2019 Service Unit Manual

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service unit 2019 eBudde login info eBudde website: https://cookieportal.littlebrownie.com eBudde login _____________________ New password ___________________ your email address

In 2018 my service unit sold _________________ , and to reach our 5% goal we need to sell _______________________

Director of Product Program

We are here to help!

Ellen Winking 317.924.6817 ewinking@girlscoutsindiana.org

Product Program Managers Ashley Pasch 317.924.6832 apasch@girlscoutsindiana.org Tai’Yanna Dorsey 317.924.6815 tdorsey@girlscoutsindiana.org Denise Rogerson 317.924.6812 drogerson@girlscoutsindiana.org

Product Program Administrative Assistant Elaine Gill 317.924.6826 egill@girlscoutsindiana.org

okie Girl Scout Co 24.2949 hotline: 317.9


Cookie program timeline for service unit cookie managers Saturday, January 12 | Initial order taking begins, and girls can send emails though Digital Cookie. Remind parents there is absolutely NO selling before this date–on your honor! Friday, January 25 | Troop initial orders, delivery station and initial reward orders are due in eBudde by 9 p.m. The cookie hotline will be open until 9 p.m. for any questions. After 9 p.m. troop cookie managers will not be able to make any edits to the initial order. Sunday, January 27 | Service Unit Initial Order Deadline Monday, January 28, 6 p.m. | First booth sign up • Each troop may reserve two booths, one per store chain. Wednesday, January 30, 6 p.m. | Second booth sign-up • Each troop may reserve an additional two booths, one per store chain. Thursday-Sunday, January 31-February 3 | Cookie delivery Friday, February 1, 6 p.m. | Third booth sign up • Each troop may reserve an additional 11 booths. Thursday, February 7 | Cookie Cupboards open Friday-Sunday, February 8-10 | Hot spot booth weekend Monday, February 11, 6 p.m. | Fourth booth sign up • Each troop may reserve an additional 15 booths. Friday-Sunday, February 15-17 | Hot spot booth weekend Monday, February 18, 6 p.m. | Fifth booth sign up • Each troop may reserve an additional 15 booths. Friday-Sunday, February 22-24 | Hot spot booth weekend and National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend Tuesday, February 19 | ACH pull for 25% of money owed to council. Refer to your eBudde sales report for exact amount. Monday, February 25, 6 p.m. | Sixth booth sign up • Each troop may reserve an additional 15 booths. Friday-Sunday, March 1-3 | Hot spot booth weekend Monday, March 4, 6 p.m. | Seventh booth sign up • Each troop may reserve an additional 15 booths. Friday, March 8 | ACH pull for 50% of money still owed to council. Refer to your eBudde sales report for exact amount. Friday-Sunday, March 8-10 | Last chance booth weekend Monday, March 11, 6 p.m. | Eighth booth sign up • First come, first served. Max of 100 booths. Friday-Sunday, March 15-17 | Last chance booth weekend. Monday, March 18 | Digital Cookie orders close. Cupboards close. Friday, March 20 11:59 p.m. | Final rewards due. Friday, March 22 | Parent OCA's (Outstanding Cookie Account) due to council. Troop should submit directly to council. Friday, March 29 | ACH pull for the final amount owed to council. Refer to your eBudde sales report for exact amount. Mid-May | All rewards received. Contact troops for pick-up and distribution.

Initial order

Booth phase

Paperwork 3

Service unit cookie manager benefits and responsibilities 5 Skills for Girls

Benefits of participating

In a study conducted by GSUSA, they discovered that through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, girls learn skills they can apply to everyday life.

• By participating in the annual Girl Scout Cookie

85% increased their money management skills as they developed budgets, took cookie orders and handled customers’ money.

Program, not only do girls learn the 5 Skills but it’s supporting your troop and service units.

• Funds earned support your troop activities and

your council. Girl Scouts of Central Indiana uses funds from the cookie program to:

• Provide financial assistance to girls who

83% developed business ethics, learning to fulfill promises to customers and considering how best to contribute to their communities with their earnings.

would otherwise not have a Girl Scout experience.

• Maintain council properties such as camps. • Provide amazing program activities with

80% set goals and created objectives to reach them. 77% made important decisions, learning to work as a team to develop a business plan, deciding when and where to sell cookies, and determining what to do with the money they earn.

affordable fees.

• Provide staff for support to members.

75% developed people skills, learning to talk to, listen to, and work with different kinds of people.

