Troop Cookie Manager Manual 2025

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2024–2025 Girl Scout Cookie Program

Troop Cookie Manager Manual

With each new cookie season, Girl Scout entrepreneurs embrace the possibility of all the excitement that lies ahead.

The information in this guide is crafted to help you empower each and every Girl Scout to reach their goals from newcomers planning their first cookie booth to seasoned pros upgrading their digital strategies.

While planning a cookie season can seem daunting, the Troop Manual will help you conquer cookie season with helpful tips for Digital Cookie, using the eBudde app, digital marketing, important deadlines to meet, and ensuring boothing success! Plus, we have ready-made resources that keep it simple and help volunteers and entrepreneurs have the most successful and fun cookie season ever.

There’s no limit to what Girl Scouts can achieve with your help, and we know you’re excited to get started and Embrace Possibility.

Volunteers support endless possibilities!

It’s a fact: Cookie season couldn’t happen without the hard work of our volunteers.

Thank you for serving as a Cookie Program Volunteer!

Table of Contents

Cookies 101: The Basics

What’s New in 2025 (5)

Meet the Cookies (6) Why Cookies? (7)

How to Participate (8)

Marketing In Person (9-10)

Marketing Online (11)

Cookie Resources (12)

Cookie Support (13)

TCM Resources and Training Before the Sale (15)

Cookie Financials (16-17)

Digital Cookie (18-19)

eBudde Basics (20-21)

Initial Order (22-23)

Cookie Delivery (24-25)

Cookie Booths (26-27)

Cookie Cupboards (28)

Allocation (29-31)

Cookie Inventory (32) Rewards (33)

Volunteer Action Plan (34)

Cookie Season Checklist (35)


What’s New in 2025

Initial Order Rewards

This year we are offering a reward that can only be earned at Initial Order. Each entrepreneur that sells 220+ packages at IO, will earn a super cool Bamboo Plush!


We are excited to announce a new communication platform this cookie season. Rallyhood not only allows us to share important current information but we can also share files, links, and a calendar of events. Troop Cookie Managers will be invited to join a special rally just for them. Download the free app for easy access today!

Plant Seeds of Kindness

As adults, we set the tone for our troop and should led by example. We need to ensure that we are modeling the behavior we want our Girl Scouts to emulate and that kindness and empathy ma er. When you see another volunteer modeling kindness during the Cookie Program, you can nominate them to receive our new Plant Seeds of Kindness award. Just scan the QR code and fill out the nomination JotForm. Help spread a li le kindness this cookie season!

Year of the S’more

Why Cookies?

Building Skills

The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps Girl Scouts develop real-world skills in five essential areas:

Goal Se ing: Girl Scouts learn how to set goals and create a plan to reach them. How you can help: Encourage them to set incremental, achievable goals. Work with them to break down their goals into small, frequent wins like weekly challenges.

Decision Making: Girl Scouts learn to make decisions on their own and as a team. How you can help: Talk about how they plan to spend the troop’s cookie earnings.

Money Management: Girl Scouts learn to create a budget and handle money. How you can help: Build on their interest in learning to manage all facets of the cookie business, like creating a budget to fund a troop experience or figuring out the percentage of customers who chose the donation option.

People Skills: Girl Scouts find their voices and build confidence through customer interactions. How you can help: Ask them about new marketing ideas they want to try. They can discuss how to tailor their cookie pitch to achieve their goals.

Business Ethics: Girl Scouts learn to act ethically, both in business and life. How you can help: Talk to them about the importance of delivering on their promise to customers. They can also consider offering a cookie donation option.

How the Cookie Crumbles

Did you know? All proceeds from Girl Scout Cookies stay local? In 2024 Girl Scouts of Central Indiana troops earned $2,123,513.30 in troop proceeds to fund their activities, buy supplies, and support service projects in local communities. The Cookie Program is an amazing way to put money in the hands of our Girl Scout troops to make the world a be er place!

Cookies for a Cause

The Cookies for a Cause program donates cookies directly to food pantries, first responders, and military service members. In 2024 Girl Scouts of Central Indiana troops donated over 46,310 packages of cookies back into the community.

Entrepreneurs can earn these official Girl Scouts recognitions by completing requirements that help them develop new business skills.

Cookie Business Badges

How to Participate Ways

to Participate

There are many ways to sell Girl Scout Cookies, each one helps entrepreneurs gain different skills along the way. Each Girl Scout troop has the opportunity to decide how they want to participate in the Cookie Program. We encourage that this topic is discussed at your troop cookie meeting and to let the girls take the lead in picking how they want to run their business. Remember, you do not have to do it all! New troops might find it easier to just focus on just selling shipped orders via Digital Cookie while other troops love to sell at cookie booths. Pick what works for you.

