2 minute read

WAANTProject Sep-Nov2022

Based at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), the new and exciting Wellness through Asian American Narratives and Theater (WAANT) project will bring together students, faculty and staff, and community activists to explore topics related to Asian/Asian Americans (A/AA) and mental health/disability.

To promote Asian mental health/disability justice, in Fall 2022 WAANT will incorporate theatre, filmmaking, and PhotoVoice activities through a series of story collecting workshops. The project has three main objectives.


● Objective 1: Produce theatrical performances, podcasts, film clips, and a PhotoVoice exhibit that highlight true-life narratives of A/AA experiences around mental health and wellness.

● Objective 2: Share narratives of A/AA experiences with mental health and wellness through creative arts.

● Objective 3: Increase awareness within the A/AA community, on and off campus, of available mental health services and supports.


October2022 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=4156247

10746310&set=a.369928948649220 a journey through Filipino and Polish culture through two of their most iconic dishes; lumpia and pierogi! Enjoy a mini-Dumpling Fest with samples of the dumplings from each of these cultures, along with fun and engaging musical and cultural performances.

Celebrate both Filipino Heritage Month and Polish American Heritage Month at one event!

Pantherin theSkyatUIC

10/12/2022 https://www.facebook.com/groups/57499583978




RJSilva’s Hail Mary/Maria play, we had a wonderful reading and fruitful discussion! Part of CIRCA Pintig Incubator Series



SUCCESS! Thank you to all who helped make our event a successful one, this IS the BAYANIHAN SPIRIT!

Community members gathered donations of winter clothing and household goods for Filipino OFWs who are teaching in Special Ed Chicago Public School classrooms.

Thanks to our partnership with the Chicago Nightingales,NFP for co-hosting this event at Saints Mary and Elizabeth Hospital's Nazareth Family Center's gymnasium.

10/30/22 https://circapintig.networkforgood.com/proje cts/166030-world-premiere-edgar-allan-poe-s -ligeia?fbclid=IwAR0qZryI3N3ScQCPzxAjJ





Savethedatesforseveralcommunity eventsandreadings!


Monday,11/14/22-UICDHD400 CapstoneProject:RootsGrowTogether

Friday,11/18/22-FIAPNC-readingof LaniT.Montreal'sDamaged


· https://www.facebook.com/groups/FIAUI C/permalink/10158555864026331/

Sunday,11/20/22-CPsnewworksvirtual readingofConradPanganiban'sDaryo's All-AmericanDiner.Email ginger@circapintig.orgtoRSVP

Friday,12/2/22-CelebrationofLifefor EstrellaR.Alamarfortiethdayat

TricksterGallery: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../celebrating -the-life-of...

Friday,12/9/22-AnnualCPbenefitevent featuringguestArtistErickEstebanand ourfirst-everGamuGamoStoryaoke Competition hi fia hehe For my DHD 400 course, a couple of students and I are hosting an in-person event for our capstone project! We are collaborating with CIRCA-Pintig and Digital Tapestries.

If you didn't know, CIRCA-Pintig is the Center for Immigrant Resources and Community Arts and pintig means heartbeat in tagalog. They are committed to engaging immigrant communities in movements for transformative change in arts as well as empowering communities and their identities. Digital Tapestries is an organization that hopes to share meaningful art pieces that create discussion/awareness to nourish and heal people's mental and emotional states.

At our event, we are embodying the missions of these community organizations and are hoping to create a safe space for individuals to talk about mental health and wellness. We will also be doing a fun, interactive art project to express yourselves and rediscover some roots you may have forgotten. This can be a way to grow together and heal together. There will also be opportunities to meet and network with other students or community partners. If you know anyone else that would be interested in joining, tell them to sign up!

Our event, Roots Grow Together: Mental Health & Wellness Mixer, will be held on Monday, November 14th from 3pm-4:30pm at 400 S Peoria Street (5th Floor). The building is the University Art and Design Hall - Gallery 400.

If you’re interested you can scan the QR code or sign up here: https://forms.gle/7Hffva1oJgWeN6yi9





ReadingofLaniMontreal’splayDamaged Goods

You're INVITED to the Virtual Reading Workshop of DARYO'S ALL-AMERICAN DINER. I wrote this full-length drama with Circa Pintig and would love to share the first draft with you. There'll be a talk-back afterwards if you'd like to help us out with your thoughts as we look towards the next steps of this Fil-Am New Play! It's also a great way to find out about CIRCA Pintig too!

Reading Info

Sunday, 11/20 at 3pm ET / 2pm CT / 12pm


Register to get Zoom Link: https://tinyurl.com/CPNewPlayReading


Daryo's All-American Diner is about its


12/10/2022 struggling Asian-American co-owner, May Daryo, whose life is transformed after a violent attack on her family during the height of the pandemic This Full-Length Drama set in the fictional midwestern city of Lakeside, IL., explores how something positive and hopeful can come out of a traumatic act of violence.


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