2014 Spring Program Guide
I can’t wait to . . .
. . . have FUN!
Registration begins December 16, 2013
Program Guide: Spring Edition
Quarterly Publication • Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois • Issue: 2014.1 Programs-at-a-Glance ............................. 4-5
Event Registration Form ...................... 20-21
Programs ..................................................... 6-16
Girl Scout Leadership Awards ................. 22
Permission Slip Information ..................... 17
Girl Scout Scholarship Program ............. 23
Day Camp Training ....................................... 17
Online Registration Information .............. 23
Camp Information Session ........................18
Community Partners .................................. 24
Camp Open House ...................................... 18
Programs-in-a-Box ...................................... 25
Girl Scout Cookie Program ........................ 19
Service Center Locations ......................... 32
GSNI Program Department •• Pam Schnecke
Director Girl Leadership Experience Elgin, Ext. 7140 pschnecke@girlscoutsni.org
•• Felecia Dupczak
Girl Leadership Specialist, Camp Pathway Sugar Grove, Ext. 7161 fdupczak@girlscoutsni.org
•• Shannan Harley
Girl Leadership Specialist Sugar Grove, Ext. 7121 sharley@girlscoutsni.org
•• Brooke Radford-Knight
Girl Leadership Specialist, Travel Pathway Support Elgin, Ext. 7147 bknight@girlscoutsni.org
•• Sarah Reed-McNamara
Girl Leadership Specialist Rockford, Ext. 7231 sreed-mcnamara@girlscoutsni.org
•• Stephanie Sturm
Girl Leadership Specialist, Outreach Rockford, Ext. 7203 ssturm@girlscoutsni.org
•• Katie Sullivan
Girl Leadership Specialist, STEM Elgin, Ext. 7137 ksullivan@girlscoutsni.org
•• Girl Leadership Assistant & Campsite Coordinator Elgin, Ext. 7132 sitecoordinator@girlscoutsni.org Need help registering for a program? Call 1-800-242-5591 for the Registration Help Desk, Ext. 7110
Service Centers
•• Elgin: 847-741-5521 •• Freeport: 815-235-8777 •• Rockford: 815-962-5591 •• Sugar Grove: 630-897-1565
Event Supervisors Needed! For many of our events, we
need one registered Girl Scout volunteer (registered adult who has passed a background check) per event to:
• Check in participants. • Provide overall supervision of girls during the event, with support from troop adults in attendance. • Provide assistance to facilitators as needed, with support from troop adults in attendance. • Distribute and collect event evaluations. • After event, return completed evaluations and check-in list to the Elgin Service Center. • Check out participants, ensuring all girls are signed out by approved adult.
If interested in this position, please contact the “Staff Contact” listed for the event for which you are available to help. Event supervisors will receive a $10 Event Voucher that may be used to register their daughter for a future council-sponsored program event held during the 2013-2014 membership year.
Spring 2014 PROGRAMS-AT-A-GLANCE Program Name
World Thinking Day
Sat., 2/22
World Thinking Day Country Hostess
Sat., 2/22
World Thinking Day 2014
Lake Zurich
Sat., 2/22
World of Girls / W.A.G.G.G.S World Thinking Day
Safe Families, Strong Families
ALL + Families
Sat., 4/05
Healthy Living
Junior Tea Party–Program Aides
Grades 7–12
Sugar Grove
Mon., 2/17
Social Butterfly
Clover’s Story
Sat., 3/08
3 Cheers for Animals!
Sun., 3/09
5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals / Healthy Living
Flower Friends Ballet
Sat., 3/15
All 3 Daisy Journeys / Healthy Living
Sat., 4/19
5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals / Healthy Living
DA, BR + Adult
Sat., 3/22
All 3 Daisy Journeys / Dancer / Healthy Living
Sat., 5/03
Welcome to the Daisy Garden; World of Girls
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Camp-Cation
Big Rock
Mon., 1/20
Camp Pathway
President’s Day Camp-Cation
Stillman Valley
Mon., 2/17
Camp Pathway
Spring Break Camp-Cation
Mon., 3/24
Camp Pathway
Spring Break Camp-Cation
Tues., 3/25
Camp Pathway
Spring Break Camp-Cation
Stillman Valley
Weds., 3/26
Camp Pathway
Spring Break Camp-Cation
Big Rock
Mon., 3/31
Camp Pathway
My Promise, My Faith
Lake Zurich
Sat., 3/01
Staying Safe For You and Me
DA, BR, JR, + Adult
Sat., 4/12
Healthy Living
Sat., 2/01
Girls’ Day Out at Cabela’s
DA, BR, JR, Hoffman Estates CD, SR, AM
Sat., 5/10
Camp Pathway
Eggcellent Adventures on the Farm Let’s Dance Into Spring! Little Miss Manners
(Listed by age groups.) Journey / Badge / Focus
First-Aid Skills
Sat., 1/18
First Aid
Sat., 2/15
Pet Ponies
Maple Park
Sat., 3/01
Pet Ponies
Maple Park
Sat., 5/10
Elf Self Yoga
Tues., 3/18
World of Girls / My Best Self Elf / Healthy Living
Super Snacks
Sat., 4/05
Brownie First Aid
Sat., 4/05
Brownie First Aid
Fun and Games
Sat., 4/05
Making Games
My Elf Garden
Tues., 4/15
World of Girls / Healthy Living
Troop Trek: Animals
Big Rock
Sat., 4/26–4/27
Camp Pathway
Sat., 5/10
Pet Ponies WITH Riding
Maple Park
Sat., 4/12
Camp Pathway
Kidwatch on the Farm
Sun., 3/30
Pets; Animal Habitats / Healthy Living
Just Desserts!—Painting
Sat., 5/10
Program Name
Journey / Badge / Focus
Harper Sports Overnight
Fri., 3/14–15
Get Moving! / Athlete Legacy; My Best Self; Staying Fit / Healthy Living
Sport ‘n’ Swim Overnight
Sat., 2/01
Get Moving!; Girltopia; Mission Sisterhood; Bliss: Live It! Give It! / Athlete Legacy; My Best Self; Staying Fit / Healthy Living
Sport ‘n’ Swim Sampler
Sat., 4/05
Get Moving!; Girltopia; Mission Sisterhood; Bliss: Live It! Give It! / Athlete Legacy; My Best Self; Staying Fit / Healthy Living
Simple Meals
Sat., 3/01
Simple Meals
Junior First Aid
Sat., 3/01
Junior First Aid
Homes for Horses
Maple Park
Sat., 3/08
Get Moving! / Animal Helpers
Homes for Horses
Maple Park
Sat., 5/17
Get Moving! / Animal Helpers
Express Yourself
Sat., 4/26
Sat., 5/10
Animal Habitats
Sat., 5/24
Animal Habitats
Spring Awakening
Sat., 4/12
aMUSE / Healthy Living
Homes for Horses WITH Riding
Maple Park
Sat., 4/19
Get Moving! / Animal Habitats
Junior Tea Party
Sugar Grove
Mon., 2/17
Social Butterfly
Crystal Lake
Fri., 4/25 and Sat., 4/26
Get Moving! / Field Day / Healthy Living
Adventure Camp Overnight
Mount Carroll
Sat., 4/26–27
Get Moving! / Camper Trailblazer / Camp Pathway; Adventure
Get Your Hip-Hop On
Sat., 4/19
Staying Safe
Sat., 2/01
Cooking with Cadettes
Sat., 2/01
New Cuisine
First Aid in the Outdoors
Sat., 2/01
Cadette First Aid
aMAZING Horses
Maple Park
See Listing
aMAZE! / Animal Helper; Science of Happines / Healthy Living
Tues., 3/25
aMAZE! / Healthy Living
Zen Earth Day Garden
Tues., 4/22
aMAZE! / Healthy Living
You’re Nothing Less than Beautiful
Sat., 4/12
aMAZE! / Healthy Living
Program Aide Basic Training
Sat., 2/22
Program Aide Award
Program Aide Basic Training
Sat., 3/15
Program Aide Award
Program Aide Basic Training
Sugar Grove
Sat., 4/12
Program Aide Award
Program Aide Outdoor Training
Sat., 3/29
Program Aide Award
Program Aide Outdoor Training
Stillman Valley
Sun., 4/13
Program Aide Award
Program Aide Outdoor Training
Big Rock
Fri., 4/18
Program Aide Award
Program Aide Outdoor Training
Sat., 4/26
Program Aide Award
Program Aide Outdoor Training
Sun., 6/08
Program Aide Award
Program Aide Indoor AND Outdoor Training
Big Rock
Sat., 5/17–5/18
Program Aide Award
Troop Trek: Program Aides
Big Rock
Fri., 4/25–27
Junior Tea Party: Program Aides
Grades 7–12
Sugar Grove
Mon., 2/17
Get Moving! / Healthy Living
13-14 15
Camp Pathway Leadership
6 6-7
11-12 15
Spring 2014 Programs GSNI Preferred Partner
GSNI Preferred Partner
First-Aid Skills Badge: First Aid
Code: S14100
Do you know how to get help in an emergency? Want to learn how to treat minor injuries? Come to this workshop to be prepared for the unexpected. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies Saturday, January 18 11 a.m.—1 p.m. Bartlett Nature Center James Pate Philip State Park 2054 W. Stearns Rd., Bartlett $9 per girl 10/30 girls; 2/6 adults Ends January 6 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Camp-Cation Focus: Camp Pathway
Code: S14101
Have the day off from school and looking for something awesome to do? Escape to camp and explore this awesome themed camp! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors Monday, Janaury 20 9 a.m.—3 p.m. Camp Dean 46W253 Camp Dean Rd., Big Rock $15 per girl Fun Patch 20/50 girls; 5/20 adults Ends January 6 Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
My Promise, My Faith
Code: S14102
Explore how Girl Scouting and your faith offer similar ideas of how to act, and how Girl Scouting can tie into your faith. Begin the steps to earning your My Promise, My Faith award. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors Saturday, March 1 9 a.m.–12 Noon St. Francis DeSales 135 S. Buesching Rd, Lake Zurich $5 per girl/$3 per adult Light snack 5/20 girls; 5/20 adults Ends February 12 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
NOTE: Girls are to attend with a female adult to discuss their personal faith journey.
