HOW TO FACILITATE GIRL SCOUT ACTIVITIES WITH YOUR JULIETTE As the mentor, parent, or caregiver of a Juliette, you gain access to the Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) which is a digital portal for easy, fun Girl Scout activities year-round! In the VTK you’ll be able to • Explore prebuilt tracks of badge and Journey activities for her Girl Scout level • Make a year plan of badges, Journeys, and activities to complete • Find meeting materials including suggested scripts, material lists, printable resources, and a customizable schedule • Track her achievements along the way Visit our VTK webpage to download a user guide specifically for Juliette members and watch videos on how to navigate the VTK. Access the VTK and read the user guide at
EXPLORE BADGES AND AWARDS Visit to explore all of the badges and awards that she can work on! Juliettes can explore their interests and learn new skills—and show the world what she’s accomplished.
DISCOVER + CONNECT + TAKE ACTION = LEADERSHIP DISCOVER your special skills and talents, find the confidence to set challenging goals for yourself, and strive to live by your values. This includes being proud of where you came from as well as where you’re going.
CONNECT with others, which mean you’ll learn how to team up, solve conflicts, and have healthy relationships. These skills help you in school right now and will prepare you for any career you choose in the future.
TAKE ACTION to make the world a better place, and learn a lot about your community and the world along the way.
G I R L S C O U T S G C N W I .O R G | TO L L F R E E : 8 5 5 - 45 6 - 8 3 47; D I R E C T: 3 12- 9 12- 6 3 13 | C U S TO M E R C A R E @ G I R L S C O U T S G C N W I .O R G