2022: Greater than our Challenges
Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey’s 2022 Annual Report shares our essential data and celebrates perseverance and creativity despite obstacles.

Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey’s 2022 Annual Report shares our essential data and celebrates perseverance and creativity despite obstacles.
Dear Friends, Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey (GSHNJ) is greater than our challenges. I know this for sure because 2022 was a year of transitions, new initiatives, and challenges. All of us (our Girl Scouts, volunteers, and staff) adapted to the ever-changing pandemic guidelines, experienced virtual fatigue, and addressed concerns about in-person gatherings. We found new ways to stay connected with our Girls Scout family and grew our membership to 12,174 youth members who participated in virtual, outdoor, and in-person troop activities and programs.
One of our most memorable highlights in 2022 was gathering to honor our twenty Gold Award Girl Scouts with a celebratory luncheon. We welcomed over 225 guests in recognition of three amazing leaders and their connection to the power of Girl Scouting at our Young Women of Vision Leadership Breakfast. Then in November, our SheStormz Robotics Team competed at the state level and received special honors for their teamwork.
This summer, 449 Girl Scouts emerged themselves in outdoor experiences at The OVAL and Camp DeWitt. Our summer resident camp, Camp Hoover came roaring back after a two-year hiatus to welcome 437 campers.
The generous support of Ericsson enabled GSHNJ to purchase and fully equip a Ford Transit van with the latest technology and equipment to take robotics, design, and our entrepreneurship programs on the road to Girl Scouts in their local communities. The excitement is building for the launch of our Girl Scouts On-the-Go Mobile Classroom.
Thank you for supporting Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey as we empower our members to walk boldly towards sisterhood, justice, and equity.
Note that some members live outside of our council jurisdiction—3%.
Natasha Hemmings Laureen Delance Chief Executive Officer Board Chair2021-2022 BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Laureen Delance, Board Chair Managing Assistant Dir. of Internships, Kean University
Wendy Deer, Esq.*, First Vice Chair Executive Director, Essex County Bar Association
Naima Ricks, PhD, Second Vice Chair Director of Programs, SEEDS
Mary Beth Dunn, Secretary VP/Program Manager, BMO Capital Markets
Emil Menzies, Treasurer VP, Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.
Ademusoyo Awosika-Olumo
Senior Software Engineer, Mailchimp
Chrissy Buteas VP, Government Affairs, Altice USA
Linda Carter Assemblywoman, 22nd Legislative District in the New Jersey General Assembly
Aisha Lawery
Global Head of Education Programs, Amazon Web Services
Serena Lee Controller, Jewish Community Foundation Of Greater MetroWest
Charles Mierswa CFO, GSE Worldwide, Inc.
Khadija Niang* Founder & CEO, Smart Start Learning Intl., Inc
Asia J. Norton Literacy Coach, Children’s Literacy Initiative
Alana Vega* Kids Count Coordinator, Advocates for Children of New Jersey
Jessica Viotto
VP and Commercial Treasury Management Officer, PNC Bank
Estelle Vaughns Williams, MD Director of Urgent Care Center, Summit Medical Group
Della Walker COO & EVP of Programs, Newark Alliance
Natasha Hemmings, CEO, GSHNJ
Michael Forrestall, COO, GSHNJ
Cadette Girl Scout Elizabeth N. talks about (and shows us!) GSHNJ’s trip to Costa Rica, and why traveling with Girl Scouts is such a fun and rewarding experience.
In 2022 GSHNJ partnered with EF Tours for Girls to host a service-learning tour to Costa Rica. Originally planned for 2021 and delayed by the pandemic, eight adults and 12 Girl Scouts spent nine days discovering the biodiversity of this beautiful country from every angle: hot springs, waterfalls, volcanoes, jungles, lakes, beaches, small towns, and major cities. The group dedicated two days to working with a local conservation society to stabilize their eroding coastline by replanting mangrove and almond trees. This group of travelers began the tour as strangers with common interests and goals, but very quickly bonded into Girl Scout siblings, accepting new experiences with courage and returning with the character to make their world a better place.
