Thank you for joining us to celebrate the 39th anniversary of Take the Lead in Greater Philadelphia. Tonight, in a ceremony led by Girl Scouts from our region, we celebrate four servant leaders nominated by their peers – as examples of what a commitment to this community can do to transform lives. Each is making an impact, and their work is contributing to the more-perfect vision we all have for the community we love.
The honorees’ serve-first mindset is very much aligned with the work Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania is doing in Philadelphia. One of our core goals is to increase access to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, so all girls can build courage, confidence and character, and make the world a better place.
We are proud to share that our presence in Philadelphia is growing. We have invested resources and are forming more school-based troops throughout the city. And, through our pilot program Calling All Girl Bosses, 200 Philadelphia girls in grades 6-12 are working on “Take Action” projects to help create change in their schools and neighborhoods. A book club addressing mental health, an initiative to provide winter jackets to those in need, and a campaign to improve school lunch are some of the projects these girls are tackling. Mentors from neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia have joined us for workshops with the girls, and are amazed by the vision, wisdom and promise of these young leaders.
Through this program, girls will earn their Girl Scout Silver or Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest awards in Girl Scouting. These girls, along with sister Girl Scouts from throughout our 9-county footprint, will be recognized at an all-day event on May 17, GirlzDay: Our World, Our Way, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Packed with dynamic speakers, hands-on activities, and engaging workshops, this expo is a girl's opportunity to explore her potential, dream big, and take charge of her world. We hope you will bring or send a girl you know to experience the fun! Tickets are on sale now at
Thank you again for your support of these and the many other programs girls across Philadelphia are experiencing. Together, we are ensuring girls are life ready for today and tomorrow.
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Nicole LeVine Chair, Board of Directors Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania
Kim E. Fraites-Dow Chief Executive Officer Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania
Dear Friends,
We are honored to welcome you to this special event that recognizes four amazing women and showcases the impact they are having on our community today and on the leaders of tomorrow.
That’s why we are all here tonight. To help ensure those leaders of tomorrow, the girls in Greater Philadelphia, have access to all of the amazing things Girl Scouts has to offer. Whether it's learning new skills, taking on leadership roles, or engaging in community service, Girl Scouts equips young girls with everything they need to thrive.
You will see that on display tonight, as girls will lead all aspects of the program. From the flag ceremony to the presenters, to the chorus, everything about tonight’s event is done by the girls and is for the girls. You will hear about the impact Girl Scouts has had on their lives, and you will be given the opportunity to ensure Girl Scouts can continue to thrive here in Greater Philadelphia.
None of this is possible without the support of generous individuals like you. Tonight, we come together not only to raise vital funds but to honor the values of friendship, teamwork, and empowerment that Girl Scouts instill in every girl who walks through our doors.
Lisa Detwiler FS Investments
Co-Chair, 2025 Take the Lead
Carolina DiGiorgio PECO
Co-Chair, 2025 Take the Lead
Jennifer Hanna, Sheila Ireland, Lisa Opoku, and Ruth Shaber, MD
Independence Blue Cross (Independence) is proud to support the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania’s 2025 Take the Lead Greater Philadelphia event.
We recognize the honorees for their contributions and commitment to making a difference in the community.
Independence remains steadfast in its support of individuals and community organizations dedicated to improving the lives and health of the people in our region.
