Community News Digital Presentation - Joplin Globe

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Company Name

We start with you. We learn about your specific business goals, and we develop a custom digital marketing plan to help you achieve them. Once your campaign is live - real people - that’s us - monitor and optimize it to get your best ROI. Whether your goal is to build awareness or to generate qualified leads, our team will develop a personalized plan for you to reach your objectives.

CND Team

CND Objectives

Community News Digital will take your marketing game to the next level. From forging and strengthening relationships on social media to edging out your competition on search engines, we will help you connect with your target at all stages of their buying cycle.



To grow the number of customers to BUSINESS by utilizing a highly targeted digital approach.

To increase overall online presence building site traffic and stimulating brand awareness.

Specific Tactics CND has a team of digital strategists behind you to help get you started on what we recommend would be best for your company.









Specific Tactics CND has a team of digital strategists behind you to help get you started on what we recommend would be best for your company.






Maps & Directories

Description: The web was born to provide information. So many things have changed since those first days of the web, but ultimately the main goal remains the same, give people the answers to the questions they are asking, like “What business is close to me” and “What is the phone number of the business”? Maps & Directory Sync takes your information and ensures that you populate on location searches and that your information can be found consistently on all major search directories.

Solution: Reach searchers looking to local directories for business information, while maintaining consistency for increased ranking within Google, Yahoo, & Bing search engines. Ensure that your location is discoverable through Google Places.

Next Gen BT 01

is the advancement of evidence based online behavior. Rather than inferring user behavior, proprietary partnerships with thousands of website search engines allow us the ability to see the actual interactions of people as they happen. These interactions allow us another layer of knowledge about a specific user. We then target the users whose online behaviors match the objectives of your marketing campaign, with the ability to serve ads to the user within one minute of the search taking place.

Keyword Search Retargeting

Connect with more searchers more often and more effectively with CND’s industry leading keyword-level search retargeting. CND's search retargeting enables advertisers to combine the effectiveness of search with the brand impact and reach of display. Intent data, such as keyword search terms, are the most effective targeting data available. Search retargeting gives advertisers the ability to target potential customers with display ads based on the searches they perform across the web. CND captures over 13 billion search events per month from over 300 million users. Each individual search is date and time stamped.


A user performs a search. Data is collected

CND shows the user an ad Based on the keywords searched.

The user clicks on the ad and converts..


Keyword/Category Contextual Targeting

Connect with potential customers by showing relevant ads to users as they browse content related to their interests. Contextual targeting looks at the category or keywords of the page a user is viewing and serves them ads relevant to the page’s content. This can be done based on the pages they are currently viewing or pages they have visited in the past. Users will only see ads they are interested in, saving valuable impressions for the right potential customers.



Advertisers website

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3


Target users viewing content with keywords that have been designated by the advertisers.

Target users viewing content within specific categories that have been defined as relevant to what the advertisers offers.

40% of people are more likely to respond positively to an ad seen frequently if it’s next to relevant content.

RESPONSIVE AUDIENCE TARGETING CREATE A CUSTOM AUDIENCE Utilizing the latest in tracking technology, we are able to monitor exactly what types of ads a specific person is engaging allowing us to target people who are looking for your products or services. If another business, local or national, has run similar messaging in your target geography, we put your message in front of those people who responded to their ads.

YOUR AUDIENCE EVOLVES The audiences CND creates are dynamic. As you learn more about what is working and what isn’t, your audience evolves with your campaign. Such programmatic freedom allows you to optimize your campaign to maximum effectiveness and efficiency as your gain deep audience insights.


Site Retargeting

Site retargeting serves ads to users who have already visited your site while they are visiting other sites across the web. Following users based upon their browsing behavior increases brand exposure and is an effective method of converting site visitors into purchasers. CND brings the edge of element-level marketing to site retargeting. While most retargeting companies still operate at the group segment level, CND enables bidding, reporting, and optimization down to the smallest data elements such as products, categories, or even pages viewed.

Advertisers website

Advertisers website


A user visits a website and browses various products and services. However, the user leaves Without converting.

CND shows the user an ad Based on the pages they viewed As they performed other online activities.