The SheStormz, GSHNJ’s FIRST® LEGO® League competitive robotics team, successfully competed in their first state-level competition after winning the Core Values award in this year’s local competition and reaching their highest score yet in the robotics component.
In early 2022, GSUSA sponsored the “Girl Scouts to the Moon and Back” essay contest to give Girl Scouts a chance to win a Space Science badge that’s actually been to space on NASA’s Artemis I. That mission is NASA’s first step toward the goal of sending the first woman and the first person of color to the moon. Congratulations to Ambassador Audrey P. and Senior Jamie C., a member of GSHNJ’s Astronomy Club, whose winning essays earned them this prestigious honor!
Scan to read their essays!
As a non-governmental organization member of the United Nations, GSUSA sent a delegation of 18 Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts—including four from GSHNJ— to participate in the 66th Commission on the Status of Women in March, 2022. The delegates spent several months preparing by learning about the UN, the CSW, and this year’s priority theme: climate change. Once the Commission began, they attended virtual sessions hosted by UN Member States and other NGOs. This year, GSUSA hosted a special event for all CSW participants, featuring GSHNJ’s own Reya V. who shared the nature-based solutions for climate change that she’s been innovating. Also new this year, GSUSA’s delegates hosted a virtual event to bring their experiences as UN CSW delegates to other Girl Scouts around the United States.
Cadette Girl Scout Caroline L. from Troop 10855 tells us how she and her troop set individual and troop goals and how they use their proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie Program to fuel new and fun adventures.
9,053 Girl Scouts participated in the 2022 Cookie Program that’s 3 out of every 4 youth members.
$1,043,614 went back to their troops
They sold 1,121,867 packages of cookies: that’s enough packages of Thin Mints to stretch from Camp DeWitt to Ocean City!
101,414 packages were donated to our Gift of Caring partner: Operation Jersey Cares.
Top Selling Cookies:
1) Thin Mints®
2) Samoas
3) Tagalongs
In 2022 GSHNJ Girl Scouts earned:
38 Gold Awards
162 Silver Awards
308 Bronze Awards
That’s 17,300+ hours—or over 720 days of giving back in GSHNJ communities!
Megan Hauss’ Gold Award project, “Operation: Stomp the Spotted Lanternfly to Save the Trees,” raised awareness on the spotted lanternfly, an invasive bug that is having detrimental effects on our environment and economy. She led her team to develop and implement educational workshops for schools, groups, and clubs about the spotted lanternfly life cycle, biology, habits and methods to eradicate them. In addition, media posts about spotted lanternflies were developed and used in a variety of places, including trail kiosks, social media, websites, articles, and on a billboard on Route 287 which reached over 125,000 people. Megan worked with organizations to increase her reach, including in Rhode Island where spotted lanternflies had not yet been recorded, and developed workshops that were delivered by her team in at least 34 towns in four different states. With her project, Megan was one of 111 Girl Scouts awarded Girl Scouts of the USA’s inaugural Gold Award Scholarship.
In December 2021, a new entrepreneurship patch program was launched with Fidelity Investments. Know It! Grow It! A Girl’s Guide to Managing Money, for Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes, was built for Girl Scouts to use alongside the Fall Product Program, the Cookie Program, and any other troop or personal money-earner.
In February, the Keep the Region Moving patch was launched in collaboration with the Port Authority of New Jersey and New York and designed for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors.
In the spring, in partnership with Summit Health Cares, GSHNJ launched a new patch program, Be Sun Safe. The program is designed for Girl Scouts of all age-levels to learn about why you have to be careful in the sun, and preparing themselves and their family members for being outside.
The generous support of corporations, foundations, and individuals helps to provide financial assistance for Girl Scouts who otherwise wouldn’t have access to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and helps to underwrite the cost of innovative new programs. This support offsets the cost of membership fees, uniforms and insignia, supplies, camping, travel expenses, and the development of new experiential programs for the thousands of Girl Scouts throughout our service area.
Thank you for investing in the next generation of empowered leaders!
