GSNI Summer Camp Pamphlet

Page 1

plan the all year to rd at work at options has been ha wh am e Te se e t wait to perienc u! We can’ Our Girl Ex yo r fo ask, let to es ventur sure who summer ad and aren’t best-ever a question ve ha er ! If you ev ion! right direct you choose t you in the and I’ll poin me know,

Hi, there!

opportunities to join other camp fans and make a difference for the Girl Scout outdoor experience. Activities may include cleaning buildings, reassembling the platform tents,

Camp McCormick – April 18, 10 a.m. –2 p.m.

Camp as Camp Director at be my first summer Hey, girls! This will to offer this e hav we t tha ms tatic about the progra McCormick! I am ecs programs ck on what kind of t to hear your feedba wai ’t can and r summe ing silly sing time at gre a e re! We’re going to hav ures. you want in the futu e awesome advent es, and going on som gam fun ing play songs, r! See you this summe

rowski Carly “Winter” Kaczma ick ctor, Camp McCorm Summer Camp Dire -701-7576, 815 i@g wsk aro czm cka

Pre-registration is not required, but RSVP to the camp director, if desired. Camp Dean – Sunday, May 3, 1–4 p.m. Camp McCormick – Saturday, May 9, 10 a.m. –1 p.m.

St. Louis Trip Girls Entering Grades 6 and Up experience St. Louis, MO. Travel down by bus with girls from across the council. Spend your nights in a downtown hotel, right next to the Gateway Arch. Prepare to explore the history, Expansion, take a river cruise, go to a museum and maybe even the zoo. Check out the Cahokia Mounds on the ride home! Plus, we will be exploring downtown St. Louis and so

Registration opens February 17, 2015

possibility? You wanted to pack every moment with something fun. You defined your adventure, and it was awesome.

All aboard for an amazing trip to an awesome city! Spend 5 days and 4 nights with GSNI and

attractions, and excitement this city has to offer. Tour the Arch and Museum of Westward


This Will Be Her Best Summer Yet! Remember that summer feeling—that feeling of freedom, excitement and

This summer, let Girl Scouts be the gateway to that summer feeling for your

There are ways for you to join in the fun too! With our NEW travel options,

girl. She’ll discover exciting activities with brand new friends. She’ll challenge her

adults can come along for adventure away from home. Also, family camps

limits with supportive adults by her side. She’ll be the guide of her own adventure,

open camp up to everyone! The possibilities are endless! Choose from any of our events or mix-and-match

much more. See all the details at

to create a custom summer experience. We even offer single-day events to fill your

August 3–7, $585 per person, $50 due at registration, payment plan is available

summer with fun! Check out all of the options at You’ll be amazed at the skills and confidence she’ll bring home. Summer is waiting—register today!

finding fun around every corner. We have many flexible options available and invite you to look over this Mary Ann Beebe Center 17501 Streit Road Harvard, IL 60033

Meet “Winter”!


camp and sample the activities, chat with the Camp Director, and even enjoy a s’more.

Chapman Hills N9372 Scout Road East Troy, WI 53120

Felecia “Marvin” Dupczak Summer Camp Director, Camp Dean, 815-529-6141

Visit us at camp with your family or troop to get a taste of the camp experience! You’ll explore

Camp McCormick 9995 North Girl Scout Road Stillman Valley, IL 61084


Camp Far Horizons 9702 S Lost Horizon Road Hanover, IL 61041

excited, I can’t sleep! Plans for the summer started in September, and I would lay awake at night thinking of some the great programs we were going to offer.

Camp Open Houses

Camp Dean 46W253 Camp Dean Road Big Rock, IL 60511


Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Road Elgin, IL 60124

Hello! I am so excited to be returning to Camp Dean as the Camp Director. I cannot wait for what Summer 2015 will bring! I have been



Camp Dean – April 11, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

Meet “Marvin”!

I can’t wait to see you at camp this summer! We’re going to have

Enjoy a spring day at camp and help get it ready for summer fun! Take advantage of these

minor repairs, painting, landscaping, and general cleanup from Mother Nature’s winter blast.

pson itcake” Sim Stacie “Fru e, GSNI Experienc 529-8991 SVP of Girl, 815girlscoutsn ssimpson@

much fun!


Camp Service Days


Mine is “Fru


dition. irl Scout tra es are a G Camp nam ningful. ea m or ly sil They can be



Meet “Fru

pamphlet with your camper to see how much adventure is ahead of her! We’ve come up with great themes for our 3, 6, or 10 day resident camp and day camp programs. Your Girl Scout can continue the fun she had during this year by visiting camp during the summer! Troops can plan their own adventure, and rent a site at camp. Girls can plan lots of activities or just kick back and relax. For a pre-planned troop camping experience, check out our website for more information on Troop Trek!

Camp Dean Day Camp

Camp Dean Resident Camp


Camp McCormick Resident Camp

Girls Entering Grades 1–5

Girls Entering Grades 1–7

Girls Entering Grades 4–12

CIT Apprentice (girls entering grades 7–9)

Are you excited to explore camp, but love the comfort of your own bed? Camp Dean Day

Join us for 3 or 6 days where you will stay overnight in Camp Dean’s sleeping cabins and explore

Join us for 3 or 6 days at Camp McCormick where you can stay overnight in platform tents,

Do you want to take your camp experience up a notch? Becoming a CIT Apprentice allows you to be

Camp can help! Camp Dean staff will guide you through all the fun activities we can pack in a

camp during the day. Want to give tent camping a try? All campers will have an option to sleep in

Adirondacks, or covered wagons and explore camp during the day. If outside camping cramps

a camper and take a leadership role at camp! Take the first step of your camping career and complete

day from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Want to have an overnight experience, but just for one night? There is

tents one night during their stay. You’ll enjoy classic camp activities, plus special activities based

your style, some sessions offer an indoor sleeping option! You’ll enjoy classic camp activities,

Program Aide Basic and Outdoor trainings while experiencing all your favorite camp activities.

an optional Thursday overnight for all Camp Dean Day Campers! (Overnight fee is only $25)

on the themes listed below. Camp staff will guide you through your next camp adventure!

plus extra special activities, based on the theme listed below. Camp staff will guide you through

Camp Dean, June 28–July 3, Fee Level 1: $305, Level 2: $485

your next camp adventure!

Counselor-in-Training I (girls entering grades 10–12)

Day Camp Sessions

Level 1: $135/session or

Session 1: June 22–26

Level 2: $205/session

Session 2: June 29–July 3 Session 3: July 6–10


Session 4: July 13–17

Camp program opportunities for girls are subsidized, meaning the cost of providing camp programs and operating camp is greater than the fees paid to participate. Our new flexible pricing system offers families the opportunity to help cover more of the true cost of resident camp, if they are financially able. For each session, you will see two prices:

Session 5: July 20–24 Session 6: July 27–31 Session 7: August 3–7

6-day sessions

Level 1: $160/session or

Level 1: $270/session or

Level 2: $245/session

Level 2: $415/session

Session 2a: June 28–30

Mad Scientists

Session 3: July 5–10

Rise of the Minions

Session 2b: July 1–3

Fairy Tales

Session 4: July 12–17

Hawaiian Beach Party

Session 5: July 19–24

Polar Vortex in July

Session 6: July 26–31

Camp Cook-Off

Session 7: August 2–7

CSI: Camp Scene Investigation

LEVEL 1 is the lowest cost of this program listed in the camp

Every Camp Dean session includes opportunities for:

Swimming Arts & Crafts Songs & Games

3-day sessions

Nature activities Outdoor cooking New Friends & Fun!

brochure and on the website. This covers approximately 62% of the direct costs of operating the camp program.

LEVEL 2 is closer to the true cost of operating the camp program. It

includes direct costs such as food, program supplies, living supplies, and summer staff salaries. It does not include things like buildings and grounds maintenance. Select the fee you feel is affordable and appropriate for your family. Flexible pricing choice is always kept private and does not affect the quality of your child’s experience, as both fees are for exactly the same program. The goal of offering flexible pricing options is to provide the highest quality programs possible to serve all community income levels and to preserve camp for generations to come.

Family Camps Girls Getaway

(girls entering grades 1–12, and female adults, ages 18+) Calling all Girl Scouts and their female superheroes! Ready to spend the weekend together at camp?

Ponytails at Camp Dean

We’re ready for you and your mom, aunt, grandma, or other female superhero to take part in the total camp experience, including swimming, hiking, cooking, crafting, exploring, and so much more! Camp Dean, Friday, July 10, 6 p.m.–Sunday, July 12, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person Camp Far Horizons, Friday, July 17, 6 p.m.–Saturday, July 18, 7 p.m., Fee $35/person

This is one of our most popular camp options! Join us for 3 or 6 days at Camp Dean where

Special Guy

you’ll spend time with horses in the morning (caring for them and learning to ride in an arena),

(girls entering grades 1–12, and male adults, ages 18+)

enjoy all the fun of camp in the afternoon, and stay overnight in our sleeping cabins. The

Who’s the special guy in your life? Is it dad, grandpa, uncle, older brother? Pack your bags, hit

6-day session will culminate in a trail ride field trip. GSNI Camp staff is ready to help you

the road, and make your way to Camp Dean for the weekend! You’ll keep busy with all the camp

saddle up for summer fun!

activities Camp Dean has to offer, like swimming, canoeing and kayaking, fishing, hiking, cooking,

Girls Entering Grades 4–6

Girls Entering Grades 6–8

playing games, and more!

3-day sessions

6-day session

Level 1: $235/session or

Level 1: $435/session or

Family Camp

Level 2: $360/session

Level 2: $675/session

Camp Dean, Friday, July 24, 6 p.m.–Sunday, July 26, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person

(girls entering grades 1–12, and the whole family) Round up the whole family including your aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, siblings

Session 2a: June 28–30

Session 6a: July 26–28

Session 2b: July 1–3

Session 6b: July 29–31

and cousins, and head out to camp! Spend a relaxing weekend trying all kinds of camp activities

Session 3a: July 5–7

Session 7a: August 2–4

including swimming, crafting, hiking, outdoor cooking, exploring, and more! Food will be provided,

Session 3b: July 8–10

Session 7b: August 5–7

and families will stay together in platform tents or covered wagons.

Session 5a: July 19–21 Session 5b: July 22–24

Session 4: July 12–17

Camp McCormick, Friday, July 31, 6 p.m.–Sunday, August 2, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person

3-day sessions

6-day sessions

Level 1: $160/session or

Level 1: $270/session or

Level 2: $245/session

Level 2: $415/session

Already have Program Aide Basic and Outdoor trainings under your belt? Why not continue your journey to becoming a camp counselor?! Spend two weeks with us at Camp Dean to develop your skills as an outdoor leader. This is one activity colleges can’t ignore. Help us develop new camp

Session 1b: June 24-26

Woodland Creatures

Session 2: June 28–July 3

Off to the Races*

Session 7a: August 2–4

Duct Tape Creations Part I*

Session 3: July 5–10

Wild, Wild West

Session 7b: August 5–7

Duct Tape Creations Part 2*

Session 4: July 12–17

Island Adventure

Session 5: July 19–24


Counselor-in-Training II (girls entering grades 11–12)

Session 6: July 26–31

Desserts Galore*

You’re almost there! Now’s the time to pull together all the camp leadership skills you have developed

*These sessions include an indoor sleeping option, in addition to the traditional sleeping options. Campers who choose the indoor sleeping option will live in the Friendship Center with camp friends and counselors. Please note there is no air conditioning in the Friendship Center.

Rock Climbing: Climb Devil’s Lake and overnight campout, fee: $150, girls entering grade 7 and up. Session: 2 Horseback riding: One-time trail ride, fee: $40, girls entering grades 4 and up. Sessions: 3, 5 High Adventure: Zipline and high ropes course, overnight stay at Chapman Hills, fee: $125, girls entering grades 6 and up. Session: 3 Marksmanship: Practice archery at camp before heading off-camp to try riflery, fee $25, must be at least 12 years old at time of camp session. Session: 4 Caving: Day trip to Eagle Cave and overnight campout, fee: $45, girls entering grades 5 and up. Session: 4 Whitewater Rafting: Four-hour rafting trip and overnight stay at Wildman Adventure Resort, Fee $125, Must be 12 years old at time of camp session. Session: 5

Camp Dean, July 5–17, Fee Level 1: $485, Level 2: $780

over the years. Challenge yourself to be the best you, as you are put on the spot to handle real-life camp experiences when working with younger campers and navigating obstacles a camp counselor

Add an Extra Adventure: Day at Rock Cut: Canoeing/kayaking, geocaching, and biking, fee: $35, girls entering grade 4 and up. Sessions: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7b

activities for current campers while you shape your leadership skills for the future!

Camp Information


Campers with Disabilities The goal of our camps is to provide a successful experience for all girls. Please communicate with the camp director about campers with any special needs or disabilities. This enables the camp to make every effort to accommodate those needs in their facilities with appropriate staff.


