.. KOZENY & MCCUBBIN, L.C. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Published in the Lawrence County Record KM File #: KEEJOGTS First publication date 05/01/2013 This firm is a debt collector and any information we obtain from you will be used for that purpose. _________________ #11199-5-22-4tc NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE   For default in the payment of debt secured by a deed of trust executed by Alicha Friend and Joseph Friend, dated December 11, 2009, and recorded on December 18, 2009, in Book No. 258, at Page 133 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on June 4, 2013, at 1:00 PM, at the East Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash: ALL OF LOT SIX (6) SOUTHERN VIEW ESTATES, AS PER THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI., commonly known as 16377 Lawrence 1241, Marionville, MO, 65705 subject to all prior easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants and encumbrances now of record, if any, to satisfy the debt and costs. County Criers, LLC, Successor Trustee First Publication: May 8, 2013. For more information, visit www.southlaw.com NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C.§1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose (Casefile No. 156526 / Invoice No. 156526-643153). _________________ #11216-5-29-4tc TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: Kent Korver, and Shari Korver, husband and wife Trustee’s Sale:   For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by Kent Korver, and Shari Korver, husband and wife dated February 12, 2009 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence County, Missouri in Book 256, Page 731 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Friday, May 31, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 3:40 PM), at the East Front Door of the Court House, City of Mount Vernon, County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Lawrence County, State of Missouri, to wit: ALL OF LOT FIVE (5) OF CARNATION HEIGHTS 3RD SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF AURORA, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. to satisfy said debt and cost. MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File No: 150890.053113.303658 FC NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. PUBLISH ON: May 8, 2013 05/15/2013, 05/22/2013, 05/29/2013 _________________ #11206-5-29-4tc

In Re: Daniel W Wyatt, and Kenzie E Wyatt, husband and wife TRUSTEE'S SALE - Under the terms of the Deed of Trust executed by Daniel W Wyatt, and Kenzie E Wyatt, husband and wife dated 08/17/2007, and recorded on 08/22/2007 Book 253 Page 945 in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Lawrence County, MISSOURI, the undersigned Successor Trustee, will on 05/30/2013 at 1:00 PM at the East Front Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Square, Mount Vernon, MO 65712, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the realty described in said deed of trust, to wit: ALL OF LOT THREE (3), JOHNSON AND LANDRUM ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MT. VERNON, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF.. KOZENY & MCCUBBIN, L.C. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Published in the Lawrence County Record KM File #: WYADANOR First publication date 05/08/2013 This firm is a debt collector and any information we obtain from you will be used for that purpose. _________________#11208-5-29-4tc NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE   For default in the payment of debt and performance of the obligations secured by deed of trust executed by S & K Rental Properties, L.L.C., dated January 8, 2008, recorded on January 28, 2008, in Book 254 at Page 869, Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri, the undersigned Trustee will on May 16, 2013, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and particularly at 1:00 p.m., at the East Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, One Court Square, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the property in Lawrence County, Missouri, described as: LOT 4, BLOCK 1, SMITH’S NORTH SIDE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MT VERNON, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI. Together with all rights, fixtures and improvements that are a part of said real estate, toward satisfaction of said debt and costs. MGL Trustee, LLC By: Jeffery J. Love, Member 1901 S. Ventura, Suite A Springfield, Missouri 65804 Telephone: (417) 883-6566 Facsimile: (417) 883-6689 _________________ #11191-5-15-4tc NOTICE OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE'S SALE   FOR DEFAULT in the payment of debt secured by a Deed of Trust executed by EDDIE SHEPHERD and CYNTHIA SHEPHERD, his wife dated November 18, 1997 and recorded in Book 227, Page 664 in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence County, Missouri, the undersigned Successor Trustee will, on Friday, May 17, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the East door of the Lawrence County Courthouse in the City of Mt. Vernon, Missouri, County of Lawrence, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate located in Lawrence County, Missouri, to-wit: The NW ¼ of the NE ¼, the NE ¼ of the NE ¼, and the N 10 acres of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ except the West 3.64 chains thereof, all being located in Section 36, Township 27, Range 26, Lawrence County, MO. Subject to all public and private roads and easements as the same may now be located. The S ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 25, Township 27, Range 26, Lawrence County, MO. To satisfy said debt and trust. Emory Melton –Successor Trustee Please publish in the Lawrence County Record: April 24th, May 1st, May 8th, and May 15th, 2013 _________________ #11171-5-15-4tc In Re: Irene L. Hensen, As Individual and trustee of the Paul G. Henson family Trust date October 2, 1992 TRUSTEE'S SALE - Under the terms of the Deed of Trust executed by Irene L. Hensen, As Individual and trustee of the Paul G. Henson family Trust date October 2, 1992 dated 07/13/2005, and recorded on 07/22/2005 Book 248 Page 295 in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Lawrence County, MISSOURI, the undersigned Successor Trustee, will on 05/23/2013 at 1:00 PM at the East Front Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Square, Mount Vernon, MO 65712, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the realty described in said deed of trust, to wit: Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 26 North, Range 28 West, Lawrence County, Missouri, described as beginning at the Southeast corner thereof; thence North along the East line of said Quarter-Quarter, 404.88 feet; thence West 258.30 feet parallel to the South line of said QuarterQuarter; thence South 100 feet; thence West 85.60 feet; thence South 304.88 feet to the South line of said Quarter-Quarter; thence East 343.90 feet along said South line to the point of beginning and containing 3.0 acres, subject to county road right-of-way and any easements or restrictions of record.. KOZENY & MCCUBBIN, L.C. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Published in the Lawrence County Record KM File #: HENIRNOR First publication date 05/01/2013 This firm is a debt collector and any information we obtain from you will be used for that purpose. _________________ #11203-5-22-4tc