The user clicks on the ad and Returns to the advertiser’s site and converts.

Website visitors who are retargeted with display Ads are 70% more likely to convert on retailer’s website.



Target your audience with pinpoint accuracy at the state, DMA, city or even ZIP code level with our Geo-Targeting Solutions. Target web browsers and smartphone users within the defined geographic area where you conduct business.


Target anywhere in the U.S.

CND shows the user an ad Based on their geographic area

The user clicks on the ad and converts.

Your Next Gen BT

List Demographics here

Your Next Gen BT


Map Image Here

Cross-platform capabilities



Displa y


CND supports in-app and mobile web inventory, geo-fencing with Conversion Zones to optimize and report on online and offline traffic and Event Targeting to create custom audiences out of specific event attendees, as well as mobile-specific exchanges such as MoPub and Millennial Media.

CND supports pre-roll, mid-roll, in-banner video, and can deliver across in-app, mobile web, and desktop browser inventory types.

Engage your prospects and current customers in a way that’s meaningful to them. CND serves over 43,000 active campaigns daily.

Experience a response rate six times higher than traditional display ads with native ad units built in real-time to match the publisher’s content and design. Native ads improve user experience and can be utilized with any CND targeting tactic, across all media types.

Site Retargeting Pixel

View Through Pixel

Retarget users after they visit your site.

User has seen your ad, did not click but later comes back to your website.

Unique Tracking Code Pixel Advertisers can place in Google Analytics to see our campaign performance.

Conversion Pixel Track sign-ups, online forms, purchases, leads etc‌.

CUSTOM SITE LISTS: Premium websites specific to your message Would you rather target specific popular websites instead of users? Custom Site Lists allows the campaign to focus on content and ad visibility. You can now choose from predetermined premium sites that would fit their typical customer.


Bring your offline data online with CRM Targeting from CND. CRM Targeting allows advertisers to upload data from an existing or purchased database of names, email and postal addresses, etc. into the CND platform and show ads to those users as they surf the web. Users are matched with their online profiles and served the advertiser’s ad(s) across the web. Data is anonymized and scrubbed of any personally identifiable information, so there’s no risk of a breach in privacy.





Event targeting Ideal Prospects Conferences, Conventions, and Tradeshows Sporting Events, Concerts and Tours Radio Remotes Performing Arts Festivals and Fairs

You Choose When & Where Customize your campaign to the date, time, down to what floor on a building an event will be.

Community and Cultural Events Fundraisers Parades

Event Targeting is a precise temporal geo-targeting strategy that allows advertisers to build an audience based on a geo-fence. Advertisers can target a custom, niche audience out of users who attend a specific event during a predetermined time window and then serve ads to those users for up to 30 days after the event.

The most advanced location-based mobile advertising technology for targeting users based on specific geographic areas. Enables marketers to customize audiences through custom targeting shapes with precise and accurate data.


Follow customers who visit or commute through any business location.

Use GeoFence/Follow for Brick & Mortar companies, Venue Based Entities, and Travel Areas.

True View Video True View in-stream ads run on videos served on YouTube or on a collection of sites and apps in the Google Display Network. They can also appear on Android and iOS YouTube Apps, and on connected TVs. Viewers can choose to skip the video ad after 5 seconds. If they choose not to skip the video ad, the YouTube video view count will be incremented when the viewer watches 30 seconds of the video ad ( or the duration if it’s shorter than 30 seconds) or engages with your video, whichever comes first. Video interactions include clicks to visit your website, call-to-action overlays (CTAs), cards, and companion banners.


Ppc search advertising works because…

You only pay when your ad performs

IT’s predictable and easy to understand

It’s controllable

PPC visitors are 50% more likely to purchase something than organic visitors.

You can generate traffic right away

Strategic targeting of key search terms Major Key Words Associated with this Estimate: Our Campaign Managers will: Identify keywords and keyword phrases that match your products, services and business goals.

Develop a comprehensive list of all the terms people use to find your products and services.

Create a thorough list of negative keywords to eliminate unsolicited clicks that can drain your budget.

These key word groups were used to produce an estimate only. Actual key phrases used in your campaign will be determined after the goals and objectives worksheet is complete.

GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE: CAMPAIGN TARGET AREA Our PPC platform gives us the ability to geographic target specific locations. We can target a continent, a country, a state, a city, certain parts of a city or even a geographic radius around a city.

Ppc budget recommendations The following 3 budget estimates are based on:

The number of people searching for your products or services.

The competitive nature of your industry.

Your target geographic area(s).

How is my ppc campaign created?

No “cookie cutter” campaigns here. Every campaign is handled by one of our Google and Yahoo!/Bing certified campaign analysts.

Here’s how campaigns are created: • A campaign analyst is assigned to your account based on your business type and budget level. • Based on the information provided in your Goals and Objectives questionnaire your analyst will review the information, analyze your websites and create conversion tracking metrics. • Next they set up your geographic parameters and build a custom keyword list based on the hundreds of key terms used by people who search for your product or service. • Multiple text ads will be written by your analyst using different strategies to convert browsers into buyers. • If applicable, call tracking and recording numbers will be set up to show on your website only when someone enters your site as the direct result of a click on your ad. • As your campaign accumulates performance history, your analyst will monitor your results and effectively manage your keywords, ad copy and budget.


How will I track my results? Live Tracking and Reporting helps you measure the effectiveness of your PPC Campaign

How will I track my results? Alerts give you up to the minute details on your account

View all leads in one place

Always know which keywords are driving success

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) funnel helps you understand and control your costs

Detailed Daily Reporting & Statistics Traffic Graph gives you a quick visual so you can make sure your campaign is on track.

Daily traffic and campaign statistics show you exactly how well your campaign is performing

Detailed Daily Reporting & Statistics Detailed metrics for every call.

Are your employees properly handling all incoming leads? Listen to the calls to make sure.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Seo works because‌ Everyone who has a website wants it to rank high in search engines like Google and Yahoo/Bing. If you are looking to expand your presence in search engines, you should consider using an SEO strategy.

What Does the Data Say? Search engines like Google and Yahoo are now influencing up to 88% of business purchase decisions.

Over 80% of internet users are typing search phrases into search engines. They will either find you or your competitor.

At least 92% of users don’t bother looking past page one.

These key word groups were used to produce an estimate only. Actual key phrases used in your campaign will be determined after the goals and objectives worksheet is complete.

Potential seo Key words

Our initial analysis revealed the types of keywords people are using to find your services. It also shows your visibility in terms of search engine rank for a sample geographic area. The numbers shown are where this business ranks for a keyword in the targeted city. Your Account Manager will work with you to develop an organic strategy to buiild your presence within your targeted theme.

Organic traffic based on keyword rank

If a business is ranked outside of the top 5 for a keyword, that business will receive less than 5% of the organic traffic clicks in Google.

SEO Site audit The SEO audit of your website found 642 issues. These issues create errors when Google searches and evaluates your website rank for relevant keywords.

Our seo recommendations

Organic Themes Keyword

We recommend targeting the following theme to deliver organic traffic to your website. These recommendations are based on: • • • •

The Monthly Search Volume for your products and services, The strength of your website, The competitive nature of your industry, Keyword ranking difficulty. Your campaign manager will work with your to refine this list and look for additional relevant key words with significant volume.

Main Locations keyword

pricing This pricing is based on the keyword themes and geographic targeting recommended in this proposal. You may adjust the price by excluding or adding additional themes or geographic service areas that best fit your budget and marketing goals.

Keyword Theme Add-On:

A Keyword Theme Add-on gives you the ability to run multiple campaign themes simultaneously to target additional services or lines of business.

Service Area Add-On:

A Service Area Add-on allows a service based business to expand campaign coverage into surrounding areas where your services are provided. This allows service industry businesses to optimize for areas outside of their primary location.

HOW WILL WE MEASURE SUCCESS? Organic Traffic Organic traffic includes all visitors who navigate to your page through a search in a search engine. This does not include traffic through a paid ad in the search engine. As you gain additional visibility within each campaign theme, this number can increase.

Referral Traffic Referral traffic includes all visitors who navigate to your page through a link on another website. One of the goals of the content we create is to generate links from people interested in this content.

