2018 Girl Scout Cookie Family Guide

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Cookie Manual


The Girl Scout Cookie Activity Pin Celebrating the 5 Skills with girls! All girls who participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program are eligible to earn the annual Cookie Activity Pin. When they earn the pin, invite girls to share their accomplishments in each of the 5 Skills. Here’s how girls achieve the 5 Skills through the Girl Scout Cookie Program:

1. Goal Setting The Cookie Activity Pin is available for purchase at your local store or through www.girlscoutshop.com. The pin is a different color every year.

Set personal learning goals. What do you want to learn this year? What do you want to do better? Share this with at least one other person or your group. Set personal sales goals for yourself based on your personal and group goals. Keep a record of your accomplishments each year!

2. Decision Making Develop a basic business plan for your cookie sale. Work as a team with other Girl Scouts to decide when and where you’ll sell cookies and what you’ll do with the money you earn.

3. Money Management Develop a budget for accomplishing at least one of the goals you set in the Goal Setting step. Use this budget to help determine your sales goals. Be able to explain how the money earned in the Girl Scout Cookie Program helps you, your group, and your council.

4. People Skills Practice your “elevator speech” for customers about what you are selling, why you are selling it, and why they should purchase it. Make a list of customers you will approach. Don’t forget people you sold to last year!

5. Business Ethics Discuss how living the Girl Scout Promise and Law applies to what you do in the Girl Scout Cookie Program as a businesswoman.

The Girl Scout Cookie Program: 5 Skills for Girls 21

For 100 years, the Girl Scout Cookie Progam has taught girls five essential life skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics— aspects essential to leadership, to success, and to life. Girl Scout Cookies started in the kitchens and ovens of our girl members, with moms volunteering as technical advisers, as a way to finance troop activities. Today, the program still helps fund all of the fun girls have with Girl Scouts, like field trips, troop supplies and community service, as well as your local council, Girl Scouts Heart of the South. Funds from the cookie program provide volunteer training, council programs and events, camp maintanance, and even new member recruitment. One thing that has changed since 1917 is the girl’s ability to sell Girl Scout Cookies online! Girls are able to sell cookies online through Digital Cookies 2.0, developed by GSUSA and Little Brownie Bakers, and powered by Dell and Visa Checkout. This safe and secure site will allow girls to connect with family and friends to ask for their support by purchasing cookies. Customers have the ability to purchase cookies online to be shipped (customer pays for shipping and handling) or delivered by the girl (with your permission). The price of Girl Scout Cookies are still $4 per box , with two speciality cookies, the Girl Scout S’mores and the gluten free, Toffee-tastics at $5. The 2018 Girl Scout Cookie Program officially starts on January 6, 2018. The Girl Scout Cookie Progam was always one of my favorite times when I led my daughters’ troops, and I hope you enjoy participating with your daughter as well. Thank you for supporting your girl and her troop. This program would not be possible without parent and volunteer involvement.

CEO, Girl Scouts Heart of the South

important dates to remember Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan.20 Jan. 20 Jan. 26 Feb. 16-22 Feb. 23 - March 18 March 2 March 9 March 19 June 2

Girls take orders – GIRL SCOUT HONOR Cookie Kick-Off, Girl Scout Leadership Center Memphis 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Cookie Kick-Off, Girl Scout Leadership Center Jackson 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Cookie Kick-Off, Wesley United Methodist Church, Tupelo, MS 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Initial order due to Troop Cookie Manager Girls continue taking orders after their initial orders are turned in. Girls & troops will have access to additional cookies after initial orders are received. Cookies are delivered to Service Units Make sure you know when and where to pick up your cookies from your Troop Cookie Manager. Girls participate in direct sales through booth sales, door-to-door, cookie walkabouts, etc. to meet personal and troop goals. Half payment of initial cookie order due to Troop Cookie Manager Digital Online Cookies “Girl Delivery” option ends Remaining cookie balance due to Troop Cookie Manager C.E.L.E.B. Event, Golf and Games, Memphis, TN

Why participate

IN TH E GIRL SCOUT COOKIE PROGRAM? What are your hopes for your Girl Scout? Certainly, you want her to make good decisions, know how to manage money. And how to set and reach goals, like attending college. The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps her succeed today and prepares her for future success. There’s a good reason it’s a beloved family tradition.