2025 Event Committee
Lisa Detwiler FS Investments
Carolina DiGiorgio PECO
Nicole LeVine PECO; Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania Chair, Board of Directors
Kim E. Fraites-Dow Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania Chief Executive Officer, ex-officio
Julie Alleman Childhood Adult Disability and Educational Services (CADES)
Yelena M. Barychev Blank Rome
Kelly Beaudin Conlan Bimini Health Tech
Lauren Cristella Committee of Seventy
Lauren Dougherty FS Investments
Cheila Fernandez Reinvestment Funds
Kelly L. Gibson Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
Debbie Gordon FS Investments
Lisa Kabnick Troutman Pepper
Kathy Killian Retired, Philadelphia Phillies
Regina Black Lennox The Satell Institute
Yocasta Lora AARP Pennsylvania
Monica Taylor Lotty Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Rev. Dr. Lorina L. Marshall-Blake Independence Blue Cross Foundation
Suzanne Mayes Cozen O’Connor
Abbey Romano FS Investments
Jennifer Platzkere Snyder Dilworth Paxson LLP
Sharon Williams FS Investments
2025 Awards Selection Committee
Chekemma FulmoreTownsend
Hamilton Family Charitable Trust
Deborah Hassan Retired Partner, Deloitte & Touche, LLP Former Chair, Board of Directors, Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania
Julie Alleman Children & Adult Disability & Education Services (CADES)
Rochelle L. Cameron The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia
Renee Chenault Fattah Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity
Hon. Karen Yvette Simmons City of Philadelphia Municipal Court
2025 Take the Lead Greater Philadelphia Event Program
Girl Scout Welcome
Girl Scout Flag Ceremony, Pledge of Allegiance, and Girl Scout Promise and Law
Girl Scout Color Guard
CEO Thank You
Kim E. Fraites-Dow | Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania
Event Committee Co-Chair Remarks
Lisa Detwiler | FS Investments
Carolina DiGiorgio | PECO
Presenting Sponsor Remarks
Nicole LeVine
Chief Operating Officer | PECO
Chair, Board of Directors | Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania
Award Presentations
“Boom Chicka Boom”
Girl Scout Chorus
Campership Presentation & Paddle Raise
Rev. Dr. Lorina L. Marshall-Blake | Independence Blue Cross Foundation
Award Presentations
Girl Scout Closing Song
“Make New Friends”
Girl Scout Chorus
2025 TAKE THE LEAD Awards Presentation
Sarah Beth H. Juliette (Independently Registered Girl Scout)
Faith W. Troop 91
Jennifer Hanna
Vice President of Electric Operations PECO
PRESENTED BY Ketorah B. Troop 914
Lisa Opoku Chief Operating Officer FS Investments
PRESENTED BY Jasmine W. Troop 9364
Sheila Ireland
President & CEO OIC Philadelphia
PRESENTED BY Charlotte H. Troop 59
Ruth Shaber, MD Founder and President Tara Health Foundation
PRESENTED BY Briana C. Troop 9020
Kaylee H. Troop 21724
Nia B. Troop 91326
2025 Take the Lead Honoree
Jennifer Hanna
Vice President of Electric Operations
Jennifer serves as vice president of Electric Operations, where she oversees the daily operation of PECO’s electric distribution system, including management of the company’s Distribution System Operations and Construction and Maintenance organization.
With over 20 years with the company, she previously served as vice president, Contracts and Projects where she oversaw multi-billion-dollar capital project execution over a five-year long-range plan, including the construction of substations, natural gas, and distribution facilities aimed to modernize and increase the reliability and resiliency of the grid. Jennifer also served as director of the Philadelphia Region in Electric Operations. There, she led various organizations including engineering, work management, new business, and corrective maintenance.
Her former organization was responsible for managing the entire PECO underground system including the resources, budget, and safe execution of planned and emergent work.
Jennifer holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Temple University and an MBA from Villanova University.
She currently serves on the board of the National Liberty Museum and the Schuylkill River Development Corporation.
Congratulations to Sheila Ireland and all the 20 25 Take the Lead honorees! OIC Philadelphia proudly supports the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania’s annual Take the Lead event.
2025 Take the Lead Honoree
Sheila Ireland
President and CEO
Sheila has over 30 years of experience leading human resources, training, organizational and workforce development in the non-profit, healthcare, consulting, government, and manufacturing fields. She is known for developing programs that improve organizational performance and achieve bottom-line results. In 2022 Sheila took the helm as the President and CEO of Philadelphia OIC and its for profit affiliate Progressive Ventures, Inc., and is leading its revitalization in Philadelphia.
Previously, Sheila served as the Deputy Secretary, Workforce Development, Department of Labor and Industry at Commonwealth of Pennsylvania where she oversaw Pennsylvania’s public workforce development system. Her purview included oversight of a staff of 600+ employees and management of a $270M+ annual budget that was utilized to grow Pennsylvania’s workforce and increase worker’s access to well-paying jobs.
