2014 Summer Event Guide
e i n w o Br
Registration Begins May 1
GSNI Program Department Pam Schnecke Director Girl Leadership Experience Elgin Service Center, Ext. 7140 pschnecke@girlscoutsni.org
Stephanie Sturm Girl Leadership Specialist, Outreach Rockford Service Center, Ext. 7203 ssturm@girlscoutsni.org
Kathleen Baylis Girl Leadership Specialist, GS Gold Award Rockford Service Center, Ext. 7156 kbaylis@girlscoutsni.org
Katie Sullivan Girl Leadership Specialist, STEM Elgin Service Center, Ext. 7137 ksullivan@girlscoutsni.org
Felecia Dupczak Girl Leadership Specialist, Camp Pathway, Program Aide Sugar Grove Service Center, Ext. 7161 fdupczak@girlscoutsni.org
Emily Hall Girl Leadership Assistant & Campsite Coordinator Elgin Service Center, Ext. 7132 ehall@girlscoutsni.org sitecoordinator@girlscoutsni.org
Shannan Harley Girl Leadership Specialist Sugar Grove Service Center, Ext. 7121 sharley@girlscoutsni.org Brooke Radford-Knight Girl Leadership Specialist Elgin Service Center, Ext. 7147 bknight@girlscoutsni.org
Need help registering for an event? Call 1-800-242-5591 for the Registration Help Desk, Ext. 7110
Service Centers Elgin: 847-741-5521 Freeport: 815-235-8777 Rock Falls: 815-997-5100
Rockford: 815-962-5591 Sugar Grove: 630-897-1565
Event Supervisors Needed! For many of our events, we need one registered Girl Scout Volunteer (registered adult who has passed a background check) per event to:
• Check in participants.
• Provide overall supervision of girls during the event, with support from troop adults in attendance.
• Provide assistance to facilitators as needed, with support from troop adults in attendance.
• Distribute and collect event evaluations.
• Check out participants, ensuring all girls are signed out by approved adult.
You can check the availability of a event in the online registration section of the GSNI website. Just click on the event name, then scroll down to the availability box to see the number of open spaces. Remember, registration is on a first-come, firstserved basis.
If interested in this position, please contact the “Staff Contact” listed for the event you are available to help with. Event supervisors will receive a $10 Event Voucher that may be used to register their daughter for a future council-sponsored program event held during the current membership year.
GSNI Preferred Partner
You may notice the Preferred Partner logo throughout this booklet, indicating quality events planned and implemented by organizations, businesses, and experts in your community. When you see the Preferred Partner logo, you can trust that the program offered aligns with the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Visit www.girlscoutsni.org for more information about what each Preferred Partner offers, and to see any new partners. Questions or interested in becoming a Preferred Partner? Contact Shannan Harley at sharley@girlscoutsni.org or 630-897-1565, Ext. 7121. 2
Events-at-a-Glance Event Name
Journey / Focus / Badge
Make-a-Mug for Your Special Guy
Sat., 6/07
aMUSE / Potter, Painter
Home-Milked Ice Cream
Sun., 6/08
Sat., 6/14
Sport ‘n’ Swim Overnight
Sat., 6/14-15
See Listing
Fantastic Foam Festival
Sat., 6/14
Wonders of Water / Event
Long Grove
Mon., 6/16-19
WOW! Wonders of Water / Camp
Long Grove
Weds, 6/18
(same as above)
Tues., 6/17
6/04 or 7/23
Weds., 6/18 or Fri., 8/08
Wonders of Water
Let’s Move! Zumba!
All Levels
Mt. Carroll
6/03 or 6/10
Thurs., 6/19 or Thurs., 6/26
Troop Trek: Animals
Sat., 6/21-22
All Levels
Mon., 6/23
6/18 or 7/16
Fri., 6/27 or Sat., 7/26
aMUSE / Painting, Drawing
Color Me Curious
Sat., 6/28
Sat., 7/12
Sat., 7/12
Maple Park
Tues., 7/15
All Levels
Sat., 7/19
* Rainbow Science
Sat., 7/19 (2 times)
* Move-It!
