2015 Spring Program Guide

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Bring a friend to camp!

Turn me over! 6 for Check out page more information.

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Service Centers and Showcases Phone: 855.GSCIN.4U | 317.924.6800 Fax: 317.924.2976 Web: girlscoutsindiana.org

Share your Girl Scout stories! /GirlScoutsofCentralIndiana @girlscoutsIN

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Ste I Bloomington, IN 47404 Tue–Fri | noon-5 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*

Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St Kokomo, IN 46901 Tue–Fri | noon-5 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*

Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave Columbus, IN 47201 Tue–Fri | noon-5 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*

Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8439 State Rd 26 E Lafayette, IN 47905 Tue–Fri | 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*

Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S Daleville, IN 47334 Mon-Fri | 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*

Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E Richmond, IN 47374 Tuesday-Friday | noon to 5 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100 Indianapolis, IN 46214 Mon-Fri | 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*

Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln Terre Haute, IN 47807-4698 Tuesday-Friday | noon to 5 p.m. Showcase open Saturday | 9 a.m.-noon*

*Closed on Saturdays, June 1-July 31

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana service centers will be closed: Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday, January 19

Memorial Day Monday, May 25

Presidents Day Monday, February 16

Independence Day Saturday, July 4

Girl Scout Mission

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

The Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

The Girl Scout Law

I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Greetings! Girl Scouts exists so girls can reach their full potential. Girls develop the social and emotional competencies and problem-solving skills that are critical to ensuring she thrives and is able to make a difference in the world through quality Girl Scout programming. Girl Scouts of Central Indiana is proud to offer initiatives that include STEM, healthy living, financial literacy and faith exploration to help build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. In addition, we remain focused in building the Leadership and Learning Center at Camp Dellwood, a stateof-the-art resource center for adult volunteers; ensuring they receive support and interface with peers to successfully facilitate girl-led activities. We are reminded by The State of Girls: Unfinished Business, from the Girl Scout Research Institute, that we have more work to do to encourage all girls to discover their values, interests, and skills; connect with others and take action to create sustainable solutions to issues important to them. Indiana ranks 36th out of 50 states on an overall index of well-being that includes measures of girls’ physical health and safety, economic well-being, education, emotional health and extracurricular activities. In Indiana, about 20 percent of school-age girls are living in poverty, about one third are overweight or obese, and roughly one in seven have experienced neighborhood violence. Data is not destiny, and I encourage you to share the Girl Scout message with a friend, a co-worker, a classmate or a family member and make a difference in a girl’s life. I believe that one girl can make a difference and that girls together will change the world. Plan an adventure and discover something new! Thank you for your time and support of Girl Scouts. Enjoy browsing our 2015 Spring Program and Adult Learning Guide, and visit girlscoutsindiana.org to register for events. Let’s have fun while impacting the lives of girls! Warmest regards,

Deborah Hearn Smith Chief Executive Officer

Girl Scout Showcase

Starter kit with bridging package Each starter bag includes the basic items every girl needs to continue her Girl Scout Journey!

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Showcase locations

Purchase any Basics in a Bag Jan 2 through June 12 and receive a free drawstring bag.

Bloomington, Columbus, Daleville, Indianapolis, Kokomo, Lafayette, Richmond, and Terre Haute

Visit any Showcase to take advantage of the new Girl's Guide price of $16.87!

Call 317.924.6860 or 855.GSCIN.4U

We’ve got it covered! Revenue generated from your shop purchase helps provide program activities and services to girls in central Indiana. Thank you for your support! Girl Scout Daisy

Girl Scout Brownie

Girl Scout Junior

Girl Scout Cadette/Senior/Ambassador





Flag Patch

Flag Patch

Flag Patch

Flag Patch

Troop Numerals

Troop Numerals

Troop Numerals

Troop Numerals

Daisy Pin

Brownie Pin

Girl Scout Pin

Girl Scout Pin (optional)

Insignia Tab

Insignia Tab

Insignia Tab

Insignia Tab





Girl Scout Daisy Journey Book

Girl Scout Brownie Journey Book

Girl Scout Junior Journey Book

Girl Scout Grade Level Journey Book

The Daisy Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting

The Brownie Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting

The Junior Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting

Girl Scout Grade Level Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting

Free Bridge Kit: Bridging Award and Certificate

Free Bridge Kit: Bridging Award and Certificate

Free Bridge Kit: Bridging Award and Certificate

Sash: $46.85 Vest: $58.10

Sash: $48.35 Vest: $59.10

Sash: $46.85 Vest: $61.85

Tunic: $55.35 Vest: $57.10

Price based on 4-digit troop number and regular sized tunics, vests, and sashes. Deduct $1.50 per number if fewer digits are needed. Plus-sized tunics and vests cost slightly more. Call for details.

For uniform guidelines and where to place insignia, visit girlscoutsindiana.org/girls/uniform. 4

Super Troop Super Troop begins August 1 and ends June 30. Super Troop criteria (must complete eight of the below) •

Participated in Early Bird, or if a new troop, 80 percent of troop registered by October.

Participate in the Fall Product Program with a troop sale average 25 percent higher than council average (2014-2015 council average is $589 sold per participating troop-to qualify troops would sell at least $736).

Participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program with a troop per girl sales average 25 percent higher than council average (2014-2015 council average is 142 packages sold per girl-to qualify troops would have a per girl average of 178).

Help increase girl or adult membership. Do one of the following: •

Add two girls to your troop

Recruit a new leader

Recruit a new volunteer to assist in a council event

Help at a council led recruitment event

Attend four service unit meetings or events.

Attend one council program or troop camp at a council facility overnight.

80 percent of families in your troop make a donation to the council’s capital campaign.

Visit the website, www.girlscoutsindiana.org/capitalcampaign/home-of-our-own to make your gift.

Complete a journey and submit a photo of your Take Action project with your Super Troop report.

Attend one adult learning opportunity: •

Core learning opportunity or enrichment learning opportunity

Submit Troop Annual Report to a service center no later than July 1.

Super Troop incentives •

Certificate of authorization to purchase the Super Troop patch at your local Showcase

News release submitted in local paper (actual print of article is determined by newspaper)

Acknowledgement in council e-news and on council Facebook page

Coupon booklet: •

Two 10 percent discounts at Showcase up to $200 purchase

Super Troop T-shirt for entire troop registered troop and two adult T-shirts *additional adult T-shirts can be purchased for $8



Super Troop

Super Troop report (must be submitted by July 1) Troop number: ___________ Contact name:____________________________________ Address: ________________________________ City: ___________________________ ZIP code: ___________________ Phone number: (___________)___________________ Email: ___________________________________ Service unit:_____________________ Service center location for T-shirt pick up:________________________________________ Place your T-shirt order. Tally the total number of each size: Youth S:_____ YM: _____ YL: _____ Adult S: ______ M: ______ L: ______ XL: ______ XXL: ______ XXXL: ______ XXXXL: ______ Place you patch order. Total patches: __________ Step 1: Check the eight activities your troop accomplished. The * items must be completed:  * Participated in Early Bird if a returning troop  Participate in the Fall Product Program with a troop sale average 25 percent higher than council average (2014-2015 council average is $589 sold per participating troop-to qualify troops would sell at least $736)  Participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program with a troop per girl sales average 25 percent higher than council average (2014-2015 council average is 142 packages sold per girl-to qualify troops would have a per girl average of 178)  * Help increase girl or adult membership. Do one of the following:

• Add two girls to your troop • Recruit a new leader • Recruit a new volunteer to assist in a council event • Help at a council led recruitment event

 Attend four service unit meetings or events  Attend one council activity/event or troop camp at a council facility overnight  80 percent of families in your troop make a donation to the council’s capital campaign. Please visit www.girlscoutsindiana.org/capitalcampaign/home-of-our-own to make your gift.  Complete a journey and submit a photo of your Take Action project with your Super Troop report  Attend one adult learning opportunity: • Core learning opportunity • Enrichment learning opportunity  *Submit Troop Annual Report to your service center manager no later than July 1. Step 2: Please include photo of your troop participating in their Take Action Project with this report. List on the back of the photo all girls’ first and last names which appear in the picture. Submit this report with your photo to dkeely@girlscoutsindiana.org or mail to: Attn: Diana Keely Girl Scouts of Central Indiana 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Suite 100, Indianapolis IN 46214 Step 3: Go to your local service center to pick up your T-shirts. T-shirts will be ready for pick up at your local service center after August 30.



Girl Scout Cookie Program

Every box of cookies is packed with a lifetime supply of learning. Much more than a way to raise money, the Girl Scout Cookie Program is a hands-on leadership and entrepreneurial program. Here are a few examples of how participating in the cookie program teaches Girl Scouts skills that will help them grow into leaders in their own lives, leaders in business and leaders in the world: 1. Goal Setting Your Girl Scout sets cookie sales goals individually and with her team, creates a plan to reach them, and develops cooperation and team building skills all along the way! 2. Decision-Making Your Girl Scout helps decide how her team will spend their cookie money, furthering her critical thinking and problem solving skills that will help her in many aspects of her life. 3. Money Management Your Girl Scout takes cookie orders, handles customers’ money and gains valuable and practical life skills around financial literacy. 4. People Skills Your Girl Scout learns how to talk to, listen to and work with all kinds of people while selling cookies. These experiences help her develop healthy relationship and conflict resolution skills she can use throughout her life. 5. Business Ethics Your Girl Scout is honest and responsible at every step of the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Her business ethics reinforce the positive values she is developing as a Girl Scout.


Girl Scout Cookie Program Mark your calendar! January 10

Girl Scout Cookie Program start date

January 29-February 4

Girl Scout cookie delivery

February 7

Cookie Booth weekend - hot spots

February 14

Cookie Booth weekend – hot spots

February 21

Cookie Booth weekend – hot spots

February 27

National Girl Scout Cookie Day

February 28

Cookie Booth weekend – hot spots

March 7

Last chance cookie booth weekend

March 14

Last chance cookie booth weekend

March 16

Money due in bank

First week of May

Recognition shipments

Where does the money go? $0.03 for program assistance grants $0.65 for troop proceeds $0.84 for camping services $0.98 cost of Girl Scout cookies $1.50 for program services to troops *Troops can choose to donate 10 or 15 cents per package of their troop proceeds toward the capital campaign. For more information, please visit our website: www.girlscoutsindiana.org/troopgivingclub.

Operation: Cookie Drop Operation: Cookie Drop allows customers to support military personnel by purchasing packages of cookies to be delivered to active and retired military women and men throughout central Indiana. In 2014, approximately 6,200 cases, (74,400 packages) of Girl Scout cookies were delivered to Camp Atterbury and other military locations throughout central Indiana, including 60 National Guard armories, the Marines, the Air Force and the Army.

2015 Recognitions Initial order Girls who sell 175+ packages on their initial order will get a Samoa cookie winter cap.

Troop reward If a troop averages 150+ packages per girl selling, every selling girl in that troop will receive this T-shirt!

Troop concert Troops that average 225+ packages per girl selling will receive tickets to a troop concert event for their troop!

Call Kalee Grant at (317) 917-2824 to book your group. Visit FeverBasketball.com for schedule.


JOIN US FOR GIRL SCOUT NIGHT THIS SUMMER. Visit Girl Scouts of Central Indiana (www.girlscoutsindiana.org) after January 15 for our game date.


* Hot dog, chips and Pepsi product * Fever T-shirt * Poster making * Picture with Freddy Fever

* First 30 girls registered will participate in the Tunnel Club

ALL FOR ONE LOW PRICE – $18 Does not include 10% Marion County admissions tax.


Activities registration procedures Registration closes two weeks prior to event or when event is full, unless otherwise noted. Each troop is responsible for providing only enough adults to meet Safety-Wise ratios. Girls registering individually should also be accompanied by an adult. Only registered Girl Scouts may participate in council activities unless specified in the program description. At times, the number of adults able to attend will be limited to the Girl Scout Safety-Wise adult-to-girl ratio. Due to limited space, non-Girl Scout siblings/ friends (tag-a-longs) are not permitted unless specified by program description.

Program registration opens: Jan 21

Refund policy Cancellations must be received 15 days before event in order to receive a refund.

Registration policy

Register online

All participants must be registered in advance. You may register by mail, fax or online.

Go to girlscoutsindiana.org/activities to find the program. From there you will register on E Council:

Registration for events closes at least two weeks prior to the event or when registration has reached maximum capacity.

• Pop-up blockers will prevent the registration form from appearing. You must disable your pop-up blocker to register.

All registrations must be accompanied by payment in full unless otherwise indicated.

• Make sure all names and addresses are entered correctly.

Registration can be mailed at any time and will be accepted for any event that has not been filled to capacity.

• Once your registration has been submitted, you will see a pop-up window that tells you your registration has been successfully completed. This means that your registration has been submitted; it does not mean you are automatically accepted for the event. After the placement date, you will receive correspondence from the council indicating whether or not you have been selected to attend.

Extension Department contact information Meisha Wide • Northeast quadrant mwide@girlscoutsindiana.org • 317.924.6858 Jaime Hubbard • STEM and Higher Awards jhubbard@girlscoutsindiana.org • 317.924.6859

• Confirmations will be sent to the leader’s address on file.

Barb Nichols • Outdoor program bnichols@girlscoutsindiana.org • 317.924.6864

Register by mail

Kendra Nowell • Central quadrant knowell@girlscoutsindiana.org • 317.924.6811

Mail the completed registration form to: Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Attn: Program Registration Suite 100 2611 Waterfront Parkway Indianapolis, IN 46214

Katie Wahlstrom • Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood kwahlstrom@girlscoutsindiana.org • 317.924.6809 Alicia Martin • South quadrant amartin@girlscoutsindiana.org • 317.924.6834

Register by fax

Brittany McCallister • Northwest quadrant bmccallister@girlscoutsindiana.org • 317.924.6857

Send the completed form to Attn: Program Registration at 317.931.3346.


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116


Marshall Starke

De Kalb

Kosciusko Whitley







Program activities by region
















Tipton Delaware Madison

Fountain Boone Montgomery


Hamilton Henry

Vermillion Hendricks












Clay Owen

Decatur Bartholomew

Monroe Brown




Jennings Lawrence








Jackson Jefferson



Brittany McCallister | Kendra Nowell Alicia Martin | Meisha Wide

All Amazing Air Bring on the Bronze Webinar Camp Adventure Patch Program Camp Adventure Patch Volunteer Girl Scout Getaways Going for the Gold Webinar Junior Jamboree Leader Webinar Program Aide Online Learning Striving for Silver Webinar VIT Online Learning

Central 500 Festival KidsFit Program A Zoo of an Afternoon with Keiko Kasza Animal Habitats at Eagle Creek Park Animal Habitats Badge Animals Everywhere Overnight Barbie Be Anything Do Everything at the Science Center! Birding Overnight Birds of Prey Bring on the Bronze Classroom Brownie Hiker Brownie Pajama Party Bubble Fest Bubble Fest for Juniors Camp Adventure and Outdoor Basics Learning Caring For Animals Charlotte's Web Charlotte's Web Bug Badge Chocolatie Fruit

Cosmetology Overnight Create -A-Pop Dellwood Clean Up Day Design It! Painted Cork Board Frames Ewey Gooey Science Flowers Badge Fraction Mosaics Gardener Badge Geo Fest Girl Scout Birthday Party Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever

Girl Scouts' Rev Racing Experience Girl’s Rock Guitar Painting Design Going for the Gold Classroom Going Green Festival Herbal Art Spa Horse Back Riding at Trinity Farm Horse Care and Ownership Horses and Commu-neigh-cation How Animals Survive Journey to the Jungle Lady Justice Make Your Own Compass Mardi Gras Girl Scout Style Mascara Wars Music Day at Butler Night with the Stars NXG Racing Experience P&G Gymnastics Championship Meet Pacer Pride Family Night Phantoscope High School Film Festival Sankofa Science of Chocolate Silly Safaris Program for Brownies Silly Safaris Program for Daisies Spin the Wheel Spring Fling STEM Chicago Style Striving for Silver Classroom Tech Savvy Girls Touching Lives with Technology Trees for Cadettes


Volksmarch For Fun! World Class Women Volunteers for A Zoo of an Afternoon with Keiko Kasza

Eastern 2015 Bug Fest 2015 Bug Fest Volunteers A Pioneer Girl's Life African Predator Prowl Art Night at the Museum Art of Collage Book Artist Bring on the Bronze Classroom Brownie Hiker Badge at Southeastway Park Brownie Bugs Badge Cadette Trees Badge Crafting with Kappa Delta Dancing with the Girl Scouts Digital Photographer Fabulous Fairy Garden Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park Filipino Love Geocaching Outing Getting the Goods on Chocolate Go Karts for Art Going for the Gold Classroom Historic Hearth Cooking Hit the Slopes I Spy It’s Your Story Paint It Jazzy Jeweler Jelly Bellies and Ice Cream Junior Flowers Badge Junior Habitats Badge at Southeastway Park Let's Draw Maple Sugaring Making Maple Syrup Maple Syrup Day Monon Center: Animal Habitats Monon Center: Animal Helpers Monon Center: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs… Monon Center: Camper Monon Center: Hiker Monon Center: Home Scientist Monon Center: Learn Your Trees

Monon Center: Pets Monon Center: Spring Wildflowers Monon Center: Trail Blazer Monon Center: Water, Water, Everywhere‌ Night at the Museum: Girl Scout Style! Our world: We Can Make it Better Pastries & Painting Putt Putt Par-tee Random Snacks of GOODness Roller Skating with Royalty Rosie's Story Screenwriting for Fun Sleep With the Manatees Striving for Silver Classroom Take the Stage Terra Cotta Dream The Cat in the Hat The Place for Girls! Time travel with Mr Peabody and Sherman Tree Cookies Volksmarch for Fun! WOW! Wonders of Water Xanadu: Magical Adventure

Northwest All Fired Up for Pottery Awesome Apple Adventure Bakers in Training Bring on the Bronze Classroom Buccaneer Bay Swim Day Camping 101 Car Care Expert Celebrate & Skate Chemistry Discovery Day Discover Glass Fusing Diva Spa Party End of the Trail Ranch Flower Power For the Love of Cake Going for the Gold Classroom IUK Science Day Kool-Aid and Canvas Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach Maple Syrup Harvest

Mom & Me Tea Palette Room Canvas Fun Pizzeria Chef Purdue Spring Fest Roll and Zap at Skate America Roller Skating 101 Royal Etiquette Tea Shrimp Farm Skate Healthy Society of Women Engineers' Girl Scout Day at Purdue University Star Light, Star Bright Striving for Silver Classroom uPaint Mother's Day uPaint Valentines Day Walking Stick Workshop WIldflower Walk Wind Energy Woodworking with WiCM

Southern 2015 Brownie Overnight 2015 Junior Jam 2015 Junior Jam Judges 3 Cheers for Animals A Hole in One Abracadabra Airport Bat program Animal Habitats Beeswax! Beginning Birders Bring on the Bronze Classroom Brownie WOW Build a Balloon Cadette Trailblazer Badge Camp Adventure and Outdoor Basics Learning Camp Courage Miss Firefighter Camp Courage Young Firefighter Critter Junction Discovering STEM @ RHIT Electronic Circuit Comic Workshop for Cadette Girl Scouts Extreme Cheer & Tumbling Flower Power with Alpha Kappa Alpha Girl Scout Night at WonderLab Going for the Gold Classroom


Gutter-licious Holler Hopping Zip Lines ISU Soccer Clinic Indiana University Music Sampler Indiana University Softball Game Indiana University Sports Sampler Karate Hip Hop Me & My Gal Self Defense Me and My Guy Fall Weekend Money Counts at kidscommons Money Manager at kidscommons Musical Petting Zoo Owl Adaptations Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational Rink-n-Roll Spring Concert in Columbus Striving for Silver Classroom Symphony Medley The "Other" Life in a Lake Top-Secret Personal Beeswax Journal Visit the Mine Volksmarch for Fun! Young Eagles Young Eagles Volunteers

To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activities by level

program activities 2015 Brownie Overnight 2015 Bug Fest 3 Cheers for Animals A Hole in One A Pioneer Girl's Life Abracadabra Airport Bat All Fired Up for Pottery Awesome Apple Adventure Bakers-in-Training Barbie Be Anything Do Everything at the Science Center! Beeswax! Beginning Birders Birds of Prey Bubble Fest Buccaneer Bay Swim Day Build A Balloon Camp Adventure and Outdoor Basics Learning Camp Adventure Patch Program Camp Courage Young Firefighter Camping 101 Caring For Animals Celebrate & Skate Charlotte's Web Crafting with Kappa Delta Create -A-Pop Critter Junction Diva Spa Party End of the Trail Ranch Extreme Cheer & Tumbling Fabulous Fairy Garden Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park Filipino Love For the Love of Cake

Geo Fest Girl Scout Birthday Party Girl Scout Night at WonderLab Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever Girl’s Rock Guitar Painting Design Going Green Festival Gutter-licious Hit the Slopes Horse Care and Ownership How Animals Survive ISU Soccer Clinic Indiana University Sampler Indiana University Softball Game Indiana University Sports Sampler Jelly Bellies and Ice Cream Kool-Aid and Canvas Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach Making Maple Syrup Maple Sugaring Maple Syrup Day Maple Syrup Harvest Me & My Guy Fall Weekend Me & My Gal Self Defense Mom & Me Tea Money Counts at kidscommons Musical Petting Zoo Our World: We Can Make it Better P&G Gymnastics Championships Pacer Pride Family Night


Phantoscope High School Film Festival Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational Pizzeria Chef Purdue Spring Fest Putt Putt Par-tee Rink-n-Roll Roll and Zap at Skate America Roller Skating 101 Roller Skating with Royalty Royal Etiquette Tea Rosie’s Story Sankofa Shrimp Farm Silly Safaris Program for Daisies Skate Healthy Spring Concert in Columbus Spring Fling Star Light, Star Bright Symphony Medley Tech Savvy Girls Terra Cotta Dream The Cat in the Hat Time travel with Mr. Peabody and Sherman Top-Secret Personal Beeswax uPaint Valentines Day uPaint Mother's Day Visit the Mine Volksmarch For Fun! A Zoo of an Afternoon with Keiko Kasza Walking Stick Workshop Wildflower Walk Wind Energy Xanadu: Magical Adventure

program activities 500 Festival KidsFit Program

Flower Power

P&G Gymnastics Chamionships

2015 Brownie Overnight

For the Love of Cake

Pacer Pride Family Night

2015 Bug Fest

Fraction Mosaics

Palette Room Canvas Fun

A Hole in One

Geocaching Outing

Pastries & Painting

A Pioneer Girl's Life

Geo Fest


Getting the Goods on Chocolate

Phantoscope High School Film Festival

African Predator Prowl

Girl Scout Birthday Party

Airport Bat

Girl Scout Night at WonderLab

All Fired Up for Pottery

Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field

Pizzeria Chef

Amazing Air

Purdue Spring Fest

Art Night at the Museum

Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever

Putt Putt Par-tee

Awesome Apple Adventure

Girl’s Rock Guitar Painting Design



Going Green Festival

Roll and Zap at Skate America

Barbie Be Anything Do Everthing at the Science Center!


Roller Skating 101

Hit the Slopes

Roller Skating with Royalty


Holler Hopping Zip Lines

Royal Etiquette Tea

Beginning Birders

Horse Back Riding at Trinity Farm


Birds of Prey

Horse Care and Ownership How Animals Survive

Shrimp Farm

Brownie Bugs Badge Brownie Hiker

I Spy

Brownie Hiker Badge at Southeastway Park

ISU Soccer Clinic

Brownie Pajama Party

Indiana University Sampler

Society of Women Engineers' Girl Scout Day at Purdue University

Indiana UniversitySoftball Game

Spring Concert in Columbus

Indiana UniversitySports Sampler

Spring Fling

Brownie WOW Bubble Fest Buccaneer Bay Swim Day Build A Balloon Camp Adventure and Outdoor Basics Learning Camp Adventure Patch Program Camp Courage Young Firefighter Camping 101 Caring For Animals Celebrate & Skate Charlotte's Web Charlotte's Web Bug Badge Crafting with Kappa Delta Create -A-Pop Critter Junction Dancing with the Girl Scouts Design It! Painted Cork Board Frames Discover Glass Fusing Diva Spa Party End of the Trail Ranch

Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational

Silly Safaris Pets Badge for Brownies

It’s Your Story Paint It

Jelly Bellies and Ice Cream Kool-Aid and Canvas Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach Mardi Gras Girl Scout Style Making Maple Syrup Maple Sugaring

Skate Healthy

Star Light, Star Bright Symphony Medley Tech Savvy Girls Terra Cotta Dream The Cat in the Hat The "Other" Life in a Lake The Place for Girls!

Maple Syrup Day Maple Syrup Harvest Me & My Guy Fall Weekend Me & My Gal Self Defense Mom & Me Tea Money Manager at kidscommons Monon Center: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs… Monon Center: Hiker Monon Center: Home Scientist Monon Center: Pets Monon Center: Water, Water, Everywhere…

Time travel with Mr. Peabody and Sherman Top-Secret Personal Beeswax Journal uPaint Valentines Day uPaint Mother's Day Visit the Mine Volksmarch For Fun! A Zoo of an Afternoon with Keiko Kasza Walking Stick Workshop Wildflower Walk Wind Energy

Musical Petting Zoo

World Class Women WOW! Wonders of Water

Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park

Night at the Museum: Girl Scout Style!

Young Eagles

Filipino Love

Our World: We Can Make it Better

Xanadu: Magical Adventure

Extreme Cheer & Tumbling Fabulous Fairy Garden


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activities by level

program activities 500 Festival KidsFit Program

Gardener Badge

P&G Gymnastics Chamionships

2015 Bug Fest

Geocaching Outing

Pacer Pride Family Night

2015 Junior Jam

Geo Fest

A Hole in One

Getting the Goods on Chocolate

Palette Room Canvas Fun

A Pioneer Girl's Life

Girl Scout Birthday Party

African Predator Prowl

Girl Scout Night at WonderLab

Airport Bat

Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field

Pizzeria Chef

All Fired Up for Pottery

Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever

Purdue Spring Fest

Amazing Air

Girl Scouts' Rev Racing Experience

Putt Putt Par-tee

Animal Habitats

Girl’s Rock Guitar Painting Design

Animal Habitats at Eagle Creek Park


Go Karts for Art

Animal Habitats Badge

Going Green Festival

Animals Everywhere Overnight


Art Night at the Museum

Herbal Art Spa

Awesome Apple Adventure Bakers-in-Training Beeswax! Beginning Birders Birding Overnight Birds of Prey Bring on the Bronze Classroom Bring on the Bronze Webinar Bubble Fest for Juniors Buccaneer Bay Swim Day Camp Adventure and Outdoor Basics Learning Camp Adventure Patch Program Camp Courage Young Firefighter Camping 101 Caring For Animals Celebrate & Skate Charlotte's Web Chemistry Discovery Day with Iota Sigma Pi Chocolatie Fruit Cosmetology Overnight Crafting with Kappa Delta Critter Junction Dellwood Clean Up Day

Phantoscope High School Film Festival Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational

Roll and Zap at Skate America Roller Skating 101 Roller Skating with Royalty

Historic Hearth Cooking

Royal Etiquette Tea

Hit the Slopes


Holler Hopping Zip Lines

Science of Chocolate

Horse Back Riding at Trinity Farm

Shrimp Farm

Horse Care and Ownership Horses and Commu-neigh-cation ISU Soccer Clinic Indiana University Sampler Indiana University Softball Game Indiana University Sports Sampler

Skate Healthy Sleep With the Manatees Society of Women Engineers' Girl Scout Day at Purdue University Spin the Wheel

Jazzy Jeweler

Spring Concert in Columbus

Journey to the Jungle

Spring Fling

Junior Flowers Badge

Star Light, Star Bright

Junior Habitats Badge at

STEM Chicago Style

Southeastway Park

Symphony Medley

Karate Hip Hop Kool-Aid and Canvas Lady Justice

Tech Savvy Girls Terra Cotta Dream

Let’s Draw!