1. Goal Setting: Girls set cookie sales goals individually and with their team, create a plan to reach them, and develop cooperation and team-building skills all along the way!

2. Decision Making: Girls help decide how the team will

spend their cookie money, furthering their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.

3. Money Management: Girls take cookie orders, handle customers’ money and gain practical life skills in financial literacy.

4. People Skills: Girls learn how to talk to, listen to and work with all kinds of people while selling cookies. These experiences help them develop healthy relationship and conflict-resolution skills they can use throughout their lives.

5. Business Ethics: Girls are honest and responsible at every step of the cookie sale. Their business ethics here reinforce the positive values they are developing as a Girl Scout.

PARENT TIPS! Submit your signed Parent Permission and Responsibility Form to allow your daughter to participate. Parents/Guardians are responsible for all cookies ordered and the amount due. Collect payment upon delivery, not before. Be sure to turn over all funds to your Troop Cookie Manager. Remember that products cannot be returned to the troop or council once signed for. Check your email for log-in instructions for Digital Cookie and help your girl set up her online business page.

Be a hero. Volunteer! Not every superhero wears a cape. By going the extra mile and volunteering with your girl’s troop, you can be a cookie hero! It’s a fun job you’ll never forget. Some of the roles you could play include: • being a cookie volunteer or assistant • chaperoning at cookie booths • picking up cookies from the Cookie Cupboard • teaching the troop a skill that you have— they’ll thank you for making their experience that much more rewarding!

Help her sell online

Hosted by Girl Scouts of the USA, Digital Cookie enables girls to set up their own personalized sales pages, take credit card payments and ship cookies directly to their customers.

Encourage goal-setting

Goal-setting is an important life skill. She’ll go far if she knows how to set a high goal and reach it. • Ask about her group’s goals and help her set personal goals. • Help her complete the order card section that explains her group’s goal. • Encourage her to share her goal with customers. Customers want to help girls succeed. • Guide her to set practical and useful goals about what she wants to learn and earn.

Support her sales

She needs you to be on her side as she develops the confidence to ask people for orders. • Ask her questions and help her practice her sales message. • Help her take orders or arrange booth site sales at work, places of worship or other locations frequented by people who love Girl Scout Cookies. • Go with her to sell and deliver cookies. • Help her network with family and friends, but let her do the “ask” so she can learn important business skills. Share email addresses of family and friends for online orders.


Her group needs help chaperoning booth sales, picking up cookies and more.

Practice safety

Help your girl understand the Girl Scout safety rules, found at www.girlscouts.org/cookies.

FA Qs Can we sell cookies on the internet? Yes and No Through Digital Cookies, Girl Scouts are able sell cookies online in addition to neighborhood and booth sales! With parent approval, girls will have fun using technology to increase their sales, and gain 21st Century entrepreneurial skills that they can use beyond the cookie business. Girl Scout cookies MAY NOT be sold on websites such as eBay or Craigslist. Did the price of cookies go up this year? No Girl Scout Cookies are $4 per box, except for the S’mores and the gluten free Toffee-tastics which are $5 per box. Can we accept checks from customers? Maybe Cash is the preferred method of payment. However, it is at the Troop/ Service Unit Cookie Manager/Leader’s discretion whether the troop will accept personal checks or not. Can we get more cookies after the initial order card is turned in? Yes Girls continue taking orders after their initial order card has been submitted to their Troop Cookie Manager. If you need additional cookies ask your Troop Cookie Manager, they may have extra cookies or will be able to pick up more from a cookie cupboard throughout the sale. What happens if the family cannot sell the cookies that were ordered? Each family is obligated to pay for all the cookies ordered by their Girl Scout(s) at the time designated by the Troop Cookie Manager. If for some reason you are not able to sell the cookies as planned, you should immediately contact the Troop Cookie Manager to see if other girls in the troop need extra cookies that might be replaced with yours. If this is not an option, you must pay for the cookies you’ve received by the deadline to avoid legal/collection procedures. What are Passport Bucks? Passport Bucks can pay for council-sponsored program activity fees, Girl Scout destination trips, and items in the council shop. Passport Bucks may not be used for online shop purchases. Passport Bucks can pay for 2018 resident camp registration fees and resident camp trading post purchases at Girl Scouts Heart of the South summer resident camps.