In her previous role as Executive Director of Workforce Development for the City of Philadelphia, Sheila managed Philadelphia’s first citywide workforce strategy, “Fueling Philadelphia’s Talent Engine.” In this position, she coordinated strategy and communication between local government, education, and training programs, along with employers and service providers to create opportunities for vulnerable populations. She was also the founding director of the University City District’s West Philadelphia Skills Initiative and launched UCD’s first social venture, Green City Works.
Sheila has received many awards for her work in nonprofits and workforce development including the Women of Influence award from the Philadelphia Business Journal and the Cultivator award from the University City Science Center. She has been named one of the 100 most influential labor leaders and one of the most influential black leaders in Pennsylvania. Sheila has earned an A.A.S. degree with Honors in Finance from Community College of Philadelphia, a B.B.A. in Human Resources from Temple University and a M.S. in Human Capital Development from La Salle University and was awarded a Doctorate of Humane Letters from Peirce College.
Impact today, inspire tomorrow
FS Investments is proud to support the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania as they empower young girls to become confident, resilient leaders. Congratulations to our own Lisa Opoku and to the rest of the 2025 Take the Lead Honorees.
2025 Take the Lead Honoree
Lisa Opoku
Chief Operating Officer
FS Investments
Lisa Opoku serves as Chief Operating Officer at FS Investments. Her responsibilities include oversight of the firm’s Operations, Technology, Infrastructure and Human Resources teams as well as collaborating with other Executive Committee members on high priority strategic initiatives to enhance operational efficiency and drive growth.
Lisa has over 30 years of financial services and legal experience, including over 20 years at Goldman Sachs. She most recently served as Global Head of the Goldman Sachs Partner Family Office in the firm’s Asset Management and Wealth Management Division. Lisa was named a partner at Goldman Sachs in 2012 and held various leadership positions during her tenure at the firm, including Chief Operating Officer for each of the Engineering, Asia Pacific Securities, and FICC Bank Loan Trading and Syndications Divisions.
Lisa currently serves on the board of directors for the Mount Sinai Institute for Health Equity Research and the board of trustees for The University of Minnesota, from which she received a Bachelor of Arts degree, summa cum laude. She also received a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School.
Celebrating Exceptional Leadership
Jennifer, Sheila, Lisa, and Ruth, your remarkable accomplishments and dedication inspire us all. Thank you for being trailblazers and positive role models for our community. Your courage, confidence, and character make the world a better place.
Congratulations to all the honorees!
– Sandy Pfeffer & Lindsay Galvan
2025 Take the Lead Honoree
Ruth Shaber, MD
Founder and President
Tara Health Foundation
Ruth Shaber, MD, is a changemaker and innovator, moving from a robust career as an OBGYN and senior executive at Kaiser Permanente to empowering women across finance and healthcare.
Currently, she is the founder and president of Tara Health Foundation, a philanthropic investment group that uses evidence-informed programs to promote women's well-being and opportunities.
She is also the co-founder and board chair of Rhia Ventures, a collective of foundations and investors committed to bringing new types of capital to the reproductive health field.
Alongside co-author Patience-Marime Ball, she recently published The XX Edge: Unlocking Higher Returns and Lower Risk, which serves as the basis for her new initiative — The Diverse Investing Collective — which aims to increase the assets managed by gender-diverse and racially-diverse teams to 33 percent by 2033.
2025 TAKE THE LEAD Girl Scout Presenters
Ketorah B.
Presenter for Jennifer Hanna
Troop 914
Preparatory Charter High School, 10th Grade
Ketorah is 16 years old and a 10th grade student at Preparatory Charter High School.
A Senior Girl Scout in Troop 914, she loves learning new things and understanding other people. Ketorah enjoys crocheting, painting, drawing and baking and her favorite Girl Scout activities include camping, community service projects and weekly troop meetings where she often leads activities.
Ketorah is working on her Gold Award project which is focused on raising awareness and supplies for homeless women. One of her biggest accomplishments is being a Girl Delegate as it gives her a behind the scenes look into Girl Scouting and helps her to be comfortable and confident in any situation.
Ketorah’s favorite subjects in school are science and math, and she feels they best align with her future goals of becoming a doctor.
Charlotte H.
Presenter for Sheila Ireland
Troop 59
Cardinal O’Hara High School, 11th Grade
Charlotte is a junior at Cardinal O’Hara High School, where she runs varsity cross country and track. Her favorite class in school is creative writing because she gets to use her imagination and express herself through her work.