Direct Traffic Direct traffic includes all visitors who navigate directly to your page by typing your URL in the search bar. As your campaign progresses, you will gain additional brand awareness, which can help to increase direct traffic.



Tota l Ra nking Keywords

Avg. rank for Cam paign Them e

Tota l Keywords On Page 1

This is the numb er of times you r w eb site w as served w ithin search engine result p ages after a search w as p erformed . Th is is an ex cellent ind icator of grow th w ithin the search engines as your site b egins to ran k for more an d more k eyw ord s.

We also p rovid e an ongoing u p d ate of th e k eyw ord s you are rank ing for. As w e op timize you r site for on and off- site b est p ractices, you sh ou ld see th is n u mb er gradually climb.

This is b ased on the rank of you r target k eyw ord s w ith in a camp aign. We p rovid e the average rank across the k eyw ord s to show how the camp aign is tren d in g from a high level.

We w ill also p rovid e visib ility into target k eyw ord s that are rank ing on p age on e.

Appendices & Additional details

Appendix A: seo process- on site optimization Strategic on-site optimizations are imperative to a successful campaign. We review your site for proper indexing, crawling, structure, and relevancy to assure your site is prepared to rank. The intent with on-site enhancements are to ensure that the site is as robust on-site as it is about to become off-site. 1. SEO Setup During the initial setup of the account, we do a number of things to prepare for your campaign. All are in an effort to build your online presence and increase traffic through maps, directories, rankings for your website, and exposure on other web properties such as popular blogs or relevant websites. 2. SEO Analysis The analysis allows us to review your current online presence and possible concerns with your website. We review possible issues with site architecture and on-site and off-site optimization practices that may limit exposure and rankings across search engines. 3. Keyword Research Through keyword research, we are able to identify which keywords may drive the highest qualified traffic from around the web. This research helps us design a campaign roadmap that guides the creation and distribution of content and off-site and on-site optimization strategies to enhance your online presence and traffic. 4. On-site Optimizations Our SEO specialists will analyze your website and instruct you on ways to improve on-site aspects to enhance SEO-friendliness as well as user-friendliness. This can include recommended updates to title tags, content edits, content creation, sitemaps, and much more. Also, our specialists will pinpoint any problems that may interfere with search engines, such as frames or excessive use of Flash. 5. On-site Blogging and Distribution We will be generating content for your on-site blog and distributing the content through major social channels. Sharing content across the web helps build brand awareness, builds trust with search engines, and helps drive traffic.

Appendix B: seo process- off site optimization After the initial stage of analysis and on-site optimization, we will focus on building your presence on the Internet. This second stage is often unpredictable, and can depend on the competitive landscape and your business' brand. With this in mind, we will work to make considerable progress in the first several months of our search engine optimization efforts by delivering exposure through the most important places across the web. Our efforts are designed to increase exposure, presence, and branding in an effort to increase traffic. Keyword rankings within organic search and organic impressions are factors that help us strategize and drive traffic. 1. Locate and Submit to Business Directories A business citation is a mention of the name, address, or phone number of your business on the internet. We submit your information to directories and websites, including those with local and industry specific focuses. These mentions help establish the legitimacy and authority of your business online, improve your visibility in local search results, and drive valuable traffic and conversions. 2. On-site Blogging and Distribution We will be generating content for your on-site blog and distributing the content through major social channels. Sharing content across the web helps build brand awareness, builds trust with search engines, and helps drive traffic. 3. Custom Link and Citation Building Our link and citation strategies are built around your businesses industry and geographic location. We do not leverage canned link building strategies that can be viewed as abusive by search engines and cause short-term ranking results. We identify the best places on the web where your business should be promoted, such as hyper-local and niche directories, local newspapers, or popular blogs within your city or industry. Content creation and distribution is often part of the strategy. Through these white-hat strategies we are able to build trusted links, citations, and traffic from various and relevant sources from around the web. 4. Premium Content Marketing We promote your business through premium publications and websites throughout the web. Distribution of content through these channels helps drive traffic, content sharing, and valuable links that benefit your online presence and exposure. 5. Content or Media Creation and Distribution Depending on the strategy and allowable budget, various types of content or media will be created and distributed through major platforms and channels. These can include infographics, articles, blog posts, video and more.