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISION at Mt. Vernon In the Matter of: JORDEN LEE TAYLOR, JADEN LEEANNE TAYLOR and JAMIE LEGRAND TAYLOR Estate No.  13LW-PR00065 13LW-PR00066 13LW-PR00067 NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION The State of Missouri to the unknown natural father,:   You are hereby notified that an action has been commenced against you in the Probate Court of Lawrence County, Missouri, the object and general nature of which is to obtain a guardianship of minors   The names of all parties in this action are stated in the caption above and the name and address of the attorney for petitioners is Amy L. Boxx, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 151, Monett, MO 65708.   You are further notified that, unless you file an answer or other pleading or otherwise appear and defend against this action within 45 days after May 15, 2013, judgment by default will be entered against you.   It is ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law in the Lawrence County Record, a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of Lawrence, State of Missouri.   A true copy from the record.   Witness my hand and the seal of the Circuit Court this 10th day of May, 2013. Dated: May 10, 2013 STEVE W KAHRE Probate Clerk /s/ By Harriet Seneker First Publication: May 15, 2013 Second Publication: May 22, 2013 Third Publication: May 29, 2013 Fourth Publication: June 5, 2013 __________________ #11226-6-5-4tc OFFICIAL NOTICE Public Hearing for Mount Vernon, Missouri TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN AND TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, 4 June 2013, the City of Mount Vernon Planning and Zoning Commission, in the Board of Aldermen meeting room, City Hall, Mount Vernon, Missouri, will consider: Case No. 1213-04-24-01 An application to re-zone 4 empty lots (on the SW corner of W. Olive St. & S. Landrum) from R-2 (2-family) to R-3 (multi-family); a complete legal description of said property is available upon request at the Zoning Administrators Office upon request. As provided for in Article IX of the City Code of Mount Vernon, Missouri, the above proposal will be discussed and considered by the Commission, and all persons interested in said matter will have an opportunity to be heard at this time concerning their views and wishes. Property owners within 185' (ft.) of such property described above, wanting to protest the proposed change will have fourteen days after the Planning and Zoning Commission makes its recommendation regarding the requested rezoning to submit a protest petition to the office of the City of Mount Vernon City Clerk. If a valid protest petition is filed with the City Clerk prior to the deadline, the change shall only be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Aldermen. Protest petitions are available in the office of the Zoning Administrator of the City of Mount Vernon. CERTIFIED, this 8th day of May, 2013. /s/ Bruce P. Conway Zoning Administrator _________________ #11220-5-22-2tc TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: William K. Anderson, Single Trustee’s Sale:   For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by William K. Anderson, Single dated April 21, 2007 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence County, Missouri in Book 253, Page 146 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Friday, June 7, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 3:40 PM), at the East Front Door of the Court House, City of Mount Vernon, County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Lawrence County, State of Missouri, to wit: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE, SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF LAWRENCE, STATE OF MISSOURI, TO WIT: PART OF THE WEST HALF (W 1/2) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 1/4) OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH, RANGE 25 WEST, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID ONE-HALF QUARTER SECTION AND RUNNING TENCE [THENCE] WEST 770 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 350 FEET, THENCE EAST 50 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 365 FEET, THENCE WEST TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION, THENCE NORTH TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID QUARTER SECTION, THENCE EAST TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. to satisfy said debt and cost. MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File No: 151849.060713.306439 FC NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. PUBLISH ON: May 15, 2013 05/22/2013, 05/29/2013, 06/05/2013 __________________ #11223-6-5-4tc