An Ambassador in Troop 59, Charlotte has been a Girl Scout for twelve years and has found a love for the outdoors and made lifelong friendships. Her favorite camp experiences have been backpacking 70 miles on the Appalachian Trail, exploring Assateague Island, and completing the Counselor-In-Training program. One of her biggest accomplishments is being a Girl Delegate for Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania.
Her ultimate dream is to become an elementary school teacher. Her current dream, however, is to complete her Gold Award, which centers on providing free cooking skills and classes for children with special needs.
Jasmine W.
Presenter for Lisa Opoku
Troop 9364
Philadelphia Academy Charter High School, 12th Grade
Jasmine is a senior at Philadelphia Academy Charter High School. She is in her 13th and final year of Girl Scouts. She has earned her Bronze and Silver awards and is on her way to earning her Gold.
She enjoys performing in school plays, and she also participates in Model United Nations. Outside of school Jasmine is very busy! She is a part of the GSEP governance board, and she is also the Philadelphia Toys for Tots Youth Ambassador.
She never passes up the opportunity to help anyone she can, especially her sister Girl Scouts. This is her second year of Take the Lead, and she is excited to share her stories and inspire girls everywhere to be the change.
Briana C.
Presenter for Ruth Shaber, MD
Troop 9020
Central High School, 12th Grade
Briana is an 18-year-old Girl Scout who has been a proud member since the age of five. A senior at Central High School, she is a leader in her community, contributing to the African American Student Union, United Pan African, Debate Club, and Artist Club. Briana also serves as a Girl Delegate and participates in PA Youth Vote, demonstrating her passion for advocacy and leadership.
As she prepares for college, she is excited to continue making a positive impact in her community and beyond.
Sarah Beth has been a Girl Scout for 12 years and is currently working on her Gold Award. One of her favorite parts about Girl Scouts is being at camp, and she has a special love for Camp Mosey Wood. She started as a camper, trained as a CIT, and now works the full summer as a member of the Mosey Wood staff.
A three-season athlete, Sarah Beth plays on her school's volleyball and softball teams and serves as captain of the swim team. She represents her class on Student Council, is a peer tutor, and a member of the Model UN, Science Olympiad, and Reading Olympics teams.
An active volunteer, she earned Girl Scout Community Service Bars and the President's Volunteer Service Award for her work with organizations such as Philadelphia's SHARE Food Program. In the future, Sarah Beth hopes to combine her passion for STEM with her dream of becoming a teacher
Faith W. Emcee
Troop 91
Science Leadership Academy at Beeber, 12th Grade
Faith is 17 years old and a senior at the Science Leadership Academy at Beeber. She is involved in many school activities including cheer and soccer. Outside of school, she loves church and is a youth leader of her church youth senate.
Faith is super passionate about issues affecting her community. She has advocated for anti-gun violence at her church and even had the chance to speak in front of the United Nations in 2022. She would love to further advocate on issues African Americans face every day in her community, such as education, housing, and the environment.
Girl Scout Campership & Chorus Leads
Kaylee H.
Campership Lead
Troop 21724
New Hope Solebury High School, 9th Grade
Kaylee is a freshman at New Hope Solebury High School, and she has been a Girl Scout for 10 years. One of her most favorite parts about being a Girl Scout is going to camp, and she is excited to be the Campership Lead at this year’s Take the Lead event.
She is involved in several school groups including Key Club and the Today Club, and she is also the manager of the softball team. Kaylee loves volunteering in her community, especially at the Bucks County Children’s Museum. She is the founder of Artcom, a group that decorates the hallways in her school to inspire school spirit. In the future, Kaylee plans to attend the Middle Bucks Institute of Technology.
Nia B.
Chorus Lead
Troop 91326
Cedarbrook Middle School, 7th Grade
Nia is a 7th grade student at Cedarbrook Middle School. She is active in her school and her church and is a proud member of Troop 91326. Being a Girl Scout is important to her because she cares about her community and looks forward to participating in future service projects.
Nia also enjoys spending time with her friends and going on great vacations with her family. She even plans to travel to Europe with her Girl Scout troop. She loves to shop and considers herself a ‘sneakerhead’ as she continues to build her sneaker collection. While only in 7th grade, Nia is already thinking about becoming a heart surgeon in the future.