Sport ‘n’ Swim Overnight
Take part in this extreme overnight where you’ll get to rock climb, swim, and try out tons of court sports. Stay up late, have a pizza party and spend the night at the sports complex. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies—Ambassadors Saturday, February 1 8 p.m.—7 a.m. Rush-Copely Healthplex 1900 Ogden Ave., Aurora $27 per girl / $5 adult Pizza and a drink, fun patch for girls (Breakfast will not be served at this event.) 30/150 girls; 10/35 adults Ends January 13 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
NOTE: Troops/groups must meet proper girl/adult ratio. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. A signed waiver will be required for this event.
GSNI Preferred Partner
Cooking with Cadettes Badge: New Cuisine
Code: S14104
Cadettes will learn how to make a dish from another country, a dish from another region of the US and a dish from another time period. They will learn how to make a recipe for a special diet and how to plan a party. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Cadettes Saturday, February 1 9—11:30 a.m. Camp Winnebago 5804 North Main St., Rockford $11 per girl Food 15/45 girls; 3/8 adults Ends January 22 Shannan Harley, Ext. 7121
GSNI Preferred Partner
First Aid in the Outdoors Badge: Cadette First Aid
Code: S14105
Cadettes will learn how to stay safe while enjoying the outdoors, be prepared to help treat minor injuries by making a first-aid kit and share their knowledge with friends. Who: Date: Time:
Code: S14103
Journey: Get Moving!; Girltopia; Mission Sisterhood; Bliss: Live It! Give It! / Badge: Athlete Legacy; My Best Self; Staying Fit / Focus: Healthy Living
Girl Scout Cadettes Saturday, February 1 12 Noon—2:30 p.m.
Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Camp Winnebago 5804 N. Main St., Rockford $9 per girl 15/45 girls; 3/8 adults Ends January 22 Shannan Harley, Ext. 7121
World Thinking Day
Preferred GSNI Partner
STEMapalooza Focus: STEM
Code: S14106
Join us at Sci-Tech Hands On Museum for exciting handson science, technology and engineering activities! Explore electrical circuits, make a paper glider, build a tower, see light differently through diffraction glasses and more. Allow 2–2½ hours to complete all of the stations. Who: Dates: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies—Ambassadors Saturday, February 1 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Sci-Tech Hands On Museum 18 W Benton St., Aurora $15 per girl / $7 adult Fun Patch 100/175 girls; 20/75 adults Ends January 15 Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
Badge: Inventor
Code: S14107
Girl Scout Brownies Saturday, February 15 11 a.m.—1 p.m. Bartlett Nature Center James Pate Philip State Park 2054 W. Stearns Rd., Bartlett $9 per girl 10/30 girls; 2/6 adults Ends January 29 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Presidents’ Day Camp-Cation Focus: Camp Pathway
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
All Levels Saturday, February 22 1—4 p.m. Northland Mall 2900 E Lincolnway (US Rt 2), Sterling $3 per girl Passport and fun patch 1/100 girls; 1/100 adults Ends January 31 Amy Suarez, Ext. 7114
World Thinking Day Country Hostesses
Do you ever wonder how things work? How things are made? Find out how inventors invent and become an inventor yourself! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Take a trip around the world and join your sister Girl Scouts in celebrating World Thinking Day 2014 at the Northland Mall in Sterling, Illinois. Have your passport stamped by WAGGGS countries from all over the world. Families are welcome to attend.
NOTE: To register, contact Carolyn Colwell at carolync0307@ gmail.com or by phone 815-440-6396 by January 31.
GSNI Preferred Partner
Fun Patch 20/50 girls; 5/20 adults Ends February 3 Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
Code: S14108
Have a troop/group that would like a little challenge and be a big part of this event? Contact Carolyn Colwell to reserve a country from the WAGGGS list and get more details about this special challenge. Then, research the country, its culture, and Girl Guides/Scouts in that country. Create a display table, and make a SWAPS about your country. Who: All Levels Date: Saturday, February 22 Time: 1–4 p.m. Location: Northland Mall 2900 E. Lincolnway (US Rt. 2), Sterling Fee: $5 per girl Includes: W.A.G.G.G.S. Badge, fun patch, passport and SWAPS Min./Max.: 1/100 girls; 1/100 adults Registration: Ends January 31 Staff Contact: Amy Suarez, Ext. 7114 NOTE: To reserve a country, contact Carolyn Colwell at carolync0307@gmail.com or by phone 815-440-6396 by January 31. Troop informational packet will be forwarded by Carolyn Colwell to troop leaders after registration deadline date.
Have the day off from school and looking for something awesome to do? Escape to camp and explore this awesome themed camp! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee:
Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors Monday, February 17 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Camp McCormick 9995 N. Girl Scout Rd., Stillman Valley $15 per girl
GSNI Preferred Partner
aMAZing Horses
Code: S14109
Journey: aMAZE! / Badge: Animal Helper; Science of Happiness / Focus: Healthy Living
Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
$9 per girl 15/45 girls; 3/8 adults Ends February 19 Shannan Harley, Ext. 7121
Life is a maze of relationships and this journey has Girl Scout Cadettes maneuvering through all its twists and turns to find true friendships, plenty of confidence, and developing skills to help promote peace for you, your world, and your planet! Be aMAZEd at how horses can help you make better friendships! Work with the staff at BPS Friends to complete your aMAZE! Journey working with horses using Equine Assisted Learning. Then team up with your group to complete your Diplomat Take Action award.
Pet Ponies
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Who: Girl Scout Brownies Time: 12:15–2:15 p.m. Location: BPS 47W635 Beith Rd., Maple Park Fee: $23 per girl Min./Max.: 6/15 girls; 2/5 adults
Girl Scout Cadettes Saturday, February 22 & March 1, 8, 15 2:30–5:30 p.m. BPS 47W635 Beith Rd., Maple Park $95 per girl aMAZE Journey book and Journey awards, Animal Helpers Badge 10/15 girls; 1/4 adults Ends February 5 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
NOTE: Girls must attend all the sessions in order to complete the Journey. A signed waiver is required for this event.
