2016 Troop Cookie Manual

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Girl Scout Cookie Program Troop Manual

Girl Scout Cookie helpline: 877.474.2249 Who to call for help If you have questions, first call your service unit Girl Scout cookie manager. Name ___________________________________________________ Home _______________________ Cell ________________________

Table of contents/calendar of events and dates




Note to troop cookie managers


Cookie cupboards


Who to call


Order additional cookies online




Cookie cupboard locations


National Girl Scout Cookie Day


December Cookies we sell • New info


Cookie booths


Where does the money go?


Hot spot cookie booths


Credit cards


Non-hot spot cookie booths


Set up your card reader


Cookie booth recorder app


Have a parent meeting



Cookie Biz • New info


Other selling ideas


Social media resources


Transferring cookies


Little Brownie Baker resources




Big brown envelope


Girl rewards




2,000+ and 3,000+ rewards


Troop awards


January Operation: Cookie Drop


Older girl rewards


Initial order girl reward


Placing your reward order


Placing your initial order


Parent outstanding cookie accounts


Cookie delivery


Troop outstanding cookie accounts


Distributing cookies


Final reports


Visit the Showcase




Girl Scout Cookie helpline: 877.474.2249 Hours:

Mon-Fri: 9 a.m.-5 pm. Sat: 9 a.m.-noon Sun: Closed 2 2016 Troop Manual

Note to troop cookie managers

Dear troop cookie manager: Welcome to the 2016 Girl Scout Cookie Program. This year’s theme is “worth sharing.” Inside every package of Girl Scout cookies, you’ll find scrumptious treats-and so much more! You’ll find an amazing opportunity to help girls build skills and make memories that last a lifetime, and you’ll help girls discover why the Girl Scout Cookie Program is worth sharing!

By participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, girls will learn five key skills that she will use throughout her life:

Goal setting Decision making Money management People skills Business ethics

Girls will implement these key skills by:

Being a part of the largest girl-led business in the world Setting goals for themselves and with a group Managing money and practicing important math and budgeting skills Working with others and gaining people skills through interaction with the community Making decisions about things that count and putting their ideas into action Applying the Girl Scout Promise and Law to business ethics Seeing what a girl can do!

Your guidance and support is instrumental in the success for your Girl Scouts. Thank you for your support. We are confident you will find the experience to be both enjoyable and rewarding.

Good luck and have fun!

2016 Troop Manual 3

Who to call

Who to call for help

Director of product sales

If you have questions, first call your service unit Girl Scout cookie manager. It is a good idea to write their contact information on the front cover of this manual so you always have it.

Ellen Winking 317.924.6817 ewinking@girlscoutsindiana.org

Product sales managers Girl Scout Cookie helpline: 877.474.2249

Girl Scout Cookie Program volunteers As you come upon a topic throughout this manual, there will be a list of volunteers you can reach after hours. Just check out the “Who to call” section. These volunteers are well versed and will be able to answer your Girl Scout Cookie Program questions.

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana product sales staff Your service unit has been assigned to a product sales manager. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact your product sales manager at any time during the program.

4 2016 Troop Manual

Ashley Pasch 317.924.6832 apasch@girlscoutsindiana.org Tai’Yanna Dorsey 317.924.6815 tdorsey@girlscoutsindiana.org Denise Rogerson 317.924.6812 drogerson@girlscoutsindiana.org

Product sales administrative assistant Taylor Clark tclark@girlscoutsindiana.org 317.924.6826

Juliettes • individually registered girls

Your role

Did you know?

Contact your service unit cookie manager if you have a Juliette that would like to participate.

Juliettes can participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Juliettes that sell as an individual do not qualify for troop average rewards. Juliettes can participate in one of three ways: 1. She may sell with a troop. Her order and rewards are processed through the troop. Any troop proceeds that are generated through her participation are retained by the troop. 2. A group of Juliettes within one service unit may sell cookies as a group. A registered Girl Scout adult must facilitate the sale with the group and coordinate with the service unit cookie manager. The group would use the service unit’s Juliette troop number or other number as assigned by the service unit. The troop proceeds are retained by the service unit, or the Juliette group to benefit Juliette Girl Scouts in the service unit. 3. If a service unit does not have a group of Juliettes that are selling, a Juliette may sell individually. Her order and rewards would be processed through the service unit cookie manager (or other designated registered Girl Scout adult), using the service unit’s Juliette troop number. The troop proceeds are retained by the service unit to be used for Juliette assistance. Any Juliette within the service unit could ask for assistance for membership dues, program or camp fees, or uniform and insignia pieces.

Who to call Your service unit cookie manager Girl Scout cookie helpline 877.474.2249 2016 Troop Manual 5

Table of contents/calendar of events and dates

Which Girl Scout Cookie is your favorite? Tweet us your answer @girlscoutsIN

6 2016 Troop Manual

Dec 31 - Mar 14 • Girl Scout Cookies we sell

Your role Use the order card to teach girls about the eight cookies we will sell and that each package costs $4 per package. Toffee -tastic cookies cost $5 per package.

Did you know? Picking up Toffee-Tastic cookies at delivery Toffee-Tastic cookies may be ordered with your initial order. We suggest ordering 2 cases per troop. You may order more than 2 cases; however, quantities are limited. If your order exceeds 2 cases and our council-wide demand exceeds our supply, your order may be decreased. Additional cookies may be picked up at cupboards if supplies are available. Contact your cookie cupboard for availability.

Teach the girls about the Toffee-Tastic gluten-free cookie that will be available in limited quantities at initial order time.


Girl order card

Commonly asked questions and answers:

Little Brownie Bakers website: littlebrownie.com

Who to call Girl Scout cookie helpline 877.474.2249


Why do some people want a gluten-free cookie?


Some people want to avoid gluten-which is found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye. People with celiac disease may become ill if they eat gluten.


How do customers be sure the cookie is gluten-free?


Show them the NSF logo. That means an outside organization has verified the cookie meets federal standards for labeling a product “gluten-free.”


Will people NOT on gluten-free diets like this cookie?


Absolutely! Toffee-Tastic Girl Scout Cookies have fantastic flavor for everyone!


How do Toffee-Tastic Girl Scout Cookies taste?


Delicious! These buttery cookies are packed with golden toffee bits bursting with flavor!


2016 Troop Manual 7

Dec 31 - Jan 9 • Where does the money go?

Your role Teach girls where the money goes.

References Girl order card Little Brownie Bakers website: littlebrownie.com

Who to call

Did you know? Girl Scout cookies are $4 per package. Gluten-free Toffee-Tastic cookies are $5 per package. Toffee-Tastic cookies cost $2.25 from Little Brownie Bakers. Troops get $.65 for every package sold. Girls can learn about and practice philanthropy by donating a portion of their troop proceeds to the council’s capital campaign.

Girl Scout cookie helpline 877.474.2249

$4 per package $0.03 for program assistance grants $0.65 for troop proceeds It’s not too late to support the new Leadership and Learning Center! Consider donating a portion of your troop proceeds to supporting the next generation of Girl Scouts through the Capital Campaign. $0.84 for camping services $0.98 cost of Girl Scout cookies $1.50 for program services to troops 8 2016 Troop Manual

Dec 31-Jan 9 • Credit cards

Your role Utilize the council’s credit card system to process credit card payments with your troop.

Did you know... Girl Scouts of Central Indiana is proud to partner with Main Source Bank to bring credit card readers to our troops. With these credit card readers: xx

Troops will get credit for their credit card transactions on their eBudde statement.


The council will absorb any credit card fees incurred by using the card reader.


This is a great way for troops to reach their cookie program goals even faster by utilizing technology.


More information about credit cards and how to set up your card reader can be found on the next page.

Note: Cell phone not included

Who to call If your troop needs help, they can call the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249

Did you know?

Troops that used the credit card system last year sold an average of 38 more packages of cookies per girl than troops who didn’t use the card reader system!? 2016 Troop Manual 9

Dec 31-Jan 9 • Set up your card reader

Your role

Did you know?

Set up your card reader for your troop before January 9.

Who to call

Password: ________________________________

Login: ___________________________________

Write your login info here.

Girl Scout cookie helpline 877.474.2249

10 2016 Troop Manual

Are you ready to take credit cards at your cookie booth!? Start getting set up early to make sure your account is ready for cookie booths! Here’s how: xx

New troops should pick up a credit card reader (one per troop) and instructions from your service unit cookie manager.


Existing troops should have received a reader last year.


Download the app and set up your account by following the instructions provided from your service unit cookie manager. A copy of the instructions will be available on our cookie web page. Decide which troop adults you would like to be able to use the credit card reader at your cookie booths and have them download the app. They can sign in on their own smart device by using the troop’s log in information and password.


Credit card deposits will show up on your troop eBudde statement. You can check your credit card transactions on your smart device.

Important things to know: xx

Start early! Do not wait until your first cookie booth weekend to down load the app and set up your account!


Your troop is provided one credit card reader for free. The cost to replace a lost credit card reader is $30. If you would like an additional reader for your troop, you may purchase one for $30. Call the cookie hotline number to request additional readers.


Credit card readers will become a part of your troop’s banking materials. Please pass them along as you would your troop’s checks or debit cards. If your troops was active for the 2015 Girl Scout Cookie Program, you should already have a reader.


Credit card readers are interchangeable from device to device. Your troop account and login information is how we will know which transactions belong to your troop.

Dec 31 - Jan 9 • Have a parent meeting

Your role

Did you know?

Teach girls and parents safety. Set goals as a troop and have girls set individual goals.

Goal setting should be done before girls start selling. Here are some topics to cover with your parents:

Teach girls and parents the five skills to success.


Ask parents to volunteer to help at cookie booths.

Make it fun by doing cookie activities.


Share your troop goal with parents.

Let your parents know you will have them sign a receipt every time they pick up cookies and/or turn in money.


Give your parents the date you would like for them to turn their daughter’s initial order in to you.


Talk to the parents about safety and making sure they know how to keep their daughter and the rest of the girls safe during the Girl Scout Cookie Program.


Let parents know what your troop plans to do with the money they earn.

Have girls share their individual goals with their parents. Encourage parents to sign up and help at booths, picking up their initial order, etc.

References Little Brownie Bakers website: littlebrownie.com Girl Scouts of Central Indiana website: girlscoutsindiana.org For safety tips, visit www.girlscoutsindiana.org/ volunteers/key-resources-andpublications/safety-a

The Girl Scout Cookie Program begins January 9, 2016. No orders should be taken before this date. Tell parents which financial literacy badge(s) your troop will be earning. Use your Girl Guides to Girl Scouting for requirements for the badges.

The Girls’ Guide to Girl Scouting which can be purchased at the showcase

Which financial Literacy badge(s) will you earn?

2016 Troop Manual 11

Cookie Biz When? Sessions of Cookie Biz will be offered in December and January.

Sign up! Check on girlscoutsindiana.org for locations, dates, and times and register!

Cookie College has a new look and is now called Cookie Biz! Troops and girls will learn to be a #cookieboss by working on the requirements for a Cookie Business or Financial Literacy badge instead of requesting first chance hot spot booths. How cool is that?

12 2016 Troop Manual

Be a


Dec 31 - Mar 14 • Social media resources

Your role

Help girls use social media to promote the Girl Scout Cookie Program.

Did you know... Technology is a great use of your resources if you’re snowed in and can’t go door-to-door.


