Vedette 3.12.20

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Thursday, March 12, 2020 • The Vedette •

COMMENTARY Be Glad You Are Alive! Be glad you are alive. Certainly so! You are the only “you” who has ever walked this earth. Have you ever bumped noses with another person exactly like you? You have not. So take it. Run with it. Be alive. Warm. Friendly. Always. Have a great game! When you are alive, warm, friendly you do not know just how great a magnet you become. And what a great builder of men you will be. Yes, be alive! Be warm! Glad! In a state of non-existence, you would miss God’s stars, His moons. You would miss your mother’s cheerful smile. Your grandmother’s. These ladies with sparkling blue eyes. Or green. Or possibly brown. Would you give this all up for a little charade into total selfishness, and then drop yourself off at a star of non-existence? You are the only “you” who has ever been. So keep it. Know it. It must reside in your heart. “I am who I am! Yes! I am! I am not the person you think I am! I am me! I am alive! I am warm! Friendly! I honor it! I honor you, too! We will speak together in God’s universe!”

By Frank Berry

If stuck in a wheelchair and I cannot lift my arms I will still love my life. I will still love my God. My universe. They love me. I know. Yes! I am me. It is true. And I will do my best. To go on. To help you. Especially you! I will continue to walk in good paths. I will not make waves. No, I will not! I will wind and unwind God’s stars if I can. This is true. God has brought me into my life here on earth, here in His universe. And so here it is. And I cherish it. It is true. It is so wonderful! And free! Someday in God’s stars, in His universe, we will all close our eyes for just a moment. We will wink. Only a wink. Then we will reawaken in God’s resurrection of men. Of all men. Of course, we will! God has told us this in ages past! Did we not listen? Jehovah will bless us. He will heal us. He will make us whole again. To be free! As absolutely unbreakable and unwavering men! Totally free! And we will laugh in God’s good land! Obscure Or Seen Are you obscure? Or possibly world-seen? Some like to hide in forests. Oth-

ers like to stand atop tall mountains, waving to each person they see here on earth with their complete arms. But no matter which you are, which you be, obscure or seen, on many days it is good to remain totally obscure. These are the days in which many may call out: “Where is that fellow rascal of ours! I would so like to see him! To give him a big piece of my mind!” Yes. Hide well, sir. For these are the days you must remain silent, even gracefully so, and hidden well. But no matter which you are, obscure or seen, always remain content in this great and wonderful planet that our precious God has so wondrously unrolled out for us. Step forward happily while breathing blithe-fully, kiss your wife of many years, and continue to smile on in good manner - even in excelling measure, just as you always have, and talk with God as you walk though this grand earth he has formed - even as you view and take in all this wonder of His, Jehovah’s, great and grand universe! His powerful cosmos! Live life! Sir! Live it well! Continue on! Amazingly so! Live!

Taylor 3-13-2011, Warren Hawks 3-15-2009, Margaret Speight 3-15-2006, Jean Countryman 3-152017, Holly Holesapple 3-16-2008, Sanford Steeley 3-16-2000, Lefty Tolbert 3-16-1972, Peggy Gabbert 3-16-2018, Myrl Weis 3-172017, MaMa Edna Baker 3-18-1999 and Charles Hughey 3-18-2010. Gone but never forgotten. Congratulations to Brady and Jessika “Bishop” Hanger on the arrival of a boy. Breeken Bishop Hanger arrived on March 3, 2020 at 5:16 p.m., tipping the scales at 8 lbs., 8 oz. and was 20 inches long. Big brother, Hayes (3) doesn’t really know what to think of him but Grandma Christal and Great-Grandma Nita Tefertiller gives him lots of attention. Also Brady and Hope Coble of Everton are happy to announce the arrival of a baby girl, Paisley Ann. Great-grandma Deanna Whaley is happy to announce the arrival of her great-granddaughter, Zoey Bell Devore. Zoey tipped the scales at 7 lbs., 11 o. and was 21 ½ inches long. Proud parents are Austin Devore and Callie Whaley. Ryan and Rennie “East” Barker of Republic have a boy, Bingham Jones Barker (Briggs). He got his middle name after his great-grandparents, Lavern and JoAnn Jones. Proud grandparents are Tonia “Jones” East and Ron East. The Hick twins are gaining every day in the ICU and hopefully get to come home soon. I know aunts,