Sat., 7/19 (2 times)
* Animal Encounters
All Levels
Sat., 7/19
* Digging into the Past
All Levels
Sat., 7/19
Sat., 7/19 (2 times)
* Dr. Seuss Inspired Art
Sat., 7/19
* Splish Splash Splatter Art
Sat., 7/19
Sat., 7/26
Sat., 7/26
Home-Milked Ice Cream
Sun., 7/27
Trek Through the Tropics
Sat., 8/02
Fizz, Pop, Splash!
Mon., 8/04
Raging Waves
All Levels
Sat., 8/09
Animals in Art
Sat., 8/09
(Wo)man up!
WOW! Wonders of Water Camp � � Optional Overnight The Reason for a Flower Be WOW-ed in the Stream
Nature Explorer
BattleBots Japanese Art Expression Ride ‘Em Cowgirl GSNI Museum Adventure Day
* Angry Bird Science
Be a Friend, Not a Bully BYOU2 Dance Party
* You must be registered for the GSNI Museum Day in order to sign up for these events.
2014 Summer Events Make-a-Mug for Your Special Guy Journey: aMUSE / Badge: Potter, Painter
Code: S14200
Everyone loves a gift from the heart. Make a special gift for your special guy at The Studio Art School where you can create a custom mug, just in time for Father’s Day. Let your inner artist shine! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors Saturday, June 7 2–3 p.m. The Studio Art School 3316 W. Pearl Street, McHenry $21 per girl Ends 5/28/2014 Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
NOTE: Mugs will be ready for self pick-up at The Studio by June 13.
Home-Milked Ice Cream
Code: S14201
Can you guess which ice cream ingredients come straight from the farm? Together, we’ll milk goats, visit a beehive, and look for wild fruit on the land. Then, it’s time to whip up a batch of truly home-grown ice cream! GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors Sunday, June 8 1–3 p.m. Angelic Organics Farm 1547 Rockton Road, Calendonia $14 per girl Ends 5/22/2014 Kathleen Baylis, Ext. 7156
(Wo)Man up!
Code: S14202
Focus: STEM
Learn about important female artists in history, from the past to the present, who made significant contributions to the world of art! Girls will complete a painting inspired by one of the artists. GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies Saturday, June 14 10 a.m.—12 Noon Freeport Art Museum 121 N. Harlem Avenue, Freeport $17 per girl Ends 5/28/2014 Kathleen Baylis, Ext. 7156
Sport ‘n’ Swim Overnight
Code: S14203
Journey: Get Moving; Girltopia; Mission Sisterhood; Bliss: Live it Give it / Badge: Athlete Legacy; My Best Self; Staying Fit
Take part in this extreme overnight where you’ll go rock climbing, swimming, and try out many court sports! Stay up late, have a pizza party, and spend the night at the Rush-Copely Healthplex. GSNI Preferred Partner
Girl Scout Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors
Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Registration:
Saturday, June 14–Sunday, June 15 8 p.m. Saturday–7 a.m. Sunday Rush-Copely Healthplex 1900 Ogden Avenue, Aurora $27 per girl; $5 per adult Pizza and a drink, fun patch for girls Ends 6/02/2014
Staff Contact: Shannan Harley, Ext. 7121 NOTE: Troops/groups must meet proper girl/adult ratio. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. A signed waiver will be required for this event.
Fantastic Foam Festival
Journey: Wonders of Water / Focus: Event
Code: S14204
How many ways can you have fun with foam? Can foam fly? Can you paint with foam? Can you eat foam? Experience your own foam fun with foam stickers, foam bubbles, and flying foam air planes at this event. Make new friends while learning all the different fantastic things to do with foam! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies Saturday, June 14 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Fabyan Forest Preserve 1925 S. Batavia Avenue, Geneva $15 per girl Ends 6/4/2014 Shannan Harley, Ext. 7121
NOTE: Troops/groups must meet proper girl/adult ratio. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. Bring a sack lunch.