Girl Scouts Heart of the South: www.girlscoutshs.org Everything council related, dates, tips, information, help and more! Little Brownie Public Website: www.littlebrowniebakers.com The official baker of Girl Scout Cookies! Full of information, fun and games for girls. Little Brownie Cookie Locator: http://cookielocator.littlebrownie.com Find the nearest Girl Scout Cookie Booth by your zip code. Digital Cookies: https://digital.cookie.girlscouts.org Online cookie portal to set goals, track sales and email customers.


Do MORE with Your Cookie Sale than Ever Before

ed Digital Cookie site today! Set up your very own personaliz personalized Digital Cookie site today! Set up your very own

That’s right. The iconic Girl Scout Cookie Program you know and love has gone beyond the booth, offering more ways to sell and more ways to learn as you earn. It’s easy, safe, and full of FUN. Sell at the booth, online, and via mobile app, too! cookies!

Share your cookie story.

Access Cookie Business badges online. Track customer info, orders, and data.

Send cool, ready-to-use marketing emails. Play games, watch videos, enjoy printable activities, and take fun quizzes. Use the smart goal-setting calculator.

Make it easy for friends and family near and far to get their favorite Girl Scout Cookies.

Become a Digital Cookie rock star! Ask your troop leader for more info today!

The GIRL SCOUTS® name, mark, and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including GIRL SCOUT COOKIES and DIGITAL COOKIE are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA.

Eight easy-peasy steps to get started! Watch for your registration email* from the “Girl Scout Cookie Program” (email@email.girlscouts.org) with the subject: “Ready. Set. Register for Digital Cookie.” Don’t see the email? Check your junk/spam/promotions inbox. If you have not received the email then go to digitalcookie.girlscouts.org and Click the “Forgot password/Need a registration” email link. Use the email address that you registered your girl with to request a new password. Need help? Call us at 800.624.4185.



2. 1. In the email is a green button to take you to the Digital Order Card registration site. Simply click that button!

2. Once you click the link you’ll be on the Digital Order Card 2.0 site. You’ll need to create a password.

3. Use your new password to log in. Remember to use the same email address where you received your registration email-that’s the one your Girl Scout Council has on file for you.

4. 5. 4. When you first log in, you will have the NEW “Safe Selling for Smart Cookies” safety video pop-up to watch and review with your Girl Scout(s). You can’t proceed any further until the full video has been viewed.

5. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions agreement.

8. 7. 7. You will then be taken to a screen to register your girl or girls for the Digital Cookie program. If the Girl Scout you are registering is over 13, you will enter her email address and she will complete her own registration process. If she is under 12, an email address is not required for her.

8. After registering all your girls, you will click the “Access Site” button to be taken to the first girl’s home page.


6. Next, the “Girl Scout Safety Pledge” will appear. Be sure to read it to/with your Girl Scout(s). Then check the box for “accept” and click “continue.”

Once you have registered, watch your inbox for a registration confirmation email and save this email where you can find it during cookie season!

Set up Girl Digital Cookie Page: Once a parent has successfully logged into the DOC, they must accept the Terms and Conditions prior to completing the set-up process. • Girls 12 and under will be linked with the parent’s email address. • Parent and girl will setup the site together. • Girls 13 and older will be required to access DOC through a separate email address than the parent. • Parent will enter the girl’s email address, and the DOC will send the girl a registration email. • Girls will then login to the system using the link in the registration email. • The girl sets up her site and submits to the parent for approval. • Parent receives an email to approve the girl’s site. • All marketing emails will be sent through the girl’s account. Ordering process: Girls send emails out to customers. • Customers follow the link (girl URL) in the email to the girl’s online cookie site. • Customers place orders for cookies, choose delivery method (Ship, Donate, Girl Delivery) and enters payment information. • If “Girl Delivery” method is chosen, the customer must choose a secondary delivery method (Donate or Cancel). Shipped Orders: • Shipping and handling charges apply to “Shipped” orders placed through the DOC. • Cookies are shipped from the bakery directly to the customer. • A transaction is automatically entered applying payment (minus shipping and handling) and cookies towards the troop and the girl on the Girl Order Tab in eBudde. • These cookie orders WILL NOT be included in the girl’s initial order totals, however they will calculate into the Final Rewards at the end of the program. Donated Orders: • Donated orders are not designated as a specific variety. • A transaction is automatically entered applying payment and cookies towards the troop and the girl on the Girl Order Tab in eBudde. • Cookies will show in the T2T column for virtual cookies to be donated. • These cookie orders WILL NOT be included in the girl’s initial order totals, however they will calculate into the Final Rewards at the end of the program.