Twitter & Instagram

For girls ages 13+

For girls ages 13+

Like us on Facebook to receive marketing ideas, up-to-date cookie information, and more! Tag us in your pictures of cookie booths and fun to promote the Girl Scout Cookie Program Facebook.com/ GirlScoutsofCentralIndiana


Check out pinterest.com/lbbakers Tag us and use these for a fun graphics, memes hashtags to promote the Girl and recipes that are Scout Cookie Program perfect for social media sharing. Countdown to start of the Girl Scout Cookie Program Create a board that is dedicated to ideas for your @girlscoutsIN creative cookie booth #GirlScoutCookies Find and pin recipes with #cookieboss Girl Scout Cookies, and #BlingYourBooth create recipes cards to #CookieGram hand out at booths.

Bling your booth contest! This cookie season, pump up the fun, get creative, and bling your booth to win! Enter for a change to win $250 toward your cookie goals! Here’s how:


to Troop 03149 who took third place last year in the national Bling Youth Booth contest!

1. Decorate your booth with a cool theme, balloons, costumes, posters, colored lights, and more—the sky’s the limit! 2. Take a photo of your troop in action at your booth. 3. Upload the photo to the Girl Scouts of the USAFacebook page. Check out the full details and contest rules on Facebook.com/GirlScoutsUSA. 2016 Troop Manual 13

Dec 31 - Jan 9 • Little Brownie Baker Resources

Your role

Did you know?

Use the tools provided by Little Brownie Bakers to set goals, promote Girl Scout cookies, and to teach girls the five skills.

Little Brownie Bakers offers many resources to help your troop during the Girl Scout Cookie Program.

References Little Brownie Bakers website: littlebrownie.com

Volunteer Guide Incorporate the five skills for girls with these easy tips! Download your copy today.

14 2016 Troop Manual

Cookies across America virtual parade January 9 11 a.m.

The biggest Girl Scout cookie party ever! Visit littlebrowniebakers. com at this date and time to join in on the fun of a virtual cookie parade!

Little Brownie volunteer blog

Little Brownie Bakers website

Stay in the loop with the Little Brownie Volunteer blog! Little Brownie will keep you up to speed with recipe ideas, activities, and more!

Visit littlebrowniebakers. com for interactive games, cookie receipts, clip art, and much more! Little Brownie has a world of resources right at your fingertips!

Dec 31 - Jan 9 • Big Brown Envelope (BBE)

Your role

Be sure all of the materials you need for your girls and troop are packed inside your Big Brown Envelope (BBE): xx

Troop Training Manual, two per troop xx Girl money envelope, one per girl xx Girl order card, one per girl xx Goal getter card, one per girl xx Receipt books, two per troop xx One deposit envelope with ten deposit slips - do not share deposit slips with other troops. xx Final report envelope, one per troop xx Cookie cupboard access cards, two per troop xx T-shirt/concert ticket order form, one per troop xx National Girl Scout cookie day cards xx Credit card swipe, one per troop; if your troop received one in 2015, you will not receive another reader Distribute the appropriate materials to the girls and keep any forms you may need throughout the sale in a safe place.

Did you know... The Girl Scout Cookie Program begins January 9, 2016. No orders should be taken before this date. The Girl Order card has all of the rewards listed on the back for girls to set individual goals.

Who to call Contact your service unit cookie manager if anything is missing from your BBE. 2016 Troop Manual 15

Dec 31 - Jan 9 • Items packed in Big Brown Envelope (BBE)

Note: Cell phone not included

New troops: Card reader (one per troop)

Win Girl Scout Cookies for a Year!* To enter, visit:

www.girlscoutsindiana.org/ gscookiesforayear *No purchase necessary. Includes 52 packages of your choice ( 1 package per week). Entries must be received by March 4, 2016

National Girl Scout Cookie cards (one sheet per troop)

Girl money envelope (one per girl)

2016 Cookie Cupboard Access Card The bearer of this Cookie Cupboard Access Card has permission to pick up additional Girl Scout cookies for 5-digits Troop # _____________________________ in_______________________________ service unit.


Signed - troop cookie manager Card is not valid unless complete.


2016 Cookie Cupboard Access Card Instructions Instructions: Bring this card with you to your nearest cookie cupboard location EVERY time your troop would like to pick up additional cookies. If a card is not shown at the time of pick-up, cookies may not be distributed to your troop.

Receipt books (two per troop)

Remember to call in and reserve your order before visiting a cookie cupboard location or place your order online if available at your nearest cupboard location. Do not share this card with anyone unless you give them permission to pick up additional cookies for your troop. Your troop will be charged and responsible for any cookies picked up at a cupboard.

Cookie access card (two per troop)

Additional T-shirt order form

Please complete this form and turn it in to your service unit cookie manager with your Final Report Envelope by Wednesday, March 16, 2016.

5-digit troop number _____________________________________________________________ Service unit name ________________________________________________________________ Troop cookie manager name ______________________________________________________ My troop has qualified, I am enclosing the following money in my Final Report Envelope:

Sizes needed:

Place your order in eBudde, too.

*Additional troop T-shirt money (troop must qualify for the 175+ packages per girl selling to purchase additional adult shirts): __________________ (Number of shirts)


x $12/shirt = $__________________













(Total money enclosed)

Additional concert tickets order form

Please complete this form and turn it in to your service unit cookie manager with your Final Report Envelope by Wednesday, March 16, 2016.

5-digit troop number _____________________________________________________________ Service unit name ________________________________________________________________ Troop cookie manager name ______________________________________________________ My troop has qualified, I am enclosing the following money in my Final Report Envelope: *Additional concert tickets: Troop must qualify for the 250+ packages per girl selling to purchase additional tickets, maximum 5 additional tickets.


(Number of tickets)

x $ ________ /ticket = (Check your eBudde blast for price)


(Total money enclosed)

*If money is not enclosed for additional tickets/T-shirts, they will not be ordered. Check and/or money order only—no cash!


Additional money enclosed (that is not for t-shirts or concert tickets.)


This money is for ___________________________________________________________________

T-shirt/Concert ticket order form (one per troop)


0 GR





0 GR P












0 GR




no Hydrogenated oils S

______________________(F) ______________________(G)

Troop donation to capital campaign (optional)



no Hydrogenated oils TRAN MS A


0 GR 0 GR




0 GR

no Hydrogenated oils



total boxes

check when paid

raH-raH raisins

number oF boxes ordered

amount due

price per box



troop #

contact inFo: (phone/e-mail/address)

tHin Mints

first name


Peanut butter sandwich cookies crunchy oatmeal sandwich cookies with creamy peanut butter filling. no artificial color or flavor. Approximately 20 cookies per 8 oz. box


chewy and rich! crisp cookies coated in caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut, and striped with dark chocolaty coating. Approximately 15 cookies per 7.5 oz. box

raH-raH raisins™

Made with whole grain oats hearty oatmeal cookies with plump raisins and Greek yogurt-flavored chunks. Approximately 14 cookies per 6 oz. box

Girl Scout cookie deposit slips enclosed Do not share deposit slips with any other troops. These deposit slips are encoded to your troop ONLY.


Peanut butter patties crispy cookies layered with peanut butter and covered with a chocolaty coating. Approximately 15 cookies per 6.5 oz. box

Do not use over the counter deposit slips at the bank. Your troop will not receive proper credit in eBudde.

tHin Mints®

crisp, chocolaty and minty! crisp wafers covered in a chocolaty coating made with natural oil of peppermint. Approximately 28 cookies per 9 oz. box

If you need additional deposit slips, please contact the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249.




16 2016 Troop Manual


My goal:

*We will deliver your donated cookies to:

name (print)


Final report envelope (one per troop)



Thank you for helping me reach my goal!

RS RSPO-1106186


traditional shortbread cookies delicate-tasting shortbread that is delightfully simple and satisfying. Approximately 36 cookies per 9 oz. box


Return completed Final Report Envelope to your service unit cookie manager by March 16.



Do not enclose cash in this envelope. GSCI will not be responsible for any cash enclosed in this envelope. Please ensure that the following items are enclosed in this envelope. _____ Outstanding Cookie Account Form(s) and documentation (if applicable) _____ Bank Deposit Slips with Validated Bank Receipts _____ Troop transfer receipts _____ Additional T-shirt/Concert order form(s) (if applicable) _____ Checks and/or money orders for additional adult T-shirts/Concert (if applicable) – no cash please (If check is not enclosed for additional adult shirts/Concert tickets, they will not be ordered. Shirts are $12 each and tickets are $ _____ each.) Check eBudde blast for price of concert tickets.



Service unit cookie manager notes. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________




If no, please explain and enclose Outstanding Cookie Account form(s), along with proper documentation. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________




______ No


______ Yes


All money balances and matches your eBudde sales report?



(This should match your eBudde sales report and should be the amount you deposited to council)


Total money owed to council (F-G+H)

goaL getter order card

saVannaH sMiLes®

crisp, zesty, lemon cookies these bite-sized, lemon-wedge cookies are dusted with powdered sugar and bursting with zesty lemon flavor. Approximately 28 cookies per 6 oz. box



no Hydrogenated oils


______________________(D) ______________________(E)

Total money owed from parent OCAs



Total money collected (C x $4 + B x $5) Total troop share @ $.65 per package (A x $.65)



______________________(B) ______________________(C)




Number of packages sold at $4 per package (A-B)

Total money due to council @ $3.35 per package (D-E)


Total number of packages your troop sold from your eBudde sales report Number of Toffee Tastic packages sold


0 GR


Service unit name ________________________________ 5-digit troop number _______________________ Summary Fill in the following information – Refer to your troop sales report for these numbers. This is a double-check for you to ensure you have been billed correctly. Report in package amount only.






no Hydrogenated oils


saVannaH sMiLes





0 GR




2016 Troop Final Report Envelope Troop cookie manager name _________________________________________________________________

cookie boxes donated*

Girl order card (one per girl)


gLUten-free rich, buttery cookies with sweet crunchy toffee bits. Approximately 14 cookies per 6.7 oz. box

the Girl scouts® name and mark, and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including Girl scout cookies,® thin mints,® treFoils,® Girl scout cookie sale,® Girl scout cookie proGram,® and the trefoil design, are owned by Girl scouts of the usa. little brownie bakers is an official Gsusa licensee. baked by authority of girl scouts of the Usa. this product is distributed and marketed exclusively through Girl scout members. any resale or redistribution is unauthorized. samoas, taGalonGs, do-si-dos and saVannah smiles are registered trademarks of kellogg na co. rah-rah raisins and toFFee-tastic are trademarks of kellogg na co. ®, tm, © 2015-2016 kelloGG na co. FORM G-4C


All products except Toffee-tastic contain wheat. All products contain soy. All products except Thin Mints contain milk ingredients. Do-si-dos and Tagalongs contain peanuts. Samoas contain coconut. Savannah Smiles may contain tree nuts. See Nutrition Information for Total Fat and Saturated Fat content in Thin Mints, Samoas and Tagalongs. Refer to your cookie box for the most current cookie information. To learn more, visit www.littlebrownie.com.

Girl Goal Getter order card (one per girl)

Deposit slip envelope: (one per troop)

Dec 31 - Jan 9 • Setting up eBudde

Your role

Logging into eBudde the first time

Log into eBudde and set up your troop.

Visit girlscoutsindiana.org. Click on eBudde link on the cookie section of the website.

Use the temporary password the first time you login: 3998@RahRah

Password: ________________________________

hint: your email address

Login: ___________________________________

Write your login info here.

Enter the email address that you gave to your service unit cookie manager. •

Enter your temporary password: 3998@RahRah, then click “Log on.”

Change your password to a personalized password, enter your contact information, click “Submit.” (Don’t forget to write down your new password.)