Appendix C: sample seo roadmap Month 1 • SEO Setup • SEO A nalysis (T his analysis is what we do to create your roadm ap. Y our roadm ap is the deliverable for this step.) • SEO Roadm ap • T itle & Meta T ag A nalysis and C reation (on - site optim ization) • Website C opy A nalysis and Edits (on - site optim ization) • C reate XML Sitem ap (on- site optim ization) • C reate Robots.txt file (on - site optim ization) • Im ag e A lt T ag s (on- site optim ization) • Redirect A nalysis & Recom m endations (on - site optim ization) Month 2 • Landing Pag e O ptim ization (on - site optim ization) • Internal Link A nalysis & Rec om m endations (on- site optim ization) • Subm ission to General Web Directories (link - building ) • A rticle C reation & Subm ission to Ezine A rticles (link building ) • Locate and Subm it to Social Bookm arking Sites (link building ) Month 3 and 4 • Locate and Subm it Link to N iche Directories (link- building ) • Related Blog C om m enting (link - building ) • User Sitem ap C reation (on - site optim ization) • Subm ission to General Web Directories (link - building ) Month 5 and 6 • A rticle C reation & Mass Distribution (link - building ) • Blog Posts (link building ) • Locate and Subm it to Social Bookm arking Sites (link - building ) • Social Media Pag e C reation (link - building • Press Release C reation & Subm ission (link - building )

This is an example of a standard SEO roadmap. No two websites are exactly alike. Therefore no two SEO roadmaps are exactly alike. Use this as a guide to understand our SEO process. Our SEO analysts will create a roadmap best suited for your situation.

Facebook promote Facebook continues to dominate the digital landscape with its incredible reach numbers and time on site.



•79% of internet users (68% of all U.S.

• 8 monthly customized updates/

adults) use Facebook. •76% of Facebook users report that they visit the site daily •55% visit Facebook several times a day.

posts • Social Expert Strategy call and client phone support • Monthly Reporting • Both Geographical and Demographical targeting • $50 worth of Facebook Ad’s

Facebook coupon Facebook continues to dominate the digital landscape with its incredible reach numbers and time on site. Give Facebook Users an offer to try on your product/service.

Includes: • Social Network Shares • Customized Social Media Application • Responsive Layout for Landing page • Email/User Submission Collection • Campaign Analytics & Reporting

SOCIAL SWEEPSTAKES Social Sweepstakes is a one of a kind Do-It-For-Me solution. Not only will our team of Social Experts build you a branded sweepstakes, but we'll also help you promote it through email marketing (continually adding to your database) and drive traffic with Facebook Ads targeted at key customers. Incentivize Facebook users to enter for their chance to win a giveaway by entering their name and email into a contest form. Once Fans enter the sweepstakes, they can share the experience with their Facebook Friends so they too can participate. Typically 1 of 3 sweepstakes entrants will opt-in to receive future updates.


• • • •

There are 1.083 billion daily active users 47% of Facebook users only access the platform through mobile This year, for the first time, more than half of the US population will use Facebook The average (mean) number of friends is 338, and the median (midpoint) number of friends is 200

What can facebook ads do for your business? Greater Reach: • Facebook Advertising is critical to connecting your business with people. With access to millions of active users, Facebook can extend your reach to the right audience and location.

Targeted Reach: • Facebook Advertising allows users to really pin point the customers they want to reach. Narrow your audience by targeting customers by:


• • • • • • • • •

Location Age Gender Languages Relationship Education Work Financial Home

• Flexibility in pricing (allows you to manage your marketing budget)

• • • • • • • •

Ethnic Affinity Generation Parents Politics (U.S. only) Life Events Interest Behaviors Connections

How Facebook Ads Work

Objective Get Specific about the goals of your Facebook ad from raising awareness, driving traffic to your website, collecting leads, etc.

Target Ads focus on your customer demographic, location, interests and several other metics.

Placement Ads show up on your targeted audience’s mobile and desktop news feed.

Budget/Schedule Set your advertising budget.