1. Order Card (in person): Each entrepreneur will receive a paper order card from their Troop Cookie Manager. This order card allows entrepreneurs to collect in person orders and payment for cookies. Orders placed on the order card will need to be submi ed to the Troop Cookie Manager for fulfillment. Once the entrepreneur receives the cookies, they should be promptly delivered to customers.

2. Digital Cookie (online): Each entrepreneur has the option to launch their own online store front. On this store front, customers can order cookies to be shipped directly to them, donate cookies, or order cookies to be girl delivered. This is a safe and secure way for entrepreneurs to reach customers near and far. Entrepreneurs have the ability to email friends and family, create videos to share on social media, and get creative in marketing their personal Cookie Business. All orders made through Digital Cookie are paid online, so caregivers do not need to track down payments.

3. Cookie Booths (in person): Cookie pop-up sales in areas with lots of foot traffic are a fun way for entrepreneurs to connect with their community and practice their sales pitch with new customers. Booth locations must be approved by council and fall within council jurisdiction. Entrepreneurs can use the Digital Cookie platform at cookie booths to take online payments.

4. Direct Sales: Once an entrepreneur has cookies on hand, they can visit with family, friends, and neighbors and sell cookies instantly without them having to place an order and wait. The cookie order and payment happen at the same time.

No ma er which ways your troop decides to sell, there are many resources available for entrepreneurs to market their cookie business. Check out the next few pages to see all the free options Li le Brownie Bakers offers to our entrepreneurs.

Market Their Business In Person

Ordering Made Easy

On-the-go Girl Scouts will love these handy Girl Scout Cookie menus!

They fit easily into plastic holders on lanyards so they're protected from all types of weather.

Entrepreneurs can wear them at booths and encourage customers to scan their QR code to visit their Digital Cookie site to make a purchase and bookmark their site for future purchases. It's especially handy if booth inventory in a certain variety is running low!

Girl Scouts can also pop them into their backpacks for customers to scan anytime.

Lanyard inserts can be personalized with marketing messages and cookie prices.

Menus print 4-to-a-page and can be used as small flyers or leave behinds.

Market Their Business In Person

Find resources like mouthwatering cookie photography, conversation-starting virtual backgrounds, recipes that encourage stocking freezers, fun clip art, and a ention-grabbing booth signage all in one place!

Having a cookie booth or neighborhood stand?

Any way your troop does it, we have lots of resources to entice cookie lovers!

Create Booth Buzz

Market Their Business Online

Digital Marketing Basics

We make marketing easy. Learn the basics and keep track of important dates with this helpful guide - sure to make cookie season a success! Visit Digital Marketing Basics on Li and Digital Marketing Tips for Cookie Entrepreneurs at

Girl Scouts can expand their customer base by promoting their cookie business online. Here are a few ways they can take their digital marketing to the next level.

· Digital Cookie: Personalize their site by uploading weekly videos. Offer cookies through direct shipping or in-person delivery.

· Social Media: Create a digital marketing campaign to stand out and spread the word to far-away family and friends. For tips and best practices, visit Digital Marketing on Li

· Text or Call: Reach out to customers who may not be online and follow up for reorders.

Safety Resources

Girl Scouts and their caregivers will be prompted when launching their Digital Cookie site to read, agree to and abide by the guidelines linked below before engaging in online marketing and sales efforts through the cookie program. Additional safety guidelines can be found on the GSCI website under Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints. These include basic facts, forms, tips and more!

A ract Customers with Ready-Made Graphics

Resources at a glance

Planning Tools and Resources

There are lots of ideas and resources to help you plan your troop’s cookie season. Check out the websites below for lots of helpful resources.

GSUSA Website

Here you will find

· Cookie Program Booklets and Handouts

· Direct to Troop Resources

· Pins and Badges

· Safety

· More Tips and Tools

Li le Brownie Website

· Printable Marketing Materials

· Rally and Activity Guides

· Theme Graphics

· Girl Scout Cookie Recipes

GSCI Website

· Council Forms and Tools

· Cookie Programming Resources

· Resources for Entrepreneurs

· Links to Digital Cookie and eBudde

Cookie Support

Don’t Do It Alone

As the Troop Cookie Manager, you have the privilege of instilling passion and drive in Girl Scouts so they can achieve their cookie business goals. But you do not have to do it alone! Ask the caregivers in your troop to volunteer to help support the cookie program. Your troop leaders and Service Unit Cookie Managers are there to help as well. Do not hesitate to ask for help!