2025 TAKE THE LEAD Girl Co-Chairs
Marisa M. Girl Co-Chair
Troop 97234
Julia R. Masterman High School, 12th Grade
Marisa is a 12th grade student at Julia R. Masterman High School where she is the president of the Class of 2025 Events Committee, a marathon finisher through Students Run Philly Style, Events Chair for her Student Government Association, and the Dean’s Assistant. Additionally, she is the chess team co-captain, and attended the 2024 High School and All Girls National Tournaments.
A Girl Scout for 10 years, Marisa is most proud of earning her Silver Award, for which she started an all-girls chess club called Masterman Queens. She currently serves as a Girl Advisor to the Board of Directors of GSEP and previously served as a Girl Delegate. Marisa plays the flute and piccolo in her school’s chamber orchestra, pit orchestra, jazz band, and is the Principal 2nd Flute for the Philadelphia All City Band and Assistant Principal 1st Flute for the Philadelphia All City Orchestra. After high school, Marisa plans on majoring in Civil Engineering.
Katelyn O. Girl
Juliette - Individually Registered Girl Scout
West Chester B. Reed Henderson High School, 11th Grade
Katelyn is an 11th grade student at West Chester B. Reed Henderson High School and is honored to serve as a Girl Co-Chair for this year’s Take the Lead event. A dedicated Girl Scout, she has earned both her Bronze and Silver Awards and is currently working toward her Gold Award. Katelyn has gained valuable leadership experience through her roles as a National Council Session Delegate, Council Girl Delegate, and past presenter at Take the Lead. In addition to her Girl Scout achievements, Katelyn is the varsity cheer captain, director of HHS-TV, and president of her high school’s Film Club. She also represents her school at the State DECA Competition and is a proud Tri-M Music Honor Society member.
Beyond her extracurriculars, Katelyn serves on PA Senator Carolyn Comitta’s Student Advisory Council, where she is passionate about fostering inclusive and empowering spaces for others.
2025 TAKE THE LEAD Girl Coordinator
Chloe T. Girl Coordinator
Troop 5130
Upper Darby High School, 10th Grade
Chloe is a 10th grade student at Upper Darby High School in Upper Darby, PA (Delaware County). She is a Silver Award Girl Scout, serves as Class President, and is a scholar athlete on the track and cross-country teams.
She participates in National History Day and is a member of her school’s Ethics Team. Chloe is in her second year as a Service Unit Delegate, representing SU 520 Friendship Hollow.
Two-thirds of the most successful women were Girl Scouts. One in every two adult women in the U.S. has at some point been a member of Girl Scouts. It’s no coincidence that most our nation’s female leaders and business owners were once Girl Scouts. Is this you? Email us at to be a part of our Alums!
Girl Participants
Basia B.
Michaela C.
Gianna D.
Imani G.
Quinn H.
Kennedi J.
Sue’lai J.
Julie K.
Sibrea M.
Molly M.
Anja M.
Sarah R.
Lene S.
Aydin S.
Khadijah T.
Kine T.
Mame Fatou T.
Amber T.
Kyra T.
Mieke W.
Brynn W.
Eryn W.
Emma W.
Aditi J.
Kourtney L.
Keyier R.
Diahna S.
Kyra T.
Vashti V.
Iyana B.
Tiyana B.
Minna E.
Isabella G.
Taylor H.
Caleigh J.
Lylah M.
Victoria P.
Stella P.
Makayla S.
Quinn S.
Zymira W.
Madeline W.
Amirah A.
Arianna D.
Elia H.
Shruti K.
Olivia K.
Amarri L.
London S.
Simra S.
Alexis T.
Love them with all your heart. Plan with all your head.
Congratulations 2025 Take the Lead honorees!
We like many people, but we love only a precious few. For them, we’re willing to do the extraordinary, but we don’t have to do it alone. At Lincoln Financial, we can help with everything from life insurance to protection from the unexpected. It’s one of the most important things you can do for the most important people in your life.
Lincoln Financial is proud to support the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania’s annual Take the Lead event.