Service unit cookie manager responsibilities The service unit cookie manager is responsible for:

• • • • •

Promote online cookie training. Serve as a resource for questions. Double check eBudde for troop errors or issues. Receive and distribute rewards Be excited about the Girl Scout Cookie Program and serve as a cheerleader and supporter!

• Assist troops with any parent OCA questions and

Help her reach her goals! 4

encourage troops to send in completed parent OCA forms and documentation to council staff by March 22.

Meet the cookies

$a 5 box

There are 12 packages of cookies per case. Your initial order will be rounded up to make full cases.

Why $5 Did you know that every service provided by Girl Scouts of Central Indiana is subsidized for our members? It costs $379 per girl to give her the Girl Scout Leadership Experience for just one year. Families on average pay $57 for this experience! The Girl Scout Cookie Program not only provides funds for the troop, but it also supports all of our services to girls, volunteers, communities, and parents. It is important to remember that the “council� is all of us. Every penny from the Cookie Program stays within our council after we pay our vendor and program costs. Annual Girl Scout membership fees goes to Girl Scouts of the USA. These charts represent actual costs to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana for expenses such as subsidizing programming so that all girls have the opportunity to participate, along with insurance, registration and back office support, staffing, and physical property expenditures such as electricity and water. Actual costs are also reliant on the numbers of girls who attend the program activity, so the more girls who participate then the less expensive it is per girl to run the event.

Camp Examples

Program Examples

Sycamore Valley Summer Camp

Na Wa Kwa: Me and My Guy

Cost: $953 You pay: $125

Cost: $140 You pay: $40

Na Wa Kwa Troops Love Camping

Tough Cookie Run

Cost: $801 You pay: $90

Cost: $42 You pay: $12

Gallahue Resident Camp Cost: $574 You pay: $200

Math and Science Center/Van Cost: $21 You pay: $6

Dellwood Day Camp

Not Just Popcorn Cost: $693

You pay: $125

Cost: $21 You pay: $6 5

Materials + eBudde setup Printed Cookie program materials will be mailed directly to troops. Troops will receive • • • • • • • •

Cookie Receipt Book-2 per troop Girl Order Card-1 per participant Goal Getter Order Card-1 per participant Money Envelope-1 per participant Troop Training Manual-1 per troop Two-sided Business cards - 1 sheet per troop Cookie Pro entry forms - 1 per participant Cookie booth information card - 1 per participant

Online Cookie program materials • Find the following resources and more at

girlscoutsindiana.org/cookies: • Training videos • Cookie Program Family Newsletter • Outstanding Cookie Account Form • Digital Cookie tips and resources • Operation: Cookie Drop cookie box wrap templates • Detailed instructions on how to set up and use the credit card system.

Note: You will get extra materials for troops. Troops were sent materials based on their girl registrations as of November 1.

Getting set up in eBudde Troops will use eBudde to place their troop’s initial order, track girls totals, order initial and final rewards, order additional cookies after their initial order, and schedule cookie booths.

1. Log In

3. Confirm troops

• Receive welcome email. Click the link in the email

• On the “Troops” tab, which is locked, you can view

• Enter in your personal password and confirm

• Each troop should see their

that will take you to the screen that allows you to change your password on the Cookie Tech Portal

personal password and click Change My Password

• Enter in your personal profile information. All profile

fields mandatory except for Address Line 2. Be sure to enter current password. Click Update Profile. This will update your information on the Cookie Tech Portal and in the source system.

• Select the system you want to use and have access to.

• You will be taken to the landing page of the system of choice.

• New this year - you will have access to all Little Brownie resources through this portal!

2. Update your information • Click the “Contacts” tab. • Click “Edit” next to your contact information to update your personal information as needed.

• Click “Submit” to update your information. 6

all the troops registered with your service unit. "girls" tab, which is locked, to ensure that girls are properly connected to Digital Cookie.

• If there are troops missing

or girls that transfer out of a troop call 317.924.2949.

• If a troop is missing girls

please have them go to our website and complete the posted online form. This helps us gather all of the requested changes in one place and complete updates more efficiently.

• If a troop is not

participating you can mark them inactive on their troop settings tab.

Service unit cookie bonus + Juliettes Set goals to achieve your service unit bonus

Other ideas to spur growth in your service unit

Your service unit can earn a cookie bonus by encouraging troops to participate and increase sales in your service unit.

Use your rally order form to order extra things to award your girls or troops in your service unit.

