CEOupdate October 2013
Greetings! We are so excited to share with you our plans for building a new center at Camp Dellwood and making it a home of our own. The launch of our capital campaign for the Leadership and Learning Center is the next big step. We chose Camp Dellwood because it is a place where so many memories have been made for central Indiana Girl Scouts. It really feels like home! This center will be a place where all of our adult volunteers can receive support and collaborate with peers. It will have the latest technology and interactive
capabilities that will enhance face-to-face and distance learning experiences. The campaign goal is $6 million. United Way of Central Indiana has pledged $1 million. We are not only asking the Indiana community to support our plans financially, but we are also asking our Girl Scout family to help, which includes troops, leaders, alumni, parents, family, and friends. We are asking for your help to raise $1 million for this home of our own. The Leadership and Learning Center will ensure that our 40,000 girls receive quality
leadership experiences from our 18,000 adult volunteers. There will be space to accommodate groups of up to 200 people for meetings and learning opportunities; a new distribution area for cookie season; and the Showcase will be better than ever for purchasing supplies and gifts. This will also be the new home for our administrative staff. Longtime Girl Scout volunteer and former board chair Deb McCloud is the campaign cabinet leader for Girl Scout families. We are so excited to have Deb on board. You will be hearing from her more as the campaign moves forward. The capital campaign committee has designed a special giving program just for our Girl Scout family. There will be a variety of ways that you can donate.
This includes troop donations, family donations, and personal donations. A packet of information about this program with the supportive materials will be mailed to each troop leader and service unit team member in late October. It will include information about incentives and gift recognitions. There will also be ideas on how troops, girls, and their families can raise money for their contribution. Some of those ideas include participating in Lemonade Day and raising the funds or donating a portion of a troop’s cookie proceeds. This is an opportunity for girls to not only learn about
philanthropy, but to make a group or individual contribution to the Leadership and Learning Center—a home of our own. Troop leaders, please keep an eye out for this to come in your mailbox.
We thank you in advance for all of your support! For more information, please visit capitalcampaign or contact Charlitta Winston, capital campaign manager, at
New Membership Campaign When a girl says, “I can’t wait to,” you know that what’s coming next is something she’s excited about. Whether she’s talking about tomorrow’s field trip or the big game next Saturday, that wide-eyed anticipation is one of the best parts of childhood. Our goal is to instill confidence, leadership skills, and a collaborative spirit in girls. But the key to teaching them those life lessons is imparting fun, imagination, and the joy of anticipation into everything we do. 2
This year’s recruitment campaign focuses on that “can-hardly-sleep-becauseyou’re-waiting-for-the-nextday” feeling. This feeling of anticipation transcends languages and ages across all of our target audiences: girls K-5, their caregivers, and potential volunteers. From the words to the visuals, this campaign is designed to show girls and adults that, with us, they’ll always have something to be excited about. I can’t wait to be the star of my own story, be an explorer on a real-life adventure, be a Girl Scout! Girl Scouts of Central Indiana
Indiana Lieutenant Governor’s Leadership Luncheon 2013 On Tuesday, November 12, we will honor four outstanding women in the community who demonstrate courage, confidence, character, and make the world a better place. Reserve your seat today! Email Elaine Gill,
On July 12, we headed downtown to volunteer as ice cream scoopers at the American Dairy Association Ice Cream Social. We were also the beneficiary of this year’s proceeds.
Elaine E. Bedel
Judy O’Bannon
President and Owner, Bedel Financial Consulting, Inc.
Host and Producer, Communities Building Community, WFYI
Shanel Poole Executive Director, G.L.A.M., Inc.
Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso Rabbi Emerita of Congregation Beth-El Zedeck
$3,405 worth of Deep Fried Girl Scout Cookies were sold at the Indiana State Fair. They were such a hit last year, we were asked to send them again! Thanks to North American Midway.
As Girl Scouts of Central Indiana embarks upon our 20132014 membership year, I am so excited about the new campaign and having the opportunity to help even more girls build courage, confidence, and character. Warmest regards,
Deborah Hearn Smith Chief Executive Officer
CEO Update
2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46214
Olympic Archer Stephanie Arnold visits with girls at Camp Dellwood on July 23. Arnold shared her archery story, her experience in the 2004 summer Olympics, and demonstrated some target shooting.