WOW! Wonders of Water Camp *
Code: S14206
Journey: WOW! Wonders of Water / Focus: Camp
Summer is a great time to discover all your favorite w.o.w.’s—that’s wonders of water! Join Brownie Elf as you work through the W.O.W. Journey while also out enjoying nature. Girls will have the opportunity to choose their camp activites, work with a Brownie team, design their own Take Action Project, and get hands-on experience at at local farm. GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies June 16–19 9:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Long Grove Country School 20400 Old Hicks Road, Long Grove $285 per girl Journey book and Journey awards. Girls will have the opportunity to do additional badge work chosen during camp. Ends 6/04/2014 Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
NOTE: Troops/Groups must meet girl/adult ratio but does not have to be the same adults each day. Indiviudally registered girls must have an adult volunteer at least one day at camp. *Optional Overnight Code: S14207 Stay overnight and sleep out under the stars after camp on
Wednesday night. Enjoy campfires and cooking with your new Girl Scout friends. Date: Wednesday, June 18 Time: 3:30 p.m.—9:30 a.m. Fee: $75 per girl Includes: Activities, dinner, and breakfast Registration: Ends 6/04/2014 NOTE: Troops/Groups must meet girl/adult ratio but it does not have to be the same adults each day. Individually registered girls must have an adult volunteer at least one day at camp.
The Reason for a Flower
Code: S14212
Enhance your young botanists’ study of plant and flower anatomy. Based on the book The Reason for A Flower by Ruth Heller, girls will identify the structures and functions of plants and flowers while expanding their understanding of flowering plants. They will see, touch, and smell examples from the tropics and plant their own seeds to take home! GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies Tuesday, June 17 10 a.m.—12 Noon Nicholas Conservatory and Gardens 1354 North Second Street, Rockford $10 per girl Ends 5/30/2014 Kathleen Baylis, Ext. 7156
Be WOW-ed in the Stream
Journey: WOW! Wonders of Water / Focus: STEM Experience the wonders of water as you study how pollution enters our streams. You’ll collect water and water creatures to examine using hands-on science experiments. You’ll also get to use the other w.o.w (ways of working) as Brownies team up and learn how to save our fresh water resources! GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies 9 a.m.–12 Noon Burnidge Forest Preserve 38W235 Big Timber Road, Elgin $3 per girl Fun Patch Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
Code: S14213 Date: Wednesday, June 18 Registration: Ends 6/04/2014 Code: S14254 Date: Friday, August 8 Registration: Ends 7/23/2014
Let’s Move! Zumba! Zumba is an energizing dance-based fitness class. You won’t even know you are exercising, as you get wrapped up in the exciting moves and the music! GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Time:
Girl Scout All Levels 6–7 p.m.
Location: Fee: Includes: Staff Contact:
Mount Carroll Township Public Library 208 North Main Street, Mt. Carroll $3 per girl Fun Patch Kathleen Baylis, Ext. 7156
Code: S14214 Date: Thursday, June 19 Registration: Ends 6/03/2014 Code: S14219 Date: Thursday, June 26 Registration: 6/10/2014
Troop Trek: Animals Focus: Camp
Code: S14216
This year’s theme of “animals” will focus on games and activities inspired by animals! Girls will be able to experience a new twist on outdoor skills, common camp activities, and animal care. Round up your troop and grab your sleeping bag because Troop Trek 2014 is where you want to be! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors Saturday, June 21–Sunday, June 22 9 a.m. Saturday–4 p.m. Sunday Camp Far Horizons 9702 S. Lost Horizons, Hanover $20 per girl; $20 per adult Ends 5/20/2014 Felecia Dupczak, Ext. 7161
NOTE: Troops are responsible for providing their own food. Must use Troop Trek registration form available online.
