2012 Annual Report
The Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
The Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Leadership report Greetings! Today’s girls represent the world’s largest untapped talent pool. That is why Girl Scouts’ long term goal is to create balanced leadership in one generation. Girl Scouts allows girls to discover themselves, connect with others, and take action to create positive change in their communities. Eight out of ten Girl Scout alumnae attribute their personal and professional success to Girl Scouting—individuals such as Sandra Day O’Connor, Condoleezza Rice, Vera Wang, Hillary Clinton, and Katie Couric. As we begin our second century, we are reminded that it is our leadership that is key to providing girls in central Indiana the opportunity to participate in high quality programming that allows them to discover, connect, and take action. Girl Scouts will continue to impact the lives of girls if we reach out to every girl and make Girl Scouts available to them. A balanced leadership in one generation is a multiyear effort that will lessen the societal barriers that keep girls from leading and achieving success in everything from technology and science to business and industry. All adult members of society—mothers, fathers, corporations, governments, and non-profits—are asked to help girls reach their leadership potential as we continue our membership growth through accessibility of quality Girl Scout Program and the recruitment of inspiring volunteers. Our mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place, is strong! On behalf of Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, we are proud to recognize our girls, volunteers, community partners, donors, and staff by sharing their unique journeys through the following life stories. Warmest Regards,
Crystal Livers-Powers Board Chair
Deborah Hearn Smith Chief Executive Officer
100th anniversary flag collection March 12, 2012, was a busy day for Girl Scouts of Central Indiana as we crisscrossed the state celebrating our 100th anniversary. We hosted the Hamilton County Leadership Luncheon, inducted 10 new-born girls into Troop 2012, and even participated in flash mobs to recite the Girl Scout Promise. Perhaps our most memorable anniversary event was our partnership with the Indiana War Memorial for the 100 Flags for 100 Years service project. Between March 1 and March 12, girls and their families collected old, worn American flags that were then properly retired by girls during the 100th anniversary camporee and throughout the summer at day and resident camp sessions. On March 12, General Goodwin, Board Chair Crystal LiversPowers, and CEO Deborah Hearn Smith were joined by local Girl Scouts for a ceremony at the Indiana War Memorial. Girls learned the importance of respecting the rich tradition of the American flag.
Mission statement: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Members: 38,793 Volunteers: 18,105 Staff: Approx. 200 full time, part time, and summer camp staffers Board Chair: Crystal Livers-Powers Chief Executive Officer: Deborah Hearn Smith Jurisdiction: 45 counties in central Indiana
Girl Scout Gold Award: In 2012, 46 Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors earned this highest honor. Their projects ranged from helping senior citizens become more active, stay healthy, have fun, and express themselves through dance to renovating the medical clinic at Wheeler Mission. Girl Scout Silver Award: A record breaking 184 Girl Scout Cadettes earned the Girl Scout Silver Award in 2012. To earn this honor, a girl must show that she is a leader who is organized, determined, and dedicated to improving her community. Girl Scout Bronze Award: The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can earn. In 2012, 699 girls worked with their troops to plan and complete a project. Girls
Meeting the President Local Girl Scout Krystal Shirrell joined Girl Scouts of the USA National President Connie L. Lindsey, Chief Executive Officer Anna Maria Chavez, and seven other Girl Scout Gold Award recipients from across the country to present President Barack Obama with the Girl Scouts’ Annual Report and to discuss pressing issues affecting girls. Krystal, a 2012 graduate of Brownsburg High School, is a student in the honors program at the University of Iowa where she is majoring in pharmacy and playing Division I softball for the Hawkeyes. Krystal has been a Girl Scout for 13 years. Her Gold Award take action project, VET Support, set out to end homelessness among veterans. Most recently during a three-day collection drive, 1,481 items were collected and shipped to Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland for Krystal to distribute while visiting with soldiers from the Wounded Warriors Project.
will develop more confidence, meet new people, and make a difference with her sister Girl Scouts. Extension: Girl Scouts of Central Indiana served 5,602 girls in underrepresented communities. Financial assistance: In 2012, Girl Scouts of Central Indiana provided $345,894 in financial assistance to girls and troops. Summer camp: 4,613 girls attended resident and day camp, while 10,396 girls and 6,419 adults and family members visited one of Girl Scouts of Central Indiana’s five camp properties for program events.
Operation: Cookie Drop: Girl Scouts and community members across central Indiana donated more than 72,000 packages of Girl Scout cookies to soldiers at home and abroad. Scouting for Food: Girl Scout families and friends donated 407 cases of Fall Product items to food pantries across central Indiana. Program activities offered: Our program events impacted more than 17,926 girls and 9,677 adults. Community service: Girls gave more than 90,000 hours to their communities.
Girl Scout alumnae study Shortly before Girl Scouts’ 100th anniversary, the Girl Scout Research Institute (GSRI) examined the organization’s long-term effects on its girl members. What GSRI found is the basis of a report published in 2012 called Girl Scouting Works: The Alumnae Impact Study. It’s good news for us here in central Indiana, for the girls and adults we work with, and for the estimated 59 million American women who are former Girl Scouts. In a nutshell, compared with non-alumnae, Girl Scout alumnae are more active as mentors and community volunteers, vote more regularly, are better educated, and enjoy higher household income. This was particularly true for women who’d been long-term Girl Scouts; those who were members for three or more years scored significantly higher in every area than alumnae who were members for a shorter time. We see this same impact in our current members. Those who stay involved long enough to earn the Girl Scout Gold Award find themselves accomplishing things their 10- or 11-year-old selves couldn’t have imagined. When asked what they gained from their Girl Scout experience, one thing the alumnae frequently mentioned was a lifelong desire to give back to their communities. When Girl Scout alumna Rebecca Davis went to IU School of Medicine, she noticed that many of her med school friends were concentrating on the stereotypical money-making fields like plastic surgery. Davis says that’s not what piques her interest. “My father is a doctor, so I’ve always been interested in the medical field,” said Davis. “But my mom took our Girl Scout troop to lots of different places with people from all walks of life—homeless, impoverished—and I knew that I wanted to spend my life helping these people. She taught us to not be afraid of people who are different from us.” Davis plans to practice medicine in a free or reduced fee clinic. Girl Scouts positively impacts the lives of girls and our communities. We’ve always known that, and now we have the numbers to prove it. Girl Scouting works.