The Cat in the Hat

Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach

The "Other" Life in a Lake

Mardi Gras Girl Scout Style

The Place for Girls!

Make Your Own Compass

Time travel with Mr. Peabody and Sherman

Making Maple Syrup

Top-Secret Personal Beeswax Journal

Design It! Painted Cork Board Frames

Maple Sugaring

Digital Photographer

Maple Syrup Day

Discover Glass Fusing

Maple Syrup Harvest

Discovering STEM @ RHIT

Me & My Guy Fall Weekend

Diva Spa Party

Me & My Gal Self Defense

Visit the Mine

End of the Trail Ranch

Mom & Me Tea

Volksmarch For Fun!

Ewey Gooey Science

Monon Center: Animal Habitats

A Zoo of an Afternoon with Keiko Kasza

Fabulous Fairy Garden

Monon Center: Camper Monon Center: Spring Wildflowers

Walking Stick Workshop

Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park Filipino Love

Music Day at Butler

Flowers Badge

Musical Petting Zoo

Flower Power with Alpha Kappa Alpha

Night at the Museum: Girl Scout Style!

World Class Women

Flower Power

Our World: We Can Make it Better

Xanadu: Magical Adventure

For the Love of Cake

Owl Adaptations

Young Eagles

Touching Lives with Technology


uPaint Valentines Day uPaint Mother's Day

Wildflower Walk Wind Energy

program activities 500 Festival KidsFit Program 2015 Bug Fest 2015 Bug Fest Volunteers 2015 Junior Jam Judges A Hole in One A Pioneer Girl's Life African Predator Prowl Airport Bat All Fired Up for Pottery Art Night at the Museum Awesome Apple Adventure Beeswax! Beginning Birders Birds of Prey Book Artist Buccaneer Bay Swim Day Cadette Trailblazer Badge Cadette Trees Badge Camp Adventure and Outdoor Basics Learning Camp Adventure Patch Program Camp Adventure Patch Volunteers Camp Courage Miss Firefighter Camping 101 Celebrate & Skate Chocolatie Fruit Crafting with Kappa Delta Critter Junction Dellwood Clean Up Day Discover Glass Fusing Discovering STEM @ RHIT Electronic Circuit Comic Workshop for Cadette Girl Scouts End of the Trail Ranch Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park


Random Snacks of GOODness

Herbal Art Spa


Hit the Slopes

Roll and Zap at Skate America

Holler Hopping Zip Lines

Roller Skating 101

Horse Back Riding at Trinity Farm

Roller Skating with Royalty

Horse Care and Ownership

Royal Etiquette Tea

Horses and Commu-neigh-cation


ISU Soccer Clinic

Science of Chocolate

Indiana University Sampler Indiana University Softball Game Indiana University Sports Sampler IUK Science Day Journey to the Jungle Karate Hip Hop Kool-Aid and Canvas Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach

Screenwriting for Fun Shrimp Farm Skate Healthy Sleep With the Manatees Society of Women Engineers' Girl Scout Day at Purdue University Spin the Wheel Spring Concert in Columbus

Make Your Own Compass

Star Light, Star Bright

Maple Sugaring

STEM Chicago Style

Maple Syrup Day

Striving for Silver Classroom

Maple Syrup Harvest

Striving for Silver Webinar

Me & My Guy Fall Weekend

Take the Stage

Me & My Gal Self Defense

Tech Savvy Girls

Mom & Me Tea

Terra Cotta Dream

Mascara Wars

The "Other" Life in a Lake

Monon Center: Animal Helpers

The Place for Girls!

Monon Center: Learn Your Trees

Top-Secret Personal Beeswax Journal

Monon Center: Trail Blazer

Touching Lives with Technology

Music Day at Butler

Tree Cookies

Night at the Museum: Girl Scout Style!

Filipino Love

Trees for Cadettes

Night with the Stars

Flower Power

uPaint Valentines Day

NXG Racing Experience

For the Love of Cake

Our World: We Can Make it Better

uPaint Mother's Day

Geocaching Outing

Owl Adaptations

Geo Fest

P&G Gymnastics Chamionships

Girl Scout Birthday Party

Pacer Pride Family Night

Girl Scout Getaways

Palette Room Canvas Fun

Girl Scout Night at WonderLab

Phantoscope High School Film Festival

Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever

Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational Pizzeria Chef

Girl Scouts' Rev Racing Experience

Program Aide Online Program Aide

World Class Women

Go Karts for Art

Purdue Spring Fest

Xanadu: Magical Adventure

Going Green Festival

Putt Putt Par-tee

Young Eagles


Visit the Mine Volksmarch For Fun! Volunteers for A Zoo of an Afternoon with Keiko Kasza Walking Stick Workshop Wildflower Walk Wind Energy Woodworking with WiCM

To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activities by level

program activities 2015 Bug Fest 2015 Bug Fest Volunteers 2015 Junior Jam Judges A Hole in One A Pioneer Girl's Life African Predator Prowl Airport Bat All Fired Up for Pottery Art of Collage Awesome Apple Adventure Beeswax! Beginning Birders Birds of Prey Buccaneer Bay Swim Day Camp Adventure and Outdoor Basics Learning Camp Adventure Patch Program Camp Adventure Patch Volunteers Camp Courage Miss Firefighter Camping 101 Car Care Expert Celebrate & Skate Chocolatie Fruit Crafting with Kappa Delta Critter Junction Dellwood Clean Up Day Discover Glass Fusing Discovering STEM @ RHIT End of the Trail Ranch Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park Filipino Love Flower Power For the Love of Cake Geocaching Outing Geo Fest Girl Scout Birthday Party Girl Scout Getaways Girl Scout Night at WonderLab Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever Going for the Gold Classroom

Going for the Gold Webinar Going Green Festival Gutter-licious Hit the Slopes Holler Hopping Zip Lines Horse Back Riding at Trinity Farm Horse Care and Ownership Horses and Commu-neighcation ISU Soccer Clinic Indiana University Sampler Indiana University Softball Game Indiana University Sports Sampler Karate Hip Hop Kool-Aid and Canvas Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach Maple Sugaring Maple Syrup Day Maple Syrup Harvest Mascara Wars Me & My Guy Fall Weekend Me & My Gal Self Defense Mom & Me Tea Night with the Stars Our World: We Can Make it Better P&G Gymnastics Chamionships Pacer Pride Family Night Palette Room Canvas Fun Phantoscope High School Film Festival Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational Pizzeria Chef Purdue Spring Fest Putt Putt Par-tee Random Snacks of GOODness Rink-n-Roll Roll and Zap at Skate America Roller Skating 101 Roller Skating with Royalty


Royal Etiquette Tea Sankofa Shrimp Farm Skate Healthy Sleep With the Manatees Spring Concert in Columbus Star Light, Star Bright STEM Chicago Style Terra Cotta Dream Top-Secret Personal Beeswax Journal Touching Lives with Technology uPaint Valentines Day uPaint Mother's Day VIP Prom Event Visit the Mine VIT Online Learning Volksmarch For Fun! Volunteers for A Zoo of an Afternoon with Keiko Kasza Walking Stick Workshop Wildflower Walk Wind Energy Xanadu: Magical Adventure Young Eagles Young Eagles Volunteers

See page 47 for info about our scholarships!


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /activities










Cookie College |AA


Cookie College |AA




Cookie College |AA


Cookie College |AA


Cookie College |AA




Cookie College |AA

AA | All Ages  D | Daisy  B | Brownie  J | Junior  C | Cadette  S | Senior  A | Ambassador

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Cookie College |AA



4 5 6 7 8 9 10

VIT Online Learning |S|A

1 2 3


January 2015



Science of Chocolate |J|C





Roller Skating 101 |AA Science of Chocolate |J|C Terra Cotta Dream |AA

Owl Adaptations |B|J|C Herbal Art Spa |B|J|C



Filipino Love |AA



Crafting with Kappa Delta |AA Diva Spa Party |D|B|J





Science of Chocolate |J|C


Brownie Hiker |B uPaint Valentines Day |AA




Science of Chocolate |J|C Society of Women Engineers' Girl Scout Day at Purdue University |B|J

Dancing with the Girl Scouts |B For the Love of Cake |AA It's Your Story-Paint it |B Rosie's Story |D Sankofa |AA


Charlotte's Web Bug Badge |B Geo Fest |AA Owl Adaptations |B|J|C


Mardi Gras Girl Scout Style |B|J Screenwriting for Fun |C



Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J Journey to the Jungle |J|C Music Day at Butler |B|J

Amazing Air |B|J Herbal Art Spa |B|J|C WOW! Wonders of Water |B


Amazing Air |B|J Striving for Silver Webinar |C


Terra Cotta Dream |AA

Amazing Air |B|J Bakers in Training |D|B|J Birds of Prey |AA Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A


Bubble Fest |D|B Caring for Animals |D|B|J Maple Syrup Harvest |AA

Geo Fest |AA


Bubble Fest |D|B|J Charlotte's Webb |D|B|J IUK Science Day |C Jelly Bellies and Ice Cream |D|B Let's Draw! |J Making Maple Syrup |D|B|J Monon Center: Animal Habitats |J Pastries & Painting |B Random Snacks of Goodness |C|S|A The Cat in the Hat |D|B|J Woodworking with WiCM |C

Caring for Animals |D|B|J Charlotte's Web Bug Badge |B Diva Spa Party |D|B|J Geo Fest |AA Indiana University Sports Sampler |AA Monon Center: Pets |B Monon Center: Animal Helpers |C

15 16 17 18 19 20 21


Hit the Slopes |AA VIT Online Learning |S|A



February 2015


World Class Women |B|J|C


Bubble Fest |D|B



Striving for Silver Webinar |C

Herbal Art Spa |B|J|C Music Day at Butler |B|J


Start of 500 Festival KidsFit Program |B|J|C Bubble Fest |D|B Terra Cotta Dream |AA



Birds of Prey |AA All Fired Up for Pottey |AA Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A

Amazing Air |B|J


Bubble Fest |D|B Make Your Own Compass |J|C


Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J Brownie Pajama Party |B

Celebrate & Skate | AA Diva Spa Party |D|B|J Terra Cotta Dream |AA



Fabulous Fairy Gardens |D|B|J Night with the Stars |C |S|A

Animals Everywhere Overnight | J Night at the Museum: Girl Scout Style! |B|J|C Star Light, Star Bright |AA


Maple Syrup Harvest |AA



Bakers in Training |D|B|J Pizzeria Chef |AA



Art of Collage |S Car Care Expert |S|A Diva Spa Party |D|B|J Going Green Festival |AA Rink-n-Roll |AA Royal Etiquette Tea |AA Volksmarch for Fun! |AA

Animals Everywhere Overnight | J Book Artist |C Girl Scouts' Rev Racing Experience |J|C Royal Etiquette Tea |AA Silly Safaris Pets Badge for Brownies |B Silly Safaris Pets Badge for Daisies |D Sympohny Melody |D|B|J


Animal Habitats |J Buccaneer Bay Swim Day |AA Pizzeria Chef |AA Shrimp Farm |AA STEM Chicago Style |J|C|S|A Symphony Medley |D|B|J The Place for Girls! |B|J|C


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /activities


Barbie Be Anything Do Everything at the Science Center! |D|B



Barbie Be Anything Do Everything at the Science Center! |D|B Herbal Art Spa |B|J|C

24 World Class Women |B|J|C


Animal Habitats at Eagle Creek Park |J


AA | All Ages  D | Daisy  B | Brownie  J | Junior  C | Cadette  S | Senior  A | Ambassador

Horse Care and Ownership |AA Indiana University Sampler |AA Maple Sugaring |AA

Holler Hopping Zip Lines |B|J|C|S|A


A Pioneer Girl's Life |AA

Barbie Be Anything Do Everything at the Science Center! |D|B Holler Hopping Zip Lines |B|J|C|S|A Tech Savvy Girls |C



Time Travel with Mr. Peabody and Sherman |D|B|J


March 2015

All Fired Up for Pottery |AA Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Getting the Goods on Chocolate |B|J Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Horse Back Riding at Trininy Farms B|J|C |S|A Monon Center: Camper |J Monon Center: Hikers |B Monon Center: Trail Blazer |C Random Snacks of Goodness |C|S|A Striving for Silver Classroom |C


15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Geocaching Outing |B|J|C|S|A Girl Scout Birthday Party |AA Girl's Rock Guitar Painting Design |D|B|J Holler Hopping Zip Lines |B|J|C|S|A Roller Skating with Royalty |AA Tech Savvy Girls |J

Buccaneer Bay Swim Day |AA Geocaching Outing |B|J|C|S|A Maple Syrup Day |AA Roll and Zap at Skate America |AA Spin the Wheel |J|C VIP Prom Event |C|S|A Tech Savvy Girls |J


Start of 500 Festival KidsFit Program |B|J|C Bubble Fest |D|B|J Fraction Mosaics |B Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational |AA Society of Women Engineers' Girl Scout Day at Purdue University |C VIP Prom Event |C|S|A Walking Stick Workshop |AA Tech Savvy Girls |D Take the Stage |C VIT Online Learning |S|A










Horse Care and Ownership |AA Pacer Pride Family Night |AA Star Light, Star Bright |AA

Abracadabra |D|B Digital Photographer |J Horse Back Riding at Trinity Farms |B|J|C|S|A Horses and Commu-neigh-cation J|C|S|A Horse Care and Ownership |AA Spring Fling |D|B|J

Ewey Gooey Science |J


Filipino Love |AA



Ewey Gooey Science |J Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A Herbal Art Spa |B|J|C Skate Healthy |AA


Build a Balloon |D|B Music Day at Butler |B|J Our Word: We Can Make it Better |AA

Herbal Art Spa |B|J|C


Amazing Air |D|B Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J Chocolatie Fruit |J|C|S|A Ewey Gooey Science |J

Bakers in Training |D|B|J


Amazing Air |D|B

Amazing Air |D|B


Striving for Silver Webinar |C


Chocolatie Fruit |J|C|S|A

Animal Habitats Badge |J Birds of Prey |AA Diva Spa Party |D|B|J How Animals Survive |D|B

Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Holler Hopping Zip Lines |B|J|C|S|A Horse Care and Ownership |AA Junior Habitats Badge at Southeastway Park |J Spin the Wheel |J|C Striving for Silver Classroom |C Wildflower Walk|AA Tech Savvy Girls |C

Gardener Badge |J

Amazing Air |D|B Trees for Cadettes |C

uPaint Mother's Day |AA

26 27 28 29 30 Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J

A Pioneer Girl's Life |AA Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Brownie Pajama Party |B Camp Adventure and Outdoor Basics Learning J|C|S|A Design it! Painted Cork Board Frames |B|J Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Holler Hopping Zip Lines |B|J|C|S|A Junior Flowers Badge |J Purdue Spring Fest |AA Putt Putt Par-tee |AA Spring Concert in Columbus |AA Striving for Silver Classroom |C Tech Savvy Girls |J Top-Secret Personal Beeswax Journal |AA


Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Cadette Trailblazer Badge |C Camp Adventure and Outdoor Basics Learning J|C|S|A Flower Power with Alpha Kappa Alpha |J Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Holler Hopping Zip Lines |B|J|C|S|A Striving for Silver Classroom |C Tech Savvy Girls |J


Tech Savvy Girls |B

2015 Brownie Overnight |D|B Birding Overnight |J



Karate Hip Hop |J|C|S|A Star Light, Star Bright |AA

Girl Scout Night at WonderLab |AA Cosmetology Overngiht |J

Young Eagles Volunteers |S|A


2015 Brownie Overnight |D|B Awesome Apple Adventure |AA Chemistry Discovery Day with Iota Sigma Phi |J Flower Power |B|J|C|S|A Horseback Riding at Trinity Farms |B|J|C|S|A Indiana University Softball Game |AA Jazzy Jeweler |J Mom & Me Tea |AA Palette Room Canvas Fun |B|J|C|S|A Symphony Medley |D|B|J Volksmarch for Fun! |AA Young Eagles |B|J|C|S|A


Camp Courage Miss Firefighter C|S|A Camp Courage Young Firefighter |D|B|J Discovering STEM @ RHIT |J|C|S|A Diva Spa Party |D|B|J End of the Trail Ranch |AA Getting the Goods on Chocolate |B|J ISU Soccer Clinic |AA Jelly Bellies and Ice Cream |D|B Karate Hip Hop |J|C|S|A Kool-Aid and Canvas |AA Me & My Gal Self-Defense |AA Monon Center: Home Scientist |C Monon Center: Learn Your Trees |C Phantoscope High School Film Festival |AA Purdue Spring Fest |AA Sympohny Melody |D|B|J Touching Lives with Technology |J|C|S|A Volksmarch for Fun! |AA

Mascara Wars C|S|A Me & My Gal Self-Defense |AA Money Counts at kidscommons |D Money Manager at kidscommons |D NXG Racing Experience |C Wind Energy |AA

Electronic Circuit Comic Workshop for Cadette Girl Scouts |C

3 Cheers for Animals |D Art Night at the Museum |B|J|C Beginning Birders |AA Brownie WOW |B Camp Adventure and Outdoor Basics Learning J|C|S|A Create-A-Pop |D|B Critter Junction |AA

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

VIT Online Learning |S|A

1 2 3 4


April 2015








May 2015







Herbal Art Spa |B|J|C

Bring on the Bronze Webinar |J Flowers Badge |J


Herbal Art Spa |J|C Music Day at Butler |B|J



Discover Glass Fusing |B|J|C|S|A


Striving for Silver Webinar |C


Amazing Air |D|B




Going for the Gold Webinar |S|A



AA | All Ages  D | Daisy  B | Brownie  J | Junior  C | Cadette  S | Senior  A | Ambassador


24 Volksmarch for Fun! |AA

Spin the Wheel |J|C Tech Savvy Girls |D



Tech Savvy Girls |B

Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Fraction Mosaics |B Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Striving for Silver Classroom |C Wildflower Walk |AA Xanadau: Magical Adventures |AA Tech Savvy Girls |C



Go Karts for Art |J|C


2015 Junior Jam |J 2015 Junior Jam Judges |C|S|A Historic Hearth Cooking |J



Extreme Cheer & Tumbling |D|B VIT Online Learning |S|A

Dellwood Clean Up Day |J|C|S|A



2015 Junior Jam |J Gutter-licious |AA Lady Justice |J


Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Horse Care and Ownership |AA I Spy |B Striving for Silver Classroom |C Visit the Mine |AA Horseback Riding at Trinity Farms |B|J|C|S|A


A hole in One |AA African Predator Prowl |B|J|C Beeswax! |AA Bring on the Bronze Classroom |J Extreme Cheer & Tumbling D|B Going for the Gold Classroom |S|A Monon Center: Spring Wildflowers |J Monon Center: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs... |B Monon Center: Water, Water, Everywhere... |B OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon |J|C Sleep with the Manatees |J|C|S|A Striving for Silver Classroom |C Tree Cookies |C uPaint Mother's Day |AA Volksmarch for Fun! |AA

1 2


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /activities














Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park |AA




Horseback Riding at Trinity Farms |B|J|C|S|A













14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Horse Care and Ownership |AA Camping 101 |AA



VIT Online Learning |S|A


June 2015


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /activities
















AA | All Ages  D | Daisy  B | Brownie  J | Junior  C | Cadette  S | Senior  A | Ambassador

Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach |AA





The "Other Life in a Lake |J|C







Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach |AA Me & My Guy Fall Weekend |AA


5 6 7 8 9 10 11

VIT Online Learning |S|A

1 2 3 4


July 2015








2015 Bug Fest |AA 2015 Bug Fest Volunteers |C|S|A



23 24 Brownie Bugs Badge |B

Cadette Tree Badge |C







Gardener Badge |J



Birds of Prey |AA


Animal Habitats at Eagle Creek Park |J







Volksmarch for Fun! |AA


P&G Gymnastics Championship Meet |AA


Horseback Riding at Trinity Farms |B|J|C|S|A

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Brownie HIker Badge at Southeastway Park |B Horses and Commu-neigh-cation J|C|S|A


Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach |AA


Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach |AA VIT Online Learning |S|A



August 2015


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /activities

Program activity descriptions Council program activities conducted at council program sites are listed below. These council sites are funded by proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie Program, donations from individuals, foundations, and corporations, along with contributions from United Ways and United Funds. Adult fees are used to maximize opportunities for girl participation.

500 Festival KidsFit Program

2015 Brownie Overnight

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 The 500 Festival KidsFit Program was designed to encourage Indiana youth to be more active and pursue a healthy lifestyle. In this 13 week program Girl Scouts will complete 12 weeks of activities and run one mile each week. The goal is for girls to run 13.1 miles over the course of a 13-week period, the equivalent of a half-marathon. The Program will culminate on May 2, 2015 when participants are invited to Indianapolis to finish the final 1.1 mile along the Mini-Marathon course. Each finisher receives a medal, T-shirt, pedometer and fun patch.

Grades: 1, 2, 3


Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Office Code: 2056

This year's theme is "Fairy Mist Festival." Join other Brownie troops for an overnight tent camping experience! During the day, explore the magical world of fairies with fun activities and crafts. Troops are responsible for their own food and drinks. Please dress for the weather. Fun patch included. $10/girl • $10/adult Session A: Apr 24 • 6 p.m.-3 p.m. Session B: Apr 25 • 6 p.m.-3 p.m

At-home Program

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Start Date: 1st week of March (Grades: 2-6) Registration Deadline: March 1

2015 Bug Fest

Final 1.1 at the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon

Grades: Family Office Code: 2056

May 2 • 7 a.m. (Grades: 4-6)

Don't miss Southeastway's Annual Bug Fest! Participants will visit several stations dedicated to Registration: Available after sign-up of at-home everything buggy and earn a "Ph.B. in Bugology." program Stations include a butterfly tent, cricket spitting, critter crafts, the tarantula teacher, aquatic Military Park insects and lots more! Fun patch included. 601 W New York St, Indianapolis Note: Southeastway charges a $5 entrance fee Contact: Diana Keely • 317.924.6856 per car. $10/girl

$2/girl • $1/adult Aug 30 • 1-5 p.m. Southeastway Park 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864


2015 Bug Fest Volunteers

2015 Junior Jam Judges

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2056

Troops and individuals are needed to help make this event fun. Be a part of the team who makes Bug Fest a blast ! Fun patch included.

If you loved Junior Jam as a participant, then you'll love coming back to be a judge! Sleep in the basement of the lodge, in the valley or just stay for the day. All your meals are included, along with $2/girl • $1/adult a cool T-shirt. Any Girl Scout who has completed Aug 30 • noon-5:30 p.m. Program Aid Learning may sign up. If you have not Southeastway Park completed it, yet, you still have time to complete it online. Look for the Program Aid description in 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine this guide for more information. Come on, and join Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 the fun! Fun patch included. $6/girl • $6/adult

2015 Junior Jam

May 15-17 • 4 p.m.-noon

Grades: 4, 5

Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Office Code: 2056

"How the West Was Won" is the theme for the 2015 Junior Jamboree! Grab your horse and saddle bags, and head on down to Camp Gallahue to partake in a hootin' good time! Join us in this time-honored favorite camping and games competition for Girl Scout Juniors. Come for the weekend, or stay for the day. Troops are responsible for their own food, camping equipment and campsite set up in the valley or in one of our platform tent units. Platform tents are available on a first come, first served basis. Junior Jam webinars are available for new troop leaders. See below for dates, times and webinars.

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

2015 Junior Jam Leader Webinar Grades: Adults Office Code: 2056

What is Junior Jam and why should you take your troop? This webinar will answer all of your questions and help you prepare for the fun, activitiy-filled weekend! Free Session A: Feb 17 • 6-7 p.m.

$11/girl • $11/adult

Session B: Mar 11 • 6-7 p.m.

May 15-17 • 4 p.m.-noon

Session C: Apr 9 • 6-7 p.m. Camp Gallahue Online 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

3 Cheers for Animals Grades: K, 1

A Zoo of an Afternoon with Keiko Kasza

Office Code: 2056

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

What animals are at camp Gallahue? Let's find out! Get ready to have fun while exploring camp!

Office Code: 2000

A Hole in One

$2.50/girl • $10/adult (limit 3 children per adult)

Join Bloomington-based children’s author Keiko Kasza as you and a special adult watch a play $5/girl • $2/adult made from one of Keiko’s books, A Mother for Apr 11 • 1-4 p.m. Choco, and listen to local celebrities read several Camp Gallahue of her books. Girls can enjoy activities at booths between readings, while adults can participate – 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown or not – in a silent auction to benefit Team First Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Book – Indy, a local nonprofit that distributes free Recognition: 3 Cheers for Animals books to children. This is a parent/ child activity, not a troop event.

Grades: Family

Feb 7 • 3- 5 p.m.

Office Code: 2052

Scottish Rite Cathedral 650 N Meridian St, Indianapolis

Bring your mini golf skills to Otte Golf, and work your way around 18 holes of putt-putt fun. Family members are welcome. Fun patch included.


$6/girl • $6/adult

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

May 2 • 2-6 p.m.

Office Code: 2052

Otte Golf & Family Fun Center 681 S Sheek Rd, Greenwood

A Pioneer Girl's Life

Here's a little secret…balloon twisting is quite easy. It appears difficult, but it really takes nothing more than a little instruction and practice. In this one hour workshop, you'll learn how to twist a dog, a butterfly, a pirate sword and more! Fun patch included.

Grades: All

$5/girl • $1/adult

Office Code: 2056

Session A: Apr 4 • 12:30-1:30 p.m. (Grades K-1)

Join the naturalist and step back into pioneer times at Mounds State Park. We'll tour the historic Bronnenberg Home and you can try your hand at some old-fashioned chores. You'll even get to make a pioneer toy!