Nature Explorer Focus: STEM
Code: S14217
Take a true look into nature and examine the trees, water, and animals that make up our ecosystem. See how they all work together. Grow your nature experience through a hike at the Torstenson Youth Conservation Education Center. Later in the day, Hoo Haven Wildlife Rehabilitation staff members will introduce you to a variety of animals for an upclose encounter with nature’s animals! Who: Girl Scouts, All Levels Date: Monday, June 23 Time: 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Location: Torstenson Youth Conservation Education Center 13735 Cook Road, Pecatonica Fee: $20 per girl; $20 per adult Registration: Ends 6/4/2014 Staff Contact: Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
Journey: aMUSE / Badge: Painting, Drawing The next great artist could be . . . YOU! Grab a brush and get your canvas ready, because it’s time for a paint-a-long. Follow along with one of The Studio Art School’s artists to create your own version of a famous work of art. Watch out, Picasso! Who: Time:
Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors 2–3 p.m.
Location: Fee: Staff Contact:
The Studio Art School 3316 W. Pearl Street, McHenry $21 per girl Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
Code: S14220 Date: Friday, June 27 Registration: Ends 6/18/2014 Code: S14247 Date: Saturday, July 26 Registration: Ends 7/16/2014
Color Me Curious Focus: STEM
Code: S14221
Want to know how a rainbow is formed, or which colors show up best in the dark? Did you know colors also have meanings? Check out this workshop and satifsy your curiosity about color and science behind them! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies Saturday, June 28 10 a.m.–12 Noon Sterling Public Library 102 West Third Street, Sterling $5 per girl Ends 6/12/2014 Kathleen Baylis, Ext. 7156
Code: S14226
Focus: STEM
Take the challenge at the Challenger Space Center! Learn about robots and rovers and how these important tools allow us to explore the farthest reaches of our solar system. Girls will also split into teams to design, build, and battle their own robotic rovers! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors Saturday, July 12 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Challenger Space Center 222 E. Church Street, Woodstock $52 per girl Ends 6/25/2014 Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
Japanese Art Expression
Code: S14227
Mind-travel to the Far East as part of this art immersion experience! Learn how to make Gyotaku, Japanese fish prints. You’ll also try your hand at lovely Japanese calligraphy art. GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors Saturday, July 12 12 Noon–2 p.m. Freeport Art Museum 121 N. Harlem Avenue, Freeport $17 per girl Ends 6/26/2014 Kathleen Baylis, Ext. 7156
Ride ‘Em Cowgirl
Badge: Pets / Focus: Event
Code: S14229
Let your inner cowgirl ride! Get to know the horses while you groom, clean, and care for them. Then, saddle up and ride around the arena! GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies Tuesday, July 15 9–11 a.m. BPS 47W635 Beith Road, Maple Park $35 per girl Ends 7/02/2014 Shannan Harley, Ext. 7121
� These programs are all on July 19. * You must be registered for the GSNI Museum Adventure Day in order to participate in these additional events.
GSNI Museum Adventure Day Focus: STEM
Code: S14236
Enjoy an adventure-filled day at the Riverfront Museum Park in scenic downtown Rockford. Spend the day exploring local museums with optional additional workshops available at each location to expand your knowledge! Learn about the world’s past at Burpee Museum of Natural History, play and discover science at the Discovery Center Museum, revel in art at the Rockford Art Museum, and view dance studios and costumes at the Rockford Dance Company. GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout All Levels Saturday, July 19 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Riverfront Museum District 711 N. Main Street, Rockford $15 per girl; $15 per adult Museum Day Patch Ends 7/2/2014 Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
* Rainbow Science Rainbows abound in this wonderful workshop all about color and light. Make an amazing color viewer, mix colors, fool your eyes, and create a kaleidoscope! Who: Date: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies Saturday, July 19 Discovery Center Museum 711 N. Main Street., Rockford $5 per girl Ends 7/2/2014 Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
Code: Time:
S14231 9:15–10 a.m.