Contributions listed are from October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022. We’re grateful for every gift we receive, however due to space restrictions we can only list gifts of $50 and above.
Rosemarie T. Brodeur
Ericsson Inc.
MacKenzie Scott
The Achelis and Bodman Foundation
Victoria Foundation
Amazon.com Services LLC
Estate of Mary G. Dart
Girl Scouts of the USA
The Hyde and Watson Foundation
Bristol-Myers Squibb
City of Jersey City
Marguerite Russ Risley and Marshall E. Risley Trust
Henrietta Siodlowski
The Plainfield Foundation
William and Ida M. Kiefer Charitable Trust
Large Foundation
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Westfield United Fund
L. Rothberg Memorial Scout Trust Fund
National Science Foundation
RWJBarnabas Health
The PNC Financial Services Group
The Souchek Foundation
Debra L. Zvanut
Connell Foley, LLP
First Bank
Hackensack Meridian Health
Heidi Hemmer
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey
Jaclyn Pennella*
Provident Bank
Rey Financial Group LLC
The Fred C. Rummel Foundation
Anonymous (2)
Diane Barker
Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.
Sally Allen Chew
Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.
Marybeth Doctor
Edmund G. Taussig and Frances Kath Taussig Foundation, Inc.
Michael Forrestall
Sherry Grobstein
GSE Worldwide Inc.
Barbara Heath
Natasha Hemmings
Johnson & Johnson
Dolores and Edward Kresge
Peapack-Gladstone Bank
Phillips 66
Steve and Fizzy Pitcher
Naima Ricks*
Schwab Charitable Fund
Patricia Steingall*
The Magda N. Yrizarry Charitable Gift Fund
Margaret Velden
Tiffany Wilson*
Ademusoyo Awosika-Olumo
Bank of America Employee Giving
Dianna Beck-Clemens
Branchburg Rotary Club
Chrissy Buteas
Butterfly Dreamz, Inc.
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Diann Deal
Wendy E. Deer*
Laureen Delance
Mary Beth Dunn
Bonnie Elbaum
Engineers Labor-Employer Cooperative
Holman Frenia Allison, P. C.
Deb Hooker
Horizon Foundation for New Jersey
Inspira Health Network
Garrie Lewis
Megan Lunde
Michael J. Manley
Patti Massaro
Maureen Patricia McNamara
New Jersey Association of Health Plans
Tara L. O’Brien
Helen Pendergast
Denise Pilgrim
Ashley Rey
Jane Rey
Rebecca Rudelson
Jennifer Sariano
Eugene Schaefer
Lydia Smith
Khadija Tatoi Niang
Mary Tourangeau
Union County Democratic Committee
Alana Vega*
Della Walker, Jr.
Peter Webster
Estelle V Williams*
Francis Ahmed Anonymous
Kishor Babaria
Kelly Buzby
Christina Carswell
Patricia Colbert
Lauren Davis
Deborah Diamond
Pam Jernstedt-Duhaime
Fitch Group
Shanna Francois
Theodore Frankenbach
Connie Graf
Christiane Gratzel
Florence B. Henry
Sandra Hicks-Rodriguez
Hunterdon Medical Center Foundation
Julia Johnson
Lyndsay Korbylo
James Kwan
Aisha K Lawrey
Serena Lee
Diane Levy
Tiffany Lewars
Mary Lewis
Karen and Leo Lin
Emil Menzies
Courtenay D Mercer
Jeffrey Mikula
Kim Musler
Honora Van de North
Joanne Otlowski
PSEG Power of Giving Campaign
