GSCO Guide

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GSCO 2013-14 GUIDE

for girls, parents and leaders

A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO The new GSCO—a lean, grassroots organization focused on service MEMBERSHIP CONNECTION COMMITTEE (MCC) The Membership Connection Committee (a 28 member volunteer committee) is the centerpiece of our democratic process and a way to give the Girl Scouts of Colorado membership a strong voice in the issues they care most about. The MCC provides input, direction and influence over major council policies and decisions. They can’t do it without your feedback! Your input is crucial to our success. Contact: List of MCC members: membership-connection-committee

COUNCIL’S CHIEF STAFFERS Stephanie Foote Chief Executive Officer 303-778-8774 Andy Jagger Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer 303-607-4825 Jacky Noden Chief Program Officer 303-607-4893 Margaret Miller Chief Strategy Officer 303-607-4840 Greg Movesian Chief Development Officer 303-778-8774 Rachelle Trujillo Chief Marketing Officer 303-607-4822 Jan Haft Chief Human Resources Officer 303-778-8774

At Girl Scouts of Colorado we are evolving and we’re hopeful for the future because we believe in girls and we believe girls are worth the investment. We’re Girl Scouts, and we are ready to take on the challenges that face us and turn lemons into lemonade. We’ve listened to and learned from you—our strongest supporters— and our leadership has taken a critical look at our organization’s priorities. We are returning to our roots and building a leaner, community-based council focused on providing the best service possible to our current girl and adult members. You’ve likely heard about the challenges facing the Girl Scout organization nationally and here in Colorado. Declining membership, a reduction in cookie sale revenue and a liability to an under-funded national pension plan have combined to create a need for change. We have already reduced our annual budget by 23 percent ($2.7 million) by decreasing our statewide operating costs and staffing by 42 positions. We anticipate reducing our budget by an additional 5 percent ($600,000) by October 2013. We’re working to diversify our revenue sources, reduce our property expenses and come to a fair agreement with GSUSA to spread our pension liability over several years. We are streamlining our operations and processes to provide a better experience for our volunteers, and are implementing a new customer service philosophy that puts you back at the center of our business. These are the details behind the business of running a nonprofit organization that we believe should be invisible to the girls enjoying their Girl Scout Leadership Experience, but I share them with you because I know you care deeply about the organization’s future and about girls. The most important message is that Girl Scouts is all about leadership, sisterhood, progression, empowerment and Taking Action…. Turn the page and see the images that represent the 10 Essential Elements of Girl Scouting. This is what it’s all about—the girls and their experience. The following pages provide month-by-month program ideas, plus helpful tips for volunteers and parents to keep your Girl Scout experience going strong. The events listed here are only teasers for what is to come. Look through this Guide and you’ll get a good start, but don’t forget to check the Activity Finder ( for the most up-to-date information on events and activities for girls. I’m excited about this year. I know girls are full of anticipation as they map out their new Girl Scout year ahead. I invite you to join your girls with that same sense of hope and excitement. And if you are able to, please go beyond giving your time, asking others to give theirs and supporting the cookie sale—make a financial contribution to help restore the financial health of our organization. We are working to establish an endowment where donations can be directed that is expressly devoted to funding programs for girls. Girl Scouts has been helping to build female leaders for more than 100 years. Invest in Colorado girls—they are worth it! Make an online donation at

Stephanie Foote, CEO


This is what Girl Scouting is all about!

Belonging to a big sisterhood

Girls love having friends so close they call them ‘sisters’ and they love being part of something big. Girl Scouting is huge and includes millions of girls who all share an important mission—making the world a better place.

Family involvement

Girls want their families to be involved in the great things they are experiencing in Girl Scouts.


Girl Scouts wants every girl to know how to be a leader in her own life and in the world around her.

Skill building through badge earning

Girls are proud to say, “See what I can do now!” when they learn something new. Girl Scout badges focus on building new skills.

Taking Action in our communities

Girls know they can make a difference in the world around them.

Celebrating with ceremonies and traditions

Girl Scouts enjoy taking part in time-honored traditions and ceremonies. They also like to make up ceremonies that are especially meaningful to them—in fact, creating brand-new ceremonies is a Girl Scout tradition!


In Girl Scouting, it’s not just what our volunteers do for girls, but how they do it that makes the experience fun and meaningful. And girls doing things together without boys around makes Girl Scouting that much more powerful.