Transportation Transportation to and from camp is NOT included in any camp session. Health and Safety All Girl Scout camps in this brochure are licensed by their state and uphold state and federal health and safety codes, as well as Girl Scouts of the USA policies and standards. Camp Dean and Camp McCormick are also accredited by the American Camp Association. All camps meet industry standards for health safety, site, food service management, human resources, program design and activities. Health centers are staffed by a resident health supervisor. Unit counselors are first-aid/CPR trained. For all camps, emergency care is available at a nearby clinic or hospital. No camper, child or adult, is admitted to camp without the proper health form completed and signed. Each camp has procedures in place to monitor and respond to emergencies, including weather conditions, to ensure the health and safety of campers. Check-in/Check-out Unless otherwise noted, check-in is 2–4 p.m. on the first day of the session, and check-out is 2:30–3:30 p.m. on the last day of the session. Visitors Families are encouraged to visit camp during their scheduled Open House, prior to the start of summer camp sessions. To ensure safety and security, no visitors are allowed on site during camp sessions. Program Changes Although rare, the Girl Scout council, for a variety of reasons, may occasionally cancel a camp session. If this occurs, you can expect the entire camp fee, including the deposit to be refunded. Other times, certain activities described in the camp brochure must be suspended or changed due to circumstances beyond our control, such as inclement weather, equipment availability, and staffing. In these situations, we adapt by offering alternate program options. Under circumstances of this type, refunds should not be expected.

can encounter.

Camp Registration Information Registration for all summer camps will be on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning February 17, 2015.

Camp McCormick, July 26–August 7, Fee Level 1: $485, Level 2: $780

Register: • Online at • By mail to GSNI Elgin Service Center, 12N124 Coombs Road, Elgin, IL 60124

What’s this?

New this year: You can choose your own adventure! You can stay at camp all week and enjoy everything Camp McCormick has to offer, or choose to add a fun-filled trip to your week!

Every Camp McCormick session includes opportunities for:

Swimming Archery Cooking Songs & Games

Nature activities Crate stacking Arts & Crafts New Friends & Fun!

10 Days, 5 Camps Girls Entering Grades 7–9 This popular road trip is back, and now with 4 more days for almost double the fun! Experience all GSNI camps have to offer! Go crate-stacking at Camp McCormick, canoeing or kayaking at Camp Dean, practice archery at Chapman Hills, complete the low-ropes course at Mary Ann Beebe Center, and rappel down the wall at Camp Far Horizons. This will be a road trip to remember! Camp McCormick, July 26–August 4, Fee Level 1: $510, Level 2: $790

Camp CEO Camp CEO (girls entering grade 10 and up) During this 6-day overnight camp, meet some of the area’s most accomplished women executives for a unique opportunity to learn what it’s really like to be a successful woman in today’s world. You’ll discover how these women started out just like you—a teen girl with dreams, goals, and everyday challenges. For more information and to complete the application process, visit Crystal Lake area (hotel accommodations), July 19–24, $150/person

• By fax to 847-741-5667

Skip this step by registering online at This form can be photo copied. Submit one form per camper per session. Registration opens February 17, 2015. Mail completed form to GSNI Elgin Service Center, 12N124 Coombs Road, Elgin, IL 60124

Camper Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Girl’s Date of Birth _______ /________ /___________ 2014-2015 School Year _________ T-shirt size (Day Camp Sessions Only): YS q PLEASE PRINT


YM q

YL q AS q AM q

Session Name Camp Name Session Session Dates Fee

AL q AXL q Amount Paying At This Time*

McCormick Only

Add-on Trip

Optional Overnight

Day Camp Only Girl Scout registration fee (due only if your camper is not currently a Girl Scout) $15**

q I will be applying for Financial Assistance


*IMPORTANT: A $50 deposit is required for each session. If a deposit is not included, registration WILL NOT be processed. Deposit is refundable ONLY if the session is not available. Address ______________________________________________________City __________________ State/Zip____________________ Home Phone ______________________________________ q Cell Parent/Guardian ______________________ Relationship___________________ Day Phone_________________________ q Work

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________ q Cell Parent/Guardian ______________________ Relationship___________________ Day Phone_________________________ q Work

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________

• In person at any GSNI Service Center

EMERGENCY INFORMATION: Parents/guardians—If you cannot be reached in case of an emergency, please list the

Deposit A $50 deposit is REQUIRED for EACH session/person registered. Deposits may be cash, check or charge. Financial Assistance or Cookie Dough/S’more Dough/Cashew Cash cannot be used as deposits. Family camps must be paid in full at time of registration.

Name ________________________________________________Relationship ____________________________________________________

Balance Due/Required Paperwork All balances and paperwork are due to a GSNI Service Center by June 1, 2015. Buddy Preference An important part of camp is making new friends. However, we understand that your camper may feel more comfortable coming to camp with a friend. Two girls who would like to attend resident camp together should: if mailing, fill in the buddy preference section on the registration form and mail the two registration forms together in the same envelope to guarantee both are registered for the program. If registering online, submit your registrations on the same day. Buddy requests must be mutual and for the same camp and session. Both campers must satisfy prerequisites. Refunds Deposits are non-refundable. A full refund, including deposit, is made only if a camper cannot be placed in a program or if it is necessary to cancel the program. At the end of the summer, partial refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis and only in the case of extenuating family circumstances or medical reasons supported by a doctor’s statement. No refunds will be made for campers arriving late, leaving early, and attending only part of the program or for those who fail to attend. Contact Emily Hall at or call 847-741-5521, Ext. 7132, for a refund request form. Financial Assistance To apply for Financial Assistance, complete the Campership Application available at Application must be submitted with $50 deposit and registration form. Initial campership application deadline is April 1, 2015, with notice of initial award sent after April 15, 2015. Additional assistance can be awarded after this deadline, if funds remain. Financial assistance is available only to registered members of GSNI. Applications will not be processed without the deposit and registration form. Cookie Dough/S’more Dough/Cashew Cash These certificates, earned by Girl Scouts through participation in GSNI product programs, may be used toward the balance of the girl’s camp fee. They may not be used for the deposit or adult camp fees.

name of a friend or relative who will be able to contact you.

Day Phone ______________________________ Evening Phone ____________________________________________________ BUDDY INFORMATION: My camper would like to be in the same group as: (List only ONE BUDDY and make sure the friend is attending the same session and that she indicates your camper’s name as a buddy reference on her application. Submit both applications together.) If registering for family camp, please list all those attending in your party and indicate whether they are youth or adult. Attach a separate sheet, when needed. Buddy’s Name_______________________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION: Form of payment: (Please indicate amount of each applicable type.) ____________ Cash ____________ Check/Money Order ____________ Credit Card ____________ Cookie Dough, etc. (not for deposit) CREDIT CARD TYPE:


q MasterCard

q Discover

Expires ___________________________________

Credit Card Number__________________________________________________________Validation Code___________________ Cardholder’s Name (PRINTED) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Address ________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip_______________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **My camper is not currently a registered Girl Scout. I have included a $15 membership fee and understand this registers my camper as a Girl Scout through 9/30/2015. This membership fee is non-refundable. OFFICE USE ONLY Amount Received $ ___________________ Date _____________ Payment processed by____________________________________________ Entered in Personify by __________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________

Camp Dean Day Camp

Camp Dean Resident Camp


Camp McCormick Resident Camp

Girls Entering Grades 1–5

Girls Entering Grades 1–7

Girls Entering Grades 4–12

CIT Apprentice (girls entering grades 7–9)

Are you excited to explore camp, but love the comfort of your own bed? Camp Dean Day

Join us for 3 or 6 days where you will stay overnight in Camp Dean’s sleeping cabins and explore

Join us for 3 or 6 days at Camp McCormick where you can stay overnight in platform tents,

Do you want to take your camp experience up a notch? Becoming a CIT Apprentice allows you to be

Camp can help! Camp Dean staff will guide you through all the fun activities we can pack in a

camp during the day. Want to give tent camping a try? All campers will have an option to sleep in

Adirondacks, or covered wagons and explore camp during the day. If outside camping cramps

a camper and take a leadership role at camp! Take the first step of your camping career and complete

day from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Want to have an overnight experience, but just for one night? There is

tents one night during their stay. You’ll enjoy classic camp activities, plus special activities based

your style, some sessions offer an indoor sleeping option! You’ll enjoy classic camp activities,

Program Aide Basic and Outdoor trainings while experiencing all your favorite camp activities.

an optional Thursday overnight for all Camp Dean Day Campers! (Overnight fee is only $25)

on the themes listed below. Camp staff will guide you through your next camp adventure!

plus extra special activities, based on the theme listed below. Camp staff will guide you through

Camp Dean, June 28–July 3, Fee Level 1: $305, Level 2: $485

your next camp adventure!

Counselor-in-Training I (girls entering grades 10–12)

Day Camp Sessions

Level 1: $135/session or

Session 1: June 22–26

Level 2: $205/session

Session 2: June 29–July 3 Session 3: July 6–10


Session 4: July 13–17

Camp program opportunities for girls are subsidized, meaning the cost of providing camp programs and operating camp is greater than the fees paid to participate. Our new flexible pricing system offers families the opportunity to help cover more of the true cost of resident camp, if they are financially able. For each session, you will see two prices:

Session 5: July 20–24 Session 6: July 27–31 Session 7: August 3–7

6-day sessions

Level 1: $160/session or

Level 1: $270/session or

Level 2: $245/session

Level 2: $415/session

Session 2a: June 28–30

Mad Scientists

Session 3: July 5–10

Rise of the Minions

Session 2b: July 1–3

Fairy Tales

Session 4: July 12–17

Hawaiian Beach Party

Session 5: July 19–24

Polar Vortex in July

Session 6: July 26–31

Camp Cook-Off

Session 7: August 2–7

CSI: Camp Scene Investigation

LEVEL 1 is the lowest cost of this program listed in the camp

Every Camp Dean session includes opportunities for:

Swimming Arts & Crafts Songs & Games

3-day sessions

Nature activities Outdoor cooking New Friends & Fun!

brochure and on the website. This covers approximately 62% of the direct costs of operating the camp program.

LEVEL 2 is closer to the true cost of operating the camp program. It

includes direct costs such as food, program supplies, living supplies, and summer staff salaries. It does not include things like buildings and grounds maintenance. Select the fee you feel is affordable and appropriate for your family. Flexible pricing choice is always kept private and does not affect the quality of your child’s experience, as both fees are for exactly the same program. The goal of offering flexible pricing options is to provide the highest quality programs possible to serve all community income levels and to preserve camp for generations to come.

Family Camps Girls Getaway

(girls entering grades 1–12, and female adults, ages 18+) Calling all Girl Scouts and their female superheroes! Ready to spend the weekend together at camp?

Ponytails at Camp Dean

We’re ready for you and your mom, aunt, grandma, or other female superhero to take part in the total camp experience, including swimming, hiking, cooking, crafting, exploring, and so much more! Camp Dean, Friday, July 10, 6 p.m.–Sunday, July 12, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person Camp Far Horizons, Friday, July 17, 6 p.m.–Saturday, July 18, 7 p.m., Fee $35/person

This is one of our most popular camp options! Join us for 3 or 6 days at Camp Dean where

Special Guy

you’ll spend time with horses in the morning (caring for them and learning to ride in an arena),

(girls entering grades 1–12, and male adults, ages 18+)

enjoy all the fun of camp in the afternoon, and stay overnight in our sleeping cabins. The

Who’s the special guy in your life? Is it dad, grandpa, uncle, older brother? Pack your bags, hit

6-day session will culminate in a trail ride field trip. GSNI Camp staff is ready to help you

the road, and make your way to Camp Dean for the weekend! You’ll keep busy with all the camp

saddle up for summer fun!

activities Camp Dean has to offer, like swimming, canoeing and kayaking, fishing, hiking, cooking,

Girls Entering Grades 4–6

Girls Entering Grades 6–8

playing games, and more!

3-day sessions

6-day session

Level 1: $235/session or

Level 1: $435/session or

Family Camp

Level 2: $360/session

Level 2: $675/session

Camp Dean, Friday, July 24, 6 p.m.–Sunday, July 26, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person

(girls entering grades 1–12, and the whole family) Round up the whole family including your aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, siblings

Session 2a: June 28–30

Session 6a: July 26–28

Session 2b: July 1–3

Session 6b: July 29–31

and cousins, and head out to camp! Spend a relaxing weekend trying all kinds of camp activities

Session 3a: July 5–7

Session 7a: August 2–4

including swimming, crafting, hiking, outdoor cooking, exploring, and more! Food will be provided,

Session 3b: July 8–10

Session 7b: August 5–7

and families will stay together in platform tents or covered wagons.

Session 5a: July 19–21 Session 5b: July 22–24

Session 4: July 12–17

Camp McCormick, Friday, July 31, 6 p.m.–Sunday, August 2, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person

3-day sessions

6-day sessions

Level 1: $160/session or

Level 1: $270/session or

Level 2: $245/session

Level 2: $415/session

Already have Program Aide Basic and Outdoor trainings under your belt? Why not continue your journey to becoming a camp counselor?! Spend two weeks with us at Camp Dean to develop your skills as an outdoor leader. This is one activity colleges can’t ignore. Help us develop new camp

Session 1b: June 24-26

Woodland Creatures

Session 2: June 28–July 3

Off to the Races*

Session 7a: August 2–4

Duct Tape Creations Part I*

Session 3: July 5–10

Wild, Wild West

Session 7b: August 5–7

Duct Tape Creations Part 2*

Session 4: July 12–17

Island Adventure

Session 5: July 19–24


Counselor-in-Training II (girls entering grades 11–12)

Session 6: July 26–31

Desserts Galore*

You’re almost there! Now’s the time to pull together all the camp leadership skills you have developed

*These sessions include an indoor sleeping option, in addition to the traditional sleeping options. Campers who choose the indoor sleeping option will live in the Friendship Center with camp friends and counselors. Please note there is no air conditioning in the Friendship Center.

