High-End Reward Pick-up

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Girl Scouts of Central Indiana High-End Reward Pick-up

Permission Form

Dear Caregivers,

Your entrepreneur has worked very hard this season! Congratulations to them for reaching the 650+ level of rewards. Rewards earned at the 650+ levels are high-end rewards.

Contact will be made via email directly to you rather than your troop leader.

Rewards may be picked up by your troop leader or another adult only with your permission. Be sure to ask your troop leader about the pick-up date and time they selected. Rewards not picked up on the date and time selected will be taken to the Founder’s Lodge (7201 Girl Scout Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46214) for pick up.

To give permission for reward pick-up, please fill out the information below to return at pick up.

Cookie Program High-End Reward Permission Form

I_____________________, caregiver for Girl Scout_______________________of troop___________, give permission to ________________________________ to pick-up highend rewards on my behalf.

I understand the individual above must present this permission form and their ID to pick up rewards.


Signature_____________________________________________ Approved adult signature____________________________________________ Date________________________________

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