GSNI Preferred Partner Badge: Pets
Come meet the horses down at BPS stable! You’ll learn all about how to care for and groom the horses, meet the barn staff, learn about horse communication, and even make homemade horse treats for your new equine friends! You’ll also work toward some of the requirements for your Pets badge.
Staff Contact: Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147 NOTE: A signed waiver is required for this event. Girls will only be working on horse care in these workshops. Want to include riding? Look for “Pet Ponies WITH Riding,” April 12 on page 13.
Code: S14112
Date: Saturday, March 1 Registration: Ends February 12
GSNI Preferred Partner
Simple Meals
Badge: Simple Meals
Code: S14110
Juniors will learn how to make breakfast, lunch , and dessert recipes and talk with a cook. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Juniors Saturday, March 1 9–11:30 a.m. Camp Winnebago 5804 North Main St., Rockford $11 per girl 15/45 girls; 3/8 adults Ends February 19 Shannan Harley, Ext. 7121
Badge: Junior First Aid
Homes for Horses
Journey: Get Moving! / Badge: Animal Habitats Get hands-on with the horses and learn all about how they live at BPS stable. Work towards some of the requirements for your Animal Habitats badge while you learn to obeserve the horses, herd dynamics, find out what kinds of therapy horses need, help care for horses, and how wild horses live differently than stable horses.
Code: S14111
Juniors will learn how to get help quickly in an emergency, help someone who is sick and make a first-aid kit. Suitable for all skill levels. Who: Date: Time: Location:
Girl Scout Juniors Saturday, March 1 12 Noon–2:30 p.m. Camp Winnebago 5804 North Main St., Rockford
Date: Saturday, May 10 Registration: Ends April 23
GSNI Preferred Partner
GSNI Preferred Partner
Junior First Aid
Code: S14113
Who: Girl Scout Juniors Time: 12:15–2:15 p.m. Location: BPS 47W635 Beith Rd., Maple Park Fee: $23 per girl Includes: Fun Patch Min./Max.: 6/15 girls; 2/5 adults Staff Contact: Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147 NOTE: A signed waiver is required for this event. Girls will only be working on horse-care in these workshops. Want to include riding? Look for “Homes For Horses WITH Riding” on April 19 on page 15.
Code: S14114
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Date: Saturday, March 8 Registration: Ends February 19
Code: S14116
Date: Saturday, May 17 Registration: Ends April 30
GSNI Preferred Partner
Clover’s Story
Code: S14117
Discover one of the Daisy Flower Friends at the Bartlett Nature Center. The staff leads the girls through Clover’s Story to explain about using resources wisely. Girls will experience being resourceful and make artwork with recycled materials. Together they will get ideas to practice resourcefulness in their daily activities. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies Saturday, March 8 11 a.m. –1 p.m. Bartlett Nature Center James Pate Philip State Park 2054 W. Stearns Rd., Bartlett $9 per girl 10/30 girls; 2/6 adults Ends February 19 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
GSNI Preferred Partner
Elf Self Yoga
Code: S14118
Come learn all about how farm animals need care and help the Angelic Organics farm crew do animal chores, care for the goat kids, hunt for eggs and hold the chickens. Have a farm-grown snack while you learn about the roles of animals on the farm. Girl Scout Daisies Sunday, March 9 2–4 p.m. Angelic Organics 1547 Rockton Rd., Caledonia $15 per girl Fun Patch 16/24 girls; 2/6 adults Ends February 19 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies Tuesday, March 18 4:15–5:30 p.m. Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Rd., Elgin $9 per girl Fun Patch 10/25 girls; 2/5 adults Ends March 5 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Note: Want more elf? Check out the Elf Garden workshop on April 15, page 11.
Spring Break Camp-Cation Focus: Camp Pathway
Have the day off from school and looking for something awesome to do? Escape to camp and explore these awesome themed camps! Who: Time: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Staff Contact:
Code: S14121 Harper Sports Overnight
Code: S14120
Come find your best Brownie Elf Self as you stretch your way to being the very best you can be with Yoga from the Heart instructor, Nancy May. It’ll leave you saying WHEEEE!
Journey: 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals / Focus: Healthy Living
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
NOTE: Troops/groups must meet proper girl/adult ratio. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. A signed waiver will be required for this event
Journey: World of Girls / Badge: My Best Self / Focus: Healthy Living
GSNI Preferred Partner
3 Cheers for Farm Animals!
Girl Scout Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes Friday, March 14–15 Registration: 6–7 p.m. Event: 7 p.m.–8 a.m. Harper College 1200 W. Algonquin Rd., Palatine $32 per girl / $17 adult 175/300 girls; 25/60 adults Ends February 26 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Code: S14119
Journey: Get Moving! / Badge: Athelete Legacy; My Best Self; Staying Fit / Focus: Healthy Living
It’s time once again for the ever popular sports overnight! Join the athletes at Harper College as they guide you through your overnight activities which include land sports, swimming, and a late-night pizza party and movie. It’s a slumber party you’ll never forget!
Date: Location: Registration:
Code: S14122 Date: Location: Registration:
Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $15 per girl Fun Patch 20/50 girls; 5/20 adults Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161 Monday, March 24 Mary Ann Beebe Center 17501 Streit Rd., Harvard Ends March 10 Tuesday, March 25 Camp Far Horizons 9702 S. Lost Horizons Rd., Hanover Ends March 10
Continued on next page.
Code: S14123 Date: Location: Registration:
Code: S14124 Date: Location: Registration:
Sport ‘n’ Swim Sampler
Monday, March 31 Camp Dean 46W253 Camp Dean Rd., Big Rock Ends March 10
Love the sports but not the overnight? Check out Rush-Copley’s sampler night of all your favorite sports and games, no sleeping bag needed! Swim, rock climb, play volleyball, bags, and more. You’ll even have a pizza party before you head home.
GSNI Preferred Partner
Journey: aMAZE! / Focus: Healthy Living
Code: S14125
Life can be crazy between school, sports, friends, and more sometimes you just need to find your inner zen. Come unplug and unwind as Yoga from the Heart instructor, Nancy May helps you find calm through yoga. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Cadettes Tuesday, March 25 4:15–5:45 p.m. Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Rd., Elgin $9 per girl 10/25 girls; 2/5 adults Ends March 12 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Code: S14126
This is a true animal experience! It’s baby season at Angelic Organics Farm so come and learn all about the life of the farm’s goat family. You’ll track the health and growth of the new baby goats and if you’re lucky, you’ll get to see a baby goat being born. Naming rights go to any goats born on your watch! All participants are also welcome back to the farm to visit the growing “kids” on May 17 from 1–4 p.m. for no charge.
Girl Scout Brownies-Ambassadors Saturday, April 5 6–11 p.m. Rush-Copley Healthplex 1900 Ogden Ave., Aurora $27 per girl / $5 adult Pizza and a drink, fun patch for girls 30/150 girls; 10/35 adults Ends March 19 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Note: Troops/groups must meet proper girl/adult ratio. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. A signed waiver will be required for this event.
Badge: Snacks
Badge: Pets; Animal Habitats / Focus: Healthy Living
Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors Sunday, March 30 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Angelic Organics 1547 Rockton Rd., Caledonia $22 per girl 10/24 girls; 2/6 adults Ends March 12 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Super Snacks
GSNI Preferred Partner
Kidwatch on the Farm
Code: S14127
Journey: Get Moving!; Girltopia; Mission Sisterhood; Bliss: Live It! Give It! / Badge: Athlete Legacy; My Best Self; Staying Fit / Focus: Healthy Living
GSNI Preferred Partner
NOTE: Want to keep that feeling of zen? Check out the Zen Earth Day Garden workshop on April 22, page 11.