Rock Climbing: Climb Devil’s Lake and overnight campout, fee: $150, girls entering grade 7 and up. Session: 2 Horseback riding: One-time trail ride, fee: $40, girls entering grades 4 and up. Sessions: 3, 5 High Adventure: Zipline and high ropes course, overnight stay at Chapman Hills, fee: $125, girls entering grades 6 and up. Session: 3 Marksmanship: Practice archery at camp before heading off-camp to try riflery, fee $25, must be at least 12 years old at time of camp session. Session: 4 Caving: Day trip to Eagle Cave and overnight campout, fee: $45, girls entering grades 5 and up. Session: 4 Whitewater Rafting: Four-hour rafting trip and overnight stay at Wildman Adventure Resort, Fee $125, Must be 12 years old at time of camp session. Session: 5

Camp Dean, July 5–17, Fee Level 1: $485, Level 2: $780

over the years. Challenge yourself to be the best you, as you are put on the spot to handle real-life camp experiences when working with younger campers and navigating obstacles a camp counselor

Add an Extra Adventure: Day at Rock Cut: Canoeing/kayaking, geocaching, and biking, fee: $35, girls entering grade 4 and up. Sessions: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7b

activities for current campers while you shape your leadership skills for the future!

Camp Information


Campers with Disabilities The goal of our camps is to provide a successful experience for all girls. Please communicate with the camp director about campers with any special needs or disabilities. This enables the camp to make every effort to accommodate those needs in their facilities with appropriate staff.


Transportation Transportation to and from camp is NOT included in any camp session. Health and Safety All Girl Scout camps in this brochure are licensed by their state and uphold state and federal health and safety codes, as well as Girl Scouts of the USA policies and standards. Camp Dean and Camp McCormick are also accredited by the American Camp Association. All camps meet industry standards for health safety, site, food service management, human resources, program design and activities. Health centers are staffed by a resident health supervisor. Unit counselors are first-aid/CPR trained. For all camps, emergency care is available at a nearby clinic or hospital. No camper, child or adult, is admitted to camp without the proper health form completed and signed. Each camp has procedures in place to monitor and respond to emergencies, including weather conditions, to ensure the health and safety of campers. Check-in/Check-out Unless otherwise noted, check-in is 2–4 p.m. on the first day of the session, and check-out is 2:30–3:30 p.m. on the last day of the session. Visitors Families are encouraged to visit camp during their scheduled Open House, prior to the start of summer camp sessions. To ensure safety and security, no visitors are allowed on site during camp sessions. Program Changes Although rare, the Girl Scout council, for a variety of reasons, may occasionally cancel a camp session. If this occurs, you can expect the entire camp fee, including the deposit to be refunded. Other times, certain activities described in the camp brochure must be suspended or changed due to circumstances beyond our control, such as inclement weather, equipment availability, and staffing. In these situations, we adapt by offering alternate program options. Under circumstances of this type, refunds should not be expected.

can encounter.

Camp Registration Information Registration for all summer camps will be on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning February 17, 2015.

Camp McCormick, July 26–August 7, Fee Level 1: $485, Level 2: $780

Register: • Online at • By mail to GSNI Elgin Service Center, 12N124 Coombs Road, Elgin, IL 60124

What’s this?

New this year: You can choose your own adventure! You can stay at camp all week and enjoy everything Camp McCormick has to offer, or choose to add a fun-filled trip to your week!

Every Camp McCormick session includes opportunities for:

Swimming Archery Cooking Songs & Games

Nature activities Crate stacking Arts & Crafts New Friends & Fun!

10 Days, 5 Camps Girls Entering Grades 7–9 This popular road trip is back, and now with 4 more days for almost double the fun! Experience all GSNI camps have to offer! Go crate-stacking at Camp McCormick, canoeing or kayaking at Camp Dean, practice archery at Chapman Hills, complete the low-ropes course at Mary Ann Beebe Center, and rappel down the wall at Camp Far Horizons. This will be a road trip to remember! Camp McCormick, July 26–August 4, Fee Level 1: $510, Level 2: $790

Camp CEO Camp CEO (girls entering grade 10 and up) During this 6-day overnight camp, meet some of the area’s most accomplished women executives for a unique opportunity to learn what it’s really like to be a successful woman in today’s world. You’ll discover how these women started out just like you—a teen girl with dreams, goals, and everyday challenges. For more information and to complete the application process, visit Crystal Lake area (hotel accommodations), July 19–24, $150/person

• By fax to 847-741-5667

Skip this step by registering online at This form can be photo copied. Submit one form per camper per session. Registration opens February 17, 2015. Mail completed form to GSNI Elgin Service Center, 12N124 Coombs Road, Elgin, IL 60124

Camper Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Girl’s Date of Birth _______ /________ /___________ 2014-2015 School Year _________ T-shirt size (Day Camp Sessions Only): YS q PLEASE PRINT


YM q

YL q AS q AM q

Session Name Camp Name Session Session Dates Fee

AL q AXL q Amount Paying At This Time*

McCormick Only

Add-on Trip

Optional Overnight

Day Camp Only Girl Scout registration fee (due only if your camper is not currently a Girl Scout) $15**

q I will be applying for Financial Assistance


*IMPORTANT: A $50 deposit is required for each session. If a deposit is not included, registration WILL NOT be processed. Deposit is refundable ONLY if the session is not available. Address ______________________________________________________City __________________ State/Zip____________________ Home Phone ______________________________________ q Cell Parent/Guardian ______________________ Relationship___________________ Day Phone_________________________ q Work

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________ q Cell Parent/Guardian ______________________ Relationship___________________ Day Phone_________________________ q Work

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________

• In person at any GSNI Service Center

EMERGENCY INFORMATION: Parents/guardians—If you cannot be reached in case of an emergency, please list the

Deposit A $50 deposit is REQUIRED for EACH session/person registered. Deposits may be cash, check or charge. Financial Assistance or Cookie Dough/S’more Dough/Cashew Cash cannot be used as deposits. Family camps must be paid in full at time of registration.

Name ________________________________________________Relationship ____________________________________________________

Balance Due/Required Paperwork All balances and paperwork are due to a GSNI Service Center by June 1, 2015. Buddy Preference An important part of camp is making new friends. However, we understand that your camper may feel more comfortable coming to camp with a friend. Two girls who would like to attend resident camp together should: if mailing, fill in the buddy preference section on the registration form and mail the two registration forms together in the same envelope to guarantee both are registered for the program. If registering online, submit your registrations on the same day. Buddy requests must be mutual and for the same camp and session. Both campers must satisfy prerequisites. Refunds Deposits are non-refundable. A full refund, including deposit, is made only if a camper cannot be placed in a program or if it is necessary to cancel the program. At the end of the summer, partial refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis and only in the case of extenuating family circumstances or medical reasons supported by a doctor’s statement. No refunds will be made for campers arriving late, leaving early, and attending only part of the program or for those who fail to attend. Contact Emily Hall at or call 847-741-5521, Ext. 7132, for a refund request form. Financial Assistance To apply for Financial Assistance, complete the Campership Application available at Application must be submitted with $50 deposit and registration form. Initial campership application deadline is April 1, 2015, with notice of initial award sent after April 15, 2015. Additional assistance can be awarded after this deadline, if funds remain. Financial assistance is available only to registered members of GSNI. Applications will not be processed without the deposit and registration form. Cookie Dough/S’more Dough/Cashew Cash These certificates, earned by Girl Scouts through participation in GSNI product programs, may be used toward the balance of the girl’s camp fee. They may not be used for the deposit or adult camp fees.

name of a friend or relative who will be able to contact you.

Day Phone ______________________________ Evening Phone ____________________________________________________ BUDDY INFORMATION: My camper would like to be in the same group as: (List only ONE BUDDY and make sure the friend is attending the same session and that she indicates your camper’s name as a buddy reference on her application. Submit both applications together.) If registering for family camp, please list all those attending in your party and indicate whether they are youth or adult. Attach a separate sheet, when needed. Buddy’s Name_______________________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION: Form of payment: (Please indicate amount of each applicable type.) ____________ Cash ____________ Check/Money Order ____________ Credit Card ____________ Cookie Dough, etc. (not for deposit) CREDIT CARD TYPE:


q MasterCard

q Discover

Expires ___________________________________

Credit Card Number__________________________________________________________Validation Code___________________ Cardholder’s Name (PRINTED) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Address ________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip_______________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **My camper is not currently a registered Girl Scout. I have included a $15 membership fee and understand this registers my camper as a Girl Scout through 9/30/2015. This membership fee is non-refundable. OFFICE USE ONLY Amount Received $ ___________________ Date _____________ Payment processed by____________________________________________ Entered in Personify by __________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________

Camp Dean Day Camp

Camp Dean Resident Camp


Camp McCormick Resident Camp

Girls Entering Grades 1–5

Girls Entering Grades 1–7

Girls Entering Grades 4–12

CIT Apprentice (girls entering grades 7–9)

Are you excited to explore camp, but love the comfort of your own bed? Camp Dean Day

Join us for 3 or 6 days where you will stay overnight in Camp Dean’s sleeping cabins and explore

Join us for 3 or 6 days at Camp McCormick where you can stay overnight in platform tents,

Do you want to take your camp experience up a notch? Becoming a CIT Apprentice allows you to be

Camp can help! Camp Dean staff will guide you through all the fun activities we can pack in a

camp during the day. Want to give tent camping a try? All campers will have an option to sleep in

Adirondacks, or covered wagons and explore camp during the day. If outside camping cramps

a camper and take a leadership role at camp! Take the first step of your camping career and complete

day from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Want to have an overnight experience, but just for one night? There is

tents one night during their stay. You’ll enjoy classic camp activities, plus special activities based

your style, some sessions offer an indoor sleeping option! You’ll enjoy classic camp activities,

Program Aide Basic and Outdoor trainings while experiencing all your favorite camp activities.

an optional Thursday overnight for all Camp Dean Day Campers! (Overnight fee is only $25)

on the themes listed below. Camp staff will guide you through your next camp adventure!

plus extra special activities, based on the theme listed below. Camp staff will guide you through

Camp Dean, June 28–July 3, Fee Level 1: $305, Level 2: $485

your next camp adventure!

Counselor-in-Training I (girls entering grades 10–12)

Day Camp Sessions

Level 1: $135/session or

Session 1: June 22–26

Level 2: $205/session

Session 2: June 29–July 3 Session 3: July 6–10


Session 4: July 13–17

Camp program opportunities for girls are subsidized, meaning the cost of providing camp programs and operating camp is greater than the fees paid to participate. Our new flexible pricing system offers families the opportunity to help cover more of the true cost of resident camp, if they are financially able. For each session, you will see two prices:

Session 5: July 20–24 Session 6: July 27–31 Session 7: August 3–7

6-day sessions

Level 1: $160/session or

Level 1: $270/session or

Level 2: $245/session

Level 2: $415/session

Session 2a: June 28–30

Mad Scientists

Session 3: July 5–10

Rise of the Minions

Session 2b: July 1–3

Fairy Tales

Session 4: July 12–17

Hawaiian Beach Party

Session 5: July 19–24

Polar Vortex in July

Session 6: July 26–31

Camp Cook-Off

Session 7: August 2–7

CSI: Camp Scene Investigation

LEVEL 1 is the lowest cost of this program listed in the camp

Every Camp Dean session includes opportunities for:

Swimming Arts & Crafts Songs & Games

3-day sessions

Nature activities Outdoor cooking New Friends & Fun!

brochure and on the website. This covers approximately 62% of the direct costs of operating the camp program.

LEVEL 2 is closer to the true cost of operating the camp program. It

includes direct costs such as food, program supplies, living supplies, and summer staff salaries. It does not include things like buildings and grounds maintenance. Select the fee you feel is affordable and appropriate for your family. Flexible pricing choice is always kept private and does not affect the quality of your child’s experience, as both fees are for exactly the same program. The goal of offering flexible pricing options is to provide the highest quality programs possible to serve all community income levels and to preserve camp for generations to come.

Family Camps Girls Getaway

(girls entering grades 1–12, and female adults, ages 18+) Calling all Girl Scouts and their female superheroes! Ready to spend the weekend together at camp?

Ponytails at Camp Dean

We’re ready for you and your mom, aunt, grandma, or other female superhero to take part in the total camp experience, including swimming, hiking, cooking, crafting, exploring, and so much more! Camp Dean, Friday, July 10, 6 p.m.–Sunday, July 12, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person Camp Far Horizons, Friday, July 17, 6 p.m.–Saturday, July 18, 7 p.m., Fee $35/person

This is one of our most popular camp options! Join us for 3 or 6 days at Camp Dean where

Special Guy

you’ll spend time with horses in the morning (caring for them and learning to ride in an arena),

(girls entering grades 1–12, and male adults, ages 18+)

enjoy all the fun of camp in the afternoon, and stay overnight in our sleeping cabins. The

Who’s the special guy in your life? Is it dad, grandpa, uncle, older brother? Pack your bags, hit

6-day session will culminate in a trail ride field trip. GSNI Camp staff is ready to help you

the road, and make your way to Camp Dean for the weekend! You’ll keep busy with all the camp

saddle up for summer fun!

activities Camp Dean has to offer, like swimming, canoeing and kayaking, fishing, hiking, cooking,

Girls Entering Grades 4–6

Girls Entering Grades 6–8

playing games, and more!

