6-12-14 LCR w/Lawrence County Youth Supplement

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Am ILawrence County Turn to page 12 to see who it is!

138th Year, No. 18 • Our 7,122nd Issue!

Mt. Vernon, Missouri • June 12, 2013

50 cents (includes tax)

Panes of beauty First Presbyterian Church of Mt. Vernon replaces age-old stained glass

Photos by Steve Fairchild

Top left, Dennis Rodgers works on a window frame that will soon house all new stained glass at the First Presbyterian Church. Middle left, Rodgers with the assistance of Karen Whitesell—who made the incoming stained glass—preps the frame. Bottom left, on a lift outside of the church Rodgers and Whitesell, left, install the new panes. Top right, the finished product from inside the church is a sight to behold.

Post office closes for lunch Budget cuts lead to the Mt. Vernon USPS

Lawrence County


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will go into effect and Mt. Vernon postal employees will have a break from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Kim Hilton, postal clerk for more than 20 years, said she has doubts on the logistics of closing during lunch. We won’t get the window closed anyway, Hilton said. We can’t just shut it down on customers and tell them to come back in an hour.

Hilton said that for many people, their lunch break is the only time they can run errands. She said that normally, the post lunchtime closure office is extremely busy during the soon-to-be lunch period. Being open for just two hours By Shawnya Wethington on Saturday also adds to the issue, Hilton said. Next month, the US Post “I think it’s going to hurt us,” Office in Mt. Vernon will make Hilton said of the new hours. changes to their hours of operaBecky McCoig, another Mt. tion, closing for an hour-long Vernon postal clerk who has lunch break. been with USPS for 27 years, Starting July 3, the change said that this isn’t the first time Mt. Vernon has had a mid-day break. They tried it once before, years ago, she said. They closed the window during lunch trying to save money. At that time, the window was closed, but the back was still open so postal work could still be done, McCoig Photos by Shawnya Wethington said. T h e Left, a sign in the lobby of the Mt. Vernon post office announces the new lunchtime closure of the facility. Above, USPS employee Becky McCoig helps a customer at the Mt. Vernon Post Office. change didn’t

last long, however. It wasn’t long before they found the funds to stay open during lunch, she continued. “All we’re doing is driving people to our competition,” McCoig said. Unless they want to make the drive to Aurora, there’s not another mailing option for residents, she said. Although a sign has been posted inside the post office, the two clerks said that many postal customers still aren’t aware of the changes. After people discover the change, Hilton said she’s anticipating several displeased customers. The clerks said they weren’t sure who was responsible for instating the change. “We had nothing to do with it,” said Hilton. To McCoig’s knowledge, she said Mt. Vernon is the only post office in the area that is changing their hours of operation. At first, I thought it was area-wide, she continued, but then none of the other areas have mentioned it or posted notices as far as I know. “It’s a sad thing,” said McCoig. “I hate to see it.” The two are hopeful that the previous hours of operation can be reinstated someday. “I just don’t see where we’re gaining anything,” McCoig said.

COMING UP: 4 Mighty mite cheerleaders — Children from third to sixth grade are eligible to be a mighty mite cheerleader. Sign ups will be from 9-10 a.m. Saturday, June 15, in the gazebo at Underwood Spirit of ‘76 park. There will also be a technique camp held that day from 9-11 a.m. For more information, call Julie at 737-3765. The last day for sign ups will be Saturday, June 29.

4 Music at Jolly Mill — ­ Tal Wooten memorial music event will be from 5-9 p.m. Saturday, June 22, at Jolly Mill. The Mark Chapman band is being featured as well as the Timberline Bluegrass band, The Bootkickers and Neva Walters. A fireworks display will begin at dark. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs and picnic. Concessions will be available.

4 Truck and tractor pull — The Southern Missouri Truck and Tractor Pulling Association will be hosting the annual Mt. Vernon FFA Booster Club truck and tractor pull at 6 p.m. Saturday, June 15, behind the MARC. The event is presented by Jack Link’s Beef Jerky.

4 Celebrate recovery ministry — Living Water Fellowship Church, located on the southwest corner of the square in Mt. Vernon, will provide their celebrate recovery ministry each Friday, free dinner at 6 p.m., with large group worship at 8 p.m. For more information, contact Kurtis at 343-4999.

Find us on Facebook www.lawrence countyrecord.com


Commentary Page 2

| June 12, 2013

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, MO


Employee leaks information for civil rights, maybe more

by the Lawrence County Record staff

By Ryan Squibb

☛ A woman crossing Spring River on Hwy. 97 north of Stotts City spotted a couch sitting in the field. Apparently it is a victim of recent flooding on the river.

This week a contracted government employee working for the National Security Agency made the bold move of outing some of the behind-thescenes investigations the agency conducts. Twenty-nine year old Edward Snowden hightailed it to Hong Kong after leaking information that the NSA spies on phone and Internet records of the unsuspecting U.S. public. Statements released from the White House seem to indicate that the public were the only ones not aware of the tracking, as committees

☛ The idea of Father’s Day was conceived slightly more than a century ago by Sonora Dodd of Spokane, Wash., while she listened to a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart, a widowed Civil War veteran who was left to raise his six children on a farm.

from all three branches of the government review the programs and were aware. Although all the information isn’t in, it seems the legalized snooping was, perhaps still is, relegated to phone call histories and durations, more or less. The content was not monitored, which is a little bit of solace. Snowden supposedly made $200,000 per year and lived in Hawaii with his consulting job, all of which he knowingly ended with his leak. He fully expects to be prosecuted also. If he did give up something truly great for our privacy I applaud and thank him. I think we can all agree that terrorists need to be exterminated with

Anna remembers ... “...when we only had about three cereals, shredded wheat, corn flakes and bran.”


Online poll “If it takes 13 years for someone to receive citizenship under a path-tocitizenship program, does that sound... 50% — too long 22.2% — too short 27.8% — about the right amount of time We want to know! Cast your vote in our current online poll on the Lawrence County Record’s website, www. lawrencecountyrecord.com.

Scripture of the week “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” — Romans 10:17

Smiles of the week Two drunken men were driving home. The first started screaming: Jim, watch out for the wall, watch out for the waaaaall! Baaaaam! They hit the wall. The next day in the hospital the first man asked his friend: - You good for nothing, I’ve been screaming for you to watch out, why didn’t you? Jim answered him: - IT WAS YOU DRIVING!!!

A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. Now you know why they call it a workstation!

How is a snail stronger than an elephant? Because an elephant carries his trunk, but a snail carries his house! Want to share a good story or funny photo (with the subject’s permission)? Send it to thepaper@lawrencecountyrecord.com, P.O. Box 348, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712.

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: Checks to the Lawrence County Record should now be made payable to “Squibb Media L.L.C.”


e are in the middle of the “Patriotic Time” of the year. A time when we take a little more time to thank the men and women who have served our country in the FROM THE military. SIDELINE A time when we take a few extra minutes to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep America safe and secure. We start with Memorial Day — by Rosemary the last Monday in Henderson May — which is the time we decorate the graves of our military heroes and the graves of our family members. The holiday was first named Decoration Day, but some years ago the name was changed. Civic groups take time to place small flags on the graves of our veterans as a way to help show our gratitude to those who served. Of course, we honor those who were killed while on active duty in the military. But, we don’t want to overlook those who served and came home to live out the rest of their lives. We know now that many of those veterans suffer the rest of their lives because of some of the things they endured or witnessed. In addition to the physical and mental things they endured, they were away from their loved ones for many years. They were away from their jobs

— Anna Koeneman Ford

extreme prejudice, but not with extreme compromise. We’ll reach a point where we’re giving up more than we’re getting. We may be there now, in fact. I think it’s too early to tab Snowden a hero, as some are already taking measurements for his crown. I have yet to visit the Fox News website for the issue, nor will I, but I speculate he’s depicted as the second coming of Christ. There are a lot more layers to this onion that could change the complexion of the issue completely. Until then, I’ll hold Snowden in only modest esteem.

In years past A look at the stories we’ve reported on over the past century in the Lawrence County Record and Lawrence Chieftain.

FIVE YEARS AGO | JUNE 11, 2008 ❧ Mt. Vernon’s courthouse square puts on its Sunday best — a new road surface. The City of Mt. Vernon was exploring the possibility of continuing the paving project by putting a two-inch overlay on South Landrum street. 10 YEARS AGO | JUNE 11, 2003 ❧ Lawrence County will more than double its number of prisoner beds — from 26 to 54 — when it opens a new block of cells Wednesday. ❧ Mt. Vernon Police are now the boys in blue instead of the boys in brown. They have retired the uniform color that has been a staple for the city police department for decades. Instead, they’re wearing navy blue slacks with black stripes and medium blue shirts. The uniforms also have newly-redesigned patches. 25 YEARS AGO | JUNE 9, 1988 ❧ Voters will be asked by the Mt.

CONTACT US: The Lawrence County Record is committed to providing fair, accurate news coverage. We encourage you to contact us with questions, concerns or requests for corrections. Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, 312 S. Hickory St., Mt. Vernon, MO 65712, 417-466-2185, thepaper@lawrence countyrecord.com.

for many years. Some likely never were able to function in their chosen field in the same manner. You know I’m going to bring up Ted Williams. Yes, he still had an excellent baseball career after serving in the military, but what might he have done if he continued to play baseball instead of having to go to war? Friday is Flag Day. Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States. which happened by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777. The United States Army also celebrates its birthday on this date. Flag day is not an official federal holiday. Of course, the “biggie” is Independence Day, July Fourth. We celebrate the holiday with picnics, carnivals, fireworks and baseball games. A bit of July Fourth trivia: both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the only signers of the Declaration of Independence later to serve as Presidents of the United States, died on the same day, July 4, 1826, which was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration. Not a signer of the Declaration, but another Founding Father who became president, James Monroe died on July 4, 1831, becoming the third president in a row to die on July 4. Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President was born July 4, 1872. Dig out your flag and show your patriotism during this “Patriotic Time.” Peace.

Vernon School District to decide the fate of a $400,000 bond isue to repair roofs and revamp the schools’ heating and air conditioning systems. ❧ Goldie Neely was named Employee of the Year during employee recognition night at the Lawrence County Nursing Home. 50 YEARS AGO | JUNE 13, 1963 ❧ Walter Davis Construction has been awarded the contract for construction of a building to house dial telephone equipment to be installed here this fall. ❧ Carl Benbrook is the new commander of Fred A. Boswell Post No. 137, American Legion. He was elected Tuesday to succeed Floyd Neil. Other post officers include Ralph Richardson, John Larkin, Fred Truman, Ray Massey, C.B. Hudson, William F. Daughtrey and Ralph Hudson. 100 YEARS AGO | JUNE 13, 1913 ❧ Aurora Advertiser & Southwest Miner: The worst conflagration in the history of Springfield occurred yesterday when fire ... originating in the basement of the Heer’s dry goods store, broke out, completely wiping out the northeast quarter of the square. ❧ The poles for the postal telegraph company are now being erected west of Aurora along the line of the Frisco.

GETTING READY FOR THE KIDS — Above, Geoff Ford and Mike Thompson wipe off excess concrete as they install new playground equipment at Underwood Spirit of ‘76 Park. Ford said the first section should be open for play later this week. 2003 RELAY FOR LIFE — Below, Mountaineer Stadium transformed for Relay for Life in Mt. Vernon. Over $38,000 was collected to aid in cancer research. Archive photos from 2003 Lawrence County Record.

© Copyright, 2013, Squibb Media, L.L.C. CONTRIBUTORS: Interested in contributing news, comments, photos, videos or other items to the newspaper for print or online publication? Contact Ryan Squibb, editor/publisher, at Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, 312 S. Hickory St., Mt. Vernon, MO 65712, 417-466-2185, thepaper@lawrence countyrecord.com.


USPS 306-500

Published each Wednesday by SQUIBB MEDIA, L.L.C. P.O. Box 348, 312 S. Hickory, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712 • 417-466-2185 thepaper@lawrencecountyrecord.com • fax 417-466-7865

Lawrence County Record and continuing the Lawrence Chieftain


Lawrence countians’ newspaper since 1876

Periodicals postage paid at Mt. Vernon • POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712

Ryan Squibb, Editor & Publisher

Subscription rates (per year, in advance) $24.00 + $1.85 tax in Lawrence & adjoining counties (print or e-Edition) $32.00 + $2.47 tax for print edition elsewhere in Missouri; $39.00 - out-of-state Also sold in newsracks in locations with varying sales tax rates We reserve the right to reject news or advertising matter as we see fit.

Samantha Dyson • Rosemary Henderson • Jonathan Jarvis • Kaitlin Johnson Wanda Johnston • Regina Langston • Tish McBride • Abbie Morris • Daniel Morris Sandi Patrick • Cheryl Reynolds • Chris Strong • Shawnya Wethington

Lord, make me a channel of thy peace That where there is hatred I may bring love, That where there is wrong I may bring the spirit of forgiveness, That where there is discord I may bring harmony, That where there is error I may bring truth, That where there is doubt I may bring faith, That where there is despair I may bring hope, That where there are shadows I may bring

thy light, That where there is sadness I may bring joy. Lord, grant me that I may seek rather To comfort than to be comforted, To understand than to be understood, To love than to be loved; For it is by giving that one receives; It is by self-forgetting that one is forgiven; It is by dying that one awakens to eternal life. – St. Francis of Assisi

The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.


June 12, 2013 - Page 3

First MU Extension ‘Dairy Field Day” June 20 at MU Southwest Center From MU Extension The first University of Missouri Extension “Dairy Field Day is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., June 20 at the University of Missouri Southwest Research Center located on Highway H, south of I-44 from the Mount Vernon west exit. The hours of the event are planned with dairyfarm schedules in mind. The program offers sound, research-based farm management practices according to Tony Rickard, an MU Extension dairy specialist located in Barry County. “The information shared at this event applies to conventional or grazing dairies, large or small,” said Rickard. “Topics cover forage, rations, economics and breeding. There will be talks and field tours.” Farmers who have trou-

ble making quality hay in a season of frequent rains can pick up tips on baleage from Rob Kallenbach, MU Extension forage specialist. Baleage, or big-roundbale silage, can be made in a day, compared to several days required for drying hay for baling. Kallenbach has been wrapping bales in plastic to show at the event. “I want producers to smell the difference between well-wrapped bales and those not properly prepared. It was tough, making bad baleage,” said Kallenbach. Rickard will give tips on cutting feed costs. That is important because feed makes up 50 percent of milk production costs. “We’ll focus on feeding the right ingredients at the right time,” said Rickard. “Cutting overfeeding is one way to save expensive nu-

trients.” Joe Horner, dairy economist with the MU Commercial Agriculture Program, will tell four things shared by profitable dairy farms. “Low prices and high costs have hammered dairy farms,” said Horner. “But trends point to increased profits.” Breeding research on synchronized artificial insemination shows good results in the milking herd at the Southwest Center. Some 85 percent conception rates astound dairy producers accustomed to poor AI breeding rates. Scott Poock, DVM with MU Extension, will tell protocols used for success. Getting all cows into milk production at the same time adds to profits. Peak milk production can be matched to peak forage growth. There will be time after

lunch for touring the herd, calf-rearing pens and forage plots. “We’re trying for a good mix of talks and upclose participation,” says Kallenbach. New side-by-side plots will show fescue varieties that carry novel endophytes. Those varieties can replace toxic Kentucky 31 fescue, which proves to make poor dairy forage. The procedure for killing K-31 grass to replant new varieties will be told. New tools for measuring dry-matter content on forage paddocks will be shown. And some big bales will be wrapped, Kallenbach says. The free event will be open to all produc-

ers. Lunch will be served, courtesy of field day sponsors including Schreiber Foods, Main Street Feeds, ADM Alliance Nutrition,

Midwest Dairy Association and Legacy Farm and Lawn. Details are available from Rickard at 417-847-3161 or rickardt@missouri.edu.


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What’s ahead Page 4 |

June 12, 2013


Send information on your events to Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712, thepaper@lawrencecountyrecord.com, or send a message to us on our Facebook page. Deadline is 5 p.m. Monday.

Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, MO





Mt. Vernon Arts and Recreation Center, 822 W. Mt. Vernon Blvd. To schedule an event, contact Mt. Vernon City Hall, 466-2122.

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Use this QR code to view the MARC’s full year calendar.

... AT THE LIBRARY MT. VERNON BRANCH LIBRARY, 206 W. Water St., 466-2921. Open 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. MILLER BRANCH LIBRARY, 112 E. Main St., 452-3466. Open 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Tuesday to Friday; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. The Miller Library is on Facebook.

Children’s Programs l Mt. Vernon - Tuesday, June 18 –– 1:30 p.m. Dig into Science with Heno Head.

l Miller - Wednesday, June 19 –– 10 a.m. The big dig with W.E.A.K. Entertainment. l Pierce City - Wednesday, June 19 –– 10:30 a.m. Tunnel, burrow, dig with the Dickerson Park Zoo. l Marionville - Saturday, June 15 –– 10 a.m. Just dig it; Tuesday, June 18 –– 10 a.m. Xian dig the story with Shirley Andrus. l Aurora - Wednesday, June 19 –– 10 a.m. Delve into science with Heno Head.

... AT M.V. SR. CENTER Mt. Vernon Senior Center, 425 N. Main St., 466-2072. Hours: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays. Lunch 11 a.m.12:30 p.m. Meals for 60-up, $3.50; others, $6. l Monday, June 17 –– Spaghetti, lima beans, garlic cheese biscuit, dessert. l Tuesday, June 18 –– Turkey wrap, tortilla chips & salsa, banana, chocolate chip cookie. l Wednesday, June 19 –– Oven fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans, bread, banana cream pie. l Thursday, June 20 –– Almost stuffed peppers, corn, biscuit, applesauce. l Friday, June 21 –– Polish sausage/kraut, mashed potatoes, beets, dessert.

Games and bingo You’re invited to play games at the center from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every day. Bingo is at 9:30 a.m. Mondays and Thursdays.

Home-delivered meals Volunteers distribute homedelivered meals throughout the week. If you are in need of meals or if you are interested in volunteering to help, contact Susan Hughes, director, at 466-2072.

... AT MILLER CENTER Miller Senior Center, 201 First St., 452-3688. Lunch 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. l Wednesday, June 26 –– Fried chicken.

Weekly activities People are invited to meet at Miller Senior Center for quilting and coffee each Thursday and a weekly card game at 1 p.m. each Friday. The fourth Thursday of each month is nail day.

... AT THE PARKS To rent a pavilion or schedule an event at a Mt. Vernon city park, contact city hall at 466-2122. For the golf course, call 466-7831.

Recycling Expanded recycling will be available at Underwood “Spirit of ‘76” Park from 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, June 22. Items accepted that day are aluminum and tin cans, plastic containers and paper, including office waste, telephone books and magazines.

... AT HOPE CENTER The Hope Center, 722 W. Mt. Vernon Blvd., 466-3070. Open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday - Saturday.

Special hours On Thursdays, senior citizens will receive a 50 percent discount and hours will be extended to 5:30 p.m.

