The Future of Agriculture

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Thursday, February 14, 2019 • The Vedette •


e r u t l u c i r g A f o e r u t u F The

FFA Wee1k9 3, 20

-2 February 16



Golden City

Greenfield Lockwood

Walnut Grove Everton



Ash Grove


Thursday, February 14, 2019 • The Vedette |


GREENFIELDVEDETTE.COM Email News to James McNary at DEADLINE for all ad/editorial info is Noon Friday.

Dadeville FFA W

EEK Activities

Monday - Wonde

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Tuesday - Tractor/ M

Wednesday - Tea ch

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Thursday - Teach Friday - National

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Chili Supper/Labor Auction Feb. 26 Above, Jacob King, Bailey McGill, Dakota Lutz, Porter Hatch, Reid Goodman, Caleb Walker and (not pictured) Breanna Wince attended the Southwest District FFA Greenhand Motivational Conference on Jan. 9, with the National FFA Officer Team pictured on the front row. Dadeville FFA Officer Team 2018-2019 President - Wil Toler Vice President - Matthew Huchteman (Area X FFA President) Secretary - Macey Sappington Treasurer - CC Miller Reporter - Abby Sappington Sentinel - Saedee Sherwood

Parliamentarian - Lexi Lakey Historian - Garrett Freeze Chaplain - Clinton McGill Junior President - Samantha Melton Junior Vice President - Carter Lakey Junior Secretary - Krissa Ballinger Junior Treasurer - Rylee Mullins

The Dadeville FFA Chapter will hold their annual Chili Supper and Workers Auction at 6:30 p.m., Feb. 26, in the Dadeville school gymnasium. Students will be awarded their Greenhand and Chapter FFA degrees before presenting themselves at auc-

tion for eight hours of labor. Funds raised help pay for the trip to state convention, chapter awards and the annual banquet, with 30 percent also being donated to St. Jude Children’s Reasearch Hospital.

Matthew Huchteman performed in the talent competition at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, receiving second place. (Photos courtesy Dadeville FFA Chapter)

Area X FFA Barnwarming was attended by 18 members of the Dadeville Chapter, including (from left) CC Miller, Lexi Lakey, Macey Sappington, Abby Sappington, and Matthew Huchteman.

Dadeville freshman and sophomore agriculture students had the opportunity to learn about a variety of farm techniques and technologies during the University of Missouri Southwest Center Field Day.

Above left, 16 Dadeville FFA members helped package meals for those in need at the Missouri State Fair: (from left) Kenzie King, Rylee Mullins, Josh Hunt, Abby Sappington, Lexi Lakey and CC Miller. Above right, FFA’ers also enjoyed food and games at the Dadeville Barnwarming. Below, 10 members of the Dadeville Chapter attended the National FFA convention: (back row, from left) Wil Toler, Clinton McGill, Jacob King, Lexi Lakey, Carter Lakey, (front row, from left) Macey Sappington, Krissa Ballinger, Abby Sappington, CC Miller. Not pictured: Matthew Huchteman.


Thursday, February 14, 2019 • The Vedette |


GREENFIELDVEDETTE.COM Email News to James McNary at DEADLINE for all ad/editorial info is Noon Friday.

Activities FFA Weetokn Co mmunity Church

The Everton FFA Chapter has 22 members for 2018-19 and a brand new adviser, Haleigh Harris. Also new to the chapter this year is a new greenhouse. Some of the first activites of the school year was fall game night and going to see the PBR. “So far this year has been one of the best yet, from barnwarming to degree night to filling out all of our applications whether it be for our chapter or our state degrees.,” said Harris. “This year we have accomplished many things like having a student get first place in trap shooting. We are looking forward to FFA Week, Spring BBQ, and our banquet.” Everton FFA members for 2018-19 include: Wyatt Atkisson, Kobe Arr, James Bassett, Josh Bassett, Garrett Bendon, Caleb Cobel, Olivia Gateley, Evan Harden, Madison Hays, Mason Hayes, Cole

ch Ever Sunday - FFA Chur s Welcome. ng service. Familie Potluck lunch followi es at school) y (Bonfire with s’mor Tuesday - Camo Da Day Wednesday - Denim y/Area Barnwarming Thursday - Plaid Da r to school! y, Drive your tracto Da ld Go & ue Bl Friday Wonders of Wildlife