Girl Scouts Forever Green In 2012, Girl Scouts of Central Indiana committed to being Forever Green. Girl Scouts Forever Green (GSFG) enables Girl Scouts to track significant, collective, positive impact on our environment. The project—developed by girls, volunteers, alumnae, staff, and collaborators for our 100th anniversary—honors Girl Scouts’ founder Juliette Gordon Low who loved nature and the outdoors. GSFG engages girls to activate their communities in a global effort to protect our planet. In 2012, Girl Scouts of Central Indiana received two grants—one from the Alcoa Foundation and the other from Keep America Beautiful in conjunction with the Lowes Foundation—to support GSFG in central Indiana. The grants provided funding to install teaching rain gardens at our five camp properties and develop and host girl program activities around the gardens. Community volunteers, including those from Novelis and the Henry County United Fund, are installing the gardens and a team of Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors from across the council, in partnership with the Indianapolis Children’s Museum, are developing the learning opportunities around the gardens. In 2013, rain garden program activities will be integrated into our summer camp activities and will be made available across central Indiana. To date, 3,421 people have engaged in our GSFG projects, resulting in a trash reduction of more than 2.5 million pounds and a savings of more than 41,000 gallons of water.
Money Smart Week Money Smart Week is a public awareness campaign designed to help consumers better manage their personal finances. This is achieved through the collaboration and coordinated effort of organizations, including businesses, financial institutions, schools, libraries, not-for-profits, government agencies, and the media. These groups come together once a year to stress the importance of financial literacy, inform consumers about where they can get help, and provide free educational seminars and activities throughout the week. In 2012, Girl Scouts of Central Indiana partnered with the United Way of Greater Lafayette, Purdue Extension, Boy Scouts, the Purdue Office for Financial Assistance, local schools, and several financial institutions from the greater Lafayette area to provide a financial literacy program for youth as part of Money Smart Week. Open to the community, the event focused on teaching kids about earning, saving, spending, and borrowing. It was the first of its kind in Tippecanoe County. Forty-five Girl Scouts participated in the program, representing by far the largest attendance from any of the partnering youth agencies. As a result of our continued commitment to teaching girls about financial literacy and our strong presence at the 2012 event, Girl Scouts of Central Indiana will once again be working to co-host a youth event during the 2013 Money Smart Week.
Space camp for Girl Scouts Space may be the final frontier, but for Girl Scouts in Decatur County, it was as close as a trip to a Girl Scout meeting. In 2012, Girl Scouts of Central Indiana received a grant from the Decatur County United Fund to provide a two-day intensive program focused on the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics of space exploration. Girl Scouts spent their days learning about the dehydration and rehydration processes used to prepare astronaut food; the energy the body uses when running, walking, and jumping and how that changes in space; rockets and the physics and engineering behind them; the chemistry of rocket fuel; and the budgetary constraints our space program faces. Girls ended the two-day experience by launching rockets they built. Seventy-five Girl Scouts from Decatur County attended the camp, which recruited eight new girls into the Girl Scout Program.
North American Midway Entertainment and Deep Fried Girl Scout Cookies! Girl Scouts of Central Indiana celebrated The Year of the Girl in many different and unique ways, but no more unique than teaming up with North American Midway Entertainment (NAME) at the Indiana State Fair. NAME is the world’s largest traveling outdoor amusement park, and Danny Huston, CEO of NAME, made it possible for our girls to enjoy the Indiana State Fair. Not only were girls and their families given the opportunity to purchase an all day ride pass at a deeply discounted rate, but North American Midway implemented a unique fundraising opportunity. In celebration of Girl Scouts’ 100th anniversary, Deep Fried Girl Scout Cookies were introduced at the 2012 Indiana State Fair. The deep fried Samoas were very popular, and because of Huston’s generosity, $7,500 was raised! We look forward to continuing the partnership in 2013.
Ways of giving
Financials 2012
Some donors choose to make a cash gift or immediately transfer assets to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. Others make a planned or deferred gift that the Girl Scouts receive in the future. Some give both ways.
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana continues to have strong financial results. In accordance with the highest standards for nonprofit financial management, 85 cents of every dollar provides programming for girls.
These varied options for giving allow donors to choose what is most appropriate for them.
Types of gifts Gifts of cash Publicly traded securities
Other 1%
Revenue Program service fees 8%
Investment income 4%
Contributions and grants 8% United Way allocations 3%
Life insurance Online giving
Deferred gifts Bequests Individual retirement accounts Charitable remainder trusts Charitable gift annuity
Fund types Funds may be established with a $10,000 gift, and donors may choose the level of involvement in recommending disbursements.
Product programs 76%
Expense Administration 9%
Fundraising 6%
Undesignated funds Field-of-interest funds Designated funds
Other gifts Memorials Tributes
Program 85%
Thank you!
Donors 2012 *denotes board member
25,000 and up
Alcoa, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Allison Transmission
Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust
Ms. Katherine Armington
St. Vincent Health
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
10,000-24,999 Citizens Energy Group Ms. Patricia Handfield MetLife Foundation Nicholas H. Noyes Foundation Ms. Yvonne Perkins Mrs. Yvonne Shaheen Mr. and Ms. Ned Turner USA Funds
5,000-9,999 American Dairy Association Dean Foods Eli Lilly and Company Firestone Building Products Company Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gallina Gene B. Glick Company Indianapolis Power & Light Company Ingersoll Rand Kroger Company Lowes Foundation MacAllister Machinery Company, Inc. Marsh Supermarkets, Inc. Morris Youth Fund North American Midway Entertainment Novelis
Mr. and Mrs. William J. and R. Jean Beard Bedel Financial Consulting Blackbaud Indianapolis Fund Mrs. Sylvia Marshall Bogle* Dr. and Mrs. David E. Burns* Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Buse Dr. Katasha Butler* Ms. Karen Celestino-Horseman* Central Indiana Community Foundation Ms. Julie A. Chase Circle City Chapter of the Links Citimark Management Ms. Bonnie Closey Community Health Network-Integration Community Hospital North Crowe Horwath Decatur County United Fund Deloitte & Touche L.L.P. Ms. Bettye Dobkins* Mrs. Blaire Dougherty* Downtown Optimist Club Emmis Communications ExactTarget Fifth Third Bank Ms. Elizabeth Forman* Fox Sports Indiana Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fusile
Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.
Old National Bank - Indianapolis
Westfield Lions Club
Mrs. Marsha Hearn-Lindsey
Ms. Marianne Glick
One America Financial Partners Inc.
WTHR Channel 13
Holt, Fleck & Romine, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Goddard
Pacers Sports & Entertainment
Mrs. and Mr. Wendy Yerkes
Ms. Jaime Hubbard
Good’s Candy Shop
Reverend and Mrs. James Payton
Dr. Nicole Harper*
Mrs. Georgiana Perkins
Horizon League
PNC Bank
Mrs. Kathryn Huehl
Praxis Fiduciary Advisors
Ice Miller LLP
Mr. and Mrs. James Pree
Indiana University Health
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Reese
Indianapolis Airport Authority
Relocation Strategies, Inc.