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
GSNI Preferred Partner
Wednesday, March 26 Camp McCormick 9995 N. Girl Scout Rd., Stillman Valley Ends March 10,2014
Code: S14128
Brownies will learn to make healthy snacks for family and friends. Who: Girl Scout Brownies Date: Saturday, April 5 Time: 9–11 a.m. Location: Camp Winnebago 5804 North Main St., Rockford Fee: $10 per girl Includes: Food Min./Max.: 15/45 girls; 3/8 adults Registration: Ends March 26 Staff Contact: Shannan Harley, Ext. 7121
GSNI Preferred Partner
Brownie First Aid
Badge: Brownie First Aid
Code: S14129
Work on your First-Aid badge at Camp Winnebago. Brownies will learn how to help someone using the 911 system, play safe outside and make a first-aid kit. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies Saturday, April 5 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Camp Winnebago 5804 North Main St., Rockford $8 per girl 15/45 girls; 3/8 adults Ends March 26 Shannan Harley, Ext. 7121
GSNI Preferred Partner
GSNI Preferred Partner
Fun and Games
Code: S14130
Badge: Making Games
Use your imagination and simple items to play games and have fun. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies Saturday, April 5 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Bartlett Nature Center James Pate Philip State Park 2054 W. Stearns Rd., Bartlett $9 per girl 10/30 girls; 2/6 adults Ends March 19 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Journey: World of Girls / Focus: Healthy Living
Code: S14131
Brownie Elf and Grandma Elf love being outdoors. Now, just in time for Earth Day, you can keep the peace and beauty of nature with you as you create your own elf garden with Yoga from the Heart instructor, Nancy May. Finish your day by trying out some new yoga poses. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies Tueday, April 15 4:15–5:45 p.m. Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Rd., Elgin $11 per girl 10/25 girls; 2/5 adults Ends April 2 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Code: S14132
Journey: 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals; WOW! Wonders of Water / Badge: Pets / Focus: Healthy Living
Come visit Angelic Organics for an “eggstraordinary” afternoon. You’ll meet the resident chickens and ducks, find out how baby birds develop and collect colorful eggs from the farm’s rarebreed chickens. Then, using natural dyes, color your own eggs to bring home. Dress to be outside at the farm! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Cadettes Tueday, April 22 4:15–5:45 p.m. Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Rd., Elgin $11 per girl 10/25 girls; 2/5 adults Ends April 9 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
NOTE: A signed waiver is required for this event.
GSNI Preferred Partner
Journey: Get Moving! / Badge: Field Day / Focus: Healthy Living Is a bullseye in your future? They say practice makes perfect, so shoot for the target while you learn about bow types, proper stance, and safety skills for achery. Then practice your new skills with fun target games. Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes Crystal Lake Nature Center 330 N. Main St., Crystal Lake $12 per girl 6/12 girls; 2/8 adults Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Code: S14134
GSNI Preferred Partner
Eggcellent Adventures on the Farm
Come celebrate Earth Day by creating your own little space of peace and calm as you work with Yoga From the Heart instuctor Nancy May to make your own Zen garden. Use it again and again to calm down your crazy days. Finish the day by trying out some new yoga poses that will connect you with the earth around you.
Who: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Staff Contact:
NOTE: A signed waiver is required for this event.
Code: S14133
Journey: aMAZE! / Focus: Healthy Living
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
GSNI Preferred Partner
My Elf Garden
Zen Earth Day Garden
Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies Saturday, April 19 1–3 p.m. Angelic Organics 1547 Rockton Rd., Caledonia $14 per girl 10/24 girls; 2/6 adults Ends April 2 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Date: Friday, April 25 Time: 5–7 p.m. Registration: Ends April 9
Code: S14135
Date: Saturday, April 26 Time: 2–4 p.m. Registration: Ends April 9 NOTE: A signed waiver is required for this event
Troop Trek: Program Aides Focus: Camp Pathway
Code: S14136
Do you enjoy assisting younger troops in the out-of-doors? Program Aides are an essential part of the Troop Trek Program. Arrive on Friday night to prepare the activity areas for the troops arriving the next day. Stay the rest of the weekend and help the troops complete the animal-inspired actvities. Who: Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors Date: Friday, April 25—Sunday, April 27 Time: 5 p.m. Friday—6 p.m. Sunday
Listing continued on next page.
Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Camp Dean 46W253 Camp Dean Rd., Big Rock $20 per girl Saturday and Sunday’s meals, Troop Trek T-Shirt and Patch 1/10 girls; No adults Ends March 25 Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
NOTE: Program Aides can sign up for multiple Troop Trek sessions for the same fee as one session. Other Troop Trek dates are June 20–22 and July 11–13. Registration information coming soon on our website.
GSNI Preferred Partner
Adventure Camp Overnight
Code: S14137
Journey: Get Moving! / Badge: Camper Trailblazer / Focus: Camp Pathway; Adventure
There’s a reason we call Camp Benson the 113-acre memory maker. You’ll have an opportunity to brave Camp Benson’s very own cave. This dark and cold hike is filled with all kinds of cool things. Take a trip down the zip-line that’s three stories tall! You can also take a leisurely hike through the grotto or climb aboard your sled and take the plunge down the 240-foot long Twilight Zone tube slide. If you have a desire for adventure, Adventure Camp Overnight is for you. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes Saturday, April 26–27 Saturday, 10 a.m.–Sunday, 10 a.m. YMCA Camp Benson 16355 Scenic Palisades Rd., Mount Carroll $45 per girl / $26 adult Overnight accommodations, 3 meals (lunch, dinner, breakfast) 30/80 girls; 4/30 adults Ends April 9 Sarah Reed-McNamara, Ext. 7231
NOTE: Girls must be accompanied by an adult. Meals are provided. Depending upon troop sizes, troops may be assigned to sleeping cabins with other troops.
Troop Trek: Animals Focus: Camp Pathway
Code: S14138
Troop Trek is back for another spring session! With a theme of “Animals” the posibilities for activities, crafts, and games are endless! See you there! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies Saturday, April 26–27 Saturday, 9 a.m.– Sunday, 4 p.m. Camp Dean 46W253 Camp Dean Rd., Big Rock $20 per girl / $20 adult Troop Trek T-Shirt and Patch 40/80 girls; 8/20 adults Ends March 25 Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
NOTE: Registration information coming soon on our website. Due to limited facilities, strict girl-to-adult ratios, set by the Group Camping Safety Activity Checkpoint, will be followed.
GSNI Preferred Partner
Express Yourself Journey: aMUSE
Code: S14139
What will your self-portrait say about you? Examine famous selfportraits and then create your own, using expressive color with oil pastels and words that describe your unique personality. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Juniors Saturday, April 26 2–4 p.m. Freeport Art Museum 121 North Harlem Ave., Freeport $17 per girl Fun Patch 6/15 girls; 1/5 adults Ends April 22 Sarah Reed-McNamara, Ext. 7231
GSNI Preferred Partner
Just Desserts! - Painting Badge: Painting
Code: S14140
Everyone loves cupcakes. After a tour of the Aspiring Artists exhibit we will learn to use acrylic painting techniques to “decorate” your own luscious cupcake painting! Cupcakes will be served! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors Saturday, May 10 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Freeport Art Museum 121 North Harlem Ave., Freeport $14 per girl Fun Patch 6/15 girls; 1/5 adults Ends May 6 Sarah Reed-McNamara, Ext. 7231
GSNI Preferred Partner
Girls’ Day Out at Cabela’s Focus: Camp Pathway
Code: S14141
Join us at Cabela’s for a Girls’ Day Out! There will be fun, interactive activities to develop new skills and enjoy the outdoors. Try your hand at fly-fishing activites, metal detecting, and animal and fish identification. There will be fun, challenging stations for all! Who: Date: Time:
Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, Ambassadors, and their special female adult. Saturday, May 10 9 a.m.–12 Noon
Location: Cabela’s 5225 Prairie Stone Parkway Hoffman Estates Fee: $2 per girl / $2 per adult Min./Max.: 50/400 girls; 25/400 adults Registration: Ends April 30 Staff Contact: Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
Registration: Ends May 7 Staff Contact: Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
GSNI Preferred Partner
Pet Ponies WITH Riding
Focus: Camp Pathway / Badge: Pets
GSNI Preferred Partner
Code: S14142
Badge: Bugs
Brownies will hike and explore camp while looking for bug homes. The girls will get to show their creativity while making several crafts. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies Saturday, May 10 9–11 a.m. Camp Winnebago 5804 North Main St., Rockford $8 per girl 15/45 girls; 3/8 adults Ends April 30 Shannan Harley, Ext. 7121
Who: Girl Scout Brownies Date: Saturday, April 12 Time: 12:15–2:15 p.m. Location: BPS 47W635 Beith Rd., Maple Park Fee: $52 per girl Min./Max.: 6/15 girls; 2/5 adults Registration: Ends March 26 Staff Contact: Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
GSNI Preferred Partner
Badge: Flowers
Code: S14143
Juniors will have fun while hiking around camp and discovering flowers and other plants. The girls will learn how flowers help people. Girl Scout Juniors Saturday, May 10 1–3:30 p.m. Camp Winnebago 5804 North Main Street, Rockford $9 per girl 15/45 girls; 3/8 adults Ends April 30 Shannan Harley, Ext. 7121
Animal Habitats
Badge: Animal Habitats
Code: S14144
Explore the Bartlett Nature Center looking for animal homes. See how they are built and learn how to protect their habitat. Who knows, you might event see an animal or two. Girl Scout Juniors Saturday, May 24 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Bartlett Nature Center 2054 W. Stearns Rd., Bartlett $9 per girl 10/30 girls; 2/6 adults
Flower Friends Ballet
Code: S14146
Journey: All 3 Daisy Journeys / Focus: Healthy Living
Which Daisy Flower Friend is most like you? Are you honest and fair like Lupe, caring like Zinni, or courageous like Tula? Discover your favorite Flower Friend through ballet and then create your own special tutu! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.:
Come meet the horses down at BPS stable! You’ll learn all about how to care for and groom the horses , meet the barn staff, learn about horse communication, and even make homemade horse treats for your new equine friends! Then saddle up and go for a ride around the arena. You’ll also work toward some of the requirements for your Pets badge.