–– Photo by Regina Langston

Just because you’ve retired

GREAT BEGINNINGS GRADUATION PROGRAM BUSTS A MOVE— Children at Great Beginnings Day Care and Preschool of Mt. Vernon participate in their graduation program. Pictured above are Eli Qualk, Wade Harper, Nautica Williams and Caleb Schnake.

Trivia night at First United Truck and tractor pull Methodist June 22 slated for June 15

Lawrence County gospel sing slated for June 23

Step By Step Child Development Center, a ministry of First United Methodist Church in Mt. Vernon, will be hosting a trivia night at 6 p.m. Saturday, June 22. Teams of trivia fans are invited to compete for cash prizes. A $100 entry fee will be charged for each team of up to 10 persons. In addition to the trivia time, a silent auction of a myriad of items donated from local businesses will be conducted. Food will be available for purchase and child care will be provided. For more information, contact the church at 466-2459. Proceeds from the evening will benefit the child care ministry.

The Lawrence County gospel sing is scheduled for Sunday, June 23, at Freewill Faith and Hope Baptist Church in Aurora. All singers and musicians are welcome. The next sing will be Sunday, July 28, at Buck Prairie Baptist Church in Marionville.

Fred Mieswinkel Reading Room to be dedicated The Lawrence County Historical Society will dedicate the new Fred G. Mieswinkel Reading Room at the historic Lawrence County Courthouse at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 26. The public is invited. County officeholders will host an open house at the courthouse from 10 a.m to 3:30 p.m. that day. Visitors can view the results of a Heritage Grant, which enabled the county to bring many of the most visible parts of the courthouse interior closer to their original appearance. In addition to the foyer and second story hall, offices of the county clerk, treasurer, recorder of deeds, collector and commission were renovated. The open house will include the reading room on the second floor, which makes reading and research materials, photographs and other archival materials more readily available. Refreshments will be served.

The Southern Missouri Truck and Tractor Pulling Association will be hosting the annual Mt. Vernon FFA Booster Club truck and tractor pull at 6 p.m. Saturday, June 15, behind the MARC. Admission will be $10, Children age 12 and under will be admitted for free. The event is presented by Jack Link’s Beef Jerky.

Health department to host dinner June 17 The Lawrence County Health Department will host a dinner and brief informational meeting at 5:30 p.m. Monday, June 17, at the MARC. The free dinner and meeting will better acquaint the public with the upcoming tax proposal and the importance of it to local families, businesses, schools, organizations and the communities in Lawrence County. RSVP by Wednesday, June 12, at bradst@lpha.mopublic. org or by calling 466-2201.

Mighty mite cheerleader sign ups June 15 Children from third to sixth grade are eligible to be a mighty mite cheerleader. Sign-ups will be from 9-10 a.m. Saturday, June 15, in the gazebo at Underwood “Spirit of ‘76” park. There will also be a technique camp held that day from 9-11 a.m. For more information, call Julie at 737-3765. The last day for sign-ups will be Saturday, June 29.

Show-Me Christian Youth Home to speak June 16 A speaker from the ShowMe Christian Youth Home in La Monte, will be speaking at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, June 16, at Mt. Vernon Christian Church.

News Briefs Ozark Empire Fair hay show entries due July 10 A few farmers have been successful in putting up hay the last few days, but overall, the hay season in southwest Missouri is running late this year. It will be interesting to see what impact unusual weather this spring, including snow in May, had on area hay production said Eldon Cole, a livestock specialist with University of Missouri Extension. “The best way to analyze the weather factor is to test the hay. While you’re testing it you might as well enter it in the Ozark Empire Fair Hay Show,” said Cole. The OEF show is designed to educate hay growers on the merits of testing forages. In addition, marketing of hay can be made easier when test results are known. “Those entering the show have found it aids in the marketing process,” said Cole. Requirements for entering the OEF hay show are as follows: Hay must be harvested in Missouri during 2013; both small, rectangular and large hay packages are accepted; no more than one entry per field per cutting will be accepted; entry deadline is July 10. Entry forms are available at University of Missouri Extension Centers. Forms can also be obtained online at www.ozarkem-

pirefair.com and under the “agriculture” link on the Greene County Extension website at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene. Extension specialists will arrange to collect the samples no later than July 15. An entry fee of $20 per sample is charged. Samples are tested at Custom Laboratory Inc., Golden City. Test results will show crude protein, moisture level, energy expressed as total digestible nutrients (TDN) or net energy. A qualitative test will be run for nitrate. The test will be 60 percent of the final score. The final evaluation of the hay will be done on July 25 at the Ozark Empire Fair. A judge will rate the entries on condition, purity, aroma and color, which makes up 40 percent of the final score. “Consider having your hay sampled and tested. It can save supplement feed dollars and give you a better idea of what supplemental feed to purchase,” said Cole. For more information, contact any of these MU Extension agronomy specialists in southwest Missouri: Tim Schnakenberg in Stone County, (417) 357-6812; Jill Scheidt in Barton County, (417) 6823579; John Hobbs in McDonald County, (417) 2234775 or Brie Menjoulet in Hickory County, (417) 745-6767.

VBS at Chesapeake Baptist Church June 17 Chesapeake Baptist Church will host vacation bible school from 6-8:30 p.m. Monday, June 17 through Friday, June 21. The program is for ages three years to sixth grade. For more information or a ride, call pastor Jay Hill at 466-8087 or Elisabeth Brashears at 466-4446.

Celebrate recovery ministry at Living Water Living Water Fellowship Church, located on the southwest corner of the square in Mt. Vernon, will provide their celebrate recovery ministry each Friday, beginning with a free dinner at 6 p.m. Large group worship begins at 8 p.m. followed by open share small groups. For more information, contact Kurtis at 343-4999.

doesn’t mean you no longer have long-term goals. Not using your retirement assets now? Save them for later! Your tax-sheltered assets can be rolled into another qualified retirement account, such as an individual retirement account (IRA). Contact a Waddell & Reed financial advisor to learn more about retirement planning or visit www.waddell.com. Taxes are deferred until withdrawn. Withdrawals prior to age 59½ may be subject to a 10 percent penalty and will involve the payment of federal and/or state taxes. Waddell & Reed, Inc. 12524 (02/11)

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Happy Fathers Day

Step by Step child care now enrolling The Step by Step Child Development Center at First United Methodist Church is now enrolling children six weeks of age through 10 years. Contact the church office at 466-2459 for enrollment information.

Music event at Jolly Mill set for June 22 Jolly Mill Park’s Tal Wooten memorial music event will be from 5-9 p.m. Saturday, June 22, at Jolly Mill. The Mark Chapman band is being featured as well as the Timberline Bluegrass band, The Bootkickers and Neva Walters. A fireworks display will begin at dark. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs and picnic. Concessions will be available. There will be a $10 cover charge per vehicle. The fee will only be $5 for members of Jolly Mill Park with a 2013 park pass.

Agent Photo

RANDY (Agent SHORT Name) 1028 S. Hickory St. (Street City, State) Mt. CallVernon, (PhoneMo. No.)


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Lawrence County Living! NOW HERE’S A TIP By JoAnn Derson • Family reunions are fun and worthwhile. Being together with many generations is a wonderful experience. Often, these gatherings are highly scheduled, but remember to set aside time -- and a designated place -- to simply sit and talk. Here are some other great family reunion tips from our readers. -JoAnn • When planning a reunion, the young adults really like theme parties, so we always have a mixer theme night to start. Have a scavenger hunt for the children, where they can collect clues about some of the more senior family members. To figure out who it is, the kids can listen to them tell stories and ask questions. • Make sure that you schedule sitters for the little ones so that the adults can relax and participate. Last year, each adult with kids (and some who just wanted to help out) took shifts to be official kid wranglers and entertainers. • If your family has several members with allergy restrictions and alternative food requirements, make sure to write up a list, and make copies of it and pass it along to all your planned food venues. This way, there is advance notice for those who need gluten-free and vegetarian options. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.


Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, MO

Milestones Hubert, Rodenberg engaged to wed David and Rosie Hubert, Mt. Vernon, announce the engagement of their daughter, Abbigail Hubert to Nicholas Rodenberg, Pacific, son of John and Colette Rodenberg, Lexington. Abbigail is a 2007 graduate of Mt. Vernon High School and a 2013 graduate of Missouri Southern State University with a degree in education. John is a 2004 graduate of Wellington-Napoleon High School. He also attended Drury University. He manages Orscheln Farm and Home in Pacific. Wedding plans are for 3 p.m. Saturday, June 22, 2013 at Zion UCC of Mt. Vernon.

Emma Catherine Rice

Lawrence County marriage licenses:

The dusty attic spiderclad He, through the keyhole, maketh glad; And through the broken edge of tiles

■.James Eddie Boren, 28, Mt. Vernon, to Rachel Lynn Davis, 22, Mt. Vernon, May 25.

■.Darren Matthew Ellison, 44, Aurora, to Valery Elizabeth Lassiter, 23, Aurora, May 25.

■.Dusty Joseph Moore, 27, Aurora, to Lisa Ann Abramovitz, 29, Aurora, May 25.

■.Toby Dean Young, 26, Marionville, to Jessica Nicole Roberts, 20, Marionville, May 18.

■.Robert Noel Rickman, 52, Halltown, to Rikki Jean Lockhart, 36, Halltown, May 18.


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Meantime his golden face around

To please the child, to paint the rose,

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Into the laddered hay-loft smiles.

Among the ivy’s inmost nook.

olland Rose Stockton was born at 8:04 a.m. Friday, May 17, 2013, at Cox South in Springfield to Jared and Lily (Sides) Stockton, Miller. She weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 21 inches long. She has two sisters, Addison Paige, 8 years old and Camden Laine, 4 years old. Holland’s maternal grandparents are Marisa Jones, Springfield, and David Sides, Nixa. Greatgrandparents are Mary Jones, Springfield, and Dorothy Sides, Prescott Valley, Ariz. Paternal grandparents are Gerald and Debbie Stockton, Miller, and Stan and Lora Lawrence, Wentworth.

Mt. Vernon, May 24.


To slip his golden fingers through.


■.James Albert White, 22, Mt. Vernon, to Brittney Nichole Iturrey, 22,

And in the blue and glowing days

Yet he will find a chink or two

Sunday, June 16

Jared and Lily (Sides) Stockton announce the birth of their daughter, Holland Rose Stockton, born at 8:04 a.m. Friday, May 17, 2013, at Cox South in Springfield, Mo. She weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and measured 21 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Marisa Jones of Springfield and David Sides of Nixa. Paternal grandparents are Gerald and Debbie Stockton of Miller and Stan and Lora Lawrence of Wentworth. Maternal greatgrandparents are Mary Jones of Springfield and Dorothy Sides of Prescott Valley, Ariz. Holland joins siblings Addison Paige, 8, and Camden Laine, 4.

Through empty heaven with repose;

To keep the shady parlour cool,

Holland Rose Stockton

Holland Rose Stockton

Great is the sun, and wide he goes

Though closer still the blinds we pull

MT. VERNON CLASS OF 1963 REUNITES - The Mt. Vernon Class of 1963 recently held their 50th class reunion. Bottom row, Duane Pannell, Judy McDaniel Brown, Barbara Garner Sexton, Eula Ross Irwin, Barbara Moore Mayhew, Sarah Carl Woodard, teacher Dr. Conrad Gubera, Carol Buehler Shepherd, Robbie Truman Taylor, Jeanne Williams Bekemeier and Joanne Ross Pfitzner; middle row, Rosemarie Carson Dieckhoff, Jessie Cox, Gary Johnson, Jerry Stearns, Jim Howard, Leon Schnake, Sharon Roethemeier Miller, Lou Faucett Heilig and Carol Johnson Rodgers; top row, Steve Barnes, Dennis Bryant, David Comstock, Robert Bowman, Ron Epps, Barry Chapin, Allen Tyson, William Catts, Jerry Batson and John Bekemeier. Not pictured but attending was Mary Dawson Lockhart.

Zack and Heather (DeLay) Rice, Topeka, Kan. announce the birth of their daughter, Emma Catherine Rice, born at 10:46 p.m. June 2, 2013 at Stormont-Vail Hospital in Topeka. She weighed 9 pounds 3 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Brad and Cathy DeLay of Mt. Vernon. Paternal grandparents are Bill and Barbara Rice of Mt. Vernon. Maternal great-grandparents are Lee and Gayle Chapman of Monett and Allen and Marilyn DeLay of Mt. Vernon. Paternal great-grandparents are Ervin and Betty Spencer of Topeka and Sarah Rice of St. Marys, Kan. Great-great-grandparents are Otto Hula and Betty DeLay of Medford, Okla.

Summer Sun

More thick than rain he showers his rays.

—Photo by Linda Williams


June 12, 2013


Page 5 |

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Lawrence County Record 312 S. Hickory St., Mt. Vernon 417-466-2185 www.lawrencecountyrecord.com


Kenneth Knaust (417) 235-4873 Cell (417) 235-6141 Office


West Business Loop

(beside Westown Center)


MID-AMERICA DENTAL & HEARING CENTER 1050 W. Hayward Drive 466-7196 558 E. Mt. Vernon Blvd. 466-4554


| June 12, 2013


Submit education news to Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712, education@lawrencecountyrecord.com, or send a message to us on our Facebook page. Deadline is 5 p.m. Monday.

Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, MO

MVMS announces fourth quarter honor roll Mt. Vernon Middle School has released its third quarter honor roll. A HONOR ROLL Sixth Grade - Tucker Bittick, Caleb Bolin, Cortney Bolin, Emmery Brown, Makenna Grider, Jacquelyn Hickey, Caitlin Hicks, Gracie Hodgson, Kale McElroy, Madeline Mosley, Emma Oehlschlager, Austin Schaedler, Garret Witmer. Seventh Grade - Chase Brashers, Tori LaSalle, Paige McFarlan, Sidney Oehlschlager, Michael Parks, Abby Rinker, Samantha Staab, Sydney Swillum, Lucas Wallace. Eighth Grade - Leesa Barnett, Cole Duncan, James Hornback, Cameron Hutchison, Steven Mails, Jarrett Massie, Gabriela Sappington, Joshua Tebow, Christina Tuccillo, Emrie Wilke. A/B HONOR ROLL Sixth Grade - Will Boswell, Cameron Call, Abby DeLay, Dakota Dotson, Camryn Eldridge, Lane Hale, Lauren Herbert, Colton Hicks, Alec Hill, Keaton McElroy, Jordan Pitre, Ryan Raucher, Ashley Reid, Tyson Riley, Amelia Rose, Jamie

Special Back to school edition coming July 24, 2013

—Photo by Samantha Dyson

MVES STUDENTS ENJOY LAST DAYS OF SCHOOL - Students at Mt. Vernon Elementary School enjoyed their last days of the year making kites, while teachers helped with details.

Mt. Vernon track day results Mt. Vernon - Mt. Vernon third through sixth graders competed at their annual track and field day under sunny skies Tuesday, May 7. Results follow. RELAYS Third grade girls: First, Cameryn Cassity, Faith Rycraft, Haddie Cornell, Lexi Day; second, Raegan Boswell, Hailey Eldridge, Hallee Hazelton, Elizabeth Gerberich; third, Makayla Johnson, Teah Ray, Faith Hunt, Sophia Rose; fourth, Cloey Bishop, Lexi West, Anna Lungberg, Alyssa Lee; fifth, Triniti Robinson, Mariah Garcia, Lucy Reyes, Cadence Lands. First, Kaylee Ippolito, Makayla Johnson, Josie Potter, Sophia Rose; second, Kadence Oehlschlager, Kylie Thompson, McKenzie Lewis, Jennifer Bolin; third, Jessah Anderson, Elissa Collins, Alexandra Davis, Rana Umran; fourth, Cyla Loonsfoot, Kailee West, Stephanie Jeansonne, Allison Garringer; fifth, Ciera Calhoun, Alexis Weldy, Autumn Jones, Jasmine Gatewood. First, Cloey Bishop, Lexi West, Shayla Neel, Daniela Rodriguez; second, Sadie Smiles, Alissa Payne, Haddie Cornell, Kailee West; third, Autumn Davis, Krissa Ormsby, Jestina Hunter, Sophia Rose; fourth, Trinity Stacy, Blair Hope, Mariah Garcia, Jasmine Gatewood; fifth, Eyara Williams, Laurel Mishevski, Eva Krtek, Alexandra Davis. Third grade boys: First, Major Riley, Nathan Maas, Samuel Stefaroi, Tom McKay; second, James Gerberich, Eli Fish, Isaac Burks, Connor Downey; third, Brady Brown, Austin Pendleton, Jay Cottrell, Tobin Trask; fourth, Dominic Dawson, Jovani Alvarez, Douglas Schaedler, Jayden Robison; fifth, Landen Baxter, Nathan Hale, Alvin Reid, Sam Herbert. First, Austin Meyer, Keaton Grider, Lane Faucett, Edward Brown; second, Alan Reyes, Luke Wolf, Owen Vrieze, Jayden Robison; third, Kanyon Hunter, Christian Mails, Ben Richardson, Adam Branham; fourth, Montanna Kennemer, Sam Herbert, Alvin Reid, Nathan Hale; fifth Ben McCay, Connor Miller, Micahel Ayers, Landen Baxter. Fourth grade girls: First, Ellie Johnston, Lauren Adams, Payton Dennis, Chasity Hill; second, Kilee Hunt, Jordan Downey, Maddie Bittick, Makayla Ash; third, Sierra Wertz, Sadie Heisner, Paige Taylor, Hope Hunt; fourth, Abbie McDonald, Jordan Allison, Isabella Moss, Yatziri Reyes; fifth, Emilee Smith, Anna Gaddy, Ariel Carroll, Nevaeh Oie. First, Avry Andrews, Tristen Davis, Josie Baker, Jade Severson; second, Jocelyne Martinez, Sela Doherty, Devany Davis, Danielle Jackson; third, Selena Ippolito, Abbie McDonald, Izabella Oetker, Haven Bobski; fourth, Stacie Waters, Kennley Weaver, Josie West, Madelyn Acra; fifth, Tasha Collins, Camryn Dickinson, Kenzie Phillips, Haylie Nelson. First - Maisie Bittick, Kilee Hunt, Adian White, Maddie Bittick; second, Jaida Smith, Caitlin Ludke, Yatziri Reyes, Isabella Moss; third, Jazmine Boyd, Emilee Smith, Samiha Khan, Maraya Ruiz; fourth, Gini Lower,