Session B: Apr 4 • 2-3 p.m. (Grades 2-3)

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Bloomington Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

$3/girl • $4/adult Session A: Mar 29 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Session B: Apr 19 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Mounds State Park 4306 Mounds Rd, Anderson Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864


African Predator Prowl

All Fired Up for Pottery

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Grades: All

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2054

Prowl the zoo at night in search of predators from Africa and beyond, and learn about the vital role of predators and humans in a healthy ecosystem. Explore food webs and gain an understanding of what humans have done to help protect wildlife. This event includes zoo admission on Sunday. When your overnight is over, you can explore the rest of the day! Fee also includes a fun patch and breakfast.

Fire up the kiln, and get ready to paint your own pottery! Come, spend time in the studio and decorate a bowl. Pick your own paints, design tools and decorating techniques. Your piece will be in good hands while it gets dipped in clear glaze and fired up in the kiln. Your masterpiece will be complete and ready for pick up 8-9 days after your session. Fun patch included.

Note: Registration closes one month prior to the event, so arrangements can be secured.

Session A: Mar 18 • 4-6 p.m.

$20/girl • $1/adult Session B: Mar 28 • 2-4 p.m.

$37/girl • $35/adult

All Fired Up Pottery & Glass 308 E State St, West Lafayette

May 2-3 • 7 p.m.-9 a.m. Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 3400 Vine St, Cincinnati, OH

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Contact Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: Animals

Airport Bat Grades: All


Office Code: 2056

The Indianapolis Airport Authority has limited opportunities in the spring for Girl Scouts to assist in a conservation project related to preservation of habitat for the Indiana Bat (myotis sodalist) and/or restoration of wetlands or native species in IAA's Conservation Management Area. This could be your take action project for the It's Your Planet- Love It! Journey. Please contact Chris Miller at 317.487.5329 or email at jcmiller@indianapolisairport.com for more information. Free Sodalis Nature Park 7700 S CR975 E, Plainfield Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Recognition: It's Your Planet Love It!


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Amazing Air

Animal Habitats

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 3125

Office Code: 2056

We know that we need air to survive, but what else can air do? We will make sound with air, make objects move, mix air and water to see what it will do and much more. Amazing Air: science that will blow you away! Amazing Air fun patch included.

What animals live at Karst Farm Park? Touch real animal furs, skulls and other parts before taking a walk to look at animal signs. Complete a service project to help wildlife and do an experiment to study insulation and make a craft to take home. Part of this program will be outside, so dress for the weather.

$5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Feb 17 • 4:30-6 p.m.

$12/girl • $1/adult

Session B: Feb 17 • 6:30-8 p.m.

Mar 7 • 1-3 p.m.

Session C: Feb 18 • 4:30-6 p.m. Session D: Feb 18 • 6:30-8 p.m.

Karst Farm Park 2450 Endwright Rd, Bloomington

Session E: Feb 19 • 4:30-6 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Session F: Feb 19 • 6:30-8 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Animal Habitats at Eagle Creek Park

Session G: Mar 11 • 5-6:30 p.m.

Grades: 4, 5

Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute

Office Code: 2056

Explore animals of the wild in their natural habitats. Come to Eagle Creek Park, and learn how animals in the wild eat, how they play and how we can help them. Fee includes Animal Habitats badge.

Session H: Apr 8 • 5-6:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington Session I: Apr 15 • 5-6:30 p.m.

$6/girl • $1/adult

Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

Session A: Mar 26 • 5-6 p.m. Session B: Aug 20 • 5-6 p.m.

Session J: Apr 22 • 5-6:30 p.m.

Eagle Creek Park 6515 Delong Rd, Indianapolis

Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Session K: Apr 29 • 5-6:30 p.m.

Recognition: Animal Habitats

United Way, Bartholomew County 1531 13th St, #1100, Columbus Session L: May 6 • 5-6:30 p.m. Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 State Rd 26 E, Lafayette Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809



To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Sign up for any activity as a troop or do one on your own! Animal Habitats Badge

Art Night at the Museum

Grades: 4, 5

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2051

Learn about animals and where they live. Find out how animals survive in the wild as you earn the Animals Habitat badge.

Be inspired to create your own works of art while working on your Artist Legacy badges. Girl Scout Brownies will discover famous painters from Cincinnati and their unique styles while earning their Painting badge. Girl Scout Juniors will learn how to work with different drawing materials, create their own logos and make a portfolio while working on their Drawing badge. Girl Scout Cadettes will learn how comic artists come up with stories and tell them through their drawings while working on their Comic Artist badge.

$6/girl • $2/adult Apr 9 • 6:30-7:30 p.m. Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Recognition: Animal Habitats

$39/girl • $30/adult

Animals Everywhere Overnight

Apr 11-12 • 7 p.m.-10 a.m.

Grades: 4, 5

Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal 1301 Western Ave, Cincinnati, OH

Office Code: 3125

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Do you love animals? Then come for a hands-on look at different kinds of animals. On Saturday morning, Silly Safaris will be sending out Funologists to lead an interactive animal show. This will be a very high-energy show, so be ready to have fun learning about animals and their habitats! Earn your Animal Habitats badge. Fee includes program, a light breakfast and badge. Bring a snack to share.

Recognition: Painting, Drawing, Comic Artist

Art of Collage Grades: 9, 10 Office Code: 2051

Girl Scout Seniors will explore the art of collage and mixed media in this fun workshop! Girl Scouts will experiment with a variety of materials to create their own unique works of art. Mixing materials such as paper, paint and found object will allow girls to use their imaginations and creativity. Girl Scouts will be taught image transfer techniques to enhance their creations! Badges will be presented at the end of the workshop.

$15/girl • $2/adult Mar 13-14 • 7 p.m.-10 a.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809 Recognition: Animal Habitats

$16/girl • $1/adult Mar 21 • 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St, Anderson Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: Collage


Awesome Apple Adventure Grades: Family

Barbie Be Anything Do Everything at the Science Center!

Office Code: 2054

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Ever wonder what it takes to grow those delicious apples you eat? The Chandler's are pros at apple farming! Come learn what it takes, by hopping aboard a fun wagon. You will tour and learn everything about apples. From grafting, to picking and everything in between, you will be an apple expert before you know it! This program is open to Girl Scouts and their families. Fun patch included.

Office Code: 3125

$8/girl • $8/adult

$12/girl • $1/adult

Apr 25 • 10 a.m.-noon

Session A: March 22 • 1-3 p.m.

Chandler's Apple Farm 2849 S CR 825 E, Fillmore

Session B: March 22 • 3:30-5:30 p.m.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Dive into different careers focusing on math and science. Practice your math skills while designing a new wardrobe for your doll, and see what it takes to be a vet. Girls will receive the Girl Scout Barbie Be Anything Do Everything Fun patch and activity book.

Session C: March 23 • 5-7 p.m.

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Session D: March 24 • 5-7 p.m.

Bakers in Training

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809

Office Code: 2054

Are you an aspiring baker? Come to Panera Bread, put on your baking hat and apron and let the flour fly! Learn the essentials and fundamentals of baking, by baking your very own French baguette to take home. Fun patch included.

Beeswax! Grades: Family Office Code: 2052

Session B: Mar 5 • 4:30-6 p.m.

What's that buzz? Hunter's Honey Farm, of course! This fourth-generation family has been keeping bees since 1910. Visit a live hive, roll a beeswax candle, bottle a 6 oz. honey bear and taste honey-the best bit! Fun patch included.

Session C: Apr 15 • 4:30-6 p.m.

$13/girl • $13/adult

$22/girl • $1/Adult Session A: Feb 19 • 4:30-6 p.m.

Panera Bread May 2 • 10 a.m.-noon 2415 Sagamore Pkwy S, Lafayette Hunter's Honey Farm Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857 6501 W Honey Ln, Martinsville Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Beginning Birders

Birds of Prey

Grades: All

Grades: All

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2056

Learn how to use binoculars and field guides to identify local birds, and learn about their behavior while we walk around Deter Park exploring gardens, an old field habitat, woodlands and the pond. Dress for the weather, and plan to pack a picnic lunch. Binoculars and field guides will be provided; however, feel free to bring your own.

Have you ever glared at a hawk up-close or hooted like an owl? You will get to see our resident birds of prey up-close, while learning about their individual behaviors, eating habits, conservation and more. We will examine their beaks, feet and other adaptations that make them successful birds of prey. Fun patch included.

$2/girl • $1/adult

$6/girl • $1/adult

Apr 11 • 10 a.m.-noon

Session A: Feb 19 • 5-6:30 p.m.

Deter Park Session B: Mar 18 • 5-6:30 p.m. 4140 W Vernal Pike, Bloomington Session C: Apr 9 • 5-6:30 p.m. Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Session D: Aug 26 • 5-6:30 p.m. Eagle Creek Park 6515 Delong Rd, Indianapolis

Birding Overnight Grades: 4, 5

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Office Code: 3125

Spend the night at the Math and Science Center, and become an expert in bird watching, a.k.a., birding. Discover the new birding technology as you do some owling, work with computers, make a bird house and more! A bird lover will share her knowledge with you, and you will learn how to attract birds using our butterfly garden. Fee includes a fun birding patch. Troops will be asked to bring a snack to share. Fee includes; program, patch, birdhouse and a light breakfast.

Book Artist Grades: 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2051

Girl Scout Cadettes will explore the art of bookbinding in this creative workshop! Learn the different parts of a book, try artist techniques and create your very own unique book! Explore a variety of traditional bookbinding tools and processes. Try simple techniques that turn ordinary paper into extraordinary artwork, just perfect for any handmade book. Learn how books are made and try gluing, stitching and folding their own scrapbook, planner or personal journal. Badges will be presented at the end of the workshop.

$8/girl • $2/adult Apr 24-25 • 7 p.m.-10 a.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809

$16/girl • $1/adult Mar 14 • 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St, Anderson Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: Book Artist


Bring on the Bronze Classroom

Bring on the Bronze Webinar

Grades: 4,5

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2053

What is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn? The Girl Scout Bronze Award! Now, would you like to learn more about how to achieve this high honor? If so, this informational session is the best place to start. Learn about each of the seven steps required on the journey toward the Girl Scout Bronze Award. Examine the differences between a service and a take action project. Put together a checklist of the elements required to make your Girl Scout Bronze Award Take Action project a success. While this session is recommended for any girl interested in pursuing her Girl Scout Bronze Award, you are also encouraged to invite adult mentors (i.e. Girl Scout leader, parent, etc.) who will be supporting you during the process to attend this session.

Note: This is the same training as the Bring on the Bronze Classroom.

Note: This is the same training as the Bring on the Bronze Webinar.

Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859

$4/girl • $1/adult

Brownie Bugs Badge

All participants must have access to high speed Internet with either a speaker/microphone or a telephone (preferably a speaker phone). Web cam not required. $2/girl • adults free Session A: Feb 24 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session B: March 19 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session C: April 22 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session D: May 12 • 5:30-7 p.m. Online

Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859

Grades: 2, 3

Session A: Mar 28 • 9-10:30 a.m.

Office Code: 2056

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Bloomington

Earn your Bugs badge by meeting and learning about bugs, making a bug craft and catching live bugs at the prairie or pond. Dress for the weather.

Session B: Apr 12 • 1 2:30-2 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo

$6/girl • $1/adult

Session C: Apr 19 • 12:30-2 p.m.

Southeastway Park 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine

Aug 23 • 3-5 p.m.

Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 State Rd 26 E, Lafayette

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Session D: Apr 26 • 12:30-2 p.m.

Recognition: Bugs

Camp Ada 4731 W County Rd 600 S, Spiceland Session E: May 2 • 9-10:30 a.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville Session F: May 3 • 12:30-2 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Session G: May 9 • 9-10:30 a.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Brownie Hiker

Brownie WOW

Grades: 2, 3

Grades: 2, 3

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2056

Every trail leads to a new adventure. Let Eagle Creek take you on a new adventure on their trails. We will explore the park along with learning about hiking!

Celebrate Earth Day at Camp Gallahue earning parts of the Wonders of Water Journey. We will discover all the fun things we can do with water! $5/ girl • $2/adult

$6/girl • $1/adult

Apr 11 • 1-3 p.m.

Feb 5 • 5-6 p.m.

Camp Gallahue Eagle Creek Park 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown 6515 Delong Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Recognition: Wonders of Water Recognition: Hiker

Bubble Fest

Brownie Hiker Badge at Southeastway Park

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3 Office Code: 3125

Grades: 2, 3

$5/girl • $1/adult

Office Code: 2056

We're bubbling over with math and science! Stand inside a huge bubble, make big bubbles to measure, use different instruments to create bubbles, play with "walls" of bubbles and more! Pop-on-in and enjoy the fun! Math and Science Center Bubble Fest patch included.

Earn this badge by learning about what is needed for a hike, to make a hiking stick and to walk a trail. Dress to be outdoors; it could be rainy or muddy. $6/girl • $1/adult Aug 9 • 3-5 p.m.

Session A: Feb 27 • 4:30-5:45 p.m. Southeastway Park Session B: Feb 27 • 6-7:15 p.m. 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Session C: Feb 28 • 10-11:15 a.m.

Recognition: Hiker

Session D: Feb 28 • noon-1:15 p.m. Session E: Feb 28 • 2-3:15 p.m.

Brownie Pajama Party

Session F: March 1 • 1-2:15 p.m.

Grades: 2, 3

Session G: March 1 • 2:30-3:45 p.m.

Office Code: 2050

Session H: March 2 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.

Come out to Claire's Boutique at Circle Centre Mall in your best pj's, and get ready for a fun pajama party! Girls will make a craft, enjoy a mini dance party and have fun at Claire's Boutique. Each girl will receive a $5 gift card and goodie bag.

Session I: March 2 • 6-7:15 p.m. Session J: March 3 • 4:30-5:45 p.m. Session K: March 3 • 6-7:15 p.m. Session L: March 4 • 4:30-5:45 p.m.

$10/girl • $10/adult

Session M: March 4 • 6-7:15 p.m.

Apr 19 • 6-8 p.m.

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Claire's Boutique Downtown 49 Maryland St, Indianapolis

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809

Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811


Bubble Fest for Juniors

Build a Balloon

Grades: 4, 5

Grades: K, 1 , 2, 3

Office Code: 3125

Office Code: 2052

Missed Bubble Fest as a Brownie? Here is your chance to experiment with bubbles! Math and Science Center Bubble Fest patch included.

Now you see it, now you…! Being able to amaze and astound others with magic that does absolute wonders. In this one hour workshop you'll learn how to perform 20 magic tricks using everyday items. You will receive a take-home "magic kit" containing all necessary supplies to put on your own magic show at home. Fun patch included.

$5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Feb 28 • 4-5:15 p.m. Session B: March 1 • 4:30-5:45 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

$5/girl • $1/adult

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809

Session B: Apr 14 • 2-3 p.m. (Grades 2-3)

Buccaneer Bay Swim Day

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Bloomington

Grades: Family

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Session A: Apr 14 • 12:30-1:30 p.m. (Grades K-1)

Office Code: 2054

Cadette Trailblazer Badge

Join your Girl Scout friends and family for a fun day at the waterpark. Don’t let the winter weather get you down, the waterpark is inside, and the heat is turned up! If you bring a non-Girl Scout friend along and sign her up, you will receive a fun patch, and your friend will receive a neat prize, too!

Grades: 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2056

Cadettes will earn the Trailblazer badge by planning a hiking trip, playing a team building game, tasting a tasty treat and hitting the trails. Dress to be outdoors; it may be rainy or muddy.

$10/girl • $10/adult Session A: Mar 7 • 9 a.m.-noon

$6/ girl • $1/adult

Session B: Mar 7 • noon-3 p.m.

Apr 12 • 3-5 p.m.

Session C: Mar 7 • 3-6 p.m. Session D: Mar 7 • 6-9 p.m.

Southeastway Park 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palastine

Session E: Mar 8 • 9 a.m.-noon

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Session F: Mar 8 • noon-3 p.m. Session G: Mar 8 • 3-6 p.m. Session H: Mar 8 • 6-9 p.m. Buccaneer Bay Indoor Waterpark 4343 South St, Lafayette Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857


Program activity descriptions

Cadette Trees Badge

Camp Adventure Patch Program

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Grades: All

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2056

Earn your Cadette Trees badge by making a tree craft, taking a forest hike and learning about trees in general. Dress for the weather; it could be cold, rainy or muddy.

Visit all five of our council's camps and complete the requirements for each, and earn a patch for each camp, creating the camp adventure patch! Requirements can be found at www.girlscoutsindiana.org/activities/anytime$6/girl • $1/adult activities. Before visiting any council camp, you Aug 16 • 3-5 p.m. must fill out a facilities reservation form or reserve Southeastway Park online through E council. Purchase the patches in your local Showcase store; patch is $0.85 and 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine sections are $1.25. Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Recognition: Trees

Camp Adventure Patch Volunteers

Camp Adventure and Outdoor Basics Learning

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2056

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Camp Adventure Volunteers help lead activities at Camp Adventure Patch and Outdoor Basics Learning. Choose the date and camp that best suits you.

Office Code: 2056

Earn Girl Scouts of Central Indiana's own Camp Adventure patch, and learn about the basics of camping! While girls are hiking around the camps, leaders will take the training. See adult section for description. Fee includes camp adventure patch.

Free Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

$3/girl • $3/adult

Camp Courage Miss Firefighter

Session A: Apr 11 • 1-4 p.m.

Camp Gallahue Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Office Code: 2052 Session B: Apr 12 • 1-3 p.m.

Ever wonder how firefighters train and stay Camp Dellwood in- shape? Step inside Bloomington’s very own practice tower where you will be introduced 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis to basic skills of fire suppression and rescue Session C: Apr 19 • 1-3 p.m. operations. Put out a car fire, get dressed in a firefighter suit as quickly as possible, try crawling Camp Na Wa Kwa through a confined space and much more! This 7865 E CR 300 N, Poland peek into the world of fire fighting is too fun to Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 miss out on! Fun patch included. $10/girl • $2/adult Apr 18 • 1-4 p.m. Bloomington Practice Tower 3230 S Walnut St, Bloomington Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834


Car Care Expert Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2054

Driving is an exciting step towards independence, but a lot of responsibility comes with car ownership. Join us in mastering maintenance tips to keep your car in top form and rule the road safely. Bring your own car or borrow one to learn how to care for it in this hands on workshop. Don't have your license yet? That's okay; you can get prepared before you head out on the roads. Feel free to bring an adult along for the fun! $4/girl • $1/adult Mar 21 • 9 a.m.- noon Mann Chevrolet-Buick 110 S Center St, Flora Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857 Recognition: Car Care

Camp Courage Young Firefighter Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Caring For Animals

Office Code: 2052

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Stop, drop and roll; you know this phrase by heart. Join us as we discover more basic skills of fire fighting from certified firefighters. You will be dragging hoses, crawling through tubes and much more. Don’t miss this fun and educational day as we learn about fire safety. Fun patch included.

Office Code: 2050

People that choose careers in veterinary technology have a love for animals and a strong desire to keep them healthy. This workshop covers the overall aspects of animal patient care. Participants will learn about animal behavior, livestock and how to treat the animals as true patients. Also discussed will be possible career tracks for animal lovers.

$8/girl • $2/adult Apr 18 • 9-11 a.m. Bloomington Practice Tower 3230 S Walnut St, Bloomington

$6/girl • $1/adult

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Feb 21 • noon-2 p.m.

Camping 101

Harrison College 6500 Technology Center Dr, Indianapolis

Grades: All

Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811

Code: 2056

From tents to treats, join us for this fun camping afternoon. Learn about tent setup, games, food and fire safety. $2/girl • $2/adult June 7 • 2-4 p.m. Prophetstown State Park 4112 SR 225 E, West Lafayette Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Celebrate & Skate

Charlotte's Web Bug Badge

Grades: All

Grades: 2, 3

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 3125

Come celebrate Girl Scouts birthday with a night of skating, cupcake snack and a fun patch for all Girl Scouts! Games and prizes as well as a full arcade and café will be available throughout the night! Fun patch included.

Going to see Charlotte's Web on February 28? Then come to the Math and Science Center and earn your Bug badge before the big show! We will explore the world of bugs as we investigate these little creatures! If you are going to the Charlotte's Web performance, register at a discounted rate! Get caught in our web as you earn your Bug badge! Fee includes Bug badge.

$8/girl • $3/adult Mar 12 • 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Hot Skates $5/girl • $1/adult 241 Casco Dr, Avon $3/girl if already signed up to see Charlotte's Web Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857 at Beef & Boards Session A: Feb 21 • 2-3:30 p.m.

Charlotte's Webb

Session B: Feb 21 • 4-5:30 p.m.

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4

Session C: Feb 22 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Office Code: 2050

Session D: Feb 22 • 3-4:30 p.m.

Come out and enjoy this live performance of the classic story Charlotte's Web! Fee includes ticket, snack and patch.

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809 or Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811

$14.50/girl • $14.50/adult Feb 28 • 10 a.m. Beef and Boards 9301 Michigan Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811

Recognition: Bugs

Chemistry Discovery Day with Iota Sigma Pi Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2053

Venture into the labs at Purdue University and try your hand at unlocking some of chemistry's mysteries with the help of members from Iota Sigma Pi. While conducting hands-on activities, you will learn skills vital to the work of a chemist. Adult registration is limited to Safety-Wise ratios. Girl fee includes activities, patch and lunch. Adult fee includes lunch. $10/girl • $3/adult April 25 • 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Purdue University, West Lafayette Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859


Cosmetology Overnight Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 3125

The Math and Science Center presents Cosmetology: The Science of Makeup. Learn how science plays a huge role in how we keep ourselves looking our best! Make your own bath and beauty products, learn about skin care and practice how to put on makeup. Fee includes program, cosmetology fun patch and a light breakfast. Girls will be asked to bring a snack to share. Note to parents: Light colored eye shadow, cheek and lip color will be applied. $15/girl • $2/adult Apr 10-11 • 7 p.m.-9 a.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809

Crafting with Kappa Delta Grades: All Office Code: 2051

Kappa Delta will provide crafting materials for crafts to be completed with you and a sister. As college women in sororities, we enjoy making crafts for each other to be kept for a life time and we want to show you this fun side of college activities. All ages are welcome, so please join us for a night of painting, gluing, creativity and laughter! Work towards the Girl Scout Way badge.

Chocolatie Fruit Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2050

You will meet with fruit experts at Edible Arrangements and create a variety of chocolate dipped fruit to take home. You will also learn the basics of food cleanliness and safety.

$2/girl • $1/adult Feb 12 • 6-8 p.m.

$10/girl • $1/adult

Ball State University, Muncie

Session A: April 16 • 6-7:30 p.m. (Grades 4-8)

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Session B: April 22 • 6-7:30 p.m. (Grades 9-12)

Recognition: Girl Scout Way

Edible Arrangements 2602 E. 62nd St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions Create-A-Pop

Critter Junction

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Grades: All

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2052

You will meet with the fruit experts at Edible Arrangements to create unique fruit pops with fruit decorating extraordinaires while learning about where fruit comes from and the health benefits of eating fresh fruits.

Have you ever seen a python up close? How about an alligator or tarantula? If not, this is your chance to learn about and interact with a variety of exotic animals. Feeling brave? Volunteer to pick one up! There will be plenty of time to ask questions, especially if you are working on your Animals badge. Fun patch included.

$10/girl • $1/girl Apr 11 • 5-6:30 p.m.

$9/girl • $3/adult Edible Arrangements Apr 11 • 1-2 p.m. 2602 E. 62nd St, Indianapolis Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834


Dancing with the Girl Scouts Grades: 2, 3

Design It! Painted Cork Board Frames

Office Code: 2051

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5

Get moving and grooving with this exciting workshop. Learn a variety of dance to fun, upbeat music while earning your Dance badge.

Office Code: 2050

Do you love to decorate your bedroom? Paint a framed cork board in geometric patterns. You will be introduced to mosaic design, contrast and rhythm. Fun patch included.

$7/girl • $1/adult Feb 7 • 1-2 p.m.

$18/girl • $1/adult

Cornerstone Center for the Arts 520 E Main St, Muncie

Session A: Apr 19 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Session B: Apr 19 • 3:30-5 p.m.

Recognition: Dance

The Art Lab 2070 E 54th St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811

Dellwood Clean Up Day Grades: 4, 5, 6 ,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Digital Photographer

Office Code: 2051

Grades: 4, 5

Is your troop planning to do a service project this spring? Camp Dellwood could use your help! Come on out, and help get Dellwood spiffed up for the upcoming day camp season! Girl Scout Juniors and older troops or families only, please. A sack lunch and T-shirt will be provided. This is a great service opportunity!

Office Code: 2051

Lights, camera, action! Girl Scout Juniors will learn all about photography, including video, film, still and digital. Take an in-depth look into different types of cameras, learn how to set up a photo shoot and compose portraits while understanding how lighting and point of view affect a photograph. Free Find out how to transfer pictures to a computer May 30 • 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and make adjustments to take home a finished Camp Dellwood print. Create your own photo project and share your photos with others. Badges will be 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis distributed at the end of the program. Please, Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 prepare to bring at least one digital camera per four girls. $14/girl • $1/adult Apr 4 • 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St, Anderson Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: Digital Photographer


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Sign up for any activity as a troop or do one on your own!

Discover Glass Fusing

Diva Spa Party

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 2054

Experience the world of glass fusing! Learn how to score, cut and nip glass to make a sun catcher. Fee includes 4” glass base, decorative glass, supplies and firing. Completed pieces can be picked up later or shipped for an additional fee. Workshop is for girls only. Fun patch included.

Come enjoy yourself like a true diva at this relaxing spa party. You and your friends will receive a manicure and pedicure and a goodie bag of discounts to enjoy a divas day out for lunch and a fun dessert on the streets of downtown Zionsville. Fun patch included.

$13/girl • $1/adult

$35/girl • $1/adult

May 20 • 6 p.m.

Session A: Feb 12 • 4:30-5:30 p.m.

uPaint Pottery Studio 1820 E Main St, Plainfield

Session B: Feb 12 • 5:45-6:45 p.m.

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Session D: Feb 21 • 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

Session C: Feb 21 • 10-11:15 a.m. Session E: Feb 21 • 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Discovering STEM @ RHIT

Session F: Mar 12 • 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Session G: Mar 12 • 5:45-6:45 p.m.

Office Code: 2053

Session H: Mar 21 • 10-11:15 a.m.

Multiple Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology student organizations (including Alpha Phi Omega (APO), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the Society of Women Engineers (SWE)) and various other campus members are joining forces to help Girl Scouts learn and get excited about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Girl Scouts will get to participate in multiple hands-on activities. Girl fee includes activities, patch and lunch. Adult fee includes lunch.