Note: Approve eBudde as an authorized sender to your email inbox. Emails from eBudde may go into your spam or junk folders. Do not unsubscribe from eBudde emails. Check this on your contacts tab. eBudde blasts are the primary form of information distribution and communication from council.

Email provided at troop training password: 3998@RahRah

2016 Troop Manual 17

Dec 31 - Jan 9 • Setting up eBudde

Your role: In order to use the eBudde system, you will need to set it up with: •

Your contact information on contacts tab

Age level on settings tab

Troop goal on settings tab

Bank account information on settings tab

Contacts tab

References You can find a link to eBudde at girlscoutsindiana.org under the Girl Scout Cookie Program section.

Make sure the information on this tab is correct. If any information is not correct, click “Edit” and change the information. Click “Submit” when you are finished.

18 2016 Troop Manual

Dec 31 - Jan 9 • Setting up eBudde

Setting up eBudde Settings tab

The number of girls selling and registered will automatically populate as girls are added to the system and/or have cookies attached to them. Edit troop’s goal packages - this entry is only to help you track your troop’s goals. Edit age level that fits the majority of girls in your troop. If you have a Girl Scout Cadette, Senior, or Ambassador troop who is electing to take the additional $.05 per package instead of girl rewards, check “Receives Proceeds” box. Checking this box will assure that the troop proceeds on your sales report tab calculates correctly and will take away the option to order individual girl rewards. You will still be able to order initial order incentives, patches, and troop goal rewards. No other troop should check this box. Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies and Juniors do not qualify for this option.

Girls tab

Girls registered in your troop by December 15 will automatically be updated in eBudde. Watch your email for more information on how to add girls. Please be sure your girls are registered. You will not be able to check the registered box beside their name. This is so council knows to check her registration status. Enter each girl’s package goal if you would like to track girl goal progress. Enter each girl’s T-shirt size. This will automatically calculate the T-shirt sizes to be ordered if your troop qualifies for the troop T-shirt reward of 175+ packages per girl average. Click update to accept and save all changes.

Troop bank accounts Your troop should have a bank account before you participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Please list your bank name, troop account number and routing number on your eBudde settings tab. 2016 Troop Manual 19

Jan 9 - March 14 • Operation: Cookie Drop

Your role

Promote Operation: Cookie Drop to your girls. Have the girls turn in money as they take orders for Operation: Cookie Drop. Deposit $3.35 into the council account and deposit $.65 into your troop account. Place all Operation: Cookie Drop orders in the eBudde system on the Girl Orders tab.

to Thank you mpanies. Planes Co

20 2016 Troop Manual

Did you know? Girls can take orders beginning January 9 and take orders for Operation: Cookie Drop through March 14. Girl Scout Cookies sold through Operation: Cookie Drop, benefit military men and women and charitable organizations. Girls ask customers to purchase Girl Scout Cookies that will be distributed to soldiers stationed at military bases across central Indiana, along with retired military personnel and to people who may not be able to afford a sweet treat. Girls get credit toward their girl rewards for every Operation: Cookie Drop package sold.

They donate their time and services to deliver our Girl Scout Cookies for our Operation: Cookie Drop program.

Jan 9 - March 14 • Operation: Cookie Drop

Your role

Use resources to promote Operation: Cookie Drop to customers.

Did you know? There are several ways your troop can promote Operation: Cookie Drop. •

You can create Operation: Cookie Drop donation cans to use at your booths by downloading templates from the Girl Scouts of Central Indiana website, girlscoutsindiana.org.

Purchase an Operation: Cookie Drop booth stand and use it as a prop at your cookie booth.

Operation: Cookie Drop T-shirts are a great marketing tool for girls to wear at booths and door-to-door selling!

Have girls create their own sign to use at their cookie booth.

Have girls practice how to ask customers if they would like to donate a package of cookies.


Girl Scouts of Central Indiana website: girlscoutsindiana.org Purchase Operation: Cookie Drop promotional items at your local showcase

hile On sale, w st! supplies la 2016 Troop Manual 21

Jan 22 • Initial order girl reward

Your role Promote the initial order reward to the girls in your troop. Order the reward in eBudde.

Did you know? Girls who sell 175+ packages on their initial order will receive a Cookie Tastic crossbody bag. Initial order rewards are picked up at initial cookie delivery.

Girls who sell 175+ packages on their initial order will receive a CookieTastic crossbody bag!

2016 Troop Manual 22

Jan 22 • Placing your initial order

Your role: Place your troop’s initial order in eBudde no later than January 22 at 9 p.m. You will be locked out of making changes after 9 p.m. If you need help finishing, please contact your service unit cookie manager. Before picking up your Girl Scout cookies, be sure to print your delivery confirmation and take it with you to your delivery site.


eBudde website: ebudde.littlebrownie.com

Cookie Hotline On January 22 the cookie hotline will remain open to assist leaders with initial order and delivery questions until 9 p.m.

Who to call During office hours, contact the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249. For help with eBudde. After hours, until 9 p.m., contact a computer support volunteer: Delivery problems after hours: contact Linda Brady at ldbrady@sbcglobal.net or 317.847.9953


Phone number

Abbie Wehr


Gayle Emery


Ginger Naylor


2016 Troop Manual 23

Jan 22 • Placing your initial order continued

Placing your troop’s initial order in eBudde eBudde is used to place your initial Girl Scout cookie order.

Initial order tab 1. Click girl’s name; go to bottom of screen.

Initia lo as fu rders wil ll cas l be p es ro will b e rou . Any part cessed nded ial ca EX: 2 ses up 0 roun package . ded u s wo uld b p to 2 e 4 pa ckag es.

2. Enter your girl’s total Girl Scout cookie order in packages by variety in the empty squares (enter Operation: Cookie Drop cookies sold in the “Drop” column). 3. When complete, click the blue “OK” button to the right of the order line. 4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each girl. 5. The “Other” line is optional and you do not need to use it. 6. Only use the “Booth” line if you would like to order booth cookies now. You may pick up booth cookies at a later time from a cookie cupboard. 7. When you are finished placing the girls’ orders, click “Save.” 8. Review the total case order at the bottom; if correct click “Submit” order. If you accidentally submit an incomplete order, you may contact your service unit cookie manager and ask him/her before January 22 to unsubmit your order so you can complete it. If changes need to be made after this date, you must contact Submit your your service unit cookie manager or the cookie initial reward helpline at 877.474.2249. order here Choose your xx Packages in order for girls who delivery site = total number of qualified. and time here. Place packages your girls your initial have sold. order here. xx Cases in order = total number of cases your troop will pick up at delivery (total of the girls orders, rounded up to the nearest cases.) xx Surplus = packages not reserved for a girl or a booth (these cookies can be used at booths, door to door, etc.) Print a copy for your records. 24 2016 Troop Manual

Jan 22 • Placing your initial order continued

Delivery tab - you must select a delivery location and time with your order! Click “Who is picking up your Girl Scout cookies” (someone from your troop or someone from another troop). Click yes or no to let the system know if you will be picking up for more than one troop – if yes, enter the 5-digit troop number for whom you will be picking up. Both troops should place their order on the initial order tab before completing this step. Choose your delivery site – this is the location where you will go to pick up your Girl Scout cookies. Chose your delivery time from the available time slots. Click the “Submit” button. On or after January 26, you will be able to view and print your delivery confirmation. To print the confirmation click view confirmation and then click print. Bring your confirmation with you to your delivery site. You will need to arrive on time to the location you selected to pick up your Girl Scout cookies!

Initial order girl rewards Click on your rewards tab. Click on initial order reward. Review the girl reward order. Click submit at this time. At this time you will only need to submit your initial girl rewards order. Final reward orders will be submitted in March.

Congratulations, you have

now completed your troop’s initial Girl Scout cookie order!

2016 Troop Manual 25

Jan 28-Feb 3 • Cookie delivery

Your role Print a delivery confirmation page from eBudde and bring it with you to delivery. Pick up your troop’s cookies at the delivery location and time you chose in eBudde. Be certain to count your Girl Scout cookies. You are responsible for the number of cases for which you sign. You will not be able to make changes to your order later. You must pick up only the number of cases on your initial order. Additional packages, if needed, can be picked up at a cookie cupboards beginning February 4.

Did you know? Girl Scout delivery takes place January 28 - February 3. Vehicle loading suggestions can be found on your delivery confirmation sheet. If your vehicle is being loaded too quickly and/or you are having a problem counting, you can ask the delivery crew to slow down or start over. There is no need for you to load your own cookies – Planes United will load them for you! All you have to do is count! Dress for the weather – you will be asked to stand outside of your vehicle and count as the cookies are being loaded. Be sure to arrive at your scheduled delivery time. If you are unable to keep your time and arrive at a time not designated to your troop, this could possibly cause a back-up at the delivery location. For your safety, we recommend the use of heavy cardboard or plywood as a divider between the driver and the cases of cookies.

References eBudde website: ebudde.littlebrownie.com

Girl Scout cookies can not be returned or exchanged once they are picked up. You are responsible for paying for all cookies signed out.

2016 Troop Manual 26

Jan 28-Feb 3 • Cookie delivery

Girl Scout cookie delivery locations Your troop may choose to pick up your initial order at any Girl Scout cookie delivery location. Please refer to eBudde for specific delivery times and locations. County








Jan 29




Jan 28

Indianapolis North (Castleton)

Jan 28 and Jan 30



Feb 3



Jan 31




Feb 2

Indianapolis East

Jan 28 and Jan 30




Jan 29



Feb 2


Indianapolis West Bloomington

Jan 28 and Jan 30 Feb 1


Gas City

Feb 1



Jan 31



Jan 31



Feb 3



Jan 28 and Jan 30



Feb 3



Feb 1


New Castle

Feb 3



Jan 29



Jan 29



Jan 31


Indianapolis South (Greenwood)

Jan 28 and Jan 30


West Lafayette Jan 29



Jan 30


Terre Haute

Feb 2



Feb 1



Feb 3



Feb 1



Jan 29

2016 Troop Manual 27

Beginning Jan 28 • Distributing cookies—always use receipts

Your role

Did you know?

Protect yourself!

Parents are responsible for all Girl Scout cookies and money they receive. Parents must sign receipt. Girls should never sign receipts. They are not old enough to be legally responsible.

xxFill out a money/cookie receipt for every box of cookies/money received. xxReceipt every box of cookies! Include varieties, how many of each, to whom, troop number, date, signature of adult accepting and signature of person giving cookies.

Use a receipt every time you exchange Girl Scout cookies and/or money

xxBoth parties should count the cookies together and sign the receipt. When receiving money, count all money before parent leaves premises. You sign in the received by area. Have the parent sign in the received from area. Give parents one copy of the receipt. You retain a copy of the receipt for your records.

Money receipt

Keep copies of all receipts.

Cookie receipt

Keep track of Girl Scout cookies and money in eBudde.

References eBudde website: ebudde.littlebrownie.com

Who to call If you need extra receipt books contact the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249 Check with your local Showcase. 28 2016 Troop Manual

Receipt book Use for both distributing Girl Scout cookies and collecting money

Beginning Jan 28 • Distributing cookies • eBudde instructions

Keeping track of Girl Scout cookies and money in eBudde Girl orders tab This tab should be updated throughout the sale. It is important to keep this tab up-to-date so girls will receive credit for their rewards.

To update a girl order: To add cookie order: xx

Click on a girl’s name and click “Add Trans” in top left hand corner.


Enter a comment. (Example: “Booth Cookies,” “Additional Pick-up” or the date.)


Enter her total additional packages sold for Operation: Cookie Drop under the “Drop” column. Enter the total number of other cookies sold under each cookie variety.


Click the blue “Ok” button to the right of the order line.