Lacey Bailey, Natalie Daugherty, Destiny Dotson; fifth, Abby Hulette, Macy Simmons, Hailey Reid, Abigail Weber. Fourth grade boys: First, Rafe Darter, Justin Moore, Carter Bartelsmeyer, Seith Goodson; second, Lane Pendleton, Dalton Ball, Nathan Fish, Aaron West; third, Curtis Wendler, Dale Stout, Andrew Romine, Raymond Garcia; fourth, Chandler Ball, Jacob Montemayor, Chance Livingston, Isaiah Bolin; fifth, Chandler Fields, Gabe Golliver, Ezra Nash, Kyle Bolin. First, Kyle Orr, Chase Strong, Zach Preteroti, Darwyn Thompson; second, James McHardy, Nathan Lester, Joshua Kerr, Robert Richards; third, Robert Sass, Noah Wyatt, Westin Spencer, Luis Salas; fourth, Chance Arvin, Ronny Ezell, Jonathan Hatfield, Gavynn Gann; fifth, Cory Brashar, Ethan Reyes, Chanze Burks. First, Christopher Green, Jordan Collier, Kyle Orr, Chase Strong; second, Austin Lester, Raymond Garcia, Ronny Ezell, Andrew Romine; third, David Teel, Thomas Holt, Jacob Montemayor, Nathan Lester; fourth, Timothy Trowbridge, Milo Parraz, Noah Wyatt, Carter Bartelsmeyer; fifth, Nicklos Armstrong, Nathan Switzer, Sean Lockman, Chanze Burks. Fifth grade girls: First, Isabell Cisneros, Audrey Barnes, Sadie Brashar, Erin Shelton; second, Rachael Meyers, Brooklyn Porter, Madison Lacey, Chloe Faucett; third, Raina Good, Tori Beall, Haley Steinberg, Natalie Cummins; fourth, Zina Umran, Journey Carlisle, Brittany Weidmann, Jessie Warden; fifth, Leann Leggett, Taylor Rinker, Gina Baird, Ellie Seneker. First, Kassidy Anderson, Chelsi Mikell, Raelin Swillum, Rachael Meyers, second, Hanna Steinberg, Pyper Miller, Madelynn Miller, Jordan Hull; third, Hannah Wilson, Johanna Alvarez, Hannah Estes, Addie Gatewood; fourth, Julia Prewitt, Jahlinn Rodgers, Brooklyn Duncan, Hailey Sandvus; fifth, Reganne Langford, Whitney Kiser, Abbey Richardson, Brittany Weidmann. First, Brooklynn Porter, Madison Simmons, Angel Zelinskifeeney, Kassidy Anderson; second, Vera McRoberts, Chassity Minor, Tori Beall, Raina Good; third, MacKenzie Prettyman, Destiny Weaver, Gina Baird, Pyper Miller; fourth, Madison James, Erin Shelton, Hannah Estes, Isabell Cisneros. Fifth grade boys: First, Colby Johnston, Cale Miller, Carson Bowman, Shawn Davis; second, Tresten Shipman, Grant Wilke, Zach Jones, Malachi Hale; third, Gabe Rauch, Chase Cassity, Evon Sappington, Grant Guinn; fourth, Sam Burks, Timothy Barnett, Colton Gaddy, Antonio Perry; fifth, Victor Castro, Alejandro Ruiz, Logan Johnston, Parker Earp. First, Noah Duwe, Zach Jones, Jairit Randolph, Tresten Shipman; second, Slater Eldridge, Colby Johnston, O’Ryan Homrighous, Timothy Simpkins; third, Brett Violett, Kyle Roberson, Sam Burks, Colten Gorman; fourth, Ben Ippolito, Josph Switzer, Jabier Rodriguez, Quinn

STUDENTS Price; fifth, Patrick Ladd, Chaz Fursman, Christian Atwood, Gabe Rauch. First, Sam Burks, Ryan Strohm, Antonio Perry, Brett Violett; second, Josh Rieken, Logan Johnston, Ben Ippolito, Victor Castro; third, Dakota Williams, Eli Thompson, Chase Cassity, Christian Atwood. Sixth grade girls: First, Saydie Barnes, Emmery Brown, Nicole Short, Emma Oehlschlager; second, Chloe Myers, Camryn Eldridge, Capri Dalmas, Lauren Herbert; third, Zoe Davis, Olivia Eagles, Stephanie Walton, Jenna Shuster; fourth, Emily Trimble, Madeline Mosley, Crystal Castro, Danielle Severson; fifth, Megan Grove, Maritza Reyes, Lyndsey Hood, Tatum Watts. First, Gracie Hodgson, Skyla Brown, Gabrielle Garcia, Carley Swillum; second, Alyssa Demasi, CiCi Quick, Hannah Hutchison, Viktoriya Trokey; third, Makenna Grider, Amelia Rose, Cortney Bolin, Chloe Rinker; fourth, Sheridan Rodgers, Debora, Stefaroi, Jordan Pitre, Cydney Short; fifth, Destiny Rash, Abby DeLay, Erin Warren, Harlie Appleberry. First, Zoe Davis, Andrea Seitz, Jenna Shuster, Kendra Shultz; second, Caitlin Hicks, Shaelea Shepard, Dakota Dotson, Deedra Jeansonne; third, Chloe Myers, Jamie Schall, Lauren Herbert, Katherin McRoberts; fourth, Emily Trimble, Crystal Castro, Abby DeLay, Harlie Appleberry; fifth, Makenna Grider, Paula Maggard, Tatum Watts, Anna Brehme. First, Maegan Barnett, Amelia Rose, Karina Yarber, Marithza Reyes; second, Jade Kerr, Ashley Reed, Jacqueline Hickey, Saydie Barnes. Sixth grade boys: First, Caleb Dunkin, Tyson Riley, Patrick Lester, Austin Schaedler; second, Michael Long, Dakota Phillips, Lane Hale, Juan Palacios; third, Shadow Amos, Colton Hicks, Lucas Orr, Justin Maples; fourth, Corby Allen, Will Boswell, Christian Davis, Jacob Debruyn; fifth, Jackson Choate, Eli Bolin, Garrett Witmer, Maison Hazelton. First, Colin Bartelsmeyer, Jesse Delk, Cameron Moore, Luke Branham; second, Dyllin Roe, Dakota Hulette, Bobby Gwin, Tyler Reed; third, Kreo Johnson, Ryan Raucher, Chris Huffer, Caleb Bolin; fourth, Eli Bolin, Adam Coates, Luke McKinzie, Garrett Witmer; fifth, Colton Carlisle, Aaron Bishop, Blaine Mikell, Justin Maples. First, Alec Hill, Kale McElroy, Dakota Hulette, Juan Palacios; second, Timothy Wright, Caleb Dunkin, Donnie Trotter, Beau Wolfe; third, Seth Bolin, Jeremy Braun, John Thomas, Zeke Hicks; fourth, Tucker Bittick, Stetson Weidmann, Chris Typaldos, John Jones.


The following local students were named to the spring Dean’s List at Drury University: Wilson Cowherd, Mt. Vernon; Nichole Norgard, Mt. Vernon; Tyler Abma, Miller; Aaron Hubbard, Aurora; Daniel Richards, Aurora; Jessica Rusher, Aurora.

Schall, Cydney Short, Jenna Shuster, Rylea Smith, Morgan Soetaert, Debora Stefaroi, Carley Swillum, Erin Warren, Mackenzie Yeats. Seventh Grade - Massey Atkeson, Allison Barker, Ty Boswell, Marcus Cheney, Cole Collier, Megan Cook, Carson Dake, Tristan Dennis, Cameron Ebeling, Gabriella Edgar, Tyler Franklin, Drake Goodson, Katelyn Grider, McKenna Hagerman, Alexandra Hannaford, Ethan Johnston, Spencer Jones, Wesley Krouse, McKenzie Loftis, Timothy McHaffie, Stevie Meirick, Katy Moore, Megan Mynatt, Emma Prewitt, Meghan Raucher, Bailey Rinker, Madison Soetaert, Camden Thompson, Clayton Vandergrift, Drew Wilke. Eighth Grade - Mason Adams, Jennifer Buffington, Madison Downey, Sabrina Estes, Dustin Hearne, Garrett Jones, Joseph Jones, Destiny Krempges, Madison McCann, Madalyn Rose, Hailea Schubert, Kade Sexton, Mary Spencer, Zakary Terp, Shaza Umran, Aubri Veith, Mikala Veith, Joseph Whitmire, Juliana Wilson, Jaren Wright.

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Patricia Leanne Spencer, Stotts City, was named to the spring President’s List at Truman State University. Spencer is studying music and pre Youtoneed to both insureyour bothauto yourand auto andhome, your home, so You need insure your so and secondary education.

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Blaine Goodman, Ever- amfam.com © 2005 © 2005 ton, was named to the spring Dean’s List at Southeast Missouri State Univeristy.

❇❇❇ Erin Simmons, Aurora, was named to the spring Dean’s List at Southwest Missouri State University.

❇❇❇ Kelsey Smith, Mt. Vernon, was named to the spring Dean’s List at the University of Central Missouri.

❇❇❇ Lacey Nelson, Pierce City, was named to the spring Dean’s List at the University of Central Missouri.

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This Week’s Rising Stars Allie Schubert

Chandler Kelso

Allie Schubert will be in the third grade at Mt. Vernon Intermediate School this fall.

Chandler Kelso will be in the third grade at Mt. Vernon Intermediate School this fall.

She has been a Good Citizen every year and always meets her AR goal. She loves to spend time with her friends and play soccer, basketball and softball.

He has been a Good Citizen twice, makes A’s and B’s and has played six seasons of soccer and two seasons of basketball.

Allie is the daughter of Matt and Abby Schubert. She hopes to attend college, but hasn’t decided what she will be when she grows up.

Chandler is the son of Shawn and Emily Kelso. He enjoys doing art and may want to be an artist. He would also like to play soccer.

www.therisingstar.com • 417-466-4442 500 E. Mt. Vernon Blvd. • Mt. Vernon, Mo. 65712 Mt. Vernon Hours: Lobby: 8:30-5 M-F / 9-Noon Sat. Drive Thru: 7:30-6 M-F / 7:30-Noon Sat.



June 12, 2013


Submit game results and other information to Lawrence County Record, P.O. Box 348, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712, thepaper@lawrencecountyrecord.com, or send a message to us on our Facebook page. Deadline is 5 p.m. Monday.

Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

Sertoma Grin Iron/Action a WIN-WIN situation

Mt. Vernon’s Erica Walters earns MVP honors, while two Mt‘neers and four Cardinals get the football win and help provide dental care to area children

by Rodger Wheeler The score was kept when the best of the East and West gathered for the 12th Annual Sertoma Grin Iron Classic football all-star game Friday, June 7, at Parkview High School’s JFK Stadium. That meant the game actually had a

winner and a loser. But when the dust settled, it seemed there were all winners and no losers. The winners on the scoreboard favored Mt. Vernon and Miller’s West team, 21-17, which included Kyle Davidson, Derrick Estell, Dalton Gulick and Jacob Lundquist of Miller and Tyler Richardson and

Shane Williams of Mt. Vernon. But the real winners were the children of southwest Missouri who would receive free dental care from the “Tooth Truck.” Proceeds from the game are given to a mobile dental clinic for at-risk children who have no access to dental care. Since its inception in 2002,

the Tooth Truck has helped more than 14,500 children with dental care and prevention education valued at more than $8.5 million. The West leads the 12-year event 11-1, but never held the lead in this year’s contest until the final 50 seconds of the game, when Webb City’s John Roderique scored to give the

West the final 21-17 margin. In the 2nd Annual Grin Action Volleyball All-Star Tournament held at Parkview High School on Saturday, June 8, Mt. Vernon’s Erica Walters was awarded her team’s Most Valuable Player award. The South squad, coached by Hollister’s Barry Wheeler, won its first match before

falling in the next two and claiming third overall. The two events last season combined to raise $1 million , which provided much-needed dental care to children in Springfield and surrounding communities.

ant & TERMITE SEASON IS HERE! Call Richard Purdy

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Photos by Rodger Wheeler

(Above left) Miller senior quarterback Dalton Gulick eludes a defender during first-half action of the 12th annual Grin Iron All-Star football game Friday at Parkview High School’s JFK Stadium. (Above right) Mt. Vernon senior libero Erica Walters helped the South AllStar squad to a third-place finish Saturday in the 2nd annual Grin Action Volleyball Classic and was awarded her team’s Most Valuable Player honor. (Far left) Miller’s Derrick Estell has the pass slip through his hands during the Grin Iron Classic at Parkview High School’s JFK Stadium Friday night.

Two Mt’neers lead 1 Awards voting From our staff The Springfield Sports Commission and KY3, Inc. present the 1 Awards sponsored by Elliott Lodging, on July 30, 2013 at Ramada Oasis Convention Center in Springfield. The event will honor area high school athletics from the previous year by recognizing the best athlete, teams and specialty awards (or the “1”) in various categories. A unique feature of the 1 Awards is that fans, athletes and communities have a say in choosing the “1” through the voting process: Four nominees are chosen in each category based on a combination of honors, statistics, team success, individual performance and citizenship. Nominees will be selected following each of the fall, winter and spring seasons, and will be contacted of their selection in early June. Two Mt. Vernon athletes are currently leading their respective category. Girl’s golfer Ashley Childers and track athlete Shane Williams are looking for more votes. Fans may vote for their choice at OzarksSportsZone. com. Voting is from June 3 July 22. Fans will be allowed to vote one time per day. A bio of each athlete/team or category will be provided. Winners will be announced at the event on the night of July 30, at Ramada Plaza Hotel and Oasis Convention Center in Springfield. A social hour (with food) begins at 6 p.m.;

ceremony begins at 7 p.m. “We’re thrilled to team with the Springfield Sports Commission on this event,” said KY3 Inc. Executive Sports Producer Mike Scott. “It’s exciting to not only honor these deserving athletes in all sports, but to allow the fans to have 100 percent say in who is the winner.” Sponsorship opportunities are currently available by contacting sports@springfieldmo. org, or by calling 417-881-5300 or 800-678-8767. Individual tickets can be purchased securely, online at www. the1awards.com. “We are excited to add an interactive, local component to our organization’s activities,” mentioned Lance Kettering, Executive Director of the Springfield Sports Commission. “Sports commissions across the country have local programming that contributes to their mission: creating economic impact through sports travel and tourism. It is an honor to work with KY3 on this event and we look forward to meeting more sports fans in our region!” Springfield Sports Commission is a nonprofit organization dedicated to boosting the local economy by promoting sports travel and tourism to Springfield. To learn more about Springfield Sports Commission or sports in Springfield, call 417-881-5300 or 800-6788767 or visit springfieldmosports.org.

(Left) Mt. Vernon’s standout defensive lineman Tyler Richardson busted through the offensive line and sacked the East squad’s running back for a loss Friday. Richardson’s West team won the game 21-17, giving the West a commanding 11-1 advantage in the game’s 12-year history.

Middle school girl’s basketball camp set The Mt. Vernon middle school girls basketball camp will be held June 24-26 at the Mt. Vernon High School gymnasium. The camp will run from 1-3 p.m. daily. Campers will be taught fundamentals and participate in drills that will help them develop their basketball skills.

Each camper will receive individual instructions during the camp from Lady Mountaineer basketball coaches. Cost for the camp is $10 per camper and includes a summer camp T-shirt. For more information, contact coach Dusty Killingsworth at Mt. Vernon High School.

Phone and Internet Discounts Available to CenturyLink Customers The Missouri Public Service Commission designated CenturyLink as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier within its service area for universal service purposes. CenturyLink’s basic local service rates for residential voice lines are $8.96$19.00 per month and business services are $17.92-$24.20 per month. Specific rates will be provided upon request. CenturyLink participates in a government benefit program (Lifeline) to make residential telephone service more affordable to eligible low-income individuals and families. Eligible customers are those that meet eligibility standards as defined by the FCC and state commissions. Residents who live on federally recognized Tribal Lands may qualify for additional Tribal benefits if they participate in certain additional federal eligibility programs. The Lifeline discount is available for only one telephone per household, which can be either a wireline or wireless telephone. A household is defined for the purposes of the Lifeline program as any individual or group of individuals who live together at the same address and share income and expenses. Lifeline service is not transferable, and only eligible consumers may enroll in the program. Consumers who willfully make false statements in order to obtain Lifeline telephone service can be punished by fine or imprisonment and can be barred from the program. Lifeline eligible subscribers may also qualify for reliable home high-speed Internet service up to 1.5Mbps for $9.95* per month for the first 12 months of service. Further details are available at centurylink.com/internetbasics. If you live in a CenturyLink service area, please call 1-888833-9522 or visit centurylink.com/lifeline with questions or to request an application for the Lifeline program.

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*CenturyLink Internet Basics Program – Residential customers only who qualify based on meeting income level or program participation eligibility requirements, and requires remaining eligible for the entire offer period. First bill will include charges for the \first full month of service billed in advance, prorated charges for service from the date of installation to bill date, and one-time charges and fees described above. Qualifying customers may keep this program for a maximum of 60 months after service activation provided customer still qualifies during that time. Listed High-Speed Internet rate of $9.95/mo. applies for first 12 months of service (after which the rate reverts to $14.95/ mo. for the next 48 months of service), and requires a 12-month term agreement. Customer must either lease a modem/router from CenturyLink for an additional monthly charge or independently purchase a modem/router, and a one-time High-Speed Internet activation fee applies. A one-time professional installation charge (if selected by customer) and a one-time shipping and handling fee applies to customer’s modem/router. General – Services not available everywhere. CenturyLink may change or cancel services or substitute similar services at its sole discretion without notice. Offer, plans, and stated rates are subject to change and may vary by service area. Deposit may be required. Additional restrictions apply. Terms and Conditions – All products and services listed are governed by tariffs, terms of service, or terms and conditions posted at centurylink.com. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges include a carrier Universal Service charge, carrier cost recovery surcharges, state and local fees that vary by area and certain in-state surcharges. Cost recovery fees are not taxes or government-required charges for use. Taxes, fees, and surcharges apply based on standard monthly, not promotional, rates.

Public Record Page 8


June 12, 2013


“Whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute — let your mind dwell on these things” .... Philippians 4:8 —Engraved on the Lawrence County Courthouse cornerstone

Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, MO

Deaths: The Lawrence County Record encourages people to include photographs with obituaries. There is no charge. Questions can be directed to the newspaper at 417-466-2185, notices@lawrencecountyrecord.com.


Aurora - John Melvin Boyd, 73, Aurora, died at 12:49 p.m. Tuesday, June 4, 2013, at his home. He was born Oct. 4, 1939, in Ponce De Leon. He married Gaythal Dethloff Jan. 7, 1967, in Bartlesville, Okla. She survives. He was a veteran of the United States Navy, serving during the Vietnam War. He retired from IBM Corporation in Kansas City, where he worked as a computer engineer for 25 years. After retirement he moved to this area. Additional survivors include two daughters, Pam Lewis, Raymore, and Diane Downs; four brothers, Dale and James Hilton, Washington state, Darrell Hilton, Aurora, and Joe Hilton, Lebanon; seven sisters, Frances Hilton, Aurora, Martha Russell, North Carolina, Christine McCarty, Tucson, Ariz., Janet Mitchell, Lee’s Summit, Carolyn Lawson, Crane, Jackie Latham, Mt. Vernon, and Nancy Brown, Washington state; seven grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents James and Julia Hilton; one daughter, Sharon Boyd; and one brother, Harry Hilton. Services were June 7 at the Crafton-Cantrell Funeral Home, Aurora.