Here is how the bonus works: • If your service unit has an increase in sales over the previous year, your service unit will receive a check for $.005 for every package sold in your service unit.

• If you increase your service unit total sales by five percent, your service unit will receive a check for $.01 for every package sold in your service unit.

Categories could be: • Most improved from last year • Overall top seller • Top seller in each age level • Top Operation: Cookie Drop seller • Top troop per girl average • Top troop in each age level • Most creative booth idea/location • Best booth display

Find Juliettes (individually registered girls) in your service unit that want to participate Girl Scout Juliettes who want to participate in the cookie program can choose to participate through one of the following options. The council will refer any Juliettes to their service unit cookie manager for information on how their service unit is facilitating Juliette participation. There are three ways Juliettes can participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program:

1. She may participate with a troop. Her order and rewards are processed through the troop. Any troop proceeds that are generated through her participation are retained by the troop.

2. A group of Juliettes within one service unit may participate in the Cookie Program as a group. A

registered Girl Scout adult must facilitate the program with the group and coordinate with the service unit cookie manager. The group would use the service unit’s Juliette troop number (09 + service unit number, ex. 09610) or other number as assigned by the service unit. The troop proceeds will be sent to the girl in the form of Council Cookie Dough. For every band of 50 packages sold a Juliette will earn $25.

3. If a service unit does not have a group of Juliettes that are selling, a Juliette may sell individually. Her

Juliettes do not qualify for troop rewards unless they sell with a troop.

order and rewards would be processed through the service unit cookie manager (or other designated registered Girl Scout adult), using the service unit’s Juliette troop number. The troop proceeds will be sent to the girl in the form of Council Cookie Dough. For every band of 50 packages sold a Juliette will earn $25.


New this year in eBudde Cookie Exchange New to eBudde is the ability to see what other troops have available for exchange/transfer! The Cookie Exchange tab will allow you to input the cookies you have available to exchange and to see what other troops have available that you may need. Before ordering from your local cupboard see if there is a local troop who may have cookies available that meet some or all of your needs! To enter cookies you have available to exchange: Enter the quantities in packages in the variety boxes. Click Submit. If you no longer have all the extras originally posted, change the quantities appropriately and click Submit. The submission will OVERWRITE the previous


submission. There is only one record per troop in the Cookie Exchange so there's no need to scroll through a lot of posts to find current info! To see what cookies other troops have available: Click the blue down arrow to the left of the variety. eBudde will display the troops that have extra cookie packages. It will list for you the date posted, the troop number, quantity available, the first name of the contact, email address and phone number. You can then contact that person via email/phone to make the exchange.

Checking troops initial orders


Troops tab • Review troop orders. Troops with an

asterisk (*) have not submitted their orders. Call those troops and remind them that their troop orders need to be submitted no later than January 25 by 9 p.m. Troops will be locked out of submitting their own order after that date and time. If a troop accidentally submits an incomplete order before that date, you may go to your troop list on the Troops tab and click “unsubmit” to make it available for troop editing. That is only available until January 25 at 9 p.m.

• Click on the first troop in your service


unit from the list of troops in the navigation tree on the left hand side of the screen.

Initial order tab • Click on their initial order tab and

review the totals at the bottom of their screen to ensure they placed an initial order for their troop. Troops should have listed their order by girl. eBudde will automatically calculate the total number of cases they should pick up.



Delivery tab • Go into each troop’s delivery tab and

ensure they have selected a delivery site and time. If they have not, please contact them and help them reserve a time. All troops must have a delivery time and location. If all the delivery times at the desired location are full, please call the cookie hotline.

Rewards tab • Online initial reward orders can be

submitted at this time. Final reward orders will be unlocked for editing on March 1.

180+ on their initial order will receive this Gold for Bold knit cap! 250+ on their initial order will receive a Raining Cookies umbrella!

Service unit orders Orders must be submitted to the council no later than January 27. • Click on the Initial Order tab. • If the order is correct, click Submit Order. If you accidentally submit an incomplete service unit order, you may contact the cookie hotline to “unsubmit” your order and make it available for further editing. This option is only available until January 27!

• If you would like, print a copy for your records. • Check that each troop’s initial order rewards are correct and submitted on the rewards tab. • Submit your service unit’s initial order for rewards.