Indianapolis Colts
Mr. and Mrs. David Richardson
Mrs. Nancy Menard Riddle*
Ivy Tech Community College
Ms. M. Catherine Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jackson
Riverview Hospital
Mrs. Geraldine Johnson
RJE Business Interiors, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keaton
Rowland Design, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kent
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Saywell*
Key Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Schuman
Ms. Debora Ladyman*
Sease, Gerig & Associates
Ms. Shelly Langona*
Dr. Kathleen A. Shoemaker
Law Offices of Tanya Stuart Overdorf
Mrs. Martha R. Lehman
Mr. Ebenezer and Deborah Hearn Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Christian LeSesne
Denny and Cathy Sponsel
Lumina Foundation for Education
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sullivan
Mr. P.E. MacAllister
Summit Realty Group
Marion County Health Department
The Indianapolis Star
Mr. and Mrs. Roger McCloud
The Irving S. and Alwyn N. Johnson Family Foundation
Ms. Anita Miller Ms. Dian Moore Mr. and Mrs. James Morris Motorola Foundation Mutual of America Ms. Peggy Naile* NCAA Northside Optimist Club
Ms. Kathy J. Tyson University of Indianapolis Urban Outfitters VFW George Ray Goudy Post 1152 Walmart Dr. Jeffrey R. Weidner WellPoint
500-999 Appraiser Alliance, Inc Aveda Experience Center AYS, Inc Ms. Sandra K. Bickel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bissell BKD Mr. Michael Blickman Boomerang Development, LLC
Joseph and Emily Huntzinger Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance Industrial Dielectrics Mrs. Patricia A. Jones* Ms. Heather L. Kahl Mr. and Mrs. George Kautz Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Keely Senator Luke Kenley Ms. Julia Lacy
Mrs. Susan Brooks
Lambda Eta Chapter, Delta Theta Tau Sorority
Mrs. Carolyn Bunzendahl*
Ms. Jean A. Leonard
Carnival Fun Foods
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Powers*
Church, Church, Hittle and Antrim
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Long
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Cierzniak
Ms. Deborah Lyons*
Ms. Ratasha C. Colbert
Mrs. Shelley Naum
Ms. Jennifer L. Combs
Ms. Emma Jean Neal
Community Bank
Ms. Barbara Nichols
D.J. Angus Scientech Educational Foundation
Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
Ms. Susie Davis
Ms. Evelyn Pendelton
Dr. Kenneth Durgans Ed. D.
Mrs. Linda Poer
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Feilen*
Ms. Deana Potterf
Mr. David and Jamie Fryrear
Mr. Paul Pride
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fulkerson
Mrs. Jo Rhodes
Dr. Rachelle J. Galvin
Mr. Tom Schnellenberger
Ms. Mary Garretson
Ms. Tanya Schnelzer
Mrs. Deirdre Gengenbach
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Sease
Mrs. Ann Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Semler
Mrs. Nancy Haas
Ms. Holly Simpson
Mr. Russell H. Hart
Ms. Carolin Requiz Smith
Ms. A. Louis Hart
Mrs. M. Rovena Sondhaus
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Barnette, Jr.
Mrs. Lorene Burkhart
Mr. Paul Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Springirth*
Mrs. Gail D. Barrett
Ms. Angela Burkhart
Mr. Scott Cox and Dr. Sara Cox
St. Vincent Physician Network
Mrs. Cheryl L. Beatty
Ms. Nancy S. Burrill
Crouching Tigers
Ms. Ann F. Stankiewicz
Mr. Timothy Beck
Ms. Ruth Byrns
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Crow
State Farm Companies Foundation
Mrs. Sheryl Becker
Mrs. Lori Cain
Ms. Charlotte Curdes
Ms. Tracy D. Swearingen
Ms. Robyn Beechler
Dr. Virginia Caine
Ms. Amanda Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vanneman
Nicole K. Beer
Mr. and Mrs. David Cala
Mrs. Cheryl Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vondrak
Mrs. Tamara Candler
Ms. Tara Daege
Wal-Mart Foundation
Mr. Carl Bender* and Judge Barbara Brugnaux Mrs. Melinda A. Bennett
Ms. Amanda Cantrell
Mrs. Maureen T. Damer
Ms. Joyce Berger
The Capital Group Companies, Inc.
Mr. Jay Dark
Ms. Cecilia Acosta
Bergstrom Home Improvement
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Carlson
Ms. Laura Darnell
Mrs. Scenario Adebesin
Berry Plastics Corporation
Ms. Catharine Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Davidson
Ms. Kristi Ailes
Mr. James Bisesi, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Davis
Ms. Tara Allen
Ms. Kimberly Black
Mrs. Ivy R. Casey
Ms. Julie Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Alley
Ms. Maria W. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Chappell
Mrs. Karen Davis
Blakley Corporation
Ms. Crystal Christensen
Ms. Lisa Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Alpert
Bluefish Wireless, Inc.
Ms. Nancy Christy
Ms. Tina M. Davis
Commissioner Christine Altman
Ms. Mary Boelke
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Church
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Davis
American Art Clay Company
Ms. Catherina Boggs
City of Terre Haute
Ms. Linda Davis
Mrs. Kristine Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bolinger
Dr. Georgia E. Clark
Mrs. and Mr. Brenda Day
Mr. Brad Anderson
Ms. Cynthia Booth
Ms. Georgia Clarke
Mrs. Peggy Deakyne
Mr. and Mrs. Stefan S. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. James Booth
Ms. Sallyanne Cochran
Ms. Suzanne Delay
Andy Mohr Ford Lincoln Mercury
Ms. Sandra Borders
Dr. Phyllis Coe-Martin, Ph.D.