Sedalia - Lois Derr, 94, formerly of Aurora and Monett, died Friday, May 31, 2013, at Bothwell Regional Health Center in Sedalia. She was born June 4, 1918, near Dunnegan to James and Eunice (Goodrich) Goodwin. She was a member of the United Methodist Church of Aurora. She worked as a registered nurse for many years, retiring as the director of nursing at Mercy Hospital (Aurora Community Hospital), Aurora. Survivors include two sons, Philip Petiford, Syracuse, and Mark Petiford, Santa Clarita, Calif.; four grandchildren; and four greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by two sisters, Becky Cunnyngham and Pauline Goodwin; and two brothers, Wendell Goodwin and Walton Goodwin. Her body was gifted to A.T. Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. Memorial service was June 9 at the Aurora United Methodist Church. Arrangements were under the direction of Rea Funeral Chapel of Sedalia. Memorials may be made to the Aurora United Methodist Church, 1211 S. Carnation Drive, Aurora, MO 65605.


Marionville - Lowell Harris, 97, Marionville, died Wednesday, June 5, 2013, in his home. He was born Nov. 20, 1915, in Sholton to Roy and Etta Hudson Harris. He was a retired engineer and a United States Army veteran. Survivors include two sons, Danny and Stanley Harris, both of Newalla, Okla.; one brother Ueal Harris, Billings; three sisters, Marie Weber, Utah, Mildred Baker and Lorene Hampton, both of Fair Grove; seven grandchildren; and numerous great-grandchildren. Graveside services, with full military honors, were June 8 in the Crane Community Cemetery, under the direction of Peterson Funeral Chapel, Aurora.


Springfield - Louise Gay Kovak, 83, Springfield, died Thursday, June 6, 2013, in Aurora. She was born Dec. 13, 1929, in Glen Lyon, Pa., to Michael and Julia Danko. She attended Temple University in Philadelphia, Pa. She was a registered nurse. She retired from Mercy Villa where she was an RN more than 30 years. Survivors include two sons, Michael and Stephen; one daughter, Donna Gay Wrinkle, Aurora; and nine grandchildren. She was preceded in death by one brother, the Rev. Michael S. Danko. Funeral Mass was June 11 in St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Catholic Church, Springfield. Burial was in Resurrection Cemetery, Springfield, under the direction of Herman H. Lohmeyer Funeral Home, Springfield.


Monett - Frankie Remington, 58, Monett, died Sunday, June 2, 2013, at his home. He was born Aug. 19, 1954, in Prairie Grove, Ark., to Dean and Ruby (Layman) Remington. He married Reynalda Mondragon May 17, 2008, in Mt. Vernon. She survives. He was a farmer and a veteran of the United States Army, serving during the Gulf War. Additional survivors include three sons, Amos Remington, Monett, Franklin Remington, Rogers, Ark., and Joshua Remington, Pierce City; one daughter, Anahi Mondragon, Monett; three sisters, Lois Kooken and Sheila Remington, both of Golden, and Laura Tewell, Tulsa, Okla.; four brothers, Lee Remington, Monett, Terry Remington, Summers, Ark., Kenneth Remington, Haubstadt, Ind., and Timothy Remington, Fayetteville, Ark. Private memorial services were June 5 at the home of Tina Martin. Burial will be at the Remington Family Cemetery, near Pierce City.


Stockton - Eugene Roger Throne, 75, Stockton, died Monday, June 3, 2013, at the Missouri Veterans’ Home/Mt. Vernon. He was born Oct. 22, 1937, in Battle Creek, Iowa, to Henry and Leola Thomas Throne. He was a veteran of the United States Air Force, where he was an engine mechanic. Following his discharge from the Air Force he moved to Sac City, Iowa. He worked as a carpenter and a lineman for Sac County Rural Electric Cooperative. He married Linda Smith. She survives. Additional survivors include one daughter, Karla Christensen and one son, Jason Throne, both of Omaha, Neb.; one brother, Nolan, Muskegon, Mich.; two sisters, Judy of Sac City, and Barbara of Thornton, Colo.; and five grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Richard and Ernest; one sister, Donna Strudwick; and an infant brother, Norman. Services were June 6 at the United Methodist Church, Stockton, with David Collum officiating, under the direction of Brumback Funeral Home, Stockton, Memorial donations may be made to the United Methodist Church, American Legion Post #230, and Masonic Lodge #5525.


Nixa - Frank Tinney, 74, Nixa, died Thursday, May 30, 2013, at Mercy Hospital, Springfield. He was the former executive director of Sigma House and LSRC Treatment Centers. He served as a master of social work in the substance abuse field for 17 years. He was a veteran of the United States Navy. Survivors include his wife, Wanda; one daughter, Gale; three sons, Robert, Brian and Kevin; two stepchildren, one sister, Kathy Neal and numerous grandchildren. Memorial services were June 7 at Gorman-Scharpf Funeral Home, Springfield. Burial, with full military honors, was in Springfield National Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude Affiliate Clinic and Mercy Children’s Hospital-Springfield, 1235 E. Cherokee St., Springfield, MO 65804.


Pierce City - Clarence C. “Crazy Clarence” Weathermon Jr., 73, Pierce City, died Friday, June 7, 2013, at Cox South, Springfield. He was born Dec. 19, 1939, to Clarence Sr. and Winifred (Schmidt) Weathermon. He was an entertainer. Survivors include his wife, Phyllis; one son, Jack Weathermon, Crane; two daughters, Tracy Flood and Lesa Henson, both of Crane; one stepson, Timothy Hillhouse, Bourbon; three stepdaughters, Terrie Ruark, Washburn, EdDee Sizemore, Pea Ridge, Ark., and Tina Hillhouse, Overland Park, Kan.; two sisters, Helen McEntre, Republic, and Ellen Edwards, Aurora; and 16 grandchildren. Graveside services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, June 12, at Spring River Cemetery, Verona, with Jerry Ruark officiating, under the direction of Lakin Funeral Home, Pierce City. Continued to page 9


Weather Totals were recorded at the University of Missouri Southwest Center the morning of each date listed, so they represent the previous 24-hour period. HIGH



June 4




June 5


61 .51

June 6




June 7




June 8




June 9


60 .41

June 10




MONTH TO DATE: 1.65” JUNE 2012: 24.77” YEAR TO DATE: 23.83” Weather online at at www. lawrencecountyrecord.com

SHERIFF’S REPORT Among recent cases from the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office:

▼ BURGLARIES, THEFTS •Matthew Reidle reported May 30, that his shotgun was stolen from inside his Aurora home. •Donald Long reported mail had been stolen from his Ash Grove home on June 1. •Multiple generators and a welder were reported stolen from Billy Weaver’s Stotts City property June 2. •William Garoutte reported an air compressor was stolen from the garage of his Stotts City home June 3. •A stereo and car battery were stolen from Corey Ellsworth’s Aurora shop and garage June 4. There is a suspect.

▼ OTHER CASES • A Monett man failed to register as a sex offender after moving to a new location, as reported to deputies May 31. •Loud booms awoke Tim and Linda Straw June 1, after six shots were fired into their Sarcoxie residence. There is a suspect. •Troki Thompson found her truck had been spray painted and had a cinder block thrown through her windshield when it was parked outside her Marionville residence June 2. •When Allen Willier returned from a trip June 3, he found three buildings had been pried open on his Stotts City property.

▼ MONTHLY STATISTICS •Sheriff Brad DeLay has released call statistics for the month of May: DWI, 2; driving while revoked/ suspended, 6; speeding, 51; failure to register, 19; lane violation, 8; failure to stop, 5; no insurance, 5; over hazardous moving violations, 17; other nonhazardous moving violations, 10; no seat belt, 1; total number stops, 114; total number of citations, 24; total number of warnings, 107. Calls for service: Stealing, 29; burglary, 16; property damage, 15; assault, 5; domestic, 6; disturbance, 45; narcotics, 6; harassment, 5; alarm, 15; fire, 10; motor vehicle accidents, 45; trespass, 9; civil, 25; officer assist, 74; death, 3; motorist assist, 14; 911 hang-up, 9; check well being, 32; animal, 35; miscellaneous, 23; total number of calls, 624; traffic stops, 114; total number of calls, 568; total number of arrests, 33; extra patrols, 8. Victim advocate stats for May 2013: Victims, 63; hot line calls, 10. Domestic violence, 52; sexual assault, 4; assaults/stalking/harassments, 2; other violent crimes, 5. Females, 39; males, 24.

POLICE REPORT Among recent cases from the Mt. Vernon Police Department:

▼ ALCOHOL-, DRUG-RELATED •Justin Hake of Cabot, Ark. was charged with a DWI during a June 3 traffic stop off McCanse and Blaze Streets. • Tonya Brown was charged with a DWI when she was pulled over for failing to drive on the right half of the roadway on Mt. Vernon Boulevard June 4. •Daryl Pickle was charged with possession of a controlled substance during a traffic stop off Mt. Vernon Boulevard and Juanita Drive June 4.

▼ BURGLARIES, THEFTS •Suzanne Goode reported her purse had been stolen from her vehicle June 1 while it was parked outside Sherry’s Tavern.

▼ OTHER CASES •On June 3, Jeffry Smith was charged with using fireworks on a date other than July 4.

serious injuries. Cordova was not reported injured. •Jasmen L. Gonzalez, Monett, pulled into the path of a vehicle driven by Jacqueline R. Davis, Verona, at 4:05 p.m. Sunday, May 9, on Route W two miles northeast of Monett. Gonzalez was airlifted to Freeman West, Joplin, for treatment of serious injuries. Davis was not reported injured.

MUNICIPAL REPORT Miller Municipal Judge Andrew T. Brown heard the following cases in May. Unless stated otherwise, defendants pleaded guilty to the charges shown and were fined the amounts shown and, in most cases, $29.50 in court cases.

▼ TRAFFIC •Crystal Marie Vineyard, expired plates, $50. •Nathan Lee Sexton, speeding, $55. •Jeffrey Allen Ford, no insurance, $100. •Shannon Ace Robison, defective equipment (amended from failure to stop at stop sign), $100. •Christopher M. Pace, speeding, $55. •Harley Dawn Murray, defective equipment, $80. •Charles Samuel Wilson, no insurance, suspended imposition of sentence, probation for 180 days. •Cathy Elaine Marshall, expired plates, $50. •Shannon Lee Conrad, speeding, $45. •Crystal Dawn Demster, speeding, $45. •Tiffany Nicole Kersey, speeding, $63. •Jimmie Lee Holstad, driving while license was suspended, $150; speeding, $45; DWI, $150 and $45 arrest cost recoupment. •Janelle Lea Blevins, defective equipment (amended from speeding), $110. •Jeffrey Allen Ford, failure to register, $60.

▼ OTHER CASES •Yvonne L. Aleshire, vicious animal and animal at large, not guilty, June 20. •Kurstine Justine Owen, animal at large, $50.

CIRCUIT COURT Among recent cases in Circuit Division of Lawrence County Circuit Court:

▼ CRIMINAL CASES The following defendant had a probation violation hearing. •Johnny W. Russell, unlawful use Continued to page 9

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BLESSED ASSURANCE SUMMER LECTURESHIP & SEMINAR Sunday, June 30th thru Wednesday, July 3rd PRESENTER: TIM LEWIS, MINISTER Tim is a graduate of Oklahoma Christian University. He graduated in 1993 with a degree in English Education and obtained his Master’s Degree in Ministry in 1998. He served as the Preacher/Youth Minister for the Mt. Vernon Church of Christ in Mt. Vernon, Mo. for eight years before moving to Oklahoma City to begin his work with the North MacArthur congregation in 2004. He and his wife, Tawni, have two daughters, Macy Day and Callie Ryan, and one son, Ryder.


Blessed Assurance: Two Important Truths; 9:30 a.m. Blessed Assurance: The Author of Our Salvation; 10:25 a.m. Blessed Assurance: Why We Need It; 5 p.m.


Blessed Assurance: The Difference Between Can and Will; 7 p.m.


Blessed Assurance: The Problem with Sin; 7 p.m.


Blessed Assurance: Are You Ready; 7 p.m.

Morning Classes Monday Lord, Teach Us to Pray; 9 a.m. Tuesday Would You Pray If...; 9 a.m. Wednesday Hindrances to Prayer; 9 a.m.

HIGHWAY PATROL Missouri State Highway Patrol investigated the following injury accidents.

▼ ACCIDENT •An Aurora man was the engineer of a train which struck a vehicle in Greene County at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, June 6. Shane Cordova was westbound in a 2006 Burlington Northern train when Justin A. Napper, Springfield, pulled into the path of the train. Napper was transported to Mercy Hospital, Springfield, for treatment of

What a GREAT Opportunity to grow in FAITH!

Mount Vernon Church of Christ David Gregersen, Minister • Office: 466-2664 732 South Landrum

Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

Man held on rape charge A Mt. Vernon man is in girlfriend and he wanted to marry her. the Lawrence County Robinson had Jail on charges of forcbeen living with ible rape, statutory the girl and her sodomy and recklessly mother. risk infection of anHe took her upother, according to a stairs and forced probable cause stateher to have sex ment filed in the case. with him. Police with the Mt. She told officers Vernon department they laid on an air took Ronald L. Robinson, 52. into cus- Ronald Robinson mattress on the floor and he laid tody May 21 after the on top of her. mother of a 14-year-old He appeared in associate girl reported the incident. He is being held on $100,000 court May 23. He pleaded not guilty. His next court bond. The girl told officers Rob- appearance is scheduled for inson wanted her to be his June 10.

CIRCUIT COURT Continued from page 8 of a weapon and resisting arrest. Sentenced to two years on each count concurrent with each other and a Barry County case; two counts of tampering with a motor vehicle, sentenced to six years on each count concurrent with each other and a Barry County case. The following defendant is to be released on probation. •Candice R. Graham, assault. To be released June 13 on probation for five years after serving 120 days in prison.

▼ CIVIL CASES The following cases have had judgment entered. •Judgment was entered in favor of the Department of Revenue against the following defendants: —Robert R. Boucher, withholding tax, $428.09. —City of Stotts City, withholding tax, $428.09. —Michael Dominic Haas, sales tax, $1,054.73. —Albert Harris , s a l es t a x , $1,070.49. —Joseph A. and Rebecca Hickey, 2011 Individual income tax, $3,257.70. —Harold Dean Hood, 2007 individual income tax, $1,867.39. —Mid America Auto Lifts Inc. withholding tax, $1,388.87.

ASSOCIATE COURT Among recent cases in Associate Division of Lawrence County Circuit Court:

▼ CRIMINAL CASES The following defendants pleaded guilty or were found guilty of the charges listed. •Buddy Wayne Kennedy, two counts of passing bad checks; stealing. Sentenced to 30 days in jail on each count. •Ben W. Beachamp Jr., DWI, suspended 30-day jail sentence, probation for one year, pay $48.50 arrest cost recoupment, perform 40 hours community service, pay $125 public defender’s lien and $50 Law Enforcement Restitution; careless and imprudent driving involving an accident, fined $100; no seat belt, fined $10. •Nicole Ellen Rudert, resisting arrest, suspended imposition of sentence, probation for one year. •Carol A. Walkup, passing bad checks. Suspended imposition of sentence, probation for one year, pay $118.47 checks, $55 prosecuting attorney’s fees and $100 LERF. The following defendants waived preliminary hearings. The cases were bound over to circuit court. •Anthony John Beckers, prior offender residing within 1,000 feet of school or child care facility and sex offender present within 500 feet of a park with playgrounds. •Brian P. Jamison, resisting arrest. •Eric Lee Williams, forgery and perjury in a procedure not involving a felony. •Kenny W. Felton, possession of a controlled substance. •Saul J. Galvin, stealing. •Ralph S. Kestin, armed criminal action, driving while license was revoked and two counts of domestic assault.

—Brian Heath Riott, 2007 individual income tax, $2,823.13. —Richard D. See and Christy L. See, 2011 individual income tax, $2,465.81. —Stoops Manufacturing Company - Aurora, sales tax, $1,472.37. •Leslie Breeding vs. Family Support Division, administrative review. Claimant appealed a decision of the Missouri Family Support Division rejecting an application for Missouri HealthNet benefits for the Aged, Blind and Disabled based upon a medical review team determination that claimant was not found to be permanently and totally disabled. The decision of the review team that claimant is not totally disabled was affirmed The following civil case has recently been filed in Lawrence County. •Gary McCullough vs. Kenneth Burton, Joyce Kay Fitzgerald, Terry L. Matlock, Paul Burton and Pamela F. Davis, declaratory judgment.

▼ MARRIAGE DISSOLUTIONS •Tora R Balto from Fredericks Donald Balto. •Michael Douglas Farmer from Tammy Louise Farmer. •Mark David Prevo from Jennifer Sue Prevo. •Issac E. Darter from Melissa G. Darter. Respondent’s former name, Melissa Sutherland, is restored. •Sabrina Brant from Craig Brant.

•Alex Esco Lindsey, burglary. The following defendants had preliminary hearings. The cases were bound over to circuit court. •Dillon S. Carpenter, forcible rape. •Kenny W. Felton, stealing a controlled substance and stealing a credit card. •Dayton D. Lawson Jr., possession of a controlled substance. •Cherish J. Patterson, burglary and stealing a controlled substance. The following defendant had a probation violation hearing. •Charlie D. Branham, domestic assault. Sentenced to 90 days in jail. The following defendants pleaded not guilty. Charges and continuation dates are listed. •Bryan J. Grunwald, DWI (persistent offender). June 20. •Kelby Brok Tettenhorst, possession of a controlled substance, unlawful use of drug paraphernalia, and burglary, June 17. •Jason Shane Wilson, forgery, stealing a credit device, receiving stolen property and identity theft, July 1.

▼ TRAFFIC CASES The following defendants pleaded guilty or were found guilty of the listed traffic violations. •Corey Gene Harp, no operator’s license, amended from driving while license revoked. Suspended imposition of sentence, probation for six months and perform six hours of community service. •Mauricio Rodriguez, no valid operator’s license, fined $150. •Antonio Mejia Vela, failure to maintain financial responsibility, fined $130; failure to register motor vehicle, fined $50. •Michael Andrew Viles, failure to register motor vehicle, fined $115. •Melinda Ann Doennig, driving while license was revoked, fined $150.

Deaths: The Lawrence County Record encourages people to include photographs with obituaries. There is no charge. Questions can be directed to the newspaper at 417-466-2185, notices@lawrencecountyrecord.com.


Aurora - Maxine Wesley, 91, Aurora, died Tuesday, June 4, 2013, at Lacoba Nursing Home, Monett. She was born Dec. 5, 1921, in Kinsley, Kan., to Norbin and Cammie (Justus) Baldwin. She married Bliss Wesley April 10, 1939. He died Feb. 24, 1989. She moved from Hutchinson, Kan., to Aurora in 2006. Survivors include one son, Donald Wesley, Aurora; one daughter, Barbara Nuss, Cape Fair; one brother, Kent Baldwin, Great Bend, Kan.; one sister, Doris Boyer,Savannah; four grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren; and six great-great-grandchildren. Cremation arrangements are under the direction of White Funeral Home and Crematory, Cassville. Burial will be at a later date in Hutchinson.