NOTE: A signed waiver is required for this event.
GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Code: S14145
Girl Scout Daisies Saturday, March 15 2—3:30 p.m. State Street Dance 9 N. 4th St., Geneva $15 per girl/no fee per adult 15/40 girls; 4/10 adults Ends February 26 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
GSNI Preferred Partner
Get Your Hip-Hop On
Journey: Get Moving! / Focus: Healthy Living
Code: S14147
Get your swagger on and your groove going while learing coolest new hip-hop moves while dancing to your favorite songs. No dance experience needed! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee:
Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes Saturday, April 19 2–3 p.m. State Street Dance 9 N. 4th St., Geneva $11 per girl/no fee per adult
Listing continued on next page.
Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Fun Patch 15/40 girls; 4/10 adults Ends April 2 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
GSNI Preferred Partner
Let’s Dance Into Spring!
Code: S14148
Journey: All Daisy Journeys; World of Girls / Badge: Dancer / Focus: Healthy Living Spring is a time for all things new and for celebrating the beauty of nature. Come along with your special female adult and welcome a sunny season through dance. You can even become your favorite Flower Friend! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies and their special female adult Saturday, March 22 2–3 p.m. State Street Dance 9 N. Fourth St., Geneva $6.50 per girl/$6.50 per adult 10/20 girls; 10/20 adults Ends March 5 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
NOTE: Each girl must attend with her mom or special female adult. Additional daughter of the same age level also may attend.
World Thinking Day 2014
Little Miss Manners
Code: S14149
Journey: Welcome to the Daisy Garden; World of Girls
Let’s brush up on our manners and have some fun! Come and learn about good table manners, socialization, and proper etiquette. Master these skills with poise and confidence. Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies Saturday, May 3 2–3 p.m. State Street Dance 9 N. Fourth St., Geneva $11 per girl/no fee per adult 15/40 girls; 4/10 adults Ends April 16 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
GSNI Preferred Partner
Spring Awakening
Journey: aMUSE / Focus: Healthy Living
Journey: World of Girls / Badge: W.A.G.G.G.S World Thinking Day It’s that time of year again to come together and celebrate different cultures around the world. It’s World Thinking Day 2014! This special event will focus on the W.A.G.G.G.S World Thinking Day countries and feature fun, hands-on activities based on the Millenium Development Goals. Earn your World Thinking Day badge while you explore amazing cultures from around the globe. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scouts of all ages Saturday, February 22 1–4 p.m. St. Francis De Sales 135 S. Buesching Rd., Lake Zurich $6 per girl 40/100 girls; 15/50 adults Ends February 5 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Code: S14150
GSNI Preferred Partner
You’re Nothing Less Than Beautiful Journey: aMAZE! / Focus: Healthy Living
Code: S14152
A friend affects eternity; she never knows where her influence may end. While getting through the maze of life, having and being a great friend can help guide you through the twists and turns of growing up. Rise up against bullying. Bring a friend and come together to create a special dance that celebrates friendship and Then learn how to transform yourself with theater makeup to take the stage and perform your dance. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Shake off the winter blues and pirouette your way into spring as you welcome warmer days through the grace of dance. Bring your favorite female adult and work together to create a dance that shows the beauty of nature. Who: Date:
Code: S14151
Note: Troops/groups must meet proper girl/adult ratio. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult.
GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
2–3 p.m. State Street Dance 9 N. Fourth St., Geneva $11 per girl/no fee per adult Fun Patch 10/40 girls; 5/10 adults Ends March 26 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Girl Scout Juniors Saturday, April 12
Girl Scouts Cadettes Saturday, April 12 3–5 p.m. State Street Dance 9 N. Fourth St., Geneva $13 per girl/no fee per adult 10/40 girls; 5/10 adults Ends March 26 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Note: A signed waiver is required for this event. Each girl must attend with an adult.
GSNI Preferred Partner
Staying Safe
Code: S14153
There’s nothing more important than staying safe! GSNI Preferred Partner and self-defense expert Kevin Engstrom will teach you moves to help keep you safe from bullies and help build your selfesteem. Who knew staying safe could be this much fun? Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scouts Juniors and Cadettes Saturday, February 1 10–11 a.m Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Rd., Elgin $11 per girl/no fee per adult 10/25 girls; 3/10 adults Ends January 15 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
GSNI Preferred Partner Focus: Healthy Living
Code: S14154
Girl Scouts of all ages and their families Saturday, April 5 10–11 a.m McHenry Bank and Trust East 2730 W. Route 120, McHenry $8 per girl/8 per adult 10/25 girls; 10/25 adults Ends March 19 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Note: A signed waiver is required for this event. Each girl must attend with an adult. Siblings over 5 years old are also welcome.
GSNI Preferred Partner Focus: Healthy Living
Code: S14155
It’s a wild world out there! Come along with your favorite gal and learn how to stay safe from GSNI Preferred Partner and self-defense expert Kevin Engstrom as he teaches you some cool moves to keep the bullies away and keep a happy smiling you! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Who: Girl Scout Juniors Date: Saturday, April 19 Time: 12:15–2:45 p.m. Location: BPS 47W635 Beith Rd., Maple Park Fee: $52 per girl/no fee per adult Min./Max: 6/15 girls; 2/5 adults Registration: Ends April 2 Staff Contact: Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Junior Tea Party
Badge: Social Butterfly
Girl Scouts Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors and a special female adult Saturday, April 12 10–11 a.m Barrington Scout Cabin 426 E. Russell St., Barrington $8 per girl/8 per adult 10/16 girls; 10/16 adults Ends March 26 Brooke Radford-Knight, Ext. 7147
Code: S14166
Learn how to set a table and proper manners at a tea party just for you! Create a craft and indulge in a sweet and savory treat. Remember this is a tea party, wear your best slacks, dress, or Girl Scout uniform and be ready for photo ops! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min/Max: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Juniors Monday, February 17 1–3:30 p.m. Sugar Grove Community Building 141 S. Main St., Sugar Grove $12 per girl 15/30 girls; 5/10 adults Ends February 3 Pam Schnecke, Ext. 7140
Junior Tea Party–Program Aides
Staying Safe For You and Me
Code: S14156
Journey: Get Moving! / Badge: Animal Habitats
Note: A signed waiver is required for this event.