3-day sessions

6-day session

Level 1: $235/session or

Level 1: $435/session or

Family Camp

Level 2: $360/session

Level 2: $675/session

Camp Dean, Friday, July 24, 6 p.m.–Sunday, July 26, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person

(girls entering grades 1–12, and the whole family) Round up the whole family including your aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, siblings

Session 2a: June 28–30

Session 6a: July 26–28

Session 2b: July 1–3

Session 6b: July 29–31

and cousins, and head out to camp! Spend a relaxing weekend trying all kinds of camp activities

Session 3a: July 5–7

Session 7a: August 2–4

including swimming, crafting, hiking, outdoor cooking, exploring, and more! Food will be provided,

Session 3b: July 8–10

Session 7b: August 5–7

and families will stay together in platform tents or covered wagons.

Session 5a: July 19–21 Session 5b: July 22–24

Session 4: July 12–17

Camp McCormick, Friday, July 31, 6 p.m.–Sunday, August 2, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person

3-day sessions

6-day sessions

Level 1: $160/session or

Level 1: $270/session or

Level 2: $245/session

Level 2: $415/session

Already have Program Aide Basic and Outdoor trainings under your belt? Why not continue your journey to becoming a camp counselor?! Spend two weeks with us at Camp Dean to develop your skills as an outdoor leader. This is one activity colleges can’t ignore. Help us develop new camp

Session 1b: June 24-26

Woodland Creatures

Session 2: June 28–July 3

Off to the Races*

Session 7a: August 2–4

Duct Tape Creations Part I*

Session 3: July 5–10

Wild, Wild West

Session 7b: August 5–7

Duct Tape Creations Part 2*

Session 4: July 12–17

Island Adventure

Session 5: July 19–24


Counselor-in-Training II (girls entering grades 11–12)

Session 6: July 26–31

Desserts Galore*

You’re almost there! Now’s the time to pull together all the camp leadership skills you have developed

*These sessions include an indoor sleeping option, in addition to the traditional sleeping options. Campers who choose the indoor sleeping option will live in the Friendship Center with camp friends and counselors. Please note there is no air conditioning in the Friendship Center.

Rock Climbing: Climb Devil’s Lake and overnight campout, fee: $150, girls entering grade 7 and up. Session: 2 Horseback riding: One-time trail ride, fee: $40, girls entering grades 4 and up. Sessions: 3, 5 High Adventure: Zipline and high ropes course, overnight stay at Chapman Hills, fee: $125, girls entering grades 6 and up. Session: 3 Marksmanship: Practice archery at camp before heading off-camp to try riflery, fee $25, must be at least 12 years old at time of camp session. Session: 4 Caving: Day trip to Eagle Cave and overnight campout, fee: $45, girls entering grades 5 and up. Session: 4 Whitewater Rafting: Four-hour rafting trip and overnight stay at Wildman Adventure Resort, Fee $125, Must be 12 years old at time of camp session. Session: 5

Camp Dean, July 5–17, Fee Level 1: $485, Level 2: $780

over the years. Challenge yourself to be the best you, as you are put on the spot to handle real-life camp experiences when working with younger campers and navigating obstacles a camp counselor

Add an Extra Adventure: Day at Rock Cut: Canoeing/kayaking, geocaching, and biking, fee: $35, girls entering grade 4 and up. Sessions: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7b

activities for current campers while you shape your leadership skills for the future!

Camp Information


Campers with Disabilities The goal of our camps is to provide a successful experience for all girls. Please communicate with the camp director about campers with any special needs or disabilities. This enables the camp to make every effort to accommodate those needs in their facilities with appropriate staff.


Transportation Transportation to and from camp is NOT included in any camp session. Health and Safety All Girl Scout camps in this brochure are licensed by their state and uphold state and federal health and safety codes, as well as Girl Scouts of the USA policies and standards. Camp Dean and Camp McCormick are also accredited by the American Camp Association. All camps meet industry standards for health safety, site, food service management, human resources, program design and activities. Health centers are staffed by a resident health supervisor. Unit counselors are first-aid/CPR trained. For all camps, emergency care is available at a nearby clinic or hospital. No camper, child or adult, is admitted to camp without the proper health form completed and signed. Each camp has procedures in place to monitor and respond to emergencies, including weather conditions, to ensure the health and safety of campers. Check-in/Check-out Unless otherwise noted, check-in is 2–4 p.m. on the first day of the session, and check-out is 2:30–3:30 p.m. on the last day of the session. Visitors Families are encouraged to visit camp during their scheduled Open House, prior to the start of summer camp sessions. To ensure safety and security, no visitors are allowed on site during camp sessions. Program Changes Although rare, the Girl Scout council, for a variety of reasons, may occasionally cancel a camp session. If this occurs, you can expect the entire camp fee, including the deposit to be refunded. Other times, certain activities described in the camp brochure must be suspended or changed due to circumstances beyond our control, such as inclement weather, equipment availability, and staffing. In these situations, we adapt by offering alternate program options. Under circumstances of this type, refunds should not be expected.

can encounter.

Camp Registration Information Registration for all summer camps will be on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning February 17, 2015.

Camp McCormick, July 26–August 7, Fee Level 1: $485, Level 2: $780

Register: • Online at • By mail to GSNI Elgin Service Center, 12N124 Coombs Road, Elgin, IL 60124

What’s this?

New this year: You can choose your own adventure! You can stay at camp all week and enjoy everything Camp McCormick has to offer, or choose to add a fun-filled trip to your week!

Every Camp McCormick session includes opportunities for:

Swimming Archery Cooking Songs & Games

Nature activities Crate stacking Arts & Crafts New Friends & Fun!

10 Days, 5 Camps Girls Entering Grades 7–9 This popular road trip is back, and now with 4 more days for almost double the fun! Experience all GSNI camps have to offer! Go crate-stacking at Camp McCormick, canoeing or kayaking at Camp Dean, practice archery at Chapman Hills, complete the low-ropes course at Mary Ann Beebe Center, and rappel down the wall at Camp Far Horizons. This will be a road trip to remember! Camp McCormick, July 26–August 4, Fee Level 1: $510, Level 2: $790

Camp CEO Camp CEO (girls entering grade 10 and up) During this 6-day overnight camp, meet some of the area’s most accomplished women executives for a unique opportunity to learn what it’s really like to be a successful woman in today’s world. You’ll discover how these women started out just like you—a teen girl with dreams, goals, and everyday challenges. For more information and to complete the application process, visit Crystal Lake area (hotel accommodations), July 19–24, $150/person

• By fax to 847-741-5667

Skip this step by registering online at This form can be photo copied. Submit one form per camper per session. Registration opens February 17, 2015. Mail completed form to GSNI Elgin Service Center, 12N124 Coombs Road, Elgin, IL 60124

Camper Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Girl’s Date of Birth _______ /________ /___________ 2014-2015 School Year _________ T-shirt size (Day Camp Sessions Only): YS q PLEASE PRINT


YM q

YL q AS q AM q

Session Name Camp Name Session Session Dates Fee

AL q AXL q Amount Paying At This Time*

McCormick Only

Add-on Trip

Optional Overnight

Day Camp Only Girl Scout registration fee (due only if your camper is not currently a Girl Scout) $15**

q I will be applying for Financial Assistance


*IMPORTANT: A $50 deposit is required for each session. If a deposit is not included, registration WILL NOT be processed. Deposit is refundable ONLY if the session is not available. Address ______________________________________________________City __________________ State/Zip____________________ Home Phone ______________________________________ q Cell Parent/Guardian ______________________ Relationship___________________ Day Phone_________________________ q Work

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________ q Cell Parent/Guardian ______________________ Relationship___________________ Day Phone_________________________ q Work

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________

• In person at any GSNI Service Center

EMERGENCY INFORMATION: Parents/guardians—If you cannot be reached in case of an emergency, please list the

Deposit A $50 deposit is REQUIRED for EACH session/person registered. Deposits may be cash, check or charge. Financial Assistance or Cookie Dough/S’more Dough/Cashew Cash cannot be used as deposits. Family camps must be paid in full at time of registration.

Name ________________________________________________Relationship ____________________________________________________

Balance Due/Required Paperwork All balances and paperwork are due to a GSNI Service Center by June 1, 2015. Buddy Preference An important part of camp is making new friends. However, we understand that your camper may feel more comfortable coming to camp with a friend. Two girls who would like to attend resident camp together should: if mailing, fill in the buddy preference section on the registration form and mail the two registration forms together in the same envelope to guarantee both are registered for the program. If registering online, submit your registrations on the same day. Buddy requests must be mutual and for the same camp and session. Both campers must satisfy prerequisites. Refunds Deposits are non-refundable. A full refund, including deposit, is made only if a camper cannot be placed in a program or if it is necessary to cancel the program. At the end of the summer, partial refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis and only in the case of extenuating family circumstances or medical reasons supported by a doctor’s statement. No refunds will be made for campers arriving late, leaving early, and attending only part of the program or for those who fail to attend. Contact Emily Hall at or call 847-741-5521, Ext. 7132, for a refund request form. Financial Assistance To apply for Financial Assistance, complete the Campership Application available at Application must be submitted with $50 deposit and registration form. Initial campership application deadline is April 1, 2015, with notice of initial award sent after April 15, 2015. Additional assistance can be awarded after this deadline, if funds remain. Financial assistance is available only to registered members of GSNI. Applications will not be processed without the deposit and registration form. Cookie Dough/S’more Dough/Cashew Cash These certificates, earned by Girl Scouts through participation in GSNI product programs, may be used toward the balance of the girl’s camp fee. They may not be used for the deposit or adult camp fees.

name of a friend or relative who will be able to contact you.

Day Phone ______________________________ Evening Phone ____________________________________________________ BUDDY INFORMATION: My camper would like to be in the same group as: (List only ONE BUDDY and make sure the friend is attending the same session and that she indicates your camper’s name as a buddy reference on her application. Submit both applications together.) If registering for family camp, please list all those attending in your party and indicate whether they are youth or adult. Attach a separate sheet, when needed. Buddy’s Name_______________________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION: Form of payment: (Please indicate amount of each applicable type.) ____________ Cash ____________ Check/Money Order ____________ Credit Card ____________ Cookie Dough, etc. (not for deposit) CREDIT CARD TYPE:


q MasterCard

q Discover

Expires ___________________________________

Credit Card Number__________________________________________________________Validation Code___________________ Cardholder’s Name (PRINTED) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Address ________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip_______________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **My camper is not currently a registered Girl Scout. I have included a $15 membership fee and understand this registers my camper as a Girl Scout through 9/30/2015. This membership fee is non-refundable. OFFICE USE ONLY Amount Received $ ___________________ Date _____________ Payment processed by____________________________________________ Entered in Personify by __________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________

Camp Dean Day Camp

Camp Dean Resident Camp


Camp McCormick Resident Camp

Girls Entering Grades 1–5

Girls Entering Grades 1–7

Girls Entering Grades 4–12

CIT Apprentice (girls entering grades 7–9)

Are you excited to explore camp, but love the comfort of your own bed? Camp Dean Day

Join us for 3 or 6 days where you will stay overnight in Camp Dean’s sleeping cabins and explore

Join us for 3 or 6 days at Camp McCormick where you can stay overnight in platform tents,

Do you want to take your camp experience up a notch? Becoming a CIT Apprentice allows you to be

Camp can help! Camp Dean staff will guide you through all the fun activities we can pack in a

camp during the day. Want to give tent camping a try? All campers will have an option to sleep in

Adirondacks, or covered wagons and explore camp during the day. If outside camping cramps

a camper and take a leadership role at camp! Take the first step of your camping career and complete

day from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Want to have an overnight experience, but just for one night? There is

tents one night during their stay. You’ll enjoy classic camp activities, plus special activities based

your style, some sessions offer an indoor sleeping option! You’ll enjoy classic camp activities,

Program Aide Basic and Outdoor trainings while experiencing all your favorite camp activities.

an optional Thursday overnight for all Camp Dean Day Campers! (Overnight fee is only $25)

on the themes listed below. Camp staff will guide you through your next camp adventure!

plus extra special activities, based on the theme listed below. Camp staff will guide you through

Camp Dean, June 28–July 3, Fee Level 1: $305, Level 2: $485

your next camp adventure!

Counselor-in-Training I (girls entering grades 10–12)

Day Camp Sessions

Level 1: $135/session or

Session 1: June 22–26

Level 2: $205/session

Session 2: June 29–July 3 Session 3: July 6–10


Session 4: July 13–17

Camp program opportunities for girls are subsidized, meaning the cost of providing camp programs and operating camp is greater than the fees paid to participate. Our new flexible pricing system offers families the opportunity to help cover more of the true cost of resident camp, if they are financially able. For each session, you will see two prices:

Session 5: July 20–24 Session 6: July 27–31 Session 7: August 3–7

6-day sessions

Level 1: $160/session or

Level 1: $270/session or

Level 2: $245/session

Level 2: $415/session

Session 2a: June 28–30

Mad Scientists

Session 3: July 5–10

Rise of the Minions

Session 2b: July 1–3

Fairy Tales

Session 4: July 12–17

Hawaiian Beach Party

Session 5: July 19–24

Polar Vortex in July

Session 6: July 26–31

Camp Cook-Off

Session 7: August 2–7

CSI: Camp Scene Investigation

LEVEL 1 is the lowest cost of this program listed in the camp

Every Camp Dean session includes opportunities for:

Swimming Arts & Crafts Songs & Games

3-day sessions

Nature activities Outdoor cooking New Friends & Fun!

brochure and on the website. This covers approximately 62% of the direct costs of operating the camp program.