Aurora - Paul Richard “Rick” Eckman Jr., 65, Aurora, died at 3:50 a.m. Sunday, June 9, 2013, at Cox South, Springfield. He was born May 28, 1948, in Panama Canal Zone to Laura Louise (Wunder) and Paul Richard Eckman Sr. He married Mary Kay Nolan Aug, 3, 1974, in Aurora. She survives. He was a 1966 graduate of Monett High School and was a member of the Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Aurora. He owned the Sonic DriveIn of Aurora, Oswego, Kan., and Nixa; Eckman Auto House and worked for years in the grocery business in Monett. Additional survivors include three daughters, Mariah Rapp, Aurora, Lindsay Carter, Anchorage, Alaska, and Ashley Bowling, Republic; two sons, Richard Eckman, Perryville, and David Eckman, of the home; four sisters, Kay McCallister and Nan DePriest, both of Monett, Regina Gould, Stotts City, and Sue Johnson, Louisburg; one brother, Steve Eckman, Emporia, Kan.; nine grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Memorial services will be from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, June 13, in Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Aurora, under the direction of Crafton-Cantrell Funeral Home, Aurora. Memorial donations may be made to the family, in care of the funeral home.


HEALTH INSPECTIONS Lawrence County Health Department has released the following results of food service inspections conducted recently. The health department advises that critical violations are more likely than other violations to contribute to food contamination, illness and/or injury. Non-critical violations, “although important to the overall food hygiene of the establishment,” do not necessarily present an immediate threat. Those with STAR ratings are being recognized for having no critical violations during routine, complaint, pre-opening or change of ownership inspections.

▼ AURORA Las Palmas - May 1 - reinspection critical, 1 (open food container in walkin cooler, corrected); non-critical, 1. The Strike Zone - 300 Sports Grill STAR RATING - May 1 - critical, 0; non-critical, 3. Aurora High School Cafeteria - May 3 - information sent to prosecutor - critical, 3 (plumbing at three-compartment sink in need of repair; mixer blade with dried, encrusted debris stored with clean utensils, corrected; open chicken container in walk-in freezer, corrected); non-critical, 2. Pao’s Chinese Restaurant - May 3 critical, 4 (single service cups stored unprotected at drink machine; oven cleaner stored next to equipment and three-compartment sink; metal strainer with metal coming loose still in use, discarded, corrected; expired millk in walk-in cooler, corrected); non-critical, 5. Cannon & Patty’s Tavern - May 3 - critical, 2 (mold/lint on fan in walkin cooler; employee hand sink slow to drain and cold water turned off); non-critical, 3. Mercy Hospital Cafeteria - Aurora STAR RATING - May 6 - critical, 0; non-critical, 4. Braum’s Ice Cream #238 - May 15 - information sent to prosecutor critical, 3 (mold growth on inside of ice machine door; one basting brush in need of replacement; several flies noted in southwest section of seating area); non-critical, 10.

▼ EVERTON Marantha Bible Camp, Inc. - May 30 - critical, 1 (dried debris on splash area on table mounted mixer, corrected); non-critical, 1.

▼ MARIONVILLE Alice Irene’s Restaurant & BakeryMay 13 - information sent to prosecutor - critical, 4 (metal strainer in disrepair in use, discarded/corrected; soiled wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses, corrected; plumbing at employee hand washing sink and three-compartment sink in need of repair; several flies noted throughout the facility); non-critical, 6. Marionville Elementary School Cafeteria - May 28 - critical, 1 (wiping cloth sanitizing solution less than 50ppm, corrected); non-critical, 1.

▼ MILLER Casey’s #1079 - May 15 - critical, 2 - (several flies noted throughout the facility; walk-in freezer emergency release handle not working properly creating a potential safety hazard); non-critical, 2. Hangar Kafe - May 15 -complaint inspection - critical, 1 (menu needs to have warning label for undercooked food items); non-critical, 2. Kwik Stop - May 15 - critical, 4 (two containers of children’s pain reliever select brand on shelf with expiration date of December 2012, corrected; splash area on cappuccino machine in need of cleaning; open food container in upright freezer; pizza held in hot holding unit at 138 degrees rather than 140 degrees, corrected); non-critical, 4.

▼ MONETT Dairy Queen - May 17 - critical, 1 (back door held open, corrected); non-critical, 4. Monett High School Cafeteria - May 3 - critical, 1 (one basting brush in disrepair, corrected); non-critical, 2.

▼ MT. VERNON B&M Inc. (Red Monkey Foods) - May 1 - critical, 1 (warehouse door open on south side of building, corrected); non-critical, 5. Hot Spot #3 - May 6 - critical, 1 (cheese expired on shelf with expiration date of 01/19/13, discarded, corrected); non-critical, 3. Family Dollar Store #1894 - STAR

June 12. 2013 - Page 9

RATING - May 6 - critical, 0; noncritical, 2. Hometown Pharmacy - STAR RATING - May 6 - critical, 0; non-critical, 1. Mt. Vernon Family Restaurant - May 7 re-inspection - information sent to prosecutor - critical, 12 (walk-in freezer door latch in need of repair; several meat containers stored uncovered in walk-in cooler; wet wiping cloth sanitizing solution at 0 ppm; meat thawing at room temperature, discarded, corrected; two containers of gravy at 105 degrees rather than 140 degrees or above; debris on side of mixer in need of cleaning; insecticide stored on shelf next to meat slicer; steel shavings on can opener blade; dried encrusted debris on metal strainer in food preparatory area; metal tongs stored on oven door handle between uses; coffee cup 1/3 filled on shelving in dish washing area; toxic products stored with food products in dish washing area); noncritical, 11. Inspection report results discussed with owner, if current conditions are not corrected by 4 p.m. May 7 it will be necessary for the Lawrence County Health Department to issue a closing order until correction has been made. May 7 reinspection - critical, 1 (wet wiping cloth sanitizing solution at 200ppm+, corrected); non-critical, 3. KFC/LJS #55 - May 9 complaint inspection - information sent to prosecutor - critical, 6 (several flies noted throughout the facility; mold growth on inside of ice machine at drive thru window; dried encrusted debris on metal utensil stored with clean utensils, discarded, corrected; heavy ice accumulation in walk-in freezer and on food containers due to door seal in need of repair; dried encrusted debris on splash area of mixer); non-critical, 13. May 16 - reinspection - information sent to prosecutor - critical, 4 (dried/ encrusted debris on microwave oven splash area in need of cleaning; heavy ice accumulation in walk-in freezer and on food containers; sanitizing solution in three-compartment sink and wet wiping cloth bucket too strong; two food container covers encrusted with debris on both sides in walk-in cooler; non-critical, 15; May 20 - reinspection - information sent to prosecutor - critical, 2 (ice accumulation on food container in walk-in freezer; sanitizing solution in three-compartment sink at 0 ppm, corrected); non-critical, 14. That Crazy Redhead’s Bakery & Care - STAR RATING - May 13 pre-opening inspection - critical, 0; non-critical, 0. Auction 417 - May 15 - information sent to prosecutor - critical, 2 (menu needs to have warning lable for undercooked food items; window screen in need of repair); non-critical, 1. Red Barn Cafe #2 - May 15 - complaint inspection - information sent to prosecutor - critical, 4 (gravy held on steam table at 120 degrees rather than 140 degrees or higher, corrected; need to resurface or replace small mixing bowl; sanitiziing solution at dishwashing machine less than 50ppm; open drink container in food preparatory area); non-critical, 5. Mt. Vernon Elementary School Cafeteria - May 22 - critical, 2 (food containers exposed to moisture when walk-in freezer in defrost cycle, corrected; rust on wire food strainer, discarded); non-critical, 4. Mt. Vernon Intermediate School Cafeteria - May 22 - critical, 0; noncritical, 3. Mt. Vernon Middle School Cafeteria May 28 - critical, 2 (two basing brushes in need of replacement, corrected; mixer whisk in need of replacement, corrected); non-critical, 3. Mt. Vernon High School Cafeteria - May 29 - critical, 1 (bulk food products (brown sugar) dispensed with container that does not have a handle, corrected); non-critical, 4. Baptist Hill Assembly Camp - STAR RATING - May 29 - critical, 0; noncritical, 3. Mt. Vernon Treatment Center May 31 - critical, 2 (basting brush in disrepair, corrected; roof leaking in storeroom onto shelving where food items were stored); non-critical, 3.

▼ PIERCE CITY Fern’s Tavern - May 22 - critical, 1 (dried encrusted debris on inside of microwave oven in need of cleaning); non-critical, 2. Pierce City Elementary School Cafeteria - May 30 - critical, 1 (exit door screen in need of repair); non-critical, 3.

▼ STOTTS CITY Massie’s Super Stop - May 7 - critical, 1 (several flies around coffee service area); non-critical, 5.

Inmates to begin highway clean up

Click It or Ticket results released by sheriff

Lawrence County inmates will soon be walking along roadways in Lawrence County to begin the annual clean up project. Inmates will be at various locations and drivers are asked to use caution while traveling roadways as inmates and deputies will be roadside. Areas that inmates will be working will be marked by signs and Sheriff’s Office vehicles. Inmates will be wearing fluorescent green vests and their traditional pink uniforms.

The Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office participated in the national Click It or Ticket mobilization May 20-June 2. During the enforcement effort, deputies issued 16 seat belt tickets; and 45 warnings for various other hazardous moving violations.

Weather service will issue heat alerts The National Weather Service in Springfield will issue a heat advisory when the heat index climbs to around 105 degrees or greater, or for four days or more of a heat index greater than 100. An excessive heat warning will be issued when the heat index hits 105 for four days or for a heat index of 110 degrees or greater.

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Happy Daddy’s Day

Earl Ree Chastain Nov. 21, 1915 — May 17, 2003

You are missed and loved each and every day. Not a day goes by that we don’t think about you. We love you so very much! -Wilma and Jimmie Fields; Berneice Linder; Pat Chastain and family; Lucille Bowers and family; Bobby Anderson, Jr. and Sandy; Sammy Anderson; Peggy Avalos and family; and Vicki Alexander and family.

I’M GLAD THERE’S A FATHER’S DAY “thou art my son...and I will be to him a Father.” Hebrews 1:5


unday is Father’s Day, so let me wish all dads a HAPPY FATHER’S DAY. One little boy was asked to explain Father’s Day, he said “It’s just like Mother’s Day only you don’t spend as much on the present.” That is a joke of course, but Father’s Day isn’t as big as Mother’s Day. On Mother’s Day, church attendance is higher and businesses do better. The first national celebration of Father’s Day was on June 19, 1924. It all came about because of the efforts of Sonora Smart Dodd. Sonora was sitting in church in 1909 listening to a Mother’s Day sermon. She had been raised by her father after her mother’s death, and she wanted her father to know how special he was to her. Through her efforts, President Coolidge designated the third Sunday of June as Father’s Day. I am glad there is a Father’s Day; it gives us all a chance to honor those who have and are leading their family through life’s battles. There is one thing I can tell you that is as true as you can get, being a good father and husband is the most challenging responsibility you will face. To be a good father, you need a model you can pattern yourself after. So where do you find such a father? Is there such a thing as a perfect father? YES! This being FATHER’S DAY week, let’s see what we can learn about being a father by looking at God who is the perfect Father. 1. First. What we learn about God - He loves His children. There are many scriptures that speak of God’s love for His children. Let’s just look at two: I John 4:19 “We love because He first loved us.” WOW - what a thought; Romans 5:8 “God commendeth his love toward us while we were yet sinners.” God did not wait for us to meet His expectations or to make Him proud. He didn’t wait until we measured up to His standards, He simply loved us in a complete constant unconditional way. 2. Second. God is quick to encourage His children. Throughout scripture God is seen encouraging His children. He encouraged Moses

EDWARD PROFFITT, Th.D From the Pulpit

at the burning bush. He encouraged Joshua in conquest of the Promise Land. God told Joshua “the Lord thy God is with thee whither soever thou goest,” (Joshua 1:9). God saw the things His children could do and He encouraged them to go do it. Sadly, many parents, no matter how dedicated, they are more prone to send messages laced with criticism than encouragement. It is very important for us to watch our words around our children. “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying,” (Ephesians 4:29). 3. Third. What we learn about God - He disciplines His children. God is a good, loving, perfect father. His intentions and actions are never evil or unloving; still he disciplines His Children. He disciplines because of His goodness and love. “For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth, even as a father the son in whom he delighteth,” (Proverbs 3:12). The man who disciplines his children wisely is reflecting good character. We discipline because we love our children. It teaches them responsibility, that wrong actions have negative consequences. We can do this disciplining in a right way, or in a wrong way. We can create integrity or delusion about God in the home. God loves, encourages and disciplines His children. In our day that takes tough love, but it will pay great dividends. To believers, Paul said “let us not be weary in WELL DOING for in due season we shall reap IF WE FAINT NOT,” (Galatians 6:9). No life invested on the side of right with no fainting can fail, I believe that. Therefore, I will faithfully continue to victory - I WON’T FAINT. Will you? From the Pulpit, P.O. Box 14708, Springfield, MO 65814-4708 Non-profit mission offerings appreciated. fromthepulpit.webs.com

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The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

Page 10 - June 12, 2013

PUBLIC NOTICES More Legals on page 11 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE   A default has accrued on a certain note secured by a deed of trust executed by, Jimmy Dean Stewart and Jean Stewart dated 11/17/2005 and recorded on 12/2/2005 in Book 249, Page 390, in the Recorder’s office for Lawrence County, Missouri. The successor trustee will on June 27, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, more particularly at 11:00 AM, at the East Front Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, One Courthouse Square, Mt. Vernon, Missouri sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash (certified funds only), the following real estate: LOT 8, BLOCK 1, NEELY'S 1ST SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF MT. VERNON, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. Commonly known as: 953 S. Spring Park Blvd, Mount Vernon, Missouri 65712 for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness and the costs of executing this trust. CSM Foreclosure Trustee Corp. Successor Trustee (800) 652-4080 4X 6/5, 6/12, 6/19 and 6/26 CSM File 26-11-00657 _________________ #11238-6-26-4tc IN THE 39TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI Judge or Division: PROBATE Case Number: 13LW-PR00075 In the Estate of LLOYDEEN ESTHER HESEMANN, Deceased. Notice of Letters of Administration Granted (Supervised Administration) To All Persons Interested in the Estate of LLOYDEEN ESTHER HESEMANN, Decedent: On May 24, 2013, the following individual was appointed the personal representative of the estate of LLOYDEEN ESTHER HESEMANN, decedent, by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Lawrence County, Missouri. The personal representative's business address is: SANDRA K JACKSON, 1002 S TYLER, AURORA, MO 65605. The personal representative's attorney's name, business address and phone number is: JOSEPH D WOODCOCK, PO BOX 258, AURORA, MO 65605, 417-678-5166. All creditors of said decedent are notified to file claims in court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or if a copy of this notice was mailed to, or served upon, such creditor by the personal representative, then within two months from the date it was mailed or served, whichever is later, or be forever barred to the fullest extent permissible by law. Such six-month period and such two-month period do not extend the limitation period that would bar claims one year after the decedent's death, as provided in section 473.444, RSMo, or any other applicable limitation periods. Nothing in section 473.033, RSMo, shall be construed to bar any action against a decedent's liability insurance carrier through a defendant ad litem pursuant to section 537.021, RSMo. Date of the decedent's death: 12-MAY2013 Date of first publication: June 5, 2013 To be published in the Lawrence County Record Steven W. Kahre, Clerk By: /s/ Sue Mattlage _________________ #11244-6-26-4tc NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE   For default in the payment of debt secured by a deed of trust executed by Phillip T. Gantt, dated November 17, 2008, and recorded on November 26, 2008, Document No. 7180, in Book No. 256, at Page 430 and re-recorded on June 15, 2009, Document No. 10816, in Book No. 257, at Page 279 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on June 27, 2013, at 11:30 AM, at the East Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash: Tract No. 1: Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 6, MCCULLAH'S SECOND ADDITION to the City of Marionville, Lawrence County, Missouri, as per the recorded plat thereof. Tract No. 2: Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, MCCULLAH'S SECOND ADDITION to the City of Marionville, Lawrence County, Missouri, as per the recorded plat thereof, commonly known as 207 North College Avenue, Marionville, MO, 65705 subject to all prior easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants and encumbrances now of record, if any, to satisfy the debt and costs. County Criers, LLC, Successor Trustee First Publication: June 5, 2013. For more information, visit www.southlaw.com NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C.§1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose (Casefile No. 139255 / Invoice No. 139255-647674). _________________ #11242-6-26-4tc

TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: Carla D. Rhodes, a single woman Trustee’s Sale:   For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by Carla D. Rhodes, a single woman dated November 28, 2005 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence County, Missouri in Book 249, Page 366 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Tuesday, July 2, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 10:30 AM), at the East Front Door of the Court House, City of Mount Vernon, County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Lawrence County, State of Missouri, to wit: LOT 13 AND 14, BLOCK 5, IN FOREST PARK PLACE ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MONETT, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, AS PER THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. to satisfy said debt and cost. MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File No: 151544.070213.305610 FC NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. PUBLISH ON: June 5, 2013 06/12/2013, 06/19/2013, 06/26/2013 _________________ #11245-6-26-4tc TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: Todd E. Surma and Debbie M. Surma Husband and Wife Trustee’s Sale:   For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by Todd E. Surma and Debbie M. Surma Husband and Wife dated January 10, 2003 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence County, Missouri in Book 240, Page 682 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Friday, July 5, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 3:40 PM), at the East Front Door of the Court House, City of Mount Vernon, County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Lawrence County, State of Missouri, to wit: THE WEST HALF OF LOTS 11 AND 12, BLOCK 3, SOUTH PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF AURORA, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, AS PER THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. to satisfy said debt and cost. MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File No: 90057.070513.307006 FC NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. PUBLISH ON: June 12, 2013 06/19/2013, 06/26/2013, 07/03/2013 __________________ #11251-7-3-4tc NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE   For default in the payment of debt secured by a deed of trust executed by Bobby J. Marcum and Christina Marcum, dated May 14, 2008, and recorded on May 20, 2008, in Book No. 255, at Page 508 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on July 9, 2013, at 10:30 AM, at the East Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash: Part of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 21, Township 26, Range 28, Lawrence County, Missouri described as follows: Beginning at a point 120 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof, thence East along the North line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) 140 feet, thence South 0 Degrees 27 Minutes 30 Seconds East 310 feet, thence North 90 Degrees West 140 feet, thence North 00 Degrees 27 Minutes 30 Seconds West 310 feet to the point of beginning except any part in roads., commonly known as 3795 Lawrence 2220, Pierce City, MO, 65723 subject to all prior easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants and encumbrances now of record, if any, to satisfy the debt and costs. County Criers, LLC, Successor Trustee First Publication: June 12, 2013. For more information, visit www.southlaw.com NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C.§1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose (Casefile No. 124474 / Invoice No. 124474-646988). __________________ #11258-7-3-4tc