The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

PUBLIC NOTICES More Legals on pages 10 & 12 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE   For default in the payment of debt and performance of the obligations secured by deed of trust executed by S & K Rental Properties, L.L.C., dated September 22, 2004, recorded on September 23, 2004, in Book 246 at Page 31, Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri, the undersigned Trustee will on May 16, 2013, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and particularly at 1:00 p.m., at the East Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, One Court Square, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the property in Lawrence County, Missouri, described as: PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW1/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW1/4) OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 26 WEST, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SLOAN STREET IN THE CITY OF MT. VERNON, MISSOURI, 330.5 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, THENCE NORTH 80 FEET, THENCE EAST 73.2 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 57.5 FEET, THENCE EAST 9 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 22.5 FEET, THENCE WEST 82.2 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Together with all rights, fixtures and improvements that are a part of said real estate, toward satisfaction of said debt and costs. MGL Trustee, LLC By: Jeffery J. Love, Member 1901 S. Ventura, Suite A Springfield, Missouri 65804 Telephone: (417) 883-6566 Facsimile: (417) 883-6689 _________________ #11189-5-15-4tc

IN THE 39TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI Judge or Division: PROBATE Case Number: 13LW-PR00046 In the Matter of WILLIAM E MCMICHAEL DECEASED Notice of Hearing on Petition for Determination of Heirship To:   MICHAEL H. MCMICHAEL, 1309 SHORLINE DR, LAKESIDE CITY, TX 76308   KATHRYN A. MCMICHAEL, 615 W. WASHINGTON, MARIONVILLE MO 65705   RUSSELL J. MCMICHAEL, 4079 JACOBS LANDING, ST. CHARLES, MO 63304   RYAN RICKETTS, P.O. BOX 517, MARIONVILLE, MO 65705   You Are Notified that a petition has been filed for the Determination of Heirship for the above-named deceased.   This matter will be heard on 11-JUN2013, at 1:00 PM, at the courtroom of the Probate Division, Lawrence County, located at the Lawrence County Justice Center, 240 N. Main, Suite 110 Mount Vernon, MO 65712. /s/ Steven W Kahre by Nancy Brown Clerk _________________ #11185-5-15-4tc NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE   Default having been made in the payment of that certain note secured by Deed of Trust executed by Jennifer M. Schmidt and Jeremiah J. Schmidt, wife and husband, dated November 9, 2007 and recorded on November 15, 2007 in Book 254, Page 488, Office of Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri. The Successor Trustee will on May 16, 2013, between the hours of 9:00 o'clock A.M. and 5:00 P.M. more particularly at 11:00AM, at the Lawrence County Courthouse, One Courthouse Square, East Front door, Mt. Vernon, MO, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate: All of Lot five (5), Brechbuhler Addition to the City of Aurora, Lawrence County, Missouri, according to the recorded plat thereof. 1005 Highland Dr, Aurora, MO 65605 For the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness and the costs of executing this trust. S&W Foreclosure Corporation Successor Trustee Pub Commences April 24, 2013 S&W File No. 13-021531 By: Shapiro & Weisman, L.C. www.shapiroattorneys.com/mo Purported address: 1005 Highland Dr, Aurora, MO 65605 _________________ #11183-5-15-4tc

May 15, 2013 - Page 11 OFFICIAL NOTICE Public Hearing for Mount Vernon, Missouri TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN AND TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, 4 June 2013, the City of Mount Vernon Planning and Zoning Commission, in the Board of Aldermen meeting room, City Hall, Mount Vernon, Missouri, will consider: Case No. 2013-01 Text change and amendment to the City Code sections: A(13) concerning the keeping and raising of chickens in the City Limits of Mt. Vernon. Copies of the proposed text change are available for review in the office of the Zoning Administrator and posted in the Council Chambers during regular business hours. As provided for in Article XII of the City Code of Mount Vernon, Missouri, the above proposal will be discussed and considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and all persons interested in said matter will have an opportunity to be heard at this time concerning their views and wishes. CERTIFIED, this 8th day of May, 2013. /s/ Bruce P. Conway Zoning Administrator _________________ #11221-5-22-2tc

Deadline for Legals is Noon Monday In Re: JOSHUA ROGERS, A SINGLE PERSON TRUSTEE'S SALE -Under the terms of the Deed of Trust executed by JOSHUA ROGERS, A SINGLE PERSON dated 07/06/2007, and recorded on 07/11/2007 Book 253 Page 670 in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Lawrence County, MISSOURI, the undersigned Successor Trustee, will on 05/16/2013 at 1:00 PM at the East Front Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Square, Mount Vernon, MO 65712, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the realty described in said deed of trust, to wit: ALL OF LOT EIGHTEEN (18), MARY LOU ADDITION TO THE CITY OF AURORA, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. KOZENY & MCCUBBIN, L.C. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Published in the Lawrence County Record KM File #: ROGJOGTS First publication date 04/24/2013 This firm is a debt collector and any information we obtain from you will be used for that purpose. _________________ #11196-5-15-4tc