LEVEL 2 is closer to the true cost of operating the camp program. It

includes direct costs such as food, program supplies, living supplies, and summer staff salaries. It does not include things like buildings and grounds maintenance. Select the fee you feel is affordable and appropriate for your family. Flexible pricing choice is always kept private and does not affect the quality of your child’s experience, as both fees are for exactly the same program. The goal of offering flexible pricing options is to provide the highest quality programs possible to serve all community income levels and to preserve camp for generations to come.

Family Camps Girls Getaway

(girls entering grades 1–12, and female adults, ages 18+) Calling all Girl Scouts and their female superheroes! Ready to spend the weekend together at camp?

Ponytails at Camp Dean

We’re ready for you and your mom, aunt, grandma, or other female superhero to take part in the total camp experience, including swimming, hiking, cooking, crafting, exploring, and so much more! Camp Dean, Friday, July 10, 6 p.m.–Sunday, July 12, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person Camp Far Horizons, Friday, July 17, 6 p.m.–Saturday, July 18, 7 p.m., Fee $35/person

This is one of our most popular camp options! Join us for 3 or 6 days at Camp Dean where

Special Guy

you’ll spend time with horses in the morning (caring for them and learning to ride in an arena),

(girls entering grades 1–12, and male adults, ages 18+)

enjoy all the fun of camp in the afternoon, and stay overnight in our sleeping cabins. The

Who’s the special guy in your life? Is it dad, grandpa, uncle, older brother? Pack your bags, hit

6-day session will culminate in a trail ride field trip. GSNI Camp staff is ready to help you

the road, and make your way to Camp Dean for the weekend! You’ll keep busy with all the camp

saddle up for summer fun!

activities Camp Dean has to offer, like swimming, canoeing and kayaking, fishing, hiking, cooking,

Girls Entering Grades 4–6

Girls Entering Grades 6–8

playing games, and more!

3-day sessions

6-day session

Level 1: $235/session or

Level 1: $435/session or

Family Camp

Level 2: $360/session

Level 2: $675/session

Camp Dean, Friday, July 24, 6 p.m.–Sunday, July 26, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person

(girls entering grades 1–12, and the whole family) Round up the whole family including your aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, siblings

Session 2a: June 28–30

Session 6a: July 26–28

Session 2b: July 1–3

Session 6b: July 29–31

and cousins, and head out to camp! Spend a relaxing weekend trying all kinds of camp activities

Session 3a: July 5–7

Session 7a: August 2–4

including swimming, crafting, hiking, outdoor cooking, exploring, and more! Food will be provided,

Session 3b: July 8–10

Session 7b: August 5–7

and families will stay together in platform tents or covered wagons.

Session 5a: July 19–21 Session 5b: July 22–24

Session 4: July 12–17

Camp McCormick, Friday, July 31, 6 p.m.–Sunday, August 2, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person

3-day sessions

6-day sessions

Level 1: $160/session or

Level 1: $270/session or

Level 2: $245/session

Level 2: $415/session

Already have Program Aide Basic and Outdoor trainings under your belt? Why not continue your journey to becoming a camp counselor?! Spend two weeks with us at Camp Dean to develop your skills as an outdoor leader. This is one activity colleges can’t ignore. Help us develop new camp

Session 1b: June 24-26

Woodland Creatures

Session 2: June 28–July 3

Off to the Races*

Session 7a: August 2–4

Duct Tape Creations Part I*

Session 3: July 5–10

Wild, Wild West

Session 7b: August 5–7

Duct Tape Creations Part 2*

Session 4: July 12–17

Island Adventure

Session 5: July 19–24


Counselor-in-Training II (girls entering grades 11–12)

Session 6: July 26–31

Desserts Galore*

You’re almost there! Now’s the time to pull together all the camp leadership skills you have developed

*These sessions include an indoor sleeping option, in addition to the traditional sleeping options. Campers who choose the indoor sleeping option will live in the Friendship Center with camp friends and counselors. Please note there is no air conditioning in the Friendship Center.

Rock Climbing: Climb Devil’s Lake and overnight campout, fee: $150, girls entering grade 7 and up. Session: 2 Horseback riding: One-time trail ride, fee: $40, girls entering grades 4 and up. Sessions: 3, 5 High Adventure: Zipline and high ropes course, overnight stay at Chapman Hills, fee: $125, girls entering grades 6 and up. Session: 3 Marksmanship: Practice archery at camp before heading off-camp to try riflery, fee $25, must be at least 12 years old at time of camp session. Session: 4 Caving: Day trip to Eagle Cave and overnight campout, fee: $45, girls entering grades 5 and up. Session: 4 Whitewater Rafting: Four-hour rafting trip and overnight stay at Wildman Adventure Resort, Fee $125, Must be 12 years old at time of camp session. Session: 5

Camp Dean, July 5–17, Fee Level 1: $485, Level 2: $780

over the years. Challenge yourself to be the best you, as you are put on the spot to handle real-life camp experiences when working with younger campers and navigating obstacles a camp counselor

Add an Extra Adventure: Day at Rock Cut: Canoeing/kayaking, geocaching, and biking, fee: $35, girls entering grade 4 and up. Sessions: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7b

activities for current campers while you shape your leadership skills for the future!

Camp Information


Campers with Disabilities The goal of our camps is to provide a successful experience for all girls. Please communicate with the camp director about campers with any special needs or disabilities. This enables the camp to make every effort to accommodate those needs in their facilities with appropriate staff.


Transportation Transportation to and from camp is NOT included in any camp session. Health and Safety All Girl Scout camps in this brochure are licensed by their state and uphold state and federal health and safety codes, as well as Girl Scouts of the USA policies and standards. Camp Dean and Camp McCormick are also accredited by the American Camp Association. All camps meet industry standards for health safety, site, food service management, human resources, program design and activities. Health centers are staffed by a resident health supervisor. Unit counselors are first-aid/CPR trained. For all camps, emergency care is available at a nearby clinic or hospital. No camper, child or adult, is admitted to camp without the proper health form completed and signed. Each camp has procedures in place to monitor and respond to emergencies, including weather conditions, to ensure the health and safety of campers. Check-in/Check-out Unless otherwise noted, check-in is 2–4 p.m. on the first day of the session, and check-out is 2:30–3:30 p.m. on the last day of the session. Visitors Families are encouraged to visit camp during their scheduled Open House, prior to the start of summer camp sessions. To ensure safety and security, no visitors are allowed on site during camp sessions. Program Changes Although rare, the Girl Scout council, for a variety of reasons, may occasionally cancel a camp session. If this occurs, you can expect the entire camp fee, including the deposit to be refunded. Other times, certain activities described in the camp brochure must be suspended or changed due to circumstances beyond our control, such as inclement weather, equipment availability, and staffing. In these situations, we adapt by offering alternate program options. Under circumstances of this type, refunds should not be expected.

can encounter.

Camp Registration Information Registration for all summer camps will be on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning February 17, 2015.

Camp McCormick, July 26–August 7, Fee Level 1: $485, Level 2: $780

Register: • Online at • By mail to GSNI Elgin Service Center, 12N124 Coombs Road, Elgin, IL 60124

What’s this?

New this year: You can choose your own adventure! You can stay at camp all week and enjoy everything Camp McCormick has to offer, or choose to add a fun-filled trip to your week!

Every Camp McCormick session includes opportunities for:

Swimming Archery Cooking Songs & Games

Nature activities Crate stacking Arts & Crafts New Friends & Fun!

10 Days, 5 Camps Girls Entering Grades 7–9 This popular road trip is back, and now with 4 more days for almost double the fun! Experience all GSNI camps have to offer! Go crate-stacking at Camp McCormick, canoeing or kayaking at Camp Dean, practice archery at Chapman Hills, complete the low-ropes course at Mary Ann Beebe Center, and rappel down the wall at Camp Far Horizons. This will be a road trip to remember! Camp McCormick, July 26–August 4, Fee Level 1: $510, Level 2: $790

Camp CEO Camp CEO (girls entering grade 10 and up) During this 6-day overnight camp, meet some of the area’s most accomplished women executives for a unique opportunity to learn what it’s really like to be a successful woman in today’s world. You’ll discover how these women started out just like you—a teen girl with dreams, goals, and everyday challenges. For more information and to complete the application process, visit Crystal Lake area (hotel accommodations), July 19–24, $150/person

• By fax to 847-741-5667

Skip this step by registering online at This form can be photo copied. Submit one form per camper per session. Registration opens February 17, 2015. Mail completed form to GSNI Elgin Service Center, 12N124 Coombs Road, Elgin, IL 60124

Camper Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Girl’s Date of Birth _______ /________ /___________ 2014-2015 School Year _________ T-shirt size (Day Camp Sessions Only): YS q PLEASE PRINT


YM q

YL q AS q AM q

Session Name Camp Name Session Session Dates Fee

AL q AXL q Amount Paying At This Time*

McCormick Only

Add-on Trip

Optional Overnight

Day Camp Only Girl Scout registration fee (due only if your camper is not currently a Girl Scout) $15**

q I will be applying for Financial Assistance


*IMPORTANT: A $50 deposit is required for each session. If a deposit is not included, registration WILL NOT be processed. Deposit is refundable ONLY if the session is not available. Address ______________________________________________________City __________________ State/Zip____________________ Home Phone ______________________________________ q Cell Parent/Guardian ______________________ Relationship___________________ Day Phone_________________________ q Work

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________ q Cell Parent/Guardian ______________________ Relationship___________________ Day Phone_________________________ q Work

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________

• In person at any GSNI Service Center

EMERGENCY INFORMATION: Parents/guardians—If you cannot be reached in case of an emergency, please list the

Deposit A $50 deposit is REQUIRED for EACH session/person registered. Deposits may be cash, check or charge. Financial Assistance or Cookie Dough/S’more Dough/Cashew Cash cannot be used as deposits. Family camps must be paid in full at time of registration.

Name ________________________________________________Relationship ____________________________________________________

Balance Due/Required Paperwork All balances and paperwork are due to a GSNI Service Center by June 1, 2015. Buddy Preference An important part of camp is making new friends. However, we understand that your camper may feel more comfortable coming to camp with a friend. Two girls who would like to attend resident camp together should: if mailing, fill in the buddy preference section on the registration form and mail the two registration forms together in the same envelope to guarantee both are registered for the program. If registering online, submit your registrations on the same day. Buddy requests must be mutual and for the same camp and session. Both campers must satisfy prerequisites. Refunds Deposits are non-refundable. A full refund, including deposit, is made only if a camper cannot be placed in a program or if it is necessary to cancel the program. At the end of the summer, partial refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis and only in the case of extenuating family circumstances or medical reasons supported by a doctor’s statement. No refunds will be made for campers arriving late, leaving early, and attending only part of the program or for those who fail to attend. Contact Emily Hall at or call 847-741-5521, Ext. 7132, for a refund request form. Financial Assistance To apply for Financial Assistance, complete the Campership Application available at Application must be submitted with $50 deposit and registration form. Initial campership application deadline is April 1, 2015, with notice of initial award sent after April 15, 2015. Additional assistance can be awarded after this deadline, if funds remain. Financial assistance is available only to registered members of GSNI. Applications will not be processed without the deposit and registration form. Cookie Dough/S’more Dough/Cashew Cash These certificates, earned by Girl Scouts through participation in GSNI product programs, may be used toward the balance of the girl’s camp fee. They may not be used for the deposit or adult camp fees.

name of a friend or relative who will be able to contact you.

