APRIL 2016
Celebrating 100 years of changing the world I can’t believe it’s been more than 50 years since I and many of my Girl Scout sisters boarded the bus to go to Girl Scout Roundup. I have so many fond memories of the friends who accompanied me on the journey and the friends I also made along the way. This year also marks the 100th anniversary of the highest award. We are proud of the many young women who have honed their leadership skills to earn the highest achievement in Girl Scouting, the Girl Scout Gold Award, making a sustainable impact in their communities and beyond. I would like to invite everyone who attended Girl Scout Roundup or earned our highest award to a celebration on Saturday, September 3, at Camp Dellwood. For more information, please complete an interest form at www.girlscoutsindiana.org/goldaward. As we celebrate the milestones, we also look forward to the future.
Together, with Girl Scouts of the USA, we will soon begin working towards implementing the Customer Engagement Initiative (CEI), an interactive and user-friendly new way to provide parents/caregivers and volunteers, and ultimately girls, an easier and faster joining and renewal process. CEI is all about serving you better. As we begin this exciting process, you may soon notice additional staff working in service units to provide more support for volunteers. The supporting software for this initiative includes a new membership database and online volunteer toolkit with digital resources designed to make it dramatically easier for troop leaders to prepare for meetings and connect with other volunteers. Included in this toolkit is access to badge packages that contain take action projects, with hands-on modulars for Journey activities. Along the way, we’ll also launch a new website to support this initiative. Stay tuned for more information as we work on implementation.
Here’s to another amazing 100 years! Sincerely,
Deborah A. Hearn Smith Chief Executive Officer Have a question, or are you eager to learn more about the new tools and technology we are investing in to better serve you? Join the conversation! June 11 • 10 a.m.-noon Colts Complex 7001 W 56th St, Indianapolis
The many looks of the highest award over the years This award has gone by many names throughout history, but its meaning stays the same. Starting as the Golden Eaglet of Merit, the highest award in Girl Scouting from 1916 to 1919, this award marked the beginning of a long tradition of recognizing girls who make a difference in their communities with a prestigious award.
Golden Eaglet of Merit 1916-1919
Golden Eaglet 1919-1939
First Class 1938-1940 1963-1980
Curved Bar 1940-1963
Gold Award 1980-Present