Click “Save” in top, left hand corner

To add payment: xx

If you would like to log a payment, click on the girl’s name and click “Add Payment.” Follow the same steps as above. Complete these steps for each girl.

Click “Save” to save your information. (It is best to save frequently to avoid losing updated info!)

Who to call During office hours, contact the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249. For help with eBudde after hours, until 9 p.m., contact a computer support volunteer.


Phone number

Abbie Wehr


Gayle Emery


Ginger Naylor

317.895.0319 2016 Troop Manual 29

Beginning Feb 4 • Cookie cupboards for additional cookies

Your role

Did you know?

You must have the troop’s access card when picking up Girl Scout cookies. Access cards were inside your big brown envelope (BBE.) Be cautious about sharing your access card as this enables someone to charge Girl Scout cookies to your troop.

Additional cookies are available for pick up at any cookie cupboard.

Be sure that your access card is filled out completely prior to arriving at the cupboard. Copies of access cards will not be accepted.

Cookies may not be returned or exchanged.

Place your troop order in advance.


Girl Scouts of Central Indiana website: girlscoutsindiana.org

Be sure all of this information is completed before visiting a cookie cupboard location. 30 2016 Troop Manual

Damaged packages/cases will be replaced with like variety only. Most of our cupboards are run by volunteers. Thank them for their time and for making Girl Scout cookies accessible for your troop. Bring your access card with you every time you pick up cookies.

Girls can continue to take orders until March 14. Allow at least 48 hours for pick-up after placing your order. Some cupboards accept online orders! (see next page for placing your order online.) Cupboard orders that have been placed, but not picked up after 5 days of the scheduled pick up may be removed.

Girl Scout cookies can not be returned or exchanged once they are picked up. You are responsible for paying for all cookies signed out. 2016 Cookie Cupboard Access Card The bearer of this Cookie Cupboard Access Card has permission to pick up additional Girl Scout cookies for 5-digits Troop # _____________________________ in_______________________________ service unit. Signed - troop cookie manager Card is not valid unless complete.

Access card front

2016 Cookie Cupboard Access Card Instructions Instructions: Bring this card with you to your nearest cookie cupboard location EVERY time your troop would like to pick up additional cookies. If a card is not shown at the time of pick-up, cookies may not be distributed to your troop. Remember to call in and reserve your order before visiting a cookie cupboard location or place your order online if available at your nearest cupboard location. Do not share this card with anyone unless you give them permission to pick up additional cookies for your troop. Your troop will be charged and responsible for any cookies picked up at a cupboard.

Access card back

Beginning Feb 4 • Order additional cookies online

Your role Use the eBudde system to place your cupboard order.

References eBudde website: ebudde.littlebrownie.com

Did you know? You will need to have access to eBudde on your computer. Cupboards that have the capability to take your order online are highlighted in pink on pages 33-37. You can still call in your order if you don’t want to place it online. Allow 48 hours before picking up your order. Anyone who picks up cookies for your troop will need to have eBudde password. You can set them up as a “Cookie pick up user only” on the settings tab.

Who to call During office hours, contact the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249. For help with eBudde after hours, until 9 p.m., contact a computer support volunteer.


Phone number

Abbie Wehr


Gayle Emery


Ginger Naylor

317.895.0319 2016 Troop Manual 31

Beginning Feb 4 • eBudde instructions • Order additional cookies online

Place your cupboard order online Transaction tab Click the transactions tab. Click “Add a Transaction.” A box will pop up for you to place your cupboard order. Be sure to complete the following fields: 1. 2nd party: Use the drop down menu to select cupboard. 2. Next to cupboard, use the drop down menu to select the cupboard where you would like to pick your cookies up at. Be sure to check the county and volunteer name match the location you want to go. 3. Pick-up: Enter the date and time you would like to pick up your cookies. Be sure the cupboard is open during the time you select. xx

Enter the quantity of cookies you want to pick up by variety.


Click the “Okay” button. The box will disappear.


Click the “Save” button. This must be done in order for your order to be submitted to the cupboard.


If any variety is grayed out, this signifies that the variety is temporarily out of stock.

How to set up a “Cookie pick-up only” user: Go to “settings” tab Scroll to the bottom, find “Cookie pick-up only user” Enter name and email address in proper field Click “Save” at bottom Have this user log in with temporary password (3998@RahRah) and create a new password.

32 2016 Troop Manual

Note Only set them up as cookie pick up user if they have no other eBudde responsibilities.

Beginning Feb 4 • Cookie cupboards February 4 - March 16 The following Girl Scout cookie cupboard locations have been confirmed. Hours of operation will be blasted on eBudde before January 28. “Best way to contact” key: Call



online cupboards are highlighted in pink





Girl Scout Service Center at Columbus 1300 Hutchins Ave Columbus, IN 47201 6 McCree Ct Hartford City, IN 47348

Brenda Blackwood 317.924.6001 or 877.474.2248 x6001


Carroll Clay

1349 E State Rd 18 Flora, IN 46929 511 Locust Dr Brazil, IN 47834

Lorna Manley 765.499.0712 lmanley28@aol.com Nancy Forbes 765.202.4658


Landmarks/Major crossroads

Across from Maple Lawn cemetery

Carolyn and Larry Robison h:812.442.7541 c:812.841.5669 carolynrobison@hotmail.com




Girl Scout Service Center at Daleville 13555 WCR 550 S Daleville, IN 47334 3284 W Williams Rd Connersville, IN 47331 305 E. Jackson St Attica, IN 47918

Kathy Kirklin 317.924.6881 or 877.474.2248 x 6881


Deanna Sargent 765.914.5807 dnsargent81@gmail.com Beverly and Dewey Childress h:765.762.2566: Bev c:765.585.0659 doublegg60@yahoo.com

Hwy 28/41 just west of Central National Bank drive-up

2016 Troop Manual 33

Beginning Feb 4 • Cookie cupboards





152 E 1st St Brookville, IN 47012


Marion Girl Scout Cabin 222 Spencer Ave Marion, IN 46952 13647 W Steele St Linton, IN 47441

Roberta and Jeremy Roberts 765.338.8749 gsmom2015@yahoo.com Tami Osborn 765.620.5835 tamijill45@swayzee.com Charlene Lee 812.227.0469



Smokey Row Clubhouse 4255 E Smokey Row Rd Carmel, IN 46033


18948 Bladed Mills Dr Noblesville, IN 46062


11009 Innisbrooke Ln Fishers, IN 46037


St. Michael’s School 515 North Jefferson Blvd Greenfield, IN 46140 Danville Girl Scout House 348 Mulberry St Danville, IN 46122 2581 N CR 525 W North Salem, IN 46165



Mississinewa River walkway

Country Community of Vicksburg at charleegirlscout@yahoo.com the NW corner of Halstead and Steele streets Carolyn Neubauer 317.987.7731 Shelley Naum 317.442.1185 Robert Hart Little Chicago Rd/ 317.658.6285 SR 38 in Mill Grove hc_cookiecupboard@yahoo.com neighborhood Kathy Armington 106th and Hoosier 317.313.0164 Rd; 96th and kaarmington@gmail.com Mollenkompf Amber Klinck 317.413.5525 VanBuren and abbiegirl5935@yahoo.com Madison Jan Myers 317.313.1777 Jan061859@aol.com Melissa Mikesell 765.730.2993 Amanda Shipman 317.403.8849 (no calls after 8 p.m.)


34 2016 Troop Manual

Landmarks/Major crossroads near Brown Storage Units

Behind Baker’s Funeral Home Between 200N and 350N on 525W. Second house from 200 N on east side of street

Beginning Feb 4 • Cookie cupboards


6217 Brookshire Dr Pittsboro, IN 46167

Deborah Veyette 317.696.3341 ddyan96@hotmail.com Barb Mofield 317.442.2620 Dana Jones 765.571.1929 bmofield@centurylink.net Fred Jarrett and Renee Meyer 765.434.2383 Tank5885@ yahoo.com Anne Schmidt 877.474.2248 x 6000

1 mile west of Northfield on 136


510 E Silver St Knightstown, IN 46148


2320 N Delphos St Kokomo, IN 46901


Girl Scout Service Center at Kokomo 815 WSuperior St Kokomo, IN 46901 1902 Younce St Franklin, IN 46131

Connie Holzhausen 317.694.8052 Jim Holzhausen 317.409.3262

US 31 South

1430 Dowell St Greenwood, IN 46143

Danielle and Daniel Huff 317.605.7109

US 31 and Stop 18


870 Granada Dr Greenwood, IN 46143

Hacienda Dr. and Smith Valley


702 Glendale Way Bedford, IN 47421

Jill and Ken Hobaugh h:317.882.0641 c:317.213.4943 jillhobaugh@hotmail.com Audrey Mason 812.583.3360 Carolyn Parker 765.643.9837 Angela Dailey 765.617.3569

Near Edgewood School. First street west of school


1 block south of Knightstown Intermediate School

Gano and Delphos (in back)





612 Garden St Anderson, IN 46011



Sandpit road is cross street

2016 Troop Manual 35

Beginning Feb 4 • Cookie cupboards

Marion - Beech 237 N 16th Ave Beech Grove Grove, IN 46107

Lorin and Bruce Osborn 317.760.5677 317.760.5676 lorinosborn@gmail.com Laura and Chuck Hagerman

30th and German Church 79th and Fall Creek, Feather Cove I Subdivision

Marion - East Indianapolis

3168 Cherry Lake Rd Indianapolis, IN 46235

Marion - NE Indianapolis

10349 Courageous Dr Indianapolis, IN 46236

Wendy and Dave Seiter h: 317.413.4449 wseiter@hotmail.com

Marion - NW Indianapolis

5122 Bird Branch Dr Indianapolis, IN 46268

Debbie and Gordon Thompson h:317.492.9977 c:317.441.5390

Marion - SE Indianapolis

6730 E Edgewood Ave Indianapolis, IN 46237

Marion - West Indianapolis

Girl Scout Service Center at Indianapolis 2611 Waterfront Pkwy E Dr, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46214 Girl Scout Service Center at Bloomington 1000 N Walnut St, Suite I Bloomington, IN 47404 5290 W Nova Dr Bloomington, IN 47404




TBD - Mooresville, IN


Brookstone Subdivision at 62nd and Georgetown Rd. across from pikecookiecupboard@yahoo.com NorthWest park Peggy and Brent Eskridge 5 points and h: 317.786.0678 Edgewood c:317.201.8254 secookiecupboard@att.net Cookie Hotline Crawfordsville Rd. 877.474.2249 and 465

Debbie Drook and Janet Mertens 317.924.6002 OR

Groves Square stripmall. Corner of 15th and Walnut

Cindy Chavez 812.606.1524 cchav13@yahoo.com Wendy Robinson 317.625.4744

West Brook Downs; behind Jiffy Treat 46 and Ridgewood n/a

Erica Morgan 317.716.7158

look for GS yard sign



36 2016 Troop Manual

4325 W St Rd 142 Monrovia, IN 46157


Beginning Feb 4 • Cookie cupboards


221 Crain Dr Crawfordsville, IN 47933

Karol Grey 765.376.5044

Behind Family Video


1569 S Bloomington St Greenscastle, IN 46135

Anita Edenfield 765.653.5327 aleslpont@yahoo.com


608 East St Farmland, IN 47340


6842 North CR 850 East Milan, IN 47031


105 W Carey St Fairland, IN 46126


Girl Scout Service Center at Lafayette 8439 SR 26 East Lafayette, IN 47905 Girl Scout Service Center at Terre Haute 1100 Girl Scout Lane Terre Haute, IN 47807 Girl Scout Service Center at Richmond 3765 National Rd East Richmond, IN 47374

Brad and Melissa Sloniker h:765.468.4004 c:795.744.0240 bm4004@yahoo.com Amy and Jerry Bohley h: 812.623.6414 c: 513.617.5174 amy.bohley@ppdi.com Mary Cox 317.796.4803 yippe_skipp99@me.com Susan Kohl 877.474.2248 x 6896

in front of Store House Church 1/4 mi. south of Putnam County Hospital near intersection of SR 32 & SR 1




SR 101 and SR 48


Treva Cook 317.924.6888 OR 877.474.2248 ext. 6888

Behind YWCA in Fairbanks Park


Tricia Heltzel 877.474.2248 x 6875


2016 Troop Manual 37

Weekend of Feb 28 • National Girl Scout Cookie Day

Your role

Did you know?