Reporting See how your ads are performing



Ads can focus on your customer demographic, location, and several other metrics

The number of perspective customers that are seeing your ads on a daily basis. Higher budget increases daily reach.

Newsfeed Ad


Ads show up on your client’s Facebook page alongside other social posts.

The number of people who view and engage with your ads.

Action Plan

Facebook Ad’s Action Plan

Objectives We have two main objectives with Facebook ads: 1. Page Likes- Expand your online community 2. Clicks to Website- Drive qualified traffic to your site

Targeting Three main targeting approaches; can be used separately, or in conjunction with each other: 1. Demographic Targeting- Most basic level. Age, gender, location, etc., as well as the more specific demographic categories like sexual orientation, relationship status, workplace and education level. 2. Interest Targeting- Where ad targeting gets fun. Interest targeting is based on a user’s stated “Likes” and interests, and allows advertisers to hone in on their optimal content audience. 3. Broad Category Targeting- Target your ads to Facebook users based on categories. Some examples include people whose martial status indicates that they are engaged, people who are expecting a baby, small business owners, political stance, etc.

Targeting & budget


The following budget estimates are based on: 1. Demographic Targeting (age, gender, etc) 2. Interest Targeting 3. Your target geographic area(s).


Campaign Target Area

We can target a continent, a country, a state, a city, certain parts of a city or even a geographic radius around a city. Target Area(s):


Monthly dashboard Monthly reporting helps you track the effectiveness of your Facebook Ad Campaign.

Summary & Recommendations

Completed Work

Metrics per Ad: Impressions, clicks, CTR, page Likes

Month over month comparison

What we offer

Website Design Services Gain more traffic with websites optimized for desktop, tablet and mobile viewing. Responsive Design Gain more traffic with websites optimized for desktop, tablet and mobile viewing

Customized Content

Search Engine Optimized

Website Analytics

Up to 15 pages of highly relevant, custom content created with your customers’ needs in mind

Your website will be configured and optimized to show up on all major search engines

Track your website’s performance and traffic conversions with

Social Integrations

Premium Content

Integration with Facebook and Twitter allows you connect with your customers on social media

Keep your customers engaged with rich media content such as photo galleries, video slideshows, forums, surveys & more

monthly reports

Generate Leads Capture useful customer information with our easy-touse contact forms

What we offer – Website Design Services

What we offer

Our design experts will custom build and design a website of up to 15 pages for your business. Fully optimized for search engines and made for every device – including smartphones, your new site will be built to capture customers as leads and keep them engaged.

Responsive Design

Product Spec Sheets | Websites 5 PAGE










Minimum Contract

12 mo.

12 mo.

12 mo.

Number of Pages

5 pages

10 pages

15 pages

Responsive Design

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔




Email Storage Per Email Box





3 Per Page

3 Per Page

3 Per Page

✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔

Monthly Retail


SEO Compatible Do-It-Yourself Embed Google Map Contact Us Form (up to 4 fields) Website Analytics Email Boxes

IMAGES Stock Art Included

SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook and Twitter Links News Feed Integration Facebook Likes

VIDEO Video Source Displayed (if available)

Product Spec Sheets | Websites







OPTIONAL FEATURES Number of Optional Features Display & Schedule Events

Counts towards one of the included website pages

Photo Gallery Setup

Up to 5 images Setup. Customer can upload additional.

Image Slider Voting or Polls

Up to 3 photos. Customer can upload additional. Up to 5 selections for polls. Up to 10 questions for surveys with up to 4 selections per question. Counts toward one of the included pages


Setup of first 2 posts. Counts toward one of the included pages.

External RSS Feeds

Setup of first 2 feeds. Customer can add/manage additional.

Downloadable Coupon

Setup of first coupon. Customer can add/manage additional.


Setup of first 50 items. Customer can add/manage additional. Counts toward one of the included pages

MAINTENANCE Scheduled Hours of Maintenance

1hour per month

1hour per month

2hours per month

✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔

Monthly Retail




Extra Page

Text & Image Changes Email Link Updates Contact Details Update


summary Tactic

Monthly Impressions

Monthly Investment

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