Taylor and Meghan Walters, along with grandparents, Glenn and Jane Walters, are spending lots of time cuddling the two little bundles. Congratulations to Trent Miller of Walnut Grove on his engagement to Stephaie Bas. Best of luck to this young couple. Trent is the son of John and Dawna Miller. Last Monday, Larry and Jeanni Lakey came by the store for a visit. Larry looked so good for what he has been thru. His kidney surgery was a success and now he just has to take it easy. Mike and Nanci Hargis hosted a 67th wedding anniversary dinner for Nelson and Donna Marlowe last weekend. All their children were there and it had been a long time since they had all been able to get together. Lots of reminiscing went on and looking back at old pictures. Last Wednesday, Rick went back to his dermatologist and had his stitches taken out of his face. They done a great job and doesn’t look like it is going to scar at all. Monte Gladden had to make an emergency trip to the hospital last Friday night for a perforated appendix. They done surgery and he is home recuperating. Wishing him a speedy recovery. The Walnut Grove girls are heading back to state. They beat Montrose 65-31 in the quarterfinal game and will play this Thursday at JQH Arena at 5:10

nie Pierce, and Lennis Queen. God be with you all and give you comfort. A great season for the Lady Tigers and Lockwood Tiger basketball teams. Some very exciting games. My little cousin Elijah Kerr plays and he is all over that court! I went and watched my nephew Izaac Taylor play and what a great

player. I sure enjoyed watching my granddaughter, Emily Grisham play. After the last game, great-grandparents Dale and Carolyn Grisham, Matt, and my kids, Adam and Kourtney Grisham, Lucas and Emily and myself went to Burger King play area and ate. Arek Grisham broke his foot and has another knee surgery on Mon-

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By Jean (Mincey) Mausehund Some of the good and some of the not so good signs of spring are popping up these days. On the good side, bulb plants such as tulips, hyacinths, crocus, and daffodils are up. Even one daffodil is about to bloom in my garden, much too early as the next hard frost is going to kill that bloom. Ladybugs are showing up in the yard–one of the few bugs that are welcomed by gardeners. Although not bugs, earth worms are coming to the top of soil–another good things for gardens. And, every warm, sunny day is a promise of more to come. And did you remember to set your clocks ahead last Saturday before going to bed to wake up at the right DST? Those longer evenings after work are a great part of spring. On the not so good side, the weeds are thriving in the fields and garden plots, and some are in bloom already–which of course means seeds are forming and waiting to blow into gardens for a summer crop of them. Then, here come the bugs (insects) that are not quite so welcomed–I have spotted some ants, two wasps, and several flies–and two mice have

p.m. against Community Lady Trojans in the semi-final round. Go, Lady Tigers! I was so sorry to hear about the horrible wreck Saturday that took the lives of Lonnie Pierce, 34, of Jerico and Lennis Queen, 66, of Lockwood. I understand the two-year-old little girl is going to be alright. What a horrible thing to happen. Our thoughts and prayers are with these two families. Also got word Betty Riggenberg, Everton, passed away over the weekend. Sympathy to all those who have lost a loved one. Sunday was a wonderful day for a blessing. Little Millie Pirtle was baptized Sunday with a host of family and friends to cheer her on. Proud parents are Travis and Desiree Pirtle. Millie’s ball team also took first place in her age division over the weekend at a tournament. Granddaughter’s, Mayce Baker, traveling volleyball team brought home a first place trophy from a long all-day tournament in Lebanon. These young girls work very hard and play even harder. Way to go, Mayce! Sunday evening, Joe and Zinetta Killingsworth and their families got together to celebrate three birthdays. Kaden (18), Kyler (11) and Kenadi (15) Killingsworth had a wonderful time at Del Rio in Joplin with their family. Doris Johnson celebrated her birthday over the weekend with a party at her newly built cabin with her family. They

Lockwood News by Shonna Shorter-Kramer Brother Daren Bowles preached a good sermon from Mark 2 this (Sunday, March 8) morning about the New Covenant and how to fast and why. The FBC youth went to Winter Jam at JQH and at Mexican Villa. We had a blast! So very sorry to the families of Jeff Cope, Clinton Schilling, Norman Heiskell, Lon-