Session I: Mar 21 • 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Session J: Mar 21 • 2:15-3:15 p.m. Session K: Apr 9 • 4:30-5:30 p.m. Session L: Apr 9 • 5:45-6:45 p.m. Session M: Apr 18 • 10-11:15 a.m. Session N: Apr 18 • 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Session O: Apr 18 • 2:15-3:15 p.m. PinUps Hair Salon & Spa 62 N 1st St, Zionsville

$5/girl • $2/adult

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

April 18 • 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Rose-Human Institute of Technology, Sports Recreation Center 5500 Wabash Ave, Terre Haute Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859


Girl Scouts of Central Indiana scholarships for Girl Scouts graduating in the spring of 2015 Application requirements and information Complete applications must be postmarked by March 1 and mailed to: Attention: Scholarship Application Girl Scouts of Central Indiana 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46214 In order to apply, applicant must be: • A member of Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. • Eligible for graduation within the current academic year. • Planning to attend an institute of higher learning. A complete application packet will include: • Completed application form. • Official transcript from the applicant’s high school, with class size and ranking noted. • Three letters of reference from adults who are not relatives. ₀₀ Girl Scout reference letter ₀₀ Academic reference letter ₀₀ Personal/character reference letter Guidelines for consideration • Strength of commitment to Girl Scouting, e.g. length of membership, Girl Scout Silver Award and/or Girl Scout Gold Award, level of participation in various program activities. • Scholastic record, e.g. class rank, grade point average, difficulty of course work. • Extra-curricular activities, e.g. athletics, civic organizations, student government, leadership roles. • Personal statement Questions should be directed to: Meisha Wide, program development manager 317.924.6858 mwide@girlscoutsindiana.org Please visit girlscoutsindiana.org for a complete scholarship application.


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Electronic Circuit Comic Workshop for Cadette Girl Scouts

End of the Trail Ranch

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 2053

Experience what a working bison farm is like on this fun farm tour! Learn fun facts about bison, ask questions and see what raising bison is all about. After you learn everything bison, you can complete your tour by visiting all of the other animals on the farm, have a tasty bison snack and even buy some meat to take home. This program is open to Girl Scouts and their families. Fun patch included.

Grades: Family

The School of Informatics and Computing are offering a paper circuit and Lilypad Arduino workshop. Girls will be eligible to earn a patch upon creating their own electronic circuit comic. $18/girl • $1/adult April 11 • 1-4 p.m. Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing, Bloomington

$3/girl • $3/adult

Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859

Apr 18 • 2-3 p.m. End of the Trail Ranch 7651 E 200 N, Whitestown Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Ewey Gooey Science Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 3125

That is right, ewey gooey science! We will be making bubbling potions, slimy goo and some gross, yet fun experiments! Come see how ewey, gooey this science lab can be! Ewey Gooey fun patch included.


$5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Apr 20 • 4:30-6 p.m. Session B: Apr 20 • 6:30-8 p.m. Session C: Apr 21 • 4:30-6 p.m. Session D: Apr 21 • 6:30-8 p.m. Session E: Apr 22 • 4:30-6 p.m. Session F: Apr 22 • 6:30-8 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809


Extreme Cheer & Tumbling

Filipino Love

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Grades: All

Office Code: 2052

Office Code: 2051

Indiana Martial Arts is getting extreme! This energetic day is full of tumbling, goal setting, confidence and much more. Fun patch included. Session A: May 1 • 7:30-9 p.m.

Learn about games and treats from the Filipino culture. Discover the origin of the fun and silly name, Wyliepalooza. If you are working towards the It's Your World Change It journey, you can use this program to apply to the exploration of different cultures.

Session B: May 2 • 3-4:30 p.m.

$7/girl • $3/adult

Indiana Martial Arts 543 Bridge St, Mooresville

Session A: Feb 11 • 5-6 p.m.

$4/girl • $1/adult

Session B: Apr 13 • 5-6 p.m.

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Wyliepalooza 11009 Allisionville Rd, Fishers

Fabulous Fairy Garden

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Recognition: It's Your World-Change It

Office Code: 2051

Create a garden perfect for inviting fairy friends to your home for good luck and charm. Design these little green spaces, and add accessories to make it your own. Snacks will be provided. Fun patch included.

Flowers Badge Grades: 4, 5 Office Code: 2056

Flowers are more than just beautiful. Learn all about flowers and why they are important. Make a flower craft, and earn your flower badge.

$11/girl • $3/adult Mar 20 • 5-7 p.m.

$6/girl • $2/adult

The Watering Can at Warm Glow 2131 N Centerville Rd, Centerville

May 12 • 5:15-6:15 p.m.

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis

Family Fun Night at Hoosier Park

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Recognition: Flowers

Grades: Family Office Code: 2051

Learn about basic horse safety and watch horse races at Hoosier Park! Get your picture taken with the winning horses in winners circle and get a souvenir photo. Guided tours will also be available. The evening includes dinner for each registered girl (hot dog, chips, and drink), fun patch and T-shirt (patch and T-shirt for Girl Scouts only). $3/girl • $1/adult Jun 12 • 6-8 p.m. Hoosier Park 4500 Dan Patch Cir, Anderson Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Flower Power with Alpha Kappa Alpha

Fraction Mosaics

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2052

STEAM workshop: Complete a mosaic coaster with colorful square and triangular ceramic or glass squares. Glue, grout and clean your own coasters to take home. Also, we’ll integrate some hands on math concepts. What fraction, percent and decimal of each color used can be concluded? Examples of symmetry will be introduced. Why Steam? STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)+ Art (Creative Thinking and Problem-solving)= STEAM. Fun patch Included.

Grades: 2, 3

Celebrate this spring by planting your own flower seeds in a pot personalized by you! We'll chat about the benefits of having our own houseplants, too. Flower badge included. $3/girl • $1/adult Apr 12 • 2-5 p.m. Bryan Park,Henderson Shelter 1001 South Henderson St, Bloomington Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

$18/girl • $1/adult

Recognition: Flower

Session A: Mar 1 • 1-2:30 p.m. Session B: Mar 1 • 3:30-5 p.m.

Flower Power

Session C: May 3 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Session D: May 3 • 3:30-5 p.m.

Office Code: 2054

The Art Lab 2070 E 54th St, Indianapolis

Explore the flower shop! Work with a professional florist to make your very own flower arrangement to take home! Fun patch included.

Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811

$12/girl • $1/adult

Gardener Badge

Apr 25 • 1-2:30 p.m.

April's Flowers Grades: 4, 5 217 E 5th St, Fowler Office Code: 2056 Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Learn all about plants and gardening in the children's garden. Get your hands dirty earning your Gardener badge.

For the Love of Cake

$6/girl • $2/adult

Grades: All

Session A: Apr 28 • 5:15-6:15 p.m.

Office Code: 2054

Session B: Apr 28 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Are you ready to decorate? Get motivated by learning all about the bakery just before you create your own Valentine's Day inspired round cake. After you create your masterpiece, box it up and take it home for yourself or someone special. Fun patch included.

Session C: Aug 25 • 5:15-6:15 p.m. Session D: Aug 25 • 6:30-7:30 p.m. Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis

$10/girl • $1/adult

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Feb 7 • 1-3 p.m.

Recognition: Gardener

Create-A-Cake 2032 S Elizabeth St, Kokomo Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857


Rent the


learn, explore, $6/girl • Minimum of 20 girls grow! Explore the three options below of activities available for Brownies and Juniors: 1.

Case of the Missing Cookie: A CSI program What happened to the missing cookies? The baker is missing too! Use clues that were left behind at the crime scene to try to solve the case. This is your chance to become a CSI officer. Good Luck!

2. Dream it Design it : An engineering program Explore the world of engineering as you dream, design, and become different kinds of engineers. Apply your math and science skills as you tackle different creative problems and work to improve them. Discover the world of engineering! 3. Wacky Weather: Weather program Weather is more than just rain. Experiment the wacky world of weather in the lab as you create test tube blizzards, tornadoes, and more! Find out what causes snow days. Each activities takes about an hour and a half to complete. About 30 girls can register for one session. If you have a large group, we can host multiple sessions throughout the day. Questions? Contact: Katie Wahlstrom, math and science center manager, at 317.924.6809 or kwahlstrom@girlscoutsindiana.org.

Geocaching Outing

Geo Fest

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Grades: Family

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2050

Let's go Geocaching! Using GPS and the outdoors, we will hit the trails and embark on an hour-long high-tech scavenger hunt to discover more about our park's resources.

Buy jewelry, fossils, cut and uncut gemstones and minerals from all over the world. Enjoy hands-on geology activities and win geo-prizes. Meet geo-experts from all over the state. Explore the museum's three natural history galleries.

$3/girl • $4/adult

$5/girl • $5/adult

Session A: Mar 8 • 11 a.m.-noon

Session 1: Feb 20 • 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Session B: Mar 15 • 11 a.m.-noon

Session 1: Feb 21 • 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Mounds State Park 4306 Mounds Rd, Anderson

Session 1: Feb 22 • 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Indiana State Museum 650 W Washington St, Indianapolis, Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811 Recognition: It's Your Planet Love It


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Getting the Goods on Chocolate

Girl Scout Getaways

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2056

Join us at Good's Candy Shoppe in Anderson to learn the history of chocolate and the chocolate process (from bean to bar) as well as the engineering of machines and equipment used in chocolate processing. Explore careers in chocolate and make some goodies, using different chocolate techniques. "Good's Candy Shoppe" fun patch, as well as take-home goodiesmade by you are included!

Visit the Girl Scout destination website for tips and ideas on planning a trip for your troop: http:// forgirls.girlscouts.org/travel/take-a-trip/getaways/

$14/girl • $14/adult

Grades: All

Session 1: Mar 28 • 10 a.m.-noon

Office Code: 2052

Online Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Girl Scout Night at WonderLab

Enjoy a "night out at the museum," exclusively for Girl Scouts. Go on a museum scavenger hunt adventure, learn to extract DNA, confuse your taste buds, tattoo a banana and much more! You'll discover why WonderLab is so much fun. Fun patch included.

Session 2: Apr 18 • 1-3 p.m. Good's Candy Shop 1423 W 53rd St, Anderson Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

$11/girl • $6/adult

Girl Scout Birthday Party

Apr 10 • 5:30-8 p.m.

Grades: All

WonderLab Museum 304 4th St, Bloomington

Office Code: 2050

It's time for our 4th annual Girl Scouts Birthday Party at Skateland! Bring your friends and family to skate, play games, win cool prizes and participate in various activities while we celebrate Girl Scouts birthday. Fee includes admission, pizza, drink and cake for all, and skate rental for girls and tags. You don't want to miss this event known to be GREAT time!

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Girl Scout Campout at Victory Field Grades: All Office Code: 2050

Girls just want to have fun, and the Indians Girl Scout Campout is just the place to have fun this $12/girl • $5/adult • $8/tag summer. A Sell-out event every year, Girl Scouts March 15 • noon-3 p.m. attending will enjoy a baseball game, 2014 Girl Skateland Scout fun patch, a movie on the big screen, snack 3902 N Glen Arm Rd, Indianapolis and most important – a campout on the perfectly groomed outfield grass! Event concludes with Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811 breakfast. In case of inclement weather, campout may be moved to concourse. In case of severe weather, make-up date is Friday, July 11. For more information, call 317.269.3545 or visit IndyIndians.com/Scouts. June 12 • 7:15 p.m. Victory Field 501 Maryland St, Indianapolis


Girl Scout Night with the Indiana Fever

Girl Scouts' Rev Racing Experience

Grades: Family

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2050

Through leadership development, financial literacy and healthy lifestyle programs, the Rev Racing Motorsports Academy teaches valuable life lessons through experiencing a real life race shop. Within this immersive learning program, girls will have access to the necessary tools and skills to become effective leaders as they get behind the wheel of racing simulators, gain hands-on experience with pit crew equipment and jump into actual racing gear. Girl fee includes activities, fun patch and lunch. Adult fee includes lunch.

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Cheer on the Fever with friends and family on Girl Scouts Night! Be one of the first to register and get exclusive on-court opportunities. At the game you will sit in the lower level section and receive hot dog, drink and T-shirt. Check back with us for game details. TBA/girl • TBA/adult TBA Bankers Life Fieldhouse 125 S Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis

$25/girl • $10/adult

Contact: Kendra Nowelll • 317.924.6811

March 14 • 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Rev Racing Motorsports Academy Indianapolis Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Girl’s Rock Guitar Painting Design

Going for the Gold Classroom

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2053

Want to have a rock’in good time? Design your own guitar to hang in your room. Instruction will include examples of some amazing painted guitars and placement of parts of a guitar. Sharpies, stencils, stickers and acrylic paint will be used. Fun patch included.

Are you interested in earning your Girl Scout Gold Award—the highest award a girl can earn in Girl Scouting? If so, then this informational session is the best place to start. Take a closer look at the journey you will take in your quest for the Girl Scout Gold Award. Learn about each of the seven steps to process, then take a closer look at $17/girl • $1/adult the Standards of Excellence set forth by our Girl Session A: Mar 15 • 1-2:30 p.m. Scout Gold Award Committee. We will end with helpful hints on how to prepare for your proposal Session B: Mar 15 • 3:30-5 p.m. interview. While this session is required for any girl The Art Lab interested in pursuing her Girl Scout Gold Award, 2070 E 54th St, Indianapolis you are encouraged to invite adult mentors who may provide support for you during your project Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811 (i.e. Girl Scout leader, parent, etc.) to attend. Note: This is the same training as the Going for the Gold Webinar.

Go Karts for Art Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

$4/girl • $1/adult

Office Code: 2051

Session A: Mar 28 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Ladies, start your engines! Design and create your box car to race against fellow Girl Scouts and join the fun at CSA!

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Bloomington

$7/girl • $3/adult

Session B: Apr 12 • 4:30-6 p.m.

May 22 • 5-7 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo

Community School of the Arts 305 S Adams St, Marion

Session C: Apr 19 • 4:30 – 6 p.m. Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 State Rd 26 E, Lafayette

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Session D: Apr 26 • 4:30 – 6 p.m. Camp Ada 4731 W County Rd 600 S, Spiceland Session E: May 2 • 1-2:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville Session F: May 3 • 4:30-6 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Session G: May 9 • 1-2:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859


Going for the Gold Webinar


Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Grades: Family

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2052

Note: This is the same training as the Going for Gold Classroom.

Celebrate the end of a successful school year at Parkside Lanes where you can play one game of bowling (shoes included) and one round of mini golf. Fun patch included.

All participants must have access to high speed Internet with either a speaker/microphone or a telephone (preferably a speaker phone). Web cam not required.

$9/girl • $8/adult May 16 • noon-4 p.m.

$2/girl • adults free Session A: Feb 19 • 5:30-7 p.m.

Parkside Lanes 815 S County Road 200 W, Greensburg

Session B: Mar 18 • 5:30-7 p.m.

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Session C: Apr 21 • 5:30-7 p.m.

Herbal Art Spa

Session D: May 14 • 5:30-7 p.m.

Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Office Code: 2051

Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859

Every girl deserves to be pampered! Make your own spa products using 100 percent natural ingredients and learn about the science behind them. Each session will make a different product you can take home and enjoy, including soap, sugar scrub, roll-on perfume and luxury bath salts. Girls working on the It's Your Planet-Love It Journey or It's Your World-Change It Journey can use this program to help them explore the impact of cosmetic products on the earth and society.

Going Green Festival Grades: All Office Code: 2050

How much water would a washer waste if a washer would waste less? Challenge your skills at spotting energy foes, plant your own garbage garden and create masterpieces of recycled art, all while saving green to be green. Meet members of environmental awareness organizations and businesses from around the state to show you how to reduce, reuse and recycle.

$10/girl • $1/adult Session A: Feb 3 • 5-7 p.m. Session B: Feb 17 • 5-7 p.m.

$5/girl • $5/adult

Session C: Mar 10 • 5-7 p.m.

Mar 21 • 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

Session D: Mar 24 • 5-7 p.m.

Indiana State Museum 650 W Washington St, Indianapolis

Session E: Apr 7 • 5-7 p.m. Session F: Apr 21 • 5-7 p.m.

Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811

Session G: May 5 • 5-7 p.m.

Recognition: It's Your Planet-Love It

Session H: May 19 • 5-7 p.m. The Historic Ambassasor House 10595 Eller Rd, Fishers Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Supervision: Girls must be accompanied by participating adult.

Historic Hearth Cooking Grades: 4, 5

If you have a large troop: please register for more than one session-maximum 10 people/session.

Office Code: 2051

Experience the Huddleston Farmhouse, a historic site of Indiana Landmarks. Learn about westward expansion and the Historic National Road, and cook over an open hearth just as families did in the 1840's.

$34/girl • $34/adult Session A: Mar 15 • 10:30 a.m.-noon Session B: Mar 15 • noon-1:30 p.m.

$9/girl • $2/adult

Session C: Mar 15 • 2-3:30 p.m.

May 15 • 6-7:30 p.m.

Session D: Mar 15 • 3:30-5 p.m.

Huddleton Farmhouse 838 National Rd, Cambridge City

Session E: Mar 15 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session F: Mar 22 • 10:30 a.m.-noon

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Session G: Mar 22 • noon-1:30 p.m.

Recognition: Playing the Past

Session H: Mar 22 • 2-3:30 p.m. Session I: Mar 22 • 3:30-5 p.m.

Hit the Slopes

Session J: Mar 22 • 5:30-7 p.m.

Grades: Family

Session K: Mar 29 • 10:30-noon

Office Code: 2051

There's 'snow' better time to spend with your fellow Girl Scout sisters than on the slopes! Fill your winter with fun and fitness while learning to ski. Bring a snack to be enjoyed out on the deck or inside the picnic room, and make it a full day. Fun patch included.

Session L: Mar 29 • noon-1:30 p.m.

$45/girl • $45/adult

Session P: Apr 12 • 10:30 a.m.-noon

Feb 1 • Check in: 9-10 a.m.

Session Q: Apr 12 • noon-1:30 p.m.

10 a.m.-noon: Lesson time (1 hour each)

Session R: Apr 12 • 2-3:30 p.m.

Perfect North Slopes 19074 Perfect Ln, Lawrenceburg

Session S: Apr 12 • 3:30-5 p.m.

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Session U: Apr 19 • 10:30 a.m.-noon

Session M: Mar 29 • 2-3:30 p.m. Session N: Mar 29 • 3:30-5 p.m. Session O: Mar 29 • 5:30-7 p.m.

Session T: Apr 12 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session V: Apr 19 • noon-1:30 p.m.

Holler Hopping Zip Lines

Session W: Apr 19 • 2-3:30 p.m.

Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Session X: Apr 19 • 3:30-5 p.m.

Office Code: 2056

Session Y: Apr 19 • 5:30-7 p.m.

Experience a true country adventure as you soar over the ravines and hollers of beautiful Brown County. Holler Hoppin' is constructed with six separate zip lines, totaling more than 1,100 feet! The family friendly zip lines allow you to feel like you are flying as the ground falls away 50 feet below. Land lightly on your feet as the ground rises back up to meet you on the other side.

Session Z: Apr 26 • 10:30 a.m.-noon Session AA: Apr 26 • noon-1:30 p.m. Session BB: Apr 26 • 2-3:30 p.m. Session CC: Apr 26 • 3:30-5 p.m. Session DD: Apr 26 • 5:30-7 p.m. Rawhide Ranch 1292 S SR 135, Nashville

Requirements: Minimum age: 7 years old, Minimum weight: 60 lbs.

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864


Horse Care and Ownership Grades: All Office Code: 2056

Do you want to own a horse of your own one day? Or do you want to learn more about what it would take to care for one? Tour our farm and learn about where horses live, what they eat and how they are cared for. This is a non-riding workshop. $15/girl • $5/adult Session 1: Mar 29 • 2-3:30 p.m. Session 2: Apr 3 • 4:30-6 p.m. Session 3: Apr 4 • noon-1:30 p.m. Session 4: Apr 26 • 2-3:30 p.m. Session 5: May 9 • 4-5:30 p.m. Session 6: Jun 7 • 2-3:30 p.m. Trinity Farm 10310 S CR O, Clayton Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Horses and Commu-neigh-cation Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2056

Horses have a unique way of communicating with each other and with us. This workshop offers you and your leader an opportunity to learn more about communication with each other through equine assisted learning exercises. This is a non-riding program. This is a fun team building workshop.

Horse Back Riding at Trinity Farm Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2056

Step into the saddle to learn the basics of riding and preparation. Learn tack, how to saddle a horse, and the basics of riding. Adults wanting to ride must pay the $30 fee (register as a girl).

$10/girl • $5/adult Session A: Apr 4 • 4:30-6 p.m.

$30/girl • $5/adult

Session B: Aug 9 • 3-4:40 p.m.

Session A: Mar 28 • 2-4 p.m. Session B: Apr 4 • 2-4 p.m.

Trinity Farm 10310 S CR O Clayton

Session C: Apr 25 • 2-4 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Session D: May 9 • 2-4 p.m. Session E: Jun 6 • 2-4 p.m. Session F: Aug 8 • 2-4 p.m. Trinity Farm 10310 S CR O, Clayton Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Sign up for any activity as a troop or do one on your own!

How Animals Survive

ISU Soccer Clinic

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Grades: All

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2052

From cool colors to stealth skills, animals have some pretty cool ways of surviving in the wild. Find out some unique animal adaptations and meet some live animals.

Love to watch or play soccer? Join us for a hands-on soccer clinic hosted by Indiana State University's own women's soccer team. After you've honed your new skills, head on over to watch a university soccer game. Fun patch included.

$5/girl • $2/adult

$6/girl • $6/adult

Apr 9 • 5:15-6:15 p.m.

Apr 18 • 10 a.m.-noon

Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis

Indiana State University Memorial Stadium 3300 Wabash Ave, Terre Haute

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

I Spy

It’s Your Story-Paint It

Grades: 2, 3

Grades: 2, 3

Office Code: 2056

You will love using your senses to discover the plants and animals of the woodland, ponds, and meadows. We will listen for bird and frog calls, smell and taste amazing plants, touch soft leaves and rough bark, all while learning your role in protecting natural habitats.

Office Code: 2051

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Feb 7 • 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Recognition: Senses

The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St, Anderson

You will learn all about painting through a variety of hands on projects. Learn new ideas about what to paint and how to paint it, even explore how to paint without brushes! You will also learn more about paintings and the artists who painted them. There will be activities including painting real world $3/girl • $2/adult scenes, moods and even a mural! You will be May 9 • 1-3 p.m. presented with your painting badge at the end of Hayes Arboretum the program. 801 Elks Rd, Richmond $14/girl • $1/adult

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: Painting


Indiana University Music Sampler

Indiana University Sports Sampler

Grades: All

Grades: All

Office Code: 2052

Office Code: 2052

What does it take to be a great musician, singer or dancer? Tau Beta Sigma will show you just that in an exclusive hands-on workshop. Play a new instrument, learn dance moves and use your diaphragm to sing a song. You will learn a variety of music styles, how they are used and even watch a live ensemble performance! Fun patch included.

Ever wonder how athletes are so good at sports? Join us in an exclusive hands-on peek into the world of Indiana University’s sports teams. Try your hand at serving a volleyball or hone your soccer skills in a drill set up by the student athletes. Afterwards, we will cheer on the Indiana University women's basketball team as they play a home game. Fun patch and guaranteed fun is included.

$6/girl • $2/adult Mar 29 • 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

$5/girl • $5/adult

Indiana University Bloomington, Simon Music Hall 205 S Jordan Ave, Bloomington

Feb 21 • 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Indiana University Assembly Hall 1001 E 17th St, Bloomington

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Indiana University Softball Game Grades: Family

IUK Science Day

Office Code: 2052

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Watch the Indiana University softball team face Michigan State at our very own Andy Mohr Field. The first 15 Girl Scouts to check in will be asked to be on the field to form a high-five tunnel for introductions and the national anthem. Stay after the game to meet the team and to get their autographs.

Office Code: 2053

This is a spectacular day filled with science exploration in the labs at Indiana University Kokomo. The faculty, staff and students will lead you through three different workshop sessions. Spend the morning working on your Special Agent badge with Forensic Biology and Everyday Chemistry workshops! Then, in the afternoon spend a little time learning about computer programming, as you get a chance to work with LEGO's Mindstorms.

$2/girl • adults free Apr 25 • 1-3 p.m. Indiana University, Andy Mohr Field State Road 45/46 Bypass and Fee Ln, Bloomington

Note: lunch is not provided, you will need to bring a sack lunch.

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

$3/girl • $1/adult Feb 28 • 8:15 a.m.-3 p.m. Indiana University Kokomo, Kokomo Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Jazzy Jeweler

Jelly Bellies and Ice Cream

Grades: 4, 5

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2051

Add a little more glitz and glam to your outfits by learning to design your own jewelry! Explore different techniques and materials needed while learning from an artists who makes jewelry. Find out how to make jewelry from metal and create jewelry inspired by another culture. Explore how to transform everyday objects into a unique piece of jewelry! Take your new learned skills to share with others by making a very special piece of jewelry to give to someone else. Badges will be presented at the end of the session.

Tickle your taste buds as your experience the flavorful world of Jelly Belly jelly beans. Sweet, sour, fruity and many more. Learn about how soft serve ice cream is made, and go behind the counter, and serve yourself a cone. We'll even throw in your choice of sprinkles. You'll see and taste why this new program is so GOOD. "Good's Candy Shoppe" fun patch included.

$14/girl • $1/adult

Session B: Apr 18 • 10 a.m.-noon

Apr 25 • 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Good's Candy Shop 1423 W 53rd St, Anderson

$14/girl • $12/adult Session A: Feb 28 • 10 a.m.-noon

The Anderson Center for the Arts 32 W 10th St, Anderson

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Journey to the Jungle

Recognition: Jeweler

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2056

Take a trip to our tropical rainforest and discover all about this unique ecosystem. See where tropical fruits come from, meet a rain forest animal and explore the tropical conservatory. Fun patch included.


$7/girl • $2/adult Session A: Feb 24 • 5:15- 6:15 p.m. Session B: Feb 24 • 6:30- 7:30 p.m. Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864




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What is Lemonade Day? Lemonade Day, held each year in cities across America is a fun, entrepreneurial and experimental learning program that teaches children not only how to start their own business by operating a lemonade stand, but fundamental lessons about life and success for themselves. It is a financial literacy and entrepreneurship project, and it’s also fun. How do Girl Scouts sign up? Register online at girlscoutsindiana.org, When you register online you will receive a confirmation form with where to pick up your official Lemonade Day gift. Check our website in Jan/Feb for details about the fun, online interactive curriculum that troops can use during meetings to get ready for Lemonade Day. Girl Scouts can earn patches, aprons, and more fun items from Lemonade Day! For additional information contact Carolyn Payton at cpayton@girlscoutsindiana.org or 317.924.6803 or Meisha Wide at mwide@girlscoutsindiana.org or 317.924.6858. Visit lemonadeday.org to learn more!

Junior Flowers Badge Grades: 4, 5

Junior Habitats Badge at Southeastway Park

Office Code: 2056

Grades: 4, 5

Girl Scout Juniors will earn the Flowers badge by learning about flowers, watching pollinators, identifying several different types of flowers in the forest and making a flower craft. Dress to be outdoors; it may be cold, rainy, or muddy.