Everton FFA Officer Team

Keck, Zane Keck, Jazzmenn Luney, Melina Kent, Destiny Owens, Lizzy Shearer, Brooke Smith, Austin Schultz, Amanda Tihonovich, Jayden Todd, Kaylyn Whitney, and Ezra Wood. Chapter Adviser Haleigh Harris said the Everton FFA officer team consists of six very dedicated members of the Everton FFA Chapter. The President is senior Wyatt Atkisson. Vice President is junior Kaylyn Whitney. Secretary is sophomore Evan Harden. Treasurer is sophomore James Bassett. Reporter is junior Madie Hays. Sentinel is senior Olivia Gateley. (Photos Courtesy Everton FFA)

Adopt a Highway Trash Pickup

National FFA Convention 2018

The Everton FFA Chapter sent eight members to Indianapolis for the National FFA Convention in October. At the convention, students went on agriculture based educational tours, got the chance to visit a career show with multiple agriculture businesses from around the nation, and they also got to hear a speech from President Donald Trump.

On Nov. 17, 2018, Everton FFA members gathered at the school for a briefing on trash pickup. Members put on their reflective orange vests, grabbed some trash bags and headed to the ditches of U.S. Highway 160. The Everton chapter is responsible for two miles of U.S. 160, charged with keep-

ing trash in the ditches picked up. “The members all worked diligently and it only took a few hours to manually pick up all of the trash, many hands make little work,” said Adviser Haleigh Harris. “We take pride in what is ours and strive to keep it in the best of shape.”

Everton FFA Degree Night On December 3, 2018, six Everton FFA members received their chapter degree and eight members received their greenhand degree. Missouri FFA Assocation President Paxton Dahmer was the guest speaker, and delivered a speech about aspiring to be great and reaching your goals. The degree ceremony was followed by some refreshments. “The ceremony was a great night and afterwards there were some happy and proud FFA members,” said Adviser Harris. From left: Melina Kent, Lizzarae Shearer, Zane Keck, Mason Hayes, Brooke Smith, Jazzmen Luney, Ezra Wood, Caleb Cobel, Haleigh Harris.

Everton Barnwarming The Everton FFA Chapter held their annual Barnwarming on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2018. Planning committee members worked all weekend on cleaning and decorating a barn for the event. Members enjoyed line dances taught to them in class the week before, as well as snacks, and games planned by the committee. Barnwarming royalty candidates were chosen from each class: Freshmen, Brooke Smith and Zane Keck; Sophomore, Amanda Tihonovich and Garrett Bendon; Junior, Kaylyn Whitney and Cole Keck; Senior, Olivia Gateley and Wyatt Atkisson. The king and queen were the freshmen candidates, Brooke Smith and Zane Keck. At right, Everton Barnwarming king and queen, Brooke Smith and Zane Keck.

“Students always have a great time on this trip and make memories to last a lifetime,” said Adviser Haleigh Harris. Students also had the opportunity to visit the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. Those making the trip included: Brooke Smith, Jazzmen Luney, Mason Hayes, Evan Harden, Madie Hays, Olivia Gateley, Wyatt Atkisson, Austin Schultz.


Thursday, February 14, 2019 • The Vedette |


GREENFIELDVEDETTE.COM Email Legals to Lavinia Thornhill at DEADLINE for all ad/editorial info is Noon Friday.