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Getting to the Point

Backroads of So. Greenfield By Carmen Hargis Baker Birthdays: March 12thMatt Prichard, Tim McPhail, Janice Gray, Colten Morrow 13, Samantha Gott 22, Tyler King 22, Christopher Birch 35, Allison Welch 52, Danny Peters 59, Paula Maize 62 and Kimmy Jones 65; 13th-Janice Burnett, Cory “Austin” 27, Josie Pringle 31, Stephanie Trask 49, Vicki Bias 56, Scott Taylor 58 and Marvin Maxwell 59; 14th-Rita Ostroe, Sarah Greenstreet, Bayley Shirk 23, Susan Crouch 51, Jo Hillburn 86 and Doris Jones 87; 15thDan Blakemore, Anne “Beuerlein”, Foy Stenger 6, Rylee Reitz 7, Sadie Fare 21, Lindsey Denney 25, Sierra Feezell 25 and Uncle GD Myers 94; 16thScott Ball the big 50, Karrie Sands 62, Linda Henrich 71 and Donald Durman 96; 17th-Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Anita Allison, twins-Harrison and Henry Hembree 3, Drexel Estes 6, Hagen Beasley 6, Adalayah Palmquist 11, Tristan Sellmeyer 22, Chris Bradford 32, Valerie Burnett 35, Mindy Lollar 44 and Afton McGuire 58; 18th-Debbie Ogden, Eric Steeley, Reese Lowry 6, Denise “Hembree” 55, Susan “Crouch” Perry 59 and Sonie Walker 68. Wishing you all a wonderful birthday! Anniversaries: March 14th-Cole and Mallory Heiskell 11 years; 15thFred and Janice Burnett 35 years; 16th-Brian and Lori Sneed 24 years. Wishing you many more happy years together. In Memory: Cleo Eggerman 3-12-2017, Trueman Friend 3-13-2001, Hershel


day. I believe this is his fourth knee surgery and he does not have four knees! Guess what season it is? Baseball season! Whooooohoooo! Lockwood Tigers have a nice new field. We play in the Jamboree on March 17. The schedule is posted on the Lockwood R-1 school website under the calendar.

made it into the garage in the last week. Time to get out the mousetraps, fly paper, Home Guard spray and try to keep ahead of the unwelcome guests. On the worst side of spring, the spring tornado season has started and many prayers and much help is needed in hard hit areas like Nashville. Some areas in Dade and Lawrence counties experienced hail and heavy rains on Sunday night, March 1, . . . hail often is associated with bad spring storms but this time the area was spared from any real damage if you don’t count lost sleep as the hail and rain started falling about 10 p.m. and fell off and on for about an hour. Another sign of spring is all the sports playoffs leading to state championships. On Wednesday, March 4, Liz Colton and Hayden Brown, Brenda Spain, and Julie and Naomi Demster drove up to Sedalia to see the Miller High School girls’ team win another round of playoffs. Great time for the Miller fans. For a couple of men, the past week was hard on fingers. Tom Leeper received a couple of burns on one finger and Steve Balwin’s

spent some of the weekend planting pine trees all down the lane. What a view she is going to have. Little Bodhi Baker spent Friday night with Mikey and MiMi Conita Davison. He has figured out if he wants to get up in the middle of the night he can at MiMi’s house. He is walking around everything and thinks he is such a big boy. Janie Myers is finally feeling better and made it to the store this week. She has been down with the crud for over three weeks. Chuck Myers stopped by the store on Saturday for a few minutes that turned into two hours of visiting. We had a great time.

index finger had a little run in with a table saw. He said, “I have used a table saw for over 40 years and this is the first time I cut myself.” Fingers are healing. A trip to the restroom of a business in Mt. Vernon led to quite a discussion of such facilities. I was mildly surprised when I sat down and found the seat heated! Quite comfortable once the surprise was over. Then, when at Harry Cooper’s Plumbing Supply in Springfield, my daughter-in-law, Anna Marie, had the same surprise–but then plumbers no doubt want to sell more of them (not cheap). When telling of these surprises, some listeners chimed in with discussions about making it out to the outhouse in winter where a heated seat would have been most welcome. Discussion progressed to the joys of adding indoor plumbing and no more trips outside. Then as to seats, how many of you remember padded seats or wood seats? Thankfully, neither of the fads lasted too long in the plumbing world. Both wore out quickly and were hot beds (or seats) for germs to grow.

Rick Baker’s great-niece, Sterling, is having her tonsils and adenoids removed along with a nasal turbinate procedure Monday. She will be staying all night in the hospital and we are wishing her a speedy recovery. I know parents, Thomas and Josey McPhail, are a little bit nervous. What a beautiful weekend we had. I saw lots of boats going to the lake and everyone out enjoying the pretty weather. I spent my Sunday afternoon finishing up our taxes. I’m so glad that’s over till next year. Everyone have a great week!

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