Authors: MANFREDI Simone, CRISTOBAL GARCIA Jorge, TORRES DE MATOS Cristina, GIAVINI Michele-ARSambienteSrl, VASTA Alessandro, SALA Serenella, SAOUTER Erwan, TUOMISTO Hanna Leena
Publication Year: 2015
Editor: JRC Joint Research Centre’s Institutes - Ispra (VA)
Publisher Publications Office of the European Union
ISBN 978-92-79-54203-9 (print),978-92-79-54204-6 (pdf) ISSN 1018-5593 (print),1831-9424 (online)
Abstract: In the past years, several research initiatives have been promoted in the area of food waste. Many of these were focused on the identification of key drivers of food wastage and on the quantification of food waste generation. While these initiatives provided fairly accurate information over European food waste generation and management routes, they did not always deliver comprehensive and comparable knowledge on the sustainability of food waste management and on ways to mitigate negative consequences at environmental, economic and social levels. Building on most ...