output explanation 01. what is it? imagine that: a famous design magazine is aking you (as a famous designer) to narrate and report your “salone del mobile� new project for the brand ACTIVE: it will be published in a special issue of the magazine, totally dedicated to you. So: each group has to design and realize a magazine with this binds: - format A4 (21 cmx 29,7 cm) - number of pages: 24
cover of the magazine (singular page)
from page 2 to page 23: facing pages (contents)
[ ... ] back f the magazine (singular page)
NABA - Design Studio 2010 - communication class 14th october 2010, OUTPUT EXPLANATION
output explanation 02. what it HAS to contain: let everybody understand the project
with everybody we intend: - ACTIVE (as your client), - the salone del mobile visitor (even if it’s not your direct customer) - a design magazine common reader (even if it’s not your direct customer)
let everybody understand the communication strategy
with communication strategy we intend: - basically how do you construct the event and the experience to attract the customers attention - how do you construct the communication of the event (from the web design to the phisical output design to the guerrilla marketing strategies)
let everybody understand the graphic design
with graphic design w intend: - the recognizable graphic mood and style that you’re giving to the special event - all the graphic choices you’re determining and designing (from an eventual special logotype, to a color guideline, to the graphic in the space...)
it HAS to be cool
with cool we intend: - the most beautiful and innovative graphic design that you can imagine - the most UAU factor that you can add to any part - the most curious and un-obvious communication strategy that you can take :-)
NABA - Design Studio 2010 - communication class 14th october 2010, OUTPUT EXPLANATION
output explanation 02. what it COULD contain: depending on your project: - logotype? if you want that your event has a special logotype, you have to design and include it somehow. - calendar of events? if your project is planning to have a calendar of events you have to include it and explain what it means somehow - written / textual explanations? you have to decide if you need an explicit explanation, or if you’re so good with your visual communication that you even don’t need it! - specific fuorisalone outputs? if you’re designing any special paper support to be given to the visitors, or to be shown in the citys, you can even plan to add it to your magazine (in a special extra magazine section, to be cut and extract - index of contents? as in any magazine, you have to decide if you want to include an index - editorial office portrait? as in any magazine, you have to decide if you want to include a page that explains who you are. - advertising images? of course you will design some advertisign: decide how to include it. ....and so on....
NABA - Design Studio 2010 - communication class 14th october 2010, OUTPUT EXPLANATION
output explanation calendar: 21st october # lecture COMMUNICATION languages what can we do with communication? (explanation and examples about the styles, graphic languages, visual aids and graphic holders) + # work in class COMMUNICATION DEFINITION - work in class students will study and develope the first communication outlines (name of the experience, contents, graphic references) 28th october # lecture COMMUNICATION graphic tricks what can we do with graphic? (explanation and examples about the graphic main contents, softwares short lesson) + # work in class COMMUNICATION DEFINITION - work in class students will study and develope and discuss the final communication outline [...] 11th november # lecture COMMUNICATION what about a magazine? (different kind of magazines references lecture) + # work in class and reviews OUTPUT DEVELOPMENT students will work on the graphic output
NABA - Design Studio 2010 - communication class 14th october 2010, OUTPUT EXPLANATION
output explanation calendar: 18th november # work in class and reviews OUTPUT DEVELOPMENT students will work on the graphic output 25th november # work in class and reviews OUTPUT DEVELOPMENT students will work on the graphic output 2nd dicember # work in class and reviews OUTPUT DEVELOPMENT students will deliver the final version of the graphic work, to be printed 14th dicember INTERNAL CRITIC final critic of the graphic work, with external guests 16th dicember FINAL DESIGN STUDIO EXHIBITION final critic of the whole work whit the teachers and tutors.
NABA - Design Studio 2010 - communication class 14th october 2010, OUTPUT EXPLANATION
output explanation calendar: for next thursday - prepare a review where you start from the concept of the experience and you finally share with us your communication strategy, ideas and references: START TO THINK ABOUT COMMUNICATION START TO THINK ABOUT YOUR MULTIPAGE NARRATIVE OUTPUT
NABA - Design Studio 2010 - communication class 14th october 2010, OUTPUT EXPLANATION