Spend a Satruday learning how to stay safe with your family. GSNI Preferred Partner and self-defense expert Kevin Engstrom will get you working together to learn how to stay safe in any situation. A safe family is a strong family! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Homes for Horses WITH Riding
Get hands-on with the horses and learn all about how they live at BPS stable. Work towards some of the requirements for your Animal Habitats badge while you learn to observe the horses’ herd dynamics, find out what kinds of therapy horses need, help care for horses, and how wild horses live differently than stable horses. Then saddle up and go for a ride around the arena.
Note: A signed waiver is required for this event.
Safe Families, Strong Families
GSNI Preferred Partner
Badge: Leadership
Code: S14167
Girl Scouts in grades 7–12 are needed to assist in the delivery of the Junior Tea party program. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Min/Max: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scouts in grades 7–12 Monday, February 17 12 Noon–3:30 p.m. Sugar Grove Community Building 141 S. Main St., Sugar Grove $12 per girl 2/10 girls Ends February 3 Pam Schnecke, Ext. 7140
Note: Arrive at 12 Noon to receive instruction and have lunch. Certificates provided for leadership hours.
Program Aide Trainings Program Aide Basic Training Focus: Program Aide Award
Calling all teen leaders. This basic leadership training prepares you to work with younger Girl Scouts in a day/twilight camp setting, at service unit events, council events, or other troop/ group activities. In this training you will develop your teaching and communication skills. If you are looking to expand your leadership skills and love to learn and teach songs, games, and other activities, this is the program for you! Who: Fee: Min/Max: Staff Contact:
Girl Scouts Cadettes $7 per girl / No fee per adult 6/20 girls; 0/5 adults Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
Date: Time: Location: Registration: Date: Time: Location: Registration: Date: Time: Location: Registration:
Date: Time: Location: Registration: Date: Time: Location: Registration: Date: Time: Location: Registration:
Saturday, February 22 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Rd., Elgin Ends February 5
Date: Time: Location: Registration:
Saturday, March 15 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Rockford Service Center 2820 McFarland, Rockford Ends February 26
Sunday, April 13 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Camp McCormick 9995 N. Girl Scout Rd., Stillman Valley Ends March 26 Friday, April 18 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Camp Dean 46W253 Camp Dean Rd., Big Rock Ends April 2 Saturday, April 26 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Mary Ann Beebe Center 17501 Streit Rd., Harvard Ends April 9
Sunday, June 8 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Mary Ann Beebe Center 17501 Streit Rd., Harvard Ends May 21
Program Aide Basic AND Outdoor Trainings
Saturday, April 12 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Sugar Grove Service Center 200 New Bond St., Sugar Grove Ends March 26
Focus: Program Aide Award
Calling all teen leaders. This basic leadership training prepares you to work with younger Girl Scouts in a day/twilight camp setting, at service unit events, council events, or other troop/ group activities. In this training you will develop your teaching and communication skills. If you are looking to expand your leadership skills and love to learn and teach songs, games, and other activities, this is the program for you!
Program Aide Outdoor Training Focus: Program Aide Award
This training explores a variety of outdoor skills such as pitching a tent, fire-building, outdoor cooking, knots, and hiking. Learn how to apply them when working with younger Girl Scouts.
This training also explores a variety of outdoor skills such as pitching a tent, fire-building, outdoor cooking, knots, and hiking. Learn how to apply them when working with younger Girl Scouts.
Who: Fee: Min/Max: Staff Contact:
Girl Scouts Cadettes $10 per girl / $5 per adult 6/20 girls; 0/5 adults Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
Who: Fee: Min/Max: Staff Contact:
Girl Scouts Cadettes $20 per girl / $10 per adult 6/20 girls; 0/5 adults Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
Date: Time: Location: Registration:
Saturday, March 29 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Mary Ann Beebe Center 17501 Streit Rd., Harvard Ends March 12
Date: Time: Location: Registration:
Saturday, May 17–Sunday, May 18 Saturday 12 Noon–Sunday 2 p.m. Camp Dean 46W253 Camp Dean Rd., Big Rock Ends April 30
Permission Slips at Council-Sponsored Programs According to Volunteer Essentials Safety Activity Check Points: “. . . every time a group meets at a time and location different from the regular group meeting, you must use a permission form—even if the girls are responsible for getting to that location on their own. Permission forms give parents the who, what, when, where, and why, so that they can decide whether their daughter can participate in an event or go on a trip. A signed permission form permits you to include the girl in the activity and also provides you with up-to-date emergency contact information.” When attending a council-sponsored program, each participant is asked to submit a permission slip, which is kept by the council. A copy of this permission slip is sent with the event confirmation; however, if an additional permission slip is needed, the permission slip found on the GSNI website may be used.
•• If the parents are responsible for transporting girls to and from the event, this is the only permission slip that is needed.
•• If the troop is providing transportation, a second permission slip is needed and should be in the car in which the girl is being transported.
Adult Day Camp Training Are you new to a Day/Twilight Camp Committee? Are you interested in learning what it takes to hold a council-sponsored Day/Twilight Camp? Attend this training and receive your Day/Twilight Camp Manual, helpful resources, and other information as you begin to develop your Day/Twilight Camp for 2014! Date: Time: Location: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Tuesday, January 14 6:30—8:30 p.m. Sugar Grove Service Center 200 New Bond Street Sugar Grove, IL 60554 3/25 Ends January 7 Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
Date: Time: Location: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Wednesday, January 22 6:30—8:30 p.m. Rockford Service Center 2820 McFarland Road Rockford, IL 61107 3/25 Ends January 14 Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
Date: Time: Location: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Wednesday, January 15 6:30—8:30 p.m. Freeport Service Center 5040 Bus. Route 20 West Freeport, IL 61032 3/25 Ends January 7 Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
Date: Time: Location: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Wednesday, February 19 6:30—8:30 p.m. Webinar 3/25 Ends February 12 Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
Date: Time: Location: Min./Max.: Registration: Staff Contact:
Tuesday, January 21 6:30—8:30 p.m. Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Road Elgin, IL 60124 3/25 Ends January 14 Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
Camp Information Session Do you have questions about our camp properties? Have you ever wondered what a day at one of our summer camps is like? Our camp specialists will be on hand to explain all that our five camps have to offer as well as the importance of getting kids outside. Tours of our camp properties will NOT be available at these information sessions. •• These sessions are open to all Girl Scout levels and adults. •• No fees for girls or adults •• For more information contact Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161 •• NOTE: Adults may attend without their Girl Scouts. Code:
Date: Time: Location: Min./Max.: Registration:
Date: Time: Location: Min./Max.: Registration:
Monday, January 6 6:30–8:30 p.m. Sugar Grove Service Center 200 New Bond Street Sugar Grove 0/20 girls; 5/50 adults Ends January 2
Tuesday, January 7 6:30–8:30 p.m. Rockford Service Center 2820 McFarland Rd., Rockford 0/20 girls; 5/50 adults Ends January 2
Date: Time: Location: Min./Max.: Registration:
Wednesday, January 8 7–9 p.m. Webinar 0/20 girls; 5/50 adults Ends January 6
Date: Time: Location: Min./Max.: Registration:
Thursday, January 9 7–9 p.m. Webinar 0/20 girls; 5/50 adults Ends January 6
Date: Time: Location: Min./Max.: Registration:
Sunday, January 12 2:30–4 p.m. Ebenezer Chruch 309 S. Park St., Morrison 0/20 girls; 5/50 adults Ends January 6
Camp Open House Take a tour of our camps where you will see living quarters, dining halls, and other important area locations. Don’t forget to meet the camp director and some of our summer staff. They will be excited to answer all of your questions about camp!
•• These sessions are open to all Girl Scout levels and adults. •• No fees for girls or adults. •• For more information contact Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161. •• NOTE: No registration required. This event is a drop in event, but please arrive no later than a half hour before the end of the event to receive a full tour of the camp. Date: Time: Location:
Saturday, May 3 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Camp McCormick 9995 N. Girl Scout Road Stillman Valley
Date: Sunday, May 4 Time: 1–4 p.m. Location: Camp Dean 46W253 Camp Dean Road Big Rock
2013-2014 Girl Scout Cookie Program Order taking dates: January 1–January 22 Delivery dates: February 8–February 13 National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend: February 7–February 8 Booth Sales: February 14–March 9 Super Seller-bration: May 31 Participation in the Super Six Pilot Program—this means we’ll What’s New? be selling the top six Girl Scout Cookie varieties: Thin Mints,
Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-si-dos, Trefoils and Savannah Smiles.