Ms. Cheri Dick
Ms. Ellen Annala
Ms. Renae Breitbach
Mr. and Mrs. Conard Combs
Ms. Susannah Dillon
Ms. Katherine Appel
Ms. Theresa Bricker
Dr. Libbie Conner
Mr. and Mrs. John Ditslear
Ms. Nancy Arce
Ms. Juanita C. Briones
Conn’s Collision Center
Ms. Barbara Jean Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. David Broekers
Mr. Mayor Andrew Cook
Ms. Cheryl Donaldson
Ms. Lori Arnold
Mrs. and Mr. Shelia Brooks
Mr. Andy Cook
Ms. Shannon Dougherty
Ms. Sue Atkinson
Ms. Kimberly Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Cook
Ms. Angela Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baach
Ms. Melissa Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cook
Ms. Debbie Dreiband
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Balmat
Ms. Janet Browning
Ms. Mary Corder
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Dresslar
Dr. Deborah Balogh
Ms. Deborah I. Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dreyling
Banner Graphic
Ms. Deb Buehler
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cottrell
Ms. Debbie Driskell
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Barlow
Dr. Christopher Luis Burcham
Mr. Jeffrey Lane Coulter
Duke Energy
Ms. Amanda Couture
Mrs. Constance Dumas-Coleman
Ms. Deborah DuPee
Ms. Melissa Gossman
Mr. and Ms. Mark Dwyer
Mr. Jeffrey Gowdy
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Eaton
Kelly Graham MacDonald
Ms. Ann Edmonds
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grande
Linda Edwards
Ms. Sheila Greenwald
Mr. Richard Ellery
Mrs. Suzanne Griffith
Dr. Susan Ellspermann
Ms. Susan Guyett
Ms. Pamela Erickson
Mr. Scott Hamachek
Carley Farms LLC
Hamilton County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Ms. Alissa Feilen Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Filis Mrs. Sandy Fink Ms. Vickie Firkins First Presbyterian Church of Winchester Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Flanagan Ms. Susan Foellinger Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Forbes Ms. Mary L. Foster Ms. Mary K. Foster Mrs. Patricia Fox Frank Miller Lumber Company, Inc. Mr. James Freeman Dr. and Mrs. LaForrest Garner Mrs. Sarah Gaspary Ms. Susan Gentry Mrs. Kris Gertz Mrs. Trina Gibson Ms. Alaina Gilbert Mrs. Elaine Gill Mr. Ryan Gilliam Ms. Sue Ann Gilroy Mrs. Barbara Godby Mrs. and Mr. Marilyn Goeke Ms. Jodi K. Goodman Dr. Jo Ann Gora
Mr. Jeremy Handley Ms. Martha Handly Ms. Shannon Harlan Ms. Dana Harrison Ms. and Mr. Tonia Hassinger Mr. and Mrs. Shane Hawkins Wilding Mr. Terry Hayes Mrs. Michelle Hazel Dr. and Mrs. Chuck Hazelrigg, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Heilman Ms. Elizabeth Helms Helping Hands of Noblesville Mr. and Mrs. Steve Heltzel Ms. Holly Elizabeth Herbert Mr. Daniel Herndon Mr. Bradley W. Hobbs Ms. Debra J. Hoffa Mrs. Karen Holly Mrs. Holly Holm Ms. Robin Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holzhausen Ms. Ann A. Homrighous Ms. Hanna Hong Wu Ms. Brenda Horn Mr. and Mrs. Todd Howard
Ms. Cynthia Howard
Ms. Julia Kozicki
Mr. Joshua W. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kriech
Ms. Janice Huber
Mrs. Melissa Kult and Mr. Cory Kult
Ms. Deborah P. Huffine
Dr. John M. Labore
Ms. Tamara S. Hull
Mr. Andre Lacy
Ms. Pamela K. Hull
Mr. Jim and Mrs. Gail Lanciotti
Mrs. Ellen Humphrey
Landscape Solutions LLC
Mr. Scott Hunt
Mrs. Roxanne R. Lane
Mr. and Ms. Greg Huntington
Ms. Marian Larson
Mr. and Mrs. William Hurst
Mrs. Mary Lawrance
Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership
Dr. Jeanette Lawson, D.D.S.
Mrs. Leslie Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lee
Ms. Beverly Jenkins Ms. Michelle L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson Ms. Sondra E. Jones Ms. Heather Judy Mr. Jack Justus Jr. Ms. Beth Kahlow Ms. Sabine Karner Katz, Sapper, & Miller, LLP Mrs. Jan Keefer Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Kendall Ms. Nancy Ketterman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kidwell Ms. Susan Kindig Ms. Kathleen King Ms. Kathy Kirklin Kiwanis Club of Columbus East KMC Enterprise Ms. Susan Kohl Kokomo Lions Club Mr. Joseph Komenda Mrs. Lori Konermann
Mr. and Mrs. James Lee Ms. Lisa Lee Legacy Fund of Hamilton County Ms. Krista L. Lemaster Ms. Tiffany Lemons Ms. Sandy Leslie Ms. Melissa Liggin Ms. Barbara Owens Lightfoot Lilly Retirees Mrs. Charlotte Lippert Ms. Deeann List Mrs. Tabetha Little Ms. Stephanie Lockhart Mr. Joseph Loftus Ms. Ann Mackey Mr. Mike Major Mrs. Jenna Majors Ms. Wilmara Manuel Marian University Ms. Sonja Marion Mr. Jeffrey V. Martin Mrs. Carla Maxey Mr. and Mrs. Marc’ Maxey
Ms. Yolanda McDaniel-Wood
Mrs. Welling Nash
Mr. John H. Poulin
Mrs. Andrea Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McGrath
Ms. Ginger Naylor
Ms. Denise L. Preece
Mrs. Brittany “Tiffany” Sechuga
Mr. and Mrs. Christian McKinney
Mrs. Dawn Neathery
Mrs. Opal Propes
Ms. Kathleen Sharp
Ms. Jennifer McLean
Mr. and Mrs. James Nickens, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Ramsey
Ms. Tiffany Sharpley
Mrs. Mary Alice McMahon
Ms. Jessica Nickloy
Ms. Lorrie Ramsey
Mrs. and Mr. Lyndsay Sheridan
Mrs. Deborah McNear
Ms. Janis Norris
Mr. Charles M. Randolph, Jr.