ADVERTISEMENT   Sealed bids for NEW STADIUM FOR MT. VERNON HIGH SCHOOL, Mt. Vernon School District at Mt. Vernon, Missouri. The project can be generally described as: New Football Stadium and Track with synthetic turf field, synthetic track surfacing, Bleacher Seating and Pressbox, Restroom and Concessions Facility, Entry into Stadium, concrete walkways around field and track, Field House Locker Room facility (Bid Alternate) Visitor Bleacher Seating (Bid Alternate), and Fencing (Bid Alternate).   The project is located at Mt. Vernon High School, 400 West Highway 174, Mt. Vernon, Missouri. Missouri Prevailing Wage Rates will apply to the work.   Sealed bids shall be mailed or delivered to Mr. Russ Cruzan, Superintendent, Mt. Vernon School District, 731 S. Landrum Street, Mt. Vernon, Missouri 65712, no later than 3:00 p.m., on June 20, 2013; Bid Opening held at the High School Library at 400 West Highway 174, Mt. Vernon, Missouri.   Plans and Specifications available from Engineers Reprographics, 1600 E. St. Louis Street, Springfield, Missouri 65802; 417-869-2222 or viewed at www.erdigital.com. Questions should be addressed to Sapp Design Associates at 417-877-9600. _________________ #11246-6-12-2tc

Deadline for Legals is Noon Monday NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, Stella Brown and Eddie V. Richardson, both single persons, by their Deed of Trust, dated the 9th day of January, 1998, and recorded in the Recorder's Office for Lawrence County, Missouri, in Deed of Trust Book 227 at Page 985, conveyed to Richard W. Moore, Trustee, the following described property, situated in the County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, to-wit: Part of Block 38, O’Dell and Faulkner Addition to the City of Marionville, Lawrence County, Missouri, described as beginning 370 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Block 38, thence West 120.5 feet, thence South 80 feet, thence East 120.5 feet, thence North 80 feet to the point of beginning. which conveyance was made to said trustee, in trust, to secure the payment of a certain note in said Deed of Trust described; and   WHEREAS, said promissory note and Deed of Trust were assigned to First National Bank of Mt. Vernon, Missouri, now Mid-Missouri Bank; said assignment is recorded in Book 386 at Page 408 in the Recorder’s Office of Lawrence County, Missouri; and   WHEREAS, default was made and still continues in the payment of said note; and   WHEREAS, the Trustee named in said Deed of Trust, Richard W. Moore, has been removed and the legal holder of said note has appointed Randee S. Stemmons as Successor Trustee under the terms of said Deed of Trust in accordance with the Appointment of Substitute Trustee attached hereto and made a part hereof.   NOW, THEREFORE, at the request of the legal holder of said note, I, Randee S. Stemmons, the undersigned, in pursuance of the powers to me given by said Deed of Trust, will sell the property above described at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, at the East Front Door of the Courthouse in Mt. Vernon, Lawrence County, Missouri, on Wednesday, the 3rd day of July, 2013, between the hours of 9:00 in the forenoon and 5:00 in the afternoon, commencing at 1:00 p.m., for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness and the costs of executing this trust. Randee S. Stemmons - Successor Trustee Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of May, 2013. Patti J. McBride, Notary Public My Commission expires: December 21, 2015 NOTICE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. _________________ #11248-6-26-4tc IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISION PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN OF MINOR IN RE THE MATTER OF: M.L.M. and K.N.M., Minors. Estate # 13LW-PR00072 13LW-PR00073 STATE OF MISSOURI COUNTY OF LAWRENCE ORDER OF PUBLICATION OF NOTICE The State of Missouri to Natural Mother, Devashia Medina,   You are hereby notified that an action has been commenced against you in the Probate Court of the County of Lawrence, Missouri, Division One the object and general nature of which is Petition for Appointment of Guardian and which affects the following minor children: M.L.M, born February 7, 2002 K.N.M, born May 29, 2003   The names of all the parties to said suit are stated above in the caption hereof and the address of the attorney for Petitioners is Susan Appelquist, 111 E. Dallas, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712 You are further notified that, unless you file an answer or other pleading or shall otherwise appear and defend against the aforesaid petition within 45 days after the 29th day of May, 2013, judgment by default will be rendered against you. It is ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law in the Lawrence County Record, a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of Lawrence, State of Missouri. A true copy from the record. Witness my hand and the seal of the Circuit Court this 22nd day of May, 2013. /s/ Steven W. Kahre Circuit Clerk By /s/ Sue Mattlage Deputy Clerk _________________ #11239-6-19-4tc

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI JUVENILE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF: K.E.M. DeANNA JOYCE WELLS Petitioner. Case No. 13LW-JU00065 13LW-JU00066 NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION   The State of Missouri to Travis Shane Mease, natural father, and Brenda Gail Mease, natural mother: You are hereby notified that an action has been commenced against you in the Circuit Court of Lawrence County, Missouri, the object and general nature of which is to petition for termination of parental rights and adoption. The names of all parties in this action are stated in the caption above and the name and address of the attorney for the petitioners is Amy L. Boxx, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 151, Monett, MO 65708. You are further notified that, unless you file an answer or other pleading or otherwise appear and defend against this action within 45 days after May 29, 2013, judgment by default will be entered against you. It is ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law in the Lawrence County Record/Squibbs Media LLC, a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of Lawrence, State of Missouri. A true copy from the record. Witness my hand and seal of the Circuit Court this 23rd day of May, 2013. Dated: 5-23-13 Circuit Clerk /s/ Steve Kahre by Suzanne Short _________________ #11240-6-19-4tc NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE   WHEREAS, BRENT W. DAINGERFIELD and DELINDA R. DAINGERFIELD, husband and wife, by their Deed of Trust dated the 4th day of November, 2010, and recorded in the Recorder's Office for Lawrence County, Missouri, on the 5th day of November, 2010, in Deed of Trust Book 259 at Page 416, conveyed to Randall Boxx & Masri, P.C. as trustee, the following described real estate situate in the County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, to-wit: The South 128 feet of the following described lands: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 26, Range 28, thence North 642 feet, West 332.8 feet, thence South 642 feet, thence East 332.8 feet to the point of beginning, also known as Tract #4. Subject to a 15 foot easement along the West side of the property for a road to be kept open at all times. And subject to easements, rights of way and public and private roads of records. which conveyance was made to said successor trustee in trust to secure the payment of one certain note in said Deed of Trust described: and   WHEREAS, default was made and still continues in payment of said note;   NOW THEREFORE, at the request of the legal holder of said note and in pursuance of the provisions of said Deed of Trust, the undersigned will sell the property above described at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash at the East front door of the County Courthouse in the City of Mt. Vernon, Lawrence County, Missouri, on Monday, July 8, 2013, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. beginning at 1:00 p.m. for the purposes of satisfying said indebtedness and the costs of executing this trust. /s/ Fares H Masri RANDALL, BOXX & MASRI, PC, Trustee 405 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 151 Monett, Missouri 65708 Telephone: (417) 235-8688 TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE LAWRENCE COUNTY RECORD/ SQUIBB MEDIA LLC ON JUNE 12, 19, 26 & JULY 3, 2013 __________________ #11253-7-3-4tc OFFICIAL NOTICE Public Hearing for Zoning District Change (Rezoning) To whom it may concern and to all persons interested: Notice is hereby given that at 5:00 p.m. on July 2, 2013, the City of Mount Vernon Planning and Zoning Commission, in the Board of Aldermen meeting room, City Hall, Mount Vernon, Missouri, will consider the following application: Case No._RZ 2013-04-04-02 An application for re-zoning from the R-1 Single Family district to the new B1-A Mixed Use District. This proposed district is intended to permit a mix use of residential, retail, commercial, professional, office and cottage industry that blend well with residential property which is not obnoxious in appearance, noice, emissions, and/or odors. Uses within the district shall not require intensive land covereage and shall have the appearance of residential property. This district will basically extend from the middle of Market to the middle of Vine (West to East) and the middle of Pleasant to the North edge of the B-3 District on the Business Loop (North to South) A complete legal description is available for public inspection in the City of Mount Vernon Zoning Administration office. This will also change the zoning of any lot within this district to be included in this change. As provided for in Article IX of the City Code of Mount Vernon, Missouri the above proposal will be discussed and considered by the Commission, and all persons interested in said matter will have an opportunity to be heard at this time concerning their views and wishes. Property owners within 185 feet of such property described above, wanting to protest the proposed change will have fourteen days after the Planning and Zoning Commission makes its recommendation regarding the requested rezoning to submit a protest petition to the office of the City of Mount Vernon City Clerk. Protest petitions are available in the office of the Zoning Administrator of the City of Mount Vernon. Certified, this 7th day of June, 2013. /s/ Bruce P. Conway Zoning Administrator _________________ #11254-6-19-2tc

In Re: Scott Kirk and Melanie Kirk, husband and wife TRUSTEE'S SALE - For default in the payment of debt and performance of obligation described in and secured by Deed of Trust executed by Scott Kirk and Melanie Kirk, husband and wife and dated August 26, 2005, and recorded on September 7, 2005 as Book 248 Page 724 in the office of the Recorder of Deed for Lawrence County, Missouri, the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of the debt, who has elected to declare the entire debt due and payable, will on June 20, 2013 at 11:00 AM at the East Front Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Square, Mount Vernon, MO, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the realty described in said deed of trust, to wit: ALL OF LOT 7 AND 30 FEET OFF THE SOUTH SIDE OF LOT 6, BLOCK 7, SOUTH PARK ADDITION IN THE CITY OF AURORA, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, AS PER THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. and more commonly known as: 921 S Hudson Avenue, Aurora, MO 65605 Subject to easements, restrictions, reservations, and covenants, if any, to satisfy said debt and cost. BY: The Boyd Law Group, L.C. Successor Trustee (636) 447-8500 phone (636) 447-8505 fax BLG File #: 0100.04901 This firm is a debt collector and any information we obtain from you will be used for that purpose. A-4387545 05/29/2013, 06/05/2013, 06/12/2013, 06/19/2013 _________________ #11237-6-19-4tc IN THE 39TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI Probate Division Case Number: 13LW-PR00044 In the Estate of MICHAEL A WELLS, a Disabled Person. Notice of Appointment of a Conservator TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL A WELLS, A DISABLED PERSON On May 14, 2013, Pamela Fobair was appointed conservator of the estate of MICHAEL A WELLS, a person adjudicated disabled under the laws of the State of Missouri, by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Lawrence County, Missouri. The business address of the conservator is: P.O. BOX 431 MT VERNON, MO 65712 All creditors of said partially disabled person are notified to file their claims in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court. Date of first publication: May 22, 2013 To be published in Lawrence County Record Date: May 14, 2013 /s/ Steven W. Kahre Clerk /s/ By Harriet Seneker _________________ #11232-6-12-4tc IN THE 39TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI Probate Division Case Number: 13LW-PR00063 In the Estate of JOYCE LYNETTE BATSON, an Incapacitated/Disabled person. Notice of Appointment of a Conservator TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF JOYCE LYNETTE BATSON, A DISABLED PERSON On May 28, 2013, PAMELA I FOBAIR was appointed conservator of the estate of JOYCE LYNETTE BATSON, a person adjudicated disabled under the laws of the State of Missouri, by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Lawrence County, Missouri. The business address of the conservator is: P.O. BOX 431 MT VERNON, MO 65712 All creditors of said disabled person are notified to file their claims in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court. Date of first publication: JUNE 5, 2013 Date: May 28, 2013 STEVEN W KAHRE Clerk BY: /s/ Harriet Seneker Deputy Clerk _________________ #11247-6-26-4tc IN THE 39TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI Judge or Division: SAMUEL C JONES Case Number: 13LW-PR00079 In the Estate of MARVIN HECKART, Deceased. Notice of Letters Testamentary Granted (Supervised Administration) To All Persons Interested in the Estate of MARVIN HECKART, Decedent: On May 30, 2013, the last will of the decedent having been admitted to probate, the following individual was appointed personal representative of the estate of MARVIN HECKART, decedent by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Lawrence County, Missouri. The name and business address of the personal representative is: DEBORAH ELBERT, 19230 LAWRENCE 1050, PIERCE CITY, MO 65723 The personal representative’s attorney’s name, business address and phone number is: DARLENE F PARRIGON, P O BOX A, 101 N ELM STREET, SUITE F, PIERCE CITY, MO 65723. PHONE 417-476-5546 All creditors of said decedent are notified to file claims in court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or if a copy of this notice was mailed to, or served upon, such creditor by the personal representative, then within two months from the date it was mailed or served, whichever is later, or be forever barred to the fullest extent permissible by law. Such six-month period and such two-month period do not extend the limitation period that would bar claims one year after the decedent’s death, as provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or any other applicable limitation periods. Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall be construed to bar any action against a decedent’s liability insurance carrier through a defendant ad litem pursuant to Section 537.021, RSMo. Date of the decedent’s death: 15-April-2013 Date of first publication: JUNE 5, 2013 Steven W. Kahre Clerk By: /s/ Sue Mattlage Deputy Clerk _________________ #11249-6-26-4tc

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI At Mt. Vernon JOSHUA A. REMINGTON, SSN: xxx-xx-7928 Petitioner, vs. ALEXIS K. REMINGTON SSN: Unknown Respondent. Case No. 13LW-DR00117 ORDER OF PUBLICATION NOTICE The State of Missouri to Respondent Alexis K. Remington:   You are hereby notified that an action has been commenced against you in the Circuit Court of the County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, the object and general nature of which is Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. The names of all parties to the said suit are stated above in the caption hereof and the name and address of the attorney for petitioner is Fares H. Masri, 405 Broadway, P.O. Box 151, Monett, MO 65708. You are further notified that, unless you file an answer or pleading or shall otherwise appear and defend against the aforesaid petition within forty-five (45) days after the 22nd day of May, 2013, judgment by default will be rendered against you. It is ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law in the Lawrence County Record/Squibb Media LLC, a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of Lawrence, State of Missouri. Witness my hand and seal of the Circuit Court, State of Missouri, the 13th day of May, 2013. /s/ Steven W. Kahre by Nancy Brown Mr. Steve Kahre Lawrence County Circuit Clerk _________________ #11228-6-12-4tc IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF: HALEY NICOLE WELLS, a female minor. Case No. 13LW-PR00074 NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION   The State of Missouri to Brenda Gail Mease, natural mother: You are hereby notified that an action has been commenced against you in the Probate Court of Lawrence County, Missouri, the object and general nature of which is to petition for appointment of guardian of the person of a minor. The names of all parties in this action are stated in the caption above and the name and address of the attorney for the petitioners is Amy L. Boxx, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 151, Monett, MO 65708. You are further notified that, unless you file an answer or other pleading or otherwise appear and defend against this action within 45 days after May 29th, 2013, judgment by default will be entered against you. It is ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law in the Lawrence County Record/Squibbs Media LLC, a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of Lawrence, State of Missouri. A true copy from the record. Witness my hand and seal of the Circuit Court this 23rd day of May, 2013. Dated: 5-23-13 Steven W. Kahre Probate Clerk /s/ By: Sue Mattlage, Deputy Clerk First Publication: 5-29-13 Second Publication: 6-5-13 Third Publication: 6-12-13 Fourth Publication: 6-19-13 _________________ #11241-6-19-4tc NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE   Default having been made in the payment of that certain note secured by Deed of Trust executed by Neal Starks and Marsha L. Starks, Husband and Wife, dated April 27, 2001 and recorded on May 9, 2001 in Book 235, Page 980, as Document No. 3221, Office of Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri. The Successor Trustee will on June 13, 2013, between the hours of 9:00 o'clock A.M. and 5:00 P.M. more particularly at 11:00AM, at the Lawrence County Courthouse, One Courthouse Square, East Front door, Mt. Vernon, MO, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate: Part Of The Southeast 1/4 Of The Northeast 1/4 Of Section 1, Township 27 North, Range 27 West, Lawrence County, Missouri. Described As Follows: Beginning At A Point 1060 Feet East Of The Southwest Corner Thereof, Thence North 301 Feet, Thence East 260 Feet To The East Line Of Said Southeast 1/4 Of The Northeast 1/4, Thence South 301 Feet To The Southeast Corner Of The Sutheast 1/4 Of The Northeast 1/4. Thence West 260 Feet To The Point Of Beginning. The above legal description taken verbatim from deed of trust contains an inherent scrivener's error. The correct legal is as follows: Part Of The Southeast 1/4 Of The Northeast 1/4 Of Section 1, Township 27 North, Range 27 West, Lawrence County, Missouri. Described As Follows: Beginning At A Point 1060 Feet East Of The Southwest Corner Thereof, Thence North 301 Feet, Thence East 260 Feet To The East Line Of Said Southeast 1/4 Of The Northeast 1/4, Thence South 301 Feet To The Southeast Corner Of The Southeast 1/4 Of The Northeast 1/4. Thence West 260 Feet To The Point Of Beginning. 13295 Lawrence 1130, Mount Vernon, MO 65712 For the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness and the costs of executing this trust. S&W Foreclosure Corporation Successor Trustee Pub Commences May 22, 2013 S&W File No. 08-002875 By: Shapiro & Weisman, L.C. www.shapiroattorneys.com/mo Purported address: 13295 Lawrence 1130, Mount Vernon, MO 65712 _________________ #11229-6-12-4tc

The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

June 12, 2013 - Page 11

Lawrence County Record

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No Sunday School this week. PASTOR SAM STOVER






Presbyterian Church

PUBLIC NOTICES More Legals on page 10 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE   For default in the payment of debt secured by a deed of trust executed by Allan Goodson and Myra L. Goodson, dated July 25, 2005, and recorded on August 11, 2005, Document No. 6224, in Book No. 248, at Page 470 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on June 13, 2013, at 1:00 PM, at the East Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash: PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 26, RANGE 26, DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE WEST 20 RODS, SOUTH 40 RODS, EAST 20 RODS, NORTH 40 RODS TO BEGINNING, IN LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, EXCEPT ROADS., commonly known as 15419 Lawrence Farm Road 2210, Verona, MO, 65769 subject to all prior easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants and encumbrances now of record, if any, to satisfy the debt and costs. County Criers, LLC, Successor Trustee First Publication: May 22, 2013. For more information, visit www.southlaw.com NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C.§1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose (Casefile No. 155876 / Invoice No. 155876-647934). _________________ #11236-6-12-4tc

1x2 Sounds like multiplication? Guess again.