We have revised the S’More Dough ranges for girls in non-troop pathways! Cookie Dough will be issued in $5 increments for flexibility! Example: A girl earns $10 in cookie dough, so she’ll receive two $5 Cookie Dough vouchers instead of one $10 voucher. REMINDER: Troops must participate in both the fall and cookie product programs to qualify for any additional money-earning activities.
Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois (GSNI) 2013-14 Event Registration Information
Unless otherwise noted, registration for events in this booklet begins December 16, 2013. HOW TO REGISTER: Unless otherwise noted, registration for events is open for both troops/groups and individual registration. NOTE: Permission slips will be sent with the confirmation; however, the activity permission slip found on the GSNI website may be used. Council events are conducted by a variety of sources—outside resources, volunteers, and/or council staff. In order to ensure girl/adult ratios are met, we ask the following: •• If registering as an individual, check the program description to determine if adult chaperones are required to accompany girl participants.
•• If registering as a troop/group (even if leaders ask parents to register the girls individually), proper girl/adult ratio must be met.
•• Due to space limitations, we ask that troops meet but do not exceed girl/adult ratios.
In all cases, each girl participant must turn in a completed permission slip signed by their parent/guardian. Check the individual program description to determine if adult chaperones are required to pay. Adult chaperones are required to register regardless of fee. To determine the proper girl/adult ratio, see Volunteer Essentials, Chapter 4: Safety Wise. Volunteer Essentials is available on the GSNI website. Troop registrations will keep all your girls together—all will get in or not get in. If you don’t want any girls left out, troop registration is recommended. Registrations and payment may be: •• Completed online at www.girlscoutsni.org unless otherwise noted •• Mailed to the Elgin Service Center •• Hand delivered to any of GSNI’s service centers during regular business hours. (GSNI is not responsible for forms dropped off when a center is closed.) •• Registrations must be received by the deadline date. NOTE: Registrations are not accepted over the phone and no spots can be held without a paid registration. However you choose to register, you must not register prior to the beginning registration date (December 16, 2013). Registrations postmarked, dropped off, or submitted online prior to the beginning registration date will receive a two-day penalty. (Held for two days after registration opens.) Registrations received after the close of registration will be accepted ONLY at the discretion of the director of girl leadership or her designee. Please CALL the Girl Leadership Assistant at Ext. 7132 for possible availability after the registration deadline has passed.
PROGRAM CANCELATIONS: If a program does not meet the minimum registration as of the deadline date, GSNI reserves the right to cancel the program. Notice will be made by email and/or phone. PAYMENT: Payment in full MUST be submitted with the registration. Cash, check, money order, VISA, MasterCard., Discover and/or “Cookie Dough/S’more Dough” are accepted. Online registration requires credit card payment. “Cookie Dough/S’more Dough” cannot be used with online payment. “Cookie Dough/S’more Dough” must be received prior to the expiration date listed on the coupon and can only be used for the girl’s fees. CONFIRMATION: A registration confirmation will be emailed to all participants shortly after the closing date of registration. If you have not received a confirmation five (5) days prior to the event, please call the staff contact person listed in the program description. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: A limited amount of financial assistance is available. Girl participants may request up to $15 twice per membership year for program event financial assistance. Requests are considered by the membership year the event is being held, not date submitted. If requesting financial assistance for a program event, submit a completed financial assistance request WITH the event registration form. The financial assistance form may be found on the GSNI website or contact the girl leadership assistant at Ext. 7132. REFUND PROCEDURE: •• A full refund of the fee (including deposit) is made ONLY if a participant can’t be placed in the program of her choice or if it is necessary for GSNI to cancel a program opportunity.
•• A partial refund, cost of the event minus a $5 per person processing fee or 1/2 the event fee for events costing less than $10, will be given if requested in writing prior to the event deadline. When requesting a refund, include the following information in an email or letter to the girl leadership assistant: name and address of participant, name and date of event, and reason for request.
•• No refunds will be given after the event registration deadline. If a Girl Scout membership registration fee was paid, it is non-refundable or transferable. CHAPERONES: Adults accompanying participants may be responsible for: •• Assisting with program activities as requested by program facilitator. •• Administering any necessary disciplinary actions when behavior is disruptive. If behavior continues to disrupt, the workshop facilitator may alert the chaperones to have them handle the situation appropriately.
Registration Opens December 16, 2013 (early registration will be penalized)
Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois Council-sponsored Event Registration Form Return with payment to: Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Rd., Elgin, IL 60124 PLEASE PRINT PROGRAM INFORMATION Name of Program Event/Workshop
OFFICE USE Postmark/ Del. Date _______________
Register online at www.girlscoutsni.org and choose “Click Here To Register”
Date/Time Number of Girls Fee per Girl Number of Adults Fee per Adult
REGISTRATION: NOTE: Unless otherwise specified: •• Troops/groups must meet proper girl/adult ratio. •• Adults MUST register for the program. Check individual program descriptions to determine if there is an adult fee. •• All girl participants must be registered Girl Scouts. If you are registering a girl for an event who is not a current member of Girl Scouts, please contact our registration help desk on how to register her as a Girl Scout. (847-741-5521, Ext. 7110).
Adult Contact ___________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ City/Zip ____________________________________________ Home Phone __________________________________________ Alternative Phone ___________________________________________ Troop/Group No. ______________________ OR _________________________ Individually Registered Girl Scout
Current Girl Participant Names Grade Adult Chaperone Names First Aid 1. _____________________________________ _______ _______________________________________________________ Y / N 2. _____________________________________ _______ _______________________________________________________ Y / N 3. _____________________________________ _______ _______________________________________________________ Y / N 4. _____________________________________ _______ _______________________________________________________ Y / N 5. _____________________________________ _______ _______________________________________________________ Y / N 6. _____________________________________ _______ _______________________________________________________ Y / N 7. _____________________________________ _______ If additional space is needed to list girls and/or adults, 8. _____________________________________ _______ please attach second sheet of paper. 9. _____________________________________ _______ 10. ____________________________________ _______ Please indicate any special needs that those in attendance may have (diet, activity limitations, etc.):
PAYMENT INFORMATION ___Check/Money Order ___Cash ___Credit Card ___Cookie Dough/S’more Dough Credit Card Information: ____Visa ____ MasterCard ____ Discover Expires ____________________________ Cardholder’s Name (PRINTED) ______________________________ Signature ____________________________________ Cardholder’s Address _________________________________________ City/Zip ______________________________________ Card #__________________________________________________________ Validation Code (on back of card) _________
Girl Scout Leadership Awards The steps to earning the highest awards are rooted in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and the three keys to leadership: girls Discover themselves and their values and explore the world, Connect with others locally and globally, and Take Action to make the world a better place.
Girl Scout Bronze Award Girl Scout Juniors
Girl Scout Silver Award Girl Scout Cadettes
Girl Scout Gold Award
Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors
Additional information on the highest awards can be found in the corresponding Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting, on GSNI’s website or the GSUSA website. Girl Scout Silver Award Workshops
Girl Scout Gold Award Workshops
Who: Fee: Min/Max: Staff Contact:
Girl Scouts Cadettes $4 per girl / $4 per adult 6/20 girls; 2/10 adults Pam Schnecke, Ext. 7140
Who: Fee: Min/Max: Staff Contact:
Girl Scouts Seniors and Ambassadors $4 per girl / $4 per adult 6/20 girls; 2/10 adults Pam Schnecke, Ext. 7140
Come to this informational workshop to learn more about the Silver Award and have your questions answered. Troop leaders and parents are encouraged to attend. Registration is required.
Date: Time: Location: Registration: Date: Time: Location: Registration: Date: Time: Location: Registration: Date: Time: Location: Registration: Date: Time: Location: Registration:
Learn the ins and outs of the Gold Award process, the new GoGold App and have your questions answered! Troop leaders and parents are encouraged to attend. Registration is required.