As a member of Troop Take the Lead, tonight you will embark on the full Girl Scout experience at each themed activation station. Collect all the stamps to complete your Girl Scout Journey!
Bullseyes & Bonfires
Cadette Journey
Girl Scouts Era Tour
Junior Journey
Take a Bite out of Girl Scouting
Brownie Cookie Journey
Thank You to Our 2025
(List complete as of March 4, 2025)
Lisa Kabnick and John McFadden
Take the Lead Sponsors
Lisa Opoku
Bentley Systems
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Dilworth Paxson LLP
Dona File & Dr. Jeannette Morris
Fox Rothschild
Ann Marie & Terry Horner
Hon. Diane M. Welsh-
Aurdan Capital/Rob Stiles
Mary Stengel Austen
Blank Rome
Harris T. Bock Esq. and Denise D. Hodgson
Carolina & Valentino DiGiorgio
Cozen O'Connor
Day & Zimmermann
Fraser Advanced Information Systems
Keystone First
Andrea R. Kramer, Esquire
Charisse R. Lillie
Lydia Mallett
NSM Insurance Brokers
Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site, Inc.
Elizabeth Murphy
NFP, an Aon Company
Abbey Romano
The Chamber of Commerce For Greater Philadelphia
Lindsay Galvan & Sandy Pfeffer
NJM Insurance Group
PNC Bank
OIC Philadelphia
Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP
Sullivan Point Strategies
The Honickman Foundation
The Raymond Family
Visit Philadelphia
The Committee of Seventy
The Leslie Miller and Richard Worley Foundation
The Sheller Family Foundation
Thomas Wynne Apartments
When we give back, our community leaps forward.
WSFS Bank sees every chance to support a local nonprofit as an opportunity to grow and enrich our Community. We’re honored to support the positive impact made by the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania’s annual Take the Lead event.
Congratulations 2025 Take the Lead Honorees!
is proud to support women in leadership mentoring young women who will be our future leaders!
Keystone First congratulates the 202
We salute Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania (GSEP) and all those dedicated to helping girls build essential skills, develop talents, explore new interests, and discover what they are capable of accomplishing today, tomorrow, and beyond.
Keystone First Our roots run deep.
Past Take the Lead Honorees
Hon. Lynne Abraham
Abigail Adams
Carol Aichele
Julie Alleman
Renee Amoore
Cathy M. Andruzzi
Denise McGregor Armbrister
Mary Ann Arty
Edna L. Astley
Mary Stengel Austen
Dr. Brandi Baldwin
Ernesta D. Ballard
Elva L. Bankins
Patrice Banks
Christine S. Beck
Hon. Phyllis W. Beck
Madeline Bell
Romona Riscoe Benson
Sarah A. Bernhardy
Mariska Bogle
Gloria Bonila-Santiago
Laura Borsdorf, PhD
Joyce L. Bresee
Jenne K. Britell, PhD
Joan Myers Brown
Karen D. Buchholz
Lufay Butler
Laurada B. Byers
Rev. Bonnie Camarda
Chellie Cameron
Yvonne Carrington
Joan Carter
Dorothy D. Chacko
Jean Chamberlin
Margaret M. Chin
Gloria Twine Chisum, PhD
Im Ja P. Choi
Eva Christian
Della Clark
Anne-Marie Corner
Patricia A. Coulter
Dorothy F. Cousins
Elsie Y. Cross
Helen Cunningham
Cheryl Cutrona
Tracy Davidson
Joanne R. Denworth
Denise L. Devine
Nance K. Dicciani, PhD
Helen O. Dickens, M.D.
Janet S. Dickerson
Carolina DiGiorgio
Elena M. DiMaggio
Faye Z. Dissinger
Mary K Dougherty
Elizabeth A. Dow
Lucinda Bromwyn Duncalfe
Barbara Ann Durham
Maria P. Dwyer
Dr. Beverly Emanuel
JoAnne A. Epps
Claire Fagin, PhD
Vera King Farris
Carmen Febo-San Miguel
Valerie Ferguson
Risa Vetri Ferman
Ann Thornton Field
Dona File
Loretta P. Finnegan, M.C.
