Cookie Program for Entrepreneurs

Cookie program begins Jan. 6!
Cookie program begins Jan. 6!
Want to make a difference for kids like you? Here is your opportunity with the Shoe that Grows! You can choose to donate shoes in place of a reward item. This philanthropic reward is part of the cumulative reward structure—meaning you can mix and match donating shoes and picking a reward at different levels!
All shoes donated from Girl Scouts of Central Indiana will be sent to school children in Kenya! Your donation will bring shoes to the hundreds of kids who walk roughly five miles to and from school. Learn more at and check out the video at under the Resources tab!
Become a true cookie boss in four easy steps!
Take a few minutes to set your sales goal, share your cookie story, and upload a fun picture or video. Then publish and go! Use your Digital Cookie® platform to track sales and inventory and check progress toward your goal.
When customers use your Girl Scout Digital Cookie link to make their cookie purchase, they will choose whether to pay for shipped, donate, or have you delivered the order. For girl delivered orders, you will need to work with your caregiver to decide to approve or deny no matter the order. All purchases made through Digital Cookie are paid online, so you will not need to collect later! Let your troop cookie manager know if you need additional cookies to ful ll girl delivered orders later in the season!
With your caregivers help you can decide to turn off the girl delivery option for customers, allowing them to order shipped or donated cookies only without you needing to deliver. Only one Digital Cookie account per Girl Scout is permitted; caregivers will need to share login information. You can input your initial order in Digital Cookie making it easier to submit the order to your troop cookie manager.
As a Girl Scout you should always be under a caregiver’s supervision while participating in the Product Program. While posting in community groups or neighborhood group pages on social media is now permitted, you should never share your last name or personal information. Always use caution when sharing links on public pages. Through Digital Cookie, you and your caregiver can deny any girl— delivered orders you do not feel comfortable personally delivering.
Use digital marketing to expand your network and grow your people skills!
• Engage your customers through email marketing.
• Send an email through Digital Cookie® to inspire potential customers to buy Girl Scout Cookies and help you achieve your goals.
• Do not post on public pages and forums like Facebook Marketplace, eBay, Craigslist, garage sale pages, and more. Internet safety and the safety of our Girl Scouts is our #1 priority. Please be mindful of safe internet practices.
• Ask your caregiver to help you in sharing your secure Digital Cookie link on one or both of these social media groups.
• Share your Digital Cookie link for posts on Facebook within your post.
• For Instagram, remember to use language like “click the link in my bio” instead of posting the link directly in your post.
• You can add links to your Instagram bio by following the below steps:
• Open up your profile in the app.
• Tap the “Edit Profile” bar.
• Add your Digital Cookie link to the “Website” section and then “Done.”
• You can also use the link sticker in Instagram Story!
• Follow Girl Scouts of Central Indiana on our channels to easily share and interact with our own cookie posts!
• Use links in bio, post copy and in stories
• Use multiple images when posting
• Best time to post is the weekends in the middle of the day
• Use links in bio and stories
• Use 2-3 consistent hashtags
• Use multiple images when posting
• Best time to post is on Saturdays around noon
• Post reels to connect with your audience in fun and engaging ways
If your troop is planning in-person cookie events, there are lots of ways they can creatively rise to the occasion!
• In the Neighborhood: Girl Scouts can stay local and ask their neighbors to buy cookies using their cookie order card.
• Cookie Stands: Entrepreneurs can set up shop in front of their residence and market their cookies to customers who live nearby (approval required).
On-the-go Girl Scouts will love these handy Girl Scout Cookie menus!
They fit easily into plastic holders on lanyards so they’re protected from all types of weather. Entrepreneurs can wear them at booths and encourage customers to scan their QR code to go to Digital Cookie. It’s especially handy if booth inventory in a certain variety is running low!
Girl Scouts can also pop them into their backpacks for customers to scan anytime.
Lanyard inserts can be personalized with marketing messages and cookie prices.
Embrace Possibility and earn a trip with us in 2025! All trips require an opt out of all rewards below 2400 packages. Girl Scouts will still be eligible for some patches, troop rewards, and Digital Cookie rewards.
Location: Wisonsin Dells
Travel Dates: June 9-13, 2025
Travel with a trusted adult by selling 2400+ packages OR earn half by selling $1200 in the fall product program (choosing this reward) and selling 1200+ packages in the cookie program. Join Girl Scouts of Central Indiana staff members on a trip to Wisconsin Dells!
This trip takes us to the “Waterpark Capital of the World.” Not only will you get to experience America’s largest outdoor water park, Noah’s Ark water park, but you will also get to experience everything Wisconsin Dells has to offer! Check out hikes through state parks, participate in a citizen science project, see wildlife, and so much more.
We will be taking motorcoach buses for this trip, so be prepared for a six-to seven-hour drive.
Mark your calendar for May 13, 2025, 6-7 p.m. for a mandatory meeting (required documents deadline).
Location: Colorado
Travel Dates: July 7-12, 2025
Travel with a Girl Scouts of Central Indiana staff member and volunteer chaperone team by selling 2400+ packages OR earn half by selling $1200 in the fall product program (choosing this reward) and selling 1200+ packages in the cookie program. Join councils staff members on trip to Colorado!
This trip takes us out West to Colorado Springs! We will take a sleeper bus out there and then stay in a hotel once we have arrived. Colorado Springs has a lot to offer, so get ready to have a taste of it all. From white water rafting to Royal Railroad rides to castles and so much more. This will be an amazing opportunity for Girl Scouts to work on independence building!
Mark your calendar for May 14, 2025, 6-7 p.m. for a mandatory meeting (required documents deadline).
Are you ready for an Independence Building Trip? Scan the QR to take the quiz!
Destination Credits can be used for Girl Scouts of the USA Destination Trips OR Girl Scouts of Central Indiana program travel opportunities. This reward can be selected at the 700+ level as seen in the chart.
Girl Scout Destinations are the ultimate adventure for Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts! With different trips every year, there is a life-changing experience for every girl! For more information visit or scan the QR.
Indiana Program Travel: These trips are led by Girl Scouts of Central Indiana staff. For information on these travel opportunities please visit our GS Events calendar.
As you earn these rewards toward your Destination Trip, staff will keep account of the money earned and send money straight to the council hosting the trip. You DO NOT need to be approved for a trip to earn this reward; you may hold money over from year to year until you have been accepted for a Girl Scouts of the USA Destinations Trip or would like to use toward a Girl Scouts of Central Indiana trip.
Note: You will forfeit this reward if you opt not to attend or are not accepted for a Destination Trip. These rewards must be used by Sept. 30 of your graduation year.
Questions? Please call customer care at 317.924.6800.