Day Phone ______________________________ Evening Phone ____________________________________________________ BUDDY INFORMATION: My camper would like to be in the same group as: (List only ONE BUDDY and make sure the friend is attending the same session and that she indicates your camper’s name as a buddy reference on her application. Submit both applications together.) If registering for family camp, please list all those attending in your party and indicate whether they are youth or adult. Attach a separate sheet, when needed. Buddy’s Name_______________________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION: Form of payment: (Please indicate amount of each applicable type.) ____________ Cash ____________ Check/Money Order ____________ Credit Card ____________ Cookie Dough, etc. (not for deposit) CREDIT CARD TYPE:


q MasterCard

q Discover

Expires ___________________________________

Credit Card Number__________________________________________________________Validation Code___________________ Cardholder’s Name (PRINTED) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Address ________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip_______________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **My camper is not currently a registered Girl Scout. I have included a $15 membership fee and understand this registers my camper as a Girl Scout through 9/30/2015. This membership fee is non-refundable. OFFICE USE ONLY Amount Received $ ___________________ Date _____________ Payment processed by____________________________________________ Entered in Personify by __________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________

Camp Dean Day Camp

Camp Dean Resident Camp


Camp McCormick Resident Camp

Girls Entering Grades 1–5

Girls Entering Grades 1–7

Girls Entering Grades 4–12

CIT Apprentice (girls entering grades 7–9)

Are you excited to explore camp, but love the comfort of your own bed? Camp Dean Day

Join us for 3 or 6 days where you will stay overnight in Camp Dean’s sleeping cabins and explore

Join us for 3 or 6 days at Camp McCormick where you can stay overnight in platform tents,

Do you want to take your camp experience up a notch? Becoming a CIT Apprentice allows you to be

Camp can help! Camp Dean staff will guide you through all the fun activities we can pack in a

camp during the day. Want to give tent camping a try? All campers will have an option to sleep in

Adirondacks, or covered wagons and explore camp during the day. If outside camping cramps

a camper and take a leadership role at camp! Take the first step of your camping career and complete

day from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Want to have an overnight experience, but just for one night? There is

tents one night during their stay. You’ll enjoy classic camp activities, plus special activities based

your style, some sessions offer an indoor sleeping option! You’ll enjoy classic camp activities,

Program Aide Basic and Outdoor trainings while experiencing all your favorite camp activities.

an optional Thursday overnight for all Camp Dean Day Campers! (Overnight fee is only $25)

on the themes listed below. Camp staff will guide you through your next camp adventure!

plus extra special activities, based on the theme listed below. Camp staff will guide you through

Camp Dean, June 28–July 3, Fee Level 1: $305, Level 2: $485

your next camp adventure!

Counselor-in-Training I (girls entering grades 10–12)

Day Camp Sessions

Level 1: $135/session or

Session 1: June 22–26

Level 2: $205/session

Session 2: June 29–July 3 Session 3: July 6–10


Session 4: July 13–17

Camp program opportunities for girls are subsidized, meaning the cost of providing camp programs and operating camp is greater than the fees paid to participate. Our new flexible pricing system offers families the opportunity to help cover more of the true cost of resident camp, if they are financially able. For each session, you will see two prices:

Session 5: July 20–24 Session 6: July 27–31 Session 7: August 3–7

6-day sessions

Level 1: $160/session or

Level 1: $270/session or

Level 2: $245/session

Level 2: $415/session

Session 2a: June 28–30

Mad Scientists

Session 3: July 5–10

Rise of the Minions

Session 2b: July 1–3

Fairy Tales

Session 4: July 12–17

Hawaiian Beach Party

Session 5: July 19–24

Polar Vortex in July

Session 6: July 26–31

Camp Cook-Off

Session 7: August 2–7

CSI: Camp Scene Investigation

LEVEL 1 is the lowest cost of this program listed in the camp

Every Camp Dean session includes opportunities for:

Swimming Arts & Crafts Songs & Games

3-day sessions

Nature activities Outdoor cooking New Friends & Fun!

brochure and on the website. This covers approximately 62% of the direct costs of operating the camp program.

LEVEL 2 is closer to the true cost of operating the camp program. It

includes direct costs such as food, program supplies, living supplies, and summer staff salaries. It does not include things like buildings and grounds maintenance. Select the fee you feel is affordable and appropriate for your family. Flexible pricing choice is always kept private and does not affect the quality of your child’s experience, as both fees are for exactly the same program. The goal of offering flexible pricing options is to provide the highest quality programs possible to serve all community income levels and to preserve camp for generations to come.

Family Camps Girls Getaway

(girls entering grades 1–12, and female adults, ages 18+) Calling all Girl Scouts and their female superheroes! Ready to spend the weekend together at camp?

Ponytails at Camp Dean

We’re ready for you and your mom, aunt, grandma, or other female superhero to take part in the total camp experience, including swimming, hiking, cooking, crafting, exploring, and so much more! Camp Dean, Friday, July 10, 6 p.m.–Sunday, July 12, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person Camp Far Horizons, Friday, July 17, 6 p.m.–Saturday, July 18, 7 p.m., Fee $35/person

This is one of our most popular camp options! Join us for 3 or 6 days at Camp Dean where

Special Guy

you’ll spend time with horses in the morning (caring for them and learning to ride in an arena),

(girls entering grades 1–12, and male adults, ages 18+)

enjoy all the fun of camp in the afternoon, and stay overnight in our sleeping cabins. The

Who’s the special guy in your life? Is it dad, grandpa, uncle, older brother? Pack your bags, hit

6-day session will culminate in a trail ride field trip. GSNI Camp staff is ready to help you

the road, and make your way to Camp Dean for the weekend! You’ll keep busy with all the camp

saddle up for summer fun!

activities Camp Dean has to offer, like swimming, canoeing and kayaking, fishing, hiking, cooking,

Girls Entering Grades 4–6

Girls Entering Grades 6–8

playing games, and more!

3-day sessions

6-day session

Level 1: $235/session or

Level 1: $435/session or

Family Camp

Level 2: $360/session

Level 2: $675/session

Camp Dean, Friday, July 24, 6 p.m.–Sunday, July 26, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person

(girls entering grades 1–12, and the whole family) Round up the whole family including your aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, siblings

Session 2a: June 28–30

Session 6a: July 26–28

Session 2b: July 1–3

Session 6b: July 29–31

and cousins, and head out to camp! Spend a relaxing weekend trying all kinds of camp activities

Session 3a: July 5–7

Session 7a: August 2–4

including swimming, crafting, hiking, outdoor cooking, exploring, and more! Food will be provided,

Session 3b: July 8–10

Session 7b: August 5–7

and families will stay together in platform tents or covered wagons.

Session 5a: July 19–21 Session 5b: July 22–24

Session 4: July 12–17

Camp McCormick, Friday, July 31, 6 p.m.–Sunday, August 2, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person

3-day sessions

6-day sessions

Level 1: $160/session or

Level 1: $270/session or

Level 2: $245/session

Level 2: $415/session

Already have Program Aide Basic and Outdoor trainings under your belt? Why not continue your journey to becoming a camp counselor?! Spend two weeks with us at Camp Dean to develop your skills as an outdoor leader. This is one activity colleges can’t ignore. Help us develop new camp

Session 1b: June 24-26

Woodland Creatures

Session 2: June 28–July 3

Off to the Races*

Session 7a: August 2–4

Duct Tape Creations Part I*

Session 3: July 5–10

Wild, Wild West

Session 7b: August 5–7

Duct Tape Creations Part 2*

Session 4: July 12–17

Island Adventure

Session 5: July 19–24


Counselor-in-Training II (girls entering grades 11–12)

Session 6: July 26–31

Desserts Galore*

You’re almost there! Now’s the time to pull together all the camp leadership skills you have developed

*These sessions include an indoor sleeping option, in addition to the traditional sleeping options. Campers who choose the indoor sleeping option will live in the Friendship Center with camp friends and counselors. Please note there is no air conditioning in the Friendship Center.

Rock Climbing: Climb Devil’s Lake and overnight campout, fee: $150, girls entering grade 7 and up. Session: 2 Horseback riding: One-time trail ride, fee: $40, girls entering grades 4 and up. Sessions: 3, 5 High Adventure: Zipline and high ropes course, overnight stay at Chapman Hills, fee: $125, girls entering grades 6 and up. Session: 3 Marksmanship: Practice archery at camp before heading off-camp to try riflery, fee $25, must be at least 12 years old at time of camp session. Session: 4 Caving: Day trip to Eagle Cave and overnight campout, fee: $45, girls entering grades 5 and up. Session: 4 Whitewater Rafting: Four-hour rafting trip and overnight stay at Wildman Adventure Resort, Fee $125, Must be 12 years old at time of camp session. Session: 5

Camp Dean, July 5–17, Fee Level 1: $485, Level 2: $780

over the years. Challenge yourself to be the best you, as you are put on the spot to handle real-life camp experiences when working with younger campers and navigating obstacles a camp counselor

Add an Extra Adventure: Day at Rock Cut: Canoeing/kayaking, geocaching, and biking, fee: $35, girls entering grade 4 and up. Sessions: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7b

activities for current campers while you shape your leadership skills for the future!

Camp Information


Campers with Disabilities The goal of our camps is to provide a successful experience for all girls. Please communicate with the camp director about campers with any special needs or disabilities. This enables the camp to make every effort to accommodate those needs in their facilities with appropriate staff.


Transportation Transportation to and from camp is NOT included in any camp session. Health and Safety All Girl Scout camps in this brochure are licensed by their state and uphold state and federal health and safety codes, as well as Girl Scouts of the USA policies and standards. Camp Dean and Camp McCormick are also accredited by the American Camp Association. All camps meet industry standards for health safety, site, food service management, human resources, program design and activities. Health centers are staffed by a resident health supervisor. Unit counselors are first-aid/CPR trained. For all camps, emergency care is available at a nearby clinic or hospital. No camper, child or adult, is admitted to camp without the proper health form completed and signed. Each camp has procedures in place to monitor and respond to emergencies, including weather conditions, to ensure the health and safety of campers. Check-in/Check-out Unless otherwise noted, check-in is 2–4 p.m. on the first day of the session, and check-out is 2:30–3:30 p.m. on the last day of the session. Visitors Families are encouraged to visit camp during their scheduled Open House, prior to the start of summer camp sessions. To ensure safety and security, no visitors are allowed on site during camp sessions. Program Changes Although rare, the Girl Scout council, for a variety of reasons, may occasionally cancel a camp session. If this occurs, you can expect the entire camp fee, including the deposit to be refunded. Other times, certain activities described in the camp brochure must be suspended or changed due to circumstances beyond our control, such as inclement weather, equipment availability, and staffing. In these situations, we adapt by offering alternate program options. Under circumstances of this type, refunds should not be expected.

can encounter.

Camp Registration Information Registration for all summer camps will be on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning February 17, 2015.

Camp McCormick, July 26–August 7, Fee Level 1: $485, Level 2: $780

Register: • Online at • By mail to GSNI Elgin Service Center, 12N124 Coombs Road, Elgin, IL 60124

What’s this?

New this year: You can choose your own adventure! You can stay at camp all week and enjoy everything Camp McCormick has to offer, or choose to add a fun-filled trip to your week!

Every Camp McCormick session includes opportunities for:

Swimming Archery Cooking Songs & Games

Nature activities Crate stacking Arts & Crafts New Friends & Fun!

10 Days, 5 Camps Girls Entering Grades 7–9 This popular road trip is back, and now with 4 more days for almost double the fun! Experience all GSNI camps have to offer! Go crate-stacking at Camp McCormick, canoeing or kayaking at Camp Dean, practice archery at Chapman Hills, complete the low-ropes course at Mary Ann Beebe Center, and rappel down the wall at Camp Far Horizons. This will be a road trip to remember! Camp McCormick, July 26–August 4, Fee Level 1: $510, Level 2: $790

Camp CEO Camp CEO (girls entering grade 10 and up) During this 6-day overnight camp, meet some of the area’s most accomplished women executives for a unique opportunity to learn what it’s really like to be a successful woman in today’s world. You’ll discover how these women started out just like you—a teen girl with dreams, goals, and everyday challenges. For more information and to complete the application process, visit Crystal Lake area (hotel accommodations), July 19–24, $150/person

• By fax to 847-741-5667

Skip this step by registering online at This form can be photo copied. Submit one form per camper per session. Registration opens February 17, 2015. Mail completed form to GSNI Elgin Service Center, 12N124 Coombs Road, Elgin, IL 60124

Camper Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Girl’s Date of Birth _______ /________ /___________ 2014-2015 School Year _________ T-shirt size (Day Camp Sessions Only): YS q PLEASE PRINT


YM q

YL q AS q AM q

Session Name Camp Name Session Session Dates Fee

AL q AXL q Amount Paying At This Time*

McCormick Only

Add-on Trip

Optional Overnight

Day Camp Only Girl Scout registration fee (due only if your camper is not currently a Girl Scout) $15**

q I will be applying for Financial Assistance


*IMPORTANT: A $50 deposit is required for each session. If a deposit is not included, registration WILL NOT be processed. Deposit is refundable ONLY if the session is not available. Address ______________________________________________________City __________________ State/Zip____________________ Home Phone ______________________________________ q Cell Parent/Guardian ______________________ Relationship___________________ Day Phone_________________________ q Work

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________ q Cell Parent/Guardian ______________________ Relationship___________________ Day Phone_________________________ q Work

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________

• In person at any GSNI Service Center

EMERGENCY INFORMATION: Parents/guardians—If you cannot be reached in case of an emergency, please list the

Deposit A $50 deposit is REQUIRED for EACH session/person registered. Deposits may be cash, check or charge. Financial Assistance or Cookie Dough/S’more Dough/Cashew Cash cannot be used as deposits. Family camps must be paid in full at time of registration.