Excellence Is Recognized From Emily Pennington and Katie Lung

Do you think that Mr. Lyle Whittaker is an outstanding teacher? The students of Miller High School think so, and the Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association agrees! The small town of Miller, Missouri, had the most outstanding teachers for the 2017-18 school year! Mr. Whittaker was awarded the Missouri Outstanding Agriculture Education Teacher Award this past summer in Springfield at the MVATA Conference. This award recognizes an outstanding teacher in the Agriculture Education field for their outstanding comA sizable group from the Miller FFA Chapter attended the Southwest District FFA Greenhand Motivational Conference on Jan. 9 in mitment to their students, Springfield. They are pictured here, standing behind the National FFA officer team, which was also in attendance. the growth of the programs, and the promotion of agriculture. To win this award, he had to fill out an application consisting of personal narratives, articles discussing From Miller FFA his teaching philosophy, classroom instruction, ex“WLC this is not our train!” If you periential learning, student attended the Washington Leadership Conference this past summer this is a phrase that you would have heard over and over again within the short five days of the From Kevin Scheel and mind-opening event. The WashCobi Miller ington Leadership Conference is a week-long premier leadership conWilliam Smith took ference for FFA members throughhis chickens to the out the country. Within this week Gold Buckle Gala to you learn the four tenets which are show this year and he Me, We, Do, and Serve. To be a good won Reserve Chamleader you need to know all of these pion pen of broilers the first being, “Me” meaning, you over the summer. need to start becoming an engaged out of elevators, standing in a very prove your leadership skills. Your Twelve kids from citizen. It pushes students to look long line waiting to be checked in, group is mixed up with students across Southwest inward at the unique offerings that and talking amongst the kids from from all over the country along Missouri attended they bring to the table. “We” means their own chapter. Everyone was with an amazing group leader. The the Gala and out of that you cannot only work alone, shy and stared as you walked by, no five days are filled with fun activithose 12, he won you need to work together to create emotion, no smiles, no hellos, just ties, traveling all over Washington, the title of Reserve an even better idea. “Do” means to blank stares and anticipation. You D.C., and meeting new people. The Champion and also advocate, once we know ourselves walked past hundreds of students days pass by fast when you start won the chance to sell his and value other people only then to find the end of the line to wait enjoying yourself and making new pen of broilers in the Premican we truly advocate. Lastly is your turn to be checked in. When friends, and when it comes to an um Sale. William’s chick“Serve” meaning to not only focus you get checked in you go through end you no longer see blank stares ens sold for over $3,000! on ourselves but to focus on others booths to sign up, take your pic- or scared students. You now see as well. These four tenets are a big ture, and get your room key. After people crying about leaving, upset Smith took four broilers key to being a great leader and if about 10 minutes, you now have about not being able to see their to the fair to be judged on you attended this conference then the key to your room that you will new best friends every day, and size, weight, and cleanliyou received the privilege to expe- share with three other students people exchanging phone numbers ness. It took six weeks to rience what being a true leader feels from different chapters. This is the and Snapchats! If you ask one of the raise the chickens to their like. If you went and asked one of time where you will meet your new 16 Miller FFA members that had the size and weight. When the 16 students what their thoughts roommates and soon-to-be lifelong privilege to enjoy this life-changing asked if boilers are hard to were when they first arrived they friends. As the conference goes on event what they thought of WLC, raise, William replied, “no, would all say that they were ner- students will slowly come out of they will tell you to not pass this opbroilers are fairly easy to vous, but at the same time excited their bubble and communicate out- portunity up if you get the chance raise. Out of 55, only two and ready for a new experience. side of their own chapters. For the to go! You will have so many new died. The goal to win is to When we first walked into the ho- next five days, you will have group experiences, memories, and friends get the chickens as big as tel where the convention was being sessions to talk about your Learn- and this is an opportunity that you can while being uniheld, it was chaotic. FFA members ing To Serve Plans, also known as should not be missed – “WLC this formed or close to the same were everywhere, walking in and LTS Plans, and about how to im- is your train!” as possible.”

‘WLC, This Is Your Stop!’

organizations, community partnerships, marketing, professional growth, and letters of reference submitted to a committee of members outside the state of Missouri. On the application, Whittaker spoke about not only himself and his teaching career, but the Miller FFA Chapter as well as including how they give back to our community and school. The award was sponsored by the National Wild Turkey Federation and Lincoln Electric. Along with the plaque, Whittaker won a cash award.

Chickens Worth $3,000?!

Nield Selected for National FFA Choir

Work Days at the Ozark Empire Fair

From Miller FFA

From Miller FFA

Seventeen year old Dallin Nield from the Miller FFA Chapter was selected to participate in the National FFA Choir. There are about 600,000 FFA members all over the country, including Puerto Rico and Guam. Several of those six hundred thousand members applied to perform in the National FFA Choir. Out of all that applied only 89 were selected to perform at the national level. After applying and being selected Dallin was very excited to get on stage and perform. Dallin said “I don’t get nervous because being on stages excites me.” For his application Dallin had to sing scales, which are the note ascending and descending in whole steps. He was also had to sing America the Beautiful but the reason he was selected is because of his perfect performance singing of scales. Mr. Lyle Whittaker is the one who persuaded Dallin to apply and he is also the one who help prepare him for the national level. Other than Mr. Whittaker several people helped Dallin become a better singer, people like his mom, Mr. Yates and all of his previous music teachers. The person who actually