Office Code: 2056

$6/ girl • $1/adult

$6/girl • $1/adult

Apr 19 • 3-5 p.m.

Apr 26 • 3-5 p.m.

Earn the Habitats badge by exploring the forest and pond habitats. You will also help one of the habitats. Dress to be outdoors; it may be cold, rainy or muddy.

Southeastway Park Southeastway Park 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Recognition: Flowers

Recognition: Habitats


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Karate Hip Hop

Lady Justice

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 2052

Office Code: 2050

Karate Hip-Hop is a unique mixture of martial arts, street hip-hop and break dancing. All three styles are combined into one innovative, awardwinning dance style founded by IMA's very own instructors. Don't miss this chance to try your hand at this uniquely energetic style! Fun patch included.

Kool-Aid and Canvas

Does the legal field interest you? Come out for this exclusive program presented by the Indiana State Bar Association Women in the Law Division! You will have a great time while taking an in-depth look into the world of law. Workshops will cover topics including laws and procedures, ethics and career choices within the legal field. The program will conclude with an interactive mock trial. Fee includes lunch and a special fun patch. As a bonus, you have a chance to win a $100 book award from Books-A-Million and an engraved gavel by submitting a one-page letter explaining your interest in the legal field. All submissions will be judged by a panel of school teachers, and the winner will be announced at the end of the program! Participation in the book award is not mandatory for this program. All submitted papers must be post marked by April 30.

Grades: All

$10/girl • $7/adult

Office Code: 2054

May 16 • 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

$4/girl • $1/adult Session A: Apr 17 • 7:30-9 p.m. Session B: Apr 18 • 3-4:30 p.m. Indiana Martial Arts 543 Bridge St, Mooresville Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Join us for this step-by-step painting workshop where you will paint your very own canvas, while enjoying some yummy Kool-Aid. When your masterpiece is finished, it is up to you whether you save it for yourself, or give it to someone special. Fun patch included.

Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis 250 W New York St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811

Let’s Draw!

$12/girl • $1/adult

Grades: 4, 5

Apr 18 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Office Code: 2051

Planet Mind Learning Store 108 N Main St, Kokomo

Let your imagination soar while earning your Drawing badge in this fun workshop! You will be introduced to various drawing techniques and materials while creating her own masterpiece! The instructor will cover topics like drawing mediums, shading, and perspective while gaining confidence in using your creativity! Registration fee includes the workshop and supplies.

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

$21/girl • $1/adult Feb 28 • 3:30- 5 p.m. Cornerstone Center for the Arts 520 E Main St, Muncie

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: Drawing


Life at the Beach: Girl Scouts Weekend at Indiana Beach

Making Maple Syrup

Grades: Family

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2054

Travel back in time to discover how maple syrup was made by Native Americans and early settlers. Then make your way to the sap house (constructed of reclaimed materials) for a lesson in maple syrup production in today’s world. All participants will finish the morning with a pancake lunch and get to use local maple syrup! Maple syrup fun patch included.

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

There's more than corn in Indiana! Roller coasters, waterslides, and lakeside summer fun is waiting for you and your family at Indiana Beach. Join us for one of these fun Girl Scout weekends, or purchase tickets to use anytime this summer at your nearest Showcase. If you are not into riding rides or taking part in the waterpark fun, simply pay a small spectator fee at the door and only buy tickets for those that are participating. If your family or troop would like to camp out at a discounted rate, while earning a fun patch, contact Don Hurd at 574.583.4141.

$10/girl • $5/adult Session A: Feb 28 • 10 a.m.-noon Session B: Feb 28 • 1-3 p.m.

Note: Adults, if you want to participate, please register yourself as a girl to join in on the fun.

Cope Environmental Center 4910 Shoemaker Rd, Centerville

$18/girl • 1-day ride/water pass

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

$25/girl • 2-day ride/water pass $1/adult • 1 or 2-day pass.

Maple Sugaring

Session A: Jul 25 • 1-day ride/water pass

Grades: All

Session B: Jul 26 • 1-day ride/water pass

Office Code: 2056

See, smell and taste history at Prophetstown. We'll take a short hike to the woodlands, then head to the village to watch demonstrations of historic Native American-style maple sugaring by living history presenters.

Session C: Jul 25-26 • 2-day ride/water pass Session D: Aug 1 • 1-day ride/water pass Session E: Aug 2 • 1-day ride/water pass Session F: Aug 1-2 • 2-day ride/water pass

$2/girl • $3/adult

Indiana Beach Amusement Park 5224 E Indiana Beach Rd, Monticello

Session A: March 29 • noon-2 p.m. Session B: March 29 • 2-4 p.m.

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Prophetstown State Park 4112 SR 225 E, West Lafayette

Make Your Own Compass

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2056

Find out how magnets and compasses work, and make your own compass to take home and use after trying it out in the conservatory. $6/ girl • $2/ adult Session A: Mar 4 • 5:15-6:15 p.m. Session B: Mar 4 • 6:30- 7:30 p.m. Garfield Park Conservatory and Gardens 2505 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Sign up for any activity as a troop or do one on your own!

Maple Syrup Day

Mardi Gras Girl Scout Style

Grades: Family

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2050

A maple syrup day just for Girl Scouts and their families! Tour the sugar bush and learn the anatomy of a sugar maple, learn how pioneers and Native Americans made the sugary stuff, how we make syrup today and taste the results! Dress to be outdoors; it may be cold or very muddy. For ages 3 and up only. Fun patch included.

Learn the history of Mardi Gras and what it really means, enjoy authentic King Cakes and beignets from the French Quarter, dance in our New Orleans Mardi Gras Parade and make your own feather masks! A Silver Center Mardi Gras fun patch is included.

$7/girl • $7/adult

Feb 15 • 3-6 p.m.

Session A: Mar 8 • 10-11:30 a.m.

The Silver Centre 10710 Pendlton Pike, Indianapolis

$10/girl • $5/adult

Session B: Mar 8 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Southeastway Park Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811 5624 S Carroll Rd, New Palestine Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Mascara Wars Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Maple Syrup Harvest

Office Code: 3125

Grades: All

Session A: Feb 27 • 4:30-6 p.m.

What kind of mascara works the best? Do you have to spend tons of money for good mascara? We'll test different kinds of mascara to answer these questions. We will also discover how you can use all of your senses to help you relax in this very busy world. From music, to yoga, to aromatherapy, you will put relaxation into your own hands as we explore the science of relaxation. A part of this program was designed by girls for girls, thanks to troop #47. Fee includes program and a light breakfast. Please bring a snack to share.

Session B: Mar 6 • 4:30-6 p.m.

$15/girl • $2/adult

Harris Sugar Bush 999 E County Rd 325 N, Greencastle

April 11-12 • 7 p.m.-9 a.m.

Office Code: 2054

January marks the beginning of maple syrup season at the Harris Sugar Bush. Join us for a tour of the Sugar Shack and learn how maple syrup is changed from sap to the maple syrup you put on the table. Leave with a maple syrup harvest fun patch and your very own sample of fresh maple syrup. $6/girl • $4/adult

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809


Me & My Guy Fall Weekend

Me & My Gal Self-Defense

Grades: All

Grades: All

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2052

Enjoy this special weekend with your daughter! Stay in one of our platform tents or bring your own tent, and stay in the valley. Lunch and dinner will be provided. You will be to provide your own breakfast. Get ready to saddle up; this year's theme is "Dude Ranch." Ride horses, build campfires and get ready for a ropin' good time! This is a perfect way to spend quality time together.

Specializing in helping kids develop leadership skills and success-mindset as well as helping families spend quality family time together; Level 10 is not your average "kicking and punching" karate school. Work on self-defense skills and learn how to deal with bullies and peer pressure.

$12/girl • $12/adult

Session B: Apr 18 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

July 25-26 • 10 a.m.-noon

Level 10 5135 S Emerson Ave, Indianapolis

$10/girl • $10/adult Session A: Apr 11 • 1:30-3 p.m.

Camp Gallahue Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Mom & Me Tea

Money Manager at kidscommons

Grades: All

Grades: 2, 3

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 2052

Join the Pepperwhistle crew for a tea party fit for royalty. Bring along mom, grandma, or that special lady in your life to enjoy lunch, sweet treats, tea and a super fun, one-of-a-kind experience! Fun patch included.

Kick-off Money Smart Week with activities related to Money Manager badge. Learn how to use your financial resources wisely by participating in fun, hands-on activities. Fee covers exploration of the museum prior to or following the program.

$5/girl • $8/adult

$6/girl • $2/adult

Apr 25 • noon-2 p.m.

Apr 11 • 2-4 p.m.

Pepperwhistle Bakery & Café 106 N Main St, Kokomo

kidscommons: Columbus’ Community Children’s Museum 309 Washington St, Columbus

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834 Recognition: Money Manager

Money Counts at kidscommons Grades: K, 1

Monon Center: Animal Habitats

Office Code: 2052

Grades: 4, 5

Kick-off Money Smart Week with activities related to the Money Counts petal. Learn how to use your financial resources wisely by participating in fun, hands-on activities such as shopping with your elf money. Fee covers exploration of the museum following the program.

Office Code: 2051

Come on out to Founder’s Park and learn about the animal habitats right here in the city. You will learn about Indiana wildlife and the places they live. We will take a walk outside, if the weather $6/girl • $2/adult permits, to investigate places creatures live. Please dress for the weather and bring along Apr 11 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m. your hat and mittens. You will be surprised by kidscommons: Columbus’ Community Children’s the number of animal habitats right in your own Museum backyard. 309 Washington St, Columbus $7/girl • $1/adult Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834 Feb 28 • 10-11 a.m. Recognition: Money Counts Monon Community Center 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: Animal Habitats


Monon Center: Animal Helpers

Monon Center: Camper

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2051

People and animals have been working together for years. Animals have been providing us with food, clothing and transportation for ages. We will explore how animals keep us safe and provide companionship. You will also find out how animals help people with disabilities.

How fast can you set up a tent? Build a fire? Tie a bowline? Join us at Founder’s Park to learn a few camping skills. You will spend time setting up a tent, making a treat and learning about the creatures visiting your campsite. Dress for the weather, and plan on getting a little dirty.

$7/girl • $1/adult

$7/girl • $1/adult

Feb 21 • 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Mar 28 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Monon Community Center 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Monon Community Center 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Recognition: Animal Helpers

Recognition: Camper

Monon Center: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs…

Monon Center: Hiker

Grades: 2, 3

Grades: 2, 3

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2051

Come on out to Central Park and see insects in action. We will grab a butterfly net, and head out on the trail to catch spring insects. You will search for insect homes, look under logs and build a bug. Dress for the weather, and wear good walking shoes.

Have you ever planned a hike for your troop? We will plan a hike, learn hiking skills and take a hike on the trails of Central Park. You will learn what you need for a good outdoor adventure. Dress for the weather and wear good shoes for walking. You may even find your own hiking stick!

$7/girl • $1/adult

$7/girl • $1/adult

May 2 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Mar 28 • 10-11:30 a.m.

Monon Community Center 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Monon Community Center 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Recognition: Bugs

Recognition: Hiker


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Monon Center: Pets

Monon Center: Home Scientist

Grades: 2, 3

Grades: 2, 3

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2051

We will learn about different types of pets. Some are cute and cuddly, but others can be slithery and lumpy. Do you have a favorite animal? When you finish this badge you will know how to pick out the best pet for you. We will spend time learning how to care for different types of pets.

Want to be a kitchen chemist, create static electricity or cause something to bubble up? We will have fun playing with science. This badge will help you discover science all around you. Bring along your imagine and discovery skills. $7/girl • $1/adult

$7/girl • $1/adult

Apr 18 • 10-11:30 a.m.

Feb 21 • 10-11 a.m.

Monon Community Center 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Monon Community Center 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Recognition: Home Scientist

Recognition: Pets

Monon Center: Learn Your Trees

Monon Center: Spring Wildflowers

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Grades: 4, 5

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2051

It’s time to learn your trees! Can you tell how old a tree is without cutting it down? Why do you get syrup from a maple and not an oak? We will hike along the trails at Founder’s Park and learn about Indiana trees. Dress for the weather, and bring along a tote bag to collect tree samples.

We will check out the forest floor looking for spring wildflowers. Each spring before the leaves get big and shade the ground spring flowers pop up. We can find Spring Beauties, Trout Lilly’s and Marsh Marigolds. Dress for the weather and wear good walking shoes. See you on the trail!

$7/girl • $1/adult

$7/girl • $1/adult

Apr 18 • 1-2:30 p.m.

May 2 • 10-11:15 a.m.

Monon Community Center 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Monon Community Center 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Recognition: Trees

Recognition: Flowers


Monon Center: Trail Blazer

Music Day at Butler Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2051

Visit Butler University and participate in our first Scouting for Music Day! The sisters of Tau Beta Sigma and other students from Jordan College of the Arts will be hosting a day of fun that gives you the chance to experience music on a college campus. You will be able to learn about different instruments and composers, see a live concert and even create your own musical performance. Bring a sack lunch. During your lunch you will participate in a guided tour of the campus.

Have you ever thought about blazing a trail in the woods? You will learn how to use a map and orienteering compass. We will start out by learning how to use the compass and then head outside to practice. Each group of girls will navigate a small course on the trails of Central Park. Dress for the weather. $7/girl • $1/adult Mar 28 • 3-4:30 p.m. Monon Community Center 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

$5/girl • $1/adult

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Butler University 4600 Sunset Blvd,Indianapolis

Apr 25

Recognition: Trailblazing

Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811

Monon Center: Water, Water, Everywhere…

Recognition: Music

Grades: 2, 3

Musical Petting Zoo

Office Code: 2051

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Just what do you know about water? It’s wet, homes for animals, we can’t live without it and it’s everywhere. Water can be liquid, solid, or gas. We will conduct experiments with water and visit a water habitat. Dress for the weather.

Office Code: 2052

Monon Community Center 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

What do a violin, viola, cello and bass all have in common? They are all instruments of the string family which YOU now have the opportunity to try out firsthand! Discover how each one sounds and looks when played. You will also get to create your very own musical instrument! This program will help Girl Scout Juniors earning their Musician badge, but sessions are open to a variety of ages.

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

$4/girl • $2/adult

Recognition: World of Water Journey

Session A: Feb 24 • 5:30-6:15 p.m. (Grades K, 1, 2, 3,)

$7/girl • $1/adult May 2 • 3-4:30 p.m.

Session B: Mar 10 • 5:30-6:15 p.m. (Grades K, 1, 2, 3,) Session C: Apr 14 • 5:30-6:15 p.m. (Grades 4, 5) Session D: May 5 • 5:30-6:15 p.m. (Grades 4, 5) Columbus Indiana Philharmonic 315 Franklin St, Columbus Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Night at the Museum: Girl Scout Style!

NXG Racing Experience

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2051

Test your "motor" skills with the NXG driving experience!

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Calling all Girl Scout Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes! Enjoy an evening of Girl Scout traditions while earning your Girl Scout Way badge. This unique overnight will focus on Girl Scouting traditions created by Juliette Gordon Low and the many girls that have followed in her footsteps.

Find the fastest way around the race course by discovering the math and science behind performance driving. Apply skills and information gained from both classroom and on-track exercises. You will find yourself at the wheel of a 200cc engine-powered go-kart as you navigate turns on this outdoor track. Try for your best lap in an autocross competition!

$39/girl • $30/adult Mar 13-14 • 7 p.m.-10 a.m. Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal 1301 Western Ave, Cincinnati, OH

Girls must be between 12 and 16 years old, proficient in 5th grade level math and science. (Restrictions: height 4’-6” to 5’-10” and weight 75-180 lbs)

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: Girl Scout Way

$25/girl • $1/adult April 11 • 8 a.m.-noon

Night with the Stars Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


Office Code: 3125

Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859

Join us for a night with the stars at the Math and Science Center. Explore the skies with our stateof-the-art telescopes along with doing some fun astronomy activities.

Our World: We Can Make it Better Grades: All Office Code: 2051

Cadettes: This program will help you to complete steps 1 and 4 of the Night Owl badge! Fee includes program, astronomy patch and a light breakfast. Please bring a snack to share.

We will discuss the importance of taking care of our environment, what can be recycled at home, the significance of trees and plants and how to save energy at home. We will conclude the evening by making a plant pot to take home and take care of it as it continues to grow. Any age is welcome, as we continue to learn about our world! Girls working towards the It's Your PlanetLove It journey would be able to use this program.

$8/girl • $2/adult March 20-21 • 7 p.m.-9 a.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809

$2/girl • $1/adult

Recognition: Night Owl Steps 1 and 4

Apr 14 • 6-8 p.m. Ball State University Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: It's Your Planet Love It


Owl Adaptations

Pacer Pride Family Night

Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Grades: Family

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2050

Explore the adaptations that make owls a top nocturnal predator. Learn about the types of owls that live at Monroe Lake, and go for an owl prowl and attempt to "call in" a real owl!

Family Fun! Your family will enjoy the thrills of watching a Pacers take on the Charolette Hornets live with discounted tickets, food voucher and gift. On court experiences avilable for girls who register early.

$4/girl • $1/adult

$15/upper balcony • $29/lower balcony

Feb 22 • 3-5 p.m.

Apr 3 • 7 p.m. Monroe Lake 4850 S SR 446, Bloomington Bankers Life Fieldhouse 125 S Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811

P&G Gymnastics Championships

Palette Room Canvas Fun

Grades: Family

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Office Code: 2050

Office Code: 2054

The P&G Gymnastics Championships: Sr Women's -Final Day showcases the country’s best male and female gymnasts, as well as determines the U.S. Champions and U.S. National team for junior and senior elite levels. This annual competition includes a long list of past competitors that reads like a who’s who list of gymnastics! Previous competitors include Fierce Five Members; Gabby Douglas, Aly Raisman, McKyala Maroney, Jordyn Wieber and Kyla Ross. Past champions include Mary Lou Retton, Shannon Miller, Shawn Johnson, Nastia Liukin, Sam Mikulak and World Champion Simone Biles! Join USA Gymnastics for an exciting night of competition as the best female gymnasts compete to be crowned the next national champion! For more information, visit PGChamps. com. Fun patch included.

Join Marcie and the Palette Room crew at the Solstice Art Gallery for a fun filled afternoon of painting fun! By first drawing your art masterpiece, painting your very own canvas will be a breeze. Enjoy a snack, drink and special palette room fun patch. $27/girl • $1/adult Session A: Apr 25 • 10:30 a.m.-noon (Grades 2-5) Session B: Apr 25 • 1:30-3 p.m. (Grades 6-12) The Palette Room at the Solstice Art Gallery 2906 S Reed Rd, Ste 200, Kokomo Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

$30/girl • $30/adult Aug 15 • 7:30 p.m. Bankers Life Fieldhouse 125 S Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Invitational

Pastries & Painting Grades: 2, 3

Grades: Family

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2052

In this fun workshop, you will learn the step by step process to creating your very own piece of art, while enjoying a delicious pastry! Learn how to paint using a variety of paint techniques and mediums. At the end of this day, Girl Scout Brownies will earn their Painting badge. Registration fee includes the workshop, supplies and one pastry.

If you enjoy listening and watching musical concerts, join us for a local string concert performed by more than 100 middle school aged musicians. Four local orchestras will come together to rehearse and perform pieces for the first time. This is something you do not want to miss.

$21/girl • $1/adult

$2/girl • adults free

Feb 28 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Mar 1 • 7-8 p.m.

Cornerstone Center for the Arts 520 E Main St, Muncie

The Commons 328 Jackson St, Columbus

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Recognition: Painting

Pizzeria Chef

Phantoscope High School Film Festival

Grades: All

Grades: Family

Have you ever wondered how to make pizza from scratch? Join the owner for a tour of a real pizza kitchen, then learn from the pizzeria pros how to toss, top and bake your very own pizza! After the baking is done, enjoy your handmade pizza and drink with your other Girl Scout pizza chefs. Fun patch included.

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 2050

Phantoscope is an opportunity for you to show your filmmaking prowess in a public forum on the big screen. You will get to see firsthand what fellow filmmakers are doing to make their films the best they can possibly be. Attending the event provides a great learning experience for both novice and seasoned high school directors. Students in grades 9-12 are eligible to apply for their very own film to be a part of the festival. Contact Joann Hann at jhann@indianamuseum.org for film submission information.

$5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Mar 5 • 5:30-6:30 p.m. Session B: Mar 7 • 11 a.m.-noon Arni's Monticello 517 N Main St, Monticello Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

$5/girl • $5/adult Apr 18 • TBA Indiana State Museum 650 W Washington St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811


Program Aide Online Program Aide

Putt Putt Par-tee

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Grades: All

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2051

This training will equip you to work with younger Girl Scouts. A Program Aide is a girl who uses leadership skills to share her interests and experiences with younger girls. This also makes your troop eligible for several council opportunities such as Junior Jam Judges. You must be a Girl Scout Cadette in grades 6,7,or 8. Please register, so we know which troops/ individuals are doing the training. This learning session is done on your own time. Please go to: leadership development under "girls" on our website to find the training. After doing the training, girls who complete 25 hours of volunteering with troops will earn the Program Aide patch.

Grab a friend and head on over to the putting green. Learn about golf on the driving range and on a mini golf course. Practice your swing and work on your skills to become a future LPGA champion.


Random Snacks of GOODness


Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Office Code: 2051

Recognition: Program Aide pin

Join us at Good's Candy Shoppe in Anderson to learn about the history of chocolate and the chocolate process (from bean to bar). In addition, you'll learn about the history of ice cream and the ice cream process (from cow to cone) as well as the engineering of machines and equipment used in making ice cream. Finish the day by making your own ice cream treats and learning how to make delicious ice cream at home too! Includes a fun "Good's Candy Shoppe" patch as well as takehome goodies.

$7/girl • $7/adult Apr 19 • 1-8 p.m River's Edge Family Golf Center 1921 N Huntington Rd, Marion Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Purdue Spring Fest Grades: Family Office Code: 2053

Spring Fest is Purdue University's annual event showcasing the lighter side of higher education. This event is a great opportunity for Girl Scouts of all ages to learn about animals, art, and much more in two full days of hands-on activities. It's part education, part entertainment and all fun! Working with your troop, family, or a group of friends, spend the day completing different activities to earn a special Girl Scout patch. Program fee covers the cost of the patch only; it does not include parking or any cost incurred while attending the festival.

$14/girl • $14/adult Session A: Feb 28 • 1-3 p.m. Session B: Mar 28 • 1-3 p.m. Good's Candy Shop 1423 W 53rd St, Anderson Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Note: Adults and siblings only need to registered for the program if they would like to also receive the patch, otherwise admission to the festival is free. $3/girl • $3 /adult Session A: Apr 18 • 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Session B: Apr 19 • 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Purdue University, West Lafayette Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions


Roller Skating 101

Grades: All

Grades: All

Office Code: 2052

Office Code: 2054

Dust off those roller skates and roll around to your favorite songs at this exclusive Girl Scout event hosted by Franklin Skate Club. Don't have a pair of skates? No problem. You can rent a pair for $1.50. Food and drinks are available for an additional cost. Fun patch included.

Come and learn the basics of roller skating, or if your already a pro; develop some new tricks! Fun patch included.

$5/girl • $5/adult

Hot Skates 241 Casco Dr, Avon

$8/girl • $3/adult Feb 10 • 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Mar 21 • 3:30-6 p.m.

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Franklin Skate Club 2680 N Morton St, Franklin

Roller Skating with Royalty

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Grades: All Office Code: 2051

Roll and Zap at Skate America

Princesses and queens from near and far will enjoy an evening of fitness fun. A special royal guest will visit with you and share what it takes to be a queen.

Grades: Family Office Code: 2054

Grab your roller skates, and get ready to have some fun. Enjoy an afternoon of skating, laser tag, and music! You will receive unlimited pizza and soda with your admission. Bring a non-Girl Scout friend to be entered in a drawing for more prizes! Fun patch included.

$4/girl • $2/adult Mar 15 • 4:30-6:30 p.m. Idyll Wyld Roller Palace 4013 S Meridian St, Marion Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Note: Adults, if you want to participate, please register yourself as a girl to join in on the fun!

Recognition: Healthy Living

$10/girl • $1/adult

Rosie’s Story

Mar 8 • 1:30-4 p.m.

Skate America Grades: K, 1 Office Code: 2051 135 S Earl Ave, Lafayette Girl Scouts and family will spend an afternoon with Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857 Rosie the Rose learning how to make the world a better place. Hear Rosie’s story about her trip to the beach and enjoy a delightful picnic snack. At the end of this day, Daisies will have earned their Petal badge. $6/girl • $1/adult Feb 7 • 1- 2 p.m. Cornerstone Center for the Arts 520 E Main St, Muncie Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: Rosie Petal


Royal Etiquette Tea

Science of Chocolate

Grades: All

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 3125

Take in the exquisite historic Crystal Tea Room house, built in the 1900's, at this royal tea party fit for a queen! Join your fellow Girl Scouts for finger sandwiches, fruit, desserts and tea as we learn manners and etiquette. Bring along someone special along to share this fun filled day. Fun patch included.

Hey, chocolate lovers, want to learn the ins-and -outs of chocolate? We'll learn where chocolate comes from, and yes, we'll be tasting different kinds of chocolate! Come, find out about the science behind chocolate. Science of chocolate fun patch included.

$12/girl • $12/adult

Session A: Feb 9 • 5-6:15 p.m.

$5/girl • $5/adult

Session A: Mar 14 • 2-4:30 p.m. (Grades K-5)

Session B: Feb 9 • 6:45-8 p.m.

Session B: Mar 21 • 2-4:30 p.m. (Grades 6-12)

Session C: Feb 10 • 5-6:15 p.m.

Crystal Tea Room 502 W Jefferson St, Kokomo

Session D: Feb 10 • 6:45-8 p.m. Session E: Feb 13 • 5-6:15 p.m.

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Session F: Feb 13 • 6:45-8 p.m. Session G: Feb 14 • 1-2:15 p.m.


Session H: Feb 14 • 3-4:15 p.m.

Grades: Family

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd. Indianapolis

Office Code: 2050

Sankofa features Singsation, a unique choirfest as well as film in Legacy Theater on AfricanAmerican inventors. One of the more popular activities is the cultural organizations fair, which features more than 20 local businesses and organizations, primarily African-American. The festival showcases the best live music, Africandrumming and dance, storytelling and much more for visitors of all ages. Since the program deals with West African culture, an art making station is set up for Adinkra, which is one of the textile arts of Ghana. Unique to the festival in 2014 will be the Sankofa Community Reading Chain, which will feature community leaders reading passages from a children’s book [to be determined]. The program, co-presented by Indianapolis-based IndyReads, Inc., celebrates reading literacy and draws attention to the importance of reading together as a family.