Name ________________________________________________Relationship ____________________________________________________

Balance Due/Required Paperwork All balances and paperwork are due to a GSNI Service Center by June 1, 2015. Buddy Preference An important part of camp is making new friends. However, we understand that your camper may feel more comfortable coming to camp with a friend. Two girls who would like to attend resident camp together should: if mailing, fill in the buddy preference section on the registration form and mail the two registration forms together in the same envelope to guarantee both are registered for the program. If registering online, submit your registrations on the same day. Buddy requests must be mutual and for the same camp and session. Both campers must satisfy prerequisites. Refunds Deposits are non-refundable. A full refund, including deposit, is made only if a camper cannot be placed in a program or if it is necessary to cancel the program. At the end of the summer, partial refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis and only in the case of extenuating family circumstances or medical reasons supported by a doctor’s statement. No refunds will be made for campers arriving late, leaving early, and attending only part of the program or for those who fail to attend. Contact Emily Hall at or call 847-741-5521, Ext. 7132, for a refund request form. Financial Assistance To apply for Financial Assistance, complete the Campership Application available at Application must be submitted with $50 deposit and registration form. Initial campership application deadline is April 1, 2015, with notice of initial award sent after April 15, 2015. Additional assistance can be awarded after this deadline, if funds remain. Financial assistance is available only to registered members of GSNI. Applications will not be processed without the deposit and registration form. Cookie Dough/S’more Dough/Cashew Cash These certificates, earned by Girl Scouts through participation in GSNI product programs, may be used toward the balance of the girl’s camp fee. They may not be used for the deposit or adult camp fees.

name of a friend or relative who will be able to contact you.

Day Phone ______________________________ Evening Phone ____________________________________________________ BUDDY INFORMATION: My camper would like to be in the same group as: (List only ONE BUDDY and make sure the friend is attending the same session and that she indicates your camper’s name as a buddy reference on her application. Submit both applications together.) If registering for family camp, please list all those attending in your party and indicate whether they are youth or adult. Attach a separate sheet, when needed. Buddy’s Name_______________________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION: Form of payment: (Please indicate amount of each applicable type.) ____________ Cash ____________ Check/Money Order ____________ Credit Card ____________ Cookie Dough, etc. (not for deposit) CREDIT CARD TYPE:


q MasterCard

q Discover

Expires ___________________________________

Credit Card Number__________________________________________________________Validation Code___________________ Cardholder’s Name (PRINTED) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Address ________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip_______________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **My camper is not currently a registered Girl Scout. I have included a $15 membership fee and understand this registers my camper as a Girl Scout through 9/30/2015. This membership fee is non-refundable. OFFICE USE ONLY Amount Received $ ___________________ Date _____________ Payment processed by____________________________________________ Entered in Personify by __________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________

plan the all year to rd at work at options has been ha wh am e Te se e t wait to perienc u! We can’ Our Girl Ex yo r fo ask, let to es ventur sure who summer ad and aren’t best-ever a question ve ha er ! If you ev ion! right direct you choose t you in the and I’ll poin me know,

Hi, there!

opportunities to join other camp fans and make a difference for the Girl Scout outdoor experience. Activities may include cleaning buildings, reassembling the platform tents,

Camp McCormick – April 18, 10 a.m. –2 p.m.

Camp as Camp Director at be my first summer Hey, girls! This will to offer this e hav we t tha ms tatic about the progra McCormick! I am ecs programs ck on what kind of t to hear your feedba wai ’t can and r summe ing silly sing time at gre a e re! We’re going to hav ures. you want in the futu e awesome advent es, and going on som gam fun ing play songs, r! See you this summe

rowski Carly “Winter” Kaczma ick ctor, Camp McCorm Summer Camp Dire -701-7576, 815 i@g wsk aro czm cka

Pre-registration is not required, but RSVP to the camp director, if desired. Camp Dean – Sunday, May 3, 1–4 p.m. Camp McCormick – Saturday, May 9, 10 a.m. –1 p.m.

St. Louis Trip Girls Entering Grades 6 and Up experience St. Louis, MO. Travel down by bus with girls from across the council. Spend your nights in a downtown hotel, right next to the Gateway Arch. Prepare to explore the history, Expansion, take a river cruise, go to a museum and maybe even the zoo. Check out the Cahokia Mounds on the ride home! Plus, we will be exploring downtown St. Louis and so

Registration opens February 17, 2015

possibility? You wanted to pack every moment with something fun. You defined your adventure, and it was awesome.

All aboard for an amazing trip to an awesome city! Spend 5 days and 4 nights with GSNI and

attractions, and excitement this city has to offer. Tour the Arch and Museum of Westward


This Will Be Her Best Summer Yet! Remember that summer feeling—that feeling of freedom, excitement and

This summer, let Girl Scouts be the gateway to that summer feeling for your

There are ways for you to join in the fun too! With our NEW travel options,

girl. She’ll discover exciting activities with brand new friends. She’ll challenge her

adults can come along for adventure away from home. Also, family camps

limits with supportive adults by her side. She’ll be the guide of her own adventure,

open camp up to everyone! The possibilities are endless! Choose from any of our events or mix-and-match

much more. See all the details at

to create a custom summer experience. We even offer single-day events to fill your

August 3–7, $585 per person, $50 due at registration, payment plan is available

summer with fun! Check out all of the options at You’ll be amazed at the skills and confidence she’ll bring home. Summer is waiting—register today!

finding fun around every corner. We have many flexible options available and invite you to look over this Mary Ann Beebe Center 17501 Streit Road Harvard, IL 60033

Meet “Winter”!


camp and sample the activities, chat with the Camp Director, and even enjoy a s’more.

Chapman Hills N9372 Scout Road East Troy, WI 53120

Felecia “Marvin” Dupczak Summer Camp Director, Camp Dean, 815-529-6141

Visit us at camp with your family or troop to get a taste of the camp experience! You’ll explore

Camp McCormick 9995 North Girl Scout Road Stillman Valley, IL 61084


Camp Far Horizons 9702 S Lost Horizon Road Hanover, IL 61041

excited, I can’t sleep! Plans for the summer started in September, and I would lay awake at night thinking of some the great programs we were going to offer.

Camp Open Houses

Camp Dean 46W253 Camp Dean Road Big Rock, IL 60511


Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Road Elgin, IL 60124

Hello! I am so excited to be returning to Camp Dean as the Camp Director. I cannot wait for what Summer 2015 will bring! I have been



Camp Dean – April 11, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

Meet “Marvin”!

I can’t wait to see you at camp this summer! We’re going to have

Enjoy a spring day at camp and help get it ready for summer fun! Take advantage of these

minor repairs, painting, landscaping, and general cleanup from Mother Nature’s winter blast.

pson itcake” Sim Stacie “Fru e, GSNI Experienc 529-8991 SVP of Girl, 815girlscoutsn ssimpson@

much fun!


Camp Service Days


Mine is “Fru


dition. irl Scout tra es are a G Camp nam ningful. ea m or ly sil They can be



Meet “Fru

pamphlet with your camper to see how much adventure is ahead of her! We’ve come up with great themes for our 3, 6, or 10 day resident camp and day camp programs. Your Girl Scout can continue the fun she had during this year by visiting camp during the summer! Troops can plan their own adventure, and rent a site at camp. Girls can plan lots of activities or just kick back and relax. For a pre-planned troop camping experience, check out our website for more information on Troop Trek!

plan the all year to rd at work at options has been ha wh am e Te se e t wait to perienc u! We can’ Our Girl Ex yo r fo ask, let to es ventur sure who summer ad and aren’t best-ever a question ve ha er ! If you ev ion! right direct you choose t you in the and I’ll poin me know,

Hi, there!

opportunities to join other camp fans and make a difference for the Girl Scout outdoor experience. Activities may include cleaning buildings, reassembling the platform tents,

Camp McCormick – April 18, 10 a.m. –2 p.m.

Camp as Camp Director at be my first summer Hey, girls! This will to offer this e hav we t tha ms tatic about the progra McCormick! I am ecs programs ck on what kind of t to hear your feedba wai ’t can and r summe ing silly sing time at gre a e re! We’re going to hav ures. you want in the futu e awesome advent es, and going on som gam fun ing play songs, r! See you this summe

rowski Carly “Winter” Kaczma ick ctor, Camp McCorm Summer Camp Dire -701-7576, 815 i@g wsk aro czm cka

Pre-registration is not required, but RSVP to the camp director, if desired. Camp Dean – Sunday, May 3, 1–4 p.m. Camp McCormick – Saturday, May 9, 10 a.m. –1 p.m.

St. Louis Trip Girls Entering Grades 6 and Up experience St. Louis, MO. Travel down by bus with girls from across the council. Spend your nights in a downtown hotel, right next to the Gateway Arch. Prepare to explore the history, Expansion, take a river cruise, go to a museum and maybe even the zoo. Check out the Cahokia Mounds on the ride home! Plus, we will be exploring downtown St. Louis and so

Registration opens February 17, 2015

possibility? You wanted to pack every moment with something fun. You defined your adventure, and it was awesome.

All aboard for an amazing trip to an awesome city! Spend 5 days and 4 nights with GSNI and

attractions, and excitement this city has to offer. Tour the Arch and Museum of Westward


This Will Be Her Best Summer Yet! Remember that summer feeling—that feeling of freedom, excitement and

This summer, let Girl Scouts be the gateway to that summer feeling for your

There are ways for you to join in the fun too! With our NEW travel options,

girl. She’ll discover exciting activities with brand new friends. She’ll challenge her

adults can come along for adventure away from home. Also, family camps

limits with supportive adults by her side. She’ll be the guide of her own adventure,

open camp up to everyone! The possibilities are endless! Choose from any of our events or mix-and-match

much more. See all the details at

to create a custom summer experience. We even offer single-day events to fill your

August 3–7, $585 per person, $50 due at registration, payment plan is available

summer with fun! Check out all of the options at You’ll be amazed at the skills and confidence she’ll bring home. Summer is waiting—register today!

finding fun around every corner. We have many flexible options available and invite you to look over this Mary Ann Beebe Center 17501 Streit Road Harvard, IL 60033

Meet “Winter”!


camp and sample the activities, chat with the Camp Director, and even enjoy a s’more.

Chapman Hills N9372 Scout Road East Troy, WI 53120

Felecia “Marvin” Dupczak Summer Camp Director, Camp Dean, 815-529-6141

Visit us at camp with your family or troop to get a taste of the camp experience! You’ll explore

Camp McCormick 9995 North Girl Scout Road Stillman Valley, IL 61084


Camp Far Horizons 9702 S Lost Horizon Road Hanover, IL 61041

excited, I can’t sleep! Plans for the summer started in September, and I would lay awake at night thinking of some the great programs we were going to offer.

Camp Open Houses

Camp Dean 46W253 Camp Dean Road Big Rock, IL 60511


Elgin Service Center 12N124 Coombs Road Elgin, IL 60124

Hello! I am so excited to be returning to Camp Dean as the Camp Director. I cannot wait for what Summer 2015 will bring! I have been



Camp Dean – April 11, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

Meet “Marvin”!

I can’t wait to see you at camp this summer! We’re going to have

Enjoy a spring day at camp and help get it ready for summer fun! Take advantage of these

minor repairs, painting, landscaping, and general cleanup from Mother Nature’s winter blast.

pson itcake” Sim Stacie “Fru e, GSNI Experienc 529-8991 SVP of Girl, 815girlscoutsn ssimpson@

much fun!


Camp Service Days


Mine is “Fru


dition. irl Scout tra es are a G Camp nam ningful. ea m or ly sil They can be



Meet “Fru

pamphlet with your camper to see how much adventure is ahead of her! We’ve come up with great themes for our 3, 6, or 10 day resident camp and day camp programs. Your Girl Scout can continue the fun she had during this year by visiting camp during the summer! Troops can plan their own adventure, and rent a site at camp. Girls can plan lots of activities or just kick back and relax. For a pre-planned troop camping experience, check out our website for more information on Troop Trek!

Camp Dean Day Camp

Camp Dean Resident Camp


Camp McCormick Resident Camp

Girls Entering Grades 1–5

Girls Entering Grades 1–7

Girls Entering Grades 4–12

CIT Apprentice (girls entering grades 7–9)

Are you excited to explore camp, but love the comfort of your own bed? Camp Dean Day

Join us for 3 or 6 days where you will stay overnight in Camp Dean’s sleeping cabins and explore

Join us for 3 or 6 days at Camp McCormick where you can stay overnight in platform tents,

Do you want to take your camp experience up a notch? Becoming a CIT Apprentice allows you to be

Camp can help! Camp Dean staff will guide you through all the fun activities we can pack in a

camp during the day. Want to give tent camping a try? All campers will have an option to sleep in

Adirondacks, or covered wagons and explore camp during the day. If outside camping cramps

a camper and take a leadership role at camp! Take the first step of your camping career and complete

day from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Want to have an overnight experience, but just for one night? There is

tents one night during their stay. You’ll enjoy classic camp activities, plus special activities based

your style, some sessions offer an indoor sleeping option! You’ll enjoy classic camp activities,

Program Aide Basic and Outdoor trainings while experiencing all your favorite camp activities.

an optional Thursday overnight for all Camp Dean Day Campers! (Overnight fee is only $25)

on the themes listed below. Camp staff will guide you through your next camp adventure!

plus extra special activities, based on the theme listed below. Camp staff will guide you through

Camp Dean, June 28–July 3, Fee Level 1: $305, Level 2: $485

your next camp adventure!