What do concerts, rodeos and a tractor pull all have in common? All three of these things along with numerous other things are held during Summers Biggest Party at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds. Miller FFA had students volunteer to clean the Ozark Empire Fair Grandstands this past summer. The work may have been hard and gross at times but we asked Cheyenne Lathem “Why do you work at the Ozark Empire Fair?” and this is what she told us “I do it because it’s fun,I get to hangout with my friends, we get to watch the shows and it teaches us how to be hard workers as a team and as individuals. Also working at the fair gives me YOGOWYPI points towards getting to go to National FFA Convention.” YOGOWYPI is a word that the Miller FFA Chapter uses to teach kids

inspired Dallin to become a singer was Josh Groban, an American singer-songwriter. Dallin has yet to perform at the national level, he goes to perform during National FFA Convention. National FFA Convention is held October 24-27. He will perform every day at National Convention and everyday he will sing something new. The Miller FFA Chapter is very proud of all the hard work Dallin has put

in this past year and we are excited to see him perform at the national level this year.

William is planning on participating in LCYF and Gold Buckle Gala next year with the same breed and feeding plan as this year and is hoping to actually take home first place. William fed his chickens Purina Game Bird Chow for six weeks and they ended up with the following weights: 5.10, 5.12, 5.11, and 5.128. The Gold Buckle Gala is an event where you sell livestock. Only 12 students are allowed to sell their livestock. The champion and reserve are the first and second place sellers.

that “You Only Get Out What You Put In” the kids receive points for all the FFA activities that they participate in. Over the summer the Miller FFA Chapter worked a total of nine days at the fair and each day they had roughly 15 kids volunteer. During those nine days they worked three concerts, a monster truck show, a motorcycle thrill show, a demolition derby, two rodeos, and a tractor pull. All the kids worked hard every day that we worked the fair. Each and everyday we would set up for the occasion, empty trash cans, mop the grand-

stands and clean the bathrooms. It was a lot for us to do but with teamwork and good attitudes we finished all of our task. We had some long nights, some gross nights and one night that we were thankful it was the last. Just because we were thankful that it was over does not mean that we did not have fun or learn something from the experiences we had. Along with all the work we did, we also did fun stuff. Our ag advisors allowed us to walk around the fair and while the events were happening we got to sit and watch them.

Thursday, February 14, 2019 • The Vedette |



GREENFIELDVEDETTE.COM Email news to James McNary at DEADLINE for all ad/editorial info is Noon Friday.


Activ K E E W e FFA Ash Grov t

s ity Breakfa n u m m o C oy Church b w Saturday o C r e Riv rch at Sac u h C y a Sund ildlfe Trip W f o s r e d n Area X Wo s Monday Spirit Day A F F y a rough Frid l Tuesday th Day, Officia l o o h c S e Tractor to (Also: Driv SAE Day) , Dress Day

Top, 20 members from the Ash Grove FFA chapter attended the 91st National FFA convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. The trip included opening session, the Garth Brooks concert, exploring the FFA career expo, industry tours at Cummins, Inc. (pictured above) and River View Farms, and finally watching Breanna Hollis receive her American FFA Degree.

This past summer, along with Dr. Langley from Tarleton State University, the Ash Grove FFA hosted a plasma cutting institute for ag teachers across Missouri which served as a teaching methods course and showed how to design and cut with the machine.

Ash Grove FFA Officers 2018-2019: President: MaKenna Johnson; Vice President: Daniel Elliott; 2nd Vice President: Alexis Long; Reporter: Dillon Magers; Sential: Luke Mulberry; Treasurer: William Lampley; Assistant Treasurer: Madison Ware; Secretary: Morgan Pinion; Adviser: Mr. Nathan Isakson. (Photos courtesy Ash Grove FFA Chapter)

