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DIRECTOR'S NOTES: Message from "Daryo's All-American Diner" director: Luis Pascacio Watching an assembly of Filipino, Korean and African American characters in a play is a rarity in American theater. Even more rare is hearing them talk about common issues and shared values about family, friendships and community. Conrad Pangniban's play gives voice to these values with such wit and pathos. It unearths a shared humanity that is given power through drama and through a talented set of actors and crew who bring their own truths and emotion to Conrad's poignant play. To a dedicated assembly of actors and production staff, many thanks for all the hard work and commitment to the process of community healing through the arts!
PLAYWRIGHT NOTES: Message from "Daryo's All-American Diners" playwright, Conrad A. Panganiban: Thank you for spending an evening of "Humanity and Hope" with us! With Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble's production, it is a true honor to share DARYO'S ALL-AMERICAN DINER with you. What started as a meeting with CIRCA Pintig has become one of the most emotional and introspective journeys I've ever taken as a playwright. Learning about the violence against some in the AAPI community during the pandemic and looking into the history of violence
Commissionedplayand production eventbrite.com/e/the-wastelan d-and-daryos-all-american-din er-tickets-579219750867
May25,2023 against Asians in America has run me through the gauntlet of anger, sadness, inspiration, and eventual hope. Channeling all of these emotions, along with some humor, to create the world the Daryo family and its characters will face is something I hope you will be able to reflect upon long after the houselights come back up to share with others. Maraming Salamat https://houseofnurses.com/
AuthorReceptionforM.EvelinaGalang’sWhen theHibiscusFalls
Sponsoredeventin collaborationwithAsian ImprovaRtsMidwest https://coffeehousepress.org/pr oducts/when-the-hibiscus-falls
ProgramDirectorand Coordinator http://pacfmidwest.org/2023/0
Panther in the Sky is a play written by Lani T. Montreal about four mothers who are dealing with the murders of their teenage sons on the streets of Chicago. The sons meet each other in the afterlife and grapple with the reality of their abrupt demise. They talk and banter as teenage boys do, as their mothers cope with grief, and struggle to make sense of it all.