Girl Delivery Orders: • An email will go to the parent to approve or deny the “Girl Delivery” order. • The Parent has 10 days to approve or deny the order. If the parent has not approved or denied the order within 10 days, the customer will be notified that their secondary delivery option has been selected (donate or cancel.) • If parent denies the “Girl Delivery” order then the customer will be notified that their secondary delivery option has been selected. • If parent approves the order, then a transaction for payment is automatically applied to the troop and to the girl on the Girl Order Tab in eBudde. • No cookies are automatically placed towards the troop or girl in eBudde for DOC Girl Delivery Orders. • The “Girl Delivery” option will not be available for orders placed after March 9, 2018. How do you get cookies for Girl Delivery? • Girl Delivery orders placed during the Initial Order phase (prior to January 26, 2018): • All approved Girl Delivery orders from the DOC site should be submitted along with her Initial Cookie Order to the troop. • These cookie orders WILL be included in the girl’s initial order totals and calculate in with her Initial Rewards. • Girl Delivery orders placed after the Initial Order phase (after January 26, 2018): • The girl will either use her inventory or obtain additional cookies from the troop. • If the troop provides the girl with additional cookies, then the troop will transfer cookies to the girl in eBudde. Can the Girls Earn Any Rewards? Yes! All sales through the Digital Cookie Program will count toward our girl reward lineup. Missed the email? Request Registration Email or Reset Password Go to www.digitalcookie.girlscouts.org and click the “Forgot password/Need a registration email” link. Enter the email address associated with your Girl Scout’s registration. You will be sent an email with the subject: “Your request to change your Digital Cookie password” from “Girl Scout Cookie Program” (email@email.girlscouts.org) in about 15 minutes. Check your junk/spam/promotions if you don’t receive it by then and be sure to add email@email. girlscouts.org to your “safe sender” list. Click on the most recent email you received, if you have requested multiples. Click on the “Reset” link in the email.

Cookie selling tips. There are so many ways to reach your goals with the Girl Scout Cookie Program! Here are just a few ways that you can sell Girl Scout Cookies to your family, friends, neighbors and more! But before you begin, remember to review the cookie safety rules and follow Safety Activity Checkpoints at all times.


DIGITAL COOKIES Girls supercharge their cookie sales by safely tapping the marketing power of the internet.

Customers use an online order form to submit their orders and pay for them online. Customers can choose between having the girl deliver, with parents’ permission, or have them shipped. Shipping and handling charges will apply.


TELEPHONE & TEXT SALES Review order cards from previous years and use them to contact these customers again.

Once cookies have been delivered, girls may want to call customers, thank them for their orders and ask if they need additional cookies. Try a Text-a-thon! Older girls may want to text their friends and family to let them know “It’s Cookie Time,” and to collect their orders. (Be sure to get a parent’s permission first). Check out great text messages in your Cookie Entrepreneur Officer book.


WORKPLACE SALES Girls can contact local business owners or managers to request permission to sell cookies at a workplace.

Girls can either make a quick “sales pitch” at a staff meeting, or sell “office door-to-door” (or cubicle-to-cubicle), depending on the wishes of the business. Once employee sales are completed, the business may allow girls to leave an order card in a visible spot. Leave a note from your troop outlining your goals and plans for the cookie proceeds. (Remember not to list the girls’ last names or phone numbers on the order card or note). Girls should establish a date and time to pick up the order card and to deliver the cookies.


