The New Haven Harbor District Resilience Catalyst seeks to address risks, build on assets, and offer catalytic concepts for development in New Haven’s Harbor District. It is intended to offer a wide variety of interested parties tools to achieve complementary goals for the site, from the state to the city to private land-owners to surrounding communities. It poses the question—how can this space be used to its fullest potential as a resilient, vibrant core at the center of a city that currently faces away from its strongest natural assets, the waterfront?The plan is based on dual interest from the City of New Haven and locally based Fusco Corporation, a long standing developer in the city.The Catalyst consists of five sections—
• Introduction to the site
• Prior plans and investment
• Comprehensive site analysis
• Visions, goals, and tactics
• Site recommendations
Produced by Gioia Montana Connell and Alejandra Hernandez. Advised by David Kooris.