A note from Danielle As CEO of Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, I am working to break down barriers for all girls to have the opportunity for membership in the world’s best leadership organization for girls. Girl Scout membership is proven to drive results in academic, social, emotional, and physical outcomes for girls. In my personal life, as a mother of 3 daughters, (pictured below, Taylor, Riley and Alex along with my mom) I have been working to ensure they have opportunities to be as fulfilled as possible in a world where women are valued and treated equally. The way I approach both leadership of Girl Scouts and motherhood are very similar, and I pay attention to facts like: The 2019 Fortune 500 list includes only 33 companies led by women or 6.6%. The 2019 Fortune 500 count shows that only 25.5% of board seats are held by women. Women earn 79 cents for every dollar earned by men. (https://www. Currently only 25% of STEM jobs are held by women. I also pay attention to leaders, like Sara Blakely, founder & CEO of Spanx, who recently proclaimed in her Giving Pledge letter, “I am committed to the belief that we would all be in a
much better place if half the human race (women) were empowered to prosper, invent, be educated, start their own businesses, run for officeessentially be given the chance to soar! I pledge to invest in women because I believe it offers one of the greatest returns on investment.” So what does this all mean and what can we collectively do? Those of you receiving this newsletter represent someone who has once or many times provided an affirmative nod towards the positive impact on the Girl Scout experience through your giving, and for that we are so grateful.
I am asking you today to consider giving on an on-going basis by joining Give. Help. Repeat. For instance, your $60 yearly Give. Help. Repeat. gift will provide membership for two girl in Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. Currently we are serving 10% of the eligible girl population with a goal to reach the other 90%. Give. Help. Repeat. members currently allow us to reach more than 250 additional girls a year. By September 30, 2020 we want our Give. Help. Repeat. members to help us reach more than 400 girls! You can join by visiting givehelprepeat.