Ms. Jennifer L. Sherman
Ms. Gail L. McNierney
Ms. Kendra Nowell
Dr. and Mrs. George F. Rapp
Ms. Kathleen Shickles
Ms. Kelly McNutt
Ms. Judy O’Bannon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Reasoner
Ship Shape Handyman Service
Ms. Margaret McPeek
Mr. David W. O’Brien
Mrs. Phyllis Reasoner
Mrs. Barbara Short
Ms. Angela Meacham
Mrs. Imelda O’Connor
Reel Restorations and Renovations
Mrs. Leslie Simich
Ms. Jill Meisenheimer
Mrs. Jody O’Dell
Ms. Rebecca A. Richardson
Ms. Judy A. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Melton
Ohio Valley Gas Corporation
Mr. Stephen Riga
Ms. Christy C. Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Merkel CPA
Old National Bank - Portland
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Riggs
Ms. Deborah Singleton-Baggett
Mr. Douglas Metcalf
Reverend and Mrs. Keith Olson
Ms. Cynthia Roath
Ms. Carol Mihalik
Ms. Melissa O’Maley
Mr. Mark Robbins
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-theWoods
Ms. Kathy A. Mikula
Mrs. and Mr. Pam Orr
Ms. Sarah Robinson
Ms. Anita Miller
Ms. Elizabeth R. Osborn
Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Mrs. Barbara A. Miller*
Mrs. Rita Overdorf
Mr. and Mrs. James Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Mishkin
Ms. Tai’Yanna Palmer
Ms. Joyce Rogers
Ms. Barbara Mitchell
Ms. Lorelee Palmetier
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogerson
Mrs. Suzanne Moffett
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pasch and Family
Ms. Patricia G. Rooney
Mrs. Peggy Monson
Ms. Stephanie Patterson
Mrs. and Mr. Jill Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery
Mrs. Deborah A. Patterson
Ms. Rhonda Rose
Mrs. Jane Moore
Mr. Benjamin Peak
Ms. Ellen Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. May
Ms. Connie Pearson
Ms. Linda Rowand
msWoods Real Estate, LLC
Mrs. R. Penjoyan
Ms. Sallie Rowland
Mr. David Mueller
Mrs. Alyce Penry
Mr. Eric Rowland
Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Munds
Mrs. Ruth Perkins
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Perry
Mrs. Rhonda Murphy
Mrs. Carrie Petty
Ms. Stacy L. Rumbaugh
Ms. Lynn Murphy
Ms. Kerri Pfau
Mrs. Katherine Russell
Ms. Brenda Myers
Phi Delta Kappa
Saint Mary of the Woods College
Mrs. Christy Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Phillips
Mrs. Roberta Salway
Ms. Betty Nagle
Ms. Patricia Pickerel
Mr. Ryan Sautbine
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nahas
Ms. Donna Polky
Mrs. Denell M. Schacht
Ms. Tammi Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Pongracz
Ms. Denise L. Schnell
Indiana Lt. Governor Becky Skillman Ms. Martha Smith Mr. Timothy Smith Mrs. T.J. Smithey Mr. Harold Snead Ms. Susanne Sogard Mrs. Joan M. Soller Mrs. Maria Soriano Ms. Sharlet South St. Vincent Randolph Hospital Ms. Beth A. Stafford Ms. Linda R. Staletovich Ms. Julie Standley Ms. Amy Stautz Mrs. Carol Stephan Ms. Cindy Stephenson Ms. Ann Stewart Ms. Lisa Stocks Ms. Stephanie Strodtman Mrs. Valerie Strohe
Mrs. Annetta Suggs
Ms. Judy Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wise
Mrs. Tracy Barker
Mrs. and Mr. Susan Sullivan
Mr. Christopher Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Barley
Ms. Barbara Summers
Nicola Watson
Ms. Anna Witt
Ms. Tracy Barnes
Ms. Liberty Sutton
Mrs. Amy Weber
Ms. Jalisa J. Wolfe
Ms. Joy Barrett
Ms. Sarah Swanson
Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Weidner
Mrs. Joyce Wood
Ms. Lucy Bartley
Mr. and Mrs. George Taliaferro
Ms. Kathleen M. Weimer
Mr. David Woods
Ms. Vivian Batchelder
Ms. Elizabeth Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Weinert
Mrs. Lynn M. Wrablik-Reilly
Mrs. Cynthia Bates
Terre Haute Rex Baseball
Mrs. Lisa Weiper
Ms. Jennifer Wright
Ms. Jill Batta
Terre Haute Savings Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weisberger
Wright Way Automotive
Mrs. Christina Bauer
Ms. Linda Thomas
Ms. Kyleen Welling
Mrs. Angela Wyatt
Ms. Joyce Bauer
Ms. Jessica Thompson
WellPoint Foundation
Ms. Karen Wyse
Ms. Rebecca Baughman
Mr. Michael Thyen
Ms. Shelley Welty
Ms. Christine Young
Ms. Elizabeth Bechdol
Ms. Heather Timmons
Mr. Kyle Wenger
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Young, Jr.
Ms. Naomi Bechtold
Mr. Howard E. Trivers
Ms. Shelia R. Western
Mr. James Younker
Ms. Aryss Beebe
Troop 344
Mrs. Lorena Wever
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Zaletel
Mrs. Jennifer Beiers
Troop 587
Ms. Pennie White-Fields
Ms. Heather Zoellick*
Mrs. Carla K. Tucker*
Wick’s Pies Inc.
Mr. Matthew Belsley and Mrs. Lara ChandlerBelsley
Linda Tyler and Brent Landis
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wieten
99 and below
Ms. Pamela Bennett
Ms. Madenna M. Urbanski
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wiles
Ms. Deborah Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bergman
Mrs. and Mr. Maeve Van Hoorde
Mrs. Jeanette Wiles
Ms. Julie Adams
Ms. Judith Berning
Ms. Kimberly Vandever
Ms. Katharine Wilhelm
Ms. Lisa Allen
Ms. Shelly Berry
Ms. Sherry Vandyke
Ms. Molly Wilkens
Mrs. Lori Allen
Ms. Katherine Berry
Mrs. Heather VanVoorhis
Ms. Crystal Williams*
Ms. Sandra Althouse
Ms. Shelly Binkley
Dr. Pamela Veazie
Ms. Ashley Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Anderson
Mrs. Carmandy Bird
Ms. Jennifer Ann Victory-Newberg
Charles V. Williams
Ms. Dawn Anderson
Mrs. Donna Birhiray
Vigo County Commissioners
Ms. Brenda Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Armour
Mr. and Mrs. David Bixler
Mrs. Kathleen A. Visovatti Weaver
Mr. Dave Wilson
Ms. Tina Arnold
Ms. Cynthia Black
Ms. Linda Vyain
Ms. Laura Wilson
Mrs. Mary Atteberry
Mrs. Melissa J. Blair
WJ Neese Farmland Inc.
Ms. Christine Wilson
Ms. Carol Averbeck
Ms. Laura Bledsoe
Ms. Dorothy Wacker-White
Mr. Michael Wilson
Ms. Amy Bach
Ms. Kathy Blyze
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wahlstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wilson
Ms. Emmy Bachmann
Ms. Barbara Boyd
Ms. Richelle Wakefield
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Wilson
Ms. Valarie Bailey
Mrs. Francine Breckler
Beth A. Walker
Ms. Kathy Wilson-Bennett
Mrs. Judy Bailey-Scull
Ms. Barbera Bridges
Mrs. Renee E. Wampler
Ms. Ellen M. Winking
Ms. and Mr. Mary Baker
Mrs. Nikole S. Brimer
Ms. Janice Ward
Ms. Charlitta P. Winston
Ms. Melissa Bandy
Ms. Mari Briscoe
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brose
Ms. Dawn Charbonneau
Mrs. Carol Brost
Mr. and Mrs. Gesue Christofaro*
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brown
Mrs. Tina Clements
Ms. Amelia Brown
Ms. Kiersten Clifford
Mrs. Diana Bryant
Ms. Coral Cochran
Diane Buell
Ms. Jessica Coe
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bulan
Ms. Brittany Cole
Ms. Brittany Bunch
Ms. Susan M. Constable
Ms. Anita Bunten
Mr. Jeff Cook
Ms. Abigail Burch
Ms. Brenda Cook
Mrs. Bethany Burdick
Mrs. Melissa Cooke
Ms. Cindi Burgett
Mrs. Charmaine Cota
Daniel Burke
Mrs. Renee L. Cox
Mr. Tim Burns
Mrs. Christine Cozzolino
Mrs. and Mr. Wendi Burns
Sarah Crain
Mrs. Donna Burrow
Ms. Ashley Cramer
Mrs. Michelle Byrd
Mrs. Carla Crandall
Ms. Jayne Byrd
Ms. Cheryl Crookshanks
Ms. Michele Cabellon
Culy Contracting, Inc.