Expanding your world view

Earning and learning through the Cookie Program

As girls explore new ideas, go to new places, and meet new people, their understanding of the world—and of what is possible for them—grows.

When girls take part in the largest girl-led business in the world (a.k.a. the Cookie Program), they earn funds for their Girl Scout activities. They also learn 5 Skills—Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics—that will help them in business and in life.

Growing through Girl Scouts with progression

The Girl Scout program is built upon progression from one level to the next. Girls are more likely to stay involved when they know what lies ahead.


When girls succeed, so does society Girl Scouts can get her there As of 2012, women made up only 18.3 percent of U.S. Congress and 23.4 percent of statewide elective offices. Almost 4 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs are women and there’s not a single woman among the CEOs and Board Chairs at the top 15 media companies. Women represent half of the workforce in the United States, and more than half of the country’s college students and graduates are women. The potential for women to hold leadership positions in business, entertainment, academia and politics is high, but something is holding them back. Only 1 in 5 girls believes she has what it takes to be a good leader.

support others. They learn business skills as they progress in their cookie-selling, and they see the world in a different way when they travel and explore.

Girls and women have come a long way in the past 100 years since the Girl Scouting movement got started, but these statistics shed light on how much farther we have to go.

Girl Scout Leader Jean Beucler, of Fort Collins, has been with her troop for six years and has watched them grow as leaders.

So what is happening? What is so discouraging for girls today? She is lacking role models and mentors, especially in highpaying STEM careers. (Four in 10 girls say they’ve had no opportunities to interact with successful women in the last school year.) She is confronted by unhealthy images about female beauty (59 percent of girls say the fashion industry makes them feel fat.). And the bullying mentality of peers holds her back. (85 percent of middle school students say they’ve been cyber-bullied at least once.)

A solution: The Girl Scout Leadership Experience Girl Scouts of Colorado directly combats these hurdles with events and programming such as Golden Goddess, a selfesteem and body image program; Power Up, an anti-bullying program that teaches the bystander to bullying how to intervene; Lighten Up, and other science, technology, engineering and math collaborations. The Girl Scout program builds leadership skills in everything the girls do. Girl Scouts’ “secret sauce”—skill-building activities that encompass three key features: hands-on experiential learning, girl-led choices and cooperative engagement. Girls join to have fun, sell cookies and meet new friends, but they grow as leaders each time they help plan a troop activity, advocate for issues or rally the community to


“When I became the leader of (Troop 71106) my girls needed prompting and specific directions at every turn in the road, …” she said. “Today they plan menus, cook with camp stoves, but are just as comfortable in the kitchen of the homeless shelter. They can plan a camp, international trip or $70,000 fundraising project. Their confidence in their leadership abilities has been nurtured by the support of the group.” Girl Scouting’s prowess in creating female leaders is evident with one look at our alumnae. More than 60 percent of alumnae with six-plus years of Girl Scouting experience think of themselves as leaders. Fifty-seven percent of alumnae say their Girl Scout experience made them feel more empowered. Fifty-four percent of alumnae say Girl Scouts gave them leadership opportunities not available elsewhere. Fort Collins High School graduate Angela Natrasevschi, a Girl Scout for 12 years, credits her Girl Scout experience for shaping her into the leader she is today.“Girl Scouts has changed my life,” she said.

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. We’re so glad you’ve joined!

September 2 – Labor Day, Girl Scouts of Colorado offices closed 3 – Leader Kick-off, Cortez, V 4 – Leader Kick-off, Pagosa Springs, V 5 – Leader Kick-off, Durango, V 6 – Fall Product Sale Rally: kick-off event for the Fall Product Sale, Pueblo, E 6 – Brainstorming Session: share your ideas for future events, Fort Collins, S, A, V 7 – Brainstorming Session: share your ideas for future events, Fort Collins, D, B, J, C, V 7 – Fall Product Sale Rally: kick-off event for the Fall Product Sale, Cortez, E 7 – Fallapalooza: adult training event, Grand Junction, V 7 – Chalk It Up: a Girl Scout community arts event, Pueblo, E 7 – Community Service Opportunity: Rocky Mountain PBS KIDS Fun Fest Booth, Denver, E 7-9 – Reach for the Peak: an outdoor skills competition, Sky High Ranch, J, C, S 8 – Gold Award Training: required for girls who are ready to “Go Gold,” Denver, C, S, A