Cookie Chats

Throughout the Cookie Program, the Product Program Team offers live Zoom calls on Tuesday evenings from 7-8pm. The team will discuss current hot topics and allow you to ask any questions that you have. Links for Cookie Chats will be sent out each week in your eBudde newsle ers and can be found on the Rallyhood calendars. We hope to see you there!

Cookie Communication

It is important to stay up to date on current Cookie Program information. The Product Program team will communicate with you via eBudde and Rallyhood. Every Monday you will receive an eBudde newsle er addressing the current important information. Urgent news will be sent out via eBudde Blasts and through Rallyhood. It is important that you remain subscribed to the eBudde mailing list and join the Troop Cookie Manager Rally on Rallyhood to make sure you do not miss out on any important information.

Cookie Program Contact Information

While Customer Care is your first point of contact for all cookie questions. We know that sometimes you need to reach us directly. Below is the contact information for each team member and their specialty areas.

TCM Resources & Training

Before the Sale

Troop Cookie Manager Training


· 1.3 Trained Troop Cookie Managers receive eBudde and Digital Cookie access.

This year we have simplified the training process for our Troop Cookie Managers. We wanted to create an all in one training guide to give you a good start to the cookie program and also serve as a helpful resource through out the cookie program. By reading this Troop Cookie Manager Training Manual, you are completing the necessary training. Once you have read the manual, there is one final step that you will need to complete. Please scan the QR code and fill out the Troop Cookie Manager JotForm Agreement. This agreement will have you acknowledge that you completed the training and take financial responsibility for your troop. Once we receive your completed JotForm, you will gain eBudde access.

It is important to hold a meeting with your troop and caregivers to kick off the cookie program. Cookie Program Meeting Guides can be found on the GSCI website under cookie resources for volunteers. No ma er if your troop is brand new or a season cookie troop, it is important to start the cookie program off on the right path. Here are a few topics you will want to cover at your cookie meeting.

· Cookie Program Basics: cookie varieties, cost, ways to sell, and what things entrepreneurs can learn through participating in the sale.

Average sales per cookie variety

· Goals: help each entrepreneur set their own personal goal, set an overall troop goal, determine a plan to use troop proceeds, and look ways to track progress towards the goals.

· Important Sales Dates: make sure caregivers are aware of deadlines for your troop.

· Money & Financial Responsibility: set expectations for collecting money, ordering cookies, and picking up cookies.

· Volunteers: ask for caregivers to help to work cookie booths, pick up cookies, or other tasks through out the cookie program.

Troop Cookie Meeting

Cookie Financials

Check list

Troop Bank Account



· 1.10 Troop Banking in eBudde

· 1.17 $1 ACH Test Pull

· 2.26 50% ACH Pull

· 3.24 Past due cookie account form

· 3.28 100% ACH Pull

In order to participate in the cookie program, your troop must have a council approved bank account set up. This process can take a few weeks, so please do not wait until the last minute.

Once your bank account is set up, you will need to enter your troop bank account information into eBudde.

· Click on the “Se ings” Tab on the top dashboard

· Scroll to the bo om right corner to “Bank Info”

· Enter bank name, routing number, and account number

Troop bank account information must be entered in eBudde by January 10. Troops that have participated in previous cookie and fall product programs may see their account information has already been populated. Please check to ensure the account is correct and make any needed changes.

All cookie payments made to the Girl Scouts of Central Indiana are collected via scheduled automatic withdrawals from the troop bank account. This is why it is vital that your troop bank account information is entered into eBudde. It is essential that you make note of pull dates to ensure cookie money is available in your account.

2025 Cookie Payment Schedule

Cookie Financials

Check list

eBudde basics

Every troop that participated in the cookie program has the opportunity to earn troop proceeds at a rate of $1 per package. Additional proceeds may be earned through opt out and crossover programs. A troop decision to opt our of rewards must be a unanimous decision.

Unpaid Funds Consequences

Best Practices

· Deposit cookie money into your troop bank account weekly.

· Make sure all money and cookie transactions with caregivers include a receipt. Don’t wait till the end of the program to collect money from caregivers.

Digital Cookie

What is Digital Cookie?



· 1.3 TCM Access to Digital Cookie

· 1.6 Caregiver Access to Digital Cookie

· 1.22 Troop Cookie Sales Site can be launched

Digital Cookie is a unified online selling platform that allows Girl Scouts to supercharge their cookie business! On Digital Cookie:

· Girl Scouts create their own sites and send marketing emails to customers.

· Girl Scouts and caregiver can manage their online sales, inventory, and financials.