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809

Screenwriting for Fun Grades: 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2051

With the perfect balance of fun and learning, you will explore the world of screenwriting. Students will focus on story ideas, character creation and development, building plots and writing their own script! At the end of this workshop, Cadettes will earn their Screenwriter badge. $11/girl • $1/adult Feb 15 • 1-3:30 p.m. Cornerstone Center for the Arts 520 E Main St, Muncie

$5/girl • $5/adult

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Feb 7 • 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

Recognition: Screenwriter

Indiana State Museum 650 W Washington St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Sign up for any activity as a troop or do one on your own!

Shrimp Farm

Silly Safaris Program for Daisies

Grades: Family

Grades: K, 1

Office Code: 2054

Office Code: 3125

There really is more than corn in Indiana. Join us for an up close and personal look at 500,000 shrimp raised right here in Indiana. Learn all about shrimp and shrimp farming, aquaculture, ask your questions to the pros, take a tour of the farm, and taste the freshest shrimp nearly 800 miles away from the Gulf. This program is open to all Girl Scouts and their families. Fun patch included.

Join the fun with Silly Safaris as you learn about different kinds of animals. A Silly Safaris' funologist will be leading you through the program as you interact with different animals. This will be a very high-energy show so come ready to have fun and learn about animals! Math and Science Center fun patch included. $7/girl • $1/adult

$5/girl • $5/adult

March 14 • noon-1 p.m.

Mar 7 • 10-11 a.m.

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

RDM Aquaculture, LLC 101 N 850 E, Fowler

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Skate Healthy

Silly Safaris Pets Badge for Brownies

Grades: All Office Code: 2054

Grades: 2, 3

Did you know skating is a great form of exercise and healthy living? Enjoy a fun way of exercising by roller skating the night away. Also, learn about how to live healthy and earn your Healthy Living badge and a skating fun patch!

Office Code: 3125

Have a pet, want a pet or just love animals? Learn all about different kinds of animals as a Silly Safaris' funologist leads you through the program. You will get to interact with different animals. This will be a very high-energy show, so come ready to have fun and learn about animals! You will also be earning your Pets badge. Girls will receive the Pets badge.

$8/girl • $3/adult Apr 21 • 5:30-8:30 p.m. Hot Skates 241 Casco Dr, Avon

$7/girl • $1/adult

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

March 14 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Recognition: Healthy Living

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809 Recognition: Pets


Sleep with the Manatees

Spin the Wheel

Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2050

Have fun sleeping with the manatees at the Cincinnati Zoo. On this overnighter you will learn about biodiversity, eco-regions, the Florida manatee and human impact. You will get a behind the scenes tour of the manatee tank and visit the bird house and world of insects. The event includes zoo admission for Sunday, so when your overnight is over, you can explore the rest of the day! Also included in your fee is a special manatee patch and breakfast.

Create a clay project by hand and on the pottery wheel. Potter Jeremy South takes you step-bystep through building bowls on the potter’s wheel and plates, picture frames or turtles by hand. Projects take 3-4 weeks for pick up or delivery to or by the troop leader. Fun patch included.

Note: Registration closes one month prior to the event so arrangements can be secured.

Session C: Apr 26 • 1-2:30 p.m.

$19/girl • $1/adult Session A: Mar 8 • 1-2:30 p.m. Session B: Mar 8 • 3:30-5 p.m. Session D: Apr 26 • 3:30-5 p.m.

$37/girl • $35/adult

Session E: May 17 • 1-2:30 p.m.

May 2-3 • 7 p.m.-9 a.m.

Session F: May 17 • 3:30-5 p.m.

Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 3400 Vine St, Cincinnati, OH

The Art Lab 2070 E 54th St, Indianapolis

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811

Recognition: Animals

Spring Concert in Columbus

Society of Women Engineers' Girl Scout Day at Purdue University

Grades: Family Office Code: 2052

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Ever wonder what it is like to see an orchestra play on stage? Join us as we watch a performance by the Columbus Philharmonic Youth Orchestra made up of more than 50 students in grades 5-12. A short Q&A session will follow. Fun patch included. If you enjoy this program and want to try your hand at playing a string instrument, check out the Musical Petting Zoo program.

Office Code: 2053

Come to Purdue University for a day of hands-on, educational and fun engineering activities! You will have the opportunity to work with student and professional engineers in four activities which demonstrate several areas of engineering. Learn more about what goes on behind the scenes of everyday objects you might take for granted! Girl fee includes activity, patch and lunch. Adult fee includes lunch.

$2/girl • adults free Apr 19 • 4-5 p.m.

$10/girl • $3/adult Session A: Feb 14 • 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. (Grades 2-5)

North Christian Church 850 Tipton Ln, Columbus

$12/girl • $3/adult

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Session A: Mar 1 • 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. (Grades 6-8) Purdue University, West Lafayette Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Spring Fling Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2050

Come out for fun, crafts, breakfast and the best egg hunt ever. Fee includes breakfast, craft, egg hunt and fun patch. Apr 4 • 9 a.m.-noon $7/girl • $4/adult Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girl School Rd, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811

Star Light, Star Bright Grades: Family Office Code: 2054

Do you want to know what stars, planets, nebulae, galaxies and the moon look like? Visit the DePauw University McKim observatory for an open house to peer through the refractor and see all of these neat objects. Weather is a big factor for this program, and in the event of cloud cover or strong wind, the program will be cancelled, and you will be completely refunded. This program is open to all Girl Scouts and their families. Fun patch included. $3/girl • $3/adult Session A: Mar 13 • 8-10 p.m.

STEM Chicago Style

Session B: Apr 3 • 8:30-10 p.m.

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Session C: Apr 17 • 8:30-10 p.m.

Office Code: 3125

DePauw University McKim Observatory 1 DePauw Ave, Greencastle

Join us for a day of discovering STEM in the windy city. We will leave on a bus early Saturday morning and end up at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. Here, you will see the largest science museum in the Western Hemisphere, a storm in action, more than 35,000 artifacts and more! Price includes: Bus, ticket, museum, lunch (sandwiches), and dinner (pizza).

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

$80/girl • $80/adult Mar 7 • 7 a.m.-11 p.m. Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis / Chicago, IL Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809 or Barb Nichols or 317.924.6864


Striving for Silver Classroom

Striving for Silver Webinar

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2053

Office Code: 2053

Are you interested in earning your Girl Scout Silver Award - the highest honor a Girl Scout Cadette can earn? If so, then this informational session is the best place for you to start. We'll outline each of the eight steps required on the path toward earning your Girl Scout Silver Award. You will also take a closer look at what is required to choose, design, and implement a Girl Scout Silver Award Take Action project. While this session is recommended for any girl interested in pursuing her Girl Scout Silver Award, you are encouraged to invite adult mentors (Girl Scout leader, parent, etc.) who will be supporting you during the process to also attend.

Note: This is the same training as the Striving for Silver Classroom.

Note: This is the same training as the Striving for Silver Webinar.


All participants must have access to high speed Internet with either a speaker/microphone or a telephone (preferably a speaker phone). Web cam not required $2/girl • adults free Session 1: Feb 18 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session 2: Mar 17 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session 3: Apr 23 • 5:30-7 p.m. Session 4: May 13 • 5:30-7 p.m. Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859

$4/girl • $1/adult Session A: Mar 28 • 1-2:30 p.m.

Symphony Medley

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Bloomington

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Session B: Apr 12 • 2:30-4 p.m.

Camp Sycamore Valley 8439 State Rd 26 E, Lafayette

How did the orchestra come to be? Hear the tale and try your own hand at playing and creating an instrument. Girl Scout Juniors will earn their Musician badge. Afterwards, you can take a photo with a guest artist and watch the Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra perform a concert. This is a musical adventure you won't want to miss.

Session D: Apr 26 • 2:30-4 p.m.

$6/girl • $1/adult

Office Code: 2052

Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo Session C: Apr 19 • 2:30-4 p.m.

Camp Ada Session A: Mar 7 • 5:30-9:30 p.m. 4731 W County Rd 600 S, Spiceland Session B: Apr 18 • 5:30-9:30 p.m. Session E: May 2 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saint Stephens Episcopal Church Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

215 N 7th St, Terre Haute

Session F: May 3 • 2:30-4 p.m.

Recognition: Musician

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Session G: May 9 • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Tech Savvy Girls Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2051

Learn how to use all the latest Microsoft software technologies: Girl Scout Daisies, learn about the violet petal and how to use technology to keep in touch with others. Girl Scout Brownies, learn how to paint a digital picture; participate in an internet research project; letter writing; and learn a new internet game! Girl Scout Juniors, learn how to be a digital photographer and the techniques of the entertainment industry. Girl Scout Cadettes, learn about how to be safe while using the web and how to make movies. Fee includes badge and a snack. $3/girl • $1/adult Violet Petal (Grades K, 1) Session A: Mar 1 • 2:30-5:30 p.m. Session B: May 17 • 2:30-5:30 p.m. Digital Photographer (Grades 4, 5) Session C: Mar 8 • 2:30-5:30 p.m. Session D: Apr 12 • 2:30-5:30 p.m. Entertainment Technology (Grades 4, 5) Session E: Mar 15 • 2:30-5:30 p.m. Session F: Apr 19 • 2:30-5:30 p.m. Digital Movie Maker (Grades 6, 7, 8) Session G: Mar 22 • 2:30-5:30 p.m.

Take the Stage

Session H: May 3 • 2:30-5:30 p.m.

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Computer Expert (Grades 2, 3)

Office Code: 2051

Session I: Apr 5 • 2:30-5:30 p.m.

This workshop will build confidence and comfort when you are speaking to a group, performing a dramatic piece or delivering a presentation. The instructor will teach you how to use proper body language and portray emotions while delivering an original piece or performing one that already exists.

Session J: May 10 • 2:30-5:30 p.m. Netiquette (Grades 6, 7, 8) Session K: Apr 26 • 2:30-5:30 p.m. Microsoft Store, The Fashion Mall Keystone 8701 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

$11/girl • $1/adult March 1 • 1-2:30 p.m. Cornerstone Center for the Arts 520 E Main St, Muncie Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: Public Speaking


Terra Cotta Dream

The "Other" Life in a Lake

Grades: All

Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2056

Bugs, flowers and soil…oh my! The houseplant specialists at Allisonville Nursery will teach you all about getting and caring for your very own house plant. You will leave with a potted plant and some very special trinkets to accessorize your plant. Girls working on the It's Your Planet-Love it journey can use this program.

When people think about lake animals they usually list fish, turtles, frogs and other larger animals, but there is a diverse group of "tiny" animals, too! Learn why these micro invertebrates are important, build an underwater "scope" to aid in observation and practice finding and identifying these animals.

$12/girl • $1/adult

$4/girl • $1/adult

Session A: Feb 10 • 4:45-5:30 p.m.

Jul 19 • 10-11:30 a.m.

Session B: Feb 26 • 4:45-5:30 p.m.

Monroe Lake 4850 S SR 446, Bloomington

Session C: Mar 3 • 4:45-5:30 p.m.

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Session D: Mar 12 • 4:45-5:30 p.m. Allisonville Nursery 11405 Allisonville Rd, Fishers

The Place for Girls!

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Recognition: It's Your Planet Love It

Office Code: 2053

Learn about careers in science, engineering, biology and other STEM disciplines. It’s your ticket for a journey around our increasingly technological world! Participate in hands-on experiments and interactive exhibits designed to inspire girls to discover more about biology, chemistry, engineering, manufacturing, computer science and much more.

The Cat in the Hat Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Office Code: 2051

The Cat in the Hat is the perfect friend for a boring rainy afternoon. From games and mischief to Thing One and Thing Two, The Cat brings all sorts of trouble to this grey day— but will Sally and her brother be able to explain the mess to Mother? Join your fellow Girl Scouts for this Dr. Suess classic and explore the It's Your Story-Tell It journey with fun activities prior to the start of the show. Program activities 4-5 p.m. Show begins at 5 p.m.

$7 girl / $6 adult Mar 7 • 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Conner Prairie Interactive History Park 13400 Allisonville Rd, Fishers Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859

$10/girl • $8/adult Feb 28 • 4-6 p.m. Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre 3 Center Green, Ste 200, Carmel Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: It's Your Story Tell It


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Time travel with Mr. Peabody and Sherman

Touching Lives with Technology

Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Office Code: 3125

Office Code: 2051

Wonder just how technology can touch lives? We will show you as we investigate STEM and how it truly makes some people have a better livable life. We will also explore how technology can help people with disabilities. Will you be able to touch a live with your career? Come and find some that do! See how STEM is being used to help those in need. STEM fun patch included.

Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Hop in the Girl Scout time machine with Mr. Peabody and Sherman for a fun movie night! Discover talented women in history, and have fun getting into character. $5/girl • $3/adult Mar 27 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

$5/girl • $1/adult Session A: Apr 18 • 9 a.m.-noon (Grades 4, 5, 6, 7)

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Session B: Apr 18 • 1-4 p.m. (Grades 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)

Recognition: Storytelling

Math and Science Center, Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Top-Secret Personal Beeswax Journal

Contact: Katie Wahlstrom • 317.924.6809 or Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859

Grades: Family Office Code: 2052

Tree Cookies

Outspoken, precocious, lovable Junie B. Jones stars in a colorful, funny, fast-paced musical about new friends, new glasses, sugar cookies, the annual kickball tournament and other various first-grade angst-ridden situations. Follow her adventures as she writes down the story of her life in her “Top-Secret Personal Beeswax Journal.” If you are working on a badge, bring questions for the Q&A session after the performance. Fun patch included.

Grades: 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2056

Trees are essential to our everyday life. They produce oxygen, provide food and building products, and clean the air. Learn about the important role trees play in our society, how they survive and grow, and how to be a tree steward. $3/girl • $2/adult

$8/girl • $18/adult

May 2 • 1-3 p.m.

Apr 19 • 4-5:15 p.m.

Hayes Arboretum 801 Elks Rd, Richmond

Ivy Tech John Waldron Auditorium 122 S Walnut St, Bloomington

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Recognition: Trees

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834


Trees for Cadettes

uPaint Mother's Day

Grades: 6, 7, 8

Grades: All

Office Code: 2056

Office Code: 2054

Learn all about the wonderful world of trees- from the shade to the science, the fruit to the forest and the legends to the lumber. To know trees is to love them! You will earn and receive the Trees badge to take it home with you!

Experience the world of painting pottery! See firsthand how bisque pieces are fired in the kiln. Paint a Mother’s Day themed piece of pottery using your creativity with all different stamps, stencils, and sponges. Fee includes pottery and supplies. Completed pieces can be picked up later or shipped for an additional charge. Workshop is for girls only. Fun patch included.

$6/girl • $1/adult Apr 29 • 5-6:30 p.m.

Eagle Creek Park $13/girl • $1/adult 6515 Delong Rd, Indianapolis Session A: Apr 30 • 6 p.m. Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864 Session B: May 2 • 9 a.m. Recognition: Trees uPaint Pottery Studio 1820 E Main St, Plainfield

uPaint Valentines Day

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Grades: All Office Code: 2054

VIP Prom Event

Experience the world of painting pottery! See first-hand how bisque pieces are fired in the kiln. Paint a Valentine themed piece of pottery using your creativity with all different stamps, stencils, and sponges. Fee includes pottery and supplies. Completed pieces can be picked up later or shipped for an additional charge. Workshop is for girls only. Fun patch included.

Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Office Code: 2050

Are you excited about prom season? Come out to Icing for this exclusive VIP Party, and receive makeovers and accessory consultation for your fabulous prom look! You will receive a $5 Icing gift card and personalized makeup and fashion consultation from fashion experts.

$13/girl • $1/adult

$10/girl • $1/adult

Feb 5 • 6 p.m.

Session A: Mar 1 • 6-8 p.m.

uPaint Pottery Studio 1820 E Main St, Plainfield

Icing, Greenwood Park Mall US 31, Geenwood

Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Session B: Mar 8 • 6-8 p.m. Icing Castelton Square Mall 6020 E 82nd St, Indianapolis Contact: Kendra Nowell • 317.924.6811 Recognition: It's Your Story Tell It


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

Visit the Mine

Volksmarch For Fun!

Grades: Family

Grades: Family

Office Code: 2052

Office Code: 2056

Visit Shireman Homestead to learn about the history of miniature horses and coal mining. View a model coal mine, take a wagon ride across a covered bridge, explore the natural obstacle course and general store, and visit with all the miniature animals at the farm. Don't forget to bring a sack lunch.

What is Volksmarch? A fun walking program for your troop or your family. Girl Scouts is committed to getting healthy and want you to join us! Register for a walk and receive: the AVA Girl Scouts walk together patch, a button to commemorate each walk and a log book that you can get stamped for each walk. The first walk costs $10, and the next walk you register for is $5.

$8/girl • $8/adult

$10/girl • $10/adult

May 9 • 1-3 p.m.

Session A: Mar 21 • 9-4 p.m. Shireman Homestead 7060 W 200 N, Columbus Eagle Creek State Park 7840 W 56th St, Indianapolis Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834 Session B: Apr 18 • 9-4 p.m. Monon Greenway 1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel

VIT Online Learning Grades: 9, 10 ,11, 12

Session C: Apr 25 • 9-4 p.m.

Office Code: 2056

TBA • Bloomington

Volunteer in Training (VIT) is the second part of our leadership series. This activity is offered for Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors. Becoming a VIT gives you the opportunity to help troops and continue with your help with council events. Please register online so we know you have taken the course.

Session D: May 2 • 9-4 p.m. Metamora, grist mill and canal Session E: May 24 • 9-4 p.m.


Noblesville, Potter's Covered Bridge 19401 N Allisonville Rd, Noblesville

Session A: Jan 1

Session F: Aug 22 • 9-4 p.m.

Session B: Feb 1

Brown County State Park, Nashville

Session C: Mar 1

Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

Session D: Apr 1 Session E: May 1

Walking Stick Workshop

Session F: Jun 1

Grades: All Office Code: 2056

Session G: Jul 1

Get ready for spring hiking! Make your very own walking stick with rope. Handle and decorate it in your own style with burning tools, beads and more!

Session H: Aug 1 Online Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864

$5/girl • $5/adult

Recognition: VIT pin

Mar 1 • 2-4 p.m. Prophetstown State Park 4112 SR 225 E, West Lafayette Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864


Wind Energy Grades: Family Office Code: 2054

Have you ever wondered what makes a giant wind mill turn? Have you ever wanted to get an up close look and actually touch on of the blades? Join us for a tour of Indiana’s First Wind Warm. Enjoy a video presentation, ask your questions to the pros, walk up and touch a blade, and take a visit to a complete turbine. This program is open to all Girl Scouts and their families. All girls receive a special Wind Energy patch. $5/girl • $5/adult Apr 11 • 10 a.m.-noon Fowler Annex Building 410 S Adeway, Fowler Contact: Brittany McCallister • 317.924.6857

Woodworking with WiCM Grades: 6, 7, 8 Office Code: 2053

Women in Construction Management (WiCM) invites you to learn wood working skills in order to gain your Woodworker badge. Visit the construction lab at Purdue University to learn how to use a hammer, saw and level all while making a stylish project of your own. $10/girl • $1/adult Feb 28 • 8 a.m. - noon Purdue University, West Lafayette

Wildflower Walk

Contact: Jaime Hubbard • 317.924.6859

Grades: All Office Code: 2056

Enjoy the beauty of spring during this moderate wildflower hike. We'll learn how to identify plants using field guides, discover their unique uses of food and more. Then, go off the trail to harvest the garlic mustard plant to help our Indiana wildflowers. $2/girl • $2/adult Session A: Apr 26 • 2-4 p.m. Session B: May 3 • 2-4 p.m. Prophetstown State Park 4112 SR 225 E, West Lafayette Contact: Barb Nichols • 317.924.6864


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116

Program activity descriptions

World Class Women

Xanadu: Magical Adventure

Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Grades: Family

Office Code: 2051

Office Code: 2051

Step into the Legends Museum at CMG Worldwide and surround yourself with amazing historical items that have once belonged to Amelia Earhart, Billie Holiday and Florence Griffith Joyner. Those are just a few of the women legends represented by CMG. Take of a tour of the museum to celebrate Women's History Month.

Join Actors Theatre of Indiana for the hilarious, roller skating musical adventure about following your dreams. Based on the Universal Pictures’ cult classic movie of the same title, “roll along” to favorite songs like, Magic, All Over The World, Suddenly, Have You Never Been Mellow and of course...Xanadu! Immediately following the performance, we will present a private educational “talk back” with the cast of XANADU. This is your chance to meet the ensemble and discover what happens behind the scenes.

Session A: Mar 9 • 4:30-5:15 p.m. Session B: Mar 25 • 4:30-5:15 p.m. $3/girl • $1/adult CMG Worldwide 10500 Crosspoint Blvd, Indianapolis

$18/girl • $18/adult

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

Studio Theater at Center for the Performing Arts 355 City Center Dr, Carmel

WOW! Wonders of Water

Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858

May 3 • 2 p.m.

Grades: 2, 3

Young Eagles

Office Code: 2051

Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Enjoy water-filled activities as you work towards completing the WOW Journey. Girl Scout Brownies will learn to LOVE water, SAVE water and SHARE water.

Office Code: 2052

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to fly? You don’t have to imagine anymore. You are invited to take to the skies and become a Young Eagle! Learn all about the different parts of an airplane, take part in a preflight inspection of an airplane, buckle up and fly in a general aviation airplane. Educational stations will introduce you to the world of aviation. This freedom of flight is an experience that many girls only dream about! You will also fly with a professional pilot in a small passenger plane (weather permitting). In order to maximize the ability to offer the flight experience to our girls, only the girls will be in flight with the pilot. A patch, snack and Young Eagles certificate is included for each girl.

$5/girl • $1/adult Feb 17 • 5-6 p.m. Marion Girl Scout Cabin 222 W Spencer Ave, Marion Contact: Meisha Wide • 317.924.6858 Recognition: It's Your Planet-Love it

$8/girl • $6/adult Session A: Apr 25 • 9 a.m.-noon (Grades 3-5) Session B: Apr 25 • 1-4 p.m. (Grades 6-12) Greenwood Municipal Airport 799 E County Line Rd, Greenwood


Young Eagles Volunteers Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12, Adults

Volunteers for A Zoo of an Afternoon with Keiko Kasza

Office Code: 2052

Office Code: 2000

Have you already experienced a Young Eagles flight but would like to soar the skies one more time? Or are you an adult who has never been in a small passenger airplane before? Now is your chance! Choose a session to attend and get the chance to fly before or after the crowds (weather permitting). The volunteer portion of this program will be running stations, passing out snacks, assisting with traffic flow, and/or checking in participants. A snack is provided to all volunteers.

Grades: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Volunteers are needed to be ushers and activity leaders at A Zoo of an Afternoon with Keiko Kasza. Older girls can either lead an activity they plan or can lead one of several pre-planned activities, such as Banyoka, hula hoop and hopscotch, and making Origami cats (from the Daisy It’s Your Story Journey), leading “story circles”, and story relays. Leading activities can help Cadettes earn the LiA award. Registration required, and girls or troops will be contacted to discuss their activity. Troops of girls must meet girl/adult ratios. Individual girls are asked to bring a parent.

Free Session A: Apr 25 • 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m Session B: Apr 25 • 12:30-5 p.m.

Feb 7 • 1-5 p.m.

Greenwood Municipal Airport 799 E County Line Rd, Greenwood

Cost: Free

Contact: Alicia Martin • 317.924.6834

Scottish Rite Cathedral 650 N Meridian St, Indianapolis


To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or see pg 116


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To register, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or Member see pgFDIC 116

Adult learning

General information Session cancellations

Staff contacts

Meg Booth Director of Volunteer Services 317.924.6839 mbooth@girlscoutsindiana.org

• Sessions not meeting enrollment minimums by the registration deadline may be cancelled.

Maria Quiroz-Southwood Adult Development Manager 317.924.6862 mquiroz@girlscoutsindiana.org

• If you are unable to attend a session for which you have registered, call 317.924.6862 so the facilitator can be notified not to expect you.

• Pre-registration is required so we can notify you if a session is cancelled.

Session refunds • Refunds are issued if the session is cancelled due to lack of minimum enrollment.

Kerri Hoffman Volunteer Services Manager 317.924.6818 khoffman@girlscoutsindiana.org

• If you cannot attend a session for which you have paid, you can transfer to another session by notifying us before enrollment deadline or you can send another person in your place. Refunds are made if you notify us prior to deadline.

Recommended adult learning for new leader success Girl Scouting 101

Session locations

Introduction to GSCI: Volunteer Essentials QuickStart Guide

We strive to offer sessions at convenient locations and where the majority of volunteers drive no more than 30 miles. Learnings can come directly to your service unit if you request them 4 weeks in advance and provide a minimum of 5 volunteers.

New Leader Workshop Grade Level CPR/First Aid

Session facilitators

Basic Outdoor Skills

In almost all cases, facilitators are volunteers just like you. They receive no compensation and are giving their time to make Girl Scouts an enjoyable and worthwhile experience for the girls and for you. If you are interested in becoming a council facilitator, contact Meg Booth.

Advanced Outdoor Skills

Adult learning session calendar Learning sessions are often added to the calendar. For the most current information, go to girlscoutsindiana.org/activities. Session fees • All core learning sessions are free except for CPR/First Aid. • A minimal fee is charged for some sessions which must accompany your registration. • Pay fees by cash, check, money order, MasterCard, Visa, or Discover. Make checks and money orders payable to GSCI. Do not send cash in the mail.

Please visit girlscoutsindiana.org for a complete list of adult learning opportunities and locations. 90

Adult learning recommendations For a successful year, take the following workshops:

New Leaders Online: Girl Scouting 101 password: aboutGS101


Introduction to GSCI


+ Leader



Grade Level

= Prepared Leader

Experienced Leaders Grade Level



= Prepared Leader

Visit girlscoutsindiana.org to register. Registration procedures

Adult learning registration

Registration can be done by mail, walk-in at any service center, fax, telephone, email or online. The adult learning registration form can be found on girlscoutsindiana.org. Be sure to complete the entire form with all contact information.

• Pre-registration is required to attend adult learning sessions. We will call or email you if a session is canceled. • Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis.

• To register online, go to the activity finder on girlscoutsindiana.org and click on "Adult Learning."

• Registration for sessions closes one week prior to scheduled session. Call volunteer services after the registration deadline to check on session availability.

• To register by mail, phone, fax, or email, send completed registration form and required fee, if applicable, to:

• If a session is filled, call volunteer services to place your name on a waiting list.

• You may bring a sack meal if your session is near or covers that portion of the day. • As children can be distracting to participants and the session facilitator, we ask you to refrain from bringing children to adult learning sessions.

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana ATTN: Volunteer Services Suite 100 2611 Waterfront Parkway Indianapolis, IN 46214

Phone: 317.924.6862 Fax: 317.931.3350 Email: mquiroz@girlscoutsindiana.org • Registrations are accepted at any service center location.