Program Level Key S = Senior A = Ambassador V = Volunteer E = Everyone

D = Daisy B = Brownie J = Junior C = Cadette


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12 – T hin Mint Dinner: Women of Distinction event, Colorado Springs, adults only 12 – G old Award Committee Meeting: interviews and final presentations, Denver, S, A 14 – Fall Product Sale Rally: kick-off event for the Fall Product Sale, Colorado Springs, E 20-22 – Keystone Science Camp I and II for Lake, Eagle, and Chaffee counties, B, J, C, S, A 21 – Fall Product Sale begins, E 21 – Street Smarts: Denver Girl Scouts “Get Moving”, navigate transportation systems, Denver, J 21 – Fallapalooza: adult training event, Fort Collins, V 24 – Pueblo Community Bloomin’ Breakfast, Pueblo, adults only 27-29 – Keystone Science Camp for Summit and Lake counties, B, J, C, S, A 28 – M inipalooza: adult training event, Pueblo, V 28 – S cout Night at Denver Zoo, Denver, E 29 – Membership registration deadline, make sure your troop is reregistered before rosters disappear from Troop Management, V

Quick Tips Key Leaders Parents

Quick Start Guides available Quick Start Guides are ior for Daisy, Brownie and Jun . Steplevels at a great by-step instructions for Girl Scout experience.


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Fall Sa le

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Volunteering has its rewards Girls need you; step up today Each of the 9,000 current Girl Scout volunteers has a reason for leading a troop, helping at camp, working with girls at an event or helping out behind the scenes. The most common situation is no one else raised a hand.

“I witnessed those girls start as shy, timid, unfocused 7-8 year olds and blossom into beautiful ladies who love each other dearly,” wrote Meaghan Burns, a troop leader in Littleton. “I feel so proud at the growth they have exhibited.

Not many sign on with the expectation that it’s going to be a vastly fulfilling experience for themselves, yet, in the end, often it is.

“They have learned through Girl Scouts to help others, to be open minded, to be accepting of differences, to be a leader among their own peers and to foster these values in their school, their church, their neighborhoods and with other Girl Scouts. I am amazed at these girls and feel grateful that I took the time to get to know them and be their mentor in leadership. I am looking forward to continuing with them in their leadership journey as they start to look ahead to working on their Gold Award, planning their travel to Europe, and continuing their work with younger Girl Scouts. I do not regret a single minute I have spent being a Girl Scout leader, and I am so honored that these girls have let me in their lives.”

It’s not always easy, but the privilege of guiding a group of young girls, growing with them, witnessing their passion and sparks change over time and with maturity, and watching them progress as leaders and global citizens is rewarding in so many ways. Being a Girl Scout troop leader, who sticks with a group of girls over a number of years, whether they start in kindergarten or in 6th grade, is an impactful place to be. Teachers only get kids for one year, coaches have them just for the season, but a troop leader can really watch them grow.

Troop Leader Training Updates Girl Scouting 101: An online, self-paced tutorial for all Girl Scout volunteers. Nuts and Bolts: A class for new leaders, focused on the skills and information you need for the first 30 days of troop leadership, offered online and in-person. New! Age Level Training: For new troop leaders, or troop leaders moving to a new age level, this class is hands-on and will provide you with great resources for providing the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to girls. Overnights: Now offered for free! Required before any overnight trip with girls. Extended Trips: Now offered for free! Required before taking any Girl Scout trips of three or more nights. Cooking and Camping: Required before camping in tents and/or outdoor cooking.


Fallapalooza: A full day of volunteer training and enrichment workshops, networking, and a chance to share your thoughts with the volunteers on the Membership Connection Committee. Minipalooza: A shorter, local version of Fallapalooza. Springaganza: A weekend of training, outdoor activities, relaxation, and connection with other Girl Scout volunteers.

All trainings will be scheduled regionally throughout the year. Please check the Activity Finder for the most up-to-date training schedule for your area!