Ellen T. Fisher
Melissa Fitzgerald
Nikki Franke
Carol L. Franklin
Chekemma J. FulmoreTownsend
Dr. Anne Gaffney
Janet J. Gaudin
Melissa Weiler Gerber
Nancy Gillboy
Constance B. Girard-diCarlo
Jane Golden
Nancy Goldenberg
Juliet J. Goodfriend
Agnes Gowdy
Rosemarie B. Greco
Carol Williams Green
Tina Sloan Green
Gloria Guard
Dr. Amy Gutmann
Barbara Hafer
Penny Hammrich, PhD
Irene Horstmann Hannan
Hon. Sarah Hargrove
Anne d’Harnoncourt
Dr. Ann Weaver Hart
Rosella Harvey
Rashidah Hassan
Janet Brutschea Haugen
Faye Ellison Heller
Eleanor Jean Hendley
Mamie Hicks
Evelyn Marcha Hidalgo
Susan M. Hilferty
Lynne Honickman
Curtis Howard, PhD
Vicki Huber
Cynthia Hudson
Hon. Rennee Cardwell Hughes (Ret.)
Cora Ingrum
Gayle Tomika Isa
Janice Jacovini, RN
Teresa Jaynes
Hon. Roxanne Jones
Clare Kahn, PhD
Sheila M. Katz, M.D.
Catherine M. Keating
Kathy Killian
Nancy D. Kolb
Kathryn Kolbert
Margaret Kuo
Ann Lagos
Phyllis S. Larson
Merianne Leagans
Sophia Lee
Meryl Levitz
Susan Liberace
Sr. Mary Liguori
Charisse R. Lillie
Susan K. Lior
Adele Poses Magner
Josephine C. Mandeville
Nicole Marquis
Rev. Dr. Lorina
Marshall Blake
Angela Martinez
Alba Martinez-Velez, Esq.
Sharmain Matlock-Turner
Rebecca Matthias
Marciene Mattleman
D.C. Maxwell
Eileen McDonnell
Jami Wintz McKeon
Lorraine McGlinn
Kyra McGrath
Mary McLaughlin
Dr. Afaf I. Meleis
Diane Melley
Mia Mendoza
Leslie Anne Miller, Esq.
Madeline R. Moffett
Penny B. Moldofsky
Linda Wright Moore
Darragh Muldoon
Elizabeth Murphy
Stephanie Naidoff
Lisa Johnson Nutter
Carol A. Ogelsby
Ruth Patrick, PhD
Rosalie Peirsol
Jane G. Pepper
Sharon Pinkenson
Jessie B. Powell
Rita E. Prescott
Mary H. Purcell
Thelma Reese, PhD
Lori Reiner
Hon. Blondell
Reynolds Brown
Ann F. Rhoads, PhD
Leslie S. Richards
Michele Ridge
Louise A. Riker
Emily C. Riley
Marilyn Hillian Rivers
Hon. Annette M. Rizzo
Suzanne Roberts
Dr. Charmaine Spence
Dorothy Roth
Katalin E. Roth, M.D.
Trudy Rubin
Maureen S. Rush
Jane Scaccetti, CPA, MT, PFS
Susan Schick
Sister Mary Scullion
Dianne Seminsgon
Elizabeth S. Sennott
Fred Shabel
Molly D. Shephard, MS, MSM
Jen Shillingford
Laura Shubilla
Hon. Karen Yvette Simmons
Tina Simmons
Anna Maria Skalka, PhD
Hon. Dolores K. Sloviter
Shelley Smith, Esq.
Athena Sophocles
Shelly J. Spiegel
Helen S. Spigel Sax
Judy A. Spires
Dawn Staley
Doris W. Stettler
Leslie Stiles
Suzzanne Stilwell
Audrey C. Talley, Esq.
Susan C. Taylor, M.D.
Donna B. Torrisi
Chief Judge Petrese Tucker
Antonia Villarruel, PhD, RN, FAAN
Carolyn A. Walter, PhD
Marisa C. Weiss, PhD
Patricia D. Wellenbach
Hon. Diane M. Welsh
Pamela Browner White
Judy Wicks
Dr. Joan S. Wider
Joyce S. Wilkerson, Esq.