DOOR-TO-DOOR SALES & COOKIE WALKABOUT Encourage girls to canvass their communities, leaving no doorbell untouched! Girls should take orders, door-todoor, at the beginning of the Cookie Program with their order cards. Remember safety first! After cookies arrive, sell door-to-door with cookies in hand. Load up a wagon with cookies, make signs, and you are ready for a neighborhood walkabout! This is a great time to deliver to customers and offer additional cookies.


BOOTH SALES The Cookie Program is all about the girls and girls are what people want to see! Troops can schedule booth sales for your troop through the eBudde Booth Scheduler for a time, date and location convenient for the troop. Booth scheduling starts on Tuesday, January 23 at www.ebudde.littlebrownie.com, with sneak peak of time, dates and locations starting on Thursday, January 18. Troops can also schedule their own cookie booth sale locations, by obtaining the manager’s approval at locations NOT listed in the eBudde Booth Scheduler.


COOKIE LOCATOR This excellent tool allows customers to search online, or by the free smartphone app, for the closest cookie booth sale according to their zip code.

The Cookie Locator pulls cookie booth sale dates, times and locations that have been scheduled through the council’s eBudde Booth Scheduler. This is the website the council uses in all media and advertising to the public so make sure your booth gets included!


BUNDLING Customers buy more when girls suggest multiple boxes of cookies. Use eTool materials to support the bundling strategy at www.littlebrownie.com.

How the cookie crumbles...

Ever wonder where the $4 per box of Girl Scout Cookies goes?

Cost to Little Brownie Baker, $1.03 Council Proceeds, $2.17 Troop Proceeds, $0.59

Service Unit Proceeds, $0.04 Recognitions/Awards, $0.11 Uncollectibles, $0.04 Miscellaneous Expenses, $0.02 Fund Development, $0.16

See the council breakdown of the $2 Management/General, $0.11

Girl Program, $0.30

Communication/Marketing, $0.24

Resident Camp, $0.27

Property Management, $0.17

Adult Training, $0.08

Membership Development, $0.84

2018 Cookie Program Rewards


Girl Scouts Go: Birthplace to Beach JUNE 2018 We are exploring our Girl Scout history and stretching our “sea legs” on this Georgia based adventure!

Passport Bucks

Funding your Girl Scout experience! Want to head to camp, go on a trip, purchase a Girl Scout pullover? Passport Bucks lets you earn “council credit” towards whatever Girl Scout adventure you are up for! Select Passport Bucks at your reward levels and start your planning! The council is organizing two awesome trips next year. Girl Scouts Go: Birthplace to Beach is in June and designed for Girl Scout Cadettes through Ambassadors. And the Let’s Explore: East Tennessee trip is May 31 - June 2 and is exclusively for Girl Scout Juniors. Another great way to utilize Passport Bucks is to help pay for Summer Camp! Check out our Summer Camp Sneak Peek on the next page and mark Febraury 1, 2018 for when registration opens. You can save your spot with a $50 deposit and pay the remaining balance when you’ve earned your Passport Bucks. Remember, rewards are cumulative, so if you sell 400 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies you would earn $30 Passport Bucks along with all the other level rewards! Passport Bucks may be used to pay for: • Council Activities & Events • Council Travel Expenses • Summer Camp • In-store Council Shop Purchases • Camp Trading Posts Passport Bucks may not be cashed for “real money”; have no value outside of Girl Scouts Heart of the South; are nontransferable; expires on 9/14/18 and must be presented at time of use. Passport Bucks cannot be replaced or re-issued for any reason.

Girls will get an exciting look into the history of our remarkable founder and her home at the Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace. The guided tour will show girls where Girl Scouts began, and provide a glimpse into Juliette’s life through orginal artwork, furnishings, artifacts and more. On a tour of beautiful Savannah, girls will also visit other Girl Scout points of interest, and enjoy the rich history of this Southern city. Then get ready to spend time at the beach as we see dolphins, enjoy a riverboat cruise, and go on our own ecology walk! Trip Highlights: Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace program and tour Savannah Riverboat Cruise Tybee Island Dolphin Tour Tybee Island Marine Science Center Tybee Island beach Oatland Island Wildlife Center Departure will be from the Girl Scout Memphis Leadership Center. A second departure location from the Girl Scout Tupelo Leadership Center may be added. Who: Girl Scout Cadettes - Ambassadors Min/Max: 33/49 girls Cost: $950 (estimated), includes transportation, activities, lodging and meals. $50 deposit is required at the time of registration to reserve your spot. Questions? Email programsweb@girlscoutshs.org