MILLER 2012 Annual Water Quality Report MO5010525 (Consumer Confidence Report) This report is intended to provide you with important information about your drinking water and the efforts made to provide safe drinking water. Attencion! Este informe contiene información muy importante. Traduscalo o prequntele a alguien que to entienda bien (translated: This report contains very important information. Translate or ask someone who understands this very well.) What is the source of my water? The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and groundwater wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pickup substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity. Our water comes from the following source(s): ource Name S Type WELL #2 GROUND WATER WELL #3 GROUND WATER Source Water Assessment: The Department of Natural Resources conducted a source water assessment to determine the susceptibility of our water source to potential contaminants. This process involved the establishment of source water area delineations for each well or surface water intake and then a contaminant inventory was performed within those delineated areas to assess potential threats to each source. Assessment maps and summary information sheets are available on the internet at http://maproom. missouri.edu/swipmaps/pwssid.htm. To access the maps for your water system you will need the State-assigned identification code, which is printed at the top of the report. The Source Water Inventory Project maps and information sheets provide a foundation upon which a more comprehensive source water protection plan can be developed. Why are these contaminants in my water? Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). Contaminants that may be present in source water include: A.  Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife. B.  Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally-occurring or result from urban stormwater runoff, industrial, or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining, or farming. C.  Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban stormwater runoff, and residential uses. D.  Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from gas stations, urban stormwater runoff, and septic systems. E.  Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally-occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the Department of Natural Resources prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. Department of Health regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health. Is our water system meeting other rules that govern our operations? The Missouri Department of Natural Resources regulates our water system and requires us to test our water on a regular basis to ensure it’s safety. Our system has been assigned the identification number MO5010525 for the purposes of tracking our test results. Last year, we tested for a variety of contaminants. The detectable results of these teses are on the following pages of this report. Any violations of state requirements or standards will be further explained later in this report. How might I become actively involved? If you would like to observe the decision-making process that affect drinking water quality or if you have any further questions about your drinking water report, please call us at 417-452-3371 to inquire about scheduled meetings or contact persons. Do I need to take any special precautions? Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immunocompromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particulary at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers, EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). Special Lead and Copper Notice: If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. MILLER is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791) or at http://water. epa.gov/drink/info/lead/index.cfm. Definitions: MCLG: Maximum Contaminant Level Goal, or the level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. MCL: Maximum Contaminant Level, or the highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology. SMCL: Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level, or the secondary standards that are non-enforceable guidelines for contaminants and may cause cosmetic effects (such as skin or tooth discoloration) or aesthetic effects (such as taste, odor or color) in drinking water. EPA recommends these standards but does not require water systems to comply. AL: Action Level, or the concentration of a contaminant which, when exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must follow. TT: Treatment Technique, or a required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water. 90th percentile: For lead and Copper testing. 10% of test results are above this level and 90% are below this level. Level Found: Is the average of all test results for a particular contaminant. Range of Detections: Shows the lowest and highest levels found during a testing period, if only one sample was taken, then this number equals the Level Found. MRLDG: Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal, or the level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDL: Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level, or the highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. RAA: Running Annual Average, or the average of sample analytical results for samples taken during the previous four cal-

In Re: Jayson L. Rieken and Deborah L. Rieken Husband and Wife TRUSTEE'S SALE - Under the terms of the Deed of Trust executed by Jayson L. Rieken and Deborah L. Rieken Husband and Wife dated 03/09/2007, and recorded on 03/14/2007 Book 252 Page 827 in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Lawrence County, MISSOURI, the undersigned Successor Trustee, will on 05/23/2013 at 1:00 PM at the East Front Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Square, Mount Vernon, MO 65712, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the realty described in said deed of trust, to wit: THE SOUTH 7.5 FEET OF THE EAST 100 FEET OF LOT THIRTEEN (13), AND THE EAST 100 FEET OF LOT FOURTEEN (14), GLENWOOD SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF MT. VERNON, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. . KOZENY & MCCUBBIN, L.C. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Published in the Lawrence County Record KM File #: JAYRIGTS First publication date 05/01/2013 This firm is a debt collector and any information we obtain from you will be used for that purpose. _________________ #11201-5-22-4tc IN THE 39TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI Probate Division Case Number: 13LW-PR00033 In the Estate of MINGO DOSS, a Disabled Person. Notice of Appointment of a Conservator TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF MINGO DOSS, A DISABLED PERSON On April 9, 2013, Carole Garoutte was appointed conservator of the estate of MINGO DOSS, a person adjudicated disabled under the laws of the State of Missouri, by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Lawrence County, Missouri. The business address of the conservator is: 11524 Lawrence 2130 Mt Vernon, MO 65712 All creditors of said partially disabled person are notified to file their claims in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court. Date of first publication: April 24, 2013 Date: April 16, 2013 STEVE W KAHRE Clerk BY: /s/ Harriet Seneker Deputy Clerk _________________ #11186-5-15-4tc

