9.27.18 Vedette

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Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018 Vol. 154, No. 15 • $1.00

INSIDE OBITUARIES • Devin Matthew Hunt, 31, Greenfield • Norman David Corsaut, 88, Greenfield • Roland Swearingen, 90, Aurora • Deward Andrew Prater, 92, Mt. Vernon • Charles DeLaSalle, III, 55, Mt. Vernon • Lowell R. Armstrong, 89, Miller • Martin Ray Voskamp, 75, Lockwood

Greenfield Homecoming Parade Sept. 28

Parade starts in front of Greenfield Elementary, proceeds to Main Street to go around the square and end at Greenfield High School. Wildcat fans, show your Wildcat Pride!

Red Cross Blood Drive Oct. 1

A Red Cross blood drive in honor of Sami Beasley is set for October 1 at the American Legion Hall in Lockwood, from 1:30-5:30 p.m.

A Weekly Newspaper Serving the Dade County Area Since 1866

President Trump Visits Springfield

Just One of Several Visits by Politicians to Area Last Week

By James McNary Articles Editor

With the time until the midterm November elections drawing short, United States President Donald Trump paid a visit to Springfield last Friday night, stumping for U.S. Senate candidate Josh Hawley, who is currently serving as Missouri’s attorney general.

Hawley, who is in a tight race against incumbent Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill, was one of several Republican speakers for the evening, including his wife, Erin, and local Congressmen Billy Long and Jason Smith. The headliner was of course Trump, who spoke for over an hour. ‘Trump in Springfield’ Continued on page 5

Above, President Donald Trump pauses to allow the roar of the crowd to pass during the rally in Springfield. Right, a young supporter sits atop his dad’s shoulders for a better view. (Photos by Gina Langston)

Lawrence County September Days Baby McCaskill In that although while serv- of the law if he can coning as attorney general vince the courts to side Show Champions Hawley has accomplished with his interpretation of By James McNary Articles Editor

Locked in a tight race against Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley to hold onto her U.S. Senate seat, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) ventured deep into the Republican stronghold that is southwest Missouri Sept. 19 to drum up support and inform constituents of issues on which she is working.

CBCO Blood Drive at Greenfield HS Oct. 1

Greenfield High School is hosting a CBCO blood drive on Monday, October 1 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. There is a need for O negative, A positive and A negative blood types.

FAFSA Frenzy at Greenfield HS

Greenfield High School encourages all who need help in filling out FAFSA forms to come Tuesday, October 2 at 7 p.m. to GHS computer lab.

‘Come Paint with Us’

Hone your painting skills with Turnback Community Art Association at Intermission Cafe, Greenfield, on Wednesday, October 3 at 6:30 p.m. $20 per person. Sign up at Intermission Cafe. CONTENTS Obituaries................ Page 2 Events................... Page 3-4 Commentary........... Page 7 Homecoming: Greenfield............ Page 8 Miller.................... Page 9 Legals.................... Page 10 Classifieds.............Page 11 Sports..................... Page 12

September Days Baby Show Champions: Boy’s Division - Trey Lowrance of Pennsboro, son of Derick Lowrance; Girl’s Division - Preslee Hickman of Greenfield, daughter of John and Logan Hickman. More winners from this year’s September Days Baby Contest can be found inside on page 13.

At 5 p.m., performances will begin, the first group being The Bluegrass Girls & Company. At 6 p.m., a performance by the The Vogts Sisters is set to begin.


CALL 637-2712

MON-FRI 8 A.M. TO 4 P.M.

Finally, at 7:30 p.m., a performance by the group Kentucky 31 will begin.

In case of inclement weather, performances will be held inside the Greenfield High School gymnasium. The Washington Lodge wishes to thank all the sponsors who help to make this event possible including: G&G Small Engines; United Country Lowe Realty; Greenfield Auto Supply; Allen & Sherry Rose; Russell Abstract & Title; Wreck-O-

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Greenfield Gets Good Report From Auditors By James McNary Articles Editor

This is a bring your own blanket/lawnchair event.

‘McCaskill in LawCo’ Continued on page 14

McCaskill used the visit as an opportunity to say

By James McNary Articles Editor

The evenings activities will begin with a $10 per plate, all-you-can-eat fish fry hosted by Washington Lodge on the east side of the square.

the U.S. Constitution.

The venue for McCaskill’s visit was the Keen Bean coffee shop in Mt. Vernon, and the building was packed beyond full with area residents hoping to visit with the senator.

Bluegrass on the Square A “Bluegrass on the Square” event is being sponsored by Washington Lodge No. 87, AF&AM, to be held Sept. 29 on the square in Greenfield. All proceeds generated from the event will go directly to the lodge’s programs for the underprivileged children of Dade County.

some good things, his recently filed lawsuit regarding the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) would gut the remainder

Mended; Hot Spot; Gypsy Junque; Angie’s Hair Station; Greenfield Pharmacy; H&R Block; Greenfield License Office; Red’s Drive-In; Wisteria House, That Place; Farm Bureau Insurance - Brant Harvey; Jeff Julian Concrete Construction; Greenfield Ready Mix; Doana May’s Salon; Main Street Pub; Great Southern Bank; Village Music; Ken’s Kafe; The Vedette and Lake Stockton Shopper; Greenfield Print Company; and T&B Graphics.

The Greenfield Board of Aldermen received a good report of the city’s finances from auditor’s Decker & DeGood during their meeting Sept. 18. The city was also informed by their waste disposal contractor that rates would be increasing by 26 cents. Rachael Day, representing Decker & DeGood, present the findings of the audit to the board. “We found that the city is doing pretty good, though we do have a couple of recommendations,” said Day. “The city has sufficient funds on hand to pay its bills for a year or two with no income.” Recommendations from the auditors include putting in place a policy that approval of credit adjustments

over a set amount should be an action of the board of aldermen; putting in place a policy that all overtime must be approved and by whom; and putting in place a policy tracking fuel consumption in city vehicles. Also recommended was an adjustment of the park fund, which on paper is negative, but that’s only on the city’s books and not at the bank. This could be rectified by enacting a minimum fund balance policy, according to the auditors, primarily just to have a rule on the books. “Everything is great if your cash balance is really high, you really shouldn’t have any problems,” said Day. “Though I do understand having too much cash on hand could disqualify cities ‘Good Report’ Continued on page 14

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