October 1 – On-time Membership Registration deadline, Statewide, E 1-31 – Learning Disability Awareness Month, do the Including All Girls Patch program (, Statewide, E 5 – Fallapalooza: adult training event, Boulder, V 10 – Thin Mint Dinner: Women of Distinction Event, Denver, adults only 12 – Rocks and Roles–Women on the Ridge: fun with geoscientists at Dinosaur Ridge, Morrison, E 12-13 – Be a Friend First: a bully prevention series based on the aMAZE Journey, Grand Junction, C 13 – Fall Product Sale ends, E 13 – Gold Award Training: required for girls who are ready to “Go Gold,” Denver, C, S, A 14 – Fall Product Sale order form and money due to Troop Fall Sale Manager, E 17 – Gold Award Committee Meeting: interviews and final presentations, Denver, S, A

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Group agreements

nt. Allow girls Create a Group Agreeme no right or wrong to be creative. There is the agreement, thing that should go on Promise and but using the Girl Scout remember, it is Law is a good start. And ee on it as a a group agreement, so agr too!). group (include parents,

18 – B etty Girl Scout Happy Hour: beer pairing and cookies at SKA Brewery, Durango, adults only 19 – Cool Science: activities include photography, space suit design, dry ice display, and a chemical magic show, United States Air Force Academy, D, B 19 – Day of Dance with the Colorado Ballet, Denver, D, B, J, C, S, A 25-27 – K eystone Science Camp III and IV for Lake, Eagle, and Chaffee County, B, J, C, S, A 26 – Make a Difference Day, E 10/30 – 11/10 – Fall Product Sale delivery, E 31 – Founders Day: Juliette Gordon Low’s Birthday, Statewide, E Other October events – dates TBD » Engineering Badge Day, School of Mines, Golden, J » Scouting and Soccer, Dick’s Sporting Goods Park, E » Fall Festival, Durango, E

Starter K


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Girl Scouts builds money sense Study shows girls aren’t confident in world of finances but want to learn The American dream is alive and well among girls, according to a new report by the Girl Scout Research Institute, which reveals that girls feel optimistic about their financial futures, yet are less than fully knowledgeable about essential financial principles and instruments, from using credit cards to establishing good credit. And just 12 percent of the girls surveyed say they feel confident in making financial decisions. The study, which surveyed 1,040 girls ages 8 to 17, found that girls are averse to debt. However, in order to avoid debt, these girls say they need more education about how credit works. In fact, nearly 4 in 10 girls say they don’t know how to use a credit card, only 38 percent know what a credit score is, and just 37 percent know how credit card interest and fees work. Perhaps not surprisingly, a vast majority (90 percent) say that it is important for them to learn how to manage their money. Despite the recession and economic uncertainty, girls are bullish about their financial futures. Some 88 percent say they are likely to make more money than their parents, and nearly all girls say it is likely that they will have jobs or careers they enjoy (98 percent), be able to provide for their families (96 percent), and own their own homes (95 percent) one day. This generation of girls is financially empowered and independent. A great majority feels gender is no barrier to what they can accomplish financially, and they envision a future family structure where they are fully engaged in financial decision making and planning. When it comes to financial capability, 7 in 10 girls say both men and women are equally likely to be financially responsible (73 percent) or in a lot of debt (72 percent). Girl Scouts offers a financial empowerment program through the Cookie Program and other programs that ensures girls have the opportunities to build their business sense and hone their financial literacy skills. Girls build on these skills as they progress through the K−12 curriculum to become knowledgeable, confident, and self-reliant participants in a global economy. Whether a girl is working to earn the Financing My Future badge or the Money Manager badge, she is developing financial savvy, business skills, and innovative thinking.


November 2 – Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos event: learn about this traditional Mexican holiday while also celebrating the Girl Scout founder, Juliette Low, Colorado Springs and Trinidad, E 4 – Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos event: learn about this traditional Mexican holiday, Denver, E 9 – Feed the Piggy Bank, financial literacy, Grand Junction, D, B, J, C 10– The CELL, Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab, 1-3 p.m. “The Big Picture of Public Safety” Earn the Social Innovator badge, Denver, S, A 10 – Take Action Training: take your service projects to the next level and get ready for the Bronze, Silver and Gold Award, Denver, S, A, V 11 – Veterans Day, E 16 – Community Service Day with Project C.U.R.E. and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Denver, E 16 – Cool Science: activities include photography, space suit design, dry ice display, and a chemical magic show, United States Air Force Academy, J

21 – G old Award Committee Meeting: interviews and final presentations, Denver, S, A 23 – National Family Volunteer Day, E 25-29 – G irl Scouts of Colorado Offices are closed for Thanksgiving/Fall Break Other November events, dates TBD » Highest Awards Celebration: celebrate the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awardees, Grand Junction, E » It’s Your Business—Run It, Durango and Pagosa Springs, B, J, C » It’s Your Business—Run It, Colorado Springs, D, B » It’s Your Business—Run It, Colorado Springs, J, C » Cookie Rally, Pueblo, LaJunta, Lamar, Alamosa, E » Media Retreat: work with media professionals to Take Action for your MEdia Journey, Cortez and Pagosa Springs, C

Fun w i

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Be a Friend First Girl Scouts has a new series program called “BFF: Be a Friend First” for Cadettes – based on the aMAZE Journey. Help start a series at your middle school by talking with a Program Support Specialist in your area.