· Girl Scouts take orders and track packages.

· Troop Cookie Managers support Girl Scouts and families with visibility to their online activities.

· Troop Cookie Managers use it to set up and manage sales for their troop specific

· Download the new Digital Cookie App.

· Only one caregiver can receive access per entrepreneur. The caregiver will default to their primary caregiver in Salesforce.

Digital Cookie Tips

eBudde basics

We know that Digital Cookie can be a source for stress and confusion for our volunteers. In order to help make Digital Cookie a li le bit easier, we are including lots of QR codes to tip sheets and videos that we think you might find helpful this cookie season.

Digital Cookie
Digital Cookie Tips and Resources

eBudde Basics

A Must Have for Cookie Volunteers


· 1.3 Trained TCM gain access to eBudde

The eBudde cookie management system offers calendar reminders, reports, training and much more on either your desktop or mobile device. It’s also where sales are recorded so Girl Scouts get full credit for their hard-earned rewards. It is important to keep your records up to date in eBudde.

eBudde Access

The Product Program Team will add you to eBudde when you have met the following requirements:

· Currently rostered as the Troop Cookie Manager

· Completed and submi ed the Troop Cookie Manager Agreement JotForm

When you have been granted access into eBudde, you will be sent an email with a link and login information from do_not_reply@ li Click the link in the email and following the prompt to set your password. If you have been in eBudde before, you may not receive an email. Your previous log in information will work.

Why eBudde makes it easy

eBudde Basics

eBudde basics

A must have or Girl Scout Cookie volunteersQuick Tips to Get Started

· Download the eBudde app.

· Explore the dashboard on both the desktop and app versions, where you’ll find important messages, links to tools and resources you’ll need throughout the season.

· Check the top left corner to ensure you are in the proper cookie season. If you have served as a Troop Cookie Manager in the past, you will be able to toggle through all of your seasons.

· Click the Se ings Tab enter your troop’s package goal, check level of your troop, and select reward opt out if your troop is eligible and made a unanimous decision to do so.

· Click the Girl Tab check the accuracy of each Girl Scout's name, member ID, grade and t-shirt size. If a Girl Scout is missing, please reach out to Customer Care to get them added as soon as possible.

· Visit eBudde Help Center for any questions related to tech and training.

· Visual Learner? Check out this playlist for step-by-step training videos.

Initial Order

What is Initial Order?


· 1.21 Initial Order due in eBudde by 8pm

· 1.21 Initial Order rewards selected in eBudde by 11:59pm

At the beginning of the Cookie Program, troops can place an initial order (IO) for cookie inventory. Cookies ordered at IO, will be available to pick up during Cookie Delivery week. The cookies ordered at IO will allow you to fulfill paper order cards, online girl delivered orders, and have inventory for future sales and upcoming cookie booths. Cookies are ordered by the case (12 packages per case) during IO.

Troops are financial responsible for all cookies ordered.

How Much to Order?

In order to have the necessary inventory on hand, it is imperative that troops order enough cookies in the Initial Order (IO). Cookies will not be available for troops again until Cookie Cupboards open. When determining your IO, keep these things in mind:

· Consider the goals for each entrepreneur as well as the total troop goal.

· Council will provide you with a Starting Inventory Tool. This tool uses historical cookie data to help make recommendations on an IO for a troop. Troops that have sold in the past will see their prior sales data and IOs. New troops will be able to see what a troop of your level and size has historically ordered and sold. The SIO tool will break down by variety. This tool is only a recommendation and troops must order what feels right for them.

· You are ordering in full cases. If the orders do not reach a full case, you will be ordering extra packages.

· Enough cookies will need to be ordered to fulfill all paper order cards and online girl delivered orders.

· Remind caregivers of the financial liability if an order feels to big. You can go to a cupboard for more cookies if needed.

· If you are planning on having cookie booths, make sure you have enough cookies to stock your booth. Reminder you cannot get more cookies until cupboards open.

· Entrepreneur’s wanting to earn the IO Reward, must order at least 220 packages.

Initial Order

Initial Order Entry

Your IO will need to be entered in eBudde on January 21 by 8pm. In order to enter your IO, please use the following steps:

1. Log in to eBudde and click on the Init. Order tab.

2. For each entrepreneur, you will see a line for Order Card and one for DOC Girl Deliv. Click on the entrepreneur’s name to open up their ordering screen.

3. Under the Order Card column, you will see a breakdown of cookies by variety. If the caregiver entered this information in DOC, you will see that the numbers flowed over to eBudde. You are required to approve this order. You will see red wording next to Order Card line until you approve this order. Failure to approve an order will result in no cookie being ordered for that entrepreneur. If the caregiver did not enter the information, you will need to contact the caregiver to get a copy of their order card and manually enter the package number. Don’t forget to click save.