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE   A default has accrued on a certain note secured by a deed of trust executed by, Howard D. Garoutte and Ruby C. Garoutte dated 3/3/2008 and recorded on 4/8/2008 in Book 255, Page 257, in the Recorder’s office for Lawrence County, Missouri. The successor trustee will on May 23, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, more particularly at 11:00 AM, at the East Front Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, One Courthouse Square, Mt. Vernon, Missouri sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash (certified funds only), the following real estate: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 27, RANGE 25, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, EXCEPT ANY PART TAKEN OR USED FOR ROADS. Commonly known as: 18147 Lawrence 1210, Aurora, Missouri 65605 for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness and the costs of executing this trust. CSM Foreclosure Trustee Corp. Successor Trustee (800) 652-4080 4X 5/1, 5/8, 5/15 and 5/22 CSM File 26-13-00139 _________________ #11202-5-22-4tc

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Lawrence County Record 312 South Hickory Mt. Vernon, Mo. 65712

In Re: DALE BUDDY MORRIS AND MARY KATHLEEN MORRIS, HUSBAND AND WIFE TRUSTEE'S SALE - Under the terms of the Deed of Trust executed by DALE BUDDY MORRIS AND MARY KATHLEEN MORRIS, HUSBAND AND WIFE dated 03/26/2004, and recorded on 04/01/2004 Book 244 Page 590 in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Lawrence County, MISSOURI, the undersigned Successor Trustee, will on 05/16/2013 at 1:00 PM at the East Front Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Square, Mount Vernon, MO 65712, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the realty described in said deed of trust, to wit: LOT 11, BLOCK 8, ORIGINAL SURVEY TO THE CITY OF AURORA, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, AS PER THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. KOZENY & MCCUBBIN, L.C. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Published in the Lawrence County Record KM File #: MORDAN12 First publication date 04/24/2013 This firm is a debt collector and any information we obtain from you will be used for that purpose. _________________ #11195-5-15-4tc IN THE 39TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI Probate Division Case Number: 13LW-PR00032 In the Estate of LORI BETH HILTON, a Disabled Person. Notice of Appointment of a Conservator TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF LORI BETH HILTON, A DISABLED PERSON On April 23, 2013, Pamela Fobair was appointed conservator of the estate of LORI BETH HILTON, a person adjudicated disabled under the laws of the State of Missouri, by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Lawrence County, Missouri. The business address of the conservator is: P.O. Box 431 Mt Vernon, MO 65712 All creditors of said partially disabled person are notified to file their claims in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court. Date of first publication: May 1, 2013 To be published in Lawrence County Record Date: 04-24-2013 /s/ Steven W. Kahre Clerk /s/ By Harriet Seneker _________________ #11204-5-22-4tc

endar quarters. Abbreviations: TTHM: Total Trihalomethanes (cholorform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform) as a group. HAA5: Haloacetic Acids (mono-, di- and tri-chloracetic acid, and mono- and di-bormoacetic acid) as a group. ppb: parts per billion or micrograms per liter. ppm: parts per million or milligrams per liter. n/a: not applicable. NTU: Nephelometric Turbidity Unit, used to measure cloudiness in drinking water. MFL: million fibers per liter, used to measure asbestos concentrations. nd: not detectable at testing limits. The state has reduced monitoring requirements for certain contaminants to less often than once per year because the concentration of these contaminants are not expected to vary significantly from year to year. Records with a sample year more than one year old are still considered representative. Regulated Contaminants Range Regulated Contaminants Collection Date Highest Value (low - high) Unit MCL MCLG Typical Source BARIUM 3/1/2010 0.0395 0.0364 - ppm 2 2 Discharge of 0.0395 drilling wastes; Discharge from metal refineries; Erosion of natural deposits CHROMIUM 3/1/2010 1.34 1.18 - 1.34 ppb 100 100

Discharge from steel and pump mills

FLUORIDE 3/1/2010 0.04 0.04 ppm 4 4 Natural deposits, Water additivewhichpromotes strong teeth MERCURY 3/1/2010 0.47 0 - 0.47 ppb 2 2

