Day camp at camp sycamore valley

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Camp Sycamore Valley � Day camp

Camp open house | Saturday, May 31 | noon-2 p.m. 8439 State Road 26 E, Lafayette, IN 47905

Day camp at Camp Sycamore Valley …is an experience for girls from different troops and groups to meet outdoors each day. Girls attend as individual campers and are placed in units according to their grade in the fall. Please remember this is not troop camp and the entire troop will not be placed together in one unit. Attend day camp and make new friends!

Child care before and after hours is not provided. Day camp is not the same as troop camping. At day camp, you and one friend will be assigned to a unit where you can work and play together all week. Each girl should list the other’s name on their registration form to guarantee placement together. Girls and parents should agree on their camper’s buddy. Often a buddy’s name is listed, but that girl already has arranged to be buddies with someone else. Placement together will not be possible if more than one name or different names are listed. Troops are not guaranteed to be placed together. Troop members attending the same session are not guaranteed the same unit assignments. All girls are placed in a unit based on the grade they will be entering in the fall.

At day camp you’ll try new craft projects, sing, discover the wonders of the outdoors and learn how to live with nature, play games, experiment with science, math, and technology, make new friends, make lasting memories, and for one night, your unit will remain in camp together. Day camp is a great way to build your courage, confidence, and character! Day camp is for all girls who have completed kindergarten through 7th grade. Girl Scouts from other councils, as well as non-members, are welcome to attend day camp. Girls who are no longer active in a troop or have never been members may attend camp by paying a one time fee of $30.* For girls with a chronic illness or disability, a written statement from her physician is required and must indicate the girl can participate in routine activities without harm to herself.

Our camp is not open to visitors during camp sessions so that we may provide a safe and secure environment for all participants. All participants and staff must be registered prior to camp in order to attend. Please plan to visit the camps during the open house to see the units, staff and program areas.

Day camp fees-per person Session 1-5 fee...................................................................$80

*Includes Girl Scouts of the USA membership fee.

Non-Girl Scout fee*....................................................... $110

Please fill out the girl member registration form in the back of this book along with the camp registration form.

Full payment is due at time of registration. All fees include a day camp T-shirt and patch. *Includes Girl Scouts of the USA membership fee. Please also fill out the girl membership form and the camp registration form in the back of the book

Day camp begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. All campers will have the opportunity to spend one night (Thursday) at camp. On the overnight, girls will sleep in a tent/ cabin with other girls. Adults will have separate sleeping quarters. Only registered adults volunteering the entire five days are allowed to stay for the overnight.


Camp fees

Older girl leadership at day camp

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana is committed to providing high-quality, affordable outdoor programming for girls. Thanks to the support of product sales and other funding to the council, we are able to keep the cost of camp sessions substantially lower than the actual cost.

Day camp aides have long been a part of the day camp experience. Day camp aides provide a variety of skills, talents, and support to younger campers while continuing to develop their leadership skills in an adult supported and supervised environment.

Car transportation

If you want to be a day camp aide this summer, here’s what you need to do: Attend day camp Aide-in-Training week at Camp Sycamore Valley (for new day camp aides).

Parents should plan to drive their daughter to and from camp. Campers must be dropped off at camp no earlier than 8:30 a.m. and picked up no later than 4 p.m.

This training is designed to reinforce basic skills and to give a foundation for leading and working with younger girls in the outdoors. During the week, girls will also complete the Program Aide Training. Registered Girl Scouts must have completed 7th grade. Cost is $30. The fee of the training includes materials, a day camp T-shirt and patch.

Meals Each camper will bring their lunch on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We will provide the meals for the rest of the week.

Volunteer staff benefits • • • •

Day Camp Aide-in-Training will be offered June 2-6. Training is Monday through Friday with an overnight on Thursday night. You must complete the entire week of training including the overnight to be qualified to become a day camp aide.

Attend day camp for free Waive the camp fee for the girl of your choice Receive a camp T-shirt and patch Make a difference in a girl’s life

To waive a camp fee, volunteers must attend a pre-camp meeting, attend day camp five full days (Monday through Friday), and stay on the overnight (Thursday night).

Experienced day camp aides and girls who have completed training may apply to be a day camp aide. The cost is $20 per session. The fee for day camp aides defrays meals, incidental expenses and includes a day camp T-shirt and patch.

Please understand that all adult volunteers are expected to volunteer Monday through Friday and stay on the overnight (Thursday night). This is for the safety and well being of our campers. No exceptions!

When to register Registration opens Friday, January 17

Volunteer staff training

How to register- four great options!

All day camp volunteers must attend the pre-camp meeting for the session(s) they are assigned to. At this meeting, volunteers will receive a day camp volunteer staff manual; receive unit assignments, unit lists, and unit schedules; learn about the specifics of the session; meet the people they will be volunteering with; and work with others to develop activities for their unit.

2. Mail registration and health history forms with full payment to: Attn: Camp Registration Girl Scouts of Central Indiana 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46214

1. Register online at

3. Fax registration and health history forms with full credit card payment to: 317.931.3346.

Pre-camp meeting dates

4. Deliver registration and health history forms with full payment to a Girl Scout service center.

Camp Sycamore Valley Sessions 1-4: Saturday, May 31, 2-3:30 p.m.

Campers, day camp aides and aides-in-training need to complete the 2014 Day Camp Individual Registration Form.



Camp Sycamore Valley � Day camp

Registration closes

Adult volunteers and tag-a-longs need to complete the 2014 Day Camp Volunteer Staff Registration Form.