4. If an entrepreneur sold on Digital Cookie, the package information will flow over from Digital Cookie into eBudde.

5. Repeat this process for each selling entrepreneur.

6. If your troop is ordering extra cookies to have as inventory for reorders and cookie booths, click on the Other line and enter the number of packages by variety. Don’t forget to click save.

7. At the bo om of the IO tab, you will see lines that break down the total number of packages you are ordering, the number of cases that translates to, and the number of extra packages you will be ordering. Confirm the number and then click the Submit bu on. Remember your troop will be financial responsible for all cookies ordered.

Initial Order Reward

If you have an entrepreneur that ordered at least 220 packages, they will earn this year’s IO reward. Make sure to click on the Reward tab and check the IO reward for each entrepreneur. Initial Order rewards will be mailed out to Service Unit Cookie Managers to distribute to troops.

Cookie Delivery Cookie Delivery Selection


· 1.21 Delivery location selection due in eBudde by 9:30pm

· 1.27-2.3 Cookie Delivery Week

Once you enter your Initial Order, you will need to select the date and time for picking up your troop’s order. In order to sign up for you location, please use the following steps:

1. Click on the Delivery tab.

2. On the left side, you will see a break down of the cases of cookies you have ordered. Under the cookie total, you will need to select who is picking up the cookies.

3. On the right side, you will see a the deliver stations. Click on the blue drop down menu to select the location and date that you want to pick up at. You will see a highlighted box showing how many time slots you are required to pick for the amount of cookies that you ordered. Click on the time slot you would like and your troop number will populate. Once you have selected the required number of slots, click the submit bu on in the top right corner.

4. You will be directed to a summary page. Please print or save a copy for your records. Delivery selections cannot be changed after submission.

Cookie Pick Up Tips

· Know exactly how many cases you ordered of each variety.

· Arrive at your scheduled pickup time.

· Make sure you have enough vehicles to load your order. Vehicle estimation assumes one driver and one passenger.

· Line up your vehicles at the same time.

· Check in and receive your pickup ticket.

· Give your pickup ticket to the loader and count cases as they’re loaded in. You are responsible for ensuring you get the correct number of cookies. It is ok to ask for the loader to slow down or to recount.

· Sign for your order and take your receipt.

Number of Cases My Car Can Carry

Cookie Delivery

Distributing Cookies to Girl Scouts

Once you have picked up your Initial Order, you will need to plan to distribute cookies to Girl Scouts and their caregivers. Cookie distribution will also occur after each cupboard order. Here are some helpful guidelines:

· As soon as possible, arrange to have each Girl Scout/caregiver pick up their cookies.

· Make sure entrepreneurs and caregivers know when, who, and how to contact the troop if they need additional cookies or assistance.

· Determine your troops plan for placing additional orders and money collection. Each troop can develop their own plan for this. Some troops will require new orders to be turned in on Monday via a spreadsheet so that the TCM has time to place a cupboard order. Other troops might prefer a text message as soon as more cookies are needed. As far a money collection, we recommend that you take frequent payments to limit troop financial responsibility. It is ok to required a caregiver to turn in payment for checked out cookies before issuing additional cookies. Experienced troops can be a helpful source of information when determining your troops plan.

· Determine if your troop will allow entrepreneurs to return their unsold cookies. This is up to the individual troop but it should be a clear and set prior to the sale starting.

At Cookie Pick Up

· Prior to the entrepreneur and caregiver arriving, count out and separate all cookies that they are picking up.

· Prepare a receipt showing the cookies broken down by case, package and variety. Make sure to include the date and cost for the cookies. Receipt books are provided by council. A receipt must be used each time you distribute cookie or collect money.

· When the entrepreneur and caregiver arrive, have the caregiver verify that the quantities are correct and match the receipt. If the caregiver is making a payment to the troop, add the payment amount to the receipt.

· Have the caregiver sign the receipt. By signing the receipt, the caregiver is taking financial responsibility for the cookies.

· The troop should keep the original receipt and the caregiver should receive the copy.

· Keep all receipts for the troops records. As soon as possible, add the transaction (allocation of cookies and payments) into eBudde.

Cookie Booths

What is a Cookie Booth?


