Badges sold by pillar & program level

Girl Scout Gold Award
In 2023, 42 Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors earned the highest award in Girl Scouting. Their projects ranged from creating a pet supply pantry to community gardens, to coleading a sustainability club.
Girl Scout Silver Award
151 Girl Scout Cadettes earned the Girl Scout Silver Award in 2023. To earn this honor, a Girl Scout Cadette must show that she is a leader who is organized, determined, and dedicated to making a positive impact in her community and a difference in the world.
Girl memberships
Adult members

Girl Scout Bronze Award
The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can earn. In 2023, 297 Girl Scout Juniors worked with their troops to plan and complete a project. Through earning this award, girls develop more con dence and make a difference in the community.