Counselor-in-Training I (girls entering grades 10–12)

Day Camp Sessions

Level 1: $135/session or

Session 1: June 22–26

Level 2: $205/session

Session 2: June 29–July 3 Session 3: July 6–10


Session 4: July 13–17

Camp program opportunities for girls are subsidized, meaning the cost of providing camp programs and operating camp is greater than the fees paid to participate. Our new flexible pricing system offers families the opportunity to help cover more of the true cost of resident camp, if they are financially able. For each session, you will see two prices:

Session 5: July 20–24 Session 6: July 27–31 Session 7: August 3–7

6-day sessions

Level 1: $160/session or

Level 1: $270/session or

Level 2: $245/session

Level 2: $415/session

Session 2a: June 28–30

Mad Scientists

Session 3: July 5–10

Rise of the Minions

Session 2b: July 1–3

Fairy Tales

Session 4: July 12–17

Hawaiian Beach Party

Session 5: July 19–24

Polar Vortex in July

Session 6: July 26–31

Camp Cook-Off

Session 7: August 2–7

CSI: Camp Scene Investigation

LEVEL 1 is the lowest cost of this program listed in the camp

Every Camp Dean session includes opportunities for:

Swimming Arts & Crafts Songs & Games

3-day sessions

Nature activities Outdoor cooking New Friends & Fun!

brochure and on the website. This covers approximately 62% of the direct costs of operating the camp program.

LEVEL 2 is closer to the true cost of operating the camp program. It

includes direct costs such as food, program supplies, living supplies, and summer staff salaries. It does not include things like buildings and grounds maintenance. Select the fee you feel is affordable and appropriate for your family. Flexible pricing choice is always kept private and does not affect the quality of your child’s experience, as both fees are for exactly the same program. The goal of offering flexible pricing options is to provide the highest quality programs possible to serve all community income levels and to preserve camp for generations to come.

Family Camps Girls Getaway

(girls entering grades 1–12, and female adults, ages 18+) Calling all Girl Scouts and their female superheroes! Ready to spend the weekend together at camp?

Ponytails at Camp Dean

We’re ready for you and your mom, aunt, grandma, or other female superhero to take part in the total camp experience, including swimming, hiking, cooking, crafting, exploring, and so much more! Camp Dean, Friday, July 10, 6 p.m.–Sunday, July 12, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person Camp Far Horizons, Friday, July 17, 6 p.m.–Saturday, July 18, 7 p.m., Fee $35/person

This is one of our most popular camp options! Join us for 3 or 6 days at Camp Dean where

Special Guy

you’ll spend time with horses in the morning (caring for them and learning to ride in an arena),

(girls entering grades 1–12, and male adults, ages 18+)

enjoy all the fun of camp in the afternoon, and stay overnight in our sleeping cabins. The

Who’s the special guy in your life? Is it dad, grandpa, uncle, older brother? Pack your bags, hit

6-day session will culminate in a trail ride field trip. GSNI Camp staff is ready to help you

the road, and make your way to Camp Dean for the weekend! You’ll keep busy with all the camp

saddle up for summer fun!

activities Camp Dean has to offer, like swimming, canoeing and kayaking, fishing, hiking, cooking,

Girls Entering Grades 4–6

Girls Entering Grades 6–8

playing games, and more!

3-day sessions

6-day session

Level 1: $235/session or

Level 1: $435/session or

Family Camp

Level 2: $360/session

Level 2: $675/session

Camp Dean, Friday, July 24, 6 p.m.–Sunday, July 26, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person

(girls entering grades 1–12, and the whole family) Round up the whole family including your aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, siblings

Session 2a: June 28–30

Session 6a: July 26–28

Session 2b: July 1–3

Session 6b: July 29–31

and cousins, and head out to camp! Spend a relaxing weekend trying all kinds of camp activities

Session 3a: July 5–7

Session 7a: August 2–4

including swimming, crafting, hiking, outdoor cooking, exploring, and more! Food will be provided,

Session 3b: July 8–10

Session 7b: August 5–7

and families will stay together in platform tents or covered wagons.

Session 5a: July 19–21 Session 5b: July 22–24

Session 4: July 12–17

Camp McCormick, Friday, July 31, 6 p.m.–Sunday, August 2, 10 a.m., Fee $55/person

3-day sessions

6-day sessions

Level 1: $160/session or

Level 1: $270/session or

Level 2: $245/session

Level 2: $415/session

Already have Program Aide Basic and Outdoor trainings under your belt? Why not continue your journey to becoming a camp counselor?! Spend two weeks with us at Camp Dean to develop your skills as an outdoor leader. This is one activity colleges can’t ignore. Help us develop new camp

Session 1b: June 24-26

Woodland Creatures

Session 2: June 28–July 3

Off to the Races*

Session 7a: August 2–4

Duct Tape Creations Part I*

Session 3: July 5–10

Wild, Wild West

Session 7b: August 5–7

Duct Tape Creations Part 2*

Session 4: July 12–17

Island Adventure

Session 5: July 19–24


Counselor-in-Training II (girls entering grades 11–12)

Session 6: July 26–31

Desserts Galore*

You’re almost there! Now’s the time to pull together all the camp leadership skills you have developed

*These sessions include an indoor sleeping option, in addition to the traditional sleeping options. Campers who choose the indoor sleeping option will live in the Friendship Center with camp friends and counselors. Please note there is no air conditioning in the Friendship Center.

Rock Climbing: Climb Devil’s Lake and overnight campout, fee: $150, girls entering grade 7 and up. Session: 2 Horseback riding: One-time trail ride, fee: $40, girls entering grades 4 and up. Sessions: 3, 5 High Adventure: Zipline and high ropes course, overnight stay at Chapman Hills, fee: $125, girls entering grades 6 and up. Session: 3 Marksmanship: Practice archery at camp before heading off-camp to try riflery, fee $25, must be at least 12 years old at time of camp session. Session: 4 Caving: Day trip to Eagle Cave and overnight campout, fee: $45, girls entering grades 5 and up. Session: 4 Whitewater Rafting: Four-hour rafting trip and overnight stay at Wildman Adventure Resort, Fee $125, Must be 12 years old at time of camp session. Session: 5

Camp Dean, July 5–17, Fee Level 1: $485, Level 2: $780

over the years. Challenge yourself to be the best you, as you are put on the spot to handle real-life camp experiences when working with younger campers and navigating obstacles a camp counselor

Add an Extra Adventure: Day at Rock Cut: Canoeing/kayaking, geocaching, and biking, fee: $35, girls entering grade 4 and up. Sessions: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7b

activities for current campers while you shape your leadership skills for the future!

Camp Information


Campers with Disabilities The goal of our camps is to provide a successful experience for all girls. Please communicate with the camp director about campers with any special needs or disabilities. This enables the camp to make every effort to accommodate those needs in their facilities with appropriate staff.


Transportation Transportation to and from camp is NOT included in any camp session. Health and Safety All Girl Scout camps in this brochure are licensed by their state and uphold state and federal health and safety codes, as well as Girl Scouts of the USA policies and standards. Camp Dean and Camp McCormick are also accredited by the American Camp Association. All camps meet industry standards for health safety, site, food service management, human resources, program design and activities. Health centers are staffed by a resident health supervisor. Unit counselors are first-aid/CPR trained. For all camps, emergency care is available at a nearby clinic or hospital. No camper, child or adult, is admitted to camp without the proper health form completed and signed. Each camp has procedures in place to monitor and respond to emergencies, including weather conditions, to ensure the health and safety of campers. Check-in/Check-out Unless otherwise noted, check-in is 2–4 p.m. on the first day of the session, and check-out is 2:30–3:30 p.m. on the last day of the session. Visitors Families are encouraged to visit camp during their scheduled Open House, prior to the start of summer camp sessions. To ensure safety and security, no visitors are allowed on site during camp sessions. Program Changes Although rare, the Girl Scout council, for a variety of reasons, may occasionally cancel a camp session. If this occurs, you can expect the entire camp fee, including the deposit to be refunded. Other times, certain activities described in the camp brochure must be suspended or changed due to circumstances beyond our control, such as inclement weather, equipment availability, and staffing. In these situations, we adapt by offering alternate program options. Under circumstances of this type, refunds should not be expected.

can encounter.

Camp Registration Information Registration for all summer camps will be on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning February 17, 2015.

Camp McCormick, July 26–August 7, Fee Level 1: $485, Level 2: $780

Register: • Online at • By mail to GSNI Elgin Service Center, 12N124 Coombs Road, Elgin, IL 60124

What’s this?

New this year: You can choose your own adventure! You can stay at camp all week and enjoy everything Camp McCormick has to offer, or choose to add a fun-filled trip to your week!

Every Camp McCormick session includes opportunities for:

Swimming Archery Cooking Songs & Games

Nature activities Crate stacking Arts & Crafts New Friends & Fun!

10 Days, 5 Camps Girls Entering Grades 7–9 This popular road trip is back, and now with 4 more days for almost double the fun! Experience all GSNI camps have to offer! Go crate-stacking at Camp McCormick, canoeing or kayaking at Camp Dean, practice archery at Chapman Hills, complete the low-ropes course at Mary Ann Beebe Center, and rappel down the wall at Camp Far Horizons. This will be a road trip to remember! Camp McCormick, July 26–August 4, Fee Level 1: $510, Level 2: $790

Camp CEO Camp CEO (girls entering grade 10 and up) During this 6-day overnight camp, meet some of the area’s most accomplished women executives for a unique opportunity to learn what it’s really like to be a successful woman in today’s world. You’ll discover how these women started out just like you—a teen girl with dreams, goals, and everyday challenges. For more information and to complete the application process, visit Crystal Lake area (hotel accommodations), July 19–24, $150/person

• By fax to 847-741-5667

Skip this step by registering online at This form can be photo copied. Submit one form per camper per session. Registration opens February 17, 2015. Mail completed form to GSNI Elgin Service Center, 12N124 Coombs Road, Elgin, IL 60124

Camper Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Girl’s Date of Birth _______ /________ /___________ 2014-2015 School Year _________ T-shirt size (Day Camp Sessions Only): YS q PLEASE PRINT


YM q

YL q AS q AM q

Session Name Camp Name Session Session Dates Fee

AL q AXL q Amount Paying At This Time*

McCormick Only

Add-on Trip

Optional Overnight

Day Camp Only Girl Scout registration fee (due only if your camper is not currently a Girl Scout) $15**

q I will be applying for Financial Assistance


*IMPORTANT: A $50 deposit is required for each session. If a deposit is not included, registration WILL NOT be processed. Deposit is refundable ONLY if the session is not available. Address ______________________________________________________City __________________ State/Zip____________________ Home Phone ______________________________________ q Cell Parent/Guardian ______________________ Relationship___________________ Day Phone_________________________ q Work

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________ q Cell Parent/Guardian ______________________ Relationship___________________ Day Phone_________________________ q Work

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________

• In person at any GSNI Service Center

EMERGENCY INFORMATION: Parents/guardians—If you cannot be reached in case of an emergency, please list the

Deposit A $50 deposit is REQUIRED for EACH session/person registered. Deposits may be cash, check or charge. Financial Assistance or Cookie Dough/S’more Dough/Cashew Cash cannot be used as deposits. Family camps must be paid in full at time of registration.

Name ________________________________________________Relationship ____________________________________________________

Balance Due/Required Paperwork All balances and paperwork are due to a GSNI Service Center by June 1, 2015. Buddy Preference An important part of camp is making new friends. However, we understand that your camper may feel more comfortable coming to camp with a friend. Two girls who would like to attend resident camp together should: if mailing, fill in the buddy preference section on the registration form and mail the two registration forms together in the same envelope to guarantee both are registered for the program. If registering online, submit your registrations on the same day. Buddy requests must be mutual and for the same camp and session. Both campers must satisfy prerequisites. Refunds Deposits are non-refundable. A full refund, including deposit, is made only if a camper cannot be placed in a program or if it is necessary to cancel the program. At the end of the summer, partial refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis and only in the case of extenuating family circumstances or medical reasons supported by a doctor’s statement. No refunds will be made for campers arriving late, leaving early, and attending only part of the program or for those who fail to attend. Contact Emily Hall at or call 847-741-5521, Ext. 7132, for a refund request form. Financial Assistance To apply for Financial Assistance, complete the Campership Application available at Application must be submitted with $50 deposit and registration form. Initial campership application deadline is April 1, 2015, with notice of initial award sent after April 15, 2015. Additional assistance can be awarded after this deadline, if funds remain. Financial assistance is available only to registered members of GSNI. Applications will not be processed without the deposit and registration form. Cookie Dough/S’more Dough/Cashew Cash These certificates, earned by Girl Scouts through participation in GSNI product programs, may be used toward the balance of the girl’s camp fee. They may not be used for the deposit or adult camp fees.

name of a friend or relative who will be able to contact you.

Day Phone ______________________________ Evening Phone ____________________________________________________ BUDDY INFORMATION: My camper would like to be in the same group as: (List only ONE BUDDY and make sure the friend is attending the same session and that she indicates your camper’s name as a buddy reference on her application. Submit both applications together.) If registering for family camp, please list all those attending in your party and indicate whether they are youth or adult. Attach a separate sheet, when needed. Buddy’s Name_______________________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION: Form of payment: (Please indicate amount of each applicable type.) ____________ Cash ____________ Check/Money Order ____________ Credit Card ____________ Cookie Dough, etc. (not for deposit) CREDIT CARD TYPE:


q MasterCard

q Discover

Expires ___________________________________

Credit Card Number__________________________________________________________Validation Code___________________ Cardholder’s Name (PRINTED) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Address ________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip_______________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **My camper is not currently a registered Girl Scout. I have included a $15 membership fee and understand this registers my camper as a Girl Scout through 9/30/2015. This membership fee is non-refundable. OFFICE USE ONLY Amount Received $ ___________________ Date _____________ Payment processed by____________________________________________ Entered in Personify by __________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________

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