Participate in National Girl Scout Cookie Day activities.

All girls in your troop can earn a National Girl Scout Cookie Day patch by participating in our activities.



Every troop received cards in their BBE to distribute to customers promoting the “Cookies for a Year” program. Criteria to earn the National Girl Scout Cookie Day patch: x1x

Set up a cookie booth at either a hot spot or non-hot spot location during National Girl Scout Cookie Day weekend (Friday – Sunday). Be sure that this cookie booth is reserved under your troop in eBudde. All hot spot locations must be reserved through eBudde. Non-hot spot locations can be secured and set up at a location of your choice. Not-hot spot booths must be put in eBudde for council approval and to link your booth to cookie locator.

x2x Promote the Cookies for a Year program at your cookie booth by creating a poster and/ or sign to display and passing out the cards provided in your big brown envelope. x3x Promote Operation: Cookie Drop at your cookie booth. x4x Take a photo of your booth and post it to our Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Facebook page.

References Facebook.com/ GirlScoutsofCentralIndiana


Order your patches with the rest of your rewards in March.

Enter GSUSA Bling your booth contest to win big! See page 13 for details 38 2016 Troop Manual

Weekends of Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 and Mar 4, 11 • Cookie booths

Your role Have a cookie booth with your troop.

Did you know? A cookie booth is way for your troop to sell additional cookies. Most cookie booths include a decorated table, Girl Scout cookies, and fun marketing for your customers.

Suggestions to stock your booth To help you plan, we can tell you the percentage of each variety sold during some of our past Girl Scout Cookie Programs. Thin Mints – 30% Samoas – 18% Tagalongs – 17% DoSiDos – 14% Trefoils – 10% Savannah Smiles - 6% Rah Rah Raisin - 5% Please remember that this is only a guide. Sales percentages may vary from year to year.

There are two ways your troop can have a booth: 1. Hot spot: Sign up to have a booth at one of our hot spot locations in eBudde. 2. Non-hot spot: Use your contacts to set up your own booth. Girl Scout cookie booths can be in retail stores, churches, or other area parking lots of other areas where troops have permission to set up a booth to sell Girl Scout cookies. Booths should not be held at adult-only locations.

Girl Scout cookie booth etiquette xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

Who to call Girl Scout cookie helpline 877.474.2249

xx xx xx xx

Remember to print and bring your confirmation with you. Arrive and leave on time. Come prepared. Bring a small table, chairs, change, phone numbers and booth confirmation. Be respectful. A maximum of two Girl Scouts and two adults are allowed. A Girl Scout must be present at your booth. Have a registered adult at your booth. Sell only Girl Scout cookies at your Girl Scout cookie booth. Wear warm clothing. ( You may be outside.) Create a colorful display. Leave siblings and friends at home. Behave appropriately. (Playing games and running around is not appropriate.) Keep your money protected. Leave the area clean. Take empty boxes home with you. Thank the manager when you are leaving. It is appropriate to leave them a box of Girl Scout cookies. If you are using a credit card reader do not wait until arriving at your booth to set it up. 2016 Troop Manual 39

Weekends of Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 and Mar 4, 11 • Hot-spot cookie booths

eBudde opens xx Monday, Jan 25 at 6 p.m. Be sure to promptly request your booth(s) once the system is open. You can reserve two booths, limit of one per store chain, during the first reservation period. xx Wednesday, Jan 27 at 6 p.m. xx Up to two additional Girl Scout cookie booths, limit of one per store chain. xx Friday, Jan 29 at 6 p.m. Up to 50 booth locations, limit 20 per store chain, may be reserved. If more booths are needed, please contact the cookie helpline. xx Booth reservations are on a first come, first served basis.

Did you know? Troops may not contact hot spot locations. Do not contact the businesses below.

Baesler’s Market (Terre Haute) Expert Tire (all locations) Firestone Complete Auto Care (all locations) Fresh Thyme (Indianapolis and Greenwood) Global Gifts (all locations) IGA (all locations) Jay-C (all locations) Kmart (all locations) Kroger (all locations) Lafayette Square Mall (Indianapolis) Lowe’s Home Improvement (all locations) Main Source (all locations) Main Street Market (all locations) Marsh (all locations) O’Malia’s (all locations) Pet Supplies Plus Richmond Square Mall (Richmond) Rural King (all locations) Sam’s Club (all locations) Walmart/Walmart Neighborhood Markets (all locations) *We attempt to secure all of the above locations; however, it is up to the store, so they are not always guaranteed.

References eBudde website: ebudde.littlebrownie.com

40 2016 Troop Manual

mark y o calen ur dars!

Weekends of Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 and Mar 4, 11 • Hot spot cookie booths


Your role

FIND US on our Cookie Locator mobile app TM

Sign up for hot spot booths in eBudde. CookieLocator™

Print off your “current sign up” page and take with you to your booth location.

Girl Scout cookie customers can use their iPhones or Android smartphones to stay just a click away from their favorite treats. The app can be downloaded free by simply calling GSCOOKIES ( 472665437) from a mobile phone. The app also is available in the App Store and Android Market.



• FIND the booth sale closest to your GPS location or by zip code or city and state • CHOOSE the times you want to shop • MAP your way • ADD the sale date to your calendar • TRY OUT new cookie recipes and create a shopping list • SIGN UP for email alerts about upcoming booth sales • DISCOVER your cookie personality and tell the world about it • SHARE sale locations and more with friends on Facebook, Twitter and email!

Cancel booths you have signed up for in eBudde if your troop cannot be at the booth.

NO SMARTPHONE? Just go to www.littlebrownie.com and click on Cookie Locator to find cookies fast. Or, go to girlscoutcookies.org, the official GSUSA Website for connections to council websites across the country to find cookies.



Data and messaging rates may apply.

Cooke Locator app

eBudde website: ebudde.littlebrownie.com

All hot spot locations appear in the Cookie Locator. Input your non-hot spot cookie booths in eBudde to ensure your location appears, too!

Who to call In the event that you arrive at a booth location and another troop is there or you have questions regarding Girl Scout cookie booths. First check your confirmation to verify which troop has the correct time and place. If there is a question, please contact the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249 or one of our volunteer area booth chairs.


Don’t forget to check back throughout the sale, as new booths may become available! Location



All areas

Vicki Gilbert


Daleville Area

Melissa Sloniker


Indianapolis Area

Ginger Naylor


Lafayette/ Indianapolis Area Richmond Area

Deana Harter


Abbie Wehr


Terre Haute Area

Janet Royer


Columbus Area

Cindy Krieger



2016 Troop Manual 41

Weekends of Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 and Mar 4, 11 • Hot spot cookie booths

Requesting and cancelling hot spot cookie booth in eBudde on the booth tab. To reserve a council hot spot booth: Click the blue “+” next to the town where you would like to have a cookie booth.

Request Girl Scout cookie booths here.

Click the blue “+” next to the store location where you would like to have a cookie booth. Click on the date that you would like to have a cookie booth . In the grid on the right, select the time that you would like to reserve. This time is the beginning time for your booth. (Your booth time ends at the beginning time of the following time slot.) Click “Submit.” Repeat these steps until you have reserved the number that you want or have reached the maximum allotment. Click the “Current Sign ups” button and print that page as your booth confirmation.

To cancel a reserved council hot spot booth: If you find that you are unable to use the cookie booth time slot(s) that you have reserved, please log back in and unclick that slot(s), and click “Submit,” so those spaces may be made available to other troops.

Did you know your troop’s booth locations will be listed on your dashboard for you to see each time you login to eBudde. 42 2016 Troop Manual

Note Locations in green indicates an availability.

Weekends of Feb 7, 14, 21, 28 and Mar 7, 14 • Non-hot spot cookie booths

Your role Use the My Sales feature of the booth sale tab in eBudde to inform the council of any troop scheduled sales at any non-hot spot location.

Did you know? Your troop can schedule their own booth at any non-hot spot location. Entering your non-hot spot location in eBudde will automatically add your location to the Cookie Locator™! Use your troop contacts to set up an additional cookie booth. Ideas for non-hot spot booths: xx

Do you have a parent who works at a nonhot spot location? Ask them to ask their employer if your troop can set up a booth.


Drive-thru cookie booth


It’s tax season... call your local tax preparer locations to ask to set up a booth.


Use your imagination... The possibilities are endless!


Booths should not be located at adult only orientated businesses.

Cookie Case Costumes Dress for success with cookie case costumes. SUPPLIES:

Empty cookie cases, ribbon, cookie colored accessories Put a little fun in your marketing—get dressed up—in a cookie case costume! These simple costumes are an adorable way to draw a crowd to your cookie business. Just add a smile, and lots of Girl Scout Cookies! 2016 Troop Manual 43

Weekends of Feb 7, 14, 21, 28 and Mar 7, 14 • Non-hot spot cookie booths

Requesting a non-hot spot cookie booth Troops may not contact any business listed on the council hot spot cookie booths (see page 40.) However, troops may contact any other business to obtain permission to hold Girl Scout cookie booths. Please use the “My Sales” feature of the booth sale tab to inform the council of your troop scheduled sales. For council information purposes only, please report any cookie booths that your troop has set up at a non-hot spot location. To do this: Select “My Sales” at the top of the booth tab. Click “My Booth Sales.” Click “Add a Location.” Complete the information and click “Add.” Click on that booth location and click “Add a Time.” Enter the sale date, start, and end time. Do not check the “Approved” box. Our council will have an approval process for these booths. Please allow 24 hours for approval. Note: Entering a desired hot spot booth location in this area will not reserve that booth time for you! You must contact the location on your own.

44 2016 Troop Manual

booth sale recorder

1 2 3

Get your free app on the App Store or Android Market. Or access the mobile website version using any web-enabled smartphone by going to ebudde.littlebrownie.booth


Log in using your eBudde credentials.

2 LO G I N

Fom the list of booth sale sites, select the one you wish to see.


Enter sales by variety and enter the number of Gift of Caring donations. (Donations can be entered into the council or troop categories.) When you are finished, click Submit.


R, TM, C 2011-2012 Kellogg NA Co.

Click Submit Sale. The cookies will appear in eBudde on the Booth Sites tab and the Girl Order tab.

Distribute the sales so the appropriate girls receive credit. To do this automatically, check the Inc (included) box next to the name of each girl who will be included and click “distribute” to evenly divide the sales among these girls. Alternatively, you can manually enter the totals for each girl.