Date: Time: Location: Registration:
Saturday, February 1 10 a.m.–12 Noon Rockford Service Center 2820 McFarland Rd., Rockford Ends Wednesday, January 22
Date: Time: Location: Registration:
Tuesday, February 4 6–8 p.m. Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Rd., Elgin Ends Wednesday, January 22
Date: Time: Location: Registration:
Wednesday, February 12 6–8 p.m. Sugar Grove Service Center 200 New Bond St., Sugar Grove Ends Monday, February 3 Saturday, February 16 2–4 p.m. Freeport First Free Methodist Church 2157 Cardinal Dr., Freeport Ends Monday, February 3 Tuesday, March 11 6–8 p.m. Freeport First Free Methodist Church 2157 Cardinal Dr., Freeport Ends Monday, February 24
Date: Time: Location: Registration: Date: Time: Location: Registration:
Saturday, February 1 1–3 p.m. Rockford Service Center 2820 McFarland Rd., Rockford Ends Wednesday, January 22 Saturday, February 16 2–4 p.m. Freeport First Free Methodist Church 2157 Cardinal Dr., Freeport Ends Monday, February 3 Tuesday, February 18 6–8 p.m. Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Rd., Elgin Ends Wednesday, February 5 Thursday, February 27 6–8 p.m. Sugar Grove Service Center 200 New Bond St., Sugar Grove Ends Monday, February 17 Tuesday, March 11 6–8 p.m. Freeport First Free Methodist Church 2157 Cardinal Dr., Freeport Ends Monday, February 24
Girl Scout Scholarship Program For Graduating Girl Scout Ambassadors
Did you know that Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois has a scholarship program that helps girl members fund their education beyond high school? While your girls may be too young to benefit now, we want girls and parents to be aware of the many benefits staying in Girl Scouting provides—the scholarship program being just one of them. Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois recognizes the importance of education and training as a necessary preparation for adulthood in our increasingly complex society. To help young women further their education and develop skills in their chosen field, Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois currently offers three types of scholarships: the Girl Scout Gold Award Scholarship, the Girl Scout Ambassador Scholarship and the Vicki Wright Scholarship.
•• Through an application process that includes specific requirements and activities, Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois awards scholarships to Girl Scout Ambassadors who are graduating from high school. Recipients must be registered members of GSNI and be actively involved in Girl Scouts during their high school years, including participation in both product programs.
•• The Girl Scout Gold Award Scholarship is awarded to Girl Scout Ambassadors who are graduating high school and have earned their Girl Scout Gold Award. Recipients must be registered members of GSNI, actively involved in Girl Scouts during their high school years, including participation in both product programs and have earned their Girl Scout Gold Award by March 14, 2014. •• The GSNI Vicki Wright Scholarship is awarded to Girl Scout Ambassadors who are graduating high school and are pursuing a 4-year degree in Education or Non-Profit Management. Girls must be enrolled in an accredited 4-year institution of higher learning for the fall of 2014. GSNI Ambassador, GS Gold Award, and GSNI Vicki Wright Scholarship Guidelines and Applications will be available on our website at www.girlscoutsni.org/event on January 15, 2014. The application deadline is March 14, 2014.
Need help registering?
You can contact the Registration Help Desk by Phone: 847-741-5521, Ext. 7110
The Registration Help Desk hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Email: registration@girlscoutsni.org Fax: 847-264-5554
Community Partners Preferred
GSNI Partner
Preferred Partners are businesses, organizations, and experts in your community
offering quality events and activities for girls. Preferred Partner programming is aligned specifically to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, and offered only to Girl Scouts. Preferred Partners understand the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, and fully support the leadership keys, processes and outcomes. Opportunities are designed with Girl Scout Journeys and badges in mind.
Two types of Preferred Partner events are available:
•• Scheduled events take place on a scheduled date, at a specific time and location. Multiple troops/ groups/girls attend at one time. You’ll see these events listed throughout this booklet. Register for these events through the council’s website. • To browse scheduled events or to register for an event, click here.
•• Flexible events offer events and activities with flexible scheduling for troops, groups, or service units. One adult volunteer contacts the Preferred Partner to set up the details of the event, including date/ time/location. • To browse flexible events, click here. • To view an interactive map of flexible Preferred Partners, click here.
Community Service
Girls want to know they can make a difference in the world around them! Girl Scouts often do both community service and Take Action projects. Both types of projects help communities in different ways. To complete a Journey, girls need to do a Take Action project (which some organizations call service learning). Click here to learn more about how Girl Scouts defines the differences between community service and service learning. • To browse a list of community service opportunities within GSNI, click here. • To view an interactive map of community service opportunities, click here.
Community Offerings
Community Offerings are events or activities that are open to the public, or provide a discount or special offer to Girl Scout members. These events enhance the Girl Scout experience, but are not specifically aligned to the GSLE (Girl Scout Leadership Experience). GSNI is not responsible for the content of these opportunities, but provides information about these offerings to our members as a service. • To browse a list of community offerings, click here.
Note: Each business/organization provides a pdf flyer with additional information. Click the links within the list to access this information.
• To view an interactive map of community offerings, click here.
24 24
Programs-In-A-Box Programs-in-a-Box are resources and activities designed to enhance a Journey or focus on a specific topic that interests girls. The Box, which can be checked out from your local service center, includes a binder with instructions and written materials, plus most of the materials and equipment you’ll need to complete the activities. To browse the list of available Programs-in-a-Box, visit www.girlscoutsni.org/volunteer-resources/programs. Reservations are required for all Programs-In-A-Box. To reserve a box, contact the following staff: Elgin Service Center – Until further notice, contact Pam Schnecke, Ext. 7140 Freeport Service Center – Council Store, Ext. 7158 Rockford Service Center – Council Store, Ext. 7165 Sugar Grove Service Center – Council Store, Ext. 7200
1. To ensure the Program-in-a-Box’s availability, and to schedule your pick-up date and time, make your reservation at least two weeks prior to the date you wish to pick up the box
2. At pick-up, you will be required to pay a deposit and, where required, the per-girl fee. NOTE: These two fees must be paid separately. The girl fee is due at pick-up and the deposit will be held until the box is returned.
3. Deposits are returned in full if all items are returned in good condition and ON TIME. If items are missing or damaged, an additional damage/loss fee will be accessed. The late fee is charged at $1 per weekday, per box. NOTE: If you know you will be late, please contact the appropriate check-out person. If the box is not reserved by someone else, an extension may be available.
4. Schedule your return time and give yourself time to allow staff to check that all items are included and in good condition. If you do not allow time, your deposit will be sent to you at a later date.
5. If using a Program-in-a-Box for a large group, service unit event or camp, please contact the appropriate reservation staff member at least six weeks in advance to check the availability of additional boxes and supplies. All deposits and fees are applicable.
Pick Up/Virtual
Age Level
Deposit / Usage
Color Me Curious
$25 deposit
Under Construction
$25 deposit
It’s Electric
$50 deposit
Think Green
$50 deposit
You Can Do the Rubik’s Cube
$50 deposit for Kit
Be a Friend, Not a Bully
$50 deposit for Kit
Intergalactic Bracelet Race
$15 deposit / $2 per girl
uniquely ME!
BYOU2 Dance Party
$10 deposit / $3 per girl
Sister to Sister: The Darker Side of Friendship
Get To Know Your Journeys
$15 deposit per Journey
Make It Green
$75 deposit / $12 per girl
Power It Up
$75 deposit / $12 per girl
Design Time
$75 deposit / $12 per girl
Engineers to the Rescue!
$75 deposit / $12 per girl
$75 deposit / $12 per girl
Making Choices
No Deposit/Fee
Savvy Shopper
No Deposit/Fee
No Deposit/Fee
Girls Go Techbridge
www.girlscoutsni.org 800-242-5591
Junior Achievement
GSNI Service Center Locations Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Rd. Elgin, IL 60124 847-741-5521 Freeport Service Center 5040 Business Rt. 20 West Freeport, IL 61032 815-235-8777 Rockford Service Center 2820 McFarland Rd. Rockford, IL 61107 815-962-5591 Sugar Grove Service Center 200 New Bond Street Sugar Grove, IL 60554 630-897-1565 Girl Scout Express 200 Applebee Street Barrington, IL 60010 847-620-5043