Kendra Scott
Jeana M Somers
Tracey Toto
Jennifer G Velez
Lynn Weckworth
Ann M. Whalen
Kristin R. Woodard
Jeff and Joy Yagid
Nancy Adamczyk
Lola Altidor
Amazon Smile
Jennifer Angel
J L Boyd
Teresa Boyle-Vellucci
Amy Brainard*
Bristol-Meyers Squibb Foundation
Vanessa Brown
Kathy Calello
Patricia Campos-Medina
Trishka Cecil
Richard Chamberlain*
Elisa A Charters
Chew Family Fund
Scott Cohen
Barbara Cole-Kelly
Maureen M. Corbeski
Maryann Corcoran
Rosalind Cox-Larrieux
Linda Cunniff
Shana Dadlaney
Sheetal S Desai
Chris Dill
V. Harrison Dillard
Jamie Kay Discher*
Erica Regina Dixon
Eva Dorkus
Patricia Duleba
Marcia Durant
Colleen Dyer
Ellen Elias
Irene Emmett
Fanwood-Scotch Plains
Rotary Club
Carol Lamperti
Sue Jardinella
David and Lori Katz
Kessler PR Group
Doris Kiziah
Brett and Laurie Kolpan
Sybil B. Kramer
Natalie Krauser
Raymond and Kathy Krov
Suzanne Kunis
Michael LaFace
Linus Lam
Keri Logosso-Misurell
Stephen Loughrey
Michael Lousteau
Carmen Luna
Carole L. Mackenzie
Kathleen Maddock
Felicity Marinello
Kimberley Mathis
Harry and Ruth Mazujian
Brian McCarthy
Jim McKenna
Patricia McKiernan
Dominique Minars
Danielle Mulholland
Daniel and Julia Murphy
Alexandra Neale
Janelle Neser
Mary Page
Vicki Paulson
Anonymous (2)
Agnes Antonian
AT&T Employee
Matching Gifts
Angelo and Carol Auletta
Jagruti Babaria
Andrea Beck
Deborah Q Belfatto
Rana Berk
Debora Beverly
Danielle Bonastia
Walter Boright
George Ferreira
Michelle Ferrer
Ellen Ferrise
Helen Bishop Foerster
Brett Ford
Richard Frear
Iwona Gaeckle
Audra Giese
Maggie Gonzales
Lori Grier
Alicia Grippi-Virag
Kevin and Elyse Halloran
Holly Hilton
Malika Hogan
Home Depot Charity Custodial Account
Dorothy Hooker
Nichelle Denise Howe
Lauren Hutchison
Debbie Iurato
Anne Pavelka
Ruth Payer
Alison Penrose
Diana Petrazzuoli
Mary Phillips
Joan Van Pelt and James Pivnichny
Cyndy Ponczek
Marsha Prah
Sara Rall
Ana Risoli
Jennifer Robinson
Marcee Rogers
Lymari Roman
Salvatore and Bernice Romano
Toacca Rutherford
Joann Sabados-Carolina
Roxanna Santos
Andrea Schaffer
Megan Schnettler
Kathryn Dale Scolnick
Scotch Plains/Fanwood Girl Scouts
Robin Seasock
Ann Seeler Eldridge
Jodi Seubert
Christine Shapteban
Amy Sherer
Jennifer Shouffler
Rebecca Shum
Michael A Skalski
James and Judy Stahl*
Kathryn Louise Starzer-Farrell
Andrea Stein
Kay Stephenson
Ye Tian
Troop 40861
Heather and Mark Trumpore
Jeanne Van Steen*
Christine Waldron
Jody Weinmann
Anne Weisenfels
Kristina Wetter
Woman’s Club of Westfield
Roxie Zeek
Irma Abrams
Adrian’s Caterers
American Express Charitable Fund
Anonymous (3)
Debolina Arose
Charletta Ayers
Christy S. Barone
Carolyn Barrow
Carolyn Beauchamp
Karen Bennett
Michelle Bobrow
Liza Boffen
Teresia Bost
Carolynn Briggs
Lisa Brophy
Barbara Burton
Vanessa Cameron
Kristy Camphausen
Laura Chew
Sari Cohen
Volkan Coklu
Vanessa Cole
Lisa Colone
Marie Contrucci
Julia Coyne
Mary Craig
Craziii Dozen MC
Cristin Cricco-Powell