· Hot Spot Booth Sign Up

1.20 Round 1 @6pm

1.21 Round 2 @6pm

1.22 Round 3 @6pm

A Cookie Booth is a public sale of cookies at a local business. There are two types of cookie booths, hot spot and not-hot spot. Hot spot cookie booths are location secured and entered into eBudde by council. Hot spot booth locations have contracts with either the council or GSUSA. To avoid conflict, volunteer may not contact these locations. Non-hot spot booths are community locations that a troop secures on their own. Examples are restaurants, churches, community events, etc. All non-hots spots must be approved by council and entered into eBudde at least 24 hours in advance. All approved booths will be uploaded into the Cookie Finder app for customers to find.

Cookie Booth Policies and Etique e

· All cookie booths are to remain withing the jurisdiction of Girl Scout and Central Indiana and our 45 counties.

· Punctuality ma ers. Make sure you are arrive on time as customers will be expecting you. Make sure to be ready to go at the end of your time slot so the next troop can start their booth on time.

· But your best foot forward. Make sure you are wearing your Girl Scout uniform or Girl Scout a ire, weather permi ing.

· Make sure you come to your booth prepared with all the items you need to set up your booth (table, table cloth, marketing signs) and sell cookies (cash box, change, cookie inventory, phone for taking digital payment).

· You are only allowed to sell Li le Brownie Baker cookies at your booth at $6.00 per package.

· Make sure you are meeting adult to Girl Scout ratios while at the cookie booth. Girl Scouts may not be left alone at a booth. Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors must have at least two Girl Scouts and two unrelated adults with background checks. Cade es, Seniors, Ambassadors, and Julie es must have at least one Girl Scout and one adult with a background check.

· Siblings, friends, and pets are not allowed to participate or be present at your cookie booth.

· Leave the booth area cleaner than you found it. You are responsible for taking all empty cookie cases home with you.

· Do not engage in conflict with other troops or customers. The location manager has the right to ask you to leave at any time. If you need immediate assistance while at a booth, please call Dulce at 317-924-6019 or

Cookie Booths

Hot Spot Cookie Booth Sign Up

In order to ensure that each troop has an opportunity to sign up for booths, we hold hot spot cookie booth sign up in several rounds. Round information can be found to the right. In order to sign up for a hot spot booth, follow these steps:

1. Log into eBudde and click on the Booth Sales tab.

2. Click on the Sign Up for a Council Booth bu on.

3. Scroll through cities, click the down arrow, and look at all location options. Click on the arrow to the right of your chosen hot spot.

4. You will see available time periods in green. Click on your chosen date. A new screen will pop up, click in the time slots your troop would like to sign up for. Then click submit in the upper righthand corner.

Cookie Booth Policies and Etique e

In the event your troop cannot make your scheduled cookie booth time, please release it as soon as possible so that another troop has the opportunity to sign up. Releasing the booth will also allow it to be remove from the cookie finder so customers are not upset when they cannot locate the booth.

In order to release a cookie booth, visit your Booth Sales tab and edit your selection. If you need to release a booth within 24 hours, please reach out to Dulce.


· 2.7 Hot spot cookie booths begin

Round 1: January 20 at 6pm, 4 booths limit of 2 per chain

Round 2: January 21 at 6pm, 4 booths limit of 2 per chain (cumulative total of 8 booths, 4 per chain)

Round 3: January 22 at 6pm, 25 booths limit of 5 per chain (cumulative total of 33 booths, 9 per chain)

Round 4: February 7at 6pm, no booth limits

Troops can also enter a cookie booth location that they have secured. Non-hot spot cookie booths can start as soon as a troop has picked up their initial order cookies. In order to sign up for a non-hot spot booth, follow these steps:

1. Log into eBudde and click on the Booth Sales tab.

2. Click on the Add/Edit a Troop Booth bu on and then the +Add bu on.

3. Enter all required information and then click save.

4. Your requested booth will show as pending until it is reviewed and approved by council. Please note that if a booth is denied, you may not hold your cookie booth and will be contacted by council.

Non-Hot Spot Cookie Booth Sign Up

Cookie Cupboards


What is a Cookie Cupboard?


· 2.7 Cookie Cupboards open

A Cookie Cupboard is a council run location where troops can order and pickup additional cookies throughout the cookie program. Cookie Cupboards are strategically located through out the 45 counties in our council.

Placing a Cupboard Order Cupboard Tips

· All cookie cupboards are closed on Mondays for inventory.

· You must place your cupboard order at least 48 hours in advance of your chosen pick up date and time. For example, if you want to pick up at 6pm on Thursday, your order must be place no later that 5:59 pm on Tuesday.

· Have the eBudde app downloaded and make sure you can log in prior to arriving to the cupboard. You will be asked to sign for your pick up using the app.

· Only Troop Cookie Managers and approved pick up users in eBudde may pick up a cookie order.