Make Your Ow

n Badge

Did you know girls can earn a “Make Your Own” badg e each year? C heck out the online Badge Explorer fo ra fun, interactiv e way to see Ba dges. forgirls.girlsco s/


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Girls make a difference in the world around them Community service is a part of Girl Scouting from the start. From the youngest Daisies to the seasoned Ambassadors, Girl Scouts are making the world a better place. To find out how other girls are helping their communities, check out the online Map It! tool, ( where girls can post their Take Action and Bronze/Silver/Gold award projects. Or share and view local girls’ Take Action projects on our GSCO Wall of Fame (

Service vs. Action: What’s the difference? Girl Scouts often do both community service and Take Action projects. Both kinds of projects help communities in different ways. Direct and immediate service changes something right now. Longer-lasting Take Action gets at the root cause of issues. To complete a Journey or a Highest Award, girls do a Take Action project (which some people call service learning).

Three awards: one life-changing experience Girl Scouts’ Highest Awards are designed to help a girl and her team make a lasting difference in their community. She’ll grow into her best self. She’ll become more focused, a better time manager, and a more effective team player. She’ll grow in confidence. Inspire others. And set the stage for a lifetime of achievement. Girl Scouts makes the world smaller and the girl bigger.

The highest awards are:

Bronze Award, the highest award a Junior Girl Scout can earn.

Silver Award, the highest earned award for Cadette Girl Scouts.

Gold Award, the highest award a girl can achieve in Girl Scouting.

The steps to earn the awards are more in depth at each level, but include: Go on a Girl Scout Journey (or 2 Journeys for Gold if you haven’t earned the Silver) » Identify an issue » Take Action (Bronze and Silver Awards can » Investigate it thoroughly be earned in small groups or teams, but the » Get help and build your team Gold Award is an individual project) » Create a plan » Educate and Inspire »P resent your plan and gather feedback (for Gold, this » Celebrate! is when you submit your proposal and interview with the committee for approval) There is no council approval needed for Bronze or Silver Awards (before you begin your project, or upon completion), but please submit the Final Report so we can acknowledge your hard work! For the Gold Award, girls officially begin their projects after submitting an online proposal, interviewing with the Gold Award Committee, and receiving approval to get started. A final presentation is also required.

Statewide contact info: Kristin Courington, 303-607-4863, Helpful Links: Go to to find general information about each award and links to final reports.


December 5 – International Volunteer Day, E 6 – Cookie initial order from troops due, E 6-8 – Keystone Science Camp V and VI for Lake, Eagle, and Chaffee County, B, J, C, S, A 8 – DU Hip Hop and Hoops: watch a DU Women’s Basketball Game and learn to cheer and dance, Denver, E 15 – Gold Award Training: required for girls who are ready to “Go Gold”, webinar, C, S, A 19 – Gold Award Committee meeting: interviews and final presentations, Denver, S, A 12/23-1/3 – Girl Scouts of Colorado Offices are closed for Winter Break Other December events, dates TBD » Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden, Denver, D, V » Take Action Training: help girls plan service projects and get ready for Highest Awards, Colorado Springs, Durango and Pueblo, C, S, A, V » Global Action Challenge in Southwest Colorado, E » Holiday Party, Mancos, E » Mitten Tree Activity, Western Slope, E

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There’s more to Girl Scout Cookies than what’s in the box When a Girl Scout sells cookies, she’s building a lifetime of skills and confidence. She learns goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics—aspects essential to leadership, to success, and to life. By putting her mind and energies to something, a Girl Scout can overcome any challenge. There are no limits. She can be anything. She can do anything.

Cookies Now! program dates January 26 – March 2

Selling the six most popular varieties Do-si-Dos, Samoas, Savannah Smiles, Tagalongs, Thin Mints and Trefoils. Since inventory management has been a big challenge for non-chocolate varieties, we’re asking that you order only what you think you can sell. Non-chocolate varieties cannot be returned this year.

NEW! Personal Booth Sales are a go from day one! » Get creative and think about where girls can arrange their own Booth Sales throughout the entire sale. You still need to get them approved so they can get in eBudde and you’ll get the bonus of public promotions through the Cookie Locator website and mobile app! » Council contracted sites such as Walmart, Sam’s Club, Safeway, King Soopers and Albertsons will run Feb. 7– March 2.