Save your spot with a $50 deposit

SAVE $10


and pay the balance with your Passport Bucks!

cookies = camp The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps fund girls’ summer camp dreams one delicious box at a time! Girls can select Passport Bucks as their rewards to help pay for summer camp. Summer camp is an AWESOME place for girls to spend their summer! And at our camps they’ll be learning, exploring, and having tons of FUN! We live in a world of screens—smartphone! laptop! TV! tablet!—and sometimes you just want to get away from it all. We get it. That’s why you can focus your Girl Scout experience on getting outdoors.

SESSION SNEAK PEEK! Kamp with your girl!

Kamp Mamas! (Mini Session w/ Mom) Kamp Kiwani Grades 1st - 3rd Cost: Girl $200/Adult $100 Sidekicks (Mini Session w/ Mom) Kamp Kiwani Grades 4th - 6th Cost: Girl $200/Adult $100 Camp with your girl during Kamp Mamas or Sidekicks! Enjoy allinclusive summer fun, swimming, crafting, canoeing, s’mores and campfire songs right beside your daughter.

Earn Badges!

Nailed It! Kamp Kiwani Grades 6th - 8th Cost: $400 per person Hey, how about adding some horseback riding, rock Calling all makers, creators and doers! wall climbing, and archery to the mix? Round things This camp session lets you hammer it out and build it up while you work out with a ropes course, some whitewater rafting, on your Woodworker Badge. Girls and maybe a two week-long equestrian session, and you’ll find out how much fun it can be to unplug will use their woodworking skills in a service project at Kamp Kiwani! and explore the world around you. You’ll develop the kind of outdoor skills it’s hard to get anywhere else. Skills like building a campfire, pitching a tent, and canoeing across a lake.

Our all-inclusive overnight camps are designed with Girl Scouts in mind and offer a variety of activities that include aquatics and equestrian programs, archery, culinary and creative arts, high-adventure travel, and a whole lot of campfires, songs and s’mores. Plus, several of our sessions will help her earn badges and Girl Scout awards! Girl Scout Heart of the South offers two resident camps, Camp Tik-A-Witha in Van Vleet, MS and Kamp Kiwani in Middleton, TN. Both camps are American Camp Association accredited.

Wonders of Water Camp Tik-A-Witha Grades: 2nd - 3rd Cost: $400 per person Splash into an awesome summer while learning how to play and love water. Between swim lessons and aqua exploration girls will learn how to care for one of our most valuable resources, and enjoy water! Camper will earn portions of the Wonders of Water Journey!

Older Girl Options Ultimate Survivor! 7 day session Kamp Kiwani Grades: 7th - 12th Cost: $450 per person Girls will spend the week learning outdoor skills from knot tying to fire building, and compete in challenges to test their knowledge. Teamwork and determination are two musts to be named the Ultimate Survivors! Girls can earn portions of the Cadette Primitive Camper Badge, Senior Adventure Camper Badge Ambassador Survival Camper Badge badge!

EXTREME Adventurer 7 day session Camp Tik-A-Witha Grades 7-12th Cost: $450 per person This high adventure, career exploration will help girls develop leadership and collaboration skills! Highlights of this session are an overnight campout with a signature night time ropes course, and camping under the stars! Girls can earn portions of the Cadette Primitive Camper Badge, Senior Adventure Camper Badge Ambassador Survival Camper Badge badge!

Encourage her to step up today to show everyone how the world’s largest girl-led entrepreneurial program helped her be a barrier breakin’, challenge crushin’, lead takin’ cookie pro!