· You are responsible for counting cookies prior to leaving the cupboard.

· Last minute changes to your order cannot always be accommodated. Contact your cupboard manager for changes.

· Please remember that most of our cookie cupboard are ran by volunteers. Please be respectful of their time and show kindness when picking up cookies.

Cupboard orders are placed in eBudde. Use the following steps to enter your order:

1. Log into eBudde and click on the Transactions tab.

2. Click the +add bu on to open the order screen.

3. On the light blue box on left side, select cupboard. Then use the dark blue drop down menu to select your chosen cupboard location. You will now be able to select a date and time for pick up.

4. On the right hand side, select add product. Enter the number of cases and packages that you would like for each variety.

5. Click the save bu on to process your order. Your order will show as pending until it is picked up.

If you need to make any changes or cancel your order, you must reach out to the cupboard manager.

Please remember that your troop is financially responsible for all cookies ordered and picked up at a cookie cupboard.

Cookie Allocation

Check list

is Cookie Allocation?


· Allocation should be ongoing throughout the Cookie Program. · 3.20 All allocation must be completed. Rewards cannot be selected until allocation is completed.

Allocation is the process of giving credit to an entrepreneur for packages of cookies sold. Allocation will transfer cookie inventory from the troop to the individual entrepreneur. This can be one of the most challenging parts of the cookie program for volunteers but it is vital to ensure entrepreneurs receive the correct rewards and caregivers pay the troop for all cookies. The Product Program team will offer specific live trainings on this topic and LBB offers some great video trainings. Do not hesitate to reach out if you need assistance with allocation.

Anytime cookies or money are transferred between caregiver and the troop, you must document it with a receipt. The receipts will allow you to have documentation to enter transactions into eBudde and will allow the troop to track caregiver debt.

Allocation begins after Initial Order. The cookies ordered prior to are included on the Initial Order will all ready be allocated to each entrepreneur. When distributing the Initial Order cookies, as long as you match the numbers in eBudde, you will not need to allocate. Every cookie order after IO that is girl delivered (Digital Cookie Orders and paper order cards) as well as all booth sales, will need to be allocated.

There are two main ways that we will use to allocate cookie packages and payments, the Girl Orders tab and the Booth Sale Recorder. We will walk through the allocation process on the next few pages. Please check out the LBB video trainings below for step by step instructions.

Girl Orders Tab Booth Sales Recorder

Cookie Allocation

Check list

eBudde basics

DUE ON: Girl Orders Tab

Use To: Give credit for all additional boxes sold after IO (order card, Digital Cookie girl delivered) and to log payments received from the entrepreneur/caregiver.

How To Enter a New Order:

· Click on the Girl Orders tab

· Click on the entrepreneur’s name

· Click +Order bu on. Fill in the comment section at the top. Best practice is to be as descriptive as possible. You might want to include the receipt date or DOC order number. Leave the three check mark boxes blank.

· Under the packages, enter the number of each variety that is to be credited to the entrepreneur.

· You will see the number of packages automatically calculates the total cost. If the caregiver made a payment on this receipt, enter the amount paid. If no payment was made, leave this box blank.

· Click save.

· You will see the new order now be reflected on the entrepreneurs Girl Order page.

· Don’t worry if you make a mistake. Just click on the order and then make an needed edits.

How To Enter a Payment:

· Click on the Girl Orders tab

· Click on the entrepreneur’s name

· Click +Pay bu on. Fill in the comment section at the top. Best practice is to be as descriptive as possible. You might want to include the receipt date.

· Enter the amount that was paid by the caregiver.

· Click save.

Cookie Allocation

Check list

eBudde basics

DUE ON: Booth Sale Recorder

Use To: Give credit for all boxes sold at a cookie booth and payments received at the cookie booth using the Digital Cookie app. Booth sales cannot be recorded till after the booth sale ends.

How Record Booth Sales:

· Click on the Booth Sales tab.

· Chose the booth that you would like to record the sale for and click Record Sale.

· Enter the total number of packages sold by variety at the booth and the number of packages donated to Cookie For a Cause.

· Enter the amount of money that was collected via Digital Cookie during the booth.

· Click Save.

· Click the Go to Distribute bu on. For each entrepreneur that should received credit, check the box next to their name. Click Distribute to equally distribute packages amongst all checked entrepreneurs.

· If the packages were not sold equally, you can manually adjust package totals. Use the dropdown to make edits to each entrepreneurs record and click Distribute again to update the totals. Note that the total manually entered must mast the totals from the previous screen (all boxes sold).