2018-2019 Ash Grove FFA Chapter Roster: Tanner Barker, Tristan Bowers, James Byrom, Tristyn Davis, Haley Dixon, Luke Elliott, Savana Freeman, Chet Gilbert, Starr Gilbert, April Gocke, Ashton Gunter, Alyssa Hancock, William Hatch, Ben Hines, Jared Lobdell, Kaylee May, Samuel Moreland, Ryan Nateghi, Sarah Norton, Cannon Palmer, James Pickens, Dakota Roberts, Daniyel Scerbina, Colben Seamands Andrew Sullins, Tyler Webb, Jessica Wheeler, MaKenna Johnson, Dillon Magers, Morgan Pinion, Taylor Spickard, Paige Williams Katelynn Hodges, Heather Austin, Alexandra Baker, Dalton Barnett, Dillon Barnett, Michael Blaine, Devon Brown, Adely Camden, Dalton Carr, Camden Daniel, Ethan Gray, Emma Hancock, Skylar Herman, Zach Koczorowski, Alexis Long, Mackenzie Lutz, Noah Phipps Aaron Rolewicz, Breckin Schindler, Olivia Steimel, Jake Thompson, Deegan Vauter, Madison Ware, Aaron Brugh, Daniel Elliott, William Lampley, Luke Mulbery, Miles Nentrup, Dalton Robinson, Wyatt Stubblefield, Hunter Wheeler and Makenzie Wilson. Community service projects the Ash Grove FFA Chapter have completed this year include staining a wheelchair ramp at the American Legion Hall (left), cleaning headstones at the Kelly Baptist Cemetery (below), and helping a local community member build fence.


Thursday, February 14, 2019 • The Vedette |

LOCKWOOD FFA Traditions Still Survive in Lockwood In today’s world with the Internet, Facebook, and other social media content, traditions from the past sometimes fall by the wayside. However, the Lockwood FFA embraces traditions as well as building new ones. Each year in the chapter’s participation in National FFA week, the most anticipated day is tractor day. Students that can, drive their family’s tractor to school or possibly someone else’s for the day. The tractors are put on display in front of the school to show our appreciation for the American farmer and the importance of farmers to our community, county, state, and nation. Remember if you ate today, thank a farmer.

Lockwood Barnwarming On December 8, 2018, the Lockwood FFA hosted their annual Barnwarming dance. Students gathered in the Ag shop to dance the night away to music provided by Roth’s DJ service. All high school students are invited. It is a good way for the students to connect outside of school hours. Everyone had a great time! SAE Projects Still Going Strong at Lockwood FFA SAE stands for Supervised Agricultural Experience, this is where an agriculture student has a home project or works for someone outside of school hours. Years ago it would have meant raising

get involved, making sound choices, becoming active team members, and making a positive difference in their lives, school, and community. Clayton Robertson even volunteered to participate in one of the skits the State FFA officers presented. These conferences presented by the State FFA Officers and sponsored by MFA Incorporated were held Jan. 7-11, throughout Missouri. Through interactive workshops and skits the State FFA Officers encouraged first-year FFA members to explore their talents and reach outside their comfort zone for the opportunities provided through FFA membership. They helped the new agriculture students set goals for their education, careers, and FFA experience. The FFA is a national youth organization of more than 650,000 members. This organization helps students prepare for leadership roles and careers in the science, business, and technology of agriculture. In Missouri alone there are 347 chapters and more than 25,900 members. The FFA strives to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.


tivit c A K EE

y FFA W d o ress Da o D l a w i c k fi Loc y • Of tion Da a i c e r p ay r Ap each D Teache B • l o o h or to Sc t c a r T ay Drive A Sund F F • g n nwarmi r a B a e Ar

livestock or growing crops. Today SAE projects are much more diverse they can range from bee keeping to growing a garden as well as the more traditional avenues. SAE are still an important part of the Lockwood Agriculture curriculum, all students are encouraged and strive to develop their own unique project. Lockwood is still blessed to have many high quality SAE projects. These pictures show just a few. Katelynn Forbus, owns horse which she uses in rodeo competitions across Southwest Missouri. Blaine Garver, worked for a local farmer during the past year learning new skills and life lessons at the same time. Lillian Eggerman, is putting the skill she learned in class to use repairing a feeder for her grandfather. Camryn Foster is still keeping the traditions alive raising hogs to be sold as meat for your family. SAE projects teach valuable work skills, responsibility, and determination all while the student earns extra income. These skills will benefit the students regardless of their future career path. Lockwood Greenhand Attend Motivational Conference On January 9, eight members of the Agricultural Science I class attended the Southwest District Greenhand Motivational Conference at the Darr Agricultural Center in Springfield, MO. These students had the opportunity to learn about being positive role models, how to

GREENFIELDVEDETTE.COM Email News to James McNary at DEADLINE for all ad/editorial info is Noon Friday.


Thursday, February 14, 2019 • The Vedette |


Thursday, February 14, 2019 • The Vedette |


GREENFIELDVEDETTE.COM Email News to James McNary at

DEADLINE for all ad/editorial info is Noon Friday.