Enter booth sales into eBudde the easy way! Get the free smartphone app that works with eBudde to record the number of cookies sold at booth sites and keep track of who sold them. Your data will help your council better understand which booth locations generate the most sales. Here’s how it works:

Fingertip Facts – Step-by-step for Volunteers

booth sale recorder

Weekends of Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 and Mar 4, 11 • Cookie booth recorder app

2016 Troop Manual 45

Weekends of Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 and Mar 4, 11 • Other selling ideas

Other selling ideas Here are some ideas to help boost your Girl Scout Cookie sale! Garage sales How about having a Girl Scout cookie garage sale? Think of how little competition you’ll have! Use a troop leader’s or parent’s garage to hold your garage sale. Place an ad in the local newspaper and put up fliers in the neighborhood. Wagon trains • Door to door Take a wagon train on the road. Pick a day and a local neighborhood for your wagon train. Have troop members bring wagons to decorate and load with Girl Scout cookies. Pull your wagons and knock on doors in the neighborhood to offer Girl Scout cookies for sale. Door hangers Did you miss a customer as you were walking door-to-door? Create door hangers to leave behind to let customers know you have Girl Scout cookies. Be sure to leave the troop leader and/or troop Girl Scout cookie manager’s phone number. Never leave girl’s information. Drive-thru booth Decorate a troop leader’s or parent’s vehicle with streamers, washable window paint, posters, etc. Ask permission from a local business to utilize their parking lot. Park your troop’s vehicle in the parking lot and create signs for drivers driving by letting them know you have Girl Scout cookies for sale. Remember to stay away from the road and remain within a few feet from your parked vehicle at all times.

The Big Shebang!

Booth goal poster Have your troop create a poster with a goal to display at your booth. Giving your customers a visual is always helpful. For example, you may consider creating a thermometer and coloring it in as you get closer to your goal.

46 2016 Troop Manual

Before Mar 14 • Transferring cookies

Your role

Did you know?

If your troop has extra cookies, work with other troops in your service unit to transfer cookies to them if they can help you.

Your troop will get the $.65 per package and your girls will get credit for rewards if your troop has cookies transferred to them.

If you know another troop has extra cookies and you can help get rid of them, work to have them transfer cookies to your troop.

Protect yourself! xx Fill out a receipt for each troop to troop transfer. xx Receipt every box of cookies! Include varieties, how many of each, to whom, troop number, date, signature of adult accepting and signature of person giving cookies. xx Both parties should count the cookies together and sign the receipt.

References eBudde website - ebudde.littlebrownie.com

Who to call Call your service unit cookie manager. For eBudde help during office hours, contact the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249.


Phone number

Abbie Wehr


For help with eBudde after hours, until 9 p.m., contact a computer support volunteer.

Gayle Emery


Ginger Naylor

317.895.0319 2016 Troop Manual 47

Before Mar 14 • Transferring cookies • eBudde instructions

Transferring Girl Scout cookies (troop to troop) in eBudde Troops are responsible for managing all transfers between troops. The troop giving Girl Scout cookies should be the one to enter the transaction into eBudde. The troop receiving cookies should double check the transfer by looking at their transactions tab. Always use your cookie receipts when transferring Girl Scout cookies. Click on the “Transaction” tab. Click “Add a Transaction.” The “Type” should be “Normal.” In the “Transaction” field, type “Transfer.” The “Second Party” should say “Troop.” Enter the receiving troop’s five digit troop number (It is very important that you accurately input the correct five digit troop number.) “Product Movement” should be “Remove Product.” Enter the number of cases/packages, by variety, that your troop is giving to the other troop. Click “Ok.” Click “Save.”

48 2016 Troop Manual

Before Mar 14 • Banking

Your role

Did you know?

Have 25% of your money banked by Feb 22. Have 50% of your money banked by March 7. Have 100% of your money banked by March 14. Deposit the amount due to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, $3.35 per package. Keep the troop proceeds of $.65 per package. List each check individually by check writer’s name on the deposit slip. xx

Fill in your troop number and date on the deposit slip.


Please write “for deposit only” on the back of each check when endorsing.


If you’ve filled all the lines on a deposit slip, total the checks and write that amount as the deposit amount. Start a new slip if needed, but do not carry over any dollar amount from the first slip.

Check your math carefully. Errors will be reported by the bank at a later date. All checks should be made out to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana or GSCI. If a troop has a customer write out a check to their troop or someone other than Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, they will need to cash it and assume all bounced check fees if the check bounces. Bounced checks that can be linked back to a troop volunteer or parent may result in an outstanding cookie account.

Who to call

Do not use counter deposit slips or your deposit will not be properly credited to your troop. Only use the deposit slips given to you to bank for the Girl Scout Cookie Program and not for any other council program. Deposits can take 3-5 business days to post to your eBudde sales report. Make checks payable to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana or GSCI. Keeping money in your home is a risk to you and the council. For your safety, bank early and often and bank by the three banking dates. The deposit slips are in duplicate. xx

One copy is turned in with your Final Report Envelope.


One copy is kept by the bank.

The bank will give you two copies of your bank receipt. xx

One copy is turned in with your Final Report Envelope.


One copy is kept by your troop for your records.

If additional deposit slips are needed, call the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249. If you are unable to deposit at the bank assigned to your troop, you may contact the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249. 2016 Troop Manual 49

Before Mar 16 • Banking

Banking continued

After making your bank deposit, attach your completed deposit slip to your validated receipt. This will help us help you if the bank claims there is a bank adjustment at a later date.

Be sure to write your five digit troop number

Staple together

Bank receipts and final report paperwork are due to your service unit Girl Scout cookie manager by March 16.

50 2016 Troop Manual

Before Mar 16 • Girl rewards

Your role

Did you know?

Use the back of the girl order card to set reward goals with your girls.

The girl reward structure can be found on the back of the girl order card. Council credit may be used as payment for any Girl Scouts of Central Indiana program, including day camp or resident camp, for Showcase purchases, annual/lifetime memberships, Destinations, or at any Girl Scout activity provided by Girl Scouts of Central Indiana.

Tip Have your girls circle their choices at each level, so you know what they want if they reach that level.

All rewards and council credit are cumulative. The ocean adventure is not cumulative, which means if a girl chooses this trip, she will not receive any other rewards, except she will still receive a participation patch, bar patch, the 1,000+ and 1,500+ events, Girls of Distinction and all troop rewards earned by her troop.

References Girl order card


2016 Girl Rewards

Theme Patch 24+ Packages

Bar Patches One earned at highest level sold

Cookie Cow Nail Set 75+ Packages

Poppin’ Paisley Bandana OR $10 Council Credits 125+ Packages

Worth Sharing Keepsake Box OR $5 Council Credits 175+ Packages

Cookie-Tastic Cross-body Bag All girls with an initial order of at least 175 packages will earn a Cookie-Tastic Cross-body bag! Daisy Belle Cow Plush OR $5 Council Credits 225+ Packages

Cookie Time Clipboard & Big Ideas Journal OR $10 Council Credits 300+ Packages

Paisley Paddle Brush & Flower Hair Clips OR $15 Council Credits 450+ Packages

“Advisory Member Club”

Become a Cookie Committee Advisory Member! Enjoy Beauty and the Beast at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre with one adult guest. May 22, 2016 1500+ packages

“2,000+ Top Sellers Club” iPad (no phone -WiFi only)

“Theme Park Safari 600+ Club” Two Theme Park Tickets. Choice of : Holiday World, Kings Island, Cedar Point or Indiana Beach OR $15 Council Credits 600+ Packages

“Adventure Pack” Tent OR 2-month Posh Pak subscription OR $40 Council Credits 750+ Packages (Disclaimer: tent will be at least a two person tent. May not be exact tent pictured)

“Elite 1,000+ Club” iPod Touch or American Girl Doll or 4 Theme Park Tickets or Kayak and Paddle or 6-months Posh Pak subscription or One Week Resident Camp. PLUS Elite 1,000+ Mystery Event (July 9, 2016)

and recognized at Girls of Distinction (June 4,2016)

OR $100 Council Credits 1,000+ Packages

OR “Me & My Girl Trip”

(bring a registered, female adult Girl Scout on a 3 day trip to Nashville, TN!) (Travel dates: June 13-15, 2016. Mandatory meeting June 4, 2016)

OR Opt out of cumulative rewards for a 6 day Ocean Adventure!

(Visit Winter and Hope, the dolphins, at Clearwater Marine Aquarium, ride the Hogwarts Express at Universal Studios, spend a day exploring the ocean and more!) (Travel dates: July 11-16) (Mandatory meeting June 7, 2016)

Be-YOU-tiful Troop Tee Troops averaging 175 packages per selling girl earn one t-shirt per selling girl and two troop adult shirts.

TROOP CONCERT EVENT “Cookie Boss 3,000+ Club”

Each girl will have the opportunity to be the featured Girl Scout on the Girl Scouts of Central Indiana’s website, on the cover of the Council’s Program Guide and our Girl Scout Cookie training manuals!

3,000+ packages

Troops averaging 250 packages per selling girl will be invited to attend our troop concert event. (More information about the event will be announced soon!)

OPERATION: COOKIE DROP Operation: Cookie Drop Patch 24+ Operation: Cookie Drop packages

(patch will be revealed at a later date)

Operation: Cookie Drop Necklace 48+ Operation: Cookie Drop packages. (Will not be exact necklace pictured)

2,000+ Packages

(Disclaimer: Kayak and Paddle May not be exact ones pictured)

Girl Inspired Rewards! Girl Scouts of Central Indiana


Council reserves the right to replace an item of equal or higher value

My Personal Goal


Follow GSUSA and council guidelines for online marketing.

2016 Troop Manual 51

Before Mar 16 • Girl rewards Your role: become familiar with the girl reward structure. All rewards are cumulative-except the 2,000+ opt out Ocean Adventure.

Packages sold

Reward earned

24 Operation: Operation: Cookie Drop patch Cookie Drop 48 Operation: Cookie Drop

Operation: Cookie Drop necklace


Participation Patch


Cookie cow nail set


Poppin’ Paisley bandana OR $10 council credit


Worth Sharing keepsake box OR $5 council credit


Daisy Belle cow plush OR $5 council credit


Cookie Time clipboard and Big Ideas journal OR $10 council credit


Paisley paddle brush and hair bows OR $15 council credit

52 2016 Troop Manual


Before Mar 16 • Girl rewards cookie 2015 recognitions

New this year! Choose the recognition or camp dough at each level!

Packages sold Reward earned



2 Theme Park Tickets (choice of Cedar Samoas Charm Point, HolidayTheme World, Indiana Beach, or Dangler Bar Patches Patch 75+ packages One earned at 24+ packages King’s Island) highest level sold OR $15 Council Credit

cookie 2015 recognitions

“Theme Park Safari 600 Club”Wristlet Wallet Summer Fun Cheetah Cheetah Plush Wrist Pocket OR $10 Camp Dough 100+ packages

Bandana OR $5 Camp Dough 150+ packages

• •


Tent OR 2 month subscription to Posh Pak OR $40 council credit


iPod OR American Girl Doll OR four theme park tickets OR kayak and paddle OR six month Posh Pak subscription OR one week of resident camp OR $100 council credit AND 1,000+ Mystery Event (July 9) AND Girls of Distinction (June 4) Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

OR $5 Camp Dough 200+ packages

“Advisory Become a Cookie Co New this year! Peter P and enjoy Choose the recognition you and an ad orfor camp dough at each level! Doors op 1500

“Adventure Pack”




Cheetah Summer Fun Cheetah Plush “Elite 1,000 Club” Wrist Pocket Bandana OR • iPod Touch or American Girl or Dough Samoas OR OR $5Doll Camp • 4 Theme Park Tickets or “Adventure$10 Pack” Charm Dangler Camp Dough $5 Camp Dough 200+ packages • One week at resident camp or Bar Patches and Zip’ n Go100+ Blanket Theme Patch 75+Tent packages packages 150+Kayak packages & paddle or “Theme Park Safari 600 Club”at One earned OR 24+ packages $200 Camp Dough Two Theme Park Tickets highest level sold An adventure to Squire Boone Caverns PLUS Choice of: for a day of fun! June 13 or 27, 2015 • Elite 1,000 Mystery Event Holiday World, Kings Island, or • (July 11, 2015) Cedar Point or Indiana Beach $40 Camp Dough • • Girls ofAND OR Distinction 750+ packages • (June 6, 2015) $15 Camp Dough (Disclaimer: tent will be two person tent. 600+ packages 1000+ packages May not be exact tent pictured)

“Elite 1,000+ Club”

Cedar Point or Indiana Beach OR $15 Camp Dough 600+ packages


iPad OR “Me and My Girl on the Town” (Bring a female, adult Girl Scout on a 3 day trip to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Nashville, TN!)(June 13-15, 2016) OR Opt out of cumulative rewards for a 6-day Ocean Adventure! (Visit Winter and Hope, the dolphins, at Clearwater Marine Aquarium, ride the Hogwarts Express at Universal Studios, spend a day exploring the ocean and more!) (July 11-16) Mandatory Meeting dates: “Me & My Girl” - June 4, “Ocean Adventure” - June 7


Each girl will have the opportunity to be the featured Girl Scout on the Girl Scouts of Central Indiana’s website, on the cover of the Council’s Program Guide and our Girl Scout Cookie training manuals!