GSCO joins the rest of the country with cookies at $4/package » Sell 250 packages per selling girl, earn an extra 10 cents in troop profit – 70 cents per package (those below 250 PGA will earn an extra 5 cents per package – 65 cents per package) » An even dollar amount means leaving the quarters at home! Customers can now purchase five packages for $20—how sweet is that! » New, more, better incentives such as gift cards to Build-A-Bear or American Girl, a Girl Scouts of Colorado sports duffle bag, a weekend at Jellystone Park, an opportunity to be entered into a drawing to win a Samsung Galaxy Tablet, an extended stay camping kit and more!

Other cookie news » Top 14 cookie sellers in 2014 will be invited to lunch with Colorado’s top female businesswomen, including Girl Scouts of Colorado’s CEO and Board Chair. » Mystery houses are back! Find one of 350 houses throughout Colorado to earn an exciting prize! » Celebrate National Girl Scout Cookie Day again in February, this year celebrated as National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend on Friday, Feb. 7, and Saturday, Feb. 8. » Kickoff the cookie program with another great virtual National Girl Scout Cookie Sleepover on Jan. 11.

Learn more » Visit Cookies on the Girl Scouts of Colorado website at » News for volunteers/parents on the GSCO Product Sales Facebook page at


January Other January events, dates TBD » Gold Award Training: required for girls who are ready to “Go Gold,” Denver Metro, C, S, A » Mall Lock-In, stay up all night for this year’s Hollywood themed activities, Colorado Springs, C, S, A » DU Gymnastics Meet and Greet: attend a gymnastics event and meet the gymnasts, Denver, E » Civic Girls: earn your Citizen badge, Southwest Colorado, B, J, C » Cookie Rallies, Northern Colorado, Grand Junction, Rifle, Montrose/Delta, Colorado Springs, Southwest Colorado, E

11 – National Cookie Sleepover, D, B, J, C, S, A 16 – Gold Award Committee Meeting: interviews and final presentations, Denver, S, A 16 – Cookie Rally: get ready for the start of the Cookie Program, Denver, E 20 – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday (observed): national day of service, GSCO offices closed, E 20-25 – Cookie deliveries to volunteers begin, V 26 – Cookie Sale Go Date, E


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Watch the “W hat Gro Need t wn-Up o Know s ” video guide g t o help irls as th ey earn girlsco and lea utsofc rn. o lo r parent ado.or s/cook g/ ies

5 Skills To learn more about the 5 Skills, download “What to Do First: 5 Skills for Girls” and the Girl Scout Cookie Activity Pin requirements at



Traditions, ceremonies celebrate sisterhood Ceremonies and traditions help tie Girl Scouts together across different communities, decades or even generations. They show that we’re all part of a huge sisterhood and our shared history makes us feel close. World Thinking Day in February is a great time to reflect on the traditions and sisterhood we share. Girl Scouts love ceremonies and traditions. Bridging ceremonies mark the transition from one program level to another. Investiture welcomes new members into the Girl Scout family. Rededication ceremonies give girls and adults opportunities to renew their commitment to the Girl Scout Promise and Law.


Journey ceremonies celebrate milestones reached as girls earn a Journey award. Bronze, Silver and Gold Award ceremonies honor girls who have achieved the highest award at their program level. There are even opening and closing ceremonies and often troops make up their own traditions and ceremonies to create their own special memories.

GSCO Guide The spring/summer program guide is coming to you in January for great upcoming opportunities in the outdoors and beyond.

February 5 – National Girls and Women in Sports Day, E 6 – Gold Award Committee Meeting: interviews and final presentations, Denver, S, A 7 – Cookie Booth Sales begin, E 7-8 – National Girl Scout Cookie Days, E 8 – Cool Science: activities include photography, space suit design, dry ice display, and a chemical magic show, United States Air Force Academy, D, B 9 – Take Action Training: help girls plan service projects and get ready for Highest Awards, Denver, S, A, V 10-16 – National Random Acts of Kindness Week 14 – Valentine’s Day 17 – Presidents Day, GSCO offices closed 20 – Gold Award Committee Meeting: final presentations, Denver, S, A 22 – World Thinking Day, E 22 – World Thinking Day Event, Cortez and Durango, E