Code: Time:
S14232 12 Noon–12:45 p.m.
* Move-It! Warm up your body like a ballerina, play creative dance games, and learn a fun folk dance! In this perfectly-timed, action-packed dance class, you won’t believe how much you can move!
GSNI Preferred Partner
Date: Time: Location:
Saturday, July 19 10–10:30 a.m. Rockford Dance Company 711 N. Main Street, Rockford
Code: Who: Time:
S14233 Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies 10–10:30 a.m.
Code: Who: Time:
S14239 Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors 12 Noon–12:30 p.m.
Code: S14234
Get up close and personal with live animals at the Burpee Museum of Natural History! Learn about how they live and what makes them similar and different from one another. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scouts, All Levels Saturday, July 19 10–11 a.m. Burpee Museum of Natural History 711 N. Main Street, Rockford $5 per girl Ends 7/2/2014 Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
* Digging into the Past
Code: SS14235
Take a walk through time and discover different things that lived in the past. You’ll examine fossils from different time periods and visit the Burpee Paleo Lab where scientists clean dinosaur bones and other fossils in this extremely hands-on workshop! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scouts, All Levels Saturday, July 19 1–2 p.m. Burpee Museum of Natural History 711 N. Main Street, Rockford $5 per girl Ends 7/2/2014 Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
* Angry Bird Science Focus: STEM
Ready, aim, launch! Take Angry Birds beyond the screen, as you create catapults, assemble slingshots, adjust trajectories, and find out how fun physics can be! Who: Date:
Discovery Center Museum 711 N. Main Street, Rockford $5 per girl Ends 7/02/2014 Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
Code: Time:
S14237 10–11 a.m.
Code: Time:
S14238 3–4 p.m.
* Dr. Seuss Inspired Art
Fee: $5 per girl Registration: Ends 7/2/2014 Staff Contact: Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
* Animal Encounters
Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Code: S14244
Want to learn how Dr. Suess created his artwork? Take this class to learn all the tips and tricks behind the colorful books in his unique style! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors Saturday, July 19 11 a.m.–12 Noon Rockford Art Musuem 711 N. Main Street, Rockford $5 per girl Ends 7/2/2014 Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
* Splish Splash Splatter Art
Code: S14245
This workshop will showcase different techniques of splatter art! Girls will have a great time throwing paint at paper while learning about the actual methods professional artists use in creating masterpieces. Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors Saturday, July 19 2–3 p.m. Rockford Art Musuem 711 N. Main Street, Rockford $5 per girl Ends 7/2/2014 Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
� These programs are both on July 26. Be a Friend, Not a Bully
Code: S14248
Sometimes it can be hard to stand up for what you believe in, especially if there are bullies around. Learn how to stand up for yourself and how to help others who may need YOU to stand up for them! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies Saturday, July 26 10 a.m.–12 Noon Sterling Public Library 102 West Third Street, Sterling $5 per girl Ends 7/10/2014 Kathleen Baylis, Ext. 7156
Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors Saturday, July 19
BYOU2 Dance Party
Code: S14249
Get moving Bollywood style! Learn about Indian culture as you make your own Rangolis, a good luck red ribbon and a Bollywood-style bracelet to wear while you dance. Try some Indian dance moves and learn all about Indian culture! Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors Saturday, July 26 1–3 p.m. Sterling Public Library 102 West Third Street, Sterling $5 per girl Ends 7/10/2014 Kathleen Baylis, Ext. 7156
Home-Milked Ice Cream
Code: S14250
Can you guess which ice cream ingredients come straight from the farm? Together, we’ll milk goats, visit a beehive, and look for wild fruit on the land. Then, it’s time to whip up a batch of truly home-grown ice cream! GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Brownies Sunday, July 27 10 a.m.–12 Noon Angelic Organics Farm 1547 Rockton Road, Calendonia $14 per girl Ends 7/10/2014 Kathleen Baylis, Ext. 7156