Ms. Cheryl Cain
Ms. Natalie Cummings
Mrs. Angela Cain-Crawford
Ms. Stephanie Dack
Ms. Jennifer Callahan
Mr. James Davies and Mrs. Majorie H. Davies
Mrs. Meredith Carbrey
DBA Tax Accounting and Services Co.
Mr. John Cardenas
Mrs. Nancy DeCamp
Mrs. Shawn Cardwell
Ms. Rebecca Deemer
Mr. James Carlton
Ms. Nicole Deimling
Ms. Kimberly Carman
Mrs. J.M. Dejarnatt
Mrs. Cindy Carpenter
Mrs. Deinda Dellacca
Ms. Crista Carpenter
Ms. Gloria Delong
Ms. Karla Carr
Mr. Robert Demuth
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carrell
Ms. Barbara S. Derose
Ms. Tamara Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart DeVane
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Carter
Ms. Beth Dewees
Mrs. Judy Cass
Mrs. Toni Dickover
Mrs. Cassie Chapman
Mr. Steven Dillinger
Ms. Amber Dishman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fox
Mrs. Kathleen Doan
Ms. Anita Francis
Ms. Mary Dodds
Ms. Annie Frantz
Mrs. Michele Dole
Ms. Valita Fredland
Ms. Bonnie Dolick
Ms. Nicole Freije
Ms. Pamela Doran
Mr. Kevin Fyffe
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dougherty
Ms. Suzanne Ganly
Victoria Downs
Ms. Martha Gascho
Ms. Jill Doyle
Ms. Lora Gates
Mrs. Lisa Drake
Mrs. Sharon Gedig-Brich
Ms. Lisa Dungan
Ms. Beth Gehlhausen
Ms. Allison Eckstein
Ms. Kory Gentry
Ms. Jodena Edens
Ms. Patricia L. Gerde
Ms. Chante Eldridge
Ms. Megan Gibson
Mrs. Marie Ellis
Mr. Roy Gilbert
Mr. Dewayne Ellwanger
Mr. and Mrs. MacArthur M. Giklerson
Ms. Beth Ann Ensign
Ms. Susie Good
Mrs. Diana Ephlin
Ms. Kimberly Good
Ms. Ann Erdely
Ms. Jennifer L. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gorden
Ms. Sue Ann Essig
Mrs. Shelley Gordon
Mrs. Sarah Estell
Ms. Katie Grause
Mrs. Diane Feeney
Ms. Meghan Grebner
Cathryn Ferree
Ms. Hilda Hadley
Mrs. Kaitlin Ferries
Mr. Michael R. Hadley
Mrs. Carol Fiechter
Mrs. Tawanna Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fields
Mr. Thomas E. Hamer
Mr. and Mrs. William Fiffer
Ms. Pamela Hannah
Ms. Kara Findley
Mr. Michael E. Hansen
First Merchants Bank
Ms. Ida May Hanson
Ms. Marianna Foelkrod
Ms. Linda Hardin
Mr. Dan Folla
Mrs. Josephine Hardin
Mrs. Laura Foshee
Ms. Deana Harmon
Mr. Mark Fosraugh
Ms. Vicky R. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Foster
Mrs. Elizabeth Harshaw
Mrs. Krissa Hatfield
Andrea M. Irelan
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Kramer
Ms. Kathy Lynn Mason
Ms. Toshia Hawthorne
Ms. Erica Irvin
Mrs. Ann Kuzee
Ms. Regina Mastroianni
Ms. Nichelle Hayes
Mrs. Patricia Jable
Ms. Nancy LaFon
Ms. Stacy Maurer
Ms. Megan Haymaker
Mrs. Sandi Jackson
Mrs. Janice Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mayer
Mrs. Sue Heck
Mrs. Brenda Jackson-Morrissey
Ms. Sharon Langlotz
Ms. Nicole Mazelin
Mrs. Amanda Helman
Ms. Lynn M. Jacob
Ms. Melissa Latta
Ms. Kathy McAbee
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hemmerlein
Ms. Marianne Jacobi
Mrs. Allison Laws
Ms. Catherine McCain Kring
Ms. Sarah Hempstead
Mrs. Gail Jansen
Mrs. Katie Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Brad J. McClain
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendershot
Mrs. Janet Jaros
Mr. Mark Lay
Ms. Sandra Lee McClain
John Hiatt
Mr. Neal Jenkins
Mrs. and Mr. Ashley Ledford
Mrs. Millie McClary
Ms. Janice Hicks-Slaughter
Ms. Bonnie S. Jenkins
Ms. Angela Lee
Ms. Abagail McCoy
High Voltage Electrical Dept. Ball State University
Ms. Jill Jesse
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Lee
Mrs. Diana McCulla
Ms. Peggy Hinckley, Ph.D.
Ms. Janet Johnson
David N. Leisure
Ms. Kimberly R. McDonald
Ms. Judith Johnson
Mrs. Polly J. Lennon
Ms. Diana S. McDowell
Ms. Stacy Lynne Jones
Mrs. Rachel Leslie
Ms. Karen McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jones
Mrs. Mary Lewellen
Ms. Jennifer McGrath
Ms. Sandra Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Leweller
Mr. and Mrs. Gary McIntosh
Ms. Ferzelle Jones
Mrs. Carla Lewis
Ms. Loreen McKanney
Ms. Betsy Jones
Ms. Laura Lightbody-Steadham
Mrs. and Mr. JoAnn McNair
Ms. Emily Jones
Dr. Nancy Litzenberger
Ms. Judy McQuoid
Ms. Melody Jones
Ms. Beth Lively
Mrs. and Mr. Elizabeth Meguschar
Mr. Robert Kantner
Ms. Frances Lively
Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Jodi Mellinger
Mr. and Mrs. H. Alan Karrfalt
Ms. Alice Livers
Ms. Jennifer Mentink
Ms. LaTonya Keaton
Ms. Robin H. Livsey
Mr. Jeff Merritt
Mrs. Tanya Kelly
Ms. Maddie Long
Ms. Helen Metken
Ms. Kimberly Kenneson
Ms. Carole Longardner
Mrs. Katrine Mhedhbi
Ms. Cynthia King
Ms. Emily Longnecker
Mr. Cory Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Kinkead
Mrs. Nancy R. Louks
Ms. Ellen Miller
Ms. Joyce Kinnaman
Ms. Jennifer Lucas
Ms. Carol M. Miller
Klem Golf, Inc
Mrs. Karen Lyles
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Mills
Ms. Nancy A. Knapp
Ms. Yan Ma
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mills
Ms. Victoria Knorr
Hillary Macy
Ms. Mary Milz
Mr. Clayton Taylor and Ms. Julie Koegel
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mansard
Ms. Ann Minnich
Mr. and Mrs. Chris T. Koschnick
Mrs. Sharon Marshall
Ms. Sherry Minnicks
Ms. Christine Kramer
Ms. Mary Martin
Mrs. Scarlett Minton
Ms. Ruth Hinkle Ms. Sue Hochstetler Liming Mrs. Kim Hodges Miss Caitlin Hoefer Mrs. Jennifer Hofmann Ms. Diana Holle Ms. Dianne Hong Mrs. Doris Hoover Inc. Ms. Connie Horwitz Ms. Sherry L. Hoskins Mrs. Peggy Howe Ms. Kathryn Hower Mrs. Jackie Hudnall Ms. Jennifer Hughes Ms. Pamela Humes Ms. Pamela Hunt Ms. Shelley Hunter IBM Employee Services Center Indiana School for the Blind/ Recreation Fund Ms. Sharon Indruutz
Mrs. Laura Mongon
Ms. Jill Penman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rogers, Jr.