Registration closes 2 weeks before the beginning of each day camp session or when the session is full, whichever is first.

• All participants (including adults and tag-alongs) must complete the 2014 Day Camp Health History Form.

Refund procedure The day camp fee does not cover the entire cost of your child attending camp. The remainder is covered by various funding sources that support Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. For this reason the refund policy is:

• Camp confirmations will be mailed to all participants (please do not call to check on placement). Registering with a buddy • Girls who want to sign up for a unit together must complete the Buddy Information section on the registration form and list each other’s name to guarantee placement together..

Refunds are given only if cancellation is received at least two weeks prior to sessions. $25 of fee will be retained for handling charges. Refunds are not given to no shows or campers leaving camp early due to personal reasons including homesickness, sports, family vacations, behavior, etc.

• Limit one buddy. Buddy must be entering the same grade in the fall. (Troops are not guaranteed to be placed in the same unit)

Multiple sessions

Questions and answers

There is no limit to the number of sessions each girl may attend (financial assistance is available for one session only). A separate registration form is required for each session. You may make copies of the form, download it from our website, or request a copy from your service center. You do not need to submit additional copies of the health history form.

What do I wear to day camp? Old clothes are the best and should include shorts or long pants, T-shirts or tank tops (no halters or midriffs), socks/shoes (closed-toe and heel only – no sandals), jacket or sweatshirt, raincoat or poncho if the weatherman predicts wet conditions.

Applying for financial assistance (PAG)

What do I bring to day camp each day? Bring these items daily to camp in a backpack or similar type bag. Mark the bag with the camper’s name, unit name, and bus stop name or “car rider.”

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana is committed to providing a positive experience to every girl who wants to be a Girl Scout. Program Assistance Grants are provided so that a family’s economic status will not be a barrier to participation.

• • • •

Hat or bandana Swim suit and towel Raincoat or rain poncho (if weather warrants it) A water bottle (bottles with a screw on lid are best; no bottles with straws please) • Sunscreen and insect repellent (non-aerosol) • Lunch for Monday - Wednesday

To apply, submit the Program Assistance Grant application with your camp registration form and health history form. A $10 deposit per girl is required. This deposit is not refundable unless your child cannot be placed into a session. Use a separate grant application per girl. Please do not mail in your PAG without your camp registration form. We can not process the PAG until the camp registration is received.

Is there anything my camper can't bring ? We do not allow any of the following at camp: • • •

All applicants will be notified by mail (in a separate letter from the confirmation packet) as to the approval of the request. All Program Assistance Grant information is kept strictly confidential. Grants are available for one camp session per girl.


Electronic devices (including cell phones and MP3 players) Weapons, alcohol or tobacco products Drugs (prescription and over-the-counter drugs must be turned into Camp Health Supervisor)

What do I bring if I am staying overnight on Thursday?

• • • •

Bring these items to camp in a duffle bag or similar type bag on Thursday. Place all items in a trash or water-resistant bag that the camper can carry. Please label all bags with the following information (duct tape and a permanent marker works best): Camper name (First and Last name), Unit name • Light weight sleeping bag or bedroll (blankets) • This year we are opening extra outpost units which means that some campers will be in tents. You will be informed prior to camp if your camper will be in one of these units. The tents will be provided but bedrolls will not. • Fitted, twin sheet (to cover mattress; girls in primitive units will not need this) • Pajamas or large T-shirt for sleeping in • Change of clothing, socks, underwear, etc. • Toothpaste, toothbrush, comb/hair brush

Towel, washcloth, soap Flashlight with new batteries Day pack items (carry daily – see list to left) Extra trash bag (labeled) for return trip home – many bags tear and a replacement is necessary

Typical day at camp 8:30-9 a.m.

Arrive at camp

9:15-9:30 a.m.

Flag ceremony

9:45-10:30 a.m.

Art projects

10:45-11:30 a.m.


11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.


1-2:45 p.m.

Theme-specific activity

3-3:15 p.m.

Flag ceremony

3:30-4 p.m.

Depart camp

Day camp sessions Session #1: June 2-6 � Messy Mayhem � $80 Grades K-7

School’s out, it’s time to get messy! Do all the things adults told you not to do this week. Play with food, roll in the mud, paint with your fingers, and participate in the ultimate all camp messy mayhem extravaganza! We recommend wearing clothes you don’t mind getting a little dirty. Session #2: June 9-13 � Art in the Trees � $80 Grades K-7

Get in touch with both nature and art this week as you combine the two to create beautiful, natural masterpieces! Use the leaves and sticks on the ground to make a photo frame, firewood to draw a postcard camp scene, and more. Bring your artistic eye and love of nature. Session #3: June 16-20 � Lights, Camera, Action! � $80 Grades K-7

How do things work behind stage and on stage? This is your chance to dress up, clown around, and perform at Thursday night’s talent show night. This week is your week to shine! Session #4: June 23-27 � Pink Pals � $80 Grades K-7

Paint the world in pink! That’s right—everything is pink. Tie dye, crafts, food... and discover why breast cancer awareness is important to Girl Scouts of all ages. What's better than learning and having fun? Session #5: June 30-July 3 � Exploration: Space � $80 Grades 1-8

Do you look up at the stars and wonder about life in space? What can space travel teach us about life on earth? Take off on this week of exploration and discovery that will be out of this world. Take a closer look at the solar system, living systems, and rockets.



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