Walnut Grove FFA Chapter From Kelsie Gott Chapter Reporter

earning to live, and living to serve.

The idea of an FFA chapter for Walnut Grove was first brought up at a 1984 PTA meeting. Our FFA chapter now contains 50 members who participate in 41 activities a year. Activities are chosen by our team of officers and this year they decided to add some new activities into our planning book. They decided we’d go to a local drivein movie as a chapter, do extra community service events, and much more. The Walnut Grove FFA Chapter would like to reach out to the community more and support local businesses. We would like to show people what we are truly about, because we are not just the cattle showing farmers that most believe us to be. We are leaders. We are achievers. And we will make a difference in this world. We are learning to do, doing to learn,

Walnut Grove FFA Week Every year our chapter attends six events during the week. On Sunday, we attend FFA Sunday where most students attend a local church together. On Monday, we attend the Wonders of Wildlife museum at Bass Pro Shops with all of Area X. Tuesday is the Ag Literacy Scavenger Hunt, which is a chapter event. On Wednesday the chapter hosts a Teacher Appreciation Breakfast. Students come up to the school and make breakfast for the teachers before school starts. Thursday is Food for America. High school students bring farm animals to the school and allow the elementary kids to come down to learn about agriculture. On Friday we do Fried Food Friday where the students bring in food for Mr. Blakemore to fry during class.

Walnut Grove FFA Officers 2018-19: President - Breanne Blakemore 1st Vice President - Makaela David 2nd Vice President - Courtlyn Ryker Secretary - Aspen White Treasurer - Daisy Durault Assistant Treasurer - Ryan Keith

rs of Wildlife Monday - Wonde Scavenger Hunt cy ra ite L g A y a Tuesd st preciation breakfa p a r e ch a Te y a Wednesd for America Thursday - Food d Friday Friday - Fried Foo

Reporter - Kelsie Gott Sentinel - Rylee Gavist Assistant Sentinel - Dawson Meinders Co-Chaplain - Ethan Buckner

Washington Leadership Conference

Four Walnut Grove students attended the Washington Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. this past year. While there, the students met with Senator Roy Blunt and learned about leadership techniques. The students did fundraisers for two years in order to go on the trip, which they said was packed full of fun.

National FFA Convention National FFA Convention has been held in Indianapolis the past few years and it is the most popular event among Walnut Grove chapter members. In order to attend national convention, every student that wishes to go has to complete the “ABC’s.” The ABC’s consist of of filling out an application, attending chapter barnwarming/banquet, competing on a contest team, participating in a community service event, and enter-

ing an item into the fair. This year we had 22 students attend national convention. All students also got to see Garth Brooks live in concert at the convention. While at convention, it has become tradition that the students, along with Mr. Blakemore, go to a haunted house and then out to eat afterwards. Every student that attends convention absolutely loves it and learns something new.

Community Service

Our most recent community service was volunteering at “RECESS”, an organization that serves disabled children. We had 15 members attend this service event in Bolivar. Every student was partnered up with a child and received an information sheet on what to expect with each child. The students all enjoyed spending time with their child/children for the evening.

FFA Camp Rising Sun

Over the summer around twenty high school students will be attending Camp Rising Sun FFA Camp. Last year at Camp Rising Sun, students were motivated to be better leaders. During FFA camp there is a dance on Tuesday night where all of the high school students have a lot of fun. The student always looks forward to attending FFA camp

Veterans’ Day Lunch Our FFA chapter puts on a lunch for Veterans’ Day every year. It is put on in the Ag department. This lunch starts at 11 a.m. and anyone who wishes to come is welcome. The meal consists of bratwurst with chips, baked beans, tea and water. Mr. Blakemore usually plays at least one song and after the lunch there is an assembly in the fieldhouse to honor our veterans. This year about 50 veterans attended our lunch along with their families.

Co-Chaplain - April Countryman Co-Historian - Faith Gilkey Co-Historian - Lauren Johnson Co-Parliamentarian - Makayla McVay Co-Parliamentarian - Oakley White

Thursday, February 14, 2019 • The Vedette |



GREENFIELDVEDETTE.COM Email News to James McNary at DEADLINE for all ad/editorial info is Noon Friday.