Helen Sigel Wilson
Dalila Wilson-Scott
Delilah Winder
Carol Wong
Shelly D. Yanoff
Lynn Yeakel
Lily Yeh
Cecilia Moy Yep
Ahmeenah Young
2024-2025 Board of Directors and Girl Advisors
Nicole LeVine Chair PECO
Debbie O’Brien First Vice Chair Bank of America
Ann Donley Vice Chair Retired Certified Public Accountant
Loraine Ballard Morrill Vice Chair iHeartMedia
Jennifer Dempsey Fox Treasurer Consultant
Joann Gonzalez-Generals Secretary University of Pennsylvania
Crystal Ashby Community Volunteer
Christy Barnhart Enersys
Anne Baum Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital
Mary Beth Biddle Lockheed Martin
Harris Bock Dispute Resolution Institute
Terri Boyer Villanova University
Stacy Broad Attorney
Fusun Bubernack ET&T
Diana Cortes Morgan Lewis
Judy Freyer Retired, The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church
Allison Green Johnson Lincoln Financial Group
Ellen Iobst IOBST Supply Chain Consulting, LLC
Kathy Killian Retired, Philadelphia Phillies
Stephanie L. Kosta Comcast
Lorina Marshall-Blake Independence Blue Cross
Olubunmi Ojikutu Reading Hospital -Tower Health
Rick Perkins Retired, The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts
Ashley Russo ASR Media
Dayi Miriam Shou PwC
Lindy A. Plymouth Whitemarsh High School
Myah D. Daniel Boone Area High School
Marisa M.
Julia R. Masterman High School
Girl Scout Camp Song Lyrics “Boom Chicka Boom”
I said a Boom Chicka Boom
I said a Boom Chicka Boom
I said a Boom Chicka Rocka Chicka Rocka Chicka Boom
Uh huh
Oh yeah
One more time
Really quiet style
I said a Boom Chicka Boom
I said a Boom Chicka Boom
I said a Boom Chicka Rocka Chicka Rocka Chicka Boom
Uh huh
Oh yeah
One more time
Really loud style
I said a Boom Chicka Boom
I said a Boom Chicka Boom
I said a Boom Chicka Rocka Chicka Rocka Chicka Boom
Uh huh
Oh yeah
No more times
Inspire the next generation of change-makers and help us celebrate Philadelphia leaders who are making the world a better place! Do you know someone who:
❧ Exemplifies extraordinary civic, professional, and philanthropic leadership and achievement?
❧ Acts as a positive role model for girls and is committed to making the world a better place?
❧ Showcases the Girl Scout values of courage, confidence, and character?
❧ Lives or works in Greater Philadelphia (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties)
Closing Song Lyrics “Make New Friends”
Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other’s gold.
A circle is round, it has no end. That’s how long, I want to be your friend.
A fire burns bright, it warms the heart. We’ve been friends, from the very start.
You have one hand, I have the other. Put them together, we have each other.
In its pilot year, over 100 girls in grades 6-12 are participating in hands-on workshops, connecting with amazing volunteers and mentors, and developing impactful community projects. All participants have the opportunity to earn the prestigious Girl Scout Silver or Gold Award.
Host your next event at one of GSEP’s stunning camp properties!
Discover the perfect venue for your next event at one of GSEP’s six breathtaking properties. Rent a Girl Scouts camp and immerse yourself in nature while creating unforgettable memories!
Visitors can enjoy a variety of indoor and outdoor meeting areas and activities, comfortable accommodations, and catering options for groups large and small! Our highly trained staff will work with you to create the perfect event.
Our properties are ideal for:
• Team Retreats
• Weddings
• Field Trips
• School Dances
• Birthday Parties
• Family Reunions
• So much more!
Changing young lives in our communities
. Congratulations 2025 Take the Lead honorees! Carmichael Lynch is proud to support the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania’s annual Take the Lead event.
Congratulations 2025 Take the Lead Honorees!
Is proud to support the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania’s annual Take the Lead event!
Your dedication to empowering young women and shaping the leaders of tomorrow inspires us all. Together, we can continue to pave the way for future generations to thrive. Here's to the remarkable honorees and the incredible work of the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania!
Building a Brighter Future.
Girls Scouts open up a world of possibilities, so girls can thrive.
This is your Paddle Raise bidder number. If you would like to support Girl Scouts going to camp this summer, please raise your program so GSEP staff can record your bidder number.