· Click Save. Packages and the corresponding payment will post to the Girl Orders tab.

· Don’t worry if you make a mistake. Just revisit the Booth Sales tab and click the Record Sales bu on for the booth.

Cookie Inventory

How to Handle Extra Inventory


· 2.27 Cookie Exchange Night

While the goal for each troop is to sell all packages of cookies that they order during Initial Order and pick up from a cupboard, sometimes they will be left with extra inventory. Troops are financially responsible for all packages of cookies that they ordered. If towards the end of the sale you find that your troop will have extra inventory, you can use the cookie exchange in eBudde. Under the Cookie Exch tab in eBudde, you can list any extra cookies that you troop would like to get rid of. Troops looking for cookies can use the exchange list to contact you to pick up cookies and transfer financial responsibility. You can also a end our Cookie Exchange Night or reach out to other troops in your Service Unit to help potentially reduce your inventory. If you still have unsold cookies at the end of the cookie program, the troop will need to work on selling cookies in their community but will not have the option to take digital payments.

Cookie Exchange Night

This year we will be hosting our second annual Cookie Exchange night. During the cookie exchange, you will have the opportunity to connect with other troops to trade cookies or pick up cookies your troops might still need. Not only is this a great way to trade cookies, it’s a great way to meet other local troop cookie managers and discuss ideas. Staff or trained volunteers will be hosting at multiple locations throughout the council and will be available to walk you through the exchange process in eBudde. Look for details on location, time, and how to sign up in your weekly eBudde newsle ers.

Cookie Rewards

Cookie Reward Selection


· 3.20 Rewards must be entered into eBudde by 11:59pm

As the Troop Cookie Manager, you are responsible for entering all reward selections for each selling entrepreneur. While caregivers can select reward options in Digital Cookie, they do not flow over into eBudde. Make sure to talk with entrepreneurs and caregivers to ensure you have selected the correct rewards.

Before you begin reward selection, it is imperative that you have completed all cookie allocation in eBudde. Cookie rewards are based on the number of packages sold by each entrepreneur, if they have not been given credit for their packages, they will not receive the correct rewards. We will be unable to correct allocation issues and change rewards after the reward deadline.

How to Enter Cookie Reward Selections

Cookie Reward orders are placed in eBudde. Use the following steps to enter your order:

1. Log into eBudde and click on the Girl Order tab. Ensure that each entrepreneur is showing the correct number of packages. This must be done first!

2. Click on the Rewards tab and then select the edit reward option.

3. You will see a list of each entrepreneur, click the first entrepreneur. This will open a reward selection screen. At the top you will see a summary of their sales. Below you will see the reward levels they hit. For each reward level, select the item they would like to receive. Click save. Repeat for each entrepreneur.

4. If your troop earned any troop PGA rewards, you will also need to select those on the edit reward screen.

5. Double check that all rewards have been selected correctly. Changes are unable to be made after final submission.

Volunteer action plan

Embrace a new Girl Scout Cookie Season by making a plan! Mapping out the information you need in advance will help keep volunteers and entrepreneurs organized every step of the way.

Primary Contacts

Key Dates

Key Actions

eBudde Sign-Up Info

Cookie Season Checklist

December 2024

o Read Troop Cookie Manager Manual and complete TCM Agreement JotForm

o Ensure all Girl Scouts are listed in your troop correctly

January 2025

o 3 TCM access to eBudde and Digital Cookie (JotForm must be completed prior)

o 6 Cookie Program Starts

o 10 Troop Banking information due in eBudde

o 17 $1 ACH test pull

o 20 Hot Spot Booth Sign up 1st Round @6pm (4 booths, 2 per chain)

o 21 Troop Starting Initial Order due in eBudde by 8pm & Delivery station due by 9:30pm

o 21 Hot Spot Booth Sign up 2nd Round @6pm (4 booths, 2 per chain)

o 22 Hot Spot Booth Sign up 3rd Round @6pm (25 booths, 5 per chain)

o 27-3 Cookie Delivery

February 2025

o 7 Hot Spot Booths start

o 7 Cookie Cupboards open

o 7 Hot Spot Booth Sign up Final Round @6pm (no limits)

o 15 Hot Spot Booths start Walmart

o 21-23 National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend

o 26 ACH Pull 50% of “Amount you owe council”

o 21-23 National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend

o 27 Cookie Exchange Night

March 2025

o 16 Cookie Program Ends

o 20 Ensure all final allocations have been completed

o 20 Final Rewards Due in eBudde by 11:59pm

o 24 Past due Cookie Account form due by 11:59pm

o 28 Final ACH Pull 100% of “Amount you owe council”

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