Trek Through the Tropics
Code: S14252
Have you ever wondered how plants and animals survive with 80 inches of rainfall annually? Girls will trek through Nicholas Conservatory and Gardens and analyze the physical characterstics that help plants and animals survive in their tropical habitat. Girls will compare and differentiate the tropical climate with the climate of Illinois and plant a tropical plant to take home! GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies Saturday, August 2 10 a.m.–12 Noon Nicholas Conservatory and Gardens 1354 North Second Street, Rockford $10 per girl Ends 7/16/2014 Kathleen Baylis, Ext. 7156
Fizz, Pop, Splash! Focus: STEM
Code: S14253
Join the award-winning Discovery Center Museum at Far Horizons for a fun, messy day! Drip drops, dissolve powders, mix chemicals, invent goo, and explore amazing things water can do. Dress for the mess! GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location:
Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies Monday, August 4 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Far Horizons 9702 S. Lost Horizon Road, Hanover
Fee: $22 per girl Registration: Ends 7/16/2014 Staff Contact: Katie Sullivan, Ext. 7137
Raging Waves Focus: Event
Code: S14255
Join us for Girl Scout Day at Raging Waves! Bring your troop or family and enjoy Girl Scout activities throughout the day at this awesome water park. GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Includes: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scouts, All Levels Saturday, August 9 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Raging Waves Water Park 4000 N. Bridge Street, Yorkville $20 per girl; $20 per adult Water park admission and Girl Scout activities Ends 7/23/2014 Shannan Harley, Ext. 7121
NOTE: Troops/groups must meet proper girl/adult ratio. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult.
Animals in Art
Code: S14266
Explore the collections of the Freeport Art Museum and discover the many ways animals have been portrayed in art. Then, learn to draw and paint a very artistic cat using acrylic paints! GSNI Preferred Partner
Who: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Registration: Staff Contact:
Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies Saturday, August 9 12 Noon–2 p.m. Freeport Art Museum 121 N. Harlem Avenue, Freeport $17 per girl Ends 7/24/2014 Kathleen Baylis, Ext. 7156
NOTE: Troop/groups must meet the proper girl/adult ratio.
Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois (GSNI) Event Registration Information Unless otherwise noted, registration for events in this booklet begins May 1, 2014. HOW TO REGISTER: Unless otherwise noted, registration for events is open for both troops/groups and individual registration. NOTE: Permission slips will be sent with the confirmation; however, the activity permission slip found on the GSNI website may be used. Council events are conducted by a variety of sources— outside resources, volunteers, and/or council staff. In order to ensure girl/adult ratios are met, we ask the following: •• If registering as an individual, check the event description to determine if adult chaperones are required to accompany girl participants.
•• If registering as a troop/group (even if leaders ask parents to register the girls individually), proper girl/adult ratio must be met.
•• Due to space limitations, we ask that troops meet but do not exceed girl/adult ratios.
In all cases, each girl participant must turn in a completed permission slip signed by their parent/guardian. Check the individual event description to determine if adult chaperones are required to pay. Adult chaperones are required to register regardless of fee. To determine the proper girl/adult ratio, see Volunteer Essentials, Chapter 4: Safety Wise. Volunteer Essentials is available on the GSNI website. Troop registrations will keep all your girls together—all will get in or not get in. If you don’t want any girls left out, troop registration is recommended. Registrations and payment may be: •• Completed online at www.girlscoutsni.org unless otherwise noted. •• Mailed to the Elgin Service Center.
•• Hand delivered to any of GSNI’s service centers during regular business hours. (GSNI is not responsible for forms dropped off when a center is closed.) •• Registrations must be received by the deadline date.