It's newspaper talk for a one column by 2-inch ad. Too small to be effective? You're reading this one!

r Use ou , and t n e m equip UR time! O save Y

ANNUAL MEETING The Miller Rural Fire Protection Association will hold their annual meeting at 7pm Monday, June 24, 2013 at the Fire Hall, 109 N Park Street. If you own property within the boundaries of Hwy WW to 1 mile south of Hwy 96, from M Hwy to Hwy 97, you are in the protection area of Miller Rural Fire and are welcome to attend.   Questions? Call (417) 452-2555. _________________ #11231-6-19-5tc PUBLIC NOTICE   The City of Mt. Vernon, Missouri is soliciting bids for: Replacement of HVAC unit at Mt. Vernon Fire Station   Sealed bids are due by 10:00 a.m., Monday, June 24, 2013 at the City Hall, 319 E. Dallas St., P.O. Box 70, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, 65712. Envelopes must be marked "Proposal HVAC Replacement / Fire Station"   Specifications and Bid Forms are available from the Purchasing Agent at the above address.   The City of Mt. Vernon reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Max Springer City Administrator _________________ #11255-6-19-2tc TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: Yolanda F Wynn and Michael Kevin Wynn, Wife and Husband Trustee’s Sale:   For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by Yolanda F Wynn and Michael Kevin Wynn, Wife and Husband dated June 8, 2005 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence County, Missouri in Book 247, Page 954 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 10:30 AM), at the East Front Door of the Court House, City of Mount Vernon, County of Lawrence, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Lawrence County, State of Missouri, to wit: ALL OF LOT 7 OF CALDWELL'S FIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MONETT, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI. to satisfy said debt and cost. MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File No: 148718.062513.307299 FC NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. PUBLISH ON: May 29, 2013 06/05/2013, 06/12/2013, 06/19/2013 _________________ #11225-6-19-4tc

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISION Estate Number 11LW-PR00118 In the Estate of Doris Theda Hunter, Deceased. NOTICE OF FILING OF FINAL SETTLEMENT State of Missouri County of Lawrence   To all persons interested in the estate of Doris Theda Hunter, deceased:   Notice is hereby given that a final settlement and petition for determination of the persons who are the successors in interest to the personal and real property of the decedent, and of the extent and character of their interests therein, and for distribution of such property will be filed iin the Probate Division of this court by the undersigned on June 21, 2013 or as continued by the Court, and that any objections or exceptions to such settlement or petition or any item thereof must be in writing and filed within 20 days after the filing of such settlement. Personal Representative Glenda Kleeman 1956 Highway 97 Miller, Missouri 65707 Shelley Sago Meyer Missouri Bar No. 45925 P.O. Box 350 Mt. Vernon, Missouri 65712 417-466-3300 Attorney for the Estate _________________ #11234-6-12-4tc NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE   For default in the payment of debt secured by a deed of trust executed by Barbara J. Baltazar and Edward Baltazar, dated February 4, 2010, and recorded on February 22, 2010, Document No. 878, in Book No. 258, at Page 366 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lawrence County, Missouri, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on July 8, 2013, at 3:15 PM, at the East Door of the Lawrence County Courthouse, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash: LOT ONE (1) OF ADREN GARDNER'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 185 AND 186, BLOCK 32 OF O'DELL AND FAULKNER ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MARIONVILLE, LAWRENCE COUNTY, MISSOURI, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF., commonly known as 600 South Missouri Street, Marionville, MO, 65705 subject to all prior easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants and encumbrances now of record, if any, to satisfy the debt and costs. South & Associates, P.C. Successor Trustee First Publication: June 12, 2013. For more information, visit www. southlaw.com NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose (Casefile No. 155242 / Invoice No. 155242-649692). __________________ #11257-7-3-4tc

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COPY IT ALL AT OUR DIGITAL COPY CENTER Lawrence County Record • 312 S. Hickory St. • Mt. Vernon • 417-466-2185 • printing@lawrencecountyrecord.com

The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

Page 12 - June 12, 2013

m A ILawrence County Favorite spicy food: Thai food

Favorite Disney movie: Old Yeller

Favorite color of car: Candy apple red

Dream car: A candy apple red Shelby GT Mustang

How long have you lived in Lawrence County: All my life

What age did you first get interested in cars: About 14

Favorite Place in Lawrence County: Aurora

Starbucks order: I don’t do Starbucks

Hometown: Aurora

Something interesting about you: I like to play golf

HUGE F-SERIES CREW CAB SALE! First car: Red Plymouth Valiant Trade a 1995 or newer car, truck or SUV, and receive

XLT Package!

ADDITIONAL $1,000 Factory Trade In Assistance Rebate!

Last time you #X1344 drank chocolate XLT Convenience Package, Power Seat, 6 Spd. Automatic For Great Fuel Economy! milk: NEW 2013 Probably Jimmy Michel Sale Price FORD 20 years $ago 27,568 F-150 4X2 List Price: $37,115. After $4,000 Factory Rebate Supercrew

Family: Trade aWife, 1995 or newer car,two truck or SUV, and receive ADDITIONAL $1,000 Factory Trade In Assistance Rebate! daughters and five grandkids

NEW 2013

F-150 4X2 Supercrew

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Trade a 1995 or newer car, truck or SUV, and receive ADDITIONAL $1,000 Factory Trade In Assistance Rebate!



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Trade a 1995 or newer car, truck or SUV, and receive ADDITIONAL $1,000 Factory Trade In Assistance Rebate!

#X2372 Limited Series, Nav., 22” Polished Alum. Wheels, Pwr. Moonroof, Rear View Cam., Trailer Brake Controller, Remote Start, Pwr. Deployable Running Boards

NEW 2013


F-150 4X4

List Price: $50,905. After $3,000 Factory Rebate & $1,000 FMCC Rebate

“Compare This Truck To Any On The Market!”

Jimmy Michel Sale Price




List Price: $54,360. After $2,500 Factory Rebate & $1,000Michel FMCC Rebate Motors Jimmy


1 Ton 4x4 XLT

1 Ton 4x4

List Price: $44,010. After $3,500 Factory Rebate & $1,000 FMCC Rebate

Limited Series 4x4!

Jimmy Michel Sale Price






I Am Tim Michel 41,899 45,899

NEW 2013


Jimmy Michel Sale Price

F-150 4X4

List Price: $42,440. After $4,500 Factory Rebate & $1,000 FMCC Rebate

#X5340 Platinum Pkg., Pwr. Deployable Running Boards, Nav., Remote Start, Pwr. Sliding Rear Window, 2nd Row Htd. Seats, Trailer Brake Controller, Rear View Cam., Loaded!

Jimmy Michel Sale Price



Platinum 4x4

ADDITIONAL $1,000 Factory Trade In Assistance Rebate!

#X5050 King Ranch Package, King Ranch Chrome Package, Navigation, Power Moonroof, King Ranch Leather

NEW 2013




Trade a 1995 or newer car, truck or SUV, and receive

#X2179 Lariat Package, Leather, Chrome Step Bar, Bright Aluminum Wheels, Loaded!

Jimmy Michel Sale Price

F-150 4X4

List Price: $44,020. After $3,000 Factory Rebate & $1,000 FMCC Rebate

King Ranch, 4x4

NEW 2013

NEW 2013



Lariat Leather 4x4

ADDITIONAL $1,000 Factory Trade In Assistance Rebate!

#X5957 Two Tone Paint, XLT Chrome Package, Trailer Brake Controller, XLT Convenience Package, Power Seat, Loaded!

Jimmy Michel Sale Price


Trade a 1995 or newer car, truck or SUV, and receive

XLT 4x4!

ADDITIONAL $1,000 Factory Trade In Assistance Rebate!

#X4059 Lariat, Leather, Lariat Chrome Package, Rear Camera, Remote Start, Trailer Brake Controller, Loaded!

& $1,000 FMCC Rebate

“On Show Room Ready For Delivery!”

Trade a 1995 or newer car, truck or SUV, and receive

Lariat Leather

3/4 Ton Lariat Loaded

3/4 Ton 4x4



#X0763 #X1548 #X4053 Lariat Pkg., Leather, Chrome Pkg., Camper Pkg., Upfitter Switches,Tailgate Step, Lariat Interior Pkg., 6.7L Diesel, Power Equipment Group, FX4 Off-Road Pkg., Cab Steps, Camper 6.7L Diesel, XLT Package, Chrome Package, Off-Road Package, Fog Lamps, Camper XLT Package, 6.2 L V-8, Chrome Package, Fog Lamps, Off-Road Trade a 1995 or newer car, truck or SUV, and receivePackage, Trailer Brake Controller Trade a 1995 or newer car, truck or SUV, and receive Trade aLoaded! 1995 or newer car, truck or SUV, and receive Trade a 1995 or newer car,Loaded! truck or SUV, and receive RemoteJAGUAR Start, Htd./CooledS-TYPE Frt. Seats, 6.7L Diesel Engine Package, 18” Alum. Wheels, Package, Camper Package, Lariat XLT Lariat 2001 #M11562 XLT

ADDITIONAL2013 $1,000 Factory Trade In Assistance Rebate! Package! NEW Jimmy Michel Sale Price



ADDITIONAL Assistance Rebate! Leather 2013 Jimmy Michel Sale Price$1,000 Factory Trade InNEW



F-350 4X4 Crew Cab

ADDITIONAL $1,000 Factory Trade2013 In Assistance Rebate! NEW

F-350 4X4

List Price: $50,305. After $4,000 Factory Rebate & $1,000 FMCC Rebate

Crew Cab

Lariat, Leather, Lariat Chrome Package, Rear Camera, Remote Start, Trailer

NEW 2013 Jimmy Michel Sale Price 2011 Lincoln Town $ Car Signature FORD

Crew Cab

Jimmy Michel Sale Price



D F-150 4X2




List Price: $44,020. After $3,000 Factory Rebate & $1,000 FMCC Rebate

King Ranch, 4x4

• Hatchback #138189

Trade a 1995 or newer car, truck or SUV, and receive

ADDITIONAL $1,000 Factory Trade• InLoaded Assistance Rebate! 13,986 #129505





19,988 FORD


Supercrew 1 Ton 4x4




Limited Series 4x4!


2003 Nissan 2011 HUNDAI SONATA GLS $13,546 Pathfinder

& $1,000 FMCC Rebate



Trade a 1995 or newer car, truck

or SUV, and receive 16,689 ADDITIONAL $1,000 Factory


2012 HYUNDAI SONATA SE #466158

Trade In Assistance Rebate! 2011 Ford F-150 XLT


2.0 Turbo, Leather, Loaded






Fuel Saver

List Price: $50,905. D After $3,000 Factory Rebate CERTIF&IE$1,000 FMCC Rebate

4x4, Luxury

1 Ton 4x4 XLT



• 4x4 • Leather #A08965

3/4 Ton 4x4



• AWD • Leather #D03344



• Leather • Roof • Loaded #A73335

FWD, Local Trade #820848

2007 Lexus ES 350

#X0763 6.7L Diesel, Power Equipment Group, FX4 Off-Road Pkg., Cab Steps, Camper Package, Trailer Brake Controller

F-350 4X4 Crew Cab

#X1548 6.7L Diesel, XLT Package, Chrome Package, Off-Road Package, Fog Lamps, Camper Package, 18” Alum. Wheels, Loaded!

NEW 2013

Jimmy Michel Sale Price





• Leather • Roof • Loaded $ List Price: $50,305. After $4,000 Factory Rebate #M11562

2010 Kia Forte EX

F-350 4X4

• Local Trade #097499

#X4053 XLT Package, 6.2 L V-8, Chrome Package, Fog Lamps, Off-Road Package, Camper Package, Loaded!

NEW 2013

Jimmy Michel Sale Price


46,599 $


• Fuel Saver F-250 4X4 14,966 List Price: $57,045. After $4,000 Factory Rebate #854420

Jimmy Michel Sale Price




2011 Buick Regal CXL

#X1258 Lariat Pkg., Leather, Chrome Pkg., Camper Pkg., Upfitter Switches,Tailgate Step, Lariat Interior Pkg., Remote Start, Htd./Cooled Frt. Seats, 6.7L Diesel Engine



2011 Hyundai Sonata GLS 2004 BUICK RENDEZVOUS CX #590157 AWD

Jimmy Michel Sale Price


2004 FORD F-250 XLT #B67794



• Economy F-250 4X4 List$Price: 19,846 $60,050. After $3,000 Factory#236170 Rebate


• Leather • Loaded $ List Price: $46,535. After $3,500 Factory Rebate #101075 & $1,000 FMCC Rebate Crew


2003 SUBARU FORESTER XS #747047 AWD, Local Trade

NEW 2013


FORD RANGER XLT $ 2002 Super Cab, 4x4 $7,922

3/4 Ton Lariat Loaded

PRE-OWNED CARS & TRUCKS 2001 Jaguar S-Type


• 4x4 • Local Trade 2002 FORD ESCAPE XLS #C81384 • Clean!

List Price: $54,360. After $2,500 Factory Rebate & $1,000 FMCC Rebate







2012 TOYOTA COROLLA LE #792040

“Compare This

Truck To Any On #X2372 The Market!” Limited Series, Nav., 22” Polished Alum. Wheels, Pwr. Moonroof, Rear View Cam., Trailer Brake Controller, Remote Start, Pwr. Deployable Running Boards • Super Crew • 4x4 NEW 2013 #D4100 Jimmy Michel Sale Price $

42,599 41,899 45,899 2012 Ford Escape “Limited” 2012 Ford Flex Limited 2013 Ford Escape SEL F-150 4X4 F-150 4X4

F-150 4X4

• Super Crew • 4x4 #B55583


Platinum 4x4

#X5340 Platinum Pkg., Pwr. Deployable Running Boards, Nav., Remote Start, Pwr. Sliding Rear Window, 2nd Row Htd. Seats, Trailer Brake Controller, Rear View Cam., Loaded! • Nav. • Roof • AWD $ NEW 2013 Jimmy Michel Sale Price #A03697


2011 Ford F-150 XLT D CERTIFIE


& $1,000 FMCC Rebate


#X5050 King Ranch Package, King Ranch Chrome Package, Navigation, Power Moonroof, King Ranch Leather • V-6 $NEW 2013 Jimmy Michel Sale Price #233102

Lariat Package, Leather, Chrome Step Bar, Bright Aluminum Wheels,

2011 Ford Edge Sport


“On Show Room Ready For Delivery!”


2012 Ford Mustang Coupe



& $1,000 FMCC Rebate

1.9% Available on NEW Certified W.A.C. Loaded! Fuel Saver $10,223 NEW 2013 Jimmy Michel Sale Price 2013 Jimmy Michel Sale PricePRE-OWNED CAR DEAL OF THE 2012 Ford Focus 2012 Ford Fusion 2011 BUICK REGALWEEK CXL #101075 $ SEL $ SE FORD FORD 30,923 34,499 Leather, Loaded D IE IF T R $19,846 E F-150 4X4 List Price: $42,440. After $4,500 Factory RebateC F-150 4X4 List Price: $44,010. After $3,500 Factory Rebate

2012 Ford $ Focus SE FORD 35,499

List Price: $37,115. After $4,000 Factory Rebate & $1,000 FMCC Rebate

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The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.


June 12, 2013

Lawrence County Youth Fair

says THANKS to all the Supporters and CONGRATULATIONS to all the Exhibitors! 2013 LAWRENCE COUNTY YOUTH FAIR PREMIUM SALE

2013 Lawrence County Youth Fair

SAM WALLACE Buyer: Race Brothers Farm & Home

GARRET WRIGHT Buyer: Kathryn Wilkinson

SPONSORS DIAMOND - $250-plus T&C Stainless (Todd and Terry Cook) ADF Andrews Farm & Seed Hunt’s Hardware

HAYDEN FISHER Buyer: Pioneer Store Lisa Jennings

PAIGE WALLACE Buyer: Feed and More Steve Becker

REBEKAH CALLISON Buyer: Agri Center Aurora/Monett

GUNNAR FISHER Buyer: Pioneer Store Lisa Jennings

PLATINUM - $100 Bob Moffitt Insurance Agency Steve Dowdy Motors Mid-Missouri Bank Agri-Center Joyce Towe Insurance Agency MFA #86 - Aurora Liberty Bank Bass Equipment Company Community National Bank Heritage Livestock Jason and Krista Haymes Carrier’s Muddy Creek Angus

GOLD - $75

Larson Farm & Lawn Sexton and Associates CPA’s MARK MORIONDO Buyer: Jack and Celia Rathmann

DONELL KLEIBOEKER Buyer: Race Brothers Farm Supply

TAYLOR MANLEY Buyer: Crawford Auction

DALLAS KLEIBOEKER Buyer: Schnake Farms

SILVER - $50

John Cowherd - Attorney Spring River Turf Farm Eli’s Shortstop Freistatt Farmers Exchange Schoen’s Heating & Air Cork Cattle Co. Fritz Implement Wright Charolais

Fulp & Grimm Dairy J & J Processing Dake Veterinary Clinic Countryside Animal Clinic - Dr. Mike Bloss D & D Drilling and Pump Animal Clinic of Monett Fallenleaf Dairy Cattle Spencer Round Grove Shorthorn Holman Insurance Agency Duvall Polled Herefords Johnson Brothers Cattle Company Screen Masters Waddel & Reed - Bryan Bowles Lawrence County Record Phil Davidson - State Farm Mt. Vernon Livestock Show Girls

BRONZE - $25

Super Lube, Mt. Vernon Greg Lenz Wallace Cattle Co. Dions Automotive Tom Cox American Family Insurance Sean Holman - Shelter Insurance Flummerfelts Town & Country Supermarket Pierce City Ag. Services 1st State Bank Feed & More Country Store Friendly Supply Thompson Family Drug Herb & DeeAnn Dighero Stop N Shop Gleonda Farms Shelco Sharpening Service

Broiler Exhibitors 2013 CADE SHEPHERD Buyer: Preferred Poultry Grand Champion

TY WHITTAKER Buyer: Feed and More Steve Becker

BRENDEN KLEIBOEKER Buyer: Nolan Kleiboeker

ASHLEY BAILEY Buyer: Starr Land and Cattle

KAITLIN KLEIBOEKER Buyer: Nolan Kleiboeker

SAMANTHA SCHNAKE Buyer: Thompson Farms Forrest and Donna

SETH CALLISON Buyer: Agri Center Aurora/Monett

RACHEL CALLISON Buyer: Agri Center Aurora/Monett

SYDNEY RICE Buyer: Town and Country Tire

BRITTANEY ERWIN Buyer: S & H Farm Reserve Grand Champion

HUNTER HENDRIX Buyer: Willie Hendrix

MASON TURBEN Buyer: Don and Alicia Wright

SHANIA HOGAN Buyer: Bud Hogan

OLIVIA SPENCER Buyer: Knaust Auction Service

LEE DAVIS Buyer: Agri Center Aurora/Monett

GRACE NELSON Buyer: Nelson Enterprises

ALLISON DAVIS Buyer: Agri Center Aurora/Monett

LEESA BARNETT Buyer: Schnake Farms

KELSIE RAUCHER Buyer: Heritage Livestock Mariellen Raucher

NICHOLAS SCHEID Buyer: Community National Bank

LEVI HUNT Buyer: Schnake Farms

SETH EZELL Buyer: Hometown Pharmacy

HAILEE DUDLEY Buyer: Feed and More Steve Becker

TYLER ALCRICH Buyer: Whittakers

KARLIE MEEKS Buyer: Dake Vet Clinic

MARY SPENCER Buyer: Knaust Auction Service

DENAE HUNT Buyer: Hometown Pharmacy

JORDAN DELASALLE Buyer: Whittakers

LAURA HUNT Buyer: Schnake Farms

JAKE DELASALLE Buyer: Whittakers

ATHENA COOPER Buyer: Feed and More Steve Becker

BAILEY ANDREWS Buyer: Nelson Enterprises

RYAN ALEXANDER Buyer: Hunts Hardware and Guns

BRITTANY BOLIN Buyer: Joetta Bolin

DUSTY ALEXANDER Buyer: Stikeleather Genetics

CHEYENNE MCDONALD Buyer: Nelson Enterprises

CORY ARD Buyer: Nelson Enterprises

ALEX HAMELINK Buyer: Nelson Enterprises

BLAKE HAMELINK Buyer: Nelson Enterprises

NOAH PARRIGON Buyer: Nelson Enterprises

BRENNA CUNNINGHAM Buyer: Nelson Enterprises

MIKAYLA POWELL Buyer: Feed and More Steve Becker


June 12, 2013

The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.



