Vedette - May 28, 2020

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Thursday, May 28, 2020 Vol. 155, No. 50 • $1.00

INSIDE OBITUARIES • Norma Mildred (Haustein) Brunner, 96, Lockwood • William Arthur “Bill” Finley, 74, Greenfield • Connie Dee Cleek, 65, Aurora • Richard Dale Kane, 59, Mt. Vernon • Elmer Robert Lindeman, 87, Aurora • Jack Wendell Wise, Aurora

John Neill Run for Cancer, June 6

Saturday, June 6, beginning at 7 a.m. the John Neil Cancer Run will take place at the American Legion Building. Lockwood. Registration forms may be picked up at Prairie Mercantile or downloaded from Facebook. Preregistration guarantees a t-shirt.

Lockwood Citywide Garage Sale, June 6

Start your spring cleaning now to be ready to make some money! We will be having the Lockwood citywide garage sale on Saturday, June 6 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. If you are planning to have a sale, please let Amy Schnelle know so you can be added to the list (417-693-0852). Also you can find our event page on Facebook for updates.

CONTENTS Obituaries...............Pg 2A Community.............Pg 3A Business Dir. ......... Pg 5A Commentary..........Pg 6A Worship Dir............Pg 7A Hometown Heroes.Pg 1B Legals..................Pg 5-6B Classified...............Pg 7B



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A Weekly Newspaper Serving the Dade County Area Since 1866

Heroes Among Us Greenfield Subway Adding to From Pamela Allen low whatever protocol is Dade County Health Dept. needed to keep their towns Convenience with Pick-up Window safe. Nursing Home adminSo many heroes in Dade County, where would I begin. The hearts of Dade county people come to the surface, especially when there are needs in the community.

By James McNary Articles Editor

Work is progressing quickly on the installation of pick-up window at the Subway restaurant in Greenfield, with plans for further improvements to be made in the coming months.

The pick-up window is being installed partly in response to the demands placed on restaurants by the need for social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak, but also as a way of increasing convenience for customers. “When COVID-19 hit, we had to get creative,” said Christy Myers, operations director for the 10 Subway stores owned by franchisee John Straus.

Customers will soon be able to place an order via the Subway app and have it ready for them to pick it up at the window, without having to enter the store themselves. Myers said that nationally, the Subway chain is preparing to roll out curbside delivery, but she feels that the pick-up window service, which is planned to be upgraded to a drivethrough, will be much better for this area.

istrators and staff who take extra care in making sure they follow protocol to keep the residents safe no matter how hard it becomes sometimes.

CommuniPeople deliverty members, ing food to make who have made sure no one goes masks from hungry. Schools the kindness of Pamela Allen passing out food their hearts and Director, DCHD and school packtook them to ets to children businesses and individuals every day to help those who need them. Businesswho are in need in this es who have went above difficult time. Restaurants and beyond putting protostriving to do their part by col in place to protect their staying open and feeding employees and those who those who work and sac- come to their business. rifice to help keep people Doctors and nurses who safe. Pharmacies serving live in our community that and delivering to those sacrifice and work to give who need prescriptions no us the patient care that we matter what is going on in need. Also, all the citizens the community. Our local in our county who strive paper, who strive to keep every day to do the right the community, informed thing and follow what is every way possible both by needed to protect others. the paper and online. The So many I know I have health department who not thought of who deserve tries to do everything they a big hug, from 6 feet, and can to keep the community a thank you for what they safe in every way possible, do to be a hometown hero. seven days a week. Yeah So thanks to all of you, beto no positives [COVID-19 cause together, with the tests]! strong in faith that we have The dental office who con- in our county, praying for tinues to do emergencies to all of us, we will ride out help those in pain during the storm and survive this this difficult time. The may- and anymore that may ors who work hard to fol- come our way in the future.

business is now via the pick-up window,” said Myers.

The window is being added onto the back of the building, along the alley running behind the store. As soon as the pick-up window is installed, then next step will be repaving and re-striping the parking lot area of the property, followed by the installation of a kiosk that will make the pick-up window into a full-featured drivethrough service. “The pick-up window is just the first phase,” said Myers. “We’re excited about the improvements coming to the store in Greenfield.”

“At our store in Neosho, over 80 percent of our

Check out the Hometown Heroes B-section with feature stories about a few everyday heroes in this edition of The Vedette!

No Summer School For Greenfield Miller Hires New Football earlier that morning. He resuming in the fall. Board From Rachel Schnelle

On May 20, the Greenfield R-IV School District Board of Education met and discussed issues affecting the district and passed several measures regarding the COVID-19 situation.

The first item discussed was the district budget for the upcoming school year. Supt. Chris Kell said the Greenfield district’s budget and finances are headed in the right direction, given the current economic situation. Gov. Mike Parson held a conference call with all of the school district superintendents in Missouri

said a significant amount of money will likely be cut or withheld from school districts across the state.

Elementary Principal Don Cox gave a presentation about having summer school in June. By using data from parent surveys and procedures from other schools, he presented what could be done if it were held. Cox told the board he felt the right decision was to not have summer school. The board supported this decision in a later vote, with the general recommendation from board members to focus on classes

And Basketball Coaches

President Renee Meents expressed the importance of taking time to figure out By Bob Jackson what the right decision and Reporter procedures are . The Miller Schools have “We’re just kind of sitting hire two new coaches for back and kind of arranging the school year 2020-2021. those ducks, and seeing They will replace Jamie Lawhat other schools are trySalle, football coach, who ing and how it’s working,” is retiring and Josh Kline, said Meents. who is moving to Monett, A representative from the Missouri, to coach girls basCommunity Teachers Asso- ketball. ciation (CTA) was in attenThe new football coach dance to address the board is Jerrad Hansen, a Pierce in support of a proposal City High School grad who then played college football at William Jewell Uni‘Greenfield BoE’ versity. He has coached in Continued on page 4

Ash Grove

Ash Grove True Value Home Center Hwy 160 Westward Mall Phone: (417)751-2911

Diamond and Marshfield and this past year was head coach for the Southeast Kansas Lancers who won their first conference title last season.

The new boys basketball coach is Sean Price moving from Reed Springs High School where he was an assistant coach. Past coaching experience was head coach at Gentry Arkansas for six years, assistant coach at Har-Ber Rogers, Arkansas and assistant coach at Republic, Missouri High School.


Willard True Value 658 Hunt Road Phone: (417)685-3073 or (417)685-3074 Store Hours: Mon-Sat 7 - 7 • Sunday 10-4

VALID 5/18-5/31/20

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