Bar patch based on highest number of packages sold.

Opt out for a 6-day (Dollywood Hiking M i “Advisory (Ages: Become a Cookie ComJ (d and enjoy Peter Pa

for you and an adu Man Doors open “Me & My G 1500+ “Smoky Mou

“Top S

iPad (n

My Personal Goal “Me &

“Elite 1,000 Club” • iPod Touch or American Girl Doll or • 4 Theme Park Tickets or “Adventure Pack” • One week at resident camp or Tent and Zip’ n Go Blanket Kayak & paddle or OR $200 Camp Dough An adventure to Squire Boone Caverns PLUS for a day of fun! June 13 or 27, 2015 • Elite 1,000 Mystery Event (July 11, 2015) or AND $40 Camp Dough • Girls of Distinction 750+ packages (June 6, 2015) (Disclaimer: tent will be two person tent. 1000+ packages May not be exact tent pictured)

Advisory Board Member - give input on “Theme Park Safari 600 Club” Two Themeand Park Tickets next year’s program join us for a Choice of: Holiday World, Kings Island,on May 22 celebration at Beef & Boards


Wristlet Wallet (Bring OR on $10 Camp Dough (Trave 300+ packages

(Disclaimer: Kayak and Paddle may not be the exact ones pictured)



OR $10 Camp Dough 300+ packages

“Advisory Club Member”

(Bring a on a 3 (Travel d

Opt out of for a 6-day S (Dollywood, Z Hiking in t (Ages: Jun (dat

Mand “Me & My Gir “Smoky Mount 2

“Top Sellers Club” My Personal Goal _

(Disclaimer: Kayak and Paddle may not be the exact ones pictured)

2016 Troop Manual 53

Before Mar 16 • Girl rewards • 2,000+ and 3000+ cumulative rewards

Your role Promote the 2,000+ Me and My Girl on the Town trip.

Me & My Girl on the Town Any Girl Scout who sells 2,000+ packages or more qualifies for this trip! Any girl who picks this trip must bring one adult, female, registered Girl Scout of her choice as her chaperone. Nashville, Tennessee Mandatory Meeting: June 4, 2016 Travel Dates: June 13-15, 2016 We will visit the Grand Ole Opry, Andrew Jackson Hermitage, go through Mammoth Cave and more!

Cookie Boss 3,000+ Club Who to call Ashley Pasch 855.GSCIN.4U ext. 6832 apasch@girlscoutsindiana.org

54 2016 Troop Manual

Any Girl Scout who sells 3,000+ packages or more will have the opportunity to be the featured Girl Scout on Girl Scouts of Central Indiana’s website, the cover of the council’s program guide and our Girl Scout Cookie Manuals!

Before Mar 16 • Girl rewards • 2,000+ Opt-Out Ocean Adventure

Your role Promote the 2,000+ Ocean Adventure reward to girls in your troop

2,000+ Ocean Adventure Any Girl Scout who sells 2,000+ packages and is a Girl Scout Junior or older or more qualifies for this trip! Any girl who chooses this trip will NOT receive other reward items. Girls are still invited to attend the 1,000+ Mystery event, the 1,500+ Beef & Boards Advisory Club event, Girls of Distinction and will receive any patches or troop level rewards earned. Girl Scouts who choose this trip will create their own itinerary with the entire group. Some definite activities include visiting the Clearwater Marine Aquarium (home to Winter and Hope), spending a day at Universal Studios exploring the world of Harry Potter, learn a new ocean activity and more! Note: This trip is all inclusive (meals, trip shirts, transportation, accommodations, etc). Clearwater and Orlando, Florida Mandatory Meeting: June 7, 2016 at 6 p.m. Travel Dates: July 11-16, 2016

Check out last year’s Me and My Girl trip to Tennessee and last year’s opt out trip to St. Louis! 55 2016 Troop Manual

2016 Troop Manual 55

Before Mar 16 • Troop rewards • T-shirt

Your role Set goals with your girls to earn the troop T-shirts. If your troop met the 175+ per girl selling average, order T-shirts in eBudde rewards tab. Do not guess a girl’s T-shirt size. Consult with the girl or parent for her size. Shirts may not be able to be exchanged for different sizes.

Did you know? Troops that qualify for the 175+ per selling girl average will receive T-shirts for every selling girl in their troop and two adult T-shirts. If the troop qualifies for the troop T-shirts, additional adult T-shirts may be purchased for $12 each, on the T-shirt order form. Available sizes: YS, YM, YL, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL T-shirt order forms can be found in your big brown envelope.

Who to call Your service unit cookie manager or volunteer area chair Girl Scout cookie helpline 877.474.2249

56 2016 Troop Manual

Before Mar 16 • Troop rewards • Concert

Your role

Did you know?

Set goals with your girls to earn troop concert.

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana will provide enough adult tickets to your troop to meet the Safety Wise Activity Checkpoints if a troop qualifies for the 250+ package per girl selling average (see chart below).

If your troop met the 250+ per girl selling average, order your tickets for your troop in eBudde via the rewards tab.

Troops that average 250+ packages per selling girl will be invited to attend with their entire troop to our concert. Troops that qualified may purchase up to an additional 5 tickets, if needed. Ticket prices will be announced via an eBudde blast once the concert artist has been announced, and pricing can be confirmed.

National standard adult to girl ratios by Girl Scout grade levels Events, trips, and camping; Two nonrelated adults (at least one of whom is female) for each number (below) of girls

Plus one adult for each additional number (below) of girls

Girl Scout grade level


Troop/group size: number of girls

Girl Scout Daisy


5 - 16



Girl Scout Brownie

2 -3

5 - 25



Girl Scout Junior

4 -5

5 - 30



Girl Scout Cadette

6 -8

5 - 30



Girl Scout Senior

9 - 10

5 - 30



Girl Scout Ambassador

11 - 12

5 - 30



Who to call Your service unit cookie manager Girl Scout cookie helpline 877.474.2249

Girls had a blast rocking out to the music of Shawn Mendes on the lawn at White River State Park in 2015.

2016 Troop Manual 57

Before Mar 16 • Older girl rewards

Your role If you have an older girl troop (Girl Scout Cadette, Senior or Ambassador) talk to them and let them decide if they want the girl reward items, or if they want to opt out and receive an additional $0.05 per package for their troop. All girls must agree in order to choose this option.

58 2016 Troop Manual

Did you know? All of the girls in the troop must agree to take the extra $0.05 per package. All of the girls in the troop can still qualify for the initial order reward, participation patch, number bars, and the troop T-shirt and concert average. The troop cookie manager must check the Receives Proceeds (no rewards) box on the Settings tab. The extra $0.05 per package will automatically calculate on the Sales Report. The troop will receive $.70 per package instead of $.65 per package.

Before Mar 16 • eBudde instructions • Placing your rewards order

Your role Place your reward order by March 16 in eBudde. Be sure that all choices have been made for each girl, if applicable. Do not guess what she wants or what size she wears - ask the girl and/or parent first. Shirts may not be able to be exchanged for a different size.

References eBudde website - ebudde.littlebrownie.com

Who to call During office hours, contact the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249. For help with eBudde after hours, until 9 p.m., contact a computer support volunteer.


Phone number

Abbie Wehr


Gayle Emery


Ginger Naylor

317.895.0319 2016 Troop Manual 59

Before Mar 16 • eBudde instructions • Placing your rewards order

How do I place my troop’s rewards order in eBudde? Visit eBudde to place your troop’s reward order by girl.

Rewards tab Don’t forget to update the “Girls Order” tab with the girls’ final sales in order for them to receive credit for the cookies they have sold. All of your cookies should be assigned to girls before doing this step. If you accidentally submit an incomplete order, you may contact your service unit cookie manager and ask him/ her to un-submit your order before March 16 so you can complete it. 1. Click”Fill Out”- A list of girls’ names should populate on the screen. 2. Click the first girl’s name to complete the (size/catalog selection needed) – this is where you will select any sizes needed for regular reward items or select council dough if the girl is choosing that option. Once selections have been completed click submit/save. xx Note: If you are an older girl troop who has elected to receive the additional $.05 per package, you should not have individual girl names on your screen. Skip steps 2-3. (If you see individual girl’s names on your screen, check your settings tab to be sure you selected the “Receives Proceeds” box.)

60 2016 Troop Manual

Before Mar 16 • eBudde instructions • Placing your rewards order continued

3. Repeat step 2 for each girl in your troop. 4. Scroll down through the rewards list to order National Girl Scout Cookie Day patches. Enter the number of patched earned (number of selling girls) if guidelines on page 38 are met. 5. Review your T-shirt order: xx T-shirt should only be ordered if your troop per girl average is 175+ packages of cookies. xx Girl sizes automatically populate from the girls tab. xx 2 free adult shirts should be ordered under the adult T-shirts section. xx Additional T-shirts can be purchased for $12/T-shirt and should be ordered under the adult T-shirt section. 6. Concert ticket order xx The number of girl concert tickets automatically populate if the troop per girl average is 250+ packages of cookies. xx Enter the number of adult tickets per safety activity checkpoints in the appropriate spot (page 57 has a chart). xx Enter the number, up to 5, of additional adult tickets to be ordered. 7. Review your reward order and click “Submit Reward Order” to submit your order. 8. T-shirt/concert ticket order form xx Fill out the appropriate sections for extra adult T-shirts or concert tickets. Place a check or money order with the form in your final report envelope. 2016 Troop Manual 61

Before Mar 16 • Parent outstanding cookie accounts

Your role If a parent owes money, you will need to complete a Parent Outstanding Girl Scout Cookie Account form.

Follow these steps: 1. Contact the parent and discuss the problem. 2. Complete a Parent Outstanding Girl Scout Cookie Account form. 3. Attach the following to each form: xx copy of all cookie and money receipts xx other information as needed xx logs of your interactions or attempts to contact the parent. 4. Turn in the Outstanding Cookie Account form when with your troop’s Final Report envelope. 5. Include any information we should know about the account.