JACKSON KLEIBOEKER Buyer: Robert Schnake

GARRETT JONES Buyer: Dion Automotive

KALE SCHNAKE Buyer: Anita Dunn

SHAYLYNN BENBROOK Buyer: Arvest Bank John Kleiboeker


DALE LOFTIS Buyer: Feed and More Steve Becker

TAYLOR BOWLING Buyer: Ross Auction

SIERRAH HEINTZ Buyer: Nelson Enterprises

ADDISON JACKSON Buyer: Feed and More Steve Becker

JARROD BLACKBURN Buyer: Hometown Pharmacy

MCKENZIE LOFTIS Buyer: Nelson Enterprises

ELLEN JACKSON Buyer: Wayne and Shirley Smith

RILEY CARNES Buyer: Nelson Enterprises

SHELBY WEAVER Buyer: Nelson Enterprises


CARSON DAKE Grand Champion Angus Bull

JACOB DELASALLE Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Dexter Bull

JORDAN DELASALLE Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Heifer

COLTEN LEACH Grand Champion Brangus Heifers & Bull

COLTON SPENCER Grand Champion Gelbvieh Balancer

ADDISON JACKSON Reserve Grand Champion Hereford Bull

ELLEN JACKSON Reserve Grand Champion Hereford Heifer

LOGAN LAKIN Grand Champion Hereford Bull

RACHEL CALLISON Reserve Grand Champion Foundation Simmental Heifer

REBEKAH CALLISON Grand Champion Foundation Simmental Bull

REBEKAH CALLISON Grand Champion Purebred Simmental Heifer

COURTNEY SPENCER Grand Champion Gelbvieh Heifer

OLIVIA SPENCER Grand Champion Shorthorn Heifer



Grand Champion Mainetainer Heifer

Supreme and Grand Champion Heifer Foundation Simmental

Purebred Simmental Bull

TREY LARSON Grand Champion Crossbred Heifer

SAM WALLACE Grand Champion Steer

PAIGE WALLACE Reserve Grand Champion Steer

BRITTANY GROVES Junior Champion Holstein Heifer

GRANT GROVES Reserve Grand Champion Brown Swiss

KELSIE GRIMM Junior Champion Brown Swiss Heifer

KELSIE GRIMM Grand Champion Brown Swiss

BAILEY GROVES Reserve Grand Champion Holstein

BRITTANY GROVES Grand Champion Holstein

PERRI MCCROSKY Grand Champion Fullblood Boer Doe

EMMALEIGH CLONTS Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb

SPENCER RUARK Grand Champion Ewe

NOBLE LEMASTER Grand Champion Whether Boer Goat

KACIE CLONTS Grand Champion Market Lamb

JACKSON KLEIBOEKER Reserve Grand Champion Ewe

GARRET WRIGHT Grand Champion Ewe

ASA DILL Grand Champion Duroc Gilt

HAYLEY NEWBY Grand Champion Cross Bred Gilt

JASMINE NEWBY Grand Champion Land Race Boar

MATTIE COBBAN Grand and Reserve Champion Bantam Chickens

MASON TURBAN Overall Grand Champion Fancy Chicken

JONATHAN HERBERT Grand Champion Mini Lop Rabbit



THANKS for helping make this 2013 LCYF Premium Sale possible! • Steve and Jeanne Jones • Fallenleaf Dairy Cattle-Karla Deaver • MFA #86 Aurora • Lockwood Farmers Exchange • Gene Ingle - Ingle Automotive • Feed and More - Steve Becker • Sean Holman - Shelter Insurance • Rick Johnson • Johnny and Rene Spencer • Fire Sweep Simmentals (Callisons) • Andrews Farm & Seed • Hunt’s Hardware & Guns • Jonathan Miller - Ralco Feeds • Dr. Kurt VanHulzen, Suidae Health & Production • Schnake Ranch - Dustin Schnake • 1st Independent Bank • Steve and Denna Danas • Karrie Wright • Kathryn Wilkinson • Roy and Joyce Moore • Lisa Jennings - Pioneer Store • Devin Fisher • Fon Johnson • Dennis Cooper • Wayne and Shirley Smith • Don and Alecia Wright Wrights Rocky Acres • Mineral Valley Farms - Don and Carole Kleiboecker • Stikeleather Genetica • Loftis Family • Dion’s Automotive • Anita Dunn • Robert Schnake • Charles and Kassie DeLasalle • Sharlene Wolfe • Nikki and Bill Ross • Community National Bank • Rick Bolin • Farm Pro • Mike Flummerfeltz • Larson Farm and Lawn • Freistatt Farmers Exchange • Animal Clinic of Monett • Arvest Bank - John Kleiboecker • Springfield Livestock Market • State Farm Insurance - Phil Davidson • Main Street Feeds • Preferred Poultry - Leslie Reed • Danny Bowling • Town & Country Tire - Kevin White • Miller FFA Alumni • Spring River Turf Farm Larry and Rita Moriondo • Dake Veterinary Clinic Chuck Dake

• Joetta Bolin • Willie Hendrix • Dan Meeks • Ryan Raucher • JD Nelson Enterprises - James Nelson • Heritage Livestock - Dennis Raucher • Race Brothers Farm & Home Craig DeForest • Home Town Pharmacy • Starr Land and Cattle • FCS Financial - Darrell Harshaw • EPIC - Scott and Terri Manley • MDP • Crawford Auction • Wright Charolais - Carl Wright • Lawrence County Commissioners • Copan Truck Stop • Hobart Services • Old West Gunslinger • Packers • Screenmasters • DD Drilling • John and Heather Long • Kerry Fowler Farms • Nolan Kleiboeker • Jack and Celia Rathman • Forrest Thompson • Voskamp Family • SOMO Agri Supply, Inc. Mike Frieze • Ernie and Tammy Wallace • Don and Ruby Wright • Robert Dorsey • Freedom Bank • Kelly Bishop • S & S Farms • Mid-Missouri Bank • Mark Harmon • Tyson Foods • Whitehead Farm Supply • Lyle Whittaker •S&H • Bud Hogan • Pierce City Ag Service Center LLC • Rita Keeling • Don Burnett • Wes Joy • Dan Hulbrook • Ross Auction • Knaust Auction Service

GUNNAR FISHER Reserve Grand Champion Market Pen

for supporting our future farmers!


MARK MORIONDO Grand Champion Angus Heifer GRANT GOOLSBY Grand Champion Angus Heifer GARRET WRIGHT Grand Champion Market Hog JORDAN DELASALLE Grand Champion Polish Rabbit

Not Pictured: GUNNAR FISHER Grand and Reserve Champion Florida White Rabbit HAYDEN FISHER Grand and Reserve Champion Florida White Rabbit JONATHAN HERBERT Grand and Reserve Champion Mini Lop Rabbit HAYDEN FISHER Grand Champion Market Pen

MADELYN ROBERTSON Senior Showmanship Grand Champion Horses GARRET JONES Junior Showmanship Grand Champion Horses MACKENZIE LOFTIS Reserve Showmanship Grand Champion Horses REBECCA CALLISON Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog

SYDNEY RICE Junior Showmanship Grand Champion Sheep JORDAN SPENCER Senior Showmanship Grand Champion Sheep KAITLYN KLEIBOEKER Junior Showmanship Grand Champion Hogs REBECCA CALLISON Senior Showmanship Grand Champion Hogs

The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.


June 12, 2013

Lawrence County 4-H Acievement Day results Fifty members from seven county 4-H clubs exhibited 125 projects and participated in member judging, speaking and fashion revue at the 2013 Lawrence County 4-H Achievement Day. Exhibits were up 22 percent from 2011, and have grown 36% over the past three years. Clubs represented were: Aurora Blazing Arrows, Jolly Ranchers, Kountry Kids, Miller Champs, Mt. Comfort, Pierce City Pilgrims and Verona Wild Clovers. The most popular project area was arts and crafts. The Lawrence County 4-H Council also held a very successful silent auction. Clubs donated gift baskets, which were bid on throughout Achievement Day activities, generating $775 to benefit the county 4-H program. FASHION REVUE Olivia Spencer, 1st place, Clothes you buy, qualifies for State Fashion Revue; and Katie Pennell, 2nd place, Clothes you Buy; Hannah Adams, Crochet division, blue, qualifies for State Fashion Revue. PROJECT EXHIBITS – all blue ribbon exhibits qualify for Ozark Empire Fair. AGRONOMY: Brenden Kleiboeker, weed collection, blue. ARTS AND CRAFTS: Hannah Adams, elephant drawing, blue. Bailey Andrews, Awesome Gnome sculpture, blue; Fairy house, red. Lexi Johnson, yarn globe, blue, luminary, blue. Kaitlin Klei-

boeker, embroidered tea towel, blue. Kendall Meyer, scratch art owls, blue, printmaking mountains, blue, printmaking flowers, blue, printmaking origami, blue, wire art, blue, owl luminary, blue, hanging yarn balloon, blue. Jessica Spencer, hand/flower picture, blue, mountain view drawing, red, tree drawing, red, flower pot painting, blue, tornado painting, red. Mary Spencer, scratch art tiger, blue. Melissa Spencer, rose drawing, blue, tweety bird, red, dragon drawing, blue, Olivia Spencer, chalk pastel, red, batik, blue, scratch art cow, red, charcoal still life, blue, Alaska oil painting, blue. Melissa Tate, print making, blue, yarn balloon, blue, paper-cut lantern, blue. Suzanna Velten, day at the fair drawing, white, covered bridge drawing, blue, 4-H flag on a hill, red, giant flower, blue. Stacie Waters, book mark, blue, key chain, red. BREADS: Denae Hunt, cinnamon rolls, blue, white yeast bread, blue. CAKE DECORATING: Bailey Andrews, blue monster, blue; Rachel Callison, blue hearts and flowers cake, blue, Wilton Division Winner. Rebekah Callison, floral green ribbon cake, blue; Seth Callison, sports cupcakes, blue. Ryan Crews, flag cake, blue. Allison Davis, blue rose cake, blue. Gunnar Fisher, cupcakes, blue, Wilton Cupcake Winner. Hayden Fisher, 4-H Crayon cake, blue.

Shelby Freiburger, baby cake, blue. Katie Pennell, butterfly and lace cake, blue, Wilton Division Winner, Wilton Best of Show. Shawn Pennell, deer cake, blue. Cade Shepherd, Hereford cake, blue. Colton Spencer, deer cake, blue, Wilton Division Winner. Melissa Tate, picnic cake, blue. Stacie Waters, heart-shaped cake, blue. CLOTHING: Katie Pennell, dress, shoes, necklace and hat, blue. Olivia Spencer, spring formal dress and jacket, blue. CLOVER KIDS: Caleb Ayer, dog poster. Wyatt Cooper, scrapbook. Ty Roberts, scrapbook. All received special Clover Kids ribbons. CROCHET: Hannah Adams, hat, blue; spaghetti strapped shirt and skirt, blue. DAIRY GOATS: Allison Davis, goat soap poster and soap, blue. EXPLORING 4-H: Aubrey Baker, The BFF’s, red, The snow, blue, The snow 2, blue. Brittaney Erwin, red flowers, blue, Honeybee, blue, Eli’s Barn, blue, chives, blue. Sydney Gamroth, black and white cow, blue, cows, red, cow behind fence, red, cow, red, Shaky my puppy, red, My Grandpas cows, blue, Sugar, my puppy, red. Brittani Rice, the bull, red, the pretty boy, blue, The Yellow Ones, red, The snaking road, blue, Hide-N-Seek, blue, your typical barn, red, FOODS: Rachel Callison, lemon bars, blue; Brenden Kleiboeker, apple crisp, blue; Kaitlin Kleiboeker, no bake

cookies, blue; Brittani Rice, breakfast bars, blue; Melissa Tate, peanut butter fudge, blue. GARDENING: Hannah Adams, pineapple, blue; Brittani Rice, strawberries, blue. GEOSPATIAL: Kendall Meyer, geocaching notebook, blue. PHOTOGRAPHY: Bailey Andrews, pretty white flowers, blue, wonderful geese, blue, streams of purple flowers, blue, bird town, blue, a day in the sun, blue. Olivia Ayer, dirt road, blue, flowing river, blue, day at the river, blue, rocky waters, blue. Sydnei Neill, ducks and geese, red, snow flowers, blue. Jordann Pugh, rivers flow, blue, rain dripped lives, blue, sunset, blue, yellow flower, blue. Melissa Tate, capital photo, red. POULTRY: Lee Davis, chicken plucker and poster, blue. S CRAP BO OK IN G : Hannah Adams, blue, Dusty Alexander, red, Ryan Alexander, red, Journey Carlisle, blue, Athena Cooper, blue, Denae Hunt, red, Laura Hunt, blue, Madeline Roberts, red, Melissa Tate, blue. SHOOTING SPORTS: Lee Davis, bow quiver, blue. WELDING: Levi Hunt, fence post puller, blue. WOODWORKING: Ryan Alexander, pastry board, blue, rolling pin, blue. Denae Hunt, rolling pin, blue. Laura Hunt, end table, blue. Levi Hunt, yo-yo, blue. Shawn Pennell, charging station, blue. MEMBER JUDGING ARTS AND CRAFTS: JUNIOR DIVISION: Kaitlin Kleiboeker,

1st, blue, regional; Cade Shepherd, 2nd, blue, regional; Bailey Andrews, 3rd, blue, regional. BEEF: JUNIOR: Brenden Kleiboeker, 1st, blue, regional. Rachel Callison, 2nd, blue, regional. Dallas Kleiboeker, 3rd, blue, regional. Donell Kleiboeker, 4th, blue, regional. Jackson Kleiboeker, blue. Cade Shepherd, red, Sydney Rice, red, Gunnar Fisher, red, Seth Callison, red. SENIOR DIVISION: Colton Spencer, 1st, blue, regional. Rebekah Callison, 2nd, blue, regional. Hayden Fisher, 3rd, blue, regional. CAKE DECORATING: JUNIOR DIVISION: Rachel Callison, 1st, blue, regional. Seth Callison, 2nd, blue, regional. Brittaney Erwin, 3rd, blue, regional. Cade Shepherd, 4th, blue, regional. Allison Davis, red. SENIOR DIVISION: Rebekah Callison, 1st, blue, regional. FOODS: JUNIOR: Kaitlin Kleiboeker, 1st, blue, regional. Brenden Kleiboeker, 2nd, blue, regional. Hannah Adams, red. GARDENING: Rachel Callison, 1st, blue, regional. Seth Callison, 2nd, blue, regional. HORSE: JUNIOR DIVISION: Jordann Pugh, 1st, blue, regional. Sydney Rice, 2nd, blue,regional. Kaitlin Kleiboeker, 3rd, blue, regional. PHOTOGRAPHY: JUNIOR DIVISION: Sydney Rice, 1st, blue, regional. Cade Shepherd, 2nd, blue, regional. POULTRY: JUNIOR DIVISION: Kendall Meyer,

1st, blue, regional; Sydney Rice, 2nd, blue, regional; Lee Davis, 3rd,blue, regional; Allison Davis, red. SHOOTING SPORTS: JUNIOR: Lee Davis, 1st, blue, regional; Cade Shepherd, 2nd, blue, regional SENIOR DIVISION: Joel Adams, 1st, blue, regional. WOODWORKING: JUNIOR: Cade Shepherd, 1st, blue, regional. SENIOR DIVISION: Joel Adams, 1st, blue, regional. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: Age 8-10: Kaitlin Kleiboeker, 1st, blue, regional; Hannah Adams, 2nd, blue, regional. Age 11-13: Jackson Kleiboeker, 1st, blue, regional; Brenden Kleiboeker, 2nd, blue, regional; Donell Kleiboeker, blue, Alternate; Dallas Kleiboeker, blue, Alternate; Sydney Rice, blue; Jordann Pugh, blue. 14 and older: Olivia Spencer, 1st, blue, regional; Hayden Fisher, 2nd, blue, regional. PUBLIC SPEAKING: Junior Division: Rachel Callison, 1st, blue; Cade Shepherd, 2nd, blue. INTERMEDIATE DIVISION: TECHNOLOGY ASSISTED: Jackson Kleiboeker, 1st, blue; Dallas Kleiboeker, 2nd, blue; Donell Kleiboeker, 3rd, blue. PREPARED: Samantha Schnake,1st, blue. SENIOR DIVISION PREPARED: Colton Spencer, 1ST, blue. All qualify for regional achievement day and the State Public Speaking Contest.

A BIG THANK YOU TO: Forest, Donna, Greg, Cindy, Forest Paul and Jason Thompson and Roddy Mikel for installing the electricity. Also thank you to Carl and Marilyn Wright who enabled the Lawrence County Youth Fair to receive funding for the fair buildings. Lastly, thank you to the Freistatt Lion’s Club for the long-term lease of the Lawrence County Fair Grounds.

Lawrence County Youth Fair

is always searching for volunteers. To help serve the youth of our community, contact one of the board members listed below. Jim Spencer Jay Shepherd Karla Grimm Johnny Spencer Tammy Wallace Chasity Vangunda Brian Libey Steven Prewitt Kristy Sivils DeAnn Dighero Jason Haymes Colleen Pugh

Not Pictured cont’d: ANDREW BARTON Reserve Grand Champion Fullblood Boer Doe ANDREW BARTON Grand Champion Boer Doe PERRI MCCROSKEY Reserve Grand Champion Boer Doe ALLISON DAVIS Grand and Reserve Champion Doe Goat

The Lawrence County Fair Board and exhibitors cannot say enough to thank all volunteers, those who donated equipment to be used for the fair, and food and other items for the Sale Dinner. Special thanks to these businesses and individuals who donated to the 2013 Lawrence County Youth Fair: S & H Farm Supply • Hostetler Farm Supply • Joplin Regional Stockyards Hunt’s Hardware • Janella Spencer Kenneth Knaust • Mt. Vernon Chamber of Commerce Roddy Mikel • Dallas Ross Southwest Missouri Cattlemen’s Association Sandy Bailey Also special thanks to: Kaitlin Johnson-Photographer

HAYDEN FISHER Grand and Reserve Champion Florida White Rabbit TY WHITTAKER First Place Public Speaking JOHN NUNEZ Grand Champion Ag Mechanics KALE SCHNAKE Reserve Grand Champion Ag Mechanics JESSICA COBEN Dog Show Grand Champion, Senior Showmanship MATIE COBEN Dog Show Junior Grand Champion


Page 4 - The Lawrence County Record, Mt. Vernon, Mo.


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