Other February events, dates TBD » World Thinking Day Celebration, Colorado Springs, D, B, J, C, S, A

Cadettes: Want to be a Program Aide? » Earn one “Leader in Action” LIA Award by assisting Brownies. » Attend Basic Program Aide Training. (Program Aide Training will be scheduled regionally October-April. Check the Activity Finder for details!) » Complete an “internship” of at least 6 sessions (10 hours total) working with younger girls,


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of the ities page v ti c A e , nytim trip ideas Use the A find field to , and e rs it e s k b a e e est sp u GSCO w g , rs e n ide ity part you prov commun s to help te la r. p a e m y te the program roughout th ls ir g w r o fo us kn ! program lease let P ? d d a to nytimeHave one /a r lo o fc o s girlscout s ie it activ

World Th ink

ing Day

World Thin king Day is Feb. 22. Vis girlscouts it .org /who_ we_are/g world_thin lo bal/ king_day/d efault.asp to learn m ore about this year’s theme and get tips on planning World Thin king Day a c ti vities with your girls.



Girl Scouts make healthy choices Whether they’re hiking, trying a new sport or preparing tasty nutritious snacks, Girl Scouts enjoy many fun ways to lead healthy lives. In Girl Scouting, healthy living is about physical, emotional and social health. Girl Scouts across Colorado are encouraged to take advantage of our partnership with and also to attend Healthy Living-themed events that will be scheduled across the state in March.

Girls can also work on Healthy Living badges: Daisy: Respect Myself and Others Petal, Between Earth and Sky Journey with Health Habits Supplement Book, 3 Cheers for Animals Journey

Cadette: MEdia Journey, Breathe Journey, aMAZE Journey, Trailblazing, Eating for Beauty, Good Sportsmanship, New Cuisines, 1st Aid (GSCO Golden Goddess Signature Program)

Brownie: WOW Journey with Healthy Habits Supplement Book, World of Girls Journey, Hiker, Dancer, My Best Self, Snacks, My Great Day, Athlete/Fair Play, 1st Aid

Senior: Sow What Journey, Adventurer, Troupe Performer, Women’s Health, Traveler, Locavore, Cross Training, 1st Aid

Junior: Get Moving Journey with Healthy Habits Supplement Book, Camper, Independence, Staying Fit, Athlete/Practice with Purpose, Simple Meals, 1st Aid


Ambassador: Justice Journey, Dinner Party, Coaching, 1st Aid

March 1 – Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award Final Reports due for inclusion in 2014 celebrations 2 – Cookie Program ends, E 8 – International Women’s Day 8 – DU Hockey: Me & My Guy, Denver, E 9 – DU Guys and Gals Hockey: Girl Scout Night at a DU Hockey Game, Denver, E 9 – Girl Scout Sunday 9-15 – Girl Scout Week 12 – Girl Scouts 102nd Birthday 15 – Girl Scout Sabbath 20 – Gold Award Committee Meeting: interviews and final presentations, Denver, S, A 22 – World Day for Water

Other March events, dates TBD » Gold Award Training: required for girls who are ready to “Go Gold”, Denver Metro, C, S, A » Sports Extravaganza with the US Olympic Training Center, Colorado Springs, E » Winter Chill Out, Southwest CO, B, J, C, S, A » WinterFest Family Day: experience Lazy Acres in the winter and participate in games, crafts, and challenges, Lazy Acres, E » Golden Goddess: Learn how to recognize foods that promote healthy bodies, minds, and moods, Colorado Springs, J, C » Healthy Living Event, Southwest Colorado, Montrose/Delta, Grand Junction, Glenwood Springs and Meeker, E

Habits Healthy

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Get mov


Check ou t zisboom site offers —the unique an d innovati ways for G ve irl Scouts to engage online an in d offline a ctivities to them mo get ving and c h oosing th own fun h eir ealthy foo ds.



Grow girls’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math Girls push boundaries, test limits, and look at the world around them with inquisitive eyes. They’re natural scientists! Girl Scouts introduces girls of every age to science, technology, engineering and math experiences relevant to everyday life. Whether they’re discovering how a car’s engine runs, how to manage finances, or exploring careers in STEM fields, girls are fast-forwarding into the future. STEM activities are woven through all program levels and all Journeys, giving girls a chance to explore the fascinating world of STEM.

Earn your badges with Butterfly Pavilion!

Explore native habitats through our Girl Scout Nature Adventure to the Encounter class! realm of tarantulas, sea creatures, butterflies, and a real rainforest!