Erosion of natural deposits; Discharge from refineries and factories; Runoff from landfills; Runoff from cropland

NITRATE-NITRITE 8/15/2012 1.95 0.08 - ppm 10 10 1.95

Runoff from fertilizer use; Leaching from septic tanks, sewage; Erosion of natural deposits

Monitoring Range Disinfection By Products Period RAA (low - high) Unit MCL MCLG Typical Source TTHM 2008 - 2010 2 2.14 ppb 80 0 Byproduct of drinking water disinfection Range Sites Over Lead and Copper Date 90th Percentile (low - high) Unit AL AL Typical Source COPPER 2008 - 2010 0.0857 0.00973 - ppm 1.3 0 Corrosion of 0.103 household plumbing systems LEAD 2008 - 2010 4.98 1.15 - ppb 15 0 5.48

Corrosion of household plumbing systems

Microbiological Result MCL MCLG Typical Source No Detected Results were Found in the Calendar Year of 2012 Violations and Health Effects Information During the 2012 calendar year, we had the below noted violation(s) of drinking water regulations. Compliance Period Analyte No Violations Occurred in the Calendar Year of 2012.


Optional Monitoring (not required by EPA) Optional Contaminants Monitoring is not required for optional contaminants. Your Water System Secondary Contaminants Collection Date Highest Value Range (low - high) Unit SMCL ALKALINITY, CACO3, STABILITY 3/1/2010 1110 191-1110 MG/L CALCIUM 3/1/2010 52.5 49.8-52.5 MG/L CHLORIDE 3/1/2010 26.5 2.06-26.5 MG/L 250 HARDNESS, CARBONATE 3/1/2010 224 206-224 MG/L IRON 3/1/2010 0.0626 0-0.0626 MG/L 0.3 MAGNESIUM 3/1/2010 24.2 18.1-24.2 MG/L MANGANESE 3/1/2010 0.00175 0-0.00175 MG/L 0.05 NICKEL 3/1/2010 0.001 0 - 0.001 MG/L 0.1 PH 3/1/2010 7.82 7.56-7.82 PH 8.5 POTASSIUM 3/1/2010 1.1 1.05-1.1 MG/L SODIUM 3/1/2010 18.1 2.4-18.1 MG/L 20 SULFATE 3/1/2010 10.9 10.7-10.9 MG/L 250 TDS 3/1/2010 257 211-257 MG/L 500 ZINC 3/1/2010 0.0028 0.00168- MG/L 5 0.0028 Secondary standards are non-enforceable guidelines for contaminants that may cause cosmetic effects (such as skin or tooth discoloration) or aesthetic effects (such as taste, odor or color) in drinking water. EPA recommends these standards but does not require water systems to comply. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������#11224-5-15-1tc

The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

Page 12 - May 15, 2013

PUBLIC NOTICES More Legals on pages 10 & 11 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE   Default having been made in the payment of that certain note secured by Deed of Trust executed by Rhonda J. Moore, A Single Person, dated September 9, 2010 and recorded on September 13, 2010 in Book 259, Page 195, as Document No. 4877, Office of Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri. The Successor Trustee will on June 6, 2013, between the hours of 9:00 o'clock A.M. and 5:00 P.M. more particularly at 11:00AM, at the Lawrence County Courthouse, One Courthouse Square, East Front door, Mt. Vernon, MO, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate: All of lot 4 in block 4, Hash & Crawford Addition to the City of Mt. Vernon, Lawrence County, Missouri, and the West half of the vacated alley lying along the East side of lot 4 in block 4 of said addition. 117 W Cherry St, Mount Vernon, MO 65712 For the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness and the costs of executing this trust. S&W Foreclosure Corporation Successor Trustee Pub Commences May 15, 2013 S&W File No. 12-020534 By: Shapiro & Weisman, L.C. www.shapiroattorneys.com/mo Purported address: 117 W Cherry St, Mount Vernon, MO 65712 __________________ #11219-6-5-4tc TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: Thomas Scott Campbell and Christina Jo Campbell, Husband and Wife Trustee’s Sale:   For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by Thomas Scott Campbell and Christina Jo Campbell, Husband and Wife dated December 29, 2006 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence County, Missouri in Book 252, Page 422 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Thursday, May 23, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 3:30 PM), at the East Front Door of the Court House, City of Mount Vernon, County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Lawrence County, State of Missouri, to wit: ALL OF LOT ONE (1), EAGLE ROCK ESTATES, A SUBDIVISION IN LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. to satisfy said debt and cost. MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File No: 150353.052313.302120 FC NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. PUBLISH ON: May 1, 2013 05/08/2013, 05/15/2013, 05/22/2013 _________________ #11194-5-22-4tc TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: Charles J Velten and Cristi L Velten, Husband and Wife Trustee’s Sale:   For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by Charles J Velten and Cristi L Velten, Husband and Wife dated May 31, 2007 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence County, Missouri in Book 253, Page 413 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Friday, May 24, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 3:40 PM), at the East Front Door of the Court House, City of Mount Vernon, County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Lawrence County, State of Missouri, to wit: THE WEST HALF (W1/2) OF THE WEST HALF (W1/2) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW1/4) OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH, RANGE 28 WEST, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI. to satisfy said debt and cost. MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File No: 137827.052413.306281 FC NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. PUBLISH ON: May 1, 2013 05/08/2013, 05/15/2013, 05/22/2013 _________________ #11198-5-22-4tc