Deborah Cummins
Laura Davis
Daniel De Picciotto
Leigh Ann DelPorto
Catherine Denning
Jodi Devchand
Nicole Draghi
Jean Drozdowski
Rita May Dumaguing
Jessica Dunne
Gwen Duralek
Betsy Emany
Stephanie Entis
Kacy Erdelyi
Onelia Figueroa
Andrea Rothfelder
Alison Fleischer
Lindsey Frank
Jeanine Fuld
Maggie Gabanyi
Carol Gallagher
Sharon Gasmen
Ryan Gates
Amy Gelfand
Cynthia R Green*
Skip Drumm and Alan Gross
Irene Gyori
Cori Herbig
Patricia Hilliard
Earle Holder
Cecilia leung
Bart and Amy Johnson
Roxanne Johnson
Marisa Lunde
Theresa A. Lyons
Gerald and Ruth Maloney
Michael Marchesi
Ellen Margarita
Kelly Martini
Rebecca Mazzariello
Tim McCorkle
Rebecca McFadden
Rita McQuilkin
Raissa Mejia
Bianca Miele
Charles Mierswa
Patricia Miller
Katherine Mitrotasios
Jenny Mundell
Jennifer Murphy
Frances Musler
Patricia Novy
Faith Ann Odat
Wendy T O’Ree
Samantha Paris
Wendy Reardon
Bridget Renzulli
Cecilia Ricks
Lisa Robinson
Ruth Sager*
Payal Sahay
Michael Sanabria
Susan Sapienza
Sharon Shivers
Nikara Smith
Barbara Spiegel
Jackie Stamford
Pamela Stanley
Aimee Swain
Hank Swormstedt
Bibi Taylor
Vineela Juturu
Kim Kanger
Domenica Kapetanakis
Hope Kaufman
Anne S Kennison
Caroline Kimball
John and Carol Kissane
Hilary Kruchowy
Kristine Lawlor
Tina LeMar
Christina Liebrich
Cate Lloyd
Marianne Lloyd
Kristen Tilak
Pamela Touretzky
Elizabeth Trainor
Robin Umber
Nevea Van Wright
Lynn Vande Stouwe
Kathleen Walsh
Jeffrey and Michelle Wieder
Elva Wilson-Calabro
Paul Winters
Kristin Woodard
Peg Wright
Barbara Zielsdorff
Mary Ellen Zvanut
Richard Zvanut
In Memory of Marilyn Belluscio
Joann Sabados-Carolina
In Memory of Mary Lou Clayton
Anne S Kennison
Megan Schnettler
Barbara Spiegel
In Memory of Joy Ann Cowell
Sharon Shivers
In Memory of Elizabeth Davidson
Maureen M. Corbeski
In Memory of Edythe Claire Frank
Walter Boright
In Honor of Deb Hooker
Megan Farrell
Mary Ellen Zvanut
In Memory of Paula R. Howe
Nichelle Denise Howe
In Memory of Jacqueline Miller
Debora Beverly
In Honor of Ilene Wachs
David Cucinotta
In Memory of Mandee Jacobson
Tina LeMar
In Memory of Maureen Gaughran
Patricia Novy
In Memory of Mattie Nicholson and Emma Murphy
Doris Nicholson
In Memory of Gerald Lawlor
Kristine Lawlor
In Memory of Madeleine Mess
Cyndy Ponczek
In Memory of Susan Best
Christiane Gratzel
In Honor of Madelyn McCarthy
Natalie Krauser
In Honor of Rachel Neale
Alexandra Neale
In Honor of Jaclyn Pennella & Rey Financial Group
Ashley Rey
In Honor of Chrissy Buteas
Suzanne Kunis
In Honor of Jennifer Velez
Margaret Campbell
Juliette Gordon Low Society
Deborah Stahl
Debra L. & Carl W. Zvanut
Diane Cifelli
Dianna Beck-Clemens
Dianne Belk and Lawrence Calder Girl Scout Movement-wide Planned Gift
Elizabeth Anne Kelly
Erik and Eva Andersen Girl Scout Movement-wide Planned Gift
Kelly Trageser
Lydia Whitefield
Nancy P. Faulks
Okello Hemmings
Yasche Glass
A big, heartfelt...
*Denotes members of our Daisy’s Circle: our monthly givers.