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Adult learning

Introduction to GSCI: Volunteer Essentials Quick-Start Guide

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana offers a blend of adult learning methods to fully prepare adults who work with girls. Adults learn skills to engage girls in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE). If you are attending a classroom format, bring paper, pen, and Journey book as appropriate. If you are attending outdoor sessions, bring a hat, bandana, or fire scarf and wear appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear. For all day learnings, bring a sack lunch and beverage. Descriptions of core sessions are provided, however there are many other options available. For the most current listings and descriptions, visit girlscoutsindiana. org/activities.

Introduction to GSCI: Volunteer Essentials QuickStart Guide is designed for all new volunteers. The session helps volunteers understand procedures, standards and practices, forms, and information that are specific to our local council. This session is delivered one on one or in small groups at the service unit level and is delivered by a membership development manager, any service team member, facilitator, or mentor. Who should attend: New troop leaders and assistant leaders Fee: None Duration: 30-60 minutes

New Leader Workshop

Core leadership development

New Leader Workshop is what every new troop leader and assistant leader needs. Learn the essentials of troop management and safety, while making sure girls are having fun. Explore the resources available for you and your girls.

The following sessions help volunteers gain a deeper understanding of Girl Scouts of Central Indiana and the essentials of building and leading a strong troop.

New leaders who attend this session receive a troop start up kit (one per troop) and Volunteer Essentials. Who should attend: all new leaders, volunteers and anyone who needs information on the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and Journeys.

Girl Scouting 101 Online This online home-study contains information on Girl Scouts basics, ways girls can participate, what girls do in Girl Scouting, Girl Scout cookies, Girl Scout mission, Promise and Law, staying safe, ages and stages of girl development for each grade level, and what’s next for you as a volunteer.

Fee: None Duration: 2 hours Session 1: Jan 10 • 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Who should attend: All new Girl Scout volunteers, parents, and community members.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Fee: None

Session 2: Jan 26 • 6-8 p.m.

Duration: 45 minutes

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Login at http://training.girlscouts.org and select Girl Scouting 101 in English or Spanish. Enter your personal information and select “Central Indiana” from the drop down box as your council.

Session 3: Feb 4 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville Session 4: Mar 14 • 10 a.m.- noon Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Session 5: Mar 19 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis


Session 6: Mar 21 • 10 a.m.-noon

Grade Level

Camp Sycamore Valley 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette

Grade level training helps volunteers foster a girl-led environment whether girls are Daisies or Ambassadors. Discover activities, awards and resources specific to each grade level. These sessions are perfect for new and experienced volunteers who have troops bridging to the next level.

Session 7: Apr 15 • 10 a.m-noon. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville Session 8: Apr 29 • 7-9 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute

Who should attend: all leaders, advisors and volunteers who work with girls at specific grade levels.

Session 9: May 6 • 10 a.m.-noon

Fee: None

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church 10655 Haverstick Rd E, Carmel

Duration: 2 hours, classroom session

Session 10: May 18 • 6-8 p.m.

Girl Scout Daisy

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Summarizes the Journey books available for Girl Scout Daisies, awards, characteristics and appropriate expectations of this age level. Learn how to weave Girl Scout traditions into your troop. Receive tools and suggestions for troop meetings. Also covers utilizing available resources including parent and community help.

Session 11: May 28 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette Session 12: Jun 3 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo

Session 1: Jan 14 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Session 13: Jun 8 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Session 2: Feb 23 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Session 14: Jul 7 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Session 3: Jun 11 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

Session 15: Jul 23 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette Session 16: Aug 4 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

Facilitating Adult Learning

Session 17: Aug 20 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

April 18

Have a skill to share?

Session 19: Aug 27 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette

Consider becoming an adult facilitator! Contact: Meg Booth • 317.924.6839


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Girl Scout Daisy/Girl Scout Brownie

Girl Scout Brownie

This session incorporates both Girl Scout Daisy and Brownie activities, expectations and Journeys for these grade levels. Summarizes the Journey books available for both Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies . Learn to weave Girl Scout traditions and activities into the Girl Scout Leadership Experience as you work with your Girl Scouts.

Summarizes the Journey books available for Girl Scout Brownies, awards, characteristics and appropriate expectations of this age level. Learn how to blend traditions, program and camping opportunities with the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Receive tools and tips for parent and community help.

Session 1: Mar 14 • 1-3 p.m.

Session 1: Jan 28 • 6-8 p.m.

Camp Dellwood Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis Session 2: Mar 21 • 1-3 p.m.

Session 2: Mar 9 • 6-8 p.m.

Camp Sycamore Valley 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Session 3: Apr 14 • 10 a.m-noon

Session 3: Jun 24 • 6-8 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Session 4: Feb 25 • 6-8 p.m.

Girl Scout Junior

Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo

Summarizes the Journey books available for Girl Scout Juniors. Covers awards earned at this level, including the Bronze Award, but does not replace required training. Blend the Girl Scout Leadership Experience with Girl Scout traditions, program, travel and camping opportunities. Learn about finances, available resources, characteristics, and appropriate expectations for this age level.

Session 5: Mar 15 • 1:30-3:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond Session 6: Apr 16 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

Session 1: Feb 10 • 6-8 p.m.

Session 7: Apr 18 • 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette

Session 2: Feb 19 • 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Session 8: Jun 17 • 10 a.m-noon

Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church 10655 Haverstick Rd, Carmel

Session 3: Apr 9 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 W Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington Session 4: Apr 18 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette Session 5: Apr 20 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis Session 6: Jun 22 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis


Girl Scout Cadette, Senior, Ambassador

Girl Scout Daisy Webinar

Summarizes the journey books available for Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors. Covers awards earned at this level, including the Silver and Gold Award, but does not replace required training. Blend the Girl Scout Leadership Experience with Girl Scout traditions, program, travel and camping opportunities. Learn about finances, available resources, characteristics, and appropriate expectations for these grade levels.

Summarizes Journey books for Girl Scout Daises. Reviews awards, characteristics and expectations of this age level. Receive tools for troop and parent meetings, including community and Council resources. Session 1: Mar 24 • 7-8:30 p.m. Session 2: Apr 22 • 7 - 8:30 p.m. Session 3: May 14 • 7 - 8:30 p.m.

Apr 18 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Girl Scout Brownie Webinar

Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette

Summarizes Journey books for Girl Scout Brownies. Review Bronze Award, characteristics and expectations of this age level. Receive tools for troop and parent meetings, including community and Council resources.

Online learning We currently have Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Registrations and an overview of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Visit our website to take these sessions at your convenience.

Session 1: Mar 31 • 7-8:30 p.m. Session 2: May 20 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Girl Scout Junior Webinar


Summarizes the Journey books available for Girl Scout Juniors. Covers awards earned at this level, including the Bronze Award, but does not replace required training. Blend the Girl Scout Leadership Experience with Girl Scout traditions, program, travel and camping opportunities. Learn about finances, available resources, characteristics, and appropriate expectations for this age level.

Connect with volunteers from all over the council to learn and share with others who work directly with girls. While it is most beneficial to log onto a webinar with a computer, you can call in for an audio session. Fee: None Duration: 1.5 hours

Session 1: Feb 12 • 7-8:30 p.m. Online Session 2: Mar 11 • 7-8:30 p.m. From any internet browser

Girl Scout Cadettte, Senior, Ambassador Webinar

Leader Support Webinar Have a question? Not sure how to get your parents involved? Want some new ideas? These webinars are virtual round table conversations where you, the volunteer, can bring your questions or concerns and find answers. Session 1: Jan 29 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Summarizes Journey books for older Girl Scouts - Cadette, Senior and Ambassador. Review Silver and Gold Awards, characteristics and expectations of this age level. Receive tools for troop management while exploring the Girl Scout Leadership Experience for their age group.

Session 2: Feb 25 • 10-11:30 a.m.

Session 1: Feb 24 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Session 3: Mar 18 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Session 2: Apr 7 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Session 4: Apr 20 • 10-11:30 a.m.

Session 3: May 12 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Session 5: May 21 • 7-8:30 p.m. Session 6: Jun 29 • 10-11:30 a.m. Session 7: Jul 29 • 7-8:30 p.m. Session 8: Aug 26 • 10-11:30 a.m.


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Multi-age Level Troop Management Webinar

Session 5: Mar 21 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S. Emerson Ave. Ste I, Indianapolis

Learn components of how to effectively manage a multi-age level troop: incorporating parent involvement, keeping in mind “Safety Wise” guidelines, understanding the Pro’s and Con’s and how your different age groups function as a “unit” and in their own age level. Get ideas on how to plan activities within the Journeys that cross all age levels.

Fee: $40 Session 6: Apr 4 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond Fee: $40 Session 7: Apr 18 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Session 1: Feb 17 • 7-8:30 p.m. Session 2: Mar 17 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S , Daleville

Session 3: Jun 30 • 7-8:30 p.m

Fee: $40

CPR/ First Aid

Session 8: May 2 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 325, Indianapolis

Our Courses are led by certified CPR/First Aid Instructors who will provide participants with a two year certification with a nationally recognized organization ( adult, child and infant CPR, First Aid and AED). Preregistration is required. Classes are regularly added.

Fee: $40 Session 9: May 16 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute

Every troop is required to have at least one CPR/ First Aid certified adult. To add a session in your area, contact Kerri Hoffman at khoffman@girlscoutsindiana.org

Fee: $40 Session 10: Jun 13 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S. Emerson Ave. Ste I, Indianapolis

Fee: Sessions range from $40-50 depending on provider and location.

Fee: $40

Duration: 4 hours

Session 11: Aug 22 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Session 1: Jan 10 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 325, Indianapolis

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 325, Indianapolis

Fee: $40

Fee: $40 Session 2: Jan 24 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S. Emerson Ave. Ste I, Indianapolis Fee: $40 Session 3: Feb 21 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 325, Indianapolis Fee: $40 Session 4: Mar 7 • 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 W Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington Fee: $40


Session 9: May 16 • 1 - 2 p.m.

CPR/ First Aid-Blended Learning Check Off session

Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute

This blended CPR/First Aid learning session combines online training of concepts and knowledge with a face-to-face skills session in which one does hands-on practice in front of a certified Instructor.

Fee: $40 Session 10: Jun 13 • 1 - 2 p.m. CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S Emerson Ave, Ste 1, Indianapolis

Fee: Sessions range from $40-50 depending on provider and location.

Fee: $40 Session 11: Aug 22 • 1-2 p.m.

Duration: 4 hours

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 325, Indianapolis

Session 1: Jan 10 • 1-2 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 325, Indianapolis

Fee: $40

Fee: $40 Session 2: Jan 24 • 1-2 p.m. CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S Emerson Ave, Ste I, Indianapolis Fee: $40 Session 3: Feb 21 • 1 - 2 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 325, Indianapolis Fee: $40 Session 4: Mar 7 • 1 - 2 p.m.

Save the date

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 W Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington Fee: $40 Session 5: Mar 21 • 1 - 2 p.m.

Facilitator Update

CPR Institute, LLC 8028 S Emerson Ave, Ste 1, Indianapolis Fee: $40 Session 6: Apr 4 • 1 - 2 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond

August 1 • 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Fee: $40

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis

Session 7: Apr 18 • 1 - 2 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Ste 100, Indianapolis

Fee: $40 Session 8: May 2 • 1 - 2 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 325, Indianapolis Fee: $40


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Service team development


Learn and develop leadership skills in organizing and empowering others. These sessions will help you with successful recruitment and retention of girls and adults to support you in a successful membership year.

Service Team Learning

Service Unit Manager Get the tools and skills to run a great Girl Scout year. Learn tips and recruiting, managing and building your Service Team. Tips on how to delegate, plan meetings, as well as procedures for finance, money earning activities, conflict resolution and more. Fee: None Duration: 2-3 hours, classroom session Webinars are also available. Session 1: June 20 • TBA

June 20

Warren Performing Arts Center 9500 E 16th St, Indianapolis

Warren Performing Arts Center

Session 2: Jul 13 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis Session 3: Jul 26 • 4-6 p.m

9500 E 16th St, Indianapolis

Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond Session 4: Aug 8 • 9:30-11:30 a.m. Grace United Methodist Church 1300 E Adams Dr, Franklin

Service Team Manager Community Troop Organizer Registrar Treasurer Event Planning

Session 5: Aug 22 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette Session 6: Aug 22 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis Session 7: Aug 29 • 11:30 a.m-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus

For more information, contact Meg Booth at mbooth@girlscoutsindiana.org or 317.924.6839.


Community Troop Organizer

Event Planning

There’s more to it than flyers in September. Learn about recruitment, calendar planning, consistent messaging, keys to retention, and tips for dealing with difficult people. Discuss strategies on tracking and placing girls and supporting adult volunteers.

Want to host a successful service unit event? This session has been developed for anyone interested in planning and coordinating a well organized event. Discover resources that will help make your event flow better. Learn how to delegate and involve girls throughout the planning process.

Fee: None

Fee: Free

Duration: 2-3 hours, classroom session

Duration: Average 1-3 hours

Session 1: June 20 • TBA

Session 1: June 20 • TBA

Warren Performing Arts Center 9500 E 16th St, Indianapolis

Warren Performing Arts Center 9500 E 16th St, Indianapolis

Session 2: Jul 25 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Session 2: Jul 9 • 6-8 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 W Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington

Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

Session 3: Aug 8 • 11:30 a.m-1:30 p.m.

Session 3: Jul 18 • 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Grace United Methodist Church 1300 E Adams Dr, Franklin

Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute

Session 4: Aug 9 • 2-4 p.m.

Session 4: Jul 22 • 6-8 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Session 5: Aug 11 • 6-8 p.m.

Session 5: Jul 25 • 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S, Daleville

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 W Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington

Session 6: Aug 15 • 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Session 6: Jul 26 • 2-4 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E, Richmond

Session 7: Aug 15 • 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

Session 7: Jul 29 • 6-8 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 W Walnut St, Ste I, Bloomington

Girl Scout Service Center Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S , Daleville

Session 8: Aug 16 • 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Session 8: Aug 8 • 11:30 a.m-1:30 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute

Grace United Methodist Church 1300 E Adams Dr, Franklin

Session 9: Aug 19 • 6-8 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St, Kokomo Session 10: Aug 22 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis Session 11: Aug 22 • 9:30 a.m.-11:30 am. Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette Session 12: Aug 29 • 9:30-11:30 a.m Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Early Bird UPDATE for Service Unit Registrars Webinar The Early Bird Update for Registrar’s webinar focuses specifically on the current year’s Early Bird activities and incentives. This webinar will also include an overview of a registrar’s responsibility to the service unit and how to work with both leaders and community troop organizers, and update information based on GSUSA materials. This session fulfills the annual training participation requirement as outlined in the Registrar position description. Fee: Free Duation: 1.5 hours

How to use E Council Webinar Learn how to use this data base to simplify your paper work, manage your troop, and better your service unit. Fee: Free Duation: 1.5 hours Online From any internet browser Session 1: Apr 23 • 7 - 8:30 p.m. Session 2: Jul 21 • 7 - 8:30 p.m.

Service Unit Registrar Webinar

The registrar webinar focuses on a registrar’s Online responsibility to the service unit and how to work with both leaders and community troop From any Internet browser organizers, and update information based on Session 1: Mar 5 • 7-8:30 p.m. GSUSA materials. Session 2: Mar 11 • 12:30-2 p.m Get the tools and skills Fee: Free Duation: 1.5 hours

Information Updates GSCI will no longer be coordinating lifeguards and archery facilitators for any camp. We strongly encourage all service units to have individuals certified in archery, lifeguarding and small craft. See dates and locations under Summer Safety School and other outdoor activites.

Online From any internet browser Session 1: Apr 13 • 7-8:30 p.m. Session 2: Jun 20 • TBA Warren Performing Arts Center 9500 E 16th St, Indianapolis Session 3: Jul 16 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Treasurer Learn how to prepare the service unit budget, monitor accounts, review Girl Scouts of Central Indiana procedures with Troop Annual Reports, solicitation of contributions and other helpful tips on how to manage troop and service unit funds. Fee: Free Dutation: 2 hours Session 1: June 20 • TBA Warren Performing Arts Center 9500 E 16th St, Indianapolis Session 2: Jul 18 • 11:30 a.m-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln, Terre Haute Session 3: Aug 15 • 11:30 a.m-1:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis


Core outdoor skills development

Adult Girl Camping Prep Learning TOGETHER in the outdoors – girls and adults. Learn how to build a fire, pitch tents and make pie iron pizzas.

The outdoor experience has been an integral part of the Girl Scout program. Before a girl can experience the benefits of hiking, camping, and more, adult volunteers need to be prepared and know essential information to have a safe, successful outing. Some sessions are offered for volunteers to learn alongside their troop so both can gain ever-increasing confidence and skills.

Fee: $4 Duration: 4 hours Session 1: Mar 21 • 9 a.m.-1 p.m. West Park 2700 W 116th St, Carmel Session 2: Mar 22 • 3-7 p.m.

Advanced Outdoor Skills

West Park 2700 W 116th St, Carmel

Have you already taken Basic Outdoor Skills? If so, take your camping skills to the next level. Learn how to pitch a tent, care for platform tents and yurts. Discuss how to plan with your girls a primitive two day camping experience. Learn new recipes and ways to cook on an open fire or propane stove. Knot tying and knife safety as well as general outdoor safety.

Archery (NADA Level 1 certification) – Want to offer archer at your next camporee? Become an archery facilitator. Sign up early, sessions fill quickly. Maximum 10 people per session. Fee: $65

Duration: 3-4 hours, classroom and hands-on session

Duration: 8 hours Session 1: May 23 • 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Prerequisite: Basic Outdoor Skills

Camp Ada 4731 W County Rd 600 S, Spiceland

Fee: $5 Duration: 3-4 hours

Session 2: May 30 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Session 1: Mar 14 • 9 a.m.-noon

Camp Gallahue Camp Dellwood 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Session 3: May 31 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Session 2: Mar 21 • 9 a.m.-noon Camp Gallahue Camp Sycamore Valley 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette Session 4: Jun 1 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Session 3: May 2 • 1-3 p.m. Camp Gallahue Camp Nawakwa 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown 7865 E County Rd 300 N, Poland

Adult Camp Sampler Have you always wanted to do traditional camp activities with your Girl Scouts, but want to feel confident and prepared before taking your girls on their first adventure? Enjoy a weekend at Camp Gallahue; have your own adventures and get the skills you need! More specific details to follow in early 2015! May 29-Jun 1 • TBA Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Cost: $20


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Basic Outdoor Skills

Campfire Songs

Outdoor Basics prepares you to take the girls on a day or overnight camping experience. Know what appropriate outings are for girls at each age level. Learn what to expect and to pack; along with getting the girls to help plan your outing. Includes meal planning, fire building, and safety and hygiene. After you complete this course, sign up for Advanced Outdoor Skills to take your camping skills to the next level!

Songs are a special part of Girl Scout history, and they create special memories for each girl. Learn some of the classics, and try some new ones! If you would like to record the songs for practice later, bring your own recording device.

Fee: Free Duration: 2 hours

Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Session 1: Mar 13 � 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Session 2: Mar 20 • 8:30–10 p.m.

Camp Dellwood
 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Camp Sycamore Valley 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette

Session 2: Mar 20 � 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Cooking Challenge

Fee: $3 Duration: 2.5 hours Session 1: Mar 13 • 8:30–10 p.m.

Camp Sycamore Valley 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette

Cooking in the box! – For seasoned campers. Not the same old Walking Tacos or Hotdogs will be done here. If you are looking to increase your Session 3: May 2 � 9:30 a.m.-noon knowledge of outdoor cooking. Come along and Camp Nawakwa build your own oven to cook those items that 7865 E County Rd 300 N, Poland, IN just don’t seem possible while camping. This is a course designed for brave culinary enthusiasts. Camp Adventure and Outdoor Come share your ideas and experiences with Basics Learning each other. Bring a hat or bandana, mess kit, water bottle and dress for the weather. Earn Girl Scouts of Central Indiana's own Camp Adventure Patch and learn about the basics of Fee: $10 camping! While girls are hiking around the camps, Duration: 2.5 hours leaders will take the training. See girl section for Apr 25 • 1-3:30 p.m. description. Camp Ada 4731 W County Rd 600 S, Spiceland

Fee: $3 Duration: 2-3 hours Session 1: Apr 11 • 1-3 p.m. Camp Na Wa Kwa 7865 E CR 300 N, Poland Session 2: Apr 19 • 1-4 p.m. Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Session 3: Apr 12 • 1-3 p.m. Camp Dellwood 2301 N. Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Taking your troop canoeing? Traveling? Horseback riding? Before you head out on your next adventure, check the Safety Activity Checkoints on our website: girlscoutsindiana.org/volunteers and click "Key Resources and Publications"


Easy Songs & Games

Knots & Lashings

Songs and games are a special part of Girl Scouts history, and they create special memories for each girl. Learn some of the classics, and try some new ones! Fun for all ages.

Learn the most common useful knots for camping and survival situations. Then go beyond knots and learn how to build useful camp gadgets out of rope and wood spars using lashings.

Fee: Free

Fee: Free

Duration: 1 hour

Duration: 2 hours

Session 1: Mar 14 • 3-4 p.m.

Mar 21 • 1-3 p.m.

Valley Camp Dellwood Camp Sycamore 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis Session 2: Mar 21 • 3-4 p.m.

Lifeguard Training

Camp Sycamore Valley Learn job-specific training to become a lifeguard. 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette This course includes the responsibilities of Session 3: May 2 • 3-4 p.m. a lifeguard, training in first aid/CPR, spinal Camp Nawakwa injury management and preventative disease transmission. Participate must have strong 7865 E County Rd 300 N, Poland, IN swimming skills and be at least 18 years old.

Fire Building

Fee: $60

This is a hands-on session where you will learn the three parts of the fire triangle, identify the three types of firewood, how to lay, light and extinguish a safe fire, and how to recognize minimal impact for campfires.

Duration: 7-8 hours

Fee: Free

Fee: $60

Duration: 1.5 hours

Session 2: Aug 1 & 2 • 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Session 1: May 31 & Jun 1 • 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Camp Gallahue Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Fee: $60 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown May 29 • 7-8:30 p.m.

Session 3:: Aug 29 & 30 • 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.


Camp Gallahue 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Geocaching is one of the hottest new high-tech, family-friendly sports. Use a handheld GPS device, smartphone, or GPS-enabled tablet to find secret containers other people have hidden. Find it, sign the log, maybe trade a few SWAPS, and then return it to where it was. Cost: Free Apr 25 • 10 a.m.-noon Camp Ada 4731 W County Rd 600 S, Spiceland


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Summer Safety School May 29-31 • Camp Gallahue

Considering taking your girls camping soon? Be prepared and you'll have a great time! Summer Safety School offers a sampler program as well as certification sessions in:

Sampler sessions:



Archery Small Craft

Outdoor Cooking Knots and Lashings Firebuilding Geocaching Survival Bracelets Stargazing... and more!

Register online or contact Kerri Hoffman at 317.924.6818 or khoffman@girlscoutsindiana.org for more information.


Outdoor Activities

Navigate from point to point through the wilderness using a map and compass. It’s easy to learn and a fun way to exercise your body and mind as you enjoy the outdoors. It's a fun for everyone to enjoy!

Discover fun and engaging activities to do with your troop and explore the outdoors.

Fee: Free

Session 1: Mar 14 • 4-5 p.m.

Duration: 1 hour

Camp Dellwood 2301 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis

Fee: Free Duration: 1 hour

Apr 25 • 1-2 p.m.

Session 2: Mar 21 • 4-5 p.m. Camp Ada Camp Sycamore Valley 4731 W County Rd 600 S, Spiceland 8489 SR 26 East, Lafayette Session 3: Apr 25 • 2-3:30 p.m. Camp Ada 4731 W County Rd 600 S, Spiceland Session 4: May 2 • 4-5 p.m. Camp Nawakwa 7865 E County Rd 300 N, Poland, IN


Outdoor Cooking for Beginners

Venture Out!

This is an introduction to simple outdoor cooking styles. Discover the progression in cooking and excitement of accomplishing a full meal over the fire. Build a fire, learn how to keep your outdoor kitchen sanitary, use different propane equipment, cook over coals and take time to learn about what the camps have to offer your troop. Friday night will be reserved for learning about fire building and sanitation. Saturday morning cook your own Brunch. Cooking class ends at 11:00. Bring a hat or bandana, mess kit, water bottle and dress for the weather.

Whether you’re an outdoors expert or the furthest thing from it, you can learn practical tips and tricks that will benefit both the you and your girls. Read other volunteers’ stories, and explore the joys of taking girls outside with Venture Out!, a fun, interactive “outdoor” adventure made possible by Girl Scouts of the USA’s Elliott Wildlife Values Project. To participate and receive credit for this online session, visit the online learning section of the Girl Scouts of Central Indiana website.


Fee: $10

We offer a variety of workshops that will enhance your experience as a Girl Camp Ada Scout volunteer. Learn traditions and 4731 W County Rd 600 S, Spiceland new activities that you can share with your girls Apr 24-25 • 6:30 p.m.- 11 a.m.

Small Craft & Canoe


Get the information and skills necessary to prevent, recognize and respond to small boat emergencies. Learn the fundamentals of canoeing on a lake. This class will give you the certification necessary for American Camp Association Standards and Girl Scout Safety Activity Checkpoints. You will get wet!

If your Girl Scouts are bridging this year, learn traditions and ideas to make your bridging event a fun, memorable one. Also learn the requirements for each grade level. Need creative ideas for memorable Bridging activities Fee: None

Fee: $30

Duration: 1-2 hours

Duration: 4 hours

Session 1: Mar 14 • 11 a.m.-noon

Session 1: May 30 • 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis Camp Gallahue 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Session 2: Apr 11 • 9:30-11 a.m. Session 2: Aug 1 • 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis Camp Gallahue 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown Session 3: Apr 25 • 9:30-11 a.m. Session 3: Aug 29 • 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus Camp Gallahue 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus 6758 Bear Creek Rd, Morgantown

Survival Bracelets Fee: $3 Duration: 1 hour More than a fashion statement! Learn how to make the two most popular styles of survival bracelets, and take them home with you. Mar 21 • 3-4 p.m. Camp Sycamore Valley 8489 SR 26 E, Lafayette


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning


Troop Travel

Investiture, Rededication, Bridging, Court of Awards, Scout’s Own – Find out about these special milestones and how we can help our girls design their own unique celebrations.

Whether your girls want to go to a theme park, the Girl Scout Birthplace - Savannah or Europe, planning and budget setting steps are needed. Become a savvy Girl Scout traveler after reviewing what level of travel is appropriate for your troop Duration 1-2 hours.

Fee: None Duration: 1-1.5 hours

Mar 14 • 9:30-11 a.m.

Session 1: Jan 10 • 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis Session 2: Apr 11 • 11 a.m.-noon Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr Ste 100, Indianapolis Session 3: Apr 25 • 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave, Columbus

Join the fun, capture the spirit! Cheer on and hand out water to runners and walkers during the 500 Festival Mini-Marathon. Girls must be a Girl Scout Junior or above.