Black Walnut Festival From Danielle Davidson


EEK A W A F F n o t k c Sto

Stockton FFA 2018-19 Officers

Sunday Sunday - FFA vity/Trip Day Monday - Acti UPerTuesday y Tuesday - SO on/Tractor Da ti ia c re p p A r e Teach st Wednesday iation Breakfa c re p p A y it n u mm Thursday - Co d n Member Fee e k ic h C d e ri F Friday -

President Katie Walker

Assistant Reporter Angela Anderson

Vice President Dalton Dodson

Sentinel- Westen Neirmann

Secretary Reagan Kennon Assistant Secretary Danielle Davidson Treasurer Lauren Ford Assistant Treasurer Kaden Goodman Reporter Christian Bridges

Assistant Sentinel Bianca McBride Historian Shanae Potts Assistant Historian Jadzia Robertson Chaplain- Payten Foster Assistant Chaplain- Amber McBride

Stockton FFA Forestry Rated Gold at Nationals From Payten Foster

The Stockton FFA Forestry team competed at nationals this year after their 1st place win at state. The team consisted of Cindi Prothro, Randall McNabb, Sam Craft and Katie Walker. The team placed 10th in the nation and received an overall

gold rating. Randall, Cindi and Sam received a gold rating and Katie received a silver rating. These kids worked hard on tree ID, timber cruising, knowledge test, speaking presentations on current events, identifying wood products, chainsaw parts, compass readings and topographic maps.


GC FFA Activities:

July: Golden Harvest Days Community Service LEAD Conference - At the LEAD Conference the Golden City Officer Team spoke with different state officers and brought home valuable information to use in our local chapter. September: UMC Field Day - At the UMC Field Day our chapter was able to walk around to different booths and see how agriculture was used in our society. We were also given the opportunity to study a cannulated cow. Area Greenhand Conference - The greenhands visited with our Area Officers and other greenhands from Area IX. There they learned the different aspects of our organization. Area Officer TrainingThe Officer Team traveled to Carl Junction to learn how our Area Officers work together to lead Area IX to success. They listened diligently and sought ways to improve our chapter. October: National Convention - In October the Chapter loaded up on a bus with Carl Junction, Lamar, and Joplin FFA’s to travel to Indianapolis, Indiana. While there they listened to speakers, tour Crossroads Genetics, visited Connors Prairie, and enjoyed a Garth Brooks concert. Labor Auction - The Golden City FFA Chapter invited the community to come a purchase the students’ labor. The profits from the labor auction went towards the expenses of National Convention. PTO Carnival Community Service Pumpkin Patch - The FFA grew a pumpkin patch behind the greenhouse. We sold them at a sporting event, just in time for Halloween. November: Chapter Barnwarming - The FFA

Every year, the Stockton FFA chapter plays a big role in the Black Walnut Festival. The chapter puts a lot of time and work into their events. The chapter has their food stand, their corndog stand, they hold the pie contest, the tractor pull and the worker auction. This year the walnut festival lasted 3 days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. On Thursday, they held the pie contest. There were about 25 entries and they were all tasted by three judges. There was a huge variety of pies, from pecan to walnut and apple and pumpkin. After the pie contest, all of the pies were given to the food stand to sell, and they were all sold. The pedal tractor pull was held on Friday, there were many kids who were able to compete. FFA members helped run the competition for the kids. All of the kids had a blast and their parents did too. Finally, the FFA held their worker auction on Saturday. Overall, there were 45 members in the auction, and everyone sold for over 100 dollars. There were some people who sold for 500 dollars. Not only did the FFA hold an event every day of the Walnut Festival, they also had the food stand

GREENFIELDVEDETTE.COM Email News to James McNary at DEADLINE for all ad/editorial info is Noon Friday.

Golden City FFA Roster 2018-19 Blake Taylor Thomas Roby Kaylee Veach Julie Jenkins Ivan Edson Gage Brous Damien Leopard Braden Stump Colby Nelson Elijah Pettengill Stephen Gonzales Logan Moore

Golden City FFA members attended the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana.