Transport your troop to Butterfly Pavilion – the zoo of small wonders and BIG experiences! Or bring our bugs to you by booking our Bug Mobile!

To book, visit or email 6252 West 104 th Avenue | Westminster, CO 80020


April 4-6 – Cooking and Camping Training, plus rock climbing trip with Kling Mountain Guides, Moab, J, C, S, A, V 5 – Cool Science: activities include photography, space suit design, dry ice display, and a chemical magic show, United States Air Force Academy, C, S, A 5 – Day of Dance: learn to dance with the Colorado Ballet, Denver, D, B, J, C, S, A 12 – Cool Science: activities include photography, space suit design, dry ice display, and a chemical magic show, United States Air Force Academy, J 15 – Early Bird Registration for 2014-2015 begins, E 17 – Gold Award Committee meeting: interviews and final presentations, Denver, S, A 19 – Earth Day Take Action Community Project, Pueblo and LaJunta, B, J, C, S, A 20-26 – National Volunteer Week 22 – Earth Day and Girl Scout Volunteer Day 28 – Highest Awards Celebration: to celebrate girls who earned the Silver and Gold Award, Highlands Ranch, E 30 – El Día de los Niños/Children’s Day

Other April events, dates TBD » STEM Sleepover, Math and Science Center, Grand Junction, B, J, C » Digital Movie Maker badge, Microsoft store, Lone Tree, C » Digital Photography badge, Microsoft store, Lone Tree, J » Computer Expert badge, Microsoft store, Lone Tree, B » Challenger Learning Center Workshops, these workshops will occur throughout the year, watch the Activity Finder for dates, Colorado Springs, J, C, S, A » Lighten Up: the science of optics and light, statewide, B, J, C » Take Action Training: help girls plan service projects and get ready for Highest Awards, Pueblo, S, A, V » Earth Day Extravaganza, Colorado Springs and Denver, D, B, J, C, S, A » Springaganza: adult volunteer retreat, Colorado Springs and Tomahawk Ranch, V


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A girl’s place in the larger world Global Girl Scouting is dedicated to ensuring opportunities for girls to understand their relationship to the larger world—even if they do not travel beyond their local community—so they develop into responsible global citizens.

Through Global Girl Scouting, Girl Scouts can:

Exciting international travel opportunities

» Earn the Girl Scouts Global Action Award and Take Action on global issues.

June 20–July 3, Sights, Sounds and Smells of India Visit the Sangam World Centre in unforgettable India for a great introduction to the diversity of this ancient, yet ever changing country. Girls must be 16-18 years old.

» Participate in World Thinking Day on February 22. On this day, all Girl Guides/Girl Scouts are encouraged to think of each other and what it means to be a part of a world movement. » Visit the four WAGGGS World Centers, located in England, Switzerland, India and Mexico. » Participate in international travel. By traveling to events in other WAGGGS member countries, girls can learn about other cultures, make new friends, build leadership skills, and share ideas with women and girls from around the globe. » Help promote global friendship and understanding by supporting the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund.

June 23–July 2, Costa Rica—Touch of the Tropics A fast paced, exciting trip with EF Tours, includes horseback riding, kayaking, white water rafting and more. Girls must have completed 5th grade. aspx?gt=1341512

Planning a trip with your troop? Visit travel-forms to get started.

GSCO Guide spring/summer Keep your Girl Scout Leadership Experience going strong all spring and summer long. Check the spring/ summer GSCO Guide (available in January) for dates in May and beyond.

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Part o f

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P.O. Box 9407 Denver, CO 80209-0407 Address Service Requested

Regional Contacts Colorado Springs 719-597-8603

Grand Junction 970-242-4461

Denver 303-778-8774

Mountain Communities 970-628-8006

Durango 970-375-7913

Pueblo 719-543-4690

Fort Collins 970-493-1844

Follow Girl Scouts of Colorado at girlscoutsofcolo

Customer Support 1-877-404-5708 Girl Scouts of Colorado is a United Way agency.

Tours for Girl Scouts

DISCOVER THE WORLD WITH YOUR GIRLS With dozens of itineraries designed just for Girl Scouts, EF makes it easy. Call now for the best savings. 800-457-9023.

DOWNLOAD A FREE EBROCHURE AT EFTOURS.COM/GSEXPLORE Tours are sold and operated by EF. Neither the tours nor EF are associated or affiliated with, nor endorsed by, Girl Scouts of the USA.

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