Download copies of forms at Girl Scouts of Central Indiana website: girlscoutsindiana.org

Did you know? If a parent tries to submit money after you have turned in your Final Report envelope, have them contact the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249 to make arrangements to pay. Please do not take their money as this slows down the process to clear their debt and places the debt on you. All delinquent payments after the Girl Scout Cookie Program is finished should be sent or brought to

Attn: Cookie Accounts Girl Scouts of Central Indiana 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46214

All checks are made payable to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana or GSCI. It is very important to bank your money by March 14 and turn in your Final Report paperwork to your service unit cookie manager no later than March 16. If a parent does not pay their bill: xx The council will send two letters requesting that the parent pay their amount owed. xx If a parent does not pay their money by the date stated in the letter, the parent may be sent to collections, released as a Girl Scout volunteer, and may have criminal charges filed. xx It is important that if a troop has a parent that owes a debt to turn in the Parent Outstanding Cookie Account forms, so they are not held responsible for the debt. All high-end rewards items, 600+ or higher for the person owing the debt will be held until the parent debt is paid in full.

No parent OCA forms will be accepted after May 20. 62 2016 Troop Manual

Troop Outstanding Girl Scout Cookie Account All outstanding Girl Scout cookie account information must be reported to the council by May 20. Five digit troop number __________________ Service unit name ______________________ Girl Scout Cookie Manager responsible for payment __________________________________ Daughter’s name (if known) _____________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________ State _____ ZIP _________ Home phone ( _____) ____________________ Work phone ( ____ ) __________________ Place of employment _________________________________________________________

Number of packages sold, excluding Toffee-Tastic

______________________ (A)

Amount due for packages sold, excluding Toffee-Tastic (A x $4) ______________________ (B) Number of Toffee-Tastic packages sold

______________________ (C)

Amount due for Toffee-Tastic packages sold (C x $5)

______________________ (D)

Total amount due (B+D)


______________________ (E)

Total amount paid from parent

______________________ (F)

Balance due from parent (E-F)

______________________ (G)

Please attach: ɆɆ Documentation of communication with troop regarding account. (examples: Write up every date you talked to the troop, what the troop said, etc. Supply us with information regarding the troop such as any financial status of the troop, any problems the troop is having, etc) Other information concerning this account _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ For office use only: Notes _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Volunteer processor __________________________________________________________ Product sales staff processor ___________________________________________________ 2016 Troop Manual 63

Before Mar 14 • Troop outstanding cookie accounts

Your role Bank all of your money due to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana by March 14. The troop cookie manager is responsible for depositing all money due to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana for all cookies the troop has picked up.

Did you know? After the Girl Scout Cookie Program is finished, all delinquent payments should be sent or brought to:

Attn: Cookie Accounts Girl Scouts of Central Indiana 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46214

All checks are made payable to Girl Scouts of Central Indiana or GSCI. It is very important to bank your money by March 14 and turn in your Final Report paperwork to your service unit cookie manager no later than March 16. If a troop does not pay their bill: xx The council will send two letters requesting that the troop pay their amount owed and/ or turn in their Final Report paperwork. xx If a troop does not pay their money by the date stated in the letter, the troop cookie manager may be sent to collections and released as a Girl Scout volunteer, and criminal charges may be filed. xx It is important that if a troop has a parent that owes a debt to turn in the Parent Outstanding Cookie Account forms, so they are not held responsible for the debt. All high-end reward items (600+) for the troop cookie manager’s Girl Scout(s) will be held until the troop debt is paid in full. If a parent outstanding cookie account form with all documentation is not turned in for a parent owing money, the troop cookie manager will be responsible for paying any money owed. Deadline for turning in a parent is May 20, 2016.

64 2016 Troop Manual

Before March 16 • Final reports

Your role

Turn in your final report envelope to your service unit cookie manager by March 16.

Did you know? Refunds – If a troop is owed a refund, it will be sent to the troop Girl Scout cookie manager in May. All paperwork must be turned in to receive a refund.

As you complete your Final Report Envelope, remember: xx

Check that all information is complete.


Check front of envelope to see that total cases received balances with amount deposited.


Check that the Final Report Envelope contains:

We cannot guarantee girl rewards inventory after June 1. Be sure to submit your rewards order on time!

Validated bank deposit receipts Bank deposit slips Outstanding Girl Scout Cookie Account Form(s) (if applicable) T-shirt/concert ticket order form (if applicable), include money for extra T-shirts and/or tickets. Transfer receipts

Additional T-shirt order form

Please complete this form and turn it in to your service unit cookie manager with your Final Report Envelope by Wednesday, March 16, 2016.

5-digit troop number _____________________________________________________________ Service unit name ________________________________________________________________ Troop cookie manager name ______________________________________________________ My troop has qualified, I am enclosing the following money in my Final Report Envelope:

Sizes needed:

Place your order in eBudde, too.

*Additional troop T-shirt money (troop must qualify for the 175+ packages per girl selling to purchase additional adult shirts): __________________ (Number of shirts)

Adult S __________________

x $12/shirt = $__________________

XL __________________

M __________________

XXL __________________

L __________________

XXXL __________________

(Total money enclosed)

Additional concert tickets order form

Please complete this form and turn it in to your service unit cookie manager with your Final Report Envelope by Wednesday, March 16, 2016.

5-digit troop number _____________________________________________________________ Service unit name ________________________________________________________________ Troop cookie manager name ______________________________________________________ My troop has qualified, I am enclosing the following money in my Final Report Envelope: *Additional concert tickets: Troop must qualify for the 250+ packages per girl selling to purchase additional tickets, maximum 5 additional tickets.


(Number of tickets)

x $ ________ /ticket = (Check your eBudde blast for price)


(Total money enclosed)

*If money is not enclosed for additional tickets/T-shirts, they will not be ordered. Check and/or money order only—no cash! Additional money enclosed (that is not for t-shirts or concert tickets.)



This money is for ___________________________________________________________________

Check and/or money order for additional shirts and/ or tickets. No cash. (if applicable)

T-shirt/concert ticket order form (if applicable) Deposit slip

Outstanding cookie account form (if applicable)

2016 Troop Final Report Envelope Troop cookie manager name _________________________________________________________________ Service unit name ________________________________ 5-digit troop number _______________________ Summary Fill in the following information – Refer to your troop sales report for these numbers. This is a double-check for you to ensure you have been billed correctly. Report in package amount only. Total number of packages your troop sold from your eBudde sales report Number of Toffee Tastic packages sold

______________________(A) ______________________(B)

Number of packages sold at $4 per package (A-B)


Total money collected (C x $4 + B x $5)


Total troop share @ $.65 per package (A x $.65)


Total money due to council @ $3.35 per package (D-E)


Total money owed from parent OCAs


Troop donation to capital campaign (optional)


Total money owed to council (F-G+H)


(This should match your eBudde sales report and should be the amount you deposited to council)

All money balances and matches your eBudde sales report?

______ Yes

______ No

If no, please explain and enclose Outstanding Cookie Account form(s), along with proper documentation. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Service unit cookie manager notes. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Validated receipt of deposit made

Do not enclose cash in this envelope. GSCI will not be responsible for any cash enclosed in this envelope. Please ensure that the following items are enclosed in this envelope. _____ Outstanding Cookie Account Form(s) and documentation (if applicable) _____ Bank Deposit Slips with Validated Bank Receipts _____ Troop transfer receipts _____ Additional T-shirt/Concert order form(s) (if applicable) _____ Checks and/or money orders for additional adult T-shirts/Concert (if applicable) – no cash please (If check is not enclosed for additional adult shirts/Concert tickets, they will not be ordered. Shirts are $12 each and tickets are $ _____ each.) Check eBudde blast for price of concert tickets. Return completed Final Report Envelope to your service unit cookie manager by March 16.

Final Report Envelope
















Transfer receipts

Your Final Report Envelope is due to your service unit cookie manager by March 16. 2016 Troop Manual 65

General • Visit the Showcase

Visit your local Girl Scout Showcase There are lots of items available in your local Girl Scout Showcase to purchase. Remember, your council credit can be used for any Showcase purchase.

Ask me about GS cookies

Table cloth $12.50

Ask me about Girl Scout cookies! Ask me about Girl Scout cookies car magnet $3

Yard sign $3.50

Ask me about Girl Scout cookies sticker $0.15

I love Girl Scout cookies bumper sticker $1.25


here! Ask me about Girl Scout cookies button $0.75

Operation: Cookie Drop booth stand $.50

hile On sale, w st! supplies la Operation: Cookie Drop T-shirt $8-10

2016 Troop Manual 67

2016 Troop Manual 69

2016 Troop Manual 70

Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Girl Scout cookie office/ cupboard location Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Suite 100 2611 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Indianapolis, IN 46214 317.924.6800 or 877.474.2249

Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be Honest and fair,

Considerate and caring,

Observe the Girl Scout Cookie Program starting date of January 9, 2016. Say, “thank you” even if someone does not purchase Girl Scout cookies. Promptly meet deadlines.

Courageous and strong,

Do the right thing even if others don’t.

Responsible for what I say and do, Respect myself and others,

Complete paperwork and deposits neatly, accurately and on time. Strive to be my best at all times.

Respect authority,

Know and obey safety guidelines.

Use resources wisely, Make the world a better place,

Offer customers the opportunity to order over the telephone or email. Greet customers with a smile and use manners.

And be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Help sister Girl Scouts.

Friendly and helpful,

Check out girlscoutsindiana.org or littlebrownie.com for a world of resources available to your and your girls including craft ideas, goal setting and much more! For cookie questions, call the Girl Scout cookie helpline at 877.474.2249.

our you to Thank rogram ookie P C t u o c Girl S rs: sponso

Troop check list Check each item as completed to have a successful Girl Scout Cookie Program! My troop is registered and I have two approved adults for troop leadership. All of my girls are registered. Complete training. As a new cookie troop manager, you must take an in person training with your service unit cookie coordinator. Log into eBudde to update my contact information and become familiar with the online ordering system. Verify that all of my registered girls are listed. If they are not, contact the Cookie Helpline at 877.474.2249. Hold a parent meeting. Explain deadlines and expectations. Distribute girl order cards. Collect all girl order cards prior to January 22. Enter my girls’ initial orders into eBudde. Select my delivery site and time. Enter the girls’ initial order rewards if they have earned them. Be sure to finish by January 22, 2016 at 9 p.m. Sign up for our first round of hot spot starting January 25, 2016 at 6 p.m. See page 40 for complete dates and times for additional booth sales sign up dates. Pick up your troop’s initial order at delivery. Be sure to print out your delivery confirmation and take it with you to the delivery. Arrive home and sort all product and prepare receipts for each girl before anyone picks up their cookies. This will help you identify any issues. Be sure to complete a receipt for each cookie pick up, sign and date. Keep one copy. Place any other pending orders needed in eBudde and pick them up at your local cookie cupboards starting Thursday, February 4, 2016. See pages 31. Prepare for your cookie booths! Get your bling together and a schedule for parents and girls. Review booth sale rules on page 39. Attend your cookie booth etiquette (council hot spots and non-hot spots) promoting Operation: Cookie Drop and Cookies for a Year to maximize sales. Be sure to snap a photo of your blinged out booth and enter it in the Bling Your Booth Contest on page 13. Participate in National Girl Scout Cookie Day to earn NGSCD patches! This is happening the weekend of February 27. See page 38 for guidelines.. Bank often! Banking deadline are February 22, March 7 and March 14. See pages 49-50 for details. Reconcile the sale with each girl’s parent(s), collecting all of the rest of her money due and gathering her final reward selections. Complete the rest of your cookie allocations to the girls in eBudde and make her final reward selections. Make your final council deposit by March 14 and complete your final report envelope. Turn this envelope into your service unit cookie manager no later than March 16. Stay tuned to emails from eBudde with the Girl Scout Cookie Program evaluation link. You will be notified by your service unit cookie manager in late April to pick up your troop’s rewards.

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