BY ENTERING THE CONTEST, GIRLS GET A CHANCE TO: Unlock this awesome, limited-edition Cookie Pro 2018 patch

Be featured on our iconic Girl Scout Cookie box

Girl Scouts of the USA


Travel to NYC for an all-expenses-paid Girl Scout Cookie Entrepreneur Experience, where girls will talk business with GSUSA leaders and be recognized as a Top Cookie Pro 2018

HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: Who can participate? Registered Girl Scout Cookie sellers from participating councils How do girls enter? By completing their very own Cookie Pro Resume Survey online and submitting it along with a photo

FUN FACT: 200 million Girl Scout Cookie boxes are distributed each year to more than 50 million cookie buyers!

Her cookie pro submission should include things like: Cookie badges she’s earned and skills she’s learned What she’s done or plans to do with her cookie earnings Best selling tips for crushing cookie sale goals like a PRO!

girlscouts.org/cookiepro Entry details and official contest rules will be available September 1, 2017. Entries accepted January 2, 2018, through April 30, 2018. One entry per girl from participating councils. The GIRL SCOUTS® name, mark, and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including the Trefoil Design, are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA.

Pile up cookies in your wagon and sell directly to customers on Red Wagon Saturday! Who can resist delicious Girl Scout Cookies when a Girl Scout is at their front door with their favorite cookies?! Door-to-door sales remains one of the most effective ways to sell cookies. In a recent national study, 78% of those customers who were not approached during a cookie sale stated they would have purchased 2-4 boxes if asked. Red Wagon Saturday was designed to reach those customers and help girls achieve their cookies goals, all while getting outdoors and meeting neighbors.

Earn a Patch! HERE’S HOW IT WORKS:

Grab a wagon and have her decorate it! Make sure to include a sign or banner with her cookie goal! Next, map out your neighborhood and load up on cookies for a Red Wagon Saturday cookie shop on wheels! Remember, safety first! Girls need a grown-up. You can do this with your girl or meet up as a troop. Take a picture of your girls with their wagons and submit online at www.girlscoutshs.org/redwagon to earn this awesome Red Wagon Saturday patch. Deadline to submit pictures and earn a patch is March 26, 2018.

Girls need grown-ups! Make sure you have an adult with a Girl Scout while going door-to-door. Wear your uniform! People love seeing girls in uniforms, and seeing all the badges and patches they’ve earned. Neighbor not home? Leave a Cookie Card on their door so they can order from your Digital Cookie page. Never give out a girl’s phone number or address. If a customer wants to place an order or has questions provide them with an adult’s contact information. Map out neighborhoods for your Red Wagon Saturday and check them off as you walk them.

Gift of Caring Gift of Caring allows girls an opportunity to show their appreciation to their hometown heroes and to support those in need. Girls or their troops may choose an organization they want to benefit and then give customers the opportunity to purchase cookies as a donation. For various reasons, some customers do not want to buy cookies for themselves. With Gift of Caring, they have the chance to give to others while supporting Girl Scouts at the same time.

Troop to Troops The Troop to Troops (T2T) program provides a perfect opportunity to send cookies to our military men and women who are protecting our freedom. Cookies are sent to our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters who are putting their lives on hold to protect the freedoms dear to us all. This is a great way to grow your cookie sales and support our military troops! When girls take orders, they simply ask customers if they would like to donate boxes of cookies to be sent overseas to our military. If the customer wishes to purchase some, they indicate this in the white column on the girl order form. Customers do not specify flavors. If a customer wants certain cookies sent to a specific soldier, they need to purchase them and mail them to the soldier of their choice. Girl Scouts Heart of the South does not have control over where the cookies are sent once they are delivered to the military.

Do a Good Turn Daily is a pay-it-forward initiative based on the Girl Scout slogan which encourages girls to perform an act of kindness each day. Do a Good Turn Daily encourages customers to buy an extra box of Girl Scout Cookies to give to someone else to brighten their day. Council will provide interested troops with stickers and posters that they can place at their cookie booths to encourage customers to pay it forward.

Cookie Entrepreneurs Leaping Extreme Bounds (C.E.L.E.B.s) are girls who sell 800+ boxes and are invited to attend an all-inclusive, and very exclusive, C.E.L.E.B. event in recognition of their hard work and dedication! These events are the highlight of the cookie season with unique activities, yummy treats and a day of celebrating their success. The 2018 C.E.L.E.B. Event will be June 2 at Golf and Games in Memphis, TN.

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