Questions: Contact volunteer@500festival.com with any questions.

All participants (adults and Logitistical information and girls) must complete an Girl Scout confirmation will be online waiver. emailed the week of April 28. Saturday, May 2, 2015 5:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. How to register: Starting January 19, you can reigster online at 2015mmpit.my-trs.com and select "Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Pit Station."

"I was really starting to feel the effects of the race as I approached the water station that was being staffed by some of my favorite people…Girl Scouts! It was such a great sight to see all those girls proudly wearing their Girl Scout shirts and confidently holding out their arms to offer the runners a drink. It was the motivation I needed to get me through those last couple miles of the race." Tricia Higgins, 2014 Mini-Marathon participant


Girl Scout Safety Guidelines 1. Follow the Safety Activity Checkpoints. Instructions for staying safe while participating in activities are detailed in the Safety Activity Checkpoints. Read the checkpoints, follow them, and share them with other volunteers, parents, and girls (as grade-level appropriate) before engaging in activities with girls. These are found at girlscoutsindiana.org in the volunteer section of our website. 2. Arrange for proper adult supervision of girls. Your group must have at least two unrelated, approved adult volunteers present at all times, plus additional adult volunteers as necessary, depending on the size of the group and the ages and abilities of girls. Adult volunteers must be at least 18 years old and must be screened by the council before volunteering. One lead volunteer in every group must be female. 3. Get parent/guardian permission. When an activity takes place that is outside the normal time and place, advise each parent/guardian of the details of the activity and obtain permission for girls to participate. 4. Report abuse. Sexual advances, improper touching, and sexual activity of any kind with girl members are forbidden. Physical, verbal, and emotional abuse of girls is also forbidden. Report any suspected abuse or neglect to the Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 800.800.5556, and contact Meg Booth, Director of Volunteer Services, at 317.924.6839 to alert the council that you have made the call. Under Indiana law, each citizen of Indiana is considered a “mandated reporter” and State law requires the Department of Child Services to protect the identity of the reporter. 5. Be prepared for emergencies. Work with girls and other adults to establish and practice procedures for emergencies related to weather, fire, lost girls/adults, and site security. Always keep handy a well-stocked firstaid kit, girl health histories, and contact information for girls’ families. 6. Travel safely. When transporting girls to planned Girl Scout field trips and other activities that are outside the normal time and place, every driver must be an approved adult volunteer and have a good driving record, a valid license, and a registered/insured vehicle. Insist that everyone is in a legal seat and wears her seat belt at all times, and adhere to state laws regarding booster seats and requirements for children in rear seats. 7. Ensure safe overnight outings. Prepare girls to be away from home by involving them in planning, so they know what to expect. Avoid having men sleep in the same space as girls and women. During family or parentdaughter overnights, one family unit may sleep in the same sleeping quarters in program areas. When parents are staffing events, daughters should remain in quarters with other girls rather than in staff areas. 8. Role-model the right behavior. Never use illegal drugs. Don’t consume alcohol, smoke, or use foul language in the presence of girls. Do not carry ammunition or firearms in the presence of girls unless given special permission by Girl Scouts of Central Indiana council for group marksmanship activities. 9. Create an emotionally safe space. Adults are responsible for making Girl Scouting a place where girls are as safe emotionally as they are physically. Protect the emotional safety of girls by creating a team agreement and coaching girls to honor it. Agreements typically encourage behaviors like respecting a diversity of feelings and opinions; resolving conflicts constructively; and avoiding physical and verbal bullying, clique behavior, and discrimination. 10. Ensure that no girl is treated differently. Girl Scouts welcome all members, regardless of race, ethnicity, background, disability, family structure, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic status. When scheduling, helping plan, and carrying out activities, carefully consider the needs of all girls involved, including school schedules, family needs, financial constraints, religious holidays, and the accessibility of appropriate transportation and meeting places. 11. Promote online safety. Instruct girls never to put their full names or contact information online, engage in virtual conversation with strangers, or arrange in-person meetings with online contacts. On group websites, publish girls’ first names only and never divulge their contact information. Teach girls the Girl Scout Online Safety Pledge (at www.girlscouts.org/help/Internet_safety_pledge.asp) and have them commit to it. 12. Keep girls safe during money-earning. Girl Scout cookies and other council-sponsored product sales are an integral part of the program. During Girl Scout Product Programs, you are responsible for the safety of girls, money, and products. In addition, a wide variety of organizations, causes, and fundraisers may appeal to Girl Scouts to be their labor force. When representing Girl Scouts, girls cannot participate in money-earning activities that represent partisan politics or that are not Girl Scout–approved product sales and efforts.


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Safety Activity Checkpoints

Blue Book of basic documents

Safety Activity Checkpoints are in-depth safety guidelines that adult volunteers use for Girl Scout activities, ranging from canoeing to surfing to selling cookies. Girls can also use these checkpoints to ready their group for a girl-led activity. When preparing for any activity with girls, always begin with the Safety Activity Checkpoints written specifically for that particular activity. Each Safety Activity Checkpoint offers information such as where to do the activity, how to include girls with disabilities, where to find basic and specialized gear required for the activity, how to prepare yourselves in advance, and what specific steps to follow on the day of the activity. If Safety Activity Checkpoints do not exist for an activity, check with the council program department as some activities are allowed only with written council preapproval, only for girls 12, and over and some activities are off-limits completely. Safety Activity Checkpoints can be found on our website.girlscoutsindiana.org/ volunteers and click "Key Resources and Publications" and then select "Safety Activity Checkpoints."

This book explains the governing policies for Girl Scouts as a national organization and is applied to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. Found on our website in the Volunteer Resources section.

Volunteer Connections Enewsletter A weekly Girl Scouts of Central Indiana enewsletter for volunteers delivered via email. Subscribe through the website at girlscoutsindiana.org to learn about events and more.

Showcase Retail shops at our eight service center locations.

Transforming Leadership A comprehensive look at the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE). Available at Showcase locations.

It’s Your Journey-customize it! A detailed look at how to take any Journey book and make it a unique, positive experience for you and your girls.

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana and GSUSA resources and publications

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana volunteer service team members and staff

Volunteer Essentials

All GSCI volunteers and staff can serve as a wealth of resources. Find out who the membership development manager is assigned to your geographical area and learn who your service unit service team members are, including the service unit manager, community troop organizer and registrar.

Volunteer Essentials is the national volunteer handbook to use as needed. This online resource can be found at girlscoutsindiana.org in the Volunteer Resources section. You can obtain a printed copy of Volunteer Essentials by attending a grade level learning.


Journey books

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana girlscoutsindiana.org

The core program of Girl Scouts, these books are complete with a girl book and adult book. Available at Showcase locations.

Girl Scouts of the USA girlscouts.org

Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting The Girl’s guides are printed resources for girls at each grade level. There are activities that can be integrated with journeys, information on legacy badges to earn, and skill building badges to earn. Available at Showcase locations.

NEW! gsuniversity.girlscouts.org Girl Scout University provides leadership and professional development to empower YOU to empower her. 108

2016 Early Bird Registration Instructions For a step-by-step demonstration, view "Entering Registration" at www.girlscoutsindiana.org/volunteers/adult-learning 2016 Early Bird Registration begins March 2015. Your troop must be registered by June 30, 2015. To help troops learn to be self-sufficient, please consider using product sales proceeds to pay for dues.

Incentives Girl incentive: Each girl who registers through E Council by June 30 will receive a patch distributed by the service unit registrar no later than the September service unit meeting.

Leader/assistant leader/group Leader/co-leader incentive: Register through E Council by June 30, and receive 50 percent off Kaleidoscope 2015 registration (November 2015) and receive a patch.

Troop incentive: Check our website in March for information. Service unit incentive: The service unit with the highest registration percentage receives a free weekend at any Girl Scouts of Central Indiana camp facility.

How to re-register a troop Ways for troop to register: Troop registers online through E Council. If your troop does not have access to E Council, complete an E Council Confidentiality Agreement form at www.girlscoutsindiana.org/forms-library/e-council

Volunteer re-registers all members they know are returning for the coming year: •

Update the number of years in Girl Scouting by 1.

Ensure the grade level is correct for upcoming year.

Ensure that all information in the system is correct and updated.

Submit payment through PayPal or deposit funds at listed bank.

Return to the admin area in E Council.

Click on the "Membership Registration Form" link

Enter five-digit troop number

Copy six-digit number

Go to http://www.girlscoutsindiana.org/forms-library/banking-information

Complete Online Membership Registration Summary entering six- digit number

Confirm deposits match total on Membership Registration Summary Form

Registration is complete! Paperwork does not need to be submitted to council.

Service unit requires paperwork turned into registrar: •

Volunteer submits paperwork, membership registration summary and bank deposit slips to registrar by June 1, 2015

Confirm deposits match total on Membership Registration Summary form.

Members needing financial assistance contact your membership development manager.


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

If your service unit does not have a registrar and you are not entering into E Council: •

Submit paperwork including registration forms, Membership Registration Summary and bank deposit slip.

Confirm deposits match total on Membership Registration form. •

Submit paperwork to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana.

Deliver to closest service center.

Mail: Registrar Support, 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46214

Scan and email: registrarsupport@girlscoutsindiana.org.

Fax: 317.924.2976

Where to bank: membership fees Deposit membership dues at one of the following banks using a counter deposit slip.

Bank Account number Fifth Third Bank


Main Source


Old National Bank


PNC Bank


Notes 1. Update county on each registration in E Council. 2. Data integrity is very important. Double check email addresses, spellings and use proper capitalization. 3. Adult Volunteer Application: Any adult that has not been registered in 2015 must complete an Adult Volunteer Application. Returning volunteers do not need to reapply. Online portal: Volunteers can quickly and confidentially complete a Volunteer Application knowing that their social security number is privately entered to the company that completes background checks. This must be done by the individual and cannot be done on tablets or smart phones. Application address is: http://www.girlscoutsindiana.org/volunteers/volunteerapplication 4. Donations: Each girl or adult member can make a donation to “Home of Our Own” capital campaign. The Troop Giving Club program was created to provide an avenue for troops and families to learn about philanthropy by making a donation. Find out more about this campaign and donor incentives at our website or by contacting Charlitta Winston at 317.924.6838 or cwinston@girlscoutsindiana.org.

For questions regarding registration, contact registrarsupport@ girlscoutsindiana.org

How to use E Council Webinar Apr 23 • 7 - 8:30 p.m. Jul 21 • 7 - 8:30 p.m. Sign up on the activity finder For a step-by-step demonstration, visit www.girlscoutsindiana.org/volunteers, select ""Adult Learning," followed by "Online Sessions," then Entering Registrations.


Adult recognition

Thanks Badge II The Thanks Badge II honors a previous Thanks Badge award recipient who has continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role which resulted in a measurable impact benefitting the council or entire Girl Scout Movement.

It’s about the girls! The focus of adult recognition awards is impact on girls, the council, and the Girl Scout Movement. We encourage you to nominate great volunteers and staff. The nomination should be results oriented, measurable, and include real impact stories. Find nomination forms, award criteria guidelines and other helpful information on our website at girlscoutsindiana.org.

President’s Award The President’s Award recognizes the effort of a service team, committee, or volunteer team whose exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience surpasses team goals and results in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s overall goals.

New this year: Nominations forms can be completed online on our website: www.girlscoutsindiana.org/volunteers/ volunteerrecognition

Girl Scouts of the USA recognition awarded at the National level

Girl Scouts of the USA recognitions awarded at the council level

A council or individual completes the GSUSA nomination form(s) in full and submits along with two letters of endorsement to the director of adult outreach at any time. The nomination is submitted to the Vice President of Global Girl Scouting at GSUSA. This prestigious national award is reviewed by the International Commissioner and approved by the Girl Scouts of the USA National Board of Directors. The Vice President of Global Girl Scouting is responsible for acquiring the medal and coordinating the presentation of the award to the nominee.

All nomination forms are due to Volunteer Services on February 1. Appreciation Pin The Appreciation pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This service, has measureable impact on one geographic area of service or service unit, helps reach and surpass the mission-delivery goals of the area. The service performed by the candidate is above and beyond the expectations for the position held.

Juliette Gordon Low World Friendship Medal The Juliette Low World Friendship Medal is awarded to individuals and councils who have enriched and leveraged the global understanding of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting to grow responsible global citizens. Criteria include impact on girls, commitment, global awareness, leadership and membership.

Honor Pin The Honor Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This service, having measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service or service units, allows the council to reach and surpass its mission-delivery goals. The service performed by the candidate is above and beyond the expectations for the position held.

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana recognition awarded at the council level

Thanks Badge The Thanks Badge honors an individual whose ongoing commitment, leadership, and service have had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the entire council or the entire Girl Scout Movement. The outstanding service performed must benefit the entire council and be significantly above and beyond the call of duty.

This award is open to all adult leadership roles, including troop, camp, series, events and travel pathways to girls’ participation in Girl Scouting. A nomination form and at least one letter of support as defined in the nomination guidelines are submitted to Volunteer Services by February 1. The nomination is reviewed by the council’s recognition committee and approves or denies the nomination.


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Leadership of Excellence Award The Leadership of Excellence Award recognizes an adult volunteer who demonstrates a profound direct impact on the lives of girls and serves as a positive role model. The impact must benefit the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and address the three leadership keys, Discover, Connect and Take Action. At least one of the five outcomes in each of the leadership keys must be identified.

• “The troop has done many community service projects.” How many projects? What are they? Who have they served? Who benefitted? What need have they met?

Girl Scouts of the USA recognition awarded at the service unit level

• “She ensures that the girls in her troop have a balanced experience in Girl Scouting.” What makes it balanced? What kind of experiences? What new skills have the girls learned?

• “The girls in the troop have benefited from their community service.” How have girls benefited from their service? What skills have they developed? What have they learned?

A nomination form is completed and submitted to the service team recognition coordinator or to Volunteer Services by March 1. Nominations are reviewed by the service team recognition committee and approves or denies the nomination.

Helpful definitions Mission Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

Volunteer of Excellence This award recognizes volunteers who have contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with girls in any pathway to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through use of the National Program Portfolio or who have contributed outstanding service in support of the council’s mission delivery to girl and adult members.

Vision Girl Scouts strives to be the premier leadership organization for girls and experts on their growth and development. Goals Each local council sets their own goals based on national goals, initiatives, and direction. Each service unit within Girl Scouts of Central Indiana has annual membership girl recruitment goals which are communicated to the service unit manager and/or service team through the membership development manager assigned to the service unit. In addition, the service unit manager and/or service team is responsible for setting other additional goals, for example, planning a specific number of events and activities to recruit a specific number of girls. The membership development manager and/or service unit manager can help you find out the goals.

Tools and tips for writing successful nominations Nomination guidelines

The nomination should be results oriented, measurable and include real impact stories. GSUSA has designed the guidelines and provided examples on how to write nominations that demonstrate measurable impact. It does not need to be difficult; some simple numbers will do. Some basic questions to ask and answer as nominations are written include How many? What? How? Who? Keep the 3 keys to leadership, Discover, Connect, and Take Action in mind. Here is an example:

Mission delivery Thriving mission delivery grows and sustains membership through volunteer delivery of the GSLE using the national portfolio.

• “Brittany has been a leader for several years.” How many years? What kind of leadership qualities does she bring?

The Girl Scout Leadership Experience-GSLE The three keys to leadership: girls discover themselves and their values; connect with others; and take action to make the world a better place. At Girl Scouts, everything centers around the girl: activities are girl-led, which gives girls the opportunity to learn by doing in a cooperative learning environment.

• ”She has retained girls in her troop.” How many girls has she retained? “Her troop participates in service unit events.” What events specifically? How many events?


National Girl Scout Program Portfolio The National Girl Scout Program Portfolio consists of The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting, the National Leadership Journeys and Skill Building Badge Sets.

Informal Adult recognition awards Recognition-do it often and make it meaningful-get creative! Informal recognitions are day-to-day ways to say “thank you” to volunteers. These sincere expressions of appreciation are based on specific contributions and are given in a timely manner. Informal recognition is powerful and effective, because volunteers feel valued by a personal touch.

The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Girls at every grade-level have a Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting. Through fun activities, girls can earn a variety of badges to build the skills and gain the confidence they’ll use to change the world. They can even develop and complete activities to make their own badge. All badges are called National Proficiency Badges and are grouped in the categories: Legacy, Financial Literacy, Cookie Business, Skill-Building, and Make Your Own. Daisies continue to earn Petals, as well as four new Leaves.

Informal ways to recognize volunteers • Girl Scout tokens-check the Girl Scout catalogue or shop online on our website at girlscoutsindiana.org.

National Leadership Program through Journeys At the core of the GSLE are national leadership Journeys, fun and challenging experiences grouped around a theme and spread over a series of sessions. Each Journey has all the important components of the GSLE sewn right in. Journeys ensure that every Girl Scout receives a consistent, high-quality experience that engages girls in realizing leadership potiential. Each Journey offers opportunities to enjoy the long-standing traditions of Girl Scouting, from ceremonies and songs to earning awards and related skill badges. So, to guide girls on a great journey, all you need is enthusiasm and a sense of adventure.

• Celebrate Leader Appreciation Day on April 22 • Certificates • Personal handwritten note cards • Scrapbook • Telephone call • Electronic greeting cards • Flowers • Framed photo or picture collage • Themed recognition (hearts, shamrocks, stars, angels) • Fun awards (bones-wishbone, funny bone, backbone; hats; gems and rocks; hand; puzzle piece)

Skill Building badge sets The Skill-Building Badge Activity Sets offer girls the opportunity to earn additional badges throughout their Leadership Journeys. Activities are designed to turn the experiences and inspiration of the Journeys into tangible skills that girls can use throughout their lives.

• One minute praise to say thanks

Troop Committee Thank You Gift Ideas • First Aider – small travel first aid kit

Pathways Pathways are the flexible ways girls and adults can participate in Girl Scouting such as troop, camp, events, series, travel, and virtual.

• Troop Camper – whistle • Treasurer – coin purse • Fall Product Manager – nut dish

Need some support writing nominations?

• Cookie Sale Manager – cookie jar or cookie cutters

We want to ensure the success of adult recognition nominations. If you need help or have questions, contact Meg Booth, director of volunteer services, at 317.924.6839 or email mbooth@girlscoutsindiana.org.

• Record keeper – pen and pencil set • Refreshment Coordinator – coffee mug • Transportation Coordinator – key chain or set of maps


www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers

Adult learning

Service unit recognition ideas • Celebrate with an Investiture and Rededication Ceremony or other Girl Scout traditions

Online resources In looking at Girl Scout recognition research the type of recognition that volunteers say they appreciate the most is recognition from troops, individual girls and parents. Find tools on girlscoutsindiana.org to recognize leaders and other volunteers informally.

• Public acknowledgement in your local newspaper • Service unit honor rolls for example, leaders with 12 girls or more, leaders returning for the 2nd year, leaders who are creative in having girls plan and implement activities, or volunteer learning stars who have completed recommended adult learning sessions within 6 months.

President’s Volunteer Service Award The President’s Volunteer Service Award is part of the Points of Light and is a way to thank and honor Americans who, by their demonstrated commitment and example, inspire others to engage in volunteer service. As an affiliate of GSUSA your local troop or service unit can register to be a Certifying Organization. Go to presidentialserviceawards.gov to learn more about these awards and how to become a Certifying Organization. Use GSU003 as your ID when registering.

• Volunteer thank you kits Online resources • Free e-cards for every occasion at Americangreetings.com • E-cards at BlueMountain.com • E-cards and greeting cards at hallmark.com • Virtual Flowers at iflowers.com

Other Girl Scout and community resources Grade level volunteer pins Volunteer pins for each grade level are available through all Showcase locations. These pins are great resources to welcome and thank volunteers into roles working directly with girls or supporting a grade level behind the scenes. These position pins are not earned, but given in recognition of service supporting Girl Scouts in a variety of ways.


Adult position pins Each position an adult member in Girl Scouting can hold has a corresponding position bar. Visit your local Showcase to purchase your categorical color position bar. Volunteer service award pin Pins to recognize years of service in Girl Scouting are available in five year increments up to 30 years. Pins can be purchased at your local Showcase. Official volunteer pin Volunteer pins may be purchased at the Showcase by any Girl Scout volunteer.


There is more than one way to thank her for making an impact in your girl's life.

Nominate her for an Adult Recognition Due: February 1 | Forms are available online 115

www.girlscoutsindiana.org /volunteers


Council Event Registration Form Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Please register online at girlscoutsindiana.org or fax the following form to 317.931.3346 or mail to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, Suite 100, 2611 Waterfront Parkway , Indianapolis, IN 46214. Use one registration form for each event. This form may be copied or saved to your computer and emailed. Print clearly and complete all sections. If you have a multi-age level troop, girls need to attend the age-level appropriate to the event (i.e. Girl Scout Brownies cannot attend events for Girl Scout Juniors even if they are in the same troop).

Troop #

Grade level


Event title

Office code Event date

Event time

Please print the name(s) of those attending this event. Use an additional paper if necessary. Name Grade Name Grade Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Girl  Adult Total # Girls Adults Total due:

Individual Fee $ $

Total $ $ $

In order for your registration to be processed it must be accompanied by payment in full unless otherwise indicated.

Select payment (please check one)   Cash  Check  Credit Card  Cookie Dough If paying by credit card, card holder’s name______________________________________________________ Card type_______________ Card no__________________________________ Exp. date_________________ Leader’s name___________________________________________________________________________ Home mailing address_________________________City/ZIP code___________________________________ School_________________________________________________________________________________ Day phone (____ )_________________ Cell (____ )________________ Eve. phone (_____ )_______________ Please select how you would like to receive your bill (please check one)   USPS mail   E-mail AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING I understand that if we are selected for this event, I am financially responsible for the above number of girls/adults and will owe the event balance amount unless I have cancelled in writing 15 calendar days prior to the program event.

Name (please print) _______________________________________________________________________ Signature__________________________________________ Date _________________________________


Program Assistance Grant Application Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Please complete the Program Assistance Grant Application online at girlscoutsindiana.org, or mail the following form to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, Suite 100, 2611 Waterfront Parkway , Indianapolis, IN 46214. Grants are given for individual girl or troop participation in Girl Scouts of Central Indiana and Girl Scouts of the USA endorsed events such as GSUSA national and international Destinations, resident and day camp, and council, service unit, or troop program activities. Grants are only given to registered Girl Scouts. • Each girl may apply for one troop, one camp and one individual grant per year. • Financing is seldom more than matching funds with the exception of extreme need and or unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the applicant. • All applicants will be notified by mail as to the disposition of the requests. The grant committee will look at the following factors when evaluating a grant request. • The application request is based on a realistic goal and includes a sound financial plan. • The financial resources of the applicant, including any special circumstances. • The degree to which the applicant has used her own resources to help pay for the cost of the opportunity. Type of PAG requested:   Troop (see section I)   Individual (see section II)   Camp (see section II) Girl Scouts of Central Indiana should make PAG check payable to:

Section I: Troop PAG (circle appropriate grade level) Girl Scout Daisy  Girl Scout Brownie  Girl Scout Junior  Girl Scout Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Troop number_____________Leader’s name________________ Phone (______ ) _________________ Street address _______________________________________ # participating (G)______ (A) ______ City, state, ZIP____________________________________________ County____________________ Are all girls are registered Girl Scouts?   Yes   No I have reviewed the Safety-Wise section appropriate to this activity and assure that all requirements will be met. Leader signature_________________________________________________ Date _______________

Troop PAG applicants please continue to section IV.

Section II: Individual PAG (circle appropriate grade level) Girl Scout Daisy  Girl Scout Brownie  Girl Scout Junior  Girl Scout Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Girl’s name____________________________________________ Troop number________________ Street address_______________________________ City, state, ZIP___________________________ County/Service unit________________________________ Phone (_______ )____________________ Number of years in Girl Scouting______Grade in fall_________________ Birth date__________________

School________________________________________________________________________________ Does girl receive free/reduced lunch at school?   Yes   No Girl wishes to attend the following program activity:___________________________________________ Council program activity:   Troop program activity   Day camp   Resident camp Girl signature_____________________________________________________ Date______________ Parent name printed __________________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian signature___________________________________________ Date______________ Camp applicants please continue to section III; individual applicants please continue to section IV.




Program Assistance Grant Application Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Section III: Camp PAG (circle appropriate grade level) Submit a $10 deposit with your PAG application. The application will not be processed until the $10 fee has been received by GSCI.

Girl Scout Daisy  Girl Scout Brownie  Girl Scout Junior  Girl Scout Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Parent/guardian name_________________________________________ Troop number____________ Work phone ______________________________ Cell phone ________________________________ Complete only if different from girl’s information. Street address_____________________________________________________________________ City, state, ZIP_________________________________ County/Service unit______________________ Camp attending ______________________ Camp dates_________ Session number or name _________ School________________________________________________________________________________ _

Camp applicants please continue to section IV.

Section IV: Event details and participation Location_______________________________________Transportation________________________ Detailed description of event___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Dates of trip_______________________________________________________________________ Have reservations been made?   Yes   No What are your sleeping arrangements?   Tents   Hotel   Other Do you have additional insurance other than Girl Scouts?   Yes   No A complete itinerary must be submitted including dates, times, places and accommodations with a full list of girls and adults. Has troop/girl received a grant for a Girl Scout activity in the past year?   Yes   No Did the troop/girl participate in the Fall Product Sale Program?   Yes   No If no, why not?______________________________________________________________________ Did the troop/girl participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Sale Program?   Yes   No If no, why not?______________________________________________________________________

All applicants please continue to Section V.


Program Assistance Grant Application Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Section V: Budget Total anticipated cost

Total amount girl/troop can pay

If other, please specify

Transportation____________ Troop__________________________ _________________________ Camp fee________________ Parent/guardian__________________ _________________________ Program fee______________ Girl’s earnings____________________ _________________________ Other___________________ Other__________________________ _________________________ Total____________________ Total__________________________ _________________________ Total amount requested ____________________________________ Total annual income: (Please check the appropriate amount)  $0-$12,000  $15,001-$18,000  $21,001-$25,000  $30,001-$40,000  $50,001-$60,000  $12,001-$15,000  $18,001-$21,000  $25,001-$30,000  $40,001-$50,000  Over $60,000

Number of people supported by this income: ______________________________________________ Answer the following questions. Please attach additional sheet if necessary. What is the trip goal?_________________________________________________________________ Are there any special circumstances? (This question must be answered in order for your application to be considered.) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Is the parent/guardian a troop leader?____________________________________________________ The following questions must be filled out for processing: Does your child receive free or reduced lunch?

☐ Yes

☐ No

What is your child's school district? _____________________________________________________________ Please allow 4 weeks for processing.

Award amount ___________ Requisition # ____________








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