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Gina Martinez

Medellín, Peru

YANELY MARTINEZ I HATE it when a good song comes on when I'm about to get out of my car!, "Who's going?" "Everybody" Yeah.. Thanks. That helped a lot., I hate it when my parents wont answer their phone but get mad when i dont!, Before it was "Whats your Aim" and Now " Whats your Pin(;", Angelica Isis Rivera, Gray goose got me feeling loose, GOOFY GOOBERS, Aviation High School, aviation, No Patrick, Mayonnaise is not an instrument, SUSO EL PASPI, Snake - The Game, I know we're "Just Friends" and all, but I really wanna kiss you right now., Parent: "I Was A Teenager Once" Me: "Then WHY don't you understand", Can the XBOX 360 get more fans then The Jonas Brothers?, 1 hour with friends goes by so quickly, 1 hour at school lasts forever..., im aware that your story is full of lies, but im not going to say anything, Sitting in Dunkin Donuts doing absolutely nothing, yo you're mad cute., If you watched "Little Bear" and "Franklin" when you were little :), your so coool..LOL jk ive hated you since 4th grade., SHTINK


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