Mrs. Sara Smith
Mrs. Elizabeth Moody
Ms. Sherri Pepples
Mrs. Beth Rominger
Ms. Sherrell Smith
Mrs. Loretta Moore-Southerland
Ms. Tristine Perkins
Mrs. Janet Rose
Mrs. Amanda Smith
Ms. Shannon Morris
Ms. Susan Perry
Mrs. Kyle Ann Rosebrough
Mrs. and Mr. Karin Smith
Ms. Kathryn A. Morris
Mrs. Korinne Peterson
Ms. Maryann Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Danial P. Smith
Dr. Eileen M. Moscato
Ms. Jacquelin Petersson
Ms. Trena Roudebush
Ms. Anita Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moss
Ms. Elaine Petro
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pitcouk
Ms. Rachel Smith
Mr. Jay Nawrocki
Ms. Laura Petty
Ms. Michelle K. Rusie
Mrs. Lisa Smitha
Ms. Janet Neighbours
Annetta L. Petty
SAFE Foster Care & Adoption Agency
Ms. Mary Snell
Ms. Tracy Nestander
Phillips & Associates, LLC
Ms. Claire L. Scheele
Mr. Anthony M. Soller
Network For Good
Ms. Angelia Pickett
Anne Schmidt
Ms. Karen Soper
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nickander
Ms. Roberta Piper
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schneider
Ms. Melinda Spear-Huff
Ms. Jan Nickels
Mrs. Cathie Plecker
Mr. Ralph D. Schnell
Mr. Aaron Spencer
Ms. Rebecca Nickoli
Mrs. Jennifer Pope Baker
Mrs. Alicia Schriever
Mrs. Linda Sporleder
Ms. Allison Nisonson
Mrs. Amy Price
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Schrock
Ms. Tiffany Squires
Mrs. Jackie Norio
Mrs. Pamela Price
Ms. Maryann Schubert
Mrs. Kyle Squires
Mrs. Ali Northern
Ms. Amy Prior
Ms. Margaret Schwier
Mr. and Mrs. C.W. St. Dennis Jr.
Ms. Nancy Norton-Zent
Mrs. Jill Pursell
Ms. Sherry Seiwert
Mrs. Dolly Starnes
Ms. Gail Nowicki
Ms. Rebecca Quackenbush-Siders
Ms. April Sellers
Ms. Samantha Stephens
Ms. Shelley O’Connell
Ms. Barbara Quiett Smith
Service unit 382
Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson
Ms. Ann O’Hara
Ms. Krystal Ratliff
Mrs. Christianna Shelby
Mrs. Candace Stock
Ms. Deanna Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rawlings
Ms. Connie Shepherd
Ms. Melissa Stout-Conrad
Mrs. Patricia Oman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Rayner
Ms. Penny Sheppard
Ms. Melissa Stratton
Mr. and Mrs. Dougless A. Owens
Ms. Lisa Rees
Mrs. and Mr. Jeanne Sherman
Mrs. Rebecca Stratton
Mrs. Amy Pache
Ms. Catherine Reese
Mrs. Donna Shimer
Ms. Suzy Stuart
Mr. Christopher Pacue
Ms. Esther Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Shirrell
Ms. Heidi A. Stump
Ms. Jerri Painter
Mr. Joe Ridenour
Ms. Patricia Shlyakhov
Ms. Stacey Sunderman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riehel
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Shoaf
Ms. Elizabeth J. Sutherlin
Mrs. Lori Pasheilich
Mr. Larry Riggs
ShopSmart Magazine
Ms. Angie Sutton
Ms. Heather Pattengale
Ms. Maria Rippetoe
Ms. Julie Siegler
Ms. Margaret Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Patton
Mr. Karen Ristine
Ms. Vicky Silhavy
Ms. Jennifer Svendsen
Ms. Mimi Pearce
Ms. Linda Roberts
SilverTowne , LP
Ms. Stacey Swan
Mrs. Emily Pearson
Mrs. Janet Roberts
Mrs. Julie Slayton
Mrs. Jennifer Swartz
Mrs. Sally Peck
Ms. Carolyn Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Sloniker
Ms. Suzanne Sweeney
Ms. Lauren Pelto
Mrs. Cynthia Rockwell
Ms. Debra Slough
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Swick
Valerie Tamblyn
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Welch
Mrs. Susan Teague
Mr. Evans Wells
Ms. Kelly Teller
Mrs. Jodi Wenthe
Mrs. Jennifer Templeton
Mrs. Mary Wesley
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Terry
Mrs. Lu Carole West
Ms. Susan Thackery
Ms. Kathy D. Wethington
Mrs. Susan Thomas
Mrs. Deborah Whitfield
Ms. Stacy Thomas
Mrs. and Mr. Nancy Whitney
Sarah Thomas
Ms. Dorothy Wilfong
Ms. Lonya A. Thompson
Ms. Delenda Williams
Mr. James Thorpe
Ms. Mary Williams
Mrs. Tiffany Ticen
Mrs. Karen Williams Pryor
Ms. Susan Timmerman
Ms. Mildred Williamson
Mrs. Leila Toler
Ms. Donna Wilson
Ms. Joan Trendell
Ms. Kylee Wilson
Troop 305
Mrs. Eleanore Wilson
Mrs. Denise Trump
Ms. Rebecca Wilson
Ms. Carol Tully
Mrs. Judith A. Wilson
Ms. Tamarah Van Wyk
Ms. Betty Wingrove
Ms. Cassie Vanderpool
Mrs. Dana Wise Reed
Ms. Michelle Vaughn
Mrs. Amy Wiser
Ms. Laura Vest
Ms. Mitzi Witchger
Ms. Melissa Vierling
Mrs. Dorthy Wolfe
Ms. Therese Vierling
Mrs. Amy Wolfe
Mrs. Deborah Waldkoetter
Ms. Karen S. Wolford
Ms. Jody Walker
Mrs. Victoria Wolford-Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Walz
Ms. Stephanie Wood
Mr. and Mrs. John Wanchow
Ms. Christine Woodward
Ms. Wei Zhong Wang
Ms. Lucille Larrabee Worcester
Ms. Angela Warren
Ms. Sally A. Young
Mrs. Colleen Wasemann
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Yount
Ms. Lesley Watson
Mr. Philip R. Zillinger
Ms. Sheri Watts
Mrs. Marlene Zink
Ms. Jenniffer Weinzapfel Mrs. Susan Weise
Tribute Gifts In Honor of Chleyon Brown Ms. Nancy Norton-Zent In Honor of Kathy Church Ms. Julia Kozicki
In Honor of Deborah Hearn Smith Ms.Janice Hicks-Slaughter In Honor of Emma St. Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery Ms. Ellen Rosenthal
In Honor of Connie Dumas Colman Ms. Alfredia Garner
In Honor of Samantha Suggs Mrs. Annetta Suggs
In Honor of Shirley Vincent Cook Mrs Leslie Simich
In Honor of Diana Sullivan Ms. Vickie Fikins
In Honor of Delaney Rose Criswell Reverend and Mrs. Keith Olson
In Honor of Linda Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery
In Honor of Leigh H. DeWill The Capital Group Companies, Inc.