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISION III In the Estate of: DORTHA ROBERTSON, A Disabled and Incapacitated Person Case No. 13LW-PR00024 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AND CONSERVATOR   To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Dortha Robertson, a Disabled and Incapacitated Person: On the 26th day of March, 2013, Judy Robertson and Celia Siemer were appointed co-guardians of the person and co-conservators of the estate of Dortha Robertson, a person adjudicated incapacitated and disabled under the laws of Missouri by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Lawrence County, Missouri, at Mt. Vernon, Missouri   Business Address of the Attorney for Estate:   Robert Wiley, PO Box 50, Crane, MO 65633, Phone 417-723-0243   The business address of the coguardians/co-conservators are:   Judy Robertson, 1197 Bluff Rd., Crane, MO 65633   Celia Siemer, 1091 Green Tree Loop, Grants Pass, OR 97527 All creditors of said disabled person are notified to file their claims in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court within six months from the date of first publication of this Notice. Date of First Publication: April 24, 2013 /s/ Steven W. Kahre Circuit Clerk By: /s/ Harriet Seneker Deputy Clerk _________________ #11182-5-15-4tc NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISION In re: THE HEIRS OF KAREN DENISE JONES, Deceased Estate No. 13LW-PR00060   To all persons who claim any interest in the property of Karen Denise Jones, deceased, as an heir of said decedent or through any heir of said decedent:   You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in the above court by Steven P. Jones, for the determination of the heirs of Karen Denise Jones, deceased, and of their respective interests as such heirs in and with respect to the property owned by said decedent at the time of death.   Petitioner's attorney is Randee S. Stemmons, whose business address is 101 E. Dallas, P.O. Box 389, Mt. Vernon,MO 65712.   You are hereby required to appear to answer said petition on June 25, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Lawrence County, Missouri, at Mt. Vernon, at which time and place said petition will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment may be entered in due course upon said petition. /s/ Steven W Kahre Clerk, Probate Division Circuit Court of Lawrence County, Missouri By: /s/ Harriet Seneker Deputy Clerk _________________ #11218-5-29-4tc In Re: Terrence William Young and Lavina Rae Young, Husband and Wife TRUSTEE'S SALE - Under the terms of the Deed of Trust executed by Terrence William Young and Lavina Rae Young, Husband and Wife dated 04/23/2009, and recorded on 05/01/2009 Book 257 Page 52 in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Lawrence County, MISSOURI, the undersigned Successor Trustee, will on 06/06/2013 at 1:00 PM at the East Front Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Square, Mount Vernon, MO 65712, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the realty described in said deed of trust, to wit: LOT 9, EARL D VARNER'S SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH, RANGE 27 EAST, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI. More accurately described as, LOT 9, EARL D VARNER'S SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH, RANGE 27 WEST, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI. KOZENY & MCCUBBIN, L.C. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Published in the Lawrence County Record KM File #: YOUTEBA1 First publication date 05/15/2013 This firm is a debt collector and any information we obtain from you will be used for that purpose. __________________ #11214-6-5-4tc