GC FFA Officer Team 2018-19: Chapter sponsored a barnwarming dance for the Eliab Cifuentes, Sentinel community. The Fishing In Lynzi Taylor, President Brooke Friesenborg, VP Blake Taylor, Chaplain the Dark theme was a hit. Tahya Phillips, Secretary Morgan Weimer, Reporter January: District GreenChain Parrill, Parliamentarian hand Conference - The Lane Dunlap, Treasurer Golden City greenhands were given the opportunity to visit with our State Officers and other greenhands A Sunday F F y from Missoua d n u S ri. There they oo Monday M y a d n learned the difo M ay ferent aspects ractor Tuesd T y a d s e u T tion Lunch of our organiia c re p p A r e Teach zation. rnwarming a B ednesday a W re /A y a d February: NaTurkey Thurs tional FFA Week Thursday ay March: 2018 Farmer Frid y a d ri F Spring Contests State Convention: Lane Dunlap participated in the Creed Speaking Contest and finished in the top 10 Voting Delegates represnting the Golden City chapter in the General sessions were Morgan Weimer and Lynzi Taylor.


K Act E E W A F F GC

and the corndog stand working throughout the entire festival. These stands get the members involved in working for our community. Members signed up for shifts to work and ran the cash register, helped prepare food, or did dishes. The walnut festival gives the Stockton FFA an amazing opportunity to get involved with the community. The Walnut Festival also gives the chapter the chance to raise money for trips, parties, and conferences. They get money from the food stand, corndog stand, and half of the money from each kid’s worker auction. If the FFA didn’t have to opportunity to work during the festival then they wouldn’t have enough funds to do the fun stuff for the chapter. The chapter wouldn’t be able to do stuff for FFA week, or go to Farm Fest. The walnut festival has helped the chapter so much and without it they would miss out on many fun experiences. The chapter is very thankful for the opportunity to work at the walnut festival, to make funds and to help the community. It gives us the chance to meet community members and spread the word about FFA and what it does to help high school students in their future careers.

Austin Burris Chain Parrill Lane Dunlap Jasmine Kaderly Caleb Cifuentes Gracee Singer Brooke Friesenborg Eliab Cifuentes Jolee Rector Brenton Bilyeu Morgan Weimer Lennon Skelton

Brandon Hildebrand Michael Wilken Emily Cossel Jacob Begley Lynzi Taylor Arlo Stump Ryan Sheets Ashlyn Woodworth Kadie Henderson Max Parrill Tahya Phillips

Thursday, February 14, 2019 • The Vedette |



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Greenfield FFA Officer Team President Hattie Taylor Vice President Chase Daniel Secretary Patrick Eutsler Treasurer Isaiah Stephen Reporter Hailey Horton Students participate in packing bags for the Greenfield Elementary Brown Bag Buddy program.

Sentinel Chris Kemp

Greenfield FFA officers assisted in presenting the annual Veterans’ day assembly, officers ushered guests in, manned the guest book, and assisted with the refreshments afterward. Front, from left: Hattie Taylor, Hailey Horton; back: Chris Kemp, Patrick Eutsler, Chase Daniel, Isaiah Stephen.

Greenfield FFA Chapter Activities From Greenfield FFA

The Greenfield FFA has quite a year. Greenfield FFA currently has 37 high school members and over 40 students enrolled in the Junior High program over the course of both semesters. We have spent a lot of time through out the year doing various com-

munity service projects as well as leadership development projects. Students have participated in many projects in class to prepare themselves to become the agriculture leaders of tomorrow. Students are diligently preparing for the spring competitions, these students are hoping to see competition at the state

level as well as in many other local competitions. “It has been an honor to be this year’s FFA President,” said Hattie Taylor. “This year our FFA team’s goal was to incorporate the members into more activities to continue there interest in FFA. I believe that we have done a good job of that this year.”

12 members of our chapter made the trip to the 91st National FFA convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. Students attended many sessions and herd from various motivational speakers as well as various tours including the Indianapolis Motor Speedway where students were able to “Kiss the Bricks.”

Breakfast for Supper Feb. 22 Friday Night, February 22 from 6-8 p.m., the Greenfield FFA will be having breakfast for supper in the High School cafeteria. Admission is a donation, proceeds will go towards competition expenses this spring. Menu will include biscuits and gravy, pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, coffee, milk, and juice.

Students participated in the Missouri State Fair, Missouri Farmers Care, and Missouri FFA Food Insecurity day and assisted in packing over 100,000 meals in four hours that were distributed to the six major food banks in Missouri.

Freshman members spent the day Jan. 9 with a group of state officers and the National FFA officer team learning about opportunities that lie ahead within the FFA.

Above, Greenfield hosted Andi Montgomery of the Missouri FFA association to present to the members about goal setting, leadership, and opportunities through out the state. Below, Students have been busy in the shop building various projects including bale spikes, hay rings and a chicken coop.

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