Checking final rewards Proof, check, and submit troop reward orders Visit each of the following tabs for each troop to be sure they have submitted their reward order:

Girl Orders Tab

1. Be sure the troop has updated girl orders to include all additional packages sold. If they still have cookies that have not been allocated to girls, contact the troop cookie manager and allocate cookies as needed. All cookies should be allocated to the girls in their troop. 2. Click “Save” to save your information if you need to make any changes.

Reward Tab

1. Click “fill out” next to Final Reward Order. 2. Review Girl Orders to be sure that reward orders have been placed for all girls in the troop. If a girl has a reward selection that has not been made, there will be a note in red next to her name. If she has made all of her selections there will be a note in green. Girls only have the option to choose cookie dough or the reward items—girls may not choose both at one level. Cookie dough will come in the form of a virtual emailed to the parents or guardian's email address in our membership database. 3. Enter or review total rewards earned for each troop. 4. Click “submit” to submit the order if you made any changes.

Things to know

If a troop qualified for the 180+ per girl selling average to earn the troop T-shirts, these are automatically populated. The troop should have entered the T-shirt size on the Girls Tab, when they set up eBudde and all shirts should appear under the reward tab. If they do not appear and the troop qualified, be sure that the troop entered all of the T-shirt sizes on the girls tab. Additional adult troop T-shirts can be purchased if the troop qualified for the 180+ per girl selling average. •• Two adult shirts are free. •• Additional adult shirts may be purchased for $15 each on the Final Rewards tab. •• We will add amount due to the troop eBudde sales report and add it to their final ACH withdraw amount. Troops that qualify for the concert may purchase up to 5 additional tickets (prices will be announced via eBlast towards the end of the sale). Additional ticket orders must be ordered on the Rewards tab. The amount will be added to the troops eBudde sales statement and added to their final ACH withdraw amount. Check that older girl troops that chose the extra $0.10 per package checked the “Receives Proceeds (no rewards)” box on the settings tab. Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors may not choose this option. If a girl sells 600+ and chooses theme park tickets, please check to make sure she has chosen a service center to pick up tickets.


Final reports

d Goo s! New

You don't have to collect any troop paperwork! Troops will send any parent OCA paperwork directly to council through our online form. If they don't have any parent OCA's they don't need to turn in anything.

If a troop is owed a refund, it will be sent to the troop Girl Scout Cookie manager in June. If a troop has a parent OCA, refunds will not be processed until all forms and documentation related to the debt have been completed and turned in to council.

eBudde reports available for your use Reports tab

Any parent OCA's and required documentation should be submitted to council via the online form no later than March 22.

There are several reports that are available to the service unit. You are welcome to run as many reports as you would like. Here are brief descriptions of the reports you are most likely to use.

• Initial Order Report – shows all troops in your service unit that have submitted an order. • Troop Rewards Summary – shows all troops’ reward orders. • Girl Rewards Summary – shows all girls (grouped by troop) in your service unit along with the rewards they earned.

• Troop Sales Summary – shows all statistics related to your troops’ sales. (number of cases, amounts due, etc.)

• Use this report to identify troops that have a per girl selling average of 180+ packages per girl. Only

troops with 180+ package average can earn the troop T-shirt. Cross check with the troop reward summary report for troops ordering T-shirts. Please verify that all troops who ordered shirts qualify.

• Use this report to identify troops that have a per girl selling average of 250+ packages per girl. Only

troops with 250+ package average can earn the troop concert tickets. Cross check with the troop reward summary report for troops ordering concert tickets. Please verify that all troops who ordered tickets qualify.


Girl Scout cookie office/ cupboard location

Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Leadership and Learning Center 7201 Girl Scout Lane Indianapolis, IN 46214 317.924.6800

Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be Honest and fair,

Considerate and caring,

Observe the Girl Scout Cookie Program starting date of January 7, 12,2017. 2019. Say, “thank you” even if someone does not purchase Girl Scout Cookies. Promptly meet deadlines.

Courageous and strong,

Do the right thing even if others don’t.

Responsible for what I say and do, Respect myself and others,

Always complete a receipt whenever cookies or money are exchanged. Strive to be my best at all times.

Respect authority,

Know and obey safety guidelines.

Use resources wisely, Make the world a better place,

Offer customers the opportunity to order over the phone, email, or through Digital Cookie. telephone or email. Greet customers with a smile and use manners.

And be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Help sister Girl Scouts.

Friendly and helpful,

Check out girlscoutsindiana.org or littlebrownie.com for a world of resources available to you and your girls including craft ideas, goal setting and much more! For cookie questions, call the Girl Scout cookie hotline at 317.924.2949.

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