In Honor of Claire Weems Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Perry
In Honor of Marianne Glick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grande
In Honor of Chloe Wiser Mrs. Amy Wiser
Mr. Tom Schnellenberger
In Honor of Ashley Worthen Mrs. Allison Laws
In Honor of Holly Golightly Mrs. and Mr. Lyndsay Sheridan
Ms. Kelly McNutt
In Honor of Andrea Heilman Mr. and Mrs. Tom Heilman
In Honor of Tamara Zahn Ms. Nicole Mazelin
In Honor of Elizabeth Helms Dr. Louise Hart
Memorial gifts
In Honor of Riley Helms Dr. Louise Hart In Honor of Tanya Stuart Overdorf Ms. Julie Davis In Honor of Yvonne Perkins Ms Barbara Smith In Honor of Beth Pickard Mrs. Amy Wolfe In Honor of Trena Roudebush Mrs. Marlene Zink In Honor of Catherine Sanders Ms. Cathryn Ferree In Honor of Elizabeth Sanders Ms. Cathryn Ferree
In Memory of Caroline Adams Mrs. Maeve VanHoorde In Memory of Mark Booth Ms. Cynthia Booth In Memory of JoAnn Riddell Brandt Ms. Deb Buehler In Memory Of Rosalyn Ellis Brown Mrs. Katherine Russell In Memory of Estella M. Frazer Ms. Chante Eldridge In Memory of Emily Gilroy Ms. Sue Ann Gilroy In Memory of Judith A. Hendricks Mrs. Cindy Carpenter
In Memory of Gladys Hepstall Ms. Ruth Hinkle
United Way of Franklin County
King Shots
United Way of Grant County
In Memory of Pauline B. Kepley Mrs. Jan Keefer
United Way of Greater Lafayette
Mr. Christian LeSesne
In Memory of Betti Lurie Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Mishkin
United Way of Howard County
Ms. Sandy Leslie
United Way of Jay County
Live Nation
United Way of Johnson County
Marriott East
United Way of Whitewater Valley
Marsh Supermarkets, Inc.
White County United Way, Inc
McAlister - Avon
Mr. and Mrs. William Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moss Ms. Theresa Bricker Mr. and Mrs. William Fiffer
Gift in kind
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Carter
American Art Clay Company
In Memory of Elayne May Mrs. Leslie Jenkins
American Dairy Association
In Memory of Fay Ann Moore Mrs Lisa K. Weiper
AT&T Mobile
In Memory of Erin Morrison Mrs. and Mr. Susan Sullivan
Commercial Food Systems
In Memory of Ruby Nicholson Troop 305 In Memory of Betty Siegel Ms. Emmy Bachmann In Memory of Troop 1257 Mr. and Mrs. David Cala In Memory of Virgie Tucker Ms. Judy A. Simpson
United Way Carroll County United Fund Decatur County United Fund, Inc. Henry County United Fund Montgomery County United Fund For You Shelby County United Fund for You United Way of Bartholomew County, Inc. United Way of Blackford County United Way of Central Indiana United Way of Clinton County, Inc.
Mr. Brad Anderson Banner Graphic Crackers Comedy Club Creation Café Dean Foods EA Outdoor Services Evonik Finish Line Gene B. Glick Company Good’s Candy Shop Hard Rock Cafe Indiana Fever Indiana Historic Society Indiana Repertory Theatre Indianapolis Children’s Museum Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Indianapolis Zoo IndyGo JW Marriott K. B. Parrish & Co. Key Bank
Meijer - Avon Noblesville Daily Times Orange Leaf - 86th St Pacers Sports & Entertainment Piazza Produce Planes Moving and Storage PNC Printing Partners Ms. Yvonne Shaheen Shop Smart Magazine St. Elmo Steakhouse/Harry and Izzy’s Starbucks -10th and Girl School Road Vera Bradley Walmart - Southport Ms. Shelley Welty Windsor Jewlers WISH-TV 8
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana service centers
Board of directors Board Officers Crystal Livers-Powers, Chair Carolyn Bunzendahl, 1st Vice Chair Diana Sullivan, 2nd Vice Chair Carl Bender, Secretary Debi Ladyman, Treasurer
Members-at-Large Sylvia Marshall Bogle Mary Burns Katasha Butler Karen Celestino-Horseman LuAnne Christofaro Bettye Dobkins Blaire Dougherty Patty Feilen Beth Forman Dr. Nicole Harper Patricia Jones
Shelly Langona Deborah Lyons Barb Miller Peggy Naile Nancy Menard Riddle Iris Rosa Connie Saywell Susan Springirth Carla Tucker Crystal Williams Heather Zoellick
Telephone numbers: 855.GSCIN.4U | 317.924.6800 Fax number: 317.924.2976 Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Suite I Bloomington, IN 47404
Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 W Superior St Kokomo, IN 46901
Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave Columbus, IN 47201
Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette Ste 203 615 N 18th St Lafayette, IN 47904
Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 W CR 550 S P.O. Box 587 Daleville, IN 47334 Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis Ste 100 2611 Waterfront Parkway E Dr Indianapolis, IN 46214
Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd E Richmond, IN 47374 Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Ln Terre Haute, IN 47807
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