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISION Estate Number 05L2-PR00023 In the Estate of David Frederick Maschmann, Deceased. NOTICE OF FILING OF FINAL SETTLEMENT State of Missouri County of Lawrence   To all persons interested in the estate of David Frederick Maschmann, deceased:   Notice is hereby given that a final settlement and petition for determination of the persons who are the successors in interest to the personal and real property of the decedent, and of the extent and character of their interests therein, and for distribution of such property will be filed iin the Probate Division of this court by the undersigned on 5-31-13 or as continued by the Court, and that any objections or exceptions to such settlement or petition or any item thereof must be in writing and filed within 20 days after the filing of such settlement. /s/ Nancy Maschmann Personal Representative 608 South Hampton Ave. Republic, Missouri 65738 /s/ Shelley Sago Meyer Missouri Bar No. 45925 P.O. Box 350 Mt. Vernon, Missouri 65712 417-466-3300 Attorney for the Estate _________________ #11205-5-22-4tc NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE   For default in the payment of debt and performance of the obligations secured by deed of trust executed by S & K Rental Properties, L.L.C., dated July 1, 2004, recorded on July 1, 2004, in Book 245 at Page 392, Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri, the undersigned Trustee will on May 16, 2013, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and particularly at 1:00 p.m., at the East Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, One Court Square, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the property in Lawrence County, Missouri, described as: TRACT NO. 1: THE SOUTH 60 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 13, AND THE NORTH HALF OF A VACATED ALLEY LYING SOUTH OF AND ADJOINING SAID LOT 2, BLOCK 13, ALL IN MT. VERNON ORIGINAL SURVEY TO THE CITY OF MT. VERNON, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI. Together with all rights, fixtures and improvements that are a part of said real estate, toward satisfaction of said debt and costs. MGL Trustee, LLC By: Jeffery J. Love, Member 1901 S. Ventura, Suite A Springfield, Missouri 65804 Telephone: (417) 883-6566 Facsimile: (417) 883-6689 _________________ #11192-5-15-4tc NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE   Default having been made in the payment of that certain note secured by Deed of Trust executed by Elaina C. Kennedy, Brock D. Kennedy, Wife and Husband, dated April 19, 2007 and recorded on April 25, 2007 in Book 253, Page 108, as Document No. 3058, Office of Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri. The Successor Trustee will on May 24, 2013, between the hours of 9:00 o'clock A.M. and 5:00 P.M. more particularly at 11:00AM, at the Lawrence County Courthouse, One Courthouse Square, East Front door, Mt. Vernon, MO, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate: All of lot twenty-six (26) of replat Sumner’s Subdivision, Section thirteen (13), Township twentysix(26), , Range twenty –six (26), Lawrence County, Missouri, according to the recorded plat thereof. 603 West Pearl St, Aurora, MO 65605 For the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness and the costs of executing this trust. S&W Foreclosure Corporation Successor Trustee Pub Commences May 1, 2013 S&W File No. 12-020586 By: Shapiro & Weisman, L.C. www.shapiroattorneys.com/mo Purported address: 603 West Pearl St, Aurora, MO 65605 _________________ #11197-5-22-4tc IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISION In the Estate of Linda Jane Burton, Deceased Estate Number 12LW-PR00131 NOTICE OF FILING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT AND PROPOSED ORDER OF DISTRIBUTION To all persons interested in the above referenced estate:   You are hereby notified that the undersigned personal representative will file a petition for an order approving final settlement of the estate together with a final settlement and proposed order of distribution in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Lawrence County, Missouri, on June 5, 2013, or as may be continued by the court.   If no objections to the settlement or proposed order of distribution are filed within (20) days after the date of the filing thereof, the court will consider said settlement and proposed distribution and, upon their approval, the court will determine the persons entitled to decedent’s descendible interest in the estate and the extent and character of their interest therein.   Upon proof of compliance with the court’s order of distribution by the personal representative, the court will discharge the personal representative and his sureties, if any, from further claim or demand by any interested person.   Dated: May 1, 2013 William L. Burton, Personal Representative Walter S. Pettit, Jr. P. O. Box 148 Aurora, MO 65605 Attorney for Personal Representative 417-678-2187 For Publication: May 8, 15, 22 & 29, 2013 _________________ #11211-5-29-4tc

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The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

May 15, 2013 - Page 13

m A ILawrence County Hometown: Mt. Vernon Favorite fitness activity: Yoga

How long have you lived in Lawrence County: Nearly 50 years

Favorite place in Lawrence County: Home Something interesting about you: I like to volunteer

Do you collect anything: I periodically change. Right now, owls

Favorite frozen food: Ice cream Favorite item at the gift shop: Candy! Favorite singer: Perry Como

Favorite day of Ever pet a shark: the week: Sunday No, but I’ve pet an alligator Favorite instrument to play: The piano

Sponsored by:

How long have you volunteered at the gift shop: About 10 years

RECORD 312 S. Hickory St., Mt. Vernon, MO 65712 Phone 417-466-2185 • Fax 417-466-7865 www.lawrencecountyrecord.com

Family: Husband Richard, three kids and five grandkids

Main request you get at the gift shop: Military hats Hobbies: Reading, gardening & sewing

I Am Marilyn Mattas Apple Hill Gift Shop Volunteer

Page 14 - Wednesday, May 15, 2013



The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

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