EVENT CANCELATIONS: If an event does not meet the minimum registration as of the deadline date, GSNI reserves the right to cancel the event. Notice will be made by by email and/or phone. PAYMENT: Payment in full MUST be submitted with the registration. Cash, check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, Discover and/or “Cookie Dough/S’more Dough” are accepted. Online registration requires credit card payment. “Cookie Dough/S’more Dough” cannot be used with online payment. “Cookie Dough/S’more Dough” must be received prior to the expiration date listed on the coupon. CONFIRMATION: A registration confirmation will be emailed to all participants shortly after the closing date of registration. If you have not received a confirmation five (5) days prior to the event, please call the girl leadership assistant at Ext. 7132. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: A limited amount of financial assistance is available. Girl participants may request up to $15 twice per membership year for program event financial assistance. Requests are considered by the membership year the event is being held, not date submitted. If requesting financial assistance for an event, submit a completed financial assistance request WITH the event registration form. The financial assistance form may be found on the GSNI website or contact the girl leadership assistant at Ext. 7132. REFUND PROCEDURE: •• A full refund of the fee (including deposit) is made ONLY if a participant can’t be placed in the event of her choice or if it is necessary for GSNI to cancel an event opportunity.
•• A partial refund, cost of the event minus a $5 per person processing fee or 1/2 the event fee for events costing less than $10, will be given if requested in writing prior to the event deadline. When requesting a refund, include the following information in an email or letter to the girl leadership assistant at ehall@girlscoutsni.org: name and address of participant, name and date of event, and reason for request.
NOTE: Registrations are not accepted over the phone and no spots can be held without a paid registration.
•• No refunds will be given after the event registration deadline.
However you choose to register, you must not register prior to the beginning registration date (May 1, 2014).
If a Girl Scout membership registration fee was paid, it is non-refundable.
Registrations postmarked, dropped off, or submitted online prior to the beginning registration date will receive a two-day penalty. (Held for two days after registration opens.) Registrations received after the close of registration will be accepted ONLY at the discretion of the director of girl leadership or her designee. Please CALL the girl leadership assistant at Ext. 7132 for possible availability after the registration deadline has passed.
CHAPERONES: Adults accompanying participants may be responsible for: •• Assisting with event activities as requested by event facilitator. •• Administering any necessary disciplinary actions when behavior is disruptive. If behavior continues to disrupt, the workshop facilitator may alert the chaperones to have them handle the situation appropriately.
OFFICE USE Postmark/ Del. Date _______________
Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois Council-sponsored Event Registration Form
Return with payment to: Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois OR Register online at Elgin Service Center www.girlscoutsni.org 12N124 Coombs Rd., Elgin, IL 60124 PLEASE PRINT EVENT INFORMATION Name of Event/Workshop
# of Girls
Fee per Girl
# of Adults
Fee per Adult
REGISTRATION: NOTE: Unless otherwise specified: •• Troops/groups must meet proper girl/adult ratio. •• Adults MUST register for the event. Check individual event descriptions to determine if there is an adult fee. •• All girl participants must be registered Girl Scouts. If you are registering a girl for an event who is not a current member of Girl Scouts, please contact our registration help desk on how to register her as a Girl Scout. (847-741-5521, Ext. 7110). Adult Contact __________________________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________ City/Zip ____________________________________________________ Home Phone ____________________________________________________ Alternative Phone _____________________________________________________ Troop/Group No. ______________________ OR Individually Registered Girl Scout _________________________ Girl Participant Names Grade Adult Chaperone Names 1. ______________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________ 6. ______________________________________________________________ _______ 7. ______________________________________________________________ _______ 8. ______________________________________________________________ _______ 9. ______________________________________________________________ _______ 10. _____________________________________________________________ _______ Please indicate any special needs that those in attendance may have (diet, activity limitations, etc.):
PAYMENT INFORMATION: � Check/Money Order Credit Card Information: � Visa
� MasterCard
� Cash � Discover
� Credit Card
� Cookie Dough/S’more Dough
Expires ____________________________
Cardholder’s Name (PRINTED) ___________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Address _______________________________________________________________ City/Zip ____________________________________________ Card #_________________________________________________________________________________ Validation Code (on back of card) ______________